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Strategic Management Journal

Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)


Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, U.S.A.
Kenan-Flagler Business School, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
North Carolina, U.S.A.
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A.

While an extensive literature examines the diversification-performance relationship, little agree-

ment exists concerning the nature of this relationship. Both theoretical and empirical disagree-
ments abound. This study synthesizes findings from three decades of research to address major
theoretical issues that remain open to debate. We derive three competing models from the
literature and empirically assess these using meta-analytic data drawn from 55 previously
published studies. The results of our tests indicate that moderate levels of diversification yield
higher levels of performance than either limited or extensive diversification. Thus, we provide
support for the curvilinear model; that is, performance increases as firms shift from single-
business strategies to related diversification, but performance decreases as firms change from
related diversification to unrelated diversification. The results also indicate major effects from
variation in diversification and performance operationalizations. Copyright  2000 John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd.

INTRODUCTION and the lack of consensus regarding this linkage

reveals that “there is still considerable disagree-
Perhaps the most researched linkage in the stra- ment about precisely how and when diversifi-
tegic management literature is that involving cation can be used to build long-run competitive
diversification and performance (Chatterjee and advantage” (Markides and Williamson, 1994:
Wernerfelt, 1991), and yet this area of inquiry 149), a conclusion that is shared by many (e.g.,
falls far short of consensus. This observation Hall and St. John, 1994; Hoskisson and Hitt,
leads us to conclude that this research domain— 1990; Hoskisson et al., 1993; Seth, 1990).
while large—has not yet reached maturity. A Clearly, this research stream is voluminous, but
research stream is best characterized as mature it is not mature as defined by an empirically-
when (1) a substantial number of empirical stud- shaped consensus.
ies have been conducted, (2) these studies have Diversification-performance (DP) research
generated reasonably consistent and interpretable spans a number of business disciplines. First,
findings, and (3) the research has led to a general industrial organization economists considered the
consensus concerning the nature of key relation- relative performance of diversified and undiversi-
ships. The diversification-performance literature fied firms (e.g., Arnould, 1969; Gort, 1962; Lang
fails to satisfy the last two criteria. Inconsistency and Stulz, 1994; Markham, 1973). Later inquiries
in findings from more than 30 years of research from strategic management (e.g., Bettis, 1981;
Christensen and Montgomery, 1981; Markides
and Williamson, 1994; Nayyar, 1992; Rumelt,
Key words: diversification; performance; corporate 1974, 1982) and finance (e.g., Galai and Masulis,
strategy; curvilinearity
*Correspondence to: Leslie E. Palich, Hankamer School of 1976; Higgins and Schall, 1975; Levy and Sarnat,
Business, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798, U.S.A. 1970; Lewellen, 1971) followed a more defined

CCC 0143–2095/2000/020155–20 $17.50 Received 28 March 1998

Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Final revision received 9 August 1999
10970266, 2000, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(200002)21:2<155::AID-SMJ82>3.0.CO;2-2 by Beijing Technology And, Wiley Online Library on [28/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
156 L. E. Palich, L. B. Cardinal and C. C. Miller
paradigm, focusing specifically on performance THEORETICAL MODELS
differences between related and unrelated div- 直线模式
The Linear Model
ersifiers. Clearly the threat of fragmentation of
findings is great, owing to the myriad approaches Beginning with Gort (1962), industrial organi-
and frameworks from which this research has zation economics spawned decades of research
been generated. based on the premise that diversification and per-
Despite the proliferation of studies on the sub- formance are linearly and positively related. This
ject, no clear consensus exists regarding the state position rests upon several assumptions, including
of knowledge to date. Questions persist, including those derived from market power theory and
those pertaining to associations between level internal market efficiency arguments, among
and/or type of diversification and firm perform- others (Grant, 1998; McCutcheon, 1991;
ance (Berger and Ofek, 1995; Hoskisson and Hitt, Scherer, 1980).
1990; Lang and Stulz, 1994; Ramanujam and
Varadarajan, 1989). The purpose of this study is 市场力量优势
Market power advantages
to bring a degree of clarity to the diversification-
performance literature by reviewing, critiquing, The early literature on diversification asserts that
and synthesizing major theoretical perspectives diversified firms can employ a number of mecha-
on the subject. Even more central to our efforts, nisms to create and exploit market power advan-
we empirically evaluate with precision the func- tages, tools that are largely unavailable to their
tional form of the overall diversification- more focused counterparts (Caves, 1981; McCut-
performance relationship using meta-analytic data. cheon, 1991; Scherer, 1980; Sobel, 1984). For
Though a great deal of research has been focused example, diversification may allow a firm to blunt
on this linkage, to date these findings have not the efforts of competitors via predatory pricing,
been systematically combined to assess the nature which is generally defined as sustained price cut-
and shape of the relationship. ting with the design of driving existing rivals
In our review, critique, and synthesis of theo- from the market or discouraging potential rivals
retical perspectives, we derive our own view of from future entry. Short-term losses are offset
the diversification-performance linkage, and we with gains from future higher prices (Saloner,
then test this view empirically. Although our 1987). Sustained losses can be funded through
theory development efforts meet the criteria for cross-subsidization whereby the firm taps excess
sound theory building (cf. Bacharach, 1989; revenues from one product line to support another
Whetten, 1989), we do not put forth theoretical (Berger and Ofek, 1995; Scherer, 1980). In the
positions that are simultaneously grand and new. classic case of predation, a firm with “deep pock-
Our mission is to evaluate theory already in place ets” uses its asymmetric financial strength to drive
while not unduly expanding the existing complex a rival with “shallow pockets” from the market
theoretical array. Our purpose is one of theoretical (Bolton and Scharfstein, 1990). However, a firm
synthesis and reconciliation, followed by defini- can also deter entry by constructing a reputation
tive empirical testing (as definitive as possible). for predatory behavior or by signaling that such
Prior to moving to our theory section, it is a response is likely in the event of new entry
worth noting the recent trend toward reduced (Saloner, 1987).
diversification among larger American firms (e.g., Market power can also derive from the practice
Lichtenberg, 1990; Markides, 1990; Porter, 1987; of reciprocal buying and selling. This tactic
Williams, Paez, and Sanders, 1988). Markides emerges when a diversified company establishes
(1995) found that as much as 50% of the Fortune favorable reciprocal arrangements with firms that
500 refocused during the 1980s. This shift reveals are simultaneously suppliers and customers. The
an implicit assumption among strategists that focal company gives preference in purchasing
diversification and firm performance are related decisions or contracting requirements to suppliers
(i.e., that refocusing efforts improve financial that are, or are willing to become, good customers
outcomes). In light of the differences of opinion (Scherer, 1980; Sobel, 1984). Greater diversifi-
and inconsistent empirical evidence, this trend cation (i.e., involvement in more factor and prod-
stands out. As our work unfolds, the trend will uct markets) yields increased opportunity for such
be evaluated. reciprocity. For example, a company diversifying
Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
10970266, 2000, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(200002)21:2<155::AID-SMJ82>3.0.CO;2-2 by Beijing Technology And, Wiley Online Library on [28/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
The Diversification–Performance Linkage 157

by acquisition may arrange for its current sup- tory pricing, empirical research on reciprocal buy-
pliers to purchase goods from the businesses the ing has produced mixed evidence at best, which
company is acquiring (goods previously not has shifted the focus of recent research away
offered by the company) (Grant, 1998). from market power as the justification for diversi-
Taken together, these market power arguments fication activity (McCutcheon, 1991).
imply that diversification is positively associated
with performance (see Figure 1a). But despite the
Internal market efficiencies 内部市场效率
conceptual appeal, empirical work has found little
evidence of an association between diversification A single-business firm has no access to invest-
and the anticompetitive behavior hypothesized in ment from cross-subsidization, so its basic sources
market power arguments (Grant, 1998; McCutch- of capital are external—through debt and
eon, 1991). For example, game-theoretic models equity—which are more costly than internally
suggest that predatory pricing schemes may be generated funds, when efficiently managed (Froot,
efficacious under certain circumstances (Kreps Scharfstein, and Stein, 1994; Lang, Poulsen, and
and Wilson, 1982; Milgrom and Roberts, 1982; Stulz, 1995). The diversified firm has much
Saloner, 1987), or are likely to occur in some greater flexibility in capital formation since it
situations (Bolton and Scharfstein, 1990), but can access external sources as well as internally
empirical evidence indicates that predatory pricing generated resources (Lang and Stulz, 1994; Stulz,
is seldom employed, and with limited results 1990). That is, the diversified firm can attract
(Geroski, 1995). Furthermore, Scherer (1980) external funding for expansion, but it can also
observes that predation may be useful for “nar- shift capital (and other critical resources, for that
row-line” enterprises as well as for conglomerates matter) between businesses within its portfolio
(Scherer, 1980), obscuring its role in the diversi- (Meyer, Milgrom, and Roberts, 1992). Thus,
fication-performance relationship. As with preda- diversification can generate efficiencies that are
unavailable to the single-business firm (Gertner,
Scharfstein, and Stein, 1994).
In addition to the flexibility in capital and labor
markets that diversification provides, the head
office of the diversified firm should be better
positioned to optimize the allocation of these
resources because it has superior access to infor-
mation than do external markets (Shleifer and
Vishny, 1991; Servaes, 1996; Williamson, 1986).
For example, the home office can allocate invest-
ment cheaply and efficiently (vis-a-vis external
sources), directing capital away from slow-
growing, cash-generating operations to businesses
in the portfolio that are expanding rapidly and
have great commercial potential, but need invest-
ment (Scherer, 1980; Shleifer and Vishny, 1990).
This is especially true for relatively new ventures
which lack a track record and for which limited
information is available to external sources of
capital, even though these sources would other-
wise show great interest in investing (Grant,
Though many have concluded that diversified
firms gain significant financial benefits from using
internal markets for capital and other resources,
(e.g., Grant, 1998; Ravenscraft and Scherer, 1987;
Figure 1. (a) The Linear Model; (b) The Inverted-U Rumelt, 1982; Taylor and Lowe, 1995; William-
Model; (c) The Intermediate Model son, 1986), support for this position is not univer-
Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
10970266, 2000, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(200002)21:2<155::AID-SMJ82>3.0.CO;2-2 by Beijing Technology And, Wiley Online Library on [28/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
158 L. E. Palich, L. B. Cardinal and C. C. Miller

sal (McCutcheon, 1991). For example, Jensen tations of theory continue to mention these argu-
(1996) has argued that managers of a diversified ments as part of the diversification-performance
firm may be inclined to invest any free cash puzzle. But does the evidence support this posi-
flows (i.e., cash flow exceeding that required to tion? Over the past 40 years, the U.S. economy
fund all positive net present value investments in has witnessed two major shifts in
the firm’s present operations) in ways that support diversification—an increase during the 1960s and
organizational inefficiencies. In other words, man- a decrease during the 1980s. Is this a tacit rejec-
agers may be drawn to overinvest in undeserving tion of the linear model? In a recent review of
projects (Berger and Ofek, 1995; Bolton and relevant research, Denis, Denis, and Sarin (1997)
Scharfstein, 1990; Stulz, 1990). Furthermore, conclude that empirical evidence suggests the
Bhide (1990), among others (cf. Comment and costs of high levels of diversification outweigh
Jarrell, 1995; Markides, 1992; Matsusaka, 1993), the benefits, that focused firms outperform their
mounts the case that internal market advantages more diversified counterparts. However, it should
from diversification were prevalent in the 1960s, be noted that these findings are not universal
but the information asymmetries that produced across (or within) studies (cf. Duboksfy and Var-
this edge diminished during the 1970s and 1980s adarajan, 1987; Matsusaka, 1993; Michel and
due to economic, technological, and regulatory Shaked, 1984; Servaes, 1996). These inconsis-
changes. tencies have led to research using alternative
models, particularly those that are curvilinear in
其他优势 orientation.
Other advantages
Still other advantages may accompany diversifi-
Curvilinear Models
cation. For example, a firm may have excess
firm-specific assets that cannot be sold due to In contrast to the arguments presented above,
transaction costs and other imperfections (e.g., a number of researchers have developed theory
brand reputation, customer loyalty, and narrowly- positing a curvilinear DP relationship. This theory
focused technologies). Diversification may permit recognizes that increasing diversification may not
the firm to exploit these resources that would be associated with concomitant increases in per-
otherwise prove non-performing (Markides, formance, at least not through the entire relevant
1992). Finance researchers point out the tax and continuum. Two alternatives have surfaced in the
financial benefits associated with diversification literature—the Inverted-U Model and the Inter-
(e.g., Berger and Ofek, 1995; Froot, Scharfstein, mediate Model. Each of these posits that some
and Stein, 1993; Galai and Masulis, 1976; Lew- diversification (i.e., moderate levels or related
ellen, 1971; Madj and Myers, 1987; Servaes, diversification)1 is better than none; however they
1996). Finally, conventional theory suggests that differ in their predictions of the performance
diversification yields portfolio effects—reducing trend as firms move toward even greater (usually
the firm’s overall risk by combining businesses
with less than perfectly correlated financial flows
(e.g., Barney, 1997; Berger and Ofek, 1995; 1
We recognize that level and type of diversification are con-
Grant, 1998; Lewellen, 1971; Sobel, 1984)— ceptually distinct, but we do not differentiate them here.
which has a salutary effect on performance (Lang For our purposes, assuming that single-business, related, and
unrelated diversification are equivalent to low, moderate, and
and Stulz, 1994). And risk reduction may bode high diversification simplifies our task. In support of our
well for debt capacity and cost of capital, in part approach, empirical research consistently indicates that type
because it allows the firm to further exploit the of diversification is strongly associated with continuous data
representing level of diversification. Montgomery (1982), for
tax advantages available from increased bor- example, found type of diversification to be very strongly
rowing (Melicher and Rush, 1973; Shleifer and related to level of diversification (i.e., diversification assessed
Vishny, 1992). in terms of Rumelt’s categories was very strongly related to
diversification assessed on a continuous scale as level or
对绩效的影 amount of diversification). Further, it is very common for
researchers to convert measures of type of diversification into
Implications for performance 响 continuous data representing level of diversification (e.g.,
Denis et al., 1997; Grinyer, Yasai-Ardekani, and Al-Bazzazz,
Integrating the arguments outlined above, a linear 1980; Hoskisson et al., 1993; Keats and Hitt, 1988; Lubatkin,
and positive linkage is suggested, and presen- Merchant, and Srinivasan, 1993).

Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
10970266, 2000, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(200002)21:2<155::AID-SMJ82>3.0.CO;2-2 by Beijing Technology And, Wiley Online Library on [28/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
The Diversification–Performance Linkage 159

unrelated) diversification. These curvilinear mod- companies around the world. Since these buyers
els are each presented below. require a broad range of goods and services,
Baker Hughes offers drilling equipment, well
The Inverted-U Model 倒 U 模型 completion services, and environment man-
agement instruments through three separate—yet
Limited diversification represents a strategy of obviously related—business units. Therefore,
restricted business where the firm focuses on sales staff can offer a number of products and
a single industry, thus limiting opportunities to services to a client firm in one visit, yielding
leverage resources and capabilities across beneficial marketing economies of scope. Compaq
divisions. The arguments outlined above (see lin- Computers is attempting to harness production
ear model section) indicate that limited diversifi- economies by expanding their work station prod-
ers as a group are unlikely to generate above uct line to complement their core business in
average profits. Lubatkin and Chatterjee (1994) personal computers. At Texas Instruments,
observe that single-business firms do not have defense electronics, semi-conductor, and computer
the opportunity to exploit between-unit synergies businesses share R&D activities and manufactur-
or the portfolio effects that are available only to ing facilities in an effort to leverage efforts across
moderately and highly diversified firms. That is, units and gain necessary efficiencies. Markides
focused enterprises do not have multiple busi- and Williamson (1994) refer to such efforts as
nesses, so they do not enjoy scope economies. “asset amortization” since the firm is able to
Also, as Lubatkin and Chatterjee (1994) indicate, distribute the cost of an asset already capitalized
these firms bear greater risk since they have not by spreading its use across multiple operations.
“diversified away” that risk by combining less Beyond the economies of scope that derive from
than perfectly correlated financial streams from activity sharing, related firms may also benefit
multiple businesses. This has negative impli- from learning curve efficiencies, intrafirm
cations for the debt capacity, cost of capital, and product/process technology diffusion, and restric-
market performance of single-business entities ted access to factors of production that are neces-
(Lubatkin and Chatterjee, 1994; Shleifer and sary for operations stemming from a specific
Vishny, 1991). industry (Barney, 1997).
In contrast to limited diversification, related While benefits accrue to diversification, at
diversifiers become involved in multiple indus- some point these efforts are also associated with
tries with businesses that are able to tap a com- major costs. For example, Grant, Jammine, and
mon pool of corporate resources (Lubatkin and Thomas (1988) recognize the growing strain on
O’Neill, 1987; Nayyar, 1992), thus yielding top management as it tries to manage an increas-
advantages to the firm. Theoretical rationales sug- ingly disparate (and therefore, less familiar) port-
gesting the superiority of related diversification folio of businesses. Markides (1992) delineates
have proliferated, but perhaps the most common other costs, such as control and effort losses (due
of these focuses on advantages derived from to increased shirking), coordination costs and
economies of scope (Markides and Williamson, other diseconomies related to organization, inef-
1994; Seth, 1990). Specifically, related diversifi- ficiencies from conflicting “dominant logics”
ers generate operational synergies by designing a between businesses, and internal capital market
portfolio of businesses that are mutually reinforc- inefficiencies. Given these dynamics, one could
ing. Since they are related in some way, units argue that the marginal costs of diversification
are able to share resources or otherwise boost increase rapidly as diversification hits high levels.
revenues by bundling products, enjoying the Thus, one could easily conclude that firms experi-
windfall from a positive brand reputation, and ence some optimal level of diversification, with
the like (Barney, 1997). performance decrements to either side of that
Porter (1985) goes into great detail to explain point of maximization.
how related diversifiers can share activities Taken together, these and other arguments form
between businesses in order to boost financial the platform for the notion that related diversifi-
performance, but these may best be illustrated by cation is superior to that which is unrelated or
case examples. For instance, Baker Hughes conglomerate in nature. Combining these argu-
delivers products and services to oil and gas ments with those supporting related diversifi-
Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
10970266, 2000, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(200002)21:2<155::AID-SMJ82>3.0.CO;2-2 by Beijing Technology And, Wiley Online Library on [28/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
160 L. E. Palich, L. B. Cardinal and C. C. Miller

cation’s superiority over limited diversification, from intrafirm competition (rather than the neces-
an inverted-U relationship is suggested for diver- sary cooperation among managers), and incom-
sification and firm performance (see Figure 1b). patible technologies. Any portfolio of related
However, some have questioned the logic of this businesses—no matter how well planned—will
wisdom, suggesting that an Intermediate Model surely face such obstacles to performance. Put
may be more plausible. another way, synergy initiatives often fall short of
management expectations (Goold and Campbell,
1998), thus blunting the primary advantage of
The Intermediate Model 中间模型
related diversification over unrelated alternatives.
Few have questioned the superiority of related So far, these arguments highlight the challenges
over limited diversification. However, the relative associated with managing the related portfolio,
performance contribution of related versus unre- which may attenuate the performance benefits of
lated diversification is often debated. Considering relatedness. Going further, unrelated strategies
the arguments that follow, it may be that related may present some unique advantages of their own
and unrelated diversification are somewhat equal derived primarily from financial synergies. For
in their impact on performance (i.e., performance example, portfolio theory suggests that industry-
levels for related and unrelated diversification specific risk can be reduced only through extra-
are somewhat equal). The primary issue in this industry diversification (Kim, Hwang, and Burg-
controversy arises from concerns that related ers, 1989). Therefore, unrelated diversification
firms may not be able to exploit fully the can do more to reduce risk since this strategy
relatedness designed into the portfolio of busi- involves business units in multiple industries
nesses. Markides and Williamson (1994) refer to (Amit and Livnat, 1988a). Though some
this as “exaggerated relatedness,” suggesting a (Lubatkin and Rogers, 1989) would take issue
“mirage effect” when assessing apparent simi- with this position by arguing that related firms
larities between business units. They argue that enjoy reduced risk owing to their superior com-
related diversifiers will outperform their unrelated petitive advantage, on balance, most still believe
counterparts only to the degree that they are able risk reduction to be a greater advantage for unre-
to exploit relatedness “to create and accumulate lated diversifiers (Barney, 1997). Furthermore, the
new strategic assets more quickly and cheaply lower risk that results from portfolio effects and
than competitors” (Markides and Williamson, reduced probabilities of bankruptcy (sometimes
1994: 150). Simply amortizing existing assets via referred to as “coinsurance”) can also lead to
economies of scope—the popular centerpiece of increased debt capacity (Seth, 1990). Because
relatedness theory—will yield short-term benefits interest expenses are tax deductible, these firms
at best. In the words of Shakespeare: “All that may also enjoy the windfall of reduced taxes,
glisters is not gold.” even in the absence of operational synergies
In addition to these concerns, Nayyar (1992) (Amit and Livnat, 1988a).
points out that the activities that are necessary to In general, the Intermediate Model can be tied
exploit relatedness lead to costs that partially to the notion that diversification yields positive
blunt the benefits of that strategy. For example, but diminishing returns beyond some point of
the benefits of relatedness require a significant optimization.2 Markides (1992) provides a helpful
degree of cooperation among involved business review of the arguments supporting this view. He
units. From a transaction costs perspective (Jones points out that as a firm increases in diversifi-
and Hill, 1988; Williamson, 1985), this cannot cation, it moves further and further away from
be achieved without intrafirm exchanges, which its core business, and the benefits of diversifi-
lead to inefficiencies resulting from governance cation at the margin decline. This is consistent
costs (arising from coordination and integration with Wernerfelt and Montgomery’s (1988) obser-
demands), incentive degradation (as a result of vation that diversifying firms will deploy their
agency effects), and bureaucratic distortions. assets in similar markets/industries first, going
Nayyar (1992) also mentions impediments to further afield only as excess capacity rec-
relatedness exploitation that result from a lack of
communication between units, problems allocat- 2
We wish to express our thanks to an anonymous reviewer
ing joint costs, incentive distortions generated for pointing out this alternative explanation.

Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
10970266, 2000, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(200002)21:2<155::AID-SMJ82>3.0.CO;2-2 by Beijing Technology And, Wiley Online Library on [28/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
The Diversification–Performance Linkage 161

ommends. However, as these markets become Acknowledging the current edge in popularity for
more distant to the firm’s core competencies, the the Inverted-U Model, we present the following
firm gradually loses its ability to leverage its hypothesis:
competitive advantage and increases in prof-
itability begin to taper off. Thus, Markides (1992) Hypothesis: Diversification exhibits an
concludes that the marginal benefits from diversi- inverted-U relationship with firm performance:
fication are best described as a “decreasing func- diversification is positively related to perform-
tion.” Gains from diversification beyond the opti- ance across the low to moderate range of
mum are likely to prove disappointing, especially diversification and is negatively related to per-
when compared to gains wrought from increasing formance across the moderate to high range
diversity at lower levels when the marginal func- of diversification.
tion is more favorable. Given the impediments to
fully exploiting relatedness and the unique bene-
fits that derive from unrelated diversification, the METHODS
Intermediate Model illustrated in Figure 1c may
be a sound alternative to the inverted-U model. The results of any primary empirical study are
affected by the research methods used in that
对绩效的影响 study and by sampling error. One solution to
Implications for performance
these problems is to conduct multiple studies
Singh and Montgomery (1987) argue that, gener- using varied research methods. If the results of
ally speaking, it is easier for related firms to tap the multiple studies are consistent, then strong
the benefits available to unrelated diversifiers than statements can be made about the strength and
it is for the latter to exploit the sources of value generality of the findings. A second solution,
creation that are available to the former (e.g., available if other researchers have conducted
economies of scope and some market power studies in the appropriate area, is to quantitatively
advantages). Therefore, they conclude that related synthesize previously published studies. This
operations should outperform unrelated oper- meta-analytic approach is particularly attractive if
ations. However, this perspective does not take previous researchers have conducted numerous
into consideration the impediments to relatedness studies and have for the most part reported sta-
or the advantages that accrue only to unrelated tistics that can be converted into correlations or
firms (e.g., coinsurance and other financial d coefficients. Such was the case in the diversifi-
synergies). On the basis of theory alone, it is cation-performance area, and a meta-analytic
difficult to come to a definitive conclusion regard- approach to assessing the arguments presented
ing the performance superiority of one strategy above was therefore taken.
or the other (Seth, 1990). And though some The hypothesis was tested with a form of meta-
empirical evidence seems to support the Inverted- analysis that involves regressing correlations onto
U Model (e.g., Hoskisson and Hitt, 1990; Lubat- one or more hypothesized contingency variables
kin and Chatterjee, 1994; Markides, 1992; (Hedges and Olkin, 1985). In other words, corre-
Rumelt, 1974, 1982), this is not always the case lations were used on the dependent side of the
(e.g., Bettis and Hall, 1982; Dubofsky and Vara- equation while characteristics of samples were
darajan, 1987; Hitt and Ireland, 1985; Michel and used on the independent side of the equation. In
Shaked, 1984; Palepu, 1985; Simmonds, 1990). this work, the contingency variable being exam-
Thus, questions regarding the diversification- ined corresponds to restriction of range in the
performance linkage persist. sample of firms. If a sample has been constructed
such that only single-business firms and related
diversifiers are represented, then we would expect
a positive correlation for that sample (in theory,
As noted above it is difficult to conclude whether this sample would correspond to the portion of
moderate (i.e., related) or extensive (i.e., the curvilinear relationship where the slope of
unrelated) diversification is superior for firm per- the function is positive). If a sample has been
formance. Even so, a preliminary hypothesis was constructed such that only related and unrelated
constructed to guide our empirical work. diversifiers are represented, then we would expect
Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
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162 L. E. Palich, L. B. Cardinal and C. C. Miller

a negative correlation (in theory this sample resulted in few studies being added to our
would correspond to the portion of the curvilinear data base.
relationship where the slope of the function is We also excluded from our data base those
negative). Finally, if a sample has been con- studies that were based entirely on data used in
structed such that all types of firms are rep- other studies already included in our work.
resented, then we would expect a correlation close Adding such studies would have created
to zero (in theory, this sample would include unnecessary nonindependence in our data.
both the positive and negative portions of the
function, resulting in indicators of linear associ-
ation being close to zero).
For all points in the research process where
Diversification-performance correlations
judgment was necessary, we employed rigorous
methods. Consistent with the recommendations Product-moment correlations between diversifi-
of Wanous, Sullivan, and Malinak (1989), we cation and performance were obtained for 71
conducted the meta-analysis with multiple raters different samples contained in the 55 usable stud-
so that judgments were made by two or more of ies; note that our unit of analysis is the sample
the authors at each stage. rather than the study. In some cases, we
transformed a t value, an F value, a Z value, or
a standardized mean difference into a product-
moment correlation. Formulae necessary for trans-
We identified 82 relevant, quantitative studies of forming various statistics into product-moment
the diversification-performance linkage. Fifty-five correlations can be found in Glass, McGaw, and
of these studies, approximately two-thirds, yielded Smith (1981), Hunter and Schmidt (1990), and
correlational estimates of the linkage of interest. Rosenthal (1991).
Relevant studies were identified through a search If correlations with more than one performance
of the ABI/Inform data base; through published construct were obtainable for a given sample
reviews of diversification-performance research (e.g., sales growth, return on assets, return on
from the economics, finance, and management sales, and Jensen’s alpha), we obtained all of the
literatures (e.g., Datta, Rajagopalan, and Rasheed, correlations. Next, within each sample, corre-
1991; Denis et al., 1997; Hoskisson and Hitt, lations associated with growth, profitability, risk-
1990; Matsusaka, 1993; Ramanujam and Varada- adjusted return, and unadjusted market value were
rajan, 1989); and through the tables of contents separately averaged, resulting in a maximum of
of premier journals in economics, finance, and four diversification-performance correlations per
management (e.g., American Economic Review, sample. Across samples, then, four sets of corre-
Econometrica, RAND Journal of Economics, lations were generated, one for each of the major
Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and performance constructs. In our regression work,
Quantitative Analysis, Academy of Management the two sets of correlations based on accounting
Journal, and Strategic Management Journal). performance measures (growth and profitability)
Table 1 lists the 82 studies. were analyzed separately from the two sets of
We excluded from our data base of 82 studies correlations based on market measures (risk-
those that did not contain at least one of the adjusted returns and unadjusted market value).
following performance constructs: growth Given the differences between accounting and
(comprising sales growth and earnings growth), market-based measures of performance, this
profitability (comprising return on assets, return approach seemed wise.
on equity, return on sales, and return on total
invested capital), risk-adjusted returns
Restriction of range
(comprising Jensen, Treynor, and Sharpe
measures), and unadjusted market value A three category dummy variable was used to
(comprising market-to-book value and Tobin’s represent restriction of range. If a sample had
q). These performance constructs underlie the only single-business firms and related diversifiers,
bulk of diversification-performance research. the sample was coded as 1–0–0 to indicate
Examining additional constructs would have restriction away from the high end of diversifi-
Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
10970266, 2000, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(200002)21:2<155::AID-SMJ82>3.0.CO;2-2 by Beijing Technology And, Wiley Online Library on [28/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
The Diversification–Performance Linkage 163
Table 1. Studies Included in the Databasea

Author(s) Year Author(s) Year

Amit & Livnat 1988a Hoskisson & Johnson 1992

Barton 1988 Hughes & Oughton 1993
Bass et al. 1977 Imel & Helmberger 1971
Beattie 1980 Itami et al. 1982
Bergh 1995a Jacquemin & Berry 1979
Bergh 1995b Jahera et al. 1993
Bergh & Holbein 1997 Johnson & Thomas 1987
Bethel & Liebeskind 1993 Johnson et al. 1993
Bettis & Hall 1982 Jose et al. 1986
Bishara 1980 Keats 1990
Bishara 1981 Keats & Hitt 1988
Buhner 1987 Kim et al. 1989
Busija et al. 1997 Kim et al. 1993
Cable & Yasuki 1985 Lane et al. 1998
Capon et al. 1988 Lang & Stulz 1994
Carter 1977 Lecraw 1984
Chang & Choi 1988 Lim & Teck 1995
Chang & Thomas 1989 Lubatkin & Chatterjee 1991
Chatterjee & Blocher 1992 Lubatkin & Chatterjee 1994
Chatterjee & Wernerfelt 1991 Lubatkin et al. 1993
Christensen & Montgomery 1981 Lubatkin & Rogers 1989
Ciscel & Evans 1984 Markides & Williamson 1994
Dundas & Richardson 1982 Melicher & Rush 1973
Gassenheimer & Keep 1995 Melicher & Rush 1974
Gomez-Mejia & Palich 1997 Michel & Shaked 1984
Grant & Jammine 1988 Montgomery 1985
Grant et al. 1988 Mosakowski 1997
Grinyer et al. 1980 Nathanson & Cassano 1982
Habib & Victor 1991 Nguyen et al. 1990
Hall & St. John 1994 Palepu 1985
Hamilton & Shergill 1992 Palmer et al. 1993
Hill 1983 Qian 1997
Hill 1988a Riahi-Belkaoui & Pavlik 1993
Hill & Hansen 1991 Robins & Wiersema 1995
Hill et al. 1992 Rumelt 1982
Hill & Snell 1988 Servaes 1996
Hitt et al. 1997 Simmonds 1990
Holzman et al. 1975 Smith & Weston 1977
Hood & Young 1979 Thompson 1985
Hoskisson 1987 Varadarajan 1986
Hoskisson et al. 1993 Weston & Mansinghka 1971
Several available studies were not incorporated into our data base because the researchers used data from other studies
already included in our data base. These studies are as follows: Amit & Livnat (1988b), Amit & Livnat (1988c), Amit &
Livnat (1989), Bergh & Lawless (1998), Bettis (1981), Bettis & Mahajan (1985), Dubofsky & Varadarajan (1987),
Gassenheimer & Keep (1998), Hamilton & Shergill (1993), Hill (1988b), Hitt & Ireland (1986), and Varadarajan &
Ramanujam (1987).

cation. If a sample had only related and unrelated coded restriction of range. The Perreault and
diversifiers, the sample was coded as 0–0–1 to Leigh (1989) index was used to estimate inter-
indicate restriction away from the low end of rater reliability, and the estimate was sound
diversification. Finally, if a sample had all types (0.86). Disagreements were resolved by dis-
of firms, the sample was coded as 0–1–0 to cussion.
indicate no restriction of range. In collecting data from the 55 studies, we were
To ensure valid codes, two of the three authors very proactive in seeking samples that exhibited
Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
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164 L. E. Palich, L. B. Cardinal and C. C. Miller

restriction of range. Without such samples, we in regression models). The results suggest that
could not test our hypothesis in a meta-analytic samples of firms restricted away from the high
framework. In some cases, samples were end of diversification exhibit more positive corre-
inherently restricted because of the purposes of lations relative to unrestricted samples while
the original researchers (e.g., Bettis and Hall, samples of firms restricted away from the low
1982; Johnson and Thomas, 1987). In other cases, end of diversification exhibit more negative corre-
however, overall samples were not restricted, but lations relative to unrestricted samples (see Model
they could be broken apart to provide new restric- 1 in Table 2). Point estimates from the regression
ted sets of firms. We broke apart samples when- equation clearly indicate that samples restricted
ever we could calculate separate correlations for away from the high end of diversification yield
the newly created restricted sets of firms (we positive correlations while samples restricted
could do so for six studies). For example, Lubat- away from the low end of diversification yield
kin and Rogers (1989) constructed an overall negative correlations. Thus, diversification
sample that included single-business firms, appears to have an inverted-U curvilinear relation-
related-constrained firms, and unrelated firms. ship with performance: positive effects occur as
For, each of the three types of firms, means and firms move from a single-business strategy to a
standard deviations for risk-adjusted returns were related diversification strategy (detectable as a
reported. Thus, we could initially focus on the linear effect in samples restricted away from the
single-business and related-constrained firms, and high end of diversification), but negative effects
use the means and standard deviations for these occur as firms move from a related strategy to
two types of firms to create a standardized mean an unrelated strategy (detectable as a linear effect
difference and then a correlation which reflected in samples restricted away from the low end
a restricted set of firms (restricted away from the of diversification).
high end of diversification). We could then focus To increase confidence that our results were not
on the related-constrained firms and the unrelated spurious, we conducted an additional regression
firms and use the means and standard deviations analysis using the accounting-based correlations. In
associated with these two types of firms to create this second regression, we included operationali-
a second correlation which reflected a different zation of diversification and operationalization of
restricted set of firms (restricted away from the performance. Diversification operationalization was
low end of diversification). By following this coded into four categories: Rumelt approach,
procedure, a small amount of nonindependence Herfindahl approach, entropy approach, and the
was created for our analyses (the same related simple count-of-industries approach. Performance
firms from the overall sample were used in both operationalization was coded into two categories:
of the new samples), but this nonindependence growth and profitability. Coding was done by two
is minor as we only applied this procedure to a of the authors, with interrater reliability estimates
few studies. for the two variables being very good (0.96 and
0.99, respectively).3
The results of the second regression analysis
RESULTS indicate that restriction of range has important
effects even after controlling for different
Regression models for accounting-based
For a few samples, more than one operationalization of
In the first regression analysis, the 71 diversifi- diversification had been used. In these cases, we drew multiple
cation-performance correlations based on account- correlations from the sample and treated them as if they had
come from different samples. Similarly, as mentioned earlier,
ing measures of performance were regressed onto for some samples, correlations for both growth and prof-
restriction of range. Because restriction of range itability were available. In these cases, we drew multiple
was a three category dummy variable, two of correlations from the sample. Although this approach intro-
duces some nonindependence into the data, it makes the
the three categories were used in the regression greatest use of the available data and allows us to test for
modeling while the third served as the reference differences across various operationalizations of diversification
category (see Maddala, [Chapter 9: 1977], and and across alternative operationalizations of accounting-based
performance. Huber, Miller, and Glick (1990), Miller and
Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner, [Chapter 10: Cardinal (1994), and many others have adopted this same
1983] for further information on dummy variables approach.

Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
10970266, 2000, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(200002)21:2<155::AID-SMJ82>3.0.CO;2-2 by Beijing Technology And, Wiley Online Library on [28/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
The Diversification–Performance Linkage 165
Table 2. Results of regression analysesa

Variables Diversification-performance: Diversification-

Accounting-based performanceb performance: market-
Model 1 Model 2 based performancec
Model 3

Restriction of range (Restricted away from high 0.122*** 0.152*** 0.281***

end or not) (0.028) (0.030) (0.063)
Restriction of range (Restricted away from low −0.103*** −0.065* 0.095
end or not) (0.029) (0.030) (0.053)
Operationalization of diversification (Herfindahl or 0.112***
not) (0.022)
Operationalization of diversification (Entropy or 0.080***
not) (0.019)
Operationalization of diversification (Count-of- −0.057
industries or not) (0.031)
Operationalization of accounting performance −0.138***
(Profitability or not) (0.034)
Operationalization of market performance
(Risk-adjusted return)
Intercept −0.059 0.021 −0.157
Multiple R 0.281*** 0.433*** 0.394***
Adjusted R2 0.052*** 0.111*** 0.078***
Table entries are unstandardized regression coefficients; standard errors, adjusted following Hedges and Olkin (1985), are
in parentheses.
Seventy-one correlations were being predicted.
Twenty-five correlations were being predicted.
*p ⬍ 0.05; **p ⬍ 0.01; ***p ⬍ 0.001

approaches to operationalizing diversification and measures of performance were regressed onto

performance. Further, the results suggest that restriction of range. As before, two of the three
diversification and performance operationaliza- restriction of range categories were used in the
tions have important effects: using the Herfindahl regression modeling while the third served as the
or entropy approach yields more positive corre- reference category. The results suggest that
lations relative to the Rumelt approach, and using samples of firms restricted away from the high
growth yields more positive correlations relative end of diversification exhibit more positive corre-
to profitability (see Model 2 in Table 2). Point lations relative to unrestricted samples but that
estimates from the regression equation are plotted samples of firms restricted away from the low end
in Figures 2a and 2b to provide a vivid picture of diversification do not exhibit more negative
of the various effects. As shown, for samples correlations relative to unrestricted samples (see
restricted away from the high end of diversifi- Model 3 in Table 2). Point estimates from the
cation, seven of eight point estimates are positive regression equation clearly indicate that samples
(eight point estimates from four diversification restricted away from the high end of diversifi-
operationalizations X two performance cation yield positive correlations. Point estimates
operationalizations). For samples restricted away indicate that samples restricted away from the
from the low end of diversification, six of eight low end of diversification yield negative corre-
point estimates are negative. With 13 of 16 corre- lations, but as noted above these are not signifi-
lation estimates supporting the inverted-U pattern, cantly different from the correlations yielded by
our hypothesis is supported. unrestricted samples. In unrestricted samples, the
relationship between diversification and perform-
ance is more negative than expected. In summary,
Regression models for market-based
diversification appears to have a curvilinear
relationship with market-based performance. Posi-
In the next regression analysis, the 25 diversifi- tive effects occur as firms move from a single-
cation-performance correlations based on market business strategy to a related diversification strat-
Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
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Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)

Figure 2. (a) Estimates from regression equation for diversification-growth correlations; (b) Estimates from
regression equation for diversification-profitability correlations
L. E. Palich, L. B. Cardinal and C. C. Miller

Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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The Diversification–Performance Linkage 167

egy (detectable as a linear effect in samples and curvilinear models, the impact of utilizing
restricted away from the high end of various measures of diversification and perform-
diversification), and negative effects occur as ance was also addressed.
firms move from a related strategy to an unrelated
strategy (demonstrated by negative effects when
Interpretation and implications
unrelated firms are added to a sample that was
previously restricted away from the high end).
Diversification and accounting-based measures
The relationship has characteristics of an inverted-
of performance
U, but the results are not as straightforward as
the accounting-based results. When examining accounting-based measures of
To increase confidence that our results were performance, diversification appears to be positive
not spurious, we planned to conduct an additional for firms up to a point. Past a certain level,
regression analysis adding operationalization of however, diversification seems to cause perform-
diversification and operationalization of perform- ance problems. In our work, this pattern emerges
ance as predictors. Two complications interfered as a positive diversification-performance relation-
with our plan. ship in samples that do not include firms with
The first complication concerned operationali- high levels of diversification, and as a negative
zation of diversification. For the 25 market-based relationship in samples that do not include firms
correlations, 14 were based on the Rumelt with low levels of diversification. With most of
approach. Only 11 correlations were based on the our results supporting the inverted-U pattern, and
other three approaches collectively. With so few the overall analysis averaging across oper-
observations for each of the three alternatives to ationalizations of diversification clearly exhibiting
Rumelt, it would have been very difficult to draw the inverted-U pattern (Model 1 in Table 2), it
conclusions about how any one of the alternative is evident that strategic management researchers
approaches affected the correlations. For example, arguing against high levels of diversification have
it would have been difficult to draw conclusions been on sound theoretical ground.
concerning the effect of using the entropy Although an inverted-U pattern is clear in the
approach when so few market-based studies have data, indicating the superiority of related diversi-
used this approach. fication, the effect sizes are not quite as strong
The second complication concerned con- as expected. For the positive or left-hand side of
founding. For the 14 correlations based on the the inverted-U, the strongest estimated correlation
Rumelt approach, 13 were also based on risk- is 0.29, found when a Herfindahl measure is
adjusted return. For the 16 correlations based on combined with growth (see Figure 2a). For the
risk-adjusted return, 13 were also based on the negative or right-hand side of the inverted-U, the
Rumelt approach. With this degree of con- strongest estimated correlation is −0.24, found
founding, it would have been difficult to deter- when a count-of-industries measure is combined
mine whether operationalization of diversification with profitability (see Figure 2b). Thus, while
or operationalization of performance was clearly important, diversification may not be quite
important. With this problem and the problem as strong a player as some have imagined, at
discussed above, we decided to forgo our planned least not when accounting-based measures of per-
follow-up regression analysis in order to avoid formance are the focus.
the creation of an ambiguous set of results.
Diversification and market-based measures of
When examining market-based measures of per-
The two main purposes of this study were to formance, diversification also seems to be positive
present alternative models of the diversification- for firms up to a point. Past a certain level, it
performance relationship as derived from the appears to cause performance problems. A more
literature and to test those models using data fine-grained analysis involving differences in
generated from more than three decades of diversification and performance definitions is not
empirical research. In addition to testing the linear possible due to limitations in the data. As noted
Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
10970266, 2000, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(200002)21:2<155::AID-SMJ82>3.0.CO;2-2 by Beijing Technology And, Wiley Online Library on [28/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
168 L. E. Palich, L. B. Cardinal and C. C. Miller

below, future research should address these limi- the correlations between market and accounting
tations. measures were fairly weak (ranging from 0.15 to
0.30). This suggests that the former capture
unique information, and with somewhat greater
Diversification and performance
consistency (e.g., they escape the influence of
Arguments highlighting the benefits of related managerial manipulations that may lead to short-
diversification and the problems of unrelated term distortions reflected in other measures of
diversification are evidently sound. Arguments for performance). Despite the proliferation of work
related diversification, in comparison to limited on the diversification-performance linkage,
diversification, suggest that single-business firms researchers have emphasized that which may rep-
suffer from limited economies of scope and other resent the less useful aspect of performance. At
disadvantages. Related diversifiers have advan- any rate, this limitation prevents strong compari-
tages whereby they can convert underutilized sons between results generated from accounting-
assets and achieve economies of scope by sharing versus market-based research.
resources and combining activities along the value The above critique applies to the literature in
chain. Concurrently, arguments concerning the general, but at the same time it applies most
downside of unrelated diversification suggest not forcefully to the management literature, as
only muted benefits of increased diversification opposed to the economics and finance literatures.
after a critical point, but also actual costs that Management researchers have produced most of
hamper performance. Expanded diversification has the work on diversification and performance and
been found to increase strain on top management have frequently focused on accounting-based
and decision making, and on control and gover- measures.
nance. Further, effort losses and diseconomies are Another shortcoming of the overall literature
issues. As it becomes more difficult to share relates to industry effects. Dess, Ireland, and Hitt
activities and transfer competencies between (1990: 14) argue cogently for the importance of
units, the costs of increased diversification seem controlling for industry effects in strategy
to outweigh any potential benefits beyond a cer- research, recognizing “the potential for misleading
tain point of relatedness. interpretations and alternative plausible expla-
Thus, our findings provide support for the nations that can result if researchers do not con-
Inverted-U Model. These findings are parallel to trol for possible industry influences.” Recent
increasing anecdotal evidence in the business empirical work (e.g., Powell, 1996; Rumelt, 1991;
press that firms diversifying outside of their core Schmalensee, 1985; Wernerfelt and Montgomery,
businesses or competencies inherit increased costs 1988) has demonstrated that industry influence
that interfere with performance. typically explains between 17 and 20 percent of
the variance in firm performance and is therefore
a substantive factor in strategy research. Further,
Limitations and future research
it may be that diversification is more strongly
As mentioned earlier, we were unable to test a related to performance in studies where industry
complete regression model for studies using mar- effects have been controlled. Controlling for
ket measures of performance because of the limi- industry effects may allow unique variance
tations of existing published research. Unfortu- explained by diversification to be unmasked.
nately, market measures of performance may be Miller and Cardinal (1994) found this to be
more relevant to diversification research since true for planning in the planning-performance
these capture expectations of future returns from literature. Unfortunately, we were not able to
firm performance (as opposed to past outcomes study the impact of industry effects since only
reflected in accounting-based measures), and mar- a small proportion of diversification-performance
ket measures are less vulnerable to managerial studies controlled for such effects.
discretion (Barney, 1997). The value of market The majority of the diversification-performance
measures is supported by Hoskisson et al. (1993) studies in our analysis also failed to control for a
who found that market measures tended to be number of other variables that have demonstrated
more highly intercorrelated than were typical significant effects on firm performance inde-
accounting-based measures of performance, and pendent of diversification. For example, very few
Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 21: 155–174 (2000)
10970266, 2000, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(200002)21:2<155::AID-SMJ82>3.0.CO;2-2 by Beijing Technology And, Wiley Online Library on [28/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
The Diversification–Performance Linkage 169

of the studies accounted for the impact of firm (and yet unresolved) question in the strategic
size; firm leverage; and advertising, capital, and management literature: How exactly does diversi-
R&D intensities, each of which have demon- fication relate to performance? After synthesizing
strated effects on performance in prior research more than three decades of research, our study
(Barton, 1988; Buhner, 1987; Chang and Thomas, indicates an important answer: the linkage is
1989; Choi, 1989; Gomez-Mejia and Palich, inverted-U shaped, with differences in diversifi-
1997; Grant, 1987). Adjusting or accounting for cation and performance operationalizations influ-
these variables in future research may further encing how this relationship presents itself in
clarify diversification-performance relationships. empirical research.
Examining time period also may prove useful.
Only a few studies have incorporated data from
different decades and explicitly examined changes ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
in the diversification-performance linkage over
time. Our own post hoc analyses suggested time We would like to thank Don Hatfield and Steve
period was not a key factor (studies conducted Slezak for their helpful comments, as well as the
in different decades, including the conglomerate Hankamer Sabbatical Committee, Baylor Univer-
era of the 1960s, produced similar outcomes), sity, for its support of this work.
but fine-grained primary studies may uncover sub-
tle time effects.
Finally, it is interesting to note that inter- REFERENCES
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