Succession and Transfer Tax: Inheritance
Succession and Transfer Tax: Inheritance
Succession and Transfer Tax: Inheritance
Chapter 2
Gross Estate
The right of the state to tax the privilege to Non- 1. Real property situated in the
transmit the estate vests instantly upon the resident Philippines
death. Alien 2. Tangible personal property
situated in the Philippines
Justification for the Imposition of Estate Tax 3. Intangible personal property
1. Benefit received theory – services by the with situs in the Philippines
government requires funding unless excluded on the basis
2. Privilege/state partnership - inheritance is of reciprocity
a privilege and not a right; the State is a
passive silent partner in the accumulation of Intangible Asset
property having the right to collect the share • Not defined in the Tax Code.
which is properly due to it. • Accounting Standards: Identifiable
3. Ability to pay theory - as properties and nonmonetary assets without physical
assets are placed into the hands of the substance. These assets derive their value
heirs/beneficiaries, this creates an ability to from intellectual or legal rights, and from
pay the tax and contribute to the funding the value they add to other assets.
required by the government. • General Rule: The situs of intangible
a. Receipt of inheritance which is in the personal property is the domicile of the
nature of an unearned wealth or windfall owner.
4. Redistribution of wealth theory - • Exceptions:
imposition of estate tax reduces the property o If the intangible property has situs
received by the successor; thus, helping elsewhere; or
promote equitable distribution of wealth in o Where the intangible property has
the society. acquired a business situs in another
Decedent Gross Estate
Citizen 1. Property (real/personal) Intangible Assets: Within the Philippines
wherever situated 1. Franchise, which must be exercised in the
Resident Intangible personal property, Philippines.
Alien wherever situated 2. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any
corporation or Sociedad anonima
organized and constituted in the 3. Listed share: FMV is the
Philippines in accordance with its laws arithmetic mean between the
3. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any highest and lowest quotation at
foreign corporation, which 85% of its a date nearest the date of
business is located in the Philippines. death. If none is available, then
4. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any at the date of death itself.
foreign corporation if such shares,
obligations or bonds have acquired a Valuation of the Gross Estate, continued
business situs in the Philippines. Units of The bid price nearest the
5. Share or rights in any partnership, participation in date of death published in
business or industry established in the any any newspaper or
Philippines. (Sec. 104, Tax Code) association, publication for general
recreation or circulation.
Reciprocity Clause amusement
• The Tax Code EXCLUDES intangible club (e.g. golf
personal property with situs in the clubs and polo
Philippines from the gross estate of a non- clubs)
resident alien decedent if there is Right to In accordance with the
reciprocity. usufruct, use or latest Basic Standard
• Accordingly, there is reciprocity if: habitation and Mortality Table, taking into
o The decedent at the time of his/her death annuity account the probable life of
was a resident citizen of a foreign country, the beneficiary, to be
which at the time of his/her death did not approved by the Secretary
impose an estate tax of any character to of Finance upon
the intangible personal property of citizens recommendation of the
of the Philippines no resident in that Insurance Commissioner
foreign country; OR
o The laws of the foreign country of which Exemptions and Exclusions from the Gross
the decedent was a resident citizen at the Estate
time of his death allow a similar exemption
from estate taxes of every character with Exclusions under Sections 85 and 86 of the
respect to the intangible personal property Tax Code
owned by Filipino citizen not residing in the 1. Exclusive property of the surviving
foreign country. spouse.
o These are properties not owned by the
Valuation of the Gross Estate decedent upon his/her death.
In General Fair Market Value (FMV) at the o For estate tax purposes, the exclusive
time of death. properties of a surviving spouse is
Real The HIGHER value between: called “paraphernal properties”
Property a. FMV determined by the o The property will be classified as
Commissioner; and b. FMV as “exclusive” or “common” depending on
shown in the schedule of values the property relations of the husband
fixed by the provincial and city and wife.
assessors 2. Property outside the Philippines of a
Personal FMV at the time of death. non-resident alien decedent
Property o Only properties situated or with situs
Shares of 1. Unlisted common share: within the Philippines are subject to
Stock book value per share of the estate tax for a non-resident alien.
issuing corporation. Take note 3. Intangible personal property in the
that appraisal surplus and Philippines of a non-resident alien under
assigned amount to preference the Reciprocity Law.
shares shall not be considered.
2. Unlisted preference share:
par value per share
Exclusions under Section 87 of the Tax Code Inclusions in the Gross Estate
1. Merger of the usufruct in the owner of the Items Included in the Gross Estate
naked title to the property; 1. Properties owned by the decedent actually
2. Fideicommissary substitution – where and physically present in his/her estate at
the inheritance/legacy is delivered or the time of his/her death. Examples are:
transmitted by the fiduciary heir or legatee o Land
to the second heir o Buildings
3. Transmission from the first heir, legatee o Shares of stock
or donee in favor of another beneficiary, in o Vehicles
accordance with the desire of the o Bank Deposit
predecessor; 2. Decedent’s interest
4. All bequests, devises, legacies, or o The extent of equity or ownership
transfers to social welfare, cultural and participation of the decedent on any
charitable institutions, no part of the property physically existing and present
income of which inures to the benefit of in the gross estate, whether or not in his
any individual. PROVIDED, however, that possession, control or dominion.
NOT MORE THAN 30% of said bequests, o Refers to the value of any interest in
devises, legacies or transfers shall be property owned or possessed by the
used by such institutions for administration decedent at the time of his/her death.
purposes. o Examples:
§ Dividends already declared before
Exclusions under Special Laws decedent’s death but only received
1. Proceeds of life insurance and benefits after his/her death
received by members of the GSIS; § Partnership profit, which have
2. Benefits received by members from the accrued before decedent’s death
SSS by reason of death; § Usufructuary rights
3. Life insurance proceeds on life insurance 3. Properties not physically in the estate
policy taken out by the decedent himself, o Already been transferred during the
upon his/her own life, where the beneficiary lifetime of the decedent but are still
is a third person and is irrevocably subject to the payment of tax.
4. Life insurance proceeds on insurance
3A. Transfer in Contemplation of Death
policy (group insurance) taken out by the
o This is donation mortis causa or donation
decedent’s employer on the decedent’s life,
whoever the beneficiary maybe, whether which takes effect upon the death of the
the designation of such beneficiary is donor, and therefore partakes of the
revocable or irrevocable. nature of a testamentary disposition.
5. Amounts received from the Philippine and o It is the thought of death as the
US governments for war damages; controlling motive, which induces the
6. Payments from the Philippines of US disposition of the property for the
government to the legal heirs of World War purpose of avoiding the estate tax.
II Veterans and deceased civilian for o Accordingly, the value of the property
supplies/services furnished to the US and transferred in anticipation of a decedent’s
Philippine Army death is included in his/her gross estate.
7. Amounts received from the US Veterans Examples are:
Administration; § Transfer of property in favor of
8. Transfer by way of bona fide sales another person, but the transfer was
9. Properties held in trust by the decedent intended to take effect only upon the
10. Acquisition and/or transfer expressly transferor’s death.
declared as not taxable § Transfer by gift intended to take effect
11. Personal Equity and Retirement Account at death, or after death or under which
(PERA) assets of the decedent contributor the donor reserved the income or the
right to designate persons who should
enjoy the income.
3B. Transfer with retention or reservation of o The right, either alone or in conjunction
certain rights with any person to designate the persons
o The decedent transferred his/her property who shall possess or enjoy the property or
during his/her lifetime; however, he/she the income therefrom.
retained for himself/herself the beneficial
enjoyment of the thing or the right to receive 3E. Transfer for Insufficient Consideration
income from the same. o When a sale or transfer (other than a valid
sale) was made for a price less than its FMV
3C. Revocable Transfer at the time of sale/transfer, the excess of the
o Transfer where the terms of enjoyment of FMV of the transferred property at the time
the property may be altered, amended, of death over the value of the consideration
revoked or terminated by the decedent. It is received should be included in the gross
sufficient that the decedent had the power to estate of the decedent. The following FMVs
revoke even though he did not exercise the are considered:
power. FMV of Used to determine whether or not
the the consideration was full and
3D. Transfers under a General Power of property adequate. If the consideration
Appointment at the received is substantially the
o The power of appointment is considered time of same with the FMV at the time of
“general” if it authorizes the donee of the sale or transfer, such sale or transfer is
power to appoint any person he/she transfer considered as a bonda fide sale;
pleases. This may be exercised in favor of hence, not subject to estate tax
anybody, including the donee-decedent. FMV of Used to determine the amount to
§ The donee of a GPA holds the appointed the be included in the gross estate. If
property with all the attributes of property the consideration received is
ownership. Thus the appointed property at the substantially lower or for less
shall form part of the gross estate of the time of than full and adequate
donee of the power upon his/her death. death consideration compared to the
o The power of appointment is considered FMV at the time of sale or
“special” when the donee can appoint only transfer, such sale or transfer
from a restricted or designated class of was made for insufficient
persons other than himself. consideration and the excess
§ Property transferred under a special should be included in the gross
power of appointment should be estate of the decedent.
excluded from the gross estate of the
donee of the power because the donee-
decedent only holds the property in trust. Consideration ≥ Transaction is a bona fide
§ The treatment is similar to a FMV at the time sale. Hence, excluded
fideicommissary substitution and of transfer from the decedent’s gross
transmission of rights from one heir to estate.
another. Consideration < Transfer for insufficient
o The power of appointment may be exercised FMV at the time consideration. Hence,
by the donor-decedent through the of transfer included in the gross estate
following: is the excess of FMV at
o By will; the time of death over the
o By deed to take effect in possession or consideration received.
enjoyment at or after his/her death; Sale was made Transaction is a bona fide
o By deed under which he/she has retained in the ordinary sale.
for his/her life or any period not course of trade
ascertainable without reference to his/her Non Either donation mortis
death or for any period, which does not in consideration causa or donation inter
fact end before his/her death; received vivos.
o The possession or enjoyment of, or the
right to the income from the property; or
3F. Claims Against Insolvent Persons 2018), the net estate of such decedent,
o An insolvent person is an individual whose resident or nonresident, shall be subject to
properties are not sufficient to satisfy (fully an estate tax rate of 6%.
or partially) his/her debt/s. § If the decedent died prior to the effectivity of
o A judicial declaration of insolvency is not the TRAIN Law, his/her net estate shall be
required but the incapacity of the debtor to subject to the old estate tax table, to wit:
pay his/her obligation should be proven.
o Rule: Regardless of the amount the debtor
is unable to pay, the full amount of the
claim against the insolvent person should be
included in the gross estate of the
o The portion of the claim that is not collectible
should be allowed as a deduction from the Filing and Payment
gross estate. § The estate tax shall be paid by the
executor/administrator or any legal heirs at
3G. Proceeds of LIFE insurance the time the return is filed as the Philippines
§ Proceeds of life insurance taken out by the adhere to the “pay as you file” system.
decedent on his/her own life should be § Accordingly, an estate tax return shall be
included in the gross estate IF the following filed under oath in any of the following
requisites are present: situation:
1. It must be an insurance on the life of the 1. In cases of transfer subject to Estate
decedent; and Tax; and
2. The beneficiary must either be of the 2. The estate consists of registered or
following: registrable property (real property,
a. The decedent’s estate, his/her motor vehicle, shares of stock or other
executor or administrator (whether similar property), regardless of the
revocable or irrevocable); or gross value, for which a Certificate
b. Any third person provided that the Authorizing Registration (CAR) from
designation is irrevocable the BIR is required as a condition
§ Accordingly, the Insurance Code presumes precedent for the transfer of ownership
that the designation of a policy is revocable in the name of the transferee,
in case the designation of the beneficiary is executor/administrator or any of the
not clear or silent. legal heirs, as the case may be.
§ Estate tax return showing gross value
Beneficiary Designation Gross Estate exceeding P5,000,000 shall be supported
Estate Revocable or Included with a statement duly certified by a CPA.
Irrevocable § The said certification by a CPA shall contain
Executor Revocable or Included the following:
Irrevocable 1. Itemized asset of the decedent with their
Administrator Revocable or Included corresponding gross value at the time of
Irrevocable his/her death. In the case of a
3rd party (other Revocable Included nonresident alien, his/her itemized
than those assets that are only situated in the
mentioned Philippines.
above, e.g. 2. Itemized deductions allowed from the
spouse) gross estate.
3rd party (other Irrevocable Excluded 3. The amount of tax due, whether paid or
than those still due and outstanding.
above, e.g. Deadline of Filing
§ The estate tax return shall be filed within 1
year from the death of the decedent.
Tax Rate § The court approving partition shall furnish
§ If the decedent died during or after the the CIR a certified copy of the said court’s
effectivity of the TRAIN Law (i.e. January 1,
order of partition within 30 days after Taxpayers’ Options: Cash Installment
promulgation of such order. § The cash installments shall be made within
§ Take note that the one-year deadline of filing 2 years from the date of the estate tax return
is the allowable period of filing of the return using BIR Form 0605 or a payment form
without surcharges/penalties and interest. dedicated for this transaction for succeeding
§ As to extension of the deadline: The CIR installment payments after filing the 1st
may extend the time for payment under the payment through the estate tax return.
following conditions: § The estate tax return shall be filed within 1
1. For meritorious cases only; year from the date of the decedent’s death.
2. The extension shall not exceed 30 § The frequency of payment (i.e. monthly,
days quarterly, semi-annually, annually) and the
§ The application for extension to file an amount of each installment shall be
estate tax return must be filed with the RDO indicated in the estate tax return subject to
where the estate is required to secure its TIN the approval of the BIR.
and file the estate tax return. § If there is lapse of 2 years without payment
of the entire estate tax due, the remaining
Deadline of Payment balance shall be due and demandable,
§ The estate tax shall be paid at the time the subject to applicable penalties and interest
estate tax return is filed by the executor, computed from the prescribed deadline for
administrator or the heir/s. the filing of the return and payment of estate
§ As to extension of the deadline: The CIR tax.
may extend the time for payment under the § No civil penalties or interest may be
following conditions: imposed on the estates that are permitted to
1. Payment would impose undue pay the estate tax due by installment.
hardship upon the estate or any of the However, nothing prevents the CIR from
heirs. executing enforcement action against the
2. The extension granted shall not estate tax due of the estate provide that all
exceed 5 years in case there is judicial the applicable laws and required procedures
settlement or not exceed 2 year in are observed.
case there is extrajudicial settlement.
Taxpayers’ Options: Partial Disposition
§ The application for extension to file an § Disposition: Conveyance of property (real or
estate tax return must be filed with the RDO personal; tangible or intangible) with the
where the estate is required to secure its TIN equivalent cash consideration
and file the estate tax return. Such § The estate tax return shall be filed shall be
application shall be approved by the CIR or filed within 1 year from the death of the
his/her duly authorized representative decedent.
§ If the request for extension is based on § The written request for the partial disposition
negligence, fraud or intentional disregard of of estate shall be approved by the CIR. The
the taxpayer, no extension will be granted. said request shall be filed together with a
§ If an extension is granted, the CIR or his duly notarized undertaking that the proceeds
authorized representative may require the thereof shall be exclusively used for the
executor, administrator or beneficiary, as payment of the total estate tax due.
the case may be, to furnish a bond NOT § The computed estate tax due shall be
exceeding double of the TAX and with such allocated in proportion to the value of each
sureties as the CIR deems necessary. property.
§ The estate shall pay to the BIR the
Taxpayers’ Options proportionate estate tax due of the property
§ If there is insufficiency of cash for the intended to be disposed of.
immediate payment of the total estate tax § An electronic Certificate Authorizing
due, the estate may be allowed to pay the Registration (eCAR) shall be issued upon
estate tax due through the following options: presentation of the proof of payment of the
1. Cash Installment proportionate estate tax due of the property
2. Partial Disposition of estate intended to be disposed. As such, multiple
eCARs shall be issued if there are multiple
Basis: RR No. 12-2018, as amended by RR No. 8-2019
properties to be disposed to cover the total Commissioner through RDO No. 39
estate tax due. (South Quezon City).
§ If there is failure to pay the total tax due after § The CIR may exercise his/her power to
considering the proceeds of disposition, the allow a different venue/place in the filing of
estate tax due shall be immediately due and tax returns.
demandable subject to the applicable Liability for the Payment of Estate Tax
penalties and interest reckoned from the § The executor/administrator of an estate has
prescribed deadline for the filing the return the primary obligation to pay the estate tax;
and payment of the estate tax. however, the heir or beneficiary has the
§ This is without prejudice to the withholding subsidiary liability for the payment of that
the issuance of eCARs on the remaining portion of the estate which his/her
properties until the payment of the distributive share bears to the value of the
remaining balance of the estate tax due, net estate.
penalties and interest. § If there is no executor/administrator
appointed, qualified and acting within the
Taxpayers’ Options: Extension Philippines, then any person in actual or
§ Request for extension to file the return, pay constructive possession of any property of
the estate tax and payment by installment the decedent must file the return.
shall be filed with the RDO where the estate § Take note that the estate tax shall be paid
is required to secure its TIN and file the before the delivery of the distributive
estate tax return. share in the inheritance to any heir or
§ This request shall be approved by the CIR beneficiary.
or his duly authorized representative. § If there are 2 or more executor or
administrators, all of them are severally
Venue of Filing and Payment liable for the payment of the tax.
§ If the decedent is a resident, the § The estate tax clearance issued by the CIR
administrator/executor shall register the or RDO having jurisdiction over the estate
estate of the decedent and secure a new will serve as the authority to distribute the
TIN therefor from the RDO where the remaining properties in the inheritance to
decedent was domiciled at the the time of the heir or beneficiary.
his/her death
§ The filing of the estate tax return and Civil Penalties and Interest
payment of the estate tax due can be made § Any amount paid after the statutory tax due
in any of the following: date of the tax, but within the extension
o a. Accredited Agent Bank (AAB) period (if any), shall be subject to interest
o b. Revenue District Office but NOT to surcharge penalty.
§ If the decedent is a non-resident and o 25% surcharge penalty: if there is no
his/her administrator/executor is in the false or fraudulent intent on the
Philippines, the estate tax return shall be taxpayer.
filed to and the TIN for the estate be secured o 50% surcharge penalty: if there is false,
from the RDO where such malice or fraudulent intent on the
administrator/executor is registered. taxpayer.
o If the administrator/executor is not § Interest shall be computed on the unpaid
registered, the estate tax return shall be amount of tax from the date computed until
filed with and the TIN of the state shall fully paid.
be secured from the RDO having § Take note that under the TRAIN Law, the
jurisdiction over the interest is is double the legal interest rate set
administrator/executor’s legal by the BSP. Considering that the legal
residence. interest rate is currently at 6%, then the
o However, if the non-resident does not imposable interest now is at 12% per
have an executor or administrator in the annum.
Philippines, the estate tax return shall be
filed with and the TIN dor the estate shall Transfer of Shares, Bonds or Rights
be secured from the Office of the § There shall be no transfer of any share,
obligation, bond or right to any new owner in
the books of any corporation, sociedad
anonima, partnership business or industry
organized or established in the Philippines
by way of donation or inheritance unless
there is a certification from the CIR that
the applicable tax have been paid.
§ If a bank has knowledge of the death of a
person, who maintained a bank deposit
account (alone or jointly owned with
another), the bank shall allow any
withdrawal from the said deposit account,
subject to a final withholding tax of 6%,
which is also the estate tax rate.
o All withdrawal slips shall contain a
statement to the effect that all of the joint
depositors are still living at the time of
withdrawal by any one of the joint
depositors and such statement shall be
under oath by the said depositors.
o In case the available cash of the estate
is insufficient to pay the total estate tax
due, payment by installment shall be
allowed within 2 years from the statutory
date for its payment without civil penalty
and interest.