Central Visayas: Economic Factbook 2020
Central Visayas: Economic Factbook 2020
Central Visayas: Economic Factbook 2020
3 Economic Factbook 2020
The Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) information from the various power, water, and
Region VII produced this 2020 Economic telecommunication companies in the region.
Factbook (eFactbook) to serve as a one-stop
source of economic, trade and investment There are sections where clickable links are
information for prospective and existing provided, which direct the reader to specific
investors / entrepreneurs who want to do sites of the data source. In the case of the
business in Central Visayas. Designed Cities and Municipalities Competitiveness
to promote ease in doing business, this Index (CMCI) 2020, points in the map of
investors’ guide combines published data Central Visayas lead the reader to the
from DTI as well as other government, non- granular data of each city or municipality
government, and private institutions. In this surveyed. When only the highlights of a
PDF-format factbook, information is presented topic are presented in the main body of the
in reader-friendly bits and pieces for easy factbook, the complete data set is placed in
reference and better understanding. the an Annexes section.
The eFactbook contains profiles of Central It is important to note that this eFactbook was
Visayas provinces, economic statistics, produced during the pandemic. It heavily
competitive index scores of cities and relied on online published data from the
municipalities, data on infrastructure and Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), National
facilities, manpower and talent available, Economic Development Authority (NEDA), the
trade and investment statistics, and other DTI-Export Management Bureau (DTI-EMB),
economic indicators. It details the process Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA),
of how to set up shop in the Philippines, Board of Investments (BOI), Securities and
and the approximate cost of doing business Exchange Commission (SEC), Cities and
in Central Visayas, including how to qualify Municipalities Competitive Index Survey
for incentives from the Board of Investments (CMCI), Department of Energy (DOE),
(BOI) and Philippine Economic Zone Authority Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA),
(PEZA). Wherever possible, facts and figures National Telecommunications Commission
showing economic performance have been (NTC), Cebu Ports Authority (CPA), Mactan-
classified per province in Region VII — Bohol, Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA),
Cebu, Negros Oriental and Siquijor. Department of Transportation (DOTr),
Department of Tourism (DOT), Bangko Sentral
Demographics and economic statistics in this ng Pilipinas (BSP), Department of Labor and
Factbook were taken from the 2020 Regional, Employment (DOLE), and Commission on
Social & Economic Trends (RSET)for Central Higher Education (CHED).
Visayas, reflecting the most recent statistics
available. . However, there are some cases This eFactbook only serves as a guide
where the data presented is not that of and does not claim to have the complete
the immediate past year, especially when information about Central Visayas or the
statistics are dependent on the actual year process in doing business in the Philippines.
the survey was conducted. For instance, If additional information or further data
the census of population is conducted every processing is needed, websites and data
four years. Tables and graphs have been sources have been cited in the book or in the
labeled accordingly for easy reference. This directory found in the last section. Queries
factbook also contains company-specific may be addressed to the specific agency.
4 Economic Factbook 2020
About this Book ANNEXES
Cebu 111
D Philippine Merchandise Exports of
Region VII (by Products)
Negros Oriental
E Philippine Merchandise Exports of
Region VII (by Markets)
Cities and Municipalities Competitive Index
About the Index
CMCI Scores per Province
F Philippine Merchandise Exports of
Region VII (by Markets with Products)
28 Infrastructure
G List of BOI-Registered Investments in
Region VII, 2017-2021
Telecommunications 126 H List of Higher Education Institutions in
Central Visayas
Port Facilities
Airport Facilities 129
I How to Register Your Business Name
with DTI for Sole Proprietorships
43 Other Economic Indicators
Tourist Arrivals 131 J How to Register a Partnership or
Corporation with SEC
Labor and Employment
132 K How to Apply for a Business Permit
5 Economic Factbook 2020
The Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) - 32 degrees Celsius. Although not without
Region VII produced this Economic Factbook its fair share of typhoons and other climate
(eFactbook) in digital format to serve as a disturbances, the region has shown its
one-stop source of information for investors resiliency, having bounced back strongly from
and entrepreneurs. a 7.1 earthquake in 2013, a super typhoon
that same year and also in 2021.
Amid the backdrop of a global pandemic,
the DTI chose to use this time to build a Regional Economy
repository of data compiled from government, The fourth largest regional economy in the
non-government agencies, and private utilities. country, Central Visayas is host to many
The pandemic, which caused a major health industries, including shipbuilding, information
crisis worldwide, also crippled the economies and communications technology (ICT) &
of even the most advanced nations. IT-enabled services, electronics, wearables,
processed food, marine products, tourism, and
As COVID-19 spread across the globe, houseware and furniture.
countries had to resort to major lockdowns to
curb its transmission. With these lockdowns In 2020, it was the fourth largest contributor to
came economic slowdowns, and the the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Philippines was not spared. accounting for 6.4% of the Philippines’ total
GDP. Its Gross Regional Domestic Product
As there was very little that could be done (GRDP) growth rate of 7.1% in 2018 was
to spur economic activity or promote higher than the national growth rate of 6.2%.
investments, the DTI chose to prepare to ‘build The region’s economy started showing signs
back better’. The agency used the economic of slowing down in 2019 and further dipped in
downtime to put together a digital factbook 2020 when the pandemic began. It declined by
containing comprehensive information on the 9.9%, compared to its 6.2% growth in 2019.
Central Visayas region. It contains data that
includes demographics, domestic markets, Cities and Municipalities Competitive Index (CMCI)
infrastructure, competitive index scores per CMCI is a program that encourages local
city or municipality, manpower and skills government units (LGUs) to gather and
available, economic indicators, and how to do submit data that measure their performance
business in the region. using five core and convergent pillars:
economic dynamism, government efficiency,
Demographics infrastructure, resiliency, and innovation.
Despite being the Philippines’ second smallest Each pillar has 10 indicators that provide
region in terms of land area, Central Visayas a more detailed view of the local economic
is the fourth largest regional economy in the status. Cities and municipalities are ranked
country. Based on the 2020 Census of by their competitiveness based on an overall
Population and Housing, the region’s 8.08 competitiveness score.
million people — growing at an average of
1.88% — account for 7.41% of the country’s Results of the 2021 CMCI survey show that
population. It ranks 4th as the most densely Bohol has maintained its overall competitive
populated region in the Philippines. ranking as the 20th most competitive province
with a score of 34.7520. Siquijor ranked 27th
Central Visayas has a fairly predictable (33.9672), Cebu ranked 50th (32.2486), and
CENTRAL VISAYAS climatewith temperatures ranging from 26 Negros Oriental ranked 70th (30.5826).
6 Economic Factbook 2020
Infrastructure stations, 160 rural health units, 67 hospitals,
Infrastructure is the backbone of a healthy and 2 city health offices. Of this, 8 are
economy. With its modern infrastructure and classified as level 3 facilities, 20 as level 2, and
strategic location at the heart of the archipelago, 34 as level 1. The profiles in the CMCI section
Central Visayas has one of the most vibrant show the available health facilities and health
economies among all the regions in the country. workers for each city/municipality.
1 Economic Factbook 2020
Cities (HUCs), 116 municipalities, Central Visayas, the fourth
and 3,003 barangays. The HUCs are largest regional economy
Cebu, Mandaue, and Lapu-Lapu.
in the country, is host to
many industries, including
Central Visayas is one of the eight
anchor tourist destinations in the coun-
ship building, Information
try. But while tourism stitches all four
and Communications
provinces, each has its own unique Technology (ICT) &
advantage. Not one has a monopoly IT-enabled services,
of resources or infrastructure; what electronics, wearables,
one province lacks, the other prov- food processing, marine
inces in the region complement. The products, tourism,
strength of the region therefore lies in houseware and furniture,
its diversity. among others.
2 Economic Factbook 2020
The pandemic that begun in 2020 continues Famous for its white sand beaches,
to disrupt the global economy, and recovery Bohol is a favorite destination of
is expected to take at least a few years. It both local and foreign tourists. It
has taken its toll on regional economies, is well on its way to becoming the
including that of Region VII. region’s prime eco-cultural tourist
destination and agro-industrial center.
Central Visayas, the fourth largest Bohol’s gentle rolling terrain makes
regional economy in the country, is host to it ideal for commercial and industrial
many industries, including ship building, development. Its fertile soil and
Information and Communications abundant water supply make the
Technology (ICT) & IT-enabled services, province ideal for agro-forestry and
electronics, wearables, food processing, high-value agricultural production.
marine products, tourism, houseware and Investment areas in the identified
furniture, among others. Special Economic Zone are focused
on eco-tourism, light industries, and
PSA data shows that Central Visayas agro-industrial development.
ranked 4th in regional share of the
country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) CEBU: Cebu Province is located east of
in 2020. Its Gross Regional Domestic Negros and west of Leyte and Bohol. It
Product (GRDP) growth rate of 7.1% in is composed of the island of Cebu, and
2018 was higher than the national growth the smaller islands of Mactan, Bantayan,
rate of 6.2%. The region’s economy Malapascua, Olango, and Camotes. The
started showing signs of slowing down in Cebu mainland has a hilly and rugged
2019 and further dipped in 2020 when the mountainous range traversing its entire
pandemic began. long and narrow length running from north
to south, rising to 3,400 feet at its peak,
In 2020, GRDP decreased by 9.9% due to and tapering down on both ends with
the economic slowdown brought about by flatlands mainly along its coastline. This
the community lockdowns. The services unique topography allows tourists easy
sector maintained its position as top access to the mountains as well as the
contributor with 68%, followed by industry sea, and provides a variety of nature sites
24.6% and agriculture 7.4%. (SOURCE: like rivers, waterfalls, springs, and caves.
PSA 2020 RSET) Cebu offers a wide range of world-class
amenities, such as luxury hotels, beach
BOHOL: Bohol, the country’s 10th resorts, first-class restaurants, and golf
largest island, is located approximately courses.
700 km south of Manila, and 70 km
southeast of Mactan Island, Cebu. Approximately 5,000 sq. km in
A first-class province, it is divided size, Cebu Province is composed
into three congressional districts, one of 3 Highly Urbanized Cities
component city, 47 municipalities, and (HUCs), 6 component cities, and 44
1,109 barangays. With an oval-shaped municipalities. Its capital, Cebu City,
mainland and 72 surrounding smaller is known as the ‘Queen City of the
islands, its total land area of 484,095 South’. One of the most developed
hectares (has.) is characterized by rolling provinces in the country, Cebu is
and hilly terrain. The city of Tagbilaran the economic hub of Visayas and
is Bohol’s main business capital, and Mindanao. Its strategic location and
the center of governance, education, natural deep seascape make it ideal
and transportation. Also known as the for trading and port operations; it
‘City of Friendship’, it is situated at the is home to over 80% of inter-island
southwestern part of the province. shipping capacity in the Philippines.
3 Economic Factbook 2020
Cebu’s economy is driven by the services NegOr’s vast and fertile land makes
sector, followed by manufacturing and it ideal for agriculture. While
tourism. In the 1990s, the province was agriculture remains as it’s NegOr’s
quick to open its doors to the BPO sector. major industry, tourism and the recent
growth of the Business Outsourcing
In 2004, there were only four BPO Process (BPO) sector and other
companies with 1,200 employees. By technology-related industries, make
2017, the number of BPOs had grown the province ripe for investments. In
to 456, employing over 100,000. As of the past few years, the interest of
yearend 2020, Cebu was host to close foreign investors in the country’s
to 600 BPO companies that employed smaller, less congested cities has
close to 150,000. This industry stayed resulted in the rapid development
afloat during the pandemic as companies of BPO Centers in Dumaguete and
shifted to work from home (WFH) Tanjay. Companies can do business
arrangements. for much less cost, while communities
benefit from the influx of jobs and
Cebu has also been consistently one of other investments.
the country’s top exporting provinces.
Its international port and airport SIQUIJOR: Siquijor is the smallest
facilities make it an ideal location for province that completes the Central
manufacturing and export companies. Visayas Region. It is located 30 km
from Negros Island and approximately
NEGROS ORIENTAL: The Province of 565 aerial km from Manila. It is
Negros Oriental (NegOr) is located in the bound in the north by Cebu Island,
southeastern portion of Negros Island. It in the northwest to the west by
is bound in the north and west by Negros Negros Island, the east by Camiguin
Occidental while Tanon Straight separates island, and in the south by mainland
Negros from the Island of Cebu; in the Mindanao. Siquijor, a coastal
west are Apo Island and Siquijor. Its municipality in the island province of
capital, Dumaguete City, also referred Siquijor, is the provincial capital.
to as the ‘City of Gentle People,’ is the
province’s seat of government. Siquijor’s total land area is only 90.70 sq.
km. This ‘Island Paradise of the Visayas’
NegOr has a land area of 5,385.53 sq. which used to be known as ‘Island of Fire’
km and its terrain consists of rolling or ‘Isla del Fuego,’ is one of the most
hills, a few plateaus, and mountain beautiful islands in the country. It has
ranges. The province is subdivided into powdery white sandy beaches along its
20 municipalities and 5 cities, which are 102-km coastline, clear crystal waters,
further subdivided into 557 barangays. and is rich in marine biodiversity. With
Dumaguete is NegOr’s most populous the island’s practice of mystic traditions,
city, despite having the smallest land complete with magic potions, shamans,
area. witches and sorcerers, it has earned a
reputation that fuels the fire of its growing
The province is also a favorite destination tourism industry.
among local and foreign tourists. Its
laidback pace and lifestyle, as well as its Trading is the backbone of Siquijor’s
interesting mix of culture and modernization, commercial activities, with trade
has made it a magnet for foreign nationals development dominated by small and
who have chosen to call it home. micro-traders.
4 Economic Factbook 2020
FIGURE 1.1 Population of Central Visayas (Region VII)
For Census Years 2000, 2010, 2015, 2020
Census Population
Year (in Millions)
May 2000 5.71
Negros Oriental Bohol
17.7% 17.3%
May 2010 6.80
8.08 M
in 2020 Aug 2015 7.40
= 1,000,000
5 Economic Factbook 2020
FIGURE 1.2 Annual Population Growth Rate by Province/HUCs, 2015 - 2020
Bohol 1.26%
Siquijor 1.58%
Cebu 2.63%
= 10’s
6 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 1.1 Population and Annual Growth Rate for Region VII, its Provinces,
and Highly Urbanized Cities (HUCs)
Based on the 2000, 2010, 2015, and 2020 Censuses
* Excludes Cities of Cebu, Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (HUCs)
7 Economic Factbook 2020
Population Density
Population density refers to the number sq. km in 2020 surpassed the national
of persons per square kilometer (sq. km) population density of 363.
of land.
Among the region’s 4 provinces, Cebu
With a total land area of approximately (excluding HUCs) recorded the highest
300,000 sq. km, the population density population density at 673/sq. km. For
of the Philippines in 2020 was at 363 the HUCs located in Cebu Province,
persons per sq. km, representing an 8% Mandaue City was the most densely
increase from 2015. populated with 14,461 persons/ sq.
km. It was followed by Lapu-Lapu City
Central Visayas has consistently with 8,565 persons/ sq. km. Cebu City
exceeded the population density of the registered a population density of 3,061
country as a whole. Its 509 persons/ persons/sq. km.
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority. 2000-2020 Census of Population & Housing a1/ Land area is based on the cadastral survey and estimated land areas (certified
and provided to the Department of Budget & Management or DBM) from the
Land Management Bureau (LMB), Department of Environment & Natural
Resources (DENR), as of December 2013.
a2/ Due to unfinished cadastral survey, details do not add up to the national total.
a3/ Due to rounding off, the provincial totals may not be equal to the sum of the
individual figures.
b1/ Excludes 2,739 Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions
abroad but includes 18,989 persons in the areas disputed by the City of Pasig
(National Capital Region) and the province of Rizal (Region IV-A).
b2/ Excludes 2,134 Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions
b3/ Excludes 2,098 Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions
* Land area is based on cadastral survey (certified & provided to the DBM) from
the LMB and DENR, as of December 2013.
** Estimated land area (certified & provided to the DBM) from the LMB & DENR,
as of December 2013
*** Population count excludes that of HUCs.
8 Economic Factbook 2020
The Central Visayas Region has fairly renowned international travel magazine
predictable weather throughout the Conde Nast Traveler as one of the most
year. It logs temperatures between 28 beautiful islands in the world. Bohol,
- 30 degrees Celsius (°C). The summer Negros Oriental, and Siquijor each have
months between March-May are usually their share of tourist destinations that
the hottest and most humid months continue to attract both local and foreign
of the year. The rainy season usually tourists.
begins in the month of June and runs
through December. Although Central Visayas has had
its fair share of disasters and super
Summer destinations in the region’s typhoons, it has proven its resiliency,
provinces see tourists unable to resist quickly recovering from a 7.1 magnitude
the lure of the sun and sandy beaches. earthquake in 2013, and typhoon Yolanda
Cebu has been voted multiple times by (Haian) in 2013 and Odette in 2021.
TABLE 2.1 Total Annual Rainfall and Ave. Annual Temperature - Bohol, 2016- 2020
Source: Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) Mactan
FIGURE 2.1 Total Annual Rainfall and Ave. Annual Temperature - Bohol, 2016 - 2020
1,383.3 1,345.8
27.6 27.6
9 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 2.2 Total Annual Rainfall and Ave. Annual Temperature - Cebu, 2016 - 2020
January 27.5 116.4 26.9 282.8 26.9 239.5 27.0 134.5 27.8 50.8 27.2 824.0
February 27.4 90.6 27.4 41.1 27.5 142.6 26.6 53.5 28.6 206.0 27.5 533.8
March 28.5 4.3 27.7 93.9 28.1 69.9 27.6 14.9 28.5 7.2 28.1 190.2
April 30.0 1.2 28.2 224.7 28.9 74.9 29.0 23.1 29.6 0.3 29.1 324.2
May 30.0 166.4 29.4 75.7 29.7 98.9 30.7 14.2 30.6 36.6 30.1 391.8
June 29.1 214.2 29.1 202.8 29.2 115.8 30.4 87.8 29.0 103.5 29.4 724.1
July 28.7 378.6 28.3 190.9 29.0 148.1 28.7 225.3 28.8 280.5 28.7 1223.7
August 28.9 21.0 28.8 230.7 29.4 44.2 29.2 76.7 28.8 401.9 29.0 774.5
September 28.5 240.3 28.5 357.6 28.6 195.7 29.4 100.0 29.4 155.3 28.9 1048.9
October 28.4 401.2 28.2 171.1 28.6 223.6 28.7 304.7 28.6 308.3 28.5 1408.9
November 27.6 159.7 28.6 125.8 28.0 78.8 28.7 60.3 28.5 79.7 28.3 504.3
December 27.8 193.7 28.0 129.8 27.6 184.6 27.8 222.6 28.0 262.5 27.8 993.2
Total RR 1987.6 2126.9 1616.6 1317.6 1892.6
Average 28.5 28.3 28.5 28.7 28.9
Source: Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) Mactan
FIGURE 2.2 Total Annual Rainfall and Ave. Annual Temperature - Cebu, 2016 - 2020
28.5 28.5
10 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 2.3 Total Annual Rainfall and Ave. Annual Temperature
Negros Oriental, 2016 - 2020
January 27.5 24.8 26.8 292.2 27.2 199 27.0 89.7 28.0 34.3 27.3 640.0
February 25.4 18.6 26.7 38.4 27.3 205.6 26.7 12.3 27.5 51.1 26.7 326.0
March 28.0 T 27.0 91.4 27.5 38.2 27.1 46.9 27.9 85.9 27.5 262.4
April 29.4 T 28.0 77.2 28.5 87.3 28.3 7.6 29.0 2.4 28.6 174.5
May 29.7 52.4 28.9 123.3 29.1 27.9 29.5 14.1 29.5 135.2 29.3 352.9
June 29.0 187.5 28.6 111.0 29.0 60.2 29.6 82.7 29.0 2.4 29.0 443.8
July 28.7 63.4 27.9 188.5 28.2 83.7 28.3 205.1 28.2 306.0 28.3 846.7
August 28.9 60.4 28.4 201.7 29.0 88.9 29.1 53.1 28.4 85.9 28.8 490.0
September 28.5 88.9 28.3 136.7 28.0 113.7 28.8 66.6 28.0 95.8 28.3 501.7
October 28.4 130.9 27.5 374.0 28.6 86.8 28.5 194.7 28.4 174.7 28.3 961.1
November 27.6 186.3 28.3 124.8 28.2 115.8 28.5 54.9 28.6 111.4 28.2 593.2
December 27.8 74.9 27.6 189.6 27.9 46.6 28.0 83.1 27.7 123.1 27.8 517.3
Total RR 888.1 1948.8 1153.7 910.8 1208.2
Average 28.2 27.8 28.2 28.3 28.4
Source: Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) Mactan
1,153.7 1,208.2
1 2 3 4 5
11 Economic Factbook 2020
Regional Economy
Income & Prices
The data on Average Family Income 28.9% from 2015 to 2018. Average family
and Expenditures and Annual per Capita expenditures increased by 17.7% in the
Poverty Threshold are for the years 2012- 2012-2015 period but this growth slowed
2018 only as statistics are dependent on down to 5.7% between 2015 to 2018.
the date the survey was conducted. Table
below shows data from the latest survey. Annual per capita poverty threshold
increased by 20.7% from Php18,767
Average family income for Central in 2012 to Php 22,644 in 2015 and by
Visayas increased by 14.4% between 13.7% to Php 25,745 in 2018.
2012 and 2015. This further grew by
TABLE 3.1 Average Family Income and Expenditures and Annual Per Capita
Poverty Threshold
Central Visayas, 2012 - 2018
In Philippine Pesos % Change
2012 2015 2018 2012-15 2015-18
Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold 18,767 22,644 25,745 20.7 13.7
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority. 2019 Regional, Social & Economic Trends, Central Visayas
12 Economic Factbook 2020
Among all the provinces in Central years 2016 and 2019. The region
Visayas, Siquijor registered the highest logged its highest inflation growth in
increase in CPI between 2016-2019. It 2018 at 5.6%. Siquijor had the highest
increased by 3.3% in 2016 and 2017, growth in 2018 at 10.1%.
10.2% in 2017-2018, and 3.6% in 2018-
2019. This however decreased by 16.8% The purchasing power of the peso
in 2020. Bohol surpassed this increase continued to weaken from 2016 to
only in 2016-2017 when its CPI grew 2019 but it improved in 2020 across all
by 3.9%. The CPI decreased across all provinces in the region. The peso was
provinces during the pandemic. weakest at P0.80 in the provinces of
Cebu and Siquijor in 2019 while Bohol
The inflation rate in Central Visayas recorded the highest purchasing power
was on an upward trend between the of the peso at P0.98 in 2020.
Source: 2020 Regional Social & Economic Trends for Central Visayas: http://rsso07.psa.gov.ph/article/central-visayas-eco-
TABLE 3.2 Annual Average Consumer Price Index (CPI), Inflation Rate, and
Peso Purchasing Power per Province, 2016 - 2020
Central Visayas Bohol Cebu Negros Oriental Siquijor
2016 112.4 1.8 0.89 110.7 1.7 0.90 114.1 2.0 0.88 107.8 0.7 0.93 106.2 3.6 0.94
2017 115.2 2.5 0.87 115.0 3.9 0.87 116.5 2.1 0.86 110.8 2.8 0.90 109.7 3.3 0.91
2018 121.7 5.6 0.82 121.8 5.9 0.82 122.5 5.2 0.82 118.7 7.1 0.84 120.8 10.1 0.83
2019 123.6 1.6 0.81 123.1 1.1 0.81 124.4 1.6 0.80 120.5 1.5 0.83 125.1 3.6 0.80
2020 102.7 1.5 0.98 102.5 2.0 0.98 102.8 1.6 0.97 102.9 1.3 0.97 104.1 2.3 0.96
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority. 2020 Regional, Social & Economic Trends
FIGURE 3.1 Consumer Price Index and Inflation Rate by Province, 2020
2 2.3
13 Economic Factbook 2020
FIGURE 3.2 Central Visayas’ Economy by Industrial Origin, 2016 - 2020
At Constant 2018 Prices
h 6.20%
h 7.09%
Gross Regional Domestic Product
h 7.10% i 9.91%
Economic Accounts
The Economic Accounts show a glimpse in 2019 when the increase in GRDP
of the economy. dipped to 6.2%. As expected, economic
perfromace slipped by 9.9% in 2020
Gross Regional Domestic Product because of the pandemic. Despite the
(GRDP) measures the economic decline, Central Visayas remains as the
performance of a region, showing the 4th largest contributor to the country’s
value of goods and services produced Gross Domestic Product (GDP), after
in the region. It measures the relative the National Capital Region (NCR),
contribution of 3 major economic sectors: CALABARZON, and Central Luzon.
Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry, and
Fishing (AHFF), Industry and Services. In 2020, Services accounted for 68%
(Philippine Statistics Authority: psa.gov. of the region’s total GRDP, followed
ph) by Industry at 24.6%, and Agriculture,
Forestry and Fishing (AFF) at 7.4%.
GRDP is usually reported in terms of
growth rate and expressed in real terms In terms of peso value, the region’s
or at constant prices. 2020 economic performance stood at
Php 1.129 trillion, less than the Php1.254
The Central Visayas Gross Regional trillion in 2019. The decline was due to
Domestic Product (GRDP) at constant the negative growth of both Industry and
2018 prices increased by 7.1% in Services at -5% and -5.2%, respectively.
both periods between 2016-2017 and
2017-2018. The region’s economy AFF posted a positive 0.3% growth.
started showing signs of slowing down Among the industries in the Services
14 Economic Factbook 2020
sector, accommodation and food service growth while Financial and Insurance
activities experienced the biggest Activities grew by 9.3%, Information
decline at -43.4%. This was expected and Communication at 2.7%, and Public
because of the imposition of quarantine Administration and Defense by 1.1%.
rules, , community lockdowns, and strict
travel restrictions resulting in the steep The region’s economic managers are
decline of tourist arrivals in 2020. Other looking forward to a more positive
services also declined at -38.8%, and outlook as restrictions have eased and
transportation and storage at -37.4%. the vaccination rollouts are underway
In the Industry sector, Construction across the country.
recorded the highest negative growth at
-36.4%, Mining and Quarrying at -30.6%, More detailed statistics and updates can be found
at the PSA website: https://psa.gov.ph
and Manufacturing at -12.9%.
% % % %
Indicator 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Change Change Change Change
Gross Regional Domestic Product
At Constant 2018 Prices 1,029,641,257 1,102,761,503 7.1 1,180,945,761 7.1 1,254,113,393 6.2 1,129,843,546 -9.9
At Current Prices 977,480,106 1,067,272,679 9.2 1,180,945,761 10.7 1,270,612,311 7.6 1,164,719,190 -8.3
Per Capita Gross Regional
Domestic Product
At Constant 2018 Prices 137,074 144,511 5.4 152,478 5.5 159,686 4.7 141,993 -11.1
At Current Prices 130,130 139,860 7.5 152,478 9.0 161,787 6.1 146,376 -9.5
15 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 3.4 Gross Regional Domestic Product by Industrial Origin
TABLE 1.7 At Domestic
Gross Regional CurrentProduct
Prices (In Philippine
by Industrial Origin Peso)
Central Visayas
Central Visayas
% % % %
Industry 2016 Share 2017 Share 2018 Share 2019 Share 2020 Share
Change Change Change Change
I. Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 67,759,679 0.1 75,789,067 0.1 11.8 79,665,185 0.1 5.1 79,460,898 0.1 (0.3) 84,960,507 0.1 6.9
II. Industry Sector 292,513,517 0.3 299,481,022 0.3 2.4 324,475,369 0.3 8.3 348,149,297 0.3 7.3 295,448,136 0.3 (15.1)
a. Mining & Quarrying 9,375,831 0.0 10,098,963 0.0 7.7 11,134,007 0.0 10.2 10,690,638 0.0 (4.0) 8,536,406 0.0 (20.2)
b. Manufacturing 186,770,988 0.2 196,232,239 0.2 5.1 206,484,307 0.2 5.2 209,748,651 0.2 1.6 189,239,458 0.2 (9.8)
c. Electricity, Steam, Water & Waste Management 30,618,117 0.0 31,596,744 0.0 3.2 34,718,903 0.0 9.9 36,994,859 0.0 6.6 36,474,278 0.0 (1.4)
d. Construction 65,748,581 0.1 61,553,075 0.1 (6.4) 72,138,152 0.1 17.2 90,715,149 0.1 25.8 61,197,994 0.1 (32.5)
III. Service Sector 617,206,909 0.6 692,002,590 0.6 12.1 776,805,208 0.7 12.3 843,002,116 0.7 8.5 784,310,547 0.7 (7.0)
b. Transportation & Storage 41,581,219 0.0 45,634,983 0.0 9.7 55,356,058 0.0 21.3 64,024,050 0.1 15.7 42,170,731 0.0 (34.1)
c. Accommodation & Food Service Activities 17,473,817 0.0 32,813,025 0.0 87.8 40,803,059 0.0 24.4 41,546,175 0.0 1.8 24,300,275 0.0 (41.5)
d. Information & Communication 36,506,119 0.0 39,338,912 0.0 7.8 41,651,248 0.0 5.9 43,752,959 0.0 5.0 44,887,689 0.0 2.6
e. Financial & Insurance Activities 69,408,856 0.1 77,857,397 0.1 12.2 88,380,244 0.1 13.5 102,869,924 0.1 16.4 115,432,532 0.1 12.2
f. Real Estate & Ownership of Dwellings 90,117,005 0.1 101,751,398 0.1 12.9 111,674,046 0.1 9.8 117,444,008 0.1 5.2 105,541,640 0.1 (10.1)
g. Professional & Business Services 67,810,444 0.1 75,632,306 0.1 11.5 80,874,128 0.1 6.9 84,117,354 0.1 4.0 81,085,317 0.1 (3.6)
i. Education 46,354,624 0.0 51,449,306 0.0 11.0 59,649,334 0.1 15.9 63,235,182 0.0 6.0 60,398,560 0.1 (4.5)
j. Human Health & Social Work Activities 18,706,234 0.0 19,413,321 0.0 3.8 19,750,901 0.0 1.7 20,125,054 0.0 1.9 17,056,883 0.0 (15.2)
% % % %
Industry 2016 Share 2017 Share 2018 Share 2019 Share 2020 Share
Change Change Change Change
I. Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 67,759,679 0.1 75,789,067 0.1 11.8 79,665,185 0.1 5.1 79,460,898 0.1 (0.3) 84,960,507 0.1 6.9
II. Industry Sector 292,513,517 0.3 299,481,022 0.3 2.4 324,475,369 0.3 8.3 348,149,297 0.3 7.3 295,448,136 0.3 (15.1)
a. Mining & Quarrying 9,375,831 0.0 10,098,963 0.0 7.7 11,134,007 0.0 10.2 10,690,638 0.0 (4.0) 8,536,406 0.0 (20.2)
b. Manufacturing 186,770,988 0.2 196,232,239 0.2 5.1 206,484,307 0.2 5.2 209,748,651 0.2 1.6 189,239,458 0.2 (9.8)
c. Electricity, Steam, Water & Waste Management 30,618,117 0.0 31,596,744 0.0 3.2 34,718,903 0.0 9.9 36,994,859 0.0 6.6 36,474,278 0.0 (1.4)
d. Construction 65,748,581 0.1 61,553,075 0.1 (6.4) 72,138,152 0.1 17.2 90,715,149 0.1 25.8 61,197,994 0.1 (32.5)
III. Service Sector 617,206,909 0.6 692,002,590 0.6 12.1 776,805,208 0.7 12.3 843,002,116 0.7 8.5 784,310,547 0.7 (7.0)
b. Transportation & Storage 41,581,219 0.0 45,634,983 0.0 9.7 55,356,058 0.0 21.3 64,024,050 0.1 15.7 42,170,731 0.0 (34.1)
c. Accommodation & Food Service Activities 17,473,817 0.0 32,813,025 0.0 87.8 40,803,059 0.0 24.4 41,546,175 0.0 1.8 24,300,275 0.0 (41.5)
d. Information & Communication 36,506,119 0.0 39,338,912 0.0 7.8 41,651,248 0.0 5.9 43,752,959 0.0 5.0 44,887,689 0.0 2.6
e. Financial & Insurance Activities 69,408,856 0.1 77,857,397 0.1 12.2 88,380,244 0.1 13.5 102,869,924 0.1 16.4 115,432,532 0.1 12.2
f. Real Estate & Ownership of Dwellings 90,117,005 0.1 101,751,398 0.1 12.9 111,674,046 0.1 9.8 117,444,008 0.1 5.2 105,541,640 0.1 (10.1)
g. Professional & Business Services 67,810,444 0.1 75,632,306 0.1 11.5 80,874,128 0.1 6.9 84,117,354 0.1 4.0 81,085,317 0.1 (3.6)
i. Education 46,354,624 0.0 51,449,306 0.0 11.0 59,649,334 0.1 15.9 63,235,182 0.0 6.0 60,398,560 0.1 (4.5)
j. Human Health & Social Work Activities 18,706,234 0.0 19,413,321 0.0 3.8 19,750,901 0.0 1.7 20,125,054 0.0 1.9 17,056,883 0.0 (15.2)
16 Economic Factbook 2020
Central Visayas Provinces
17 Economic Factbook 2020
1 - City
47 - Municipalities Pres. Carlos
P. Garcia
Jetafe Talibon Unido
Inabanga Ubay
San Miguel
Sagbayan Dagohoy Mabini
18 Economic Factbook 2020
Cebu Daanbantayan
3 - Highly Urbanized Cities
Santa Fe
6 - Component Cities Medellin
44 - Municipalities Bogo City
San Remegio
Catmon Tudela
Asturias Poro
San Francisco
Balamban Danao City
Toledo City Cebu City Liloan
Mandaue City
Pinamungajan Lapu-Lapu City
Talisay City Cordova
Barili Naga City
San Fernando
Dumanjug Carcar City
Samboan Oslob
19 Economic Factbook 2020
Negros Oriental Canlaon City
6 - Cities Vallehermoso
19 - Municipalities
La Libertad
Mabinay Manjuyod
Tanjay City
Basay San Jose
Bayawan City
Valencia Dumaguete City
20 Economic Factbook 2020
6 - Municipalities Enrique Villanueva
134 - Barangays
San Juan
21 Economic Factbook 2020
Cities and Municipalities Competitive Index
22 Economic Factbook 2020
About the Index*
A. Overview
he Cities and Municipalities
Local competitiveness
Competitiveness Index (CMCI) is
an annual ranking of Philippine is how a city or
cities and municipalities. It was developed
by the National Competitiveness Council municipality knows its
through the Regional Competitiveness
Committees (RCCs) with the assistance resources and how it
of the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID). uses these to improve
Each RCC is composed of members from
the public and private sectors, and the its standard of living,
23 Economic Factbook 2020
Infrastructure refers to the physical building products, processes or services that aim
blocks that connect, expand, and sustain a to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and
locality and its surroundings to enable the competitive advantage. Since innovation
provision of goods and services. was added only in 2021, the rankings
found in this eFactbook will only have the
Resiliency shows how the LGUs prepare first four pillars.
their locations, environment, firms, and
people to respond to different kinds of Scores are determined by both the values
disruptive to ensure sustainable growth. of the actual data and the completeness
of the submitted data. The higher the
Innovation refers to the creation, score of a city or municipality, the more
development, and implementation of new competitive it is.
Provinces are the largest units in the Highly Urbanized Cities (HUCs) are
political structure of the Philippines. those with a minimum population of
They consist of varying numbers of 200,000 inhabitants, as certified by the
municipalities and, in some cases, of National Statistics Office, and with a
component cities. Their functions and latest annual income of at least Php50
duties in relation to their component million(M), as certified by the city
cities and municipalities are generally treasurer.
coordinative and supervisory.
24 Economic Factbook 2020
Cities that do not meet the requirements First Class Municipalities are those
of HUCs are considered Component that had an average annual income of
Cities of the province where they are Php55M or more during the previous
geographically located. If a component four calendar years, while Second
city is located within the boundaries of Class Municipalities are those with
two or more provinces, it is considered a a latest annual income of Php45M to
component of the province where it used Php54,999,999 during the past four
to be a municipality. years.
25 Economic Factbook 2020
D. Uses of Index development planning, and investment
The CMCI is a measurement tool that
can be used to empower cities and Guide on appropriate business
municipalities to gauge their current location: For the business community,
level of competitiveness against the CMCI can serve as a guide in
global standards, identify areas for deciding where to locate. Aside from
improvement and growth, and launch the overall score, data on the different
reforms and initiatives to further boost indicators will prove valuable depending
local competitiveness. The ranking on the specific needs of their business.
compels LGUs to become more
efficient and create a business-friendly Take-off point for further research:
environment. The Index, which also paints a
general picture of Philippine cities and
As a diagnostic tool: LGUs can municipalities, may be used by the
use the Index as a diagnostic tool to academe, civil society, and even tourists
assess the competitiveness of their city as a take-off point for further research.
or municipality, and identify areas for
improvement and collaboration. Data *Lifted from the Cities and Municipalities
can provide insights for policy making, Competitive Index site
Province 2017 Rank 2018 Rank 2019 Rank 2020 Rank 2021 Rank
Bohol 34.4308 23 38.1887 12 38.1217 25 39.2262 20 34.7520 20
Cebu 32.7467 44 37.0401 25 38.0722 27 38.6288 26 32.2486 50
Negros Oriental 33.8593 32 36.0614 38 36.0879 41 37.4512 43 30.5826 70
Siquijor 33.9851 29 34.7297 52 35.2286 51 38.9348 24 33.9672 27
Every point in the map is a link to a city safety and emergency facilities,
or municipality of the province. Click tourism, educational and commercial
on these links to view the granular establishments, transportation,
data of each area which include cost telecommunication and banking
of power, water and real estate, daily facilities, among others.
minimum wage, number of banks
and other financial institutions, length See Annex S for a sample of the
of time required for obtaining local granular data lifted from the CMCI
permits and licenses, health statistics, Survey Results.
26 Economic Factbook 2020
FIGURE 5.3 CMCI Scores and Rankings
Santa Fe Medellin
Bogo City
San Remigio
Tuburan Sogod
San Francisco
Danao City
Canlaon City
Toledo City
Cebu Liloan
Vallehermoso Consolacion
Cebu City Mandaue City
Lapu-Lapu City
Aloguinsan Cordova
Talisay City
Barili Minglanilla Pres. Carlos
Guihulngan P. Garcia
Naga City Bien
San Fernando Getafe Talibon
La Libertad Carcar City Buenavista
Inabanga Ubay
Alcantara Sibonga San Miguel
Jimalalud Danao
Moalboal Tubigon
Tayasan Argao Sagbayan Dagohoy Alicia Mabini
San Catigbian
Bohol Pilar
Ayungon Isidro Carmen Candijay
Batuan Sierra
Dalaguete Bullones Guindulman
Alegria Maribojoc Balilihan Duero Anda
Cortes Bilar Jagna
Malabuyoc Alcoy Corella Sikatuna
Tagbilaran City Valencia Garcia
Mabinay Loboc Dimiao Hernandez
Bais Boljoon Dauis Baclayon Loay Lila
Panglao Alburquerque
Tanjay City
Negros Oriental
Basay Santander
San Jose
Bayawan City Larena Enrique Villanueva
Dumaguete City
San Juan
Zamboanguita Lazi
27 Economic Factbook 2020
28 Economic Factbook 2020
Source: https://ngcp.ph
29 Economic Factbook 2020
FIGURE 6.2 Central Visayas Distribution Utilities
There are a total of 15 power distribution utilities (DUs) in Central Visayas. The map
below shows their locations in each province. The succeeding tables show the size of
each DU: franchise area covered, assets, power supply sources, and consumption per
customer type.
% Change
Type 2018 2019 2020
2018-19 2019-20
Central Visayas 5,951,063 6,482,423 6,039,051 9% -7%
Residential 1,758,366 1,898,107 2,095,054 8% 10%
Commercial 869,706 915,213 785,726 5% -14%
Industrial 2,659,105 2,979,524 2,502,415 12% -16%
Others 221,063 235,878 206,501 7% -12%
Total Sales 5,508,240 6,028,722 5,589,697 9% -7%
Own-Use 7,374 7,874 10,101 7% 28%
System Loss 435,448 445,827 439,253 2% -1%
30 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 6.2 Sub-grid Generation by Plant Type
in MWh
% Change
Type 2018 2019 2020
2018-19 2019-20
TABLE 6.3 Power Distribution Utility Franchise Area and Substations, 2020
31 Economic Factbook 2020
Size # of Barangays # of Barangays Capacity Backbone Line
Distribution Utility (DU) Area Substations
(sq. km) On Grid Off Grid (MVA) (circuit km)
Ginatilan 10
Dalaguete 10
Sibonga 5
Carcar 1 5
Carcar 2 10
Steel Asia* 10
Marcel (Sibonga) 3.75
Moalboal 10
Argao 10
Daanbantayan, Medilin, Bogo City, San
Remegio, Tabogon, Tabuelan, Borbon,
CEBECO II 1,324 320 3 Lanao 10 384
Sogod, Tuburan, Catmon, Carmen,
Danao, Compostela
Luy-a 5
Dayhagon 10
Lapurisima 20
Lugo 5
Damolog 10
Baring 10
Danao Paper Mill 4
Republic Cement 10
Guinsay 10
Taboc 20
Mitsumi 1 10
Mitsumi 2 10
Mitsumi 3 15
Cogon 20
Cebu Central
Aloguinsan, Pinamungahan, Toledo City,
Electric Cooperative CEBECO III 850.1 134 0 Toledo 20 1,584.8
Balamban, Asturias
Inc. III
Balamban 10
Pinamungajan 10
Asturias 5
Bantayan Electric BANELCO Madridejos, Bantayan, Sta. Fe 14.2 0 49 BIPCOR 11.19 242
Cooperative, Inc. NPC-SPUG 0.3
Camotes Electric
CEC San Francisco, Poro, Tudela, Pilar 14.2 0 56 NPC-SPUG Poro 9 822
Cooperative, Inc.
NPC-SPUG Pilar 1.3
Manga, Tiptip, Cabawan, Ubuhan, Talcito,
San Isidro, Dao, Booy, Tagbilaran, Cogon,
Bohol Light Co. Inc. BLCI 33 15 0 Dampas 25 113.2
Dampas, Poblacion I, Poblacion II, Pobla-
cion III, Mansasa, Bool
Poblacia III 10
San Isidro 10
152.88 km of 69-
Alburquerque, Antequera, Baclayon,
kV subtransmission
Balilihan, Batuan, Bilar, Calape, Carmen,
lines, 3231.506 km of
Bohol Electric Coop. Catigbian, Clarin, Corella, Cortes, Dauis,
BOHECO I 1,914 593 10 Maca-as 10 primary distribution
Inc. I, II Dimiao, Inabanga, Lila, Loay, Loboc, Loon,
lines & 1,892.472 km
Maribojoc, Panglao, Sagbayan, San Isidro,
of secondary distribu-
Sevilla, Sikatuna and Tubigon
tion lines
Dampas 5
Carmen 10
Loay 10
Maribojoc 5
Panglao 10
Catagbacan 5
Sagasa 5
Bolod 15
BOHECO II 491 barangays & 21 municipalities 2,101 465 26 Mahayag 5 35.8
Trinidad 10
Imelda 5
Alicia 5
32 Economic Factbook 2020
Size # of Barangays # of Barangays Capacity Backbone Line
Distribution Utility (DU) Area Substations
(sq. km) On Grid Off Grid (MVA) (circuit km)
Guindulman 5
Garcia 5
Negros Oriental Canlaon, Vallehermoso, Guihulngan City,
Electric Cooperative NORECO I La Libertad, Jimalalud, Tayasan, Ayungon, 2,425 285 613,240 Guihulngan 10 2,445
Inc. I & II Bindoy, Mabinay, Manjuyod, Bais
Bindoy 5
Mabinay 3.75
Bais 5
Vallehermoso 5
Basay, Bayawan, Tanjay City, Pamplona,
Amlan, San Jose, Sibulan, Valencia,
NORECO II 3,181.25 272 0 Banaba 3.75 819,750
Bacong, Dauin, Zamboangita, Siaton, Sta.
Catalina, Dumaguete City
Tanjay 10
Pulantubig 1 10
Pulantubig 2 20
Bagacay 1 20
Dauin 4.2
Siaton 10
Bayawan 10
Bagacay 2 30
Province of Siquijor San Juan, Siquijor, Larena, Enrique, SIPCOR-
PROSIEL CO 343 0 134 8.1 327.03
Electric Coop., Inc. Villanueva, Maria, Lazi Candanay Sur
SIPCOR-Tignao 4.1
33 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 6.4 Power Supply per Distribution Utility (DU) by Type, 2020
WESM- Contestables
Distribution Utility Coal Oil-based Geothermal Hydro WESM Solar Total
Renewable (RES)
VISAYAN ELECTRIC 1,495,430.52 15,286.62 448,052.24 212,106.13 195,548.25 687.93 2,367,111.69
TABLE 6.5 Number of Customers per Distribution Utility (DU) by Type, 2020
Number of Customers
Distribution Utility (DU)
Residential Commercial Industrial Others
34 Economic Factbook 2020
The latest PSA Regional Social & Economic Trends (RSET) data on watershed areas
per province in Central Visayas is as of 2019. This was taken from the Philippine
Forestry Statistics published by the Forest Management Bureau of the Department of
Environment & Natural Resources (DENR).
Municipalities Total Area
Province Name of Watershed # Date
Covered Covered
Bohol Wahig-Inabanga Watershed Pilar 52,516 468 Sept. 26, 1994
Forest Reserve Candijay
Sierra Bullones
Alijawan-Cansujay-Anibongan Duero 3,630 881 Mar 20, 1992
Watershed Forest Reserve Jagna
Loboc Watershed Forest Reserve Balilihan 19,410 450 Dec 23, 1953
Garcia Hernandez
Cebu Argao River Watershed Argao 7,250 414 Jun 29, 1994
Forest Reserve Dalaguete
Kotkot and Lusaran River Cebu City 14,121 932 Jun 29, 1994
Watershed Forest Reserve Danao City 1,074 Sep 2, 1997
Negros Oriental Palinpinon Geothermal Dumaguete 133,000 1,413 Apr 8, 1975
Watershed Reservation Siaton EO 223 Jul 16, 1987
Source: Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Data are extracted from the Philippine Forestry Statistics published by the Forest Management Bureau.
There are 3 types of water supply systems in Central Visayas: Level I or point of source
(deep wells, shallow wells, covered or improved dug wells, open dug wells, rainwater
collection, and developed springs), common in rural areas; Level II or the communal
faucet system come from springs and dug wells; Level III or individual consumer
connection systems are usually served by government-owned/operated water
distribution utilities.
35 Economic Factbook 2020
The National Telecommunications Commission is the government agency that regulates
public telecommunications services for both public and private use.
Data below shows the list of available technologies and the list of service providers in
Central Visayas.
Annex B shows the list of public telecommunication institutions with national coverage.
Group and Location
Region VII (Central Visayas) 368 241 206 160 975
Bohol 54 64 33 32 183
Cebu 263 139 147 106 655
Negros Oriental 45 36 25 19 125
Siquijor 6 2 1 3 12
Region VII (Central Visayas) 194 491 341 45 400 2 77 1,550
Bohol 50 36 65 7 97 9 264
Cebu 113 430 250 36 250 58 1,137
Negros Oriental 29 22 25 2 52 9 139
Siquijor 2 3 1 1 2 1 10
Region VII (Central Visayas) 1 1
Cebu 1 1
Source: National Telecommunications Commission Note: Based on the available records of NTC-RB-Networks and
Facilities Division’s Records as of April 2021
1. This list is as it appeas in the database and not yet validated.
2. Ongoing process of revalidation
3. Radio Station License renewal is decentralized.
* BWA: Broadband Wireless Access
MW: Microwave
WDN: Wireless Data Network (decentralized in regional offices)
36 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 6.8 List of Valid Value-Added Service Provider (VAS) Certificate
of Registration, Central Visayas
As of December 31, 2021
No. Grantee
City/Municipality Province
Internet Service Providers (ISP)
Cable 9
1 ATD Community Cable Vision, Inc. Cebu City (Capital) Cebu
2 Bohol Community Cable TV Systems, Inc. Tagbilaran City (Capital) Bohol
3 Bohol Island CATV, Inc. Panglao Bohol
4 Cebu Cable TV Management Corp. Cebu City (Capital) Cebu
5 Cine Cebu Television Network, Inc. Cebu City (Capital) Cebu
6 Real Speed Cable TV, Inc. Calape Bohol
7 Siquijor Island Cable TV Systems Corp. Siquijor (Capital) Siquijor
8 Toledo Cable Tv, Inc. Toledo City Cebu
9 Zafra Cable TV Network, Inc. Panglao Bohol
Non-Telco 20
10 AHRON Internet Radio Station City Of Naga Cebu
11 BT Infocommunications Specialist, Inc. Dumaguete City (Capital) Negros Oriental
12 CCR Internet Installation Services Liloan Cebu
13 Cool Geeks Computer System Services Talisay City Cebu
14 Cornerstone Fiber Telecom, Inc. Mandaue City Cebu
15 EXIS, Inc. Cebu City (Capital) Cebu
16 GMR Megawide Cebu Airport Corp. Lapu-Lapu City Cebu
17 ITECH RAR Solution, Inc. Cebu City (Capital) Cebu
18 JOYO Startnet, Inc. Cebu City (Capital) Cebu
19 Kinahugan Bojol Communications, Inc. Jagna Bohol
20 Konsum Technologies, Inc. Cebu City (Capital) Cebu
21 KSOFT Microsystems And Tech Services Dumaguete City (Capital) Negros Oriental
22 Mega Speed ICT Solutions, Inc. Dumaguete City (Capital) Negros Oriental
23 Protechpoint Online Trading & Services Consolacion Cebu
24 Responsible Internet Sustainability Effort, Inc. Cebu City (Capital) Cebu
25 SRASI Business Solutions, Inc. Cebu City (Capital) Cebu
26 Top Technologies And I.t Solutions Dumaguete City (Capital) Negros Oriental
27 WCM Internet Café And Printing Services Bayawan City Negros Oriental
28 Zeliant I.T. Solutions Cebu City (Capital) Cebu
29 ZH & A Internet Solutions Minglanilla Cebu
Total 29
Source: National Telecommunications Commission Note: *Based on the available records of the Regulation Branch as of December 31, 2021.
37 Economic Factbook 2020
Port Facilities
The Cebu International Port (CIP), the second largest and busiest port in the country,
links the island of Cebu to many countries around the world. Its strategic location
makes it an ideal hub for products coming from the Visayas and Mindanao. The ports
located in Central Visayas operate under 2 port systems: (1) Cebu Ports Authority for
the ports in Cebu and the (2) Philippine Ports Authority for the ports located in other
areas in the region.
Cebu Port
The CPA was created through the enactment of Republic Act No. 7621, signed on June
26,1992. It began operations and officially took over all Cebu ports on January 1, 1996.
Source: https://dotr.gov.ph
Under the Cebu Baseport are 5 subports: Mandaue, Danao, Sta. Fe, Toledo and Argao.
The port facilities described in Annex C are owned and operated by the Cebu Ports
Authority (CPA).
38 Economic Factbook 2020
Domestic Trade at the Cebu Baseport
TABLE 6.9 Domestic Trade by Mode of Transportation, 2016 - 2020
Source: Cebu Ports Authority, Region VII Note: Data includes shipcalls, passenger traffic, cargo throughout and container traffic at Cebu
Port’s berth (CPA Ports), local government units, and privately owned ports.
39 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 6.10 Summary of Customs Brokers per Province
NEGROS ORIENTAL -- -- 1 -- 1
SIQUIJOR -- -- -- -- 0
Source: https://customs.gov.ph//list-of-accredited-and-expired-importers-and-brokers-as-of-19-october-2020/
See Annex Q and R for a list of customs brokers, trucking, and logistics companies.
40 Economic Factbook 2020
Airport Facilities
The Mactan-Cebu International Airport is not just a gateway but a destination in itself.
The airport facility, which was originally built in 1956, is now the second largest and
busiest international airline hub outside of Manila. It connects the country to the rest of
the world as it is host to various domestic and international airlines with destinations in
Asia, United States of America, United Arab Emirates, and Europe.
For real time updates on destinations and flight connections, please visit the Metro
Cebu International Airport (MCIAA) site: https://mciaa.gov.ph
41 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 6.11 2020 Air Traffic Routes from Cebu
Domestic International
BCD Bacolod BKK Bangkok
Source: Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA) Note: For an updated list of air traffic routes/detinations,
please refer to the MCIAA website: www.mciaa.gov.ph
Volume of Cargo
Passenger Traffic Flights
Year Domestic International Domestic International Domestic International
Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing Incoming
2016 3,163,945 3,230,338 1,226,605 1,209,750 17,640,870 32,335,958 9,412,548 7,536,459 27,745 28,059 7,850 7,889
2017 3,440,636 3,464,342 1,590,087 1,555,875 20,294,249 35,046,696 9,194,118 8,780,047 32,696 32,614 10,568 10,502
2018 3,799,129 3,812,269 1,894,821 1,871,668 24,279,530 38,537,550 10,317,457 8,923,303 37,499 37,511 12,713 12,726
2019 4,167,744 4,202,722 2,152,742 2,138,847 23,580,568 35,083,874 9,072,919 8,833,605 39,643 39,639 14,259 14,253
2020 991,511 948,334 417,361 388,970 12,633,285 16,813,573 7,312,537 7,094,994 11,483 11,224 3,265 3,515
42 Economic Factbook 2020
Other Economic Indicators
43 Economic Factbook 2020
Tourist arrivals in Central Visayas
Tourist arrivals in the region were on the slowed down to 5.7% before plunging
uptick prior to 2020, increasing steadily by 89% when the pandemic hit in 2020.
between 2016 and 2019 at an annual The province is the favorite destination
average growth of 17%. But when the of foreign nationals coming from China,
pandemic broke out in 2020, followed Korea, USA, Japan, France, and Taiwan.
by government-imposed lockdowns and
travel restrictions, all provinces in Central Tourist arrivals in Cebu had been
Visayas experienced a downtrend in growing at an average of 17% between
tourist arrivals, dropping by 83.5%. 2017 and 2019. This dropped by
82% during the pandemic year. The
Bohol ended 2017 and 2018 strong with province’s top 3 markets for tourists are
tourist arrivals growing at 13% and 32%, Korea, Japan and China, followed by
respectively. But in 2019, growth in arrivals the USA and Taiwan.
% % % %
Province 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Change Change Change Change
Bohol 1,000,186 1,131,065 13 1,496,129 32 1,581,904 6 177,439 -89
Cebu 4,172,138 4,877,047 17 5,576,896 14 6,648,633 19 1,164,070 -82
Negros Oriental 696,403 869,774 25 883,295 2 1,025,407 16 180,857 -82
Siquijor 85,878 96,788 13 144,026 49 168,366 17 30,137 -82
Total 5,954,605 6,974,674 17 8,100,346 16 9,424,310 16 1,552,503 -83
44 Economic Factbook 2020
Negros Oriental saw an average trourist Just as the tourism sector was showing
arrival growth rate of 14% between promising developments in 2021, super
2017 and 2019 before dropping by typhoon Odette hit Central Visayas
82% in 2020. The province’s top in December. It severely damaged
tourist markets include the USA, China, tourism destination sites in Bohol,
France, Germany, and Canada. Cebu, Negros, and Siquijor, dampening
Siquijor recorded the highest average hopes for the sector’s early and speedy
growth rate between 2017 and 2019, recovery.
with tourist arrivals growing at an
average of 26%. This dropped by 82% While this was a major setback
in 2020. Siquijor’s top tourism markets especially for provinces where tourism is
include China, France, Germany, USA, a major industry, local government units
and the United Kingdom. are ramping up restoration efforts so the
travel sector can bounce back. With the
In the third and fourth quarters of 2021, easing of restrictions in the first quarter
increments in arrivals were noted of 2022, the country is slowly opening
when the lockdowns slowly eased. In up to domestic and international travel,
order to stay afloat at the height of the and the tourism industry is expected to
pandemic, hotels that were severely recover from the slump experienced in
affected by the drop in tourist arrivals the past two years.
became quarantine/isolation facilities.
45 Economic Factbook 2020
In 2020, exports from Region 7 totalled US$5.5 B, with 99.9% of which came from
Cebu. Exports grew at an average of 6.7% between 2016 and 2020.
9 Copper ores & concentrates 141,021,492 3.31 59,532,118 1.23 40,008,852 0.73 216,809,928 3.57 46,367,326 0.84 (24.28)
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Region VII Note: Please refer to Annex D for a complete list of Philippine Merchandise Exports of
Region VII (by Products).
Total Regional Exports 4,262,301,295 100.00 4,830,325,222 100.00 5,479,607,736 100.00 6,075,381,304 100.00 5,518,260,265 100.00 6.67
Cebu City, Cebu 2,286,673,147 53.65 1,662,808,133 34.42 3,099,932,351 56.57 3,488,963,023 57.43 3,220,373,251 58.36 8.94
Cebu International Airport 38,587,446 0.91 220,517,279 4.57 1,832,359,234 33.44 2,095,678,660 34.49 2,153,028,710 39.02 173.31
Danao City, Cebu 0 0.00 2,057,953 0.04 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 0 0.00 34,176 0.00 0 0.00 696,355 0.01 0 0.00 0.00
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Region VII Note: Based on international trade data from Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and processed by DTI-EMB,
as of September 1, 2021
46 Economic Factbook 2020
Japan has consistently been the top market for Region 7’s exports with an average
share of over 20% in the last 5 years (2016 to 2020). Hongkong and China are
a close second, followed by the USA and Thailand. Products exported to Japan
were mainly other vessels for the transport of goods and people, ignition wiring
sets used in vehicles, aircrafts or ships, and electrical and electronic machinery,
equipment and parts.
Total Regional Exports 4,262,301,295 100.00 4,830,325,222 100.00 5,479,607,736 100.00 6,075,381,304 100.00 5,518,260,265 100.00 6.67
Tankers of all kinds 101,144,000 7.67 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
Other products manufactured
from materials on consignment 21,769,009 1.65 13,650,881 1.33 10,740,575 0.89 17,981,545 1.44 20,540,772 1.64 (1.44)
Other parts and accessories suit-
able for use solely of principally
5,594,178 0.42 5,715,418 0.56 18,406,673 1.52 31,531,152 2.52 19,663,297 1.57 36.92
with the apparatus of headings
Nos. 85.19 to 85.21
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Region VII Note: Based on international trade data from Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA and processed by DTI-EMB,
as of September 1, 2021
CAGR = Compounded Annual Growth Rate
Please refer to Annex E for a complete list of Philippine Merchandise Exports of Region VII by Market
with Products
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Region 7 Note: Based on international trade data from Philippine Statistics Authority
(PSA and processed by DTI-EMB, as of September 1, 2021
47 Economic Factbook 2020
Source: Securities & Exchange Commission, Region VII Note: Preliminary as of October 21, 2021
48 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 7.8 Number and Amount of Initial Paid-up Investments/Contributions
of Newly-Registered Domestic Stock Corporation
Central Visayas, 2016 - 2020
Source: Securities & Exchange Commission, Region VII Note: Preliminary as of October 21, 2021
2019 2020
Domestic Stock Corporation Domestic Stock Corporation
Number of Firms Paid-up Capital Number of Firms Paid-up Capital
in Php in Php
Bohol 3 13,145,000 8 7,350,000
Cebu 74 82,019,625 94 112,751,000
Negros Oriental 3 5,812,500 4 1,652,500
Siquijor 2 125,000
Source: Securities & Exchange Commission Note: Preliminary as of October 21, 2021
49 Economic Factbook 2020
Economic Zones in Central Visayas
Montage [formerly Abiathar Archbishop Reyes Avenue, Cebu Abiathar Corporation 3,573 89,925.08 IT Center
Commercial Complex] City
Arcenas Estate IT Building Banawa Hills, Barangay Labangon, Arcenas Development 12,799 5,337.00 IT Center
Cebu City Corp.
Avenir Archbishop Reyes Avenue, Cebu Juanito King & Sons, Inc. 1,403 22,088.00 IT Center
Benedicto I.T. Center A.S. Fortune St., Bakilid, Mandaue FLB Prime Holdings, Inc. 2,470 12,696.00 IT Center
City, Cebu
Bigfoot Information Barangay Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City, Bigfoot Properties, Inc. 19,167 IT Park
Technology Park Island of Mactan
Carmen Cebu Gum Cogon West, Carmen, Cebu City Pacific Poly Gums 75,992 AIEZ
Industrial Zone Holdings Corp.
CBP-IT Park Barangays Mabolo, Luz, Hipo- Cebu Holdings, Inc. 500,000 IT Park
dromo, Carreta, and Kamputhaw,
Cebu City
Cebu I.T. Park Lahug & Apas, Cebu City Cebu Holdings, Inc. 249,606 IT Park
Cebu I.T. Tower Corner Mindanao & Bohol Streets, Loreta Realty & Develop- 47,471 43,410.65 IT Center
Cebu Business Park, Cebu City ment Corp.
Cebu Light Industrial Park Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Mactan, Cebu Light Industrial Park 624,888 MSEZ
Cebu Inc.
Cebu South Road South Reclamation Project, Cebu City Government of Cebu 2,652,800 MSEZ
Properties City
Crown 7 I.T. Center Juan Luna Avenue, Mabolo, Cebu Crown Realty Develop- 1,942 13,851.00 IT Center
City, Cebu ment Corp.
DBP IT Plaza Barangay Calindagan, Dumaguete Business 7,000 6,359.00 IT Center
Dumaguete, City Park, Inc.
DG3 I. T. Center 72 N. Escario St. corner F. Ramos DG3 Corp. 3,310 8,940.00 IT Center
Extension, Capitol Site, Cebu City
eNGY Tech Building H. Cortes Street, Banilad, Ng Khai Development 3,236 5,078.07 IT Center
Mandaue City, Cebu Corp.
EROS Building Corners Real, Dr. V. Locsin & Cer- July Development Corp. 1,941 4,628.00 IT Center
vantes Streets, Barangay 3,
Dumaguete City
Filinvest Cebu Cyberzone Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City Filinvest Land Inc. 12,290 171,634.60 IT Center
FLB Corporate Center Arch. Reyes Ave., Cebu Business FLB Industries, Inc. 2,300 16,000.00 IT Center
Park, Mabolo, Cebu City
GAGFA IT Center F. Cabahug Street, Barangay GAGFA Estate Ventures, 3,183 32,000.00 IT Center
Kasambagan, Cebu City Inc.
HDMF-WTCI IT Tower Mindanao Avenue, Cebu Business WT Construction, Inc. 2,247 19,658.39 IT Center
Park, Cebu City
HVG Arcade IT Park HVG Arcade, Subangdaku, Taipan Development, Inc 75,061 IT Park
Mandaue City
JESA Building 90 General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu JESA Management Corp. 2,030 8,310.00 IT Center
JMALL IT Center AS Fortuna Street, Bakilid, Everjust Realty 30,259 92,243.00 IT Center
Mandaue City, Cebu Development Corp.
JY Square IT Center Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City JOVIMA Management & 8,800 10,341.00 IT Center
Development Corp.
JY Square IT Center II Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City JOVIMA Management & 4,036 6,750.00 IT Center
Development Corp.
JY Square IT Center III Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City JOVIMA Management and 5,301 9,100.00 IT Center
Development Corp.
50 Economic Factbook 2020
Total Area Gross Floor Area
Name of Ecozone Location Developer/Operator Nature
(in sq. m) (in sq. m)
Keppel Center Cardinal Rosales Avenue corner Keppel Center Condomini- 2,615 29,434.00 IT Center
Samar Loop, Cebu Business Park, um Corp.
Cebu City
KRC I.T. Zone Lopez Jaena Street, Subangdaku, Kimhee Realty Corp. 6,647 9,516.72 IT Center
Mandaue City, Cebu
Lexmark Plaza Cebu Business Park, Cebu City Efficient Holdings, Inc. 5,192 IT Park
LinkSy IT Park Bantayan, Dumaguete City, Negros July Development Corp. 11,164 IT Park
LP Information Technology Jose Romero Sr. Street, Bagacay, Dynamic Development 20,913 IT Park
Park Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Corp.
Maayo Medical Barangay Alang-Alang, Mandaue Primary Properties Corp. 4,717 24,600.00 MTC
City, Cebu
Mactan Economic Zone Lapu-Lapu City, Mactan, Cebu Philippine Economic Zone 1,193,669 MSEZ
Mactan Ecozone II Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Mactan, Aboitiz Land, Inc. 633,000 MSEZ
Mango Square Maxilom Avenue corner Juana Ludo & Luym Develop- 13,662 17,200.00 IT Center
Osmeña Street, Cebu City ment Corp.
Maria Cristina Building Along Osmeña Capitol Site, Cebu Maria Cristina Enterprises, 1,740 6,960.00 IT Center
City Inc.
MRI Ecozone Sabang, Danao City, Cebu Mitsumi Realty , Inc. 282,927 MSEZ
New Cebu Township Cantao-an, Naga, Cebu MRC Allied Industries Inc. 834,986 MSEZ
Norkis Cyberpark A.S Fortuna Street corner V. Norkis Cyberpark, Inc. 28,004 IT Park
Albano Street, Barangay Bakilid,
Mandaue City
Oakridge Information A.S. Fortuna Street, Banilad, Oakridge Realty Dev't. 720 8,425.00 IT Center
Technology Center Mandaue City Corp.
Phil. BXT Corp. Tourism Barangay Maribago, Lapu-Lapu Joil UBF Corp. 75,000 TEZ
Economic Zone City
Pioneer House Cebu Lot 8, Blk. 14, Cardinal Rosales Pioneer Insurance & 1,160 8,932.77 IT Center
Ave., Brgy. Mabolo, Cebu City Surety Corp.
Robinland IT/BPO Center Zuellig Ave., Mandaue Robinland, Inc. 2,500 12,105.00 IT Center
Reclamation Area, Mandaue City,
Province of Cebu
Robinsons Cybergate Cebu Don Gil Garcia Street, Barangay Robinsons Land Corp. 4,772 26,806.00 IT Center
Capitol Site, Cebu City
Robinsons Galleria Cebu General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu Robinsons Land Corp. 3,046 32,621.07 IT Center
SGI Technology Center Nono Limbaga Drive, Tanjay City, SGI Properties, Inc. 9,939 5,171.97 IT Center
Negros Oriental
Synergis IT Center F. Cabahug Street, Kasambangan, Synergis Development 4,587 21,000.00 IT Center
Cebu City Corp.
The Globe Tower Cebu Samar Loop cor. Panay Road, First Abacus Financial 2,014 17,208.00 IT Center
(formerly Innove IT Plaza) Cebu Business Park, Cebu City Center Condominium
The Mactan Newtown Barangay Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City, Megaworld Corp. 168,000 TEZ
The North Park Barangay Alang-Alang, Mandaue Primary Properties Corp. 3,854 22,204.11 IT Center
The Space A.S. Fortuna corner P. Remedio Golden View Properties & 3,922 14,676.00 IT Center
St., Banilad, Mandaue City Development Corp.
Valencia Special Economic Barangay Palinpinon, Municipality Municipal Government of 43,252 AIEZ
Zone of Valencia, Province of Negros Valencia, Negros Oriental
West Cebu Industrial Park Arpili & Buanoy, Balamban, Cebu Cebu Industrial Park 1,699,214 MSEZ
Developers Inc.
51 Economic Factbook 2020
Labor and Employment
Total Population 15 Years & Older 5,106 5,193 5,296 5,322 5,433
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority 2000-2020 Census of Population & Housing NOTE: NA - Not Available
Source: Office of Planning, Research and Knowledge Management - Knowledge Management Division (OPRKM-KMD) as of
August 6, 2020
A complete list Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Central Visayas can be found in
Annex H.
52 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 7.12 Enrollment and Graduates Data Distribution per Province
Central Visayas, SY 2018 - 2019 and SY 2019 - 2020
SY 2018-2019 SY 2019-2020
Province Enrollment Graduates Enrollment Graduates
Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total
Bohol 10,464 7,747 18,211 3,670 2,569 6,044 20,013 15,558 35,571 9,813 5,535 15,348
Cebu 93,015 76,366 169,434 26,164 19,399 45,222 95,913 76,376 172,289 29,166 19,638 48,804
Negros Oriential 21,524 16,873 38,446 5,930 4,138 10,022 32,331 25,937 58,268 9,433 6,354 15,787
Siquijor 1,480 1,288 2,768 229 268 461 1,117 1,163 2,280 255 305 560
Total 126,483 102,274 228,859 35,993 26,374 61,749 149,374 119,034 268,408 48,667 31,832 80,499
Source: Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS), Commission on Higher Education, Region VII
Enrollment Graduates
Female Male Total % Female Male Total %
Education Science & Teacher Training 29,877 8,268 38,198 16.69 10,398 3,451 13,803 22.35
Business Administration & Related 25,298 12,331 37,629 16.44 7,074 3,170 10,244 16.59
Other Disciplines 10,641 12,958 23,599 10.31 1,978 2,647 4,589 7.43
Medical & Allied 14,167 6,532 20,699 9.04 2,050 757 2,807 4.55
Service Trades 3,966 1,864 5,830 2.55 1,138 472 1,610 2.61
Social & Behavioral Sciences 2,967 1,399 4,366 1.91 531 199 730 1.18
Agricultural, Forestry, & Fisheries 2,192 1,545 3,737 1.63 746 458 1,204 1.95
Architectural & Town-Planning 1,192 1,202 2,394 1.05 192 161 353 0.57
Law & Jurisprudence 1,006 732 1,738 0.76 104 76 180 0.29
Natural Science 885 708 1,593 0.70 293 212 505 0.82
Fine & Applied Arts 585 385 970 0.42 127 83 210 0.34
Trade, Craft & Industrial 382 475 848 0.37 556 816 1,372 2.22
Source: Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS), Commission on Higher Education, Region VII
53 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 7.14 Enrollment and Graduates Data Distribution Per Discipline
Central Visayas, SY 2019 - 2020
Enrollment Graduates
Female Male Total % Female Male Total %
Education Science & Teacher Training 38,139 15,445 53,584 19.96% 13,288 4,621 17,909 22.25
Business Administration & Related Disciplines 29,598 15,281 44,879 16.72% 8,218 3,617 11,835 14.70
Special Skills * 18,151 18,285 36,436 13.57% 10,793 6,645 17,438 21.66
Medical & Allied 18,789 8,461 27,250 10.15% 3,057 1,041 4,098 5.09
Other Disciplines 4,574 9,497 14,071 5.24% 1,158 2,031 3,189 3.96
Service Trades 5,223 2,051 7,274 2.71% 1,692 511 2,203 2.74
Social & Behavioral Sciences 4,318 1,975 6,293 2.34% 803 233 1,036 1.29
Agricultural, Forestry, & Fisheries 2,711 1,735 4,446 1.66% 704 517 1,221 1.52
Architectural & Town Planning 1,454 1,491 2,945 1.10% 189 186 375 0.47
Law & Jurisprudence 1,597 1,066 2,663 0.99% 176 138 314 0.39
Trade, Craft, & Industrial 1,130 1,404 2,534 0.94% 115 329 444 0.55
Natural Science 1,212 1,017 2,229 0.83% 430 293 723 0.90
Mass Communication & Documentation 774 294 1,068 0.40% 160 62 222 0.28
Fine & Applied Arts 656 366 1,022 0.38% 191 109 300 0.37
Source: Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS), Note: * Special Skills pertain to short-term or uncategorized courses included in
Commission on Higher Education, Region VII SY 2019-2020.
54 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 7.15 TESDA-Enrolled and Graduates per Course per Province,
2016 - 2020
55 Economic Factbook 2020
TESDA-Enrolled and Graduates per Course per Province,
2016 - 2020
HEO (Forklift) NC II 34 15 16 15 19 15 1
Scaffold Erection NC II 75 75 25 25
Electrical & Electronics Computer Systems Servicing NC II 334 796 328 1311 1352 1209 877 505 334
Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC II 941 650 1214 1150 1544 1244 622 426
Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC III 25 119 142 67 67
Electronics Products Assembly & Servicing 313 187 435 337 897 11 307 333
Footwear & Leathergoods Footwear Making NC II 19 8 37 31 44 31 53 28
Garments Dressmaking NC II 1041 491 1454 1282 1363 1044 807 357
Tailoring NC II 54 59 26 62 56 4
Hilot (Wellness Massage) NC II 58 1553 720 1322 1727 1919 1763 461 58
Massage Therapy NC II 91 66 31 52 30 14 5
Contact Center Services NC II 6 280 708 731 1504 756 189 801
Programming NC III 36 36
Programming NC IV 4 4 4
2D Animation NC III 33 16 33
56 Economic Factbook 2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Sector Course En- En-
Graduates Enrolled Graduates Graduates Enrolled Graduates Enrolled Graduates
rolled rolled
Computer Systems Servicing NC II 144 311 224 75 24 32
Metals & Engineering Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) NC II 30 61 31 58 84 402 29 152
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC I 20 623 173 1011 1415 1090 462 378 723
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC II 142 3 2412 1265 2693 2967 3305 1152 1267 1152
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) III 49 100 146 142 94 23 62
Footwear Making NC II 2 4 1 4 2
57 Economic Factbook 2020
TESDA-Enrolled and Graduates per Course per Province,
2016 - 2020
Negros Oriental
Massage Therapy NC II 98 48 73 95 50 50 50
Health Care Services NC II 7
Information & Communica- Contact Center Services NC II 24 1493 1252 910 1142 794 568 314 346
tion Technology
JAVA NC IV 92 50 42 46 24 20
Metals & Engineering Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 25 542 357 349 554 612 465 287 197
Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) NC II 76 50 22
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 491 327 150 302 388 257 78 107
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) 25 25 20
Processed Food & Food Processing NC II 285 138 50 71 178 103 130 105
Social, Community Beauty Care NC II 357 309 164 91 119
Development & Other Beauty Care Services (Nail Care) NC II 48 125 173 285 190 95
Bookkeeping NC III 138 50 188 276 271 260 132 63
Hairdressing NC II 99 81 75 37 49
Tourism (Hotel & Barista NC II 12 12 67 67 42 42
Restaurant) Bartending NC II 10 16 26 25 77 74 57 36
Bread and Pastry Production NC II 28 17 45 1234 44 1139 133 739 527 346
Cookery NC II 395 153 548 421 485 216 288 335
Events Management Services NC III 164 70 234 234 225 223 117 117 31 31
Food and Beverage Services NC II 98 49 147 100 30 74 134 108
Housekeeping NC II 198 68 266 166 74 136 286 260 40
Tourism Promotion Services NC II 445 45 45 20
Travel Services NC II 48
TVET Trainers Methodology Level I 102 65 167 134 214 242 337 337 119 61
58 Economic Factbook 2020
TESDA-Enrolled and Graduates per Course per Province,
2016 - 2020
Organic Agriculture Production NC II 86 86 172 147 286 311 503 328 163 242
Automotive & Land Driving NC II 72 72 65 64
Construction Carpentry NC II 3 16 19 19 68 67 75 35 110
HEO (Forklift) NC II 24 24 24
HEO (Hydraulic Excavator) NC II 25 25 24
HEO (Road Roller) II 7 14 21 21
HEO (Wheel Loader) II 25 25 25
Masonry NC I 24 24
Masonry NC II 2 19 21 21 167 167
Pipefitting NC II 23 23 23
Tile Setting NC II 26 26 22 22
Electrical & Electronics Computer Systems Servicing NC II 81 63 144 132 174 159 195 321 56 16
Cookery NC II 191 65 256 184 235 302 216 189 220 240
59 Economic Factbook 2020
Doing Business in the Philippines
60 Economic Factbook 2020
Basic Steps in Setting Up Shop in the Philippines
The first step in setting up shop in the to register with national government
country is to register your business with the agencies mandated to grant such
appropriate national government agencies, incentives.
and with the local government unit (LGU)
where the business will be operating. Where to register depends on your type
of business, the mandated regulatory/
Businesses that want to avail of developmental agency, and the
investment incentives will also have corresponding requirements:
1) Sole Proprietorship - Department of Trade & Industry (DTI)
2) Partnership/Corporation - Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)
3) Cooperative - Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
4) Local Business Permit/Renewal - Office of the City/Municipal Mayor
5) Tax-related Requirements - Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
6) Employment-related Requirements - Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
- Social Security System (SSS)
- Philhealth, Pag-IBIG
7) Availment of Incentives - Board of Investments (BOI)
- Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)
The first steps are to get a Community Tax Certificate (CTC) from the LGU
where you will be doing business, a Barangay Business Clearance, and
Mayor’s Permit or Business Permit,
Before applying for a Barangay Business Clearance, be ready with the following:
After filling up the Application Form, submit it to the Business Permit &
Licensing Office (BPLO), together with a copy of the company’s business
registration with the DTI or SEC. (Please refer to Annex B for the step-by-step
process in applying for a business permit.)
See Annex K for a complete guide on how to apply for a business permit.
After all business permit-related fees are paid, the next step would be to
register with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).
But if your business entails constructing a new physical building, you will need to
get a Locational or Zoning Clearance.
The documents needed to apply for this clearance are the following:
See Annex L for the step-by-step process in applying for a Locational or Zoning
The first step is to apply for a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Under
the authority of the Internal Revenue Code, any person (whether natural or
juridical) or a new business is required to make, to render or file a return,
statement or other documents
See Annex M for a complete guide on how to register your business with the BIR.
63 Economic Factbook 2020
Work Permits Required for Foreign Nationals
A foreign national seeking employment in the country must first secure an Alien
Employment Permit (AEP) from the Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE). If an alien enters the country under a non-working visa and wishes to
be employed thereafter, he may be allowed to do so upon presenting a duly-
approved employment permit.
As far as permits and documents are concerned, there have been no other
changes since the pandemic began in 2020. However, under Operations Order
No. JHM-2021-004, Visa issuance for foreign workers under IATF Resolution No
131-A, aliens hired to work in the Philippines but who are currently abroad are
allowed to pre-apply for their work visas before entering the country.
This can only be processed at the Bureau of Immigration (BI) main office in
Intramuros, Manila. The office can be reached at (+63 2)8- 465-2400 or visit
immigration.gov.ph for more inquiries.
64 Economic Factbook 2020
8. Special Temporary Permit for an applicant practicing a regulated
profession under the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), if
9. BI Clearance Certificate
10. Original or certified true copy of Bureau of Quarantine Medical
Clearance, if applicant is a national of any of the countries listed under
Annex “A” of Immigration Operations Order No. SBM-14-059-A who arrived
in the Philippines on or after June 2014.
Note: The following are approximate fees only and are subject to change
depending on the current dollar-peso exchange rate.
65 Economic Factbook 2020
Their choice of a visa category will depend on the nature of their business
in the Philippines.
• 9(G) Pre-Arranged Employment Visa
• SWP (Special Working Permit) – valid for three (3) months for those who
will have short-term gainful employment in the country
• Subic Special Investors Visa under R.A. No. 7227
• Special Economic Zone Visa Under R.A. No. 7916
• Special Clark Economic Zone Visa under Executive Order No. 80 (s. of
1993) and Executive Order No. 464 (s. of 1998)
• Cagayan Economic Zone and Freeport Visas under R.A. No. 7992
• Special Investors Resident Visa under Executive Order No.63 (s. of 1986)
The BI Cebu district office can only handle limited working visa applications
such as 9(G) and SWP. All other visa applications must be submitted to the
BI Main office in Intramuros, Manila. One may call (+63 02)8- 465-2400 or
visit immigration.gov.ph for more inquiries.
Together with their children and spouses, they may avail of working
visas issued in connection with their employment at the Philippine Export
Zone Authority (PEZA); at regional or area headquarters of multinational
companies in the Philippines; at offshore banking units in the country; as
special resident investors; as foreign correspondents; as investors with a
long-term lease of private lands; as resident retirees; or as Subic investors.
66 Economic Factbook 2020
BOI Registration
If the enterprise located inside the economic zone will export below 100% of
its production, special permission should be sought from PEZA, which could
allow 30% of production for the domestic market. Registration with other
Investment Promotion Agencies (IPA) in the Philippines is also allowed as
long as the proponents meet the required criteria for registration under given
circumstances. (https://bit.ly/3BhLhad)
67 Economic Factbook 2020
Once all our requirements are complete, how long will we have to wait
for the approval of BOI, PEZA, and other investment promotion agencies
68 Economic Factbook 2020
69 Economic Factbook 2020
PEZA Registration
1. Export Manufacturing
2. IT (Information Technology) Service Export
3. Tourism 4. Medical Tourism
5. Agro-industrial Export Manufacturing
6. Agro-industrial Bio-Fuel Manufacturing
7. Logistics and Warehousing Services
8. Economic Zone Development and Operation
8.a. Manufacturing Economic Zone Development / Operation
8.b. IT Park Development / Operation
8.c. Tourism Economic Zone Development / Operation
8.d. Medical Tourism Economic Zone Development / Operation
8.e. Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Development / Operation
8.f. Retirement Economic Zone Development /Operation
9. Facilities Providers
9.a. Facilities for Manufacturing Enterprises
9.b. Facilities for IT Enterprises
9.c. Retirement Facilities
10. Utilities
Non-Fiscal Incentives:
• Simplified import-export procedures
• Non-resident foreign nationals may be employed by PEZA-registered
Economic Zone Enterprises in supervisory, technical or advisory
• Special non-immigrant visa with multiple entry privileges for investors,
officers, and employees in supervisory, technical or advisory position, and
their spouses and unmarried children under 21 years old
• Visa facilitation assistance
Please refer to the PEZA website for processes:
Visa Facilitation Assistance Process Flow I
Visa Facilitation Assistance Process Flow II
Fiscal Incentives:
• Income Tax Holiday (ITH)
• Special 5% special tax on gross income and exemption from payment of
all national and local taxes, except real property tax owned by developers
• VAT zero rating of local purchases
• Exemption from expanded withholding tax
For the details of specific fiscal incentives for the following enterprises,
please refer to Annex O
70 Economic Factbook 2020
1. Economic Zone Export Manufacturing Enterprise
2. Information Technology Enterprise
3. Tourism Economic Zone Locator Enterprise
4. Medical Tourism Enterprise
5. Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Enterprise
6. Economic Zone Logistics Services Enterprise
7. Economic Zone Developer / Operator
7.a. Manufacturing Economic Zone Developer / Operator
7.b. IT Park Developer / Operator
7.c. Tourism Economic Zone Developer / Operator
7.d. Medical Tourism Economic Zone Developer / Operator
7.e. Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Developer / Operator
8. Facilities Enterprises
8.a. Economic Zone Facilities Enterprise
8.b. IT Park Facilities Enterprise
8.c. Retirement Economic Zone Facilities Enterprise
9. Economic Zone Utilities Enterprise
Source: https://www.peza.gov.ph
71 Economic Factbook 2020
Indicative Costs of Doing Business
The following section shows Costs shown are those in major areas
the approximate costs of doing of the region only. Granular per city/
business. The costs of power, water, municipality costs can be found in the
telecommunications, and rentals are Cities and Municipalities Index section
indicated in peso and dollar values. of this factbook (page 27).
Except for telecommunications costs,
all other peso amounts were converted The amounts shown are approximate
to USD using the USD1 : Php50 figures obtained at the time this factbook
exchange rate. was prepared.
Cost of Power
The cost of power in Bohol, Cebu and kilowatt hour (kWhr) consumption cost
Negros Oriental are shown below. For component, while some have added a
specific areas served by each power fixed monthly charge.
distribution utility the three provinces,
you can refer to their respective For Bohol, the benchmark rate used is
websites. that of Bohol Electric Cooperative I and
II (BOHECO I & II), Visayan Electric
Rates vary depending on the type Company for Cebu and Negros Oriental
of class a consumer belongs to. All Electric Cooperative I and II (NORECO
distribution utilities have a cost per I & II) for Negros Oriental.
72 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 8.1 Power Rates for Selected Power Distribution Utilities in Central Visayas
Tagbilaran area served by BOHECO 1 Tagbilaran area served by BOHECO II
Fixed Fixed
Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
Monthly Month-
Consumer Class (Php/ (Php/ (USD/ (USD/ Power Rate Component (Php/ (USD/
Rate ly Rate
kWh) kW) kWh) kW) kWh) kWh)
(Php) (USD)
Residential Power Cost 7.8233
On-Grid 10.6763 5.6000 0.2135 0.1120 Generation Rate 6.4192 0.1284
Off-Grid (Islands) 8.7455 0.1749 Transmission Rate 0.6762 0.0135
Low Voltage System Loss 0.7279 0.0146
Commercial 9.7221 88.3232 0.1944 1.7665 Distribution / Supply / Metering 1.9396 0.0388
Public Building 9.7221 88.3232 0.1944 1.7665 Reinvestment Fund for 0.4298 0.0086
Street Lights 9.7221 88.3232 0.1944 1.7665 Sustainable CAPEX
High Voltage Government Charges & Subsidies 1.0803 0.0216
Industrial 8.3388 645.9827 88.3232 0.1668 12.9197 1.7665 Refund (Over/Under Recoveries) -0.0752 -0.0015
Source:BOHECO I Website: https://boheco1.com Note: As of February, 2022 Source: BOHECO II Note: As of November, 2021
Website: https://bohecoII.com
Cebu and its neighboring municipalities served by Visayan Electric
Negros Oriental
Negros Oriental served by NORECO I Negros Oriental served by NORECO II
73 Economic Factbook 2020
Cost of Water
Benchmark rates used for Bohol is that if Bohol Water Inc., Metropolitan Cebu Water
District for Cebu and Dumaguete Water for Negros Oriental.
There are 3 types of water supply systems in Central Visayas: Level I or point of
source (deep wells, shallow wells, covered or improved dug wells, open dug wells,
rainwater collection, and developed springs), common in rural areas; Level II or the
communal faucet system come from springs and dug wells; Level III or individual
consumer connection systems are usually served by government-owned/operated
water distribution utilities.
Commodity Charge CBM (in Php) Commodity Charge CBM (in USD)
Cebu City and Neighboring Municipalities under MCWD's Franchise
Regular Connection
Service Charge First 10 CBM (in Php) Cost in USD
(Dependent on meter size in inches)
1/2 152.00 3.04
3/4 243.20 4.864
1 486.40 9.728
1.5 1,216.00 24.32
2 3,040.00 60.8
3 5,472.00 109.44
4 10,944.00 218.88
6 18,240.00 364.8
8 29,184.00 583.68
10 41,953.00 839.06
74 Economic Factbook 2020
Negros Oriental
Dumaguete served by Dumaguete Water District
Residential 1/2 150.00 18.20 21.50 25.80 29.70 0.36 0.43 0.52 0.59
3/4 240.00
1 480.00
1 1/2 1,200.00
2 3,000.00
3 5,400.00
Commercial/Industrial 1/2 300.00 36.40 43.00 51.60 59.40 0.73 0.86 1.03 1.19
3/4 480.00
1 960.00
1 1/2 2,400.00
2 6,000.00
4 21,600.00
Semi-commercial A 1/2 262.50 31.85 37.60 45.15 51.95 0.64 0.75 0.90 1.04
3/4 420.00
1 840.00
1 1/2 2,100.00
2 5,250.00
3 9,450.00
Semi-commercial B 1/2 225.00 27.30 32.25 38.70 44.55 0.55 0.65 0.77 0.89
3/4 360.00
1 720.00
1 1/2 1,800.00
2 4,500.00
3 8,100.00
Semi-commercial C 1/2 187.50 27.75 26.85 32.25 37.10 0.56 0.54 0.65 0.74
3/4 300.00
1 600.00
1 1/2 1,500.00
2 3,750.00
3 6,750.00
Wholesale / Bulk Sale 1/2 450.00 54.60 64.50 17.40 89.10 1.09 1.29 0.35 1.78
Source: Dumaguete City Water District Note: As of May 13, 2020 billing
CBM - cubic meter
75 Economic Factbook 2020
Telecommunications Costs
The rates below show approximate costs of a landline, fiber connection as well as
mobile connectivity charges. It may vary for each telco provider. Presented herein
are approximate ranges.
Estimated pricing is within the range of POI (point of insertion) with no special build requirement.
IPLC Service Cebu to LA One Wilshire Bldg MSF per month (2 Mbps -100 Mbps) $ 910 to $ 2,600
Installation fee $ 1,000
Cebu to HK MSF per month (2 Mbps - 100 Mbps) $ 900 to $ 2,600
Estimated pricing is up to POP (point of presence) only . It is exclusive of 3rd party applicable pricing & equipment.
Mobile Phones
Sample Cost 1
Sample Cost 2
With Unli Call & Text to all network
Data Allocation in Php in USD Data Allocation in Php in USD
2GB 300 6 2GB 599 11.98
4GB 500 10 3GB 799 15.98
8GB 800 16 5GB 999 19.98
12GB 1,000 20 8GB 1,299 25.98
16GB 1,200 24 10GB 1,499 29.98
20GB 1,500 30 13GB 1,799 35.98
24GB 1,800 36 15GB 1,999 39.98
34GB 2,000 40 25GB 2,499 49.98
48GB 2,500 50 unli 3,799 - 4,999 75.98 - 99.98
62GB 3,000 60
80GB 3,500 70
76 Economic Factbook 2020
Labor Cost
As per data obtained from the Department (as of January 2020) or $7.02 - $8.08
Labor and Employment (DOLE), minimum using USD1 : Php50 exchange rate.
wage for Central Visayas is Php 351 - Php 404
Non- Non-
Agriculture Agriculture
Geographical Areas Agriculture Agriculture
in Php USD
Class A
Cities of Carcar, Cebu, Danao, Lapu-Lapu, Mandaue, Naga, Talisay and Municipalities of Compostela, 404 394 8.08 7.88
Consolacion, Cordova, Liloan, Minglanilla, San Fernando, or Expanded Metro Cebu
Class B
Other Cities Not Covered Under Class A – Bais, Bayawan, Bogo, Canlaon, Dumaguete, Guihulngan, 366 361 7.32 7.22
Tagbilaran, Tanjay, Toledo
Class C
Other Municipalities Not Covered Under Class A 356 351 7.12 7.02
Source: https://nwpc.dole.gov.ph/regionandwages/region-vii-central-visayas/
The table in the next page shows the average salary ranges of similar posted
salary report prepared by Jobstreet ads on the online job and recruitment
Philippines (as of February 2022) website within the last 12 months. These
showing the salary range by area of are reference figures only and should not
specialization and job level based on the be taken as absolute salary ranges.
77 Economic Factbook 2020
TABLE 8.5 Jobstreet Salary Report 2022 - Central Visayas
Specialization Job Level
in Philippine Peso in USD
Less than 1 year experience 16,094 -20,406 322 - 408
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 21,468 - 28,951 429 - 579
Customer Service Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 32,013 - 41,346 640 - 827
Assistant Manager / Manager 64,197 - 85,883 1,284 - 1,718
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 179,333 - 242,867 3,587 - 4,857
Less than 1 year experience 29,243 - 29,258 585 - 585
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 30,996 - 31,337 620 -627
Security/Armed Forces/Protective
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 33,961 - 34,081 679 - 682
Assistant Manager / Manager 30,000 - 46000 600 - 920
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 76,393 -79,194 1,528 - 1,584
Less than 1 year experience 24,457 - 25,479 489 - 510
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 32,570 - 33,655 651 - 673
Education Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 56,666 - 61,037 1,133 - 1,221
Assistant Manager / Manager 49,185 - 54,186 984 - 1,084
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 86,741 - 86,742 1,735 - 1,735
Less than 1 year experience 15,977 - 16,961 320 - 339
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 21,451 - 23,873 429 - 477
Clerical/Administrative Support Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 38,299 - 43,007 766 - 860
Assistant Manager / Manager 64,527 - 70,714 1,291 - 1,414
Less than 1 year experience 29,175 - 32,095 584 - 642
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 45,742 - 52,017 915 - 1,040
Healthcare - Nurse/Medical Support
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 30,827 - 44,881 617 - 898
& Assistant
Assistant Manager / Manager 34,917 - 51,333 698 - 1,027
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 86,741 - 86,742 1,735 - 1,735
Less than 1 year experience 19,948 - 27,932 399 - 559
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 35,157 - 51,799 703 - 1,036
IT/Computer - Software Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 59,645 - 84,676 1,193 - 1,694
Assistant Manager / Manager 66,515 - 93,860 1,330 - 1,877
Less than 1 year experience 15,254 - 18,920 305 - 378
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 20,284 - 25,781 406 - 516
Finance - General/Cost Accounting Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 34,442 - 45,253 689 - 905
Assistant Manager / Manager 69,589 - 98,253 1,392 - 1,965
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 113,800 - 150,400 2,276 - 3,008
Less than 1 year experience 14,468 - 17,405 289 - 348
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 18,777 - 23,791 379 - 476
Human Resources Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 26,651 - 35,433 533 - 709
Assistant Manager / Manager 57,045 - 76,338 1,141 - 1,527
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 111,111 - 146,444 2,222 - 2,929
Less than 1 year experience 12,766 - 16,249 255 - 325
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 15,236 - 19,611 305 - 392
Sales - Retail/General Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 18,531 - 24,202 371 - 484
Assistant Manager / Manager 27,914 - 37,778 558 - 756
Less than 1 year experience 12,144 - 12,890 243 - 258
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 14,220 - 16,842 284 - 337
General Work (Housekeeper, Driver,
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 17,837 - 21,504 357 - 430
Dispatch, Messenger, etc.)
Assistant Manager / Manager 62,500 - 82,500 1,250 - 1,650
78 Economic Factbook 2020
Specialization Job Level
in Philippine Peso in USD
Less than 1 year experience 43,641 - 55,814 873 - 1,116
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 59,068 - 59,323 1,181 - 1,186
Healthcare - Doctor/Diagnosis Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 68,754 - 71,708 1,375 - 1,434
Assistant Manager / Manager 76,619 - 86,620 1,532 - 1,732
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 83,405 - 83,406 1,668 - 1,668
Less than 1 year experience 15,980 - 20,591 320 - 412
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 26,297 - 37,009 526 - 740
IT/Computer - Network/System/
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 47,951 - 56,402 959 - 1,128
Database Admin
Assistant Manager / Manager 65,994 - 79,418 1,320 - 1,588
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 150,000 - 210,000 3,000 - 4,200
Less than 1 year experience 14,042 - 17,574 281 - 351
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 21,647 - 28,032 433 - 561
Marketing/Business Development Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 30,197 - 39,467 604 - 789
Assistant Manager / Manager 37,573 - 51,698 751 - 1,034
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 87,500 - 130,000 1,750 - 2,600
Less than 1 year experience 24,069 - 24,200 481 - 484
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 26,543 - 28,752 531 - 575
Engineering - Civil/Construction/
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 31,407 41,481 628 - 830
Assistant Manager / Manager 47,183 - 65,092 944 - 1,302
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 87,000 - 127,000 1,740 - 2,540
Less than 1 year experience 12,774 - 15,833 255 - 317
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 19,507 - 24,711 390 - 494
Banking/Financial Services Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 33,630 - 43,144 673 - 863
Assistant Manager / Manager 45,367 - 61,392 907 - 1,228
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 139,167 - 185,000 2,783 - 3,700
Less than 1 year experience 15,029 - 18,406 301 - 368
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 19,861 - 24,683 397 - 494
Sales - Corporate Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 26,504 - 35,553 530 - 711
Assistant Manager / Manager 42,153 - 57,097 843 - 1,142
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 61,000 - 93,000 1,220 - 1,860
Less than 1 year experience 19,049 - 20,029 381 - 401
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 24,694 - 24,900 494 - 498
Technical & Helpdesk Support Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 35,583 - 45,625 712 - 913
Assistant Manager / Manager 75,000 - 121,250 1,500 - 2,425
Less than 1 year experience 13,730 - 16,836 275 - 337
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 17,473 - 22,618 349 - 452
Logistics/Supply Chain Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 25,271 - 35,004 505 - 700
Assistant Manager / Manager 42,212 - 58,104 844 - 1,162
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 110,500 - 153,700 2,210 - 3,074
Less than 1 year experience 13,118 - 16,197 262 - 324
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 15,692 - 20,633 314 - 413
Purchasing/Inventory/Material &
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 31,160 - 43,490 623 - 870
Warehouse Management
Assistant Manager / Manager 44,458 - 56,915 889 - 1,138
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 100,000 - 150,000 2,000 - 3,000
Less than 1 year experience 15,803 - 18,561 316 - 371
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 23,295 - 29,255 466 - 585
Finance - Audit/Taxation Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 33,158 - 43,620 663 - 872
Assistant Manager / Manager 53,698 - 73,262 1,074 - 1,465
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 100,000 - 180,000 2,000 - 3,600
79 Economic Factbook 2020
Specialization Job Level
in Philippine Peso in USD
Less than 1 year experience 16,094 -20,406 322 - 408
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 21,468 - 28,951 429 - 579
Customer Service Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 32,013 - 41,346 640 - 827
Assistant Manager / Manager 64,197 - 85,883 1,284 - 1,718
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 179,333 - 242,867 3,587 - 4,857
Less than 1 year experience 29,243 - 29,258 585 - 585
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 30,996 - 31,337 620 -627
Security/Armed Forces/Protective
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 33,961 - 34,081 679 - 682
Assistant Manager / Manager 30,000 - 46000 600 - 920
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 76,393 -79,194 1,528 - 1,584
Less than 1 year experience 24,457 - 25,479 489 - 510
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 32,570 - 33,655 651 - 673
Education Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 56,666 - 61,037 1,133 - 1,221
Assistant Manager / Manager 49,185 - 54,186 984 - 1,084
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 86,741 - 86,742 1,735 - 1,735
Less than 1 year experience 15,977 - 16,961 320 - 339
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 21,451 - 23,873 429 - 477
Clerical/Administrative Support Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 38,299 - 43,007 766 - 860
Assistant Manager / Manager 64,527 - 70,714 1,291 - 1,414
Less than 1 year experience 29,175 - 32,095 584 - 642
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 45,742 - 52,017 915 - 1,040
Healthcare - Nurse/Medical Support
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 30,827 - 44,881 617 - 898
& Assistant
Assistant Manager / Manager 34,917 - 51,333 698 - 1,027
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 86,741 - 86,742 1,735 - 1,735
Less than 1 year experience 19,948 - 27,932 399 - 559
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 35,157 - 51,799 703 - 1,036
IT/Computer - Software Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 59,645 - 84,676 1,193 - 1,694
Assistant Manager / Manager 66,515 - 93,860 1,330 - 1,877
Less than 1 year experience 15,254 - 18,920 305 - 378
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 20,284 - 25,781 406 - 516
Finance - General/Cost Accounting Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 34,442 - 45,253 689 - 905
Assistant Manager / Manager 69,589 - 98,253 1,392 - 1,965
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 113,800 - 150,400 2,276 - 3,008
Less than 1 year experience 14,468 - 17,405 289 - 348
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 18,777 - 23,791 379 - 476
Human Resources Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 26,651 - 35,433 533 - 709
Assistant Manager / Manager 57,045 - 76,338 1,141 - 1,527
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 111,111 - 146,444 2,222 - 2,929
Less than 1 year experience 12,766 - 16,249 255 - 325
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 15,236 - 19,611 305 - 392
Sales - Retail/General Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 18,531 - 24,202 371 - 484
Assistant Manager / Manager 27,914 - 37,778 558 - 756
Less than 1 year experience 12,144 - 12,890 243 - 258
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 14,220 - 16,842 284 - 337
General Work (Housekeeper, Driver,
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 17,837 - 21,504 357 - 430
Dispatch, Messenger, etc.)
Assistant Manager / Manager 62,500 - 82,500 1,250 - 1,650
80 Economic Factbook 2020
Specialization Job Level
in Philippine Peso in USD
Less than 1 year experience 43,641 - 55,814 873 - 1,116
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 59,068 - 59,323 1,181 - 1,186
Healthcare - Doctor/Diagnosis Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 68,754 - 71,708 1,375 - 1,434
Assistant Manager / Manager 76,619 - 86,620 1,532 - 1,732
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 83,405 - 83,406 1,668 - 1,668
Less than 1 year experience 15,980 - 20,591 320 - 412
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 26,297 - 37,009 526 - 740
IT/Computer - Network/System/
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 47,951 - 56,402 959 - 1,128
Database Admin
Assistant Manager / Manager 65,994 - 79,418 1,320 - 1,588
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 150,000 - 210,000 3,000 - 4,200
Less than 1 year experience 14,042 - 17,574 281 - 351
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 21,647 - 28,032 433 - 561
Marketing/Business Development Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 30,197 - 39,467 604 - 789
Assistant Manager / Manager 37,573 - 51,698 751 - 1,034
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 87,500 - 130,000 1,750 - 2,600
Less than 1 year experience 24,069 - 24,200 481 - 484
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 26,543 - 28,752 531 - 575
Engineering - Civil/Construction/
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 31,407 41,481 628 - 830
Assistant Manager / Manager 47,183 - 65,092 944 - 1,302
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 87,000 - 127,000 1,740 - 2,540
Less than 1 year experience 12,774 - 15,833 255 - 317
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 19,507 - 24,711 390 - 494
Banking/Financial Services Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 33,630 - 43,144 673 - 863
Assistant Manager / Manager 45,367 - 61,392 907 - 1,228
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 139,167 - 185,000 2,783 - 3,700
Less than 1 year experience 15,029 - 18,406 301 - 368
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 19,861 - 24,683 397 - 494
Sales - Corporate Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 26,504 - 35,553 530 - 711
Assistant Manager / Manager 42,153 - 57,097 843 - 1,142
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 61,000 - 93,000 1,220 - 1,860
Less than 1 year experience 19,049 - 20,029 381 - 401
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 24,694 - 24,900 494 - 498
Technical & Helpdesk Support Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 35,583 - 45,625 712 - 913
Assistant Manager / Manager 75,000 - 121,250 1,500 - 2,425
Less than 1 year experience 13,730 - 16,836 275 - 337
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 17,473 - 22,618 349 - 452
Logistics/Supply Chain Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 25,271 - 35,004 505 - 700
Assistant Manager / Manager 42,212 - 58,104 844 - 1,162
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 110,500 - 153,700 2,210 - 3,074
Less than 1 year experience 13,118 - 16,197 262 - 324
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 15,692 - 20,633 314 - 413
Purchasing/Inventory/Material &
Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 31,160 - 43,490 623 - 870
Warehouse Management
Assistant Manager / Manager 44,458 - 56,915 889 - 1,138
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 100,000 - 150,000 2,000 - 3,000
Less than 1 year experience 15,803 - 18,561 316 - 371
1-4 Yrs Experienced Employee 23,295 - 29,255 466 - 585
Finance - Audit/Taxation Supervisor / 5 Yrs & Up Experienced Employee 33,158 - 43,620 663 - 872
Assistant Manager / Manager 53,698 - 73,262 1,074 - 1,465
CEO/SVP/AVP/VP/Director 100,000 - 180,000 2,000 - 3,600
Source: Jobstreet Salary Report 2022, Jobstreet Philippines
81 Economic Factbook 2020
FIGURE 8.1 Office Space: Available Supply and Rental Rate Range (Cebu)
As of end 2021
Source: Colliers
82 Economic Factbook 2020
Under PEZA Memorandum Circular No. 2005-008 issued on February 7, 2005, the
monthly industrial lot lease rates have been set for 4 public economic zones (Bataan,
Baguio City, Cavite, Mactan Economic Zones), as follows:
Source: https://www.peza.gov.ph/sites/default/files/philippine_economic_zone_authority.html
83 Economic Factbook 2020
Department of Trade and Industry
84 Economic Factbook 2020
The Department of Trade and Industry-Central Visayas Regional Office (DTI
Region 7) is tasked to promote an economic and business environment
conducive to the birth and growth of enterprises, and supportive of a fair and
robust trade of goods and services within the region.
85 Economic Factbook 2020
l Assisting existing and potential investors
Provide information on investments procedures, incentives , assistance
and promotions
Facilitate the implementation of the Business Permit and Licensing
System (BPLS) in the region
Assist the National Competitiveness Council in the implementation of the
National Competitiveness Survey
● Updating industry sector profiles
l Managing knowledge products of the department such as information on
Free Trade Agreements, economic updates, and investment priorities plan
l Coordinating with DTI Cebu in relation to activities of the Fabrication
Laboratory and Negosyo Centers in Cebu City
l Coordinating with the Bureau of International Trade Relations (BITR),
Competitiveness Bureau and other bureaus under the Industry
Development Group in conducting of investment and industry-related
seminars and workshops in the region
l Facilitating and coordinating investment and trade missions
Priority Industries
The DTI focuses its efforts in developing more globally competitive Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that are regionally integrated,
resilient, sustainable, and innovative – the key drivers of inclusive Philippine
economic growth. This is aligned with the Philippine government’s goal
of boosting employment, business, and livelihood or “Trabaho, Negosyo,
86 Economic Factbook 2020
Cacao Coffee Wearables and Homestyle
87 Economic Factbook 2020
88 Economic Factbook 2020
Sta. Fe Water District Engr. Wilfredo B. Salise Small (032) 438 9178
Engr. Houdini A.
Bogo City Water District Average (032) 434 7010 [email protected]
Jumao-as, MPA
Tabuelan Water District Mr. Edric M. Luyao Small (032) 461 9206 [email protected]
[email protected],
Balamban Water District Engr. Dante B. Navarro Small 6332) 465 3033,
[email protected]
Toledo City Water District Mr. Edgardo Nicolas Average 032 467 8544 [email protected]
Dalaguete Water District Mr. Anthony C. Osorio Average (032) 484 8724 [email protected]
89 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX A
Water Districts General Manager Category Telephone Email Address
(032) 468-9002
Pinamungajan Water District Engr. Eric F. Baricuatro Small [email protected]
/ 9435
Dalaguete Water District Mr. Anthony C. Osorio Average (032) 484-8724 [email protected]
Negros Oriental
Sibulan Water District Engr. Teresita P. Mendez Average (035) 226 6058, sibulanwaterdistrict@yahoo,com
419 8598
Dumaguete City Water District Engr. Roderick N. Diaz Big (354) 225 0551, [email protected]
Metro Siquijor Water District Engr. Steven J. Dandoy Small (035) 344 2167, 2132 [email protected]
Source: lwua.gov.ph
90 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX A
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
PLDT, INC. To carry on the business of providing basic & enhanced telecommuni- 03-Aug-91 2028 CN 95-310
(Formerly Philippine cations services in & between provinces, cities & municipalities in the CN 95-310
Long Distance Philippines & between the Philippines & other countries & territories & for CN 93-474
Telephone Company) this purpose to establish, operate, manage, lease, maintain & purchase CN 93-056
telecommunications systems, including mobile, cellular & wired or wireless CN 92-016
telecommunications systems, fiber optics, multichannel transmission CN 90-181
distribution systems, satellite transmit & receive systems & other tele- CN 90-182
communications systems & their value-added services as but not limited CN 90-183
to transmission of voice, data, facsimile, control signals, audio & video, CN 2007-110
information service bureau & all other telecommunications systems
technologies as are at present available or be made available through
technical advances or innovations in the future, or construct, acquire, lease
& operate or manage transmitting & receiving stations & switching stations,
both for local & international services, lines, cable or systems, as is or are,
convenient or essential to efficiently carry out the purposes of this franchise
Easycall To construct, install, establish & operate radio stations for domestic & inter- 04-Mar-99 2024 CN 2008-125
Communications national communications granted under Republic Act Numbered
Phils., Inc. (Formerly Fifty-nine hundred fifty-four to Francisco N. Cervantes & all properties &
Francisco N. rights acquired thereunder of Francisco N. Cervantes may approve, radio
Cervantes, Inc.) stations for the reception & transmission of messages on radio stations in
the foreign & domestic public fixed point-to-point & public base, aeronauti-
cal & land mobile stations, including coastal marine service with the
corresponding relay stations for the reception & transmission of
wireless messages on radiotelegraphy and/or radiotelephony, radiotele-
type, radiophoto, facsimile, music, pictures, advertisement & such other
types of emission from or to foreign countries & within the Philippines &
with vessels at sea & aircrafts over the air, irrespective of whether such
vessels & aircrafts are within or without the Philippines
Globe Telecom Inc. To establish, construct, maintain & operate in the Philippines, at such 19-Mar-92 2030 CN 92-449
merger between places as the grantee may select, subject to the approval of the Secretary CN 93-072
Globe Mackay Cable of Public Works & Communications, stations for international telecommu- CN 93-326/94-256
& Radio Corp. & nications, domestic telecommunications & for the transmission & reception CN 96-410
Clavecilla Radio of messages, impressions, pictures & signals by means of electricity,
System electromagnetic waves or any kind of energy, force, variations or impulses
whether conveyed by wires, radiated through space or transmitted through
other media & for the handling of any & all types of telecommunication
services & to lease and/or acquire facilities, channels and/or circuits
Innove To carry on the business of providing to the public telecommunications 03-Aug-91 2017 CN 2007-119
Communications Inc. services within the territory of the Republic of the Philippines basic & (HB55566) CN 2004-027
formerly Philippine for the purpose of providing said telecommunications services, to construct, CN 94-175
Long Distance own & operate telecommunications system in & between provinces, cities CN 93-118
Telephone Co. & municipalities of the Republic of the Philippines & to lay, place & operate CN 93-246
& maintain telecommunications lines in & between the territory of the CN 92-379
Republic of the Philippines and other countries, including the CN 93-042
construction, operation & maintenance of an international digital gateway CN 93-442
facility & to construct, maintain & operate & use all telecommunications CN 94-033
apparatus necessary for the provision of telecommunications services &
to install, construct & maintain telecommunications apparatus in, on, over,
or under the public roads, government rights-of-way, lands bridges, rivers,
waters, streets, lanes & sidewalks of said provinces, cities &
municipalities & to lay submarine telecommunications cables in the
surrounding waters of the Philippines & for the purpose of connecting its
telecommunications systems with other telecommunications systems
operated by others within the Philippines & with the telecommunications
systems of other countries, as may be necessary & best adapted to said
provision of telecommunications services & to connect & keep connected
its telecommunications system to other telecommunications systems for
the interconnection of telecommunications services within the territory of
the Republic of the Philippines and between the Republic of the Philippines
and other countries & territories
91 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Universal To establish, operate & maintain radio stations for international & domestic 13-Apr-92 2017 CN 88-122
Telecommunications telecommunications CN 98-014
Service, Incorporated
Radio Marine To establish, maintain & operate radio stations for telecommunications 21-May-92 2018 CN 88-129
Network, within & without the Philippines granted under Republic Act Numbered CN 88-129
Incorporated Forty-six hundred & seven to Segundo P. Lustre, Jr., & all properties & CN 99-193
formerly Jose Maria rights acquired thereunder by Segundo P. Lustre, Jr. may approve, radio CN 88-190
V. Orozco stations for the reception & transmission of messages on radio stations in CN 2000-210
the domestic public fixed point-to-point & public base, aeronautical & land CN 2000-155
mobile stations, including coastal marine service with the corresponding
relay stations for the reception & transmission of wireless messages on
radiotelegraphy and/or radiotelephony, radioteletype, radiophoto, facsimile,
& such other types of emissions or both with vessels at sea & aircraft in the
air within or without the Philippines
Bayantel To construct, maintain & operate stations for telecommunications systems 20-Jul-92 2021 CN 92-213
formerly International including radio, telegraph, telephone, facsimile, data, voice, audio & video CN 92-486
Communications services, lines, circuits, satellites and/or stations, wire and/or wireless for CN 93-284
Corporation international & domestic public communications, with authority to receive CN 94-200
& transmit information, messages, impressions, pictures, music, entertain- CN 96-195
ment & advertising signals, throughout the Philippines & foreign CN 93-335
countries, including ships at sea, airplanes & other conveyances, by means CN 90-032
of electricity, electromagnetic waves, optics or any other kind of energy, CN 99-135
force, variations or impulses, radiated through space or transmitted through CN 90-232
any other medium CN 95-117
CN 94-410
CN 96-194
CN 99-017
Telecommunications To install, operate & maintain telecommunications systems throughout the 17-Jan-94 2017
Technologies Philippines including but not limited to the operations of local exchange
Philippines, service or public switched telephone network, public-calling stations, in-
Incorporated ter-exchange carrier or national toll transmission value-added or enhanced
services intelligent networks, mobile or personal communications services,
international gateway facility & paging services; & for the purpose of
providing said telecommunications systems in & between provinces, cities
& municipalities of the Philippines, in on, over, or under lands & waters, as
may be necessary & best adapted to the provision of telecommunications
services, to contract other countries & territories, to use any technology
whether digital or analogue, via cable, satellite, microwave, optical fiber,
or any transmission medium & with such telecommunication apparatus as
may be necessary for the provision of such telecommunication services,
& to connect and keep connected its telecommunications system to other
telecommunications systems
Digital Telecommuni- To construct, maintain & operate telecommunications systems throughout 17-Feb-94 2019 CN 92-328
cations Philippines, the Philippines & to provide by means of the said telecommunications CN 94-059
Incorporated systems a telephone service & other telecommunications services in the CN 96-081
(Digitel) Philippines. The grantee is further authorized to carry on the business CN 97-191
of providing basic & enhanced public telecommunications services in & CN 2004-147
between provinces, cities & municipalities in the Philippines & between the CN 2001-068
Philippines & other countries & territories & for the purpose of providing CN 99-121
said telecommunications services, to construct, own & operate telecom-
munications systems, in & between said provinces, cities or municipalities,
to contract for telecommunications lines in & between the Republic of the
Philippines & other countries, to construct, maintain & operate & use all
telecommunications apparatus necessary for the provision of telecom-
munications services & install, construct & maintain telecommunications
apparatus, in, on, over or under lands & waters, as may be necessary &
best adapted to the provision of telecommunications services, & to connect
& keep connected its telecommunications services in the Philippines &
between the Philippines & other countries and territories
92 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Major Telecoms, Inc. To establish, install, maintain, lease & operate for commercial purposes 26-Jul-94 2019
& in the public interest wire and/or wireless telecommunications systems,
lines, circuits & stations throughout the Philippines for public domestic &
international record and/or voice telecommunications & their
value-added services including but not limited to pay television and/
program services, & to install corresponding transmitting & receiving
stations at such places in the Philippinesas it may consider necessary &
Worldwide To install, operate, maintain, lease & manage wire and/or wireless public 21-Jan-95 2020 CN 95-053
Communications, telecommunications systems throughout the Philippines & between the CN 97-116
Inc. Philippines & other countries & for the purpose of providing said telecom-
munications services, to construct, own, operate & maintain telecommuni-
cations systems in & between provinces, cities & municipalities of the
Philippines, in, on, over or under lands & waters as may be necessary &
best adapted to the provision of telecommunications services, to
contract for telecommunication lines & between the Philippines & other
countries & territories, to use any technology whether digital or analog, via
cable, satellite, microwave, optical fiber, or any transmission, medium, &
with such telecommunication apparatus as may be necessary for the pro-
vision of such telecommunication services, & to connect & keep connected
its telecommunications systems to other telecommunication system
Island Country To establish, operate, manage, lease, maintain and purchase telecommu- 01-Mar-91 2020
Telecommunications, nications systems, including mobile, cellular, wired or wireless telecommu-
Inc. nication systems and their value-added services such as, but not limited
to, transmission of voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio and video,
information service bureau, and all other telecommunications systems
technologies as are at present available or to be made available through
technical advances or innovations in the future, or construct, acquire, lease,
and operate or manage transmitting and receiving stations and switching
stations, lines, cables, or systems, as is, or are, convenient or essential to
efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
Phil. Communica- To establish, construct, maintain, operate, own, manage, lease & purchase, 09-Mar-95 21-Jun-19 CN 87-94
tions Satellite Corp. in the Philippines, at such places as the grantee may select, station or CN 96-356
(Philcomsat) stations, telecommunications systems, lines, cable or systems & associ- CN 95-298
ated equipment & facilities for international & domestic communications, CN 97-025
including but not limited to satellite transmissions, for any & all forms or CN 90-072
types of telecommunications services with authority to receive & transmit CN 95-299
messages, facsimile, impressions, pictures, music, data, & voice, without CN 93-100
however engaging in broadcasting, telecasting & cable television services, CN 95-297
throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines & other countries & CN 97-143
territories, ships at sea, aircrafts & other conveyances, stations & telecom-
munications systems of other countries
Cruz Telephone Co., To establish, operate, manage, lease, maintain & purchase telecommuni- 29-Mar-95 2020 CN 97-165
Inc. (Cruztelco) cations systems, including mobile, cellular & wired or wireless telecommu- CN 2008-097
nications systems, fiber optics, satellite transmit & receive systems & other
telecommunications systems & their valueadded services such as, but not
limited to, transmission of voice, data, facsimile, control signals, audio &
video, information service bureau & all other telecommunications systems
technologies as are at present available or will be made available through
technical advances or innovations in the future, or construct, acquire, lease
& operate or manage transmitting & receiving stations & switching stations,
for local services, lines, cables or systems, as is, or are, convenient or
essential to efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
Millennia To construct, operate & maintain all types of mobile telecommunications 27-Apr-95 2020 CN 2000-097
Telecommunications including cellular, personal communications network, paging & trunk radio
Corporation services (such as but not limited to the transmission & reception of voice,
data facsimile, audio & video & all other improvements & innovations
pertaining to or as may be applicable to mobile telecommunications
technology), as well as multi-channel microwave, fiber optic & satellite
distribution systems that may be required for purposes of linking together
said mobile telecommunications network internally & externally to other
mobile telecommunications network & traditional wireline telephone
systems whether domestic or international, whether directly or indirectly
through networks & generally, to provide, by means of this telecommuni-
cations systems, a telephone service & such other telecommunications
services such as there may be in demand for in the Philippines.
93 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
ISLA Cellular To construct, establish, install, maintain and operate for commercial pur- 19-Jun-95 2020
Communications, Inc. pose and in the public interest, mobile and fixed wireless telecommunica-
tions system such as cellular telephone system, personall communications
network, radio trunking services and other means related to the foregoing
now known to science or which in the future may be developed, throughout
the Philippines, for public domestic and international telecommunications
and to install corresponding transmitting and receiving stations at such
places in the Philippines as it may consider necessary and convenient
Edison C. Espinosa To establish, install, operate & maintain for commercial purposes & in the 07-Jul-95 2020
public interest, public radiotelephone coastal stations in Region VI to be
based in Iloilo City and Bacolod City for the transmission & reception of
radiotelephone communications with vessels at sea within & outside of the
Sealand Constructing, installing, establishing & operating in the Philippines, for the 09-Jul-95 2020 CN 96-203
Telecommunications reception & transmission of messages on radio stations in international & CN 97-006
Co. Inc. domestic public, fixed point-to-point & public based, coastal marine
services with the corresponding relay stations for the reception & transmis-
sion of wireless messages on radiotelegraphy and/or radiotelephony, radio
teletype, within the Philippines, & with vessels at sea within the
AZ Communications To construct, establish, install, operate & maintain, for commercial purpos- 23-Sep-95 2020 CN 99-275
Network, Inc. es & in the public interest, radiotelegraph and/or radiotelephone com-
munication stations, with corresponding relay stations in the inter-island,
maritime, aeronautical & international public services, both national and/or
international, to provide radio communication services & equipment to
private firms, companies & corporations within their respective internal
frame, and/or to communicate from within the grantee’s station or stations
G. Telecoms, Inc. To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purposes 07-Jul-96 2021 CN 98-145
formerly Ermita & in the public interest, radio stations for the reception & transmission of
Electronics messages in the foreign & domestic public fixed point-to-point, public base,
Communication aeronautical & land mobile & including coastal marine service with the
System, Inc. corresponding relay stations for the reception & transmission of wireless
messages on radiotelegraph and/or radiotelephone, radioteletype, radio-
photo, facsimile, advertisements & such other types of emission from or to
foreign countries & within the Philippines & with vessels at sea & aircrafts
over the air, irrespective of whether such vessels & aircrafts are within or
without the Philippines
Unicorn Communica- To construct, establish, install, operate & maintain for commercial purpos- 11-Jul-96 2021
tions Corporation es & in the public interest, mobile & fixed wireless telecommunications
system, such as cellular telephone system, personal communications
network, radio trunking services & other means related to the foregoing
now known to science or which in the future may be developed, throughout
the Philippines, for public domestic & international telecommunications & to
install corresponding transmitting & receiving stations at such places in the
Philippines as it may consider necessary and convenient
Pinoy Telekoms Inc. To construct install, establish, maintain and operate for commercial purpos- 11-Jul-96 2021 CN 96-414
formerly Taxinet, Inc. es and in the public interest, a taxi communication monitoring system and
use all the apparatus, conduits, appliances, receivers, transmitters, anten-
nas, satellites and equipment necessary for the reception and transmission
, conversions, messages, and signals with the corresponding technological
auxiliaries, facilities, distribution or relay stations, throughout the Philippines
94 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Message Systems, To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purpos- 10-Apr-97 2022
Inc. es & in the public interest, mobile station or stations, telecommunications
system, lines, cable, or systems & associated equipment & facilities for
international & domestic communications, including but not limited to
satellite transmission, for any & all forms or types of telecommunication
services, with authority to receive & transmit messages, facsimile, impres-
sions, pictures, music, data & voice, throughout the Philippines & between
the Philippines & other countries and territories, ships at sea, aircrafts &
conveyances, stations & telecommunications systems of other countries,
including the rights & privileges of cable & fixed wireless telecommunica-
tions system such as paging system, cellular telephone system, personal
communications network, trunked radio services, fiber optics, multi-channel
distributions systems, service bureau & other telecommunication systems/
services or technologies & other means related to the foregoing now known
to science or which in the future may be developed through technologi-
cal/technical advances or innovations in the future for public domestic &
international telecommunications & purchase any or all of the equipment &
materials needed in its operations; & to install, establish, construct, main-
tain & operate transmitting & receiving stations, switching stations, gateway
facilities for local & international services, lines, cables or systems as it may
consider necessary & convenient
New Century To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purposes 10-Apr-97 2022 CN 2009-146
Telecoms, Inc. & in the public interest, mobile & fixed wireless telecommunications system
such as paging system, cellular telephone system, personal communica-
tions network, trunked radio services & other means related to the forego-
ing now known to science or which in the future may be developed in the
Philippines for public domestic & international telecommunications
Pacific Wireless, Inc. To construct, install, establish, maintain & operate for commercial purposes 14-Apr-97 2022 CN 99-009
& in the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the CN 99-107
Philippines & other countries & territories, telecommunications systems
including mobile, cellular, wired or wireless telecommunications systems,
& their value-added services such as, but not limited to, transmission of
voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio & video, information & service
bureau & all other telecommunications systems technologies as are at
present available or will be made available through technological advances
or innovations in the future & construct, acquire, lease & operate or man-
age transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems, as is, or are,
convenient or essential to efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
ABS-CBN To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purposes 30-Jun-97 2020 CN 98-212
Convergence, Inc. and in the public interest, the business of providing telecommunication CN 93-284
formerly Multi-Media services throughout the Philippines and between the Pgilippines and other CN 94-200
Telephony, Inc. countries and territories, including mobile, cellular, wired or woreless tele- CN 98-146
communications systems and their value-added services such as, but not CN 99-206
limited to, transmission of voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio and CN 98-103
video, information and service bureau, and all other telecommunications CN 97-245
system technologies as are at present available or will be made available
through through technological advances or innovations in the future, and
construct, acquire, lease and operate or manage transmitting and receiving
stations, lines, cables or systems as is, or are, convenient or essential to
efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
SMART To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purpos- 14-Jul-97 2022 CN 99-217
Broadband Inc. es & in the public interest, the business of providing telecommunications CN 2000-124
formerly Meridian services throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines & other CN 2000-150
Telekoms, Inc. countries & territories, including mobile, cellular, wired or wireless telecom- CN 2013-202
munications systems & their value-added services such as, but not limited
to, transmission of voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio & video,
information & service bureau & all other telecommunications systems
technologies as are at present available or will be made available through
technological advances or innovations in the future & construct, acquire,
lease & operate or manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables
or systems, as is, or are, convenient or essential to efficiently carry out the
purpose of this franchise
95 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Kloche To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purposes 29-Aug-97 2022 CN 2000-119
Communications, Inc. & in the public interest, the business of radio paging & records messag-
ing systems, including data transmission & all other means related to the
foregoing, now known to science or which in the future may be developed
& used exclusively for the foregoing purpose all the apparatus, conduits,
appliances, receivers, transmitters, antennas, satellites & equipment
necessary for the transmission of messages & signals, with the corre-
sponding technological auxiliaries, facilities, distribution or relay stations,
throughout the Philippines or territories as public interest may warrant
Broadband To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purposes 13-Feb-98 2023 CN 99-103
Everywhere Corp. & in the public interest, wired, mobile & fixed wireless telecommunications
Formerly Textron system such as paging system, cellular phone system, personal commu-
Corporation nications network, trunked radio services related to the foregoing, now
known to science or which in the future may be developed through techni-
cal innovations & advances, throughout the Philippines, for public domestic
& international telecommunications
Hi-Frequency To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purpos- 4-Aug-98 2023 CN 2009-145
Telecommunications, es & in the public interest, the business of providing telecommunications
Inc. services throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines & other
countries and territories, including mobile, cellular, wired or wireless
telecommunications systems & their value-added services such as, but not
limited to, transmission of voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio & vid-
eo, information & service bureau & all other telecommunications systems
technologies as are at present available or will be made available through
technological advances or innovations in the future & construct, acquire,
lease & operate or manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables
or systems, as is, or are, convenient or essential to efficiently carry out the
purpose of this franchise
Mindanao Islamic To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial pur- 19-Apr-98 2023
Telephone poses & in the public interest, wired, mobile & fixed wireless telecommu-
Company, Inc. nications system such as paging system, cellular phone system, personal
communications network, trunked radio services & other means related to
the foregoing, now known to science or which in the future may be devel-
oped through technical innovations & advances, throughout the Philippines,
for public domestic & international telecommunications
Transpacific To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purposes 22-Jun-98 2023 CN 98-131
Broadcast Group & in the public interest, communications systems for the reception and/or CN 2002-064
International, Inc. transmission of messages, such as but not limited to voice, audio, data,
facsimile, video & such other intelligence by radio, wire, satellite & other
means now known to science or which in the future may be developed & in
connection therewith, render communications services between any point
within the territorial boundaries of the Philippines, including but not limited
to, the service of up-linking the abovementioned messages from any point
within the Philippines to a communications satellite in orbit in outer space &
the service of down-linking such messages from twelve (12) such satellites
& transmission of such messages to any point within the Philippines
Radio Communica- To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purposes 25-Jun-98 2023 CN 94-091
tions of the & in the public interest, fixed mobile, cellular & wired and/or wireless tele- CN 94-091
Philippines, Inc. communications system, fiber optics, multichannel transmission distribution
systems, satellite transmit & receive systems & other telecommunications
systems, such as paging system, cellular phone system, personal
communication network, trunked radio services & other means
related to the foregoing now known to science or which in the future may
be developed through technical innovations & advances, throughout the
Philippines & between the Philippines & other countries & territories, for
public domestic & international telecommunications
Sear To construct, establish, install, maintain & operate for commercial purposes 25-Jun-98 2023 CN 2000-164
Telecommunications, & in the public interest, wired, mobile & fixed wireless telecommunications
Inc. system such as paging system, cellular phone system, personal commu-
nications network, trunked radio services & other means related to the
foregoing, now known to science or which in the future may be developed
through technical innovations & advances, throughout the Philippines, for
public domestic & international telecommunications
96 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Radius Telecoms Inc. To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 02-Sep-00 2025 CN 2005-125
formerly Tangent Net- & in the public interest, the business of providing basic & enhanced tele-
work, Inc./Polaris communications services in & between provinces, cities & municipalities
Telecommunications, in the Philippines & between the Philippines & other countries & territories,
Inc. including mobile, cellular & wired or wireless, fiber optics, multi-channel
distribution systems, local multipoint distribution system, satellite transmit &
receive systems & other telecommunications systems & their value-added
services such as, but not limited to, transmission of voice, data facsimi-
le, control signals, audio & video, information service bureau & all other
telecommunications systems technologies as are presently available or will
be available through technical advances & innovations in the future; and/
or construct, acquire, lease, manage or operate transmitting & receiving
stations & switching stations, both for local & international services, lines,
cables or systems, as are convenient or essential to effectively & efficiently
carry out the purposes of this franchise
Primeworld To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 05-Jan-01 2024 CN 2005-029
Digital Systems, & in the public interest, the business of providing basic & enhanced tele-
Inc. communications services in & between provinces, cities & municipalities
in the Philippines & between the Philippines & other countries & territories,
including mobile, cellular & wired or wireless, fiber optics, multi-channel
distribution systems, local multipoint distribution system, satellite transmit &
receive systems & other telecommunications systems & their value-added
services such as, but not limited to, transmission of voice, data facsimi-
le, control signals, audio & video, information service bureau & all other
telecommunications systems technologies as are presently available or will
be available through technical advances & innovations in the future; and/
or construct, acquire, lease, manage or operate transmitting & receiving
stations & switching stations, both for local & international services, lines,
cables or systems, as are convenient or essential to effectively & efficiently
carry out the purposes of this franchise
Click Communica- To construct, establish, install, maintain, lease & operate for commercial 21-Jan-01 2024 CN 2004-116
tions, Inc. purposes & in the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the
Philippines & other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecom-
munications systems including but not limited to mobile, cellular, paging,
multi-channel distribution systems (MMDS), local multi-point distribution
systems (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive systems, switches & their
value-added services such as, but not limited to, transmission of voice,
data, facsimile, control signs, audio & video, information & service bureau,
& all other telecommunications systems technologies as are at present
available or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future & construct, acquire, lease & operate or manage
transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems, as in, or are,
convenient or essential to efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
Solid Broadband To construct, install, establish, lease, operate & maintain for commercial 15-Apr-01 2026 CN 2001-128
Corporation purposes & in the public interest, broadband telecommunications networks,
wire and/or wireless telecommunications systems throughout the
Philippines for public domestic & international communications, including
but not limited to the operation of local exchange service or public switched
telephone network, public-calling offices, inter-exchange carrier service,
value-added services, domestic & international mobile cellular & personal
communications services, international gateway facility, radio paging &
radio messaging services, mobile data & trunked radio services, integrated
electronic information & computer services, internet gateway & exchange &
internet protocol services, wired and/or fixed wireless broadband multime-
dia networks & services, associate ground terminal & orbital outer space
equipment, facilities & stations for domestic, intra-regional & international
satellite communications, such as equipment, facilities & terminal stations
for receiving & up-linking messages from any point within & outside the
Philippines to any communications satellite in orbit in outer space & for
down-linking such messages from any such satellite to any point within &
outside the Philippines
97 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Fiber Hub To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 20-Apr-91 20-Apr-16 CN 2001-109
Telecoms, Inc. & in the public interest, radio communications stations in the Philippines for CN 2007-037
formerly Zenith the reception & transmission of messages in international & domestic pub- CN 2002-089
Telecommunications lic fixed point-to-point & public based, aeronautical & land mobile stations,
Company, Inc. including coastal marine service, with the corresponding relay stations
for the reception & transmission of messages on radiotelegraphy and/or
radiotelephony, radioteletype, radiophoto, facsimile & such other types of
emissions within the Philippines and with vessels at sea & aircraft over the
air, irrespective of whether such vessels & aircraft are within & outside the
Connectivity To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial pur- 24-Apr-01 2026 CN 2003-229
Unlimited Resource poses & in the public interest, telecommunications, multi-media systems,
Enterprise Inc. networks, stations, services & technologies and associated systems, equip-
ment & facilities for international & domestic communications, or any & all
forms or types of telecommunications, multi-media services & systems,
with authority to receive & transmit messages, facsimile, impressions, pic-
tures, music, data & voice, within & without the territory of the Philippines,
including the rights & privileges of public & private, fixed or mobile, wire or
wireless telecommunications, multi-media systems utilizing narrow band or
broadband signal therefor such as e-commerce systems, paging systems,
cellular telephone systems, trunk radio systems, personal communications
networks, cable & fiber optics networks, terrestrial, submarine, satellite
transmission networks, multichannel distributions systems, service
bureaus & such other telecommunications, multi-media systems, services,
technologies or other means related to the foregoing now known to science
or which in the future may be developed through technological advances
and innovations for public & private domestic & international telecommuni-
cations, multi-media networks; & to construct, install, establish, operate &
maintain transmitting, receiving, switching & gateway stations & facilities for
local &international services, lines, networks or systems as it may consider
proper, necessary & convenient & purchase any or all of the equipment &
materials therefor needed in its operations.
H. E. Baldo, To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 31-Jul-01 2026
Incorporated & in the public interest, radio communications stations in the Philippines for
the reception & transmission of messages in international & domestic pub-
lic fixed point-to-point & public based, aeronautical & land mobile stations,
including coastal marine service, with the corresponding relay stations
for the reception & transmission of messages on radiotelegraphy and/or
radiotelephony, radioteletype, radiophoto, facsimile & such other types of
emissions within the Philippines and with vessels at sea & aircraft over the
air, irrespective of whether such vessels & aircraft are within & outside the
Seagull Marine To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 01-Aug-02 2027 CN 2011-153
Communication & in the public interest, public radiotelephone coastal stations for the trans- CN 2003-102
Network Corp. mission & reception of radiotelephone communications with vessels at sea
within & outside the Philippines
Eastern To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 03-Oct-02 2027 CN 87-58
Telecommunications & in the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the
Philippines, Inc. Philippines & other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommu-
(ETPI) nications systems, including but not limited to mobile, cellular, paging, fiber
optic, multi-channel distribution system (MMDS), local multi-point distribu-
ton system (LMDS), satellite transmit and receive systems, switches & their
valueadded services such as, but not limited to transmission of voice, date,
facsimile, control signs, audio & video, information services bureau & all
other telecommunications systems technologies as are at present available
or will be made available through technological advances or innovations
in the future; & construct, acquire, lease & operate or manage transmitting
& receiving stations, lines, cables or systems, as is, or are, convenient or
essential to efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
98 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Digitel Mobile Phils., To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 11-Dec-02 2027 CN 2003-013
Inc. & in the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the
Philippines & other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommo-
munications system, including but not limited to mobile, cellular, paging,
fiber optic, multi-channel distribution system (MMDS), local multipoint
distribution system (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive system switches, &
their valueadded services such as, but not limited to, transmission of voice,
data, facsimile, control signs, audio, video, information services bureau &
all other telecommunications systems technologies as are at present avail-
able or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future; & construct, acquire, lease & operate or manage
transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as is or are,
convenient or essential to efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
Digitel Crossing, Inc. To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 18-Jan-04 2029 CN 2007-025
& in the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the CN 2010-059
Philippines & other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommo-
munications system, including but not limited to mobile, cellular, paging,
fiber optic, multi-channel distribution system (MMDS), local multipoint
distribution system (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive system switches, &
their valueadded services such as, but not limited to, transmission of voice,
data, facsimile, control signs, audio, video, information services bureau &
all other telecommunications systems technologies as are at present avail-
able or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future; & construct, acquire, lease & operate or manage
transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as is or are,
convenient or essential to efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
Fiber Telecommuni- To construct, established, install, maintain for commercial purposes & in 08-Aug-04 2029 CN 2005-134
cations Incorporated the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines CN 2015-224
& other countries and territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications
systems & except for mobile & cellular, shall include but not be limited to
paging, fiber optics, multichannel multipoint distribution systems (MMDS),
local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive
systems, switches & their value-added services such as, but not limited to,
transmission of voice data facsimile, control signs, audio & video, informa-
tion service bureau & all other value-added technologies as are presently
available or will be made available through technological advances or inno-
vations in the future, and/or construct, acquire, lease & operate or manage
transmitting and receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as is or are
convenient or essential to efficiency carry out the purpose of this franchise
eTelco, Inc. To construct, establish, install, maintain for commercial purposes & in 08-Aug-04 2029 CN 2005-045
the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines
& other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications
systems & except for mobile & cellular, shall include but not be limited to,
paging, fiber optics, multichannel multipoint distribution systems (MMDS),
local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive
systems, switches & their value-added services such as, but not limited to,
transmission of voice data facsimile, control signs, audio & video, informa-
tion service bureau & all other value-added technologies as are presently
available or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future, and/or construct, acquire, lease & operate or
manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as is
or are convenient or essential to efficiency carry out the purpose of this
Converge Information To construct, establish, install, maintain for commercial purposes & in 08-Aug-09 2034 CN 2009-209
& Communications the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines CN 2015-021
Technology & other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications
Solutions, Inc. systems & except for mobile & cellular, shall include but not be limited to,
paging, fiber optics, multichannel multipoint distribution systems (MMDS),
local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive
systems, switches & their value-added services such as, but not limited to,
transmission of voice data facsimile, control signs, audio & video, informa-
tion service bureau & all other value-added technologies as are presently
available or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future, and/or construct, acquire, lease & operate or
manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as is
or are convenient or essential to efficiency carry out the purpose of this
99 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Cobalpoint To construct, establish, install, maintain for commercial purposes & in 09-Mar-09 2034 CN 87-39
Telecom Inc. the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines
formerly Express & other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications
Telecommuniucations systems & except for mobile & cellular, shall include but not be limited to,
Co., Inc. / Felix paging, fiber optics, multichannel multipoint distribution systems (MMDS),
Alberto & Company, local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive
Inc. systems, switches & their value-added services such as, but not limited to,
transmission of voice data facsimile, control signs, audio & video, informa-
tion service bureau & all other value-added technologies as are presently
available or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future, and/or construct, acquire, lease & operate or
manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as is
or are convenient or essential to efficiency carry out the purpose of this
Schutzengel To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 20-Dec-09 2034
Telecom, Inc. & in the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the
Philippines & other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecom-
munications systems, multi-media systems, networks, stations, services
including, but not limited to, fixed, mobile, cellular, paging systems, digital
trunk radio systems, fiber optics, multi-channel multi-point distribution
system (MMDS), local multi-point distribution system (LMDS), terrestrial,
submarine & satellite transmit & receive systems, switches, gateway
stations & their value-added or enhanced services such as, but not limited
to, transmission & reception of impressions, pictures, music, voice, data,
facsimile, control signs, audio & video, information services bureau & all
other telecommunications systems, including information & communica-
tions technologies (lCT), as are at present available or will be made avail-
able through technological advances, evolution or innovations in the future;
and/or to construct, install, acquire, lease & operate, maintain or manage
terrestrial, submarine or satellite transmitting & receiving and/or landing
stations, lines, microwave, optical fiber cables or systems, whether digital
or analogue, for local & international services, as is, or are, convenient or
essential to efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
Telecommunications To construct, establish, install, maintain for commercial purposes & in 21-Sep-12 2037
Technology the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines
Solutions, Inc. & other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications
systems & except for mobile & cellular, shall include but not be limited to,
paging, fiber optics, multichannel multipoint distribution systems (MMDS),
local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive
systems, switches & their value-added services such as, but not limited to,
transmission of voice data facsimile, control signs, audio & video, informa-
tion service bureau & all other value-added technologies as are presently
available or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future, and/or construct, acquire, lease & operate or
manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as is
or are convenient or essential to efficiency carry out the purpose of this
Tori Spectrum To construct, establish, install, maintain for commercial purposes & in 21-Sept-12 2037 CN 90-001
Telecom the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines CN 89-034
formerly Liberty & other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications CN 97-292
Broadcasting systems & except for mobile & cellular, shall include but not be limited to, CN 80-18
Network Inc./Wi-Tribe paging, fiber optics, multichannel multipoint distribution systems (MMDS),
Telecoms Inc. local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive
systems, switches & their value-added services such as, but not limited to,
transmission of voice data facsimile, control signs, audio & video, informa-
tion service bureau & all other value-added technologies as are presently
available or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future, and/or construct, acquire, lease & operate or
manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as is
or are convenient or essential to efficiency carry out the purpose of this
100 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Philippine Global To construct, establish, install, maintain for commercial purposes & in 04-Dec-12 2037 CN 97-149
Communnications, the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines
Inc. & other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications
formerly RCA systems & except for mobile & cellular, shall include but not be limited to,
Communications, Inc. paging, fiber optics, multichannel multipoint distribution systems (MMDS),
local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive
systems, switches & their value-added services such as, but not limited to,
transmission of voice data facsimile, control signs, audio & video, informa-
tion service bureau & all other value-added technologies as are presently
available or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future, and/or construct, acquire, lease & operate or
manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as is
or are convenient or essential to efficiency carry out the purpose of this
Contel To construct, install, establish, operate, and maintain for commercial pur- 10-May-16 2041 CN 96-144
Communications Inc. poses and in the public interest, wire and/or wireless telecommunications CN 92-171
systems including, but not limited to, mobile, cellular, paging, fiber optics,
satellite transmit and receive systems, switches, and their valueadded
services such as, but not limited to, transmission of voice, data, facsimile,
control signs, audio and video, information services bureau and all other
telecommunications systems technologies as are at present available or
will be made available through technological advances or innovations in the
future; and/or construct, acquire, lease and operate or manage transmitting
and receiving stations, lines, cables or systems throughout the Philippines
Pipol Broadband & To construct, establish, install, maintain for commercial purposes & in 08-May-16 2041
Telecoms the public interest, throughout the Philippines & between the Philippines
& other countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications
systems & except for mobile & cellular, shall include but not be limited to,
paging, fiber optics, multichannel multipoint distribution systems (MMDS),
local multipoint distribution systems (LMDS), satellite transmit & receive
systems, switches & their value-added services such as, but not limited to,
transmission of voice data facsimile, control signs, audio & video, informa-
tion service bureau & all other value-added technologies as are presently
available or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future, and/or construct, acquire, lease & operate or
manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as is
or are convenient or essential to efficiency carry out the purpose of this
Corona International, To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 17-July-16 2041 CN 2007-101
Inc. & in the public interest, wire and/or wireless telecommunications systems
including mobile cellular, paging, fiber optics, satellite transmit & receive
systems, switches & their value-added services such as transmission of
voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio & video, information services,
& all other telecommunications system technologies as are at present
available or will be made available through technological advances or
innovations in the future; and/or construct, acquire, lease & operate, or
manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables, or systems in the
Philippines, for domestic and international communications
Philippines Telegraph To construct, install, establish, operate, & maintain for commercial pur- 21-Jul-16 2041 CN 86-008
& Telephone poses & in the public interest, wire and/or wireless telecommunications CN 82-031
Corporation (PT&T) systems, including all other telecommunications systems technologies as CN 87-047
are at present available or will be made available through technological CN 86-036
advances or innovations in the future; and/or construct, acquire, lease & CN 84-059
operate, or manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables or CN 86-007
systems in the Philippines, for domestic & international communications CN 84-88
CN 85-028
CN 86-033
CN 91-278
CN 90-129
CN 91-248
CN 90-130
CN 90-187
101 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Avocado Broadband To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 21-Jul-16 2041
Telecoms, Inc. & in the public interest, in the Philippines & between the Philippines & other
countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications systems
including international & local exchange earner (LEC), international &
domestic gateway facility, international & domestic submarine cable
landing stations, mobile cellular, copper, fiber optics, coaxial cable, satellite
transmit & receive systems, switches, & their value-added services such
as the transmission of voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio & video,
information services & all other telecommunications systems technologies
as are at present available or will be made available through technological
advances or innovations in the future; and/or construct, acquire, lease
& operate, or manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables, or
systems as are convenient or essential to efficiently carry out the purpose
of this franchise
AMA Telecomunica- To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 21-Jul-16 2041 CN 2017-234
tions, Inc. & in the public interest, in the Philippines & between the Philippines & other
countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications systems
including international & local exchange earner (LEC), international &
domestic gateway facility, international & domestic submarine cable
landing stations, mobile cellular, copper, fiber optics, coaxial cable, satellite
transmit & receive systems, switches, & their value-added services such
as the transmission of voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio & video,
information services & all other telecommunications systems technologies
as are at present available or will be made available through technological
advances or innovations in the future; and/or construct, acquire, lease
& operate, or manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables, or
systems as are convenient or essential to efficiently carry out the purpose
of this franchise
Infinivan, Inc. To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 21-Jul-16 2041 CN 2016-227
& in the public interest, throughout the Philippines, wire and/or wireless CN 2017-011
telecommunications systems including mobile cellular, paging, fiber optics,
satellite transmit & receive systems, switches, international & domestic
gateway & international & domestic submarine cable landing stations, &
their value-added services such as the transmission of voice, data, facsimi-
le, control signs, audio & video, information services & all other telecommu-
nications systems technologies as are at present available or will be made
available through technological advances or innovations in the future; and/
or construct, acquire, lease & operate, or manage transmitting & receiving
stations, lines, cables, or systems as are convenient or essential to
efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
Bell Telecommuni- To carry on the business of providing telecommunications services in & 21-Jul-16 2041 CN 94-223
cation Phils., Inc. between provinces, cities & municipalities in the Philippines & between the
(Belltel) Philippines & other countries & territories &, for this purpose, to estab-
lish, operate, manage, lease, maintain & purchase telecommunications
systems, including mobile, cellular & wired or wireless telecommunications
systems, fiber optics, satellite transmit & receive systems, & other telecom-
munications systems & their value-added services such as transmission of
voice, data, facsimile, control signals, audio & video, information service
bureau & all other telecommunications systems technologies as are at
present available or be made available through technical advances or
innovations in the future, or construct, acquire, lease, & operate or manage
transmitting & receiving stations & switching stations, both for local &
international services, lines, cables or systems, as is, or are, convenient or
essential to efficiently carry out the purposes of this franchise
Metro Connections & To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 21-Jul-16 2041 CN 2017-363
Telecom Corp. & in the public interest, throughout the Philippines, with its central base of
operations located at San Juan City, wire and/or wireless telecommunica-
tions systems including, but not limited to, mobile, cellular, paging, fiber
optics, satellite transmit & receive systems, switches, & their value-added
services such as, but not limited to, transmission of voice, data, facsim-
ile, control signs, audio & video, information services bureau & all other
telecommunications systems technologies as are at present available or
will be made available through technological advances or innovations in the
future; and/or construct, acquire, lease & operate or manage transmitting &
receiving stations, lines, cables or systems as are convenient or essential
to efficiently carry out the purpose of this franchise
102 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Name of Franchise Nature and Scope of Franchise Expiry NO.
(for verification)
Megamanila Telecom To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain for commercial purposes 21-Jul-16 2041 CN 2016-303
Corp. & in the public interest, in the Philippines & between the Philippines & other
countries & territories, wire and/or wireless telecommunications systems
including international & local exchange earner (LEC), international &
domestic gateway facility, international & domestic submarine cable
landing stations, mobile cellular, copper, fiber optics, coaxial cable, satellite
transmit & receive systems, switches, & their value-added services such
as the transmission of voice, data, facsimile, control signs, audio & video,
information services & all other telecommunications systems technologies
as are at present available or will be made available through technological
advances or innovations in the future; and/or construct, acquire, lease
& operate, or manage transmitting & receiving stations, lines, cables, or
systems as are convenient or essential to efficiently carry out the purpose
of this franchise
SMART Communica- To construct, establish, install, maintain, lease, purchase, operate & carry 21-Apr-17 2042 CN 92-303
tions Inc. (SMART) on the business of providing telecommunications, including electronic CN 93-367
formerly Smart telecommunications or electronic communications services throughout CN 93-482
Information the Philippines & between the Philippines & other countries & territories, CN 94-197
Technologies, Inc. including outer space, as public interest may warrant, for public domestic CN 2000-177
& international telecommunications is hereby extended for twenty-five (25)
years from the effectivity of this Act, for this purpose, the grantee is hereby
granted the right to construct, establish, install, maintain, lease, purchase &
operate the corresponding transmitting & receiving stations, satellites, lines,
systems, networks, international gateways, local exchanges & platforms as
it may consider necessary, convenient, or reasonable
Now Telecom To construct, install, establish, operate & maintain lease, purchase & carry 22-Feb-18 2043 CN 94-331
Company Inc. on the business of providing telecommunications including electronic CN 2005-115
formerly Next Mobile, communications & electronic communications services throughout the
Inc./Satellite Paging Philippines & between the Philippines & other countries & other territories,
System Phils., Inc. including outer space as public interest may warrant, for public domestic &
international telecommunications
Domestic Satellite To establish, install, operate and maintain in the Philippines, and such <to check> <to check> CN 2002-005
Philippines, Inc. places as the Grantee may select, as carrier’s carrier, any and all types CN 99-102
of telecommunications services available through the use of space relay
and repeater stations for domestic public communications with authority to
receive and transmit messages, impressions, pictures, music, entertain-
ment, advertising, and signal throughout the Philippines and between the
Philppines and ships at sea, airplanes and other conveyances, contract
with and furnish channels of commeunications, both satellite and terrestrial
to authorized users
Republic Radio Radio Marine Service <to check> <to check> CN 2002-005
Communication- CN 99-102
103 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX B
Bohol Ports
104 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX C
Port of Loon Port of Talibon
Location Catagbacan, Loon, Bohol Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Status Active Active
Nature of Operations Commercial Commercial
Passenger & Cargo Transport Passenger & Cargo Transport
Use of Facility
Ro-Ro Port Ro-Ro Port
Amenities Passenger Terminal Building Terminal Management Office
Ro-Ro Ramp Passenger Terminal Building
Parking Area Parking Area
Access Road Banca/Stairlanding
Covered Walkway Covered Walkway
Back-up Area Open Storage/Back-up Area
Open Storage Area Ro-Ro Ramp
Total Area 13,309.00 sq. m 15,737.22 sq. m
Length of Berthing Space 150.95 ln. m 70 ln.m
Draft 10 - 11 meters 3 - 4 meters
Number of Ro-Ro Ramps 1 2
Size of Ro-Ro Ramp 108.00 sq. m 99.00 sq. m
Number of Pier/Wharf 1 1
Size of Pier/Wharf 846.75 sq. m 920.42 sq. m
LIite Shipping Corp.
Existing Ro-Ro Operators VG Shipping Lines
Mandaue Shipping & Lighterage Corp.
Argao, Cebu
Existing Ro-Ro Linkages Cebu City
Mandaue, Cebu
Source: Cebu Ports Authority
105 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX C
Cebu Baseport - Cebu International Port (CIP)
Backup Area 10 ha 10 ha
Source: Cebu Ports Authority Note: Cebu Base Port is the largest port in Cebu Province and the second largest
in the country next to the Port of Manila.
Cebu Subports
Mandaue Subport
Location Punta Engaño, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Sta. Rosa, Olango Island, Cebu
Use of Facility Passenger & cargo transport facility, ro-ro port Passenger, cargo, & ro-ro port
56-seater passenger terminal, CPA collection office, 56-seater passenger terminal, CPA collection office,
ro-ro ramp, parking space ro-ro ramp, back-up area, parking space
Total Area 1,616 sq. m 3,384.00 sq. m
Draft 6-8 ft 6 - 8 ft
Number of Ro-Ro ramps 1 1,608 sq. m
Number of Pier 1 1
Existing Ro-Ro Operators Trans Olango Shipping Corp., Sta. Rosa Ferry Trans Olango Shipping Corp., Sta. Rosa Ferry
Existing Ro-Ro Linkages Punta Engaño - Sta. Rosa, Olango Island Punta Engaño - Sta. Rosa, Olango Island
106 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX C
Danao Subport
Number of Piers 1 2
Size of Pier 2,909 sq. m 940 sq. m
Existing Ro-Ro Operators Jomalia Shipping Corp., Super Shuttle MV Ave Maria, Super Shuttle Ferry
Ferry Asian Marine Transport Corp. Asian Marine Transport Corp.,
Golden Express - Ocean Fast
Existing Ro-Ro Linkages Danao City, Cebu - Consuelo, Camotes, Poro, Camotes, Cebu - Danao City,
Cebu, & Danao City, Cebu - Poro, Cebu
Camotes, Cebu
Source: Cebu Ports Authority
Sta. Fe Subport
Location Talisay, Sta. Fe, Bantayan Island, Cebu Hagnaya, San Remegio, Cebu
Use of Facility Conventional & ro-ro facility, passenger facility Conventional & ro-ro facility, passenger facility
228-seater passenger terminal, CPA collection 200-seater passenger terminal, CPA collection
office, 2 ro-ro ramps, back-up area, parking space office, 3 ro-ro ramps, back-up area, parking space
Number of Piers 2 1
107 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX C
Toledo Subport
Use of Facility Conventional and ro-ro facility, passenger facility Conventional and ro-ro facility, passenger facility
140-seater passenger terminal, CPA collection 70-seater passenger terminal, CPA collection
office, ro-ro ramp, parking space office, parking space
Total Area 3,065 sq. m 3,000 sq. m
Draft 4 to 5 m 4 to 5 m
Number of Piers 1 1
Existing Ro-Ro Operators Lite Ferry Shipping Par Transport Shipping Lines
Existing Ro-Ro Linkages Toledo City, Cebu - San Carlos City, Negros Tangil, Dumanjug, Cebu - Guihulngan, Cebu
Argao Subport
Draft 6 to 8 m 4 to 5 m 4 to 5 m
108 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX C
Ports in Negros Oriental
109 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX C
Siquijor Ports
Plaridel, Bohol
Tagbilaran, Bohol
Existing Ro-Ro Linkages Dumaguete
Cebu City
Liloan, Santander, Cebu
110 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX C
VISAYAS (BY PRODUCTS), FOB Value in USD, FY 2016 - 2020
2 Other vessels for the transport 455,712,608 10.69 299,682,456 6.20 453,418,495 8.27 455,493,512 7.50 545,033,445 9.88 4.58
of goods & other vessels for the
transport of both persons and
3 Electrical & electronic 596,027,240 13.98 212,635,489 4.40 333,209,936 6.08 366,736,355 6.04 522,807,208 9.47 (3.22)
machinery, equipment & parts
manufactured from materials on
consignment basis
4 Other unwrought gold, non- 2,184,037 0.05 422,501,328 8.75 393,776,812 7.19 786,968,897 12.95 378,245,236 6.85 262.77
5 Ignition wiring sets & other 302,981,891 7.11 307,777,318 6.37 372,242,596 6.79 426,091,471 7.01 488,175,240 8.85 12.67
wiring sets of a kind used in
vehicles, aircraft or ships
6 Parts and accessories of instru- 67,524,436 1.58 219,800,123 4.55 310,889,839 5.67 32,120,152 0.53 463,259,268 8.40 61.84
ments & apparatus of heading
No. 90.30
7 Other inductors 171,410,745 4.02 161,025,960 3.33 154,149,727 2.81 150,489,088 2.48 141,783,176 2.57 (4.63)
8 Digital monolithic integrated 214,166,822 5.02 286,537,460 5.93 23,951,526 0.44 6,508,865 0.11 164,846,105 2.99 (6.33)
9 Copper ores & concentrates 141,021,492 3.31 59,532,118 1.23 40,008,852 0.73 216,809,928 3.57 46,367,326 0.84 (24.28)
10 Other electrical apparatus for 17,537,053 0.41 146,067,078 3.02 155,332,784 2.83 144,741,554 2.38 19,421,874 0.35 2.58
switching or protecting electrical
circuits, or for making connections
to or in electrical circuits
11 Other parts suitable for use solely 56,375,480 1.32 256,131,029 5.30 55,707,198 1.02 82,699,103 1.36 698,982 0.01 (66.63)
or principally with the apparatus of
headings No. 85.25 to 85.28
12 Watches manufactured from mate- 5,844,995 0.14 2,595,286 0.05 76,845,865 1.40 197,471,091 3.25 139,983,233 2.54 121.22
rials on consignment basis
13 Printed circuits 22,522,083 0.53 32,151,437 0.67 6,404,884 0.12 318,238,498 5.24 5,703,861 0.10 (29.06)
14 Other semi-manufactured forms, 1,181,088 0.03 2,509,499 0.05 328,313,233 5.99 22,355,947 0.37 12,402,188 0.22 80.01
15 Parts of microphones & stands 46,781,906 1.10 47,499,679 0.98 82,684,792 1.51 99,758,684 1.64 78,234,922 1.42 13.72
therefor; loudspeakers, whether or
not mounted in their
enclosures; headphones, ear-
phones, etc.
16 Carageenan, seaweeds & other 103,518,164 2.43 54,452,805 1.13 71,640,339 1.31 65,103,771 1.07 55,387,641 1.00 (14.47)
algae, n.e.s.
17 Crab, prepared or preserved 53,917,181 1.26 77,578,809 1.61 77,065,497 1.41 62,547,830 1.03 44,273,169 0.80 (4.81)
18 Transistors, other than 155,527,338 3.65 146,058,322 3.02 777,839 0.01 446,799 0.01 0 0.00 (100.00)
photosensitive transistors,
with a dissipation rate of 1W or
19 Other parts of centrifuges, 44,135,568 1.04 19,412,058 0.40 73,704,601 1.35 43,426,906 0.71 55,710,831 1.01 6.01
including centrifugal driers,
filtering or purifying machinery &
apparatus, for liquids or gases,
20 Mattresses, of other materials 42,021,158 0.99 59,951,497 1.24 61,590,439 1.12 68,149,371 1.12 46,209 0.00 (81.79)
21 Other wooden 36,779,706 0.86 31,483,074 0.65 49,987,816 0.91 30,462,779 0.50 67,182,624 1.22 16.26
furniture, n.e.s.
22 Other parts & accessories suitable 16,074,959 0.38 15,938,050 0.33 70,133,147 1.28 67,900,445 1.12 33,374,104 0.60 20.04
for use solely of principally with
the apparatus of headings Nos.
85.19 to 85.21
23 Steering wheels, steering columns 6,078,593 0.14 51,399,629 1.06 47,437,716 0.87 50,853,697 0.84 42,776,932 0.78 62.87
& steering boxes
24 Guavas, mangoes & mango- 47,536,100 1.12 9,186,738 0.19 34,189,478 0.62 34,340,184 0.57 44,579,021 0.81 (1.59)
steens, fresh or dried
25 Other products manufactured from 47,983,797 1.13 24,088,558 0.50 18,895,632 0.34 32,946,411 0.54 42,884,945 0.78 (2.77)
materials on consignment basis
111 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX D
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Rank Description CAGR %
Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share
26 Other parts & accessories, n.e.s., 159,894,100 3.75 2,475,589 0.05 773,009 0.01 1,259,176 0.02 897,476 0.02 (72.63)
of motor vehicles of groups 722,
781, 782 & 783
27 Other digital monolithic integrated 34,385,231 0.81 34,596,789 0.72 13,747,867 0.25 29,709,856 0.49 42,521,451 0.77 5.45
circuits, n.e.s.
28 Tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, of 36,880,031 0.87 50,350,189 1.04 42,431,158 0.77 21,082,065 0.35 39 0.00 (96.79)
cast iron
29 Other tableware, kitchenware, 28,028,022 0.66 27,515,996 0.57 29,948,348 0.55 27,170,603 0.45 25,892,947 0.47 (1.96)
other household articles & toilet
articles, of plastics
30 Activated carbon 17,230,528 0.40 28,412,430 0.59 29,875,722 0.55 25,619,393 0.42 20,744,351 0.38 4.75
31 Reduced-size (“scale”) model 18,288,470 0.43 31,091,826 0.64 26,578,757 0.49 25,999,879 0.43 18,152,949 0.33 (0.19)
assembly kits, whether or not
working models, excluding those
of subheading
No. 9503.10
32 Other pulps of fibers derived from 25,622,579 0.60 1,842,016 0.04 18,017,462 0.33 34,855,215 0.57 37,809,203 0.69 10.22
recovered (waste and scrap) pa-
per or paperboard, semi-chemical
33 Other instruments & apparatus 12,118,401 0.28 28,146,234 0.58 37,097,099 0.68 39,696,530 0.65 513,572 0.01 (54.63)
with a recording device
34 Other refined copper, unwrought 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 116,244,997 2.11
35 Parts & accessories of the ma- 65,004,503 1.53 9,334,722 0.19 12,676,621 0.23 11,690,977 0.19 11,471,944 0.21 (35.19)
chines of heading No. 84.71
36 Parts & accessories for cameras 34,681,688 0.81 25,442,265 0.53 19,168,601 0.35 18,923,464 0.31 10,688,500 0.19 (25.49)
37 Unrefined copper, copper 0 0.00 96,569,711 2.00 11,857,595 0.22 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
anodes for electrolytic refining
38 Hinges of base metal 3,665,377 0.09 31,302,230 0.65 32,626,949 0.60 24,081,294 0.40 14,965,996 0.27 42.15
39 Parts and accessories for the 22,215,169 0.52 37,639,330 0.78 11,533,497 0.21 16,350,926 0.27 18,838,451 0.34 (4.04)
photographic flashlight appara-
tus, n.e.s
40 Tankers of all kinds 101,144,000 2.37 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
41 Other commodities, temporarily 465,359 0.01 556,724 0.01 610,425 0.01 99,055,043 1.63 324,582 0.01 (8.61)
imported or exported
42 Telescopic sights for fitting to 2,745,992 0.06 23,834,353 0.49 24,721,374 0.45 20,742,745 0.34 26,890,806 0.49 76.90
arms, periscopes, telescopes
designed to form parts of ma-
chines, appliances, instruments
or apparatus of this Chapter or
Section XVI
43 Coconut (copra) oil & its fractions 16,230,364 0.38 20,658,929 0.43 22,812,343 0.42 18,726,981 0.31 14,413,941 0.26 (2.92)
thereof, whether or not refined,
but not chemically modified
44 Other taps, cocks, valves & 70,937,604 1.66 635,442 0.01 16,783,027 0.31 1,280,699 0.02 832,863 0.02 (67.08)
similar appliances, n.e.s.
45 Shrimps & prawns, frozen 22,111,603 0.52 28,305,280 0.59 13,926,386 0.25 15,471,712 0.25 7,633,198 0.14 (23.35)
46 Silver (including silver plated with 0 0.00 0 0.00 17,342,028 0.32 68,799,182 1.13 0 0.00 0.00
gold or platinum), unwrought
47 Other instruments & apparatus 12,942,974 0.30 17,942,387 0.37 26,984,063 0.49 24,506,645 0.40 0 0.00 (100.00)
for measuring or checking semi-
conductor wafers or devices
48 Semiconductor devices man- 11,973,147 0.28 5,284,529 0.11 26,410,531 0.48 19,652,888 0.32 17,983,097 0.33 10.70
ufactured from materials on
consignment basis
49 Other articles of bedding & 51,121 0.00 40,569 0.00 2,438 0.00 62,274 0.00 76,758,793 1.39 522.49
similar furnishings, n.e.s.
50 Other metal furniture of a kind 24,625,131 0.58 15,636,688 0.32 17,187,588 0.31 13,379,516 0.22 1,412,118 0.03 (51.06)
used in offices
51 Women's or girls' blouses, shirts 11,392,937 0.27 12,618,372 0.26 16,820,691 0.31 19,377,969 0.32 11,200,169 0.20 (0.43)
and shirt-blouses, of cotton, knitted
or crocheted
52 Other objective lenses, mounted 19,204,602 0.45 30,250,442 0.63 19,713,105 0.36 584,062 0.01 127,563 0.00 (71.45)
53 Parts, n.e.s. and accessories, for 16,756,686 0.39 8,779,747 0.18 13,461,695 0.25 18,939,443 0.31 11,885,223 0.22 (8.23)
machines of heading Nos. 84.56
to 84.61
54 Other electrical switches 4,370,711 0.10 15,059,958 0.31 18,348,230 0.33 16,790,210 0.28 10,902,382 0.20 25.67
55 Ferrous waste and scrap, n.e.s. 5,110,873 0.12 10,341,059 0.21 16,929,157 0.31 19,841,590 0.33 10,671,006 0.19 20.21
112 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX D
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Rank Description CAGR %
Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share
57 Imitation jewellery, of other 17,903,362 0.42 13,337,731 0.28 8,763,374 0.16 13,569,713 0.22 4,959,482 0.09 (27.45)
non-precious metal, n.e.s.
58 Other needles, catheters, 3,638,837 0.09 4,964,608 0.10 8,578,667 0.16 18,776,540 0.31 22,145,017 0.40 57.06
cannulae & the like
59 Cruise ships, excursion boats 0 0.00 0 0.00 180,000 0.00 56,625,155 0.93 0 0.00 0.00
& similar vessels principally
designed for the transport of
persons; ferry-boats of all kinds
60 Other fruits, nuts & other edible 3,409,523 0.08 39,555,566 0.82 3,622,235 0.07 4,241,837 0.07 5,227,029 0.09 11.27
parts of plants, otherwise pre-
pared or preserved, whether or
not containing added sugar or
other sweetening matter or spirit,
not elswhere specified or includ-
ed, including mixtures other than
of subheading No. 2008.19
61 Parts & accessories of lighters of 5,647,869 0.13 37,480,118 0.78 12,049,697 0.22 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
heading No. 96.13
62 Static converters (e.g. rectifiers) 4,833,695 0.11 7,806,794 0.16 8,040,521 0.15 17,863,956 0.29 13,960,409 0.25 30.36
63 Other parts & accessories of 0 0.00 548,842 0.01 2,352,270 0.04 23,459,996 0.39 24,966,722 0.45
bodies (including cabs), n.e.s.
64 Radio navigational aid apparatus 0 0.00 0 0.00 106,108 0.00 21,743,171 0.36 29,420,392 0.53
65 Other articles of vulcanized 6,675,315 0.16 502,752 0.01 4,062,850 0.07 19,996,829 0.33 18,108,509 0.33 28.34
rubber other than hard rubber
66 Other data processing equip- 2,115,876 0.05 25,590,516 0.53 6,220,862 0.11 12,781,736 0.21 1,552,766 0.03 (7.44)
ments, n.e.s.
67 Seaweeds & other algae, fresh, 3,068,752 0.07 4,708,223 0.10 7,377,818 0.13 18,152,685 0.30 12,985,135 0.24 43.42
chilled, frozen or dried, whether
or not ground
68 Ultra-violet or infra-red ray 11,486,021 0.27 21,468,620 0.44 12,981,032 0.24 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
69 Other wrist-watches, electrically 8,376,447 0.20 0 0.00 36,973,271 0.67 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
operated, whether or not incorpo-
rating a stop-watch facility, n.e.s.,
other than those of heading No.
70 Transistors, other than photosen- 26,215,701 0.62 5,646,854 0.12 9,430,856 0.17 2,831,472 0.05 284 0.00 (94.26)
sitive transistors, with a dissipa-
tion rate of less than 1W
71 Mounted optical elements, n.e.s. 10,566,359 0.25 6,350,127 0.13 18,575,401 0.34 1,085,975 0.02 7,533,405 0.14 (8.11)
72 Other parts of balls or rollers 425,235 0.01 20,861,936 0.43 22,630,162 0.41 27,478 0.00 10,724 0.00 (60.15)
73 Dolomite, not calcined 0 0.00 106,185 0.00 2,666,690 0.05 4,716,630 0.08 35,216,566 0.64
74 Cartons, boxes & cases, of corru- 2,999,858 0.07 3,492,337 0.07 1,903,835 0.03 15,406,812 0.25 18,523,051 0.34 57.64
gated paper or paperboard
75 Men's or boys' trousers, bib 1,838,508 0.04 1,902,782 0.04 7,237,295 0.13 20,329,245 0.33 9,672,401 0.18 51.45
& brace overalls, breeches &
shorts, of synthetic fibers, not
knitted or crocheted
76 Parts and accessories of micro- 13,805,868 0.32 10,454,771 0.22 8,243,966 0.15 5,119,892 0.08 879 0.00 (91.07)
scopes other than optical micro-
scopes; diffraction apparatus
77 Worked bone, tortoise-shell, horn, 6,848,401 0.16 7,926,666 0.16 11,164,947 0.20 5,175,696 0.09 5,729,011 0.10 (4.36)
antlers, coral, mother-of-pearl &
other animal carving material,
& articles of these materials
(including articles obtained by
78 Road wheels & parts & accesso- 36,768,334 0.86 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
ries thereof
79 Other articles of cement, of con- 3,933,575 0.09 8,427,662 0.17 6,167,502 0.11 8,106,067 0.13 8,514,343 0.15 21.29
crete or of artificial stone, n.e.s.,
whether or not reinforced
80 Milk & cream, in powder, granules 0 0.00 12,086,578 0.25 9,241,440 0.17 8,485,332 0.14 4,167,936 0.08
or other solid forms, of a fat
content, by weight, other than
040210 and 040221, concentrat-
ed, other than 040291
81 Basketwork, wickerwork & other 5,675,386 0.13 6,192,389 0.13 6,038,130 0.11 7,460,792 0.12 7,761,168 0.14 8.14
articles, made directly to shape
from plaiting materials or made
up from goods of heading No.
46.01; articles of loofah
82 Other mountings, fittings & similar 8,061,844 0.19 12,002,134 0.25 2,397,059 0.04 1,952,750 0.03 6,664,606 0.12 (4.65)
articles, suitable for buildings, of
base metal
83 Eye make-up preparations 6,506,643 0.15 8,684,711 0.18 5,949,765 0.11 6,288,370 0.10 3,230,401 0.06 (16.06)
84 Parts & accessories of compound 5,065,278 0.12 7,609,095 0.16 10,193,413 0.19 2,737,676 0.05 4,731,198 0.09 (1.69)
optical microscopes
85 Furniture of other materials, 9,607,139 0.23 9,128,589 0.19 4,121,334 0.08 4,602,375 0.08 1,932,146 0.04 (33.03)
including cane, osier, bamboo or
similar materials
113 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX D
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Rank Description CAGR %
Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share
86 Articles of apparel, of leather or of 4,961,188 0.12 6,054,091 0.13 6,092,357 0.11 6,299,264 0.10 5,812,465 0.11 4.04
composition leather
87 Coconut (copra) oil, crude 14,037,248 0.33 4,316,214 0.09 1,800,290 0.03 65,890 0.00 8,944,105 0.16 (10.66)
88 Other cellulose & its chemical 2,627,563 0.06 22,884,784 0.47 354,132 0.01 1,354,022 0.02 1,781,378 0.03 (9.26)
derivatives, n.e.s. or included, in
primary forms
89 Other preparations not elsewhere 7,666,336 0.18 2,565,361 0.05 7,205,053 0.13 7,742,347 0.13 3,569,158 0.06 (17.40)
specified or included
90 Other parts suitable for use solely 20,197,225 0.47 356,933 0.01 76,797 0.00 3,362,140 0.06 4,424,168 0.08 (31.59)
or principally with the apparatus
of heading No. 85.35, 85.36 or
91 Printing ink, other than black 29,400 0.00 706,692 0.01 6,587,088 0.12 8,568,207 0.14 12,282,276 0.22 352.10
92 Ice cream & other edible ice, 0 0.00 1,577,274 0.03 7,534,490 0.14 11,092,883 0.18 7,902,466 0.14
whether or not containing cocoa
93 Wood charcoal (including shell 1,798,214 0.04 737,686 0.02 4,445,958 0.08 7,744,507 0.13 12,977,936 0.24 63.90
or nut charcoal), whether or not
94 Men's or boys' trousers, bib 4,327,093 0.10 4,236,629 0.09 5,871,630 0.11 4,627,831 0.08 7,276,041 0.13 13.87
& brace overalls, breeches &
shorts, of synthetic fibers, knitted
or crocheted
95 Diodes, other than photosensitive 12,127,846 0.28 12,898,078 0.27 775,101 0.01 225,208 0.00 1,488 0.00 (89.48)
or light emitting diodes
96 Parts of the goods of heading No. 625,309 0.01 3,450,767 0.07 4,694,329 0.09 4,626,093 0.08 12,615,436 0.23 111.93
94.05, of other materials, n.e.s.
97 Base metals, silver or gold, clad 627 0.00 8,365,168 0.17 8,429,684 0.15 4,378,230 0.07 4,109,562 0.07 799.77
with platinum, not further worked
than semi-manufactured
98 Other medical, surgical, dental or 10,116,768 0.24 1,434,210 0.03 4,023,314 0.07 2,083,896 0.03 7,065,581 0.13 (8.58)
veterinary sciences, n.e.s.
99 Parts & accessories (not 8,084,986 0.19 9,707,298 0.20 6,134,536 0.11 330,155 0.01 0 0.00 (100.00)
specified or included elsewhere
in this Chapter) for machines,
appliances, instruments or
apparatus of Chapter 90
100 Statuettes & other ornaments, 3,163,784 0.07 2,721,319 0.06 7,045,556 0.13 7,262,889 0.12 3,598,392 0.07 3.27
of wood
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority Note: Clink on the link for the complete list of Philippine Merchandise
Exports of Central Visayas (by Products)
114 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX D
(BY MARKETS) FOB Value in US$, FY 2016 to 2020
Total Regional Exports 4,262,301,295 100.00 4,830,325,222 100.00 5,479,607,736 100.00 6,075,381,304 100.00 5,518,260,265 100.00
1 Japan 1,319,328,137 30.95 1,025,361,755 21.23 1,211,139,626 22.10 1,249,332,553 20.56 1,250,254,873 22.66 (1.34)
2 Hong Kong SAR 544,462,927 12.77 923,012,363 19.11 915,011,238 16.70 1,034,521,201 17.03 499,952,948 9.06 (2.11)
3 China, People's Republic of 405,288,380 9.51 382,316,828 7.91 575,317,208 10.50 849,026,737 13.97 722,350,687 13.09 15.54
4 United States of America 597,476,596 14.02 589,094,192 12.20 573,699,006 10.47 562,028,589 9.25 470,354,337 8.52 (5.81)
5 Thailand 239,491,120 5.62 301,390,684 6.24 618,205,147 11.28 630,212,519 10.37 536,133,604 9.72 22.32
6 Korea, Republic of (South) 153,586,108 3.60 276,266,942 5.72 267,035,632 4.87 308,091,049 5.07 354,271,677 6.42 23.24
7 Taiwan (Republic of China) 145,390,657 3.41 213,843,342 4.43 150,707,041 2.75 198,562,923 3.27 231,207,151 4.19 12.30
8 Vietnam 72,504,781 1.70 127,170,508 2.63 122,468,877 2.23 190,636,796 3.14 322,453,438 5.84 45.22
9 Singapore 125,297,688 2.94 113,800,583 2.36 117,310,532 2.14 120,925,508 1.99 277,787,233 5.03 22.02
10 Malaysia 73,117,283 1.72 152,094,519 3.15 169,525,991 3.09 176,738,346 2.91 136,849,568 2.48 16.96
11 Netherlands 89,452,308 2.10 112,826,581 2.34 121,934,823 2.23 133,338,180 2.19 146,473,123 2.65 13.12
12 Indonesia 57,249,651 1.34 124,883,901 2.59 130,300,559 2.38 124,268,776 2.05 77,967,288 1.41 8.03
13 Germany 84,583,732 1.98 73,954,971 1.53 79,898,230 1.46 69,944,660 1.15 55,591,627 1.01 (9.96)
14 India 9,897,139 0.23 85,648,680 1.77 29,268,998 0.53 29,547,441 0.49 143,776,997 2.61 95.23
15 U.K. Great Britain and 46,006,807 1.08 34,581,957 0.72 42,753,911 0.78 58,113,526 0.96 44,131,414 0.80 (1.04)
Northern Ireland
16 France 60,773,867 1.43 46,988,276 0.97 51,001,444 0.93 37,952,767 0.62 19,277,133 0.35 (24.95)
17 United Arab Emirates 9,545,251 0.22 31,895,463 0.66 72,872,779 1.33 12,600,216 0.21 7,580,192 0.14 (5.60)
18 Canada 13,954,033 0.33 27,663,735 0.57 18,134,069 0.33 22,831,430 0.38 22,162,162 0.40 12.26
19 Australia 14,921,918 0.35 15,433,681 0.32 21,020,801 0.38 26,105,180 0.43 25,254,478 0.46 14.06
20 Spain 35,614,220 0.84 22,269,051 0.46 18,616,258 0.34 11,975,596 0.20 6,315,375 0.11 (35.11)
21 Argentina 15,975,314 0.37 12,738,625 0.26 17,551,042 0.32 11,619,487 0.19 22,359,660 0.41 8.77
22 Italy 14,763,107 0.35 14,994,591 0.31 15,169,885 0.28 17,459,260 0.29 15,869,035 0.29 1.82
23 Mexico 11,556,053 0.27 13,341,400 0.28 23,754,729 0.43 14,914,700 0.25 9,884,436 0.18 (3.83)
24 Denmark 6,473,148 0.15 2,214,578 0.05 15,655,913 0.29 24,931,267 0.41 21,372,227 0.39 34.80
25 Belgium 12,873,413 0.30 8,342,554 0.17 6,116,625 0.11 9,466,303 0.16 5,991,907 0.11 (17.40)
26 Switzerland 5,952,237 0.14 10,251,565 0.21 8,877,125 0.16 10,441,330 0.17 6,641,390 0.12 2.78
27 Russian Federation 5,798,799 0.14 6,256,199 0.13 5,800,387 0.11 9,397,692 0.15 6,987,052 0.13 4.77
28 Brazil 5,023,647 0.12 5,583,620 0.12 5,707,971 0.10 3,846,297 0.06 3,715,370 0.07 (7.26)
29 Luxembourg 5,428,807 0.13 5,848,887 0.12 4,367,473 0.08 4,679,860 0.08 2,965,374 0.05 (14.03)
30 French Polynesia 84,490 0.00 170,694 0.00 48,949 0.00 22,145,001 0.36 41,169 0.00 (16.45)
31 Bangladesh 2,842,144 0.07 2,466,870 0.05 5,078,083 0.09 7,888,722 0.13 2,518,668 0.05 (2.98)
32 South Africa 6,419,390 0.15 5,299,117 0.11 3,347,212 0.06 3,986,517 0.07 1,675,704 0.03 (28.52)
33 Austria 5,742,202 0.13 5,107,027 0.11 2,027,149 0.04 2,714,518 0.04 2,426,894 0.04 (19.37)
34 Poland 2,519,517 0.06 2,304,068 0.05 4,157,523 0.08 5,246,507 0.09 3,440,320 0.06 8.10
35 Ireland 6,172,174 0.14 3,687,989 0.08 2,773,058 0.05 1,363,750 0.02 1,183,426 0.02 (33.83)
36 Turkey 1,310,349 0.03 892,363 0.02 2,023,994 0.04 4,346,135 0.07 5,048,736 0.09 40.10
37 Czech Republic 2,889,692 0.07 2,222,558 0.05 3,360,054 0.06 2,607,343 0.04 1,708,028 0.03 (12.32)
38 Korea, Democratic People's 12,616,547 0.30 0 0.00 1,960 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
Republic of (North)
39 Panama 853,822 0.02 281,359 0.01 2,798,098 0.05 4,725,403 0.08 2,701,381 0.05 33.37
40 Costa Rica 949,851 0.02 1,291,487 0.03 1,385,393 0.03 3,179,665 0.05 4,082,756 0.07 43.99
41 Pakistan, Islamic Republic 1,449,365 0.03 2,901,930 0.06 1,575,696 0.03 2,841,260 0.05 1,599,712 0.03 2.50
42 Saudi Arabia 1,468,001 0.03 1,710,550 0.04 1,606,186 0.03 2,833,810 0.05 2,649,723 0.05 15.91
43 Chile 1,919,242 0.05 1,573,580 0.03 1,344,439 0.02 3,504,489 0.06 1,567,748 0.03 (4.93)
44 Portugal 2,218,831 0.05 2,340,038 0.05 2,136,578 0.04 1,767,927 0.03 1,417,838 0.03 (10.59)
45 Micronesia, Federated 1,827,598 0.04 2,082,615 0.04 2,033,591 0.04 1,922,284 0.03 1,687,248 0.03 (1.98)
States of
46 New Caledonia 227,673 0.01 332,728 0.01 2,190,566 0.04 3,328,209 0.05 3,324,604 0.06 95.48
47 Oman 339,895 0.01 7,978,479 0.17 231,374 0.00 392,035 0.01 327,995 0.01 (0.89)
48 Israel 2,033,868 0.05 1,721,304 0.04 1,245,953 0.02 2,193,212 0.04 1,990,502 0.04 (0.54)
49 New Zealand 1,973,682 0.05 2,027,425 0.04 1,946,623 0.04 1,368,875 0.02 1,394,845 0.03 (8.31)
50 Finland 2,824,183 0.07 1,647,224 0.03 994,729 0.02 824,080 0.01 1,442,982 0.03 (15.45)
115 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX E
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Rank Market CAGR %
Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share
51 Peru 2,273,097 0.05 515,842 0.01 395,340 0.01 3,199,830 0.05 1,293,564 0.02 (13.15)
52 Sweden 1,131,394 0.03 823,406 0.02 1,601,069 0.03 2,319,499 0.04 1,542,690 0.03 8.06
53 Romania 1,530,327 0.04 783,312 0.02 1,127,489 0.02 2,155,278 0.04 1,076,850 0.02 (8.41)
54 Cambodia 104,672 0.00 304,433 0.01 2,499,365 0.05 1,091,814 0.02 2,154,536 0.04 113.00
55 Qatar 983,259 0.02 1,192,675 0.02 923,383 0.02 1,563,716 0.03 1,220,064 0.02 5.54
56 Hungary 410,395 0.01 111,407 0.00 1,696,840 0.03 1,282,750 0.02 2,126,295 0.04 50.87
57 Sri Lanka 129,698 0.00 326,277 0.01 2,734,321 0.05 1,928,933 0.03 415,871 0.01 33.82
58 Morocco 123,113 0.00 108,474 0.00 274,497 0.01 911,338 0.02 3,833,979 0.07 136.23
59 Netherlands Antilles 147,334 0.00 271,164 0.01 1,362,544 0.02 2,432,885 0.04 946,766 0.02 59.22
60 Kuwait 732,899 0.02 822,136 0.02 1,100,787 0.02 1,663,385 0.03 720,601 0.01 (0.42)
61 Croatia 671,377 0.02 658,941 0.01 1,165,544 0.02 2,155,146 0.04 318,885 0.01 (16.98)
62 Colombia 689,511 0.02 134,501 0.00 342,244 0.01 2,155,244 0.04 1,046,217 0.02 10.99
63 Guam 839,253 0.02 516,391 0.01 983,328 0.02 1,612,137 0.03 362,768 0.01 (18.92)
64 Egypt, Arab Republic of 616,813 0.01 1,490,688 0.03 561,141 0.01 687,237 0.01 481,510 0.01 (6.00)
65 Macau SAR 36,766 0.00 604,717 0.01 540,792 0.01 1,050,089 0.02 1,201,526 0.02 139.10
66 Slovak Republic 284,741 0.01 1,009,394 0.02 483,317 0.01 801,859 0.01 629,462 0.01 21.94
67 Greece 546,172 0.01 423,651 0.01 717,453 0.01 1,054,663 0.02 464,442 0.01 (3.97)
68 Bulgaria 604,369 0.01 1,277,483 0.03 612,268 0.01 302,453 0.00 329,135 0.01 (14.10)
69 Norway 292,058 0.01 414,669 0.01 516,927 0.01 530,373 0.01 1,363,103 0.02 46.98
70 Brunei Darussalam 1,758,921 0.04 1,080,452 0.02 153,868 0.00 39,052 0.00 519 0.00 (86.89)
71 Ukraine 397,936 0.01 293,551 0.01 1,072,621 0.02 690,694 0.01 517,503 0.01 6.79
72 Lebanon 807,701 0.02 262,554 0.01 579,331 0.01 114,064 0.00 897,516 0.02 2.67
73 Slovenia 180,746 0.00 716,910 0.01 96,844 0.00 739,956 0.01 394,914 0.01 21.58
74 Kiribati 196,950 0.00 775,500 0.02 532,000 0.01 351,000 0.01 182,000 0.00 (1.95)
75 Puerto Rico 26,015 0.00 739,633 0.02 524,764 0.01 580,412 0.01 43,479 0.00 13.70
76 Maldives, Republic of 249,252 0.01 316,414 0.01 470,554 0.01 324,268 0.01 200,266 0.00 (5.32)
78 Estonia 61,793 0.00 428,203 0.01 323,235 0.01 361,920 0.01 318,514 0.01 50.68
79 Lao People's Democratic 48,306 0.00 1,226,570 0.03 93,358 0.00 198 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
Republic (Laos)
80 Lithuania 25,525 0.00 74,886 0.00 77,299 0.00 614,712 0.01 482,618 0.01 108.53
81 Papa New Guinea 85,982 0.00 169,761 0.00 135,956 0.00 319,361 0.01 560,641 0.01 59.80
82 Fiji 275,600 0.01 378,761 0.01 289,563 0.01 246,183 0.00 38,434 0.00 (38.89)
83 Uruguay 246,705 0.01 392,774 0.01 92,025 0.00 421,361 0.01 64,441 0.00 (28.51)
84 Serbia 93,631 0.00 17,339 0.00 100,004 0.00 414,656 0.01 523,623 0.01 53.78
85 Guatemala 241,351 0.01 170,381 0.00 271,372 0.00 264,931 0.00 188,092 0.00 (6.04)
86 Belarus 309,508 0.01 323,653 0.01 335,129 0.01 121,377 0.00 29,061 0.00 (44.64)
87 Iran, Islamic Republic of 201,600 0.00 391,380 0.01 194,683 0.00 161,997 0.00 168,475 0.00 (4.39)
88 British Virgin Islands 0 0.00 138,821 0.00 169,807 0.00 741,298 0.01 8,770 0.00
89 Bahrain 120,668 0.00 134,076 0.00 97,246 0.00 389,181 0.01 240,724 0.00 18.85
90 Latvia 625,608 0.01 15,623 0.00 2,850 0.00 41,782 0.00 251,674 0.00 (20.36)
91 Tunisia 7,343 0.00 11,988 0.00 86,568 0.00 248,261 0.00 507,852 0.01 188.38
92 Ecuador 24,300 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 590,609 0.01 146,771 0.00 56.77
93 Afghanistan 101,800 0.00 28,728 0.00 13,126 0.00 543,127 0.01 0 0.00 (100.00)
95 Iceland 53,295 0.00 145,302 0.00 276,139 0.01 138,079 0.00 42,093 0.00 (5.73)
96 Solomon Islands 13,427 0.00 279,660 0.01 157,086 0.00 0 0.00 175,381 0.00 90.11
97 Zambia 560,500 0.01 785 0.00 26,812 0.00 240 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
98 Swaziland 111,984 0.00 107,868 0.00 154,230 0.00 150,491 0.00 60,316 0.00 (14.33)
99 Iraq 91,710 0.00 74,181 0.00 230,541 0.00 169,133 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
100 Mauritius 59,991 0.00 21,345 0.00 125,312 0.00 86,979 0.00 249,014 0.00 42.74
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority Note: Clink on the link for the complete list of Philippine Merchandise
Exports of Region VII (by Markets)
116 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX E
MARKETS WITH PRODUCTS), FOB Value in USD, FY 2016 to 2020
Japan Other vessels for the 454,534,326 34.45 299,607,037 29.22 452,951,882 37.40 451,981,581 36.18 545,033,445 43.59 4.64
transport of goods
& other vessels for
the transport of both
persons and goods
Ignition wiring sets & 103,953,178 7.88 117,821,692 11.49 151,097,447 12.48 181,019,735 14.49 157,028,268 12.56 10.86
other wiring sets of a
kind used in vehicles,
aircraft or ships
Electrical & electronic 122,225,777 9.26 59,303,809 5.78 59,197,472 4.89 47,287,166 3.78 70,510,409 5.64 (12.85)
machinery, equipment &
parts manufactured from
materials on consign-
ment basis
Steering wheels, steer- 5,282,912 0.40 41,876,806 4.08 40,587,228 3.35 41,775,194 3.34 37,230,926 2.98 62.93
ing columns & steering
Other tableware, 23,450,392 1.78 26,129,713 2.55 29,103,937 2.40 24,975,727 2.00 24,734,251 1.98 1.34
kitchenware, other
household articles &
toilet articles, of plastics
Other electrical 3,377,457 0.26 27,688,955 2.70 32,919,757 2.72 39,255,838 3.14 5,391,988 0.43 12.41
apparatus for switching
or protecting electrical
circuits, or for making
connections to or in
electrical circuits
Reduced-size ("scale") 16,637,212 1.26 27,746,066 2.71 23,120,605 1.91 21,859,302 1.75 12,634,863 1.01 (6.65)
model assembly kits,
whether or not working
models, excluding those
of subheading No.
Tankers of all kinds 101,144,000 7.67 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
Other products manu- 21,769,009 1.65 13,650,881 1.33 10,740,575 0.89 17,981,545 1.44 20,540,772 1.64 (1.44)
factured from materials
on consignment basis
Other parts & acces- 5,594,178 0.42 5,715,418 0.56 18,406,673 1.52 31,531,152 2.52 19,663,297 1.57 36.92
sories suitable for use
solely of principally
with the apparatus of
headings Nos. 85.19
to 85.21
Other parts of centri- 14,525,090 1.10 9,205,884 0.90 18,616,636 1.54 15,157,271 1.21 14,965,502 1.20 0.75
fuges, including centrif-
ugal driers, filtering or
purifying machinery &
apparatus, for liquids or
gases, n.e.s
Other inductors 15,572,797 1.18 13,398,531 1.31 11,899,042 0.98 11,142,953 0.89 12,548,337 1.00 (5.26)
Semiconductor devices 8,433,638 0.64 348,203 0.03 18,508,594 1.53 16,102,168 1.29 14,558,308 1.16 14.62
manufactured from
materials on consign-
ment basis
Parts & accessories for 13,581,678 1.03 14,338,063 1.40 8,982,506 0.74 11,480,159 0.92 6,435,862 0.51 (17.03)
Other articles of plastics 13,746,580 1.04 14,374,384 1.40 11,652,841 0.96 10,734,352 0.86 730,366 0.06 (51.99)
& articles of other
materials of headings
Nos. 39.01 to 39.14
Radio navigational aid 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 21,743,171 1.74 29,420,392 2.35
Copper ores & concen- 13,077,770 0.99 7,976,829 0.78 0 0.00 0 0.00 29,905,161 2.39 22.97
Tubes, pipes & hollow 13,899,700 1.05 17,522,750 1.71 11,150,354 0.92 7,795,111 0.62 0 0.00 (100.00)
profiles, of cast iron
Other needles, cathe- 3,519,460 0.27 4,078,767 0.40 7,118,139 0.59 15,825,457 1.27 18,261,216 1.46 50.93
ters, cannulae & the like
Other parts & acces- 47,099,871 3.57 641,864 0.06 69,221 0.01 75,334 0.01 386,027 0.03 (69.91)
sories, n.e.s., of motor
vehicles of groups 722,
781, 782 and 783
117 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX F
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Market Description CAGR %
Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share
Parts & accessories of 6,108,798 0.46 10,254,435 1.00 15,581,825 1.29 1,046,661 0.08 15,047,171 1.20 25.28
instruments & apparatus
of heading No. 90.30
Other electrical switches 2,377,143 0.18 10,280,619 1.00 12,217,027 1.01 10,928,613 0.87 7,475,804 0.60 33.17
Guavas, mangoes, 9,938,996 0.75 3,407,102 0.33 9,736,260 0.80 7,865,277 0.63 10,995,767 0.88 2.56
mangosteens, fresh
or dried
Shrimps & prawns, 13,001,860 0.99 13,415,557 1.31 6,165,928 0.51 6,239,550 0.50 2,569,666 0.21 (33.32)
Parts & accessories for 9,433,442 0.72 13,312,909 1.30 2,994,857 0.25 5,866,877 0.47 7,405,362 0.59 (5.87)
the photographic flash-
light apparatus, n.e.s
Digital monolithic inte- 17,640,450 1.34 20,699,951 2.02 352,839 0.03 33,859 0.00 10,223 0.00 (84.48)
grated circuits
Parts & accessories of 13,574,692 1.03 10,107,865 0.99 7,720,556 0.64 4,985,515 0.40 879 0.00 (91.03)
microscopes other than
optical microscopes;
diffraction apparatus
Other commodities, 62,106 0.00 80,488 0.01 100,030 0.01 34,700,064 2.78 43,086 0.00 (8.74)
temporarily imported or
Mounted optical 5,817,682 0.44 5,417,923 0.53 14,267,443 1.18 1,078,272 0.09 7,134,328 0.57 5.23
elements, n.e.s.
Road wheels, parts & 32,918,042 2.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
accessories thereof
Eye make-up prepa- 6,340,993 0.48 8,430,632 0.82 5,805,205 0.48 6,104,856 0.49 3,230,047 0.26 (15.52)
Parts, n.e.s. & acces- 6,551,085 0.50 5,498,857 0.54 8,111,584 0.67 7,992,256 0.64 1,691,367 0.14 (28.72)
sories, for machines
of heading Nos. 84.56
to 84.61
Activated carbon 5,014,244 0.38 8,712,142 0.85 4,949,796 0.41 6,533,884 0.52 3,747,729 0.30 (7.02)
Parts & accessories 4,805,571 0.36 7,265,225 0.71 9,759,572 0.81 2,706,449 0.22 4,352,533 0.35 (2.45)
of compound optical
Parts & accessories of 12,685,897 0.96 2,677,751 0.26 3,820,479 0.32 4,362,593 0.35 4,427,174 0.35 (23.14)
the machines of heading
No. 84.71
Base metals, silver or 627 0.00 8,364,597 0.82 8,426,880 0.70 4,376,679 0.35 4,109,562 0.33 799.77
gold, clad with platinum,
not further worked than
Fish fillets, frozen 7,117,826 0.54 6,758,436 0.66 5,966,335 0.49 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
Tiles, flagstones & sim- 4,910,599 0.37 4,521,272 0.44 2,201,291 0.18 1,493,309 0.12 5,531,859 0.44 3.02
ilar articles, of cement,
of concrete or of artificial
stone, whether or not
Other articles of vulca- 2,231,254 0.17 34,981 0.00 379,287 0.03 7,636,490 0.61 8,005,584 0.64 37.63
nized rubber other than
hard rubber
Other parts suitable for 3,264,800 0.25 6,728,732 0.66 4,798,852 0.40 2,891,280 0.23 74,011 0.01 (61.20)
use solely or principally
with the apparatus of
headings No. 85.25 to
Handles & knobs, of 1,976,931 0.15 5,359,045 0.52 4,595,292 0.38 3,329,286 0.27 1,737,484 0.14 (3.18)
articles of heading No.
66.01 or 66.02
Parts of the goods of 43,276 0.00 26,759 0.00 14,042 0.00 4,423,237 0.35 12,484,160 1.00 312.12
heading No. 94.05, of
other materials, n.e.s.
Printed circuits 44,100 0.00 1,788,158 0.17 37,539 0.00 14,299,344 1.14 5,014 0.00 (41.93)
Cameras with through- 4,452,229 0.34 3,241,694 0.32 4,391,219 0.36 3,657,382 0.29 0 0.00 (100.00)
the-lens viewfinder
(single lens reflex SLR),
for roll film of a width not
exceeding 35 mm
Other sports footwear 3,178,720 0.24 2,756,157 0.27 3,234,514 0.27 3,384,261 0.27 2,684,311 0.21 (4.14)
with outer soles of
rubber or plastics
Powders, whether or not 1,837,202 0.14 1,909,708 0.19 4,774,939 0.39 4,047,319 0.32 2,049,702 0.16 2.77
118 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX F
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Market Description CAGR %
Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share
Carageenan, seaweeds 4,116,302 0.31 722,563 0.07 3,676,439 0.30 3,272,032 0.26 2,798,838 0.22 (9.19)
& other algae, n.e.s.
Other parts of balls or 10,111 0.00 6,672,057 0.65 7,408,502 0.61 25,087 0.00 10,724 0.00 1.48
rollers bearings
Goods returned to the 2,283,646 0.17 600,299 0.06 2,403,805 0.20 3,079,945 0.25 5,077,918 0.41 22.11
country whence import-
ed/exported, n.e.s.
Other medical, surgical, 2,106,411 0.16 137,441 0.01 1,873,283 0.15 2,058,425 0.16 7,032,523 0.56 35.17
dental or veterinary
sciences, n.e.s.
Other fruits, nuts & other 974,566 0.07 10,921,222 1.07 124,175 0.01 230,814 0.02 635,879 0.05 (10.12)
edible parts of plants,
otherwise prepared or
preserved, whether or
not containing added
sugar or other sweet-
ening matter or spirit,
not elswhere specified
or included, including
mixtures other than of
subheading No. 2008.19
Spectacle lenses of 7,111,392 0.54 1,967,975 0.19 2,049,576 0.17 815,855 0.07 523,755 0.04 (47.91)
other materials
Parts of the goods of 0 0.00 1,485,221 0.14 10,784,576 0.89 13,279 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
heading No. 94.05, of
Other parts & accesso- 0 0.00 267,909 0.03 1,382,227 0.11 6,054,830 0.48 3,757,297 0.30
ries of bodies (including
cabs), n.e.s.
Articles of other 6,375,460 0.48 8,261 0.00 879,548 0.07 3,835,383 0.31 0 0.00 (100.00)
precious metal &
parts thereof, of silver,
whether or not plated or
clad with other precious
Other unwrought gold, 2,184,037 0.17 3,892,388 0.38 4,205,644 0.35 0 0.00 143,196 0.01 (49.40)
Other construction sets 10,193,381 0.77 0 0.00 58,288 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
& construction toys
Othe cameras, n.e.s 3,459,191 0.26 5,429,317 0.53 1,009 0.00 0 0.00 1,287,037 0.10 (21.90)
Parts & accessories of 168,797 0.01 8,164,086 0.80 1,841,242 0.15 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
lighters of heading No.
Watches manufactured 701,538 0.05 0 0.00 3,826,764 0.32 2,258,963 0.18 3,218,872 0.26 46.36
from materials on
consignment basis
Other wooden furniture, 2,072,059 0.16 1,669,100 0.16 2,126,849 0.18 2,053,949 0.16 1,815,117 0.15 (3.26)
Microscopes, n.e.s. 0 0.00 269 0.00 0 0.00 2,632,075 0.21 6,817,054 0.55
Parts & accessories of 3,419 0.00 5,826,641 0.57 2,656,198 0.22 603,796 0.05 266,331 0.02 197.08
the machines of heading
No. 84.72
Other gloves, mittens 2,799,579 0.21 1,648,121 0.16 1,283,204 0.11 1,592,481 0.13 1,755,102 0.14 (11.02)
and mitts, of other textile
materials, knitted or
Other winding wire 468 0.00 6,148,851 0.60 2,792,862 0.23 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
T sections, of iron or 1,335,648 0.10 2,062,331 0.20 1,837,351 0.15 1,768,159 0.14 1,634,040 0.13 5.17
non-alloy steel, not
further worked than
hot-rolled, hot-drawn or
extruded, of a height of
less than 80 mm
Hinges, of base metal 694,455 0.05 3,140,806 0.31 2,656,163 0.22 1,167,450 0.09 831,828 0.07 4.62
Cuttle fish (Sepia 3,197,362 0.24 1,797,944 0.18 1,017,355 0.08 1,339,372 0.11 1,080,923 0.09 (23.75)
officinalis, Rossia
macrosoma, Sepiola
spp.) & squid (Ommas-
trephes spp., Loligo
spp., Nototodarus spp.,
Sepioteuthis spp.),
frozen, dried, salted or
in brine
Liquid dielectric 2,546,129 0.19 379,765 0.04 2,913,058 0.24 815,733 0.07 1,251,832 0.10 (16.26)
transformers, having a
power handling capacity
exceeding 10,000 kVA
119 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX F
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Market Description CAGR %
Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share
Articles of apparel & 201,284 0.02 306,528 0.03 4,963,795 0.41 1,925,735 0.15 140,968 0.01 (8.52)
clothing accessories
(including gloves), of
Baths, shower-baths, 2,635 0.00 1,792,792 0.17 1,541,869 0.13 1,831,836 0.15 2,161,549 0.17 435.18
wash-basins, of plastics
Other mountings, 1,583,656 0.12 411,130 0.04 271,337 0.02 0 0.00 4,890,078 0.39 32.56
fittings & similar articles,
suitable for buildings, of
base metal
Other seamless tubes, 558,214 0.04 1,177,794 0.11 2,082,349 0.17 1,905,206 0.15 1,336,221 0.11 24.39
pipes & hollow profiles,
iron or steel
Other refrigerating or 0 0.00 0 0.00 946,000 0.08 2,956,900 0.24 2,860,000 0.23
freezing equipments,
Worked bone, tor- 1,875,422 0.14 2,232,324 0.22 2,344,888 0.19 186,719 0.01 35,961 0.00 (62.79)
toise-shell, horn, antlers,
coral, mother-of-pearl
& other animal carving
material, articles of
these materials (includ-
ing articles obtained by
Other digital monolithic 5,679,380 0.43 7,154 0.00 22,704 0.00 673,424 0.05 201,039 0.02 (56.62)
integrated circuits, n.e.s.
Statuettes & other 1,064,597 0.08 1,295,802 0.13 1,756,304 0.15 1,606,119 0.13 731,848 0.06 (8.94)
ornaments, of wood
Other electric conduc- 2,298 0.00 6,298,709 0.61 30 0.00 1,340 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
tors, for a voltage not
exceeding 80 V, fitted
with connectors
Building blocks, 0 0.00 0 0.00 2,764,660 0.23 3,500,763 0.28 0 0.00 0.00
bricks, of cement, of
concrete or of artificial
stone, whether or not
Soap & organic 0 0.00 1,261,788 0.12 4,928,087 0.41 0 0.00 68,328 0.01
surface-active products,
preparations, in the form
of bars, cakes, moulded
pieces or shapes, paper,
wadding, felt, nonwo-
vens, impregnated,
coated or covered with
soap or detergent, for
toilet use (including
medicated products)
Other alkali metal 0 0.00 0 0.00 1,687,553 0.14 3,997,845 0.32 413,556 0.03
Wadding, gauze, ban- 877,544 0.07 1,817,079 0.18 1,889,555 0.16 844,351 0.07 641,368 0.05 (7.54)
dages & similar articles
(for example, dressings,
adhesive plasters,
poultices), impregnated
or coated with phar-
maceutical substances
or put up in forms or
packings for retail sale
for medica, surgical or
veterinary purposes
Parts of balls, needles 6,051,249 0.46 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
& rollers
Sacks & bags (including 0 0.00 1,177,808 0.11 1,450,063 0.12 1,807,861 0.14 1,595,926 0.13
cones) of other plastics
Other parts suitable for 5,883,160 0.45 602 0.00 1,682 0.00 941 0.00 81 0.00 (93.91)
use solely or principally
with the apparatus of
heading No. 85.35,
85.36 or 85.37
Parts of eletric sound 35,760 0.00 5,577,209 0.54 108,048 0.01 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
or visual signalling
Pineapples, fresh or 557,550 0.04 997,250 0.10 1,196,135 0.10 1,530,039 0.12 1,384,222 0.11 25.53
Parts of the goods of 1,181,268 0.09 175,833 0.02 236,246 0.02 2,456,554 0.20 1,559,770 0.12 7.20
subheading 8479.89.10,
8479.49.20 & other
electrically operated
120 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX F
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Market Description CAGR %
Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share Value % Share
Other pulps of fibers 1,095,000 0.08 289,876 0.03 2,106,681 0.17 1,676,665 0.13 314,969 0.03 (26.77)
derived from recovered
(waste and scrap)
paper or paperboard,
Buttons of other 981,808 0.07 1,222,949 0.12 1,325,392 0.11 1,087,339 0.09 592,689 0.05 (11.85)
Parts of electric 75 0.00 1,066,448 0.10 1,170,222 0.10 507 0.00 2,731,491 0.22 1,281.45
instantaneous or
storage water heaters
and immersion heaters;
electric space heating
apparatus & soil heating
apparatus, etc. of head-
ing No. 85.16
Filters, mounted 856,346 0.06 42,336 0.00 196,273 0.02 1,042,622 0.08 2,373,377 0.19 29.03
Other gloves, mittens 59,438 0.00 323,327 0.03 1,492,287 0.12 1,307,805 0.10 1,290,905 0.10 115.88
and mitts, of cotton,
knitted or crocheted
Other metal furniture of 1,157,624 0.09 1,297,181 0.13 615,283 0.05 379,640 0.03 977,632 0.08 (4.14)
a kind used in offices
Doors & their frames & 1,514,169 0.11 1,434,707 0.14 1,428,405 0.12 35,552 0.00 1,173 0.00 (83.32)
thresholds, of wood
Artificial teeth 461,276 0.03 1,456,087 0.14 1,730,922 0.14 457,803 0.04 0 0.00 (100.00)
Octopus (Octopus spp.), 161,050 0.01 738,032 0.07 2,721,972 0.22 407,075 0.03 63,200 0.01 (20.85)
frozen, dried, salted or
in brine
Other preparations not 1,250,156 0.09 33,330 0.00 1,117,409 0.09 1,308,941 0.10 318,465 0.03 (28.96)
elsewhere specified or
Other hunting & shoot- 908,115 0.07 1,254,246 0.12 1,859,952 0.15 0 0.00 0 0.00 (100.00)
ing requisites, n.e.s.
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority Note: Clink on the link for the complete list of Top 100 Philippine
Merchandise Exports of Region VII (by Markets with Products)
121 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX F
2017 77 Living Spaces, Inc. Doing Business under Expanding developer of economic & low-cost housing Dumaguete, Negros Oriental 176.76 Negros 12-Jan-17
the names and styles of Aldea Homes;Seven- project (Aldea Homes Subdivision Phase II) in Negros Oriental
seven Living Spaces & aldea Homes Oriental
2017 77 Living Spaces, Inc. Doing Business under New developer of economic and low-cost housing Consolacion, Cebu 386.98 Cebu 12-Jan-17
the names and styles of Aldea Homes; project (Malibu by Aldea Premier) in Cebu
Seven-seven Living Spaces & aldea Homes
2017 Solar Pacific Citysun Corporation Renewable energy developer of 480W Bacalso Solar Hernan Cortes, Subangdaku, 52.27 Cebu 28-Mar-17
Power Project in Brgy. Bacalso, Cebu City Mandaue City
2017 Solar Pacific Citysun Corporation Renewable energy developer of 240KW Dumaguete Hernan Cortes, Subangdaku, 21.78 Negros 28-Mar-17
Solar Power Project in Dumaguete, Negros Oriental Mandaue City Oriental
2017 Solar Pacific Citysun Corporation Renewable energy developer of 180kW Conso-lacion San Juan, Siquijor 16.63 Cebu 28-Mar-17
Solar Power Project in Consolacion Cebu
2017 Contempo Property Holdings, Inc. Expanding developer of economic & low-cost housing Brgy. Piapi, Dumaguete City, 324.70 Cebu 09-May-17
project (Bamboo Bay Community Tower 2 - Vertical) in Negros Oriental
Hernan Cortes, Subangdaku, Mandaue City
2017 Contempo Property Holdings, Inc. Expanding developer of economic & low-cost housing Greenhills Road, Cabancalan, 336.45 Cebu 09-May-17
project (Bamboo Bay Community Tower 3 - Vertical) in Mandaue City
Hernan Cortes, Subangdaku, Mandaue City
2017 Altipeakland Development, Inc. New operator of tourist accommodation facility (Casa Pulangbato, Talamban, Cebu City 62.39 Siquijor 22-May-17
Coco Hotel) in San Juan, Siquijor
2017 Filinvest Land, Inc. New developer of economic & low-cost housing project Brgy. Calawisan, Lapu-lapu City 401.13 Negros 23-May-17
(Marina Spatial - Marina Town Bldg., A - Vertical) in Oriental
Brgy. Piapi, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental
2017 Maison Galuchat Inc. Existing export producer of furniture and accessories Cebu 9.14 Cebu 29-May-17
2017 Communities Cebu, Inc. New developer of economic and low-cost housing 116 Gorordo Ave., Kamputhaw, 210.72 Cebu 06-Jun-17
project (Riverfront Subdivision - Horizontal) in Cebu City
Pulangbato, Talamban, Cebu City
2017 Johndorf Ventures Corporation New developer of economic and low-cost housing Osmeña St., Gun-ob, Lapu-lapu 489.00 Cebu 16-Jun-17
project (Evisssa Subdivision - Horizontal) in Brgy. City
Calawisan, Lapu-lapu City
2017 The Supercat Fast Ferry Corporation New domestic shipping operator of two (2) passenger Cebu 518.93 Cebu 04-Jul-17
fast ferry ships - MV St. Camael, 272 GT & MV St.
Sariel, 272 GT) homewharf - Cebu: Route: Cebu-
Tagbilaran and Cebu-Ormoc
2017 Vista Residences, Inc. Developer of Economic & Low-cost Housing Project 116 Gorordo Ave., Kamputhaw, 427.42 Cebu 06-Jul-17
Cebu City
2017 Pacific Grande Realty & Dev't Corp. New developer of economic and low-cost housing Osmeña St., Gun-ob, Lapu-lapu 273.26 Cebu 19-Jul-17
project (Pacific Grande Residence Condominium - City
Bldg., 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 - Vertical) - Osmena St.,
Gun-ob, Lapu-lapu City
2017 Cebu Carageenan Corporation Existing export producer of alkali treated cottoni chips Cantumog, Carmen, Cebu - Cebu 25-Aug-17
and semi-refined carrageenan powder (Cantumog,
Carmen, Cebu)
2017 Phoenix Petroleum Phils., Inc. Bulk marketing of petroleum products (Tayud, Brgy. Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu 470.00 Cebu 19-Sep-17
Consolacion, Cebu Oil Depot with 16.70 Million liters
combined capacity of six (6) storage tanks in Brgy.
Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu
2017 Solar Philippines Commercial Rooftop Projects, Renewable energy developer of solar energy resources Medellin, Cebu 5,975.77 Cebu 19-Sep-17
Inc. (100 MW - Medellin Solar Power Project) in Medellin,
2017 South Western Cement Corp. New producer of cement in Brgy. Looc, Malabuyoc, Brgy. Looc, Malabuyoc, Cebu 12,500.00 Cebu 22-Sep-17
2017 Gothong Southern Properties, Inc. (formerly: New operator of tourist accommodation facility (Yello! Wilson St., Lahug, Cebu City 392.67 Cebu 27-Oct-17
6355 Ross Street Holding, Inc.) Hotel) in Wilson St., Lahug, Cebu City
2017 Pueblo de Oro Development Corporation Expanding developer of mass housing project (La Sitio Judas Belt, Brgy. Babag, Lapu- 208.31 Cebu 06-Nov-17
Aldea del Mar Phase 4 - Horizontal) in Sitio Judas Belt, lapu City
Brgy. Babag, Lapu-lapu City
2017 HDJ Bayawan Agri-venture Corp. New producer of raw sugar and its by-products Sitio Sacsac, Brgy. Bugay, Bayawan 489.58 Negros 09-Nov-17
(molasses) in Sitio Sacsac, Brgy. Bugay, Bayawan City, City, Negros Oriental Oriental
Negros Oriental
2017 Damaru Property Ventures Corporation New developer of economic and low-cost housing Jugan, Consolacion, Cebu 57.48 Cebu 16-Nov-17
project (Adamah Homes North - Horizontal) in Jugan,
Consolacion, Cebu
2017 Pryce Gases, Inc. (PGI) Bulk marketing of petroleum products (Sogod Cebu Sogod, Cebu 188.81 Cebu 21-Nov-17
LPGTerminal with additional 1200MT storage tank
capacity) in Sogod, Cebu
2017 Cebu Landmasters, Inc. Expanding developer of economic and low-cost hous- Brgy. Pitalo, San Fernando, Cebu 506.21 Cebu 14-Dec-17
ing project (Casa Mira South - Phase 1-B, Horizontal)
in Brgy. Pitalo, San Fernando, Cebu
122 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX G
Project Cost Province Registration
Company Name Project Description Project Location
(Php M) Date
2017 Cebu Landmasters, Inc. New developer of economic and low-cost housing Brgy. Langtad, Naga City, Cebu 257.06 Cebu 14-Dec-17
project (Casa Mira - South - ) in Brgy. Langtad, Naga
City, Cebu
2017 Communities Bohol, Inc. Expanding developer of economic and low-cost hous- Banat-I Hills, Brgy. Bool, Tagbilaran 175.54 Bohol 27-Dec-17
ing project (Camella Bohol Phase 3 - Horizontal) in City, Bohol
Banat-I Hills, Brgy. Bool, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
2017 Prima Casa Land & Houses Inc. (formerly New developer of economic and low-cost housing proj- Brgys. Can-asujan and Perrelos, 149.05 Cebu 28-Dec-17
Lumina Homes, Inc.) ect (Lumina Carcar Phase 1 and Phase 2 - Horizontal) Carcar, Cebu
in Brgys. Can-asujan and Perrelos, Carcar, Cebu
2018 Century Peak Cement Manufacturing Corp. New producer of cement in Brgy. Sacsac, Pinamunga- Brgy. Sacsac, Pinamungajan, Cebu 10,916.00 Cebu 22-Jan-18
jan, Cebu
2018 Richli Corp. New operator of water supply and distribution (Bohol Tagbilaran, Cortes, Daiuis and 548.00 Bohol 06-Mar-18
Water Supply and Distribution Project) in Tagbilaran, Panglao, Bohol
Cortes, Daiuis and Panglao, Bohol
2018 Community Developers & Construction Corp. New developer of economic and low-cost housing Sitio Pailob, Sambag II, Cebu City 126.14 Cebu 19-Jul-18
project (Aspire Homes Riverside in SWU Village Bldg.
1 and 2 - Vertical) in Sitio Pailob, Sambag II, Cebu City
2018 Filinvest Land, Inc. New developer of economic and low-cost housing Brgy. E. Lizares, Talisay City 680.00 Cebu 20-Jul-18
project (Futura Homes Palm Estates - Horizontal) in
Brgy. E. Lizares, Talisay City
2018 Obi's Trading Room Inc. New producer of seaweed based animal feed ingredi- Brgy. Bantigue, Bantayan, Cebu 14.65 Cebu 03-Aug-18
ent/additive in Brgy. Bantigue, Bantayan, Cebu
2018 Allegiant Regional Care Hospitals, Inc. New operator of general hospital - Level 2 (Allegiant Sitio Malinao, Brgy. Agus, Lapu-lapu 710.01 Cebu 20-Aug-18
Regional Care Hospitals, Inc.) in Sitio Malinao, Brgy. City
Agus, Lapu-lapu City
2018 Cebu Landmasters, Inc. New developer of economic and low-cost housing Cangmating, Sibulan, Negros 277.94 Negros 05-Sep-18
project (Casa Mira Coast - Sibulan - Horizontal) in Oriental Oriental
Cangmating, Sibulan, Negros Oriental
2018 Cebu Landmasters, Inc. Expanding developer of economic and low-cost hous- Brgy. Langtad, Naga City, Cebu 415.90 Cebu 05-Sep-18
ing project (Casa Mira South - Phase 2A - Horizontal)
in Brgy. Langtad, Naga City, Cebu
2018 Cebu Landmasters, Inc. Expanding developer of economic and low-cost hous- Brgy. Pitalo, San Fernando, Cebu 45.22 Cebu 05-Sep-18
ing project (Casa Mira South - Phase 2B - Horizontal)
in Brgy. Pitalo, San Fernando, Cebu
2018 HDJ Bayawan Agri-Venture Corp. Renewable energy developer of biomass resources Bugay, Bayawan City, Negros 214.05 Negros 12-Sep-18
(3MW Biomas-Cogen Plant for own use: 1.3MW, Net Oriental Oriental
Capacity: 1.7MW) in Bugay, Bayawan City, Negros
2018 ET Energy Island Corp. Renewable energy developer of solar energy resources P.L Sanchez St., cor. Pagsabungan 67.77 Cebu 17-Sep-18
(1.5MW Mandaue Solar Rooftop Project) in P.L Rd., Brgy. Tingub, Mandaue City
Sanchez St., cor. Pagsabungan Rd., Brgy. Tingub,
Mandaue City
2018 5G Warehousing & Advance Logistics, Inc. New operator of cold storage and freezing facility in A. A. Seno St., Extn. Brgy. Tipolo, 197.23 Cebu 17-Oct-18
Seno St., Extn. Brgy. Tipolo, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue City, Cebu
2018 Safe and Fresh Agri Farm Corp. New producer of vegetables and fruits in Sitio Maraag, Sitio Maraag, Sudlon II, Cebu City 5.00 Cebu 18-Oct-18
Sudlon II, Cebu City
2018 Pryce Gases, Inc. Bulk marketing of petroleum products (Ayungon, Brgy. Iniban, Ayungon, Negros 273.26 Negros 12-Nov-18
Negros Oriental LPG Terminal - Additional 2,000 MT Oriental Oriental
LPG Storage Tnak) in Brgy. Iniban, Ayungon, Negros
2018 Allied Care Experts (ACE) Medical Center - New operator of general hospital - Level 2 (ACE Med- 0368 CPG East Ave., Mansasa 1,005.00 Bohol 13-Nov-18
Bohol, Inc. ical Center - Bohol) in 0368 CPG East Ave., Mansasa District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
2018 Duawon Seascapes Resort, Inc. New operator of tourist accommodation facility (Canvas Duawon Beach, Marongondon, 2,000.00 Cebu 12-Dec-18
Duawon Hotel and Resort) in Duawon Beach, Maron- Lapu-lapu City, City
gondon, Lapu-lapu City, City
2018 8990 Housing Development Corp. Expanding developer of economic and low-cost hous- Brgy. Tisa, Cebu City 270.02 Cebu 13-Dec-18
ing project (Urban Deca Homes - Tisa 2 Bldg. 1 to Bldg.
6 - Vertical) in Brgy. Tisa, Cebu City
2018 8990 Housing Development Corp. Expanding developer of economic and low-cost hous- Brgy. Tisa, Cebu City 644.35 Cebu 13-Dec-18
ing project (Urban Deca Homes - Tisa 2 Bldg. 7 to Bldg.
21 - Vertical) in Brgy. Tisa, Cebu City
2018 Shogun Ships Co., Inc. New domestic shipping operator (Fastcraft Passenger Homewhart: Tubigon, Bohol Port 90.90 Bohol 13-Dec-18
Vessel, M/V Island Biri with 185 GT) in Homewhart: Routes: Tubigon City, Bohol to Cebu
Tubigon, Bohol Port Routes: Tubigon City, Bohol to City and Vice Versa
Cebu City and Vice Versa
2018 Shogun Ships Co., Inc. New domestic shipping operator (Fastcraft Passenger Homewhart: Tagbilaran, Bohol Port 89.90 Bohol 13-Dec-18
Vessel, M/V Island Calayan with 185 GT) in Home- with route to Tagbilaran, Bohol to
whart: Tagbilaran, Bohol Port with route to Tagbilaran, Cebu City and vice versa
Bohol to Cebu City and vice versa
2018 Trans-Asia Shipping Lines, Inc. New domestic shipping operator (Roro Passenger homewharf: Cebu City with routes: 638.29 Cebu 14-Dec-18
Vessel - MV Trans-Asia 19 with 2,976 GT) homewharf: Cebu-Tagbilaran-Cagayan
Cebu City with routes: Cebu-Tagbilaran-Cagayan
2018 East Negros Health Alliance, Inc. Doing New operator of general hospital - Level 2 in North North National Highway, Tubtubon, 532.57 Negros 17-Dec-18
business under the name and style of Negros National Highway, Tubtubon, Sibulan, Negros Oriental Sibulan, Negros Oriental Oriental
Polymedic Hospital
2018 Cebu Landmasters, Inc. New developer of economic and low-cost housing Brgy. Guadalupe, Cebu City 448.38 Cebu 21-Dec-18
project (Casa Mira Towers Guadalupe - Bldg. A,
Vertical) in Brgy. Guadalupe, Cebu City
123 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX G
Project Cost Registration
Company Name Project Description Project Location Province
(Php M) Date
2018 Mivesa Garden Residences, Inc. Expanding developer of low-cost housing project Salinas Drive Ext., Brgy. Lahug, 127.08 Cebu 21-Dec-18
(Mivesa Garden Residences Phase 3 Building 6 - Cebu City
Vertical) in Salinas Drive Ext., Brgy. Lahug, Cebu City
2018 Mivesa Garden Residences, Inc. Expanding developer of low-cost housing project (Mive- Salinas Drive Ext., Brgy. Lahug, 102.74 Cebu 21-Dec-18
sa Garden Residences Phase 3 Building 7 - Vertical) in Cebu City
Salinas Drive Ext., Brgy. Lahug, Cebu City
2018 Compostela Steel, Inc. New producer of reinforcing steel bars in Brgy. Pobla- Brgy. Poblacion, Compostela, Cebu 8,864.96 Cebu 20-Dec-18
cion, Compostela, Cebu
2019 Compostela Steel, Inc. New producer of wire rods in Brgy. Poblacion, Com- n Brgy. Poblacion, Compostela, 7,979.06 Cebu 03-Jan-19
postela, Cebu Cebu
2019 Lapu-lapu Leisure Inc. New operator of tourist accommodation facility (The Sitio Malingin, Punta Engano, Lapu- 33,998.27 Cebu 22-Jan-19
Emerald Hotel and Casino) in Sitio Malingin, Punta Lapu City
Engano, Lapu-lapu City
2019 Allied Care Experts (ACE) Dumaguete Doctors New operator of general hospital Level 2 (Allied Care F.Cimafranca St., Daro, Dumaguete 849.16 Negros 19-Feb-19
Inc. Experts (ACE) Medical Center Dumaguete Doctors) in City Oriental
F.Cimafranca St., Daro, Dumaguete City
2019 All Natural Coco Products, Inc. New export producer of oleochemical products in Brgy. All Natural Coco Products Cmpd., 1,339.36 Negros 13-Mar-19
Buntis, Bacong, Negros Oriental Brgy. Buntis, Bacong, Neg. Or. Oriental
2019 Cebu Seaworld 888 Resort Corp. Doing New operator of tourist accommodation facility (Sterling Sitio Malingin, Punta Engaño, 500.00 Cebu 13-Mar-19
business under the name/s and style/s of Resort Mactan Cebu) in Sitio Malingin, Punta Engaño, Lapu-Lapu City
Sterling Resort Mactan Cebu (formerly: Cebu Lapu-lapu City
Seaworld 888 Resort Corp.)
2019 Robinsons Land Corporation New operator of tourist accommodation facility (Dusit Punta Engano Road, Lapu-Lapu 2,345.00 Cebu 28-Mar-19
Thani Mactan Cebu Resort) in Punta Engano Road, City, Cebu
Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu
2019 South Pacific, Inc. Bulk marketing of petroleum products (Mandaue City, Brgy. Opao, Mandaue City, Cebu 550.00 Cebu 22-Apr-19
Cebu LPG Terminal - 2,000 MT LPG Storage Tank) in
Brgy. Opao, Mandaue City, Cebu
2019 Bria Homes, Inc. (formerly: Casa Regalla, New developer of economic and low-cost housing Brgy. Sudtonggan, Basak, Lapu- 54.48 Cebu 06-May-19
Incorporated) project (Bria Flats - Mactan Bldg. 2 - Vertical) in Brgy. Lapu City
Sudtonggan, Basak, Lapu-Lapu City
2019 Bria Homes, Inc. (formerly: Casa Regalla, New developer of economic and low-cost housing Brgy. Sudtonggan, Basak, Lapu- 54.48 Cebu 06-May-19
Incorporated) project (Bria Flats - Mactan Bldg. 1 - Vertical) in Brgy. Lapu City
Sudtonggan, Basak, Lapu-Lapu City
2019 Anjo Global Sourcing Inc. - Doing Business New operator of theme park (Anjor World Theme Park) Upper Calajoan, Minglanilla, Cebu 372.09 Cebu 17-May-19
under the name/s and style/s of Anjo World in Upper Calajoan, Minglanilla, Cebu
Theme Park (formerly: Anjo Global Sourcing
2019 Ecology Marine Transport Specialist, Inc. New domestic shipping operator (Tanker Vessel - M/ home whart: Tandayag Wharf, 604.18 Negros 23-May-19
Tkr "Eco II", 2,010 GT) home whart: Tandayag Wharf, Amlan, Negros Oriental Oriental
Amlan, Negros Oriental
2019 Shogun Ships Co., Inc. New domestic shipping operator (Fast Craft Vessel, Cebu City Port with route: Cebu City 88.90 Cebu 14-Jun-19
M/V Island Balabac with 185 GT) in Cebu City Port with to Tagbilaran, Bohol & vice versa
route: Cebu City to Tagbilaran, Bohol and vice versa
2019 Shogun Ships Co., Inc. New domestic shipping operator (Fast Craft Vessel, Cebu City Port with route: Cebu City 90.40 Cebu 14-Jun-19
M/V Island Dalupiri with 185 GT) in Cebu City Port with to Tagbilaran, Bohol & vice versa
route: Cebu City to Tubigon, Bohol & vice-versa
2019 San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Corporation New producer of plastic products such as not but not SMC Complex, Tipolo, Mandaue 379.11 Cebu 19-Jun-19
limited to crates and poultry floorings in SMC Complex, City, Cebu
Tipolo, Mandaue City, Cebu
2019 Cebu Air, Inc. New operator of air transport services with the routes Cebu-Narita-Cebu & Cebu- 1,693.79 Cebu 15-Jul-19
acquisition of one (1) aircraft - A320NEO #1 with CAB Singapore-Cebu
Registration No. RP-C3239 and Sr. No. MSN8988) with
routes Cebu-Narita-Cebu and Cebu-Singapore-Cebu
2019 Bria Homes, Inc. (formerly: Casa Regalia, Inc.) Expanding developer of economic and low-cost Sugtongan, Basak, Lapu-Lapu 160.92 Cebu 22-Aug-19
housing project (Bria Flats Mactan Bldg. 3, 4 & 5) in City, Cebu
Sugtongan, Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu
2019 Cebu Air, Inc. New operator of air transport services with the Cebu-Hkg-Cebu and Cebu-Incheon- 1,703.40 Cebu 23-Aug-19
acquisition of one (1) aircraft - A320NEO #2 with CAB Cebu
Registration No. RP-C3281 and Sr. No. MSN9061) with
routes Cebu-Hk-Cebu and Cebu-Incheon-Cebu
2019 Greater Alegria Oil, Inc. Industry participant with new investments for modular Brgy. Legaspi, Alegria, Cebu 263.82 Cebu 18-Oct-19
mini-refinery project (Downstream Oil Industry
Deregulation Act of 1998) in Brgy. Legaspi, Alegria,
2019 Universal Power Solutions, Inc. New operator of Battery Energy Storage Solutions Compostela, Cebu 1,332.76 Cebu 29-Nov-19
(BESS) component of Integrated Renewable Power
Facility Hubs (R-Hub) in Compostela, Cebu
2019 Universal Power Solutions, Inc. New operator of Battery Energy Storage Solutions Samboan, Cebu 1,089.15 Cebu 29-Nov-19
(BESS) component of Integrated Renewable Power
Facility Hubs (R-Hub) in Samboan, Cebu
2019 Universal Power Solutions, Inc. New operator of Battery Energy Storage Solutions Toledo, Cebu 2,215.67 Cebu 29-Nov-19
(BESS) component of Integrated Renewable Power
Facility Hubs (R-Hub) in Toledo, Cebu
2019 Filinvest Land, Inc. Expanding developer of economic & low-cost housing Brgy. Piapi, Dumaguete City, 379.71 Negros 02-Dec-19
project (Marina Spatial - Marina Town Building B Negros Oriental Oriental
(Vertical) in Brgy. Piapi, Dumaguete City, Neg. Or.
2020 Waterworld Cebu Philippines Corporation New operator of tourist accommodation facililty Brgy. Opao, Mandaue City 296.00 Cebu 10-Mar-20
(Waterworld Cebu Waterpark and Waterworld Cebu
Resort Hotel) in Brgy. Opao, Mandaue City
124 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX G
Project Cost Registration
Company Name Project Description Project Location Province
(Php M) Date
2020 Universal Power Solutions, Inc. New operator of Battery Energy Storage Solutions Ubay, Bohol 1,073.34 Bohol 17-Apr-20
(BESS) component of Integrated Renewable Power
Facility Hubs (R-Hub) in Ubay, Bohol
2020 Universal Power Solutions, Inc. New operator of Battery Energy Storage Solutions Mactan, Cebu 1,377.46 Cebu 17-Apr-20
(BESS) component of Integrated Renewable Power
Facility Hubs (R-Hub) in Mactan, Cebu
2020 Central Bloc Hotel Ventures, Inc. New operator of tourist accommodation facility (Seda V. Padriaga St., Cebu IT Park, Brgy. 1,262.53 Cebu 16-Jun-20
Central Bloc Cebu) in V. Padriaga St., Cebu IT Park, Apas, Cebu City
Brgy. Apas, Cebu City
2020 Archipelago Philippines Ferries Corporation New domestic shipping operator (RORO Passenger Cebu City 435.75 Cebu 22-Jun-20
Catamaran Ferry - M/V Fast Cat M15 with 723 GT) with
homewhart - Cebu City and routes: Cebu - Tubigon and
Vice Versa
2020 8990 Housing Development Corporation New Developer of Economic and Low-Cost Housing Sitio Orel, Brgy. Banilad, Mandaue 2,689.58 Cebu 24-Aug-20
Project under the Preferred List – Mass Housing City, Cebu
(Urban Deca Homes Banilad - Tower 1, 2 & 3) in Sitio
Orel, Brgy. Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu
2020 Big Blue Logistics Corporation New Operator of Cold Storage Facility on a Non-Pi- Sitio Libo, Tayud, Consolacion, 1,400.00 Cebu 26-Aug-20
oneer Status under Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry Cebu
Listing of the 2017 IPP
2020 Universal Power Solutions, Inc. New operator of 20 MW Battery Energy Storage Sys- Bohol (Ubay) 1,073.34 Bohol 28-Aug-20
tem (BESS) Component of Renewable Power Facility
Hubs (R-HUB) in Ubay, Bohol
2020 Universal Power Solutions, Inc. New operator of 20 MW Battery Energy Storage Sys- Cebu (Toledo) 1,093.45 Cebu 28-Aug-20
tem (BESS) Component of Renewable Power Facility
Hubs (R-HUB) in Toledo, Cebu
2020 Monorealty Incorporated New operator of tourist accommodation facility (Modala 888 Purok 5 Brgy. Doljo Panglao, 1,364.09 Bohol 17-Sep-20
Beach Resort) in 888 Purok 5 Brgy. Doljo, Panglao, Bohol
2020 Cd Processing (Philippines) Inc. New Provider of Ore Sortation Service (to Carmen Toledo Copper Mine, Brgy. DAS, 583.02 Cebu 24-Sep-20
Copper Corporation in Cebu) Carmen, Toledo City, Cebu
2020 Cebu Quad Hotel Management Corp. New Operator of Tourist Accommodation Facility under Danaque Building, Capital Site, 45.00 Cebu 09-Dec-20
the Special Laws – Tourism (Surestay Plus Hotel by Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City
Best Western)
2020 Cebu Landmasters. Inc Expanding Developer of Economic and Low-Cost Pitalo, San Fernando Cebu 207.70 Cebu 17-Dec-20
Housing Project under the Preferred List – Mass Hous-
ing (Casa Mira South - Phase 3B)
2020 Erlich IT Service, Inc. Various IT Services (International Market (USA)) "Unit L07, 3rd Floor, Left Wing 1.90 Cebu 07-Dec-20
Arts & Sciences Bldg., UP Cebu,
Gorordo Avenue, Lahug, Cebu
City, Cebu, Region VII Central
Visayas 6000"
2021 Mactan Seascapes Services, Inc. doing Expanding Operator of Tourist Accommodation Facility Sitio Dapdap, Mactan, Lapu-Lapu 2,700.00 Cebu 22-Jan-21
business as Crimson Resort and Spa Mactan (Crimson Suites) City, Cebu
(Formerly: Seascapes Resort, Inc.)
2021 Cokaliong Shipping Lines Incorporated New Domestic Shipping Operator (RORO Passenger "Home Wharf: Pier 1, Port of Cebu, 377.20 Cebu 3-Nov-21
Ship, MV Filipinas Agusan del Norte with 6,555 GT) Cebu City, PhilippinesRoute: Cebu
under R.A. 11534 (CREATE Law) and Preferred Activi- – Nasipit – Cebu v.v."
ties – Infrastructure and Logistics including LGU-PPPs
– Water Transport – Domestic/Inter-island Shipping of
the 2020 IPP.
2021 Pryce Gases, Inc. Application for Registration for Bulk Marketing of Pe- Barangay Nagsulay, Lila, Bohol 535.60 Bohol 23-Mar-21
troleum Products [Lila, Bohol LPG Terminal with 2,000
MT Capacity of One (1) LPG Storage Tank] under the
2020 IPP
2021 Cebu Landmasters, Inc. Expanding Developer of Economic and Low Cost Brgy. Langtad, Naga City, Cebu 63.42 Cebu 6-Apr-21
Housing Project under the Preferred List – Mass
Housing (Casa Mira South Phase 3A) under the 2020
2021 Pacific Grande Realty & Dev't. Corp. Expanding Developer of Economic and Low-Cost Osmeña St., Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu 79.36 Cebu 12-Aug-21
Housing Project (Pacific Grande Residences Bldgs City, Cebu
22 & 23) under R.A. 11534 (CREATE Act) and the
Preferred List – Mass Housing of the 2020 IPP.
2021 Pilipinas Dongyue Autoclave Aerated Concrete New Producer of Housing Component under the Km 53 Brgy.Bawo, Sogod, Cebu 462.91 Cebu 4-Nov-21
Manufacturing Inc. Preferred List – All Qualified Manufacturing Activities Province
including Agro-Processing – Modular Housing Compo-
nents (Steel-reinforced AAC Panels and Unreinforced
AAC Blocks) under R.A. 11534 (CREATE Act) and the
Heading “All Qualified Manufacturing Activities includ-
ing Agro-Processing” of the 2020 IPP
125 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX G
Bohol Cebu
126 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX H
Cebu Cebu
De La Salle Andres Soriano Memorial College St. Cecilia's College - Cebu, Inc.
Don Bosco Technical College - Cebu, Inc. St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo
Evangelical Theological College of the Philippines St. Paul College Foundation - Mandaue
Felipe R. Verallo Memorial Foundation, Inc. St. Paul College Foundation, Inc.
Indiana School of Aeronautics STI Education Services Group, Inc. - STC College Cebu
Mary Our Help Technical Institute for Women (Cebu), Inc. University of San Carlos
Matias H. Aznar Memorial College of Medicine, Inc. University of Southern Philippines Foundation
Microsystem International Institute of Technology University of the Visayas - Gullas College Danao City
Northern Cebu Colleges, Inc. University of the Visayas - Gullas College Toledo
Philippine State College of Aeronautics - Mactan Air Base University of the Visayas - Dalaguete
127 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX H
Negros Oriental Siquijor
Silliman University
Villaflores College
128 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX H
Step 1: Log on to New Registration shown under the Business Name Services
of the DTI website. Confirm your agreement to the registration’s Terms
and Conditions by clicking “I Agree”
Step 2: Fill out the Owner’s Information form, then click Next.
• A confirmation pop-up will appear and if correct, click “Proceed”.
Step 3: Fill out the required fields pertaining to your Business Scope and
Business Name.
l Select the Territorial Scope of your Business (i.e., Barangay, City/
Step 4: You will be assigned a Reference Code that will be used in all your
transactions with the Business Name Registration System (BNRS).
Step 5: Fill out the remaining blank fields pertaining to the following sections:
l Business Address
l Personal Information
l Residence Address
l Other Details
129 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX I
Step 8: The payment section will subsequently appear; select the payment
method prescribed by the system (e.g., DTI Teller, GCash, PayMaya,
Landbank Link.Biz, Credit/Debit Card). Effect payment via the
payment channel selected.
l Pay the registration fee within seven (7) calendar days from date
Source: https://bnrs.dti.gov.ph/resources/registration-guide
130 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX I
Step 1: Create an account in SEC’s Company Registration System (CRS):
Step 2: Click on the Sign Up link just below the Login button.
Step 3: Enter your address, contact details, TIN, company information and
other pertinent details. Make sure to fill up all fields marked with an
asterisk ‘*’.
Step 4: Upon submission of the form, you will automatically receive an email
from the SEC. To activate your account, validate your email address
by clicking on the Verify Address link in the email sent by the SEC.
Source: https://www.sec.gov.ph/online-services/sec-company-registration-system/
Payments for registration and other transaction fees, as well as penalties, using
debit and credit cards, digital wallets, and other cashless payment options may
be done online through SEC’s payment portal: https://www.sec.gov.ph/sec-
Registration Costs:
The filing fee for SEC is 1/5 of 1% of the authorized capital stock or the
subscription price of the subscribed capital stock, whichever is higher, but should
not be less than Php2,000.
There is a legal research fee equivalent to 1% of the filing fee but not less than
The filing fee includes the cost of Stock & Transfer Book (STB), which is about
To know the estimated cost of registration fees, check SEC’s online registration
calculator. https://www.sec.gov.ph/online-services/registration-calculator
131 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX J
1. Submit your business permit application form to the Business Permit &
Licensing Office (BPLO), together with a copy of the company’s business
registration with the DTI or SEC.
2. Obtain Assessment Sheet and proceed to Treasurer’s office for business
tax payment
3. Submit the assessment sheet with proof of payment; BPLO will then
schedule a business site inspection.
4. In the interim, you may secure the following required certificates:
a. Sanitary Permit - Health & Sanitary Office
b. Fire Safety Permit - Bureau of Fire Protection
c. Environment Compliance Certificate - Cebu City Environment and
Natural Resources Office (CCENRO)
d. Occupational Tax or Professional Tax of employees
e. Community Tax Certificates (CTCs) of the business and its employees
5. Have Tax Assessed - after inspection, submit the Application Form,
Assessment Sheet with Proof of Payment, Barangay Clearance (with official
receipt) , DTI/SEC Registration, Proof of Right to Use, Sketch, CTCs,
inspection report, and other requirements of the LGU
6. Pay at the Treasurer’s office for additional taxes and fees.
7. Wait for the release of the Business Permit
Once all of the above requirements are complete, the BPLO will verify their
completeness and accuracy, and charge for the following:
• Your Business Fee
• Mayor’s Permit Fee
• Service Fee
• Sanitary Fee
• Local Fire Inspection Fee
• Business Plate
Note: Fees may vary, depending on the locality where the business will be
After all fees are paid, the next step would be to register with the Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR).
132 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX K
1. Submit application and all requirements to the Office of the Municipal/
City Planning and Development in the locality where the building will be
2. Have the documents verified with the Zoning Officer.
3. Have a Zoning Inspection scheduled to check if the chosen location
conforms to the existing Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning
Ordinance in the locality. The Zoning Inspection Report will be submitted
by the Zoning Inspector.
4. Secure an Order of Payment. Payment of corresponding fees will be made
at the Treasurer’s Office..
5. Present your Proof of Payment to the person-in-charge in the Office of the
Municipal/City Planning and Development who will prepare the clearance.
6. Once approved, you can claim the Locational Clearance.
133 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX L
1. Submit your business permit application form to the Business Permit &
Licensing Office (BPLO), together with a copy of the company’s business reg
l Accomplish BIR Form 1903 version 2018 and submit it with the documentary
requirements at the New Business Registrant Counter (NBRC) of the BIR-
Regional District Office (RDO) that has jurisdiction over the place where the
head office and branch are located, respectively.
Non-individual business taxpayers may also submit their application via email
through BIR New Business Registration (NewBizReg) Portal.
On or before the start of the business, it shall be reckoned from the day of the
first sale transaction or within 30 calendar days from the issuance of the Mayor’s
Permit/PTR by the LGU, or the Certificate of Registration issued by the SEC,
whichever comes first.
Please refer to the BIR website for the requirements and procedures for specific
taxpayer types.
Once the business has obtained its TIN, the next step would be to register the
following with the BIR: (Below are links to the specific sections in the BIR website)
134 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX M
135 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX N
7. Logistics and Warehousing Services - refer to the:
l Operation of a warehouse facility for the storage, deposit, safekeeping
of goods for PEZA-registered Economic Zone Export Manufacturing
Enterprises,and/or the
l Importation or local sourcing of raw materials, semi-finished goods for resale
to or for packing/covering (including marking/labeling), cutting or altering to
customers’ specification, mounting and/or packaging into kits or marketable
lots for subsequent sale to PEZA-registered Export Manufacturing
Enterprises for use in their export manufacturing activities, or for direct
export, or for consignment to PEZA-registered Export Manufacturing
Enterprises and eventual export. Click here for the Guidelines for Economic
Zone Logistics Services Enterprises
136 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX N
e. Agro-Industrial Economic Zone Development / Operation – the
development operation and maintenance of an agro-industrial economic
zone planned and designed to have support facilities and services required
for processing and agro-based manufacturing facilities, and provided with the
required infrastructure facilities and utilities. Click here for the Guidelines for
the Registration and Administration of Incentives to Agro-Industrial Economic
Zone Developers/Operators and Locators.
9. Facilities Providers
a. Facilities for Manufacturing Enterprises – the construction as owner /
operator of factory buildings inside a PEZA Special Economic Zone for lease
to PEZA-registered Export Manufacturing Enterprises
b. Facilities for IT Enterprises – the construction as owner/operator
of buildings and other facilities inside IT Parks which are leased to
PEZA-registered IT Enterprises. Click this link for the Guidelines on
the Registration of Information Technology (IT) Enterprises and the
Establishment and Operation of IT Parks / Buildings.
10. Utilities – the establishment, operation and maintenance of light and power
systems, water supply and distribution systems inside Special Economic
137 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX N
Fiscal incentives for PEZA-registered enterprises depend on the type. The
following are the fiscal incentives for every type of enterprise:
○ The average net foreign exchange earnings of the project for the
first 3 years of operations is at least US$500,000.00 and
○ The capital equipment-to-labor ratio of the project does not exceed
US$10,000.00 to 1 for the year immediately preceding the ITH
extension year being applied for
○ The average cost of indigenous raw materials used in the
manufacture of the registered product is at least 50% of the total
cost of raw materials for the preceding years prior to the ITH
extension year
○ 3 years ITH for expansion project (ITH applies to incremental sales)
● Upon expiry of the ITH, a special 5% Gross Income Tax (GIT) and
exemption from all national and local taxes
(Note: Gross income refers to gross sales or gross revenues derived
from the registered activity, net of sales discounts, sales returns and
allowances, and minus cost of sales or direct costs but before any
deduction is made for administrative expenses or incidental losses during
a given taxable period.)
● Tax and duty-free importation of raw materials, capital equipment,
machineries and spare parts.
● Exemption from wharfage dues and export tax, impost or fees
● VAT zero-rating on local purchases subject to compliance with BIR and
PEZA requirements
● Exemption from payment of any and all local government imposts,
fees, licenses or taxes. However, while under ITH, no exemption from
real estate tax, but machineries installed and operated in the economic
zone for manufacturing, processing or for industrial purposes shall be
exempt from real estate taxes for the first 3 years of operation of such
machineries. Production equipment not attached to real estate shall be
exempt from real property taxes.
● Exemption from expanded withholding tax
138 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX O
An ITH extension (one criterion is equivalent to one ITH extension year)
may be granted provided that the total ITH extension shall not exceed 8
years, if the project complies with the following criteria:
○ The average net foreign exchange earnings of the project for the
first 3 years of operations is at least US$500,000.00
○ The project’s capital equipment-to-labor ratio does not exceed
US$10,000.00 to 1 for the year immediately preceding the ITH
extension year being applied for
○ 3 years ITH for expansion project (ITH applies to incremental sales)
● Upon expiry of the ITH, a special 5% Gross Income Tax (GIT) and
exemption from all national and local taxes
● Tax and duty-free importation of equipment and parts
● Exemption from wharfage dues on import shipments of equipment
● VAT zero-rating of local purchases of goods and services, including land-
based telecommunications, electrical power, water bills, and lease on the
building, subject to compliance with BIR and PEZA requirements
● Exemption from payment of any and all local government imposts, fees,
licenses or taxes. However, while under ITH, no exemption from real
estate tax, but machineries installed and operated in the economic zone
for manufacturing, processing or for industrial purposes shall not be
subject to payment of real estate taxes for the first three (3) years of
operation of such machineries. Production equipment not attached to the
real estate shall be exempt from real property taxes.
● Exemption from expanded withholding tax
139 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX O
● Tax and duty-free importation of production equipment and machineries,
breeding stocks, farm implements including spare parts and supplies of the
equipment and machineries
● Exemption from export taxes, wharfage dues, impost and fees
● VAT zero-rating on local purchases of goods and services, including land-
based telecommunications, electric power, and water bills
● Exemption from payment of local government fees such as mayor’s permit,
business permit, permit on the exercise of profession/occupation/calling,
health certificate fee, sanitary inspection fee, and garbage fee
140 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX O
● VAT zero-rating on local purchases
● Exemption from expanded withholding tax
8. Facilities Enterprises
8.a. Economic Zone Facilities Enterprise
● Special 5% Gross Income Tax (GIT) and exemption from all
national and local taxes, except real property tax on land owned by
● VAT zero-rating on local purchases
● Exemption from expanded withholding tax
141 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX O
Universal/Commercial Bank Robinsons Bank Corporation C. Gallares JS Torralba, Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Asia United Bank Corp. MH Del Pilar St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. CP Garcia, Tagbilaran City, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. CP Garcia Cor. Vissara, Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 3f CP Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. GF HRCB PCR Tawala Panglao, Bohol Panglao
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Nat’l. Highway, Brgy. Centro, Tubigon Tubigon
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Gallares St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands C.P. Garcia Ave., Cor. Visarra, Tagbilaran City Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Panglao Island Circle Rd., Tawal, Panglao, Bohol Panglao
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Melrose Bldg., C.P. Garcia, Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of Commerce GF 0025 Karans B. Inting, Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp CPG Ave., 2nd District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Junevil Belderol Cogon, Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco 20 CP Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Nat’l. Highway Pagina, Jagna, Bohol Jagna
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco JP Dual Cor. S. Baura, Tubigon, Bohol Tubigon
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco CP Garcia St., Pob. Talibon, Bohol Talibon
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine Bank of Communications 20 Carlos P. Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank C.P.Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran City, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Cabangbang Ave., Pob. Tubigon, Bohol Tubigon
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank UGF IS City Mall Dampas, Tagbilaran Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank GF S10 CP Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran Cty Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Nat’l. Highway Cor. Tan Pentong St., Pob. Ubay Ubay
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Tawala, Panglao Island, Bohol Panglao
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Talibon Commercial Center 1 Pob. Talibon, Bohol Talibon
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine Veterans Bank QVC C.P. Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. C.P. Garcia St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. C.P. Garcia Cor. H. Grupo St., Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp.. BMN C. P. Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of the Philippines Torralba St. C.P. Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank United Coconut Planters Bank C.P. Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran City Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Belderol St., Cogon, Tagbilaran City Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Tan Nene St., Pob., Ubay, Bohol Ubay
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. 75 Shopping Center, Looc, Jagna, Bohol Jagna
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Pob. Sur Carmen, Bohol Carmen
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Centro Pob. Tubigon, Bohol Tubigon
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. C.P. Garcia Ave., Pob. Talibon, Bohol Talibon
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. P7 Tawala, Panglao, Bohol Panglao
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank C.P. Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Business Bank Inc. C.P. Garcia Ave., Tagbilaran City, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Savings And Mortgage Bank Bank of Makati Inc. 2f 12 Lessage St., Pob. II, Tagbilaran, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Wealth Development Bank Corp. 15 JS Torralba St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank First Consolidated Bank Inc. C.P. Garcia North Ave., Tagbilaran City, Bohol Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank First Consolidated Bank Inc. Nat’l. Highway, Ibabao Loay, Bohol Loay
Private Development Bank First Consolidated Bank Inc. Baclayon, Bohol Baclayon
Private Development Bank First Consolidated Bank Inc. Sierra Bullones, Bohol Sierra Bullones
142 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Toralba Cor. Marapao, Tagbilaran City Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Public Market, Ra Pob., Talibon, Bohol Talibon
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Ja Clarin St., Dampas District, Tagbilaran Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Pob. Jagna, Bohol Jagna
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Potohan Tubigon, Bohol Tubigon
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. B Aquino St., Cogon District, Tagbilaran Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Pob. Maribojoc, Bohol Maribojoc
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Pob. Dauis, Bohol Dauis
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Del Carmen Sur Balilihan, Bohol Balilihan
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Pob. Panglao, Bohol Panglao
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Sambog, Corella, Bohol Corella
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. L. Oppus St., Pob. Baclayon, Bohol Baclayon
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Brgy. Can-omay Antequera, Bohol Antequera
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Brgy. Basac, Loon, Bohol Loon
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Mascarinas St., Pooc Or Tubigon, Bohol Tubigon
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Brgy. Guiwanon Tubigon, Bohol Tubigon
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Basac, Loon, Bohol Loon
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Pob. Sur, Carmen, Bohol Carmen
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Ilaud Pob., Inabanga, Bohol Inabanga
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Sta Cruz Calape, Bohol Calape
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Candajec Clarin, Bohol Clarin
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Pob. Sagbayan, Bohol Sagbayan (Borja)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Opportunity Kauswagan Bank Inc . 33 VP Inting Ave. Pob. I, Tagbilaran Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Opportunity Kauswagan Bank Inc. Tan-Nene St., Pob. Ubay, Bohol Ubay
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Opportunity Kauswagan Bank Inc. National Highway Cabulijian, Tubigon, Bohol Tubigon
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Opportunity Kauswagan Bank Inc. Tan Nene St., Pob. Ubay, Bohol Ubay
Financing Companies (Fcqb) Orix Metro Leasing & Finance Corp. Galleria Luisa Gallares, Tagbilaran Tagbilaran (City/Capital)
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank Robinsons Bank Corp. L2 Robinsons Fuente Osmeña, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Robinsons Bank Corp. Cotiaoking North Rd., Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Robinsons Bank Corp. GF Rob Don G Garcia/J. Llorente, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Robinsons Bank Corp. B101 13tn Ave Benedicto St., Cebu Cty Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Robinsons Bank Corp. 102 Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Banilad, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank CTBC Bank (Philippines) Corp. The Forum, Archbishop Reyes Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank CTBC Bank (Philippines) Corp. Diamond Plaza Nat'l. Highway, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank CTBC Bank (Philippines) Corp. Tokyu Bldg., 79 Magallanes St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Asia United Bank Corp. GF U14 TGU, J.M. Del Mar Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Asia United Bank Corp. AWPM Bldg., M.C. Briones St., Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Asia United Bank Corp. Manros Plaza, 66 Gen. Maxilom, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Asia United Bank Corp. Bldg. A, South Coast, Linao, Talisay Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank Asia United Bank Corp. Cuenco Cor. AS Fortuna, Banilad, Cebu City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Asia United Bank Corp. Kepwealth Health Center, Cebu Business Park Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Asia United Bank Corp. MIT Bldg., 117 Gorordo Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Asia United Bank Corp. Harrison Osmeña Cor. Urgello, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. SM Cebu North Road, Lamac, Consolacion Consolacion
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Osmeña Blvd. Brgy. Sta Cruz, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Plaridel Cor. Magallanes, St. Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
143 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. SM City, North Reclamation Area, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. La Fuerza Subangdaku, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Legaspi Cor. Zamora St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc Borromeo Cor. Magallanes Sts., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Escario St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Elizabeth Mall L. Kilat, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 2688 Nat’l. Highway Tabunok, Talisay City Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Fuente Osmeña Rotonda, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 867 AS Fortuna St., Banilad, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. F. Gonzalez Cor. Magallanes, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Port Ctr North Reclamation, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. J Mall, AS Fortuna St., Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. TGU Tower Salinas/JM Del Mar, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. GF Nat'l. Highway, Labogon, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Magallanes Cor, Plaridel St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 143 F Ramos St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Pueblo Verde Mezii Lapu-Lapu, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Tpe Bldg Gov Cuenco Banilad, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Gorordo Ave. Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Osmeña Blvd. Cor. Ma. Cristina, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. GF Insular, Mindanao, Biliran, CBP, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Mactan-EPZA, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. P Rod Cor. San Vicente St., Bogo ,Cebu Bogo City
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Abella St., San Nicolas Central, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Nat'l. Rd. Labogon, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. C Padilla St. Mambaling, Basak, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Cebu Towers Business Park, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. UG/F Northwing, SM City, Cuenco, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Fooda Saversmart, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc.. Parkmall, Ouano Ave. Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Level 2, Ayala Center Mall, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. UGF Gaisano, Minglanilla, Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 21 Dy Bldg., Plaridel, Carbon, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. U9 Arcade ML Quezon, Lapu-Lapu, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. R. Duterte Cor. V. Rama Guadalupe, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. T10-12 Olivar Sr. Ext., F. Ralota, Danao Danao (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Dr. Jose Rizal, Pob. Carcar, Cebu Carcar City
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 279 Colon St. Kalubihan, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. A. Cortes Ave., Ibabao, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 3F BDO Gorordo Ave., Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Cebu Tower Mindanao Cor., Bohol, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Cebu F. Gonzales Cor. Magallanes, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 2F BDO Bldg., Gorordo Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. LGF SM Seaside City, Srra, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. U10 F Cabahug St., Panagdait, Cebu Cty Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 2F South Road, SM Seaside, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. UN Ave., Alang-Alang, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 2783 ML Quezon Nat’l. Highway, Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. U6&7 Cardinal Rosales Ave., Luz, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Cebu IT Park, Apas, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Brgy. Lamac Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
144 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Private Bank, Inc. Mindanao Cor. Bohol Ave. Bus. Park, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Magallanes Cor. Burgos St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands MC Briones Highway, Bakilid, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Osmeña Blvd., Sta Cruz, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands GF JM Del Mar St., Ja Santos, Cebu Cty Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands C. Padilla, Taboan, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands ACC Corp. Ctr, Ayala Center, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Cansaga, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Mactan EPZ, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Ayala FGU Mindanao Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Gorordo Ave. Cor. Rosal Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Cebu Holding Ctr., Visayas Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands AS Fortuna St. Banilad, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Mandaue Highway Cor. Bonifacio, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands 417-421 Manalili St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Philippine Islands Osmena Blvd. Cor. Jasmin St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands Gen. Maxilom Ave. Cor. NRA, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands Geonzon Rd., Cebu Asiatown IT Park, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands 209 Colon St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands 2nd St., MEPZ Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands ML Quezon ManDaue Rd. Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands 347 V. Rama Ave., Guadalupe, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands North Reclamation Area, Mabolo, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands GF Interope N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands 65 Jakosalem & Magallanes, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands M, Cuenco Ave., Mabolo, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands 29 Gen. Junquera, Kamagayan, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands GF Gaisano Gr Mall, Basak, Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands Gaisano Super Metro, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands Brgy. Kalubihan, Talamban, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands Gaisano Tabunok Fiesta, Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands Ayala Center, Cebu Bus. Park, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands P Rodriguez St., Bogo City, Cebu Bogo City
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands GF 31 Jp Rizal St. Tabok Mandaue Cty Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands GF Brgy. Sangi, Toledo City, Cebu Toledo (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands GF Archbishop Reyes Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of The Philippine Islands Ayala Malls Lahug Pob., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Magallanes St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Cabahug St., Centro, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Natalio Bacalso Ave., Tabunok, Talisay Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. SM City J Luna Cor. Soriano Ave., Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. CBC A. Fortuna St. Banilad, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. GF Pres. Quezon Nat’l. Highway, Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. 447 Tabok, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. JY Square Mall Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. GF Subangdaku, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. SM City Brgy. Lamac, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Dr. Jose Rizal St., Pob. Carcar, Cebu Carcar City
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. F. Ramos St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
145 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. M Velez St. Guadalupe, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Cebu Business Park, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. ML Quezon Cabancalan, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Plaza Margarita Lipata, Minglanilla Minglanilla
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. J Centre Mall, AS Fortuna Ave., Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Escario Central, Escario Road, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Gaisano Gov. Cuenco, Talamban, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Nat’l. South Highway, Naga City, Cebu Naga City
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. The Link, Cebu IT Park, Apas, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. 424 Gorordo Ave., Camputhaw, Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. SIM Bldg., P .Rodriguez St., Bogo City Bogo City
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. GY Dela Serna Opon Pob., Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. Duterte Banawa Guadalupe, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. N. Bacalso Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. LGF SM Seaside, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. U101 GF Mindanao Ave., CBP, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. GF Ouano Ave. Cor. Seno Blvd. Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Citibank Ayala FGU Center, Cebu Bus. Park, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank Of Commerce 888 AS Fortuna St., Banilad, Mandaue Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank Of Commerce Entienza Bldg., Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank Of Commerce Cor. Osmeña Blvd. & Plaridel Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank Of Commerce Mantawe Ave., Tipolo, NRA, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank Of Commerce B. Rodriguez Cor. Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank Of Commerce AJS Bldg. Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank Of Commerce U5 & 6F Cabahug Cor. Pres Roxas, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank Of Commerce PCJ Bldg. Nat’l. Highway, Talisay City, Cebu Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. A. Reyes Cor. J. Panis, Banilad, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. Magsaysay Cor. Gonzales St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. Cebu Capitol Comml Escario St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. Ramcar Bldg., M Briones Highway, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. APP ML Quezon Nat’l. Highway, Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. Aldo Bldg., North Rd., Basak, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. Grand Cenia Bldg., A. Reyes Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. Park Mall Ouano Ave., Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. 151 M Velez St. Guadalupe, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. AYS, AS Fortuna, Banilad, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. AC Cortes Ave. Ibabao, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. N. Bacalso Ave. South Rd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. Stephen JO Bldg Juan Luna, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. La Nueva-Minglanilla Ctr., Minglanilla Minglanilla
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. Cebu Women's Club F Osmeña, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. 280 Magallanes Noli Me Tangere, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. Tabunok Highway Talisay City, Cebu Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. W Ginonzon Cor. Abad Asia Town, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. LI Corso Filinvest Lifemall, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco 191 Plaridel St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Along B Aranas St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Jones Ave Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Pelaez St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Jaime St., Nat'l. Highway, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
146 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Cuenco Ave., Mabolo, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco A. Reyes Cor. Tojong, Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Nat'l. South Rd., Bulakaw, Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Quezon Nat'l. Highway, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Tabok, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Sanciangco & Leon Kilat St., Cebu Cty Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Don Llorente St. Banilad, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Magallanes St., Bgy. Ermita, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco F. Ramos Cor. Junquera Ext., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco L. Jaena, Subangdaku, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco La Nueva Supermart, MC Briones, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Escario St. Capitol, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco 872 South Rd St., San Nicolas, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco APM A. Soriano Cebu Port Cnra, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco PNF Comm’l. Bldg., Talamban, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco 97 M. Velez St., Guadalupe, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Cor. Lopez & Borromeo St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco AS Fortuna St., Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco 117 Gorordo Ave., Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco G Dela Serna St., Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Sim Bldg., P. Rodriguez St., Bogo, Cebu Bogo City
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Cebu South Rd., Pob. Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco C Rosales Cor. Mindanao Ave. CBP, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Cansaga Rd. Nat’l. Highway, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Mactan Eco Zone 1, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco MEPZ 2 Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Cebu IT Park, Apas, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Parkmall North Reclamation, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Toledo, Cebu Toledo (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco C.P. Garcia Ave., Danao City, Cebu Danao (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Gaisano Price Club, Awayan, Carcar Carcar City
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Gaisano SRP Highway, Talisay City ,Cebu Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco ES Binghay St. Balamban, Cebu Balamban
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco C Rosales Cor. Sumilon, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Lakandula Cor. Kintanar Argao, Cebu Argao
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Archbishop Reyes Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco FLB Corp. Center, Bohol Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Purok Sampaguiata Pob., Liloan, Cebu Liloan
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco GF Two World Center, Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco NGA Dev. Bldg. MEPZ2 Basak, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco GF U3 AS Fortuna St., Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine Bank of Communications Magallanes Cor. Manalili, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine Bank of Communications GF U11 Alpha Arcade Bldg., Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine Bank of Communications Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine Bank of Communications Nat’l. Highway Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine Bank of Communications Mindanao Ave. Cebu Bus. Park, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Cor. Fernan & San Vicente, Bogo, Cebu Bogo City
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank M Briones & Jakosalem Sts., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank U11 12 GF GGL Brgy. Pob., Liloan, Cebu Liloan
147 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Quezon Nat'l. Highway Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Ist Ave MEPZ, Ibo Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Rafols St., Pob., Toledo City Toledo (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Visayas Community Med., Osmeña, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank B&F Paray Bldg., Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank JD Bldg., Lopez Jaena, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Cuenco-Psaturnino Banilad, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Gaisano A. Del Rosario, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank GF Juanita Escario Cor. Gorordo, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Salinas Cor JM Del Mar, Apas, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Nat’l. Highway, Tabunok Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank One Pavilion Mall R. Duterte St., Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Cor. D Jakosalem & Legaspi Sts., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Collonade Mall, Oriente Colon, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Capitol Square, N. Escario, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Gaisano Pob., East Moalboal, Cebu Moalboal
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Tabunoc Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Subangdaku Highway, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Mangubat Cor. Rizal, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank 41-43 Plaridel St., Carbon, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Highway Cor. J. Luna, Danao City Danao (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Insular Sq., 31jp Rizal, Tabok, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank S. Metro F. Llamas, Cebu, South Rd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bankk JP Rizal St., Ticad, Bantayan, Cebu Bantayan
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Fortuna St., Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank AC Cortes Ave., Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Pob., Carcar, Cebu Carcar City
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Nat'l. Road, Brgy. Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Talamban, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank U-F UGF FLB Cor. Center CBP, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Pob. Oriental, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Ward 4 Pob. Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank GF F. Cabahug St., Kasambangan, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Candido Padilla St., Taboan, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank GF ML Quezon Ave., Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank LGF Airport Road, Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Magallanes Cor. Gonzales St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Fuente Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine National Bank Philtrust Bldg. Colon St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine Veterans Bank Pvb Bldg., Osmeña Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine Veterans Bank Arcada 5 Nat’l. Highway, Tipolo, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Maybank Philippines Incorporated L2 B10 Luzon Ave., Cebu Bus. Park, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Maybank Philippines Incorporated L Jaena Nat’l. Highway, Subangdaku, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Maybank Philippines Incorporated 137 Plaridel St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Maybank Philippines Incorporated Gorordo Cor. Sanson, Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Tan Sucheng Bldg., Gullas St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Fuente Osmeña, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. 63 M. Velez St., Guadalupe, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Adm Bldg. Nat'l. Highway, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Lakandula & Padilla, Taboan, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. A Cortez Ave., Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
148 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. MEPZ 1, Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. AS Fortuna St., Banilad, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. CIFC Tower, North Reclamation, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Comm'l Villa Bldg. Rafols, Toledo, Cebu Toledo (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Cebu Bus. Park, Mindanao Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. P. Burgos St., San Roque, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Don Ramon Arcenas St., Banawa, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. J. Centre Mall, AS Fortuna, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Skyrise 4, Cebu IT Park, Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. DC Sanchez St., Balamban, Cebu Balamban
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. South Central Lawasan, Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. GF Eco. Trade, J. Panos, Talamban, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. South Road Bulacao, Talisay City, Cebu Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. P. Del Rosario, Brgy. Sambag, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Escario, Capitol Site, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. Cebu North Road Highway, Basak, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. GF Pacific Sq., F. Cabahug, Mabolo, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Comm'l Banking Corp. GF Basak Mercado, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. Osmena Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. Tipolo Square, Mandaue Highway, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. U1, 2 & 3, Cardinal Rosales Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. NS Bldg., AS Fortuna, Banilad, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. 31 JP Rizal Tabok, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. ML Quezon Nat’l. Hi-way, Patalinhug, Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. 154 Osmena Cor. V Urgello, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. Cebu IT Park Subd., Apas, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. ICMITC MEZ, Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Security Bank Corp. Juan Luna St., Danao City, Cebu Danao (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. Rosales Ave., Cebu Bus. Park, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. L2/B1/Ph1 MEPZ2 SEPZ, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. A. Cortes St., Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. GF U114 Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. G/F Park Place Hotel Osmeña, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. Dr 8 Plaza Borromeo, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. GF Mantawe Ave., Tipolo, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. 104 Plaridel St., Sto. Niño, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. Gen. Maxilom Ave. Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. Khuz'ns North Highway, Estancia, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. Quezon Nat'l. Highway, Lapu-Lapu, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. F101 TGU Tower Salinas, Asiatown, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. GF Ret 2 & 3, Mactan Newtown, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. GF AS Fortuna Cor. P Remedio, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. GF Sumilon Road CBP, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. GF North Drive Ouano Ave., Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. Pob. Ward II Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. Lipata, Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Universal/Commercial Bank Union Bank of The Phils. Subangdaku, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
149 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank United Coconut Planters Bank Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank United Coconut Planters Bank Gen. Maxilom Ave. & R. Rahmann, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank United Coconut Planters Bank Progreso/Manalili St., Cebu Cty Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank United Coconut Planters Bank Nat’l. Highway, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank United Coconut Planters Bank TPE Bldg. Banilad Rd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank United Coconut Planters Bank Lower GF SM City, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank United Coconut Planters Bank F Cabahug St. Mabolo, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank United Coconut Planters Bank 7F Ramos St., Cogon, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Equicom Savings Bank Inc. The Strip, Pres. Osmena Blvd., Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Equicom Savings Bank Inc. MC Briones St., Maguikay, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Equicom Savings Bank Inc. Mindanao Ave. Cor. Biliran CBP, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. U6 Colon St. Kalubihan, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. San Vicente St. Pob. I Carcar, Cebu Carcar City
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. 803 V&G Subd., Nangka, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Ompad St., Pob. Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Rizal St., Pob. Danao City, Cebu Danao (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc . U1B A Del Rosario St., Guizo, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. 1316 South Nat’l. Highway, Minglanilla Minglanilla
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Unit 12 Victoria St., Talisay City Talisay City
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. J. Almenrante St., San Vicente, Bogo, Cebu Bogo City
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Nat’l. Highway, South Pob., Naga City, Cebu Naga City
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Cor. Rafols and Poloyapoy St., Toledo, Cebu Toledo (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. GF Villa St. Cor. G. Gica St., Dumanjug, Cebu Dumanjug
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Daanbantayan, Cebu Daanbantayan
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Ticad, Bantayan, Cebu Bantayan
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. NRGY III Tuburan, Cebu Tuburan
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Cansuje Argao, Cebu Argao
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Direct Banko Inc. Gaisano Grand Mall, Moalboal, Cebu Moalboal
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Family Savings Bank Inc. Llamas, Puerto Princesa, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Family Savings Bank Inc. Escario St., Capitol Site, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Family Savings Bank Inc. A. Cortez Cor. C Ilalao, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Family Savings Bank Inc. Colon Cor. D. Jakosalem St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Family Savings Bank Inc. GF Sitio Tangasan, Carcar City, Cebu Carcar City
Savings and Mortgage Bank BPI Family Savings Bank Inc. 2F Biliran Road Cor. Mindanao Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Citystate Savings Bank Inc. Fortune Life, Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Sun Savings Bank Inc. 45 Don Gil Garcia Escario St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Sun Savings Bank Inc. Gaisano Highway, Tabunok, Talisay Talisay City
Savings and Mortgage Bank Sun Savings Bank Inc. D6 Gf AC Cortes Ave. Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Sun Savings Bank Inc. GF Gaisano Grand Mall Complex, Carcar, Cebu Carcar City
Savings and Mortgage Bank Sun Savings Bank Inc. 105 Jesever Fuente Osmeña, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Sun Savings Bank Inc. Gf Space 7 Nat’l. Highway, Pob., Danao City Danao (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Sun Savings Bank Inc. Solinea Condo Complex, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Sterling Bank Of Asia Inc. Gen Maxilom Cor. F. Ramos, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Sterling Bank Of Asia Inc. Magallanes Cor. Manalili St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank China Bank Savings Inc. Skyrise 3 IT Building Apas, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank China Bank Savings Inc. A. Del Rosario Ave., Mantuyong, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank China Bank Savings Inc. Cebu North Rd., Basak, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank China Bank Savings Inc. Gen Maxilom Ave. Cor. Echavez, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Malayan Savings Bank Inc. J. King Bldg., T. Padilla St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Malayan Savings Bank Inc. GF La Belle, Gorordo, Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank Cor. Plaridel & Progreso St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
150 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municiaplity
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank Pelaez Cor. Colon St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank KRC, Nat’l. Highway, Subangdaku, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank N&N Arcade, AC Cortes Ave., Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank Insular Life, Mindanao, Biliran, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank Gaisano Mall, Banilad, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank Osmeña Blvd. Cor. Sanciangco, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank The Strip, Osmeña Capitol, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank GF Highway, Cansaga, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank GF Gaisano, ML Quezon, Lapu-Lapu, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Savings Bank GF S101 Jose Maria Del Mar St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Business Bank Inc. 130 F Gonzales St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Business Bank Inc. H. Cortes Ave. Cor. Highway Seno, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Business Bank Inc. GF Amco ML Quezon Nat’l. Rd., Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Business Bank Inc. Hw Consolacion Cansaga, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Business Bank Inc. Gaisano Cebu South Rd., Talisay City Talisay City
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Business Bank Inc. Capitol Square Escario St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Business Bank Inc. AS Fortuna St., Banilad, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Philippine Business Bank Inc. 4F N Escario St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank UCPB Savings Bank Tuburan, Cebu Tuburan
Savings and Mortgage Bank UCPB Savings Bank E. Sayson, Central Pob. Naga City, Cebu Naga City
Savings and Mortgage Bank Producers Savings Bank Corp. Villalon Bldg., Uytengsu St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Producers Savings Bank Corp. Alang Alang, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Brgy. Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Victoria St., Tabunoc, Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank D. Macapagal Highway, Pob. Toledo, Cebu Toledo (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Mahayahay Bankal, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Pob. Cordoba, Cebu Cordoba
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Tam-Isam Sta. Rosa, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Fatima Valley, Pagsabungan, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Quezon St., Cabancalan, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Borbajo St., Talamban, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Mabini St., Pob. Lilo-An, Cebu Liloan
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Sangi New Road Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Pob. Oriental, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Ligaya Homes Cabayan, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Naya Village, Tisa, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Lower Lipata, Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Lower Lipata, Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Ramona Village, Dumlog, Talisay City Talisay City
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Zone 3 Rizal St., Dumlog, Talisay City Talisay City
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank 15 Middle Nivel Hills, Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Grace Drive, Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank 495 Kinasang-An Pardo, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Labra St Guadalupe, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank H Joaquino St. Mabolo, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Sitio Hoyohoy, Busay, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Pondol, Balamban, Cebu Balamban
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Pob. Pinamungahan, Cebu Pinamungajan
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Pob. Asturias, Cebu Asturias
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card SME Bank Inc .A Thrift Bank Poog, Toledo, Cebu City Toledo (City)
151 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card Sme Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Abucayan Balamban, Cebu Balamban
Savings and Mortgage Bank Card Sme Bank Inc. A Thrift Bank Dumlog, Toledo City, Cebu Toledo (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Bank of Makati Inc. SL Tanchan Bldg., Colon St.,Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Bank of Makati Inc. Nside Busines Hub, Tipolo, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Private Development Bank Wealth Development Bank Corp. C. Rosales Ave. Cebu Bus. Park, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Wealth Development Bank Corp. Hilario Chu Bldg., F Ramos St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Wealth Development Bank Corp. Meritz Bldg., A Cortes Ave., Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Private Development Bank Wealth Development Bank Corp. M Briones Cor. Plaridel, Carbon, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Wealth Development Bank Corp. Suarez Bldg Highway, Tabunok, Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Private Development Bank Wealth Development Bank Corp. Nat’l. Highway Cor. MB Fernan, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Private Development Bank Wealth Development Bank Corp. N Bacalso Cor. F. Llamas, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Wealth Development Bank Corp. Marijoy 306, F. Ramos, Sta Cruz, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Dumaguete City Dev. Bank Inc. Quezon Highway, Brgy. Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Private Development Bank First Consolidated Bank Inc. Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Private Development Bank Penbank Inc. (Formerly: Peninsula RB Inc) AS Fortuna St., Banilad, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Private Development Bank Penbank Inc. (Formerly: Peninsula RB Inc) Aviva Bldg., Highway Bulacao, Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Private Development Bank Penbank Inc. (Formerly: Peninsula RB Inc) ML Quezon Highway, Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Private Development Bank Penbank Inc. (Formerly: Peninsula RB Inc.) SB Cabahug St., Ibabao, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Private Development Bank Penbank Inc. (Formerly: Peninsula RB Inc) Punta Princesa, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Penbank Inc. (Formerly: Peninsula RB Inc.) G/F Act Mall, P. Del Rosario, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Enterprise Bank Inc. Nat’l. Highway, Lawa-An I ,Talisay Talisay City
Private Development Bank Enterprise Bank Inc. Mantawe Ave., Tipolo, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Private Development Bank Enterprise Bank Inc. Purok 4 Centro Pob. Ronda, Cebu Ronda
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. R. Arcenas, Kamagayan, Osmeña, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. Florem Bldg., AC Cortez Ave., Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. Nat’l. Highway, Calajo-An, Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. Rubio St., Bogo, Cebu Bogo City
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. Sta. Cruz, Balamban,Cebu Balamban
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. Pinamungajan, Cebu Pinamungajan
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. Arcenas St., Bantayan, Cebu Bantayan
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. Valley View Pob. Center, Dumanjug Panga, Cebu Dumanjug
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. Avon Roadside, Tabunok, Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Stock Savings and Loan Asso. City Savings Bank Inc. Financial Centre Cor. Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Stock Savings and Loan Asso. City Savings Bank Inc. Balamban, Cebu Balamban
152 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Stock Savings And Loan Asso. Metro Cebu Public Savings Bank Gee-Ann Sq. Highway, Tabunok, Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Banco Rural De Isla Cordova Inc. San Miguel Cordova, Cebu Cordoba
Rural and Cooperative Bank Banco Maximo Inc. ES Binghay Baliwagan Balamban, Cebu Balamban
Rural and Cooperative Bank Banco Maximo Inc. Sanciangco St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Banco Maximo Inc. Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Banco Maximo Inc. Highway Pob., Ward II, Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Rural and Cooperative Bank Banco Maximo Inc. Hinulawan Ext., Baybay, Toledo, Cebu Toledo (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Commty RB of Catmon (Cebu) Inc. 684 Nat’l. Rd., Corazon, Catmon, Cebu Catmon
Rural and Cooperative Bank Commty RB of Catmon (Cebu) Inc. Damolog Sogod, Cebu Sogod
Rural and Cooperative Bank Commty RB of Catmon (Cebu) Inc. San Francisco, Camotes Island, Cebu San Francisco
Rural and Cooperative Bank Commty RB of Catmon (Cebu) Inc. Cogon, West Carmen, Cebu Carmen
Rural and Cooperative Bank Commty RB of Catmon (Cebu) Inc. Poro, Camotes Island, Cebu Poro
Rural and Cooperative Bank Commty RB of Catmon (Cebu) Inc. Pitogo, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Rural and Cooperative Bank Commty RB of Catmon (Cebu) Inc. San Vicente, Bogo City, Cebu Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Commty RB of Medellin (Cebu) Inc. Jose Rizal St., Pob Medellin, Cebu Medellin
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc MC Briones G. Ricarte Guizo, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc Pio Del Pilar St., Danao City, Cebu Danao (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc Ticad, Bantayan, Cebu Bantayan
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc ML Quezon Nat’l. Highway, Pusok, Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc Bacalso Ave. Bulacao, Talisay City, Cebu Talisay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc Sta Catalina St., Carcar City, Cebu Carcar City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc San Vicente St.,, Cogon, Bogo City, Cebu Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc Rodriguez St. Toledo City, Cebu Toledo (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc Cansaga, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc N. Bacalso P. Del Rosario Ext., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc Ermita Carbon, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Aspac Rural Bank Inc Banilad, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Cooperative Bank of Cebu M. Velez St., Guadalupe, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Cooperative Bank of Cebu A. Pedroza Bungtod, Bogo City, Cebu Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Cooperative Bank of Cebu Carcar, Cebu Carcar City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Cooperative Bank of Cebu Pob., Danao City, Cebu Danao (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) Dela Vina St., Gairan Bogo City, Cebu Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) Sta Fe, Cebu Santa Fe
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) Osmeña St., Daanbantayan, Cebu Daanbantayan
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) Cogon Pob. 1, Carcar City, Cebu Carcar City
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) 251 SB Cabahug St., Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) Diosdado Macapagal Highway, Toledo, Cebu Toledo (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) Bogo City, Cebu Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) Sitio Camburong Pob. Oslob, Cebu Oslob
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) Mendoza St. Brgy. 2, Tuburan, Cebu Tuburan
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) Southern Pob. San Francisco, Cebu San Francisco
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) PG Almendras St., Pob. Danao City, Cebu Danao (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc.(Fairbank) Nat’l. Highway, Brgy. Damolog, Sogod, Cebu Sogod
Rural and Cooperative Bank East West Rural Bank Inc. Cortes & Plaridel, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank East West Rural Bank Inc. Bogo City, Cebu Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank East West Rural Bank Inc. 36 Osmena Blvd., Sambag II, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank East West Rural Bank Inc. Penalosa Luray I, Toledo City, Cebu Toledo (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank East West Rural Bank Inc. P. Nellas St. Pob. III, Carcar, Cebu Carcar City
Rural and Cooperative Bank East West Rural Bank Inc. Pres. S. Osmena Cor .Binaobao, Bantayan, Cebu Bantayan
Rural and Cooperative Bank East West Rural Bank Inc. Nat’l. Road Looc, Danao City, Cebu Danao (City)
153 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Rural and Cooperative Bank Frontier Rural Bank Inc. M. Razon P. Rizal St., Lapu-Lapu, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Mactan Rural Bank (Lapu-Lapu) Inc. Patalinghug Ave., Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Mactan Rural Bank (Lapu-Lapu) Inc. Ardc Bldg., Brgy. Cogon, Bogo City ,Cebu Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Mactan Rural Bank (Lapu-Lapu) Inc. Valladolid, Carcar City, Cebu Carcar City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Mactan Rural Bank (Lapu-Lapu) Inc. C. Padilla Pahina, San Nicolas, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Mactan Rural Bank (Lapu-Lapu) Inc. Weber Bldg. M1, Fatima Jubay, Liloan, Cebu Liloan
Rural and Cooperative Bank Mactan Rural Bank (Lapu-Lapu) Inc. ARDC Bldg., Toledo City, Cebu Toledo (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Mactan Rural Bank (Lapu-Lapu) Inc. Pob., East Moalboal, Cebu Moalboal
Rural and Cooperative Bank National Teachers & Emp. Coop Bank Cuenco & J. Luna Ave., Mabolo, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank National Teachers & Emp. Coop Bank City Hall Cayang, Bogo City, Cebu Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank National Teachers & Emp. Coop Bank Super Metro, N. Bacalso Ave., Carcar City Carcar City
Rural and Cooperative Bank National Teachers & Emp. Coop Bank Isidro Escario St., Binaobao, Bantayan, Cebu Bantayan
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Bacong (Negros Oriental) Inc. Pakigne Minglanilla, Cebu Talisay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Barili (Cebu) Inc. Cor. H. Alquizol St., Pob. Barili, Cebu Barili
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Barili (Cebu) Inc. Dumanjug, Cebu Dumanjug
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Barili (Cebu) Inc. Moalboal, Cebu Moalboal
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Barili (Cebu) Inc. San Fernando, Cebu San Fernando
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Barili (Cebu) Inc. Carcar, Cebu Carcar City
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Barili (Cebu) Inc. Santander, Cebu Santander
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Barili (Cebu) Inc. Toledo City, Cebu Toledo (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Barili (Cebu) Inc. Laawan, Talisay City, Cebu Talisay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Bogo (Cebu) Inc. P. Rodriguez St. Cogon, Bogo, Cebu Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Bogo (Cebu) Inc. Osmena St. Pob. Daanbantayan, Cebu Daanbantayan
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Bogo (Cebu) Inc. Pob., San Remigio, Cebu San Remigio
Rural and Cooperative Bank Philippine SME Bank Inc. ML Quezon St., Kabankalan, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Madridejos (Cebu) Inc Madridejos, Cebu Madridejos
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Mandaue Inc A. Del Rosario St., Centro, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Bank of Ormoc Inc (A Rural Bank) Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Oslob (Cebu) Inc. N. Bacalso St., Pob. Oslob, Cebu Oslob
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Oslob (Cebu) Inc. Boljoon, Cebu Boljoon
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Oslob (Cebu) Inc. Alcoy, Cebu Alcoy
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Oslob (Cebu) Inc. Samboan, Cebu Samboan
Rural and Cooperative Bank Bankways Inc. Gov. M. Cuenco, Banilad, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Bankways Inc. Dr. TS Kintanao St., Argao, Cebu Argao
Rural and Cooperative Bank Bankways Inc . Pob. III Carcar City, Cebu Carcar City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Bankways Inc. Dela Vina St., Sto. Rosario, Bogo, Cebu Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Bankways Inc. Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Bankways Inc . Pardo, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Agribusiness Cortez Ave., Ibabao, Mandaue City, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Talisay (Cebu) Inc. Cebu South Rd., Tabunok, Talisay, Cebu Talisay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank RNG Coastal Bank Inc. Talamban Mart, Cabancalan, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RNG Coastal Bank Inc. Pob. Badian, Cebu Badian
Rural and Cooperative Bank RNG Coastal Bank Inc. Compostela, Cebu Compostela
Rural and Cooperative Bank RNG Coastal Bank Inc. San Fernando, Cebu San Fernando
Rural and Cooperative Bank RNG Coastal Bank Inc. Borbon, Cebu Borbon
Rural and Cooperative Bank RNG Coastal Bank Inc. Asturias, Cebu Asturias
Rural and Cooperative Bank RNG Coastal Bank Inc. Punta Princesa, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Rng Coastal Bank Inc. Talisay City, Cebu Talisay City
154 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Rural and Cooperative Bank Rng Coastal Bank Inc. Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Rural and Cooperative Bank Rng Coastal Bank Inc. Liloan, Cebu Liloan
Rural and Cooperative Bank Rng Coastal Bank Inc. Naga City, Cebu Naga City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Upland Rb Of Dalaguete (Cebu) Inc. Legaspi St., Pob. Dalaguete, Cebu Dalaguete
Rural and Cooperative Bank Upland RB of Dalaguete (Cebu) Inc. Pob. Oslob, Cebu Oslob
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. AC Cortes Ave., Alang-Alang, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. GF MJ Cuenco Ave., Cebu City, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. 2F ML Quezon Nat’l. Highway, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. 2F Tabunok, Talisay City, Cebu Talisay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. Rafols St., Pob. Toledo City, Cebu Toledo (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. Lou Bldg., 1 P Nella St., Carcar City Carcar City
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. Looc, Danao City, Cebu Danao (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. Ph1 L2 B7 Cansaga, Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. Pungtud Calajo-An, Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. 18 Sanson Road, Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. Pondol, Balamban, Cebu Balamban
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. San Vicente St., Carcar City, Cebu Carcar City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. Pob. Liloan, Cebu Liloan
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. Nat’l. Highway Pob. Compostela, Cebu Compostela
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. N. Bacalso Ave. Nat’l. Highway, Talisay City Talisay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. MV Patalinhug Jr. Ave., Pajo, Lapu-Lapu, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. Esacrio St., Camputhaw, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. Grazine Arcade, Pob. Argao, Cebu Argao
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. Damolog, Sogod, Cebu Sogod
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. P. Rodriguez St., Lourdes, Bogo City Bogo City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. North Rd., Highway Casili, Consolacion Consolacion
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. BTDT, A. Cortes Ave., Ibabao. Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Phil. Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Phil. SV Ferer Cor. Pd Rubio St., Bogo, Cebu Bogo City
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Phil. Bridges Town Sq., Plaridel, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Phil. Awayan Pob. 3, Carcar City, Cebu Carcar City
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Phil. Poloyapoy St., Pob. Toledo City, Cebu Toledo (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Phil. SCC Linao, Talisay City, Cebu Talisay City
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Phil. U32 & 39 East Pob., Naga City, Cebu Naga City
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Phil. Pob. Alegria, Cebu Alegria
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Osmena Blvd. Cor. P del Rosario, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Dayzon Bldg.,Tipolo, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines MEPZ Adm. Bldg., Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Rodriguez St. Bogo, Cebu Bogo City
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Legaspi Cor. MJ Cuenco Ave., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines UY Bldg Pob. III Awayan, Carcar ,Cebu Carcar City
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines F Ralota St. Pob. Danao City Danao (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Espiritu Bldg. Gen. Maxilom Ave. Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Gaisano Sangi, Toledo City, Cebu Toledo (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines GF Gaisano Pob., East Moalboal, Cebu Moalboal
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Brgy. Baliwagan, Balamban, Cebu Balamban
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines GSP Cuenco St., Banilad, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines CIP Complex, Pier 6, Port of Cebu, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines GF Consolacion Govt. Ctr., Consolacion, Cebu Consolacion
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines LBP C Ouano St., Centro, Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
155 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines N Bacalso St. East Pob., Naga City, Cebu Naga City
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Suba, Bantayan, Cebu Bantayan
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Quezon Nat’l. Highway, Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Pob., Dalaguete, Cebu Dalaguete
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Pob., Barili, Cebu Barili
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Pob., Argao, Cebu Argao
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Waterfront Hotel Casino, Lahug, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Beatriz Village Pob., Danao, Cebu Danao (City)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Zamora St., Cogon West, Carmen, Cebu Carmen
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Catmondaan, Catmon, Cebu Catmon
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Sitio Proper Cogon, Compostela, Cebu Compostela
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Bank Inc. Pob. Sulop, Davao Del Sur, Lapu-Lapu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Awayan Pob. III, Carcar City, Cebu Carcar City
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Nat’l. Highway Pob., Argao, Cebu Argao
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Swt Pob., Barili ,Cebu Barili
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Upper Tulay, Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Upper Tulay, Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Sima Dumanjug, Cebu Dumanjug
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Tomonoy Moalboal ,Cebu Moalboal
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Pob. Sibonga, Cebu Sibonga
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. South Pob., San Fernando, Cebu San Fernando
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Tabtuy Tuyan, Naga City, Cebu Naga City
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. South Pob., Naga City, Cebu Naga City
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Pob., Ginatilan, Cebu Ginatilan
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Lagunde, Oslob, Cebu Oslob
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Mri Rizal Bank Inc. Pob., Dalaguete, Cebu Dalaguete
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Tubod, Barili, Cebu Barili
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Lagang Ocana, Carcar Cty, Cebu Carcar City
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Pob. Siboga, Cebu Sibonga
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Pob. Sibonga, Cebu Sibonga
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. South Pob., Naga City, Cebu Naga City
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Ilaya, Ronda, Cebu Ronda
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Opportunity Kauswagan Bank Inc. Upper Tulay, Minglanilla, Cebu Minglanilla
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Dungganon Bank Inc. ML Quezon St. Binaobao Bantayan, Cebu Bantayan
Financing Companies (FCQB) Cebu International Finance Corp. CIFC Tower, J. Luna Cor. Humabon, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Financing Companies (FCQB) RCBC Leasing And Finance Corp. Danaque, Osmena Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Financing Companies (FCQB) Orix Metro Leasing & Finance Corp. MBTC Plaza, Osmena Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Financing Companies (FCQB) Orix Metro Leasing & Finance Corp. Ouano Ave. North Reclamation, Mandaue Mandaue (City)
Financing Companies (FCQB) Orix Metro Leasing & Finance Corp. 2F South Nat’l. Highway Pob. III, Carcar, Cebu Carcar City
Financing Companies (FCQB) Orix Metro Leasing & Finance Corp. GF U2 Ningning Bldg. BBP Bogo, Cebu Bogo City
Financing Companies (FCQB) Orix Metro Leasing & Finance Corp. U101 GF Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Financing Companies (FCQB) Orix Metro Leasing & Finance Corp. 2F 01-02 SRP Highway, San Roque, Talisay Talisay City
Financing Companies (FCQB) Toyota Financial Services Phil. Corp. Door B&C, AC Cortes Ave., Mandaue City Mandaue (City)
Financing Company Sumisho Motor Finance Corp. Plaridel St., Alang-Alang, Mandaue, Cebu Mandaue (City)
Financing Company BDO Leasing & Finance Inc. Wentworth Bldg., Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Financing Company BPI Century Tokyo Lease & Finance Corp. Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Financing Company BPI Payments Holdings Inc Cititrust Bldg., Plaridel St., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Non-Stock Savings & Loan Association Armed Forces and Police SLA Inc. Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
156 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address Cty/Municipality
Non-Stock Savings & Loan Association Air Materiel Wing SLA Inc. 2/F Vl Bldg. 8, Gorordo, Lahug, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Non-Stock Savings & Loan Association Air Materiel Wing SLA Inc. Mactan Airbase, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Non-Stock Savings & Loan Association Composite Wing SLA, Inc. Concessionaires Area, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Non-Stock Savings & Loan Association Composite Wing SLA, Inc. 43 Wilson St., Campo Lahug, Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Non-Stock Savings & Loan Association Fernando Air Base SLA, Inc. Diestro Cor. Querubin, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Non-Stock Savings & Loan Association Mactan Air Base SLA, Inc. Mactan Air Base, Lapu-Lapu City Lapu-Lapu City (Opon)
Non-Stock Savings & Loan Association Philippine Navy Savings & Loan Asso. Naval Forces Central Block, Pier 3, Cebu Cebu (City/Capital)
Non-Stock Savings & Loan Association Public Safety SLA Inc. Cebu Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City Cebu (City/Capital)
Negros Oriental
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank Robinsons Bank Corp. Rob Dumaguete So/Perdices, Dumaguete City Dumaguete(City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Robinsons Bank Corp. Cor Quezon and Burgos St., Bais City Bais (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Robinsons Bank Corp. Shop3 Bollos St., Pob. Bayawan, Neg. Or. City of Bayawan (Tulong)
Universal/Commercial Bank Asia United Bank Corp. Dr. V. Locsin St., Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Public Market, Colon St., Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. Rob South Rd., Calindagan, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. North Nat’l. Highway, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. NVF 441 North Nat’l. Highway, Pob. Bayawan City of Bayawan (Tulong)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. 2F BDO Silliman Campus, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank BDO Unibank Inc. U03 North Nat’l. Highway, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Phil. Islands Perdices & Legaspi St., Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Phil. Islands Mabini Cor. Quezon, Bais City, Negros Oriental Bais (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Phil. Islands Lee Plaza San Jose St., Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of the Phil. Islands Real North Rd., Dumaguete, Negros Oriental Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank China Banking Corp. CBC Bldg., Real Dumaguete, Negros Oriental Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Bank of Commerce Rusiana Building, Dumaguete, Neg. Or. Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank East West Banking Corp. JT Villegas Bldg., Colon St. Dumaguete Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco V, Locsin St. (Wa Jones), Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco 131 Real St., Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Nat’l. Highway Cor. Aguinaldo Bais, Neg. Or. Bais (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco P1 Nat’l. Highway, Tinago, Bayawan, Neg. Or. City of Bayawan (Tulong)
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco North Nat’l. Highway, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Phil. National Bank Real Cor. Silliman Ave., Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Phil. National Bank New Public Market, Guihulngan, Neg. Or. Guihulngan City
Universal/Commercial Bank Phil..National Bank North Nat’l. Highway & Mabini, Bayawan City City of Bayawan (Tulong)
Universal/Commercial Bank Phil. National Bank Teves Bldg. Quezon St. Bais, Negros Oriental Bais (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Phil. National Bank 53 Locsin St., Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Phil. National Bank Cor. L Jaena & Magallanes, Tanjay Tanjay City
Universal/Commercial Bank Phil. National Bank South Rd. Calindagan, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Phil. Trust Company Silliman Ave. Cor. Real St., Dumaguete Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Philippine Veterans Bank Gov. Perdices Cor. San Juan, Dumaguete Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Maybank Philippines Incorporated Real Cor. Surban, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. Gov. Perdices Ave. & San Jose St., Dumaguete Dumaguete (City/Capital)
157 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Savings and Mortgage Bank Producers Savings Bank Corp. Perdices Sta. Rosa Pinili, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Producers Savings Bank Corp. Nat’l. Highway Cor. Aguinaldo Bais, Neg. Or. Bais (City)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Producers Savings Bank Corp. Pinili St., Poblacion 3, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Savings and Mortgage Bank Bank Of Makati Inc Daro Dumaguete, Negros Oriental Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Wealth Development Bank Corp. 1F Jose Bldg. Calindagan, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Dumaguete City Dev Bank Inc. Dr. V. Locsin Cor. Cervantes, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank Dumaguete City Dev Bank Inc. Nat’l. Highway, Pob. Sibulan, Negros Oriental Sibulan
Private Development Bank First Consolidated Bank Inc.) Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank First Consolidated Bank Inc (A Pdb) Brgy. 9, Opao, Tanjay City, Negros Oriental Tanjay City
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. Daan Taytayan Calindangan, Dumaguete Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Private Development Bank 1st Valley Bank Inc. Nat’l. Highway Pob Bayawan Neg. Or. City Of Bayawan (Tulong)
Stock Savings and Loan Asso. City Savings Bank Inc. Real Cor. Dr. V. Locsin, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Stock Savings and Loan Asso. City Savings Bank Inc. Legaspi St., Brgy. 8, Tanjay City Tanjay City
Stock Savings and Loan Asso. City Savings Bank Inc. GF Gobonseng Real Pinili, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank SG Bank Inc. 167 Real St. Pob. 7, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Coop Bank of Negros Oriental CBNO Bldg., Libertad St., Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Coop Bank of Negros Oriental Tanjay, Negros Oriental Tanjay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank Coop Bank of Negros Oriental Bollos St., Bayawan, Negros Oriental City Of Bayawan (Tulong)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Dumaguete RB Inc. San Jose St., Dumaguete City, Neg.Or. Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc. (Fairbank) 670 Campaclan, Sibulan, Negros Oriental Sibulan
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc. (Fairbank) Osmena Ave. Pob., Guihulngan City Guihulngan City
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc. (Fairbank) Brgy. Bulibulihan, Mabinay, Negros Oriental Mabinay
Rural and Cooperative Bank First Agro-Industrial RB Inc. (Fairbank) Real St., Pob. 7 Tanjay, Negros Oriental Tanjay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank East West Rural Bank Inc. Magallanes St. Cor. Basa St., Tanjay City Tanjay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank East West Rural Bank Inc. Bollos St. Cor. Nat’l. Highway Pob., Bayawan City Of Bayawan (Tulong)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Mactan Rural Bank (Lapu-Lapu City) Inc. Dr. V. Locsin St., Taclobo, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Amlan (Negros Oriental) Inc. North Nat’l. Highway, Mabini Amlan, Neg. Or. Amlan (Ayuquitan)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Bacong (Negros Oriental) Inc. V. Locsin St., Dumaguete City, Neg. Or. Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Bacong (Negros Oriental) Inc. Roxas St. Cor. Calle Rizal Bacong, Neg. Or Bacong
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Bacong (Negros Oriental) Inc. National Highway Mabinay, Negros Oriental Mabinay
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Barili (Cebu) Inc. Tubtubon Sibulan, Negros Oriental Sibulan
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Pamplona(Negros Or) Inc. Poblacion Pamplona, Negros Oriental Pamplona
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Pamplona(Negros Or) Inc. San Jose, Negros Oriental San Jose
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Rizal (Zamboanga Del Norte) Inc. Market Place Calindangan, Dumaguete Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Rizal (Zamboanga Del Norte) Inc. Maquilan Space Nat’l. Highway, Bayawan City City Of Bayawan (Tulong)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Bankways Inc. Tanjay City, Negros Oriental Tanjay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Sta Catalina Negros Or. Inc. Nat’l. Highway, Caranoche, Sta Catalina Santa Catalina
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Sta Catalina Negros Or. Inc. Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Tanjay Inc. 639 Magallanes St., Tanjay, Neg. Or. Tanjay City
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Tanjay Inc. Nat’l. Highway, Daro, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Rural and Cooperative Bank RB of Tanjay Inc. Quezon St., Nat’l. Highway Bais City Bais (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank BDO Network Bank Inc. Brgy. Talungon Bais City Bais (City)
Rural and Cooperative Bank Katipunan Banking Corp. Brgy. 3 Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Phil. Rizal Boulevard, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Phil. Pob. I Siaton, Negros Oriental Siaton
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Noreco Bldg. Real St., Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Nat’l. Highway, Mabini, Bayawan, Neg. Or. City Of Bayawan (Tulong)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of The Philippines Km. 116, Nat’l. Highway Guihulngan, Neg. Or. Guihulngan City
158 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines LBP Bldg., Aglipay St., Bais City Bais (City)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Nat’l. Highway, Pob. Amlan, Negros Oriental Amlan (Ayuquitan)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Poblacion Bindoy, Negros Oriental Bindoy (Payabon)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. E. Surban St., Brgy. 3, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Mri Rizal Bank Inc. Nat’l. Highway, Villareal, Bayawan City City Of Bayawan (Tulong)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. . Juan Luna St., Brgy 1, Bais City Bais (City)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Purok 1, Ablir St., Siblan, Negros Oriental Sibulan
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Rizal St., Brgy. 6 Tanjay City, Negros Oriental Tanjay City
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Habitat Poblacion Pamplona, Negros Oriental Pamplona
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Tandayag Amlan, Negros Oriental Amlan (Ayuquitan)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Luna St. Pob. Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental Zamboanguita
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. North Poblacion Bacong, Negros Oriental Bacong
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. North Pob. Valencia, Negros Oriental Valencia (Luzurriaga)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Masaplod Norte Dauin, Negros Oriental Dauin
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Poblacion Basay, Negros Oriental Basay
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Purok 3, Brgy. 3, Siaton, Negros Oriental Siaton
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Medina St., Pob. Sta., Catalina, Neg, Or. Santa Catalina
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Poblacion Manjuyod, Negros Oriental Manjuyod
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Poblacion Bindoy, Negros Oriental Bindoy (Payabon)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRIRizal Bank Inc. Poblacion Ayungon, Negros Oriental Ayungon
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Awa-An Ayungon, Negros Oriental Ayungon
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. D1 Km5 South Nat’l. Highway, Dumaguete Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Pob. Mabinay, Negros Oriental Mabinay
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Purok 5, Bonawon Siaton, Negros Oriental Siaton
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Mabigo, Canlaon City, Negros Oriental Canlaon (City)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. North Pob. Jimalalud, Negros Oriental Jimalalud
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Pob. Vallehermoso, Negros Oriental Vallehermoso
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card MRI Rizal Bank Inc. Carmenville, Guihulngan City Guihulngan City
Financing Companies (FCQB) Cebu International Finance Corp.. SYCIP Bldg V Locsin St., Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Financing Companies (FCQB) Orix Metro Leasing & Finance Corp. Dr. Vicente Locsin, Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Non-Stock Savings & Loan Association Public Safety SLA Inc. B3 GF Cervantes St., Dumaguete City Dumaguete (City/Capital)
Industry Name of Institution Address City/Municipality
Universal/Commercial Bank Metropolitan Bank & Tco Brgy. Poblacion, Siquijor, Siquijor Siquijor (Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Phil National Bank Roxas St., Larena, Siquijor Larena
Savings and Mortgage Bank Bpi Direct Banko Inc. Poblacion Siquijor, Siquijor Siquijor (Capital)
Private Development Bank First Consolidated Bank Inc. Siquijor, Siquijor Siquijor (Capital)
Private Development Bank First Consolidated Bank Inc. Tigbauan Lazi, Siquijor Lazi
Private Development Bank First Consolidated Bank Inc. Larena, Siquijor Larena
Rural and Cooperative Bank East West Rural Bank Inc. GDM Bldg., North Pob., Larena, Siquijor Larena
Rural and Cooperative Bank National Teachers & Emp. Coop. Bank North Pob., Larena, Siquijor Larena
Universal/Commercial Bank Development Bank of the Philippines Cor. Mabini Sta. Fe St., Pob., Siquijor Siquijor (Capital)
Universal/Commercial Bank Land Bank of the Philippines Nat’l. Highway, Magsaysay, Larena Siquijor Larena
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Mri Rizal Bank Inc. South Poblacion, Siquijor, Siquijor Siquijor (Capital)
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Mri Rizal Bank Inc. Bontod, Larena, Siquijor Larena
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Mri Rizal Bank Inc. Tigbawan Lazi, Siquijor Lazi
Micro-Finance Rural Bank Card Mri Rizal Bank Inc. Poblacion Norte Maria, Siquijor Maria
Source: Financial Institution Library System (FILS) Note: Data Mined by the Supervisory Insights Division, Department of Supervisory Analytics,
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Date Generated: September 27, 2021
159 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX P
Jason Gatab Bunao Cantiguib Alburquerque Bohol,Tagbilaran City 01/11/2019 01/11/2020 Expired_act
Edwin G.carmen 14b R.R Landon St., Cebu City 02/05/2009 06/02/2012 Expired_act
Lra Customs Brokerage Unit 2d-2e Sail Centre Commercial North Reclamation Area, Mc Briones St., Cebu City 02/06/2009 02/16/2012 Expired_act
Roland Paler Sala Rm 204 F Uy Bldg Highway Tipolo, Mandaue City 08/26/2020 08/26/2021 Active
Ruben Ballesteros Dela Cerna Jr. Esl Bldg., Mj Cuenco Ave. Cor. Magallanes St., Cebu City 06/26/2020 06/26/2021 Active
Rommel Marigomen Macabuhay Rm. 206 Crown Building North Road 6, Nra, Cebu City 12/19/2019 12/18/2020 Active
Leizl C. Gonzaga 2/F Borromeo Bldg J Luna Ave, Cebu 01/31/2009 01/31/2010 Expired_act
Joan Melicor Doroni Pag Utlan Maribago Lapu-Lapu City 01/29/2020 01/28/2021 Active
Martin Bompat Pusta Sangi New Road, Pajo,Lapu-Lapu City 05/10/2013 05/10/2014 Expired_act
Renel A. Dabalos Rm 518 Rcsr Bldg., Legaspi St.,, Cebu City 01/21/2009 01/21/2010 Expired_act
Catherine Brava Rallos C/O Primex Intl. Phils. Inc. G/F Meritz Bldg. A.C. Cortes St., Mandaue 02/07/2018 02/07/2019 Expired_act
Carlos Alcordo Barte J. De Veyra St., Brgy. Carreta, Nra, Cebu City 05/22/2020 05/22/2021 Active
Alfredo M.torralba Cambanay, Danao Cityc/O Tawason,, Mandaue 03/23/2009 04/21/2011 Expired_act
Rafael Navarro Rubio A.s. Fortuna St. Mandaue, Mandaue 02/09/2009 03/03/2012 Expired_act
LV Maratas Customs Brokerage Unit 102 Mht Residences Plaridel Street Cambaro, Mandaue City 01/17/2020 01/16/2021 Active
Julwindo Marigomen Embrado 3/F Rm 7 Dayzon Bldg. Pso246 Wireless Subangdaku, Mandaue City 01/10/2020 01/09/2021 Active
Bernabe Palma Celeste Rm 518 Rcsr Bldg. Legaspi St., Cebu 03/17/2014 03/17/2015 Expired_act
Diorito Rellanos Alberca Rm 218 N And N Bldg A C Cortes St, Mandaue 04/06/2017 04/06/2018 Expired_act
Rex Darious Mantua Bensi Babag 1 Lapu-Lapu City, Lapu-Lapu City 01/10/2020 01/09/2021 Active
Kazem A. Rasonable Ground Floor Khunzns Plaza,Highway, Mandaue 06/19/2014 06/19/2015 Expired_act
Leandro Arellano Aparente Jr. 072 Vge Bldg Sikatuna St. Parian, Cebu City 02/10/2020 02/09/2021 Active
William Lepiten Dibdib 29c A. Lopez Street, Calamba,, Cebu 09/01/2020 09/01/2021 Active
Assalym Behimeno Aurita Blk16 Lot14, La Aldea Buena Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City 03/26/2020 03/26/2021 Active
Nelia Villahermosa Yting La Villa Estrellita Subdivision Linao Minglanilla Cebu 07/10/2020 07/10/2021 Active
Lucia Caintapan Caburnay Beside M Lhullier Mc Arthur Bvld Tinago, Cebu City 07/03/2020 07/03/2021 Active
Ivan Nacario Ravago A.c. Cortes Avenue Mandaue, Mandaue 02/04/2009 02/04/2010 Expired_act
Rodel A. Doroja 0509 Fire Crashed, Bankal,, Lapu-Lapu City 01/31/2009 03/12/2011 Expired_act
Melodina Oybenes Pepito Eastern Shipping Lines Bldg M. Cuenco Ave. Cor. Magallanes St., Cebu City 09/29/2020 09/29/2021 Active
Ricardo R. Agapay Semense Compound H. Cortes St., Subangdaku, Mandaue City 12/15/2015 12/14/2016 Expired_act
Rachel Sambrana Timtim Phase 2 Blk 1 Lot No. 7 Deca Homes Tungkil Minglanilla, Cebu 09/15/2020 09/15/2021 Active
Emmanuel B. Carollo Rm 207 Msc Bldg High Way Maguikay, Mandaue City 02/06/2009 02/06/2010 Expired_act
Jerry Arabis Martinez Jr. Annex Bldg. Kentredder Square Ac Cortes Ave, Mandaue 05/19/2020 05/19/2021 Active
Rex Sandoval Rivera Block 4, Lot 25, Deca Homes, Bacayan, Cebu City 11/08/2019 11/07/2020 Active
Jevany A. Larita 242-C Uytengsu Rd., Jones Avenue, Cebu City 02/26/2009 04/04/2014 Expired_act
Irlito Zoilo Avenido Kenwood Compound, Subangdaku, Mandaue City 03/11/2020 03/11/2021 Active
Generoso Anthony Aldas Casimpan Iii Block 10 Luckystar Apartelle, Igot Compound Ml Quezon Highway Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City 03/12/2020 03/12/2021 Active
Luther Aboyme Dinela Rm 205 Gk Chua Bldg Mj Cuenco Ave., Cebu City 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Reynaldo R. Empleo Phase 1 Dona Maria Village, Punta Princesa, Cebu City 02/09/2009 03/08/2012 Expired_act
Josaphat Cabaron Auxilio Door 1 Ground Floor Carlos Perez Bldg Ac Cortes, Mandaue City 10/08/2019 10/07/2020 Archived
Jose Jefferson A. Bajao Airport Road Pusok, Lapu-Lapu 02/09/2009 04/12/2014 Expired_act
Christopher S. Cornelio 3rd Flr M And N Bldg Pajo, Lapu-Lapu 02/09/2009 05/11/2012 Expired_act
Magin Recinto Cornelio Jr 3rd Street Airport Villa Subdivision, Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 08/19/2020 08/19/2021 Active
Sheila Mae C.jacutin Dr. 1 Fm Marys Apt. Coastal View Subd., Laray San Roque, Talisay City 03/04/2009 03/04/2010 Expired_act
Edward Ivans Nemenzo Cilocilo Runas Subdivision Cotcot, Liloan, Cebu 10/31/2019 10/30/2020 Active
Aldwin Matuguina Capahi Rm 208 Colon Devt. Corp. Bldg. Osmena Blvd, Cebu City 11/06/2017 11/06/2018 Expired_act
Jessielin Omale Fernandez Door E-01 A/E Seno Bldg. Igot Comp. M.l Quezon National Highway, Pajo, Lapu-Lapu 09/29/2020 09/29/2021 Active
City, Cebu
Jomar Sulapas Lobitana Rm 203 F Uy Building Hiway Tipolo Mandaue City, Cebu 09/15/2020 09/15/2021 Active
Rolando Coma Marigomen Rm. 301 Crown Bldg. North Road 6 Brgy. Carretta, Cebu City 02/24/2020 02/23/2021 Active
160 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX Q
Broker Address Date of Accredited Date of Expiration Status
Edward C. Cilocilo Rm 216 Colon Devt Corp., Bldg. Osmena Blvd., Cebu City 02/16/2009 03/05/2011 Expired_act
Primitivo Lodreta Mondin Kagudoy Rd. Basak, Lapu-Lapu 08/12/2020 08/12/2021 Active
Anson Alipio Restauro Z2 310 Bomba St., Pooc, Talisay City, Cebu 12/20/2019 12/19/2020 Active
Noni Manaiz Kaindoy D2 Badana Apt. Greenfields, Inayawan, Cebu City 02/20/2019 02/20/2020 Expired_act
Aldwin Alcantara Suarez Luym Bldg 9 Flr Rm 903 Cor Osmena Plaridel St Sto Nino, Cebu City 03/12/2020 03/12/2021 Active
Bella Comia Ferrer 5f Victory 777 Bldg 888 Plaridel St Umapad Mandaue City, Cebu 09/08/2020 09/08/2021 Active
German Purcia Velasco Jr. Door 1 Vel Ouano Bldg., Highway, Bakilid, Mandaue City 02/21/2019 02/21/2020 Expired_act
Miguel B. Panis 4468 Purok Santan Looc, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 12/01/2014 12/01/2015 Expired_act
Dennis Medel Miano Room 201 Crown Bldg, Nra Mabolo,Cebu City 07/19/2013 07/19/2014 Archived
Annie Onieda U. Gopo Eastern Shipping Lines Bldg. M.j Cuenco Ave., Cebu City 02/24/2017 02/24/2018 Expired_act
Janice Zoilo Gubalane Rm.201 Rock Xii Bldg., Mabini St. Looc, Mandaue 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Marlo Gebone Juarez 51 B Rr. Landon Street, Cebu City 10/08/2019 10/07/2020 Expired_act
Susan M. Dela Cruz Rm. 410 Crown Bldg., North Road 6, Nra, Mabolo, Cebu 10/13/2016 10/13/2017 Expired_act
Francisco B. Bejoc Del Pilar Streets, Guizo, Mandaue 03/04/2009 03/04/2010 Expired_act
Liwayway Maupo Dela Pieza 2nd Floor Rollway Bldg. 777 A. Del Rosario St. Guizo, Mandaue 08/28/2020 08/28/2021 Active
Damaris M. Basher Rm 301 Joa Bldg, Road 6, Nra., Cebu City 08/24/2016 08/24/2017 Archived
Bernardo P. Neri 29 Bascom Street North Fairview, Quezon City 05/08/2009 05/07/2013 Archived
Jay Moncayo Marigomen Rm. 301 Crown Bldg. North Road 6, North Reclamation Area,Brgy.carreta,, Cebu City 08/26/2020 08/26/2021 Active
Alfred Salvador Jovita Plaridel Street Looc, Mandaue City 04/17/2020 04/17/2021 Archived
Rudel Antiola Mansanades Ylaya Ibabao Cordova Cebu, 6017, Cordova 03/26/2020 03/26/2021 Active
Mejie L. Cabanero Missionaries Street, Suba Pasil, Cebu City 05/05/2009 05/04/2013 Expired_act
Maximo Glinogo Legarte Jr. Rm.203 N And N Cortes Arcade A-C Cortes Ave.,Ibabao, Mandaue City 06/19/2013 06/19/2014 Expired_act
Franzel Therese B. Hongayo Door 6 2nd Flr. Carlos Perez Bldg. A.c. Cortes Avenue, Mandaue City 06/10/2009 06/10/2011 Expired_act
Melgie L. Camensi 75-F T. Padilla St., Cebu City 05/08/2015 05/07/2016 Expired_act
Ray Ryan Mangapis Amodia Basak, Kagodoy, Lapu-Lapu City 07/14/2020 07/14/2021 Active
Ben Aries T. Galido 3163 P.rodriguez St. Lapu-Lapu City 08/12/2009 08/12/2010 Expired_act
Harold Alejano Rejano 275 Rizal Street, Ibabao, Estancia, Mandaue City, Cebu 08/17/2018 08/17/2019 Expired_act
Rex B. Cuajao Mq 04-247 Quit, Pardo, Cebu City 06/19/2009 06/19/2010 Expired_act
Lawrence C. Gabornes 241-1a, V. Rama Avenue, Cebu City 01/21/2015 01/21/2016 Expired_act
Marie Mae S. De Guzman Archbishop Reyes, Brgy. Luz, Cebu City 09/05/2013 09/05/2014 Suspended_act
John Raymund Yap Sugarlandia Bacayan, Cebu City 03/21/2017 03/21/2018 Expired_act
Niccolo Paolo B. Muertegui Blk. 5 Lot 5 No.1 32 E. Buttercup Loop, Gardenridge Village, Cabancalan, Mandaue City 06/23/2009 06/23/2011 Expired_act
Daniel A. Ocot Jr. P. Del Rosario Ext., Sambag 1,Cebu City 07/31/2009 07/31/2011 Expired_act
Cleto Gumapac Ordeneza Dhl Bldg. Chi Bldg Airport Road,Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 08/18/2009 08/18/2011 Expired_act
James Escaran Dawa Blk. 5 Lot 17, Deca 4 Bankal, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 09/08/2020 09/08/2021 Active
Florencio Marondo Araw 1043 Int., Cortes St., Subangdaku, Mandaue City, Cebu 09/24/2009 10/05/2011 Expired_act
Christopher A. Jorge Sangi Road, Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City 07/21/2011 07/20/2012 Expired_act
Jake Sanchez Montilla Nivel Hills Lahug, Cebu City 12/20/2019 12/19/2020 Active
Charlon Gomez Hisoler 2/F Room 5a Leyson Bldg. 26 D. Jakosalem St., Cebu City 11/25/2019 11/24/2020 Active
Melce P. Aparre Rm 4, Centro Cor-Cil, M.c. Briones St., Ibabao Estancia, Mandaue City 09/04/2009 09/12/2012 Expired_act
Rosendo Baguio Kaindoy Ground Flr. Prince Warehouse Club Inc. M.c. Briones St. Cor. Lapu2x St, Cebu City 08/26/2020 08/26/2021 Active
Joy Garcia Sun Block 4,Lot 1, Dreamhomes , Tabok, Mandaue City, Cebu 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Christian B. Custodio 207e. St. Moritz Rd. Gorrordo Ave. Brgy. Kamputhaw, Cebu City 03/20/2014 03/20/2015 Expired_act
Richard A. Condes 456-1 A. V. Rama Ave. Guadalupe, Cebu City 10/14/2009 10/14/2011 Expired_act
Alfredo Gelbolingo Lanticse 3607 Langub Guadalupe Cebu City 07/10/2015 07/09/2016 Expired_act
Dennis S. Ayong Lot 6591a6 Oliva Subdivision Rivaridge Tisa, Cebu City 10/08/2019 10/07/2020 Expired_act
Myrene Noynay Sollano Quijano Compound,Calamba V.rama Ave., Cebu City 11/25/2019 11/24/2020 Active
Marichu V Yang Room 2 2/F Kang Ha Building, Lapu-Lapu Street, Cebu City 06/07/2013 06/07/2014 Expired_act
Wilchrist Redula Rama 73 Sikatuna St, Cebu City 11/03/2009 12/10/2013 Expired_act
Margarito Rinon Empleo Jr. Back-3 Guadalupe Village Brgy. Punta Princesa, Cebu City 04/17/2020 04/17/2021 Active
Francisco H. Aliposa Jr. Unit 2-L Sail Centre Comml Complex J. Briones Ave. N.r.a., Cebu City 11/23/2009 11/23/2010 Expired_act
Runsame Ornopia Rapesora Mv Patalinjug Street, Pajo, Lapu Lapu City, Cebu 05/12/2020 05/12/2021 Active
John Yre S. De Los Reyes L And R Bldg. Room 7, 1401 A.p. Cortes St., Tipolo, Mandaue City 01/04/2010 02/24/2013 Expired_act
Ulyses B. Dacumos 31-S Mc Arthur Blvd., Cebu City 03/25/2010 03/24/2012 Expired_act
Reynaldo R. Empleo 2nd Floor Eastern Regional Office Bldg., MJ Cuenco Ave., Cebu City 03/02/2010 03/02/2011 Expired_act
Ruben L. Madrazo Unit 301 CIFC Tower North Reclamation Area, Cebu City 11/29/2013 11/29/2014 Expired_act
161 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX Q
Broker Address Date of Accredited Date of Expiration Status
Joy Arnel Daan Cabigas P. Labuca St., Kimba, Cansojong, Talisay City, Cebu 01/28/2020 01/27/2021 Active
Ingrid Karen S. Bantiling Unit 301 Cifc Tower North Reclamation Area, Cebu City 03/29/2010 03/29/2011 Expired_act
Canillas Customs Brokerage Door 3 Villamor Arcade S.b. Cabahug St., Mandaue City 11/06/2017 11/06/2018 Archived
Ian Lloyd Baring Dalagan Room I, 3f Veloso-Ybanez Bldg., Ml Quezon Hway, Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City 12/20/2019 12/19/2020 Active
Xerxes Paul Ibale Ignacio Sr. Vista Bella Drive, Kagudoy Road, Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 09/10/2014 09/10/2015 Archived
Rene V. Pepito 52d Tabada Sreet, Mambaling, Cebu City 03/26/2010 03/26/2011 Expired_act
Trotsky P. Torregosa 85-A Logarta St.,San Roque, Cebu City 05/06/2013 05/06/2014 Expired_act
Elorde Ibanez Talisic 904th St. Jude St. Hipodromo, Cebu City 05/19/2020 05/19/2021 Archived
Robert M. Famulagan 1070 G. Tudtud St., Mabolo,, Cebu City 03/18/2010 12/17/2013 Expired_act
Reginaldo O. Bendanillo Unit 12 Benly Bldg. North Reclamation Area, Cebu 11/26/2014 11/26/2015 Expired_act
Edilyn S. Baguio 181 Zone Kasag, Kalawisan, Lapu-Lapu City 03/26/2014 03/26/2015 Suspended_act
Abdulhadie B Alawi 1087 Elvira Cui Subd Tres De Abril St. Punta Princesa, Cebu City 04/15/2016 04/15/2017 Expired_act
Junnic Presley A. Carin Blk 21 Lot 34-35 La Aldea Buena Mactan Babag 1, Lapu-Lapu City 09/27/2017 09/27/2018 Expired_act
Hedjara Bandalan Hadji Fahad 40-P Upper Diaz Compound Escario St. Kamputhaw, Cebu City 09/15/2020 09/15/2021 Archived
Nomelyn Embolode Paradero North Poblacion, San Fernando, Cebu 09/01/2020 09/01/2021 Active
Roden Jimenez Malabanan 28-A Cabantan Street, Sitio Nangka, Bo. Luz, Cebu City 09/17/2020 09/17/2021 Active
Greta B. Suan Unit 301 Cifc Tower, North Reclamation Area,Cebu City 07/11/2013 07/11/2014 Expired_act
Fares Fel R. Roma Upper Tulay Minglanilla, Cebu,Minglanilla, Cebu 03/30/2015 03/29/2016 Expired_act
Rey Avil J. Barcenas 377-A Sta. Catalina St., Carcar 03/30/2010 03/30/2011 Expired_act
Sheila O. Martinito Camacho Compoundsan Lorenzo St.,Cambaro, Mandaue 03/30/2010 05/09/2012 Expired_act
Emilio S. Chio Block 2-Lot 52, Azienda Genova, Maghaway, Talisay City 03/22/2017 03/22/2018 Expired_act
Ellen Kristine Y. Gemparo B6, L20, Miramonte Homes, Pit-os, Cebu City 04/19/2017 04/19/2018 Expired_act
Porferia B. Mata Unit 301 Cifc Tower, North Reclamation Area, Cebu City 07/11/2013 07/11/2014 Expired_act
Ronald Pepito Grancho 3f Gmc Plaza Bldg. Legaspi Extn Cor Mj Cuenco Avenue San Roque, Cebu 09/03/2018 09/03/2019 Expired_act
Jose I Adlawan Customs Brokerage Canamucan, Compostela, Cebu,Mj Cuenco, Cebu City 04/22/2010 05/11/2012 Expired_act
Marites D. Wison 2999 Molave St.tabunok Talisay City, Cebu 05/30/2013 05/30/2014 Expired_act
Albert P. Barliso 3rd Level Cifc Tower Nra,Cebu 04/17/2013 04/17/2014 Expired_act
Zigfred P. Duterte Rm 2, 2nd Flr., Cebu Kang Ha Bldg., Osmena Blvd., Cor. Lapu-Lapu St.,,Cebu City 04/23/2010 04/26/2014 Expired_act
Melvin M. Isagan 2794 Sindulan St. Mabolo, Cebu City 06/16/2017 06/16/2018 Expired_act
Weenford Amores Ybanez G0006 Fuentes St. Kabaloy, Pajac,Lapulapu City, Cebu 08/12/2020 08/12/2021 Active
Katherine Kay Nepomuceno Bacalla 145 A. Lopez St. Brgy Calamba, Cebu City 04/17/2020 04/17/2021 Active
Federico P. Pusing Phase 4 Blk 6 Lot 36 Deca Homes Tungkil Minglanilla, Cebu 04/26/2010 04/25/2012 Expired_act
Sohaila M. Mauna Rm. 301 Jo A. Bldg Road 6, North Reclamation Area, Mabolo, Cebu City 03/07/2014 03/07/2015 Expired_act
Raquel Cabasag Deniega Blk3 L27 Bf Country Homes, Fuentes St., Pajac, Lapu-Lapu City 03/26/2019 03/25/2020 Expired_act
Crispiniano Sy Jopia Jr. 83 E J.m. Basa St., Cebu City 04/30/2010 04/30/2011 Expired_act
Suharno M. Basir Rm. 301 Jo A Bldg., Road 6, Nra, Mabolo, Cebu City 04/29/2010 04/29/2011 Expired_act
Benito N. Potot Suba Masulog Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 04/30/2010 04/30/2011 Expired_act
Lee Blateria De Pio 626 Pakigne Minglanilla, Cebu 07/22/2020 07/22/2021 Active
Israel Dionaldo Alin 2nd Floor Tipolo Square, Mandaue City 09/20/2019 09/19/2020 Expired_act
Wendell Canencia Paragoso Lower Pakigne Minglanilla, Cebu 07/22/2020 07/22/2021 Active
Romer Zafra Laurel Block 8 Lot 1 Dos Dos Village Mohon 1 Tisa, Cebu City 02/24/2020 02/23/2021 Active
Joseph Spencer R. Lopez Pier 6, Nra Osmena Blvd. Mabolo, Cebu City 05/06/2010 10/09/2012 Expired_act
Jeovannie C. Alburo 2nd Floor, Seven Crown Holdings Nra, Mabolo, Cebu 05/21/2013 05/21/2014 Expired_act
Rosemarie Andales Baguio 200 Hiway, Pilipog,Cordova, Cebu 08/30/2013 08/30/2014 Suspended_act
Gemma Aparice Garcia L Flores St. Mahayahay 1 Pasil, Cebu City 04/01/2020 04/01/2021 Active
Arden Earl Sido Valenzuela Block 5 Lot 8 Corinthian Sub Masulog St., Basak, Lapu-Lapu City 03/26/2020 03/26/2021 Archived
Padim G. Vallena 49-2 Espina Apt Junquera Ext Santa Cruz, Cebu City 04/03/2013 04/03/2014 Expired_act
Axel O. Ybanez M. Patalinghug Ave. Basak, Lapu-Lapu City 04/03/2013 04/03/2014 Expired_act
Fatima D. Diongzon Sitio Kalubihan Pajac, Lapu-Lapu City 04/03/2013 04/03/2014 Expired_act
Reymon L. Belleta Sitio Paradise Ii Kinasang-an, Cebu City 04/05/2013 04/05/2014 Expired_act
162 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX Q
Broker Address Date of Accredited Date of Expiration Status
Jundie Semblante Nudalo 110d Jakosalem St. Kamagayan, Cebu City 06/22/2020 06/22/2021 Archived
Andrew Canete Sepucado Basak Gate, Lapu-Lapu City 03/24/2014 03/24/2015 Suspended_act
Erich Jan Abaja Omay 3rd St Bf Townhomes Abuno, Lapu-Lapu City 03/19/2019 03/18/2020 Expired_act
Claire Bryan Verallo Vega M.c. Briones St. Interior Maguikay, Mandaue City, Cebu 06/20/2016 06/20/2017 Expired_act
Gemar Povadora Arnoco Near Sambag Elem. School San Antonio De Padua Chapel, Sambag Tabogon, Cebu 09/15/2020 09/15/2021 Active
Arnolfo Torreon Malingin Prestige Bldg Ii, Alang-alang, Mandaue City 09/12/2018 09/12/2019 Expired_act
Julio Valmoria Ricaplaza Jr Bantayan Sa Hari Looc, Mandaue City 04/17/2020 04/17/2021 Active
Jomelito Navaja Solano Sangi Road Pajo, Lapu Lapu City 09/01/2020 09/01/2021 Active
Sanchie Kyra Manguilimotan Nudnud 28b, 5th St., Espina Village, B. Rodriguez Ext., Guadalupe, Cebu City 10/08/2019 10/07/2020 Expired_act
Meshel Thalia Mae Cardoza Paraguas D201 S A Bldg Plaridel St Alang-alang, Mandaue City 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Aljun Dumas Talisic 7 N Archbishop Reyes Avenue, Lahug, Cebu City 10/04/2018 10/04/2019 Expired_act
Jayson Catareg Cole 13 Spolarium St., Sitio Mayflower, Duljo Fatima, Mambaling, Cebu City 09/11/2019 09/10/2020 Expired_act
Khenny Cabatingan Pilapil Purok Sibuyas, Tagaytay, Calero, Liloan Cebu 6002, Liloan 09/15/2020 09/15/2021 Active
Darlito Cantiveros Perater Second Floor A And B Building Rabaya Street, Tabunok, Talisay City, Cebu 09/17/2020 09/17/2021 Active
Michael Joseph Dasian Evarola Lorega St Lorega San Miguel, Cebu City 09/12/2019 09/11/2020 Expired_act
Wilson Quinones Bacor Binaliw 11, Binaliw, Cebu City 08/12/2020 08/12/2021 Active
Tiffany Mae Navales Relloso Lot 3 Blk 6 Villa Feliza Subdivision, Tungkil, Minglanilla, Cebu 10/04/2019 10/03/2020 Expired_act
Flora Belle Catedrilla Arindaeng Serafina Borces St. Mabolo, Cebu City 09/12/2019 09/11/2020 Expired_act
Ruthchencris Triago Diamante J Climaco Street Pahina Central, Cebu City 09/16/2019 09/15/2020 Expired_act
Haydee Blateria De Pio 626 Pinggan, Pakigne, Minglanilla, Cebu 08/20/2019 08/19/2020 Expired_act
Liezel Borres Andrecoso Intusan Adlaon, Cebu City 08/08/2019 08/07/2020 Expired_act
Geraldine Siton Secuya 543 Abellana St. Suba-Pasil, Cebu City 10/19/2019 10/18/2020 Expired_act
Reynaldo Paghasian Bacus Zone 1, 174 Ilang-Ilang Street, Lagtang, Talisay City, Cebu 08/26/2020 08/26/2021 Active
Losethus Bayais 928 Zone 3 Larida Ville, Dumlog, Talisay City, Cebu 09/29/2020 09/29/2021 Active
Gem Pagalan Mahinay Annex Bldg. Kentredder Square AC Cortes Ave., Mandaue City 09/08/2020 09/08/2021 Archived
Melan Obong Arcallana 2-B Melsam Bldg D Jakosalem St., Cebu City 06/30/2020 06/30/2021 Active
Harold O. Raguindin 302 Trans Asia Bldg. Osmena Blvd., ebu City 07/30/2014 07/30/2015 Expired_act
Kenneth Lucanas Quial Matabang Dayas, Cordova, Cebu 06/05/2020 06/05/2021 Active
Alvin S. Dadacay 49 L-Flores St. Pasil, Cebu City 06/21/2010 06/21/2011 Expired_act
Michael Janoras Bonos J King Bldg J Padilla, Cebu City 08/27/2020 08/27/2021 Active
Claudine Fel Cardona Lauros 11-P Caimito St., Mambaling, Cebu 12/20/2019 12/19/2020 Active
Dondy T. Lideros Upper Lucimba Pardo, Cebu City 07/09/2010 12/14/2013 Expired_act
Edwin Melencion Estorgio Christ The King,Cubacub, Mandaue City 07/13/2020 07/13/2021 Active
Mark Alvin R. Toul B20 L21 La Aldea Buena Mactan Timpolok Babag1, Lapu-Lapu 07/01/2010 07/19/2013 Expired_act
Pablo J. Gusay Guadalupe, Osmena Village Libra St., Punta Princesa Cebu City 07/02/2010 07/02/2011 Expired_act
Blas Benitez Catipay Jr. 3057 Valley View Village, Guadalupe, Cebu City 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Rhojean Cortez Ngujo Purok Thunder Babag, Lapu-Lapu City 04/22/2013 04/22/2014 Expired_act
Joie Prudenciado Fedillaga Blk. 13 Lot 8 St. Dominics Place Sudtunggan Basak,Lapu-Lapu 02/24/2020 02/23/2021 Active
Herculano D. Aton 58 J. P. Rizal St., Vdr Ii, Pit-Os, Cebu City 03/20/2013 03/20/2014 Expired_act
Gpg Customs Brokerage Purok Ibabao Baranggay San Vicente Lilo An, Cebu 06/30/2020 06/30/2021 Archived
Rubenson Lopez Armenion Hillsview Village, Tisa, Cebu City 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Rocel Yosores Cutarra Vltc Blk 1 Lot 22 Ph1 Villa Leyson Subdivision Bacayan, Cebu 04/16/2018 04/16/2019 Expired_act
Renato Estrera Agustinez No. 84 Acetate Street Deca Homes Phase 1 Tungkil, Minglanilla, Cebu 04/16/2019 04/15/2020 Expired_act
Bernard Aligado Loyao Rm 405 Crown Bldg Brgy Careta Nra., Cebu City 11/08/2018 11/08/2019 Expired_act
Ricardo E. Pitalcorin Rm 206 6 F Ramirez Bldg S B Cabahug St., Ibabao, Mandaue City 06/21/2016 06/21/2017 Expired_act
Xerxes Paul Ibale Ignacio Lot 38 And 39 Block 10, Barilis St., Villa Del Rio Subd., Babag II, Lapu-Lapu City 01/22/2020 01/21/2021 Active
Ralph Louie Sayre Salano Lupa Ubanan Compound Tisa, Cebu City 08/04/2017 08/04/2018 Expired_act
Rodel Caro Matugas Basak, Ibabao, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
163 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX Q
Broker Address Date of Accredit Date of Expiration Status
Ace Latonio Wenceslao Block 3 Lot 4 Rajah Town Home Bankal, Lapu-Lapu City 09/30/2019 09/29/2020 Expired_act
Ma. Stella Novabos Suico Proper Cadaruhan, Borbon, Cebu 10/16/2019 10/15/2020 Expired_act
Melvin J. Agunos Room 308 Crown Bldg., Road North 6, Nra, Cebu City 07/23/2010 12/10/2013 Expired_act
Emmanuel Arturo Zosa Gonzales Door 56c Don Manuel Apt Gen Echavez St Zapatera, Cebu City 09/01/2020 09/01/2021 Active
Bensing R. Raguindin Rm. 303 Trans Asia Bldg., Osmena Boulevard, Cebu City 05/07/2014 05/07/2015 Expired_act
Alvin C. Palapo Blk 24 Lot 1 Canduman Housing, Mandaue 08/31/2010 08/31/2011 Expired_act
Gladys Gobangco Barliso Sitio Caduldulan Lawaan III, Talisay City, Cebu 02/01/2018 02/01/2019 Expired_act
Marie Catherine Unabia 615 Bp Del Rosario Ext., Sambag II, Cebu City 10/23/2017 10/23/2018 Expired_act
Marlon Platil Seno Phase 3 Pulpogan, Consolacion Cebu, Cebu 06/05/2020 06/05/2021 Active
Rolie Quiki Bejoc 28 Bascon St., Dumlog, Talisay City 11/07/2019 11/06/2020 Active
Ray Roquir R.torcino 18 F. Pacaña St., Punta Princesa, Cebu City 05/20/2013 05/20/2014 Expired_act
Junnette Teves Pujida Door 6 Ranises Aprt., 26 J. Alcantara St. Brgy Sambag 1, Cebu City 05/22/2020 05/22/2021 Archived
Lady Mishel Jangalay Gulpany Bug-Ot, Argao, Cebu 08/12/2020 08/12/2021 Active
Rey Zaspa Desabille Villacarlos St., Atop-Atop Bantayan, Cebu 03/12/2020 03/12/2021 Active
Yves Regana Juezan Blk 9 Lot 9 Seaview Heights Lawaan,Talisay 11/08/2019 11/07/2020 Active
Elmer Arong Pangatungan Ibabao, Agus, Lapu-Lapu City 09/29/2020 09/29/2021 Active
Rael John Recopilacion Adolfo Zone V Upper Cadulawan,Talisay City, Cebu 10/10/2019 10/09/2020 Expired_act
Elizalde Pagaran Deligero Saac 2, Brgy. Mactan, Lapu Lapu City 03/26/2020 03/26/2021 Active
Archie Q Dano Datag Maribago,Lapu Lapu City, Cebu 07/10/2017 07/10/2018 Expired_act
Mary Faith Duran Miro Roosevelt St. Tulic, Argao, Cebu 11/03/2017 11/03/2018 Archived
John Vincent Agunos Hortelano J N Book St Poblacion, Tabogon, Cebu 10/21/2016 10/21/2017 Expired_act
Edwin P. Piquero 484 M.q. Cuizon St. Alang-Alang, Mandaue City 12/12/2016 12/12/2017 Expired_act
Genaro Ordeneza Trazona Jr. Mayana Barili, Cebu 12/11/2017 12/11/2018 Expired_act
Kenny Barda Taroma Sitio Mangga, Punta Princesa, Cebu City 01/10/2020 01/09/2021 Active
Leslie Mabini Bonghanoy Babag II, Cebu City 12/11/2019 12/10/2020 Active
Vic Anthony Canete Sepucado Sto.Nino Village Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 05/19/2020 05/19/2021 Archived
Merliza M. Borado 475-A Peace Ville Road Kinasang-an, Pardo, Cebu City 10/31/2013 10/31/2014 Expired_act
Abdul Sato Akeem Tisa Cebu City, Philippines, Cebu City 05/03/2018 05/03/2019 Expired_act
Jervy Moro Labores Villa Fatima, Maguikay, Mandaue City 02/24/2020 02/23/2021 Active
Eric Loue Baluarte Lima 20l Avocado St. Mambaling, Cebu City 12/11/2019 12/10/2020 Active
Lloyd Samonte Rondobio 087 P. Burgos St., Sudlon, Alang-alang, Mandaue City 10/16/2018 10/16/2019 Archived
Jeremiah Go Batalla Blk16 Lot54 Deca Homes Mactan 5 Basak, Lapu-Lapu City 03/12/2020 03/12/2021 Active
Michael Jules Huete Villarin 19 Camagong St., Lahug, Cebu City 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Glenda Cadutdut Gabunada Maling, Malubog, Cebu City 03/29/2019 03/28/2020 Expired_act
Reymond Espinosa Ancot Near Grand Mall Banica, Talamban, Cebu City 01/05/2017 01/05/2018 Expired_act
Annalie Bernadette Barba Esteves 2nd Fl Copenhagen Residence AC Cortes St. Alang-alang, Mandaue 12/11/2019 12/10/2020 Archived
Abegail Villarante Blen Blk 3 Lot 14 Navona Calawisa, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 03/24/2020 03/24/2021 Active
Edgar Reyes Paling Jr. Z- 1 270a Galaxy St. Tanke, Talisay City,Cebu 11/08/2019 11/07/2020 Archived
Rommel T. Delos Reyes Door 1 and 2 2nd Floor Carlos Perez Bldg. AC Cortez Avenue, Mandaue City 11/19/2010 11/19/2011 Expired_act
M.a. Cano Customs Brokerage S.b. Cabahug St. Opao, Mandaue City 01/28/2011 01/28/2012 Expired_act
Jim Emia Dedes Jr. Tina-an Naga, Cebu 07/04/2011 07/03/2012 Expired_act
Jonhro Robles 3rd Lot Nazareth Buhisan, Cebu City 07/10/2018 07/10/2019 Expired_act
Soledad Hernandez Temple 25 Sapphire St., Sta Teresita Village, Tisa, Cebu City 09/15/2020 09/15/2021 Archived
Lovey Garalde Casinillo Infront of Cenapro Jagobiao, Mandaue City 09/04/2019 09/03/2020 Archived
Rosemaridith Abapo Ibo Solon Compound, R.r Landon St. Brgy. San Antonio, Cebu 07/13/2020 07/13/2021 Active
Jundel Mabunay Belecario 7m Dacalos St. Poblacion Pardo, Cebu City 01/19/2018 01/19/2019 Expired_act
Keith Frances Abaincia Bersamin 1-43E Gumamela St., Saint Jude Acres, Bulacao, Pardo, Cebu City 09/29/2020 09/29/2021 Active
Janice Lada Maranga 1009 Valmores Compound Sangi Road Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City 02/10/2020 02/09/2021 Active
Ismael Duran Montemor Jr. Seabreeze, Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City 12/11/2019 12/10/2020 Active
Erwin C. Andaya Murillo Subd., Quiot Pardo,Cebu City 02/07/2011 02/07/2012 Expired_act
Joel D. Pimentel 60 Logarta St., Brgy. San Roque, Cebu 03/04/2011 03/03/2012 Expired_act
Macken B. Trogo Sto. Nino Village, Basak, Lapu-Lapu City 01/25/2016 01/24/2017 Expired_act
164 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX Q
Broker Address Date of Accredited Date of Expiration Status
Evan Gem C. Hernandez Platinum St., Rivaridge Subd. Tisa, Cebu City 03/08/2011 03/07/2012 Expired_act
Ramy D. Armenion Sitio Huyong-Huyong, Bacayan, Cebu City 02/23/2011 02/23/2012 Expired_act
Jerryl C. Maluya 1497 Sta. Lucia Andres Abellana Guadalupe, Cebu City 10/08/2013 10/08/2014 Suspended_act
Malaquias Friday Boldero Bartiquin Mo8 Sugbutel Bldg. North Reclamation Area Carreta, Cebu City 12/08/2015 12/07/2016 Expired_act
Angelie Mamac Booc Kagudoy Road, Basak, Lapu-Lapu City 05/09/2018 05/09/2019 Expired_act
Juanito B. Matulac Jr. Purok 8 Sitio Mangga, Cansaga, Consolacion, Cebu 03/31/2017 03/31/2018 Expired_act
Ryan Jay Cabanilla Suliano Purok Dama De Noche, Cor. Canjulao 1st, Looc, Lapu-Lapu 11/08/2019 11/07/2020 Active
Vanessa Jeanne Magallon Remollo B3 L6, Deca Homes 3, Basak, Lapu Lapu City 05/22/2020 05/22/2021 Active
Arnel Gefril Bitoy Baluran Phase 1 Lot 2 Blk 7 Mactan Tropics Basak, Lapu-Lapu City 04/12/2019 04/11/2020 Expired_act
Paulien Gail Tibon Ponce Dr Fe Zuellig St Nra Subangdaku, Mandaue City 04/12/2019 04/11/2020 Expired_act
Junjie Cueva Patatag Near Mp Gym Ibabao Estancia Mandaue City, Cebu 02/03/2020 02/02/2021 Active
Reycil A. Llemit No.14 R.arcenas St. Labangon, Cebu 05/03/2011 05/02/2012 Expired_act
Dexter James Cometa Mangaron Kimba, Cansojong, Talisay City, Cebu 07/22/2020 07/22/2021 Active
Alfred Salvador Jovita Rm 203 F. Uy Bldg Highway Tipolo, Mandaue City, Cebu 03/16/2011 03/15/2012 Expired_act
Ric Pejana Lanuza Casanta Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City 04/20/2018 04/20/2019 Expired_act
Jason Alolor Ejes Door 01 Nangka Apt. Nangka Extension, Punta Princesa, Cebu City 04/17/2020 04/17/2021 Active
Elmar B. Miscala 71-D Pelaez St. Cebu City 04/07/2011 04/06/2012 Expired_act
Emmanuel P. Nunay Crown Bldg., Nra, Carreta, Cebu City 12/15/2016 12/15/2017 Expired_act
Ronald John Dulva Aguilon Near Gaisano Grandmall Lugsungon Basa, Lapu-Lapu City 12/11/2019 12/10/2020 Active
Isidro Lenares Sanoy Rm 211 Seven Crown Bldg Nra Road ,6 Mabolo, Cebu City 04/12/2019 04/11/2020 Archived
Ricardo Egana Duenas St Paul Vill Kinalumsan Gun-Ob Lapu-Lapu City 6015, Lapu-Lapu City 09/24/2019 09/23/2020 Expired_act
Joralie Lyca Maupo De La Pieza 3rd Floor Rollway Bldg A Del Rosario St Brgy Guizo, Mandaue City 08/12/2020 08/12/2021 Active
Jahara Hadji Fahad Hadji Mustapa 40-P Upper Diaz Compound Escario Kamputhaw, Cebu City 05/22/2020 05/22/2021 Active
Lou Kristine Mosot Acero Joey And Sons Apartment El Orlando Village Tisa, Cebu City 03/21/2018 03/21/2019 Expired_act
Annie Onieda Uy Gopo Eastern Shipping Lines Bldg. M.J Cuenco Ave, Cebu City 03/26/2020 03/26/2021 Archived
Jana Trisha Soliano Rico Lot 55 Blk 19 Ph 2 Santan St Camella Homes Bankal, Lapu-Lapu City 02/24/2020 02/23/2021 Active
Patrick Conde Petracorta 1264 Mahayahay Bankal, Lapu-Lapu City 01/30/2020 01/29/2021 Archived
Patrick Conde Petracorta 1264 Mahayahay, Bankal,Lapu-Lapu City 02/17/2020 02/16/2021 Active
Gabriela Isabel Carreon Uayan Barangay Tawason, Mandaue City Cebu, Mandaue City 03/31/2020 03/31/2021 Active
Saturnino Manlangit Jr 19 Santan St., San Jose Village, Tisa, Cebu City 05/05/2011 05/04/2012 Expired_act
John Kieven Daugdaug Miranda San Miguel St., Canbanua, Argao 07/02/2019 07/01/2020 Expired_act
Frences Lorene Diaz Gornez 98e Spolarium Duljo Fatima, Cebu City 04/17/2020 04/17/2021 Archived
Rosario Serato Calisang House 14-1479 Tabok Lamac Yati Liloan, Cebu 09/29/2020 09/29/2021 Active
Rafael Lyndon Antonio Vilo Fatima Rd. Labogon, Mandaue City, Cebu 06/05/2020 06/05/2021 Active
Unalee R. Monares Annex Bldg. Kentredder Square A.C. Cortes Avenue, Mandaue City 05/20/2013 05/20/2014 Expired_act
Junnil Andujar Rollon National Highway Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu 02/24/2020 02/23/2021 Active
Christopher M. Saavedra Sitio Ubca 3 Quiot, Cebu City 06/30/2017 06/30/2018 Archived
Emmanuel Gonzales Masbang Ph2a Blk4 Lot 46 Villa Celina Tungkil Minglanilla, Cebu 06/23/2017 06/23/2018 Archived
Resty Lope E. Polo Ibabao Mambaling Cebu City,Cebu City 12/16/2016 12/16/2017 Expired_act
Alain Paul Labra Duenas Room 215 Hotel De Mercedes 7 Pelaez St Kalubihan, Cebu City 08/26/2020 08/26/2021 Active
Raymund C. Caro 35b Urgello Street, Sambag 1, Cebu City 05/09/2017 05/09/2018 Expired_act
Henjie Coco Villalon Soong 1 Mactan, Lapu-Lapu City 04/20/2018 04/20/2019 Expired_act
Christelle May Dedal Estrabon 18 Magnolia St Phase 3 Camella Home, Lapu-Lapu City 02/24/2020 02/23/2021 Active
Louella Carchie Acuesta Tejero Phase 3b Lot 19 Block 3 Tierra Grande Camella Homes Lawaan, Talisay 05/22/2020 05/22/2021 Active
Beverly Glen Abordo Cabelino St Michael Subd Inayawan, Cebu City 07/22/2020 07/22/2021 Active
Jmpilota Brokerage Sector 2 Pagsabungan Mandaue City, Mandaue 08/20/2019 08/19/2020 Expired_act
Janica Tam Uychongco 125 Tacan Road Budlaan, Cebu City 05/19/2020 05/19/2021 Active
Jayvee Guerrero Enoy Unit 18 Tuscania Residenza Barangay Guadalupe, Cebu City 08/12/2020 08/12/2021 Active
Ermel Heyas Ompad Saac 1 Buaya, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 06/30/2020 06/30/2021 Active
Herlyn Arcayan Bangolan Zone 3-741,Bascon St.,Dumlog, Talisay, Cebu 04/02/2018 04/02/2019 Expired_act
Jariel Inihao Amit 40 Zone Lato Kalawisan, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 05/22/2020 05/22/2021 Active
Jonnaly Albite Gealon Deca Homes Tipolo, Mandaue City 6014, Mandaue City 06/05/2020 06/05/2021 Archived
Ma. Joyce Mondragon Narandan Villa Raya Subd., Lawaan 1, Talisay City, Cebu 04/23/2018 04/23/2019 Expired_act
165 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX Q
Broker Address Date of Accredited Date of Expiration Status
Enerio Urboda Ocariza Iii House No. 6165, Purok Nangka Lumoy, Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City 04/18/2018 04/18/2019 Expired_act
Aiman Laguindab Hadji Mustapa 40-P, N. Escario, Kamputhaw, Cebu City 04/16/2018 04/16/2019 Expired_act
Junn Leslie Pagal Segarino Tambongon, San Remigio, Cebu, San Remigio, Cebu 05/22/2020 05/22/2021 Archived
Angelo Olasiman Esgana Ubos Pundok Basak Pardo, Cebu City 10/08/2019 10/07/2020 Expired_act
Ness Angeli Lampago Quilonia 628 Dad Cleland Ave., Lapu-Lapu City 05/22/2020 05/22/2021 Active
Lord Michael Catubig Estrellanes 594 Hawod Compound, Bulacao, Talisay City, Talisay City 05/28/2019 05/27/2020 Expired_act
Lorely Caingles Victoriano 160-A Spolarium St. Duljo Fatima, Cebu City 04/18/2018 04/18/2019 Expired_act
Janet Luchavez Ilaya P. Suico Tingub Mandaue City Cebu 6014, Mandaue City 03/26/2020 03/26/2021 Active
Hennie Joy Hernal Jaguio Upper Calvary Hills Apas, Cebu City 02/24/2020 02/23/2021 Active
Rey Villamor Vailoces F.b. Cabahug St., Ibabao, Mandaue City, Cebu 03/24/2020 03/24/2021 Active
Alexander Inoc Plando Blk.20 Lot 21,La Aldea Buena Mactan, Timpolok, Babag, Lapu-Lapu 02/10/2020 02/09/2021 Active
Joanna Marie A. Cual Sangi New Road, Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City 05/20/2011 09/28/2013 Expired_act
Stewart Y Marquez 13-Dd P. Sanchez St., Cebu City,Cebu 06/22/2011 06/21/2012 Expired_act
Benito N. Potot Suba Masulog, Basak, Lapu-Lapu City 06/27/2011 06/26/2012 Expired_act
Mark Desabille Cueva Bausin St., Sitio Chava Atop-Atop, Bantayan Island, Cebu 09/04/2019 09/03/2020 Archived
Ingil James Sunray Espinosa Laranjo Sitio Calero, Tinago, Cebu City 03/26/2020 03/26/2021 Active
Romel Ababon Ricaplaza 61-G Rizal Ave. Ext. Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City 07/10/2020 07/10/2021 Active
Kevin Joya Alcaraz Unit 1c Sail Center, Commercial Complex, North Reclamation Area, Cebu City 04/18/2018 04/18/2019 Expired_act
Ariel De La Serna Ilaya 24, E Granada St., Upper Yati, Quiot, Cebu City 05/23/2019 05/22/2020 Expired_act
Dandel Inocian Magto Door 208, Crown Bldg., Nra, Cebu City 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Jay Sanoy Monterde 27, G Sabellano St., Upper Suran, Kinasang-an, Cebu City 05/16/2018 05/16/2019 Expired_act
Marc Fevi Escarda Santiago Purok 6, Tugbongan Consolacion Cebu, Consolacion 06/11/2019 06/10/2020 Expired_act
Alfred Ababon Yaranon Jr 670 A Poblacion Pardo, Cebu City 05/11/2018 05/11/2019 Expired_act
Quennie Pearl Quirong Pelimer Ylaya Marigondon, Lapu-Lapu City 06/05/2020 06/05/2021 Active
John Leo Caintapan Caburnay Brgy. Tinago Mc Arthur Blvd., Cebu City 07/03/2020 07/03/2021 Active
Thessa Mariz Ermac Barriga 550- A Mango Ave. Cebu City 05/27/2020 05/27/2021 Active
Charles Nelson Tumpar Arnoco Sunflower Ville Subd. Andres Abellana Ext. Guadalupe, Cebu City 07/27/2018 07/27/2019 Expired_act
Alan Villarin Ebarola 4466 View Hills, Quiot Cebu City 6000,Cebu City 06/17/2019 06/16/2020 Expired_act
Joel Delima Pimentel 2nd Floor A And B Building Rabaya Street Tabunok, Talisay City, Cebu 05/28/2020 05/28/2021 Archived
Georgie Amosco Lacson Victoria Building, Upper Lawaan, Lawaan 1, Talisay City 04/02/2020 04/02/2021 Active
Danica Nina Tampus Pal Victoria Building, Upper Lawaan, Lawaan 1, Talisay City 04/02/2020 04/02/2021 Archived
Franco B. Cabanao St. Jude Acres Phase 1, Gumamela Street, Bulacao, Cebu City 04/18/2013 04/18/2014 Expired_act
Ken E. Arda 2-428 P.l Sanchez Street, Pagsabungan, Mandaue City 06/28/2011 06/27/2012 Expired_act
Yen Gie Enero Reyes Rm. 303 Trans Asia Bldg. M.j. Cuenco Ave., Cebu City 05/27/2020 05/27/2021 Active
Charie Balindres Cubillo Doors 1 2 Carlos Perez Bldg., A.c Cortes Ave, Mandaue 08/01/2011 07/31/2012 Expired_act
Roy Hortilano Alon 484 Villabulcita Brgy. Bulacao, Cebu City 12/11/2019 12/10/2020 Active
Edgar Solasco Alinsoot Awc Trading Bldg. Ouano Avenue Ext., Subangdaku Mandaue City, Cebu 01/29/2020 01/28/2021 Archived
Jose Carbaquel Dela Pena 8a Bayanihan Village, Basak Pardo, Cebu City 03/30/2015 03/29/2016 Expired_act
Mary Claire Tabal Booc House No 32 Orchid St Camella Homes Pajac, Lapu-Lapu City 10/08/2018 10/08/2019 Archived
Cherry May Miranda Aropo As Fortuna And Mh Del Pilar Sts. Guizo Mandaue City, Cebu 01/22/2020 01/21/2021 Active
Mark John Mayor Customs Brokerage 3868 District 5 Brgy. Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City 09/08/2020 09/08/2021 Active
Reynante Romarate Alinabon 128 Nivel Hills, Lahug, Cebu City 6000, Cebu City 09/04/2019 09/03/2020 Expired_act
Llyod Gealon Mamac Sitio Ticoy,Bogo Argao, Cebu 6021, Cebu City 04/03/2020 04/03/2021 Active
Aubrey Cavan Vergara 92 C Angeles Compound V Urgello St Sambag 2, Cebu 08/12/2020 08/12/2021 Active
Annel Dumagpi Viodor Sitio Guinabsan, Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City 06/04/2020 06/04/2021 Active
Hillary Jane Catipay Fernandez Block 15 Lot 6 Athens Street Deca Homes Mandaue Prime Jagobiao, Mandaue City 06/25/2020 06/25/2021 Active
Jose Sone Villariaza Saac Ii Seabreeze Mactan Lapu-Lapu City Cebu Philippines, Lapu Lapu City 07/24/2020 07/24/2021 Active
Daryll C Abay Abay 2f Bpi Blg Gen Maxilon Ave Extn Nra Cebu City 07/18/2016 07/18/2017 Suspended_act
Edmar Evangelista Inoc Dr 7 Retulins Apartment S. Osmena St. Gun Ob, Lapu-Lapu City 09/01/2020 09/01/2021 Active
Romer F. Gastador Saint Michael Subdivision Upper Inayawan, Cebu City 01/26/2017 01/26/2018 Expired_act
Harly Kenn Oyao Villasor 2nd Floor Annex Bldg. Kentredder Square A.C. Cortes Avenue, Mandaue 02/10/2020 02/09/2021 Active
Rodellie Jean Bacang Bataluna Pitogo, Consolacion, Cebu 02/03/2020 02/02/2021 Archived
Alladino Pacaldo Labana P Maglasang St Landing Catarman, Liloan, Cebu 07/13/2020 07/13/2021 Active
Ma. Fe A. Bersamin 159-B Salvador St., Labangon, Cebu City 03/19/2015 03/18/2016 Expired_act
Jake Alino Adoro San Antonio Barangay Linao, Talisay City 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Jorice Mark Bihag Zabate Sitio Cardava Basak Mandaue City, Cebu 03/26/2020 03/26/2021 Active
Monroe Go Canillas Door 3 Villamor Arcade S.B. Cabahug St., Mandaue City 07/02/2019 07/01/2020 Expired_act
166 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX Q
Broker Address Date of Accredited Date of Expiration Status
Elrica Hope Campos Samosino 181-A Junquera Extension, San Antonio, Cebu City, Cebu 09/01/2020 09/01/2021 Active
Carlos Cobacha Arsenal Jr 29-V Mc. Arthur Blvd. Tinago, Cebu City, 05/14/2019 05/13/2020 Expired_act
Kyrei Eleison Liwi Ople Bacor Binaliw II, Cebu City 08/12/2020 08/12/2021 Active
Reggie Olano Aurelio So. Paradise, Brgy. Looc, Mandaue City, Cebu 07/06/2020 07/06/2021 Active
Charmine Custodio Garcia Annex Bldg Kentredder Square Ac Cortes Ave, Mandaue City 09/15/2020 09/15/2021 Active
Georgina Grancho Benigay Purok Ibabao Baranggay San Vicente Liloan, Cebu 09/03/2020 09/03/2021 Active
Josa Lean Tamayo Mendoza Hernan Cortes, Mandaue City, Cebu 10/08/2020 10/08/2021 Active
Dominador A. Duyogan Jr. Sabellano St Upper Suran Pardo Cebu City, Cebu City 02/09/2012 02/08/2013 Expired_act
Jose Laureno Tabon No. 45 C-2 Alviola St. T. Padilla Extension, Cebu City 03/16/2012 03/16/2013 Expired_act
Jeson Georpe Camaso Ac Cortes Ave Ibabao Mandaue City, Cebu 05/27/2020 05/27/2021 Active
Lucita N. Fedillaga Blk.13 Lot 8, St. Dominics Place Sudtunggan Basak, Lapu-Lapu 06/04/2013 06/04/2014 Expired_act
Johneil Sardido Gealon 34 Arriola Subd Pdel Rosario Ext Sambag I, Cebu City 05/08/2018 05/08/2019 Expired_act
Richard Magnao Rongcales Rm. 304 Lucky Plaza Bldg. Ouano Ave. Subangdaku, Mandaue City 08/12/2020 08/12/2021 Active
Mc Art Luigi M Tecson Purok 2 Argawanon San Remigio Cebu 6011, San Remigio, Cebu 10/03/2017 10/03/2018 Expired_act
Cliff Carlo Gonzales Tocmo 258-0 Jones Ave., Cebu City 09/05/2012 09/05/2013 Expired_act
Randy Suyman Dumpa Rm M08 Sugbutel Bldg Nra, Cebu City 02/25/2012 02/24/2013 Expired_act
Gerwin Librea Gallego 844 Bonifacio St. West Pob Naga, Cebu 03/01/2012 03/01/2013 Expired_act
Miyami Gonzaga Miyajima Lower Camputhaw, Escario, Cebu City 03/13/2012 03/13/2013 Expired_act
John Rey Sacamay Cartagena 60 Logarta St. San Roque, Cebu City 05/07/2020 05/07/2021 Archived
Marven P. Pagangpang Logarta St., San Roque,Cebu City 04/24/2013 04/24/2014 Expired_act
John Kevin Wenceslao Cisneros 60 Logarta St., Manalili, Cebu City 05/07/2020 05/07/2021 Active
George B. Cortes Highway 77 Saint Anthony St Talamban, Cebu City 10/03/2017 10/03/2018 Expired_act
John Rey Aberca Navarroza 615 V Urgello St., Cebu City 04/04/2012 04/04/2013 Expired_act
Chenelyn E. Diapera 2551 Sitio Caimito, Banawa, Cebu City 03/26/2012 03/26/2013 Expired_act
Luz R. Amatos 022 Brgy. Quiot Pardo, Cebu City 12/02/2016 12/02/2017 Expired_act
Adonis Delostrico Villarte Lot 1 Blk 3 Sitio Panaghiusa Ext. Cabreros St. Brgy. San Nicolas, Cebu City 05/08/2013 05/08/2014 Expired_act
Sherwin Uayan Rosales 1036-F Basak Bontores St., Cebu City 06/28/2013 06/28/2014 Expired_act
Ian Del Mar Surban Tac-An Road, Talamban, Cebu City 04/18/2012 04/18/2013 Expired_act
Joed Cuizon Pasasadaba 4th Floor Wellmade Building Plaridel St., Umapad, Mandaue City 05/02/2019 05/01/2020 Expired_act
Sinjene Baba Deocampo 322 P Burgos Street Centro Mandaue City, Mandaue City 11/17/2017 11/17/2018 Expired_act
Roland C. Amoin Block 3,Lot 53, Deca Homes Mactan 1, Agus, Lapu-Lapu 06/22/2012 06/22/2013 Expired_act
Ralph Ursal Cabatana 145 Tres De Abril St. Pahina San Nicolas, Cebu City 12/12/2019 12/11/2020 Active
Elizabeth Aliser Canete 476-J Tres De Abril Duljo Fatima,, Cebu City 06/30/2020 06/30/2021 Active
John Esmael Minguito Canedo Upper Tunghaan, Minglanilla Cebu, Minglanilla 05/19/2020 05/19/2021 Active
Minerva Anocop Bautista 59 Osmena St. Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City 09/03/2019 09/02/2020 Expired_act
Lovey Casinillo Montilla B2,L42 Pacific Grande 1, Carajay St., Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Emanuel Pastorpede Alolod Rockyhills, Sta. Teresita Village, Tisa, Cebu City 06/30/2020 06/30/2021 Active
Maria Cristina S. Yee 45 Joaquino St. Sindulan, Mabolo, Cebu City 10/11/2012 10/11/2013 Expired_act
Raymond Tumulak Mollena 47-C Villagonzalo 1 Street, Tejero, Cebu City 09/25/2019 09/24/2020 Expired_act
Ryan Gotobat Barral Tipolo Square,Tipolo, Mandaue City,Mandaue City 05/22/2020 05/22/2021 Active
Sheila P. Mahusay (Customs Broker) Plaridel Street, Alang-Alang, Mandaue City, Cebu,Mandaue City 07/13/2020 07/13/2021 Active
German Iii Echica Velasco Sitio Bangkerohan Tayud Consolacion Cebu,Consolacion 01/24/2018 01/24/2019 Archived
Rey Joshua Allanaraiz Negro No.527 Maharlika Village Bulacao Talisay City, Cebu 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Cresthel Lisa Leyson Mendoza Camp Marina Sitio Kalubihan Kalunasan, Cebu City 12/20/2019 12/19/2020 Active
Juliever Geulin Colcol 171sb 3 Alaska Mambaling, Cebu City 09/08/2020 09/08/2021 Active
Wilson Quinones Bacor Binaliw 11, Binaliw, Cebu City 08/10/2018 08/10/2019 Archived
Ninoval Cabaron Cultura 212 Jd Residence J. Urgello St., Sambag 1, Cebu City 11/06/2018 11/06/2019 Expired_act
John Pert Lequin Mercader Ybanez Compund, Mambaling, Cebu City 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Christopher Cellin Sepada Jr 1943 Tingkuro Pakigne Minglanilla, Cebu 11/13/2019 11/12/2020 Active
Philbert Tagacanao Patatag Phase 2 Blk 3 Lot 7 Bf Townhomes Abuno Pajac, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu 05/27/2020 05/27/2021 Active
German Echica Velasco Iii Sitio Bangkerohan Tayud Consolacion, Cebu 07/10/2020 07/10/2021 Active
Adrian Bongol Batiller Bliss Pajac, Lapu-Lapu City 10/12/2020 10/12/2021 Active
Dennis Fuentis Bancairen Royal Palm Subd., Bagacay, Dumaguete City 10/08/2014 10/08/2015 Expired_act
Source: Bureau of Customs - https://customs.gov.ph/accreditation Note: Expired - Act means they are no longer accredited unless renewed
167 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX Q
Business Type
Business Name Business Address Nature of Business (activity) (Single Proprietor, Partnership/ LGU
Corporation, or Cooperative)
P and T Trucking Services San Roque Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Baclayon
Zion Trucking & Hauling Services San Roque Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Balilihan
G and J Construction Supplies Trading Lajog Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Clarin
OBL Trucking Services Salvador Hauling & Trucking Services Corporation Cortes
Brent James Trucking Services Loreto Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Cortes
PLCS Trucking Services San Miguel Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Dagohoy
Mercenary Jayle Trucking Services Cogon Cargo Trucking Service Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
Reina's Cargo Delivery Services Dampas Cargo Trucking Service Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
Rjaybeth Forwarding Services Poblacion Cargo Trucking Service Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
Donz Trucking Services Poblacion Cargo Trucking Service Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
29th of Feb. Trucking Cogon Contractor: Carting/Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
4D Trucking and Hauling Services Dao Contractor: Carting/Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
P. Dalagan Trucking Services Dao Contractor: Carting/Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
168 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX R
Business Type
Business Name Business Address Nature of Business (activity) (Single Proprietor, Partnership/ LGU
Corporation, or Cooperative)
Bohol Movers System Poblacion Contractor: Carting/Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
Seroje Hauling Services Poblacion Contractor: Carting/Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
Gudito Trucking Services Taloto Contractor: Carting/Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
l.D. Hauling Services Ubujan Contractor: Carting/Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
Pondoc Trucking Services Ubujan Contractor: Carting/Trucking Services Singe Proprietor Tagbilaran
Tri J Trans Cargo Inc. Pugalo Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Alcoy
IAC Trading & Trucking Services Can-asujan Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Carcar
Michael G. Satera Trucking Services Poblacion 3 Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Carcar
Sususco & Butal Trucking Services Corazon Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Catmon
Brevi Storage & Logistics Corp. Banilad Logistics (office only) Corporation Cebu City
ECV Cargo Logistics Solutions, Inc. Carreta Logistics Services Corporation Cebu City
CN Freight and Logistics Solutions Inc. Carreta Logistics Services Corporation Cebu City
SMS Logistics & Services Carreta Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Cebu City
Gubalane Logistics Services Duljo Fatima Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Cebu City
MGX Logistics Services Guadalupe Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Cebu City
LTX Logtrans Express Inc. Guadalupe Logistics Services Corporation Cebu City
4Him Logistics and Support Kalunasan Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Cebu City
Bloc Logistics Services Kamputhaw Logistics (office only) Single Proprietorship Cebu City
Paujin Logistics Services Kasambagan Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Cebu City
Atmosphere Translogistics Services Mabolo Logistics (office only) Single Proprietorship Cebu City
nik Logistics Services Mabolo Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Cebu City
Dcargo Freight Logistics Services Poblacion Pardo Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Cebu City
169 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX R
Business Type
Business Name Business Address Nature of Business (activity) (Single Proprietor, Partnership/ LGU
Corporation, or Cooperative)
G. South Allied Services, Inc. Tejero Logistics Services Corporation Cebu City
JNR Logistics Services Tejero Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Cebu City
Gothong Southern Supply Chain, Inc. Tinago Logistics Services Corporation Cebu City
Rom Ceniza Trucking Services Poblacion Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Compostela
Francisco Alvinez Logistics Services Tayud Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Consolacion
Blue Green Trucking Services Jugan Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Consolacion
Arot Trading and Services Tayud Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Consolacion
Cebu East Transport Services Tayud Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Consolacion
Cebu Super Tango Trucking Inc. Tayud Trucking Services Corporation Consolacion
170 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX R
Business Type
Business Name Business Address Nature of Business (activity) (Single Proprietor, Partnership/ LGU
Corporation, or Cooperative)
Cebu Ryle Trucking & Logistics Corp. Tayud Trucking Services Corporation Consolacion
Smart Speed Cargo Ttrucking Co. Tayud Trucking Services Partnership Consolacion
Ma. Charity Trucking Services Tugbongan Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Consolacion
Yu, Alannick l. Agus Logistics & Warehousing Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
JS07 Logistics Services Babag Logistics & Warehousing Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Hankyu Hanshin Logistics Phils., Inc. Ibo Logistics & Warehousing Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
Meraki Logistics Services Babag Logistics Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
XGS Supplies and Logistics Service Basak Logistics Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
MOL Logistic Philippines, Inc. Ibo Logistics Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
F.H. Distribution and Logistic Services Mactan Logistics Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Allegiant Logistics Services Pajo Logistics Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Logistics for Retail Express Corp. Pajo Logistics Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
PHP Express Logistic Corporation Pusok Logistics Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
SRA World Transport Inc. Pusok Logistics Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
Jahzeiah Mark Delivery & Trucking Agus Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
JLI Cargo Movers Agus Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Mhine Cargo Delivery Services Agus Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Provider's Trucking Services Agus Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
William Trucking Services Agus Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Akylas Transport System Babag Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
171 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX R
Business Type
Business Name Business Address Nature of Business (activity) (Single Proprietor, Partnership/ LGU
Corporation, or Cooperative)
Up-rising Enterprises and Services Babag Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Kerchon Trucking Services Bankal Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
AOT Transport Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Faschi Trucking Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Lapu-Lapu Trucking Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Sunset Trucking Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Tatay & Nanay Trucking Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Windsway Transport Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
WNR Trucking Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
F8 Prime Transport Services Inc. Basak Trucking Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
Bex Haul Transport Co. Basak Trucking Services Partnership Lapu-Lapu City
Myca Trucking Services Calawisan Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Mactan Star Transport Services Canjulao Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
STV Cargo Transport Gun-ob Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
M and N Trucking Services Looc Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Samo 777 Trucking Services Looc Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Jat Trucking Services Corp. Looc Trucking Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
OCA Trucking Services Mactan Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
rc7 Trucking Services Mactan Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Kamiko Cargo Movers Corporation Mactan Trucking Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
Rhyder Transport System Corp. Mactan Trucking Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
Lota Fe Peñaloza Trucking Maribago Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Juzamdabebo Trucking Services Marigondon Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Janoa Mae Trucking Services Pajac Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Xander Trucking Services Pajo Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Jah Transport Services Puntta Engano Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
J and A Trucking Services Pusok Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Margaja's Trucking Services Pusok Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
E and Z Cargo Forwarding Suba Basbas Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Cervantes Forwarding and Services San Agustin Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Madridejos
Birhen sa Regla Trucking Services Babag Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
172 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX R
Business Type
Business Name Business Address Nature of Business (activity) (Single Proprietor, Partnership/ LGU
Corporation, or Cooperative)
Up-rising Enterprises and Services Babag Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Kerchon Trucking Services Bankal Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
AOT Transport Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Faschi Trucking Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Lapu-Lapu Trucking Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Sunset Trucking Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Tatay & Nanay Trucking Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Windsway Transport Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
WNR Trucking Services Basak Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
F8 Prime Transport Services Inc. Basak Trucking Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
Bex Haul Transport Co. Basak Trucking Services Partnership Lapu-Lapu City
Myca Trucking Services Calawisan Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Mactan Star Transport Services Canjulao Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
STV Cargo Transport Gun-ob Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
M and N Trucking Services Looc Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Samo 777 Trucking Services Looc Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Jat Trucking Services Corp. Looc Trucking Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
OCA Trucking Services Mactan Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
rc7 Trucking Services Mactan Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Kamiko Cargo Movers Corporation Mactan Trucking Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
Rhyder Transport System Corp. Mactan Trucking Services Corporation Lapu-Lapu City
Lota Fe Peñaloza Trucking Maribago Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Juzamdabebo Trucking Services Marigondon Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Janoa Mae Trucking Services Pajac Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Xander Trucking Services Pajo Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Jah Transport Services Puntta Engano Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
J and A Trucking Services Pusok Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Margaja's Trucking Services Pusok Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
E and Z Cargo Forwarding Suba Basbas Trucking Services Single Proprietorsip Lapu-Lapu City
Cervantes Forwarding and Services San Agustin Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Madridejos
173 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX R
Business Type
Business Name Business Address Nature of Business (activity) (Single Proprietor, Partnership/Cor- LGU
poration, or Cooperative)
Cebu Pharma Mktg. Corp. Banilad Delivery Truck/Van Corporation Mandaue City
Magnetite Logistics & Gen Merch Inc. Basak Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Flash Cargo Logistics Network, Inc. Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Toptruck Trucking Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Doer`s Logistics Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Kezeda Trucking Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
E and Z Cargo Forwarding Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Faith Grace Trucking Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Ejay Cargo Forwarder Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Animas Hauling & Logistics Corp. Centro Delivery Truck/Van Mandaue City
Cronus Transport & Logistic Corp. Centro Delivery Truck/Van Mandaue City
Sun Air Cargo Handlers, Inc. Centro Delivery Truck/Van Mandaue City
Meloy`s Trucking Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
174 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX R
Business Type
Business Name Business Address Nature of Business (activity) (Single Proprietor, Partnership/ LGU
Corporation, or Cooperative)
Ain`s Trucking Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Geo tTransport & Cons.Inc. Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
3LG Trucking Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Eazy Cargo Forwarding Inc. Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Alex D Nuñez - Cargo Forwarders Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
SVI Cargo Transport Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
All Flag Logistics Inc. Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Tejada Transport Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Safe Journey Transport Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
ALP Cargo Transport Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
175 Economic Factbook 2020 ANN EX R
Business Type
Business Name Business Address Nature of Business (activity) (Single Proprietor, Partnership/ LGU
Corporation, or Cooperative)
Providers Trucking Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Tanica Trucking Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
RMJ Cargo Logistic Solutions Co. Centro Delivery Truck/Van Corporation Mandaue City
Faith Grace Trucking Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
IAC Trading & Trucking Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
La Wynona Trucking Corporation Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
4KHS Trucking and Rental Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
Cebu Trailblazers Trucking Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
AA Eco Cargo Services Centro Delivery Truck/Van Single Proprietorship Mandaue City
176 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX R
Business Type
Business Name Business Address Nature of Business (activity) (Single Proprietor, Partnership/Cor- LGU
poration, or Cooperative)
DVMC Trucking Services Central Poblacion Contractor-Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Naga
Garbol Trucking Services West Poblacion Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Naga
Pink Gorilla Logistics Inc. West Poblacion Trucking, Hauling & Logistics Corporation Naga
Irenea Borbon Trucking Services Tan-awan Trucking Services Single Proprietorship Oslob
ALS Trucking Services South Poblacion Trucking Services Single Proprietorship San Fernando
5JS 1F Corporation Punta Hauling & Trucking Services Single Proprietorship San Remegio
Jehovah Jireh Logistics Services Poblacion Logistics Services Single Proprietorship Sibonga
Source: https://cmci.dti.gov.ph/
177 Economic Factbook 2020 ANNEX R
178 Economic Factbook 2020
(compiled as of April, 2022)
Government Agencies
179 Economic Factbook 2020 DIRE C TO RY
Regional Executive Director Regional Director
Department of Environment & Natural Resources Philippine Statistics Authority
National Government Center, Sudlon, Lahug , Cebu City 2nd Floor, Gaisano Capital South Building, Colon Street , Cebu City
Website: https://r7.denr.gov.ph Email: [email protected] | Website: https://psa.gov.ph
Telephone No.: +6332 328 3335 | 328 3336 Telephone No.: +6332 256 0592 | 412 6794
180 Economic Factbook 2020 DIRE C TO RY
Water Districts
VIRGILIO FORTICH, JR. Bohol Water Utilities, Inc.
General Manager R. Enerio Street, Poblacion III, Tagbilaran City
Cebu III Electric Cooperative, Inc. Email: [email protected] | Website: www.boholwater.com
Luray, Toledo City, Cebu Telephone Number: +6338 412 3154 / 501 8790
Website: http://www.cebeco3.com.ph Fax: +6338 501 7062
Telephone No.: +6332 464 9220 | 263 2869 | 467 9682
GILBERT BAGOBO Chief Executive Officer
General Manager Richli Water Corporation
Mactan Electric Company Benigno Aquino Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
MECO Building, Sangi Road, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.mecomactan.com Telephone No.: +6338 427 4241
Telephone No.: +6332 340 2916 | 340 2917 | 340 8568
JAMES VILLARVA General Manager
Operations Supervisor Balamban Water District
Mactan EnerZone Corporation Aliwanay, Balamban, Cebu
Dinagyang Street, Mactan Economic Zone 2, Email: [email protected]
Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Website: https://balambanwd.gov.ph
Website: https://mactanenerzonecorporation Telephone No.: +6332 465 0547 | Fax: +6332 465 3033
Telephone No.: +6332 231-3527 local 26623 | 340 4692
DENNIS MONTEBON Admin. Dept. Manager
Operations Supervisor Carcar Water District
Balamban EnerZone San Vicente Street, Poblacion 1, Carcar City, Cebu
Bravo Street, West Cebu Industrial Park Special Economic Zone, Bua- Email: [email protected]
noy, Balamban, Cebu Website: http://carcarwaterdistrict.gov.ph
Website: https://aboitizpower.com Telephone No.: +6332 487 8500 | 487 9141
Telephone No.: +6332 231-3527 local 26622
RAUL LUCERO Acting General Manager
President / Chief Operating Officer Metropolitan Cebu Water District
Visayan Electric Company Cor. P. Burgos and Magallanes Streets, Cebu City
J. Panis Street, Archbishop Reyes Avenue, Kasambaggan, Cebu City Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.visayanelectric.com Website: www.mcwd.gov.ph
Telephone No.: +6332 230 8326 Telephone Number: +6332 254 8434
181 Economic Factbook 2020 DIRE C TO RY
Toledo Water District Manager
One Government Center, 640 Jackson Street, Toledo, Cebu Globe Telecom
Website: https://toledo.oh.gov/residents/water Ayala Center, Cebu Business Park, Cebu City
Telephone No.: +6332 467 8544 Website: https://www.globe.com.ph
Telephone Number: +6332 412 1000
Bayawan Water District MA. EDNA FRANCISO
Gaspar Vicente Subdivision , Brgy. Villareal Bayawan City, Head-Visayas Small & Micro Business
Negros Oriental Philippine Long Distance and Telephone Company Enterprise
Email: [email protected] Osmena Boulevard, Cebu City
Telephone No.: +6335 430-0361 Email: [email protected]
Website: www.pldtenterprise.com
Telephone Number: +6332 255 5700
Other Private Partners
Sr. Relationship Manager
President & General Manager
6/F Crown 7 Business Center, Pope John Paul II Ave., Cebu City
Cebu Cordova Link Expressway Corp.
Email: [email protected]
Cebu City
Website: https://rise.ph
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://cclex.com.ph
Visayas Sales Head
Eastern Telecoms
Customer Support Officer (PH)
2nd Floor i2 Building Cebu IT Park, Cebu City
JobStreet.com Philippines Inc.
Telephone Number: +6332 412 1210
20th Floor Robinsons Cybergate Center Tower 3, Robinsons Pioneer
Pioneer St., Mandaluyong City
Email: [email protected]
Cebu IT BPM Organization (CIB.O)
Website: https://www.jobstreet.com.ph
CIB.O Center, JM del Mar Street, Cebu IT Park, Cebu City
Telephone Number: +632 8286 6222 Ext 66432
Email: [email protected] | Website: http://cib.org.ph
Fax: +632 8631 1918
Telephone Number: +6332 427 1958
Senior Director
11F Frabelle Business Center, 111 Rada Street Legaspi Village,
Unit 1402 Sunset View Towers, 2230 Roxas Boulevard,
Makati City | Manila
Pasay, Metro Manila
Website: https://www.colliers.com/en-ph
Email: [email protected] | Website: https://www.portcalls.com
Telephone Number: +632 8858 9014
Telephone Number: +632 8551 1775
AVP, Visayas O&M
Manager, Group Corporate Communications-VisMin
National Grid Corporation of the Philippines
SMART Communications, Inc.
Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City
Pope John Paul II Avenue, Mabolo, Cebu City
Website: https://ngcp.ph
Website: https://smart.com.ph
Telephone Number: +6332 329 5000
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