PA Musculoskeletal INGUINAL AREA
PA Musculoskeletal INGUINAL AREA
PA Musculoskeletal INGUINAL AREA
muscle inspection Both sides of the Both sides of the Both sides of the NORMAL
body is symmetrical body is symmetrical body is symmetrical
and no abnormalities and no abnormalities and no abnormalities
Muscle strength palpation Both side (right and Both side (right and Both side (right and NORMAL
left) functions left) functions left) functions
properly properly properly
bones inspection No deformities or No deformities or No deformities or NORMAL
abnormalities found abnormalities found abnormalities found
joints Inspection and No inflammation or No inflammation or No inflammation or NORMAL
palpation edema observed, no edema observed, no edema observed, no
tenderness, and no tenderness, and no tenderness, and no
nodules nodules nodules
Pubic area inspection - pubic hair is healthy - pubic hair is healthy - pubic hair is healthy NORMAL
and intact and intact and intact
- Found no lesions - Found no lesions - Found no lesions
-skin of vulva has -skin of vulva has -skin of vulva has
pigmentations pigmentations pigmentations
Clitoris, urethral Inspection and -labia round and -labia round and -labia round and NORMAL
orifice, and vaginal palpation symmetrical symmetrical symmetrical
orifice -clitoris size is 1 cm in -clitoris size is 1 cm in -clitoris size is 1 cm in
width and 2 cm in width and 2 cm in width and 2 cm in
length length length
- no inflammation - no inflammation - no inflammation
nor abnormalities nor abnormalities nor abnormalities
found found found
Inguinal lymph nodes Inspection and Found no Found no Found no NORMAL
palpation inflammation nor inflammation nor inflammation nor
tenderness of the tenderness of the tenderness of the
lymph nodes. lymph nodes. lymph nodes.
Anus Inspection and Intact perineal skin Intact perineal skin Intact perineal skin NORMAL
palpation and with no and with no and with no
laceration reaching laceration reaching laceration reaching
the anus the anus the anus
Perineum Inspection and Intact perineal skin No laceration No laceration NORMAL
palpation and with no