Nietzsche Assignment
Nietzsche Assignment
Nietzsche Assignment
A cultural exploration
Living in Accord with
the Dao
The Tale of the Butcher
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light
the subjective knowing subject
Lessons the Greeks
taught us
• repudiation of flesh
• essentialism/universalism/one and many
• essence precedes existence
• to know is to be
• meta-narratives
The Meta-Narrative
~ Frederich Nietzsche
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill
Destroyer of Worlds
“There are no moral phenomena at all, only a
moral interpretation of phenomena ... “
~ Frederich Nietzsche
• A philologist studies language scientifically through
tracing developments over time or by comparing
languages or varieties of a language, etc.
• Philology considers both form and meaning in
linguistic expression, combining linguistics and
literary studies
• An etymologist studies the origins of words, how
their meaning changes and develops over time
and how they fall into disuse, etc. This study is
The Death of God
The Death of God
“No one is responsible for his deeds, no one for his nature; to
judge is to be unjust. This is also true when the individual
judges himself. The tenet is as bright as sunlight, and yet
everyone prefers to walk back into the shadow and untruth--
for fear of the consequences.”
Double prehistory of
good and evil
• Stage 2:
• The Slave Morality that is Christianity
and that triumphs over pagan Rome
in 313 CE (when Constantine legalizes
Christianity throughout the Empire),
and more fully in 379 CE (when
Theodosius I makes Christianity the
official religion of the Empire).
A brief (Nietzschean)
history of morality
• Stage 3:
• The rise of the great moral systems,
like deontology and utilitarianism, in
the West. This begins in the Age of
Enlightenment (18th-century), and
continues still.
A brief (Nietzschean)
history of morality
“[T]he wildest forces break the way, destroying at first, but yet
their activity was necessary, so that later a gentler civilization
might set up its house there. Frightful energies-that which is
called evil are the Cyclopean architects and pathmakers of
Content of the conscience
~Jean-François Lyotard
Postmodern Art & Architecture
Postmodern Art & Architecture
Is Nietzsche Right?
Is Nietzsche Right?
I believed that I was born for a reason with many purposes to fulfil. These
purposes were ordained by God Almighty and through growing, increasing
knowledge and experiences, I get closer to fulfil these purposes. I live to
understand my meaning of life and to help other while doing so. I believe that
with the right guidance from God, my faith and experiences will shape me into the
person that God wants me to be. I live because I am supposed to make a change in
someone’s life, whether it be a friend or a family or even a stranger. I live because
“ Why do I wish for or do
I think the things I wish for or do, have to be divided into two separate no ups and downs and excitement, does it even really feel like you’re living? This
categories. I think that the majority of the things I do or wish for are
dictated by society and what is expected of me at this stage of my life: is why I think people wish to do anything, for a way to have fulfilment in their life.
study, get a degree, get a job, be sociable. Are these things important to
me? Yes, they are, to a certain extent, but just because with these things I
• Will
will probably be able to get what I really wish for in the future.
The second category is made up by my feelings and instincts, which make
me wish for or do things because of love, hunger, sadness, or anger. I
think these are my purest and truest wishes that make me do things that I
really want to do or that I want to do at the moment, especially in the case
of anger and sadness, and that maybe I will later regret. I think this
category of wishes and things we do is the one I should always give
importance to, as they are based on instincts. Probably these instincts
have adapted through the years to the society we live in, getting more
intricated. However, I think that at their base there is survival like any other
animal or plant on the earth.
In fact, I think humans are intelligent and during their lifetime have created
amazing things; however, I also think that we are nothing more than
another block in this enormous puzzle that it is the universe. We just have
overcomplicated our lives as a consequence of living in an
overcomplicated society. Sometimes I do wonder how the world would be
if we were to start everything from zero, if we would have the same values,
wishes and we would do the same things
• Mariasole
There are many possibili7es for why someone might wish to do something. Self
put all these ac7ons together and to summarize why someone would do any of
these things, I would say it is for fulfilment in life. If your life is filled with nothing,
“ What is the universe?”
“ Why do I exist?”
I believe that our true existence is the soul and the body is just a temporal However, I know that I must find my own meaning of life and I cannot allow
vessel to transport it in the earthly realm; therefore, our existence is tied to the others influence my purpose in life. I am aware that I am here on this earth to find
eternal. I also believe that death comes to take away the things of this here world my own meaning of life. I am certain I will not allow others religious views
but can not destroy the soul. With having that understanding of the soul, I see life on influence my true purpose in life. However, I am 100% certain that one day my life
earth as a temporal place where the only thing that will not fade away is what you will come to an end and I would like to figure out why I exist. This may take some
have done pertaining to the eternal. 7me but as I go through different stages in my life, I hope to find that answer on my
Based on the bible and my belief in it, the bible says that heaven and earth
• Andrea
shall pass away but God words shall not pass away. In His word speaks of being
rewarded in the next life for the things you have done here on earth. A scripture that
refers to this is found in Matthew 6:19-20, where it urges us to store up treasures in
heaven where they will last forever, rather than on earth where they can be stolen or
destroyed. I believe that the way we decide to live our lives on earth will allow us to
receive rewards that will not be annihilated by death in this world.
The meaning that will never be annihilated by death is what you have done
for God while here on earth. The reason I believe that is because life on earth is
based on our choices, whether good or bad. However, the after life will not be much
of a choice, but rather based on the choices chosen on earth.
• Keron
• Will
Every decision I take today will affect something in the future whether it be
good or bad. I believe that with every action there is a reaction. Everything that
happens today should therefore be analyzed thoroughly before making any
decision. I believe in the saying that “Everything happens for a reason” and the
reason for this belief is because I have experience this. Sometimes things happen
to us to test our heart and actions, our mind and body to see if they are cognitive
dissonance. I believe that my actions today will later either lead me closer to
becoming the person I want to be or give me a setback. In life we get situations
that we feel we should never face such as heartbreak, someone hurt you emotional
or physically and we wonder why. Our decision about how we are going to react to
each situation is important, but this was an experience that had to happen to mold
“ Is there anything real in my life?”
If I was a religious person, I would have said the God is the only real thing in strictness, and I like who I am, but I want my brother to be even be6er and
my life. However, as someone who was raised Catholic and then forced to a6end a absolutely ready to help him in all his beginnings. Therefore, I can state that my
Pentecostal church, these experiences have changed my prospec7ve about love to my brother is the realest thing that I have right now.
Today, as a 32-year-old I believe the only real thing in my life is my family.
When I was in my early twen7es I was diagnosed with epilepsy and since then
have been on medica7on. When if was first diagnosed, my parents being religious
took me to church and believed I could be cured from my epilepsy.
A religious person would say I had no faith and that is why I couldn’t be
cured but I am aware that I was born this way and it is something I have to live
with. As I became older and con7nued to deal with my illness, I have learned to
live life day by day as tomorrow you never know what will happen. I have learned
that the only real thing in my life is my family as they have helped me in my 7mes
of need.
However, I know this is my current perspec7ve and as I age and experience
different things, there will be new real things or people in my life. This could be
children or a spouse but currently it is my family as they have supported me
through my journey with my illness. They helped me through a dark period in my
life, when there were many uncertain7es.
The 21st century is full of a lot of fake things, nowadays, we can obtain a fake
informa7on and perceive it as truth. Fake emo7ons, is also a big and sad factor
that harms modern society. In this world some7mes you ask yourself, what is real
on my life? Friends? Love? Emo7ons? What? I can answer this ques7on, saying
that my love to my family members is one of those real things that surround me,
especially to my younger brother. I wanted to have a younger brother really much,
but my parents wanted a daughter, so I was the happiest person in the world when
they told me that we were going to have another partner of our family and he will
be male.
What is love for me? Love is when you ready to give your life for the person
that you love with all canners of your heart, love is when you cannot hold
emo7ons when this person tells you something pleasant. I was raised in love and
“ What is the meaning of my life?”
“ Is there any meaning in my life that will not be
annihilated by the inevitability of death which
awaits me?”
I believe that our true existence is the soul and the body is just a temporal
vessel to transport it in the earthly realm; therefore, our existence is tied to the
eternal. I also believe that death comes to take away the things of this here world
but can not destroy the soul. With having that understanding of the soul, I see life
on earth as a temporal place where the only thing that will not fade away is what
you have done pertaining to the eternal.
Based on the bible and my belief in it, the bible says that heaven and earth
shall pass away but God words shall not pass away. In His word speaks of being
rewarded in the next life for the things you have done here on earth. A scripture
that refers to this is found in Matthew 6:19-20, where it urges us to store up
treasures in heaven where they will last forever, rather than on earth where they
can be stolen or destroyed. I believe that the way we decide to live our lives on
earth will allow us to receive rewards that will not be annihilated by death in this
The meaning that will never be annihilated by death is what you have done
for God while here on earth. The reason I believe that is because life on earth is
based on our choices, whether good or bad. However, the after life will not be
much of a choice, but rather based on the choices chosen on earth.
• Keron
“ What meaning has my finite existence in
an infinite universe?”
I believe that my finite existence in an infinite universe has no meaning. Although I want
to think my existence has some sort of meaning or impact in this universe, it simply is not
true. In a world with a popula7on of over 7 billion people, not even including the number
of people that have passed away over the previous thousands of years, one person is so
small and irrelevant to the universe. Everyone that lives ends up dying eventually, it is a
part of life, and the universe will con7nue the way it is meant to, regardless of when I or
anyone else dies. That is my realis7c opinion, although I guess one person’s finite
existence can change the universe in cases where people create things like the internet
and electricity that change the world, but even those things are finite and will one day be
• Riley
“ How am I to live?”
I believe that you should live your life in the pursuit of happiness. Spend 7me doing However, I do not think that it is easy to live the best way possible, as this
implies a certain kind of freedom that very few people have.
things that gra7fy you. Understand the difference between things that provide instant I find myself agreeing with one of the points Tolstoy talks about in his book
gra7fica7on and long-term gra7fica7on. An example of long-term gra7fica7on could be
“A Confession”. The point discussed is about Epicureanism, where people
are aware that lifetime is limited and, therefore, they should enjoy the time
doing something that does not make you very happy in the moment but you know will they have.
However, this is not always the case. I am aware that I am lucky, I do not
benefit you in the end, while short term would be something that brings you immediate have the life of the serfs Tolstoy refers to, and I also do not live in the
conditions that some people live in 3rd world countries. However, I feel that
temporary gra7fica7on. Once you have this understanding of the two, try to find a to live my best life I would need to have a type of freedom that is hard to
have, especially at my age.
balance that you think will make you the happiest. Also I believe you should realize that
Therefore, the type of choices I can make to make my life better are
things that may make you happy today might not next year or next month so to keep limited, and even with these limited choices I almost never go with the
option that pleases me the most, but rather with the one that pleases other
adjus7ng what you spend your 7me and energy doing in order to con7nue to be as people who I love or the one that at the moment will cost me a sacrifice but
that should bring me happiness later on.
happy as possible. I think this way because life is so short and once you die you do not I think this is how I have been living my life so far. I am one of those
people that prefers to keep the best at last, hoping that there will always
know what happens, there could be nothing and this could be all you have so you
be something better around the corner. However, numerous times I have
should spend your 7me happy rather than was7ng 7me depressed or doing things you been proved that what was around the corner was not as good as I
do not actually want to do. The only real rule I would have is that you should not do So, I have started wondering, is it worth to put my life in stand-by, to
sacrifice in the meantime to be happy in the future? I still do not exactly
things that impede or hurt another person’s ability to be happy. Another part to this know the answer to this question, but I think sometimes it is worth and
others it is not.
would be to do things that truly make you happy and enjoy regardless of other people’s
I am starting to figure out that in my way of living I need to understand
opinions and judgements. what is worth sacrificing for and what it is not, and in these cases I should
just learn to enjoy the moment (Carpe Diem).
• Mariasole
• Riley
I think I am to live the best way possible as the time humans have to live is
relatively short if compared to the universe’s; plus, I do not know when I
will die, so this time could be even shorter than what I expect.
Jean Paul
Resistance Fighter
Existentialism Is A
Humanism (EIH)
• Knife-maker
• fusion of telos, idea, mode of
• Human-maker
Existence Precedes Essence
We are our choices
Existential Art
Existential Art
Existential Art
Subjectivity (Sense 1)
• context, then, provides one framework for the narrative unity necessary for
authentic existence, even in the face of the constant construction of self-hood--
our choices determine authenticity
• To be is to choose