Group No - 10 All in One Store PDF

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Sr. No Description Page No.

1 Introduction 1-3

1.1 Project Summary 1

1.2 Project Technical Profile 2

2 Scopes & Planning 4-11

2.1 Requirement Analysis 4-7

2.2 Feasibility Study 8

2.3 Timeline Chart 9

2.4 Future Development 10

2.5 Technology Details 11

3 Designing 12-77
3.1 Data Flow Diagram 12-30

3.2 Use Case Diagram 31-33

3.3 ER Diagram 34
3.4 Database Design 35-38

3.5 User Interface 39-77

4 Testing 78-90
4.1 Unit Testing 78-85
4.2 Navigation Testing 86-88

4.3 Functional Testing 89

4.4 Environment Testing 90

5 Conclusion 91

6 Bibliography 92
All in one store

1. Introduction

1.1 Project Summary

In day to day life, we will need to buy lots of goods or products from a shop. It may
be food items, electronic items, house hold items etc etc. Now a days, it is really hard to get some time to
go out and get them by ourselves due to busy life style or lots of works. In order to solve this, B2C E-
Commerce websites have been started. Using these websites, we can buy goods or products online just
by visiting the website and ordering the item online by making payments online.

All in one store is a website that provide to buy Home,Mobiles,Electronic,fresh,fashion item ,etc. it's
Good/Trusted & Tension free delivery services. Products bought online will be delivered to the footsteps
of the buyer free of cost(may be varied based on the vendor/seller).Reports generated can be saved for
future references.

This existing system of buying goods has several disadvantages. It requires lots of time to travel to the
particular shop to buy the goods. Since everyone is leading busy life now a days, time means a lot to
everyone. Also, there are expenses for travelling from house to shop. More over the shop from where we
would like to buy something may not be open 24*7*365. Hence, we have to adjust our time with
the shopkeeper’s time or vendor’s time.

In order to overcome these, we have e-commerce solution, i.e., one place where we can get all required
goods/products online. The proposed system helps in building a website to buy, sell products or goods
online using internet connection. Purchasing of goods online, user can choose different products based
on categories, online payments, delivery services and hence covering the disadvantages of the existing
system and making the buying easier and helping the vendors to reach wider market.

All in one store
1.2 Project Technical Profile

Project Title: All in one store

Definition : Online shopping is a form of electronic
commerce which allows consumers to directly
buy goods or services from a seller over the
Internet using a web browser .

Developed For : S.D. J. International College, Vesu , Surat

Project Guide(s): Prof. Bhumika Patel

Front End:
Html, css ,Javascript

Scripting language :

Back End :

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows 10

Designing Tools

All in one store
Tools used for ERD & DFD

Submitted By 1) Jadav manoj odhavjibhai

2) Khathiriya utsav alpeshbhai
3) Mangukiya mit vrajlal

All in one store
2. Scopes & Planning

2.1 Requirement Analysis

To develop any web application system, it is most important to identify the user requirement
in very specific manner. Also to function properly, all interfaces of proposed system with
surrounding system must be identified. The correct system is that satisfied all users
requirement. Therefore, it is very important to analyse the existing system and to document
the software requirement specification for proposed system which in turn provides the base
for development of the proposed system.
Our project guide conducted a series of lectures to impart us the required knowledge about
the system. During the lectures, we also had question and answer session at the end, which
helped us to have a clear idea about the Expected system.

Fact Gathering Techniques:

Fact –finding is the job of a person or group of person in administrative proceedings
that has or have the responsibility of determining the facts relevant to decide a
controversy. The term trier of fact gathering denotes the same function the process is
an extremely important part of the communication process.

They are:
1) Interviewing
2) Questionnaires
3) Records inspection
4) Observation

 This method is used to collect the information from groups or individuals. Analyst
selects the people who are related with system for the interview.
 In this method the analyst sits face to face with the people and records their
 All basic requirements are conducted at this stage.
 It is a basic source of qualitative information.

All in one store
 It is the technique used to extract information from number of people. This
method can be adopted and used only by an skillful analyst.
 The questionnaires consists of series of question framed together in logical
 In this, we get all information related to student fees collects related information.
 Gathering some data.

Record Review:
 Records review is used to revise all the requirements before implementation.
 Here we revise all systems requirements like design & view of system facilities ,policies ,
terms & condition ,time-duration and all .
 Background reading or research is a part of the process.

 Unlike the other fact finding techniques, in this method the analyst himself vis-
its the organization and observe and understand the flow of documents, working
of existing System, the user of the system.
 At this stage, we consider all design & data related information like how to shows
our form, which kind of interface gives to user & going with all this.

Conclusion of fact finding technique :

 I am use observation technique.
 I use all above for technique to find and gathering information related to system but I use
most observation technique.

All in one store
Functional requirement (Admin)
 Admin manage facility for insert, update, and delete category, and type.
 Admin can also manage registration, verification process of user who registers.
 Admin manage facility for insert, update and delete products.
 Admin can display facilities for product orders have.

 Admin can Manage product stock ,category of products , invoice of orders.

 Admin can manage sub admin details like id, email id, photo etc.

 Admin can also add and remove sub admin.

 Admin can show the users details, Total number oforder and total amount .

 Admin can Change his profile.

Functional requirement (sub admin)

 Admin can register sub admin .

 Sub admin have to get Approval from Admin then Only he /she is considering as a
verified sub admin.
 Verified sub admin can manage the Service Information Like products and stock of products
,orders and invoice of orders.

 Sub admin has Right on service for which he/she is Registered.

 Sub admin can show the users , Total number of order and total amount .

 Sub admin can’t Change his profile but request to admin to change profile.

All in one store

Functional requirement (User)

 User can register to the All in one store process system and log in it.
 User can forget password.
 Forgot password will change password by just entering vaild email id and provide link of
change the password in mail.
 User can click rembember buttons in day often not entre email id and password to login
website . 
 If any inquiry or details are required then the user can also contact sub admin
regarding Particular service.

 User can get Response for his Query from Admin or subadmin.

 User can also check product Details on the website who uploaded by admin and sub
admin .
 User can added the products on cart which he/she will be buy products .
 User can see the products .
 User can also has right to cancel order. 
 U se r , wh ich p rod uct s a re bro ught, can do wn load inv oi ce . 

All in one store

2.2 Feasibility Study

 This activity is design to help to do initial operational, technical, schedule & economic
feasibilityevaluation of the project and also practice these three approaches to cost
benefit analysis knowledge of cost benefit analysis is critical for a successful systems
analyst and also for anyone who must decide whether or not to approve a project. It is
the measure of how beneficial or practical the development of information system will
be to an organization.

Technical feasibility

 It is measure of practicality of a specific technical solution and the availability of

technical resources and expertise. All the software needed for developing the project
are like sublime with php, MySQL are already available so the system is technically
 Technical feasibility center on the existing manual system of the test management
process and to what extent it can support the system.
 According to feasibility analysis procedure the technical feasibility of system is
analyzed and the technical requirements such as software
 Facilities, procedure, inputs are identified. It is also one of the important phases of the
system development activities.
 The system offers greater levels of user friendliness combined with greater processing
speed. Therefore, the cost of maintenance can be reduced.

All in one store
2.3.Timeline Chart

Work Tasks Jan Feb March April May

Week 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1.Requironment Gathering & Analysis

1.1 Learn PHP
1.2 Requirement Gathering
1.3 Requirement Analysis
Milestone: Requirements Gathered.
2.1 Identifying proposed project profile.
2.2 Identifying Objectives.
2.3 Scope definition.
2.4 Review.
Milestone: Modeling Completed.
3.System Design
3.1 Design system flow.
3.2 Database Design.
3.3 Admin Side Design.
3.4 Sub-admin Side Design.
3.5 Client Side Design
3.6 Review.
Milestone: System Design completed
4.1 Admin Side Coding
4.2 Sub-admin Side Coding
4.3 Client Side Coding
Milestone: Coding completed
5.1 Unit Testing
5.2 Navigational Testing
5.3 Functional Testing
5.4 Environmental Testing
Milestone: Testing Complete
6. Documentation

All in one store

2.4 Future Development

 The All in one store provides some of the type products which are most frequently
sell in e-commerce website. This system accommodates the changing needs of the
 Enhancements Of products price and discounts.
 Developed in Application.
 Further this website can be prolonged by merely adding up the required services and
additional payment systems. Currently this website provide only admin and sub
admin can manage the products and products stock and category of products further
the website can extended as per the requirements of the user. This website can
have prolonged by adding services such as exchange the products ,payment using
debit card or credit card get 10% discounts and many more.

All in one store

2.5 Technology Details

Hardware /Software Configuration:

 Hardware Requirement :

Processor : AMD Ryzen 3 2200U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 2.50 GHz
RAM : 8.00 GB
HDD : 1 TB
SSD : 256 GB

 Software Used For Application Implementation :

Operating System : Windows 10 Home Single Language

Front End : Html , css , javascript .
Code Behind : PHP
Back End : Mysql
Other Tools Used : Java script, Bootstrap, Css.

All in one store

3.1 Data flow Diagram

Context Level Data flow diagram

Request for login

Request for login
Request for profile
Request for subadmin Request for product
Request for category Request for manage stock
Request for product
Admin Request for manage stock Request for order SubAdmin
Request for order Request for profile
Request for invoice
Request for user

Response for login

Response for profile
Response for subadmin Response for login
Response for category
Response for product Response for product
Response for manage stock
Response for manage stock
Response for order
Response for invoice Response for order
Response for user
ALL in one store
Response for profile
Response for registration
Response for login
Response for forget password
Response for show product
Response for add to cart
Response for buy now
Response for checkout
Response for invoice download

Response for registration

Response for login
Response for forget password
Response for show product
client Response for add to cart
Response for buy now
Response for checkout
Response for download invoice

All in one store

1st level DFD admin side

Request for login 1.0 Check for login
admin member
response response

Request for
manage profile 2.0 insert data
Manage member
response profile response

Request for manage 3.0 Insert data

sub -admin
Sub admin
Manage sub-
admin response

Request for manage

category 4.0 Insert data
Manage category
category response

Request for manage

product 5.0 manage data
response product response

Request for
6.0 Manage data
manage stock
Manage product
response stock response

All in one store

Request for manage

order 7.0 manage data
Admin Manage order
response order response

Request for invoice 8.0 manage data

Manage order
response invoice response

9.0 manage data

Request for user
Manage login
user response

All in one store

1st level DFD sub-admin side

Request for login 1.0 Check for login
Sub-admin Sub-admin
response response

Request for edit

profile 2.0 manage data
Manage profile
response response

Request for manage 3.0 Insert data

product response

Request for manage

stock 4.0 Insert data
Manage product
stock response

Request for manage

order 5.0 manage data
response order response

All in one store

1st level DFD user side

Request for
registration 1.0 Check for login
user login
response response

Request for login 2.0 verified data

response Login response

Request for forget 3.0 Insert data

Forget password

Request for show

product 4.0 Insert data
Product product
show response

Request for add to

cart 5.0 manage data
Add to cart
response product response

Request for buy

6.0 Manage data
Buy now order

Request for
checkout 7.0 insert data
Checkout order order

All in one store

Request for download

invoice 8.0 manage data
user Invoice order
response response

2nd level DFD admin side(login)

Request for login 1.1 Check for login
admin member
response response

All in one store

2nd level DFD admin side(manage profile)

Request data for Request data for
update profile 2.1 update profile
admin member
response profile response

Request for update

password 2.2 manage data
Update member
response password response

Request for delete 2.3 delete data

profile response

All in one store

2nd level DFD admin side(manage sub-admin )

Request for add Insert data
sub-admin 3.1
admin Subadmin
Add sub-
response admin response

Request for update

Sub-admin 3.2 update data
Update Subadmin
response Sub-admin response

Request for delete 3.3 delete data

Sub-admin response

All in one store

2nd level DFD admin side(manage category )

Request for add Insert data
category 4.1
admin category
Add category
response response

Request for update

category 4.2 update data
Update category
response category response

Request for delete 4.3 delete data

category response

All in one store

2nd level DFD admin side(manage product )

Request for add Insert data
product 5.1
admin product
Add product
response response

Request for update

product 5.2 update data
Update product
response product response

Request for delete 5.3 delete data

product response

All in one store

2nd level DFD admin side(manage stock )

Request for add Insert data
product stock 6.1
admin product
Add product
response stock response

Request for update

Product stock 6.2 update data
Update product
response Product stock response

Request for delete 6.3 delete data

Product stock
Product stock response

2nd level DFD admin side(manage order)

Request for view manage data
order 7.1
admin order
view order
response response

All in one store

2nd level DFD admin side(manage invoice)

Request for view manage data
invoice 8.1
admin order
view invoice
response response

2nd level DFD admin side(manage user)

Request for view manage data
user 9.1
admin login
view user data
response response

All in one store

2nd level DFD sub-admin side(login)

Request for login 1.1 Check for login

subadmin subadmin
response response

2nd level DFD subadmin side(manage profile)

Request data for Request data for
update profile 2.1 update profile
subadmin subadmin
response profile response

Request for update

password 2.2 manage data
Update subadmin
response password response

Request for delete 2.3 delete data

profile response

All in one store

2nd level DFD subadmin side(manage product )

Request for add Insert data
product 3.1
subadmin product
Add product
response response

Request for update

product 3.2 update data
Update product
response product response

Request for delete 3.3 delete data

product response

All in one store
2nd level DFD subadmin side(manage stock )
Request for add Insert data
product stock 4.1
subadmin product
Add product
response stock response

Request for update

Product stock 4.2 update data
Update product
response Product stock response

Request for delete 4.3 delete data

Product stock
Product stock response

All in one store

2nd level DFD subadmin side(manage order)

Request for view manage data
order 5.1
subadmin order
view order
response response

2nd level DFD user side(registration)

Request for insert data
registration 1.1
user login
response response

All in one store

2nd level DFD user side(login)

Request for login 2.1 Check for login

user login
response response

2nd level DFD user side(forget password)

Request for forget
password 3.1 Update the data
user login
Forget password
response response

2nd level DFD user side(product show)

Request for show
product 4.1 Show product
user product
Show product
response response

All in one store

2nd level DFD user side(manage add to cart )

Request for add Insert data
product in cart 5.1
user cart
Add product in
response cart response

Request for update

Product in cart 5.2 update data
Update cart
response Product in cart response

Request for delete 5.3 delete data

Product in cart
Product in cart response

2nd level DFD user side(buy now )

Request for buy
product 6.1 product buy
user product
Product buy
response response

All in one store

2nd level DFD user side(checkout order )

Request for
checkout order 7.1 insert data
user Order
Checkout order
response response

2nd level DFD user side(invoice download )

Request for request for
download invoice 8.1 download
user Order
Invoice download
response response

All in one store

3.2 Use case diagram :


All in one store

Sub-admin :

All in one store
User :

All in one store
3.3 ER-Diagram

All in one store

3.2 Database Design

Entity Tables :-

1) Login(user table):

2) product table

All in one store

3) cart table :

4) Porder table :

All in one store

5) Buynow table:

6) Category table:

All in one store

7) Member table :

8) Subadmin table:

All in one store
3.3 User Interface

1.Admin side :
(1) Admin Login :-

[ Admin Login Page ]

All in one store

2. Admin Dashboard :

[ Admin side Dashboard ]

All in one store

3.Member page:

[ Admin side Member page]

All in one store
4.Member page:

[ Admin side Add Member page]

All in one store
5.Member page:

[ Admin side Member Update page ]

All in one store
6.Category page:

[ Admin side Category Page ]

All in one store
7.Category page:

[ Admin side Add Category Page ]

All in one store
8.Category page:

[ Admin side Update Category Page ]

All in one store
9.Product page:

[ Admin side Product page ]

All in one store
10.Product page:

[ Admin side Add Product page ]

All in one store
11.Product page:

[ Admin side Update Product page ]

All in one store
12. Product stock page:

[ Admin side Product stock page ]

All in one store
13. Product stock page:

[ Admin side Add Product stock page ]

All in one store
14.Product stock page:

[ Admin side Update Product stock page ]

All in one store
15.Sub-admin page:

[ Admin side Sub-admin page ]

All in one store
16.Sub-admin page:

[ Admin side Add Sub-admin page ]

All in one store
17.Sub-admin page:

[ Admin side Update Sub-admin page ]

All in one store
18.Invoice page:

[ Admin side invoice manage page ]

All in one store
19.User page:

[ Admin side User page ]

All in one store

20.Order details page:

[ Admin side Order details page ]

All in one store

2.Sub-admin Side
1.Sub-admin login :

[ Sub-admin Login Page ]

All in one store

2.Sub-admin dashboard :

[ Sub-admin side dashboard page ]

All in one store
3.Sub-admin product page :

[sub-admin product page]

All in one store
4. sub-admin product page:

[ sub-admin add product page ]

All in one store
5.sub-admin product page :

[ sub-admin update product page ]

All in one store
6.Sub-admin stock manage:

[ sub-admin stock manage page]

All in one store
7. Sub-admin stock manage:

[sub-admin add product stock page ]

All in one store
8. Sub-admin stock manage:

[sub-admin update product stock page ]

All in one store
9. Sub-admin stock manage:

[sub-admin order page ]

All in one store
10. Sub-admin profile :

[sub-admin profile page ]

All in one store

3.User Side

1. User registration from :

[User registration page ]

All in one store
2. User login :

[User login page ]

All in one store
2. User forget password :

[ User forget password page ]

[ User get in your mail id]

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3. User side home page:

[ User side home page]

All in one store
4. User side category product page :

[ User side category product page]

All in one store
5. User side particular product page:

[User side particular product page]

All in one store
6. User side add to cart:

[User side add to cart page]

All in one store

6. User side checkout from:

[User side checkout from page]

All in one store
6. User side order place:

[User side order place page]

All in one store
4.1 Unit Testing

(1) Admin Testing

Test Case for Admin – Login

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 E-mail Empty Or Msg. ‘please As Expected
Wrong correct Your
Email or
2 Password Empty Msg. As Expected
Email or

Test Case for Admin - Change Password

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 New Empty Or Msg. ‘Please As Expected
Password Wrong Enter

All in one store

Test Case for Admin – Member

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 fullname Empty Or Msg.’please As Expected
Invalid Or fill out this
Already Exists filed.

2 email Empty Or Msg.’please fill As Expected

Invalid out this filed.

3 password Empty Msg.’please As Expected

fill out this
4 Contact no Empty Or Msg.’please As Expected
Invalid fill out this
5 gender Select option Msg’please As Expected
select option
in list’
6 Profile image Empty Please select As Expected
a file

All in one store
Test Case for Admin - Category

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 Category id Empty Or Msg.’ As Expected
Invalid Or please fill
Already Exists out this filed.

2 Category name Empty Or Msg.’ As Expected

Invalid Please fill
out this

Test Case for Admin - Product

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 Product code Empty Or Msg. As Expected
Invalid Or ’please fill
Already Exists out this filed.

2 Product name Empty Msg. As Expected

’please fill out
this filed.
3 Product Empty Msg. As Expected
description ’please fill
out this filed.
4 Category name Empty Msg. As Expected
’please fill
out this filed.
5 Product price Empty Or Msg. As Expected
Invalid ’please
fill out
this filed.
6 Product image Empty Msg Please As Expected
select a file

All in one store
Test Case for Admin – product stock

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 Product code Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this

2 Quantity Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected

fill out this

Test Case for Admin – sub-admin

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 fullname Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this

2 Contact no Empty Please As Expected

fill out this
3 email Empty Please As Expected
fill out this filed.
4 gender Empty Msg’ please As Expected
select option
in list’
5 image Empty Please select a As Expected

All in one store

(2) Sub-admin Testing

Test Case for Sub-admin – Login

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 E-mail Empty Or Msg. ‘please As Expected
Wrong correct Your
Email or
2 Password Empty Msg. As Expected
Email or

Test Case for Sub-Admin - Change Password

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 New Empty Or Msg. ‘Please As Expected
Password Wrong Enter

All in one store
Test Case for Sub-Admin - Product

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 Product code Empty Or Msg. As Expected
Invalid Or ’please fill
Already Exists out this filed.

2 Product name Empty Msg. As Expected

’please fill out
this filed.
3 Product Empty Msg. As Expected
description ’please fill
out this filed.
4 Category name Empty Msg. As Expected
’please fill
out this filed.
5 Product price Empty Or Msg. As Expected
Invalid ’please
fill out
this filed.
6 Product image Empty Msg Please As Expected
select a file

Test Case for Sub-Admin – product stock

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 Product code Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this

2 Quantity Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected

fill out this

All in one store

(3) User Testing:

Test Case for User – Registration

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 Full name Empty Or Msg. ‘Please As Expected
Wrong fill out this
2 Email address Empty or Msg. ‘Please As Expected
Wrong fill out this
3 password Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this

Test Case for User – Login

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 Email address Empty Or Msg. ‘Please As Expected
Wrong fill out this
2 password Empty or Msg. ‘Please As Expected
Invalid fill out this

Test Case for User – Add to cart product

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 Product Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
2 Quantity Empty Msg. Please As Expected

All in one store

Test Case for User – Buy now product

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 Product Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
2 Quantity Empty Msg. Please As Expected

Test Case for User – Checkout

Test Id Test field Step Execute Executed Actual Result

1 First Name Empty o Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this
2 Last Name Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this
3 Country Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this
4 Street address Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this
5 Town/City Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this
6 Postcode/zip Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this
7 phone Empty Msg. ‘Please As Expected
fill out this

All in one store

4.2 Navigation Testing


Link Expected Page Result Of Page

Admin Login Admin Login page Admin Login Page

Admin Edit Profile Admin Edit Profile Page Admin Edit Profile Page

Admin Change Password Admin Change Password Admin Change Password

Page Page

Admin Dashboard Admin Dashboard Page Admin Dashboard Page

Category CategoryPage CategoryPage

Member Member page Member page

Product product Page product Page

Sub-admin Sub-admin Page Sub-admin Page

Product stock Product stock page Product stock page

invoice Invoice page Invoice page

All in one store
Sub-admin :

Link Expected Page Result Of Page

Sub-admin Login Sub-admin Login page Sub-admin Login page

Sub-admin Edit Profile Sub-admin Edit Profile Page Sub-admin Edit Profile Page

Admin Change Password Admin Change Password Admin Change Password

Page Page

Sub-admin Dashboard Sub-admin Dashboard Page Sub-admin Dashboard Page

Product product Page product Page

Product stock Product stock page Product stock page

User :

Link Expected Page Result Of Page

User Registration User Registration Page User Registration Page

User Login User Login page User Login Page

User Home User Home Page User Home Page

Category View CategoryView Page CategoryView Page

Product view Product View Page Product View Page

Admin login View Admin login ViewPage Admin login ViewPage

Sub-admin login View Sub-admin login View page Sub-admin login View page

All in one store
Add to cart View Add to cart view Page Add to cart view Page

Checkout Checkout ViewPage Checkout ViewPage

About us View About View Page About View Page

Terms & Condition Terms & Condition View Terms & Condition View
View Page Page

Privacy policy Privacy policy ViewPage Privacy policy ViewPage

All in one store

4.3 Functional Testing

 Login and Password validation process has been co-operated properly.

 Email system module has been done properly and accurately.
 Sending Forgot Password through mails is working properly.
 Visibility of category wise product are working Properly.
 User registration is working Properly.

 Product stock manage properly.

 Invoice download pdf format is working properly.

 File Upload Images work properly
 Notifications of add to cart product Displaying Properly.
 All Pages Design is perfect.

All in one store

4.4 Environment Testing

 Firefox browser, Internet explorer and chrome consider testing for environment
operability of software.

 Web server – Apache/xampp

 Database – MYSQL Server
 OS – Windows 10
 Browser – Firefox/Internet Explorer/Chrome

All in one store


 Technology has made significant progress over the years to provide consumers a better
online shopping experience and will continue to do so for years to come. With the rapid
growth of products and brands, people have speculated that online shopping will overtake
in-store shopping.
 While this has been the case in some areas, there is still demand for brick and mortar
stores in market areas where the consumer feels more comfortable seeing and touching
the product being bought. However, the availability of online shopping has produced a
more educated consumer that can shop around with relative ease without having to spend
a large amount of time.
 In exchange, online shopping has opened up doors to many small retailers that would
never be in business if they had to incur the high cost of owning a brick and mortar
store. At the end, it has been a win-win situation for both consumer and sellers.

All in one store


 Website :-


 Books :-

 PHP & MySQL Novice to Ninja – by Kevin Yank.

 Head First PHP & MySQL – by Lynn Beighley & Michael Morrison.
 Murach's PHP & MySQL – by Joel Murach & Ray Harris.


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