Emotion Recognition From Formal Text (Poetry)
Emotion Recognition From Formal Text (Poetry)
Emotion Recognition From Formal Text (Poetry)
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The field of computational intelligence has emotion categories using the Naïve Bayes machine learning
mostly overlooked the classification of emotional states classifier.
from poetry or formal text in recent times, unlike
informal textual content such as SMS, email, chat and Other approaches have also been explored, such as
online reviews. To fill this gap, a new study proposes an comparing SVM and Naïve Bayes algorithm for emotion
emotional state classification system for poetry text that classification in poetry, However, all these models and
utilizes Deep Learning technology. Specifically, the study approaches face a common challenge of limited dataset size.
intends to use an attention-based C-LSTM model to
categorize poetry text into various emotional states, To increase the versatility of the model, different
including love, joy, hope, sadness, and anger. contexts or domains can be included in the problem. For
instance, adding phonemic features can enable the model to
I. INTRODUCTION classify emotions from audio files, such as music. Similarly,
the addition of a speech-to-text converter can make the model
The detection and classification of emotional states, useful as an interpreter between two individuals.
opinions, and sentiments have become a topic of interest for
experts in natural language processing, computational III. LITERATURE SURVEY
linguistics, and computational intelligence.
We researched papers related to our topic and came
There are two types of texts that can be analyzed by across a few papers with similar objective that helped us gain
machines, formal and informal. Formal textual content some insight into the topic at hand.
includes poetry, novels, essays, plays, and legal documents,
while informal textual content pertains to SMS, chat, and We have discussed those papers here in brief:
social media posts.
A. Multi-Label Emotion Classification on Code-Mixed Text:
However, the complex nature of formal text, particular Data and Methods:
poetry, makes it challenging to detect and classify emotional
states. Machine learning techniques have been successful in Authors: Iqra Ameer, Geigori Sidorov. IEEE, 2021.
extracting and analyzing emotional states and themes from
both formal and informal text. For example, multi-label The multi-label emotion classification task aims to identify
emotion classification can be used to classify mixed data that all possible emotions in a written text that best represent the
is a combination of two or more languages. author’s mental state. Multi-label data means data that is
written in more than one language i.e., Hindi+English,
Support Vector Machines (SVM) and BiLSTM Hindi+Urdu, etc.
classifiers can classify poetry into two emotional classes.
However, a more accurate classification of emotional states In this paper, the researchers have conducted their
can be achieved using an attention-based C-LSTM model, experimentation on textual data i.e., SMS in conversation
which combines the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), where it is common to use multi-label data. The internet is the
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and attention most prominent source in promoting global, linguistic code-
mechanism of deep learning. This proposed approach can mixed culture. Therefore, there was a need to develop
classify formal text (poetry) into up to 5 emotional classes, standard evaluation resources and methods for code-mixed
which is an extension from the baseline work. texts for various applications, such as author profiling,
sentiment analysis, emotion analysis, etc.
Here, the authors have compared results obtained from
This section presents a brief overview of relevant classical machine learning (content-based methods – three
studies on emotion classification in poetry text. word n-gram features and eight character n-gram features),
deep learning (CNN, RNN, Bi-RNN, GRU, Bi-GRU, LSTM,
In recent years, many researches have carried out works and Bi-LSTM), and transfer learning-based methods (BERT
on emotion recognition using machine learning techniques. and XLNet) on their proposed corpus.
Sreeja and Mahalakshmi [1] developed an emotional state
recognition system classifies poetry text based on different
B. Individual Emotion Recognition Approach Combine Conclusion: They showed the effectiveness of
Gated Recurrent Unit with Emotion Distribution Model: incorporating both intra- and inter-class variations into TER,
demonstrating their ability to increase model performance as
Authors: Chanf Liu, Taiao Liu, Shuojue Yang, and Yajun Du. well as to introduce discriminative features. The experiment
IEEE, 2021. also demonstrated the advantages and utility of VTCL as an
auxiliary loss for emotion classification.
Mining individual emotions from the data is extremely
challenging work in many fields, such as opinion monitoring, D. Semantic Emotion Neural Network for Emotion
business decisions, and information prediction. In this paper, Recognition from Text:
the authors proposed an individual emotion-identifying
model called semantic emoticon emotion recognition Authors: Erdenebileg Batbaatar, Meijing Li, and Keun Ho
(SEER). Ryu. IEEE, 2019.
First, they divided the input short text into four The previously presented models cannot capture the
categories by using the emotion dictionary and emoticons. emotional relationship between words. Recently, some
Second, they combined a bidirectional gated recurrent unit emotional word embeddings are proposed but it requires
(Bi-GRU) netword with an attention mechanism to capture semantic and syntactic information vice versa. To address this
the emotion vectors of input text from the word aspect. Third, issue, the authors of this paper proposed a novel neural
they constructed an emoticon distribution model to obtain the network architecture, called SENN (Semantic-Emotion
emotion vectors in a large quantity of social network data. Neural Network) which can utilize both semantic/syntactic
Fourth, according to different types of input short texts. and emotional information by adopting pre-trained word
Finally, they classified the short text emotions into categories representations.
depending on the final emotion vector. The experimental
results showed that the SEER is an effective method for SENN model has mainly two sub-networks, the first
improving the accuracy of emotion recognition. network uses bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory
(BiLSTM) to capture contextual information and focusese on
Conclusion and Future Works: In this experiment, they semantic relationship, the second network uses the
used comparative experiments to determine the value of the convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract emotional
parameters in the SEER model and decide whether the features and focuses on the emotional relationship between
attention mechanism can achieve best performance. In future words from the text.
works, the authors will continue to construct datasets of
various sizes in which each sentence contains one or more They conducted a comprehensive performance
emoticons and test their SEER model. They plan to extend evaluation for the proposed model using standard real-world
emotion representation of emoticons. datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed
model achieves a significantly superior quality of emotion
C. Improving Textual Emotion Recognition Based on Intra- recognition with various state of the art approaches and
and Inter-Class Variation: further can be improved by other emotional word
Authors: Hassan Alhuzali and Sophia Ananiadou
Conclusion and Future Works: The results from the
Previous research has tackled the automatic conducted experiment shows that their model achieve better
classification of emotion expressions in text by maximising performance compared with the state-of-the-art baseline
the probability of the correct emotion class using cross- methods. Their proposed framework is general enough to be
entropy loss. However, this approach does not account for applied to more scenarios. In the future works, they will
intra- and inter-class variations within and between emotion extend proposed CNN based emotion encoding and BiLSTM
classes. To overcome this problem, the authors of this paper based semantic encoding to other tasks such as affective
introduced a variant of triplet centre loss as an auxiliary task computing and sentiment analysis. It is possible to improve
to emotion classification. This allows TER models to learn the performance of SENN model by using the larger emotion
compact and discriminate features. word embeddings.