Cloud-Based Java Compiler For Smart Devices
Cloud-Based Java Compiler For Smart Devices
Cloud-Based Java Compiler For Smart Devices
Abstract: The Java programming language is widely used in and the text to be translated is called source text (or sometimes
industry and business. Therefore, academic institutions source code) [5].
worldwide include Java learning as a basic part of their Cloud computing refers to flexible self-service, network-
Computer Science and Engineering curricula. At the same time, accessible computing resource pools that can be allocated to
smart devices have become popular among university learners.
meet demand. Services are flexible because the resources and
This research tries to take advantage of this fact to promote Java
learning. The main problem is that we cannot compile Java processing power available to each can be adjusted on the fly
programs on smart devices due to the technical limitations of to meet changes in need or based on configuration settings in
such devices. This research aims to leverage cloud computing, the an administrative interface, without the need for direct IT
availability, prevalence and affordability of smart devices and the personnel involvement [6].
ever-growing market of Android devices to provide users with Having identified the important role learning technology
text editors to create and modify Java programs and save them to plays in education in the 21st century coupled with the relative
a server. Users can also compile and execute created programs. A affordability and affordability of internet enabled smart
web-based version of the application is also provided for users devices, it has become imperative to develop a Smart
who do not use Android devices that can be accessed via a
Multimedia Learning System for Java programming language
browser on a PC or Smart device. The system uses an existing
online compiler. The developed cloud-based compiler can be which comprises of Lecture Slides module, Reading Topics
integrated into a smart multimedia learning system for learning module, Flash Cards module, Video Lectures module, and an
the Java programming language. Integrated Development Environment module for learning,
Keywords – Learning Technologies, Mobile Learning, Cloud compiling and running Java programs on learners smart
Computing, Cloud Compiler, Java programming, Multimedia devices.
System This research focuses on the development of a cloud based
compiler (IDE) for Smart devices to compile and run Java
I. INTRODUCTION programs on learners‟ smart devices which would be
Technology plays a very important role in 21 st century incorporated into the Smart Multimedia Learning System for
education. Technology has revolutionized the way we think, Java programming language along with other components in
work, and play. Technology, when integrated into the the future.
curriculum, revolutionizes the learning process. The II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
availability, prevalence and affordability of Mobile phones,
The system developed will have a built in editor where a
tablets and other connected devices have been on the increase
user can edit his created java programs. A cloud-based server
over the last two decades. With this, wireless technology can
is to be developed and deployed as Software-as-a-Service
dramatically improve learning and bring digital content to
(SaaS) to host the compiler that compiles and executes user
students. Mobile learning encompasses the usage of portable
codes. For this research, an existing online compiler (Sphere
computing devices (such as iPads, laptops, tablet Personal
Engine [7]) will be used. The system will be developed for the
Computers, Personal Digital Assistants, and smart phones)
android operating system, with a web-based user interface that
with wireless networks to enable mobility, mobile learning,
can be accessed via a browser on a PC or any device not
allowing teaching and learning to extend to spaces beyond the
running on the android operating system.
traditional classroom [4].
Computer programs are formulated in a programming A. Compiler
language and specify classes of computing processes. Compilers are used to compile programs and convert them
Computers, however, interpret sequences of particular from written program to executable binaries. In other words, a
instructions, but not program texts. Therefore, the program compiler is a program that reads a program written in one
text must be translated into a suitable instruction sequence language and translates it into another language. The compiler
before it can be processed by a computer. This translation can creates executable files which can then be „run‟ in order to
be automated, which implies that it can be formulated as a execute the program and its instructions. Every compiler
program itself. The translation program is called a compiler, primarily consists of three parts namely;
Stdin region: This is a text area for users to supply inputs for
programs that require such inputs.
Compilation info region: Compilation information for a
program i.e. successfully compiled, error during compilation
and details of errors are displayed here.
Stdout region: The output of successfully compiled programs
Fig. 7. Editor area of the android interface is displayed here.
B. Web-based UI
The web browser interface was designed using HTML,
CSS and JQUERY. The jsTree and EditArea plugin were
integrated with other HTML elements to produce the interface
for the system. A responsive HTML theme was used to make
the system good and easy to use regardless of the device (non-
android devices) used to access the system.