XI-Emerging Trends-Notes
XI-Emerging Trends-Notes
XI-Emerging Trends-Notes
Revision Notes
[1] List some of the cloud-based services that you are using at present.
At present we are using many cloud-based services, some of them are as
1. Cloud Storage: Google Drive, Sky Drive, Drop box etc.
2. Cloud software (SAAS): SalesForce, Slack, Zoom etc.
3. Cloud Infrastructure (IAAS): DigitalOcean, IBM, Datrium etc.
4. Cloud Plastform(PAAS): Acquia, AWS (Amazon Web Services), Heroku
[2] What do you understand by the Internet of Things? List some of its potential
IoT or Internet of Things refers to connecting many devices through hardware or
software and communicate with each other as well as human beings through
internet to work with collaboration and assist each other and form a networking
of things.
Potential Applications of IoT:
1. Smart Home
2. Wearables
3. Smart City
4. Smart Grids
5. Industrial Internet
b) Machine Learning
Machine Learning is a subsystem of Artificial Intelligence, wherein computers
have the ability to learn from data using statistical techniques, without being
explicitly programmed by a human being.
[5] Differentiate between cloud computing and grid computing.
Cloud Computing Grid Computing
Resources are stored on the server and provided to Resources are stored in a device and linked
the user as and when required. with the devices.
[6] Justify the following statement- ‘Storage of data is cost-effective and time-
saving in cloud computing.’
Cloud computing stores data into a server and it is available at almost free of cost
or nominal cost.
When it comes to time-saving by saving data on the internet there is no need to
wait to start up any computer or device. It is easily available with a browser
program or app of that. So it can be accessed anytime from anywhere.
[7] What is the on-demand service? How it is provided in the cloud computing?
On-demand service means that data is available as and when required. In cloud
computing, users can access any file by using a login with a username or email
account and password. This is called on-demand service.
Machine Learning – It comprises algorithms that use data to learn on their own
and make predictions.
Robotics -It can be defined as the science or study of the technology primarily
associated with the design, fabrication, theory and application of robots.
Big Data -It holds rich information and knowledge which can be of high business
value. Five characteristics of big data are: Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and
Sensor - A sensor is a device that takes input from the physical environment and
uses built-in computing resources to perform predefined functions upon
detection of specific input and then processes data before passing it on.
VR - Virtual Reality
AR - Augmented Reality
MR - Mixed Reality