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Ministry of Education Elementary Provincial Report Card

Date: 2022 Feb 16

Student: Aydinoglu, Deniz OEN: 264-660-812 Days Absent: 2.0 Total Days Absent: 8.0

Grade: 05 Teacher: Singh, S. Times Late: 6 Total Times Late: 6

Board: Toronto District School Board School: Fairbank Public School

Address: Address: 2335 Dufferin St, York, ON Canada M6E 3S5
5050 Yonge St, Toronto, ON Canada M2N 5N8

Principal: Kamel-Zia, A. Telephone: (416) 394-2323

Learning Skills and Work Habits E – Excellent G – Good S – Satisfactory N – Needs Improvement
Responsibility E Organization E
 Fulfils responsibilities and commitments within the learning  Devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and
environment. tasks.
 Completes and submits class work, homework, and assignments  Establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and
according to agreed-upon timelines. achieve goals.
 Takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour.  Identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information, technology,
and resources to complete tasks.
Independent Work G Collaboration G
 Independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans to  Accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group.
complete tasks and meet goals.  Responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of
 Uses class time appropriately to complete tasks. others.
 Follows instructions with minimal supervision.  Builds healthy peer-to-peer relationships through personal and
media-assisted interactions.
 Works with others to resolve conflicts and build consensus to
achieve group goals.
 Shares information, resources, and expertise, and promotes critical
thinking to solve problems and make decisions.

Initiative E Self-Regulation E
 Looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities  Sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards
for learning. achieving them.
 Demonstrates the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take  Seeks clarification or assistance when needed.
risks.  Assesses and reflects critically on own strengths, needs, and
 Demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning. interests.
 Approaches new tasks with a positive attitude.  Identifies learning opportunities, choices, and strategies to meet
 Recognizes and advocates appropriately for the rights of self personal needs and achieve goals.
and others.  Perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges.
Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement
RESPONSIBILITY: Deniz continues to be a motivated learner and an enthusiastic student. He continues to great show responsibility by
completing all of his assignments to the best of his abilities and by volunteering for classroom jobs. He usually arrives at school on time and is
ready to learn with all necessary materials and resources. He has clearly demonstrated to be a diligent student who is committed to his
INDEPENDENT WORK: Deniz works well independently, however, he continues to require some teacher reminders to remain on task. When
completing assignments, he follows most instructions, uses modeled examples, refers to Success Criteria, and confidently asks questions to
make sure he is on the right track to meet learning goals. Deniz usually remains on task, however, he is easily distracted by neighboring
INITIATIVE: Deniz is willing to take risks and approaches new learning situations with confidence and a positive attitude. He takes the
initiative in his learning by completing any missed work and is being encouraged to ask the teacher for clarification in a variety of activities. He
continuously shows interest and curiosity in his learning as he generates questions to help extend his knowledge.
ORGANIZATION: Deniz always comes to class prepared to learn. Upon entering the classroom, he is quick to organize his personal
belongings and immediately settles into morning Bell Work. He effectively keeps track of daily work, assignments, and homework using an
COLLABORATION: Deniz enjoys working as a part of a team. He usually demonstrates effective collaboration skills when playing
cooperative games, working with his math partners, and during small group lessons. He usually resolves conflicts with others by using
positive problem strategies.
SELF - REGULATION: Deniz confidently establishes priorities and manages his time effectively to achieve goals. He confidently and
effectively uses information, technology, and resources to complete tasks. NEXT STEPS: Deniz is encouraged to continue working hard in
achieving excellence in his learning habits.

0461E (2020/09) © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2020 Grades 1–6 Page 1 of 4
Student: Aydinoglu, Deniz OEN: 264-660-812 Grade: 05
Subject 1 2
Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Language NA READING: When reading the article "Rainbow Skirt", Deniz is clearly able to extend understanding by
connecting the ideas in them to his own knowledge, experience, and insights, to other familiar texts, and
Reading to the world around him. During reading groups, he is clearly able to identify a variety of reading
ESL/ELD IEP B+ comprehension strategies and use them appropriately before, during, and after reading to better
understand texts. WRITING: When summarizing a chapter from the text "Holes", clearly is usually able to
use the writing process to produce revised, draft pieces to meet identified expectations related to
ESL/ELD IEP B+ organization, style, and use of conventions. ORAL COMMUNICATION: When presenting his science
Oral Communication project to the class, Deniz is clearly able to communicate in a clear, coherent manner. MEDIA LITERACY:
When creating his advertisement for "Comfy Feet", Deniz is clearly able to use a few simple media forms,
ESL/ELD IEP A appropriate conventions, and techniques. NEXT STEPS: Deniz is encouraged to continue working hard in
Media Literacy achieving reading and writing goals with greater detail. S. Singh

French NA Listening: Deniz listens to and consistently follows the classroom instructions given in French. He shows
considerable understanding of the videos shown in class such as; Matt Le magnifique. Speaking: Deniz
Listening often responds to oral questions on various topics such as talking about favourite colour and classroom
ESL/ELD IEP B+ things. Reading: Deniz is able to read and understand simple and short French texts with minimal teacher
Speaking support, e.g. reading “Les salutations”. Writing: Deniz is able to write simple and short sentences using
ESL/ELD IEP B various resources without teacher support such as; C’est un/une cahier/gomme. Next step: Deniz is
encouraged to regularly review classwork to enhance his vocabulary and pronunciation in French. (G.
Reading Bains)
✔ Core Immersion Extended

Native Language Oral Communication, Reading, Writing



✔ NA

Mathematics Number, Algebra, Data, Spatial Sense, Financial Literacy, and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills
in Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes
MATHEMATICS: Deniz is clearly able to read, represent, compose, and decompose whole numbers up to
A- and including 100 000. Deniz is clearly able to solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of
whole numbers that add up to no more than 100 000. He is usually able to recall and demonstrate
multiplication facts from 0 × 0 to 12 × 12, and related division facts. When solving word problems, Deniz
is clearly able to use the properties of operations. In data literacy, Deniz is clearly able to select from
among a variety of graphs best suited to represent various sets of data. He is clearly able to display the
French data in the graphs with proper sources, titles, labels, and appropriate scales. In spatial sense, Deniz is
usually able to identify the geometric properties of triangles. NEXT STEPS: Deniz is encouraged to keep
working hard to excel in all math stands. S. Singh

Science and Technology Life Systems, Structures and Mechanisms, Matter and Energy, Earth and Space Systems
SCIENCE - LIFE SYSTEMS: Deniz is clearly able to identify major systems in the human body (e.g.,
musculoskeletal system, digestive system, nervous system, circulatory system) and describe their roles.
A- He can also describe the basic structure and function of major organs in the respiratory, circulatory, and
digestive systems with confidence. When researching the Circulatory system, Deniz is usually able to
identify interrelationships between body systems (e.g., the respiratory system provides oxygen and
IEP removes carbon dioxide for the circulatory system). NEXT STEPS: Deniz is encouraged to review science
vocabulary on a daily basis.
French Ms. Singh

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Student: Aydinoglu, Deniz OEN: 264-660-812 Grade: 05
Subject Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement
1 2
Social Studies Heritage and Identity, People and Environments
SOCIAL STUDIES PEOPLE and ENVIRONMENTS: Deniz is clearly able to describe the jurisdiction of
different levels of government in Canada, as well as of some other elected bodies (i.e., federal, provincial,
A- territorial, and municipal governments;) and some of the services provided by each (e.g., health services,
education, policing, and defense). He is clearly able to describe the major rights and responsibilities
associated with citizenship in Canada (e.g., rights: equal protection under the law, freedom of speech,
IEP freedom of religion, the right to vote; and to respect the rights of others). NEXT STEPS: Deniz is
encouraged to review new vocabulary daily. S. Singh

Health and Physical Education HEALTH - HEALTHY LIVING : When examining our favorite foods, Deniz is clearly able to explain how
to use nutrition facts tables and ingredient lists on food labels to make informed choices about healthy
Health Education:
and safe foods. Ms. Singh
Healthy Living, SEL Skills
PHYSICAL EDUCATION - ACTIVE LIVING: During daily physical activity (DPA), Deniz is usually able to
ESL/ELD IEP A- participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity, with appropriate warm-up and cool-down activities, to
the best of his ability for a minimum of twenty minutes (e.g., power walking, and playing small-sided
games). He is usually able to demonstrate behaviours that maximize safety and lessen the risk of injury,
Physical Education: including the risk of concussion, for themselves and others during physical activity (e.g., demonstrating
Active Living, Movement Competence, personal responsibility for safety and using proper stretching techniques during cool-down activities).
SEL Skills
When playing cooperative games, Deniz is usually able to explore different combinations of locomotor
ESL/ELD IEP B+ movements with and without equipment at different speeds and levels (e.g., dodge or change speed or
French direction to avoid people or objects). Ms. Singh

The Arts DANCE: When following an aerobics dance routine, Deniz is clearly able to follow a sequence of quick
movements with accuracy. S. Singh
Dance French
DRAMA: Deniz is usually able to express personal responses and make
ESL/ELD IEP NA A- connections to theme in 'Holes".
Drama French MUSIC: Deniz uses his time effectively exploring the piano and learning how to play songs, and
participates in singing songs in class and outside in choir. He is encouraged to continue practicing at
ESL/ELD IEP NA B+ home in preparation for upcoming virtual performance opportunities. C. Kaarto
Music French VISUAL ARTS: When examining the art work of Copper Thunderbird, Deniz was usually able to identify
the feelings and themes that it conveys (e.g., express artistic techniques that are used to influence the
viewer, style and colours). S. Singh
Visual Arts French

French ✔ NA

 Elementary Provincial Report Card (Please have your child complete the form below, and return it to your child’s teacher.) 
Student: Grade: OEN: Teacher:
Aydinoglu, Deniz 05 264-660-812 Singh, S.
Student’s Comments
 My best work is:

 My goal for improvement is:

Student’s Signature X
0461E (2020/09) © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2020 Grades 1–6 Page 3 of 4
Student: Aydinoglu, Deniz OEN: 264-660-812 Grade: 05

Letter Grade Achievement of the Provincial Curriculum Expectations

A- to A+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with a high degree of effectiveness.
Achievement surpasses the provincial standard. (Level 4)

B- to B+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with considerable effectiveness.
Achievement meets the provincial standard. (Level 3)

C- to C+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with some effectiveness.
Achievement approaches the provincial standard. (Level 2)

D- to D+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with limited effectiveness.
Achievement falls much below the provincial standard. (Level 1)

R The student has not demonstrated the required knowledge and skills. Extensive remediation is required.
I Insufficient evidence to assign a letter grade
ESL/ELD – Achievement is based on expectations modified from the curriculum expectations for the grade to support
English language learning needs.
IEP – Individual Education Plan
NA – No instruction for subject/strand for reporting period
SEL Skills – Social-Emotional Learning Skills

To Parents/Guardians and Students: This copy of the report card should be retained for reference. The original
or an exact copy has been placed in the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR) folder and will be retained for five
years after the student leaves school.

Teacher’s Principal’s
Signature X Signature X

 Elementary Provincial Report Card (Please complete, sign, and detach the form below, and return it to your child’s teacher.) 
Student: Grade: OEN: Teacher:
Aydinoglu, Deniz 05 264-660-812 Singh, S.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Comments
 My child has improved most in:

 I will help my child to:

I have received this report card. Parent’s/Guardian’s name (please print) Signature Date

I would like to discuss this X

report card. Please contact me.
Telephone (day): Telephone (evening):

0461E (2020/09) © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2019 Grades 1–6 Page 4 of 4

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