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1.Expand SQL. 1 (March 2016)
Ans.Structured Query Language

2.Explain the process of creating data base tables 3 (March 2016)

Ans.Creating Table in Design view
1. Click Tables from Database pane.
2. Click Create Table in Design View in Tasks area
Click the Field Name cell and enter a field name for each data field. Eg. EmpId. Enter new fields
from top to bottom
 Right click on the Field Name required to set as unique identifier for the table, select
Primary Key option from the pop-up menu.
 In the Field Type, we can select a appropriate field type from the combo box for the
each fields.
 In Description field, we can enter a brief description for each attributes. It is optional.
 Save the table by providing table name

3.A common field on which two tables are linked are known as
(a) Main field (b) Key field
(c) Table field (d) Joint field 1 (March 2017)
Ans.(b) Key field or (d) Joint field

4.Write note on the following terms in MS Aceess (Libreoffice Base)

(a) Table
(b) Field
(c) Record 3 (Jun 2017)
Ans.(a) Table : A table is a collection of data about a specific topic.A table organises data into
columns and rows (fields and records)
(b) Field: A field in database is a piece of information about a subject.
(c) Record : A record is a omplete information about a subject

5.Name any four ‘DBMS’ software available for data manipulation by business firms.
2 (March 2018)
Ans.(a). MS Access, (b). LibreOffice base, (c). Oracle (d). MY SQL/SQL server

6.List out any three accounting-entities‘Accounting’ purposes, through a DBMS software. and its
possible attributes for designing 3 (March 2018)
Ans.Attrtibutes are charactertics of an entity
eg:- Name,Designation,DOB etc in the case of an employee.
Debit,Credit in the case of an Account.
Date,amount,Debit,Credit etc.in the case of a voucher

7.Explain the different methods of creating ‘FORMS’ in a data base software.

2 (June 2018)
Ans1. Create Form through Form Wizard - Select a Tabled Click on Create -> More Forms->
Form Wizard -> Select the Fields -> Next -> Finish
2. Create Form through Form Design - Create -> Form Design -) Add Existing Fields -> Select
fields from Table
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8.Explain the uses or functions of following objects or elements of a DBMS software :
(a) Query
(b) Forms
(c) Reports 3(March 2018)
Ans a) Query - Used to view, change and analyse data in different ways
b) Forms - Used to enter or modify data into a Table
c) Report - Create various reports based on Table, Query or both

9.A Data Base Management System (DBMS) has different components. List out any four of them
2 (March 2019)
Ans. Any four components - Tabfe, form,report. Module, Macros, Pages

10.Explain the procedure for creating ‘Table’ in a database and how to set the primary key.
3 (March 2019), 3(March 2020) 4(March 2021)
Ans. Open base ( Application - Office - Libreoffice Base)
Create new database Database wizard (create new database > next enter finish button)
From the database panel select the object “table” under design view
Enter field name & field type - save the table by giving primary key

11.Explain the terms ‘Entity’ and ‘Attribute’ with an example. 2 (June 2019)
Ans. Entities : Anything which has a real life existance is called an entity.It may be a person,
place or thing. Eg:-Student is an entity
Attributes: These are characteristics of an entity. Eg:- Name,Class,Date of Birth,Catagory etc

12.Explain the purpose of creating the following elements in a database management system.
(a) Table
(b) Forms
(c) Queries 2 (June 2019)
Ans 1) Table : Table is the simplest form of date storage. It consists of data logically
arranged in rows and columns.
2)Query : makes a request to the database,asking it to find for you some data, are stored in
the database
3) Form : It is a graphical interface, which allows the user to display the data in a table or query.
Through a form, the user can add new data into the table, delete or edit existing data

13.The tool used to connect two tables in Libre Office Base.

(a) Report (b) Queries (c) Form (d) Relationship
1(March 2020)
Ans.(d) Relationship

14.List out any four “data types” available in “Libre Office Base”.
2 (March 2020)


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