3.A common field on which two tables are linked are known as
(a) Main field (b) Key field
(c) Table field (d) Joint field 1 (March 2017)
Ans.(b) Key field or (d) Joint field
5.Name any four ‘DBMS’ software available for data manipulation by business firms.
2 (March 2018)
Ans.(a). MS Access, (b). LibreOffice base, (c). Oracle (d). MY SQL/SQL server
6.List out any three accounting-entities‘Accounting’ purposes, through a DBMS software. and its
possible attributes for designing 3 (March 2018)
Ans.Attrtibutes are charactertics of an entity
eg:- Name,Designation,DOB etc in the case of an employee.
Debit,Credit in the case of an Account.
Date,amount,Debit,Credit etc.in the case of a voucher
9.A Data Base Management System (DBMS) has different components. List out any four of them
2 (March 2019)
Ans. Any four components - Tabfe, form,report. Module, Macros, Pages
10.Explain the procedure for creating ‘Table’ in a database and how to set the primary key.
3 (March 2019), 3(March 2020) 4(March 2021)
Ans. Open base ( Application - Office - Libreoffice Base)
Create new database Database wizard (create new database > next enter finish button)
From the database panel select the object “table” under design view
Enter field name & field type - save the table by giving primary key
11.Explain the terms ‘Entity’ and ‘Attribute’ with an example. 2 (June 2019)
Ans. Entities : Anything which has a real life existance is called an entity.It may be a person,
place or thing. Eg:-Student is an entity
Attributes: These are characteristics of an entity. Eg:- Name,Class,Date of Birth,Catagory etc
12.Explain the purpose of creating the following elements in a database management system.
(a) Table
(b) Forms
(c) Queries 2 (June 2019)
Ans 1) Table : Table is the simplest form of date storage. It consists of data logically
arranged in rows and columns.
2)Query : makes a request to the database,asking it to find for you some data, are stored in
the database
3) Form : It is a graphical interface, which allows the user to display the data in a table or query.
Through a form, the user can add new data into the table, delete or edit existing data
14.List out any four “data types” available in “Libre Office Base”.
2 (March 2020)