E&ITW Lab Manual-2022-2023 PDF
E&ITW Lab Manual-2022-2023 PDF
E&ITW Lab Manual-2022-2023 PDF
Survey No. 32, Near Police Academy, Appa Junction, Himayath sagar,
Hyderabad, Telangana 500091.
Engineering and IT Workshop Lab
Name: _________________________
Survey No. 32, Near Police Academy, Appa Junction, Himayath sagar,
Hyderabad, Telangana 5000091.
Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology strives for excellence in
professional education through quality, innovation and teamwork and aims to
emerge as a premier institute in the state and across the nation.
1. To impart quality professional education that meets the needs of present
and emerging techno-logical world.
2. To strive for student achievement and success, preparing them for life,
career and leadership.
3. To provide a scholarly and vibrant learning environment that enables
faculty, staff and students to achieve personal and professional growth.
4. To contribute to advancement of knowledge, in both fundamental and
applied areas of engineering and technology.
5. To forge mutually beneficial relationships with government organizations,
industries, society and the alumni.
To pursue global standards of excellence in all our endeavors namely
teaching, research, and consultancy to create quality Engineering
professionals in order to meet the emerging industrial and social needs.
Departmental Vision, Mission and PEOs
To impart high standards of quality education which enhance students‟ career
efficaciously, to become a holistic well-qualified engineers who are competent,
innovative, entrepreneurial and research oriented to meet the standards of new
DM1: An integrated educational approach that blends knowledge of engineering
fundamentals, technical skills, practical knowledge and research.
DM2: To enrich undergraduate experience of distinctive academic curriculum through
interaction with major stake holders, hands-on learning, team work, management and
multi-disciplinary skill set.
DM3: To make students aware of professional responsibilities, ethics, global demands,
sustainable solutions, environmental, technological challenges and the needs of lifelong
DM4: To prepare students in developing solutions of global standards through research
and innovation, design and development of demand based projects, entrepreneurial skills
and employability capabilities.
PEO2: To enhance technical competency and problems solving skills through state of art
facilities for adequate solutions to technical problems.
U21ME1L2/ U21ME2L2
Pre-requisites Contact Hours Per Week
CIE SEE Credits
1 - - 4 50 50 3
Course Objectives:
The Objective of this course is to impart knowledge of
1. Engineering Practices & develop holistic understanding of various Engineering materials and
Manufacturing processes.
2. Steel, Plastic, Composite and other materials for suitable applications.
3. Hands on practice on techniques of fabrication, welding, casting, manufacturing, metrology, and allied
4. Productivity, create skilled manpower which is cognizant of industrial workshop components and
processes and can communicate their work in a technical, clear and effective way.
5. Engineering Skill development with regard to making components, system integration and assembly to
form a useful device.
1. Square Tin
2. Rectangular Scoop
3. Conical funnel
1. Lap Joint
2. V- Butt Joint
3. T-joint
Reference Books:
1. Hajra Choudhury S.K., HajraChoudhury A.K., Nirjar Roy S.K. “Elements of Workshop Technology”
Vol-I 2008 &Vol-II 2010 Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt. Limited, Mumbai.
2. B S Raghuwanshi, “A Course In Workshop Technology”, Dhanpat Rai & Co.(P) Ltd, Educational &
Technical Publishers, Vol-II, 2011.
Course outcomes: C18– Engineering & IT Workshop Lab
Student will able to:
CO. No. Description Taxonomy
C19.1 Differentiate about the tools and Fabricate components with their own hands BTL2
C19.2 Examine the dimensional accuracies and dimensional tolerances possible
with different manufacturing processes.
C19.3 Assemble the different components and will be able to produce small
mechanisms/devices of their interest.
C19.4 Demonstrate practical skills of carpentry, tinsmithy, fitting, house wiring. BTL3
C19.6 Determine trades and techniques used in Workshop and chooses the best
material/ manufacturing process for the application.
Course Articulation Matrix: Mapping of Course Outcomes (CO) with Program
Outcomes (PO) and Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s):
Course Program
Outcomes Specific
Program Outcomes
(CO) Outcomes
1 10 11 12 O1 O2
C19.1 3 2 2 2 3
C19.2 3 2 2 2 3
C19.3 3 3 2 2 2 3
C19.4 3 2 2 3 3
C19.5 3 2 3 2 3
C19.6 3 2 3 2 3
C19 3 2 2.2 2.66 2 3
PO1: Engineering knowledge, PO2: Problem analysis, PO3: Design/Development of solutions, PO4:
Conduct investigations of complex problems, PO5: Modern tool usage, PO6: The engineer and
society, PO7: Environment and sustainability, PO8: Ethics, PO9: Individual and teamwork, PO10:
Communication, PO11: Project management and finance, PO12: Life-long learning PSO1:
Professional Skills, PSO2: Problem-Solving Skills
Engineering & IT Workshop Lab Safety Rules
• When working in the lab, jewelries, loose clothing etc. are must be avoided and
long hair must be completely covered.
• Lab coats/overalls and safety boots must be worn by students performing the
• Ask how to use the tools safely. Immediately notify the workshop supervisor of any
faulty or broken equipment.
• No tool may be used or work undertaken unless the technician-in- charge permits.
• Keep clear of any person operating tools and machinery (bumping an operator
could cause serious injury to you or the operator)
• Equipment must be cleaned after use. Any materials, tools or equipment used must
be tidied away.
• Tools and equipment must be replaced in their appropriate cabinets after each
working day.
• Tools and equipment must not be removed from the workshop without permission
from the technician-in-charge.
Instructions to the students:
• No Entry without Apron, ID Card & Shoes.
• Students must carry their records, observation & required stationary (pen, pencil, eraser,
etc.) to the lab.
• The objective of the laboratory is learning. The experiments are designed to illustrate
phenomena in different areas of Workshop and to expose you the uses of instruments.
• Work quietly and carefully (the whole purpose of experimentation is to make reliable
measurements!) and equally share the work with your partners.
• All presentations of job and diagram should be neatly and carefully drawn with pencil.
Always display units.
• Students must mark their presence in log resister when they come to laboratory (as per
time-table), failing which their attendance will not be considered.
• Students are liable for getting their observations and records corrected on day-to-day
1. Teachers expect students to be calm and discipline. Your behavior and attitude in the lab should
be excellent. The safety of you and other persons depend on it.
2. There is always plenty to do in the lab, so teachers expect you to arrive on times and to use your
time well.
3. Listen to all instructions given by your teacher and follow them carefully.
4. Read your lab assignments before coming to lab. Prepare your pre-lab write-up prior to entering
the lab.
5. Familiarize yourself with all lab procedures before doing the lab exercise.
6. Get signature in your observation book from your teacher before leaving the lab.
7. Perform only those experiments which you have been instructed.
8. It is your responsibility to take care of lab equipment, use it only as instructed, and report any
damages to your teacher.
9. Clean and dry your lab work area at the close of the lab period. Return all equipment and
to the proper place.
10. Use ball points pens, not pencils for noting the observations.
11. Be honest. All procedures and experimental data whether you regard them as “good” or “bad” at
the time should be recorded in the lab book.
12. Pleases take care your personal stuff with you (Backpacks, purses, calculators, keys, etc.). Do not
leave them in the laboratory.
1. Never attempt to touch the equipment or to do the experiment on your own until your
teacher demonstrates about it.
2. Don’t eat or drink in the lab room at any time
3. Don’t chew gum or eat candy during lab exercises.
4. Don’t be mischievous in the lab
5. Never remove any pages from the observation notebook & record.
6. Never use electrical equipment around water.
7. Don’t work in the lab alone.
8. Don’t leave the bags and books in the aisles.
1 FITTING 14-19
a. Square fitting 20-21
b. Dovetail fitting 22-23
c. V-Template fitting 24-25
Review questions 26
a. End lap joint 34-35
b. T-bridle joint 36-37
c. Dovetail joint 38-39
Review questions 40
a. Two lamps in parallel 47-48
with 5 Pin 6amp socket
and switches.
4 3D printing 123-125
Introduction to Fitting
1. Introduction
Machine tools are capable of producing work at a faster rate, but, there are occasions
when components are processed at the bench. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to replace or repair
component which must be fit accurately with another component on reassembly. This involves a
certain amount of hand fitting. The assembly of machine tools, jigs, gauges, etc, involves certain
amount of bench work. The accuracy of work done depends upon the experience and skill of the fitter.
The term “bench work” refers to the production of components by hand on the bench,
whereas fitting deals which the assembly of mating parts, through removal of metal, to obtain the
required fit. Both the bench work and fitting requires the use of number of simple hand tools and
considerable manual efforts. The operations in the above works consist of filing, chipping, scraping,
sawing, drilling, and tapping.
2. Measuring Tools
Steel Rule
It is a direct reading measuring instrument to read an accuracy of 0.5 mm metric and 1/64 of an
inch in British. Steel rules are made from high carbon steel and stainless steel.
Try Square
It is make and checking instrument of right angle of the job as well as levelness of the flat
Inside calipers
It is a tool used to checkup the internal dimensions of any job. It is an indirect measuring
Outside Calipers
It is a tool used to checkup the outer dimensions of any job.
Jenny Caliper or Bent Leg Calipers
It is a tool used in layout work for locating and testing the center of cylindrical job. It is used
scribed parallel lines on flat surfaces.
Cutting tools
2. Marking Tools
Universal Surface Gauge
It is an instrument having a base, and a scriber. It is a tool used for marking lines on flat surfaces.
It is an indirect marking instrument.
It is a rectangular or square block having V-shape grooves as such it is called V-block. It is
classified by its length, breath and height. It is used to support the job and to mark the round rod
Angle Plate
It is made from closed grain cast iron. It is used for marking purpose as well as to checkup the
right angles of the job.
Punch is a cylindrical steel piece. It is a tool used for punching on the marked lines. This
operation is called punching. There are three types of punches: 1) Center Punch (90), 2) Dot
Punch (60), 3) Prick Punch (30).
3. Cutting Tools
It is a tool which consists of a frame and a blade. It is a tool used for cutting the surplus metal on
the marked lines. This operation is called sawing.
File is a cutting used to remove small quantity of surplus metal. Files having cutting points
incorporated in the body at equal distance usually on all four faces over the length from tip to
shoulder. Files are classified according to their length, grade, section and cuts.
3.2.1 Types of files:
a. Flat file: This file has parallel edges for about two-thirds of the length and then it tapers in
width and thickness. The faces are double cut while the edges are single cut.
b. Hand file: for a hand file the width is constant throughout, but the thickness tapers as given in
flat file. Both faces are double cut and one edge is single cut. The remaining edge is kept uncut
in order to use for filing a right-angled corner on one side only.
c. Square file: It has a square cross-section. It is parallel for two-thirds of its length and then
tapers towards the tip. It is double cut on all sides. It is used for filing square corners and slots.
d. Round file: It has round cross-section. It carries single cut teeth all round its surface. It is
normally made tapered towards the tip and is frequently known as rat-tail file. Parallel round
Department of Mechanical Engineering Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology(A)
Fig No: 02 Fitting (Hand Tools)
files having same diameter throughout the length are also available. The round files are used for
opening out holes, producing round comers, round-ended slots etc.
e. Half-round file: Its cross-section is not a true half circle but is only about one-third of a circle.
The width of the file is either parallel throughout or up to middle and then tapered towards the
tip. The flat side of this file is always a double cut and curved side has single cut. It is used for
filing curved surfaces.
f. Triangular file: It has width either parallel throughout or up to middle and then tapered
towards the tip. Its section is triangular (equilateral) and the three faces are double cut and the
edges single cut. It is used for filing square shoulders or comers and for sharpening wood
working saws.
4. Hand Tools
It is a simple striking tool used to make the job to a required shape either in cold or hot
conditions beating directly on the job. There are four types of hammer.
a) Ball- Peen Hammer
Ball‐ Peen Hammers are named, depending upon their shape and material and specified by
their weight. A ball peen hammer has a flat face which is used for general work and a ball
end, particularly used for riveting.
c) Straight-Peen Hammer
This is similar to cross peen hammer, but its peen is in‐line with the hammer handle. It is
used for swaging, riveting in restricted places and stretching metals.
d) Riveting hammer
A hammer having a long head, a flat face, and a narrow peen; used for swaging down rivets
or beating sheet metal.
e) Bench-vice:
A device is used to hold the job firmly fixed on a bench is called Bench-vice. It is available
according to their length of the jaw plates.
• Parts of the Vice:
1) Fixed Jaw, 2) Moveable Jaw, 3) Jaw plates, 4) Spindle, 5) Handle, 6) Box nut,
7) Split pin, 8) Washer It is an instrument used to checkup the manufacture job to know
whether it is fit or not. It is made from tool steel hardened and tempered. Gauges are
classified according to their nature or work.
Ex. No. 1
Square Fitting
Ex. No. 1
Square Fitting
1.1 Aim: To make a Square fitting from the given two M.S pieces.
1.2 Material: Two MS Flat pieces of size 50x50x5mm
1.7 Result: The square fitting is thus made by following the above sequence of operations.
EX.NO. 2
Dovetail Fitting
EX.NO. 2
Dovetail Fitting
2.1 Aim: To make a dovetail fitting as per the given dimensions.
2.2 Material Required: Two MS Flat pieces of size 50x50x5mm
2.3 Tools Required & Equipment:
1. 10" Flat rough file 2. 6" Safe edge file 3. 4" Try square
4. 6" Vernier Calipers 5. 12" Vernier height gauge 6. 4" Angle plate
7. 2" V-Block 8. 12" Hacksaw 9. 4" Dot punch
10. Feeler Gauge 11. 1/2 lb. (half pound) Ball peen Hammer
2.4 Precautions
1. While sawing use coolant properly.
2. While doing in step filing use safe edge file.
3. While sawing, Hacksaw should move perpendicular to the job pieces.
2.5 Sequence of Operations
1) Filing, 2) Marking, 3) Punching, 4) Sawing, 5) Filing to the given dimensions, 6) Finishing
2.6 Procedure:
1. The burrs in the pieces are removed and the dimensions are checked with the steel rule.
2. The pieces are clamped one after the other and the outer mating edges are filed and
checked for their flatness, with the help of the try-square.
3. The side edges of the two pieces are filed such that, they are at right angle to each other
and widths are exactly 48 mm.
4. Chalk is then applied on the surfaces of the two pieces.
5. The given dimensions of the dovetail fitting are marked, by using the Jenny caliper, steel
rule and surface plate.
6. Using the dot punch, dots are punched along the above scribed lines.
7. Using the hack saw, the unwanted portions are removed.
8. Using the flat chisel, the unwanted material in the piece Y is removed.
9. The cut edges are filed by the half round file.
10. The corners of the stepped surfaces are filed by using a square or triangular file to get the
sharp corners.
The pieces (X and Y) are fitted together and the mating is checked for the correctness of the fit,
any defects noticed, is rectified by filing with a smooth file.
2.7. Result: The required Dovetail fitting is obtained according to the drawing.
Ex. No. 3
V- Template Fitting
Ex. No. 3
V- Template Fitting
3.1 Aim: To make a V- Template as per the given dimensions.
3.2 Material Required: Two MS Flat pieces of size 50x50x5mm
3.3 Tools Required & Equipment:
1. 10" Flat rough file 2. 6" Safe edge file 3. 4" Try square
4. 6" Vernier Calipers 5. 12" Vernier height gauge 6. 4" Angle plate
7. 2" V-Block 8. 12" Hacksaw 9. 4" Dot punch
10. Feeler Gauge 11. 1/2 lb. (half pound) Ball peen Hammer
3.4 Precautions
1. While sawing use coolant properly.
2. While doing in step filing use safe edge file.
3. While sawing, Hacksaw should move perpendicular to the job pieces.
3.5 Sequence of Operations
1) Filing, 2) Marking, 3) Punching, 4) Sawing, 5) Filing to the given dimensions, 6) Finishing
3.6 Procedure
1. The given MS piece is fixed in the bench vice and one of the two surfaces is filed
with a 10" flat rough file and checkup the flatness with the help of try square. File two
adjacent sides and make it right angle.
2. Apply marking media only on field surface.
3. Marking should be done with the help of a Vernier height gauge as per the given dimensions.
4. After marking, punching should be done with the help of Dot punch & Ball peen
hammer as per given dimensions.
5. Sawing the excess material with the help of Hacksaw, filing should be done as per
given dimensions with the help of a Flat smooth file & safe edge file.
6. Checkup the dimensions with the help of the Vernier caliper as per the given dimensions.
7. File another surface as per required thickness with the help of the flat smooth file.
8. Finishing should be done with the help of flat smooth file.
3.7 Result: V-Template fitting is thus made by following the above sequence of operations
5. Name the measuring tools which are a part of the combination set.
Ans: steel rule, square head, centre head, protractor and spirit level
6. Define „Least count‟ of a vernier.
Ans: minimum dimension which can be measured by the device
7. Name the parameters which specify the size of the fallowing.
Surface plate,
Ans: length, width and height
Try square,
Ans; length of the blade
Combination set
Ans: length of its rule
Screw driver
Ans: length of the metal part from handle to tip
8. Classify hacksaw blades.
Ans: a) All hards made of HSS hardened and tempered material
b) Flexible types made of HSS or low alloy steels
Table 1: Carpentry tools
11 Mortise chisel 12 mm
Introduction to Carpentry
Carpentry may be defined as the process of making wooden components. It starts from a
marketable form of wood and ends with a finished product. It deals with the building work, furniture,
cabinet making, etc. Joinery, i.e. preparation of joints is one of the important operations in all wood
works. It deals with the specific work of a carpenter like making different types of joints to form a
finished product. In this chapter, tools and works associated with joinery are presented.
Specification of wood:
Timber is the name given to the wood obtained from well grown trees. The trees are cut,
sawn into various sizes to suit building purposes. The word, „grain‟, as applied to wood, refers to the
appearance or pattern of the wood on the cut surfaces. The grain of the wood is a fibrous structure and
to make it strong, the timber must be so cut, that the grains run parallel to the length.
Classification of Timber
Wood suitable for construction and other engineering purposes is called timber. Woods in
general are divided into two broad categories: Soft woods and hard woods.
Soft woods are obtained from trees having needle shaped leaves or conifers grown in colder part
of the world.
Hard woods are obtained from trees having broad leaves or deciduous trees in hot climate.
Seasoning of Wood
A newly felled tree contains considerable moisture content. If this is not removed, the
timber is likely to wrap, shrink, crack or decay. Seasoning is the art of extracting the moisture content
under controlled conditions, at a uniform rate, from all the parts of the timber. Only seasoned wood
should be used for all carpentry works. Seasoning makes the wood resilient and lighter. Further, it
ensures that the wood will not distort after it is made into an object.
Carpentry Tools
Carpentry involves operations like cutting, shaping, fastening, etc.., which requires a
variety of tools. The tools which are used to perform the exercises in the WMP lab are tabulated
a) Steel Rule: Steel rule is a simple measuring instrument consisting of a long, thin metal
strip with a marked scale of unit divisions. It is an important tool for linear measurement.
b) Try Square: Try Square is used for marking and testing angles of 900. It consists of a
steel blade riveted into a hard wood stock, which has a protective brass plate.
c) Bevel Square: The bevel square is similar to the try square but has a blade that may be
swiveled to any angle 0 to 1800. This tool is adjusted, by releasing with a turn screw.
d) Marking Gauge: The marking gauge has one marking point. It gives an accurate cut line
parallel to the true edge. Usually with the grain.
e) Mortise Gauge: Mortise Gauge has two marking points one fixed near to the end of the
steam and another attached to the brass sliding bar these two teeth cut two parallel lines
called mortise lines.
Fig No: 07 Cutting and planning tools
Cutting and planning tools
a) Rip Saw: Rip Saw is used for cutting along the grain in thick wood. The blade is made
of high grade tool steel and may be either straight or skew backed. It is fitted in a
wooden handle. Made of hard wood by meant of rivets or screws.
b) Hand saw: Cross cut saws, or hand saws as they are sometimes called are used for
cutting across the grain in thick wood.
c) Tenon Saw: Tenon Saw is mostly used for cross cutting when a finer and more accurate
finish is required the blade, being very thin.
d) Metal jack plane: A metal jack plan serves the same purpose as the wooden planes but
facilitate a smoother operation and better finish. The body of a metal plane is made from
a Grey Iron Casting.
e) Firmer Chisel: Firmer Chisel is most useful for general purposes and may be used by
hand pressure or mallet.
f) Bevel Edge Chisel: Beveled edge chisel is used for more delicate or fine work. They are
useful for getting acute angles.
g) Mortise Chisel: The mortise chisel is used for chopping out mortises. This chisels are
designed to with stand heavy work.
h) Pincer: Pincer is mainly used for pulling out nails, tacks etc. It consists of two arms–
one area has a ball end and the other arm has end for levering out small tacks
i) Wood Rasp File: A rasp is coarse form of file used for coarsely shaping wood, it
consists of a generally tapered rectangular, round, or half-round sectioned bar of case
hardened steel with distinct, individually cut teeth.
j) Claw Hammer: It serves the dual purpose of hammer and as well as pincer. The claw is
used for pulling out any nails.
k) Mallet: The mallet is woodenheaded hammer of round or rectangular cross section the
striking face is made flat to the work
Ex. No. 1
End- Lap Joint
Ex. No. 1
End- Lap Joint
1.3 Tools required: 1. 300mm Steel rule 2. Metal jack plane 3. Try-square 4. Marking gauge,
2. Hand saw 6. Wooden mallet 7. Wood rasp file 8. Mortise chisel 9.Scriber
10.Tenon saw.
1.5 Procedure:
1. The given reaper is checked to for dimension.
2. The reaper is firmly clamped in the carpenters vice and to adjacent faces is
planed by the jack plane and the two faces are checked for squareness with the
3. Marking gauge is set and lines are draw at 30 and 50mm, to mark the
thickness and width of the model respectively.
4. The excess material first chiseled out with firmer chisel and then planned to
correct size.
5. The mating dimensions of the parts X and Y are then marked using scale and
marking gauge.
6. Using the tenon saw, the portion to be removed or cut in both the pieces,
followed by chiseling and also the parts X and Y are separated by cross-
cutting, using the tenon saw.
7. The end of both the parts are chiseled to the exact lengths.
8. A fine finishing is given to the parts, if required so that, proper fitting is
9. The parts are fitted to obtain a slightly tight joint.
1.7 Result: The End-Lap joint is thus made by following the above sequence of operations.
Ex. No. 2
T-Bridle Joint
Ex. No. 2
T-Bridle Joint
Ex. No. 3
Dovetail Joint
Fig No:11 Dovetail Joint
All dimensions are in mm
Ex. No. 3
Dovetail Joint
3.1 Aim: To make dovetail lap joint as per dimensions.
3.2 Materials required: Soft Wood (250 mm x50 mm x30mm).
3.3 Tools required: 1.300mm Steel rule 2.Metal jack plane 3.Try-square 4.Marking gauge
5. Hand saw 6.Wooden mallet 7.Wood rasp file 8.Mortise chisel 9. Scriber
10. Tenon Saw
3.4 Sequence of operations:
1. Planning 2. Marking 3.Sawing 4.Chiseling 5.Filing 6.Finishing.
3.5 Procedure:
1. The given wood is checked for dimensions.
2. One side is planned with metal jack plane and checked for trueness by try-
3. The four sides are also planned.
4. The excess material is cut by tenon saw.
5. Now the portions for lapping portion are marked.
6. After sawing remove the waste material by firmer chisel.
7. If the material is still remained in 2 or 3 mm, the remove by filing by wood
rasp file.
Dovetail joint is widely used simple and effective joint. Generally an angle of 1:6 ratios is
adopted. It is partially used in joint between the sides and back of drawers.
1. Name the commonly available shapes of timber in the market.
Introduction to Electrical/House Wiring
Power is supplied to domesticate installations through a phase and neutral, forming a
single phase AC 220v two wire system. For individual establishment power is supplied
through three phase two wire system. To give 440V, the neutral is earthed at to the
domestic utilities; power is fed to kilo watt meter and then to distributes power along
several circuits. It also protects these circuits from over load by safety devices like fuses
or circuit breakers.
Safety Precautions
✓ Always be careful.
✓ Don‟t tamper unnecessarily with any live electrical gear.
✓ Don‟t disconnect any plug by pulling the flexible cable.
✓ Before replacing a blown fuse, always remember to put the main switch off.
✓ Safety demands good earthing. Here always keep earthing connections in good
✓ While handling on electrical appliance like Table Fan, Iron heaters etc., be sure that they
are disconnected from the supply. Switches off is not enough. Leaky insulation may
give serious shock.
✓ Live wires should always be connected through the switch.
✓ Do not put a share edge tool in your pocket.
✓ In case of electric wire, do not throw water on line conductor and equipment as it is
dangerous. The best remedy is to disconnect the electrical supply immediately and then
throw sand (or) dust on fire.
✓ Do not tie wire with the electric pole on which clothes are dried (or) hanged.
Table No:2 Signals and Symbols
1. Alternate current
2. Direct current
3. Lamp
4. Fuse
5. Earthing
1. Series connections 2. Parallel connection 3. Combined connections
1. Series Connections
The R1 ending is connected to R2 starting and R2 ending is connected to R3 starting like
50 is known as series connections. The characteristics of the series connection the total voltage
divided into number of lamps, 50 numbers of lamps. This connection is generally used for decoration
2. Parallel connections
All the resistance starting terminals are connected at one end and all the ending terminals
are connected at another end is known as parallel connections. The characteristics of the parallel
connection are voltage same and current will divide. The number of lamps time which is depend upon
supply system. This connection can be used for domestic purpose. i.e., House, Factories, Street lights
3. Combined connections:
The combined of series and parallel connection is known as combined connection
There are three types of circuits.
1) Open circuit 2) Short circuit 3) Closed circuit
1. Open Circuit:
When we put on the switch the lamp does not glow due to the loose connections of conductors (or)
damage of the conductor is known as open circuit.
2. Short Circuit:
When phase and neutral conductors are touching together before the high resistance, the short circuit is
occurred when the short circuit is occurred immediately the fuse will blow off when we provide rating of
fuse wire i.e., 5A, 10A, 15A etc.
3. Closed Circuit:
When we put on the switch the lamp glow is known as closed circuit. Our circuits are closed circuit and
connections are all parallel.
4. Consumption of power: No. of lamps x watts x hours x days
1 x 100 x 5 x 30 = 15000 wh = 15
kwh One unit cost Rs. 1.50
= 15 x 1.50 = Rs. 22.50 p
Department of Mechanical Engineering Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology(A)
Fig No: 12 Electrical Tools
1. Cutting Pliers
Cutting is a tool used for cutting & nipping purpose. It is used for cutting both insulator and conductor
at once. It is available 8” and 6”
2. Nose Pliers
It is a tool used for cutting the conductors and insulators at very narrow places. Whole cutting plier
cannot be used because of its width.
3. Screw Driver
Screw driver of different way this and of different sizes of screws. It is used for loosing and fitting the
screw. It is available 12”, 8”, 6” & 4” etc.
4. Poker
It is used to make pilot holes on wooden boards.
5. Wire stripper
It is used to remove the insulation.
6. Hammer (1/2 lb.)
It is used for reverting purpose. The iron part of this hammer weighs ½ lb.
EX.NO. 1
Two Lamps in Parallel with 5 pin 6amp socket and switches
1.7 Result: Two lamps are connected in parallel connection with controlling one-way switch.
• 1 &2 Lamp Holders
• One-Way Switch
1. Avoid loose connections.
2. Avoid short circuit
1. Make “T” frame with the help of 3-way junction box and fix with help of saddles.
2. Connection such that a phase wire connected incoming of one-way switch and another wire
connected to outgoing one-way switch to the one end of L1 bottom lamp holder. Neutral wire
is connected to another end of L2 lamp holder. Finally L1 L2 top of ends points are
connected with a wire.
3. Fix one-way switch square block.
4. Fix round blocks and the top of the round blocks are connected to lamp holders
3.3 Precautions:
1. Avoid loose connections.
2. Avoid short circuit.
3.4 Sequence of operations:
✓ The outline of the wiring diagram is marked on the wooden wiring board.
✓ Wires are connected to the holders and switch, which are then screwed onto the wiring board.
3.5 Result: The electrical circuit, for one light controlled by 2 way switches is thus made.
1. Introduction
The sheet metal work section deals working with metallic sheets using hand tools. Sheet metal
works such as making a tray, box, funnel, chimney, air duct, fabricate boiler shells and pipe joints from
thin or thick plates, etc. are few examples of its application and the process is also known as Tin Smithy.
To make any object from sheet metal, knowledge in engineering drawing and development of surfaces is
required. As per drawing the sheet is cut and folded to form the required shape of the article. The edge
of the article is then secured through welding, brazing, soldering, riveting etc. Allowance should be
given in the drawing stage for folding and bending. This allowance depends on the radius of the bend
and thickness of the sheet metal.
Sheet Metals Used in Metal Work:
A wide variety of metals, in the form of sheet are used in sheet metal workshop. The most
commonly used are explained below.
❖ Galvanized Iron (G.I.) Sheet
It is a sheet of soft steel coated with zinc. GI sheet is one of the least expensive metals
used in sheet metal shop. It is used for making pans, buckets, gutters, tanks, boxes etc.
Generally GI products are very suitable for corrosive environment because zinc coating
protects the iron form corrosion.
❖ Copper
It has reddish colour and is used for water pipes, roofing, gutters and other parts of the
building. Copper products are used where thermal resistance is the criterion along with
corrosion resistance. But copper is expensive.
❖ Tin Plate
Tin plate is the iron or steel coated with pure tin. It has bright silvery appearance and is
used for containers, dairy equipment‟s, furnace fittings, cans, trays and pans.
❖ Stainless Steel
The 18-8 type steel is used in sheet metal work from the available different type of
stainless steel. The products like food containers, dairy equipment‟s and kitchen wares
are prepare from 18-8 steel.
❖ Black Iron
It is an uncoated sheet of metal with bluish appearance. The black iron sheet is used for
the products, which are having no restrictions on painting after its preparation.
4. Forming Tools
Shaping of the sheet metal such as folding, bending, curling, etc., is done by using the following types of
forming tools.
Stakes are the sheet metal anvils used for bending, seaming and forming by using a hammer or
mallet. They work as the supporting tool as well as the forming tools. They are made in different sizes
and shapes depending upon the job requirement. Commonly used stakes are:
a) Rectangular Stake: It is used to form / bend the sheet metal to 900 and the face of the stake
can be used to form square shape.
b) Hand Stake: It is used for pressing the inner sides of straight joint in the sheet. It has a flat
surface with two straight edges, a concave edge and a convex edge.
c) Half-Moon or Half Round Stake: It is used to form a round seam joint on the inner side of
the job.
d) Horse Stake: It has two square holes for holding one or two stakes to carry out different
operations on the job.
e) Taper Stake: It is used to form a conical or tapering job.
Hammers and mallet
The hammer is a striking tool. It has a handle and a head. Hammers are classified into four types.
• Ball peen hammer
• Cross pen hammer
• Straight peen hammer
• Riveting hammer
The ball peen hammer is a general purpose hammer which has a slightly curved face and a round head.
The cross peen and straight peen hammers are used for folding the sheet and to work in the corners of
the object.
Mallet: It has a striking face which is used to give light blows to sheets. It is used to smoothen/ flatten the surface
of the sheet without spoiling it. Mallet is made of hard wood and is round or rectangular in cross-section.
Square Tin
All dimensions in mm
Note: Sketches should be drawn with pencil neatly
2.4. Precautions:
1. Do not try to hold the sheets with bare hands.
2. Be sure that the fingers are away from the shearing bend.
3. Markings should be done carefully.
4. Cutting should be done carefully to avoid cross cutting.
2.6. Procedure:
1. The size of given sheet is checked with the steel rule.
2. The layout of the scoop is marked on the given sheet.
3. The layout of the scoop is cut by using the straight snip as shown in development.
4. Single hemming is made on the four sides of the tray.
5. The two sides of the scoop are bent to 90°.
The single hemmed vertical edges of the scoop can either be riveted or soldered to
ensure stability of the joints.
2.7. Result:
The rectangular scoop is thus made, from the given sheet metal.
Conical Funnel
3.1. Aim: To make a conical funnel using the given sheet metal.
3.2. Tools required:
1. Steel rule, 2. Straight Snip, 3.Mallet, 4.Scriber, 5.Stakes, 6. Try square, 7. Ball peen hammer
½ lb.
3.7 Result: The funnel is thus made, from the given sheet metal.
3. What is scriber?
Ans: It is used to marking on timber and sheet metal. It is made of steel, having one end pointed and the
other end formed into a sharp cutting edge.
9. What is scriber?
Ans: It is used to marking on timber and sheet metal. It is made of steel, having one end pointed and the
other end formed into a sharp cutting edge.
6. Firstly, strike the electrode on the scrap plate for 2, 3 times and do tack welding of 2 plates on
4 sides and do full welding carefully.
7. After completing full welding cool the job with water and remove the slag and clean it. The
job is over.
2.5 Precautions:
• Always use welding hand screen while doing welding.
• While doing welding wear protective items i.e. leather apron, leather hand gloves.
• While doing welding, short arc i.e. (1mm) gap should be maintained.
3.4 Precautions:
• Always use welding hand screen while doing welding.
• While doing welding wear protective items i.e. leather apron, leather hand gloves.
• While doing welding, short arc i.e. (1mm) gap should be maintained.
3.5 Sequence of Operation:
1. Marking
2. Cutting
3. Edge preparation (Removal of rust, scale etc.) by filling
4. Try square leveling
5. Tacking
6. Welding
7. Cooling
8. Chipping
9. Cleaning
1. Introduction
In a machine shop, metals are cut to shape on different machine tools. A lathe is used to
cu and shape the metal by revolving the work against a cutting tool. The work is clamped either
in a chuck, fitted onto the lathe spindle or in-between the centres. The cutting tool is fixed tool is
fixed in a tool post, mounted on a movable carriage that is positioned on the lathe bed. The
cutting tool can be fed into the work, either lengthwise or cross-wise. While turning, the chuck
rotates in counter-clockwise direction, when viewed from tail-stock end
• Lathe:-
A lathe is a versatile machine useful to cut and shape the material by revolving the work
against cutting edge of a cutting tool. The work is clamped either in a chuck or face plate
fitted on the lathe spindle or between the centre. The cutting tool is fixed in a tool post,
mounted on a movable carriage that is positioned on the lathe bed. The cutting tools can be
fed into the work either length wise or crosswise.
Bed: Bed is an essential part of lathe, which must be strong, rigid and free from
vibrations. It carries all parts of the machine and resists the outing forces. The carriage and the
tailstock move along the guide ways provided on the bed. It is made of grey cast iron because it
Department of Mechanical Engineering Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology
has the above properties.
Head stock: It contains cone pulleys, V-pulleys or gears to provide necessary range of spindle
speeds. Headstock provides the speed gearbox, which rotates the main spindle at selected
revolutions per minute depending on the cutting speed (m/mt) recommended for a particular
Tail stock: It is used to support the right hand end of a long work piece. It may be clamped in
any position along the lathe bed. The tailstock spindle has an internal Morse taper to receive the
dead center to support the work. Drills, reamer, taps etc. may also be fitted in the tailstock
spindle for performing operations such as drilling, reaming, and taping.
Carriage or Saddle: Saddle is used to control the movement of cutting tool. The carriage
assembly consists of longitudinal slide, cross slide, compound slide and the apron. The cross
slide moves across the length of the bed and perpendicular to the axis of spindle. This movement
is used for facing and to provide necessary depth of cut while turning. The apron, which is bolted
to the saddle, is on the front of the lathe and contains longitudinal and cross slide controls both
manual and automatic.
Compound rest: compound rest supports the tool post. By swiveling the compound rest on the
cross slide, short tapers may be turned to desired angles. Material is cut by moving the
compound slide. The length of the taper is limited to the travel to the compound slide.
Tool post: The tool post holds the tool or the tool holder, which may be adjusted to any working
position. It may be a single tool post that can hold the tool at a time or square tool post with
provision to hold four tools. In some lathes quick-change tool posts are also provided.
Feed gear box: It is also called Norton gear box. It is connected to the lathe spindle through
change gears and tumbler gears to provide automatic rotation to the feed rod or lead screw.
Lead screw (feed rod): It is a long threaded shaft located in front of carriage, running from the
head stock end to the tailstock. It is connected to the spindle through the feed gearbox and
change gears for providing movement of tool either for automatic feeds or of cutting threads. In
some lathes fed rod and lead screw are separated. The thread of the lead screw is made of ACME
type for easy engagement of half nut.
Centers: There are two types of Centre known as dead center and live Centre. The dead Centre
is fixed in the lathe tailstock spindle and the live Centre in the headstock spindle. During turning
between centers the dead Centre does not revolve with the work, while the live Centre revolves
with the work.
Three jaw chucks: It is a work holding device having three jaws which will close or open with
respect to the chuck Centre, Centre line or the spindle Centre. It is used for holding regular
Department of Mechanical Engineering Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology
objects like round bars, hexagonal rods, etc. a three jaw chuck is provided with a set of external
jaws also.
Four jaw chuck: In a four chuck, all jaws have independent movement. It is used for holding,
octagonal or irregular shaped works.
Lathe dogs and driving plate: These are used to drive a work piece that is held between
centers. These are provided with no opening to receive and clamp the work piece and dog tail.
The tail of the dog is carried by the pin provided in the driving plate fixed on the spindle nose
and rotates along with it.
Fig No:33 Face Plate Fig No:34 Lathe Dog And Driving Plate
Cutting Parameters:-
Cutting speed: Cutting speed is defined as the speed at which the material is removed and it is
specified in meters per minute. It depends on the work piece material, tool material, feed and
depth of cut, type of operation such as rough turning, finish turning, threading etc, and many
other cutting conditions. For example the cutting speed recommended for turning operation on
mild steel with high speed steel tool is 25m/mt. If instead of HSS tool, carbide tool is used the
cutting speed recommended is about 75m/mt.
On the other hand, instead of mild steel the work material is aluminum say with the HSS
tool the cutting speed recommended is 150m/mt. The cutting speeds recommended for various
combinations are given in table.
Knowing the cutting for a particular operation and the diameter of the work, the spindle speed in
revolutions per minute is calculated from the relations.
The arm and the table have three adjustments for locating work pieces under the spindle. The
arm and the table may be moved up and down on the column for accommodating work pieces of
different heights. The table and the arm may be moved in an arc up to 1800 around the column
and may be champed at any position. This permits setting of the work below the spindle.
This is particularly intended for lighter work. The maximum size of hole that the machine can
drill is not more than 50 mm.
The upright drilling machine with box column section has the square table fitted on the slides at
the front face of the machine column. Heavy box column gives the machine strength and rigidity.
The table is raised or lowered by an elevating screw that gives additional support to the table.
These special features permit the machine to work with heavier work pieces, and holes more than
50 mm in diameter can be drilled through this machine.
The radial drilling machine is intended for drilling medium to large and heavy work pieces. The
machine consists of a heavy, round, vertical column mounted on a large base. The column
supports a radial arm which can be raised and lowered to accommodate work pieces of different
heights. The arm may be swung around to any position over the work bed. The drill head
containing mechanism for rotating and feeding the drill is mounted in a radial arm and can be
moved horizontally on the guide-ways and clamped at any desired position. These three
movements in a radial drilling machine when combined together permit the drill to be located at
any desired point on a large work piece for drilling the hole.
Ina plain radial drilling machine provisions are made for vertical adjustment of the arm,
horizontal movement of the drill head along the arm, and circular movement of the arm in
horizontal plane about the vertical column.
Ina semi universal machine, in addition to the above three movements, the drill head can be
swung about a horizontal axis perpendicular to the arm. This fourth movement of the drill head
permits drilling hole at an angle to the horizontal plane other than the normal position.
Universal machine
Ina universal machine, in addition to the above four movements, the arm holding the drill head
may be rotated on a horizontal axis. All these five movements in a universal machine enable it to
drill on a work piece at any angle.
When a number of single spindle drilling machine columns are placed side by side on a common
base and have a common work-table, the machine is known as the gang drilling machine.
In this machine four to six spindles may be mounted side by side. This type of machine is
specially adapted for production work. A series of operations may be performed on the work by
simply shifting the work from one position to the other on the work-table. Each spindle may be
set up properly with different tools for different operations.
2. Reaming: This is the operation of sizing and finishing a hole already made by a drill.
Reaming is performed by means of a cutting tool called reamer having several cutting edges.
Reaming serves to make the hole smoother, straighter and more accurate in diameter. Reamer
may be classified as solid reamer and adjustable reamer.
3. Boring: This is the operation of enlarging a hole by means of adjustable cutting tools with
only one cutting edge. A boring tool is employed for this purpose.
4. Counter-boring: This is the operation of enlarging the end of a hole, as for the recess for a
counter-sunk rivet. The tool used is known as counter-bore.
6. Spot – facing: This is the operation of removing enough material to provide a flat surface
around a hole to accommodate the head of a bolt or a nut. A spot-facing tool is very nearly
similar to the counter-bore.
3) Name the parts that are associated with carriage or saddle in a lathe?
A) It is consist of longitudinal slide, cross slide, and the compound slide and apron
8) While turning the chuck rotates in which direction, when viewed from the tail?
A) Counter clock wise direction
Plumbing Tools
Pipe wrench
Pipe wrenches are used for holding and turning the pipes, rods and machine parts.
Wrenches of size 300 mm and 450mm are more useful. The adjustable wrench shown in fig
consists of a fixed jaw and a movable jaw. The movable jaw facilities the adjustment of the
opening between the jaws. The jaws are serrated inside, to enable a firm grip over the pipes.
Pipe vice
The use of a regular pipe vice is advisable, though ordinary bench vice can serve the
purpose in most of the occasions. The pipe vice is fitted on the work bench. It holds the pipe in
position during cutting, threading and fitted of bends, couplings etc. fig shows a pipe vice. It
consists of two jaws for holding the work, which are serrated to ensure firm grip..
Pipe cutter
For and occasional pipe work, a hacksaw is quite satisfactory. Pipe cutter is also used
where considerable amount of pipe work is involved. The pipe cutter mainly consists of three
wheels, which are hardened and with sharp cutting edges along their periphery. Of these three
wheels, one can be adjusted to any desired distance from the other two fixed wheels, to
accommodate different sizes of pipes. After adjusting the cutter on a pipe, it is turned around the
pipe so that the cutter wheels cut the pipe along a circle. Fig shows a pipe cutter
Fig N: 39 DIES
A pipe is used for cutting external threads on pipes. One or two pieces dies are used in
the die stock. It is a hand operated tool, which may be considered as a hardened steel nut, having
flutes cut along its inside surface. These flutes serve the same purpose as in a twist drill. In case
of two piece die, the two pieces are set at a desired distance and secured in position by means of
a set screw.
2.3.Tools required: pipe wrench, hacksaw, die set, hammer, screw driver, measuring tape
2.4.Sequence of operation:
1. Selection of pipe
2. Threading of pipe
2. Two pipes of required length are taken and the ends are threaded using die set.
3. The gate valve which is internally threaded is connected to the elbow for vertical extension.
4. A third pipe with external threads is connected to the elbow for vertical extension.
6. The free end of the second elbow is connected with another pipe for horizontal extension.
2.6.Result: hence the required connection is obtained using required pipes and pipe fittings.
6) A pipe die is used for cutting either external/ internal threads on pipes?
A) External threads
1. Introduction
Black smithy or Forging is an oldest shaping Process used for the producing small articles
for which accuracy in size is not so important. The parts are shaped by heating them in an open
fire or heat, by the blacksmith and shaping them through applying compressive forces using
Thus forging is defined as the plastic deformation of metals at elevated temperatures into a
predetermined size or shape using compressive forces exerted through some means of hand
hammers, small power hammers, die, press or upsetting machine. The shop in which the various
forging operations are carried out is known as the smithy or smith‟s shop.
Applications of Forging:
Almost all metals and alloys can be forged. The low and medium carbon steels are readily
hot forged without difficulty, but the high-carbon and alloy steels are more difficult to forge and
require greater care. Forging is generally carried out on carbon alloy steels, wrought iron, copper-
base alloys, aluminum alloys, and magnesium alloys. Stainless steels, nickel-based super alloys,
and titanium are forged especially for aerospace uses.
The ease with which forging is done is called forgeability. The forgeability of a material
can also be defined as the capacity of a material to undergo deformation under compression
without rupture.
a) Tongs
The tongs are generally used for holding work while doing a forging operation. Various kinds of
tongs are shown in Figure.
• Straight-lip fluted tongs are commonly used for holding square, circular and hexagonal
bar stock.
• Rivet or ring tongs are widely used for holding bolts, rivets and other work of circular
• Flat tongs are used for mainly for holding work of rectangular section.
• Gad tongs are used for holding general pick-up work, either straight or tapered.
c) Swage
Swage is used for forging work which has to be reduced or finished to round, square or
hexagonal form. It is made with half grooves of dimension to suit the work being reduced. It
consists of two parts, the top part having a handle and the bottom part having a Square shank
which fits in the hardier hole on the anvil face.
d) Fuller
Fuller is used in forging shop for necking down a forgeable job. It is made in top and
bottom tools as in the case of swages. Fuller is made in various shapes and sizes according to
needs, the size denoting the width of the fuller edge.
e) Punch
Punch is used in forging shop for making holes in metal part when it is at forging heat.
f) Rivet header
Rivet header is used in forging shop for producing rivets heads on parts.
g) Chisels
Chisels are used for cutting metals and for nicking prior to breaking. They may be hot or
cold depending on whether the metal to be cut is hot or cold. A hot chisel generally used in
forging shop. The main difference between the two is in the edge. The edge of a cold chisel is
hardened and tempered with an angle of about 60°, whilst the edge of a hot chisel is 30° and the
hardening is not necessary. The edge is made slightly rounded for better cutting action.
h) Hand hammers
There are two major kinds of hammers are used in hand forging:
• The hand hammer used by the smith himself and
• The sledge hammer used by the striker.
Hammer heads are made of cast steel and, their ends are hardened and tempered. The striking face
is made slightly convex. The weight of a hand hammer varies from about to 2 kg whereas the
weight of a sledge hammer varies from 4 to 10 kg.
j) Swage block
Swage block generally used in forging shop is shown in figure. It is mainly used for
heading, bending, squaring, sizing, and forming operations on forging jobs. It is 0.25 mtr or even
more wide. It may be used either flat or edgewise in its stand.
3. Forging Operations
The following are the basic operations that may be performed by hand forging:
a) Drawing-down
Drawing is the process of stretching the stock while reducing its cross-section locally.
Forging the tapered end of a cold is an example of drawing operation.
b) Upsetting
It is a process of increasing the area of cross-section of a metal piece locally, with a
corresponding reduction in length. In this, only the portion to be upset is heated to
forging temperature and the work is then struck at the end with a hammer. Hammering
is done by the smith (student) himself, if the job is small, or by his helper, in case of
big jobs, when heavy blows are required with a sledge hammer.
c) Fullering
Fullers are used for necking down a piece of work, the reduction often serving as the
starting point for drawing. Fullers are made of high carbon steel in two parts, called
the top and bottom fullers. The bottom tool fits in the hard i.e. hole of the anvil. Fuller
size denotes the width of the fuller edge.
d) Flattering:
Flatters are the tools that are made with a perfectly flat face of about 7.5 cm square.
These are used for finishing flat surfaces. A flatter of small size is known as set-
hammer and is used for finishing near corners and in confined spaces.
e) Swaging:
Swages like fullers are also made of high carbon steel and are made in two parts called
the top and swages. These are used to reduce and finish to round, square or hexagonal
forms. For this, the swages are made with half grooves of dimensions to suit the work.
NOTE: The forging produced either by hand forging or machine forging should be heat treated.
The following are the purposes of heat treatment:
• To remove internal stresses set-up during forging and cooling.
• To normalize the internal structure of the metal.
• To improve much inability.
• To improve mechanical properties, strength and hardness.
• Hold the hot work downwards close to the ground, while transferring from the
hearth to anvil, to minimize danger of burns; resulting from accidental collisions
with others.
• Use correct size and type of tongs to fit the work. These should hold the work
securely to prevent its bouncing out of control from repeated hammer blows.
• Care should be exercised in the use of the hammer. The minimum force only
should be used and the flat face should strike squarely on the work; as the edge
of the hammer will produce heavy bruising on hot metal.
• Water face shield when hammering hot metal.Wear gloves when handling hot metal.
• Wear gloves when handling hot metal wear steel-toed shoes.
• Wear steel-toed shoes
• Ensure that hammers are fitted with tight and wedged handles.
1.3. Procedure:
❖ Take the raw material from stock i.e., mild steel 10 mm round shaped, cut the
length of 100 mm.
❖ Handle specimen with round tong and heat in blacksmith‟s forge up to the part
appears as red cherry color.
❖ The required piece heated up to it gets the recrystallization temperature.
❖ The part is taken out from the forge and blow with sledge hammer for obtaining
the square shape on all edges.
❖ The hammering is done on the anvil.
❖ The above mentioned all steps are repeated, till the specimen in required shape is
❖ Check the dimensions after cooling the job by quenching process.
NOTE: In-between the above stage, the bar is heated in the smith‟s forge, to facilitate forging operations.
1.4. Precautions:
▪ Hold the job carefully while heating and hammering
▪ Job must be held parallel to the face of the anvil.
▪ Wear steel-toed shoes.
▪ Wear face shield when hammering the hot metal
▪ Use correct size and type of tongs to fit the work.
1.5. Result: The square rod is thus made from the given round rod.
2.1. Aim: To make an S-hook from a given round rod, by following hand forging operation.
2.3. Procedure:
❖ One end of the bar is heated to red hot condition in Black smith’s forge for the required
❖ Using the pick-up tongs; the rod is taken from the forge, and holding it with the square
tongs, the heated end is forged into a tapered pointed end.
❖ The length of the rod requires for Octagon is estimated and the excess portion is cut-
off, using a cold chisel.
❖ One half of the rod towards the pointed end is heated in the forge to red hot condition
and then bent into Octagon shape as shown.
❖ The other end of the rod is then heated and forged into a tapered pointed end.
❖ Using the flatter, the Octogon shape is made as above, is kept on the anvil and
flattened so that, the shape of the Octogon is proper.
Note: In-between the above stage, the bar is heated in the smith’s forge, to facilitate
forging operations
2.4. Precautions:
▪ Hold the job carefully while heating and hammering
▪ Job must be held parallel to the face of the anvil.
▪ Wear steel-toed shoes.
▪ Wear face shield when hammering the hot metal
▪ Use correct size and type of tongs to fit the work.
2.5. Result:
The Octagon is thus made from the given square rod; by following the stages mentioned above.
Manufacturing is the backbone of any industrialized nation. Manufacturing and technical
staff in industry must know the various manufacturing processes, materials being processed,
tools and equipments for manufacturing different components or products with optimal process
plan using proper precautions and specified safety rules to avoid accidents. Beside above, all
kinds of the future engineers must know the basic requirements of workshop activities in term
of man, machine, material, methods, money and other infrastructure facilities needed to be
positioned properly for optimal shop layouts or plant layout and other support services
effectively adjusted or located in the industry or plant within a well planned manufacturing
The complete understanding of basic manufacturing processes and workshop technology
is highly difficult for any one to claim expertise over it. The study deals with several aspects of
workshops practices also for imparting the basic working knowledge of the different
engineering materials, tools, equipments, manufacturing processes, basic concepts of
electromechanical controls of machine tools, production criteria’s, characteristics and uses of
various testing instruments and measuring or inspecting devices for checking components or
products manufactured in various manufacturing shops in an industrial environment. It also
describes and demonstrates the use of different hand tools (measuring, marking, holding and
supporting tools, cutting etc.), equipments, machinery and various methods of manufacturing
that facilitate shaping or forming the different existing raw materials into suitable usable forms.
It deals with the study of industrial environment which involves the practical knowledge in the
area of ferrous and non ferrous materials, their properties and uses. It should provide the
knowledge of basic workshop processes namely bench work and fitting, sheet metal, carpentry,
pattern making, mould making, foundry, smithy, forging, metal working and heat treatment,
welding, fastening, machine shop, surface finishing and coatings, assembling inspection and
quality control. It emphasizes on basic knowledge regarding composition, properties and uses
of different raw materials, various production processes, replacement of or improvement over a
large number of old processes, new and compact designs, better accuracy in dimensions,
quicker methods of production, better surface finishes, more alternatives to the existing
materials and tooling systems, automatic and numerical control systems, higher mechanization
and greater output.
Prototyping or model making is one of the important steps to finalize a product design. It
helps in conceptualization of a design. Before the start of full production a prototype is usually
fabricated and tested. Manual prototyping by a skilled craftsman has been an age- old practice for
many centuries. Second phase of prototyping started around mid-1970s, when a soft prototype
modeled by 3D curves and surfaces could be stressed in virtual environment, simulated and tested
with exact material and other properties. Third and the latest trend of prototyping, i.e., Rapid
Prototyping (RP) by layer-by-layer material deposition, started during early 1980s with the
enormous growth in Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies when
almost unambiguous solid models with knitted information of edges and surfaces could define a
product and also manufacture it by CNC machining. The historical development of RP and related
technologies is presented in table.
RP process belong to the generative (or additive) production processes unlike subtractive or
forming processes such as lathing, milling, grinding or coining etc. in which form is shaped
by material removal or plastic deformation. In all commercial RP processes, the part is
fabricated by deposition of layers contoured in a (x-y) plane two dimensionally. The third
dimension (z) results from single layers being stacked up on top of each other, but not as a
continuous z-coordinate. Therefore, the prototypes are very exact on the x-y plane but have
stair-stepping effect in z-direction. If model is deposited with very fine layers, i.e., smaller z-
stepping, model looks like original. RP can be classified into two fundamental process steps
namely generation of mathematical layer information and generation of physical layer
model. Typical process chain of various RP systems is shown in figure.
Glass is a non-crystalline amorphous solid that is often transparent and has
widespread practical, technological, and decorative usages in the industry. In this article, we
will discuss on Glass Cutting Process along with its Introduction, Properties, Types,
Advantages, Disadvantages, and Applications.
• The glass is made by heating ordinary sand (which is mostly made up of silicon dioxide) until it
melts and turns into a liquid. Sand melts at a high temperature of 1700°C (3090°F).
• In a glass plant, sand is mixed with waste glass, limestone (calcium carbonate), and soda ash
(sodium carbonate) heated in a furnace.
• The soda reduces the sand's melting point, which helps to save energy and time during the
manufacturing process, but it has a drawback that it produces a kind of glass that would dissolve
in water and that (dissolving in water) can be eliminated by adding Limestone to the mixture.
• The end product is called soda-lime-silica glass and it is the ordinary glass that we are using in
our domestic applications.
• It is amorphous.
• These are affected by alkalis.
• It is very brittle.
• Possesses high compressive strength and since it doesn't have any crystalline structure.
• It Softens on heating
• Light in weight because it has a homogeneous internal structure similar to liquids.
• It can absorb, transmit, and reflect light.
• It is a good electrical insulator.
• Glass is not affected by air, water, etc. But, it is soluble in HF which converts into SiF4.
1. Wheel Cutter or Glass Cutter: In the Middle Ages, glass was cut with a heated and sharply
pointed rod of iron.
a. The Diamond can also act as cutting material for glass. Nowadays we used different
methods to cut the glass.
This is the explanation of the "wheel cutting" tool in a detailed way which is one of the Glass
Cutting tools. So, let's see the detailed explanation of CO2 Laser cutting process in a detailed
2. CO2 Laser Cutting Process: Cutting the glass with conventional methods (Wheel Cutting) as
stated above uses the principle of Scribe and Break. In the sense, you need to scribe on the
surface of the glass w.r.t. the dimensions and Break that particular part. By doing so, relatively
low scribing quality results in the formation of micro-cracks and that leads to the damage of
glass. In addition to that, various time-consuming processes like grinding, masking, and etching
are necessary to remove the damage that had been introduced by mechanical processes
(Conventional Methods). Using a laser for the glass cutting process avoids all the limitations
stated above. By this laser cutting, the Straight, angled, curved, and chamfered contours are
The laser beam is used to cut different materials like metal, wood, rubber, glass, plastics, etc.
Laser cutting machines are equipped with computer-controlled programming that helps to do
the work more efficiently and easily. By this, a high degree of accuracy is maintained. This is
the detailed explanation of two types of cutting tools used in Glass Cutting Process. Let's see
the advantages, disadvantages of the Glass Cutting Process along with its applications.
3. Small scale industries use wheel cutter to cut the glass for their regular usage. Apart from that,
it is also used in labs in colleges for doing experiments on the cutting processes.
4. As Large Scale industries require faster production and accuracy, Laser cutting is used to avoid
the breaking of the glass at frequent intervals.
5. Glass is used as decorative items or window panes etc.
1. Biomedical Engineering
2. Aerospace and Automobile Manufacturing
3. Construction and Architecture
4. Product Prototyping
When designing a part to be 3D printed the following points need to be kept in mind:
1. The part needs to be a solid, that is, not just a surface; it needs to have a real volume.
2. Creating very small, or delicate features may not be printed properly, this depends greatly
On the type of 3D printer that is going to be used.
3. Parts with overhanging features will need supports to be printed properly. This should be
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taken into account since after the model needs to be cleaned by removing the supports. This
may not be an issue unless the part is very delicate, since it might break.
4. Be sure to calibrate the 3D printer before using it, it is essential to ensure that the part sticks
properly to the build plate. If it does not, at some point the part may come loose and ruin the
entire print job.
5. Some thought should be given to the orientation of the part, since some printers are more
precise on the X and Y axes, then the Z axis.
CNC machining plays a huge role in shaping today’s advanced industrial development. We are
now capable of developing most complex of parts and products with absolute perfection, and with
minimum of effort. Whether it’s about creating 3D, 4D or 5D machined parts, CNC technology has
provided us with a sure shot way to convert our ‘mechanical fantasies’ into a tangible reality! Now, there
are multiple types of CNC machining process. All of them have different functionalities and operations;
CNC turning uses a helix path to cut through the material, while CNC milling uses rotary cutters to
remove excess material. All of them require specific machining tools that enable the workpiece to work do
the desired work. CNC lathe is one such important tool. In fact, the lathe is seen as the pioneer for being
the machine for metal cutting. Sounds interesting, right? Let’s delve deep into the functioning, properties,
and types of CNC lathe machine.
A lathe machine is typically used for shaping the material into the desired form by removing the
excess material from a given workpiece (generally cylindrical). Apart from serving as cutting and facing
machine, a lathe is also used to perform complex operations such as knurling, deformation, metal
spinning, woodturning, thermal spraying, metalworking and more.
According to machine historians, the manual lathe was first used by the reformers in the Ancient
Egypt and Greece. The European nation widely utilized two-person lathe variety, with the former turning
the workpiece (wood) and the latter cutting off the excess material with a single point cutting tool. With
the Industrial Revolution came the modern lathe; advanced, fast, and better.
7. Main Drive Motor: The drive motor helps rotate the chuck, thus driving the entire machine.
8. Tailstock: A tailstock is usually used to conduct drilling operations and support the system.
9. Tool Turret: A tool turret is used a tool carrier for the machine. The shape and the size of the
turret is determined by the number of tools that’ll be mounted on them.
Injection moulding is the most widely used polymeric fabrication process. This paper
describes Injection moulding process in detail along with its process parameters and their effects
on the moulding component. Runner system is playing the major role in the quality of the
moulded part. Each injection molding method works when a plastic material flows from the
sprue into the runner system, and then through a gate into the mold cavity. Basically runner
system is of two types, Hot runner and cold runner system, both having some advantages and
disadvantages of each. This paper describes in details about effectiveness of hot runner over cold
runner. Although hot runner gives better quality of product, many of the industries uses cold
runner due to high cost and complexity of design. The paper also deals with the illustration of
mould defects related to the process parameters and the need of its optimization.
Injection moulding is a manufacturing process for producing parts from both
thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials. It is the most widely used polymeric
fabrication process which is evolved from metal die casting. However unlike molten metals,
polymer melts have a high viscosity and cannot simply be poured into a mould. a large force
must be used to inject the polymer into the hollow mould cavity. More melt must also be packed
into the mould during solidification to avoid shrinkage in the mould. Thus the injection moulding
process is primarily a sequential operation that results in the transformation of plastic pellets into
a moulded part. Identical parts are produced through a cyclic process involving the melting of a
pellet or powder resin followed by the injection of the polymer melt into the hollow mould cavity
under high pressure.
In this system, the runners are kept at the same temperature as the molds. The cold runner
system consists of either two or three plates within the mold. The two plate system is the
simplest, but requires an ejection system to remove both the runner and the part from the mold.
The three plate system enables the part to be ejected separately from the runner, since the runner
is on a separate plate from the rest of the part. The three plate molds allow for flexibility in the
design. In a cold runner system, a new runner is moulded in each moulding cycle and the runner
is ejected together with the moulded parts. The plastic of the runner can often be reprocessed and
moulded again. In the design of the runner system the objective is to have the plastic reach to all
gates at the same time. This is an important issue in multi-cavity moulds. In a rectangular runner
system, the number of cavities is a multiple of two. In a circular runner any number of cavities
can be used. In the cold runner system, it is important that the dimension of the runner be larger
than the part. This will ensure that the material fills the part properly and that the mold is not
under filled
1.2.1 B) Hot Runner Molds
Hot runner molds are made up of two plates, which are heated using a manifold system.
There are two types of hot runners, externally heated and internally heated. Externally heated
molds are better for materials that are sensitive to heat, while internally heated molds provide
better flow control. There are several methods that can be used to heat the runners, including
coils, heating rods, and heating pipes. The hot runner system ensures that the material remains
molten throughout the runner process until it enters the mold cavity.
Foundry practice deals with the process of making castings in molds, formed in either sand or
some other material. The process involves the operations of pattern making, sand preparation,
molding, melting of metals, pouring in molds, cooling, shake-out, heat treatment, finishing, and
• Pattern
Pattern is the principal tool during the casting process. It may be defined as a model of
anything, so constructed that it may be used for forming an impression called would in damp
sand or other suitable material. When this mold is filled with molten metal and the metal is
allowed to solidify it forms a reproduction of the pattern and is known as casting. The process of
making pattern is known as pattern making.
• Mold
Mold is cavity formed by the pattern. It is similar in shape and size to that of the actual
casting plus some allowances for shrinkage, machining etc. Molds are classified as temporary
and permanent. Temporary molds are made of refractory sand and other binding materials and
may be produced either through hand molding or machine molding.
• Molding Sand
Sand is the principal material used in foundry. The principal ingredients of molding sands
are: Silica sand, clay, moisture, and miscellaneous materials. Silica sand withstands very high
temperatures and doesn‟t react with the molten metal.
Clay imparts the necessary bonding strength to the molding sand. Moisture in requisite
amount furnishes the bonding action of clay. Miscellaneous materials that are formed in addition
to silica and clay penetrate the mixture and forms a microfilm which coats the surface flake
shaped clay particles. Natural molding sand is available in river beds or dug from pits. They
possess an appreciable amount of clay and are used as received with addition of water. Synthetic
sands are prepared by adding clay, water and other materials to silica sand so that desired
strength and bonding properties are achieved which are not possessed by natural sands.
• Porosity or Permeability
When molten metal is poured into a mold, gases and steam are passed through it. If they are
not removed, casting defects such as blow holes will be formed.
Green Sand
It is a mixture of silica sand with 18 to 30 % clay having a total water of 6 to 8 %.
Dry Sand
Green sand that has been dried or baked after the mold is made is called dry sand.
Loam Sand
Loam sand is high in clay, as much as 50 %.
Facing Sand
Facing sand forms the face of the mold. It is used directly next to the surface of the pattern and it
comes into contact with the molten metal when the mold is poured. It is made of silica sand and
clay, without the addition of used sand.
Baking Sand
Baking sand or floor sand is used to back up the facing sand and fill the whole volume of the
flask. Old repeatedly used molding sand is mainly employed for this purpose. The baking sand is
sometimes called black sand because of the fact that old, repeatedly used molding sand is black
in color due to the addition of coal dust and burning on coming in contact with molten metal.
Parting Sand
Parting sand is used to keep the green sand from sticking to the pattern and also to allow the sand
on the parting surface of the cope and drag to separate without clinging. This is clean clay free
silica sand which serves the same purpose as parting dust.
Department of Mechanical Engineering Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology
Core Sand
The sand used for making cores is called as core sand and sometimes it is called as oil sand. This
is silica sand mixed with core oil which is composed of linseed oil. Resin light mineral oil and
other binding materials.
1.3 Pattern Materials:
▪ The selection of pattern materials depends primarily on the following factors.
▪ Service requirement
▪ Type of production of castings and the type of molding process
▪ Possibility of design changes
▪ Number of castings to be produced.
▪ Easily worked, shaped, and joined
▪ Light in weight
▪ Strong, hard, and durable.
▪ Dimensionally stable in all situations
▪ Easily available at low cost
▪ Repairable and reused
▪ Able to take good surface finish
The wide variety of pattern materials which meet these characteristics are wood and wood
products; metal and alloys; plasters; plastics and rubber; and waxes.
1.4 Types of Patterns:
1.6.4 Riddle
A riddle sometimes called a screen consists of a circular or square wooden frame fitted with a
standard wire mesh at the bottom as shown in figure below. It is used to remove coarse sand
particles and other foreign material from the foundry sand.
1.6.5 Rammer
A hand rammer is used for packaging or ramming the sand into the mould. One of its ends,
called the peen end, is wedge shaped and is used for packing sand in spaces, pockets and corners,
in the early stages of ramming. The other end called the butt end, has a flat surface and is used
for compacting the sand towards the end of molding as shown in below figure.
1.1 Multi-Meter:
The multi-meter is the most common electronic instrumentation in use. It is a combination meter that
is capable of measuring, resistance, voltage (AC and DC) and usually current. In addition some meters are
capable of measuring capacitance, frequency and other variables. An example of one of these meters is the
Fluke 189 hand held multi-meter.
This type meter is very common in most shops and is portable and easily used. This meter is capable
of measuring AC and DC Voltage (down to 0.000001 Volts and as high as 1000 Volts), Resistance,
Capacitance, Temperature, Current (Down to 0.000001 Amps and as high as 10 Amps). In addition it is
capable of catching maximum and minimum values and saving them in memory. A versatile meter like this
is most commonly used by service personnel, but can easily be used by anyone. In addition this meter is a
True RMS meter, which will be explained in more detail later.
1.2 Frequency Counter:
A second common instrument found in any well used instrumentation shop is the Frequency counter or
meter. In its most simple form the meter measures the amount of time it takes from one positive going pulse to
the next positive going pulse, and the result is displayed as a number of cycles per second or Hertz. This
function is built into some higher end hand held multi-meters, but there are many more sophisticated bench top
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frequency meters available. Most of these meters let you control exactly how you look at the signal being
measured. Common settings are weather the signal is triggered going positive or going negative, and at what
level this happens. They may also let you look at the pulse period, positive going portion or negative going
pulse time, duty cycle and other more advanced configurations involving two input signals, such as time from
the pulse on one channel to the pulse on the other channel. All these abilities can be useful when investigating
how a particular mechanism or system if functioning. In this course we will only use the simple functions of
frequency and period.
1.5 Oscilloscope:
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The basic premise of an oscilloscope is similar to that of a chart recorder, with the pen no longer being
an ink device, but a beam of electrons, and the paper being a glass tube with a phosphor coating. When the
beam of electrons strike the phosphor, it glows. The beam of electrons is deviated from left to right with time,
and up and down with voltage. The resulting image is a small “page” of voltage vs. time. Unfortunately the
beam must continue to “paint” this image for it to remain so you could see it. This was only good for
repetitive signals, however, it had the advantage that it was extremely accurate for signals that were too fast
for the chart recorder. By installing a triggering section to display the same portion of the wave form over and
over at the same point in time, the device became a standard and useful tool. Over time “persistent” phosphors
were created that allowed a recording of only a single sweep of the electron beam. With the advent of the
computer age, it soon became more cost effective to use a small processor to record the image to memory and
display it on a small computer screen.
1.6 Spectrum analyzer:
While the oscilloscope is a wonderful tool, there are times when it is valuable to view a waveform in
the frequency domain, rather than the time domain. One common application is when working with vibrations
of structures. Where the oscilloscope displays a wave form of voltage vs. time, the spectrum analyzer displays
a waveform of voltage vs. frequency. This data can be obtained from a specialized instrument, such as the HP
3582, shown below, or from more general purpose tools such as an FFT module in a digital oscilloscope, or a
computer data acquisition system running a virtual instrument. Many people have trouble with the concept of
the spectrum analyzer. The simplest model for how one of these systems works, is that there are lots of
individual frequency filters. Each filter being set to one specific frequency. If the incoming signal has a
component that matches this frequency, the analog voltage level of that component is displayed.
A computer is a combination of two terms Hardware and Software. The physical components of a
computer are called hardware. Pieces of hardware may be categorized according to the functions each performs:
input, process, output, and storage. Your PC (Personal Computer) is a system, consisting of many components.
Some of those components, like Windows XP, and all your other programs, are software. Software is the source
of interaction between the user and the computer. It represents programs, collection of several sets of
instructions, which allow the hardware to run properly. The stuff you can actually see and touch, and would
likely break if you threw it out a fifth-story window, is hardware.
Hardware of a computer is made up of complex electronic circuits. For a user the details of the circuitry
are not important. However, the hardware units with which a user has to interact must
For convenience, the hardware of a computer can be classified in the following categories:
1. Input Devices
2. Output Devices
3. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
4. Memory or Storage
5. Motherboard
Let us discuss each of these hardware components:
1. Input Devices: The form in which data is available to a user is not always in the same form as is
accepted by computer hardware. Input devices are hardware equipment that receive data and instructions
from users, convert the data and instructions into a form that can be processed by the computer and passes
the same to the computer. Hence, if you have to enter employees’ names into the computer you do not
have to write it on a piece of paper and shove the paper inside the computer. You will need some input
device for this.
With wide availability of computer towers, cases, motherboards, processors, hard disk, CD or DVD
disc drives, and other computer components – and a little bit of technical know-how – you can build your
dream computer from scratch. As far as technical skills go, you will need to have a basic aptitude for
building computers before you attempt to build your own PC. While bolting together parts is relatively
straight forward, you will also need to install an operating system, configure the devices, and make sure
that the computer’s components are compatible with each other. In this unit, we will discuss the process of
building assembling different parts of a computer.
If you have decided to take on the task of assembling a computer, it would be better that we spend
some time in taking some safety precautions. The safety precautions are extremely important and all of them
need to be taken seriously. Here, we will discuss some safety tips and the components needed for
First of all, since the word is assembling, so definitely, we will be working or dealing with desktop
computers in this article. Secondly, our primary focus is the CPU and connecting the different components
along with it. Therefore it’s obvious that we will discuss the safety precautions that we need to take while
assembling the computer cabinet. A static shock which is not sufficient to be felt by humans is enough to
destroy the components that you are using to assemble your computer. So, it is very important that all the
components that you will be using to assemble your computer should be kept on anti static mats. If in case
you do not have anti static mats, you can simply keep them in the packaging in which they came. There is
also a concept of using wristbands, while you are using your hands at assembling a computer. The idea is
simple, tie the wristband on your wrist and one end of the band is connected to the anti static mat and the
other end is connected to the computer chassis. The basic concept is to balance the charge on the computer
chassis and the body. Do not stand on a carpet while you are taking up this task.
Let us take a look at the components that we will require to assemble a computer.
⚫ The first component that we would require is the computer chassis or cabinet. This is where all the
component will be integrated into a package.
⚫ Next we will need the computer motherboard. This is where all the other components need to be
⚫ The computer processor or the CPU (Central Processing Unit) is what handles all the processing of the
computer. It is the most important part of a computer.
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⚫ RAM or the primary memory of the computer .
⚫ The hard drive of a computer is where all the data is stored. Hence, this is the next component that you
will require.
Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace
Step 2: Choosing Computer Cabinet and Cooling Considerations
Step 3: Installing Motherboards
Step 4: Install The Processor (CPU)
Step 5: Install The CPU Heat Sink
Step 6: Install The Memory Modules (Ram Memory)
Step 7: Place The Motherboard Into The Case
Step 8: Connect the Power Supply
Step 9: Install the Graphics/Video Card
Step 10: Connect the Keyboard, Mouse and Monitor
Step 11: Install the Drives
Step 12 : Install the Add-In Cards
Step 13: Turn the Computer On
Step 14: Install the Operating System (OS)
Step 15: Update Drivers
Step 16: Install Anti-Virus Software and Setup a Network/ Internet Connection
Step 17: Install other Software
3. Real time OS
A real time operating system time interval to process and respond to inputs is very small.
Examples: Military Software Systems, Space Software Systems are the Real time OS example.
Network Operating System runs on a server. It provides the capability to serve to manage data,
user, groups, security, application, and other networking functions.
6. Mobile OS
Mobile operating systems are those OS which is especially that are designed to power smart
phones, tablets, and wearable’s devices. Some most famous mobile operating systems are Android and
iOS, but others include BlackBerry, Web, and watch OS.
• If any issue occurs in OS, you may lose all the contents which have been stored in your system
• Operating system’s software is quite expensive for small size organization which adds burden on
them. Example Windows
• It is never entirely secure as a threat can occur at any time.
In order to install your copy of the Windows 7 operating system please makes sure to have the
following items:
• -Windows 7 Installation disk
• -Drivers CD: * Use after installation process if needed.
NOTE: Please make sure to back up all of your important data before proceeding with this installation.
Step 1. Insert the Windows 7 operating system disk into your DVD drive, and then restart your
Step 2. You will see a prompt that says ‘Press any key to continue’ after the ZT logo disappears.
When you see this press any key immediately.
NOTE: The following screen shots may differ from what you may see during your installation. (I.e.
Windows 7 version, HDD disk space etc.)
Step 4. Language options, by default English will be set along with “time and currency format” and
“keyboard or input method”
• Removing, repairing and replacing faulty RAM, hard disk or video/graphic card.
• Cleaning dusts from RAM and Video carts slot/ports and from cooling fan.
• Tightening cable and jumpers on motherboard and/or components.
• Software related hardware problems such as device driver update or installation.
1.3 Some of the most common PC hardware problems that need troubleshooting are:
If power is obviously flowing to the computer system and its peripherals, there may be a component issue.
When you first turn on the computer, do you hear or see anything out of the ordinary? Many times the
computer’s Power-On Self-Test (POST) will let you know what’s going on with the machine.
Beep Codes
If you hear any beeps when your computer turns on, they can help you troubleshoot common PC hardware
problems. Here’s a list of beep codes.
No beep but the system turns on and runs fine - Under normal circumstances, most computer systems
will beep one short beep when turned on. If yours doesn’t, your “beeper” may have died out.
• No beep - The power supply is not plugged in or turned on. Or, the power supply is completely dead.
• Steady, short beeps - The power supply may be bad or the voltages might be wrong. A replacement would
usually be necessary.
• Steady, long beeps - The power supply has gone bad.
• Long, continuous beep - Your Random Access Memory (RAM) sticks may have gone bad. If there is
more than one stick installed, try taking one out to see if the computer boots. If it does not, try the same
thing with the other stick. This will tell you which stick has gone bad and you can replace or upgrade
accordingly. If there is only one stick installed, you will need to replace or upgrade it to fix the problem.
• One long, two short beeps - There has been a video card failure. Your first action is to try reseating the
video card. This often solves the problem when the computer system is connected to projectors because the
VGA/DVI/Video cable gets moved so often that the card can be slowly unplugged. If reseating doesn’t
work, replace the video card.
• Another thing you could be dealing with is a virus that is overwhelming your system. Run a virus
scan, remove the virus, recover or reinstall damaged files or software, and implement the latest security
• When your computer freezes and isn’t responsive to your mouse or keyboard, the first thing to do is just
wait. Sometimes it will just take a few minutes for your computer to process. Then, end-task the non-
responding program. If that doesn’t work, turn off the computer by holding down the power button and
then rebooting into Safe Mode (don’t forget about saving your work first, if you can).
• Receiving an “insufficient memory or disk space” error message can usually be solved (at least
temporarily) by closing extra windows to free up some RAM. If you’ve done that and the error still comes
up, you can try rebooting your computer and installing the latest operating system update.
• If you really don’t have enough available memory and space (which can be checked in Windows 10 by
pressing the Windows-R button and typing perfmon in the Open field to run the Performance
Monitor), you can uninstall or delete any unused or unnecessary files, especially those of the video/music
type. Your final solution is to add more RAM.
The CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) is an onboard chip that stores information
ranging from the time and date to system hardware settings. If you get a CMOS alert message showing up
on your screen, it’s likely you need to replace the CMOS battery located on the motherboard. Remove it
carefully, insert a new battery that is exactly the same as the old one, and enter the CMOS values to the
1.3.6 Problem: f) Your operating system is missing or your hard drive isn’t detected
If the message “Missing Operating System” shows up on your screen, there are four possibilities the
problem could be (and four ways to solve it):
• The basic input/output system (BIOS) doesn’t detect Windows’ hard disk, or the disk failed. If you know
how, take out the hard drive and reconnect it. If that doesn’t work, the hard drive’s interface is forbidden or
the hard drive is seriously damaged.
• Restart the computer and watch for the message telling you which key to strike to go into the BIOS. The
key can vary from system to system so you may need to use a search engine to find the instructions for
The blue screen of death (BSOD) appears when Microsoft Windows has an unrecoverable, critical
error that causes a crash and subsequent data loss. This can be caused by the low-level software in
Windows crashing.
When the BSOD occurs, the computer automatically creates a minidump file and restarts the
computer. If the blue screen appears again, follow the prompts, identify and search for the error code
online, and learn how to fix the problem.