Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education
2 – October 18, 2022 1. demonstrate Elements of a Short Begin with classroom routine.
understanding of a short Story A. Recall
story; The learners will answer the given questions.
2. analyze a short story by What are the six elements of a short story?
identifying its basic B. Activity
elements; Directions: The learners will answer Multiple Choice
3. appreciate the use of Activity. (5 items). (The activity will be presented thru slide
multimedia in sharing deck.)
the lessons learned from C. Discussion of the concept
a short story; and The elements of a short story are the characters, setting, plot,
4. perform a self or peer- conflict, theme, and point of view. The plot structures are the
assessment in following: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action
evaluating one’s work. and resolution.
DIRECTIONS: Identify the six (6) elements from the short
story Sinigang. Write it on your answer sheet.
D. Developing Mastery
DIRECTIONS: In this activity, you have to identify the plot
structure of the story “Sinigang”. Write A for exposition; B
for rising action; C for climax; D for falling action; and E for
resolution. Write your answers on your answer sheet. (The
plot structure of the story will be presented thru slide deck).
literary text, based on Self- and Peer- Ask the learners if they have some clarification regarding the your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
rationalized criteria, assessment Based on previous lesson. 1. What do you think is the
prior to presentation Rationalized Criteria Give the learners the home-based activity. Remind them on importance of self-assessment?
2. critique the adaptation how important to answer the home-based activity 2. What about peer-assessment? Is
of a poem using self- B. Activity it helpful? Why did you say so?
and peer-assessment The learners will answer the home-based activity. 3. Is it important to have a criteria
based on rationalized in assessment?
criteria. 4. Do you agree that making an
adaptation of a literary text
deepens your understanding of
the literary work? Why? Explain
your answer.