Enhance The Attention and The Interest of A Grade 12 Student To Biology Subject
Enhance The Attention and The Interest of A Grade 12 Student To Biology Subject
Enhance The Attention and The Interest of A Grade 12 Student To Biology Subject
W.M.T.S. Wijesundara. MSc, BSc, National Diploma in teaching
Dharmaraja College, Kandy
Learning Biology is an important skill. The research is based on a student in grade 12 with
lack of attention and interest to Biology subject during the learning teaching process. The
main objective of this study is to make this student aware and enhance the interest to the
subject and make him more interactive in the classroom. The direct information was taken
from the student himself, peers, respective subject teachers and his parents by interviews and
questionnaires. After the analysis of data, research methodology was implemented. Active
engagement with new technology, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback,
connections to real-world contexts were applied as the main strategies. The results of this
methodology showed that it was enabled to promote the engagement and interactivity of the
student and increased levels of motivation and improvement in academic achievements by
enhancing the attention and interest to the biology subject.
Key words: Biology, attention, interest, interactive
Learning Biology is a lifelong process, and it holds a key role in dealing with the problems
that emerge with the rapidly changing socio economic and environmental conditions. Proper
communication and awareness about the subject content and subject related general
knowledge is important during the learning teaching process. When this applies to the
students who face GCE AL examination, it will be more extended and emphasizes towards a
better result and memorizing the subject matter accurately.
During the learning teaching process of Biology in grade 12 English medium, a student was
identified with lack of interest and enthusiasm to the subject in past few months though he
shows regular attendance. The purpose of this action research is to make him aware to the
learning teaching process, interest to the subject and make more interactive in the classroom.
In general Biology is a subject with more theoretical matter and less calculations. On the
other hand, in the English medium class the number of students is less comparatively with the
parallel Sinhala medium classes. Therefore, attentiveness and space for him is relatively high
while creating a suitable environment for learning teaching process with less distractions and
disturbances. It was convinced that he has no reluctancy neither frustration to the subject or
school environment but has not taken the gravity and importance of achieving credits from
the A/L examination.
Classroom is a laboratory to examine the potentialities of students and degree of faculties to
innovate something new, where they can get an opportunity to know and express themselves
and to become eligible for university entrance or another vocational education. Both valid
knowledge and proper transaction of learning contents are the fundamental for not only
performing good in ALs but also the tertiary education. But the efforts given by the teachers
and relative authorities in the education system, to enhance the achievement levels of the
school children do not get the expected results due to many difficulties and troubles. In such
instances application of an action research is relevant to overcome such obstacles.
It was realised that the selected student shows attention diversion during the periods of other
subjects as well. For finding the immediate solution and for providing suggestion related to
the issue, action research was design and developed to carry out the study. In this study,
structured interviews, questionnaires, and direct conversations were administered for
collection data from the student himself, peers, other subject teachers, and parents.
When examined the family background of the student, he belongs to a middle-class family
with a good economical background where one of the parents directly involved in the
administrative service of the ministry of education. He is stayed in a boarding place just close
to the school as he has done the admission to grade 12 to the current school as a new
entrance. He has fulfilled enough requirements to select the biological science stream as he
has achieved eight As and one B for the O/Ls and good in understanding English as the
medium of instructions. But the school culture he experiences now is highly elevated from
the former school as he has done the O/Ls in an international school from another province
other than central province. He is got much amount of money from his parents for his
expenses, and it seems that he maintains his own routine of day today activities as no back up
from parents for his studies as well.
In the A/L stream as teachers and students are target the examination, Teachers usually
conduct their lessons by making explanations and by asking students questions that are
closed-ended or targeting predefined answers. Though it is suitable for examination targeted
students, this approach is not very much suitable for this selected student. Therefore, new
methodology should be implemented to engage him to this curriculum and enhance his
achievement level by moulding his potentialities.
To find the reasons for attention deviation of the student
To enhance the awareness of the student towards the learning teaching process
To develop the interest and attention of the student to the subject
To develop the interactions with the students and teacher
In this study, a practical and mutual collaborative mode of contribution and student-centred
learning process were applied, which enabled the student to improve the interactions with
other students in the class and the teacher. In this mode, the student himself participate
actively in classroom work while teacher finds the possible solutions to identified problems,
the underlying causes, and during the practice of each action plan. The whole plan aims to
improve the attention and active presence in the classroom.
In this action research various steps were outlined as (1) identifying the problem, (2) planning
the data collection process, (3) collecting and analysing data, (4) preparing an action plan
based on the findings obtained, and finally (5) reporting the findings.
First, the current situation and problem were determined as previously described methods.
According to the analysed data, a new intervention was applied under four steps for effective
learning to develop cognitive, affective, and psychomotor areas. (1) Active engagement with
new technology (2) Participation in group work activities (3) Frequent interaction and
feedback (4) Connect Biology to real-world contexts
(1) Active engagement with new technology
To improve effectiveness of grasping knowledge, appropriate new technological tools were
used in the classroom as an integrating technology in the learning process such as smart
boards. Conducting the lesson in power point presentations, video demonstrations and
opportunities for the student to present his power point presentations to the class for the
interest areas of the lessons were implemented in this intervention.
(2) Participation in group work activities
Opportunities were given to the student by collaborative activities in assessments, laboratory
experiments, discussion panels with classmates to gain more experiences for tutoring and
sharing knowledge with them. In group work, the student was able to have more
opportunities to raise questions and offer ideas. When working with teacher assigned peers,
the student was tended to be helped during the interactions by being focused, made
contributions for ideas either accepted or rejected by their peers. These interactions and their
findings were contributed to ongoing discussions on group work and friendship in the diverse
classroom and accessed a wider variety of group work practices.
(3) Frequent interaction and feedback
Positive feedback was used as the most powerful tool for improving student learning and
attention that focuses on what he needs to be done and encourage him to believe that he could
improve. This was applied to reduce the discrepancy between desired and current
understanding by answering questions by supporting the students to monitor his own progress
and achievements.
(4) Connect Biology to real-world contexts
Applying the aspects of relevance such as personal, professional, and social relevancy was
another intervention for this research and biology curriculum was framed world-to-self
context. Projects, suitable experiments with a context approach rather than only a concept
approach was applied during the assessments.
Data Collection
Aim of this action research is to understand the real situations in the teaching environments
and find possible solutions. Tools of data collection used in this study were informal
conversations and interviews with the target student peers and parents and questionnaire with
subject teachers. Involving of the student and the peers was handled carefully under the
regulations of ethical values. Those data were transferred to documents for further analysis.
Data Analysis
Data were analysed using the observation method with the help of check lists and they were
graphed using codes.
The findings can be classified into two categories as situation before new implementation and
current situation after the new implementation.
The student showed least participation during the assessment of the lesson for both Biology
and other subjects showing the percentages 5.2% and 4.5% respectively. The student
showed highest participation during the engagement of the lesson for both Biology and other
subjects showing the percentages 44.8% and 45.6% respectively.
Both data from Biology is less or more like other subjects as well. But from the data taken by
the peers show that the student is more interactive and active in other times than learning
periods in the classroom. He shows the least participation for extracurricular activities as
Suggestions and solutions
Knowledge of Biology is important not only for classroom activities and examinations but
also it provides a chance for the students to meet and think about new or different
perspectives in day-to-day life. With the implementation of this new methodology, the
teaching style is shaped for a reformulation by putting an extra emphasis on improving the
attention of the particular student while giving the maximum benefit to the class so as to use
knowledge and using this knowledge functionally in life by means of communication, critical
thinking, questioning, and problem-solving skills, rather than individuals who have just
enough knowledge to do what they are told to do. The other most important thing is the
research has changed the role of the teacher from a knowledge transmitter to a guide and a
facilitator and the student role from knowledge receiver to user, researcher, questioner, and
explainer of technology. The research is directly cope with the attitudes, emotions, and
behaviour; therefore, ethical values should be considered so as no harm to the student.
In working with the smart board, multiple benefits for both the student and the teacher were
received as it can be used in so many ways making it as tool easily be integrated into any
subject area by addressing all the learning styles in a classroom. The visibility of the board is
not only engaging for the young learners, but it also facilitates whole group instruction that is
more collaborative and active in comparison to traditional whole group lessons that tend to be
more passive and oriented toward direct instruction.
Providing students with effective feedback contributes to learning and achievement. When
teachers provide frequent, constructive, and instructive feedback it can bridge the gap
between current and desired student outcomes. By addressing relevancy and then providing
contextual learning help to create a meaningful learning experience for the students.
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Ydka; is,afjia;r úÿy," uykqjr
bfkdald pdkaoks uqKisxy
foaYsh wkkH;djhkag;a " fidnd oyug;a " cSú wcSú úYaj Od;=kag ys;ldó mqrjeisfhl=
ks¾udKh lsrSfï mq¿,a cd;sl mrud¾:fhka mdi,a moaO;sh ;=< orejkag bf.kSug ,efnk iqúfYaI;u
úIh fi!kao¾h úIhhs' Wiia ri{;d {dkhlska hq;= udkj ys;jdoS Ñka;kfhka fyî l%shdYs,s
iudcdkqfhda.S mqrjeisfhl= f,i jev f,dalhg msúiSug fi!kao¾h wOHdmkfhka ,nk wdOHd;añl
yd YdrSrsl m%fndaOh bjy,a lr .ekSu wOH;k iudc wjYH;djhls' fi!kao¾hfha úkaokd;aul
bf.kqu cd;sl" ixialD;sl wkkH;d yd úúO iïm%odhka iam¾Y lrñka úYaj Ñka;khla lrd isiqjdf.a
oekqu" yelshd yd wdl,am mq¿,a lr .ekSug yels jk mrsos wOHdmkslj;a" ufkda úoHd;aulj;a
k¾;k úIh bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,sh i|yd ixúOdkh ù we;' l%shd uQ,sl m¾fhaIKhla hkq z ;u
jD;a;Sh jHjydrhka oshqKq lr .ekSug jD;a;slhd lrk m¾fhaIKhhs' Z fumrsoafoka udf.a jD;a;Sh
idOkSh;ajh Wfoid bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,sfhaoS isiqka úismia fofkl=f.ka iukaú; jQ k¾;k
mka;s ldurfha isiqka miafofkl=g .dhkfhaoS ksjerosj ;d, ;eîug fkdyels nj y÷kd .;sñ' fuu ksheosh
i`oyd l%shduQ,sl m¾fhaIK l%ufõoh Tiafia ksrslaIKh " f,aLk wOHhkh yd iïuqL idlÉPd hk
o;a; /ia lsrSfï WmlrK Ndú;d lrñka m¾fhaIK .eg¨j wkdjrKh lr .;sñ' we;eï .eg¨ isiqka
miafokdgu fmdÿ jQ w;r we;eï .eg¨ flaj, úh' ueosy;a ùfï l%shdldrlï ;=kla fhdod .ksñka .eg¨
ksrdlrKh lsrSug yels úh' isiqka .dhkhg ue,slula oelaùu;a " ;d, ;eìug ;d,ïfmdg Ndú;d lsrSug
ue,slula oelaùu;a " .dhkh iu`.ska ;d, ;eìu flfrys wjOdkh fhduq fkdùu;a hk lreKq m¾fhaIK
ks.ukh úh' m¾fhaIK wkdjrKhka yd ks.ukhkag wkqj hñka m¾fhaIK fhdackd f,i k¾;k úIhg 6
fY%aKshg msúfik isiqkg uq, isgu .dhkfhaoS ;d, ;eìug fhduq lsrSu;a" ta i|yd ;d,ïfmdg Ndú;d
lsrSug wjia:dj i,id oSu;a" .dhkh iu`.ska fnr jdokh isÿ lsrSu;a isÿ l< hq;= nj wjOdrKh úh'
uQLH mo - ;s;a f;hs " ;d,h " ;s;
le<Ksh úYaj úoHd,fha by<fm< f.!rj idud¾:hla iu`.ska Ydia;%fõos Wmdëh iu;aj cd;sl
wOHdmk wdh;kfhka mYapd;a Wmdê ämaf,daud úNd.fhka Wiia idud¾:hla ,nd .ksñka
jD;a;Sh ksmqK;djka Wod lr .;a w;r fmardfoKsh úYaj úoHd,fhka wOHdmkm;s Wmdêh yodrd
fï jk úg uykqjr Ydka; is,afjia;r úoHd,fha .=re fiajfha m<uq mka;sfha .=rejrshla f,i fiajh lrñ' l,d
úIh Odrdjka w;r yskaos NdIdj yd k¾;kh hk úIhhka bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,sfha ksr; ù isáñ'
uykqjr wOHdmk l,dmfha m¾fhaIK wxYh u`.ska fufyhjk l%shd uQ,sl m¾fhaIK i|yd leue;a;la
olajk fyhska m¾fhaIK ld¾hh yd odhlùug wfmalaId lf<ñ'
fuysoS k¾;k úIhg wod<j l%shduQ,sl m¾fhaIKhla isÿ lsrSug woyia l< neúka ta i|yd 10 jk fY
%aKsfha k¾;kh úIh yodrk isiqka úismiafokd w;=rska isiqka miafofkl= ;=< jQ .eg,qldrS
iajNdjh m¾fhaIKh i|yd mdol fldg .;af;ah'
úIh b.ekaùï isÿ lrk ld,h mqrdjg ksrSlaIKh jQ m%;HfõlaIK igyka weiqrska 10 fY%aKsfha
isiqka miafofkl= ;=< .dhkfha oS ksjerosj ;d, ;eìfï yelshdj fkdue;s nj wjfndaO lr .;sñ' m
%dfhda.sl l%shdldrlï yd ne÷Kq úIhla f,iska k¾;k úIh ;=< k¾;kh" .dhkh" jdokh hk ;%súO l
%shdldrlï k¾;kh yodrk wdOqkslfhl= wksjd¾hfhkau wOHhkh l< hq;=h' fuysoS .dhkhg ysñ
jkafka iqúfYaIs ia:dkhls'
ksjeros .dhkh ;=< ;d, ;eîug kï Bg wod< ;s;a rEm ms<sn|j o ukd wjfndaOhla ;sìh hq;=h' ;u úIh
ud,djg wh;a .dhkdjka i|yd wod< ;s;a rEm ms<sn|j fuysoS wdOqksl k¾;k Ys,amshd yeoersh
hq;=h' tmuKla fkdj tla tla .dhkdjka i|yd Bg iqúfYaIs jq kdo ud,djlao mj;sk nj wjfndaO lr .;
hq;=h' fï ish¨ lreKq tla fldg .kakd w;r ;d,ïmg Ndú;d lrñka .dhkfha fhoSu wksjd¾hfhka l<
hq;a;la njo jgyd .; hq;=h'
tfyhska udf.a l%shd uQ,sl m¾fhaIKh i|yd f;dard .;a fuu .eg¨j os.= ld,Sk úIh ixj¾Okhlg u`.
mdokakla jk neúka wfmalaIs; b,lalh lrd isiqka /f.k hdu udf.a ld¾hNdrh fukau j.lSuo fõ'
m¾fhaIK wruqKq
1' .dhkh iu`.ska ;d,h ;eìfï fkdyelshdj y÷kd .ekSu
2' ksjerosj ;d,h ;eìug we;s ÿ¾j,;djh y÷kd .ekSu
3' ksjeros ;s;a m%fNaohg .dhkh isÿ lrñka ;d,ïfmdg jdokhg ueosy;a ùfï l%shdldrlï
ie<iqï lsrSu
4' fnr jdokhg wkqj ksjerosj ;d, ;nñka .dhkfha ksr; lrùu
m¾fhaIK l%ufõoh
l%shd uQ,sl m¾fhaIKhloS ueosy;a ùfï l%shd ms<sfj, m%uqL ld¾hhla jk ksidfjkaa mka;s
ldurfha fiiq YsIHhskaf.a bf.kqï l%shdj,shg ndOdjla fkdjk whqrska m¾fhaIKhg n÷kajk
YsIHhska miafokd yd iqyoj iïuqL idlÉPd mj;ajñka Tjqkf.a ÿ¾j,;djhg lreKq wkdjrKh lr .;sñ'
óg wu;rj .dhkh hk úIh mrdih isxy, yd nqoaO O¾uh hk úIhka j,oSo Ndú;dfõ fhfok neúka isxy,
yd nqoaO O¾uh úIh W.kajk .=reNj;=ka yd iïuqL idlÉPd mj;ajñka fuu isiqka miafokd ms<sn|j
f;dr;=re wkdjrKh lr .; yels úh' fiALHh yd YdrSrsl wOHhkh úIfhaoS rsoauhdkql+, p,k f,i
wdpdr fm<md,s jeks wjia:d i|yd m¾fhaIs; isiqkaf.a yeiSrSï rgdjka ksrSlaIKh lf<ñ' fuu
YsIHhskaf.a bf.kqï ld¾hfha id¾:l;ajh fln÷ wdldroehs úu¾Ykh lf<ñ' fï i|yd ksrSlaIK" iïuqL
o;a; úYaf,aIKh
f,aLk wOHhkh
f,aLk wOHhkfhaoS YsIH meñKsu yd YsIH idOk uÜgu wju uÜgul mj;sk nj wkdjrKh úh'
YsIH meñKsu m<uq yd fojk jdr mrSlaIK ;=<oS ,nd .;a k¾;k
úIh ,l=Kq
iïuqL idlÉPd
mka;sNdr .=reNj;d iu`. l< iïuqL idlÉPdj ;=<oS úêu;a m%Yakdj,shla Ndú;d fkdl< w;r
iqyoj isiqka ms<sn|j f;dr;=re wkdjrKh lr .;sñ' ;ks ;ksj hula bosrsm;a lsrSug miq.dó jk nj;a
WoEik mx;sldurfha mj;ajk YrSr iqj;d jev igyk fudfydf;a oS Wjukdjlska f;drj l%shdldrlï j, ksr;
jk nj;a tu l%shdldrlï isÿ lsrSfïoS ;d,dkql+," rsoauhdkql+, núka f;drj tajd isÿ lrk nj;a mejiSh'
tfukau ;jo mka;sNdr .=re;=ñh mejiqfõ udf.a m¾fhaIs; orejkaf.a fiiq úIh idOk uÜgï o wju
uÜgul mj;sk njhs' foudmsh wjOdkh .s,sys we;s njo weh ;jÿrg;a mejiqjdh'
úIhNdr .=reNj;=ka iu`. l< iïuqL idlÉPdjkays os fuu m¾fhaIs; isiqka bosrsm;a ùug
ue,slula olajk nj wjOdrKh flreKS' isxy, NdIdj yd idys;Hh úIh ks¾foaYhg wod< ks¾osIag .
%ka:fha i|yka we;eï .dhkd fldgia bosrsm;a lsrSug fuu isiqka miqng njla oelajQy' fndfyda úg B
" D yd E hk isiqka lú .dhkd l<o tys ;d,dkql+, njla fkdùh' A yd C hk isiqka fofokd bosrsm;a
jkafka o ke;'
fi!LHh yd Ydrsrsl wOHdmk úIh Ndr .=reNj;d iu`. l< idlÉPdjkays os Tyq mejiqfõ
rsoauhdkql+, p,k iys; l%shdldrlï j,oS Tjqkaf.a p,kh ;=<o rsoauhdkql=, nj fkdue;s ùuhs'
úfYaIfhka wdpdr fm<md,s i|yd isÿ lrk l,a ;eîu wdos l%shdfldrlï j,os rsoauhdkql+, nj;a "
ixLHd;aulj .Kkhg wjia:djla fkdue;s nj;a wkdjrKh lr .;sñ'
Rcq yd jl%j lrkq ,enq ksrSlaIKhkaysoS ksjerosj ;d, ;eìfï yelshdj fkdue;s nj;a" ;d,ïmg Ndú;d
lrñka .dhkfha fhosh fkdyels nj;a wjfndaO jQKs' Bg wu;rj fjk;a úIh l%shdldrlï j,oSo bosrsm;a
ùfï miqng njla olakg ,enqKs' ksrSlaIs; p¾hd rgdjka ;=<ska ;jÿrg;a ;yjqre lr .; yels jQfha
rsoauhdkQl+, njla fkdue;s nj;a y`v k.d .dhkh lsrSug ue,sslula olajk njhs'
Ydia;%sh ikao¾Nh
ví' ta' ä' á' ohdr;ak uy;df.a —k¾;k isoaOdka; yd ixialD;sl miqìu Z ish .%ka:fha
z w;af,ka w;a, .id y`v .ekaùu ;d, hkak Z f,i y÷kajk nj fmkajd fohs' Z
.dhkfhaoS " k¾;kfhaoS fyda jdokfhaoS ;d,h bmoùug y`v w;HjHh fõ' w;af,ka w;a, .id
fyda ;d,ïmáka fyda ksmojd .kakd y`v ksjerosj .dhkh yd uqiq lsrSu ;=<ska ksjeros .dhkhla isÿ
jkq we;' tfia kï wod< ;s;a rEm u; msysgd .dhkhla isÿ lsrSug .dhkh yd ne|s ksjeros ;d,h wjeis nj
fuu`.ska jgyd .; yelsh'
tys ;jÿrj;a i|yka jkafka ;d,ïmáka Yío folla Wmosk nj;a" th ;s;a yd f;hs f,i y÷kajk nj;ah'
fuu w¾: ú.%yhg wkqj ;d,ïmáka èjks folla ksl=;a jk nj lshefõ' tajd kï z ;s;a Z yd z f;hs Z
hkqfjks' ;s;a hk Yíoh bmoùu i|yd ;d,ïmfÜ fomshka fol tlg jefik wdldrfhkao " f;hs hk Yíoh
bmoùu i|yd ;d,ïmfÜ tla mshkla jeoS hk f,i;a ;d,h ;nkq ,efí' ;ks ;s;g wh;a iq¿ ue÷ï uy hk ;s;a
rEm i|yd ;s;a hkqfjka ;d,ïmáka y`v ksl=;a fõ' kuq;a ;s;a f;hs hk y`v bmoùu i|yd fo;sf;a ;d,
rEmhkag wh;a iq¿ uy" iq¿ ue÷ï " ue÷ï uy" hk ;s;a rEm ms<snoj wjfndaOhla ;sìh
hq;=h' ;d,ïmg jdokfhaoS fuu èjks fofla y`v fjka fjkaj Y%jKh l< yels jqj;a ;e,Sfuka tu fjki m
%dfhda.slj w;a ù|sug fkdyelsh'
o;a; úYaf,aIKfhka yd Ydia;%Sh ikao¾Nh ;=<ska jvd;a ;yjQre jQfha .dhkh i|yd
ksjerosj ;d, ;eìhhq;= nj;a ta i|yd ;d,ïfmdg Ndú;h isÿ l<hq;= nj;ah' fuu lreKq ish,a, flfrys
wjOdkh fhduq lrñka isiqkaf.a bosrsm;a fkdùfï ÿ¾j,;djh yd miq.dó nj ÿre lr,Su i|yd ueosy;a ùfï
l%shdldrlu ie<iqï lf<ñ'
m<uq mshjr - ;ks ;sf;a ;d, rEmh ye|skaùu yd Bg WÑ; .dhkdjka .dhkh
fojk mshjr - fo;s;g wh;a ;d, m%fNaohka y÷kajd oSu
;=kajk mshjr - fo;sf;a ;d, m%fNaohkag wh;a lú .dhkd lsrSu
fuu l%shdoduh l%shd;aul lsrSfïoS ud ie,iqï lrk ,oafoa isiqkaf.a úêu;a úIh ud,dj l%shd;aul
mdi,a ld, fõ,dj ;=< ndOdldrS fkdùug;a" isiqkag th ;j;a bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,shla fkdjk njg;a
ta;a;= .kajñka fuu l%shdldrlu l%shd;aul lsrSughs' m¾fhaIs; ld,h mqrdjg ud yg wjfndaO
jqfha .=rejrfhl= jYfhka isiqka fj; ksrka;rfhka wjOdkh fhduq lrñka Tjqkaf.a wjYH;d " reÑ
wreÑlï jgyd .ksñka p¾hduh fjkila lrd isiqka /f.k hkafka kï .=rejrhdg ;u wfmalaIs; b,lal
lrd .uka lsrSug myiqfjkau yelshdj ,efnk njhs' l%shdldrlu ;=< ksr; jk fudfydf;a fndfyda wjia:d
j,oS Tjqka fndfyda úfkdaod;aul iajrEmfhka ;u l%shdldrlï ;=< ksr; jQy' mdi,a ld, fõ,dj ;=<oS
úkdä 40l ld,ÉfPaohlg isrù isák orejkag ;u wdYdjka yelshdjka biau;= lsrSug miqng jk isiq
orejkag fuu wjia:d ;=<oS ksoyfia ;u YlH;d fmkakqï lsrsug wjia:dj ,enqKs'
we;eï úfgl Tjqka ud yd fndfyda f<ka.;= fjñka Tjqka tosfkod ,nk w;aoElSï mjd yqjudre
lsrSug fkdmels,j bosrsm;a jQy' fu;=<ska ud ,enqq w;aoElSï o wmuKh'
ksjerosj ;d, ;eîfï yelshdj j¾Okh lsrSu .eg¨j i|yd ksmqK;d uÜgï lrd isiqka /f.k hdfïoS
úIh wka;¾.;h ms<sn|j oekqu ,ndfok fudfydf;a flaj, yd iduQysl bf.kqï l%u Ys,am Ndú;d lf<ñ'
tmuKla fkdj wNHdihka ;=< ksr; ùfïoS jeä jdr .Kkla wNHdifha fhoSu ;=<ska isiqkag ;d,
rgdjka ms<sn| u;lh jeä jkakg úh' tfia wNHdifha fhoSug Tjqkag wjYH ;rï ld,hla ,nd ÿKs'
tfyhska tu l%shdj,sh b;d id¾:l tlla njg m;a úh'
m¾fhaIK ks.uk
m¾fhaIK fhdackd
6 jk fY%aKshg k¾;k úIh yeoErSu i|yd msúfik isiqjdg .dhkh úIfhaoS th b;d m
%shukdm ld¾hhla nj wjfndaO lrfoñka .dhkh i|yd fhduq lsrSu
.dhkfhaoS ;d,h flfrys wjOdkh fhduq ùu
.dhkfhaoS ;d, ;eìu isÿ l<hq;= ùu
;d,h ;eìu i|yd ;d,ïfmdg jdokh isÿ l<hq;= ùu
fnr jdokh iu`.ska .dhkh isÿ lsrSu;a tysos ;d,ïfmdg jdokh isÿ l<hq;= ùu
hk m¾fhaIK fhdackdjka fuysos bosrsm;a l< yel'
wdY%s; .%ka:
wfímd,"frda,kaâ ^ 1995 & Wvrg kegqï l,dj" wOHdmk .%ka: m%ldYk WmfoaYk
wfímd," frda,kaâ ^ 2014& nqoaêh ft;sydisl úldYkh yd úúO u;" wOdmk mSGh( fld<U
úYaj úoHd,h
ohdr;ak" ví'ta'ä'á' ^2000 & k¾;k isoaOdka; yd ixialD;sl miqìu ( Y%s ,xld mqia;ld, yd
m%f,aLk fiajd uKav,h
rUqlaje,a,"fla't,a' iy .=K;s,l" ta'tï'ä'^ 2011 & l%shd uQ,sl m¾fhaIK kHdh yd jHjydr "
uykqjr ( l¾;D m%ldYk
An attempt to develop skills leading to vocational needs in the Advanced level students
who follow Aesthetic subjects under Art Stream.
B.M.A.K.Basnayake – Risikala Aesthetic College.
Research problem
G.C.E. Advanced Level students who follow Art stream Aesthetic subjects and not selected
to Higher Education are not motivated to develop their skills focusing vocational needs.
Risikala Aesthetic College which is situated in the Kandy Education zone, was founded in the
year 2008 and it was completely a new concept to the Sri Lankan education system. The
school provides education to G.C.E. Advanced Level students who follow aesthetic subjects
and this is the first ever Advanced Level aesthetic school in our country. Students are
selected to this school according to their Ordinary Level examination results and each intake
is a mixture of students from different schools in different parts of the Central Province.
It is compulsory for the students in this school to take one aesthetic subject for their advanced
level examination. There are few students who select aesthetic subjects because of their
inborn talents in the selected area and they are ambitious to build their future using their
aesthetic talents. The main issue of this school is that most of the others opt to do aesthetic
subjects because of their low performance at the G.C.E.O/L examination in mathematics,
science and English. As a result most of them find it difficult to cope with the other art stream
subjects. According to the observations done over the past five years, it has been revealed
that many students get qualified to the university but less than 10% of them gain admission
to the university. However there are past pupils who have become successful entrepreneurs
using their aesthetic talents. Therefore it is obvious that these students need motivation to
develop their skills related to industries available in the world of work.
Objectives of the research
1. Make students aware that they must prepare themselves to enter the world of work after
their schooling time.
2. Develop an interest in the students in the subjects they have selected and make them
confident that they can face the challenges of life.
3. Bring out the hidden talents in students which are unique to them.
4. Develop their interest to attend school daily.
In this research participatory method was used. In the interventions students and teachers all
got together in the activities and became active participants of the tasks. First we have to
discuss this new methodology with the principal because it was something different from the
usual method of repairing instruments in the school. As usual quotations are called and the
instruments are sent to the successful bidder for repairing but this time the bidder had to come
to the school and do the repairing with the help of the students. It needed a mutual
understanding between the two parties because it was something more than doing the set task
and getting the dues. The teachers were ready to ‘give a try’.
The First Intervention
The dancing section of the school needed their drums to be repaired before the dancing
competitions.(They have Daula, thammattama, gata beraya and devol beraya. ) This time the
dancing section decided to invite a professional to the school and do the task with the help of
the students. Some students were very happy about the situation and learnt a lot about how to
repair a drum and about the material needed for them.
The second Intervention
The next opportunity was the school prize giving. A dancing troupe was to be dressed and the
school did not invite any outside person to do the make-up of the students. A group of
students took over the challenge with the assistance and the guidance of the skilled teachers
in the school. It was an interesting and educative session for the students who involved in the
The third Intervention
In the month of November the Music section needed to get a violin be repaired before another
function in the school. This time the resource person was a teacher in the school who was
talented in the trade. The repairing of the violin was done with the music students and they
were happy and satisfied after the session.
Students who do aesthetic subjects use and play different instruments because they need them
for their exam purposes. Those who get through the exam barriers will enter the higher
education institutes, but the others who do not clear the barriers do not have any skill leading
to their vocational needs. There is a scarcity of skilled people in these fields and our formal
education system can put the foundation for the development of these skills during their
schooling time without much effort.
1. Students who select aesthetic subjects for their Advanced Level and who are not selected
for higher education have many opportunities in the world of work as self-employers.
2. Students understand that there is a path for them in the world of work.
3. Students are motivated to attend school daily and they start to explore the hidden talents
and skills in them.
4. It breaks the monotony of the teaching and learning process.
5. A slight change in the daily routine can bring unbelievable results.
1. World Bank – Skills development – 2021.07.21 Tertiary Education overview.
2. Nithiyaluxmy Tharmaseelan – Tertiary education in Sri Lanka: Issues and challenges –
Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy volume 1 – 2017
jhuq i;air - k.uq fjK ko
ix.S; NdKav jdokfha fkdyelshdj we;s orejkag ix.S; NdKav jdok yelshdj ,nd§u
ví,sõ ' mS ' .x.d ks,añ‚ ùrj¾Ok
ix.S; wdpdßks - uykqjr fnrjÜia cd;sl mdi,
mdi,a úIh ud,dfõ § 6 fYa%‚fha isg 11 fYa%‚h olajd 11 jk ldKav úIhla f,i ;u ukdmh u;
f;dard.kq ,nk fmrÈ. ix.S; úIh bf.kqu ,nk isiqka .dhkh iy jdokh hk wxY folu ksmqK;d iy
ksmqK;d uÜgï yhlska jir yhla ;=< bf.kqu ,nhs' fuys§ iEu isiqfjl+u m%Odk úIh .dhkh wkq
úIh jdokh f,i;a" m%Odk úIh jdok wkq úIh .dhkh f,i;a fmrÈ. ix.S;h m%dfhda.sl úIhhla f,i
bf.kqu ,nhs'
2019 j¾Ifha rfgys isÿjQ l,yldÍ ;;ajh iy miqj we;sjQ fldúâ 19 jix.;h fya;=fjka mdi,a jid
oeuqKq w;r bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,sh ud¾..; l%uh Tiafia Whats App iy Zoom App
wdOdrfhka isÿúh' Whats App iy Zoom App u.ska fmrÈ. ix.S;h kHdhd;aul mdvï iy m
%dfhda.sl mdvï bf.kqï b.ekaùï isÿ l< w;ru Youtube iy úúO fjí wvú mßYS,kh lsÍfuka o m
%dfhda.sl mdvï iy ix.S; NdKav mqyqKqj ,nd.ekSug isiqkag u. fmkaùh' mdi,a kej; wdrïN
ùfuka miqj w'fmd'i ^id'fm<& úNd.hg fmkS isák 11 fYa‚fha isiqka 14 fokdf.a idOk uÜgu
mÍlaId lsÍug ,sÅ; mÍlaIKhla iy m%dfhda.sl mÍlaIKhla meje;aùh' ta wkqj isiqka fofofkl= m
%dfhda.sl mÍlaIKfha —.=rejrhd úiska kï lrk ,o .S;h ;uka leu;s ix.S; NdKavhlska jdokh lsÍu˜
hk ks¾Kdhlhg ,l=Kq ,nd .ekSug fkdyels nj wkdjrKh úh' tu ksid ta isiqka fofokd iy Tjqkaf.a
foudmshka iu. idlÉPd lsÍfuka wkdjrKh jQfha ud¾..; wOHdmksl ld,fha § Tjqkg ta i|yd
iyNd.sùug cx.u ÿrl:khla fyda mß.Klhla fkd;snqK nj h' ta fya;=fjka tu ld,fha isÿl< ix.S; mdvï
j,g iyNd.s fkdùu;a" lsisÿ ix.S; NdKavhla mqyqKq ùug ksjfia fkd;snqKq nj;a" mjqf,a lsisfjl=g
ix.S; NdKav jdok l=i,;djla fkd;snqKq ksid;a tu isiqka fofokdg u jdok l=i,;djla fkdue;snj
wkdjrKh úh' tu ksid tu .eg,qjg úi÷ï ,nd.ekSug l%shduQ,sl m¾fhaIKhla Èh;a lf<ñ' tys§ tu
isiqka fofokdf.a leue;a; u; mdi, i;= jh,Ska folla uÕska ueÈy;aùï myla hgf;a mshjr l%uhg" ir<
wNHdifha isg ixlS¾K wNHdi olajd l%ñl mqyqKq lsÍula Èh;a lr ir, kdo ud,djla jdokhg yqre
lf<ñ'bkamiqj Tjqka iaj W;aiyfhka úúO kdoud,d jdokhg fm<ô‚' ta wkqj tu j¾Ifha wjidk jdr
úNd.fhaos .=rejrhd úiska kï lrk ,o kï .S;hg ysñ uq¿ ,l=Kq ,nd.;a w;r" 2021 j¾Ifha w'fmd'i
^id'fm,& úNd.fha wjidk m%;sM,h c idud¾: folla ,nd.;a w;r" tu isiqka fofokdg we;sjQ .eg¿jg
úi÷ï udf.a l%shduQ,sl m¾fhaIKfhka ,enqK nj ;=áka m%ldY lrñ'
uqLH mo - jdokh " jh,Skh
mdi,a úIh ud,dj ;=<§ isiqfjl=g NdIdj ".‚;h" wd.u" b;sydih" úoHdj wdÈ uki fjfyijk úIhka
rdYshla w;r fi!kao¾h úIh lafIa;%h hgf;a f,dj we;s ishqïu l,dj jk —ix.S;h˜ kï uki iqjm;a lrjk
úIh yeoEÍfuka isiqfjl=f.a oekqu l=i,;d fukau wdl,am j¾Okh o ksmqK;d ixj¾Okh ;=<ska
iqiudys; fm!reIhla fyì udkjjd§ wfhl= f,i iudc.; ùug wjldY ,efí'
ud fiajh lrk uOHu m<df;a uykqjr l,dmhg wh;a 1A B mdif,ys 6-11 fYa‚ j,g fmrÈ.
ix.S;h bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,sfhys ksr; fjñ' tys§ 6 fYa‚fha isg 11 fYa%‚h olajd úIh f;dard .;a
isiqyq fmrÈ. ix.S;h yodr;s'
2019 j¾Ifha isg rfgys isÿ jQ l,yldÍ ;;a;ajh iy covid 19 jix.; ;;ajh fya;=fjka mdi,a jeä
ld,hla fkdmeje;aùu;a fya;=fjka bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,sh ud¾..; l%uh Tiafia isÿúh' fuys§
fmrÈ. ix.S;h úIfhys kHdhd;aul iy m%dfhda.sl úIh fldgia o ud¾..; l%uhg isÿúh'
w'fmd'i ^ id'fm<& úNd.hg fmkS isák 11 AB fYa‚j, fmrÈ. ix.S;h yodrk isiqka 14
fofkl= i|yd Tjqkaf.a idOk uÜgu wkdjrKh lr.ekSug ,sÅ; yd m%dfhda.sl mÍlaIKhla mj;ajk ,§'
tu m%dfhda.sl mÍlaIKfha .=rejrhd úiska kï lrk ,o ;uka leu;s ix.S; NdKavhlska jdokh lsÍu hk
ks¾Kdhlhg isiqka fofofkl=g ,l=Kq ,nd.ekSug fkdyels úh' fuhska wkdjrKh jQfha tu isiqka
fofokdg bÈßfha § meje;afjk w'fmd'i
^ id'fm<& úNd.fha wkq úIh jdokh fldgig ,l=Kq ,nd .ekSug fkdyels njh' fuu .eg¨j tu isiqkaf.a
w'fmd'i^ idfm,& wjidk m%;sM,hg o" mdif,a m%;sM,hg fukau uykqjr l,dmfha fmrÈ. ix.S; m
%;sM,hg n,mdk neúka tu .eg¨j ksrdlrKh lr.ekSug l%shduQ, m¾fhaIKhla lsÍug uu ;SrKh
lf<ñ'thg wod< my; i|yka idys;H lD;s mßYS,kh lf<ñ'
• wurfoaj^1986& kdo is;a;ï jh,Skh jdokh
• fma%ur;ak fidhsid^2005& YslaIK ix.S;h ^w'fmd'i^ id'fm<&g w;aje,la
• fi!kao¾h wOHdmk fomd¾;fïka;=fõ 2008 fmrÈ. ix.S; .=re ud¾f.damfoaY ix.%yh
m¾fhaIK .eg¨j
11fYa‚fha isiqka fofofkl=g ix.S; NdKav jdokh lsÍfï l=i,;dj fkdue;s ùu'
m¾fhaIK wruqKq
1' 11fYa‚fha isiqka fofofkl= ix.S; NdKav jdokfha olajk fkdyelshdj y÷kd.ekSu'
2' tu isiqkag ix.S; NdKav jdokfha ÿ¾j,;d we;sùug fya;= fidhd .ekSu '
3' isiqkag jdokhg leu;shs ix.S; NdKavhla f;dard.ekSug bv ie,iSu'
4' isiq ÿ¾j,;d u.yrjd .ekSug ueÈy;aùfï jevms<sfj<la ie,iqï lsÍu'
5' tu YsIHhkaf.a ÿ¾j,;d wju lsÍu i|yd m%;sld¾h bf.kqï f.kqï b.ekaùï l%u
fhdod .ekSu'
6' ir, wNHdi isg ixlS¾K wNHdi l%u u.ska bf.kqï b.ekaùï ixúOdkh lsÍu'
7' ixj¾Okh ;lafiare lsÍu'
8' isiqka wfmalaIs; uÜgug <Õd jk f;la ueÈy;aùfï l%shdldrlï j, ksr;ùu'
m¾fhaIK l%ufõoh
l%shduQ,sl m¾fhaIK j, § hï .eg¨jlg wod, m¾fhaIKhla fufyhúh hq;= wdldrh l¾Ü f,úka
jeks m¾fhaIlhka bÈßm;a lr we;s wdlD;sh wkqj ug we;sjQ .eg,qjg ms<shï fh§ug fhduq jqfKñ'
ta wkqj
• m¾fhaIKh ie,iqï lsÍu
• m¾fhaIKh l%shd;aul lsÍu
• o;a; /ia lsÍu
• úYaf,aIKh
• m%;HfõlaIKh
hk ks¾Kdhl u; m¾fhaIKh wdrïN lf<ñ'
.eg¨j y÷kd .ekSug m%dfhda.sl mÍlaIhK" iïuqL idlÉPd ,sÅ; mÍlaIKh jeks l%ufõo
fhdod .kakd ,§'
YsIH$ leu;s rd.hl uOH,h kï lrk ,o ;d,h kï ßoau rgd kï lrk ,o .S;h leu;s
YsIHdjf.a ku .S;h ia:dhs w;ska oeóu lrk ,o .S;h .dhk jdokh ix.S; NdKavhlska
wka;rd .dhkh$jdo 20ka h 20ka jdokh
kh 20ka 20ka
A 15 20 16 20 17
B 17 20 18 20 18
C 15 20 16 20 16
D 18 20 18 20 18
E 16 20 16 20 18
F 16 20 15 20 16
G 13 20 18 20 16
H 17 20 18 20 17
I 17 20 19 20 17
J 19 20 15 20 16
K 12 20 19 20 00
L 17 20 19 20 16
M 19 20 19 20 18
N 14 20 15 20 00
fuu ueÈy;a ùug wkqj mshjr l%uh hgf;a isÿl< b.ekaùfï l%uh wkqj isiqka idOkSh uÜgula
fmkakqï lf<ah'
2 ueÈy;aùu -
2'1 mshjr - jh,Skh Y=oaO iajr jdokfhaÈ weÕs,s ;nk wdldrh y÷kajd §u'
2'2 mshjr - jh,Skh iajr msysàu y÷kajd§u
2'3 mshjr - jh,Skh fmrÈ. l%uhg jdok bßhõ y÷kajd§u'
2'4 mshjr - jh,Skfha w¨j ^BOW& w,a,k l%uh y÷kajd§u
iii " ßÍß " ... " uuu" mmm" OOO " ksksks " iii
iii " ksksks " OOO " mmm " uu u " ... " ßßß "iii
YsIH $YsIHdjf.a ku iajr ia:dk ksjerÈj jdokh iajr wNHdih ksjerÈj jdokh
50 ka
50 ka
K 44 47
N 45 46
fuu ueÈy;a ùug wkqj mshjr l%uh hgf;a isÿl< b.ekaùfï l%uh wkqj isiqka idOkSh uÜgula
fmkakqï lf<ah'
4'2 mshjr- ixlS¾K iajr wNHdi jdokh
by; i|yka iajr wNHdi mshjßka mshjr isiqka fofokdg jh,Skfhka jdokh lsßug mqreÿ mqyqKq
l<dh' Tjqka fofokd b;d leue;af;ka fuu mqreÿ mqyqKqùï j, fhÿk w;r Tjqkaf.a jdok l=i,;djh uek
ne,Sug l%shdfõ fhfok w;r;=r ,l=Kq ,nd §u isÿ lf<ñ' tu ,l=Kq wkqj Tjqka fofokd
idOkSh ;;a;ajhlg meñK we;s nj Èia jq‚'
YsIH $YsIHdjf.a ku iajr ia:dk ksjerÈj jdokh iajr wNHdih ksjerÈj jdokh
50 ka 50 ka
k 44 46
N 48 49
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. . - u $ m - O$ ks - - $ - - -
O - ks $i -O $m - u. $ß - - -
m - ß $.-ß $i- - $- - -
K iy N hk isiqka fofokd ueÈy;aùï y;rla ;=< mshjr .Kkdjl § jh,Sk jdok l=i,;dj ÈhqKqlr.;a
fyhska 5 ueÈy;a ùfï § ir, ;kqjla jdokhg yqre lsÍu wruqK jQ w;r tho mshjr lSmhlska jHjydrfha
mj;sk —ks,a wyia ;f,a˜ .S;fha ;kqj jdokh lsÍug mqreÿ mqyqKq l<dh' my; i|yka ,l=Kq u;
Tjqka fofokdf.a jh,Sk jdok l=i,;dj ÈhqKq ù we;s nj fmkq‚'
11 fYa%‚fha fmrÈ. ix.S;h yodrk ix.S; NdKav jdokfha fkdyelshdj we;s orejka fofofkl=
f;dard l%shduQ,sl m¾fhaIKhla isÿfldg ueÈy;aùï myla hgf;a mshjr .Kkdjla wkq.ukh lrñka
Tjqkag jh,Skh jdok yelshdj ,nd§ug lghq;= lf<ñ' tys§"
1' 11 fYa‚fha isiqka fofofkl=g jdok NdKav jdokh lsÍfï l=i,;djhla fkdue;snj m%dfhda.sl
mÍlaIKfhka wkdjrKh úh'
2' ud¾..; wOHdmksl ld,fhaÈhs ksjfia § tu isiqka fofokdg wOHdmkh ,eîug wjldY
fkd,enqKnj foudmsh iïuqL mßlaIKfha§nj wkdjrKh úh
3' tu isiqka fofokdg ix.S; NdKavhla ksjfia fkdue;s nj;a mjqf,a lsisfjl=g;a jdok yelshdjla
fkdue;s ùu ix.S; NdKav jdokfha fkdyelshdjg fya;=jla jQ nj wkdjrKh úh'
4' kuq;a olaI isiqkag fukau ÿ¾j, isiqkag ir, l%ufha isg ixlS¾K l%uh u.ska blaukskau
jdok l=i,;d ,nd Èh yels nj wkdjrKh úh'
5' ÿ¾j, isiqkag .=rejrekaf.a wdorh" lreKdj iy Wmia:ïNkh ,nd §fuka tu yelshdjka
u.yer .ekSug yels nj wkdjrKh úh'
6' w.h lsÍu yd u. fmkaùu ÿ¾j,;d u.yeÍug fyd|u l%ufõoh nj wkdjrKh úh
ks.ukh iy fhdackd
11 fYa‚fha fmrÈ. ix.S;h yodrk isiqka fofofkl=g lsisÿ ix.S; NdKavhla jdokh lsÍfï l=i,;djhla
fkdue;sùu .eg¨jla úh' tu .eg¿jg úi÷ï fiùug fhdod.;a l%shduQ, m¾fhaIKh ms<sn|j udf.a woyi
jQfha tu .eg¨j ksudlsÍug ud .;a W;aidyh id¾:l jQ njh' isiqka w;r we;s fjkialï" nqoaê uÜgï"
f;areï .ekSfï yelshdj" wjfndaO lr .ekSfï fõ.fha we;s fjkialï wd§ lreKq tlsfkldf.ka fjkia jk nj
udf.a woyihs' tfy;a tu l%ufõoh fhdod .ekSu ksid wjidk b,lalh lrd .uka l< yels nj udf.a woyihs
ta wkqj fuu m¾fhaIKh ;=<ska t<ô ks.uk my; oelafõ
wdY%s; .%ka:
1' wurfoaj ví,sõ ã ^1989& kdo is;a;ï¦ fld<U f,alayjqia bkafjiaÜukag iud.
2 hdmd wdrÉÑ md,s;d^2000& fYa‚fha jh,Ska jdokhg ue,slula olajk isiqkag jh,ska jdok
mqyqKqj ,ndoSu' wOHdmkmkfõ§ Wmdê ksnkaOkhls' uyr.u cd;sl wOHdmk wdfha wOHdmk
3' fma%ur;ak fidhsid ^2005& ;SlaIK ix.S; w'fmd'i^ id'fm,& w;aje,la- Èjq,msáh 2$60 rjqï
mdr" iriaj;S m%ldYk'
E.M.T. Bandaranayake
The aim of this study was to improve students’ motivation and problem-solving skill in
learning Mathematics using activities built with multi-approach method with the objectives
(i.) to investigate how classroom activities helps to motivate students towards mathematics,
(ii.) to improve students’ problem-solving skill in mathematics using activities. The action
research was adopted for this study and it found multi-approach method. This is an ongoing
study with 42 students from grade 6, 1AB School in Sri Lanka. The students’ motivation was
measured through observations, and interviews. Worksheets and tests were used to measure
students’ problem-solving skills. The interventions were done using activity-based learning
and focused on students’ motivation and problem-solving skills development. So, the 1st
intervention was a group activity with a quiz competition and students actively participated.
As it was difficult to focus on individual capability, the 2nd intervention was small group
activity to observe students’ problem-solving abilities. As the results were not fair able, going
to do an online test in 3rd intervention. Gradual improvement in students’ participation could
be seen throughout the interventions and it revealed that using multi-approach method made
students active learners, while building up students’ motivation and problem-solving skills.
Furthermore, it is important for teachers to have new creative activities and good
communication skills when using activity-based learning and it was reflected that present
classroom practices are to be reevaluated.
Mathematical thinking is the use of mathematical techniques, concepts and processes to solve
problems directly or indirectly (Henderson, et al., 2002). And it is a dynamic process that
makes easier for us to understand complex structures by combining our ideas (Mason, Burton
& Stacey, 2010). In the modern world human try to solve problems throughout his life at
school, at work and in daily life (Blitzer, 2003) and for this he needs mathematical thinking.
When it comes to the point of mathematics education in Sri Lanka mathematics plays a major
role as students learn mathematics from grade 1 to 11 and it is a core subject in G.C.E (O/L)
examination. The G.C.E. O-L Examination was originally intended to certify the subject-wise
achievement of children after the end of education at the Secondary Level. And it is
compulsory to pass mathematics to pass G.C.E. (O/L) examination.
Problem Identification
I am a mathematics teacher with seven years of experience before four months I got a chance
to join “A” school as a mathematics teacher. Here I am teaching mathematics for grade 6 in
English medium. There I could identify four students in grade 6 English medium class who
are unable to understand sentence type problems. So, I decided to check for the English
language marks of them as it may be due to the lack of understanding of mathematics.
According to the above table it could see that all four students have got marks above 60. So it
is not a language problem. But they face difficulties when solving essay type problems. This
could be seen in several lessons as algebra, fractions and etc. This could see in their answer
sheets also. They got less marks for essay type of problems.
With further interviews with the four students regarding mathematics, they gave below
Student 1:” madam, I like mathematics, but sometimes I can’t understand the problem”
Student 2: “I like small problems but I don’t like essay type problems”
To investigate the reasons for above problem it should find whether the method of instruction
is affecting students’ problem-solving ability. So, some lessons were selected from Grade 6
mathematics syllabus to apply multi-approach method in teaching mathematics.
School premises
This was started as a mixed school with 164 students. Now it has become the most prominent
girls’ school among provincial schools of central province including 3200 students and 156
teachers. As well it has classes from grade 1 to 13 in both Sinhala medium and bilingual
classes. Moreover, it has been categorized as 1AB school.
Well-equipped classrooms, science laboratories, computer laboratories, libraries, auditorium,
smart classrooms and with child friendly school premises help to enhance the strength of the
teaching learning process.
So, I am working as a mathematics teacher in this” A” school for four months and I selected
“A” school as per the targeted sample for my action research.
Literature Review
As to solve the identified problem it is used Action Research process to conduct the research.
So first it should know what is an action Research.
Action Research
Action research in education is known for improving the teachers’ and administrators’
professional practice and is deemed favorable by most educationists for solving problems in
education and it is a formative study usually conducted by teachers and administrators in
schools. As well as action research is a cyclical or spiral process that includes problem
identification (by a teacher, a group of teachers or administrators) taking action and fact
finding about the result of the action taken. (The Meaning and Role of Action Research in
Education; Enala S. Lufungulo, Robinson Mambwe and Bibian Kalinde; The University of
Zambia). Spiral model below will be used in the study.
The interventions in this study were conducted using a multi-approach method. So let's find
out what is the multi-approach method.
The multi-approach method of teaching mathematics emphasizes student-centered learning
using a variety of techniques and differs specifically from the traditional teacher-centered
approach in the pedagogical actions of the teacher. (Yeping Li. Edward, 2004)
Techniques used in multi-approach method are math games, classroom discussions, group
activities, individual activity field trips and so on
Neil Fleming's VARK model of learning styles suggests that there are four main types of
learners: visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic learning styles. The idea is that
students learn best when school activities match their learning styles. Therefore, using multi-
approach allows students to match their learning.
Yeping Li. Edward has done research to investigate the multiple approach and practical use
and in this the teacher-centered method was used for the controlled group and the multiple
approach method was used for the research group and it was found that the multiple approach
method is important to encourage students to learn actively while developing students’
problem-solving skill .
Ned A. Flander has conducted research to investigate the teacher's influence on students'
attitudes and achievement and used different verbal approach and teaching aids to teach and
found that multi-approach method is important to encourage students to active learning.
So, the research evidence shows that multi-approach method helps to students’ motivation
problem-solving ability while actively participating.
The aim of this study was to improve students’ motivation and problem-solving skill in
learning Mathematics using activities built with multi-approach method.
(i.) to improve students’ motivation in mathematics using activities built with multi-approach
(ii.) to improve students’ problem-solving skill in mathematics using activities built with
multi-approach method.
Research Questions?
1. How does it improve students’ motivation in mathematics using activities?
This action research is an ongoing study, which completed one intervention, with 42 students
from grade 6, 1AB school in Kandy district in Sri Lanka.
According to the above figure, in the process of action research at 1st stage problem was
identified with the observations and interviews as students problem-solving skill and
motivation need to be improved. Then at 2nd stage it planned the intervention with multi-
approach method. And at the 3rd stage intervention part was done using the activity made with
model and observations were taken. And at the fourth stage reflections were written after
each activity. At last stage it evaluated the outcomes of the activity for further improvements
This action research is an ongoing study, which completed one intervention, with 42 students
from grade 6, 1AB school in Kandy district in Sri Lanka
Data Collection
Instrumentation – Data will be collected by Qualitative and Quantitatively. Quantitative
data will be collected using worksheets and ongoing tests and qualitative data will be
collected using semi-structured interviews and observations.
It was conducted two interventions as follows; 1st intervention was a quiz competition with in
groups and 2nd intervention was small group activity was done and group were given the
chance to present their findings to the class. 3rd intervention will be conducted as an
individual task.
2nd Intervention.
Lesson: place value
Method: Each student was placed in small group and given a chance to do a real-world task
where it can use place value. Count a number of balloons. And then they were given a
number and write place values. Students were given a chance to present the findings to the
class with place value. As well as student were given a chance to present their finding to the
Observation: There were 42 students for the session. All students have found a method to
find the number of
Reflection: All the students participate well for the activity. They present their findings to the
class in a creative way. As to measure students’ problem-solving skill gave a home work
problem but only 3 send answers. So decided to do an online test for next intervention.
Results for Research Question 1 : How do
classroom activities help to motivate students towards mathematics learning?
As it was given an open group task in the 1st intervention it could observe that students’
actively participation was high, and they help each other. And some team members were
explaining how to get the solution to other members. (Student 1: no no that is not the correct
way Ashani, first we have to multiply the value with 100”) and they were
Students encouraging
creative out puts. the
team members. (Student 2: that’s correct Maneesh, very good, quicky write the answers in
the sheet, hurry up, Student 3: quickly friends, we have to win.)
As well as in the 2nd intervention students were given a chance to develop place value in in a
creative way. They participated actively and present their finding to the class.
Students’ participation for this activity also was really high, they present various situations
which can be explained with ratio. All students who were at the session present their finding
to the class.
As well as when considering students participation from 1st intervention to 2nd intervention it
could see a gradually improvement. By considering all these facts it can be conclude that
student’s motivation had been developed using classroom activities.
Results for Research Question 2: How does it improve students’ problem-solving skill in
mathematics using activities?
For the 1st intervention students perform well as groups. And in 2nd intervention all of the
students could build up the correct place value. But it should find individual capabilities. So it
will be done a individual test to measure students problem solving skill.
So, it can be revealed that students’ problem-solving skill can be developed using multi-
approach method.
• Bhat, A. (2006). www.questionpro.com.
• Deci, R. (2000). A view from hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
• Erkol, S. & Ugulu,I. (2013). scientific process skills level with various variables
• Aktamis, H.E.O. (2008). The effect of science process skills education on students.
Omali Sajeewa Menike
Bachelor of Social Work,PGDE, M.ED
Viharamahadevi Girls’ College
The article presents the results of the study of the self-assessment of ambition by students.
Most students consider themselves as ambitious. As a teacher of English, I want to
understand the desires of the students during the academic years in different age categories. I
work in the government national school in Kandy education zone. around two thousand five
hundred students are learning. the main objective of this action research is to understand the
student aspiration of different age categories and motivate student to think out of the frame
and how to create their ambition by understanding through themselves. as educational
institute We expect maximum amount of student to send to the university after they complete
their academic year in the school period. if the aspirations are understood at an early stage
and students properly for achieving their dreams. Therefore, children’s aspiration mostly
identifies at the school age their aspiration based on the subject they select to do at the school
age. however, these early aspirations can be changed by the parent’s attitudes and
expectation.in order to identify the factors influence why the student couldn’t properly
identify their future expectation data were collected by informal way of interviews and
discussions and unstructured questionnaires. data were analyses to understand the aspiration
of the students. And also identify the factors effected to change the aspiration of them find
out what are the support given by the school during the academic years.
Key word: - ambition, self-assessments
Aspiration we simply define as hope goal, aim, target to achieve something. Therefore we
thing it as a general but we should understand it as vast fact. According to the national
employability report2019 pointed out that 80% of are not fit for employment. This gives us
an alarm how much we should pay attention on student desires. therefore, student aspiration
is highly identified by the school. If not, we have to face the same scenario in future.as a
county we think 2% of the money allocation on budget is enough for the education. But as a
government they should facilitate rich educational environment with high class library, good
nutritional food courts various entrepreneur activities, economic base activities in reverent to
the country resources, in every nuke and corners of the schools in our country and the
syllabuses should be in practical way. nowadays we have a fast syllabus regarding to score
high marks at the examination. as a teacher with the 10 years’ experience I realizes that the
student’s aspiration is limited according to the culture race, gender, and most think about
their desire based on male and female dominant occupation. They never think that how many
opportunities in the world that they can occupy. so, we as a teacher guide them by career
development activities and programmers to understand their desires correctly by themselves
not the stereo type way of thinking pattern of their aspiration. Most of the research have
pointed out that the student’s aspiration should understand at the early stage and moreover
they discussed about how they are possible to achieve the student desire by giving support
through career guidance.
The above revive of literature pointed out that how much is the aspiration important to
understand the aspiration of the student. this study has try to identify the student aspiration in
different age categories and suggest the factors that should undertake by the school setting to
improve the student different kind of skills and train them to think critically and how they
create their future occupation as their willingness.
Research methodology
The school was selected for the study was the national school type A1 girls’ school in Kandy
education zone with nearly 2500 student population the sample of the studies is 300 students
from selected categories. the probability sampling - (convenience sampling) method is used
to collect data due to the lack of time duration. The age categories areas as follows
Research findings
The following factors had influenced to change the aspiration of the students
Family background
Peer motivation
Opportunities, school activities and the facilities availability
Government influence the educational policy
Academic score marks
in the primary year student aspire is designed according to the family influences. But in early
stage is the ideal time to understand the aspiration of the student because the cognitive
development process is actively processing in this period therefore primary teacher should
have understood who is the child. A few dreams of becoming a non-popular occupation such
as scientist, piolet, astronaut etc.… this means the student are mostly limited their ambition
due to the lack of understanding about the 21st century educational opportunities how much
we could have discussed about the 21st century skills we are still we are still stagnant nation.
The world has progress much more than us.
ke r
ec r
Fa r
rn r
Pa r
tr r
En or
in t
r M rke
m ilo
Ve ach
Sh offi
or P
Ca wo
li c
chart 1
When we considering the top rank job in the world we have to pay more attention on our
education because the world economy has sky in high rather than we think so we have to
restructured the education policies according to the condition of the world economic policies.
we train our student to do occupation in future as a social condition in the country and we
only think about to the seek our job to uplift our social statues and we used to give dignity
only few rank jobs that why we most like to be doctors and engineers. The following model
chart will help the student to understand their aspiration and how do we help them to achieve
their future goals
satisfaction to saatisfaction future goal
the society
collection of
senior student
secondory aspiration
during the
school time
secondory analysi
The student aspiration may change by different factors they complete their education.
therefore, it is better to understand the student aspiration at primary stage and we give them a
necessary support by providing activity-based student center and give the freedom to the
primary teacher to do practical activities rather than filling the paper documents and each
class should have appointed an assistant teacher. To finalized the need assessment following
activities needed this age is consider as concrete thinking alertness and as well as self-
centeredness they face different problems therefore we need counselling and guidance to the
teacher should have clear idea about children’s developmental stage. The primary child
should be given the necessary trainng to adapt the new lifestyle of the society in all the
process there should be good communication between the child, parent and the teacher so we
have to facilitate the three group
Innovation and finance skills are necessary for becoming a successful businessman. Different
skills should be imparted to the students for achieving their aspirations. These skills were
identified in consultation with experts. This report tries to highlight the important of uplift the
student ambition as a component of school setting. we have to recognize that the student
ambition is multidimensional and give them a support by educationally, vocationally and
quality of life issues.it is not surprise that there are more mismatch between the syllabus and
the educational system. the future opportunities in the world has been changing and updating.
we think that we are in the 21st century global world but we are standing at the same place.
Our major responsibility has to help students to learn subject and score more marks at the end
of the academic years. as long as we think like this, we cannot move forward regarding the
qualitative development of the education. every year we release the statistical data of pass
and fail students of O/L and A/L students. As we are the educator it is our responsibility to
provide school which will encourage student to achieve their goal.
“Most of the future roles children create from their family or community, or from books,
television and films. Children identify jobs by their adults, such as in their school or early
childhood center, and in the day to-day activities they undertake with their parents. They also
inspire from books and media entertainment mostly in current situation. There are lot of job
opportunities of the world and the student are not aware of it and most sri lankan student
think their aspiration with limited desires. At the same time, the ambition identified on the
basis of self-assessment whether they have or not students consider themselves.
(bar chart2)
aspiration no aspiration
Thus, most students consider themselves ambitious. Students that consider themselves
ambitious, 80% and addressed their ambition as high. Students that do not consider
themselves ambitious, is 20% addressed their ambition is low. In general, the majority of
students are ambitious according to the bar chart 02 .
Learning new abilities is a vital part of staying motivated. While specialization is always
admired, today’s job market necessitates multi-skilled workers. As a result, students of all
disciplines must learn the necessary skills, especially the digital skills that are in high demand
today. Additional talents will not only make your resume more appealing, but they will also
better prepare you for the industry. Furthermore, multi-dimensional skills are recognized in
any industry, regardless of vocation. So, if your daily academic routine isn’t enough to keep
you motivated, look for online courses and skills that you can work on at the same time.
Learn digital marketing and social media communication abilities, as well as graphic design
and video editing tools, and become a presentation specialist. You could also choose to enroll
in a digital business skill-building course to help you develop your entrepreneurial abilities.
Consider acquiring music, a new dance style, or communication skills if you’re interested in
the art of soft skills. Many students at various points of their academic careers are concerned
about a lack of motivation. In certain circumstances, a lack of motivation is caused by
unsupportive classroom systems in which teachers do not pay enough attention to students’
specific needs. Lack of motivation can also be caused by unorganized thinking and a lack of
clear direction. Regardless of the cause of your motivational shortfall. It has been suggested
that a person’s aspirations are shaped by the likelihood of them being achieved. When linked
with the concept that a child’s belief in their ability to achieve something is in part based on
whether they see those they consider to be peers achieving in a similar way, then it is no
wonder that the biggest challenge to raising aspiration in schools is socio-economic status.
We have to train student to
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Numeracy and IT skills
particularly in relation to STEM, need to begin at primary school
Help schools establish networks. networks can provide guidance and inspiration to
students through mentoring or work experience when invited to events, such as careers
fairs, to share their experiences. Initially, the numbers of students keeping in touch
may be small, but numbers will quickly rise as students who benefitted move on to
become themselves.
As educators,researchers, and policy makers, it is our responsibility to provide
environments in our schools which will encourage students to do more and be more
than they presently are. As educational leaders, our aspiration should be to understand
the dynamics of effective schools. Aspirations must include a moral dimension as well
as a concern for others and a civic or social responsibility. By describing the sorts of
people, we wish to develop we become aware, as educators, of the underlying
philosophy for aspiration. We can therefore develop the right building blocks and
model the best expectations for pupils.
úfYaI wOHdmk wjYH;d iys; isiqkaf.a .‚; oekqu yd iu.dój bf.kqï l=i,;d iy
wdl,am ixj¾Okh
J.P.P. ñßiaif.a
mdi,a wOHdmkfha .=Kd;aul ixj¾Okh Wfoid mka;sldurfha úúO;ajfhka hq;= ish,qu isiqka
bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,shg wkq.; l< hq;=h' fï i|yd .=re flakaøSh iïm%odhsl .=re N+ñldj fjkqjg
YsIH flakaøSh iqidOHlrK .=re N+ñldj h:d¾:hla l< hq;=h' fuys§ l%Svdjg ysñjkafka iqúfYaIS
ia:dkhls' orejkag l%Svd ;=<ska oekqu" l=i,;d iy wdl,am Ndú;hg bvlv ie,fia' tuÕska kj
w;aoelSï f,i bf.kqu YsIHhd ;=< ksrdhdifhkau ;yjqre fõ' YsIHhskag jvd;a yqremqreÿ b;du ir,
Snake and Ladders odÿ leg l%Svdj Ndú;fhka tla tla YsIHhdf.a úúO;ajhka .,md.ksñka .‚;
oekqu" l=i,;d yd wdl,am j, iuia; ixj¾Okhla i|yd úúO;ajfhka hq;a isiqka lKavdhula iajhx
bf.kqu flfrys fhduq lsÍug yels nj fuu ld¾huQ,sl m¾fhaIKh uÕska ;yjqre fjhs' wOHdmk
wud;HdxYh uÕska kqÿre wkd.;fha n,jka; lsÍug wfmalaIs; 37$2020 pl%f,aLfha mßÈ UDL
(Universal design for learning) bf.kqu i|yd jk úYaùh ie,eiau mka;sldurhg wkq.; lsÍfï§ wfmalaId
lrkafkao Y%jH" oDIH kj ;dlaI‚l WmlrK yd myiqlï iys;j úúO;ajfhka hq;a isiqka i|yd tlaj l
%shd;aul jk iajhx wOHhk YsIH flakaøSh mka;sldurhls' fuys§ úIhud,d wkqj¾;k" bf.kqï
úúOdx.SlrKh flfrys wjOdkh fhduqlr we;s w;r jvd;a kuHYS,S bf.kqï mßirhla wfmalaId flf¾'
uqLH mo( l%Svd ;=<ska bf.kSu" bf.kqï ÿn,;d iys; isiqka" iqN. isiqka" úfYaI wOHdmk
wjYH;d iys; isiqka" m%;sld¾h iydh bf.kqï
úfYaI wOHdmk wjYH;d we;s isiqka we;=¿ ish,qu <uhskag .=Kd;aul wOHdmkhla ;yjqre lsÍu
i|yd bf.kqu ms<sn| úYaùh ks¾udKh (Universal design for learning) Y%S ,xldjg .,mdf.k l
%shd;aul lsÍu i|yd jk kj;u pl%f,aLh pl%f,aL wxl 37$2020 hgf;a uE;l§ t<solajkq ,eì‚'
fuu pl%f,aLhg wkqj iEu isiqfjl=f.au ixialD;sl mßirh" iudc wd¾Ól jd;djrKh" NdIdj" ,sùu"
lshùu wd§ iEu fohlskau iEu flfkl=u úúO jk nj ms<s.kakd w;r" tu úúO;ajh fkdi,ld iEu flfkl=gu
id¾:l ùug wjia:djla ,nd§u wruqKq lrhs' úúO;ajfhka hq;= <uhska i|yd iqúfYaIS wxY 7la hgf;a
mj;sk ndOl bj;a lr ÿn,;d we;s iy ÿn,;d fkdue;s isiqkag tlu mßirhl id¾:l ùug bvlv i,id §ug UDL
wfmalaId lrhs'
fï hgf;a¦
1. ie,iqï lsÍu
2. úIhud,dj ixj¾Okh lsÍu
3. <uhd y÷kd.ekSu
4. mdvu ie,iqï lsÍu
5. kuHYS,S bf.kqï mßirhla ,nd§u
6. YsIH flakaøSh wOHdmkh mokï lr.ekSu
7. .=rejrhd i|yd ;ud mrdj¾;kh lr.ekSug iajhx we.hSu ms<sn|j wjOdkh fhduq lr we;'
th wkd.;h ms<sn| jQ iqNjd§ oelauls'
úfYaI wOHdmk úIh hgf;a .=reN+ñldjg tlajQ m¾fhaIsldj idudkH mdi,aj, mka;sldur bf.kqï
b.ekaùï l%shdj,sfha§ úfYaI wOHdmk wjYH;d iys; isiqka y÷kdf.k Tjqka i|yd m%;sld¾h
bf.kqï l%shd;aul lrk ,§' fuys§ úúO jQ udkhka Tiafia ñ‚h yels jQ tfy;a mka;sldurfha§ ksis
we.hSulg ,la fkdjQ iqN. fukau bf.kqï ÿn,;d iys; isiqka idïm%odhsl bf.kqï l%shdj,sfhka
uÕyefrk nj m¾fhaIsldj úiska y÷kd.kakd ,§'
fuys§ y÷kd.;a tla iqúfYaIS .eg,qjla jQfha bf.kqï ÿn,;d fmkajk isiqka .‚; úIhg wvq wjOdkhla iy
wvq leue;a;la olajk nj;a" Tjqkaf.a ixLHd ms<sn| wjfndaOh iy uQ,sl w;HjYH .‚; ksmqK;d b;d
ÿ¾j, uÜgul mej;Suhs'
tneúka fuu m¾fhaIKh ;=<ska isiqkaf.a .‚; oekqu yd iu.dój Tjqkaf.a bf.kqï l=i,;d iy wdl,amj,
ixj¾Okhlao wfmalaId l< w;r ta i|yd wjYH ueÈy;aùï iys;j ld¾h uQ,sl m¾fhaIKh Èh;a flß‚'
m¾fhaIK wruqKq(
1. isiqkaf.a uQ,sl .‚; oekqu" l=i,;d yd wdl,am uÜgu mQ¾j mÍlaIKhla uÕska
2. l%Svd mdol bf.kqu ;=<ska isiqka ;=< .‚;hg we;s leue;a; j¾Okh lsÍu
3. bf.kqï l%shdj,shg wjOdkh fhduqlr .ekSu i|yd l%Svdfõ ksrka;rj fhoùu
4. miq mÍlaIKhka isÿlsÍfuka isiqka ;=< uQ,sl .‚; oekqu" l=i,;d iy wdl,am ie,lsh hq;=
ixj¾Okhla isÿù o hkak mÍlaId lsÍu
m¾fhaIK l%ufõoh(
ksheÈh( uykqjr l,dmfha 1AB fYa‚fha nd,l mdi,l 6 - 9 fYa‚j, bf.kqu ,nk úfYaI wOHdmk
wjYH;d iys; isiqka 6 fofkla wruqKq.; ksheÈlrKh ^Purposive Sampling& uÕska m¾fhaIKh i|yd
f;dard.kakd ,§'
m<uqj m¾fhaIKh i|yd f;dard.;a isiqka i|yd yh fokd iqúfYaIS jYfhka y÷kd.ekSu isÿlrk ,§'
fuys§ Rcq ksÍlaIK" jl% ksÍlaIK" isiqka iuÕ tlaj jevlsÍu" isiq wNHdi fmd;a ksÍlaIKh" isiqka
iuÕ;a" .=rejreka iuÕ;a" foudmshka iuÕ;a idlÉPd lsÍu yd ffjoH jd¾;d ksÍlaIKh lsÍu isÿlrk ,§'
fojkqj f;dard.;a isiqka i|yd Tjqkaf.a .‚; oekqu" l=i,;d yd wdl,am jYfhka ilia lr.;a ks¾Kdhl 10la
hgf;a Snake and Ladder l%Svdfõ fhoùug i,iajd¦
oekqu ^K&
3' K3( ixLHd folla weÕs,s Ndú;fhka tl;=lr w.h ksjerÈj m%ldY lrhs
l=i,;d (S)
5' S2: odÿ legh úislsÍfï§ § we;s wjldYh muKla Ndú;d lrhs
6' S3: l%Svdfõ fhfok w;r;=r l%Svd WmlrK j,g ydks fkdlrhs
wdl,am (A)
F - mka;sldurfha bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,sfhka .s,sfyk" l%shdldÍ" iajhx bf.kqug leu;s" jhi
wjqreÿ 12 l YsIHfhla
o;a; úYaf,aIKh(
tla tla YsIHhd i|yd 1 - 10 olajd ks¾Kdhl i|yd 1 - 5 ,hslÜ mßudKh weiqßka¦
A YsIHhdf.a m%ia:drh ie,lSfï§ 1"5"7" ks¾Kdhl i|yd Wmßu ,l=Kq ,eî we;'
8"9"10 ks¾Kdhl ie,lSfï§ ,hslÜ mßudKfha 3 f,i uOHia: ,l=Kla ,eî we;'
fuys§ A YsIHhdg ;uka fhfok l%Svdj ms<sn|j mQ¾K wjfndaOhla fkdue;s neúka wfkla
YsIHhskaf.a wjOdkh iy uÕfmkaùu wjYH nj fmfka' wfkla isiqka iuÕ YsIHhdf.a
wka;¾mqoa., in|;d f.dvke.Su i|yd l%Svdj fhdod.; yels jk w;r" ksrka;r Ndú;h ;=<ska .‚; oekqu
ixj¾Okhg ;jÿrg;a ld,h wjYH fõ'
fuu YsIHhska fofokd l%Svdj ;=<ska bf.kSug myiqfjka fhduqlr.; yels nj fmfka' nqoaêuh l
%shdldÍ;ajhg jvd Ndú;h ;=<ska Tjqkaf.a oekqu" l=i,;d yd wdl,am ixj¾Okh l< yels jk w;r ta
wkqj wfkl=;a ks¾Kdhl Wmßuh olajd /f.k taug ;jÿrg;a l%Svdj Ndú;d l< yelsh'
D YsIHhd ie,lSfï§ 1"2"4"6"9 ks¾Kdhl i|yd Wmßu f,i l%Svdj wdrïNfha§ fukau wjidkfha§
Wmßu ,l=Kq ,nd we;'
fuhska meyeÈ,s jkafka YsIHhdf.a wvq wjOdkh ksid we;sjk .eg,q i|yd .=rejrhdf.a wjOdkh
fhduqúh hq;= njhs'
ks¾Kdhl 5"6"7"8" ie,lSfï§ Wmßuhg ixj¾Okh ùu i|yd ;jÿrg;a mqyqKqj wjYH nj fmfka'
fuu o;a; j,g wkqj meyeÈ,s jkafka YsIHhdf.a wêl%shdldÍ;ajh fya;=fjka we;sfjk miq.dó ;;ajhka
md,khg .=re wjOdkh fhduqúh hq;= njhs'
fuu YsIHhd ms<sn| o;a; úYaf,aIKh ;=<ska meyeÈ,s jkafka bf.kSu i|yd by< yelshdjla ;snqKo
YsIHhd ;=< ;ud ms<sn| wd;au wNsudkh f.dvkeÕS fkdue;s neúka flfia fyda wfkla isiqka
wNsNjd ke.S isàfï wdYdjla mj;sk njhs' fï i|yd yß fyda jerÈ ´kEu l%shdjla lsÍug Tyq fm<fò'
fuu YsIHhd ms<sn| f;dr;=re fiùfï§ mka;sldurfha yeisÍï .eg,q fmkajk" bf.kqï b.ekaùï l
%shdj,shg ndOd lrk YsIHfhla nj .=rejrekaf.ka oek.ekSug ,enq‚' tfukau" l%shdldrlï mdolj
úoHdj$ m%d';d'l=$ iy f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh jeks úIhka j,§ i;=áka bf.kqug iïnkaO jk nj;a"
igyka ,sùug ;on, wlue;a;la mj;sk nj;a y÷kd.eks‚' Tyqf.a igyka fmd;a ne,Sfï§ ms<sfj,la fkdue;s
nj fmfka' .‚;h úIho tfiauh'
by; f;dr;=re ie,lSfï§ F YsIHhd l%shdfjka hula wjfndaO lrk" l%shdldÍ bf.kqug leu;s YsIHfhla
nj fmfka' ,sùfï yd lshùfï l=i,;dj Tyq i;= jqjo" Tyqg wjYH foa flfrys muKla wjOdkh fhduq lrhs'
fuu .eg,q ksid Tyqf.ka .s,sfyk wd;au wNsudkh /l.ekSu i|yd ´kEu yß fyda jerÈ l%shdjla lsÍug
fhduqjk nj y÷kd.eks‚'
Tyq ms<sn|j ujf.ka ,enqKq f;dr;=re wkqj meyeÈ,s jQfha YsIHhd l=vd l, isgu ,sùug wlue;s
njhs' YsIHhdf.a mshd ñhf.dia we;s neúka Tyq ;=< mek ke.=Kq Ñ;a;fõ.sl ;;ajhlao hkak ms<sn|
j ;jÿrg;a fidhd ne,sh hq;=h'
YsIHhdg wdorh iy ms<s.ekSu ,nd§fuka ksjerÈ uÕg fhduqlr.; yels nj;a" Tyq jvd;a leu;s l
%shdldÍ bf.kqï wjia:d ,ndfoñka iy ,sùu fjkqjg mß.Klh weiqßka mejreï uqo%Kh lr ,nd§ug
fhduqlsÍfuka bf.kqfuka .s,sySu wju l<yels jkq we;' l%Svdj jeks l%shdldÍ bf.kqï fuu YsIHhd i|
yd jvd;a iqÿiq nj meyeÈ,s fõ'
by; isiqka ms<sn| ks.ukj,g t<öfï§ m%;HdfõlaIK Èkfmd; Ndú;fhka /ial< .=Kd;aul o;a; iuÕ m
%udKd;aul o;a; weiqßka o;a; ;%sfldaŒlrKh isÿlrk ,§'
ks.uk iy fhdackd(
l%Svd ;=<ska iajhx bf.kqug isiqka fhduqlsÍfuka isiqkaf.a oekqu" l=i,;d iy wdl,amj, iuia;
ixj¾Okhla wfmalaId l< yelsh' by< úúO;ajhla iys; isiqka isák mka;sldurhl .=rejrhdg bf.kqï
b.ekaùï l%shdj,sh i|yd ish,qu isiqka wkq.; lsÍug yelsjk f,i l%shdldrlï ie,iqï lsÍu l< hq;=h'
isiqka we.hSfï§ idïm%odhsl ,l=Kq u; mokï jQ YsIH m%.;s jd¾;d fjkqjg jvd;a mq¿,a udkhka
iys;j YsIHhdf.a iuia; me;slv ixj¾Okh ñ‚h yels kj l%ufõo flfrys wjOdkh fhduqlsÍu l< hq;=h'
l%Svd ;=<ska isiqkag oekqu" l=i,;d yd wdl,am Ndú;d lsÍug bvlv ,nd§fuka Tjqkaf.a bf.kqu
ksrdhdifhka ;yjqre flf¾'
wOHdmk wud;HxYfha 37$2020 pl%f,aLhg wkqj wkd.; UDL mka;sldurh h:d¾:hla ùu i|yd
idïm%odhsl .=re flakaøSh bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,sh fjkia lsÍug ld,h meñK we;'
ta fjkqjg YsIHhkag iduQyslj i;=áka bf.kSug wjYH jgmsgdj ilid foñka ks¾udKYS,S
iqidOH .=re N+ñldjg ish¿u .=re Nj;=ka wkq.; úh hq;=h'
Uplifting confidence in speaking English, of the students in Grade 6
Bilingual Education Class
A.M.A.M. Senevirathne
BA, MSc., SLTS 3-I (A)
K/ Mahanama College, Kandy
This paper examines the reasons for the lack of confidence in speaking English of non-
English speakers. Since the first language (L1) of a majority of the Sinhalese community is
Sinhala and English remains as the Second Language (L2), there is always a recession of
using English in mundane communication. Although English is taught as the secondary
language at the schools in Sri Lanka, the success or the competency levels in using English is
further affected due to family backgrounds, peer groups and also due to the primary,
secondary and tertiary education provided to the students. As the outdated curriculum is also
designed, ignoring the context- specific needs of the learners and specific and required
teaching methodologies, a majority of the students, later who become the professionals fail in
composing a correct and meaningful utterance in English by themselves. In addition, societal
attitudes create a psychological barrier that manifests in learners with a low proficiency in
English, lacking confidence to speak English. Nevertheless, the English language, being the
then colonial master’s language, currently plays a significance role in the Sri Lankan
education system, in professional backgrounds and in the whole society. Thus, it is essential
to eliminate the fear to speak English in this post-colonial era while uplifting confidence to
speak English with carefully designed pedagogical and learner strategies that cater context-
specific needs of English. Otherwise the students and the professionals to be suffered from
Language Attitude Anxiety (LAA) would evolve as a great risk.
KEY WORDS: Lack of confidence, Speaking English, non- English speakers, First
Language (L1), Second Language (L2), Societal attitudes, Psychological barrier, Language
Attitude Anxiety (LAA)
Background of the study
The English language stands as one of the predominant forms of communication
globally, with a rich and mighty history. The English language itself really took off
with the invasion of Britain during the 5th century. Three Germanic tribes, the Jutes,
Saxons and Angles were seeking new lands to conquer, and crossed over from the
North Sea (Encyclopedia Britannica). Studies reveal that 85% of Old English which
commenced from 5th century and eliminates in the 11th century is no longer used by
the communities (Prof. Albert Baugh, University of Pennsylvania). Findings further
subdivides Old English into three categories followed as Prehistoric or Primitive (5th
to 7th Century), Early Old English (7th to 10th Century) and Late Old English (10th
to 11th Century). With the evolvement of English grammar with particular attention
to syntax, Early Middle English marked its period. In 14th century with the
commencement of a different dialect (known as the East-Midlands) developed in
London area, Late Middle English started to rise. Gradually with the impact over the
manner of influential communication, the era of Early Modern English occurred from
the 15th to mid-17th Century. With a significant mark on the pronunciation, vocabulary
or grammar this era also marks the English Renaissance. As the society was
undergoing remarkable social changes of war and colonization, in early 17th century
an establishment of the first successful English colony was occurred. The expansion
of the English language took place during the centuries of 18th and 19th together with
the industrialization and the rise of the British Empire. It was the era of the Late
Modern English and then the communities moved into the English in 21st Century.
And Grammar became exceedingly refined and speaking proper English became high-
handed. Consequently, English has become prominent in every corner of the globe
and right command over speaking English is capable of uplifting your education,
communication as well as your identity. In further clarifications, it is evident that
English is the only official international language acceptable in any country and the
language of Science, Aviation, Industry, Tourism, Internet, Media, Education and a
basic requirement in every field.
Components of English language
Language is basically the system of words and symbols that are used in written or
verbal communication. Similarly English also encompasses both expressive
(speaking, writing) and receptive (listening, following directions, reading) traits.
Followed as such, the components and the development of English language
encapsulate, Syntax (The rules that govern word order to form clauses, phrases, and
sentences), Morphology (The rules that govern change in meaning at the word level),
Phonology (The rules that govern the structure, distribution, and sequencing of
speech-sound patterns), Semantics (The rules that govern the meaning and context of
words or grammatical units) and Pragmatics (The rules that govern language use
across communication contexts). These components equally contribute in
communication and should excelled during teaching and learning.
Significance of the research
Speaking English is globally inevitable, as it is the mostly used international language
in the world. In countries outside the United Kingdom and United States where
English is abundantly used, an estimated one billion people worldwide speak English.
On top of this, 67 countries have English as their official language and there are 27
countries that have English as their secondary official language. With more than 350
million people around the world speak English as a first language and more than 430
million speak it as a second language. However, speaking English as a foreign
language requires competence in the language skills that should be acquired, practice,
trained and continue through the use of the language itself. In any language,
meaningful conversation is intended and carried out in inappropriate and meaningful
language and provides freedom for participants to express themselves (Barrett et al.,
2014). It also allows people to build relationships, influence decision making and
drive change. Thus being one of the top international languages, speaking English
essential and it further construct yourself an identity, parallel to the culture and
ethnicity. In Sri Lanka also in this modern society, English has become a basic
requirement in each and every field. Consequently, teaching English as a secondary
language in the education system along with the context- specific needs is a necessity
and all five components that sharpen the users in verbal and written communication
should be equally enhanced and developed. During the learning and the pedagogical
processes, the investigation of the reasons for the lack of confidence in speaking
English is an obligation, which afterwards can provide with necessary clarifications
and solutions to overcome language barriers.
Scope of the research
The research was conducted in a school of 1C Category, located in Kandy Zone/
Gangawata Korale, Central Province. Within the selected school, the study was
restricted to one group, grade 6, Bilingual class of 2022. All the 25 students of the
class were selected as the target group.
Research questions
What are the reasons for the lack of confidence in speaking English of the students
in Grade 6 Bilingual class?
How to uplift confidence in speaking English of the students in Grade Bilingual
Data analysis
Content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data gathered through the
questionnaires, formal interviews and found data collected from other available
primary sources followed as books, internet and newspapers. Quantitative analysis
was used as necessary, by using MS Excel – 2016, Microsoft office professional plus.
01. Data were gathered through a prepared questionnaire and pre- prepared interview
questions. This questionnaire was distributed among 25 parents (of 6 Bilingual
class) and 25 students (of 6 Bilingual class). Quantitative data in the
questionnaire were fed into an excel sheet and the rest of the qualitative data
were analyzed through content analysis for further evaluation.
02. Qualitative data are analyzed by the content analysis and quantitative analysis
where necessary.
Ethical considerations
This research directly affects the speaking, behavior and the values of the students.
Following the matter, the study is quite concerned about certain ethical aspects.
Therefore, formal and informal interviews were conducted with their consent. As a
result, their perspectives revealed to be unaffected. They were informed the fact that
the information are gathered for the research purpose only and their identity and the
privacy is secured. During the interviews or discussions, the participants were not
forced, harassed in any manner, in conveying their personal perspectives.
Research limitations
Inability to reach the target group/s for observations
Inactive participation of the parents and the students
It was revealed that the L1 of the families was not English but Sinhala or Muslim.
Do your family members speak English?
Although the L1 of the families is not English, it was revealed that their family members
(100%) use English in speaking (at home), as per their knowledge.
Has anyone of your family learnt English at Diploma or Degree level?
Investigating the educational background of the families, it was revealed that 63% of any of
the family members have not studied English up to a Degree or Diploma level while only
37% of the members have studied up to the stated levels.
Below data explains that 16% of the selected participants watch English news while 24% of
the participants watch English films and read English books. A higher number of family
members, which is 36% are familiar with other types of English programs such as cooking
programs, musical programs on YouTube and other social media.
24% 24%
Positively, all the parents (25) check the child’s English homework, encourage the child to
speak in English at home and even trying to speak in English with the child.
i sh
is h
i sh
Through further investigations it was identified that a majority of family members (16)
hesitate to speak in English while the rest of the 09 families are not. Analyzing the fact of
family support in speaking English only 02 families revealed their unsupportiveness while 23
families support in the speaking process of this L2. Further it was investigated that a majority
(13) of families find English as difficult and 12 families revealed its opposition. Significantly,
the data also confirmed that neither of the families are afraid of English and have the
confidence in using it.
Hesitate to speak English Family members are English is difficult Afraid of English
supportive in Speaking or
using English words
Yes No
100% of the families indicated that they want to improve their English knowledge, especially
speaking, despite the barriers they undergo.
Want the child to improve speaking English
Further the participants confirmed that they want their children to improve their English
speaking ability and the above graph marks it as 100%.
Moreover, the questionnaire significantly revealed that the parents do not find English as a
difficult factor, but they hesitant about using grammatically correct sentences and meaningful
sentences without minimum errors. Also the study identified the lack of frequent usage of
English as the major cause for the weaknesses in their speaking. As per the data, they are
familiar with written English for a certain extent as they are engaged in work, in mundane
activities such as filling out specimen applications and when checking the English homework
of the children. In addition they have the fear of speaking in English with another fluent
person, particularly with the thought of getting humiliated. Another broad view was taken out
as one parent indicated the loopholes of Sri Lankan school education system, accordance
English language as the L2. This was confirmed through the low number of family members
that have studies L2 up to Degree or Diploma level. The investigation furthermore assured
the parental motivation and willingness in improving their English speaking ability with
provided suggestions followed as increase of reading and watching English material,
providing continuous support in the English learning process and significantly a suggestion
was brought out to enhance the speaking component within the classroom environment along
with necessary and proper actions.
The investigation carried out among the 25 students of the Bilingual class also supported the
study, providing different perspectives to the same. The students initially indicated their L1 is
Sinhala or Muslim. Similar data to the parents was given about speaking English within the
family. Moreover, all the 25 students indicated that their friends and family speak in English
with them while providing an enormous support in the process.
ti v
A significant factor was revealed as the students stated that their friends mock at them when
they speak in English but not at the mistakes. Mainly, the students of the Bilingual class are
being verbally harassed and marginalized for having high standards and attitudes. The
students further revealed that they have better communication and alliances with the students
of the other Bilingual classes rather than the students of the Sinhala medium classes. The
below graph proves the fact.
In addition, the students revealed that their teachers of English Medium subjects speak in
English but not the others. And their interest in engaging in English related activities are as
The majority of the students (25) do not find English difficult and they demonstrated their
eagerness in improving speaking English and continuing it in their studies and in other
relevant activities.
Further investigations on the study exposed their ideas and suggestions to improve the
speaking component and they have a strong belief in it as well. Students interestingly brought
out the fact that their L1 was not English and thus they most of the time were unable to adapt
to the L2 at home and at the school. Also another significant concern was about the lack of
frequent usage of English at home. Also the students are backward in speaking in English at
the school, as the other students do not completely understand their medium of
communication while some students in response use L1. Awareness of their own but slight
mistakes in speaking L2 also make the students backward and weakens their confidence.
However all the 25 students of the Bilingual class stated that they are well aware of the
educational and societal privileges of English, if they excelled it in their future and this
indicated their acceptance and exposure of L2 as a globally recognized language.
All the 25 students accepted the prevailing lack of confidence in speaking L2 while providing
the above barriers as the main causes and concerns. This indirectly emphasized the possibility
of LLA occurred in the future, if the necessary steps were not taken immediately. However,
the students themselves were able to provide several solutions followed as, practicing
dialogues with their friends, use simple English terms in their mundane activities, speak
through mistakes, despite the mocks and most significantly it was proposed to initiate a
Speaking Club in order to enhance the speaking component of L2.
Being the Second Language (L2), there is always a recession of using English in
mundane communication.
Using the L2 and especially its speaking component is affected due to the causes of
family backgrounds, family educational backgrounds, peer groups and also due to the
primary, secondary and tertiary school education.
L2 speakers are opinioned by the society and most of the time they are being mocked.
Lack of confidence in speaking English is strengthen regularly due to societal barriers.
Acquiring and speaking a foreign language is possible with the confidence, courage and
motivation, when strengthen with the proper guidance and criteria.
In order to avoid LLA, the fear of English speaking should be eliminated while the
confidence in using it should be uplifted.
Commence context- specific teaching methodologies.
Introduce Communicative pedagogy.
At the school level, initiate Speaking Clubs.
Conduct continuous seminars on speaking, public speaking and relevant programs to
uplift the confidence in speaking English.
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Bailey, Kathleen M. and Savage L. (1994). New Ways in Teaching Speaking. Illinois:
Pantagraph Printing.
Brown, H. Douglas. (2001). Teaching by principle.An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy. Second Edition. New York: Pearson Education.
Brown, H. D. (2007). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (5th ed.). New York:
Pearson Education
Doff, A. (1998). Teach English: A training course for teacher. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Horwitz, E. K. (2001). Language anxiety and achievement. Annual Review of Applied
Linguistics, 21,112 – 126. January. doi: 10.1017/S0267190501000071
Rochelle, IL et al. (2011). English Language Learning Anxiety among Foreign Language
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fkdikaiqka lñka ikaiqkalug
8 jk fY%aKsfha isiqka ;sfofkl=f.a l,ydldrs yeisrsu hym;a ;;ajhg f.k tau
cS'cs' .hdks foaúld Wmfiak
Ydka; is,afjia;r úoHd,h uykqjr
BA,MA,(sociology) PGDE
bf.kqï bf.kqï l%shdj,sfhos jeo.;alu idOlh jkafka YsIHhkah' iEu YsIHfhlau iqúfYaIs iu jhfia
fyda tlu fY%aKsfha isiqka w;r ne¨ ne,aug fmfkk iudk;d háka oefjk wkkH jq wiudk jq p¾hd
rgd yd .;s ,laIK we;' fufia úúO jq yeisrsï rgd we;s orejka yÿkd .eksu iEu .=rejrhl=gu jeo.;a fõ'
mka;s ldurfha bf.kqï b.ekaúï l%sldj,sfhaos ksr; jk wjia:dfjos YsIHhkaf.a l<ydldrs p¾hd
iqúfYaIs ,laIKhla f,i ÿgqfõh' fuysos ud ksrslaIKh ;=<ska l<ydldrs ,laIK yÿkd.;af;ah' th
Tjqkaf.a idOk uÜgu wvqùug;a mx;s ldurfha wfkla isiqkaf.a b.kqugg;a .=rejrekaf.a b.kqï
b.ekaúï ld¾hhg;a ndOdjla nj oDIH udk úh'
tneúka Tjqka tu p¾hdjka f.ka uqojd M,odhs f,i b.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,shg odhl lr .ekSu yd
hym;a p¾hdfjka hq;= mqoa.hska njg m;a lr .ekSug lelshdj ,efí'
uu oekg uOHu m<df;a uykqjr osia;`slalfha uykqjr l,dmhg wh;a 1AB mdi,l
WmdOsOdrs .=rejrshl f,i fiajh lrñ' 6"7"8"9 hk fY%aKsj,g mqrjeis wOHdmkh yd nqoaO
O¾uh úIh W.kajkq ,nhs ' Wla; mdif,a .=re ixLHdj 200 wdikak m%udKhla jk w;r isiqyq 4000
wdikak m%udKhkhla b.kSfï lghq;=j, ksr; fj;s' isiqka iu.j iqyoj lghq;= lrk ud b;d ;Dma;su;a
isiqkaf.a l,yldrs ,laIK yÿkd.eksu
isiqka ;=< l,yldrs p¾hdjka we;súug n,mdk fya;= fidhd ne,su
YsIHkaf.a tu ÿ¾j,;d u. yrjd .eksu i|yd ueosy;a úfï jev ms,sfj,la ie,iqï lsrsu'
isiqka tu p¾hdjkaf.ka uqojd M,odhs f,i bf.kq l%shdj,shg odhl lr .eksu'
isiqka hym;a p¾hdfjka hq;= mqoa.,hka njg m;alsrsu i|yd ueosy;a úu'
m¾fhaIK l%ufõoh
l%shd uq,sl m¾fhaIK l%shdj,sfha .eg,qldrs ;;ajhla wKdjrKh lr .ekSug;a m%;sld¾h l
%shdud¾. ie,iqï lr l%shd;aul lsrSug;a kshdukhg;a fhda.H l%u fõohla neúka tu mrslaIK l%u
fõoh fhdod f.k .eg,q wOHkh i|yd mka;s ldurfha isiqka ;sfofkl= ksheoshla f,i f;drd .;sñ' bf.kqï
b.ekaúï l%shd j,shg ndOd jk Tyqkaf.a whym;a p¾hd rdgd úúO wjia:dj,os biau;= úh' ud¾. .;
wOHmk l%ufhaos ÿrl:k Ndú;fhkao fï ioyd n,mEula t,a, l, nj fmks .sh lrekls' wOHmkfhaos
miq neug ,la jq fuu isiqka ;sfokd ms,snoj wjOdkh fhduq lsrsu;a Tjqka iu. iqyo fjñka úúO l
%shdldrlï lsrsug fm,nqKs' m¾fhaIKhg noqka jk isiqkao ir, uÜgfï isg úúO j.lsï mejrsu'
isiqka ;sfokdg úIh kdhl;aj ,nd osu' ld,ÉfPao wdrïNfhos .=rejreka yg u;la lsrsu yd wjYH
lghq;= lsrsug wjia:dj ,dnd ÿfkñ'
mka;s ldurh ;=, p¾hd igyka fmd;la mj;ajdf.k hdu ;=,ska Tjqka lrk jeros jev wju lsrsug
W;aidyd .eksu' m<uq jdrhg jvd fojk jdrfha idOk uÜgï by, kekaúu ioyd .=ejrekao oekqj;a fldg
fuu isiqka flfrys úfYaI wjOdkh fhduq lsrsug lghq;= l<ñ'
fuu isiqka ;sfokd mdvï lghq;=j,s fukau ndysr l%shdldrlïj,oSo mjrk ,o wNHi j,oS;a b;d iqlaIu
f,i u.yrsk nj;a wNHi fmd;m; fmka úug ue,slula olajk nj;a l%shdldrlï lrk úg mka;sfha miq mig
ù isák nj;a olakg ,efí' wfkla isiqkaf.a T¿jg mEfkaka .eiSu frdlÜ heùu láka úúO Yío msg lsrsu
ksrslAIKh úh'
iyNd.s;aj ksrslaIKh
iyNd.s;aj ksrslaIKfhaoS mka;s ldurhg .sh miq isiqkag wjYH bf.kqï b.ekaúï ld¾hfhys Tjqka
iu. tlaj kshef,ñka o;a; /ia lf<ñ'
f,aLk uq,dY%
m¾fhlaIKhg Ndckh jk isiqkaf.a p¾hd ,laIK yd bf.kqï ld¾fhos idOk uÜgfï olakg ,efnk ÿn,;d
yd m%n,;d yÿkd f.k id¾:l m%;sl¾u fidhd.eksug Tjqkaf.a f;dr;=re wvx.= úúO f,aLk mrsYs,kh
lrk ,oS'
meñKsfï f,aLkh
we.hsï f,aLkh
jdr úNd. ,l=Kq
Ydia;%sh ikao¾Nh
fï ioyd úúO ufkda úoHd{hkaf.a Þd¾Ykslhkaf.a woyia yd ks¾jpk iïnkaO lr .eksug
î' t*a ialsk¾ bosrsm;a lr we;s m%ldrl wdfrdamK ks;shg wkqj Wmia:ïNh yd ovqju jeo.;a
ixl,am folls' Wmia:ïNkh u.ska p¾hdjka ;yjqre lr .; yelsh' <uqka ;=< p¾hdjka yqremqreÿ we;s
lsrsug ;E.s m%Yxid jeks Wmia:ïnl ,ndoSu ;=<ska hym;a p¾hdjka j¾Okh l< yelsh'
tan%yï udiaf,daf.a wjYH;d kshdhg wkqj l=vd l, isg <uhdf.a uq,sl wjYH;d jk wdorh /ljrKh
fmdaIKh wdosh ,nd.ekSug W;aidy orhs' fuu uq,sl wjYH;d bgqjk úg wOHdmkh jeks bosrs
wfmlaId bgqlr .eksug uq,sl wjY;d bgq fkdjkafka kï b.kSu jeks fiiq wfmlaId bgq lr .eksug
fhduq fkdfõ'
wd;au idlaId;a lrK wjYH;d
.re;aj wjYH;d
wdrlaIK wjYH;d
ví' whs' f;duia wdorh ,eîfï wjYH;dj ms<s.eksfï w¿;a w;aoelsï ,eîfï wjYH;dj iïmq¾K
úu ;=<ska iunr fm!reI j¾Okhg wjYH ysñlï ,efnk nj ví' whs' f;duiaf.a wjYH;d udkfhka ;yjqre
m<uq ueosy;a úu
fï wkqj m<uq ueosy;a úfï m<uq iaúfYaIs m%Yakh úiosu i|yd fhdcs; m%;sl¾uh ms<snoj
wjOdkh fhduq lsrsfïos fuu isiqka iu. iñmú úúO l%Shdldrlï lsrsug fm,Uqks' mrslaIKhg nÿka jk
isiqkag úúO j.lsï mejrsu' A iy C hk isiqkag mqrjeis wOHdmkh yd nqoaO O¾uh úIh ioyd
kdhl;aj ,ndÿkafkñ' B YsIH i|yd mka;s kdhl ;k;=r ,nd osu'
fojkjk mshjr jYfhka úÿy,a m;s yd úkh Ndr wdp¾hjrhd iu. ilÉpd fldg wfkl=;a .=rejrekago fï
ms,sno lreKq jgyd oS A iy B YSIHkdhlhka fookdg YsIHkdhl ;k;=re ,nd fok ,os'
f;jk mshjr jYfhka mdie,a lKavdhï w;r j.lSï mejrsu' úIh ndysr lghq;= j,os tkï mrsir ng
lKavdug ;sfokdu iyNd.s lrjd .eksu' Tjqka tu jev lghq;= j,g leue;a;la olajhs'
y;rjk mshjr jYfhka iqyo nj fmkaúu' <uhdg ks;r weyqka lï fok nj fmkaúu' Ñ;% weoSu i|yd
fhduq lsrsu' fuu Ñ;% úÿy,am;sg yd wfkl=;a .=rejrekag fmkajd Wmia:ïnkhla ,nd oSu'
miajk mshjfros isiqka fydo fmd; m; lshúug fhdod .kakd ,os ' isrs;a u,aou jeks lú fmd;a lshúug
bv i,iajd tys we;s .=K o¾u ,hsia;=jla ,súug fhduqlrk ,os' fydo jevla l< úg w.h lsrsu;a tfukau m
%ikaid lrk ,os fuu m%;sldrh ksid ;rula ÿrg l,ydldrs iaNdjh md,k jq njla fmks .sfhah'
isiqka ;sfokd
úkh Ndr wdp¾hjrhd
WmfoaYk .=rejrhd
WmfoaYk fmd;m;
m%;sld¾h l%shdj,shg
WmfoaYkwod< l%shdldrlï
nqoaêu;a ud¾f.damfoaYl;ajh hgf;a tu isiqka flfrys wjOdkfhka isg wjjdo yd
Wmfoia ,nd osu'
WmfoaYk .=rejrhd fj; fhduq lsrsu;a wjjdo yd Wmfoia ,ndoSu
WmfoaYk ks,Odrska mi,g f.kajd foaYk meje;aúu yd Wmfoia ,ndoSu
f;jk ueosy;a úu
iqÿiq mrsirhla we;s lsrsu ;=<ska hym;a yeisrsï rgdjla yd M,odhs f,i bf.kqï b.ekaúï ld¾h
j¾Okh lr .; yels o hk f;jk iqúfYaIs m%Yakh úiosu ioyd mrslaIKhg Ndckh jk isiqka yg hym;a
mrsirhla we;s lsrsu ;=<ska bf.kqï b.ekaúï l%shdj,sh ;=,os M,odhs f,i idOk uÜgu jeä lr .eksug
ÿ¾j, úIhka i|yd tu .=rejreka oekqj;a fldg wu;r bf.kqï ld¾hh i|yd fhduq lsrsu' Tjqka iu. iqyo
núka hqla;j isiq repsl;ajh we;s jk mrsos mdvï ie,iqï ilia fldg b.ekqï b.ekaúï ld¾h lf<ñ'
iïuqL idlÉPd
o;a; úYaf,aIKh
¸ jk jdrh
¸¸ jk jdrh
50 70
30 40
0 0
1 2 3 1 2 3
kshosfha isiqka A,B,C hk ixfla; kdu j,ska yeoskajq w;r m<uq jdr úNdf.a ,l=Kq j,g jvd jeä idol
uÜgula fojk jdr úNd.fhka oS olakg ,efí' B ixfla;fha isiqjd m<uq yd fojk jdr fofloSu
jeä ,l=Kq ,nd we;s wdldrh ksrslaIKh úh' idOk uÜgï jeä lsrsug .=rejrhdf.a odhl;ajh fuysos oeä
f,i n,md we;s nj fmks hhs' ta wkqj f;jk ie,iqu l%shd;aul lsrsfïos isiqka flfrys oelajq wjOdkh
fy;=fjka idOk uÜgu by< hdug fy;= ù we;s nj ksrslaIKh úh'
fuu l%shd uq,sl m¾fhaIKhg nÿkajq isiqka ;sfokdf.a p¾hdrgdj m¾fhaIKhg ,laùug fmr l
%shdj,sh wjidkfhaoS fjkilg m;aú we;s wldrh fidhd ne,Su b;d jeo.;a fõ'
iuia;hla f,i fuu isiqka ;sfokd fjkqfjka by; ueosy;a ùï j,ska wdKdjrKh lr.; yels jqfha ;snq l,yldrs
iajNdjhg jvd p¾hdj fndfyda ÿrg hym;a ;;ajhg meñK we;s njhs' wfkl=;a isiqka f.kao úuiq úg
Tjqka f.ka isÿjk ndOdjka wvq ú we;s nj fmkajd fokq ,eìh' b isiqjdf.a idOk uÜgu 2022 ¸¸ jk
jdrh ;rula j¾Okh ù we;s nj lsjhq;=h'
YsIH kdhl ;k;=re ,ndosu ;=<ska o ks;r wjOdkfhka isák neúka l,yldrs iajNdj fndfyda ÿrg
md,kh ù we;s nj lsj hq;=h' tkï fudjqka flfrys wfkla isiq;af.a wjOdkh fhduq jk neúks' kuq;a
fuysos uu uq,ska isiqka ;=<ska ÿgqfõ ikaiqkaj l%udkql+,j hï j.lsula ld¾hhla lsrSug we;s
wlue;a;hs' kuq;a j¾;udkh jk úg Tjqka ;snq ;;ajhg jvd hï j.lsula orñka th bgqlsrSug hï m
%h;akhla orK njhs'
iuia;hla f,i .;a úg ud l< ueosy;aùfï l%shdhdrlïj, m%;sM, u; ;rula ÿrg ;snq ;;ajhg jvd l,yldrsj
yeisreK rgdj wvq uÜgug m;a ù we;s njhs'
tfukau Tjqkaf.a bf.kqï b.ekaùfï l%shdj,sfhoS idOk uÜgfïoS hï m%.;shla ,.d lr f.k we;s nj 2022
¸¸ jk jdr mrslaIK ,l=Kq j,skao fmkshk lreKls' ^j.= wxl 3& wfkl=;a .=rejrekaf.kao fudjqkaf.a
p¾hd ,laIK ms<snoj iqNjdos wdl,amfhka hq;=j l;dlrk wdldrh olakg ,efí'
fï wkqj by; o;a; yd j¾:d u.ska fmks hkafka isiq l,yldrs yeisrsï hym;a ;;ajhg fk ta ms<sno l
%shd uq,sl m¾fhIKhg nÿkaÿka isiqka ;sfokd m¾fhIK wruqK lrd ,.d lrùug fndfydaÿrg yels jq
njhs' ta i|yd úúO l%shdldrlu Ndú;h bf.kqï$b.ekaùï l%shdj,sh w;r Wmia:ïNkh ,ndoSu m
%dfhda.sl l%shdldrlï Ndú;h iy uq,sl uq,O¾u u; msysgd m¾fhaIK l%shdj,sh l%shd;aul lsrSu
tu wruqK lrd hdug bjy,ajq nj fmkajd osh yelsh' fuu .eg¿ mdi, ;=< úioSfïoS ueosy;a ùu ;=<ska
fndfyda ÿrg wju lr .ekSug yelsfõ' fujeks ie,iqï fhdod .ekSfuka .=re cSú;hg
we;sjk .eg¿ úiod .ekSug yelsjq nj;a udyg m%;HlaI úh'
mrslaIK fhdackd
YsIhdg bf.kqï b.ekaúï l%shdj,sfhos mrsNdysr lghq;= i|ydo jeä bvla ,nd osh hq;=h'
isiqka iu. Tlaj l%shdldrlï u.ska iqyoj lghq;= lrñka l<ydldrs iaNdjh u. yrjd .eksug
lghq;= l,hq;=h'
tla YsIHfhla ms,snoj ufkdúoH;aulj wOHkh lrñka Tjqkaf.a iyc l=i,;d biau;= l, hq;= w;r
tu.ska isiq ixhu
isiq reÑl;ajh jvd j¾Okh jk wdldrfha mdvï ie,iqï ilia lsrsfuka M,odhs f,i by< idol uÜgï
j,g ,.d úh yelsh'
hym;a .=K O¾u yqre mqreÿ lsrsfïka isiqka ;=< ukd úkhla yd yslañula we;s l, yelsh'
wdY%s; .%ka:
w;=fldard< ' ã iy w;=fldard< tÉ 2009 wOHmk ufkdaúoHdj yd .=rejrhd idr m%ldYk uqøK
yels ;rï isiqkag wdorh lreKdj oelaúh hq;=h '
iEu .=rejrhl= u ;ukaf.ka wOHdmkh ,nd .ekSug meñfKk iEu orejl= ms<sn|j úfYaI
wjOdkh fhduq l, hq;= w;r Tjqkaf.a reÑl;ajh yd l=i,;d ukdj jgyd .ekSu yd Tjqkaf.a
wd;audNsudkh j¾Okh jk f,i l%shdlsÍu isÿ l< hq;=h'
isiqkaf.a l,d l=i,;d yÿkd .ekSu;a tu olaI;djka w.h lsÍu;a tu olaI;djka m%o¾Ykh lsÍug
yels wjia:djka orejkag ,nd osh hq;=h'
wdY%s; .%ka:
1' wfímd,"frda,kaâ" ^2015& wOHdmkfha ufkdaúoHd;aul moku"idr m%ldYk(fldÜgdj'
2' w;=fldar< "ohd frdayK" w;=fldar< "fya,s ksu,d" ^1992&wOHdmk ufkdaúoHdj
yd .=rejrhd"YslaId ukaÈr m%ldYk(mdkÿr'
3' úfÊ;=x." iaj¾Kd ^2013& wOHdmk ufkda úoHdj" wOHdmk m%ldYk fomd¾;fïka;=j'
4' f,dfj,a" fla" wOHdmk ufkdaúoHdj yd <uhs'
nray;epiy Ma;T
jpUkjp.,uh.jpy;iyehafp (BA , PGDE)
Ma;T gpd;dzp
11 tUlq;fshf XNu ghlrhiyapy; fy;tp gapd;Wk; jd;id ghlrhiyf;F nghUj;jkhd Kiwapy;
tsu;j;Jnfhs;shky; jd;Dla elj;ijapy; khw;wj;ij Vw;gLj;jp nfhz;L fw;wy; fw;gpj;jy; ftd FiwthfTk;
Mrpupau;fs; kj;jpapy; tFg;giwf;F nghUj;jkw;w khztpahf ghjpg;gile;J tUtJ njspthf mwpa
$bajhf ,Uf;fpd;wJ.
NkYk; ,g;gpur;rpidf;F gps;isapd; #oYk; gpd;dilTf;F gpujhd fhuzpahf mike;Js;sJ. mtsJ Jyq;fy;
khw;wj;jpw;F rfghbfSk; cWJizahf ,Ue;Js;sdu;. (gpuahzk; nra;Ak; NghJ)mtsJ khWjYf;F fPNo
Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s fhuzpfs; gpd;Gy fhuzpfshf mike;Js;sJ.gpd;Gy fhuzpfshf miktJ, 2019 Mk;
Mz;L nfhtpl; Neha; njhw;W fhuzkhf ghlrhiyfs; %lg;gl;ljhy; ,izatspahf fw;gpj;jypy; njhiyNgrp
ghtid mjpfupj;jhy; khztpapd; gpuo;thd elj;ijfs; mjpfupj;jJ.,izatspAlhf jd;Dila taijAk; kPupa
tplaq;fis MuhAk; nraw;ghL mtw;iw gfpUk; nraw;ghLfSk; kw;iwa khztu;fSf;Fk;
Mrpupau;fSf;Fk; fw;wy; fw;gpj;jy; nraw;ghLfspy; ,LgLk; NghJ ghupa gpur;rpidahf khupaJ.
jw;NghJ juk; 11 apy; mk; khztp fy;tp gapd;W tUtjhy; mk; khztpapd; vjpu;fhyj;ij Nehf;fhf
nfhz;L O/L guPl;irapy; rpj;jpaila nra;a Ntz;Lk; vd;gjw;fhf mts; gw;wpa Xu; nraw;jpl;lj;ij
,t; Ma;tpw;fhf Ma;T Ew;gq;fs; kw;Wk; nghUj;jkhd Ma;T Kiwfs; vida ghl Mrpupau;fspd;
fUj;Jf;fs; mk; khztpapd; elj;ijapd; khw;j;ij Vw;gLj;j $ba jPu;TfSk; guprpspf;fg;gl;L Ma;tpd;
Kf;fpa Nehf;fj;ij epiwNtw;wp nfhs;Sk; tifapy; kpfTk; mtjhdkhf ,r;nraw;jpl;lk;
jpl;lkplg;gl;Ls;sJ. NkYk; ,r;nraw;jpl;lkhdJ njhlu;Jk; fUJ Nfhy;fSk; Mtzq;fSk; gFg;gha;T nra;J
rpwe;j jPu;tpw;fhf guprPspf;fg;gl;L jPu;Tfs; Kd;NdLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.
Ma;tpw;fhd fhuzq;fs;
tFg;giwapy; fl;Lghlw;w fPo;gbtpy;yh khztp.
tuT FiwT.
Fwpg;Gfs; ghlE}y;fs; vLj;J tuhik.
myFg;guPl;ir Gs;spfs; FiwT.
jtizg;guPl;ir Gs;spfs; FiwT.
taj;Jf;F kPwpa nraw;ghLfspy; <Lg;gLjy;.
vidatu;fspd; nghUl;fis jpULjy;.
Mrpupau;fis mtJ}uhf NgRjy;.
ghlrhiy tpl;L Fwpj;j Neuj;jpw;F tPl;bw;F nrhy;yhik.
ghlrhiy Muk;gkhtjw;F Kd; tuhik.
ngha; nrhy;yy;.
epfo;epiy tFg;G ghj;jpw;F rOfk; juhikAk; tUk; Neuq;fspy; kw;iwa khztpfSld;
fUj;Jf;fis gupkhWjy;.
fw;wy; eltbf;ifapy; <Lglhik.
gapw;rpfis xOq;fhf nra;J fhl;lik.
Ma;tpw;fhd Nehf;fk;
cau;ju fy;tpia ngw;W nfhs;s J}z;LJy;.
ngw;Nwhu; , Mrpupau; , khztu; njhlu;ig tYg;gLj;jy;.
tFg;giw xOf;fj;ij NgZjy;.
tFg;giw #oiy Nerpf;f goFjy;.
guPl;irfspy; Gs;spfis Ngu topf;fhl;ly;.
elj;ijapd; khw;wj;ij Vw;gLj;jy;.
MSik gz;ig tsu;jy;.
Ma;tpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk;
Ma;tpw;F cw;gLj;jg;gl;l Fwpj;j khztp f.ngh.j. rhjhuzj;ju tFg;gpy; fy;tp gapy;fpd;whs;.
gps;isapd; MSikia ghjpf;fpd;w gy;NtW fhuzq;fspdhy; khztpapd; vjpu;fhyk; mtspd; gpwo;thd
elj;ijfis ntspg;gLj;Jtjhf mikfpd;wJ. ,r; nraw;ghl;bd; khw;wj;ij Vw;gLj;Jtjdhy; fw;wy;
fw;gpj;jy; nraw;ghLfspd; gpd;dilTf;F fhuzkhf miktij mtspd; elj;ijfis cw;W Nehf;Fk; NghJk;
Mf;fq;fis tuNtw;W cw;rhfk; Cl;Lk; NghJ mtspd; kiwe;j epiy nraw;ghLfSf;F Jz;LjyhfTk; fdT
gbkq;fis Muha;e;J mtw;Wf;F ce;J rf;jpahd MSik gz;Gfis tsu;g;gjw;fhf cly; cs uPjpahd
NeUf;fPLfSf;F mtspd; gpwo;thd nraw;ghLfSf;F mNdfkhd re;ju;gq;fspy; fhuzkhf mikfpd;wJ.
vdNt R%fkhd cwtpd; %yk; ,t; Ma;tpid nraw;gLj;Jk; NghJ ghlrhiyf;Fk; r%fj;jpw;Fk;
vjpu;fhyj;jpy; Vw;gl $ba ed;ikfshtd>
khztpapd; fw;wiy NkYk; Nkk;gLj;jy;.
rfghbfSld; R%fkhd ,il njhlu;ig tYg;gLj;jy;.
kfpo;r;rpfukhd tFg;giw #oiy Vw;gLj;jy;.
rthy;fSf;F Kfq;nfhLf;Fk; Mw;wiy tsu;j;jy;;;;;.
cau;fy;tpia ngw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; re;ju;g;gj;ij Vw;gLj;jpf;nfhLj;jy;.
rpwe;j MSik gz;Gfis tsu;f;Fk; re;ju;g;gq;fis Vw;gLj;jpf; nfhLj;jy;.
r%fj;jpw;F nghWj;jkhd khztpahf tho goFjy;.
elj;ijfspy; khw;wj;ij Vw;gLj;jpf; nfhs;sy;.
r%fj;jpw;F nghWj;jkhdtshf nraw;gLjy;.
jdpahu; Ma;T gw;wpa tpsf;fk; -22k; gf;fk; (rgh.nIauhrh).
Ma;Tfis Nkw;nfhs;Sk; Kiw- (Nj.f.ep.M).
Vida ghl Mrpupau;fsplk; jfty; ngw;Wf;nfhs;sy;.
rf ez;gpfs; ngw;Nwhuplk; jfty; jpul;ly;.
Ma;T Nkw;nfhz;l Kiwfs;
rf khztpfSld;
whatsapp ,y;
nghUj;jkw;w jfty;fis
rf khztpfs;
x vDk; Mrpupau;
khztpAld; fye;jiuahba
NghJ mtspd; jhAk;
je;ijAk; Neha;tha;g;
gl;bUg;gJk; ifalf;f
njhiyNghrp ,d;W ,y;yhj
fhuzj;jhy; jdJ cwtpdupd;
ifalf;f njhiyNgrpfis
ghtpj;jjhy; ,j;jtW Vw;gl;lij
Fwpj;j khztp
tpdh nfhj;J
R%fkhf khztpAld; neWq;fp gof $ba re;ju;gq;fis toq;Fk; Kfkhf rpy tpdhf;fs; tpdtg;gl;lJ.
khztp ghlrhiyf;F tUk; Neuk;.
vjpu;fhy ,yl;rpak;
jdpahy; Ma;T
khztpapd; tuT
,k; khztp tFg;giwf;F fpoikapy; 3 ehl;fs; ghlrhiyf;F tUths;. rpy thuq;fspy; njhlu;rpahfTk;
tulkhl;lhy;.fhiy Neu tFg;GfSf;F tUtJ jhkjkhfNt fhzg;gLk;.fhuzk; Nfl;lhy;
nksdkhf ,Ug;ghs;.,jd; fhuzkhfNt khztp gw;wp njhlu; Ma;tpid Nkw;nfhs;Sk; #oy; Vw;gl;lJ.
jkpo; AB 22 33 47
rkak; AB 35 58 65
tpQ;Qhdk; AB 18 54 45
fzpjk; 15 04 34 55
tuyhW 68 29 18 68
Mq;fpyk; 23 24 18 26
Rfhjhuk; - 55 42 40
,yf;fpaeak; - 39 34 48
rpq;fsk; - 21 65 64
40 2Mk;
30 4Mk;
jkpo; rkak; tpQ;Qhdk; fzpjk; tuyhW Mq;fpyk; Rfhjhuk; ,yf;fpaeak; rpq;fsk;
fuu wOHhkh ;=<ska úia;r flfrkqfha මහනුවර අධ්යාපන කලාපයේ ප්රාථමික පාසලක 5 jir mka;sfha
bf.kqu ,nk bf.kqug wvq wjOdkhla ,nd foñka mka;s ldurh ;=< ndOdldÍ f,i yeisreKq orejl=f.a
p¾hd ,laIK i;su;a mqreÿ mqyqKq lsÍu (Mindful Practice ) ;=<ska wju fldg wjOdkh
( Attention ) ,nd §fï yelshdj jeä lsÍug fukau hym;a p¾hd ,laIK biau;= lr .ekSu i|yd ud .kq ,enQ l
%shdud¾. ms<sn|j h' i;su;a l%shdldrlï f,i Mandala Ñ;% mdg lsÍu yd Mandala rgd ks¾udKh
lsÍu( Colouring and creating of Mandala designs) ,i;su;a weú§u ^ Mindful walking & " i;su;a
yqiau .ekSu ^ Mindful breathing &" i;su;a ijka§u ^ Mindful listening & fukau i;su;a äðg,a l
%Svd ^Digital Mindful games & fuu m¾fhaIKh i|yd fhdod .;sñ' fuu wOHhkh udi ;=kl muK
ld,hla isÿlrk ,o w;r o;a; /ialsÍu ksÍlaIK " iïuqL idlÉPd yd f,aLk wOHhk u.ska isÿ lrk ,§' wjidkfha
m%;sM, úYaf,aIKh u.ska i;su;a l%shdldrlï orejd ;=< wjOdkh ,nd §fï yelshdj yd mka;s ldurh ;+,
yeisrSu flfrys fld;rï n,mEula lr we;aoehs fidhd ne,qfjñ'
5 jir mka;sfhys A kï YsIHhd mdvu W.kajk fõ,dfõ§ mdvug b;d wvq wjOdkhla ,nd §u yd
mka;sfha wfkla isiqkag fukau W.kajk .=rejrhdg ndOdldÍ f,i yeisÍu '
.eg,q m%ldYh
bx.%Sis úIh W.kajk ld,Éfþofh§ 5 jir mka;sfha bf.kqu ,nk A kï YsIHhd iajlSh wjOdkh mdvu
fj; rojd .ekSug wfmdfydi;a fõ' jßkajr wjOdkh fjk;l fhduq lrk nj ksrSlaIKh úh' Tyq b;du wvq
fõ,djla mdvu iu. iïnkaO jk w;r wfkla fõ,djkays oS fiiq <uqhskag fukau .=rejrhdg o mdvug
ndOd muqKqjhs' ;ud l%uj;aj bf.kSula fkdlrk w;r mdvfï § jeä fõ,djla fkdikaiqkaldÍ f,i yeisfrhs '
fï .eg,qj ud úi|d .kafka flfiao @
m¾fhaIK ud;Dldj
i;su;a l%shdldrlï ;=<ska bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,sfha§ isiq wjOdkh wLKavj mj;ajd .ekSfï
yelshdj ixj¾Okh l< yels oehs fidhd ne,Su'
m¾fhaIKfha wruqKq
nqoaêuh yelshdjla jk wjOdkh ( attention ) jeäoshqKq lsrSu ;=<ska A kï orejd ;=<
bf.kqï úNjH;d j¾Okh lsrSu'
i;su;a l%shdldrlï yd Mandala Ñ;% wjOdkh ,nd §fï yelshdj j¾Okh lrkafka oehs fidhd
bf.kqï b.ekaùï l%shdj,sfha § 5 jir mka;s ldurh ;=< ish¨isiq orejkag ndOdjlska f;drj
bf.kSug yels hym;a bf.kqï mßirhla f.dvke.Su'
.eg¨j ms<sn| fidhd ne,Su
ud fiajh lrk mdi, uOHu m<df;a uykqjr Èia;%slalfha uykqjr wOHdmk l,dmfha msysá ñY% m
%d:ñl mdi,ls' tys isiqka 170la muK bf.kqu ,nk w;r .=re uKav,h fodf<dia fofkl=f.ka iukaú;h'
ud fuu mdi,g m;aùula ,en meñ‚fha 2014 jif¾§h' tys§ bx.%Sis úIhNdr .=rejßhl f,i jevNdr
.;a w;r miqj bx.S%is úIhg wu;rj mß.Kl wxYfha yd 5 jir wvq idOk uÜgfï miq jQ orejka
fjkqfjka ks¾udKh l< úfYaI mka;sfha Ndrldr;ajh o mejereks' 2019 jif¾ § wkqu; úfoaY ksjdvq
u; ´iafÜ%,shdjg hdug ud yg wjia:dj ,enqKs' tys isà ld,fha§ ´iAfÜ%,shdfõ mQ¾j <udúh
ixj¾Ok uOHia:dk" m%d:ñl yd oaù;Sl mdi,a wdY%s; wOHdmkh ms<sn|j o wjfndaOhla yd
iýù w;aoelSï ,nd.ekSug ud yg wjia:dj ,enq‚' 2021 jif¾§ kej;;a uu fuu mdi,g u meñ‚ w;r t;eka
isg bx.%Sis úIh " mß.Kl úIh yd úfYaI mka;sfhys b.ekaùfuys ksr; jk w;r mdif,a WmfoaYkh
Ndr .=re;=ñh jYfhkao lghq;= lrkafkñ'
fuu l%shd uQ,sl m¾fhaIKh i|yd mdol jQ A kï orejd ud yg uqK .efikqfha 2022 jif¾ 5 fY%a‚h
ioyd bx.%Sis yd mßirh úIhhka b.ekaùug tu mka;shg hdfï§h' isiqka 35l f.ka iukaú; fuu
mka;sfhys idudkH bf.kqï b.ekaùï fõ,dfõ§ A orejdf.a p¾hdfjys fjkila ud yg olakg ,enq‚' mdvu
wdrïNfha § úkdä 5 - 10 w;r ld,hla wjOdkh ,nd foñka mdvug iïnkaO jqjo bka miqj ug;a
mka;sfha wfkla <uhskag;a ndOdldÍ jk yeisÍula fndfyda oskj, oS ksrSlaIKh úh' mdvu mgkaf.k
b;d iq¿ fõ,djlg miqj j;=r fndñka " wärE, fviala tlg ;Ügq lr rsoauhdkql+, fkdjk Yío k.ñka fyda
wi, isák <uhskag weÕs,af,ka wksñka ndOdldÍ f,i yeisÍug mgka .kS' fï ms<sn|p os.ska os.gu
Tyqg lreKq wjfndaO lr oS wjjdo l< úg Tyq iskdfiñka thg ijka§ jro ms<s.kakd kuq;a kej;;a b;d
iq¿ fõ,djlska tjeksu l%shdjkag fm<fò' A kï orejdf.a fuu yeisÍï rgdj Tyqf.a fukau fiiq
<uhskaf.a wOHdmk ixj¾Okhg b;d Rkd;aul n,mEula we;s l< w;r ffokslj ie,iqï l< mßÈ udf.a
mdvu ksu lsÍug uy;a ndOdjla úh' tneúka by; lreKq ish,a,u i,ld n,d A kï orejdf.a fuu yeisÍï i|yd
n,mE yels fya;=j fidhd Bg ksis ms<shula fhdoñka ud yg uqyqKmEug isÿù
we;s .eg,qldÍ ;;a;ajfhka o ñ§ug fuu l%shd uQ,sl m¾fhaIKh ud úiska wdrïN lrk ,§'
.eg¿j yÿkd.;a miq ta ms<sn|j ksjerÈ yd meyeÈ,s wjfndaOhla ,nd.ekSu i|
yd .eg,qjg wod< o;a; /ia lsÍula isÿ lrk ,§ ' tys § ksÍlaIK " iïuqL idlÉPd fukau úúO f,aLk
wOHkhla isÿ lrk ,§' ksÍlaIKh iDcq yd jl% ksÍlaIK f,i isÿlrk ,o w;r iïuqL idlÉPd mka;sNdr yd
ix.S; .=rejreka iu. fukau uj iu. isÿ lrk ,§'
ksÍlaIK o;a; iïuqL idlÉPd o;a; f,aLk wOHkh
mdvug b;d wvq fõ,djla mjqf,a ;ks orejd ùu idOk uÜgu iEu úIhlu wvq nj
iïnkaO fõ
.=rejrhdg wvqfjka wjOdkh blaukska jevh ksu lsÍug igyka u.yeÍ ;sîu
,nd foa' W;aidy lsÍu
fkdikaiqkaldrS yeisrSu ksul, jefvys ms<sfj, wvq nj mdi,g meñŒu i;=gqodhl ùu
igyka ,shd .ekSfï§ ijka fok ujg yd mshdg b;d lSlre nj
yelshdj wvqlu
kej; kej; jeä jdr
.Kkla weiSu
mdif,a fmdÿ lghq;=j,§ il mdi,a taug leu;s nj mdi,a taug leu;s nj
%Shj iyNd.s ùu
mka;sNdr.=rejrhd yd mka;sNdr.=rejrhd yd
ix.S; .=rejrhd b.ekaùfï È ix.S; .=rejrhd b.ekaùfï È
wvq wjOdkhla ,nd §u wvq wjOdkhla ,nd §u
ix.S; úIh b.ekaùfï § m ix.S; úIh b.ekaùfï § m
%dfhda.sl iyNd.s;ajh b;d %dfhda.sl iyNd.s;ajh b;d
by, ùu by, ùu
idys;H úu¾Ykh
mka;s ldurh ;=< YsIH wjOdkh j¾Okh lsÍu i|yd .=rejrhl=g we;s yelshdj .=Kd;aul wOHdmkh i|
yd w;HdjYH fõ ' kuq;a úúO ndOl yuqfõ fuh idlaId;a lr.ekSu Tjqka uqyqK fok nrm;< .eg¨jls '
wjOdkh yd b.ekaùï w;r ukd iïnkaO;djhla we;' fyd| bf.kqula lrkakd mka;s ldurh ;=,§ .=rejrhdg
fyd| wjOdkhla ,nd fohs' (Al-Hejin,2005; Gass,1988;Schmidt,2000) .=rejrekag ;u ld¾hh iM,
lr.ekSu i|yd ;u isiqkaf.a wjOdkh w;HjYH 'fõ kuq;a iakdhq úoHdjg wkqj wjOdkh iSñ; iïm;ls'
(Isbell.et al,2017) úfYaIfhkau m%d:ñl orejkag ;u wjOdkh wLKavj mehla fyda folla mdvu fj;
fhduq l< fkdyel' kuqÿ úkdä 30l muK ld,hla orejkaf.a wjOdkh l%uj;aj
mj;ajd .ekSu .=rejrekag ;u mka;s ldur b.ekaùï l%shdj,sh id¾:l lr .ekSu i|yd b;d jeo.;a fõ' tfy;a
Bunce fukau fndfyda m¾fhaIlhka mjik wdldrhg idudkH orejl=f.a wjOdkh úkdä 30 muK miqj
.s,syS hhs' tkuqÿ Tjqka mjikafka m<uq úkdä 10l ld,hla YsIHhl= ;u wjOdkh r|jd ;nd .ekSu
mka;s lduf¾ f.kaùfï§ b;d jeo.;a njhs' (Bligh,2000; Bunce, Flens &Neils;2010) flfia kuqÿ
mdvulg jeä fõ,djla wjOdkh ,nd §ug fkdyels ùu i|yd n,mE yels fya;= idOl lsysmhla
orejka ;=< ;sìh yels nj m¾fhaIlhka fmkajd § ;sfí ' mjq,a mßirh (Schroeder and Kelley 2009;
Biederman et al, 1995) ADHD frda.S ;;a;aj " udkisl wd;;sh " wvq nr fkdfïrE ore Wm;a
(Beckwith,1998 ) fukau i;su;a nj wvqlu ( Sears & Kraus ,2009; Tang & Posner ,2009) orejl=
mdvulg wvqfjka wjOdkh ,nd§ug n,mE yels fya;= idOl lsysmhls' i;su;a nj mqyqKq lsÍu ;=<ska
wjOdkh mj;ajd .ekSug yd ndOd lsÍï fkdi,ld yeÍfï yelshdj jeäÈhqKq lrhs' (Sears & Kraus ,
2009; Tang & Posner ,2009) i;su;a nj wmf.a wjOdkh yd udkisl tald.%;dj l%udkql+,j l
%shd;aul lsÍfï yelshdj ,nd .ekSug wmg bv i,ihs' ^Jha ,Krompinger & Baim ,2007; Walantine &
Sweet ,1999)
ieneúkau wOHdmkh M,odhsj isÿlsÍug kï mka;s ldurh ;=< bf.kSfï§ .=rejrhdg fyd¢ka
wjOdkh ,nd §fï l=i,;djh <uhska ;=< ;sìh hq;=h' orejka ;=< fuu l=i,;djh f.dvke.Sug yels l
%shdud¾.hla jkafka Tjqka ;=< i;su;a nj mqreÿ mqyqKq lsÍuhs' fï iïnkaOj m%d:ñl orejka
iïnkaO fldgf.k úúO m¾fhaIK isÿ fldg ;sfí' tys§ Ñ;a;fõ.Sh kshdukh ^ Lee Semple , Rosa &
Miller ,2008 & ldxid ;;a;aj ;sîu ksid we;s jk .eg¨wju lsÍug i;sh mqyqKq lsÍu b;du M,odhS nj
Tmamq ù ;sfí' tmuKla fkdj mqoa.,sl yd Ñ;a;fõ. ixj¾Okh jeäÈhqKq lsÍfï§ o i;su;a mqyqKq
lsÍu uyÕ=f,i WmldÍ jk nj m¾fhaIlhka mjihs ^ Barners , Bauza & Treiber,2003 ; Romos ,
Hernandez & Blanca,2012 &' fuf,i isiqka ;=< i;su;anj jeãu ksid wjOdk mrdihla" mka;sfha
jevg tald.%;d ùfï yelshdj;a ixcdkk yd Ñ;a;fõ. j, kuHYS,S .;sh;a jeäÈhqKq jk nj m¾fhaIK
jd¾;d ms<sn|j yeoEÍfï§ ;jÿrg;a meyeÈ,s fõ' mQcH {dkoSm iajdóka jykafiaf.a Power of
Mindfulness fmd; — i;sfha n, uysuh “ f,i mßj¾;kh lrñka mQcH WvBrsh.u OïuÔj iajdóka
jykafia mjikafka —ÿjk úisfrk ys;lg we;=,a fjk i;su;a wdf,dalh yßhg flfkl=g fï fudfyd;g t<U
isàug Woõ lrk hy¿fjla jeks— njhs' — i;su;a ù isàu b;d hym;a Ôjk l=i,;djla' wms i;su;a kï wms
wms .eku jeäfhka i;=gq fjkjd ' fïflka woyia fjkjd wms ;ryj " kqreiakd .;sh " mSvkh iy l,lsÍu
fjkqjg i;=g m%S;sh " lreKdj " hd¨lu ÈhqKq lrf.k ;sfnk nj ' fuh i;sfha iajdNdúl n,hhs ' ;reK
isiqkaf.a i;su;a nj jeãu ksid wjOdk mrdih;a mka;sfha jevg tald.%;d ùfï yelshdj;a ixcdkk yd
Ñ;a;fõ.j, kuHYS,S .;sh;a jeä ÈhqKq jk njg m¾fhaIK jd¾;dj, ;sfhkjd' fufia i;su;a nj jeäu
<ufhl=f.a iajhx ÈhqKqj f,i m%d:ñl .=KO¾u jeä ÈhqKq ùu;a ta yryd idudÔh jYfhka iyÔjkh i|
yd Tyq mQ¾K ksmqK;d iy .=K O¾u we;s mqoa.,hl= njg m;a ùu;a isÿ fjkjd — ^Y%S ,xld
i;smdi, ks¾ud;D - mQcH Wv Bßh.u OïuÔj iajdóka jykafia &
orejka iu. lrk ,o m¾fhaIK j,ska fmkS hkafka i;sh mqyqKq lsÍug Tjqkag b.ekaúh yels
w;ru fuu bf.kSu Tjqkaf.a mqoa., ixj¾Okh jeäÈhqKq lrk njhs^ Burke,2010; Semple , Lee ,
Miller,2006;Thompson , Gauntlett Gilbert,2008 & tfukau <ud ld,fha hulg wjOdkh fhduq lsÍfï
mqreoao n,j;a wOHdmksl fuj,ula f,i u;=fjñka ;sfnk nj o m¾fhaIlhka mjihs ( Simon,2010;
Kemeny et.al ,2012&' Tjqkaf.a wOHhkhlska fidhd f.k we;af;a i;sh mqyqKq ùfuka i;s wglg
miq RKd;aul yeÕSï wvqjk nj;a Okd;aul yeÕSï j¾Okh fldg ldxidj wvq lrk nj;ah (Cited in
Body Ramos , Recondo and Pelgrina ,2016 &;jo (Segovia, 2019 & mjik wdldrhg i;s 8l muK
i;su;a mqyqKqjlska miqj fudf,a isÿjk fjkialï meyeÈ,sj olakg ,efnk nj;a jev lrk u;lh jeä ÈhqKq
ùula fukau wjOdkh ,nd §fï yelshdj j¾Okh jk nj;ah' weßfidakd m%dka;fha Attention Academy
u.ska isiqka 250la fhdodf.k lrk ,o m¾fhaIKhl§ Body scan , breath focus , Mindful movement
jeks l%shdldrlï i;s12 m%.=K l< isiqka ;=< md,l lKavdhug idfmalaIj wjOdkh fh§fï ld, mrdih
jeä ùula olakg ,eî we;'
tfukau .=rejreka b.ekaùfï § tu orejka oelajQ ndOdldÍ yeisÍï rgdj, wvqjlao jQ nj i|yka fõ' ^
Napoli, et .al ,2005 & le,sf*dakshdfj Auckland yS Mindful Schools (2012 a ; 2012 b &
jevigyk ,uqka 18000 wêl ixLHdjla fhdodf.k lrk ,§' tys § udi ;=kl i;su;a l%shdldrlï j,ska miqj
Biegel iy Brown úiska fidhd.kq ,enqfõ orejka ;=< wjOdkh ,nd§u yd iudc l=i,;d fnfyúka jeä
ÈhqKq ù we;s njhs' ;jo Joyce et 'al ^2010& mjik wdldrhg ´iafÜ%,shdkq <uhskaf.ka 14% g
ie,lsh hq;= udkisl fi!LH .eg¨we;' fu,an¾kays lrk ,o mÍlaIKhl§ fy<s ù we;af;a i;s 10l i;su;a
mqyqKq lsÍï ;=<ska 25'6] muK jQ udkisl .eg¨iys; m%;sY;h 16] olajd wvq ù we;s nj h'
Body Scan , Breath Focus , Mindful Listening jeks i;su;a l%shdldrlïj,g wu;rj Mandela Ñ;
% we£u o i;su;a nj ÈhqKq lrk nj ^ Carsley and Heart, 2018 & m¾fhaIK jd¾;dj,ska fmkajd
§ ;sfí' Mandala hkq is; ikaiqka lsÍfï wruqKq Wfoid Èkm;d Ndú;d lrk iuñ;sl yev;, j,ska iukaú;
jD;a;dldr fudaia;r fõ '^ Henderson , Rosen & Mascaro, 2007 &fuu ixlS¾K yev;, j¾K .ekaùu
u.ska ikaiqka nj we;s lrkakdla fukau uki i|yd l,d m%;sldrh o ,nd foa' m%d:ñl mdi,a jhfia
orejka ;=< myiqfjka wjOdkh fjk;l fhduq lsÍu" wu;l ùu fyda .=rejrhd flfrys wjodkh fhduq
fkdlsÍu jeks oE fndfydaúg háka mj;sk ldxidj yd udkisl wjmSvkfhys uQ,sl m%ldYkhka úh
yel' fuu wjOdkh fhduq lsÍfï wvqlu fyda wê l%shdldß;aj wdndO ADHD f,i jerÈ f,i f,an,a lsÍu
fyda jerÈ úksYaph lsÍug fya;= úh yel' ldxid ;;a;aj yd udkisl mSvk ;;a;ajh Mandala we£fï
ueÈy;aùfuka wju l< yels nj uQ,sl m¾fhaIK m%;sM, idlaIs imhd we;'^ Catherine Malbieuf –
Hurtubise;2021) ;jo Mandala Ñ;% we£u isiqkag iudc l=i,;d m%.=K lsÍug fukau Okd;aul
mßl,amkh Ndú;d lr ikaiqkaj hula lsÍug;a th ri ú£ug;a wjia:dj Wod lrhs (Henderson
et.al;2007)a i;su;a nj o j¾Okh lrh's tneúka Mandala Ñ;%hla j¾K .ekaùu fyda tjeks Ñ;%hla
ks¾udKh lsÍu Yla;su;a yiqre l=i,;djla we;s tfy;a wjOdkh wvqfjka ,nd fok orejkag b;d m
%fhdackj;a úh yels w;r tjekakla ;=< i;su;a nj o j¾Okh fõ (Taylor and Francis,2019 ) Mandala
we£u yd j¾K .ekaùu fukau i;su;a l%shdldrlï mqreÿ mqyqKq lsÍu u.ska ufkda iudch l=i,;dj,
jeä ÈhqKq ùula we;s flf¾' úfYaIfhkau wê l%shdldÍ yd wdl%uKYS,S yeisÍu wvqùu " ldxidj
wvq ùu yd wOHhk .eg¿ j, wvqùula fukau yeisÍï .eg¨j, wvqùula o orejka ;=< we;s fõ( Mereno-
Gomez ,Cejudo; 2019 ) orejka ;=< Metacognition skills ixj¾Okh l< yels wdldrfha i;su;a l
%shdldrlï y÷kajd §fï jeo.;alu ms<sn|j Greenberg & Harris (2012) mjid we;' ta i|yd˜ Mindful
Art Making — kï i;su;a l%shdldrlï b;d iqÿiq nj uE;l § lrk ,o .fõIKhl § fidhdf.k we;'(Curry &
Kasser, 2005; Sandmire, Gorham ,Rankin & Grimm ,2012) fuys§ wjOdkh ,nd §fï l=i,;djh
j¾Okh lrk i;su;a l%shdldrlula jk Mandala Ñ;% we£u o b;d fhda.H nj Sandmire(2012) iy
Tyqf.a i.hka lr we;s wOHhkhlska m%ldY lr we;. (Semple and Lee (2011) o mjikafka m%d:ñl
orejka ;=< i;su;a nj j¾Okh lsÍug Mandala Ñ;% b;d fhda.H njhs"
tfukau Sanchez -Peris Sedeno ( 2019 )g wkqj äðg,a l%Svd o isiqka ;=< wjOdkh jeä
lsÍug fhdod.; yels ;j;a úYsIag l%uhls. Tyq úiska ADHD orejkaf.a wêl%shdldß frda. ,laIK wvq
fldg wjOdkh ,nd§u j¾Okh lsÍug digital games n,md we;s nj fmkajd § ;sfí"
flfiafj;;a fï wdldrfha úúO l%u j,g i;su;a nj mqyqKq l< .=rejreka ms<sn| wOHhkhl§
Napoli(2014) úiska fidhd.kakd ,oafoa i;su;anj mqyqKq lrjk .=rejrekag mka;s ldurh ;=, yd bka
msg; Okd;aul fjkialï isiqka ;=< we;s l< yels njhs "tu .=rejrekaf.a mka;s ldurh ;=< i;su;anj m
%.=K l< isiqka m%;s,dN ,enQ njo jd¾;d fõ" Tjqka ;=< wjOdkh fhduq lsÍfï l=i,;djh o jeäúh"
úNd. j,g hdug fmr wd;;s wvqùula " .egqï we;s ùug jvd ksrdlrKh flfrys fm,öula we;s lrùu "
wjOdkh ,nd §u jeäùu yd wd;au YslaIKh j¾Okhla i;su;a nj mka;s ldurh ;=< m%.=K lsÍfuka
<Õd lr .; yels nj(Feinder,Marriott & Iwata,1984;Fliellen ,1996;Ryan 2000) g wkqj fmkajd
oS ;sfí'
m¾fhaIK l%ufõoh
o;a; /ialr .ekSfuka miqj fujeks p¾hd rgd <uhska ;=< we;s ùug n,mE yels fya;= ms<sn|j úúO
m¾fhaIlhka úiska ,shk ,o m¾fhaIK m;%sld mßYS,kh lf<ñ' fuys§ (Schroeder and Kelley,
2009 ; Biederman et .al,1995 ; Lee Semple , Rosa & Miller ,2008 ) jeks m¾fhaIlhka fmkajd
oS ;snqfKa ta ioyd fya;+ lsysmhla u n,md yels njhs' mka;s ldurh yd ta wjg l,n,ldrS iajNdjh
"orejkaf.aa mjq,a mßirh" udkisl wd;;sh fyda ADHD jeks frda.S ;;a;aj fukau i;su;anj wvqlu tfia
n,mE yels fya;+ lsysmhla f,i olajd ;snqKs' tneúka uj iu. idlÉPdfõ§ fï ms<sn|j úuiQ w;r weh
mjik ,oafoa orejd kshñ; ld, iSudj ;=< kshñ; nrla iys;j Wmka nj;a y÷kd.;a udkisl frda.S ;;ajhla
fkdue;s nj;a " mjq,a mßirfhys wd¾Óluh fyda fjk hï .eg¨ldÍ ;;a;ajhla fkdue;s nj;ah' ta wkqj A
kï orejdg mjqq,a mrsirfha fyda fi!LHuh .eg,qjla fkdue;s nj wkdjrKh úh ' tu ksid Thompson &
Gauntlett Gilbert i;su;a l%shdldrlï mqreÿ mqyqKq lsÍu ;=<ska hï uÜgulg wjOdkh ,nd §fï
yelshdj ixj¾Okh l< yels hehs mjid we;s fyhska fudyq ioyd o th wod< lr.; yelsfõ hehs is;=fjñ'
fuu ;SrKhg t<eöug ;j;a fya;=jla jQfha ud yg ksrSlaIKh jQ ´iafÜ%,shdfõ l%shd;aul jk fmr
mdi,a wOHdmk l%uhhs (NFQ,2018) tu l%uh ;=< <uqkaf.a wjOdkh ( attention ) oshqKq
lsrSu ioyd fndfyda ls%hdldrlï wvx.=j ;snqKs' Mandala Ñ;% mdg lsÍu yd Mandala rgd
ks¾udKh lsÍu " i;su;a ijka§u ^ Mindful listening & " i;su;a äðg,a l%Svd ^Digital Mindful
games ) yd m%fya,sld ieliSu ta w;r m%Odk úh' .eUqrska is;d n,k l< tu ish¨u ls%hdldrlï i;su;a
nj oshqKq lsrSu ioyd jQ tajd nj is;sh yel' ukao tu rfgys m%d:ñl orejkaf.a wjOdkh fhduq lsrSfï
l=i,;djh iujhia ,dxlSh orejkag jvd by< uÜgul mj;sk nja ud úiska ksÍlaIKh lrk ,o neúks' ta wkqj
fuu orejdf.a o wjOdkh by< kexùfï l=i,;djh by; ,nd .;a oekqu " w;aoelSï yd lvqfj, i;s mdi, u.ska
i;su;a nj mqyqKqlrjkafkl= f,i <Õd lr.;a m%dfhda.sl mqyqKqj o weiqrska ixj¾Okh lsÍug yels
fõ hehs hk ;SrKh u; isg fuu ld¾huQ, m¾fhaIKh ixúOdkh lr ,§ '
m<uq ueÈy;aùu
ud úiska mßYS,kh lrk ,o m¾fhaIK m;%sld j, ;snQ l%shdldrlï " ´iafg%,shdfõ § ud ksÍlaIKh l<
l%shdldrlï fukau lvqfj, i;smdif,a § bf.k.;a l%shdldrlï o we;=<;aj A kï orejdg ,ndÈh hq;= l
%shdldrlï my; mßÈ fm< .iajk ,È'
bka miqj orejdf.a uj mdi,g f.kajdf.k ud uqyqKmdk .eg,qj ms,sn|j;a ta i|yd ud .ekSug
n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk l%shdud¾. ms,sn|j;a uj iu. idlÉPd lrk ,§' tfukau m¾fhaIK wruqKq"
o;a; ,nd.kakd wdldrh " l%shdldrlï yd l%ufõoh ms<sn|j orejdf.a uj oekqj;a fldg ta i|yd wehf.a
leue;a; yd wjirh ,nd .kakd ,§' tfukau fuu m¾fhaIKh ioyd ujf.a iydh wjYH neúka fuys tk l
%shdldrlï ms<sn| oekqj;a ùu i|yd wehf.a Whatsapp wxlhg ls%hdldrlï l< hq;++ wdldrh
meyeos,s flfrk ùäfhda o¾Yk hjk ,§' wk;=rej fuu ld¾huQ, m¾fhaIKh isÿ lsÍug wjYH wjirh
úÿy,am;s;=udf.ka o ,ndf.k ;=kl muK ld,hla isÿ lf<ñ' i;sh mqyqKq lsÍfï iEu l%shdldrlulau A
kï YsIHhd mdi, wdrïN ùug m%:ufhka fjkuu f.k mqyqKq lrk ,§' mdif,a§ isÿ lrk iEu l
%shdldrlulau iji ksjfia§o ujf.a wëlaIKh hgf;a isÿ lsÍug orejd fhduq lf<ñ'
i;sfhka i;sh by; i|yka i;su;a l%shdldrlï y÷kajd§ th Ndú;hg yqre lrk ,o w;r bÈß i;sj,§ tu l
%shdldrlï iïñY%j m%.=K lsÍug wjia:dj i,ik ,§' fuu i;su;a wNHdi mdif,a § fukau ksjfia§ o
úkdä 10l muK ld,hla mqyqKq lsÍug;a Mandala Ñ;%hla j¾K .ekaùug úkdä 20l muK
ld,hl=;a ,nd fok ,§' Èkm;d Tyq úiska isÿlrk l%shdldrlï j,g wod, ùäfhda Whatsapp ud¾.fhka
f.kajdf.k tajd wëlaIKh fldg wjYH ;eka j, oS iqÿiq Wmfoia ,nd oqksñ'
Mindful Music j,g i;su;aj ijka §u $ mßirfha Yío j,g i;su;aj ijka §u ^ Yío ms<sn|
j¾;udk fudfyd; fufkys lsÍu&
weiSug hk foa ms<sn|j fyd¢ka wjOdkh fhduq lsÍu i|yd jvd myiq wdldrhg orejdg b| .ekSug
i,iajd weia jid f.k iq¿fõ,djla yqiau by<-my< .ekSu flfrys wjOdkh fhduqlr ùh. bkamiq i;su;anj
jvk ix.S;hla wefikakg i,iajd tu.sk wefik Yío j,g muKla wjOdkh fhdua lrk f,i mejiSh' ;j;a
osfkl .ila hgg f.dia wjg mßirfhka Tyqg wefik .ia fi,fjk y~" yq<Õg fld< fi,fjk y~" .,d hk c,
myrl y~" /yehshkaf.a fyda fjk;a i;=kaf.a Yío jeks oE ms<sn|j Tyqf.a wjOdkh úkdä ;=kla
muK fldg Tyqg oekqk foa ms<snoj úuik ,os'
i;su;a weú§u.
iu;,d fmd<jla f;dard f.k mdjyka fkdue;sj ysi hka;ug my;a lr óg¾ folla muK bÈßfhka
fmdf<djg fk;a fhduq lrñka iajdNdúl fõ.fhka weú§ug fhduq lrk ,os 'mdoj, p,kh .ek tkï jfuka
ol=kg ol=fKka jug udrejk wdldrh .ek wjOdkh fhduq lrjQ w;r' ál fõ,djlg miqj mdoh
fmdf<dfõ .efgk wdldrh .ek is;kakg fok ,os' mdofha úúO ;ekaj, ú¿fò há m;=f,a mfha weÕs,s j,
oefkk tlsfklg fjkia jQ oekSï ms<sn|j;a mdofha úúO ;eka j,g WKqiqu isis,i ;o njla fudf<dla
njla wd§ fjkiaj oefKk foa ms<sn|j is;kakg fhduq lejk ,os' weú§fï l%shdj,sh i;=áka ieye,a¨fjka
úkdä 5la muK isÿlrk ,os'
ujf.a iaud¾Ü cx.u ÿrl:kh fhdodf.k orejdg ksr; úh yels i;su;a l%Svd lsysmhl fjí ,smsk uj
fj;g ,nd oqksñ' ujf.a wëlaIKh hgf;a Èkm;d úkdä 10l muK ld,hla tu l%Svd j, orejd ksr; lrjk f,i
ujg Wmfoia ,nd oqksñ'
bkamiq ;j;a i;s 3la muK oskm;d fuu ls%hdldrlï iïñY%j wLKavj lrf.k hdug orejd fhduq l< w;r
miqj Tyqf.a m%.;sh ms<snƒj fidhd ne,Sula lf<ñ'
m¾fhaIK wkdjrK
fmr පරිදිම m¾fhaIKh wjidkfha දින දහයක් තුළ පාඩම ආරම්භයේ දී ඔහුගේ අවධානය බිඳී යන
මුල්ම අවස්ථාවට ගතවන කාලය මනින ලද අතර ඔහුට ලබාදෙන පැවරුම් නිම කරන සංඛ්යාව හා
ඇගයීම් ලකුණු නිර්ණායක ලෙස ගෙන පෙර හා පසු තත්j විශ්ලේෂණයෙන් ප්රගතිය පිළිබඳව
විමසා බ e,sñ'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
day day day day day day day day day day day day day day day day day day day
m%.;sh uek neÆ wjidk දින දහය තුළ පාඩම ආරම්භයේ දී ඔහුගේ අවධානය බිඳී යන මුල්ම
අවස්ථාවට ගතවන කාලය fndfyda oskj, úkdä 15;a 25;a w;r úh.
tkï fmroSg jvd mdvug wjOdkh ,nd oSfï yelshdj j ර්Okh වී ;snqKs.
we.ehSï ,l=Kq
20 10la ;=< ksu lrk ,o mejreï
tfukau isxy, , .Ks;h , mrsirh yd bx.S%is fmryqre m%Yak m;% ioyd Tyq ,nd .;a ,l+Kq j, o jeä
ùula m%ia:drfha mrsos fmroSg jvd m ර්fhaIKhg miq wjia:dfõ oS oel .; yels úh.
osk 10la ;=< ksu fkdlrk ,o mejreï osk 10la ;=< ksu fkdlrk ,o mejreï
;jo m ර්fhaIKhg fmr Tyqg ,nd ÿka mejre ම් 10ka 2la muKla ksu lr ;snQ w;r m ර්fhaIKhg
miq ,nd ÿka mejre ම් 10ka 7la ksu lr ;snqKs. ta wkqj ,nd fok mejre ම් ksu lsrSf ම් Wkkaÿj o
j ර්Okh වී ;snqKs.
Tyq විiska mdg lrk ,o Mandalaa Ñ;% ksrSlaIKfha oS o fmkS .sfha මුලදී ඔහු පාට කළ චිත්ර
වල අසම්පූර්ණ nj ක් මෙන්ම කලබල ගතියකින් එය අවසන් කළ iajrEmhls. නමුත් ක්රම ක්රමයෙන්
ඔහුගේ චිත්ර වල පාට කිරීමේ සම්පූර්ණත්වයක් ola නට ලැබුණු අතර මනා සංයමයකින් එය කළ
බවක් හා නිර්මාණශීලීත්වයක් ද එයට එක්කොට තිබුණි. Tyq විසින් චිත්ර වලට ishq ම් rgd එක්කර
තිබූ w;r ta ioyd වඩා වැඩි කාලයක් wjOdkh යොමු කරමින් නිම කළ බවක් ප්රදර්ශනය විය.
tfuka u mka;s ldurh ;+< o Tyqf.a yeisrSu fmroSg jvd ixhuhlska nj ksrSlIKh úh'
i;su;a nj mqyqKq lsrSu ;+<ska mka;s ldurh ;+< wvq wjOdkh ,nd fok orejkaf.a wjOdkh ,nd
oSfï yelshdj ixj¾Okh l< yelsjdla fuka u ks¾udKYS,s;ajh " ixhuh jeks wOHdmkfha m%;s,dN
Tjqkag ;ud úiska u ;ud fj; <.d lr .ekSfï yelshdj o ,ndosh yel'
wvq wjOdkhla ,nd fok ish¨u orejka fjkqfjka mka;s ldurhla ;+< fuu ls%hdldrlï isÿl<
i;su;a nj ms<sno m%dfhda.sl mqyqKqj iEu orefjl+g fukau .+rejrekag o ,nd osu ;=,
wOHdmkfha m%;s,dN jvd M,odhS f,i w;am;a lr .; yel.
wdYs%; .%ka:
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“Teaching Geography Interestingly to the Students”
T. M. Nilupuli Saranga Thalgahagoda
SLTS 2 - ii
K/ Viharamahadevi Girls’ College Kandy
. Geograpy is a scientific subject that covers the wide area of study. It's a study of
humans and people through space, throughout time and how those spaces have shaped
history. It's a very fascinating field to study. According to National Geographic Geography is
the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. So you can
already see that geography is much more than just studying maps and knowledge of country
capitals. But in Sri Lanka this subject get care of the stepmother. In G.C.E O/L Subject
stream Geography Subject Comes under basket Subject. But in the other countries they start
teaching Geography from the Primary classes. They gave more priority to the teach this
Subject to the students practically In our present Education System I feel this Subject
highlighted as there learning this subject the benefits Student can get from Subject were not
highlighted in our Education Stream / There's a belief maintaining this subject is very
difficult subject as well as there are less teaching staff for this subject. My recent experience
on this matter is before I came to this my present working place K/ Viharamahadevi Gilr's
College the pervious teacher has been transfer before two months. when I came here I have
found that most of Student changed the to the German language because they were fear that
there will be no teacher to teach Geography in English Medium. But my Opinion is actually
Geography is subject they can do Self Studies .Students have Chance to get through from the
Exam by self stuieds But traditionaly there is a belief maintaining it's a difficult Subject. Still
in my former School in Gampola there were no teachers for Geography all other teachers
refuse to teach geography to Students even without trying to read text book. I believe it is
very Pathetic Situation of this subject.
The enthusiasm of the Grade 6 to 10 students for learning Geography in bilingual
stream was targeted to improve in this action research. I made an action plan based on the
date which I collected from the interviews with my students and other bilingual teachers.
Students and their parents were participated by surveys and observations. Surveys,
documentary evidence, students written comments and teachers observations were used to
record changes in enthusiasm for learning Geography during two months Study period.
In this study I investigated how usage modern of technology impact the Students
learning enthusiasm for learning Geography in English language. My motivation for learning
Geography in interesting way developed under three steps. First, I tried to arouse the curiosity
of the Student on Geography by using mobile Phones, Laptops and Tabs. They were
interestingly engage to the lesson by Secondly using modern technology. Secondary I request
them to make sample models related to Geography lessons as a group. Through that I teach
some practical lessons and grouped Student to make the modals and with them I Planned to
have Geography exhibition inside the School thirdly I planned Some field trips and I was
expect to do some practical lessons through that field trips.
Data Obtained during the research was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using
graphs, Charts, tables and other methods. When compared with the first and Second Surveys
shows the great Increase in Interest of the Students to learn Geography.
Teaching and learning in bilingual Stream is complex problem. So there is no Single
and Simple Solution for it. A combination of approaches is often effective education. The Sri
Lankan government, bilingual teachers, bilingual students and the parents of those children
should link together to solve this problem. The government should provide necessary
facilities to improve the level of bilingual geography education. In schools also provide more
librarie Facilities on requiring bilingual education on. Always encouraging to improve the
Subject knowledge and language skills must be Conducted by the teachers as well as the
Problem : How can I improve the interest of bilingual education students form grade 6 - 10
on learning Geography?
Statement of the problem :
In our school grade 6 - 10 bilingual class is mixed with the Sinhala and Tamil students. So
whenever i went to their class i felt they were not interesting in this geography subject and
I’m trying to make them interesting in this subject.
Topic of the research :
“Teaching Geography interestingly to the students.’’
Creative theme
“Let's explore the world creatively’’
My research question is “How to do I improve the interest in my bilingual students of
grade 6 -10 in the geography subject ?” whenever I went to the gread 6 - 10 bilingual class i
felt uncomfortable because three or four children were always absent children who were
present were also not very energetic. Children were reluctant to do their homework and were
not interested in bringing the necessary things for their activities. When I check their
performances I investigate that the term test marks were also very low of some student with
compared with the other subjects.so I decided to an action research regarding this problem.
Background of the problem
In government schools of our country primary education is available compulsorily
their mother tongue. The bilingual education programs allow students from grade 6 onwards
to learn a set of subject (including geography) in English. Geography is a subject which
contains lots of new concepts. When the bilingual students learn those concepts they have to
deal with more new scientific terms and words etc. They have to read and understand text
books only written in English language. Due to their poor knowledge of English they take
more time to understand those new concepts.
Most of the students who joined the bilingual classes don’t come on their own choice.
Some parents want them to do their studies in English. Some students come to this class
because of their friends. Some parents use this bilingual class to admit their children to the
school there may be other reason as well.
Today’s students have grown up in a technological world with computer, tabs, mobile
phones, television, video games. They are accustomed stop receiving and processing
information through multi-sensory sources they do not like to be passive learners in a class
room convened with walls and work with a teacher who is going to pour knowledge into
them through lecture method.
According to recent statistics there are only 91645 (2.2%) students of the 4,061,653
students in government schools study in any medium categorized as bilingual which includes
the English medium. There are only 33 schools that teach all three major languages. (These
statistics were made available in school census report of 2019)
In government schools, up to 2007 students in bilingual stream were able to study in
separate class room. In the year 2007 the government advises the principles to mix these
children with the monolingual children and bilingual class was banned. Now the children
who are studying in bilingual stream have to come out from their class rooms. When they go
for bilingual subjects. (Science, Math, Geography, Civics education, Health etc.)
Geography is a subject which is based on wide areas of study and with the practical
practice. (Map marking) So Geography is a practical subject to understand the geographical
concepts children should engage in the subject practically. They need the help of
geographical models. Experience the natural features by vision. So if we use the only white
board or even using textbooks and piece the subject is becoming boring to the children and
the teacher as well.
As a bilingual geography teacher I feel it so it so difficult to do a subject as geography
with out and interests of the students. So I Thought as a bilingual teacher how to teach this
subject in interestingly.
Get an idea about the students’ attitude of bilingual education and reasons for them to go
away from it.
Investigate the resources available for them to learn geography other than the school
geography textbook.
Make an action plan to motivate the students to learn geography in English by using
more attractive methods like mobile learning, peer group learning circles.
Instigate the students get the benefits of those learning methods and develop the interest
for geography.
If not try to overcome the difficulties of those methods and implement it again.
The students sample consisted of students from grade 6 - 11 classes who studied in
the bilingual stream.
Action research plan
Objectives Details Techniques Instrument
01.Gets an idea about Whether they like or Surveys Questionnaires to the
the student’s attitude dislike studying students interviews
attitudes regarding geography in English with the students
bilingual education language. teachers and parents
Their performance in Documental evidence Marks books
bilingual class.
Their library use Documental evidence Library cards
(a)number of times
(b)types of books
02. Investigate the whether they have Surveys Questionnaires to the
resources available for computer or mobile students interviews
them to learn phones, internet, with the students
Geography television facilities
03. How can I make 1. Using modern Participant observation Check lists
them interesting technology practical tests
bilingual stream 2. Organizing Direct observation Check lists
geography exhibition oral test
3. Organizing field Direct and participants Check lists
trips and practical of participant oral test
classes observation
04. Investigate whether Summarize the Qualitative and Tables
they get the benefit of collected data quantitative analyzing Charts
those learning methods methods Graphs
As a bilingual teacher I’m only facilitator of understanding. I can help students to gain
knowledge if students have willingness to learn. Their enthusiasm for discovering knowledge
and developing understanding will dictated the level of student learning and I believe willing
learners become active participants in geography activities when they become more actively
involved in their learning they develop interest and enthusiasm for the content and the
process that is there conduit for acquiring new knowledge.
Before making my action plan I wanted to know why they were not interested in
learning geography in bilingual stream. I observed the behavior of these children when they
were coming to my class. Always children were late 5 - 10 minutes to the class some of the
children are not bring their text books textbooks and doing homework properly. When I ask I
questions from them their answer was they do not got the text books from the school because
there was an Issue on lack of text books this year. When I ask question from previous lessons
most of the children were saying that they were absent on that day. I had some interviews
with the other bilingual teachers and came to know that the situation same in their subject
also. I decided to look at this problem from the children’s point of view. I used questionnaires
(annex 01) to investigate what is the reason for them to be interested in their studies in
geography subject. Further I had some informal group and individual with them. By
analyzing the data collected from the questionnaires and the interviews I identified the
following reasons.
Basic reading materials and basic arithmetic very little commercially available in support
of bilingual education.
Inadequacies of instructional materials.
Majority of the students speak in their mother tongue.
Majority of the student join in this bilingual class not because of their own choice, their
parents wanted them to do studies in English language.
Additionally, I sent home parent Surveys with each student in order to record the Parents
Opinions Concerning their child's interest for learning geography. The Survey included two
(1) How often your child talks with you about Geography lessons conducted at school?
(2) How enthusiastically does your child try to do Geography activities at home?
I). Used the same rating scale for the parents that I used with the Students (Annex 02)
I decided to make my action plan as one circle these four steps. All the Objectives of
these four steps focused towards one certain.
“Increasing the interest regarding bilingual Geography education"
I. Repair the bilingual classrooms
II. Creating interest Lessons through the practical lessons.
III. Create models for the subject grade 6-11 and organizing an exhibition.
IV. Creating interest through the using modern Technology for teaching.
As my first objective is take students immediately to the class room. So I decide to make
bilingual teaching unit pleasant place to students. There for I had discussion with other
bilingual teachers and parents. At there what I'm going to do with their children and
adjectives of my work. As the edificial group of this work. Parent were voluntary help us to
repair the bilingual unit. So on 12- 2022 We Color Washed the Classes and repair the broken
desk and chair in the unit and make unit pleasant Confortable Place to the students.
My Second step was aroused Curiosity There of the student on geography. There for I
thought use Technology Because nowadays students are mostly familiar like to user mobile
phones and other laptops, tabs more than text book because of influence of Online education.
So I interesting document, informing to the Whatsapp group. Which created by me for
geography students and I check their responses for those? Respond was positive. They
started to talk. About the things I shared in the class room and asked questions about things I
shared and we had a small discussion on those things. Students also share interesting thing
and from that they start to share knowledge.
Next I share some free online geography games.
Continents Matching
Country Studies
World geography game
As the third step I have select some models to create related to the geography lesson
continents. Which belongs to their grades. From that I can arouse their creativity as well as to
give the subject knowledge in different way. First I ask them to come up with their ideas and
I help them to develop the idea and create modals creatively. Co-operatively and creatively
Students were engaged in the work. From this Children were interesting participating to the
lessons. Every day they are coming to the classroom very enagitacaly. Now they discuss
subject matters related to their models very interestingly. I’m planning to have an exhibition
with these models at the end of third term.
As the last step I plan to take students to outside for some practical Classes. I believe
the most suitable place to teach Geography is outside from the class. Inside the classroom we
gave only theoretical knowledge but it is not practical they do not get the thorough idea
without experience those lively.
E.g. : We are teaching about the climatic zones inside the classroom but Students might
not understand the difference. But if we take them to another Climatic Zone them they
practically learn the different.
So I planned to have some field trips to teach them about.
Topographical Zones .
Climatic Zones
Udawaththakele forest.
Geography helps us to explore and understand space and place - recognizing the great
differences in cultures, economies, landscapes and environments and political systems across
the world and exploring the links between them. So It is very important to increase the
interesting learning Geography. When we consider about the participants of this research they
have good communication skills with this mordern technology instruments such as mobile
phone, Computers, laptop & Tabs. So It is very easy to cater to the students’ needs through
these modern instruments. If we take those instruments into our lessons students will get
involved with their studies very enthusiastically.
Geography is a Subject not only based on the theory parts. It is practical Subject do
explore and the world and space. With geography we talk about the past, present and future.
Other than any Subject Geography is a subject that always gets updated. There are so many
parts bounded with our life. So arousing enthusiasm to learn Geography always Create a
person with appropriate wisdom and person with good human qualities.
Intermediate age children always like to be in peer group. When they get ready for the
exhibition they got the Chance work in peer groups and to Share their ideas. Their creativity
arouse from this work because from the begins of this year and from past few years they were
locked at home and with the online learning process. They were fed up with that activities
but with these type of practical activities they got chance to get the Subject knowledge
without forcing.
When monolingual and bilingual students learn in the same class it is unfair for the
bilingual students when selecting the position of the class by taking both groups as one. In
this study I investigate competition between monolingual and bilingual students for the
position of the class as a major problem of the bilingual children. But I couldn’t do anything
regarding that problem as it is instructed by a government circular.
All the children who come to this bilingual class are not due to their own choice.
Their parents wanted them to do so. When these students are being in the same class with
monolingual students they are not trying to use English language to communicate. Majority
of the students Speak in their mother tongue. Bilingual Students also follow these students
and speak in Sinhala or Tamil. As a bilingual Geography teacher we should take an extra
effort to improve their communication skills through teaching methods.
My first suggestion is when we consider about the G.C.E O/L to I Suggest to make
Geography subject as main St Subject Without making basket Subject. Because when we go
through the Subject Continent of this Subject it is more applicable to our life. To make an
Environmental Sensitive humans knowledge of geography is very important because it is
subject that teach what are caused by unnecessary human activities. I'm sure if we make
Geography as main subject it is benefit get the Whole Society.
I suggest to Separate classes for the bilingual Students and provide equal facilities for
Same as monolingual Students because from the text book to library facilities there is an
unequal facility distribution among bilingual and monolingual Children. Student face
difficulties when they go to library there were not enough books on geography Subject as
well as there it is even difficult to find Same Teachers guides also
E.g.: Grade 08 Geography English medium TG is not in the nie web site and most of
Schools also don't have T.G.S.
In Sri Lankan government education stream Students are coming to the bilingual after
learning five years in their mother tongue. So some time students faced difficulties to
understand text book totally written in English. It is important to give terminology in Sinhala
and Tamil in the student text books for their easy access.
It is important to integrate the modern technology in to our intermediate Geography
curriculum as much as possible and provide facilities for students to use them.
Bilingual education, Teacher Development Manual. Conceptual Framework for the Proposed
Learner Empowerment Program on Bilingual Education - Unit of Language
Coordination, National Institute of Education, Maharagama - 20.08.2007
Dayananda Keppetigoda (2006) Sri Lankan journal of educational research. Vol 10- No 01.
Department of Research and Development, National Institute of education,
Maharagama, Sri Lanka.
Elliott. J. (1985) Facilitating educational action research: Some dilemmas. In R. Burgess,
(Ed.). Field methods in the study of education. London: Palmer Press.
Mamlok-Naaman & Eilik, (2011) Guide lines for action researchers. Definitions of current
action research, 31-38
Making geography models.
wl=re lruq wdfh;a f.or .syska
4 jk fY%aKsfhA bf.kqu ,nk tla isiqfjla ffoksl mdvï ud,dj lsÍfuka wk;=rej ,nd fok
miq jev fkdlsÍu ms<sn`o úuid ne,Su wOHhk wruqK úh. iïuqL idlÉPd , f,aLk wOHhkh ,
ksÍlaIKj, f;dr;=rej,g wkqj .eg¨ iy.; isiqjdf.a wej;=ï mej;=ï , wOHdmkhg keUqrej yd Tyqf.a
me;==ï ;,hka ms<sn`o j ukd wjfndaOhla yd jegySula ,nd .ekSug ,nd .kakd ,o f;dr;=rej,g
iud.dó j wOHdmksl Ys,amSh Wml%u Ndú;d lrñka YsIHdf.a miqjev fkdlsÍï ÿ¾j,;djhg m
%;sldrd;aul ls%hd;aul lsÍfï ie,eiaulg wkqj ueÈy;a ùula lrkakg úh. fuu ueÈy;aùfï id¾:l;ajh
wdrïN jkafka YsIHdf.a ta i`oyd we;s leue;a;;a , foudmsh iyfhda.h;a , .=rejßh f,i udf.a m
%fõYh ksid .eg¨ iy.; YsIH wOHdmksl miq.dó ;;ajh m%j¾Okhg bv yir ,enqKs. m¾fhaIKfha
mQ¾j wmr f,aLk wOHkfhka ta nj ukdj jgyd .ekSug yelshdj ,enqKs. flfia fj;;a ud .kakd ,o
W;aidyfha m<uq yd fojk mshjr ls%hd;aul lsÍfï § úYd, m%.;shla w;am;a lr .ekSug
yelshdj ,enqKs. fï ueÈ;aùfï m%;sM,hla yeáhg YsIHdf.a .eg¨ iy.; wOHdmksl miqjevj,g
fm<öula ;==<ska wOHdmksl m%fndaOhla w;am;a lr .ekSug yelshdj ,enqKs. fï i;aldrh
lr .ekSug ud yg fkduo iyfhda.h ,nd ÿka mdif,a .re úÿy,am;s;=udg;a , mka;s Ndr .=re;=ñh
we;=¿ wksl=;a we`ÿre uvq,a,g;a , fuu l¾;jH lr .ekSug Wmfoia ÿka iS. fla. r;akdhl
l;sldpd¾h ;=ñhg;a udf.a yomsß ia;+;sh mqo lr isáñ.
uqLH mo - miqjev
uykqjr l,dmhg wh;a m%d:ñl úoHd,hl isiqka wiQyhlf.ka hq;a uOHu wdodhï ,nk
foudmshkaf.ka hq;a uykqjr k.rhg b;d wdikak j msysá mdi,l b.ekaùï lghq;=j, ksr; fjñ. fuu
isiqkaf.a bf.kqï fm<öu yd bf.kqu ms<sn`o úYajdih foudmshka ;=< yd YsIHhka ;=< tl yd iudk
j ÿria: njla olakg we;. flfia fj;;a m%d:ñl wOHdmkfha miqjk fuu isiqkaf.a wOHdmksl
ixj¾Okhla wfmalaId lrhs. tfy;a ta i`oyd we;s fm<öu m%udKj;a fkdjk ksidu isiqkag wjYH
wOHdmksl u.fmkaùu .s,syS f.dia we;. tneúka tjeks isiqkaf.a ie,eiaulg wkqj ueÈy;aùfuka
fuu ;;ajhka u`.yeÍ hdfï wfmalaIdfjka fuu m¾fhaIKh isÿ lf<ñ.
j¾;udkfha mj;sk wOHdmk l%uh wkqj mdif,a b.ekaùï lghq;=j,g wu;rj ksjfia § hï
jev fldgila lr f.k hdug .=re;=ñh úiska mjrkq ,efí mdif,a ,enQ ±kqu w¨;a lrf.k B<`. ojfia mx;s
ldurfha lghq;= lrf.k hdug bka ,efnkafka uy;a msgqjy,ls. tkuq;a m¾fhaIKhg Ndckh jk
isiqjd ;u .==re;=ñh úiska mjrk lsisÿ miqjevla lrf.k taug iu;a jkafka ke;. fï .ek fidhd f.k hdfï §
isiqjd ksjfia § Ñ;% we`§ug, úúO ks¾udK lsÍug leue;a;la ±lajQj;a mka;sfha mjrk jev lsÍug
lsisÿ leue;a;la fkdolajk nj ,nd .;a lreKqj,ska wkdjrKh úh. tneúka fuu wOHhkh fuu isiqjd
mdif,a § mjrk miqjev fkdlsÍu iïnkaO j úuid ne,Su i`oyd isÿ lf<ñ.
m¾fhaIK wruqKq
m¾fhaIK l%ufõoh
ls%hduQ,sl m¾fhaIK l%ufõoh fhdodf.k m¾fhaIK wruqKq fhdo .ksñka tu wruqKq
Tiafia ueÈy;aùfï ls%hdoduh isÿ lf<ñ. tys § o;a; ,nd .ekSu i`oyd ksÍlaIKh ,iïuqL idlÉPd
,f,aLk wOHhkh fhdod .;sñ.
m¾fhaIK wkdjrK
1. m%d:ñl wOHdmkfha § m%;sfmdaIKh w;HjYHfhka Ndú; l< hq;= j we;.
2. foudmshka fuka u isiqka ms<sn`oj h:djfndaOfhka ls%hd lsÍu .=rejrfhl=g jvd;a fhda.H nj.
3. ´kE u ÿ¾j, YsIHfhl= ixj¾Okh i`oyd wdl,am mßj¾;kh fhda.H nj.
4. m%d:ñl wOHdmkh wkd.; wOHdmkfha moku neúka iEu YsIHfhl= u bf.kqug id¾:lj
fmd<Ujd .; yels nj.
”mdif,ka uu olsk fyd|u orejd kqUhs”
î¡tï¡à¡hQ¡ nd,iQrsh
;=kajk fYa%Kshg fojk fYa%Ksfha isg orejka Ndr oqka oskfha isgu ud bf.kqus
b.ekajSus ls%hdj,sfha ksr; jk jsgoS isiqka ms<sn| ksrSlaIKh lrkakg jsh¡ ta w;r tla YsIHhl=
ms<sn| u yg úfYaI wjOdkhla fhduq úh¡ Tyq bf.kqï b.ekaùï ls%hdj,sfhaoS wod< bf.kqus j,
ksr; fkdjS .=rejrekag ndOd muqKqjuska fkdikaiqka l,yldrS ,laIK fmkajk ks;r wfkla isiqkaf.a
bf.kqug ndOd muqKqjk YsIHfhl= jsh¡ fus fya;=fjka wfkla YsIHhkago jsjsO jQ
wmyiq;djhkag uqyqK oSug isoq jsh¡ .=rejrekago bf.kqus b.ekajSus ls%hdj,shg jsYd, ndOdjla
jsh¡ fus isiqjd fufia yeisrSu ;=<ska mdi,a m%cdj ;=< YsIHd ms<sn| jsjsO u; yd wdl,am
f.dvke.=Ks¡ fus ;;a;ajh fya;=fjka fï isiqjdf.a yeisrSus j,g n,md we;s whym;a p¾hd
yoqkd.ekSu" tu p¾hd j,g n,md we;s fya;= jsuiSu" hym;a jQ Okd;aul p¾hd yev .eiajSu"
YsIHhd ms<sno mdi,a m%cdj ;=< hym;a wdl,am we;s lsrSu" YsIHhdg mdif,a ksis ;ekla <.d
lr oSu i|yd fuu ld¾huQ, m¾fhaIKh isoq lf<ñs¡ tA i|yd YsIHhdf.a l,ydldrs njg n,mdk idOl
yoqkd.ekSu" l,yldrS nj u. yrjd .ekSu i|yd ueosy;a jSï yoqkd .ekSu" YsIHhka w;r iudfhdackh
ixj¾Okh lr .; yels wjia:d yoqkd.ekSu hk wruqKq ;s%;ajh f.dkq lf<ñs¡ ta wkqj iusuqL idlpscd"
ksrSlaIK l%uh" f,aLK l%uh hk o;a; /ialsrSfus l%u Ndjs; lruska tA wkqj ueosy;a ùï isoq
lf<ñ¡ tu ueosy;a ùï j, m%;sM, jYfhka fuu YsIHhd mdif,a fukau mka;sfhao mjrk j.lSus ksis f,i
isoq lr ish,q fokdf.a is;a oskd we;s njhs¡ fujeks m¾fhaIK ;=<ska mdi,a moaO;sh ;=< isgskd
fujeks YsIHhka yoqkdf.k mdif,a wOHdmk wfmalaIKhka yd foudmsh wfmalaIKhka
imqrd,uska mdi,a ixjsOdkh u.ska rgg wjYH hym;a mqrjeishl= nsys l< yelsh¡
rgl keK.=K imsrs Wodr mqrjeisfhl= ìyslsrSfï uQ,sl wä;d,u jefgkqfha mdif,ks¡ tfukau
oekqu wdl,am l=i,;d j,ska fyì mQ¾K fm!reIhlska hq;= mqoa.,fhl= ìyslsrSfï iïmQ¾K j.lSu
orkafkao mdi,hs. ta i|yd isiqka yªkdf.k wem lemù ls%hd lrkafka .=rejrhdh. .=rejrhd mka;s
Ndrldrs;ajfhka o úúO úIh iïnkaOfhka bf.kqï b.ekaùï ls%hdj,sh uÕska o YsIHhdf.a ióm;u
mqoa.,hd njg m;a fjhs. .=rejrfhl= jYfhkao, kdhlhl= jYfhkao, iyDohl= jYfhkao, úfgl ujl mshl=
jYfhkao, N+ñld orñka YsIHhd bf.kqï ls%hdj,shg fhduq lr .ekSfïoS wka ish,a,gu jvd
úu¾Ykd;aul ne,aulska YsIHhdf.a p¾hd, yeoshd, wdl,am, l=i,;d ms<sn| ukdj lghq;= lsrSug is¥
fjhs. ta wkqj mka;s ldurh ;=< fyd|ska bf.k .kakd isiqka w;r úúO p¾hd rgd iys; isiqkao yuq
fjhs. ta w;r wka isiqkag ysrsyer lrñka, .=rejrekag ndOd lrñka fkdikaiqkaj yeisfrk
l,yldrS .;s ,laIK we;s ks;r wfkla isiqkaf.a bf.kqug ndOd muqKqjk, ysxid muqKqjk YsIHhka
mka;sldurfha oS yuq fjhs. fujeks p¾hd rgd wOHdmkhg ndOdjla jk neúka tu YsIHhska ksis
mrsos yªkdf.k ms<shï fkdfh¥jfyd;a th iuia; wOHdmk ls%hdj,shg fukau iudchg wjYH hym;a
mqrjeisfhl= ks¾udKh lsrSug o wmyiq jkq we;.
fuu ;;a;ajfhka YsIHhd uqod .ksñka wfkla isiqka iuÕ iudfhdackh lrùug;a, mj;sk jeros
yeisrSï rgdj,ska uqod .ksñka hym;a úkh.rel fyd| YsIHhl= lr .ekSug;a, mka;s ldurfha fiiq
isiqkaf.a wOHdmk uÜgu by< kxjd .ekSug;a ls%hdldrlï ie,iqï lsrSug is;+ w;r uq,skau Tyq
cSj;a jk mrsirh, weiqre lrkakka, Tyq leu;s wlue;s foa, olaI;d olajk wxY wdoS f;dr;=re fidhd
ne,Su i|yd fhduq fjk ,oS.
Tyq jdih lrk m%foaYfha isg meñfKk mdif,a fiajfha kshq;= .=rejrshla iuÕ iïuqL
idlÉPdjla meje;aùfuka fndfyda lreKq wkdjrKh lr .ekSug yels úh.
fuu YsIHhdf.a uj yd mshd w;r ks;r isÿjk wdrjq,a ksid YsIHhd ms<sn| fidhd ne,Sfï
lghq;= .s,syS we;s nj mila jqKS. uj b;du;a m%pKavldrS woyia j,ska hq;= fyhska YsIHdo
tjeks woyia j,ska hq;= wfhl= nj yeÕsKS. ;jo fuu YsIHhdg l=vd ifydaorfhla iy ifydaorshla isák
neúka fuu YsIHhd ujf.ka úYd, f,i .s,sys we;s njla fidhd .; yels úh.
ta wkqj ,nd .;a f;dr;=re yd Tyq ;=< mj;sk úúO yelshd yd olaI;d l=i,;d uÕska u Tyqf.a
jeros p¾hd rgdj,ska uqojd .ekSu i|yd úúO ls%hdldrlï Tyqg fkdoefkkakg úÿy,am;sjrshf.ao
iyh ,nd .ksñka ilia lrk ,oS.
m¾fhaIK wruqKq
YsIHdf.a l,yldrS yeisrSuss rgdj,g n,mE fya;= wkdjrKh lr .ekSu
YsIHhdf.a l,yldrS p¾hd ,laIK idudkH p¾hd ,laIK olajd ixj¾Okh lsrSug WÑ; ueosy;a
ùï ie,iqï lsrSu
y÷kd.;a ueosy;a ùï j, id¾:l wid¾:l nj fidhd n,d m%;sfmdaIKSh ls%hd ud¾. .ekSu
.=rejrshl f,i m¾fhaIK ld¾hhfha kshe<Su ;=<ska .=re l=i,;d ixj¾Okh lr .ekSu
f,aLk wOHkh
o;a; úYaf,aIKh
YsIHhdf.a by; i|yka jQ p¾hd rgd fjkia lrñka YsIH iudfhdackh lsrSug;a, l,yldrS
fkdikaiqka yeisrSïj,ska uqojd .ksñka bf.kqï b.ekaùï ls%hdj,shg hym;aj fhduq lrjd .ekSu i|yd
my; mrsos ueosy;a ùï lsrSug ls%hdldrlï ilia lrk ,oS
YsIHhd mka;s Wm kdhl ;k;=rg m;a lsrSfuka l,yldrS .;s ,laIK hgm;a ù isiqka
ms<s.kakd flfkl= njg m;a ùu" .=rejrekaf.a wjOdkhg ,la ùu" kdhl;aj .;s ,laIK fmkakqï lsrSu
uÕska YsIHhd bosrshg hdfï keUqrejla we;s nj wjfndaO úh¡
1 .=rejrsh ‐ A oeka fldfyduo orejfka,
YsIHhd ‐ —uevï thd oeka yrs fyd|hs, biair jf.a wmsg lsisu lrorhla lrkakE˜
YsIHhd ‐ —thd oeka mka;sfha jev;a lrkjd. wfma jev j,g;a Wojq lrkjd˜
YsIHhd ‐ —thd oeka wfma fyd| hd¿fjla˜
YsIHhd jevigyka fufyhùu" bosrsm;a lsrSu ms<sn| j .=rejreka i;=áka l;d ny lrkq
wikakg ,enqKS¡
1 .=rejrsh ‐ —A oeka f.dvla fyd|hs, biair jf.a Wfoa /iaùug wjyu oÕ,ka kE˜
2 .=rejrsh ‐ —oekakï A .eyqjd lshdf.k <uhs tkakE˜
3 .=rejrsh ‐ —biair jf.a fkfuhs oeka th;a tlal <uhs f.dvla tl;=hs˜
4 .=rejrsh ‐ —<uhf.a f,dl+ fjkila oeka mka;sfha jev lrkak f,ishs˜
by; i|yka jQ isiqjd ms<sn| j weiqKq l;dj,ska .uHudk jQfha Tyqg j.lSï mejrSu uÕska
Tyqf.a l,ska mej;s l,yldrS nj hgm;a ù <uhs ms<s.kakd prs;hla njg m;a jQ njhs.
mka;s ldurfha oS .=rejrekag uqK.efik isiqka tlsfkldg fjkia h¡ fï w;r" widudkH p¾hd
olajk isiqka o yuqfõ¡ Tjqkaf.a widudkH p¾hdjkag fya;+ jQ miq ìï idol wkdjrKh lrf.k Wml
%uYS,Sj Tjqkaf.a p¾hdjka Okd;aul me;a;g keUqre lsrSu i|yd .=rejre fm<ôh hq;=h¡ túg
mka;sfha ishÆu isiqka ta ta whf.a Wmrsu úNj;djhg m;a l< yelsh¡
wdYs%; .%ka:
w;=fldard," ã¡ wd¾¡ w;=fldard," tÉ¡ tka ^2015& wOHdmk ufkda úoHdj yd .=rejrhd¡ mdkÿr¦
YslaId ukaosr m%ldYk
cd;sl wOHdmk wdh;kh" wOHdmk ufkda úoHd;aul moku" .=re wOHdmk fomd¾;fïka;=j¦
uyr.u cd;sl wOHdmk wdh;kh¡
පර්යේෂණ සංක්ෂිප්තය
පන්ති කාමරයේ සිටින සිසුන් අතරින් එක් සිසුවෙකු ගේ පිල්ලම් භාවිතයේ දී දුර්වලතාවයන් දක්වන
බව පෙනිණි. එම ගැටලුව නිරාකරණය කර ගැනීම සඳහා ක්රියාමූලික පර්යේෂණයක නිරත
වීමි.මුලින්ම ශිෂ්යයාගේ ගැටලුව පිළිබඳ කරුණු සොයා බැලුවෙමි. ඒ අනුව ශිෂ්යයාගේ කියවීම
නිරීක්ෂණය කරන ලදී. ශිෂ්යයාගේ කියවීමේ දුර්වලතාවයක් පැහැදිලිව හඳුනාගත් අතර ශිෂ්යා
වචනයක මුල් අකුර හෝ තමාට පහසු අකුරු පමණක් කියවා වචනය උපකල්පනය කොට කියවීමට
උත්සාහ කරන බව පෙනිණි. එහිදී ඔහු අක්ෂරවල පවතින පිල්ලම් ද නිවැරදිව උච්චාරණය නොකරන
ලදී. ශිෂ්යයාගේ ලිවීම පිළිබඳව මූලික අවධානය යොමු කළ අතර ඔහු ලිවීමේදී අකුරු තරමක්
අපැහැදිලි වුවත් නිවැරදිව ලිවීමට හැකියාවක් පෙන්වයි.මෙම ගැටලුව විසඳා ගැනීම සඳහා සැලැස්මක්
සකසා එ් අනුව ක්රියාමාර්ග ගනු ලැබීය. සිංහල භාෂාවේ නිවැරදි පිල්ලම් භාවිතය නොකිරීමේ
දුර්වලතාවය හේතුවෙන් ශිෂ්යයාගේ පංති කාමරයේ ඉගෙනුම් ඉගැන්වීම් ක්රියාවලිය තුළ පසුබෑමක්
හඳුනාගත හැකිවිය. ඔහුට විෂය කරුණු ග්රහණය කරගත නොහැක. මෙම ගැටලුව නිරාකරණය සඳහා
10 ශ්රේණියේ ශිෂ්යයකු වන හෙයින් ඔහුගේ පෞද්ගලිකත්වය ආරක්ෂා වන ආකාරයට ශිෂ්යයාට
සමීපව ඉගෙනුම් ඉගැන්වීම් ක්රියාවලියක් සැලසුම් කරන ලදී.
මහනුවර දිස්ත්රික්කයේ මහනුවර අධ්යාපන කලාපයට අයත් ගුරුදෙණිය මහා විද්යාලයේ ඉගෙනුම
ලබන ශිෂ්ය සංඛ්යාව දාහක් පමණ වේ. පාසලේ දහ වන ශ්රේණියේ ඉගෙනුම ලබන සිසුන් අතරින් එක්
සිසුවෙකු පිළිබඳව කරුණු සොයා බැලීමේදී පෙනී ගියේ සිංහල භාෂාවේ පිල්ලම් භාවිතය සම්බන්ධ ව
අනෙක් සිසුන්ට වඩා අවබෝධය අඩු බවයි. සෑම විෂයක් ඉගෙනීම සඳහා ම භාෂාව ඉතා වැදගත් වන
අතර ඔහුගේ පිල්ලම් භාවිතයේ දුර්වලතාව නිසා සෑම විෂයකටම ඔහු අඩු සාධන මට්ටම්ක් පෙන්නුම්
කර තිබුණි. ශිෂ්යයාගේ කියවීම ද දුර්වල මට්ටමක පැවති අතර මේ හේතුවෙන් පන්ති කාමර ඉගෙනුම්
ඉගැන්වීම් ක්රියාවලියේ දී දැඩි අපහසුතාවයන්ට මුහුණ පෑමට සිදුවේ. එමගින් ඔහුගේ ඉගෙනුම් පසුබට
තා ඇති බව අවබෝධ විය. ශිෂ්යයා සම්බන්ධව පවතින සිංහල භාෂාවේ නිවැරදි පිල්ලම් භාවිතය
පිළිබඳව ගැටලු අවම කර ගනිමින් එම ශිෂ්යයා ද පන්තිකාමරයේ අනෙකුත් සිසුන් සමග සක්රීයව
සම්බන්ධ කරගනිමින් අපේක්ෂිත නිපුණතා මට්ටම කරා ළඟා කරවීම සඳහා මෙම ක්රියා මූලික
පර්යේෂණය කළෙමි.
පර්යේෂණ අරමුණු
දරුවාගේ පිල්ලම් හා සම්බන්ධ සාධන මට්ටම අවම වීමට බලපාන හේතු සොයා බැලීම.
දරුවාගේ පිල්ලම් සාධන මට්ටම වැඩි දියුණු කර ගැනීම සඳහා ප්රතිකාර සැලසුම් දියත් කිරීම.
එම ප්රතිකාර සැලසුම් ක්රියාත්මක කිරීම සඳහා වැඩසටහන් කිරීම.
මැදිහත්වීමේ වැඩපිළිවෙළෙහි සාධනීය වෙනසක් සිදු වී ඇත්දැයි පරික්ෂා කිරීම.
පර්යේෂණ ක්රමවේදය
ක්රියාමූලික පර්යේෂණ ක්රමය යොදා ගෙන පර්යේෂණ අරමුණු ගොඩ නගාගෙන එම අරමුණු
ඔස්සේ මැදිහත්වීමේ වැඩපිළිවෙල සිදු කළෙමි. පර්යේෂණය සඳහා නියැදිය වශයෙන් එක් ශිෂ්යයකු
තෝරා ගත් අතර ඔහු තෝරා ගැනීම සඳහා පන්ති කාමර ඉගෙනුම් ඉගැන්වීම් ක්රියාවලියේ නිරීක්ෂණ
හා සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡා බලපාන ලදී. ඒ අනුව ඔහු අදාල නිපුණතා මට්ටම කෙරෙහි ලඟා වී නොමැති
දරුවකු බව වටහා ගත්තෙමි. එම නිරීක්ෂණ තොරතුරු මත පදනම්ව දත්ත ලබාගැනීම සඳහා ශිෂ්
යයාගේ වාර විභාග ලකුණු සිංහල සහ ආගම ඇතුළු විෂයයන් කීහිපයකට අදාලව විශ්ලේෂණය
ඒ අනුව ද ශිෂ්යයාගේ පිල්ලම් භාවිතයේ පවතින දුර්වලතාවය අනෙක් විෂය කරුණු ධාරණයට හා
ලිවීමට බලපා ඇති බව අනාවරණය කරගත හැකිවිය. දරුවාගේ 6 ශ්රේණියේ සිට 10 ශ්රේණිය දක්වාම
විෂයයන් වල සාමාන්ය ලකුණු ඉතා පහත් අගයක පැවැතිණි. එමෙන්ම සිසුවා සමඟ පැවති සම්මුඛ
සාකච්ඡා වල දී හා පන්තියේ විෂය කරුණු ධාරණය පිළිබඳව අවධානය යොමු කරන විට පන්තියේ
අනෙක් සිසුන් හා සම මට්ටමට ධාරණ කුසලතාවයන් ද පෙන්නුම් නොකළේය. ඒ නිසා මෙම
සිසුවාගේ ගැටලුව වන්නේ නිවැරදිව ලිඛිත භාෂාව හැසිරවීමේ දුර්වලතාවය නිසා කියවීමටත් ,අසා
ලිවීමටත් ධාරණය කර ගැනීමටත්, නොහැකි බවයි.
ක්රියාමූලික පර්යේෂණය පළමු මැදිහත්වීම වශයෙන් ශිෂ්යයා වෙනම ගෙන පළමුව සිංහල
භාෂාවේ ස්වර ශබ්දය හඳුන්වා දීම සිදු කළෙමි. එහි දී ව්යඤ්ජන අක්ෂර හා සමඟ ස්වර එකතු වන
ආකාරය හා ඒවායේ ශබ්ද පිළිබඳ මූලික අවබෝධය වීඩියෝ තාක්ෂණය ඔස්සේ ලබා දුනිමි. ඉන් පසුුව
කුඩා පොත් පත් උපයෝගී කරගනිමින් පිල්ලන් සහිත වචන ලිවීමට හා කියවීමට
සැලැස්සුවෙමි. .අනතුරුව එම වචන කියවන විට ලිවීමටද ද පුහුණු කරන ලදී .එහිදී ශිෂ්යයාට
කියැවීමේදී වචනයක සෑම අකුරක් පාසාම ඇඟිලි තුඩු ගෙනයාම පළමුව අනිවාර්ය කළෙමි. එම
මැදිහත්වීම ආශ්රිතව ශිෂ්යයාගේ පැවැති පළමු දුර්වලතාවය වූ වචන දෙස බලා සමස්තයක් වශයෙන්
නොබැලීම අවම කර ගැනීමට අවස්ථාව උදාවිය. එම මැදිහත්වීම සමඟම සිසුවා වචනයේ මුල මැද හා
අග හොඳින් බලා කලබල නොවී කියවීමට අවස්ථාව උදා කර දුනි. එය හොඳින් අධීක්ෂණය කළ අතර
ඒ ආශ්රිතව දරුවාගේ ප්රගතියක් වර්ධනය විය. මුලදී කුඩා කතන්දර පොත් කියවීමට යොමු කළෙමි.
එමගින් ඔහුගේ කියවීමේ රුචිය වර්ධනයවිය
අනතුරුව තෙවැනි මැදිහත්වීම කරන අවස්ථාව වන විට සිසුවා මා සමග ඉතා සමීපව
ස්වකැමැත්තෙන්ම අධ්යයනය සඳහා යොමු වූ අතර ඔහුගේ පවතින දුර්වලතාවයන් ද මනාව අවබෝධ
කරගැනීමට හැකි විය. මෙම අවස්ථාවේ මා දරුවා බලා ලිවීම සඳහා යොමු කළෙමි.අනතුරුව එහි
අඩුපාඩු අවම බැවින් අසා ලිවීමට යොමු කළෙමි. එහිදී දරුවා හොඳින් මා උච්චාරණය කරන ශබ්දය
අවබෝධ කරගෙන අනතුරුව ලිවීමට හුරු විය .දරුවා හොඳින් ශබ්දය ග්රහණය කරගෙන අවශ්ය
පිල්ලම් භාවිතා කරමින් වචනය බැගින් ලිවුවෙමි. එම මැදිහත්වීම වීමේ ක්රියා ක්රියාවලිය තුනක්
හතරක් පමණ කිහිප අවස්ථාවකදීම සිදු කළ අතර එහිදී සිසුවාගේ සාර්ථක වෙනසක් හඳුනාගත හැකි
පර්යේෂණ අනාවරණ
සිසුවා සමග අවධානය තබා ගැනීම හා ඔහු සමඟ සමීප ව අධ්යයන ක්රියාවලියේ නිරත වීම
හේතුවෙන් ශිෂ්යයා තුළ පිල්ලම් භාවිතයේ සාධන මට්ටම වර්ධනය කරගැනීමට හැකි විය.
පළමු මැදිහත්වීම අවසානයේදීම සිසුවා වචනයේ මුල මැද අග බලා වචනය කියවීමට පුරුදු විය.
සති දෙකක කාලයක් තුළදී ශිෂ්යයා පිල්ලම් හා පිල්ලම් ශබ්දය නිවැරදිව හඳුනාගැනීමට හා
අක්ෂර වලට අදාල ශබ්දය මත නිවැරදි පිල්ලම් යොදන ස්ථානය පිළිබඳව දැනුම ලබා ගන්නා
දෙවන මැදිහත් වීමෙන් පසු කියවන විට හා ලියන විට නිවැරදි ව පිල්ලම් භාවිතයට යොමු විය.
තෙවන මැදිහත් වීමේ දී දරුවා ස්වකැමැත්තෙන් අධ්යයනයට යොමු විය. ඔහුගේ පැවති දුර්වලතා
හොදින් අවබෝධ කරගෙන සිටියේය. ඔහු ක්රියාකාරකම් සඳහා නිවැරදිව ශබ්ද අසා නිවැරදි
වචනය ලිවීමට හුරු විය.
පන්තියේ අනෙකුත් දරුවන් මෙන්ම මෙම ශිෂ්යයා ද පන්තිය තුල අදාල ක්රියාකාරකම් අදාළ ක්
රියාකාරකම් සඳහා සක්රීය දායකත්වයක් සපයනු දක්නට ලැබුණි.
ශිෂ්යයාගේ පෞරුෂය තුළින්ද නිවැරදි කථන හා ලිඛිත භාෂා පරිහරනයේදී සාධනීය මට්ටම්
පිළිබිඹු විය. ඔහු අනෙක් සිසුන් සමග සක්රීයව අධ්යයන ක්රියාවලියේ නිරතවෙනු දක්නට ලැබුණි
පහත පළමු සටහනින් පෙන්වන්නේ මැදිහත් වීමට පෙර තත්වය හා දෙවෙනි සටහනින්
පෙන්වනනේ මැදිහත් වීමට පසු තත්වයයි.
කුඩා දරුවන් මෙන් නොව ඉහළ ශ්රේණිවල සිටින ශිෂ්යයන් තුළ ඔහුගේ සාධන මට්ටම් පිළිබඳව
අවධානය යොමු කිරීමේ දී ඔවුන් එම තත්ත්වයන් වසන් කිරීමේ ස්වභාවයක් හඳුනාගත හැකිය.
පර්යේෂණයට භාජනය වූ ශිෂ්යයා තුළින් ද මෙම තත්ත්වය දැකගත හැකිවිය. වයසින් වැඩි දරුවන්
ගේ සාධන මට්ටම් ගැන සැලකිලිමත් වීම සඳහා ඔවුන් හා සමීප සම්බන්ධතා වර්ධනය කර ගත යුතු
වේ. එවිට ශිෂ්යයන් ඔවුන්ගේ දුර්වල තාවයන් පැහැදිලිව අවබෝධ කරගත හැකි අතර මාගේ මැදිහත්
වීමට ද ස්වකැමැත්තෙන්ම දායක විය. ඔහුගේ පෞද්ගලිකත්වය ආරක්ෂා වේ යන නිගමනය මත සිට
ඔහු ස්වකීයව ඉගෙනුම් කාර්යයට දායක කරගත හැකිවිය. එමෙන්ම මාගේ මැදිහත්වීම පන්ති කාමරය
තුල මෙන්ම කාමරයෙන් පිටත තත්ත්වයක් තුළ සිදුවීමද පර්යේෂණය සාර්ථක වීම කෙරෙහි විශාල
වැදගත්කමක් සැපයී ය. මේ හේතුවෙන් ශිෂ්යයාට ඔහුගෙන්ම පෙළඹීමක් ලැබුණි. ශිෂ්යයා හුදකලාව
ඉගෙන ගත් අතර ඔහු ඊට කැමැති විය. ශිෂ්යයා නිරතුරුවම ධනාත්මක ආකල්ප මත පිහිටුවා ක්
රියාමූලික පර්යේෂණය දියත් වුණු අතර එයද පර්යේෂණය සාර්තකත්වයට හේතුවිය.
.තෙවන මැදිහත් වීමෙන් පසුවාර විභාග දෙකකදී සිසුවා විසින් ලබාගත් ලකුණු වල තරමක
වර්ධනයක් පහත සදහන් ලේඛනයෙන් පැහැදිලි වේ.
දෙවන වාර විභාග ලකුණු තෙවන වාර විභාග ලකුණු
බුද්ධ ධර්මය 04 12
සිංහල 17 20
ඉතිහාසය 12 23
භූගෝල විද්යාව 14 32
බුද්ධිය, පෞරුෂය, සෙමෙන් ඉගෙන ගැනීම, යනාදී සාධන මත ශිෂ්යයන් පන්ති කාමර සාමාන්ය
අධ්යාපන ක්රියාවලියට අන්තර්ග්රහණය වීමේ පැහැදිලි වෙනසක් පවතී .
අවධානය නිරතුරුව ම විවිධ සාධන මට්ටම් වල සිටින දරුවන්ට වෙන වෙනම පැවතිය යුතු වීම හා
එය පවතින බව දරුවන්ට අවබෝධ වීම.
ශිෂ්යයන් තුළ ගුරුවරයා පිළිබඳ පැහැදිලි හා ඔවුන්ගේ ආත්ම විශ්වාසය වර්ධනය කරන බවට
මෙන්ම ඔවුන්ව ආරක්ෂා කිරීමට ඉදිරිපත් වන ගුරුවරයකු යන හැඟීම පැවතීම.
සෙමින් ඉගෙන ගන්නා සිසුන් සාමාන්ය පංති කාමර අධ්යාපන ක්රියාවලියට යොදා ගැනීමේදී ක්
රියාකාරකම් පාදක ඉගෙනුම් ක්රම යොදා ගැනීම් සුදුසුයි.
සිසුන් පිළිබඳව පූර්ණ අවබෝධයෙන් යුතුව ඔවුන්ගේ ඉගෙනුම් ඉගැන්වීමේ ක්රියා ක්රියාවලිය
සංවිධානය කළ යුතු වීම.
සිසුන්ගේ රුචිකත්වයට අනුව ඉගෙනුම් ඉගැන්වීම් ආශ්රිත ක්රියාවලිය සංවිධානය කළ යුතුය.
ආශ්රිත ග්රන්ථ
දයා රෝහණ අතුකෝරාළ අධ්යාපන (2015)අධ්යාපන මනෝවිද්යාව හා ගුරුවරයා.
සාමඅධ්යාපනය - අධ්යාපන කළමනාකරණ සංවර්ධන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව - ජාතික අධ්යාපන
Prof .Daya Rohana Athukorala #aryacharya#positive thinking #motivation .
jiyg;G :-
ifalf;f njhiyNgrp ghtiz cau;ju khztu; kj;jpapy; ghtiz mjpfupj;J> fw;wy; fw;gpj;jy;
nraw;ghLfspy; gpd;dilT
jiyg;gpw;fhd jPu;T :-
Nkw;$wg;gl;l thf;fpw;fpzq;f ,e;j cyfpy; khdpluha; te;J mtjupj;j ehk;> etPd tpQ;Qhd
Afj;jpy; tho;e;J nfhz;bUf;fpd;Nwhk;. kdpjd;> ehfupf tsu;r;rpapy;> mtd; thOk; R+oypy;
ed;ikfisAk;> jPikfisAk; khwp khwp tpijj;J> mjd; tpisTfshy; gy ,d;g Jd;gq;fspy;
cod;Wnfhz;bUf;fpd;whd;.kdpj ehfupf tsu;r;rpapd; tpisNt> 2020k; Mz;L khu;r; khjj;jpy;
cyfshtpa uPjpapy; Vw;gl;l nfhtpl;-19 njhw;Wld; mjdhy; Vw;gl;l gy;yhapuf; fzf;fhd
capupog;Gfs; MFk;. mNj Neuk;> cyfk; KOtJk; ehL> efuq;fs; Klf;fg;gl;L kf;fspd; ,ay;G
tho;f;if ngupJ ghjpf;fg;gl;lJ. Klf;fg;gl;l ehLfspd; gl;baypy; ekJ ,yq;ifAk; xd;whFk;.
kpf Kf;fpakhf> fy;tpr; nraw;ghLfSk;> ghlrhiyfSk; jdpikg;gLj;jYf;F cs;shf;fg;gl;L
Klf;fg;gl;ld. khztu;fspd; fy;tpf;F ghupa ghjpg;Gfs; Vw;gl;ld. ,jd; fhuzkhfNt> khztu;fspd;
eyidf; fUj;jpw; nfhz;L> epfo; epiy (xd;iyd;) %yk; fy;tpr; nraw;ghLfis Nkw;nfhs;Sk;
Vw;ghLfs; Kd;ndLf;fg;gl;ld. ,jw;F ifalf;fj; njhiyNgrpfs; (Smart phones)> Nlg;nyl;fs; (Smart
Tablets)> kbfzpdp (Laptops) kw;Wk; Nkirf;fzpdp (Desktops) Nghd;w ,yj;jpudpay; rhjdq;fs;
fUtpahf iff;nfhs;sg;gl;ld.
,g; Gjpa fy;tp Kiwapy;> khztu;fs; NkYk; Gjpa tplaq;fis fw;gjw;fhd R+oy; Vw;gl;lg;
NghjpYk;> ,ilapilNa Vw;gl;l gy njhopy;El;gf; FiwghLfshy; ,f; fy;tpr; nraw;ghl;bw;F
gy ,ilA+Wfs; cUthfpd. ,jdhy; Mrpupau;fSk;> khztu;fSk; gy gpur;ridfSf;F Kfq;nfhLf;Fk; epiy
cjhuzkhff; $wg;Nghdhy;> ,r; r%f tiyj;js FOf;fspilNa fw;wYf;F Njitahd tplaq;fis tpl
fw;wYf;Fk;> Ra xOf;fj;jpw;Fk; Gwk;ghd jfty;fNs mjpfstpy; gupkhwg;gl;Ls;sd. mJ
kl;Lkd;wp fhnzhsp r%f tisj;jsq;fspy; (ck;:- kw;Wk; gy.) mtrpakw;w tplaq;fis mwpe;J nfhs;tJ
kl;Lkd;wp mit mjpfstpy; gfpug;gl;Lk; te;Js;sd.
Ma;tpw;fhd fhuzq;fs;
nfhNuhdh jdpikg;gLj;jy;; Kbtile;J> ghlrhiy kPsj;jpwe;jjd; gpd;du;> tFg;giw fw;wy;
eltbf;iffspy;> gy gpd;dilTfis ehd; fhzf;$bajhf ,Ue;jJ.
Ma;tpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk;
cau; ju fy;tpahdJ> khztu;fsJ vjpu; fhy tho;f;iff;F Xu; Gjpa Muk;gj;ijf; nfhz;LtUfpwJ.
vdNt 12> 13k; juq;fspy; mtu;fsJ fy;tpr; nraw;ghL rpwg;ghf miktJ kpf Kf;fpakhdJ.
Mdhy; ,e;j ,yj;jpudpay; rhjdq;fs; mtu;fsJ gy;fiyfof> njhopy; tho;f;iff;F mtu;fis Eioa
tplhky; jLg;gJ ehk; ftiyg;gLtjw;Fwpa Xu; tplakhFk;.
khztu;fspd; Kd;Ndw;wj;jpd; kPjhd mf;fiw nfhz;l ehk; ,jw;nfhU jPu;it vl;LtJ kpf
juT Nrfupf;fg;gl;l Kiwfs;
,e;j Ma;thdJ> xU Ma;tpd; mbg;gil El;gKiwfSf;F mikthf Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;Ls;sJ. ,e;j
Ma;tpdpy; gpd;tUk; nraw;ghLfs; %yk; juTfs; Nrfupf;fg;gl;ld.
Ma;T Kiwikfs;
,e;j Ma;thdJ> gpd;tUk; mbg;gilf; Nfhl;ghLfis ikakhff; nfhz;L> Kd;ndLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.
1) crhj;Jiz E}y;fs;:-
fy;tpapay; Jiw rk;ge;jg;gl;l gy E}y;fspypUe;J juTfs; jpul;lg;gl;ld.
Kf;fpakhf khztu;fspd; cstpay; rk;ge;jg;gl;l E}y;fSk; Muhag;gl;ld
fy;tp cstpay; - ,yq;if jpwe;j gy;fiyfofk;>
fy;tp topfhl;lYk; MNyhrizAk; ifE}y; - Njrpa fy;tp epWtfk;
2) fye;Jiuahly;:-
khztuJ fy;tp epiy Fwpj;J jkpo; top Gtpapay;> murwptpay; kw;Wk; Mq;fpy ghl
Mrpupau;fsplk; fye;Jiuahly;
Mrpupau;fsplk; khztu;fs; %d;W ghlq;fspYk; ngw;w jtizg; Gs;spfisj; jpul;ly;
Below 39
40 - 49
50 - 64
3 65 - 74
2 75 - 100
jkpo; Gtpapay; murwptpay;
3) Neu;fhzy;:-
khztu;fis jdpg;gl;l Kiwapy; Neu;fhzy;
ngw;Nwhu;fis jdpg;gl;l Kiwapy; khztu;fspd; nraw;ghLfisg; gw;wp Neu;fhzy;;
4) tpdhf;nfhj;J:-
khztu;fs; ,U FOf;fshfg; gpupf;fg;gl;L> xU FOtpduplk; ifg;NgrpapdJ ed;ikfisg;
gw;wpAk;> kw;nwhU FOtpdupl ifg;NgrpfspdJ jPikfisg; gw;wpAk; tpdTfpd;w
tpdhf;nfhj;Jf;fis toq;fy;
khztu;fsplk;> mtu;fSf;F nrhe;jkhf ifg;Ngrpfs; cs;sjh vd;Wk;> ,y;iynadpd; ahUila
ifg;Ngrpfis cgNahfpf;fpd;wdu; vd;w Nfs;tpfSk; mjw;F njhlu;Gila gpw tpdhf;fSk;
mlq;fpa tpdhf;nfhj;Jf;fis toq;fy;
சொந்தமாகக் கொண்ட
மாணவர்கள்; 70%
gp. g> 03:00 - 06:00 gp. g> 06:00 - 09:00 gp. g> 09:00 - 12:00
khztu;fs; ifalf;f njhiyNgrpapy; mjpfstpy; gad;gLj;Jk; nraypfs; (Applications)
kw;Wk; mtw;Ws; gfpug;gLk; kw;Wk; mwpe;Jnfhs;Sk; jfty;fisg; gw;wpa
tpdhf;nfhj;Jf;fis toq;fy;;
Online Games
fw;wy; nraw;ghLfs; jtpu;e;j Vida ifg;Ngrp ghtizfis xNubahf Fiwj;Jf;nfhs;s>
khztu;fsplk; mwpTWj;Jtij tpl> mtw;iw mtu;fs;J fy;tp> xOf;f> MSik Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;F
gad;gLj;j topf;fhl;LtNj rhyr;rpwe;jJ.
,e;j El;g Kiwapyhd Ma;thdJ mjpgupdJ topf;fhl;ly;fSf;F ,zq;fp> Mrpupau;
ngw;Nwhu;fspd; cjtpAld; rpwg;ghd Kiwapy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gl;Ls;sJ.
crhj;Jiz E}y;fs;
kdpj eltbf;ifAk; R+oYk; (nry;tp. vd;. Map\h)> $u;kjp> Njrpa nkhopfs; kw;Wk;
khDltpay; gpupT> jkpo; nkhop myF> fy;tpaikr;R> gjpg;G 2016
kdpj eltbf;ifAk; R+oYk; (nry;tp. vk;. Rgdh)> $u;kjp> Njrpa nkhopfs; kw;Wk;
khDltpay; gpupT> jkpo; nkhop myF> fy;tpaikr;R> gjpg;G 2016
l:k yelshdj ;=<ska f,dalhg msúfiuq'
7 fY%aKsfha isiqúhl wx. p,kfhka ms<s;=reoSfï ÿ¾j,;dj wju lr .ekSu'
B' tï'tia' tosßisxy'
uy$iS'ví'ví' lkakka.r úoHd,h - uykqjr
mdi,l bf.kqï b.ekaùï ls%hdj,sh ;=<ska orejkaf.a p;=¾úO l=i,;d ixj¾Okh ùu
w;HjYHh' ,sùu"lshùu"ijkaoSu" l:kh hk ish¨ wxY ixj¾Okh lsÍu .=rejrhd i;= j.lSu fõ' tfiau iEu
orefjl=gu iu whs;sjdislï we;' lsisu orefjl= fjkafldg fkdie,lsh hq;=hs' th .=re N+ñldfõ iqúfYaIs
l¾;jHhls' orejka w;ro th tfiauh' mdi, yd ksji ;=<ska orejka .s,sys hdu Tjqkaf.a fyg f,dalh
w`ÿre tlla njg m;aùug we;s bvlv fndfydafihska jeäh'
j¾;udkfha ;dlaIKh fl;rï oshqKq jqjo mx;s ldurh ;=< orejka w;r" iduqysl nj" iqyoYs,s
nj" ñ;%j;ah " iy lïmkh jeks .=Kdx. j¾Okh ùu w;HjYHh' orejka ;=< wd;au wNsudkh fm!reI
j¾Okh flfryso iDcq n,mEula bka we;sfõ'
udf.a m¾fhaIKh i`oyd nÿka jq isiqúho l:k l=i,;dj fnfyúka wvq uÜgula fmfkkqï l<dh'
jdÑlj ms<s;=reoSu b;du wvqh' wx. p,kfhka ^ysi fi,ùu" w;ska fmkaùu& ms<s;=re ,nd fohs'
orejkaf.ka úuiq úg m%ldY lf<a nf,ka iskd .eiaiqjo iskdfikafka ke;s njh' wfkla .=rejre tu m
%ldYh ms<sn`o woyia olajk ,os' jdÑl ms<s;=re n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka m%Yak weiqjo flá
ms<s;=re fyda wx. p,kfhkau ms<s;=re ,ndÿks' fï ish¨ lreKq wjOdkhg ,la lr fuu .eg¨j iqúfYaIs
lr .;sñ' iïuqL idlÉcd" ksÍCIK" .%ka: m¾Ys,kh ;=<skaa ,nd .;a o;a; wkqj o weh wmsßisÿ yd
wms<sfj, we;=j mdi,g meñfKk nj wjfndaO úh' mdi,a meñKsuo b;d ÿ¾j,h' fuys m%Odk .eg¨j
tkï wx. p,kfhka ms<s;=re oSu ioyd iqÿiq ueosy;aúï ie,iqï lf<ñ' ufkdaúoHd;aul l%uhla
wkq.ukh lrñka Ñ;a;fõ. yÿkd .ksñka úfYaI wjOdkh wjYH orejka fj; fhduqùu jeo.;afõ' wduka;
%Kh lsÍu" fidhdne,su" j.lSï mejÍu" w.h lsÍu" fm<nùu ;=<ska fndfyda .eg`M wju lr .; yelsnj
fhdackd lrñ' tfiau l:k yelshdj j¾Okh i`oyd isÿl< iqúfYaIs ls%hdldrlï idlÉcd lsÍï" jeks ueosy;a
úï ;=<ska Okd;aul p¾hduh fjkila isiqúh ;=< úoHdudk úh'
úêu;a wOHdmkh ,nd fok m%Odk;u wdh;kh mdi,hs' ksji yd iudch yryd ,efnk bf.kqug
jvd l%uj;a jq wOHdmkhla mdi, ;=<ska ,efí' mjq,a mßirfhka ,eìh hq;= wdorh"/ljrKh" ie,ls,a,
"Wmia:ïiaNkh j¾;udkfha mdi, flakaøfldg orejdg ysñ úh hq;=h' orejka iudfhdackh lsÍfï jeä m
.eg¨j y`ÿkd.ekSu'
mdi, wdrïN úug fmr weh iu`. ksoyfia l;d lsÍu'
weh b;d ,ecacdYs,s újD; fkdjq njlska ms<s;=re fok njh' f.or .ek l;d lsßfïoS uo miq
nEula" Nh jq iajrEmhla osia úh' tfiau ysi ie,su uqyqK foi n,d ìu n,d .ekSu jeks p¾hd
olakg ,enqKs'
ndysr iajrEmh foi ne,sfïos fldKavh lKmsgg f.d;d we;' flia frdoj,a uqyqKg jeá we;' uqj
újr fkdlrhs' .jqu wehg fkd.e,fmk f,i úYd,h' fmdâ ú ÿ¾j¾K ù we;' .uka ú,diho nr jeäh' ta wkqj
my; ;SrKj,g t<nqKs'
mka;sNdr .=re;=ñh iu`. weh ms<sno idlÉcd lsßu" fou< úIh Ndr .=re;=ñh yd wef.a
fidfydhqrd bf.k.kakd 4 jir .=re;=ñh iu`. idlÉcd lrk ,os' úÿy,am;s;=ud iu`. ilÉcd lrk ,os' mdif,a
wfkla orejka iu`.o idlÉcd lrk ,os'
fï f;dr;=re wkqj f.or foudmshka yuqùu b;d w;HjYH nj" isiqúh iEu flfkl= iu`.u ^.=rejre"
<uqka iu`.& jdÑlj ms<s;=re oSug ue<slula olajk nj" i;=áka bkak leue;s ke;s nj" wfkHdakh
iqyonj fkdue;ss nj hk lrKq wkdjrKh úh'
mdif,a ,sÅ; jd¾;d mßCId lsßu'
fuu lreKq wkdj¾Kh lr .eksfuka miq mdif,a kdu f,aLk mßlaId lrk ,os' ta wkqj fofokdf.au
meñKsu my; mßos úh'
1 j.=j ( mdi,a meñKsu udi 7 l'
isiqúh fidfydhqrd
udih mdi,a meñKs osk udih mdi,a meñKs
meje;ajq osk .Kk meje;ajq osk .Kk
.Kk osk .Kk
2022'4 8 2 2022'4 8 1
5 7 2 5 7 5
6 15 6 6 15 5
7 3 2 7 3 2
8 19 11 8 19 7
9 18 9 9 18 8
10 20 10 10 20 10
7 90 38
7 90 42
mdi,a meñKsu oeßhf.a 46] jeks my< m%;sY;hla .ks'
fidfydhqrd 42] my< m%;sY;hla .ks'
isiqúhf.a yd fidfydhqrdf.a kduf,aLk mßCId lsÍfïos meñKSu b;d ÿ¾j, uÜgul mj;sk nj wkdjrKh
2022 $04 ui isg 10 jk ui olajd meñKSu'
isiqúhf.a yd fidfydhqrdf.a
—mdi, orejl=f.a iudc ixj¾Okhg fya;=jk m%n, wdh;khls' mdif,aoS úúO orejka úYd, ixLHdjla
iu`. ñY% ú w;aoelsï ,nd .ekSug wjia:dj Wodfõ' tfukau .=rejrhdf.ka ,efnk WmfoaYkh orejdf.a
iudc l=i,;d wdl,am yd mqreÿ j¾Okh lsÍug WmldÍ fõ'˜
^<ud j¾Okh ixj¾Okh - is,aú fiakdër &
by; i`oyka lreKqo ie,ls,a,g f.k m¾fhaIKhg wod, my; wruqKq f.dv k.d .;sñ'
1. isiqúh ;=< mj;sk ÿ¾j,;d y`ÿkd .ekSu'
2. tys m%n, ÿn,;dj ^ wx. p,kfhka ms<s;=re oSu & wju lsßug ueosy;aúu ie,iqï lsÍu'
3. ie<iqï l< ueosy;a ùu ls%hdjg kexùu'
4. ueosy;aùï j, id¾:l nj mßlaId lsÍu'
5. oeßh mdi,g" .=rejrekag iñm lr weh ;=< wd;au úYajdih we;s lsÍu'
6. wehg W.kajk .=reNj;=ka yryd l;d lsÍug ^ jdÑlj ms<s;=re .ekSug & fhduq lsÍu'
7. mka;sfha orejka iu`. iqyo;dj j¾Okh lr iduqyslj jev lsÍug" jdÑl ikaksfõohg fhduq lsÍu'
8. foudmshka isiqúh yd mdi, w;r wfkHdakh iqyo;djh j¾Okh lsÍu'
mÍfhaIK l%ufõoh'
ls%hduq,sl uq,O¾u wkq.ukh lrñka mßlaIKh isÿlrK ,os' fuysos ie,iqï ilia lsßu" ls%hd;aul
lsßu" ueosy;a ùu" m%;HfõCIKh hk mshjr wkqj mßCIKh isÿ lrk <os' .eg¨j yÿkd .eksu" o;a; /ia
lsßu i`oyd iïuqL idlÉcd .%ka: mßYs,kh" ksÍCIKh hk l%u wkq.ukh lrk ,oS' kshosh
f;dard .eksfïos 7 fYa%Ksfha tla isiqúhl muKla f;dard .kakd ,os'
I. mshjr'
isiqúh iu`. ksoyia ld,Éfcaoj, l;d lsßu' mka;sfha orejka iu`. l;dfldg wehg úfõl ld,fhaoS lS%vd
i`oyd iïnkaO lr .kakd f,i;a" wdydr .ekSfïos yd wka ls%hdldrlïj,os fjka fldg ie<lSu fkdl< hq;=
nj;a idlÉcd lrk ,os'
II. mshjr
mka;sNdr .=re;=ñh yryd weh mka;s kdhsldj njg m;alr j.lSï mjrk ,os' mka;s kdhsld ks, ,dxck
m<ojk ,os'
III. mshjr'
isiqúhg ysi mSÍu" ks, weÿu ^.jqu& ilialr .ekSu" o;a ueoSu" uqyqK msßisÿ lsÍu" ms<sn`o
wdo¾Y imhñka idlÉcd lrk ,os'
IV. mshjr'
isiqúhf.a mshdg ÿrl:kfhka l;d lrk ,os' f;dr;=re ,nd .kakd ,os' uj mdi,g f.kajd .eksug mKsúv hjk
V. mshjr'
ks;r isiqúh iu`. Woeik ksoyfia l;d lrk ,os'
VI. mshjr'
isiqúh mka;sfha isiq ore oeßhka iu`. iduqyslj .S; .dhkd lsÍug ie,eiaiSu'
WoEik ud iu`. fydoska l;d lrhs' mka;sfha tla oeßhla yd ñ;% ú we;' weho m%ldY lf<a —
àp¾ ud tlal kï oeka fuhd l;d lrkjd˜ njhs' oeßh fjkodg jvd meñKSu fyd`o uÜgul mj;sk nj kdu
f,aLk j,ska wkdjrKh úh' ndysr fmkquo ilialr .;a nj fmkqKs' fldKavh ksjerosj f.d;d lgq .id we;'
ks, weÿu ^.jqu& kshñ; mßos ilia lr we;' ;jÿrg;a <uqka iu`. uqyqùu wvqnj <uqka ks;r meñKs,s
lrhs' l;dlsßug ue,slula oelaùu thg fya;=j nj olakg ,eìKs'
kdhl;aj ld¾h weh fydoska bgqlrhs' tfia jqjo mKsúv heúu ms<sn`o ukafod;aidysnjla
olajhs' <uqkao wehg kdhl;ajh ,ndoSu ms<sno m%Yak lrk nj mka;sNdr .=re;=ñh m%ldY
l<dh' —weh miqj yßhdù wehg wjia:dj fouq ˜f,i .=re;=ñh m%ldY l<dh' weh oeka —
ms<sfj<hs ,iaikhs ˜ yeu fokdu m%ldY l<y'
flfia jqjo foudmshka f.kajd .ekSu wmyiq úh' ÿrl:kh u`.ska yd orejka yryd mKsjqv ÿkako
mdi,g fkdmeñKsfhah' uj yd mshd w;r ukd iqyo;djhla fkdue; nj .=reNj;=ka yd úÿy,am;s;=ud
u`.ska oek.; yels úh' flfia fyda uj yuqùu w;HdjYH nj m%;HfõCIK ;=<ska jgyd .;sñ' fï wkqj
bosß ueosy;aúï ie,iqï lrk ,os'
fm<fmd;^isxy,& ojig úkdä 10la lshùug ,ndoSu' ksoyia ld,Éfcaoh ;=< ksoyia mßirhlg
f.dia ;ksj fm<fmd; lshùug ie,eiaiqfjñ' fm<fmd; lshùfïos yv b;d wvq w;r" kej;sfï ;s; wdos
úrdu ,CIK .ek ;elsulao fkdue;s úh' tfiau bßhõ Ndú;h yv md,kh fkdue;' lshúfï ffY,h is;a.kakd
iq`Mnjla fkdue;'wu;rld,hla fhdod .ksñka kej; kej; lshùug ie,eiaiqfjñ' ÿrl:k Ndú; lr l;d ú,di
ms<sno weyqïlkaoSug ie,eiaiqfjñ' ;udf.a fodaI yÿkd.ksñka" tajd u`.yrjd .ksñka m%dfhda.slj
w;aoelsï ,nd .eksug fhduq flßKs' ueosy;aúu" w;r;=r ye.S.sfha uqj újr lsßug ue<s lula olajk
njhs' tu fya;=jg ms<shula f,i udxYfmaIs wNHdihka ,ndosu jeo.;anj udf.a ks.ukh úh'
II. mshjr
udxYfmaIs wNHdi ,ndoSu'
uqyqK uQ,sllr uqyqfKys uqj wdYs%; wNHdi lsßu isÿ flfrk ,os' miqj yv wNHdih i`oyd
my; .S;h .dhkhg fhduq lrk ,os'
—yd yd yß ydjd'
lef,a ueoska wdjd
ysgf.k .`. .djd
jg msg weye ,Ejd''''''''''''''''˜
fuysos isiqúhg Wmia:ïNkh ,ndosu i`oyd —yßu ,iaikhs Thdg ,iaikg isxÿ lshkak mq`Mjka ˜
wdos f,i m%ixid lsßu isÿlrk ,os'
III. mshjr'
lú .S; yd l=vd ud;Dld ,ndoS ÿßka isá .dhkh yd lshùug i,iajk ,os'
fuu ls%hdldrlïj, ksh,Sfuka m%dfhda.sl w;aoelSï ,nd .ekSug wjia:dj ,ndÿks' ;ekajro l
%uh wkq.ukh lrñka bf.ksu i`oyd wNHdi ,nd ÿksñ' ;jo ir, .S; yd ud;Dld ,ndÿks'
i;=ka .ek l;d l<o wïud .ek l;d lsßug ÿka úg ksyvj ud foi n,d isáhd muKs' ld,hla ,nd oS
kej; l;d lsßug wjia:dj ,nd ÿkako weh th bgq fkdl<dh'
IV. mshjr
mdif,a Woeik yuqfõ —uf.a rg Ys% ,xldjhs— uefhka l:djla wehg ,ndfok ,os'
weh th fyd`oska bgq l<dh' úÿy,am;s;=ud we;=`M .=reNj;=ka th w.h l<dy' th wehf.a iajhx
wNsudkhg fya;= úh'
m%;HfõlaIK wkdjrKh - bf.kqï ls%hdj,sh ;=<'
mr jdr mÍlaIK ,l=Kq 2022 fojk jdr mÍlaIK ,l=Kq
wdorh lreKdj ,ndoSu yd ióm ù wduka;%Kh lsÍfuka orejka w;r iqyo;dj j¾Okh lr.;
iqÿiq j.lSï mejÍï u`.ska isiqka iudcdkqfhdackh lsÍu myiq jk nj;a" tfia fkdùu orejkaf.a
fm!reI j¾Ok ySkjk nj'
jdÑl ls%hdldrlï i`oyd jeä bvla ,ndoSu ;=<ska isiqka ;=< ikakSfõok l=i,;dj jeäjk nj"
úfkdaod;aul ls%hd i`oyd iEu isiqfjl=ug wjia:dj ,ndoSu wjYH nj'
orejkaf.a uq,sl l=i,;d ta ta wjêj, mshjfrka mshjr ixj¾Ok fkdùu miqld,Skj .eg¨ iy.; njg
m;ajk nj'
mka;s ldurfha W!K ixj¾Okhla iys; orejka i`oyd iqúfYaIs ls%hdldrlï iïmdokh lsÍu
foudmshka ;=<ska orejka .s,syss hdu úúO fm!reI .eg¨ we;s lrk nj'
foudmsh /ljrKh ;snqKo foudmshkaf.ka orejd .s,sys hdu Tyqf.a fm!reI j¾Okhg n,mdk
wdorh lreKdj ,ndfoñka iqÿiq j.lSï mejÍu u`.ska orejka iudfhdackh lSÍu myiq nj'
,sÅ; mÍCIK fukau jdÑl mÍCIK mdi,a mßCIK j,g we;=<;a lsßu jeo.;a'
ls%hdldrlï ie,iqï lsßfïos o jdÑl ls%hdldrlï ioyd jeä bvla ,ndosh hq;= nj'
mdif,a jev igyka" úIh iu.dó lghq;= j,g iEu orefjl=u wkq.; lsÍu jeo.;a'
mdi, iy foudmshka w;r ukd wfkHdakh iyfhda.s nj;a mej;Su orejdf.a wkkH;djhg"
wNsudkhg n,mdk nj'
.=rejrhd iudk;djhlska hq;=j yd iylïmkfhka hq;=j úfYaI orejka flf¾ fhduq ùu b;d jeo.;a'
jdÑl yd ,sÅ; jYfhka orejkaf.a ls%hdldrlï yd we.hsï isÿ lsÍu w;HjYHh'
iEu orefjl= iu`.u iqyo;djh j¾Okh lr .ekSug iqÿiq jev igyka ixúOdk l< hq;=h'
orejka ufkdaúoHd;aulj wOHhkh lr ;ks ;ksj wjOdkh fhduq lsÍu jeo.;a'
orejkag iuj ie<lSu yd wfkHdakh iqyo;dj j¾Okh jk úfkdaod;aul ls%hdldrlï wjYH nj'
orejkaf.a p;=¾úO l=i,;d m%d:ñl wjêh wjika jk úg iïmq¾K lsÍu w;HjYH nj'
mdi, yd foudmshka w;r ukd iïnkaO;djhla mej;Su orejkaf.a .eg¨ wju lsßug myiq nj'
wdY%s; .%ka:
w;=fldard< "ä'wd¾"w;=fldard<" tÉ'tka'^1992&'wOHdmk ufkdaúoHdj yd .=rejrhd
( YsCId ukaosr m%ldYk " mdkÿr
úfca;=x."tia' ^2013&'wOHdmk ufkdaúoHdj( wOHdmk m%ldYk fomd¾:fïka;=j'
wfímd," wd¾' ^2015&' wOHdmkfha ufkdaúoHd;aul moku ( idr m%ldYk" fldÜgdj'
fiakdër"tia' ^2002&' <ud j¾Okh yd ixj¾Okh (f.dvf.a m%ldYlfhda'
mQ¾K fm!reIhlska fyì orefjl= iudc.; lsÍfï i;aldrfha fmr .uka lrejd .=rejrhdh' .=rejrhd
jQ l,s YsIH ixj¾Okfha ish¨u wxY flfrys wjOdkfhka miqjSu b;d jeo.;a fõ' f;dard.;a fuu ld¾h
uQ, m¾fhaIKfha wjOdkh fhduq jQfha 8 fYa%Ksfha isiqka fofofkl= mdi,a Èjd wdydrh i|yd
Èkm;d laIKsl j¾K yd rildrl .ekajQ wdydr /f.k tauhs' mx;s ldurh ;=< isiqkaf.a mdi,a Èjd
wdydrh wyUq f,i ksÍlaIKfha§ nksia" ìialÜ" fidfiacia" laIKsl kQâ,aia jeks wdydr
olakg ,enqKs' Èkm;d i;shl ld,hla muK wdydr ksÍlaIKfhaÈ isiqka fofokdf.a by; ls
wdydr ;snqKs' ksr;=reju .=Kd;aul wdydr fõ,lska neyerj isiqka fofokd /f.k wd wdydr ms<sn|
úuis,su;a fjñka wk;=rej mx;s Ndr .=reNj;df.kao" isiqkaf.kao" mjqf,kao ,nd .;a o;a; yd f;dr;=re
mokï lr .ksñka f.dvke.+= m¾fhaIK wruqKq wkqj" isiqka laIKsl ri yd j¾K wdydr rgdfjka
wksis n,mEfuka uqojd .ksñka .=Kd;aul wdydr rgdjlg yqre lsÍu ;=<ska" foaYsh" iajdNdúl"
wvq msßjehlska ms<sfh, lr .; yels wdydrhkag yqre lsÍu;ah' ld¾h uQ, m¾fhaIKhg wdfõKsl pl
%dldr l%shdj,shlska ueÈy;aùfï l%u 3la Tiafia ie,iqï lf<ñ' ta wkqj m<uq ueÈy;a jQ fmdaIK
iïnkaO ffjoHjrfhl= úiska fmdaIKh ms<sn| isiqka yd foujqmshka okqj;a lsÍfï jevigyk ixúOdkh
lf<ñ' fojk ueÈy;aùu f,i fmdaIK jevigyka mdi, ;=< l%shd;aul lrk ,È' tkï .=Kd;aul wdydr
we;=<;a úI rys; wdydr fmd<la mdif,a mj;ajk ,È' tys j.lSu kdhl;ajh isiqkag ,nd ÿksñ' fmd<
ixúOdkh lsÍu tysÈ úfYaI úh' f;jk ueÈy;aùu jQfha isiqkag ;ksju fmdaIK .=K imsß wdydrfhka
ieliSfï wjia:d ,nd oSuhs ' úIh m%dfhda.sl l%shdldrlï ld,Éfþofha fuu wjia:d ,nd oS .=Kd;aul
wdydr yd laIKsl j¾K rie;s wdydr" fjka fjkaj isiqka y÷kd f.k wdydr ilia lsÍfï mqyqKqj bka ,nd
ÿksñ' fuf,i fmr ;;aj úYaf,aIKh yd miq ;;aj úYaf,aIKfhka miqj isiqkaf.a Èjd wdydr
mßfNdackh .=Kd;aul fjkila oDIHudk úh
uqLH mo' fmdaIKh' fnda fkdjk frda. fmdaIK W!k;djh laIKsl wdydr' mdi,a Èjd wdydrh'
.eg¨j - 8 fYa%Ksfha orejka fofofkla mdi,a Èjd wdydrhg laIKsl rildrl wdydr
/f.k tau'
.eg¨j ye¢kaùu'
uykqjr wOHdmk l,dmhg wh;a fmardfoKsh lksIaG oaú;shsl úoHd,fha Wm .=rejßhl f,i
fiajh lrk uu 10"11 fYa%Ks i|yd .Dy wd¾:sl úoHd úIh b.ekaùï lrñ'
7"8"9 fYa%Ks i|yd m%dfhda.sl ;dlaIK l=i,;d úIho bf.kqï b.ekaùï ld¾hfha fhfoñ mdi,a
WmfoaYk lghq;= Ndrjo isákqfha udh' wjqreÿ 20l úIh b.ekaùfï w;aoelSï we;s ud yg mdi,a
lsysmhl fiajh lr ,;a oekqu m<mqreoao weiqfrka orejkaf.a wOHdmkh muKlau fkdj Tjqfka
fmdaIK yd fi!LH ;;ajho ixj¾Okh úh hq;= nj yeÕS .sh lreKla úh'
Èkm;d orejka ms<sn| ksßlaIKfhka miq ud yg 8 fYa%Ksfha orejkaf.a fofokl= Èkm;d
/f.k tk Èjd wdydrh ms<sn| iEySulg m;a ùug fkdyels úh' Èjd úfõl ld,fha§ i;s 2la muK ud tu
orejka wdydr .kakd rgdj wdydr j, .=Kd;aul Ndjh ms<sn| ksÍlaIKh lf<ñ' tysÈ Tjqkaf.a wdydr
jQfha ìialÜ" nksia" laIKsl kQâ,aia" frda,aia" meáia jeks wdydr Èkm;d i;shla ;=< ksÍlaIKhla
lf<ñ' ud yg u;= jQ .eg¨jla jQfha fuu wdydr Èkm;du Tjqka wdydrhg .kafk kï ksfrda.s orefjl=
fkdj fi!LH fmdaIK ;;ajfhka msßyqkq orefjl= ìys ùuhs' túg wOHdmk ;;ajho orejf.a msßfya'
hym;a udkisl ;;ajhla ysñùug fmdaIHodhs wdydr .; hq;=h' kuq;a tu orejkaf.a wOHdmk idOk
uÜguo hï;dla ÿrg wvq uÜgul mj;sk nj ud tu fYa%Ksfha mka;s Ndr .=reNj;df.ka oek .;sñ'
tjka ;;ajhla ;=< ud yg mdif,aÈ u;= jQ fuu .eg¨j i|yd ueÈy;a fjñka tu orejka fofokdg
fmdaIK .=Kfhka fyì wdydr y÷kajd § laIKsl rildrl wdydr y÷kajd § laIKsl wdydr rgdfjka
ñ§ .=Kd;aul wdydr fõ,lg fhduq lsÍu i|yd l%ufõo iliñka ld¾huQ, m¾fhaIKhla isÿ lf<ñ'
ta wkqj m<uq ueÈy;a jQ fmdaIK iïnkaO ffjoHjrfhl= úiska fmdaIKh ms<sn| isiqka yd
foujqmshka okqj;a lsÍfï jevigyk ixúOdkh lf<ñ'
fojk ueÈy;aùu f,i fmdaIK jevigyka mdi, ;=< l%shd;aul lrk ,È' tkï .=Kd;aul wdydr
we;=<;a úI rys; wdydr fmd<la mdif,a mj;ajk ,È' tys j.lSu kdhl;ajh isiqkag ,nd ÿksñ' fmd<
ixúOdkh lsÍu tysÈ úfYaI úh'
f;jk ueÈy;aùu jQfha isiqkag ;ksju fmdaIK .=K imsß wdydrfhka ieliSfï wjia:d ,nd
oSuhs ' úIh m%dfhda.sl l%shdldrlï ld,Éfþofha fuu wjia:d ,nd oS .=Kd;aul wdydr yd laIKsl
j¾K rie;s wdydr" fjka fjkaj isiqka y÷kd f.k wdydr ilia lsÍfï mqyqKqj bka ,nd ÿksñ' fuf,i
fmr ;;aj úYaf,aIKh yd miq ;;aj úYaf,aIKfhka miqj isiqkaf.a Èjd wdydr mßfNdackh .=Kd;aul
fjkila oDIHudk úh'
m¾fhaIK wruqKq'
ri yd j¾K .ekajQ laIKsl wdydr j,ska isÿjk wksis n,mEï ms<sn| oekqj;a lsÍu yd tu
wdydr Ndú;h wju lsÍug jev ms<sj,la ie,iqï lsÍu'
wdikak mßirfhka ,nd .;a .=Kd;aul núka jeä wdydr rgdjlg yqre lsÍu'
rildrl j¾Kldrl wdydr j,g iy ksjfiaÈ ms<sfh, lrk .=Kd;aul wdydr j, jeh jk uqo,
ixikaOkh lsÍu'
foaYsh iajdNdúl .=Kd;aul núka hq;= wdydr ksjfia§ ms<sfh, lsÍug isiqka yqre lsÍu'
;u f.j;af;a fmdaIHodhs wdydr lsysmhla j.d lsÍug fhduq lsÍu'
m¾fhaIK l%ufõoh
l%shduQ,sl m¾fhaIK l%uh fhdod f.k wruqKq f.dv k.ñka ueÈy;a ùfï jevms<sfj, isÿ
lf<ñ' ksheÈh 8 fYa%Ksfha <uqka fofofkls orejkaf.a Èjd ld,fha§ wdydr ksÍlaIKhlg f;dr;=re ,nd
.;sñ' mx;sNdr .=re;=ñh iuÕska f;dr;=re ,nd .;sñ' tysÈ laIKsl wdydr wdydr /f.k wd nj ksÍlaIKh
úh úÿy,am;s;=udf.a wjirh we;=¿j .=reuy;añkaf.ka f;dr;=re ,nd f.k ksje/È f;dr;=re ,nd .;sñ'
ta wkqj m,uq yd fojk f;jk pl% f,iska ueÈy;aùu isÿlrñ'
m%;sfõlaIK l%shd;aul
o;a; tla/ia
o;a; úYaf,aIKh'
i;sfha Èk my ;=<u A yd B fofokd laIKsl j¾K rildrl wdydr /f.k tk ,È ta wdY%fhka ,;a
o;a; mokï lr .ksñka isiqka f;dard .ekSu lf<ñ'
ksÍlaIKh ld, iSudj ;=< /f.k wd wdydr m%udKh
laIKsl wdydr
m<uqjk yd fojk uÈy;a ùï j,ska miq isiqka /f.ka wd wdydr j¾. j.=jlska olajd we;'
iekaúÉ' ye,m
i;shlg miq wyUq f,i Èjd wdydr ksÍlaIKfhaÈ my; wdydr olakg ,enqKs'
f;jk ueÈy;a ùfuka miq orejkaf.a wdydr mßfydack rgdj .=Kd;aul f,i fjkia ù ;sîu
ksÍlaIKh úh rildrl laIKsl wdydr mdi,a Èjd wdydrhg wfkla isiqkao /f.k tafï wju m%jK;djhla
olakg ,enqKs'
m¾fhaIK wkdjrK'
rildrl" j¾Kldrl laIKsl wdydr rij;a nfjka jeä jQj;a .=Kd;aul nfjka wvq ùu'
m¾fhaIKhg ,la fkdjQ orejka jerÈ wdydr mßfNdackhg yqre ùfï m%jK;djhla mj;sk nj'
foujqmshka /ljrKh fkdue;s jQj;a ksisu. fmkaùfuka ijsn, .ekaúh yels nj'
w¾:j;a oekqj;a lsÍfuka miq <uqka ksje/os wdydr rgdjka j,g yqre l< yels nj'
<uqkag j.lSï mejÍfuka ksje/È p¾hdjka yqre l, yels nj'
fmdaIKh iïnkaO isiqka oekqj;a lsÍu hdj;ald,Sk úh hq;= nj'
mdi,a m%cdj ;=< fmdaIK ms<sn| oekqj;a lsÍfï l%shdj,sh iõn, .ekaùu'
fmdaIKhg WÑ; jevigyka mdi, ;=< l%shd;aul lsÍu'
fmdaIKh iïnkaO md¾Yj lrejkaf.a iyh ,nd .ekSug lghq;= lsÍu'
isiqkag fmdaIHodhs wdydr fõ,la ilid §ug .DydY%s; mßirh oekqj;a lsÍu'
wdY%s; .%ka:'
1' rKùr" ir;a' ^2003& wdydr yd fmdaIKh'
m¾fhaIK ixlaIsma;h
uykqjr wOHdmk l,dmhg wh;a fodvïj, ckdêm;s wdo¾Y m%d:ñl
úoHd,fha .=rejrfhl= jYfhka fiajh lrk uu m%d:ñl wOHdmkh ms<sn| úoHdmSG
mqyqKqj ,enqfjñ' wjqreÿ 18la muK fiajd w;aoelSï ysñ ud 2014 j¾Ifha fuu
úoHd,fha jev Ndr .;sñ' rfÜ mej;s jix.; ;;a;ajh yd bkaOk w¾nqoh yuqfõ jeä ld,hla
mdi,a jid ;eîu isÿ úh' fuysÈ mdi,a újD; ùu;a iuÕ mdi,g meñ‚ orejkaf.a hï jHdl+,
njla uu ÿgqfjñ' È.=l,la ud¾..; wOHdmkhg fhduq jQ fuu orejkaf.a úIh iu.dó
fhduqj l%Svd fl!I,H fukau bÈßm;a ùfï hï miqng;djla fmkq‚' Tjqfkdjqkaf.a
wd.ka;=l nj iqyoYS,s;ajfha wvq nj fukau yqol,d njlao olakg ,enq‚' mdif,a kS;shg
wjk; ùfï .eg¿ldÍ njla fmkq‚' orejkaf.a jevj, wms<sfj, woyia m%ldY lsÍug ue,s nj
oeäj olakg ,enq‚' fï w;ru kjl orejka 1 fY%a‚hg we;=<;a lr .ekSu isÿ jQ w;r
iudcdkqfhdackh fkdjQ fuu ore msßi ;=<o fjkodg jvd fjkila ÿgqfjñ' fuys§ ug
we;s jQ .eg¨j jqfha mdif,a kS;shg wjk;j m%shukdm jvd iqyoYS,S oremsßila
mdi,a mßirh ;=< ìys lr.kafka flfiao hkakhs' mdi,g w¨;ska meñ‚ kjl isiq orejka
mdi,g yd mka;s ldurhg wkq.; lr .ekSu uf.a m<uq wNsm%dh úh tA wkqj m<uqj
uu fuu orejka ksÍlaIKh lf<ñ' Tjqka yd l;d lf,ñ' .S; .ehqfjñ' kuq;a tl tl u; .egqï ñi tl
ñglg tk njla fkdÿgqfjñ' fï ld,h jk úg uu isnd iriúfha ufkda úoHd WmfoaYk
ämaf,daudj wjika l,d mu‚' tu ksid ud bf.k.;a tu úIh lreKq wdY%s;j Ñls;aidjla fï i|
yd fhdod .ekSug úu¾Ykh lf<ñ' tA wkqj orejkag .e<fmk wd;;sh ÿr,k" i;=gla f.k
tk ueÈy;a ùula ie,iqï lf,ñ' tA wkqj wfkdakH iqyoYS,s;ajh f.dv k.d m%sh ckl
mqoa.,hl= njg m;a lsÍu" ks¾udKYS,s;ajfhka wd;;sh l<ukdlrKh lsÍu yd m%shckl
mdi,a mßirhla f.dv ke.Su hk m%Odk l%shdldrlï 03 Tiafia ixúOdkh lr .; wkq l
%shdldrlï 06la Tiafia b,lal lKavdhï muKla fkdj uq¿ mdi,a isiq msßiu tl
ñglg .ekSug yelsúh' tu.ska ud úiska l%shd;aul lrk ,o ld¾huQ,sl m¾fhaIKh
id¾:lj ksu l< nj i;=áka i|yka lrñ'
uqLH mo - isky m%;sldrh ^,d*ska fhda.d&
.eg¨j -
wd;;sfhka f;drj hym;a udkisl ;;a;ajfhka mdi,a bf.kqï mßirhg isiqka wkq.;
lr .kafka flfiao @
m¾fhaIKfha wruqKq
Èkm;d meñŒug Wkkaÿ lsÍug yd mdi, m%shckl ia:dkhla njg m;a lsÍu'
mdif,a orejka m%shukdm iqyoYS,S ore msßila njg m;a lsÍu'
<ud ñ;=re mßirhla f.dv ke.Su'
orejka ;=< mj;sk wd;;s l<ukdlrKh lsÍu yd iunr fm!¾Ihla we;s lsÍu'
uDÿ l=i,;d j¾Okh lsÍu'
mdi, flfrys foudmshkaf.a hym;a wdl,am f.dv ke.Su'
wd;;s l<ukdlrKh ;=<ska .=rejrekaf.a wdl,am ixj¾Okh lsÍu'
m¾fhaIK l%ufõo
fuu .eg¨j úi|d .ekSfï ud¾.h fidhd .ekSfï wruq‚ka uu m;fmd; fj; fhduq fjk ,§' tys§
uf.a jeä wjOdkh fhduq jqfka wka;rcd,fha i|yka lreKq wOHkh i|ydhs'
tA wkqj isky Ñls;aidj ufkdandjh jeäÈhqKq lsÍu i|yd m%fhdaf.dlj Ndú;d lr we;s
w;r ^1970& oYlfha tlai;a ckmofha fuu Ñls;aidj Ndú;d lr we;' tlai;a ckmoh yd
bkaÈhdj jeks rgj, isky Ñls;aidjg úYd, ms<s.ekSula we;' fuh iajNdúl T!IOhls' fï
wkqj j¾;udkfha iakdhq úoHdj" ffjoH úoHdj yd idhksl ufkda úoHdj jeks úúO
lafIa;%hka isky Ñls;aidfõ fidhd .ekSï l%shdjg kexùug W;aiy lr we;s w;r fndfyda
mqÿu iy.; m%;sm,o ,eî we;'
fï lreKq wOHkfhka miq iskyj ienE fya;=ka ksid fyda n,y;aldrfhka isÿ jqjla jqjo
wfma YdÍßl udkisl fi!LHg fnfyúka m%fhdackj;a jk nj fmkq‚' fï fya;=j ksid fuu
m%;sldrh uf.a mdif,a orejkag iqÿiq nj ug yeÕ=‚' iajdNdúl iskyj ,Õd lr .; fkdyels
orejkg th wkqlrKh lsÍug W.kajk l%uo mj;S' tA ;=,skao ,nk m%;s,dNh tlu fõ' fï
woyi u; mokïj isky Ñls;aidj ikao¾Nh wkqj fjkia lr .; yels nj wjfndaO lr .;sñ'
isky m%;sldrh ;=<ska wêl wd;;sh idudkH ;;a;ajhg m;a lsÍu" ish¨ j¾.j, fõokdjka
wvq lsÍu" frda. je<§fï fõokdj wvq lsÍu" iqjnr kskaola ,nd §u jeks m%;s,dN
rdYshla ,efnk nj wOHkh lf<ñ'
óg wu;rj fï iïnkaOfhka ,shejqKq m¾fhaIK jd¾;d lsysmhla wOHkhg fm<Uq‚'
tys wka;¾.; jqfhao isky Ñls;aidj ;=<ska mqoa.,fhl=g ,efnk jdis
iy.; ;;a;ajhka.ekhs' kuq;a fuh uf.a mdi,a orejkag fhdod .kafka flfiao hk .eg¨jla
we;súh' thg úi÷ula f,i ffjoH uokaf.a ùäfhda yd jevuq¿ rdYshla kerUq w;r
tA ;=<ska orejkag .; yels l%shdldrlï fm<.iajd .;af;ñ' tfukau ix.S; ldKavhla yd thg
WÑ; k¾;khla ilia lr .ekSug orejkaf.a YÍr fi!Lhg ys;lr wNHdi fiùu isÿ lf<ñ'
tfukau yqiau .ekSfï jHdhdu i|ydo ks¾udKYS,S orejkaf.a is;g i;=gla f.k tk
orejkag ióm øjHh wd›; wNHdi fidhd <ud fhda.d ùäfhda wOHkh lf<ñ' fï ish¨ foa
tla/ia lrf.k uf.a mdi,a orejkaf.a wd;;sh l<ukdlrKh lr .ksñka hym;a
udkisl ;;a;ajfhka mdi,a bf.kqï mßirhg isiqka wkq.; lr .ekSu i|yd by; l%shdldrlï
Tiafia l%shd;aul ùug is;=fjñ'
fojk ueÈy;a ùu
yqiau .ekSfï wNHdi jvd;a ks¾udKYS,sj fhdod .; w;r thg orejkaf.ka ,enqKq m
%;spdrhdo by<hs' isky Ñls;aidfõ y~ msglsÍfï wNHdi o orejkag ióm whqßka
ks¾udKYS,sj bÈßm;a lf<ñ' orejka fjkodg jvd Woafhda.Su;aj l%shdldrlïj, fhÿkq
w;r tu ksidu .S;LKav fhdod f.k ix.S;h ,nd foñka k¾;k wx. iys;j isky Ñls;aidj
ixúOdkh lf<ñ' fuys§ fuu k¾;k wx.o orejkaf.a ukaYafmiays iïnkaO jHdhdu ,efnk
wdldrhg ixúOdkh lf<ñ' m<uq ueÈy;aùug jvd fndfyda orejka msßila isky Ñls;aidj
yd iïnkaO úh' fjkodg jvd orejka m%fndaOu;a yd m%shckl neúka hqla; úh'
f;jk ueÈy;aùu
fï wjia:dj jkúg wo fudlla lrhso hk l=;=y,h iuÕ jevigykg iyNd.S úh' yqiau .ekSfï
wNHdi jvd;a ÈhqKq l< w;r lfgka y~ msg lsÍfï wNHdi .S; .dhkh ;=<ska l
%shd;aul lf<ñ' isky Ñla;aidj úúO l%u" úúO ix.S; iys;" úúO k¾;k iys;j
fhdod .;sñ' fï wjia:dfõ orejkaf.a úúO olaI;d fmkq‚' úIh iu.dó l%shdldrlï i|yd
orejka f;dard .ekSfï fõÈldjla njg fuu wjia:dj m;ajq‚' ix.S; yd k¾;k .=rejre ;u
whs;u ioyd orejka fï wjia:dfõ f;dr .kakd wdldrh ud i;=áka kerUqfjñ. orejkaf.a
fm!¾Ih" bÈßm;a ùu" kuHYS,S nj" ks¾udKYS,S nj meyeÈ,s fjkilska fmkq‚' fï
jkúg fuu jevigyk orejka fufyhjk ;;a;ajhg m;a ùu ;=<ska isky Ñls;aidj uf.a mdi,a
orejkaf.a wd;;sh ÿre lr ys;lr udkisl mßirhla f.dvk.d we;s nj idlaIshls' isnd iriúfha
WmfoaYk ämaf,daudj ;=<ska ud bf.k.;a isky Ñls;aidj orejkag ,nd §u ;=<ska
tA ;=<ska fkdoekqj;aj <ud is;aj, we;sù ;snq wd;;sh ÿre lsÍu iïnkaOfhka ud ksrdñi
i;=gla ,nñ'
m¾fhaIK wkdjrK
i;=gqodhl mßirhl orejka l%shdldÍj lghq;= lrhs'
mqxÑ orejkag ;ukag we;sjkakdjQ wd;;sh ms<sn|j wjfndaOhla ke;s fyhska
th m%ldY lrkafka fjk;a wdldrhlsks'
ysáyeáfha orejka ;=, we;sjkakdjQ úm¾hdid ms<sn|j oeä wjOdkfhka isáh
orejkag fjkia ùu i|yd jeä ld,hla ,nd Èhhq;=h'
m%.;sh lrd hk orejkag iEu mshjrl§u Wmia;ïNkh lsÍu l, hq;=hs'
.=rejrhd kj oekqu fidhd hñka tu oekqu .eg¿ úi÷ï i|yd fhdod.; hq;=h'
´kEu l%shdj,shla id¾:l ùug kï orejkag iqÿiq whqßka ilia l< hq;=h'
ir, l%shdldrlï ixúOdkh lsÍfï§ orejkaf.a reÑ wreÑlï .ek wjfndaOhla ;sìh
ksrka;rfhka orejka Wmia;ïNkh l< hq;=h'
iEu .=rejrfhl=u ;u jD;a;Sh oekqu ixj¾Okh lr .; hq;= nj fhdackd lrñ'
.=rejrfhl= bf.k.kakd foa ;u jD;a;Sh Ôú;fha§ fhda.H f,i Ndú;hg .; hq;= nj
fhdackd lrñ'
yels mu‚ka orejkag fhda.H mßirhla ilia lr Èhhq;= nj fhdackd lrñ'
wdY%s; .%ka:
w;=fldard, ä'wd¾' iy w;=fldard, tÉ'tka' ^^2009&& wOHdmk ufkdaúoHdj
yd .=rejrhd" YslaId ukaÈr m%ldY
w;=fldard, ä'wd¾' iy w;=fldard, tÉ'tka' 2009 <ud ufkdaúoHdj yd <ud
R.M.P.D.M. rKùr
úydruydfoaú nd,sld úÿy, uykqjr
fuu isoaê wOHkfha§ udf.a wjOdkh fhduq jQfha 1 fY%aKsfha isiqkaf.a mßirh wdY
%s; l%shdldrlï úIh b.ekaùu i|yd kj Ys,am l%u Ndú;d lr Tjqkaf.a mßirh ms<sn| m%ùK;djfha
isÿjk fjkialï úu¾IKh lsÍuhs¡ m¾fhaIKfha wruqKq j,g wkqj isiqkaf.a mßir wdY%s; l%shdldrlï
úIh hgf;a f;dard.;a ud;Dld lsysmhla i|yd mdßißl ±kqj;aNdjh jeä ÈhqKq lsÍu isiqkaf.a mßirhg
we;s ixfõ§;djh jeä ÈhqKq lsÍu fidndoyu flf¾ ixfõokh f.dvke.su hk f;audjka Tiafia
úu¾IKd;aulj wOHhkh lrk ,È¡ fuu isoaê wOHkfha§ 1 fY%aKsfha isiqka 34 fofkl= fï i|yd
iyNd.S lr.kakd ,È¡ fuu ksheÈfhka o;a; ,nd .ekSu" <ud w;a±lSï ms<sn|j f;dr;=re /ia lsÍu i|yd
w¾O jHqy.; iïuqL idlÉPd" ksÍlaIKh" ksÍlaIK m;%sld" <ud Ñ;% wdÈh weiqfrka o;a; /ia lf<ñ¡
,nd.;a .=Kd;aul o;a; úYaf,aIKh lrk ,È¡ fuu isoaê wOHkfha wruqKqj,g wkqj .=Kd;aul o;a;
úYaf,aIKh isÿlr we;s w;r" ta wkqj isiqka l%shdldÍ ie,eiaug fmr yd miq f,i ksÍlaIKh Ñ;%
we§u" ienE l%shdldrlïj, fh§u" pdßld" ksÍlaIK m;%sld weiqfrka o;a; úYaf,aIKh
lrk ,È¡ f;dard.;a f;audjka i|yd isiqkaf.a mdßißl ±kqu j¾Okh ù we;s±hs ksÍlaIKh
lrk ,È¡ isiqkaf.a Ñ;% u.ska by< oDYH m%ldYkhla ±l.; yelsh¡ iajdNdúl øjH we| we;¡ mßirhg
ixfõ§;djh jeä ù we;s nj Tjqkaf.a l%shdldrlï ksÍlaIKfhka ms<sìUq úh¡ mßirh ms<sn| Okd;aul
n,mEu YsIH ksÍlaIKfhka fukau Tjqkaf.a oDYH m%ldYk j,skao ±l.; yelsúh¡
uykqjr Èia;s%lalfha uykqjr fldÜgdYfha msysá uy úydruyfoaù nd,sld úoHd,h 1AB j¾.fha
mdi,ls¡ fuys NdId udOHh isxy, fou< yd bx.%Sis hk udOH ;=fkkau bf.kqï lghq;= isÿ
lrhs¡ isiqúhka 3000 muK fuu mdif,a bf.kqï lghq;= isÿlrhs¡
úydruydfoaù nd,sld úÿy, b;d iSñ; bvlvl msysgd we;s neúka bf.kqï / b.ekaùï lghq;=
mka;sldur j,gu iSud fõ¡ t<suyfka fyda mßirfha iqúfYaIS ia:dk ta i|yd fhdod .ekSug we;s bvlv
iSñ;h¡ fï ksid mßirh wdY%s; l%shdlrlï úIh jeks m%dfhda.sl úIhhla b.ekaùfï§ úfYAIfhkau m
%d:ñl mka;s i|yd m%dfhda.sl l%shdlrlï lsÍug ;rï m%udKj;a bvlvla fkdue;sùu .eg¿jls¡ tfukau
mßir úIh b.ekaùfï§ mßirh iu. taldnoaO fldg l%shdldÍ ie,eiaula hgf;a mdvï ie,iqï l<hq;= jqjo
úúO ndOl yuqfõ .=rejreka ta i|yd ue,slula olajhs¡ ta w;r mdif,a we;s bvlv b;d iSñ; neúka tu l
%shdldrlï i|yd iqÿiq mßirhlg isiqka fhduq lsÍfï§ we;sjk kS;suh .eg¿" iïm;a ysÕlu" lafIa;
%h ;=< we;s kS;suh m%Yak fuu ndOdjka f,i fláfhka ±laúh yelsh¡
tfia jqjo mßirh wdY%s; l%shdldrlï úIh ;=<ska isiqkaf.a kjH Ñka;kh Èß.kajñka ienE
Ôú;fha mßirh iu. lghq;= lsÍug mßirh Ôú;fha jeo.;a wx.hla f,i wdrlaId lsÍug;a ienE
Ôú;fha .eg¿ úYaf,aIKh lsÍug yd úi£ug orejka Èßu;a l< hq;=h¡ orejkaf.a ixl,am" idrO¾u iy
iajhx ±kqj;a úu" yeisÍï rgd jeä ÈhqKq lsÍug fuu mßirh úIh fndfyda jeo.;a fõ' mßirh wdYs%; l
%shdldrlï orejkaf.a ffoksl Ôú;fhka fjkal< fkdyelsh'
tl fY%A‚fha isiqkag mßirh wdY%s; l%shdldrlï úIh b.ekaùfï§ m%dfhda.sl kj Ys,am l
%u Ndú;d lsÍfuka Tjqkaf.a m%ùK;d uÜgu by< ±ñh yelsh'
isiqkaf.a mdßißl ±kqj;aNdjh jeäÈhqKq lsÍu'
isiqka mßirhg we;s ixfõ§;djh jeä ÈhqKq lsÍu'
iajdNdjO¾uh flf¾ ixfõokh f.dvke.Su' hk wruqKq fuu ld¾hauQ, m¾fhaIKfha wruqKq
m¾fhaIK l%ufõoh
1 fY%AKsfha orejka 34 fofkl= ksheÈh jYfhka f.k mßirh wdY%s; l%shdldrlï úIfha
f;audjka ;=kla fï i|yd f;dard.;a w;r tajd kï"
j;a;g tk i;a;=
jgmsgdfõ fjkia ;eka
c,h iu. fi,a,ï
újD; m%Yakj,ska w¾O jHqy.; iïuqL idlÉPd mj;ajkq ,nhs' ta u.ska iyNd.S jkakdg
wjfndaO jQ foa úia;r lsÍug bv i,ihs' (Merriam - 2014)
fuu l%shdldrlï i|yd mjqf,a idudðlhkaf.ao iyh ,nd .ekSug yels jq w;r" mjq,aj, idudðlhka
iu. i;s wka;fha meh 6 ne.ska i;s 3 la fhdod .kakd ,È' mjqf,a uj fndfyda fihska iïnkaëlrKh isÿ
lrk ,È' isiq iyNd.S;ajh by< uÜgul mej;=‚'
o;a; úYaf,aIKh
fuu ld¾huQ, m¾fhaIKfha§ o;a; úYaf,aIKh i|yd .=Kd;aul o;a; úYaf,aIKfha wka;¾.;
úYAf,aIK l%uh u.ska ksÍlaIKh úYaf,aIKh lrk ,È' wka;¾.; úYaf,aIKhg wkqj fla;lrKh uq,skau
isÿlrk ,È' fuu fla;lrKh yryd f;aud fj; <.d úh' fla;kh l< yels o;a;j, úúO lafIa;% i|yd ixfla;
fhdod .kakd ,È'
ta wkqj ud f;dard.;a f;audjg wod,j mßir pdßld u.ska f.j;a;g tk i;=ka ksÍlaIKh lsÍu
myiqfjka m%fõY úh yels ia:dk fõ' fuys§ fifuka bf.k .kakd isiqka fukau we;eï isiqka mßirfha
iq,nj isák i;=ka y÷kdf.k fkd;snQ w;r" tu i;=ka ienE f,i y÷kd .ekSug Tjqkag yels úh' bf.kqï l
%uhla f,i M,odhs l%uhla ienE jia;+ka iu. isiqkag wka;¾ in|;d meje;aùug wjia:djka ,nd §u'
iajdNdúl pdßld - mka;sfhka msg; isiqka f.k hk neúka isiqka jvd;a wdl¾IKh
lr .kakd ,È' Tjqka i;=áka ta i|yd iyNd.s úh' WoHdkhla keröu fuys§ fudjqkaf.a foudmshkao
iyNd.S jQ neúka .ia je,a u,a fukau mßirfha ±lsh yels úúO N+ ,laIK iys; ia:dk isiqkag y÷kajd
fok ,È'
fuu ia:dk i;=ka ms<sn|j isiqka úiska w¢k ,o is;=jï rEm mÍlaId lrk ,È' fuys§ l%shdldÍ
ie,eiaug fmr we¢ is;=jï yd l%shdldÍ ie,eiaug miqj we¢ is;=jï ixikaokh l< w;r" tysoS l%shdldÍ
ie,eiaug miq we¢ Ñ;%j, fi!kao¾hd;aul w.h by, nj meyeÈ,s úh' mßirh ms<sn| ±kqj;aNdjh u;
is;=jïj, fi!kao¾hd;aul nj by< ;,hlg meñK we;s nj meyeÈ,s úh' w¾O jHqy.; iïuqL idlÉPd
u.ska ,nd.;a o;a; yd ksÍlaI wdlD;s u.ska ,nd.kakd ,o o;a; úYaf,aIKfha§ mdßißl ±kqj;aNdjh iy
ixfõ§;djh jeä ÈhqKq ù we;s nj meyeÈ,s fõ' isiqkaf.a Ñ;% u.ska Tjqka l%shdldÍ ie,eiaug fmr
we`o we;s Ñ;% j,g jvd fi!kao¾hd;aul w.h jeä jq we;s w;ru Wkkakÿj yd wd;au úYajdih jeä ù
we;s nj meyeÈ,s fõ' nyq;r isiqka msßila mßirh ms<sn|j Okd;aul j¾Okhla fmkakqï lrk nj
meyeÈ,s fõ'
“ fidnd oyu keröfuka muKla isiqkag fndfyda úfkdaodiajdohla ,efí' fudlo fï keröu ;=<
bf.kSu isÿ fõ' iuyrúg Tn hï fohla .ek wjOdkh fhduqlr ke;sj we;s lsisjla krUkak tmd' kuq;a
Y+kH;djfha mjd ish,a, ;sfí ”
^ l%sIaK uQ¾;s 2012&
“ l=vd l< isgu ,ndfok mßir wOHdmkh miqj mßirh flf¾ Okd;aul wdl,am j¾Okh lsÍug isiqkag
bv ie,fia ”
( Davis 2009)
ks.uk yd fhdackd
l%shdldrlï mdolj mßirh iu`. ienE w;aoelSï ,eîu u.ska isiqkaf.a mdßißl oekqj;aNdjh jeä
oshqKq l< yelsh'
tfukau isiqka mßirh iu`. iïnkaO;d mj;ajñka iajhx wOHkhg fhduq lsÍu ksid Tjqka ;=<
ixfõoS;djhka jeä oshqKq ù we;¡
fi!kao¾hd;aul yelshd j¾Okhgo mßirh wdY%s; l%shdldrlï odhl ù we;¡ Tjqkaf.a wd;au
úYajdih jeä lsÍu i`oydo fuu w;aoelsï n,md we;¡
mßirh wdY%s; l%shdldrlï úIh b.ekaùfïoS mka;s ldurhg iSud fkdúh hq;=hs¡ tA i`oyd
isiqka iajNdúl mßirh iu`. iïnkaO lr ienE w;aoelsï ,nd oSug .=rejreka f,i wms l%shd;aul úh
fuu Ndysr mßirh iu`. iïnkaO lr bf.kqï wjia:d ixúOdkh lsÍfïoS .=rejrekag tA i`oyd fhduq
úh yels ir, mshjrla ilid oSug wOHdmk n,OdÍkaf.a wjOdkh fhduq úh hq;=hs¡
wdY%s; .%ka:
Davis J. (2009) Revealing the research hole of early childhood Education for
Creswell J.W. (2017) Arastirma Deseni
Cutter Mackenzie A. (2009) Multicultural School Gardens
Krishnamurti J. (2008) Egilim Uzerine (Cer Arslanlioglus) Ayna Yayinevi
Krishnamurti J. (2012) Dogare Sene Uzerine (3 Baski)
(N. Demirdovenve Demirdorenve) Ayna Yayinevi
Merriam (2014)