International Journal of Women's Dermatology: Pallavi Ailawadi, Isha Narang, Vijay K. Garg

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International Journal of Women's Dermatology 5 (2019) 92–95

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International Journal of Women's Dermatology

Case Report

An array of unusual clinical features in a woman with amlodipine-

induced linear immunoglobulin A disease
Pallavi Ailawadi, Isha Narang ⁎, Vijay K. Garg
Department of Dermatology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Linear immunoglobulin A disease (LAD) is a rare, autoimmune, vesicular-bullous disease that is either idi-
Received 10 August 2018 opathic or drug-induced, most commonly by vancomycin and in rare instances by amlodipine. In drug-
Received in revised form 11 November 2018 induced LAD, certain uncommon and atypical clinical features can occur. In our patient, a 49-year-old
Accepted 18 November 2018
woman with amlodipine-induced LAD, atypical features such as koebnerization and palmo-plantar in-
volvement occurred. She presented with tense, clear fluid-filled vesicles, bullae, and erosions all over her
body, especially on the palms and soles, with some lesions showing a string-of-pearls appearance. The le-
linear IgA disease sions were preceded by pruritus, and the patient had changed her anti-hypertensive medication from
drug-induced eruption telmisartan to telmisartan-amlodipine for previous 10 days. Skin biopsy and direct immunofluorescence
vesiculo-bullous disorders testing confirmed LAD. During the hospital stay, along with new crops of lesions, a few vesicles were pres-
ent along the lines where she had scratched and the band of tight elastic sleeves of the sterile gown she
wore, which is suggestive of koebnerization. Knowing the atypical manifestations of drug-induced LAD
may aid clinicians in determining an early diagnosis, and LAD should be an important consideration in
the differential diagnosis of vesiculobullous disease with palmar-plantar involvement. Amlodipine is a
commonly used anti-hypertensive drug, so knowledge of its potential to cause this disease is important.
Furthermore, knowing the potential for koebnerization, avoidance of trauma and the gentle handling of
these patients can lead to early recovery from this self-limiting disease.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Women's Dermatologic Society. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction Case synopsis

Linear immunoglobulin A (IgA) disease (LAD) is a rare autoim- A 49-year-old woman presented with complaints of multiple
mune, sub-epidermal vesicular-bullous disease. Patients may exhibit fluid-filled lesions for 5 to 6 days, which were preceded by mild pru-
widely scattered muco-cutaneous lesions or expanding annular ritus, and appeared first on the back and progressed to involve the
plaques arranged in a cluster-of-jewels pattern (Cauza et al., 2004). entire body over next 3 to 4 days. The patient had a history of intake
LAD is either spontaneous or drug-induced (Gottlieb et al., 2017). of telmisartan for hypertension for 1 year, and a recent change to
Among the drug-induced cases, vancomycin (VCM) has been the telmisartan-amlodipine for the previous 10 days. There was no
most frequently reported as the culprit drug (Whitworth et al., other drug intake or positive history.
1996), but amlodipine has also been identified in rare instances A physical examination revealed tense, clear, fluid-filled vesicles,
(Low et al., 2012). Drug-related LAD has been associated with rapid bullae, and erosions distributed over the face, trunk, buttocks, and bi-
onset, significantly more atypical and severe forms, with lateral upper and lower limbs. Similar lesions were also seen on the
koebnerization, palmoplantar involvement, positive Nikolskiy sign, palms and soles (Fig. 1). Multiple polycyclic lesions with central
and erosions that mimic toxic epidermal necrolysis (Chanal et al., crusting and a marginal rim of vesicles were observed, forming a clas-
2013). We present a case of a patient with rare and atypical clinical sic string-of-pearls appearance (Fig. 2). Similar lesions with marginal
features in drug-induced LAD. activity were also present on the vermillion border of the lips and the
periorbital region. These were present either on normal-looking or
erythematous skin. There was no mucosal involvement.
⁎ Corresponding author. During the hospital stay, the patient developed crops of new le-
E-mail address: [email protected]. (I. Narang). sions. Interestingly, few of these vesicles were present in a linear
2352-6475/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Women's Dermatologic Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
P. Ailawadi et al. / International Journal of Women's Dermatology 5 (2019) 92–95 93

Fig. 1. Typical lesions on the palms and sole.

pattern on the arms along lines of scratching, as well as along the Treatment with prednisolone was tapered and stopped in the follow-
band of tight elastic sleeves of the sterile gown worn by the patient, ing 2 months, but dapsone was continued for 6 months. Patient was
which was highly suggestive of koebnerization (Fig. 3). followed every 6 months for a year after stopping treatment with
A skin biopsy was performed, and the histopathology test results dapsone, and there was no recurrence of the condition.
of the lesion showed a typical subepidermal blister with predominant
neutrophillic infiltrate and few eosinophils, but perilesional direct Case discussion
immunofluorescence showed linear deposition of IgA at the base-
ment membrane zone. Thus, a diagnosis of LAD was made. Indirect Among the various drugs implicated, VCM is the most common.
immunofluorescence was not performed, because this was a Other drugs include captopril, penicillin, ceftriaxone, sulphonamides,
limited-resource, government-run setting, but could have helped furosemide, lithium, phenytoin, carbamazepine, glibenclamide, ator-
rule out a relatively rare entity, such as IgA epidermolysis bullosa vastatin, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Chanal et al.,
acquisita. All other investigations tested normal, and the infection 2013; Pastuszczak et al., 2012). The mechanism of drug-induced
and malignancy screening results were negative. LAD remains elusive, and two proteins (i.e., 97-kD and 285-kD) in
Due to the temporal correlation and absence of any other trigger, the basement membrane zone are potential antigens. Drugs may
the onset of LAD was attributed to the introduction of the new drug, elicit an autoimmune response by acting as haptens, complexing or
amlodipine. The medication was stopped immediately, and oral modifying proteins, and breaking self-tolerance to these antigens
prednisolone (1 mg/kg) with dapsone (100 mg/day) was started, (Fortuna et al., 2012; Paul et al., 1997).
which led to a rapid resolution of the lesions within a week. Also, In a study utilizing sera from a typical case of VCM-induced LAD,
the patient was advised to wear loose clothing and avoid scratching, co-incubation with VCM resulted in linear IgA deposition at the base-
after which no new bullae developed over the next 2 weeks. ment membrane zone by indirect immunofluorescence, which

Fig. 2. String-of-pearls appearance.

94 P. Ailawadi et al. / International Journal of Women's Dermatology 5 (2019) 92–95

Fig. 3. Koebnerization at the (A) initial stage and (B) after evolution.

indicates that COL7 is a target autoantigen in VCM-induced LAD, Drug-induced LAD is usually expected to rapidly resolve after
and VCM mediates IgA autoreactivity against COL7 (Yamagami withdrawal from the offending agent, but additional systemic ther-
et al., 2018). The lesions in drug-induced LAD can occur as rap- apy such as corticosteroid or other immunosuppressive drugs may
idly as within 24 hours to 780 days after initiation of medication be required. Furthermore, care should also be taken for gentle skin
(Fortuna et al., 2012). handling, loose clothing, or avoiding the use of tapes and adhesives,
In our patient, LAD occurred with amlodipine, and a rash ap- when possible, to avoid koebnerization.
peared 10 days after starting the drug. A similar pathomechanism The atypical features in our case can be substantiated by the
can also be attributed to amlodipine. Amlodipine is a very rare fact that in one series, in comparison with spontaneous LAD,
cause of such an eruption, and there has been only a single case report drug-induced LAD was characterized by a significantly more
of amlodipine-induced LAD in the literature where the rash began atypical and severe form (Chanal et al., 2013). This knowledge of
after 7 days (Low et al., 2012). Other amlodipine-induced presenta- atypical manifestations may aid clinicians with an early diagnosis
tions include bullous pemphigoid, erythematic multiforme, alopecia, and intervention when suspecting such disorders. Also,
peripheral edema, and angio-edema (Low et al., 2012). amlodipine is a commonly used hypertensive agent, and knowing
Irrespective of etiology, LAD has a predilection for the trunk, and its potential to cause this vesiculo-bullous disease is important.
only a few patients have presented with involvement of the Furthermore, the significance of koebnerization in drug-induced
palmar-plantar surfaces. These patients had either a generalized LAD implies that an avoidance of trauma and the gentle handling
eruption with prominent palmar-plantar or sole involvement of these patients can lead to an early recovery from this self-
(Cauza et al., 2004; Norris et al., 2015; Walsh et al., 2009). The major- limiting disease.
ity of these patients had drug-induced LAD, which substantiates the
observation that such atypical clinical features are common in this
Conflict of interest
subtype. Of note, LAD should be an important consideration in the
differential diagnosis of vesiculobullous disease with palmar-plantar
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
The Koebner phenomenon is the development of isomorphic
pathologic lesions in traumatized uninvolved skin (Kuner et al., Funding
2003). Our patient developed linear lesions at the sites of the tight
sleeves of the sterile gowns she wore, as well as along the lines of None.
where she scratched her arms. This has been seldom seen in LAD.
Document VCM-induced LAD cases show occurrences of Study Approval
koebnerization at sites of adhesive placement on the skin
(McDonald et al., 2010) and scar sites of cardiac surgery on the abdo- The authors confirm that any aspect of the work covered in this
men (Mori and Yamamoto, 2013), but metronidazole and hyoscine- manuscript that has involved human patients has been conducted
N-butylbromide-induced LAD had evidence of koebnerization as re- with the ethical approval of all relevant bodies.
ported in one case (Rashid Dar and Raza, 2008).
Our findings are consistent with those of previously reported References
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antibodies to the site (Rashid Dar and Raza, 2008). Moreover, rent data on drug-induced linearimmunoglobulin A bullous dermatosis: a real and
since our patient had palmoplantar involvement, the separate nosological entity? J Am Acad Dermatol 2012;66:988–94.
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