Surgery of Pelvic Bone Tumors PDF
Surgery of Pelvic Bone Tumors PDF
Surgery of Pelvic Bone Tumors PDF
of Pelvic Bone
Pietro Ruggieri
Andrea Angelini
Surgery of Pelvic Bone Tumors
Pietro Ruggieri • Andrea Angelini
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
vi Contents
1.1 Introduction other authors [7–11]. The main ones are the
T-incision, the question mark incision, the verti-
Surgical approaches to the pelvis in musculoskel- cal posterior extension to the vertebral midline,
etal oncology are employed primarily for tumor and the ilioinguinal approach extended to the
removal and, in recent years for pelvic recon- contralateral pubic ramus. These approaches
structions. Because of the constraints posed by require an appropriate preoperative planning and
pelvic anatomy and tumor volume, standard surgeon’ familiarity with the anatomic relation-
“traumatological” exposures are often inade- ships of pelvic region [12]. In some cases, a mul-
quate. Moreover, preoperative biopsy is fre- tidisciplinary approach with two different team
quently performed to reach the definitive for resection and reconstructive procedures could
diagnosis before surgical treatment and biopsy be useful under oncologic point of view.
tract must be included with the specimen to avoid
local tumor cell seeding [1]. This aspect under-
lines that also the trocar-needle biopsy should be 1.2 Preoperative Evaluation
performed by a surgeon with experience in pelvic
resection [2]. The surgical approach for pelvic 1.2.1 Relative Indications
resections was first described by Enneking in
1978 [3] to achieve the desired surgical objective: Several preoperative considerations must be con-
the utilitarian pelvic incision. This extended ilio- sidered before proceeding with internal/external
inguinal approach has been described and used hemipelvectomy. There are some precautions
for all the primary (benign and malignant) and that should be taken into account to avoid intra/
secondary tumors of the pelvic girdle. It can be postoperative complications.
exploited partially or completely depending on
the tumor malignancy and site as well as it can be 1. As is true for all areas of medicine, a complete
extended for wider pelvic resections [4–6]. Since history is crucial to estimate patient’s suitabil-
the initial description, various modifications have ity for surgery, estimation of comorbidities,
been proposed by Campanacci, Karakousis, and and definition of surgical-related risks. In par-
ticular, in oncologic patients, aspects resulting
A. Angelini · A. Crimì · E. Pala · P. Ruggieri (*) from prior surgery, biopsy tract, radiation
Department of Orthopedics and Orthopedic therapy, history of infection may significantly
Oncology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy influence the choice of surgical procedure and
e-mail: [email protected]; approach. Moreover, depending on the size
[email protected]
and site of the tumor, all pertinent imaging 6. In addiction to optimization of the patient’s
and pathologic studies should be completed cardiopulmonary and general medical health
before the final decision to proceed is made. before such massive surgical procedures are
2. We strongly suggest the use of rectal probe undertaken, the strict collaboration with anes-
placed into the rectum and fixed to the peri- thesiologist to alleviate the burden of local dis-
neal region. Not only does it allow the surgeon ease certainly plays a significant role. As a
ability to demarcate the rectum during sur- large amount of blood loss is sometimes
gery, but also it reduces the risk of wound con- encountered in limb salvage procedures for
tamination by fecal material in the immediate pelvic tumors, it is essential to identify risk
postoperative management. factors predicting the possibility of extensive
3. Localizing the ureters during a surgical proce- hemorrhage. The differences in patients’ gen-
dure can be a challenging task in patients eral condition, blood clotting ability, surgical
undergoing pelvic resection. The ureter lies in team experience as well as speed and volume
the interval between the peritoneum and the of blood transfusion may influence brisk hem-
psoas fascia and may be displaced by large orrhage. Tang et al. focused a study on this
tumors extending medially into the pelvis. A topic, finding that acetabulum or sacrum
prophylactic Double-J ureteral stent placement involvement, a tumor volume greater than
few days before surgery may reduce the chance 400 cm‑ and an anticipated operation time of
of injury to the ureter or increase the chance more than 200 min are likely to have a large
that an injury will be recognized immediately amount of blood loss [19]. We usually suggest
[4, 9, 13, 14]. Moreover, a Foley catheter large amounts of transfused blood and plate-
should always be inserted into the bladder. lets should be prepared in such cases.
4. A general anesthetic is usually administered. Moreover, anesthesiologist should be intraop-
An arterial catheter is inserted for continuous eratively updated on the current blood loss to
hemodynamic monitoring, and a central avoid chasing progressively low hemoglobin
venous catheter is advisable. One or more levels. We usually avoid the use of the Esmarch
large-bore peripheral venous catheters are bandage in patients with oncologic disease,
secured in place. even in case of external hemipelvectomy.
5. Infectious complications following major sur-
gical procedures are a significant source of
morbidity and potential mortality [15–18]. 1.2.2 Patient Positioning
Antibiotic prophylaxis is intended for elective
procedures in which the incision will be Patient positioning and surgical incision depend
closed in the operating room. Numerous pro- on the portion of the pelvis and soft tissue to be
tocols have been designed for pelvic surgery, resected, surgeon taste, and experience. All these
but usually must be adapted to specific resis- positions have pros and cons. The patient can be
tance patterns of each hospital environment positioned in supine position (with a bumper on
[18]. Prophylactic antibiotics should be the contralateral side), so when required the table
administered shortly before or at bacterial can be tilted. A sandbag beneath the lower tho-
inoculation. This should be done 15–60 min racic spine of the affected site is useful to roll the
before skin incision. The majority of studies patient approximately 45° anteriorly during pos-
suggest that a single dose is effective but that terior dissection. In this anterior “floppy-lateral”
for lengthy procedures (>3 h) the dose should position, the skin should be prepared from the
be repeated at intervals one or two times the great toe on the involved site to the level of the
half-life of the drug. It has also been suggested xiphoid proximally (including the entire abdo-
that with large blood loss (>1500 mL), a sec- men above the pubic symphysis), and beyond the
ond dose should be given. midline posteriorly.
1 Surgical Approaches in Pelvic Bone Tumors 3
Lateral decubitus position allows simultane- femur. The starting point is the posterior inferior
ous unilateral ventral and dorsal exposure of the iliac spine, the incision then follows the iliac
hemipelvis, with the abdominal organs shifting crest reaching the anterior superior iliac spine
downward far from the deep surgical plan. The (Fig. 1.1a). At this point, it divides in two
patient is placed with the affected side up and the branches (Fig. 1.1b): the first branch of the inci-
contralateral iliac crest centered over the point of sion extends along the inguinal ligament ending
flexion of the operating room table. Obviously, at the symphysis pubis, the second branch extends
all bony prominences should be protected as well caudally with a gentle curve on the anterior
as the contralateral axilla and upper extremities. aspect of the thigh for 5–7.6 cm and then bends
Combined approaches may be performed laterally crossing the femoral shaft just below the
simultaneously or staged as separate proce- greater trochanter following the posterior aspect
dures depending on tumor site, type of recon- of the femur and the insertion of the gluteus max-
struction, and patient’s comorbidities. When a imus muscle. In the modified T-shaped approach,
custom-made prosthesis with spinal fixation is the surgical incision is much more laterally in the
considered for pelvic reconstruction, a consec- turning point compared to the utilitarian incision;
utive procedure which would allow a change in the distal branch runs straight on the lateral aspect
the patient’s position under the same anesthesia of the thigh and does not turn posteriorly like in
is possible. In this case, we prefer a first surgi- the Enneking approach. It was described for the
cal time in prone position before the second first time by Karakousis in 1989 [20].
surgical time in supine (with the possibility of Some adjustments are necessary based on the
tilting the patient 45°) or lateral position. size and position of the tumor: in periacetabular
Regardless of the variation chosen, a third sur- resections the incision is extended on the lateral
gical time for complete spinopelvic fixation thigh, in posterior resections the posterior part of
could be required. the incision can be extended to the spine (with an
added vertical incision), in anterior resection
(pubic rami resections), the ilioinguinal incision
1.3 Utilitarian Pelvic Incision can be extended to the contralateral side or down-
ward facilitating the femoral vessels identifica-
The utilitarian incision provides access to the tion [9, 13, 14, 20, 21].
inner and outer aspects of the innominate bone, The preoperative planning of the resection and
the lower part of the abdomen, and the proximal a correct biopsy technique are pivotal in order to
a b
Fig. 1.1 Utilitarian pelvic incision. (a) The landmarks rior superior iliac spine. (b) Then it divides in two
are the great trochanter (arrow head), anterior superior branches: the first branch extends along the inguinal liga-
iliac spine (white arrow), and symphysis pubic. The start- ment ending at the symphysis pubis (n. 1) and the second
ing point is the posterior inferior iliac spine (white star) branch extends caudally on the anterior aspect of the thigh
and the incision follows the iliac crest reaching the ante- and then laterally just below the greater trochanter (n. 2)
4 A. Angelini et al.
avoid the jeopardizing effect on the soft tissue neurosis, internal oblique, and transversus
survival and reconstruction. The biopsy has to be abdominis muscles. The anterior osteotomy is
performed along the utilitarian pelvic incision performed through the greater sciatic notch or
because the excision of the biopsy tract to avoid just over the acetabulum (preserving the hip
seeding of the tumor cells can bring to an exten- joint), under direct visualization to prevent inju-
sive soft tissue damage [14]. ries to the superior gluteal nerve and vessels. The
posterior osteotomy is through or near the sacro-
iliac joint using an osteotome directed from pos-
1.4 I ndications Related to Types terior to anterior, with a protection of lumbosacral
of Pelvic Resections trunk and sacral roots. The exposure can be
implemented by the release of the iliolumbar
Pelvic resections are classified according to the ligament at the posterior part of the iliac crest.
Musculoskeletal Tumor Society into four types: The L5 nerve root should be visualized and pre-
(1) Type I—iliac resection, (2) Type II—periace- served because it runs inferior and medial to the
tabular resection, (3) Type III—obturator resec- ligament [9, 13, 14, 20, 21].
tion, (4) Type IV—resections involving sacrum
[13]. Resections combining different portions
can be classified and represented with the rela- 1.4.2 Type II Resection
tive roman numbers, such a resection involving
iliac and acetabular areas is called Type I/II If the tumor involves the acetabulum (a tumor
resection. When all the three parts of the innomi- arising from the acetabulum itself or from the
nate bone are resected preserving the limb, the proximal femur and involving the hip joint in the
procedure is called internal hemipelvectomy acetabular component), a periacetabular Type II
(Type I/II/III) [22]. resection is indicated. In contrast to the iliac
If the resection includes the proximal femur it resection, the internal hemipelvectomy could be
is defined a Type H resection, divided in: Type performed if an adequate wide resection proce-
H1—resection involving the femoral head, Type dure could be performed sparing the major nerves
H2—resection involving the trochanteric area, and preserving a functional limb [3, 21]. The lat-
Type H3—resection involving the subtrochan- eral arm of the incision to the thigh is developed
teric area [13, 21]. through the skin and the subcutaneous tissue,
When resection includes the sacrum, the releasing the tensor fascia lata, sartorius muscle,
subclassification is categorized in four types: and the straight head of the rectus femoris from
Type 1—resection involving a total sacrectomy, their insertions on the iliac crest and anterosupe-
Type 2—resection involving a emisacrectomy, rior iliac spine, respectively. The anterior osteot-
Type 3—resection involving a partial sacrec- omy is performed through the anterior column of
tomy associated with an external hemipelvec- the acetabulum, the base of the superior pubic
tomy, Type 4—resection involving a total ramus. The posterior osteotomy is in the poste-
sacrectomy associated with an external hemi- rior acetabular column or in the ischium. The
pelvectomy [4, 20]. superior osteotomy is through the greater sciatic
notch. If the posterior column is involved, some
authors suggest en-bloc removal of the acetabu-
1.4.1 Type I Resection lum and ischium [9, 20].
case where the utilitarian incision should be technique, patients’ survival and tumor control
extended to the contralateral pubic ramus. can be achieved with a total sacrectomy [24–27].
Another osteotomy should be performed just If the tumor invades S1, lumbar spine, and pelvis,
medial to the acetabulum, avoiding the hip dislo- the proposed surgical approach is a combined
cation [21]. In this kind of resection, due to their staged posterior and anterior approach. The com-
proximity to the pelvic sidewall, obturator artery, bined approach finds indication in tumors with
vein, and nerve are usually sacrificed with part of high vascularization, primary sacral tumors
the obturator internus muscle [13, 20, 21]. In involving S1 or invading the lumbosacral junc-
order to avoid hernias of the peritoneum, a care- tion [9, 38].
ful reconstruction of the inguinal floor is required
all along the excised part of the pubic ramus.
After the excision of the bony part, femoral ves- 1.5 Deep Surgical Dissection
sels and spermatic cord should be repositioned
deep to the abdominal wall reconstruction [23]. A large flap of the gluteus maximus is reflected
posteriorly in order to give exposure to the greater
and lesser sciatic notches, the ischium, and the
1.4.4 T
ype IV Resections proximal third of the femur. The flap is based on
and Sacrectomies a line that extends from the most medial portion
of the posterior part of the iliac wing to the pos-
Type IV resections involve the sacrum. terolateral aspect of the thigh [3]. The sciatic
Sacrectomy can be partial or total, combined usu- nerve is close to the pelvis at the sciatic notch; it
ally with iliac resections and lower lumbar spine is usually not infiltrated and can be isolated and
resections [4, 21, 24, 25]. The S2 level is pivotal easily separated from the tumor. Iliac muscle,
to define the outcome and surgical approaches to gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus muscles are
obtain a resection with wide margins. A tumor usually excised in order to obtain wide margins
extending below the S2 level can be treated with and good coverage of the pelvic tumor (more glu-
a partial sacrectomy (transverse, sagittal, com- teus medius is not excised more abductor func-
bined) without spino-pelvic reconstruction, with tion will be preserved). The superior gluteal
good expected neurologic results related to blad- artery and vein are sacrificed because the gluteus
der and bowel function [24–27]. Moreover, a medius and gluteus minimus are resected with
posterior-only approach could be used in selected the tumor.
cases [28]. If the sacroiliac joint is not involved In the anterior branch of the approach
by a sacral tumor (lateral sacral tumor), a sagittal (Fig. 1.2a), the inguinal ligament has to be
partial sacrectomy is indicated, whereas in case detached from the anterior superior iliac spine
of sacroiliac joint involvement a partial sacrec- and, as well as in ilioinguinal approach, the apo-
tomy and resection of the posterior part of the neurosis of the external oblique muscle has to be
ileum (type I, IV resection) should be considered incised from the superficial inguinal ring to the
[29]. Sacral midline tumors not involving the sac- anterior superior iliac spine (Fig. 1.2b). Spermatic
roiliac joint are treated with a transverse sacrec- cord in male or the round ligament in female
tomy [30, 31]. A total sacrectomy is indicated patients should be protected and retracted medi-
when an aggressive lesion involves the proximal ally, then the section of the posterior wall of the
sacrum with anterior extension (rarely tumor can ilioinguinal canal (fibers of internal oblique and
penetrate the anterior pelvic fascia extending to transverse abdominis muscles) is performed
the rectum and other pelvic organs) [32–36]. In under tension. The femoral bundle should be
this case, sacral roots are necessarily sacrificed to identified between the pubic tubercle and iliac
obtain wide surgical margins and local tumor crest, just anterior to the superior pubic ramus
control [24, 37]. Despite major complications (Fig. 1.2c). Inferior epigastric artery and vein
and implicit neurological deficits of this resection should be ligated. The multidisciplinary team
6 A. Angelini et al.
should include the plastic surgeon considering surgery in the ureter facilitates its identification as
that, if ipsilateral vertical abdominis musculocu- it crosses the common iliac artery, it must be iden-
taneous flap should be used, the deep inferior epi- tified and should be retracted medially. The poste-
gastric artery should be preserved and protected. rior part of the sacroiliac joint should be visualized;
The important structures in the area should be the L5 nerve roots come out just below the L5 ver-
identified and protected: the spermatic cord tebra’s transverse process, where the iliolumbar
(while round ligament in women can be sacri- ligament attaches to the posterior ilium. In pelvic
ficed), the femoral vessels (section of the iliopec- resection type 4, a posterior approach is usually
tineal fascia in order to mobilize the vascular needed for vertebral instrumentation.
bundle), and iliopsoas muscle with the femoral Once the bone cuts have been completed, the
nerve that lies deep inside the muscle [13, 14, 20, pelvis will open, but the sacrospinal and sacropu-
39]. A large vessel loop is placed around the bic ligaments must be resected to release the hemi-
common iliac vessels to assist with their mobili- pelvis and make it loose still [13, 14, 20, 39]. The
zation (Fig. 1.2d). Arising from the medial and specimen should be compared with preoperative
lateral aspects of the common femoral artery are resection planes and margins macroscopically
the external pudendal and superficial circumflex evaluated (Fig. 1.2f). After that, the reconstructive
iliac arteries that could be ligated to allow mobi- phase can be carried out (Fig. 1.2g–j).
lization of the femoral vessels. Protection of the The “reverse question mark” approach is char-
bladder is required, if pubis ramus osteotomy has acterized by the absence of the anterior branch of
to be performed. The pubic symphysis is exposed the utilitarian pelvic incision (Fig. 1.3a) and could
by detaching the anterior rectus abdominis and be used when pubic osteotomy is planned close to
pyramidalis muscles from their insertion onto the the acetabulum. The deep surgical dissection
ipsilateral pubic crest (Fig. 1.2e). The urethra that includes the same previously described steps start-
lies just inferior to the pubic symphysis and sepa- ing from neurovascular identification (Fig. 1.3b).
rated only by the arcuate ligament, should be pro- One of the advantages of the supine position is the
tected during osteotomy. These structures are intra- and inter-observer reproducibility of radio-
better identified with a Foley catheter inserted. In graphic measurements, especially when a custom-
the following step, the help of a general surgeon made resection (Fig. 1.3c) and prosthetic
is needed at this time to gentle separate the reconstruction are planned (Fig. 1.3d, e).
abdominal organs from the pelvic tumor assess-
ing that wide margins are granted.
In the posterior pelvis after anterior part of the 1.6 Pelvic and Soft Tissue
sacroiliac joint is identified and going further Reconstruction
medially, common iliac vessels should be identi-
fied and followed into the pelvis (the same for the At today, there are few instances in which a staged
inferior vena cava in a right internal hemipelvec- approach may be preferable. In most of the cases,
tomy). A Double-J ureteral stent inserted before a consecutive procedure allows the possibility of
Fig. 1.2 Young patient (12 years-old) with Ewing’s sar- been positioned on the exposed iliac bone and pubic sym-
coma of the left hemipelvis. (a) The skin incision was first physis to perform correct osteotomies. (f) The model of the
drawn follows the utilitarian approach in supine position. tumor and the specimen is shown to emphasize the similar-
(b) The inguinal ligament is incised from the anterior ity between resection plan and actual margins. (g) After
superior iliac spine (white arrow), as well as the aponeuro- tumor removal, it is possible to evaluate bone defect, oste-
sis of the external oblique muscle. (c) The femoral bundle otomy surface of the iliac bone (dashed line), and neuro-
has been identified (asterisk) and (d) protected with a large vascular bundle (asterisk). (h) In this case, reconstruction
vessel loop. The tensor fascia lata, sartorius muscle, and has been performed with an iliofemoral coarctation stabi-
the straight head of the rectus femoris have been released lized with a mesh tube (Trevira; Implantcast, Buxtehude,
from their insertions on the iliac crest and anterosuperior Germany). (i) Soft tissue reconstruction and (j) reinforce-
iliac spine, respectively (black arrow). (e) A cutting jig has ment of the abdominal wall with fascia lata graft
1 Surgical Approaches in Pelvic Bone Tumors 7
a b
c d
e f
8 A. Angelini et al.
g gh b
i j
Fig. 1.2 (continued)
an immediate reconstruction, with a better reat- Different flap techniques are in use and are
tachment of the soft tissue. In wide pelvic resec- available considering the extension and the soft
tions (mainly in combined type including a type tissue damage during tumor excision [51, 52].
II), the reconstruction of soft tissue defect and Preoperative CT with contrast study is always
adequate implant coverage is crucial [40, 41]. mandatory to properly plan the flap.
Modular prostheses, custom-made 3D-printing
prostheses, massive allografts, and other tech-
niques are used for these challenging reconstruc- 1.6.1 Rectus Abdominis
tions [42–50] and infection remains the main Musculocutaneous Flap
complication [15–18]. In literature, it is widely
reported that good soft tissue coverage of the pros- Local flaps (advancement, rotation, propeller,
thesis is considered one of the most relevant fac- and transposition flaps) are mainly based on a
tors associated with implant survival [16, 18, 46]. perforator as a pedicle. The rectus abdominis
The intersection point of the cutaneous inci- musculocutaneous (RAM) flap could be used as a
sions is at risk of delayed healing and wound muscular or a musculocutaneous flap, and could
necrosis (with finally high risk of periprosthetic), be realized with a transverse RAM (TRAM) or a
significantly higher if the soft tissue reconstruc- vertical RAM (VRAM) based on the orientation
tion of the deep tissues is not adequate. Enneking of the skin paddle, to fill small defects with
suggested, if there was not enough tissue to close exposed vital structures. The VRAM flap is a
the wound primarily, to cover important struc- solution in periacetabular and sacral reconstruc-
tures with flaps of omentum, it dressed with pig- tions [41, 53–57]. In some cases, if there is a
skin and then by skin grafts [3]. large fascial defect, it can be associated with a
1 Surgical Approaches in Pelvic Bone Tumors 9
a b
c d
e f
Fig. 1.3 Adult patient (52 years-old male) with an osteo- shows the classic use of C-arm fluoroscopy in intraopera-
sarcoma of the left hemipelvis. (a) The “reverse question tive orthopedic procedures. (e) Image intensification is
mark” approach has been drawn on the skin. The classic very useful in the evaluation of bone resection and recon-
anterior branch of the utilitarian pelvic incision is dashed structive aspects, and it allows greater flexibility with
medially to the pubic symphysis. (b) Identification of the standard radiographic projections. (f) Definitive custom-
femoral bundle. (c) The iliac wing should be accurately made 3D printed prosthesis implanted before soft tissue
prepared to fit with the cutting guide jig. (d) The picture reconstruction
synthetic mesh or an acellular dermal matrix. extending from the pubic symphysis to just above
These solutions can be used to repair anterior the umbilicus is performed. The rectus abdominis
defects of the donor site, posterior defects or muscle is then dissected maintaining intact the
both. The patient is positioned supine, the rectus anterior portion of the sheath to avoid damaging
abdominis muscle is palpated and outlined with a the vascular perforators (Fig. 1.4b). The har-
marker, and the flap is designed around the vested rectus flap could be rotated on its pedicle
needed skin island (Fig. 1.4a). A midline incision (Fig. 1.4c, d) and tunneled via an intraperitoneal
10 A. Angelini et al.
a b
c d
e f
Fig. 1.4 Adult patient (54 years-old) with sacral chor- cular perforators. (c, d) The harvested rectus flap can be
doma. (a) Patient in supine position. The skin island is rotated on its pedicle and temporarily placed intraperito-
drawn based on the shape of the rectus abdominis muscle neally. (e, f) During the anterior approach for proximal
and the planned plastic reconstruction. (b) The rectus sacral resection, an omental-pedicled flap based on the
abdominis muscle is then dissected maintaining intact the right gastroepiploic artery is fashioned and used to fill the
anterior portion of the sheath to avoid damaging the vas- dead space
route into the pelvis or via an extrapelvic subcu- are fascio-cutaneous flaps usually considered for
taneous route to support wound closure [56, 57]. partial sacral or total sacrectomies [58]. They
may eventually include the underneath muscle,
even if this myocutaneous technique should be
1.6.2 Other Flaps generally avoided because it can lead to severe
walking impairment. The use of a pedicled
Superior gluteal artery perforator (SGAP) or omental flap has been described as a tool of
inferior gluteal artery perforator (IGAP) flaps decreasing wound complications reducing the
1 Surgical Approaches in Pelvic Bone Tumors 11
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The History of Pelvic Tumor
Surgery 2
Peter S. Rose and Franklin H. Sim
beyond mortality [6, 8]. Initially, operative mor- free, a decade or more after surgery. This work
tality remained prohibitively high during the first remains one of the first and clearest tabulation of
half of the twentieth century. Gordon-Taylor the principles of bone sarcoma resection and the
reported operative mortality in 31 of 55 patients greater than tenfold increase in survival seen with
(56%) treated with hemipelvectomy for sarcoma proper treatment.
or tuberculosis in 1934 and described the proce- Similar results accrued in other bone sarco-
dure as “one of the most colossal mutilations mas and in soft tissue sarcomas to define the
practiced on the human frame” [5, 9]. This opera- strong importance of proper biopsy and en bloc
tive mortality decreased to 22% in a later report resection techniques in the treatment of sarcomas
as their team gained experience [10]. The [12, 13]. Enneking, a pioneering pelvic sarcoma
decrease is likely due to a combination of team surgeon who helped usher in the modern era of
experience and improved perioperative care. treatment, tabulated and popularized these prin-
ciples to guide sarcoma surgery in general [14].
The accumulating experience which helped to
2.3 Advances in Disease define disease processes and these principles and
Understanding the dissemination of them to surgeons helped
propel the role of surgery as a part of curative
The mid-twentieth century brought significant treatment protocols for pelvic neoplasms.
advances in the scientific understanding of sarco-
matous disease processes and the treatment of
tuberculosis (an early indication for major pelvic 2.4 Imaging Advances
resection). This included the establishment of
sarcoma diagnostic categories and a tabulation of The imaging of pelvic sarcomas remains com-
the natural history of conditions. For example, plex today, even with the variety of advanced
Dahlin and Henderson enumerated the basic imaging modalities available. The first pelvic
treatment principles of chondrosarcoma in 1956 tumor surgeries were based on plain film radio-
which remain true for the treatment of pelvic graphs, physical examination, and surgical explo-
chondrosarcomas to this day [11]: ration. Later surgeons used plain film tomograms
to better image the bone in combination with
1. An adequate biopsy specimen for diagnosis catheter angiograms and barium enemas to infer
should be obtained. soft tissue extension [15]. Bone scans were incor-
2. The definitive operation that is carried out is porated as well but lacked spatial resolution.
performed in such a manner that the biopsy The lack of imaging frequently lead to poorly
wound will be excluded from the incision and placed biopsies, inadequate margins, and poor
will be removed with the specimen or limb, or outcomes. Enneking’s large series published in
both, without being opened again. 1978 (patients operated between 1957 and 1977)
3. The tumor itself should be completely excised revealed that one-third of patients treated with
with a zone of surrounding tissue so that the pelvic resections had oncologically inadequate
surgeon does not break into or see the tumor at surgeries for these reasons [16]. Tumor recur-
any time. rence was seen in 100% of patients with inade-
quate surgeries. The certain morbidity of these
Dahlin and Henderson documented the diffi- procedures and far from certain surgical out-
cult and morbid course of tumor recurrence as comes naturally tempered the enthusiasm of phy-
justification for aggressive initial treatment. They sicians and patients alike in selecting aggressive
noted that only 3.4% of patients with inadequate management of pelvic sarcomas.
surgical treatment survived or remained disease- The advent of computed tomography in the
free at 10 years, while 41% of patients treated 1970s significantly improved the ability to image
according to these principles remained disease- patients with pelvic tumors [17, 18]. CT imaging
2 The History of Pelvic Tumor Surgery 17
provided surgeons with two primary benefits. term disease-free survival was rarely achieved in
First, it allowed much improved anatomic defini- these patients.
tion of the extent of pelvic sarcomas to define The advent of doxorubicin-based chemother-
their osseous and soft tissue extension as well as apy immediately and dramatically improved the
visceral relationships. Second, CT scans of the survival of patients with osteosarcoma [22].
chest provided improved sensitivity to detect pul- These advances provided a meaningful potential
monary metastases compared to chest radio- for survival for patients with high-grade axial
graphs or lung tomograms. This second benefit sarcomas and opened the door to consideration of
allowed teams to more reliably exclude from sur- aggressive surgical treatment for what had gener-
gery patients with established metastatic disease. ally been considered a fatal disease. Parallel
CT became widely available at regional tumor advances were made in the treatment of Ewing’s
centers in the early 1980s. In a similar fashion, sarcoma during this era as well [23].
magnetic resonance imaging provided additional Simultaneous advances were made in the
anatomic discrimination of tumor extent and understanding of the use of radiotherapy for pel-
became widely available by 1990 [19]. In the vic Ewing’s sarcoma [24]. Because of the uncer-
recent two decades, positron emission tomogra- tainties of imaging, margin, and prognosis, the
phy has similarly increased the ability of physi- majority of patients with Ewing’s sarcoma of the
cians to properly stage sarcoma patients [20]. pelvis were treated with radiation therapy for
These imaging advances improved the ability local control. Greater enthusiasm grew for surgi-
of surgeons to assess patients for resectability, cal management of pelvic Ewing’s tumors (with
decrease inadvertent positive margins, and to or without radiation) in the 1980s and 1990s with
avoid morbid surgery on patients with metastatic improved imaging, although this remains a con-
disease. The current imaging of pelvic sarcomas troversial aspect of pelvic sarcoma treatment [25,
is center-specific but typically combines CT and 26].
MR imaging of the local disease with CT of the
chest and bone scan (or potentially PET) for
staging. 2.6 Application to Visceral
m 1980s to provide curative treatment for 2.8 urrent Practice in Pelvic
select patients [28, 29]. While initially limited to Tumor Surgery
patients with modest osseous involvement,
expanding experience showed that reasonable Modern imaging now allows reliable determina-
oncologic results and survival could be obtained tion of tumor extent and the overt metastatic sta-
even with extensive resections [30]. At present, tus of patients presenting with pelvic
extended pelvic exenterations (en bloc resection malignancies. As well, current practice provides
of the visceral malignancy and associated muscu- for limb sparing resections in the majority of
loskeletal structures) are now offered at select patients. The common nomenclature for amputa-
cancer centers with reasonable patient morbidity tive resections is either “external hemipelvec-
and oncologic outcome. As is seen in virtually all tomy” or “hindquarter amputation.” Limb sparing
pelvic tumors, margin status is a key determinant resections are termed “internal hemipelvecto-
of outcome, highlighting the role of aggressive mies” and classified as outlined by Enneking and
resections in curative intent procedures. Dunham as to involvement of the iliac bone, ace-
tabulum, or pubic region [16]. Clinical outcome
assessment is still most commonly performed
2.7 Collaboration using the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society rating
and Examination of Results scale [31], although more generalizable patient
reported outcomes are becoming more common.
A key aspect of surgical and scientific advance- Time and institutional practice patterns have
ment is the collaborative sharing and criti- seen different approaches and shifts in the man-
cal examination of results. In parallel with the agement of pelvic sarcoma patients. The initial
development of the field of pelvic sarcoma management of these patients focused on tumor
surgery, several professional organizations removal alone; reconstruction was rarely used
formed to improve progress and better evaluate and difficult with the techniques available [7].
the outcomes of patients with musculoskeletal Recent reports have demonstrated the enduring
malignancies. Notable organizations in this field value of this technique, and it remains a viable
include: surgical option in contemporary practice [32].
However, other centers have demonstrated
• The Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS, improved functional results with restoration of
est. 1977) femorosacral continuity (anatomic reconstruc-
• The International Society of Limb Salvage tion or substitution) following limb sparing
(ISOLS, est. 1981) resection in the pelvis [33]; this is most difficult
• The European Musculoskeletal Oncology in resections which remove the acetabulum.
Society (EMSOS, est. 1987) A number of different approaches have (and
• The Connective Tissue Oncology Society continue) to be used in these patients. While
(CTOS, est. 1995) cemented and reinforced conventional arthro-
plasty constructs have been reported (commonly
These multidisciplinary professional organi- referred to as the Harrington technique), they are
zations have (and continue) to actively advance most commonly used after surgery for periace-
the practice and understanding of pelvic tumor tabular metastases which typically remove less
surgery. A prime example of this is the evaluation bone than a primary tumor excision with onco-
system for the systematic evaluation of patient logic margins [34]. Iliofemoral arthrodesis was
outcomes initiated at the inception of ISOLS in initially performed for these patients but remained
the 1981 meeting. This culminated in the stan- technically challenging with pseudarthroses and
dard MSTS outcome instrument for evaluating modest functional outcomes [35].
the results of musculoskeletal tumor surgery [31] Early anatomic reconstruction experience uti-
which remains in use to this day. lized massive pelvic allografts or processed
2 The History of Pelvic Tumor Surgery 19
autograft for reconstruction [36]. These recon- closed without the benefit of an amputation
structions were technically demanding and suf- flap. With increasing experience with free flap
fered high complication rates. The saddle coverage and the use of omentum for closure,
prosthesis, an adaptation of an implant for mas- this scenario is becoming less common.
sive bone loss after failed or infected hip arthro- 3. For salvage of patients who experience tumor
plasty, was utilized in tumor resections in an recurrence following internal hemipelvectomy.
attempt to provide a reconstructive option utiliz-
ing a modular endoprosthesis [37]. However, While many teams have been pessimistic
greater experience and follow-up have high- about patient function following external hemi-
lighted the limitations of this method, and its use pelvectomy, modern prosthetic management can
in current practice is rare [38]. allow single hand-free ambulation for many indi-
Modern techniques of periacetabular recon- viduals [45].
struction include modular endoprostheses, cus-
tom prostheses, and porous tantalum implants
[39, 40]. Each of these techniques has relative 2.9 Contemporary Issues
advantages and disadvantages based on resection in Pelvic Tumor Surgery
and remaining bone stock as well as center expe-
rience and preferences. The use of intraoperative Despite the large number of advances made since
navigation or preprinted custom cutting guides the first reported attempt at hemipelvectomy in
allows precise resections to be made to match 1890, a number of areas of pelvic tumor surgery
prefabricated implants. remain unresolved. The need for (and if per-
Not all pelvic resections are commonly consid- formed method of) bony reconstruction after
ered for reconstruction. While reconstructions have major pelvic bone resection remains unclear.
been reported following pubic resections [41], most Reconstruction appears to offer better function at
centers provide soft tissue reconstructions only for the price of higher complications, but selection
these resections. Controversy exists as to whether and center treatment bias clearly influence these
resections of the supra-acetabular ilium require results. True long-term follow-up studies of
reconstruction or not. Some centers advocate for no patients are rare and show an expected decline in
reconstruction to minimize complications and allow function in long-term survivors of their malig-
medialization of the hip center to decrease nancies [46].
Trendelenberg gait (at the expense of leg length dis- The uncertainties of the role and method of
crepancy) [42]. Other centers have shown good reconstruction are magnified in pediatric patients
results with reconstruction of these defects [43]. in whom little published literature exists to guide
Despite advances on many fronts, there surgeons [47]. Most children undergoing major
remains a role for external hemipelvectomy/ pelvic surgery have consideration of reconstruc-
hindquarter amputation in current clinical prac- tion for iliac defects. If the acetabulum is resected,
tice [44]. Patients are currently considered for consideration for reconstruction is given in older
hemipelvectomy in three primary scenarios: adolescents; young patients are generally treated
with resection arthroplasty. While not strictly
1. En bloc resection of a tumor would leave a tabulated, the authors’ clinical experience of this
limb with such little function as to make in young patients is generally favorable.
amputation preferable. This primarily occurs The role of amputation or limb salvage
when tumor extent would require removal of remains controversial. The criteria outlined above
two or three of the critical elements of limb represent the classic criteria for hindquarter
function (the sciatic nerve, the femoral neuro- amputation, but some centers strive to avoid the
vascular bundle, and the acetabulum). morbidity of this by offering limb salvage to
2. Patients in whom resection will result in a soft “borderline” cases. It is not clear which path pro-
tissue defect so large that the wound cannot be vides better functional and oncologic outcomes.
20 P. S. Rose and F. H. Sim
Because of the morbidity of surgical resec- anatomic location in the staging of bone sarco-
tion, many centers try to employ radiotherapy mas (with specific criteria for pelvic tumors) in
when possible. This is most common in patients an attempt to better predict the clinical outcome
with Ewing’s sarcoma in whom local control of these difficult cases [54]. Accumulating data
may be achieved with surgery, radiotherapy, or will hopefully demonstrate whether this change
both. The combination of surgery and radiother- has value in clinical care.
apy appears to decrease the risk of local failure
[48]. Some studies have suggested improved sur-
vival with surgical treatment [25, 26, 49]. 2.10 Conclusions
However, others have not shown a clear benefit
[50]. No studies randomize patients between The field of pelvic tumor has undergone a series
treatment arms. In addition to Ewing’s sarcoma, of advances since the first major pelvic resections
some groups have attempted to employ high-dose were undertaken over a century ago. Modern
proton-based radiotherapy to achieve local con- imaging, improved disease understanding, and
trol of otherwise adversely presenting pelvic sar- adjuvant therapies are the pillars of these
comas with some success [51]. To date, the advancements. However, the morbidity of these
authors’ personal experience with this for non- treatments remains formidable and the prognosis
Ewing’s tumors has been uniformly poor. guarded. Unfortunately, the words of Gordon-
The timing of chemotherapy around major pel- Taylor, a pioneering pelvic tumor surgeon,
vic resections is an area of concern. It is estab- remain true in this field over a half century after
lished in extremity osteosarcoma, for example, they were written [9]:
that delays in resumption of chemotherapy after I still cherish the hope of a golden era of cancer
surgery negatively impact survival [52]. therapy when gross mechanical destruction of dis-
Additionally, a prospective randomized trial ease and cruel mutilation of tissue shall be no
showed no difference in oncologic outcomes in more. Unfortunately, these times are not yet.
osteosarcoma treated with immediate surgery fol-
lowed by chemotherapy compared to a standard
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Imaging of Pelvic Bone Tumors
Andrea Angelini, Joele Canapeti, Giulia Trovarelli,
Joseph Benevenia, and Pietro Ruggieri
a b c
Fig. 3.1 Multiple myeloma in a 54-year old woman. (a) gadolinium demonstrate multiple areas of diffuse
Pelvic plain radiograph is not adequate to show the lytic enhancement in the bone marrow of the sacrum and pelvic
lesion in the right iliac bone. No fracture detected and the bones and a soft-tissue mass (white arrow) with symmet-
hip joint demonstrates mild degenerative changes. (b) ric growth outside the right ilium. Note the absence of
Coronal and (c) Axial T1-weighted fat-saturated MRI of cortical disruption
the pelvis obtained after intravenous administration of
a b c
Fig. 3.2 Metastatic renal carcinoma in a 76-year old posing it to a pathological fracture. (b) Coronal and (c)
man. (a) Pelvic plain radiograph demonstrating a predom- Axial pelvic CT Scan showing involvement of the right
inant lytic metastatic lesion (white arrow) in the right acetabular region by the large lytic metastatic lesion. Note
ischium. Note the extensive cortical involvement, predis- the extensive extraosseous involvement (asterisk)
typical “ring and arc” calcifications that are more 3.3.3 Osteosarcoma
evident on CT scans, whereas the nonmineralized
cartilaginous portion of the tumor has a low den- Conventional osteosarcoma rarely affects the pel-
sity. On MRI, the lobules are iso-hypointense on vis, with approximately 8% of all the sites, even if
T1-w images (Fig. 3.3c, d) and have high inten- it accounts for 22% of all primary pelvic bone
sity on T2-w images (Fig. 3.3e, f). The presence malignant tumors [26, 27]. Most of the tumors are
of a large lytic aggressive area adjacent to a carti- secondary, occurring after radiation therapy or in
lage tumor may suggest the diagnosis of dedif- Paget’s disease [28–30]. The plain radiographs are
ferentiated chondrosarcoma, especially if matrix usually diagnostic, with an aggressive permeative
mineralization with a bimorphic pattern on CT pattern, combination of radiolucency and
scan is observed [18, 19]. radiodensity, cortical disruption, and soft tissue
involvement (Fig. 3.5a). On CT, most pelvic osteo-
sarcomas contain “cloud-like” osteoid matrix for-
3.3.2 Ewing Sarcoma mation and show the sunray image (stripes of
density perpendicular to the cortex) (Fig. 3.5b, c)
The imaging appearance of Ewing sarcoma of [27–31]. The telangiectatic osteosarcoma appears
the sacrum and the pelvis is similar to that of the as predominantly lytic bone mass with minimal
extremities, even if it is variable [20, 21]. The sclerosis on radiographs [27, 32]. MRI shows no
tumor usually fills the bone marrow cavity and specific features with the usual pattern of low
destroys the cortex with a moth-eaten and perme- T1-w and high T2-w signal, with heterogeneous
ative pattern on plain radiographs (Fig. 3.4a) and contrast enhancement (Fig. 3.5d, e) [27].
CT. There is often a soft tissue mass associated to Sometimes fluid-fluid levels may be present, espe-
the tumor and a classic sclerotic reaction with a cially in predominantly lytic lesions [32, 33].
concentric expansion called “onion-skin” appear-
ance may be present. CT scans and MRI play a
predominant role in evaluating the soft tissue and 3.4 Benign Tumors
bony extension of the lesion, and in evaluation of
response to adjuvant therapies and surgical plan 3.4.1 Giant Cell Tumor
[22]. MRI features are nonspecific: the tumor is
iso-hypointense on T1-w, with increased signal Giant cell tumors (GCTs) are benign but locally
intensity on T2-w, with variable contrast enhance- aggressive tumors that rarely affect the pelvic
ment (Fig. 3.4b) [23, 24]. PET/CT and dynamic bones (1.5–6.1% of bone GCTs) [34, 35]. On the
MRI are under evaluation as imaging tools for other hand, GCTs are the second most frequent
restaging and tumor response to primary chemo- primary tumors of the sacrum after chordoma
therapy [11, 25]. [36, 37]. On radiographs and CT scans, GCTs are
26 A. Angelini et al.
a b
c d
e f
Fig. 3.3 Chondrosarcoma of the pelvis in a 60-year old a tumor involving the entire acetabulum and lobular soft
woman. (a) Antero-posterior and (b) axial radiographs of tissue extension with iso/hypointense signal. (e) Coronal
the right hip reveal a periacetabular area of lucency with and (f) Axial T2-weighted fat-saturated MR images dem-
surrounding sclerosis and not well-defined calcifications. onstrate a lobulated T2 hyperintense mass compatible
(c) Coronal and (d) Axial T1-weighted MR images show with a cartilage tumor
3 Imaging of Pelvic Bone Tumors 27
a b
Fig. 3.4 Ewing’s sarcoma in a 13-year old female. (a) ciation with an overt soft tissue component. (b)
Pelvic plain radiograph shows an expansile bony lesion Gadolinium-enhanced fat-saturated MRI coronal image
centered within the left pubic bone (white arrow) up to the reveals an extensive soft tissue mass with necrotic areas
acetabular area. The lesion did not demonstrate gross cor- and involvement of the adjacent anatomic structures
tical disruption, aggressive periosteal reaction, or an asso-
lytic lesions that appear usually more destructive eccentric, well-defined lytic lesions with a thin
than typically seen in long bones, often with a peripheral rim of sclerosis. Cystic space with
soft tissue mass. Cortex is usually destroyed and fluid-fluid levels and contrast enhancement of the
tumor mass do not present other typical features septa are hallmark features of ABCs on CT and
of extremities GCTs such as sclerotic rim, perios- MRI images. MRI shows a high signal intensity
titis, and mineralization [38]. On MRI, GCTs of the fluid-fluid levels on T1-w sequences with a
usually demonstrate low-signal on T1, but may strong contrast enhancement due to the intense
have a significant heterogeneity on T2-w and vascularization. Telangiectatic osteosarcomas
fluid-sensitive sequences due to hemorrhage or represent the main differential diagnosis, espe-
necrosis [38]. The presence of fibrous compo- cially in lesions with aggressive radiographic
nents and hemosiderin gives the predominantly appearance, cortical destruction, and a soft tissue
low to intermediate signal on T2, whereas fluid extension.
and cystic changes determine the increased T2
signal. Secondary aneurysmal bone cyst may
result in prominent areas with extensive fluid- 3.4.3 Osteochondroma
fluid levels [39].
Osteochondromas are frequently observed in
growing skeleton, especially in metaphysis of the
3.4.2 Aneurysmal Bone Cyst long bones, but every bone can be affected. Ilium
represents the most common site in the pelvis
Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is relative rare [42]. The imaging features are characteristic:
benign expansile osteolytic bone lesion with bony excrescence with well-defined limits
blood-filled cystic spaces. Recent studies demon- (Fig. 3.6a), sessile or pedunculated growth with
strated a neoplastic origin in primary ABC in the continuity of the cortex, and medullary canal
rearrangement of the TRE17/USP6 locus occurs (Fig. 3.6b, c). In the pelvis, these lesions are
resulting in TRE17 overexpression [40]. Flat found incidentally [43]. Differential diagnosis
bones are frequently involved and the pelvis is a with peripheral chondrosarcomas is mandatory
common site, accounting for up to 50% of cases and mainly based on imaging features. In favor of
[41]. On radiographs and CT, ABCs appear as malignancy are size (>5 cm), thick cartilaginous
28 A. Angelini et al.
a b
c d
Fig. 3.5 Osteosarcoma in a 15-year old male. (a) Pelvic Coronal and (e) Axial fat suppressed Gd-chelate enhanced
plain radiograph demonstrates an irregularly calcified MR image show asymmetric soft tissue extension. Tumor
lesion that involves the left hemipelvis. (b) Coronal and is seen to cross the greater sciatic foramen compressing
(c) Axial CT scan show a large associated soft tissue mass and dislocating the anatomic structures inside the pelvis
with cloudy-like areas of matrix mineralization and stripes (asterisk)
of density perpendicular to the cortex (arrowhead). (d)
3 Imaging of Pelvic Bone Tumors 29
a b
Fig. 3.6 Solitary osteochondroma in a 25-year old man. bone (arrowhead). (c) Axial T1-w MRI image of the same
(a) Pelvic plain radiograph demonstrates an irregularly lesion demonstrates the continuity of the cortex and med-
calcified, pedunculated lesion (white arrow) arising from ullary portion with the parent bone (arrowhead) and iden-
the right iliac crest. (b) Axial CT scan shows the periph- tifies a thin cartilage cap (asterisk)
eral outgrowth with its cortex in continuity with the iliac
cap (>2 cm), poorly defined cap, irregular calcifi- ostotic, in the latter case associated with multiple
cations, and rapid enhancement on dynamic endocrine abnormalities (McCune-Albright’s syn-
Gd-enhanced MR images (less than 10 s after drome) or intramuscular mixomas (Mazabraud’s
arterial enhancement) [44]. syndrome). Usually asymptomatic diagnosed as
incidental finding, sometimes may cause patho-
logic fracture, discontinuous pain, deformity or
3.4.4 Fibrous Dysplasia lower limb discrepancy. The radiologic presenta-
tion is the same as in extremities, with well-defined
Fibrous dysplasia is an intramedullary hamartoma defect rounded by a rind of bone sclerosis, radiolu-
commonly observed in proximal femur and in pel- cency with “ground glass” appearance, thin and
vic bones [45]. It may be either monostotic or poly- expanded cortex without periosteal reaction
30 A. Angelini et al.
a b
Fig. 3.7 Monostotic fibrous dysplasia in a 30-year old heterogeneous lesion that is largely hyperintense with
woman. (a) Lesions in the right ilium (white arrow) with hypointense foci within the matrix. All images show the
mixed lysis and sclerosis with peripheral bone sclerosis. well-defined character and the absence of cystic
(b) Axial and (c) coronal T2-weighted fat sat image show components
ments for sacral giant cell tumor. Clin Orthop Relat 41.
Vergel De Dios AM, Bond JR, Shives TC,
Res. 2010;468(11):2954–61. McLeod RA, Unni KK. Aneurysmal bone cyst.
s11999-010-1448-8. A clinicopathologic study of 238 cases. Cancer.
37. Mavrogenis AF, Panagopoulos GN, Angelini A,
Ruggieri P. Giant cell tumor of the sacrum. In: 0142(19920615)69:12<2921::aid-cncr2820691210>3
Ruggieri P, Angelini A, Vanel D, Picci P, editors.;2-e.
Tumors of the sacrum. Cham: Springer; 2017. https:// 42. Picci P, Vanel D, Gambarotti M, Fabbri N, Manfrini M, editors. Atlas of musculoskeletal tumors and
38. Murphey MD, Nomikos GC, Flemming DJ, Gannon tumor-like lesions: the Rizzoli case archive. Cham:
FH, Temple HT, Kransdorf MJ. From the archives of Springer; 2014.
AFIP. Imaging of giant cell tumor and giant cell repar- 43. Girish G, Finlay K, Morag Y, Brandon C, Jacobson
ative granuloma of bone: radiologic-pathologic corre- J, Jamadar D. Imaging review of skeletal tumors
lation. Radiographics. 2001;21(5):1283–309. https:// of the pelvis—Part I: Benign tumors of the pelvis. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:290930. https://
39. Gutierrez LB, Link TM, Horvai AE, Joseph GB,
O’Donnell RJ, Motamedi D. Secondary aneurysmal 44. Brien EW, Mirra JM, Luck JV Jr. Benign and malig-
bone cysts and associated primary lesions: imaging nant cartilage tumors of bone and joint: their anatomic
features of 49 cases. Clin Imaging. 2020;62:23–32. and theoretical basis with an emphasis on radiology, pathology and clinical biology. II. Juxtacortical carti-
40. Lau AW, Pringle LM, Quick L, Riquelme DN, Ye Y, lage tumors. Skelet Radiol. 1999;28(1):1–20.
Oliveira AM, Chou MM. TRE17/ubiquitin- specific 45. Ruggieri P. Fibrous dysplasia. In: Picci P, Manfrini
protease 6 (USP6) oncogene translocated in aneu- M, Fabbri N, Gambarotti M, Vanel D, editors.
rysmal bone cyst blocks osteoblastic maturation Atlas of musculoskeletal tumors and tumor-
via an autocrine mechanism involving bone mor- like lesions. Cham: Springer; 2014.
phogenetic protein dysregulation. J Biol Chem. org/10.1007/978-3-319-01748-8_7.
Most Common Histological Type
of Pelvic Bone Tumors 4
Marilyn M. Bui and Andrew E. Rosenberg
Table 4.1 AJCC Staging Version 8 for pelvis bone Table 4.2 Conventional Chondrosarcoma grading
Grade Histology Prognosis
Primary tumor Criteria I Moderately cellular, mildly Locally
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed atypical nuclei without visible aggressive,
T0 No evidence of primary tumor nucleoli under low rare
T1 Tumor confined to one pelvis segment magnification, no mitosis metastasis,
with no extraosseous extension good
T1a Tumor ≤8 cm in greatest dimension
II More cellular and greater Poor
T1b Tumor >8 cm in greatest dimension
degree of nuclear atypia than prognosis
T2 Tumor confined to one pelvis segment grade I, nucleoli can be found
with extraosseous extension or two under high magnification,
segments without extraosseous mitoses are seen
III Hypercellular, markedly Worst
T2a Tumor ≤8 cm in greatest dimension atypical nuclei with prognosis
T2b Tumor >8 cm in greatest dimension hyperchromasia, irregular
T3 Tumor spanning two pelvic segments nuclear contour, and
with extraosseous extension enlargement, prominent
T3a Tumor ≤8 cm in greatest dimension nucleoli easily visible under
T3b Tumor >8 cm in greatest dimension low magnification, frequent
Regional mitosis including atypical
lymph nodes figures
NX Lymph nodes cannot be assessed
N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
N1 Regional lymph node metastasis
rized in Table 4.2. Myxoid change is seen in
Distant grade II and III tumors.
metastasis Conventional chondrosarcoma can undergo
M0 No distant metastasis dedifferentiation and give rise to dedifferentiated
M1 Distant metastasis chondrosarcoma variant. Grossly the demarca-
M1a Lung tion of the cartilaginous and noncartilaginous
M1b Other distant sites components is readily recognizable. The dedif-
ferentiate component is typically a high-grade
undifferentiated sarcoma. Histology of a dedif-
4.2 Chondrosarcoma ferentiated chondrosarcoma is illustrated in
Fig. 4.1a, b. The prognosis of this tumor is dis-
Chondrosarcomas are a heterogeneous group, mal. Heterozygous mutations of the isocitrate
which includes the primary central, secondary dehydrogenase 1 and 2 genes (IDH1 and IDH2)
central, periosteal, dedifferentiated, mesenchy- are found in conventional chondrosarcoma as
mal, and clear cell variants. The distinguishing well as dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma (includ-
hallmark of chondrosarcoma is the tumor cells ing the noncartilaginous component) [4]. This
producing cartilaginous matrix. The most com- biomarker is potentially useful to distinguish a
mon primary central chondrosarcoma is conven- chondrosarcoma from a chondroblastic osteosar-
tional type. Grossly the tumor has the appearance coma. PB1 pathway (TP53) mutation is also a
of hyaline cartilage. The histological criteria used common event in both tumor types [4]. The fea-
for diagnosis include high cellularity, permeation tures of rare variants of chondrosarcoma are sum-
of cortical and/or medullary bone, dysplastic marized in Table 4.3.
chondrocytes, myxoid matrix or chodroid matrix
liquefaction, necrosis, and increased mitotic
activity [3]. The histological grade is the single 4.3 Ewing Sarcoma
most important prognostic factor of local recur-
rence and metastasis. The grading criteria for Ewing sarcoma is a family of tumor with neu-
grade I to III based on the cellularity, nuclear fea- roectodermal origin. It is a high-grade malig-
tures, and mitosis and the prognosis are summa- nancy with small, blue, and round tumors cells
4 Most Common Histological Type of Pelvic Bone Tumors 35
a b
Fig. 4.1 Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma. (a) Conventional composed of high-grade malignant spindle cells without car-
low-grade chondrosarcoma component with cartilaginous tilaginous matrix
matrix. (b) Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma component
Table 4.3 Summary of histological variants of Table 4.4 Summary of Ewing sarcoma gene fusions
chondrosarcoma Translocation Genes involved
Tumor type Component Prognosis t(11;22)(q24;q12) EWSR1-FLI1
Conventional Chondrosarcoma Depends t(21;22)(q22;q12) EWSR1-ERG
Grade I on grade t(2;22)(q33;q12) EWSR1-FEV
Grade II t(7;22)(p22;q12) EWSR1-ETV1
Grade III t(17;22)(q12;q12) EWSR1-E1AF
Dedifferentiated Low-grade conventional Poor inv(22)(q12q;12) EWSR1-ZSG
chondrosarcoma plus
t(16;21)(p11;q22) FUS-ERG
sarcoma or
osteosarcoma Recently, a rare group of Ewing-like sarcoma
Mesenchymal Low-grade conventional Poor is recognized and classified as undifferentiated
chondrosarcoma plus round cell sarcoma by its genomic distinction.
poorly differentiated
malignant small round These tumors exhibit t(4;19)(q35;q13) or t(10;19)
cells (q26;q13) with CIC-DUX4 gene fusion or inv(X)
Clear cell Clear cells or Depends (p11.4p11.22) with BCOR-CCNB3 fusion. Their
chondroblastoma-like on grade clinical behavior is also different from classic
Ewing sarcoma [7, 8].
Grossly, the tumor has tan-gray cut surface
showing pathognomonic molecular signatures without osteoid or cartilaginous matrix. A classic
which are pathogenesis drivers, including Ewing sarcoma is composed of hypercellular
approximately 85% harboring a somatic chro- small round cells with scant cytoplasm and round
mosomal translocation t(11;22)(q24;q12) nuclei arranged in a dyscohesive pattern.
resulted in EWSR1-FLI1 gene fusion [5]. This Neuroectodermal differentiation can be seen with
and other genes involved in Ewing sarcoma are tumor cells forming rosette-like structures. This
summarized in Table 4.4. Molecular testing for small blue round cell pattern resembles lym-
the signature gene and products are useful in phoma, osteosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and
confirming the diagnosis. Molecular markers, poorly differentiated carcinoma or neuroendo-
such as TP53, telomerase expression, or crine carcinoma. However, the cytoplasm of
CDKN2A loss, have shown prognostic signifi- Ewing sarcoma appears clear and contains glyco-
cance [6]. gen, which is stained positive by periodic acid-
36 M. M. Bui and A. E. Rosenberg
Schiff (PAS). Immunohistochemical stain pattern more pleomorphic nuclei and prominent nucle-
of Ewing sarcoma includes positive vimentin, oli. A radiological, gross, and histological illus-
CD99 (membranous), Keratin (aberrantly tration of Ewing sarcoma is in Fig. 4.2a–e.
expressed in 30% cases), neuroendocrine mark- Intraoperative evaluation of pathologic frac-
ers (aberrant expression sometimes), FLI-1, ture of pelvis caused by Ewing sarcoma can be
ERG, and NKX2.2 [9]. Comparing to lymphoma, challenging, especially when there is no prior
Ewing sarcoma lacks the lymphoglandular bod- biopsy was performed. In our hands, touch prep
ies which are cytoplasmic debris of lymphoma. cytology has been routinely used intraoperatively
Osteosarcoma, especially the small cell variant, in conjunction to frozen section to facilitate a
produces osteoid and lacks the Ewing sarcoma preliminary diagnosis of Ewing sarcoma and tri-
translocation. Rhabdomyosarcomas are immuno- age the tissue for molecular testing using air-
reactive to desmin, myogenin, and/or myoD1. dried slides [10]. In addition, we validated an
Metastatic carcinomas are immunoreactive to antibody PRKCB which is a member of protein
cytokeratin. However, the differential diagnosis kinase C multigene family encoding serine/threo-
between a Ewing sarcoma with aberrant cytoker- nine kinases in our laboratory. This biomarker
atin and/or neuroendocrine marker expression has 98% sensitivity and 96% specificity in detect-
relies on the other immunostain markers listed ing EWSR1-FLI1 rearrangement, hence serves as
above or molecular confirmation. A nonclassic a rapid and economic surrogate diagnostic marker
Ewing sarcoma, the tumor cells are larger with for Ewing sarcoma. These quality improvement
a b
c d e
Fig. 4.2 Ewings Sarcoma. (a) Frontal radiograph of pel- low mass. The iliac crest is composed of white appearing
vis shows poorly defined lucent mass involving the left cartilage as the patient is a child. (d) The tumor is com-
ilium. (b) Coronal stir-weighted MR image shows a large posed of uniform, primitive appearing round cells that
tumor arising in the medullary cavity and transgressing the have fine chromatin and small nucleoli, and clear to eosin-
cortices and forming large extra and intra pelvic soft tissue ophilic cytoplasm. (e) Tumor cells show strong membra-
masses. (c) Coronal section through the ilium post chemo- nous staining for CD99 by immunohistochemistry
therapy shows that the bone is distorted by a necrotic yel-
4 Most Common Histological Type of Pelvic Bone Tumors 37
projects initiated by pathologists greatly improve Table 4.5 Characteristics of histological variants of pri-
mary central osteosarcoma
the delivery of the care of Ewing sarcoma patients
in our institution. Tumor type Component Prognosis
Conventional High-grade High-grade
sarcoma with tumor. Subtype
osteoid formation does not differ
4.4 Osteosarcoma Osteoblastic in prognosis and
(76–80%) therapy
Osteosarcomas are a heterogeneous group, which Chondroblastic
includes the primary central, secondary central, Fibroblastic (10%)
and surface of the bone, conventional, telangiec- Telangiectatic High-grade Similar to
tatic, and small cell variants. The distinguishing osteosarcoma with conventional
hallmark of osteosarcoma is the tumor cells pro- characteristic type
blood lakes and
ducing osteoid matrix. The most common pri-
mary central osteosarcoma is conventional type Giant High-grade Similar to
which includes osteoblastic, chondroblastic, and cell-rich osteosarcoma with conventional
fibroblastic variants. Osteoblastic osteosarcomas abundant type
have a predominantly osteoid matrix, which can osteoclast-like
giant cells
be thick or thin and branching. Chondroblastic
Small cell High-grade Slightly worse
osteosarcomas have a predominant chondroid osteosarcoma with prognosis than
matrix. Fibroblastic osteosarcomas produce only characteristic conventional
minimal amounts of osteoid and have high-grade small tumor cells type
spindled cell architecture. Telangiectatic osteo- Low-grade Low-grade Excellent
central osteosarcoma prognosis
sarcoma is characterized by having large blood-
filled spaces, which are usually separated by thin
septa. Although prognosis is thought to be similar
to conventional osteosarcomas, they are much
more sensitive to chemotherapy. Small cell osteo- overall and disease-free survival [11]. The sam-
sarcoma produces variable amounts of osteoid, pling of osteosarcoma includes cross-sectioning
and morphologically resembles Ewing sarcoma, the central and largest slice of the tumor. The
but lacks the t(11;22) translocation. The charac- tumor slice is further divided into 1 cm × 1 cm
teristics of primary central osteosarcoma are slices and prepared for histologic examination.
summarized in Table 4.5. Surface osteosarcoma As a part of the therapy changes, tumor necrosis
very rarely affects the pelvic bone. Grossly the is documented in the pathology report, which is
conventional osteosarcoma shows hard tab-white reversely related to the percentage of viable
cut surface, typically extends into the soft tissue. tumor cells as an independent prognostic of
Histology of osteosarcoma is illustrated in osteosarcoma.
Fig. 4.3a–d. Osteosarcomas are typically immunoreactive
The pathologists’ primary role is to make a to CD99 which is a sensitive but not a specific
definitive diagnosis of osteosarcoma and accu- marker. Osteocalcin is useful for highlighting
rately classify and grade the tumor on preopera- osteoid. Recurrent amplifications at 1q21-23 and
tive biopsy samples. High-grade osteosarcoma is 17p are commonly seen, and comparative
typically treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. genomic hybridization analysis has revealed fre-
The pathologists’ second role is to evaluate the quent chromosomal gains, such as the gain of
therapy response which is critically important for 8q23, seen in about half of osteosarcomas [12].
prognosis. Osteosarcomas with greater than 90% CDK4 with or without MDM2 is commonly
tumor necrosis (less than 10% viable tumor cells) amplified in aggressive osteosarcomas. Patients
are considered good responders and have better with hereditary retinoblastoma (RB) and Li
38 M. M. Bui and A. E. Rosenberg
a b
c d
Fig. 4.3 Osteosarcoma. (a) Osteoblastic osteosarcoma tilage. (c) Giant cell-rich osteosarcoma showing multinu-
showing malignant tumor cells producing osteoid matrix. cleated giant cells. (d) Small cell osteosarcoma showing
(b) Chondroblastic osteosarcoma showing malignant car- blue round tumor cells producing osteoid matrix
Fraumeni syndrome have an increased risk of cells have eccentrically located nuclei with abun-
developing osteosarcomas. RB1 alterations have dant cytoplasm. With the increased tumor grade
also been seen in up to 40% of sporadic osteosar- from well-differentiated, to moderately differen-
comas, while TP53 alterations have been seen in tiated and to poorly differentiated myeloma, the
up to 35% of osteosarcomas. Many genetic aber- tumor exhibits increased nuclear size, nuclear
rations have been found in high frequency, some pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli, mitotic activ-
of which may offer prognostic value [13]. ity, and necrosis. The high-grade features resem-
Osteosarcoma of pelvis, in the setting of Paget ble diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. However,
disease and radiation associated are of particu- myeloma cells are immunoreactive to CD38,
larly unfavorable outcomes [14]. CD138 (syndecan-1), and MUM1 with monoclo-
nality of either kappa or lambda chain (kappa or
lambda chain restriction). Flow cytometry is
4.5 Multiple Myeloma/Plasma ideal for fresh tissue to confirm myeloma
Cell Myeloma diagnosis.
On the other hand, intraoperative evaluation of
Plasma cell myeloma commonly occurs in pelvis pathologic fracture of pelvis caused by undiag-
either as a primary tumor or as a part of multiple nosed myeloma can be challenging. In our insti-
myeloma. For the patients with prior history of tution, touch prep cytology has been routinely
plasma cell myeloma, the diagnosis of this tumor used intraoperatively in conjunction to frozen
in pelvic specimen is straight forward. The clas- section to facilitate a rapid diagnosis of myeloma
sic histology of myeloma includes round tumor [10]. The touch prep smears prepared from fresh
4 Most Common Histological Type of Pelvic Bone Tumors 39
a b
Fig. 4.4 Myeloma. (a) Neoplastic plasma cells display eccentrically located nuclei and abundant cytoplasm. (b) Tumor
cells showing lambda chain-restriction by in situ hybridization
tissue are ideal to show the characteristic clock- primary site unknown or without a primary, his-
face like nuclei and perinuclear hof of neoplastic tomorphology in conjunction with pertinent
plasma cells which are diagnostic of this tumor. ancillary testing including immunohistochemis-
Fresh tissue can then be triaged for flow cytome- try are used to render a definitive diagnosis.
try study for confirmation. This practice has Intraoperative evaluation of pathologic frac-
proven to be most accurate and efficient in man- ture of pelvis caused by undiagnosed metastatic
aging this type of patients. The histology of carcinoma can be challenging. “Epithelioid
myeloma is illustrated in Fig. 4.4a, b. malignancy” diagnosis is not adequate to guide
Genetically plasma cell myeloma has two dis- the optimal patient care in this type of clinical
tinct groups. One group (40%) harbors a bal- situation. In our institution, touch prep cytology
anced reciprocal translocation of the has been routinely used intraoperatively in con-
immunoglobin heavy-chain locus (IGH) with dif- junction to frozen section to facilitate a rapid
ferent partner genes including FGFR3/MMSET diagnosis [10]. The touch prep smears prepared
on 4p16.3, CCND3 on 6p21, CCND1 on 11q13, from fresh tissue avoid of crush artifact, which is
MAF on 16223, and MAFB on 20q11. Other commonly seen in frozen section slides. The epi-
group (60%) is hyperdiploidy with polysomes 3, thelial nuclei, glandular formation, intracytoplas-
5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 19, and 21. MYC on 8q24 is asso- tic mucin, and squamous cytoplasm provide
ciated with this group. The tumor prognosis is unequivocal evidence for the diagnosis of
associated with multiple genetic markers [15]. metastatic carcinoma intraoperatively. Accurate
and immediate diagnosis of metastatic carcinoma
will guide the surgeon to fix the pathologic frac-
4.6 Metastatic Carcinoma ture in the manner which is totally different from
the fixation of a sarcoma caused pathological
Metastatic disease from carcinoma is common in fracture.
pelvis. In the 4431 metastatic lesions registered
in the archive of the Rizzoli institute, 833 (18.8%)
were found to occur in the pelvic region includ- 4.7 Undifferentiated High-Grade
ing 559 (12.6%) are located in the ilium, 80 Pleomorphic Sarcoma
(1.8%) in the ischium, and 53 (1.2%) in the pubis
[16]. The primary sites of the carcinomas include Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, is a con-
lung, breast, prostate, kidney, head and neck, and temporary concept to include a group of high-
gastrointestinal tract. When a primary tumor is grade sarcomas, has no identifiable line of
present, the diagnosis of metastatic disease is differentiation when analyzed by current tech-
achieved by comparing the histology of pelvic nologies [13]. Its histology is variable and may
lesion with the primary disease. However, when a show different morphologic patterns composed
40 M. M. Bui and A. E. Rosenberg
However, USP6 rearrangement testing can be used Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a soluble decoy
to confirm the diagnosis. receptor that is produced by osteoblasts to inhibit
osteoclast differentiation through its binding to
RANKL, which prevents RANK binding. OPG
4.13 Giant Cell Tumor expression reflects a protective mechanism of the
skeleton to compensate increased bone resorp-
Giant cell tumor of bone is a benign but locally tion. Bone remodeling is mainly controlled by
aggressive and recurrent tumor. The tumor is the balance of RANKL/OPG. Osteoprotegerin
composed of numerous characteristic giant cells ligand (OPGL), also named receptor activator of
which are large and osteoclast-like. These cells RANKL is also expressed in the stroma-like
are the background cells reactive to the true neo- tumor cells of GCTB. The ratio of OPGL/OPG
plastic cells. The neoplastic cells are mononu- by tumor cells may contribute to the degree of
clear primitive mesenchymal stromal cells osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption [18].
expressing receptor activator for NF-κB ligand Grossly the tumor is red-brown with hemor-
(RANKL), the master regulator of osteoclast dif- rhage and yellow areas reflect lipid laden
ferentiation. Macrophages and osteoclasts macrophage-rich areas. Histologically, the tumor
express RANK. The interaction between the neo- is composed of numerous multinucleated giant
plastic mononuclear stromal cells and marcoph- cells and scattered mononuclear cells that are
ages/osteoclasts by a RANKL-dependent round or spindle. Because H3-3A (H3F3A) gene
mechanism via the stimulation of macrophage- mutation is common in giant cell tumor of bone
colony stimulation factor (MCSF) results in neo- (95%) and immunohistochemical study of H3.3
plastic proliferation and induces osteoclast G34W is a reliable surrogate marker for this
formation. During this process, tumor-associated mutation. Immunostain of H3.3 G34W is useful
macrophage-like osteoclast precursors, which are in confirming the diagnosis of giant cell tumor of
also mononuclear cells, are recruited by tumoral bone when other morphological differential diag-
stromal cells to participate in osteoclast differen- noses are considered [19]. Histological illustra-
tiation and activation. Because osteoclast forma- tion of giant cell tumor of bone is in Fig. 4.5a, b.
tion is the major consequence of giant cell tumor, Lipid laden or hemosiderin laden macrophages
inhibition of osteoclast formation and activity is are also present. The tumor is mainly solid and
the key for therapeutic approach. For example, may contain cystic areas. Secondary aneurysmal
bisphosphonate inhibits osteoclast-mediated bone cyst component is seen in 10% of giant cell
resorption of bone/osetolysis and anti-RANKL tumor. The tumor may be mitotically active;
antibody targets the RANKL-dependent mecha- however, a benign giant cell tumor typically does
nism of giant cell formation. not have atypical mitosis or significant nuclear
a b
Fig. 4.5 Giant cell tumor of bone. (a) Tumor cells are H3.3 G34W immunohistochemistry which is a reliable
mononuclear. The multinucleated giant cells are nonneo- surrogate marker for underling molecular pathology
plastic. (b) The monocular tumor cells are highlighted by
42 M. M. Bui and A. E. Rosenberg
atypia. The latter is associated with a malignant immediate management of pathologist fracture
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the tumor consists of a combination of osteoid BC, Fletcher CDM, Antonescul CR. BCOR-
and woven bone surrounded by osteoblasts. The CCNB3- fusion positive sarcomas: a clinicopatho-
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4.16 Conclusion
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tissue tumor immunohistochemistry update:
Pelvic bone tumors are a diverse group of benign, illustrative examples of diagnostic pearls to avoid pit-
intermediate, and malignant neoplasm. Their his- falls. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2017;141(8):1072–91.
tological type is designated based on their closest 10. Bui MM, Smith P, Agresta S, Cheong D, Letson
histological resemble of the normal mesenchy- D. Practical issues of intraoperative frozen section
diagnosis of bone and soft tissue lesions. Cancer
mal tissue. Ancillary testing such as immunohis- Control. 2008;15(1):7–12.
tochemistry, cytogenetics, and molecular 11. Anninga JK, Gelderblom H, Fiocco M, Kroep JR,
techniques have greatly improved the pathologic Taminiau AH, Hogendoorn PC, et al. Chemotherapeutic
diagnosis of these tumors. Biomarkers that pro- adjuvant treatment for osteosarcoma: where do we
stand? Eur J Cancer. 2011;47(16):2431–45.
vide prognostic and predictive information are 12. Egas-Bejar D, et al. Theranostic profiling for action-
limited. Intraoperative touch prep cytology can able aberrations in advanced high risk osteosarcoma
be used to distinguish metastatic carcinoma and with aggressive biology reveals high molecular diver-
plasmacytoma in conjunction with frozen sec- sity: the human fingerprint hypothesis. Onco Targets
Ther. 2014;1(2):167–79.
tion, which provides valuable information for
4 Most Common Histological Type of Pelvic Bone Tumors 43
13. Gibbs J, Henderson-Jackson E, Bui MM. Bone and aneurysmal bone cysts and are absent in so-called
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oncogenes identify the neoplastic cell in primary dysplasia of bone. J Bone Miner Res. 2000;15:120128.
Benign Pelvic Bone Tumors
John E. Mullinax and G. Douglas Letson
of malignancy. Diagnoses are considered benign, viscera and lower extremities courses through the
low grade, or high grade depending on their rate pelvis and therefore a comprehensive examination
of growth and probability of metastasis. should evaluate any lower extremity symptoms
The purpose of this chapter is to focus on the (i.e., claudication or rest pain) that might be sec-
evaluation and management of benign bone ondary to arterial compromise. Additionally, in the
tumors that arise with the pelvis. Using the clas- lower extremities, unilateral edema is an important
sification systems above, the scope is defined as finding as it may suggest pelvic venous compro-
tumors that are considered benign by the clinical mise with or without an element of thrombosis.
Enneking classification, the radiographic The diagnostic imaging modalities chosen for
Modified Lodwick-Madewell classification, and evaluation should be driven by the clinical exam
the pathologic WHO classification. Attention will but there are some general caveats. In those
be focused on the degree of intervention neces- patients suspected to have a bone tumor within
sary for these tumors with the treatment philoso- the pelvis, a plain radiograph combined with a
phy as a balance between morbidity and need for contrast-enhanced MRI is preferred. The findings
elimination of the lesion. on plain radiograph will allow for discrimination
of malignant potential and the contrast-enhanced
MRI will allow for assessment of the peritumoral
5.2 Initial Evaluation soft tissue. Utilization of axial imaging without
of the Patient plain radiograph will not allow for comprehen-
sive evaluation of a pelvic bone lesion. In those
The primary presentation of the patient with a cases with visceral compromise suspected by
pelvic bone tumor is generally considered either clinical exam, contrast-enhanced CT scan is also
symptomatic or asymptomatic. For those with recommended to assess for external compres-
symptoms, a diagnostic strategy is focused by the sion. A detailed gastroenterological or urologic
presentation whether it is weakness, pain, exam should also be considered for those with
restricted range of motion, or visceral compres- bowel and bladder dysfunction, respectively, as
sion (i.e., bladder or bowel dysfunction). In these symptoms may be coincidental rather than caused
cases, the bone tumor may be a coincidental find- by the pelvic bone tumor.
ing or one that is directly contributing to the con- In addition to radiographs and axial imaging,
stellation of symptoms. Patients with functional imaging is important for many bone
asymptomatic bone tumors of the pelvis are often lesions. Positron-emission tomography (PET)
discovered during an imaging modality per- combined with CT imaging is helpful to describe
formed for an unrelated reason. The two scenar- the metabolic activity of a bone lesion. PET/CT
ios are important to distinguish based on the imaging can be most useful in the patient with a
threshold degree for intervention as the asymp- history of malignancy and new pelvic bone
tomatic patient has a much higher likelihood of lesion. Low metabolic activity would suggest a
morbidity relative to their preoperative state. separate, sporadic process while increased meta-
The clinical exam of the patient with a pelvic bolic activity would suggest possible metastatic
bone tumor is of fundamental importance to delin- disease from the historical primary malignancy.
eate an effective and cost-effective diagnostic Another functional imaging modality is bone
strategy. Primary focus should be on focal weak- scintigraphy, or “bone scan.” Using radiolabeled
ness of muscle groups, range of motion, and neu- methylene diphosphonates, the degree of bone
rovascular deficits. The pelvic anatomy is such turnover and perfusion is assessed which can aid
that assessment of visceral function is also an in the interpretation of the complementary imag-
important factor for clinical exam. Impairment of ing modalities [5].
bowel, bladder, or sexual function may suggest At the conclusion of the diagnostic evaluation,
compression of the viscera directly or neurologic including the clinical exam and imaging modali-
compression. The vascular supply of the pelvic ties, patients found to have a benign bone lesion
5 Benign Pelvic Bone Tumors 47
should be categorized as either symptomatic or the tissue planes. If percutaneous biopsy must be
asymptomatic. Intervention should be considered undertaken, the procedure should be done in con-
more strongly for the former and the focus of cert with the treating surgeon so that the surgical
intervention should be on improvement of symp- approach is considered relative to the planned
toms. Compressive symptoms are more easily biopsy tract.
addressed with surgical intervention while pain
symptoms are less likely to have a durable
response. In the asymptomatic patient, surgical 5.3.2 Enchondroma
intervention should be contemplated relative to
the Ennenking classification with an approach A common benign cartilaginous tumor arising
that escalates with higher grade. Observation of within the medullary canal of long bones is an
grade 1 lesions is an optimal approach while enchondroma. These tumors can be radiographi-
curettage is appropriate for Grade 2 lesions. The cally well-demarcated in the small bones of the
addition of a surgical adjuvant to curettage such hand but can also present with ill-defined borders
as methyl methacrylate or liquid nitrogen (cryo- in long bones. These are most often discovered
therapy) should be considered for Grade 3 lesions. incidentally on plain radiographs. Follow-up
Within these two groups of patients (Grade 2 imaging with MRI characteristically demon-
and 3), the specific histologic diagnosis of the strates a hyperintense mass on T2-weighted
benign bone tumor is the most important factor imaging sequences.
that impacts the decision to operate. The remain- As most are discovered incidentally, most do
der of this chapter focuses on the surgical not need any therapy. Indications for intervention
approach relative to the different subtype include symptoms that can be attributed directly
diagnoses. to the lesion or any features of malignancy.
Radiographic features of malignancy would
include permeative appearance in the surround-
5.3 Chondrogenic Tumors ing bone, periosteal reaction, or adjacent soft tis-
sue mass. Biopsy is not generally required given
5.3.1 General Considerations the characteristic imaging findings but if tissue is
for Cartilage Tumors obtained, pathologic findings concerning for
of the Pelvis malignancy would include nuclear atypia or
increased myxoid component among a hypercel-
Benign cartilaginous tumors of the pelvis are lular hyaline cartilage stroma.
rare. Clinical suspicion of chondrosarcoma
should be high with any bone lesion of the pelvis
that suggests cartilaginous origin on imaging. At 5.3.3 Chondroblastoma
a minimum, a cartilaginous lesion of the pelvis
with benign radiographic appearance warrants Typically involving the epiphysis, this benign
interval imaging follow-up. Any change in the cartilaginous tumor is a rare entity arising from
characteristics of the lesion should warrant resec- within the long bones. They typically present
tion rather than curettage to avoid an intralesional with benign radiographic appearance (sclerotic
procedure on a malignant cartilaginous lesion borders) but may also have a periosteal reaction.
which can have disastrous oncologic effects. In a The gross appearance is consistent with the infil-
similar manner, percutaneous biopsy of bone trate of mononuclear cells characteristic to this
lesion in the pelvis with features consistent of tumor. The degree of atypia is variable on patho-
cartilage origin should generally be avoided. The logic analysis of these lesions and interpretation
gross consistency of chondrosarcoma is often of the histologic findings relative to the
semisolid and thus perforation of the tumor with radiographic findings is helpful in confirming the
biopsy needle can lead to local contamination of diagnosis.
48 J. E. Mullinax and G. D. Letson
Chondroblastoma is often a symptomatic lesion atic, intervention is preferred for these lesions.
and thus intervention is preferred. One approach to Resection is indicated for these lesions as there is
treatment is an intraoperative biopsy to confirm the significant overlap with chondrosarcoma based
diagnosis followed by curettage and bone graft. on the imaging characteristics and even patho-
Limiting the dissection of tissue planes on approach logic assessment of small tissue quantity obtained
to the lesion should be a focus of operative plan- with biopsy (Fig. 5.2). Understanding this risk of
ning and thus, in the event the lesion is found to be an underlying malignancy, resection of an intact
malignant, proper resection can be undertaken tumor is preferred to curettage.
without a wide field of contamination. This can be
accomplished using a minimally invasive, percuta-
neous technique under fluoroscopic guidance 5.3.5 Osteochondroma
(Fig. 5.1). In addition to curettage, others have
described intraoperative adjuvant therapy such as Arising as outgrowth from the bone, osteochon-
cryosurgery with good functional outcomes and dromas are the most common benign bone lesion.
low recurrence rate [6]. These lesions are considered a benign cartilagi-
nous tumor with continuity to the cortex and
medullary canal. These lesions characteristically
5.3.4 Chondromyxoid Fibroma arise pointing away from a joint and have a
pathognomonic cartilaginous cap. Also termed
Unlike the prior chondrogenic tumors discussed, exostoses, they may arise as a single lesion or in
this benign cartilaginous neoplasm most com- multiple lesions. Approximately 15% of patients
monly presents with pain and can be found in the with multiple lesions have an underlying germ-
iliac wing. The radiographic appearance demon- line mutation in the tumor suppressor genes EXT
strates a scalloped lesion, often with sclerotic 1 or 2 which results in the syndrome known as
noncontiguous borders. As most are symptom- hereditary multiple exostosis [7].
a b c d
e f g h
Fig. 5.1 Percutaneous curettage of pelvic chondroblas- planes. Biopsy is undertaken in a coaxial fashion under
toma. CT demonstrates a pelvic lesion with benign fluoroscopic guidance to prevent contamination of sur-
appearance in the axial (a) and coronal (b) plane. rounding soft tissue (e, f). Once diagnosis of benign lesion
Intraoperative placement of a canula under fluoroscopic is confirmed, curettage is performed through the percuta-
guidance (c, d) allows for dissection through the soft tis- neous access canula (g, h). (Red arrow = bone lesion)
sue with minimal displacement of normal anatomic
5 Benign Pelvic Bone Tumors 49
a b
c d
Fig. 5.2 Surgical management of pelvic chondromyxoid resection with placement of bone cement, the postopera-
fibroma. Preoperative images demonstrate a lesion within tive MRI (c) and radiograph (d) demonstrate resolution of
the left iliac wing on MRI (a) and CT scan (b). Following the lesion
Arising within the diaphysis or metaphysis of the Compared to an osteoid osteoma, an osteoblas-
long bones, osteoid osteomas demonstrate a char- toma has the same underlying histologic findings
acteristic finding on plain radiographs. The cen- with the primary clinical difference being the size
50 J. E. Mullinax and G. D. Letson
of the lesion. While an osteoid osteoma must be size of the tumor and therefore the extent of
<2 cm in size, an osteoblastoma will be larger in resection. Denosumab is a monoclonal antibody
maximal diameter. Additional differences include which binds RANKL, thereby interrupting the
the predilection of osteoblastomas to occur positive stimulation signal between the neoplas-
within the spine and the lack of a clear nocturnal tic stromal and osteoclasts within the tumor [14,
pain cycle as is classic for osteoid osteomas. The 15]. Preoperative treatment with denosumab is of
indications for treatment are not different, though, primary importance for lesions with a large soft
due to the size of the lesion, morbidity can be tissue component as bone formation at the mar-
higher. Planning the surgical resection with gins can assist with resection and limit intraop-
respect to the preoperative symptoms is impor- erative morbidity. Conversely, lesions with a
tant caveat to treating these lesions. planned intralesional (curettage) approach should
not receive preoperative denosumab as this treat-
ment is associated with bone formation at the
5.5 Giant Cell Tumor reactive zone, thereby precluding complete curet-
tage. Finally, radiation has been described for the
With the alternative osteogenic tumors arising treatment of large, locally advanced lesions but
from an over proliferation of osteoblasts, the concern with subsequent development of
giant cell tumor (GCT) of bone is one character- radiation-associated sarcoma limits the broad use
ized by an overproliferation of osteoclasts. The of this approach.
underlying biology is centered on the disruption
of normal bone remodeling physiology where the
osteoclasts proliferate in response to Receptor 5.6 Cystic Disease of the Bone
activator of nuclear factor kappa-Β ligand
(RANKL) which is physiologically secreted by 5.6.1 Unicameral Bone Cyst (UBC)
osteoblasts. In GCT, the neoplastic stromal cells
secrete RANKL without negative feedback, Simple cystic lesion within the bone most com-
thereby driving the tumor growth. monly arises in the adolescent and young adult
The majority of GCT have an indolent, even population with 80% arising within the second
benign clinical course but up to 5% may develop decade of life. Termed unicameral bone cysts
distant metastatic disease, primarily in the lung (UBC), these lesions most often present in the
[10]. For those with localized disease, there have long bones with predilection for the proximal
been several interventions described. Extended humerus and femur. Clinical presentation can be
curettage is the preferred approach and can pro- either incidental or within the context of long
duce excellent long-term results (Fig. 5.3). Several bone fracture. In those with the latter, spontane-
adjuvant treatments are described to reduce local ous resolution can result in 15% of cases owing
recurrence rates such as methyl methacrylate to the bone remodeling associated with fracture
[11]. Radiation therapy has also been described in repair. In those with incidental findings, the deci-
the adjuvant setting but long-term follow-up has sion to intervene is primarily one of impending
not demonstrated local control benefit [12]. fracture risk.
Others advocate the use of liquid nitrogen as a Distinguishing these lesions from more com-
surgical adjuvant [13]. Complete resection is plicated cystic disease such as aneurysmal bone
associated with a recurrence rate <20% but this cyst (ABC) is important prior to treatment.
approach, especially in the pelvis, must be con- Following identification on plain radiograph, CT
sidered relative to the proposed deficit associated scan is helpful to determine the thickness of the
with the resection. Owing to the unique patho- cyst wall and consequent fracture risk.
physiology of the RANKL-axis in the develop- Intervention on UBC should address the impend-
ment of these tumors, neoadjuvant treatment with ing fracture risk without imparting undue mor-
denosumab has been advocated to decrease the bidity. For this reason, excision or en bloc
5 Benign Pelvic Bone Tumors 51
a b
Fig. 5.3 Giant cell tumor long-term follow-up. Treatment stability and remodeling evident on radiograph 24 years
of a pelvic giant cell tumor (red arrow) with curettage and after the index procedure (b)
adjuvant radiation therapy (a). Long-term follow-up with
resection is not indicated but rather intervention pelvis, this soft tissue component can generate
should address the cystic cavity to allow physio- significant symptoms related to compression of
logic bone remodeling. Following aspiration to neurovascular structures, bladder, or bowel.
confirm the diagnosis, injection of methylpred- The diagnosis of ABC must be confirmed,
nisolone acetate has been suggested as a low risk, apart from a malignant lesion, prior to interven-
even percutaneous, intervention. This procedure tion. Approximately 30% of ABC are described
may also be repeated for those lesions that do not as “secondary” and related to prior trauma or
respond to a single injection [16]. More recently, associated adjacent malignancy. Identification of
this approach has been supplanted by curettage a possible underlying malignant process associ-
with bone graft for pelvic UBC. Given that the ated with the ABC is important to avoid an intra-
UBC will resolve once growth plates close, treat- lesional procedure with resulting tumor
ment should only be considered in the young dissemination. For the primary ABC, the primary
(<10 years) patient while observation is preferred pathologic diagnostic dilemma is distinguishing
in the adolescent patient. these lesions from telangiectatic osteosarcoma
(TO) with the latter requiring multimodal therapy
and surgical intervention with oncologic intent.
5.6.2 Aneurysmal Bone Cyst (ABC) Histologic differences associated with TO
include atypical cells with increased mitoses.
A more complex cystic lesion within the bone is Molecular pathology is helpful to discriminate
the aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC). These lesions, the two diagnoses as well with ABC containing a
rather than simple cystic lesions, are comprised characteristic gene rearrangement in the USP6
of multiloculated regions of abnormal angiogen- gene [17].
esis within a larger area of bone destruction. Like Unlike the focus on intracystic treatment as
UBC, these lesions most commonly arise within with UBC, the only treatment with guaranteed
the long bones but a larger percent (9%) arise complete resolution is wide resection. Often, the
within the pelvis. In addition, while UBCs are size of these lesions precludes complete resection
more commonly restricted to the bone, ABC can due to the associated postoperative deficits in the
have a large soft tissue component emanating setting of a benign process. Intralesional therapy,
from the primary lesion within the bone. In the if undertaken should not be with methylpredniso-
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Chondrosarcoma of the Pelvis
Gerhard M. Hobusch and Reinhard Windhager
a b c
d f g
Fig. 6.1 Pre- and postoperative radiologic series of a (d) preoperative transversal MRI (T1 TSE Dotarem), (f)
50-year-old female patient with acetabular chondrosar- FDG PET-CT whole body, (g) postoperative ap pelvic
coma G3 and after II + III resection of the left hemipelvis X-ray with custom-made pelvis prosthesis. X-rays ap of a
and reconstruction with a custom-made pelvis prosthesis. 51-year-old patient with a 17-year follow-up after II + III
(a, c) Preoperative coronar pelvic MRI (STIR and T1 TSE resection of the right hemipelvis and reconstruction with a
Dotarem), (b, e) preoperative coronar and transversal CT, custom-made pelvis prosthesis after pelvic CS G2
Fig. 6.2 X-rays ap of a 58-year-old female patient with a 6-months follow-up after G3 dedifferentiated CS, type 2–3
resection left hemipelvis and reconstruction with a stemmed acetabular cup prosthesis
6 Chondrosarcoma of the Pelvis 57
between subtypes of chondrogenic lesions, there CS. On the other hand, different proportions of
are common radiological diagnostic features like low grade (18–26%), grade 2 (37–61%), and
the typical chondroid matrix-calcification (ring- grade 3 (8–22%) [4, 10, 18] tumors among differ-
and-arc-sign) and lobular-type architecture and ent published case series may indicate a large
endosteal scalloping [13]. Along with these variance in various regions in the world or diffi-
mixed lytic and sclerotic patterns, more aggres- culties in tumor grading.
sive patterns of bone destruction like moth-eaten
and permeative lysis can be seen [13]. Brenner
et al. argued a higher standardizes uptake value 6.4 Surgical Treatment
(SUV) in CS patients developing recurrent or
metastatic disease suggesting that as a preopera- According to the literature, hind quarter amputa-
tive staging tool, FDG-PET may provide tion, denoting the unilateral pelvic leg amputa-
improved outcome prediction in combination tion, is done in 13–52% of the CS patients in
with histopathologic findings [14]. Imaging is different tumor centers [4, 6, 17, 19, 20]. Limb-
becoming increasingly important in the surgical salvage in pelvic CS patients is considered the
planning as well as perioperatively as CT or gold standard nowadays and is supported by the
fused preoperative MRI and CT images provide fact that limb-savage surgery is not a risk factor
computer-assisted navigation in surgical resec- for low survival [21]. Furthermore, functional
tions to reduce the risk of intralesional resection outcome shows better results after inner hemipel-
and to avoid too-wide margins to achieve better vectomy/limb salvage with MSTS93 between
functional outcomes. Gerbers et al. demonstrated 61.4% and 86.6% than after external hemipelvec-
a successful hip-joint saving surgery of a patient tomy with MSTS93 score of 20–37.6% in several
suffering from a periacetabular CS by optimiz- case series [10, 20]. Due to the predilection sites
ing surgical margins with computer navigation of pelvic CS, inner hemipelvectomies can be per-
[15, 16]. formed often instead of forequarter amputation.
The Enneking–Dunn classification for internal
hemipelvectomies divides the pelvic bone into
6.3 Pathology three sections and the portion of the sacrum adja-
cent to the ilium as the fourth section and thus
In the pelvis, the conventional central CS is the describes the anatomic regions of resection [22].
most dominating subtype in about 47–80% and Type I (iliosacral) resections depend on
arises in normal bone. It can be distinguished whether the continuity of the pelvic ring can be
from peripheral (secondary) subtypes in 30% that preserved (Type IA versus Type IB). In type IB
occur as a malignant transformation of bone resections, there is agreement not to reconstruct
surface-based osteochondroma or enchondroma. the defect; however, even in Type IA resections,
The risk of malignant transformation in a solitary Beadel et al. promote a less mandatory restora-
lesion is estimated at up to 1% in comparison to tion of the pelvic ring after iliosacral resections
multiple lesions at up to 5%. A further distinction due to good clinical results in a case control study
can be made between rare subtypes like the dedif- with mixed sarcoma. The authors report similar
ferenciated central and peripheral CS in 1.4–15% functional scores like TESS 72% (55–100) in the
and considerably rarer the periosteal, clear cell, non-reconstruction compared with TESS 68%
and mesenchymal CS, in all together 2% of pel- (59–86) in the reconstruction group. Furthermore,
vic CS [2, 3, 6, 17]. Grading of CS is basically the chronic pain medication in the reconstruction
determined by cellularity, size and shape, and group was higher, the mean surgery time was
number of nuclei and mitotic figures and although 25% shorter (463:613 min), and the mean blood
grades 2 und 3 can be well distinguished, it is loss was 30% less (4325:6250 ml) in the non-
sometimes hard in differentiating a benign carti- reconstruction group. Authors conclude that
laginous lesion from a well-differentiated grade 1 complications were more common after recon-
58 G. M. Hobusch and R. Windhager
a b
Fig. 6.3 Preoperative (a) and 4-years follow-up (b) X-rays hip-transposition with proximal femur GMRS® tumoren-
(ap) of a 68-year-old patient after dedifferentiated G3 CS doprosthesis, LARS® Ligament and Fixation with
of the right hemipelvis after I–IV resection and type IIb Mitek®-ancor
struction surgery [23]. On the other hand, several essary to preserve hip mobility [27]. Pring et al.
authors consider iliosacral arthrodesis by biologi- and Puri et al. described iliofemoral and ischiofe-
cal (fibula autograft/allograft) or composite moral arthrodesis after CS resection, a way to
osteosynthesis (using polyaxial screws and rods achieve a strong bone union between pelvic bone
in the sacrum and ischium/pubis) a good option and femur of limb-salvage without restoration of
when the acetabulum can be maintained and in the pelvic ring. Both of them describe good final
case a stabilization of the pelvic ring is desired MSTS93 results of 73 points with this technique
[19, 24]. Type II periacetabular resections leave a [19, 26, 27].
bone defect that can be bridged by many different Ever since limb-salvage is the primary surgi-
reconstruction methods or left without recon- cal objective, an anatomic reconstruction is the
struction or being left in a situation with a ilio- overriding wish. Large pelvic allografts, sole
femoral or iliosacral pseudoarthrosis or a hip allografts, or composite allografts in conjunction
transposition/flail hip [19, 25, 26]. The later, with a metal joint replacement as well as mega-
described by Gebert et al., is considered to be an prostheses for pelvic reconstruction are used to
adequate surgical intervention without recon- reach this goal, despite a background of high
struction of pelvic continuity. It can be achieved infectious and mechanical failure rates.
by a turnaround of the inferior part of the acetab- Competing risk analysis by Puchner et al. identi-
ulum and fixation with screws to the sacrum or fied endoprosthetic reconstruction after pelvic
iliac bone (type I), or by an artificial ligament sarcoma resection as the most significant factor
fixation of either the femoral head (type IIa) or a for the first major complication in terms of the
proximal endoprosthetic femoral replacement to ISOLS failure mode classification with a HR 4.9
the sacrum (type IIb) (see Fig. 6.3) [25]. Hip (2.2–9.8) [28]. Future studies will tell us, if the
transposition, according to Puri et al., provides use of personalized pelvic implants, improve-
good MSTS93 functional results of 73 points ments in implant surface-bone congruency as
apart from limp shortening and impaired gait. well as the use of patient-specific instruments
Therefore, this technique emphasizes that the and navigation for a better planning and to
reconstruction of the pelvic continuity is not nec- accomplish shorter operation times will be able
6 Chondrosarcoma of the Pelvis 59
a b
c d e
Fig. 6.4 MRI of a permagna CS G2 of the right hemipel- fusion with Titanium rods and screws of the contralateral
vis crossing the middleline (a, b). X-rays of a postopera- pelvis. X-rays ap and lateral (c, d) and after partial
tive situs after external hemipelvectomy (extended removal of hardware after fusion due to infection (e)
type1–4 resection) and ventral stabilization. Iliospinal
to reduce infection rates and implant survival. sured by Toronto-extremity salvage score (TESS)
Jaiswal et al. sums up data about 98 patients of 70.3% (see Fig. 6.1), functional results change
(>50% CS patients) after resection and recon- for the worse when complications occurred to a
struction with custom-made pelvic endoprosthe- TESS of 37.1%. High complication rates con-
ses. After endoprosthetic reconstruction of cerning infection in 30% and dislocation in 15%
periacetabular tumors, infection rates are high, were also reported after reconstruction after Type
ranging between 10% and 30% [29]. Despite this II and II/III resection by stemmed acetabular ped-
fact, the infection rates in CS-only literature seem estal cups (see Fig. 6.2) [30, 31]. Competing risk
to be lower compared with mixed-sarcoma analysis revealed a surgical revision rate of 48%
cohorts of pelvic reconstruction [6, 20]. High dis- after 10 years [31]. High rates of aseptic loosen-
location rates of 40% in the beginning of endo- ing could suggest impaired bone quality after CS
prosthetic reconstructions were reduced down to for still unknown reasons for this mechanical
a rate of 20% due to efforts in introduction of problem [32]. Still, young patients with the
larger femoral head [29]. Although endopros- explicit demand for anatomic reconstruction
thetic reconstruction provides good functional might give a good indication for stemmed acetab-
results in patients without complications mea- ular cups.
60 G. M. Hobusch and R. Windhager
Apart from small case series, saddle prosthe- the reason for radio-resistance. Due to limited
ses were no longer applied in musculoskeletal efficiency of currently available drugs, research
oncology for their considerable morbidity and focuses on the understanding of molecular
complications such as dislocation as well as het- pathomechanisms to develop molecularly tar-
erotopic ossification, vertical migration, and geted therapies [39].
infection leading to MSTS functional outcome of
50.8. Infection occurred in 8 of 18 CS patients
(44%) [33] (Figs. 6.3 and 6.4). 6.6 Oncologic Outcome
An alternative to metal implants in anatomic
reconstructions are allografts. Campanacci et al. Patients with CS are treated primarily by aggres-
concludes in a case series of pelvic massive sive surgical resection. Five-years and 10-years
allograft reconstruction that patients with CS overall survival in pelvic CS range between
might benefit most in comparison to other pri- 55–92% [4, 6, 10, 17, 35, 40] and 45–88% [4, 10,
mary malignancies considering the potential risk 35, 40] with significant differences between
of infection and necrosis and a high general mor- GI-III of 100/50/26% of survival with the lowest
bidity rate of massive allograft, due to less inter-survival of 48% in patients suffering from mesen-
ference with neoadjuvant treatment side effects. chymal and 10–24% in patients suffering from
In fact, CS patients in this cohort had a better dedifferentiating CS [2, 41]. Recurrent tumors
allograft survival and low allograft-necrosis than occur in 19–45% of pelvic CS patients [4, 6, 19,
patients with other malignancies [34]. In line 20, 40, 42, 43], the type of surgery may not be a
with this statement, Langlais et al. specify that reason for it [40]. Furthermore, several authors
massive allograft reconstructions should be done report a higher survival to death in Grade I in
in patients younger than 60 years, in good gen- comparison to Grade II or III CS [4, 10, 17, 18].
eral health condition and physically active Deloin et al. reported a significant higher propor-
because it is a demanding procedure [35]. tion of metastasis between low- and high-grade
Functional outcomes in periacetabular recon- CS patients and a consecutively lower survival in
structions with allografts are good and sometimes high-grade CS. According to Mavrogenis et al.,
excellent with MSTS93 of 61–67% [34, 35]. patients with metastasis are sixfold more likely to
In type III (ischiopubic) resections, recon- be high-grade than low-grade CS. Many different
structions are usually not mandatory due to per- factors like periacetabular location, pathologic
sistent pelvic continuity. fracture and tumor size are associated with low
To conclude, the surgeon’s choice ought to be survival [12, 17, 18, 44]. Surgical margins, con-
made under consideration of individual patients’ ferring to Stevenson et al., determine local recur-
attributes, functional requirements, and personal rence in all tumor-grades, but local recurrence
wishes [27]. itself affects disease-specific survival only in
grade II and III CS [12]. Competing risk analysis
revealed recurrent tumor as the most important
6.5 Radiotherapy risk factors for survival of CS patients with haz-
and Chemotherapy ard ratios of 5.5 and 6.07, respectively, which
emphasizes the importance of wide resections as
CS are considered as chemo- and radiation- a mainstay in CS surgery [4, 12]. Important to
resistant tumors, therefore being deployed only know is that even in recurrent cases of CS,
very sporadically in cases after recurrent tumor aggressive surgical intervention can lead to long-
or marginal resection borders [36]. The low vas- term survival in about 50% of the patients [45].
cularity of the tumors as well as the extracellular
matrix of hyaline and restricted drug penetrance Conflict of Interest Statement No benefits have been or
might be factors that count for chemoresistance will be received from a commercial party related directed
or indirectly to the subject matter of this article.
[37, 38]. The low mitotic fraction might also be
6 Chondrosarcoma of the Pelvis 61
29. Jaiswal PK, Aston WJS, Grimer RJ, Abudu A, Carter the development of chondrosarcoma of bone and
S, Blunn G, et al. Peri-acetabular resection and endo- implications for targeted treatment. Lancet Oncol.
prosthetic reconstruction for tumours of the acetabu- 2005;6(8):599–607.
lum. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2008;90(9):1222–7. 38. van Oosterwijk JG, Herpers B, Meijer D, Briaire-de
30. Bus MPA, Boerhout EJ, Bramer JAM, Dijkstra
Bruijn IH, Cleton-Jansen AM, Gelderblom H, et al.
PDS. Clinical outcome of pedestal cup endoprosthetic Restoration of chemosensitivity for doxorubicin and
reconstruction after resection of a peri-acetabular cisplatin in chondrosarcoma in vitro: BCL-2 fam-
tumour. Bone Joint J. 2014;96-B(12):1706–12. ily members cause chemoresistance. Ann Oncol.
31. Hipfl C, Stihsen C, Puchner SE, Kaider A, Dominkus 2012;23(6):1617–26.
M, Funovics PT, et al. Pelvic reconstruction fol- 39. Polychronidou G, Karavasilis V, Pollack SM, Huang
lowing resection of malignant bone tumours using PH, Lee A, Jones RL. Novel therapeutic approaches in
a stemmed acetabular pedestal cup. Bone Joint J. chondrosarcoma. Future Oncol. 2017;13(7):637–48.
2017;99-B(6):841–8. 40. Donati D, El Ghoneimy A, Bertoni F, Di Bella C,
32. Hobusch GM, Tiefenboeck TM, Patsch J, Krall C, Mercuri M. Surgical treatment and outcome of con-
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have age-appropriate bone mineral density in the long Br. 2005;87(11):1527–30.
term? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016;474(6):1508–15. 41. Lex JR, Evans S, Stevenson JD, Parry M, Jeys LM,
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34. Campanacci D, Chacon S, Mondanelli N, Beltrami G, Winkelmann W. Chondrosarcoma of the pelvis. Clin
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Orthop. 2012;36(12):2529–36. JA, Romsdahl MM. Chondrosarcoma of the pelvis.
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AHM, Hogendoorn PCW. Emerging pathways in Orthop Relat Res. 2002;397:19–28.
Osteosarcoma of the Pelvis
Andre Spiguel, D. Ian English, Cory Couch,
and Mark Scarborough
A significant proportion of pelvic osteosarco- from the bone, and osteoid production is often
mas are secondary and affect patients who are seen throughout the soft tissue mass on radio-
60–80 years of age. These secondary osteosarco- graphs. Plain X-rays are also important in the
mas arise in the setting of prior pelvic radiation postoperative setting for purposes of
or from Paget’s Disease. The reasons for prior surveillance.
pelvic radiation in these patients can include gen- Axial imaging for pelvic osteosarcoma is
itourinary or lower intestinal carcinomas, most essential and allows the surgeon the ability to
commonly prostate cancer in men and cervical/ define the local extent of the tumor. CT scan of
anorectal cancer in women. Paget’s Osteosarcoma the tumor provides information in regard to the
has significantly poorer prognosis with some bony anatomy and ossification/mineralization of
series showing 0% 5-year survival [2]. This type the soft tissues. It helps delineate the osteoid for-
of secondary osteosarcoma is typically both mation and can show the cortical destruction
radiotherapy and chemotherapy resistant and caused by the malignancy (Fig. 7.4). MRI has
poor survival is seen given patients advanced age been shown to be the most sensitive study to
and comorbidities [6]. determine tumor boundaries when preparing for
surgical resection (Fig. 7.5) [7]. MRI with and
without gadolinium contrast has supplanted CT
7.3 Imaging Osteosarcoma as the imaging modality of choice for many sur-
of the Pelvis geons. MRI allows visualization of the intramed-
ullary extent of the disease in addition to defining
Appropriate imaging is critical for the diagnosis, the soft tissue expansion of the tumor. Osteoid
staging, and subsequent surgical management of matrix demonstrates hypointensity on both T1
osteosarcoma of the pelvis. Multimodal imaging and T2 weighted images. MRI can also clarify
is obtained, and each facet of the workup pro- the relationship of the tumor to critical neurovas-
vides unique and important data. cular and visceral structures in order to determine
While advanced imaging has enhanced the the feasibility of surgical resection. The entire
surgeon’s ability to visualize a tumor and its rela- pelvis is imaged to assess for skip lesions, which
tionship to vital structures and surrounding soft is important in both surgical planning and is an
tissues, plain radiographs remain the first line. important negative prognostic indicator. MRI of
Workup typically consists of an AP Pelvis radio- the pelvis will show the hip joint and femoral
graph, Judet views and inlet/outlet X-rays can heads to check for intra-articular involvement
also prove useful when trying to understanding (Fig. 7.6). The absence of a hip joint effusion has
the anatomy of the tumor (Figs. 7.1–7.3). been shown to have a high negative predictive
Radiographs of conventional osteoblastic osteo- value, but the presence of an effusion carries a
sarcoma reveal a mixed radiolucent and sclerotic low sensitivity [8]. The sacroiliac joint should
lesion with a distorted trabecular pattern. The also be closely examined, trans-articular exten-
boundaries of these aggressive malignancies are sion can occur and happens more frequently in
usually ill-defined. Rapid growth may lead to osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma than Ewing’s
elevated periosteum, creating a Codman’s trian- sarcoma [9]. When osteosarcoma does contami-
gle, and new bone growth under the elevated nate the SI joint, it has been shown to preferen-
periosteum can lead to a sunburst pattern. A key tially cross at the intraosseous ligamentous
finding of osteosarcoma is osteoid production, portion in the posterior joint as opposed to the
which is commonly described as amorphous and articular cartilage anteriorly [10], so this should
ill-defined with an inability to determine where be carefully scrutinized for disease.
the lesion starts and stops. Patients commonly In addition to delineating the local extent of
present with large soft tissue masses expanding the tumor, advances in MRI technology may
7 Osteosarcoma of the Pelvis 65
Figs. 7.1–7.3 AP Pelvis and Judet radiographs of a imaging reveals the ossified soft tissue component is
58-year-old male with left sided hip pain. Obtaining along the posterior ilium. The iliac oblique radiograph
radiographs is an important first step in the diagnosis of shows the mixed sclerotic and lytic lesion involving of the
pelvic osteosarcoma. These radiographs depict a poorly caudal aspect of the posterior ilium with expansion
defined, destructive lesion of the posterior ilium with towards the sciatic notch
patchy extraosseous mineralization. Obturator oblique
allow evaluation of the response to neoadjuvant [11]. The roles of these MRI sequences in the
therapy. Dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI treatment of osteosarcoma are still under investi-
depicts the microvascularity to the tumor, while gation. Care must be taken when applying these
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) quantifies advanced modalities because the higher water
the changing tumoral water content in response content of chondroblastic osteosarcoma can be
to treatment. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy misinterpreted for necrosis [12].
(MRS) detects cell turnover activity and may act Patients must be assessed for metastatic dis-
as a stand-in for biologic aggressiveness and also ease once the diagnosis of pelvic osteosarcoma is
reveal the cellular response to chemotherapy suspected. The most frequent site of metastasis is
66 A. Spiguel et al.
the lungs, and a non-contrast CT scan has been tigraphy and 18-Fluorodeoxy-glucose Positron
shown to be more sensitive than chest X-rays in emission tomography (18FDG-PET) combined
detecting pulmonary nodules [13]. with whole body CT. Tc-99 bone scan remains
Other imaging modalities to evaluate for the standard of care for staging and is a low-cost
metastases include Tc-99 whole-body bone scin- means of examining the entire skeleton (Fig. 7.7).
The Children’s Oncology Group imaging guide-
lines for children with osteosarcoma states that
bone scintigraphy is required for staging, while
performing a single photon emission computer
tomography (SPECT) in conjunction with the
bone scan is a recommendation. The group rec-
ommends the use of FDG-PET for osteosarcoma
but clearly states this is not a requirement [14].
FDG is a radiotracer that is metabolized in highly
active tissue (Fig. 7.8). A PET-CT can therefore
quantify metabolic activity of a tumor and possi-
bly show responses to chemotherapy in addition
to revealing distant metastasis. The ability of
PET scans to distinguish neoplastic pulmonary
nodules from benign masses has also proven use-
Fig. 7.4 CT scan of the pelvis shows the destructive ful, both in initial staging and during surveillance
nature of the osteosarcoma with obliterated cortices along [15]. Another utility of PET lies in detecting local
the posterior ilium and loss of the trabecular architecture. recurrence and separating return of malignancy
Osteoid production in the soft tissue mass is also well
visualized on CT imaging
versus benign postoperative changes [16].
Figs. 7.5 and 7.6 On axial T1 MRI with gadolinium structures are free from involvement. There is intraosse-
contrast, this osteosarcoma is hypointense and demon- ous expansion to the posterior SI joint and posterior S2
strates contrast enhancement. The tumor involves the glu- and S3 neuroforamen. The coronal MRI shows the tumor
teus medius posteriorly, but the anterior neurovascular is extraarticular and did not invade the hip joint
7 Osteosarcoma of the Pelvis 67
especially useful in treating recurrent and apy, in which T cells are engineered to detect and
metastatic disease. Unfortunately, the addition of destroy tumor cells that have downregulated cer-
Ifosfamide and etoposide upfront to MAP neoad- tain proteins in order to avoid recognition by the
juvant protocols has not been shown to reduce the immune system. Chimeric antigen receptor T
rates of local recurrence or metastasis [21]. cells (CAR-Ts) and Tumor-infiltrating lympho-
With current multimodal treatment, the sur- cytes (TILs) are two such examples of adoptive
vival rate most frequently quoted is 70% for cell immunity.
osteosarcoma. This often-cited rate applies to
localized disease of the extremities in which wide
surgical margins are achieved [22]. However, 7.5 Surgical Treatment
osteosarcoma of the pelvis conveys a much
poorer prognosis. Regardless of disease location, 7.5.1 General Principles
the statistics for survival have not changed sig-
nificantly in the past three decades. Stagnation in En bloc resection with a wide margin is the rec-
curative rates and dismal outcomes for pelvic and ommended surgical treatment for osteosarcoma.
metastatic disease have inspired efforts to find Patients with pelvic osteosarcomas that present
new means of treating osteosarcoma. with smaller tumors are more likely to have a
There are several exciting therapies emerging limb sparing resection or an internal hemipelvec-
in the treatment of osteosarcoma, most of which tomy, whereas larger tumors are more likely to
do not involve archetypal cytotoxic drugs. Most require limb sacrificing resection or an external
strategies of these novel therapeutics rely on hemipelvectomy [26, 27].
advances in knowledge regarding how osteosar- Due to location, proximity to viscera and neu-
coma avoids detection and destruction by the rovascular structures and large size at presenta-
patient’s immune system. One such example is tion, osteosarcoma of the pelvis is a challenge to
muramyl tripeptide-phosphatidyl ethanolamine treat surgically. This challenge leads to prolonged
(MTP-PE, or mifamurtide), which is an analog surgical time, high rate of complications, and
of a bacterial cell wall and causes the activation high blood loss. The goals of surgical treatment
of monocytes and macrophages to become of osteosarcoma of the pelvis is adequate local
tumoricidal. Mifamurtide is currently approved oncologic control and to optimize function for
for clinical use in Europe but not in the United quality of life.
States [23].
The development of monoclonal antibodies to
osteosarcoma cell surface markers may also lead 7.5.2 Effect of Margins
to tumor destruction. There have been several
antibody designs to attack osteosarcoma cell Parry et al. showed that poorer outcomes resulted
lines, including bispecific T-cell engagers (BiTE) in patients with pelvic osteosarcoma that had an
antibodies, which bring tumor cells in close prox- intralesional margin [2]. They found a local
imity to T-cells that can then be activated and recurrence rate of 17% in patients with wide mar-
directly cause cellular destruction. Antibodies gins, 32% for marginal margins, and 44% for
have also been designed to selectively deliver intralesional margins.
cytotoxic chemicals to tumor cells, such as vedo- Other authors have found that despite achiev-
tin [24]. Vaccines consisting of tumor cells have ing wide margins in pelvic osteosarcoma sur-
also been developed. Dendritic cells detect the gery, the local recurrence rate is still high.
tumor antigens in the vaccines and prime T cells Donati et al. showed in a study of 60 patients
to create cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Oncolytic with primary high-grade pelvic osteosarcoma
viruses that will only reproduce within tumor that although they obtained wide margins in 18
cells are also being developed [25]. Another divi- of the cases, 8 patients had local recurrence
sion of emerging therapies is adoptive cell ther- [28]. Similar outcomes have also been shown in
7 Osteosarcoma of the Pelvis 69
a series of primary pelvic sarcomas by Shin correlation of higher tumor necrosis response to
et al. [29] chemotherapy linked with a better prognosis.
Internal hemipelvectomy should not be con-
sidered in cases where sciatic nerve roots must be
7.5.3 L
imb Sacrificing Resection/ sacrificed.
External Hemipelvectomy
25. Martinez-Velez N, Xipell E, Jauregui P, Zalacain M, 30. Salunke AA, Shah J, Warikoo V, Chakraborty A,
Marrodan L, Zandueta C, et al. The oncolytic adeno- Sahijwani H, Sharma M, Jain A. Surgical manage-
virus Δ24-RGD in combination with cisplatin exerts a ment of pelvic bone sarcoma with internal hemipel-
potent anti-osteosarcoma activity. J Bone Miner Res. vectomy: oncologic and functional outcomes. J Clin
2014;29(10):2287–96. Orthop Trauma. 2017;8(3):249–53.
26. Ham SJ, Koops HS, Veth RPH, Van Horn JR, Eisma 31. Laitinen MK, Parry MC, Albergo JI, Grimer RJ, Jeys
WH, Hoekstra HJ. External and internal hemipel- LM. Is computer navigation when used in the surgery
vectomy for sarcomas of the pelvic girdle: conse- of iliosacral pelvic bone tumours safer for the patient?
quences of limb-salvage treatment. Eur J Surg Oncol. Bone Joint J. 2017;99-B(2):261–6.
1997;23(6):540–6. 32. Abraham JA, Kenneally B, Amer K, Geller DS. Can
27. Huth JF, Eckardt JJ, Pignatti G, Eilber FR. Resection navigation-assisted surgery help achieve negative
of malignant bone tumors of the pelvic gir- margins in resection of pelvic and sacral tumors? Clin
dle without extremity amputation. Arch Surg. Orthop Relat Res. 2018;476(3):499–508.
1988;123(9):1121–4. 33. Wong KC, Sze KY, Wong IO, Wong CM, Kumta
28. Donati D, Giacomini S, Gozzi E, et al. Osteosarcoma SM. Patient-specific instrument can achieve same
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Ewing’s Sarcoma of the Pelvis
Benjamin V. Kelley, Danielle E. Greig,
and Francis J. Hornicek
Although rare, Ewing’s sarcoma (ES) is the sec- EFT are high-grade malignancies characterized
ond most frequent primary bone malignancy after histologically by sheets of small, round blue
osteosarcoma [1, 2]. ES is part of a spectrum of cells with scant cytoplasm (Fig. 8.1a–c). These
neoplastic diseases known as the Ewing’s Family primitive, undifferentiated cells do not resemble
of Tumors (EFT) [3]. In addition to ES, this group mesodermal tissue in contrast to those of the
includes peripheral neuroectodermal tumor other primary bone malignancies osteosarcoma
(PNET), extraosseous ES (EES), atypical ES, and and chondrosarcoma, which demonstrate histo-
malignant small-cell tumors of the thoraco- logic features of bone and cartilage, respectively
pulmonary region (Askin tumor) [4–8]. Common [18–20]. The histologic features of ES may be
histologic and immunohistochemical features in distinguished from PNET, as the latter is charac-
addition to non-random chromosomal features terized by neural differentiation identified on
and similar responses to radiation and chemother- light microscopy and by a neural phenotype on
apy suggest that this group shares a common cell immunohistochemical staining [21]. Sensitive
of origin [9]. Increasing evidence suggests that immunohistochemical markers for EFT include
this is specifically a mesenchymal progenitor cell positive vimentin, FLI-1, NKX2.2, and CD99
[10], though this remains debated. Overall out- (Fig. 8.2), also known as MIC2 [22].
comes of patients with EFT have dramatically
improved with optimization of multimodal thera-
pies [11]. However, pelvic EFT has been associ- 8.3 Molecular Pathogenesis
ated with inferior outcomes compared with other
skeletal sites as a result of a higher rate of meta- The pathologic molecular alteration of EFT is the
static disease at presentation in addition to nearby reciprocal translocation between chromosomes
radiosensitive organs limiting the ability to 11 and 22, t(11;22)(q24;q12), which results in
achieve local control via surgical resection or the fusion gene EWSR1-FLI1 [23–28]. This
radiation without excessive morbidity [12–17]. fusion gene is present in 90–95% of cases, while
similar variant translocations and the respective
B. V. Kelley · D. E. Greig · F. J. Hornicek (*) fusion genes they have produced, such as EWSR-
University of California, Los Angeles, ERG, make up the remainder [23, 29]. These
Los Angeles, CA, USA fusion genes can be detected using fluorescence
e-mail: [email protected]; dgreig@mednet. in situ hybridization (FISH) or reverse transcrip-; [email protected]
a b
Fig. 8.1 (a) H&E staining at 100× shows small, round tions, with sheets of cells divided into lobules by thin
blue cells with geographic necrosis (pseudo-rosettes). (b) fibrous strands. (c) H&E staining at 400× demonstrates a
H&E staining at 200× demonstrates typical rosette forma- uniform sheet of small, round blue cells
8.4 Epidemiology
8.5 Imaging
a b c
Fig. 8.5 Coronal STIR (a), axial T2 (b), and sagittal T1 right iliac bone with a large, bi-cortical soft tissue compo-
(c) MRI of the pelvis in a patient with Ewing’s sarcoma nent and surrounding inflammatory zone
demonstrating a heterogeneous mass arising from the
the most common mode of tissue sampling; how- The timing of chemotherapy in relation to
ever, open biopsy may be required if there is a local control has been identified as an important
high rate of tissue necrosis to reduce the effect of factor in the management of EFT [92–95].
sampling error and to obtain sufficient tissue for Results from the National Cancer Database dem-
multiple immunohistochemical tests [69]. onstrated improved survival when patients initi-
ated local therapy by week 15 of induction
chemotherapy. As a result, most current protocols
8.9 Treatment advocate for 12 weeks of induction chemother-
apy followed by immediate local control with
A multidisciplinary approach in treating patients surgery or radiation therapy [92].
with EFT is essential [11, 70–72]. EFT is a sys-
temic disease, and patients treated with local
therapy alone have high relapse rates [73]. 8.11 Surgery
Chemotherapy can eradicate metastatic deposits
if initiated when tumor burden is low and is Surgical resection is regarded as superior to radi-
therefore critical in the treatment of EFT [71]. ation therapy for local control and performed
Current standard treatment regimens for local- whenever a marginal or wide resection is feasi-
ized EFT consist of multiagent neoadjuvant che- ble [96–98]. While there has been no random-
motherapy followed by local treatment with ized prospective study to determine which is
surgical resection and/or radiation therapy, fol- superior, retrospective series including a 956
lowed by additional postoperative adjuvant che- patient cohort from the Children’s Oncology
motherapy [11, 74–77]. The treatment strategy Group (COG) have suggested higher failure
for patients with metastatic disease is similar to rates in patients treated with radiation therapy
that of localized disease as multimodal therapy alone as compared with surgery alone [97, 99].
with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgi- Anatomic location within the pelvis plays a key
cal resection has the potential for cure, and can role in determining the approach for local con-
prolong progression-free survival and relieve trol [12–16]. Lesions of the iliac wing, ischium,
pain [75, 78]. In particular, the decision to pursue or pubis are more amenable to resection than
surgical resection in patients with metastatic dis- lesions involving the acetabulum, sacroiliac
ease must be carefully weighed against the joint, or sacrum [100, 101]. Surgical planning
impact of a long period of time off chemotherapy should be based on the MRI scan after induction
[55]. chemotherapy, which can be dramatically differ-
ent from the pre-chemotherapy MRI scan [102,
103]. Internal hemipelvectomy with en bloc
8.10 Chemotherapy excision of the affected hemipelvis is the most
common approach for surgical treatment of
The chemotherapy treatment strategy for EFT patients with pelvic EFT [13, 104, 105].
has been optimized from the efforts of multiple Preserving the extremity improves functional
collaborative national and international trials and psychological outcomes while producing
[79–81]. Multi-neoadjuvant chemotherapy equivalent oncologic results to external hemipel-
increases the likelihood of local control by reduc- vectomy (hindquarter amputation) [15, 102].
ing tumor burden prior to surgery [82–84]. In Depending on the clinical situation, surgeon, and
many cases, the soft tissue component of the patient preference, resection may or may not be
tumor may disappear completely [44, 85]. The accompanied by reconstruction with allograft or
traditional agents used in therapy include vincris- endoprosthesis. For tumors deemed unresectable
tine, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, dactino- following induction therapy, patients should be
mycin, and ifosfamide, with some regimens also referred for definitive radiation therapy rather
including etoposide [86–91]. than attempting debulking surgery [14].
78 B. V. Kelley et al.
a b
Fig. 8.7 Coronal (a) and axial (b) CT scan demonstrates irregularity of the left iliac wing with associated periosteal
reaction (“onion skin” appearance) and a large soft tissue component
a b
Fig. 8.8 Coronal (a) and axial (b) T2-weighted MRI shows a large mass arising from the left iliac bone, with a bi-
cortical soft tissue component extending into the iliacus and gluteal muscles
80 B. V. Kelley et al.
a b
Fig. 8.9 Histology of a patient with Ewing’s sarcoma that demonstrates (a) sheets of small, round blue cells on H&E
stain and (b) positive nuclear staining for NKX2.2
8.14.2 Case 2
a b
Fig. 8.12 Axial (a) and coronal (b) CT scan shows a permeative lytic lesion of the right iliac wing with internal dys-
trophic calcifications and faint periosteal reaction
a b
Fig. 8.13 Axial T2-weighted (a) and coronal STIR (b) MRI reveals a mass of the right iliac wing extending to the
anterior sacroiliac joint and through the acetabular dome, with a large superficial and deep soft tissue component
82 B. V. Kelley et al.
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Pelvic Metastases: Diagnosis
and Treatment 9
Eduardo J. Ortiz-Cruz, Manuel Peleteiro-Pensado,
Irene Barrientos-Ruiz, and Raquel Ortiz-Hernando
2. Patients with a past history of remission and prognoses. Surgery on the pelvic bone is a
cancer, it does not matter how long ago the challenging procedure both for the patient and
cancer happened. surgeon [7], and that is why a clear understanding
Most of these patients require biopsy con- of all potential varieties of treatment, beginning
firmation. If this event is the first evidence of from nonsurgical therapies to surgeries options
recurrence or the disease progression, the [1, 4, 8].
staging assessment must include a contrast-
enhanced CT of the chest, abdomen, and pel-
vis for visceral organ evaluation, a bone scan 9.3.1 Nonoperative Treatment
or FDG-PET/CT may be also indicated.
3. Patients with known history of cancer at The radiation therapy is effective in providing
the present time, with known metastases. palliation and relief of painful bone metastasis,
These types of patients who were found to with a global pain response rate as 60%.
have other visceral metastasis on restaging Therefore, the external irradiation is the standard
evaluation, presumptive diagnosis with imag- nonoperative care for patients with localized
ing modalities may be sufficient for a reason- bone pain and palliation [9].
able diagnosis of bone metastasis and the Lesions of the hemipelvis not directly involv-
biopsy might be not indicated. ing the hip joint as avulsion fractures of the ante-
4. Patients with a history of cancer at the pres- rior superior/inferior iliac spines, iliac crest, and
ent time and without known metastases. superior/inferior pubic rami can generally be
Generally, the diagnostic staging evalua- treated with external beam radiation and modifi-
tion should precede a biopsy of suspicious cation of weight-bearing.
bone lesions, particularly if a pathologic or
impending pathologic fracture is present or
suspected. 9.3.2 M
inimally Invasive Palliative
9.3 Treatment Planning Patients who have intractable pain at a site of pre-
viously irradiated and may not be eligible for
There are mostly three types of treatment: nonop- supplementary radiation and neither for surgery,
erative, minimally invasive procedures, and sur- the interventional radiology adds to the arma-
gery. The selected procedure should offer an mentarium an effective palliative treatment of
adequate treatment to the patient to achieve the their symptoms [10]. The most frequent tech-
best possible QoL, while avoiding under or over- niques are radiofrequency-ablation, microwave
treatment. The factors associated with poor QoL tumors ablation, cryoablation, and cemento-
include loss of limb function, bedridden, and plasty, which could be used in combination with
pathologic fracture. the previous techniques [11–14].
The treatment depends on the patient’s symp-
toms, prognosis, patient class [4], histologic type,
site of the metastasis, amount of bone loss, and 9.3.3 Surgical Treatment
functional performance such as the Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) The decision to proceed with surgery could be
Performance Status scales [5] and family aims. difficult for the surgeon and patient too, because
The main indications for surgery include the risks of surgery may outweigh the proposed
patients with compromised skeletal stability, pain benefits of improved pain and function. It is
that not responding to other modalities of treat- indispensable to identify the next six key
ment or some solitary bone metastases [1, 4, 6], subjects.
9 Pelvic Metastases: Diagnosis and Treatment 89
a b
Fig. 9.1 (a) Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the pel- patient and destructive progression of the lytic lesion at
vis that shows an osteolytic lesion at left zone 2, in a zone 2, after nonoperative treatments, at this point is
70-year-old male patient with a lung cancer (class 3 changed a class 2 patient
patient according to Muller and Cappana [16]). (b) Same
90 E. J. Ortiz-Cruz et al.
a b
c d
Fig. 9.2 (a) AP radiograph of the pelvis that shows an graph of metastatic osteolytic lesion in femoral diaphysis,
osteolytic lesion zone 2, in 75-year-old female patient, with a high risk of pathologic fracture, that parallels to the
with metastatic thyroid cancer (class 3 patient). (b) Same lesion at zone 2 of pelvis, as displayed in a. (d) AP view
patient, with tumor progression and demonstrates a pre- of the same lesion of the c, currently with pathologic frac-
dictable femoral head protrusio (class 2) that probably had ture, that parallels to the lesion at zone 2 of pelvis with
to be restored it before happened. (c) Conventional radio- femoral head protrusion as b
threaded-Steinmann pins in class III lesions. In Modifications of the technique have been pro-
spite of the limited life expectancy of patients, posed. Using retrograde screws placed through
reconstruction with anti-protrusio cages, screws, the protrusio cage to transmit weight loads to
and cemented hip replacement is beneficial for structurally intact bone, which follows the prin-
improving their QoL. ciples outlined by Harrington [18, 19].
9 Pelvic Metastases: Diagnosis and Treatment 91
a b
c d
Fig. 9.3 (a) Osteolytic infiltrative lesion at zone 1 (supra- imal end of the fibula (expandable bone) in a 65-year-old
acetabular) in a 63-year-old female patient with solitary male with lung cancer, which parallels with a zone 1 or 3
bone metastasis of follicular thyroid carcinoma (class 3). of the pelvis, which are possible to resect them without
(b) Identical patient, after wide tumor resection and not reconstruction. (d) Radiograph after wide tumor resection
pelvic reconstruction, due that there is no compromise of without reconstruction of the proximal fibula; that paral-
the mechanical stability of the pelvic ring. (c) AP view of lels with wide tumoral resection of the zones 1 and 3 of
the tibia and fibula that shows an osteolytic lesion at prox- the pelvis, as shown in b Patient Prognosis ing the clinical studies which reported pain relief,
The estimation of survival will assist to select the function outcomes, perioperative complications,
appropriate treatment indication. A systematic and mortality, they found an advantage for surgi-
review of the literature made by Wood and cal management; however, there is significant
coworkers [20] in patients with MBD to long risk of morbidity and mortality that had to be
bones and/or pelvis, treated surgically and revis- considered.
92 E. J. Ortiz-Cruz et al.
There are tools which estimate the likelihood Indications for Surgical Reconstruction of the
of survival after surgery for patients with skeletal Acetabulum
metastases, and some of them are located in the 1. Lesions that compromise the load transfer
web and easy to check ( [21], from the lower limb to spine are as follows:
and they help for surgical decision-making. (a) Periacetabular weight-bearing dome com-
promised by tumor. Type of Surgery (b) Fracture of the medial or weight-bearing
Pelvic metastases are treated either with tumor dome of the acetabulum.
intralesional resection and not reconstruction, (c) Posterior Ilium lesions not involving the
intralesional resection, and reconstruction or acetabulum can be treated by intralesional
wide resection and reconstruction or not. resection and cement augmentation.
Respect which type of resection has to be indi- (d) Acetabular lesions that are contained
cated, there are few data available to compare the (with an intact medial wall) can be recon-
outcome of wide resection and intralesional structed by a cemented arthroplasty.
resection for pelvic metastases. The study of Protrusio acetabular cups compensate for
Pietro Ruggieri and coworkers [22] evaluated the deficiencies of the medial wall, while
role of intralesional or marginal resection and cement and pin fixation [18, 19] with
compared with wide resection; they did not find modified Harrington methods can be used
difference in survival to death between wide effectively to reconstruct large defects in
resection and intralesional resection even in the acetabular column and dome.
patients with solitary metastases. Nevertheless,
the wide margin and reconstruction could be Reconstruction of the Acetabulum: Options
appropriate for patient with solitary metastases, Metal cage like device, fixed in place with a com-
in order to attempt to increase the survival [16]. bination of screws and cement. Into this cage is
The Interdisciplinary Consensus on the placed a constrained hip cup or preferable double
Management of Bone Metastases from Renal mobility cup to prevent dislocation of the total hip
Cell Carcinoma [23] supports the wide resection replacement [24]. A long-stem femoral compo-
essentially if the metastases are from thyroid or nent is often used, not just to complete the total hip
renal carcinomas. Preoperative embolization of reconstruction, but also to prevent against patho-
these tumors is strongly suggested to reduce logic fracture of the femur in the case of disease
intraoperative blood loss. progression. Nevertheless, long cemented femoral
stems may lead to adverse events, for instance,
Periacetabular Defects hypotension or desaturation that are supposed to
Larger lesions can be treated by tumor intrale- be secondary to embolic phenomena, but this
sional resection (curettage) and cement pack- event is still in study [25, 26]. Cemented compo-
ing and if a solitary metastases lesion, as nents are generally chosen in the context of meta-
mentioned before, it could be indicated to get static bone disease since the associated use of
wide margin. radiation therapy will limit the degree of bone
Large lesions with impending or completed ingrowth with uncemented prostheses.
acetabular fractures may require surgery, with
the goal of constructing a durable hip joint to
offer pain relief and allow immediate weight- (a) Minor lytic lesions when the cortical bone is
bearing. This kind of reconstruction requires a undamaged, it is a good solution to perform
construct that effectively bypasses the acetabu- PMMA-augmentation with the use of verte-
lum, mainly with total hip arthroplasty with broplasty kits. Bone cement increases the
some combination of pelvic or acetabular hard- resistance of the acetabulum and allows full
ware and cement. loading of the affected limb (Fig. 9.4).
9 Pelvic Metastases: Diagnosis and Treatment 93
(b) In case the acetabulum cannot be recon- and reconstructions are massive and involve
structed, but significant iliac crest is available, significant blood loss and risk of complica-
stemmed acetabular implants (inverted ice tions, it is important to have determined pre-
cream cone prosthesis or pedestal cup) let operatively that the benefits outweigh the
anchorage of the acetabular shell into the pos- risks.
terior ilium with the stem [27] (Fig. 9.5a, b). (c) In cases where there are no further recon-
Alternatively, a customs acetabular or pelvic struction options available, a flail limb recon-
prosthesis may be used. As these resections struction by removing the femoral head and
debulking of the tumor can be performed;
resection arthroplasty may be considered in
patients thought to be too great a risk for
reconstructive surgery although this proce-
dure generally will preclude return to ambu-
lation in this fragile population and pain
relief is variable (Fig. 9.6a, b) [28].
(d) Hindquarter amputation is a last measure
reserved for cases of tumor fungating through
skin, non-suppressive deep infections, or
uncontrollable pain. Although, these proce-
dures have a high rate of complications, and
a death rate of about 50% within 12 months
[29], the patient’s life expectancy and the
Fig. 9.4 AP view of the pelvis with an osteolytic lesion improvement of the quality of life produced
of supra-acetabular region with percutaneous acetabulo-
plasty with PMMA
could justify the surgical risks.
a b
Fig. 9.5 (a) Bone metastases from breast carcinoma in a tumor board committee. (b) Intralesional resection zone II
female patient of 45 years old, with severe pain and capa- and wide resection of proximal femur. The reconstruction
ble of all self-care, but unable to carry out any work activi- was doing by inverted ice cream cone prostheses (Ice-
ties. The radiograph demonstrated destruction of the Cream Cone-style implant (Coned; Stanmore Worldwide
superior, lateral, and medial walls of the right acetabulum Ltd, Elmstree, UK)) with PMMA filling the gap of the
(zone 2) and impending femoral of the femoral neck. She acetabulum, dual mobility, no constrained cup, and
is ECOG 2 and class 3 patient; surgery was indicated after cemented proximal femur tumoral prostheses
94 E. J. Ortiz-Cruz et al.
a b
Fig. 9.6 (a, b) The X-rays shows an acetabular protru- Nonsurgical pretreatments have failed to relieve severe
sion of the 59-year-old female patient affected by bladder pain. Consequently, the surgical indication to dismiss the
Carcinoma and multiples bone and visceral metastases. pain was a resection arthroplasty after tumor board and
She has severe left hip pain. She has a pathologic fracture consent by the patient and relatives
involving a posterior column and pubic osteolisis.
10.3 Preoperative
Arm rest
Axillary roll
Radiolucent table
Fig. 10.3 Lateral decubitus position. The positioning of table, for imaging purposes, with a bump under the
the patient in the later decubitus position is used for the patient’s lateral side and axilla. In the upper extremity is
standard hemipelvectomy and subsequent hemipelvec- secured in an arm rest
tomy subtypes. The patient is placed on a radiolucent
pressed) is necessary. Contrast with gadolinium is Insert of a Foley catheter to initiate. The patient is
usually helpful to define tumor extent, especially in then placed in a lateral decubitus position with the
recurrence and after prior surgeries. involved side up on a radiolucent table, for use of
fluoroscopy (Fig. 10.3). The patient is supported
on the table to best facilitate anterior and posterior
10.4 Perioperative Considerations dissection by modifying table tilt. These initial
instructions are applicable to all hemipelvectomy
A multidisciplinary approach may include vascular subtypes.
surgery, general surgery, musculoskeletal oncology, Standard hemipelvectomy involves the disar-
urology, and plastic surgery. In cases of visceral ticulation of the ipsilateral pelvis from the sacro-
involvement, a patient may need a staged diverting iliac joint to the pubic symphysis and removal of
colostomy and ureteral stents. Preoperative medi- the ipsilateral lower extremity (Fig. 10.4). This
cal, oncologic, cardiac, and anesthetic evaluations requires the division of the pelvic vasculature
are necessary. Team composition includes surgical (Fig. 10.5). A posterior myocutaneous or fascio-
technologists, radiological technologist, and proper cutaneous flap from the gluteal region is utilized
instrumentation. Use of a Foley catheter before to cover the resulting defect. This procedure is
beginning the procedure. Scheduling a postopera- reserved for tumors originating from within the
tive bed in the step-down or intensive care unit. pelvis, as well as high-grade pelvic tumors
located in the anterior and lateral aspect of the
pelvis and thigh (Fig. 10.6). This amputative pro-
10.5 Amputative cedure is performed in patients where limb sal-
Hemipelvectomy Types vage cannot be done safely.
rior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle. Deepen parietal peritoneum off the iliac vessels, per-
the incision through the tensor fascia, external mitting it to fall inferiorly with the viscera.
oblique aponeurosis, and internal oblique and Ligation of the inferior epigastric vessels fol-
transversalis musculature. Followed by retrac- lows. Release the rectus muscle and sheath
tion of the spermatic cord medially. Expose from the pubis. Once the iliac vessels are iden-
the iliac fossa by blunt dissection. Elevate the tified, retract the ureter medially, and ligate
and divide the common iliac artery and vein.
Putting lateral traction on the iliac artery and
e vein and ligate and divide their branches to the
sacrum, bladder, and rectum separating the
bladder and rectum from the pelvic sidewall
and exposing the sacral nerve roots. In cases
requiring further exposure, divide the sym-
physis pubis and sacroiliac joint before this
m dissection. The anterior wound is then packed
with warm, moist gauze.
• Step 2: Make a posterior skin incision
(Fig. 10.7), extending approximately from
5 cm above the anterior superior iliac spine,
going over the anterior aspect of the greater
trochanter, parallel to the gluteal fold around
the thigh, connecting with the inferior end of
Fig. 10.4 Hemipelvectomy anatomy. Illustration of the
the anterior incision. The posterior flap is
differing osteotomies for standard hemipelvectomy and raised by dissecting the gluteal fascia directly
subtypes: Standard (s), Modified (m), and Extended (e) off the gluteus maximus (Fig. 10.8). Include
Iliolumbar artery
(Lumbar branch)
Superior gluteal
Superior vesical
Obturator artery
10 Demolitive Surgery for Pelvic Bone Tumors 101
a b
* *
Fig. 10.6 Posterior flap hemipelvectomy case. A with preservation of the gluteus maximus. The tumor was
51-year-old male patient with chondrosarcoma (high- found near the right greater sciatic notch with notable
grade) of the right pelvis. Presented with 4–5 months of peritumoral edema. A decision was made to perform an
significant right lower limb pain, following the sciatic external hemipelvectomy. (a) Magnetic resonance imag-
nerve distribution, and an enlarging right pelvic mass. ing (MRI) T1 (left) showing preservation of the gluteus
Imaging showed a large tumor that begins from the most maximus (asterisks) and skin (arrows) for posterior flap
proximal portion of the right ilium involving the posterior wound closure. (b) MRI T2 (right) showing chondrosar-
soft tissue of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, coma on the anterolateral side of the right pelvis
Sciatic nerve
Inferior gluteal
Superficial superior gluteal
Anterior flap hemipelvectomy is reserved for • Step 1: Posterior dissection is done first. Skin
tumors located in the gluteal region and proximal margins are preserved, at least 3 cm from the
10 Demolitive Surgery for Pelvic Bone Tumors 103
Fig. 10.11 Myocutaneous anterior flap anatomy with preservation of the superficial femoral vessels, deep femoral
vessels, and quadricep musculature
Fig. 10.12 Anterior flap hemipelvectomy. Case of the left hemipelvis, extending posteriorly to the gluteal
1—42-year-old female patient with a history of osteosar- region. CT Pelvis Axial (top) shows destruction of the left
coma in the left femur with previous surgical attempts at iliac wing. MRI T1 axial (bottom) shows thinning of the
limb salvage, who presented with persistent left lower gluteus maximus (yellow arrows). Based upon the ana-
extremity pain and enlarging mass. Imaging demonstrated tomic extent of the recurrence, anterior flap hemipelvec-
recurrent left-sided pelvic osteosarcoma with destruction tomy was performed
10 Demolitive Surgery for Pelvic Bone Tumors 105
a b
Fig. 10.13 Anterior flap hemipelvectomy Case 2. Thirty- appears as soft tissue mass with a slightly higher density
five-year-old female patient with synovial sarcoma of the than muscle and with the easily detectable calcifications.
left hemipelvis. (a) Axial CT scan shows extensive (b) Sagittal and coronal CT images of the pelvis better
involvement of the soft tissue in the posterior region of the demonstrate the tumor extension from the proximal ilium
left hemipelvis. The synovial sarcoma (white arrow) to the subtrochanteric area, including the sciatic nerve
a b c
Fig. 10.14 Anterior flap hemipelvectomy Case 2 cont. strate the marked inhomogeneity, enhancement, and sep-
Thirty-five-year-old female patient with synovial sarcoma tation. Pathology confirmed a synovial sarcoma with
of the left hemipelvis. A subsequent MRI demonstrates typical SYT-SSX chromosomal translocation
with coronal (a) sagittal (b), and axial (c) images demon-
hemipelvectomy. This procedure includes the ligation is often necessary. If an anterior flap
removal of the hemipelvis along with additional is being utilized, the medial skin incision
structures not limited to the ipsilateral sacrum, should be made over the mid-sacral spines,
lumbar spine, and/or contralateral pelvis allowing for visualization of the dorsal sacral
(Fig. 10.18). foramina. If a posterior flap is being utilized,
this flap must be dissected back to the mid- Surgical Technique sacral spines to allow for accurate localization
• Step 1: In most circumstances, bone transec- of the dorsal foramina. In the anterior aspect,
tion is done through the sacral foramina; a all of the branches of the internal iliac artery
lumbo-sacral laminectomy with nerve root overlying the sacral nerve roots must be very
106 J. Benevenia et al.
a b
c d
Fig. 10.15 Anterior flap hemipelvectomy Case 2 cont. Then, it extends caudally on the anterior aspect of the
Thirty-five-year-old female patient with synovial sarcoma thigh and then laterally just below the greater trochanter
of the left hemipelvis. Surgery consists of an external (white arrow). (a) Vascularization of the flap is based on
hemipelvectomy with partial resection of the ilium and the major vascular pedicle of the pelvis and extremity ves-
atypical anterior thigh flap considering the extensive sels (dot black line). (b) Lateral incision of the myocuta-
involvement of the gluteus. The landmarks are the great neous flap. (c) Release of the quadriceps femoris muscle
trochanter, anterior superior iliac spine. The starting point from the femur (asterisk). (d) During this phase, care must
is the posterior inferior iliac spine and the incision follows be taken not to separate muscle bundles of the myocutane-
the iliac crest reaching the anterior superior iliac spine. ous flap from the overlying skin
carefully dissected. Failure to secure these the osteotome through the bone with the mal-
vessels may lead to substantial blood loss let. The surgeon’s left hand will have located
when the nerve roots and sacrum are being the next highest foramina and will guide the
transected. direction of bony transection. The bone at the
• Step 2: Once the vessels are secured, move to upper portion of the sacrum is fragile, and
the posterior aspect of the patient. Beginning therefore the surgeon must be careful to not
at the tip of the coccyx, an osteotome is now accidentally fracture through the bone during
utilized to divide the coccyx and sacrum in a osteotomy. Finally, the lumbosacral ligament
plane that divides the sacral foramina. The ini- is divided, and the specimen is released.
tial course of the osteotome should be parallel
to the mid-sacral spines. Then, the surgeon
should reach around the coccyx with their left 10.5.4 Modified Hemipelvectomy
hand to find the S-5 neural foramina within
the sacrum, and then work superiorly, pro- The modified hemipelvectomy involves resection
gressing from one foramina to the next. The of the hemipelvis through the ilium for tumors of
surgeon should be holding the osteotome in the lower pelvis sparing a portion of the upper
their right hand and allow the assistant to drive bony pelvis (Fig. 10.19). The wing of the ilium is
10 Demolitive Surgery for Pelvic Bone Tumors 107
a b
c d
Fig. 10.16 Anterior flap hemipelvectomy Case 2 cont. operative defect. (c) Closure, the myocutaneous flap is
Thirty-five-year-old female patient with synovial sarcoma folded posteriorly and bleeding points are secured. (d)
of the left hemipelvis. (a) Surgical field after tumor Postoperative X-ray shows the partial resection of the
removal. (b) The myocutaneous flap is well vascularized ilium and the pubis (modified hemipelvectomy)
(dot black line) and the skin is adequate for coverage of
Fig. 10.18 Extended hemipelvectomy case. A 28-year- MRI T1 (top) and CT (bottom) axials shows tumor
old female with left pelvic osteosarcoma (right). involvement of the sacroiliac joint (SI) (arrow) with pen-
Presented to the ICU with a fungating large soft tissue etration of gluteal structures. Due to extensive tumor
mass at the left pelvis. Imaging showed tumor replace- involvement at the hemipelvis and sacrum, as well as
ment of the posterior aspect of the ilium, extension tumor crossing the midline, a decision was made to per-
through the SI joint, and a large soft tissue mass expand- form an extended hemipelvectomy
ing through the gluteal musculature and lateral thigh.
sion. The sciatic nerve is now divided at the of the hemipelvis may be indicated in such
same level that the muscles were divided. circumstances.
Strong upward traction is placed on the Patients best suited for this procedure are
extremity to transect the urogenital diaphragm those with locally aggressive pelvic tumors that
and levator ani muscle to create a free plane are of low-grade malignancy. Compound hemi-
above the urethra, bladder, and rectum. pelvectomy tends to carry an increased risk of
Drainage and closure of the wound are similar postoperative infection due to the resection of the
to the steps described above for a standard abdominal or pelvic viscera.
hemipelvectomy. It is important to conserve A multidisciplinary approach and consults of
the skin over the anterior superior iliac spine a variety of services may be warranted given the
as increased tension over the bony prominence nature of this subtype.
may lead to delayed wound healing.
Fig. 10.20 Compound hemipelvectomy case. Fifty- T2 Coronal (left) and Sagittal (right) imaging show tumor
year-old male patient with undifferentiated pleo- involvement of spermatic cord (yellow arrows). Given the
morphic sarcoma (UPS). Presented with 5 months of right extent of tumor involvement to the spermatic cord, a com-
knee and hip pain. Imaging demonstrated tumor involve- pound hemipelvectomy was performed
ment in the right hemipelvis, right lower extremity. MRI
110 J. Benevenia et al.
vectomy flaps are adequate for closure, cases do testinal injuries (3%) [23, 25, 27, 28]. Regarding
have a high probability of wound morbidity after quality of life measures, a study by Beck et al.
soft-tissue reconstruction [21]. The involvement observed that patient’s overall quality of life
of plastic surgeons in cases that would include parameters was comparable between groups
the use of a free flap closure is prudent and some- undergoing both external and internal hemipel-
times required. The availability and consultation vectomy. Beck would also observe those who
of a plastic surgery service are dependent on underwent an external hemipelvectomy had an
institution and surgeon preference. In a study by increase in experienced pain severity and were
Apfelstaedt et al., there was no statistical differ- less independent in bladder function [29].
ence between flap failure and ligation of the com-
mon iliac artery compared with ligation of the
external iliac artery only. Increased operative
time and perioperative complications can also
lead to an increase in fap necrosis and infection. 1. Enneking WF. Local resection of malignant lesions of
The best option for reconstructive faps is the use the hip and pelvis. 1966. Clin Orthop. 2002;397:3–11.
of the amputated tissue (free fillet faps) [21–23]
2. Enneking WF, Dunham WK. Resection and recon-
struction for primary neoplasms involving the innomi-
nate bone. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1978;60(6):731–46.
10.7 Complications 3. Mavrogenis AF, Soultanis K, Patapis P, Guerra
G, Fabbri N, Ruggieri P, et al. Pelvic resections.
The rate of associated morbidities regarding exter- Orthopedics. 2012;35(2):e232–43.
nal hemipelvectomy is high. While literature 4. Nowroozi F, Salvanelli ML, Gerber LH. Energy
related to the complications following hemipel- expenditure in hip disarticulation and hemipelvec-
vectomy is scarce, rates are estimated to be from tomy amputees. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1983;
20% to 50% [5, 24]. Given the high incidence of 64(7):300–3.
5. Mayerson JL, Wooldridge AN, Scharschmidt
postoperative complications, in a review of 136 TJ. Pelvic resection: current concepts. J Am Acad
patients who underwent external hemipelvectomy, Orthop Surg. 2014;22(4):214–22.
Kiiski et al. [25] observed postoperative 30-day org/10.5435/jaaos-22-04-214.
mortality of less than 1%. Senchenkov et al. [26] 6. Ariel IM, Hark FW. Disarticulation of an innominate
bone (hemipelvectomy) for primary and metastatic
discovered that the complexity of the case and cancer. Ann Surg. 1949;130(1):76–99.
increased time in the operating room were factors org/10.1097/00000658-194907000-00009.
associated with increased rates of postoperative 7. Lee CM Jr, Alt LP. Hemipelvectomy and hip disartic-
complications. Flap necrosis and wound infection ulation for malignant tumors of the pelvis and lower
extremity. Ann Surg. 1953;137(5):704–17.
are considered to be the most common complica- org/10.1097/00000658-195305000-00013.
tions in both internal and external hemipelvec- 8. Ransohoff JXIII. Interilio-abdominal amputation:
tomy. Flap necrosis typically requires operative with report of a case. Ann Surg. 1909;50(5):925–
debridement and tissue coverage, often delaying 35.
the patient’s rehabilitation process. 9. Grimer RJ, Chandrasekar CR, Carter SR, Abudu
Many patients have significant phantom pain A, Tillman RM, Jeys L. Hindquarter amputa-
in the early postoperative course. Residual limb tion: is it still needed and what are the outcomes?
spasm has been reported to occur more commonly Bone Joint J. 2013;95-b(1):127–31.
than phantom pain and may present weeks or even 10. SpeedK. Hemipelvectomy.AnnSurg.1932;95(2):167–73.
months after the procedure; it is most common
after traumatic hemipelvectomy. In their review 11. Gordon-Taylor G. On malignant disease in the region
of 160 external hemipelvectomies, Senchenkov of the hip-joint. J R Coll Surg Edinb. 1959;5:1–21.
12. Gordon-Taylor G, Wiles P. Interinnomino-abdominal
et al. reported a morbidity rate of 54%, including (hind-quarter) amputation. Clin Orthop Relat Res.
intraoperative genitourinary (18%) and gastroin- 1967;53:3–11.
10 Demolitive Surgery for Pelvic Bone Tumors 111
Hemipelvectomies and pelvic resections are infre- Primary bone sarcomas make up about 0.2% of
quently performed procedures, mainly performed all cancers with 15–20% of those being located in
for primary malignancies of bone and soft tissue. the pelvis [2–4]. The most common malignant
These surgeries may also be performed for meta- primary bone sarcomas encountered are osteosar-
static disease, infection, severe trauma, and pallia- coma (35%), chondrosarcoma (30%), and
tion. A hemipelvectomy, or hindquarter Ewing’s sarcoma (16%) [2]. Similarly, they are
amputation, involves resecting the entire hemipel- the most common primary bone sarcomas found
vis and ipsilateral extremity, and prior to the 1970s, in the pelvis. However, 45% of Ewing’s sarcoma
pelvic tumors were often treated with hindquarter cases are located in the pelvis compared to only
amputations. In 1978, Enneking and Dunham [1] 5% of osteosarcomas found in the pelvis. Benign
described a large series of pelvic resections clas- bone tumors that occur in the pelvis that often
sifying them by the segment of the innominate require surgical treatment include giant cell
bone resected. This widely accepted classification, tumor of bone, osteoblastoma, and aneurysmal
and its basis forms the foundation of the subse- bone cyst. Primary soft tissue sarcomas as a
quent decades of research on pelvic resections or group are more common than primary bone sar-
modified internal hemipelvectomies. It is the find- comas and account for 1.0% of all cancers with
ing of multiple centers from around the globe, that 5% being located in the pelvis [3–5]. The same
with appropriate patient selection, advances in surgical principles used in the management of
imaging, adjuvant treatments, and contemporary pelvic primary bone sarcoma can be applied to
resection and reconstructive techniques, limb sal- soft tissue sarcomas involving adjacent pelvic
vage surgery for pelvic sarcoma can be performed bony structures.
safely with reasonable outcomes.
owing to the significant capacity of the pelvis to mas. Similarly to lymphoma and myeloma,
accommodate a growing tumor prior to it becom- pelvic metastatic disease is usually first treated
ing symptomatic to the patient. This delay in with nonoperative management. However, stud-
detection translates into tumors that are large and ies have reported improved survival and lower
in close proximity to viscera and neurovascular morbidity with pelvic resection compared to
structures. Therefore, surgical treatment becomes curettage in certain patient populations [12].
difficult. These included patients with a solitary metastatic
The goal of surgical management is to remove lesion, primary carcinoma with good prognosis,
the tumor en bloc and with negative surgical mar- and a long time interval between diagnosis of pri-
gins. Where preservation of the limb is possible mary and metastasis [12, 14]. Management of
with the least effect on the patient’s function, metastatic disease has been discussed in greater
limb salvage surgery is preferred [6]. If the extent detail in an earlier chapter.
of tumor involvement in the pelvis makes resec-
tion with negative margins not feasible, this
would be an indication for an external hemipel- 11.4 Surgical Planning
vectomy or hindquarter amputation.
Some patients’ pelvic bone tumors may be Management of pelvic tumors requires a multi-
managed with radiotherapy or other modes of disciplinary approach from both medical and sur-
surgical intervention. An example is Ewing’s sar- gical subspecialties. These include radiology,
coma, which is generally sensitive to chemother- radiation oncology, pathology, medical oncology,
apy and radiation therapy. In such patients where orthopedic oncology, urology, vascular surgery,
resecting the pelvic tumor would cause signifi- surgical oncology, colorectal surgery, neurosur-
cant morbidity, definitive radiation therapy is an gery, gynecology, and plastic surgery. Medical
option that has been reported to provide similar oncologists and radiation oncologists manage
local control rates and acceptable complications adjuvant therapy regimens and treatment timing.
[7, 8]. However, this is debatable as some studies Radiologists are able to assess tumor extent and
have documented a benefit to surgical manage- help plan/perform the biopsy. Depending on
ment of pelvic Ewing’s sarcoma [9–11]. Other structures involved, other surgical subspecialties
minimally invasive options have also been may be required intraoperatively for successful
described for metastasis, including CT-guided and safe tumor resection.
ethanol and thermal ablation, cryoablation, radio- Preoperative laboratory and imaging workup
frequency ablation, and percutaneous acetabulo- are essential to guiding treatment in pelvic malig-
plasty with cement [12]. nancies. Laboratory studies including complete
Other malignancies that may affect the pelvis blood count with differential, electrolyte panel,
include lymphoma and myeloma, where the and serum and urine protein electrophoresis are
mainstay treatments for those patients are che- helpful for diagnosing pancytopenia, life-
motherapy, radiation therapy, and bisphospho- threatening hypercalcemia, and multiple
nates. However, if patients have sustained or are myeloma. Imaging studies should start with plain
at risk for a pathologic fracture, surgical manage- radiographs of the pelvis to get a complete evalu-
ment such as curettage, cementation, and joint ation of pelvic involvement, to identify the pat-
reconstruction may be performed [3, 12]. tern of bone formation in the tumors, and serve as
There has been an overall decrease in mortal- a baseline for future surveillance. Advanced
ity from cancer with the advances in systemic imaging studies including a contrasted MRI are
treatment, with mortality rates in the USA crucial for determining the extent of local dis-
decreasing for men and women by 1.8% and ease, the involvement of major neurovascular
1.4%, respectively [13]. Metastatic disease structures and viscera, and the feasibility of limb
affecting the pelvis is significantly more preva- salvage surgery. A CT of the pelvis is useful to
lent than pelvic primary bone or soft tissue sarco- evaluate the amount of bone destruction and is
11 Principles of Pelvic Surgery 115
often complementary to findings seen on MRI. If include local imaging (plain X-rays, MRI, and/or
the extent of vascular involvement is unclear CT) and metastatic imaging studies (CT chest,
from a contrasted MRI, formal MR or CT angi- bone scan). Where the extent of the tumor raises
ography may be useful. When a primary bone the concern for visceral involvement, the neces-
sarcoma is suspected, staging studies include a sary consultations with urologists, gynecologic
CT chest and bone scan. If a soft tissue sarcoma oncologists, and/or colorectal surgeons to coordi-
is suspected, CT chest for staging is required. nate concurrent visceral resection is
Should the pelvic lesion be suspected to be meta- recommended.
static in nature, a CT chest, abdomen, and pelvis Timing of surgery is usually about 4 weeks
is also performed to identify a visceral primary after finishing the last cycle of chemotherapy and
lesion. In multiple myeloma patients, a skeletal similar timing after neoadjuvant radiation ther-
survey should be performed (CT or plain X-ray) apy to allow cell counts and overlying skin to
to evaluate for other sites of disease. recover. In patients who received neoadjuvant
Once all appropriate imaging has been per- chemotherapy, absolute neutrophil count (ANC)
formed, the biopsy can be planned. The goals of and platelet count need to recover appropriately
the biopsy are to obtain an adequate amount of prior to surgery. Five hundred to 1000 cells/μL
tissue that results in a definitive diagnosis with- and 50,000 cells/μL are considered appropriate
out compromising the planned resection. The ANC and platelet levels, respectively [16]. If cell
biopsy is a fundamental part of the workup and counts have not recovered in time for surgery, the
can cause significant morbidity if done inappro- patient may benefit from another cycle of chemo-
priately. Inappropriate or inadequate biopsy can therapy prior to resection.
lead to a change in treatment plan, making wide
resection and limb salvage surgery no longer fea-
sible [6, 15]. Percutaneous core needle biopsies 11.5 Types of Resection
(with or without CT guidance) and open biopsy
techniques are performed. If a CT-guided biopsy Where limb salvage and a curative resection are
is planned, there must be a discussion between the indicated, resection of the tumor with nega-
the treating surgeon and the radiologist perform- tive margins is the goal. Anatomic considerations
ing the biopsy about the planned approach for determine the technical feasibility of performing
resection in order to prevent contamination of this with preservation of vital structures.
uninvolved compartments. Care must also be In 1978, Enneking and Dunham [1] described
taken not to contaminate the retroperitoneum. If pelvic resections based on the part of the innomi-
an incisional biopsy is performed, the biopsy nate bone excised and surrounding soft tissue.
should be made in line with the planned surgical This widely accepted classification of pelvic
incision. This is usually along the iliac crest. resections and its subsequent modifications are
Intraoperative fluoroscopy may be necessary for based on the bony anatomy of the innominate
tumors without a soft tissue component and con- bone. This classification provides a framework
tained within the bone to ensure lesional tissue is for appreciating how the level of bony resection
collected. Once enough tissue has been obtained, is accompanied by the requirement for dissection
meticulous hemostasis must be achieved to pre- of certain soft tissue structures to permit suffi-
vent hematoma formation as this may extend the cient mobilization of the bony segment for resec-
area of tumor contamination. Lastly, careful tion (Fig. 11.1).
wound closure is important to minimize wound A type I excision involves resection of the
complications, especially if neoadjuvant chemo- ilium and type IA included the buttock muscles
therapy or radiation therapy is anticipated [15]. and sciatic nerve, if necessary (Fig. 11.2). A type
Following neoadjuvant treatment (chemother- II excision is a periacetabular resection involving
apy or radiation therapy), restaging studies resection of the acetabulum while preserving the
should be performed. These studies typically femoral head, whereas a type IIA resection
116 A. Aratani et al.
involves en bloc extra-articular resection of the type IIIA resection includes resection of the fem-
hip joint, i.e., the acetabulum and femoral head. oral neurovascular bundle and surrounding mus-
A type III excision is a pubic resection, and a cles, sparing the hip joint. Depending on the
location and size of the tumor, these resections
can be combined; e.g., a type II/III resection
involves removing the acetabulum and ischium
(Fig. 11.3). A hemipelvectomy would be classi-
fied as type I/II/III. Additions to this classifica-
tion system include sacral and femoral head
resections. Sacral resections are classified as a
type IV resection. Pelvic resections that include
the femoral head are designated H and subdi-
vided into three types: (1) femoral head, (2)
peritrochanteric, and (3) subtrochanteric [17].
Spinopelvic resections have also been classified
into four types based on the how much of the
sacrum is resected and if the sacral resections are
Fig. 11.1 Classification of pelvic resections combined with an external hemipelvectomy [18].
Fig. 11.2 Type I resection for Ewing’s sarcoma with allograft reconstruction
11 Principles of Pelvic Surgery 117
In male patients, the spermatic cord running in taken not to violate the periosteum when dissect-
the inguinal canal is important to identify and ing and releasing muscles from the pelvis near
protect. Other structures including the prostate, the tumor. A more extensive discussion of
bladder, and corpus of the penis may either be approaches for pelvic resection is included in an
involved or in close proximity to the tumor and earlier chapter.
should be protected. Pelvic resection can affect
male sexual function by damage to the corpus
origin or through neurologic damage. In female 11.8 External Hemipelvectomy/
patients, the ovaries, uterus, and vagina may be Hindquarter Amputation
involved or in close proximity to the tumor. The
urethra runs just inferior to the pubic symphysis Limb salvage surgery for sarcoma may be pre-
and must be retracted if a pubic symphyseal cut is cluded by extensive invasion of critical structures
required. The rectum may also be involved by tumor. The indications for an external hemipel-
depending on the tumor’s location. Any prior vectomy or a hindquarter amputation are mostly
radiation therapy to the pelvic area increases related to how advanced a disease is locally and
fibrosis and adhesions and increases the risk to the extent to which adjacent neurovascular struc-
visceral damage. tures are invaded. Should obtaining clear surgical
margins be deemed unfeasible with limb salvage
surgery in a patient without systemic disease,
11.7 Surgical Approaches hindquarter amputation should be considered.
Neural structures at the level of the pelvis in par-
A utilitarian extended ilioinguinal approach is ticular do not lend themselves well to reconstruc-
commonly used for pelvic resection surgery. It tion, owing to the distance from the level of injury
permits access to the pubic symphysis anteriorly, at the time of transection to the sensory and motor
the sacroiliac joint and sacrum posteriorly, as target end organs in the lower extremity. Loss of
well as the hip and proximal femur distally. muscular control or loss of nerve function can be
Depending on the location of the tumor, modifi- compensated for with the use of external orthoses
cations to this incision may be necessary. For and is not an absolute contraindication to limb
type I resections, only the posterior limb of the salvage. Major artery reconstruction when indi-
extended ilioinguinal approach may be required. cated adds to the complexity of the surgery but
In type II resections, a lateral limb down the lat- with venous or endoprosthetic grafting can be
eral thigh is required and can be achieved by associated with acceptable limb salvage rate [25].
curving the distal and medial end of the incision When resection of major nerves is paired with an
back toward the lateral aspect of the femur. unstable skeleton, external hemipelvectomy
Alternatives to this include a T-incision [19] and should be considered as the resulting lower
the modified Ollier transtrochanteric approach extremity may be insensate, weak, or flail and
[20, 21]. If the resection is to remain extra- unstable. Living with such a limb may be more
articular, the joint capsule is kept intact and the burdensome and disabling to a patient than living
proximal femur is osteotomized at the appropri- without it. The three structures that should be con-
ate level. If the resection is intra-articular, the sidering in the decision making are the periace-
capsule is circumferentially incised to allow fem- tabular portion of the pelvis, the sciatic nerve, and
oral head dislocation. Type III resections may the femoral nerve. Where two of these three struc-
require extending the anterior limb over to the tures require resection, external hemipelvectomy
contralateral side of the pubic symphysis. should be seriously considered [3, 16].
Anterior, posterior, or combined approaches may When an external hemipelvectomy is indi-
be needed for type IV resections depending on cated, the two most common conventional
location, size, and presacral soft tissue extension approaches are the posterior flap hemipelvec-
[16, 22–24]. With all resections, care must be tomy or the anterior flap hemipelvectomy.
11 Principles of Pelvic Surgery 119
A posterior flap hemipelvectomy involves the and lateral incisions along the borders of the
following components: (1) Ilioinguinal approach quadriceps muscles and raising the anterior com-
to explore the retroperitoneal space and for partments of the thigh as a flap off the femur. The
release of the anterior abdominal wall muscles, superficial femoral artery is ligated distally as it
mobilization, ligation, and transection of struc- courses from the anterior compartment through
tures including the iliac vessels. (2) Perineal dis- the adductor hiatus to the popliteal fossa. The
section involving a posterior extension of the adductor compartment may also be included if a
medial end of the ilioinguinal approach toward larger flap is desired or if part of the anterior
the posterior aspect of the thigh and the region of compartment of the thigh has to be removed.
the horizontal gluteal crease. This permits access
to the pubic symphysis for their disarticulation or
the medial ends of the pubic rami for their tran- 11.9 Complications
section. (3) Raising the posterior flap which typi-
cally extends from the iliotibial band laterally, Pelvic tumor resection surgery is complex and
connecting to the ilioinguinal incision superiorly often prolonged and is associated with a signifi-
and coursing posteriorly along the horizontal glu- cant risk of complications that patients should be
teal fold. This flap may be a fasciocutaneous flap duly counseled on. The mortality in the periop-
in the classical hemipelvectomy/hindquarter erative period is an important risk, and studies
amputation where its perfusion is based of fascio- document rates of perioperative mortality from
cutaneous perforators from its base. However, 0% to 10% [16, 26–30]. This illustrates that with
where the gluteus maximus is not involved by good perioperative care, such surgeries can be
disease, preservation of this muscle and the supe- performed safely. However, apart from the risk of
rior gluteal artery with it results in a more robust mortality, the complication rate for pelvic tumor
flap for closure. (4) Mobilization and division of resection surgery is quite significant. Studies
the pelvic floor muscles to complete the detach- vary in their reported rates which range from
ment of the pelvis inferiorly. (5) Final mobiliza- 15% to 68% [26–29, 31–37]. Since complica-
tion and amputation of the hemipelvis. A classical tions occur at such a high rate, they should be
hemipelvectomy involves disarticulation of the anticipated and prevented when possible and
sacroiliac joint. In a modified hemipelvectomy, dealt with as they occur.
the innominate bone is osteotomized through the These complications may be divided into the
sciatic notch, while in an extended hemipelvec- intraoperative complications, complications
tomy, the osteotomy is through the sacrum. diagnosed in the early postoperative period, those
An anterior flap hemipelvectomy is indicated diagnosed in the intermediate postoperative
for the management of sarcoma when the disease period, and late complications.
extends posteriorly and precludes the preserva- Intraoperative complications are related to the
tion of the posterior flap. Prior surgery with con- frequently prolonged nature of these surgeries,
tamination of the posterior flap by sarcoma is the risk of sudden blood loss during certain por-
also an indication for this approach. Nononcologic tions of the procedure, and inadvertent injury to
indication for this procedure includes extensive pelvic viscera. The prolonged surgeries put
sacral or trochanteric decubitus ulcers and osteo- patients at risk of pressure sores, deep vein
myelitis such as in paraplegic patients. The ante- thrombosis, and respiratory compromise. Patient
rior flap is a myocutaneous flap that is perfused with significant cardiovascular comorbidities
by the femoral artery and includes muscles of the should be closely monitored owing to the poten-
anterior compartment of the thigh and the overly- tial for significant blood loss throughout the
ing skin. The good vascularity of this flap is course of the surgery as well as the risk of sudden
regarded as an advantage, and the muscle bulk is brisk blood loss. The extensive nature of some
useful in occluding dead space on wound closure. pelvic tumors requires mobilization of pelvic vis-
Dissection of the anterior flap involves medial cera, and this puts patients at risk of injury to
120 A. Aratani et al.
these pelvic viscera. Identification of injury to be a superficial infection. Studies have also found
pelvic viscera is crucial if these injuries are to be an association of reconstruction with a higher
managed appropriately and to permit appropriate rate of complications [33, 40, 41]. While antibi-
consultation with other surgical subspecialties if otic therapy may be adequate for treating some
indicated to address these complications. The cases of soft tissue infection, severe superficial
pelvic viscera or vessels are at particular risk of infections and deep infection frequently require
injury in type III resections [29]. Due to these repeat surgery. Deep infection in the setting of
risks, high-risk anesthesia teams are needed, and endoprosthetic or allograft reconstruction may
patients should be adequately resuscitated and also involve removal of the components and
arrangements should be made for adequate allograft used in the reconstruction. The develop-
amounts of blood products to be available. ment of wound complications such as infection
Typically, patients are taken care of in monitored or wound dehiscence may preclude the initiation
intensive care units postoperatively. or restarting of systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy.
In the early postoperative period, wound com- It is thus imperative that the indication for recon-
plications are of significant concern and neuro- struction be weighed against the increased risk of
logic deficits resulting from surgery are often complications and the impact that this may have
apparent. Flap necrosis, wound dehiscence, and on a patient’s subsequent systemic treatment.
soft tissue infections are common especially con- Complications that are diagnosed late include
sidering the large size of these wounds, the risk of abdominal hernia and complications related to
bacterial translocation from pelvic viscera, and the failure of reconstructive procedures. Abdominal
challenges in maintaining the hygiene of portions hernia is also a known complication owing to the
of the wounds that are adjacent to the perineum. need to detach the insertions of the abdominal
Increased rate of wound complications and flap wall musculature, and abdominal wall reconstruc-
necrosis have been associated with longer surgical tion may be indicated where there is a significant
times; the extent of resection and ligation of the defect [31, 42, 43]. Prosthetic reconstructions
common iliac artery is also associated with higher may also fail after the early postoperative period,
rates of flap necrosis [31]. Neurologic deficits are and these include periprosthetic fractures, implant
also a common complication as manipulation and fracture, dislocation, and loosening.
mobilization of nerves are required to perform pel- Lastly, there is the risk of local recurrence.
vic resection, while many of these deficits may Local recurrence rates vary significantly in pub-
improve with time others do not improve owing to lished studies from 9% to 45%, while it is clear that
the severity of the injury [29, 38]. Resections intralesional margins result in poorer outcomes,
involving the ilium involve mobilizing the psoas several large studies have not shown differences in
muscle and femoral nerve, resection around the recurrence rates in marginal and wide resections
sciatic notch may involve significant manipulation [19, 28, 33, 34, 36, 44–48]. Where local recurrence
of the sciatic nerve, and resection involving the or deep infection arises and limb preservation is not
sacrum frequently involves significant nerve root feasible, a secondary hindquarter amputation may
manipulation or sacrifice [39]. Reconstructive pro- be indicated, and studies report a rate of 8–12% of
cedures may also result in an increase in the ten- patients requiring this [34, 37, 49].
sion across the nerves and result in injury. Nerve
injuries may also involve the contralateral side
which may be related to surgical manipulation, 11.10 Conclusion
prolonged surgery, or ischemia.
While superficial infections and wound dehis- Pelvic resection for oncologic disease requires
cence are often diagnosed in the early postopera- meticulous planning, multidisciplinary teams,
tive period, deep infections may only be and careful execution owing to the complex anat-
diagnosed at a later stage or after failure of anti- omy, challenging exposure, and often advanced
biotic therapy to manage what appears at first to nature of these tumors on presentation. The
11 Principles of Pelvic Surgery 121
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Innovative Techniques in Pelvic
Reconstructions 12
Howard Park, Akash A. Shah,
and Francis J. Hornicek
resection [7, 8]. Infection, complications from resection significantly increases the morbidity to
arthroplasty, and trauma can also require pelvic the patient. Therefore, in principle, the indication
resection, albeit at a relatively lower frequency. for pelvic reconstruction is any patient who has
undergone destabilizing pelvic resection for the
aforementioned pathologies that is willing and
12.3 Classification of Pelvic able to withstand the extensive surgery and reha-
Resection bilitation intended to maximize function.
Fig. 12.1 Grade 3 chondroblastoma of the pelvis in a 33-year-old male. Magnetic resonance cross-sectional imaging
show expansive lesion involving the lumbar spine, sacrum, and ilium Stage 2
In stage 2 of the operation performed 3 days later, the
patient was positioned supine. Vascular surgery per-
formed an anterior approach to the lower lumbar
spine and sacrum with mobilization of the great ves-
sels which required ligation of the left internal iliac
artery and left common iliac vein. The osteotomy cuts
were completed from the anterior approach under
navigation guidance and the tumor, hemisacrum, and
hemi-ilium were resected in an en bloc fashion while Fig. 12.2 Same patient. Postoperative radiograph shows
the spinopelvic reconstruction with multiple pedicled
preserving acetabulum. Plastic surgery then per- screws and rods associated with vascularized fibular auto-
formed a vascularized fibular autograft to span the graft and a humeral shaft allograft for bone support
lumbar spine to acetabulum adjacent to a humeral
shaft allograft for structural support. Multiple pedicle
screws into the remaining pelvis were placed and con- vastus lateralis rotational muscle flap was mobilized
nected to the rods placed during the first stage to fur- anteriorly to provide coverage over the hardware
ther reconstruct the resected hemipelvis (Fig. 12.2). A within the pelvis. Toe-touch weight-bearing restric-
126 H. Park et al.
tions were in place for 8 weeks. At last follow-up, the 12.5.1 Case 2
patient was ambulating independently with a walker
within his house. At 6 months follow-up, the patient The patient is a 32-year-old male with right leg
has remained recurrence-free. sciatica with calf atrophy for several months who
initially attempted nonoperative measures. MRI
revealed a large tumoral lesion centered about the
12.5 Sacral Reconstruction R sacral ala extending into the S1 and S2 neural
foramen and into the pelvis displacing the blad-
The indications for sacral reconstruction most der (Fig. 12.3). Subsequent biopsy demonstrated
frequently include chordoma, chondrosarcoma, grade 1 chondrosarcoma, and staging revealed no
giant cell tumor, and osteosarcoma [9]. This rela- metastatic disease.
tively rare reconstruction can be addressed with
various techniques, but the principle of maintain- Stage 1
ing pelvic ring continuity remains paramount. The patient was positioned supine for an anterior
The use of autograft, allograft, titanium bars, approach to the sacrum by vascular surgery. The
plates, and custom 3-D printed implants have all great vessels were mobilized, and the right inter-
been documented in the literature [9–12]. nal iliac artery and vein were ligated to gain
Sacrectomy and reconstruction carry a significant access to the sacrum. The tumor was dissected
morbidity with a neurologic deficit expected in away from the bowel and peritoneum. Utilizing
most reconstructions in addition to a high infec- navigation, osteotomies with a diamond-tipped
tion and wound-healing complication rate. burr were performed in a longitudinal fashion
Furthermore, nerve ligation at the sacral level can along the sacrum and L5–S1 disk on the right
affect bladder, bowel, and sexual function, and it side with preservation of the left-sided hemisa-
is our preference to preserve at least one side of crum. The left hemisacrum was preserved in
the sacrum in an attempt to maximize function. order to maximize the patient’s postoperative
Based on the current literature, there is no con- bowel, bladder, and sexual function.
sensus on the best reconstruction method, but
anterior spinal column fixation in conjunction Stage 2
with posterior instrumentation may be required Two days later, the patient was positioned prone
to minimize the risk of hardware failure. and a midline lumbar incision with lateral exten-
Fig. 12.3 Grade 1 chondrosarcoma of the sacrum in a 32-year-old male. Sagittal and axial MRI show the tumor exten-
sion into the proximal sacrum (S1 and S2 neural foramen)
12 Innovative Techniques in Pelvic Reconstructions 127 Operation
A midline longitudinal incision through the lum-
bar spine which extended over the gluteus to the
left lateral thigh was utilized to access the lumbar
spine and tumor. The tumor was carefully dis-
sected away from the lamina of the low lumbar
spine, and the nerve roots were meticulously dis-
sected away from the tumor. Laminectomy was
completed in the lower lumbar spine and sacrum.
Utilizing navigation, a diamond tip burr was uti-
Fig. 12.4 Same patient. Postoperative radiograph shows lized for the near total sacrectomy. Posteriorly
the resection performed with navigation (longitudinal based iliac osteotomies were completed, and the
split of the sacrum and acetabular sparing) and recon- tumor was dissected from the pelvic contents and
struction with pedicled screws, rods, and allograft
resected en bloc. A humeral allograft was utilized
to span the defect from right sacral remnant to
sion over the gluteus maximus toward the mid- left iliac wing to reconstruct the pelvic ring.
portion of the right thigh was undertaken. The Pedicle screws, iliac bolts, and multiple rods
sciatic nerve was dissected proximally to the sci- were utilized to reconstruct and support the spi-
atic notch. Laminectomy of the lumbosacral nopelvic junction (Fig. 12.6). The patient has
junction was completed, and utilizing navigation, partial paresis in the sciatic distribution of the left
posterior osteotomy to join the anterior osteot- lower extremity and continues his rehabilitation
omy made in stage 1 was completed. The sacrum 9-month follow-up.
was split longitudinally and then to the right at
the L5–S1 disk space. The ilium was freed of
muscular attachments on the left, and a supra- 12.6 Pelvic Allograft
acetabular osteotomy was completed. The left Reconstruction
hemisacrum, left iliac wing, and tumor were then
resected en bloc. A humeral shaft allograft was Wide resection of primary malignant tumors of
placed from the low lumbar spine to the supra- the pelvis coupled with limb-sparing surgery
acetabular pelvis. Pedicle screws were placed when possible is the preferred treatment of our
into the lumbar spine, left ilium, and supra- group. Although there is no unanimous opinion
acetabular pelvis on the right side. Multiple rods regarding the ideal reconstruction method, pelvic
and connecters were utilized to reconstruct the allograft is a viable option for reconstruction. An
pelvic ring (Fig. 12.4). The patient is ambulatory advantage of allograft reconstruction is that it can
with preserved bowel and bowel function at be shaped and sized in order to match the postre-
20-month follow-up. section defect. Allograft use also provides the
advantage of patient bone stock preservation
[13]. Furthermore, use of an allograft may allow
12.5.2 Case 3 the patient to avoid a flail hip or arthrodesis.
Pelvic allograft accommodates anatomic recon-
The patient is a 50-year-old male who presented struction of pelvic bony architecture as well as
with low back pain and difficulty with bowel move- allows for multiple hip preservation options [14].
ments. Advanced imaging revealed large expansile Patients report a high rate of functionality with
128 H. Park et al.
Fig. 12.5 Grade 1 chondrosarcoma of the sacrum with posterior soft tissue extension in a 50-year-old male. Sagittal
and axial MRI show the typical characteristics and growth pattern of the tumor
12.6.1 Case 4 Stage 1
In the first stage of this staged resection, the
patient was positioned prone and a posterior inci-
sion was made longitudinally in line with the
lumbar spine; then, dissection was carried out to
the right toward the right buttock and sciatic
nerve. With guidance from intraoperative naviga-
tion, an osteotomy was made just medial to the
right sacroiliac joint. Pedicle screws were placed
at L3 and L4 as well as two large iliac bolts in
anticipation of the spinopelvic reconstruction. An
L5 osteotomy was performed. Further bone wax
was placed in the defect, and rods were used to
span the defect, positioned strategically for sub-
sequent anterior reconstruction (Fig. 12.8). Stage 2 Fig. 12.8 Same patient. First surgical stage with poste-
rior approach. Pedicle screws were placed at L3 and L4 as
Five days following stage 1, the patient under-
well as two large iliac bolts in anticipation of the spinopel-
went the second stage. The patient was positioned vic reconstruction
in lateral decubitus, and a curvilinear incision
was made extending from the posterior superior
iliac spine toward the anterior iliac spine and tables of the pelvis. Tissue along the iliac crest
toward the knee. The tumor was situated within and the hip abductors was detached with the
the ilium extending out from the inner and outer mass.
130 H. Park et al.
12.7.1 Case 5
specific anatomic locations of resection; recon- 9. Bederman S, Shah KN, Hasan JM, Hoang BH, Kiester
PD, Bhatia NN. Surgical techniques for spinopelvic
struction may be favored in the setting of pelvic reconstruction following total sacrectomy: a systemic
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is to provide continuity between the lower 10. Wei R, Guo W, Ji T, Zhang Y, Liang H. One-step
extremity and the axial skeleton in order to maxi- reconstruction with a 3D-printed, custom-made pros-
thesis after total en bloc sacrectomy: a technical note.
mize function. Eur Spine J. 2017;26(7):1902–9.
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likelihood of negative bony margins. Finally, soft 15. Karim SM, Colman MW, Lozano-Calderon SA,
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wound-related complications. Rotational flaps pubis? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015;473:1442–8.
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Navigation in Pelvic Surgery
David M. Joyce
tion [8]. The purpose of computer navigation in the interpretation of preoperative imaging on MRI and
musculoskeletal oncology setting is to plan and CT and then properly correlates to bony landmarks
assist in executing a local wide excision, to reduce intraoperatively on the patient’s pelvis during sur-
and eliminate the rate of intralesional resection with gery. This relationship between what is seen on pre-
preservation of vital structures as well as mechanical operative imaging and what is identified in the
structures. Navigation allows for accurate identifica- patient can lead to errors that translate into positive
tion of the local bony anatomy and define the extent margins in the noncomputer-assisted surgery.
of the tumor which helps the surgeon better under- Navigation allows a surgeon to appreciate the extent
stand the relationship between the tumor and native of the tumor infiltration in the bone on the computer
structures in a distorted environment [19–23]. This navigation monitor and know that their tool is cor-
technology aids a surgeon by identifying critical rectly located on the planned resection plane avoid-
structures, improve margins, and preserve structure ing tumor. One of the main goals of computer
and theoretically function [24]. It allows for real- navigation is to help eliminate positive margins
time visual feedback that can be seen on a monitor hopefully leading to more disease-free patients. The
intraoperatively and augments and enhances the sur- other benefit the navigation is the accuracy of the
geon’s tactile perception of the surgical field. cuts because with accurate 3D navigation you now
Primary pelvic tumors often have an intraosseous have a very precise cut that allows the surgeon to
component making it nearly impossible to appreci- take advantage of precision 3D printing (Fig. 13.1)
ate extent of tumor infiltration intraoperatively [23]. now being used in both models and custom 3D
In conventional pelvic resection, infiltration of the printed anatomic reconstructions for use in the pel-
tumor within the bone marrow cannot be seen intra- vis (Fig. 13.2). Improved accuracy through this
operatively and requires a reliance of the surgeon’s modality is one of the primary benefits and the
Fig. 13.1 3D virtual printing used for planning after resection lines are placed on 3D printed model
13 Navigation in Pelvic Surgery 137
Fig. 13.5 MRI vs. CT scan for identifying marrow infiltration, CT when compared to MRI under appreciates the extent
of tumor in the intraosseous bone
surgery and the surgeon elects planes to deter- obtained. The choice based on the technology
mine the starting point and vector of the intended available to surgeons with the options includes
plane for future osteotomy or resection plane surface matching, paired-point matching with
(Fig. 13.6). One can create planes that represent or without fiducial marker, or creating a intra-
resection levels and osteotomy sites. One can operative CT scan of a segment of bone to
also paint the tumor and provide the user with match the preoperative imaging. During com-
collision warnings to minimize that chance of puter-assisted surgery, the surgeon must appre-
getting into tumor (Fig. 13.7). One can create ciate the importance of DRB placement. Certain
multiple planes to allow for cuts than are multi- types of DRBs can have issues with line of
planar (Fig. 13.8). sight such as optical trackers, and it is impor-
tant to think about surgeon’s approach and
patient’s positioning when using navigated
13.6 Intraoperative Computer tools [49]. Some navigation systems use elec-
Navigation tromagnetic trackers for the DRB and the
instrument and will not have the same line of
The intraoperative process consists of tracker sight problem that optical trackers with infrared
or dynamic reference base (DRB) placement on sensors do; however, they can be prone to elec-
the patient, registration, and then resection. tromagnetic interference [36–39, 50]. No track-
Registration of the patient to the system occurs ing system is perfect, and each has their inherent
after the patient is asleep and draped into a ster- problems [37, 50–52]. However, one study was
ile field and can occur either at the beginning able to minimize registration error, in the set-
prior to major surgical incision or at the time ting of fiducial marker use, by placing the DRB
prior to bone resection after bone exposure is as far away from the fiducial markers and resec-
140 D. M. Joyce
Fig. 13.6 Three planes were created in the virtual planning area to identify the pubic symphysis (yellow), intended
resection plane (green) and tumor margin (pink)
tion zone as possible [53]. The DRB can be pelvis away from the surgical site to minimize
placed far enough away from the surgical site interference and compromise to the registration
so to minimize possible disturbances during [53]. One can place pins for the tracker in the
surgery to the tracker and system; i.e., leaning same side iliac wing as long as the pins our out-
on the tracker with a retractor or hand, the sur- side the peritumoral edema zone and outside
geon should place it in a relatively safe but the resection zone [55]. Only solid pins with
visualized area. Some authors have recom- good fixation should be accepted because any
mended the tracker be placed on the contralat- change in tracker position will affect your accu-
eral side of the pelvis and when surface racy. The DRB must be connected to the bone
matching to create a large enough exposure to of an intact pelvic ring for the planned resection
allow for all the working area of bone to be or osteotomy because ligament resection can
included in the sampling surface area [53]. allow bones to move independently and will
While other authors have expressed concern affect the accuracy of the bone interface.
that the further the tracker is placed away from Placing three pins better stabilizes the tracker
the resection plane the more room there is for on the subjects body [56]. Tracker pins that
play in the system through stretching and loosen corrupt the registration accuracy and the
stressing soft tissue connections in the pelvis registration process will be required to be per-
[51, 54]. Pins are placed into a stable part of the formed again [2].
13 Navigation in Pelvic Surgery 141
13.7 Registration 27, 34, 48]. This requires the surgeon to a ccurately
identify both on the CT or MRI image and on the
All advanced imaging-based navigation systems patient’s pelvis the corresponding points. Often,
require a registration process prior to navigated the pubic symphysis, ASIS, AIIS, pubic tubercle,
surgical resection [57]. Registration is the most and PSIS are used for patient to image matching
significant and error-prone step in navigation due and confirmation [20, 53]. However, there are
to the fact the surgeon variation can be intro- specific bony landmarks often that cannot be
duced into the system [58]. This occurs after a identified or palpated due to patient positioning.
DRB has been placed in a position that will be Surface mapping has also been used where one
stable throughout surgery [2, 24]. This can be can select 50–65 points on the bony pelvis to reg-
done several different ways and is mostly based ister the patient [24]. The difficulty with surface
on the type of computer navigation system avail- mapping is soft tissue components such as carti-
able. If no advanced intraoperative imaging is lage, ligament, and soft tissue which will inter-
available registration, then paired-point matching fere due to pliability; thus, bone cortex is used
is primarily used and requires a minimum of four due to its consistency and ease of ability to be
points or “paired points” that are chosen on the defined on a CT scan [48]. MRI is not typically
patient’s preoperative MRI or CT image and then used for surface registration due to the system
identified on patient’s bony anatomy [22, 24, 25, having difficulty identifying cortex on MRI, and
142 D. M. Joyce
thus, CT is the preferred modality when using tion process as a way for quicker and more reli-
surface mapping [12, 29]. Both of these processes ably accurate paired-point registration with
have inaccuracies of the registration, thus trans- minimization of the registration error, i.e., the
lating into errors in resection location; thus, there difference between the preoperative imaging and
was a demand for decreasing registration error, the actual patient bony anatomy. Fiducials allow
i.e., the difference between the picked point on for better paired-point registration than would be
the preoperative CT and the correct point in the obtained with bony landmarks alone. These
patient. Patients with significant body habitus or implants serve as fiducials for pair-point match-
BMI [22] will limit exposure and make it difficult ing during patient registration at the time of sur-
to accurately identify bony landmarks for paired- gical resection [2]. Fiducial markers can be
point matching. Planned registration landmarks placed in the pelvis, but an additional surgery to
whether surface features or fiducials should not place these markers must occur prior to the pre-
involve osseous features that may be included in operative CT [45, 57]. Fiducial positioning is
the resection [29], and when using either paired- chosen based on ease of access during surgery
point or surface matching, the bone and/or the such as the iliac crests, ASIS, AIIS, and posterior
fiducials must be adequately exposed to perform iliac spines [2, 18]. No more than four fiducial
the registration. markers are needed for an accuracy of 1.5 mm
Fiducial markers or small implants such as a [59], but they need to be accessible in both the
screw or pin were added to the computer naviga- prone and supine position if the patient needs two
13 Navigation in Pelvic Surgery 143
approaches. With CT, small titanium fiducial to registration errors because merging is still done
markers such as a Kirschner wire [12] or screw visually by the surgeon leading to potential error
are the preferred implant as stainless steel will even with the best processes [29, 64].
have too much metal artifact to identify a 1 mm
point of registration. Titanium screws or K-wires
chosen as fiducial markers do not allow for the 13.8 Registration Accuracy
MRI to be used in preoperative imaging for navi-
gation. Bioabsorbable fiducial markers are Registration error is a way to determine accuracy
required when MRI is used in paired-point regis- of the “match” can be reported in some systems
tration in order to obtain a registration error of based on the method used to match the patient to
<1 mm [18] because of metal artifact. the preoperative CT scan or CT/MRI fusion scan
Bioabsorbable nonmetallic 1.5-mm pins placed [29, 46]. Registration error can be calculated by
beyond the tumor resection can act as fiducials so the navigation software and gives an indication of
that CT-MRI fusion and MRI images alone can the mismatch and provides a value of difference
be used for patient registration [29]. When using between the point picked on the preoperative
fiducial markers, the slice thickness of either the advanced image on the intraoperative monitor and
preoperative MRI or CT scan must be less than the corresponding location on patient’s bony. It
the width of the fiducial; otherwise, the possibil- can help the surgeon decide if they need to per-
ity exists that the fiducial marker will be missed form registration again depending on the differ-
on the scan [29]. Due to the possibility of needing ence seen. A registration error of <1 mm is the
to flip the patient in the case of some surgeries goal, but some will accept below 2 mm [22, 24,
involving parts of the sacrum, fiducial markers 46, 48, 65, 66]. Most would advocate for a CT or
(1.8-mm titanium K-wires) can limit the need for MRI scan slice thickness of 0.5–1 mm in order to
a second intraoperative image acquisition that obtain registration errors less than 2 mm. For
allow them to quickly reregister the patient after paired-point and surface matching, a registration
replacing the patient tracker [2]. When placing error of greater than 2 mm will not infrequently be
fiducials, they should be placed in solid bone obtained which can be due to soft tissue such as
because placing them erroneously in soft tissue thick cartilage, tendinous, or ligamentous inser-
would lead to significant registration errors and tion being in the way of a bony landmark leading
an inaccurate navigated tool. to an inaccurate registration [22]. Even with fidu-
Registration with intraoperative advanced cial markers, placing the navigational tool inside a
imaging through either a 3 D fluoroscopy C-arm screw head (variability of 1–2 mm) or at the tip of
(Fig. 13.9a, b) CT scan machine or O-arm intra- a K-wire can introduce error by not selecting the
operatively (Fig. 13.9c–f) to create a CT image correct point on the preoperative imaging and
that can be matched with the preoperative imag- then by not matching that location well enough
ing [45, 60–63] to make the registration process intraoperatively. Depending on the software used,
more successfully consistent with minimal regis- the surgeon has options to improve the accuracy
tration error. Image to image registration using of the registration through several different pro-
intraoperative advanced imaging such as 3D fluo- cesses. Surface matching originally intended as a
roscopy or intraoperative CT [45] offers the ben- way to avoid a second surgery (preresection fidu-
efit of not requiring fiducial markers along with a cial surgery placement) is a way to improve the
preresection surgery and can have improved reg- accuracy of the registration [21, 41, 57]. The navi-
istration accuracy over pair-point matching using gational probe can be used to select in continuous
bony landmarks. These systems can allow the sur- succession a minimum of 30 points but often up to
geon to manually match and then use automatic 100 points on the patient’s exposed pelvis boney
matching done by the navigational software to surface [22, 24]. If the registration error is unac-
fine-tune the process (Fig. 13.10). The image ceptable even with attempts at refinement, the sur-
fusion process is not without its own contribution geon will have to start over again by locating
144 D. M. Joyce
a b
c d e
Fig. 13.9 (a) 3D fluoroscopy unit used to create intraop- (c) Intraoperative CT scanner. (d, e) Intraoperative image
erative CT like image. (b) CT like image created by 3D acquisition. (f) A particular of a CT scan machine
fluoroscopy unit for import into navigation system.
13 Navigation in Pelvic Surgery 145
Fig. 13.10 Process of “fusing” or matching the preoperative CT scan with the intraoperative pseudo CT image created
by the 3D fluoroscopy machine
13.9 Computer-Navigated
a b c
Fig. 13.12 (a) Navigated ½ in. osteotome for completion of cut. (b) Navigated osteotome for completion of cut. (c)
Planned cuts
13.10 T
opics Unique to Computer 13.11 Visualization, Accuracy,
Navigation and Margin Benefits
One of the drawbacks to navigation is the added The overall benefit to navigated surgery is the
time to surgery, and with added surgical time, reproducibility of the surgical resection. In a
complications rates can increase. Tracker inser- study of 28 patients with 61 osteotomies using
tion and registration increases surgical time paired-point registration, the quantitative differ-
between 15 and 47 min but, after the learning ence between the planned osteotomies and per-
curve, can often decrease from an average of formed osteotomies was 2.52 ± 2.32 mm for all
30 min to 20 min after the surgeon has performed patients and 2.82 ± 2.01 for the pelvis [23, 75].
more navigated surgeries [22]. Relatively speak- An ex vivo experimental study showed the accu-
ing, this added time in pelvic surgery is probably racy of performed osteotomy planes with respect
insignificant given 30 min of delayed surgical to the planned planes in the pelvis was signifi-
time may only represent 6% of surgical time in an cantly improved by almost 9 mm using a navi-
8-h case. Although additional operating time is gated saw, averaging 2.8 mm compared to
needed for navigation set up; planning and defin- 11.2 mm for the freehand saw (p < 0.001), and no
ing the resection plane on preoperatively obtained intralesional tumor resections were executed
images can reduce the overall surgical time since compared to 22% (N = 5) intralesional violations
the osteotomy is already defined on the naviga- in the freehand group (N = 23) [70]. This showed
tion screen, thus negating the need for multiple by choosing a desired safe margin of 10 mm that
fluoroscopic images [48]. Time is then saved dur- the maximum difference achieved between the
ing surgery by not having to bring in C-arm or cut and desired margin was 6.5 mm for the navi-
X-ray for multiple orthogonal images to deter- gated saw cut compared to the 13 mm conven-
mine the correct resection level if that can even tional cut [70]. In a separate laboratory study
be appreciated on fluoroscopic images. Using involving intraoperative CT registration and nav-
navigation, one can eliminate the need for a igated saw, the navigated sawbones’ entry cuts
C-arm to come in and out of the surgical field, were within 1.4 ± 1 mm and exit cuts 1.9 ± 1.2 mm
thereby decreasing the risk of inadvertent con- from the intended osteotomy plane and were sig-
tamination as well as limiting the radiation expo- nificantly different (p < =0.01) to nonnavigated
sure to the surgical staff [40, 73, 74]. Navigation 2.8 ± 4.9 mm entry cut and 3.5 ± 4.6 mm exit cut
often can allow surgery to be performed through in a pelvic bone model [72]. The navigated saw
one approach which could negate the need for accuracy was evaluated on a cadaver and pro-
flipping the patient. In the situation or having to duced similar differences in intended and exe-
flip back and forth, bony landmarks can be identi- cuted osteotomies which showed a navigated
fied in other areas of the pelvis that can then be entry cut of 1.5 mm ± 0.9 mm and navigated exit
marked on the computer navigation software that cut of 2.1 ± 1.5 mm [72]. Navigation theoreti-
can be used to reestablish the registration [24]. cally allows a 95% certainty of avoiding a posi-
Fiducial markers can make things easier or tive margin as long as the osteotomy is planned
needed if the patient is needed to be flipped from no closer than 5 mm of the tumor [72]. Using
supine to prone; not all the time can the surgery conventional techniques, there is only a 52%
be performed only through a posterior approach probability of achieving a 1 cm margin in a tri-
[8, 49]. Fiducial markers can improve and may plane-simulated tumor model of the pelvis due to
negate the need for another image acquisition the complex 3-D geometry [15]. Another experi-
spin need be performed, but rather the fiducial mental test comparing navigated vs. nonnavi-
markers can be marked as rescue points in order gated saw cuts with a nonnavigated saw had a
to alleviate the need for another spin. 22% intralesional violation rate compared to 0%
148 D. M. Joyce
in the navigated modality [60]. One study look- be saved without compromising margins [76] as
ing at navigation in the pelvis reduced the intral- a free-hand navigated saw improves cutting accu-
esional rate to 8.7% (n = 2) with clear bone racy [72, 77]. Even a navigated tool’s bone loss
margins in all cases (n = 31) with a 13% local related to the saw blade thickness or other resec-
recurrence rate compared to the traditional tion tool can be adjusted for on computer naviga-
method where intralesional rate and local recur- tion planning by shifting the planned resection
rence rate were found to be 29% and 27%, planes by 1.5 mm [20]. In fact, most resection
respectively [24]. planes can be adjusted preoperatively based on
known resection width tools such as the osteo-
tome (0.6 mm) and oscillating saw blade
13.12 Tissue Sparing (1.25 mm) which produced a loss of bone width
and Reconstruction of 2 mm due to oscillation [72]. The precision
and reproducibility of navigation can allow sur-
Surgeons using computer navigation believe it geons to resect the tumor and then use the naviga-
allows for more complex resections and recon- tion software to plan for an allograft piece of
structions than are possible with conventional pelvis to reconstruct allowing for functional limb
surgery allowing preservation of sacral nerve root salvage with a joint reconstruction [78–81].
controlling bladder and bowel (42% of time), Computer navigation osteotomies help with
resect unresectable tumors (13% of the time), and matching to surface contact area of the allograft
avoidance of hindquarter amputation (10% of the to the host bone that can minimize nonunion rates
time) [24]. Navigation can allow for preservation [79]. Navigation, with it’s better accuracy and
of the complete or partial joint making recon- precision is now used to save bone and produce
structions less complex because more bone can joint-sparing bone cuts [60, 76] (Fig. 13.14). The
Fig. 13.14 Examples of joint and pelvic ring preserving cut of the hip joint for a chondrosarcoma
13 Navigation in Pelvic Surgery 149
system can also be used to produce pelvic ring not only have to be used for resection and recon-
sparing cuts that will prevent the ring from being struction of malignant tumors; its use in benign
disrupted. In the era of 3-D printing, custom tumors has been described [13] as there is benefit
prosthesis can now be created that eliminate the to using navigation for a en bloc resection over
need to modify an allograft in order maximize the choice of using curettage in an effort to mini-
contact area (Fig. 13.15). In order for the custom mize recurrence and not affect structural integrity
prosthesis to fit precisely, only computer naviga- of the pelvis [13, 82]. Computer navigation using
tion osteotomies can consistently provide enough an O-arm has been used to treat benign tumors
accuracy. The precise cuts and virtual model can and hematologic tumors tumor ablation and
be loaded to the system to allow for prosthesis kyphoplasty in benign and malignant nonprimary
matching osteotomies (Fig. 13.16). Theoretically, bone tumors [83].
this can minimize reconstruction and wound While navigation may be useful in achieving
exposure time as well as having better recon- negative margins, there is some that feel that with
struction to host contact that can reduce compli- some of the difficulty in learning to use navigation
cations and failures. Computer navigation does that navigation may not routinely be needed for all
Fig. 13.15 3D planning and printing for navigated resection and reconstruction of the pelvic sarcoma
150 D. M. Joyce
Fig. 13.16 Two 3D virtual models with one showing the ability to plan for the new hip center and the other model
(yellow) being loaded to the intraoperative navigational software to assist with planning osteotomies
oncologic resections in bone [55, 84]. Pelvic sur- their patients more accurate surgical resection and
gery is difficult, and adding navigation only helps reconstructions. Computer navigation has
if one is familiar with the system. One must under- increased the precision and accuracy of pelvic
stand the limitation of the navigation system one is resections leading to preservation pelvic structures
using as well as having knowledge of accuracy of with the intention of not compromising oncologic
the system [27, 50–52, 85]. Doing 1 or 2 pelvic outcomes in terms of margins and recurrence.
cases a year does not allow the surgeon to become
familiar enough with using pelvic navigation in
this setting. Surgeons are often frustrated with 13.13 Computer Navigation
need for multiple steps needed to make one com- Summary
plete resection with computer navigation.
Computer navigation is a learned process and skill The overall benefit to navigated surgery is the accu-
that takes relatively large numbers of cases to mas- racy and reproducibility of the surgical osteotomy.
ter. This is not a once a year tool. As with any tech- It is difficult to achieve negative margins in pelvic
nology unless you routinely use it, you would not surgery [8] as tumors involved in the pelvis have a
see the benefit it provides. Centers that do high higher prevalence of positive margins [9] leading to
volume of computer navigation cases can offer higher recurrence rates and poorer outcomes.
13 Navigation in Pelvic Surgery 151
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Spinopelvic Fixation After
Sacrectomy 14
Vasilios G. Igoumenou, Andreas F. Mavrogenis,
Andrea Angelini, Farzam Vazifehdan,
Konstantinos Soultanis, Pavlos Patapis,
Pietro Ruggieri, and Panayiotis J. Papagelopoulos
a b c d
Fig. 14.1 Mayo classification of spinopelvic resections: extended external hemipelvectomy), and (d) total sacral
(a) total sacral resection (total sacrectomy), (b) hemisa- and lower lumbar spine resection (total sacrectomy and
cral resection (partial sacrectomy), (c) hemisacral and [extended] external hemipelvectomy)
lower lumbar spine resection (partial sacrectomy and
for the use of dual iliac screws is the need to per- fixation to bilateral iliac, transiliac bars, and
form partial or total sacrectomy in order to have a cages [5]. With the triangular frame reconstruc-
solid basis at the bottom of the spinopelvic con- tion, the pulled down L5 vertebral body is affixed
struct. In addition, the dual iliac screw techniques to the bilateral ilium with sacral rods. The pelvis
may be used in palliative fixation of metastatic is also connected to the spinal rods with a second
lumbosacral lesions with extremely poor sacral sacral rod [4]. Murakami et al. [24] showed in
bone quality [1]. Several biomechanical cadav- their in vitro and in silico biomechanical analyses
eric studies have evaluated theses fixation tech- that there was less stress concentration on the
niques. In the setting of total sacrectomy, Mindea implants with this technique; however, excessive
et al. [7] showed that the double-rod double iliac stress occurred in the iliac bones that could be
screw technique provided the most rigid fixation, associated with loosening of the sacral rods.
followed by the single-rod double iliac screw Gallia et al. [25] published a challenging tech-
fixation, in comparison with single-rod single nique known as the Johns Hopkins University
iliac screw or modified Galveston technique. Yu (JHU) technique; a modified Galveston technique
et al. [21] showed that dual iliac screws, when all was used, where a transiliac bar was inserted
inserted in the lower iliac column, exhibited through the iliac crests, and single iliac screws
higher compressive and torsional stiffness not were implanted and linked with a horizontal rod.
only when compared to single iliac screws (short The spinal rods were attached to the transiliac bar
and long) but also to dual iliac screws where two with L connectors, and the transiliac bar, the hori-
screws are inserted in the lower iliac column and zontal rod, and a horizontal connector between
two screws in the upper iliac column. the vertical spinal rods were connected with one
In terms of selecting iliac screw length, accord- other using vertical connectors. Last, a femoral
ing to the biomechanical study of Zheng et al. allograft was placed horizontally, between the
[22], short iliac screws (7 mm in diameter and two iliac crests bridging the defect.
70 mm in length) are susceptible to loosening
after cyclic loading. Bone cement augmentation
of short screws has shown a significant increase in 14.4.3 Anterior Spinal Column
the fixation strength of short screws to an extent Support
similar to that of long iliac screws (7 mm in diam-
eter and 120 mm in length). Therefore, given the The importance of anterior spinal column sup-
potential complications of long screw breach, port in lumbopelvic reconstruction after total
short iliac screw fixation with augmentation with sacrectomy has been discussed extensively. In
bone cement may be a viable option for lumbo- 2005, Dickey et al. [26] published the use of
pelvic reconstruction, although much larger screw bilateral fibular grafts. The fibular grafts are
diameters are currently available and more com- placed between the L5 vertebra and the bilateral
monly used [5]. According to biomechanical anal- iliopectineal area, and this technique can be com-
yses, it cannot be argued that a stronger construct bined with the posterior stabilization techniques.
with multiple rods and screws increases the rigid- In vitro and in silico biomechanical study showed
ity of the construct. However, it should be also that with the help of these combined systems,
kept in mind that more metal implants increase greater rigidity can be achieved; however, the
the risk of wound healing problems; therefore, increase of the morbidity from the extension of
increased caution is required [23]. the surgery has to be also considered [4]. A
cadaveric biomechanical study by Cheng et al.
[27] evaluated the following four constructs:
14.4.2 Posterior Pelvic Ring Fixation sacral rod reconstruction; bilateral fibular flap
reconstruction; four-rod reconstruction; and
Techniques for posterior pelvic ring reconstruc- improved compound reconstruction (a combina-
tion include allografts (femur or tibia) with screw tion of the previous methods). Among these,
14 Spinopelvic Fixation After Sacrectomy 159
Fig. 14.2 (a) A 35-year-old man with a sacropelvic chondrosarcoma. (b) Type II resection and spinopelvic reconstruc-
tion were done without evidence of local recurrence at 8-year follow-up
remaining limb is in a second stage. Therefore, patients likely benefit from instrumented
in Type 4 resections, the tumor-free portion of fusion across the spinopelvic junction. This is
the amputated femur is ideally stored sterilely generally performed in a second stage
in a liquid nitrogen freezer until this second approximately 48 h after the index surgical
stage of the surgery [29]. procedure. It is usually simple to reopen the
• The need for an instrumented spinopelvic wound (and probably advantageous to wash
reconstruction after a Type 3 resection is con- out the inevitable degree of hematoma which
troversial. In our experience, if the majority of develops). Reconstruction is performed using
the lumbosacral articulation is resected, spinopelvic instrumentation from L4 through
14 Spinopelvic Fixation After Sacrectomy 161
the ilium on the retained side. There is usually lumbar spine. Rods and screws allow for fixa-
excellent exposure to perform a discectomy of tion and compression across this graft. An
the remaining disk at the L5–S1 segment and alloderm or similar membrane can be prophy-
provide an anterior interbody graft at this lactically used to sequester the abdominal
junction. Depending on the vascular mobiliza- contents away from the instrumentation.
tion achieved in the index procedure or desired Similar to the Type 3 resection, the anterior
in the secondary procedure, similar anterior thigh flap is inserted to close the soft tissue
lumbar interbody fusion can be performed at defect. As Type 4 resections commonly
the L4–5 level as well [29]. involve resection of the anus and genital
• In the case of a Type 4 resection, it is neces- structures, the amount of skin defect may
sary to provide reconstruction between the require the full aspect of skin from the quad-
remaining lumbar spine and remaining hemi- riceps flap [29].
pelvis and limb. Because of the very large
magnitude of the oncologic resection, these
procedures are staged at least 48 h and often- 14.5 Results
times longer after the index procedure, once
the patient has physiologically recovered Oncologic results are most favorable when com-
appropriately. Key aspects of the reconstruc- plete resection of the tumor is obtained. It is best
tion of a Type 4 procedure include centraliz- illustrated by the data of Fuchs et al. [30], report-
ing the remaining hemipelvis and limb under ing the operative management of sacral chor-
the lumbar spine as well as providing a robust doma. In a series of 52 patients undergoing
autograft strut between the lowest remaining surgery, complete survival was seen in all patients
vertebral body and the hemipelvis. At the in whom a wide margin was achieved at the time
time of the index resection, a portion of the of surgery. In contrast, the majority of patients
femur of the amputated limb that is largely with less than a wide margin resection succumb
free of tumor is saved sterilely in a liquid to disease. Results of more aggressive tumors
nitrogen freezer. This provides a strut graft to depended heavily upon the response to chemo-
bridge the gap between the remaining lumbar therapy. Regarding neurologic function after
spine and pelvis on the retained side. Pedicle major sacrectomy, preservation of bilateral S2
screw instrumentation is performed into at nerve roots and a unilateral S3 nerve root or uni-
least the lowest three segments of the lumbar lateral S2, S3, and S4 nerve roots is required for
spine on the remaining side. Screw fixation is predictable maintenance of bowel and bladder
obtained in the bone stock of the remaining function [31–33]. In those patients undergoing
ilium avoiding the hip joint. In performing the major spinopelvic reconstruction, a study of 45
reconstruction after a Type 4 resection, two patients [chondrosarcoma (n = 11); other sarco-
key factors are involved. First, the pelvis mas (n = 11); osteosarcoma (n = 9); chordoma
should be externally rotated centralizing the (n = 6); locally invasive carcinoma (n = 5); and
remaining lumbar spine over the remaining others (n = 3)] at mean 38-month follow-up has
pelvis such that the patient’s center of gravity shown that 28 were living and 17 were deceased;
is relatively uniform. Second, a foraminot- 22 of 28 surviving patients were disease-free and
omy of the lowest one or two lumbar seg- 19 of surviving patients were independent in their
ments remaining should be performed, in activities of daily living; 20 patients required
order to avoid too much traction on the lum- early operation for wound healing; and 16 of
bar nerve roots to the remaining leg from the these 20 patients had a deep infection; in the
previous maneuver. Once instrumentation is patients requiring reoperation, a mean of three
in place, the femoral autograft from the reoperations was necessary; 4 patients in this
resected limb is used as a strut graft between cohort have been revised for instrumentation fail-
the supra-acetabular pelvis and the remaining ure [10]. These results pertain to very large resec-
162 V. G. Igoumenou et al.
tions, which disrupt spinopelvic continuity; much anterior spinal column fixation (14 patients), and
fewer complications and more favorable results spinopelvic fixation alone (8 patients). Compared
are seen with lesser sacral resections provided to the other two groups, the endoprosthesis group
appropriate margins are obtained [34]. had significantly better spinopelvic stability and
The current literature has not focused on implant survival with no greater intraoperative
pseudarthrosis in the setting of lumbopelvic hemorrhage or perioperative complications.
reconstruction, and the nonunion rate cannot be Authors found also radiological evidence of
assessed. Likewise, there is limited data on the implant osseointegration at a mean of 7.2 months.
mechanical failure rate. In a systematic review by However, the study’s retrospective design, the
Bederman et al. [12], it was shown that instru- small sample size and short follow-up period
mentation failure was evident in 16.1% of (mean 22.1 months), and the fact that some
patients (5 of 31 patients). Although there was no patients from the 3D implant group underwent
statistically significant difference, patients with- supplemental reconstruction at the time of sur-
out anterior column support tended to have high gery led to inevitable selection bias that cannot
mechanical failure rates (17.4% vs. 12.5%). This be ignored. Nevertheless, further research and
was also shown recently by Tang et al. [35]; in development of novel materials could be the
their study, 63 patients who underwent spinopel- future answer to the treatment of these extremely
vic reconstruction following total sacrectomy complex and challenging cases.
were studied. Postoperative mechanical failure of
the fixation occurred in 25% of patients, and the
factors associated with this failure were: single- References
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Reconstruction vs. No
Reconstruction for Pelvic 15
Andreas F. Mavrogenis, Dimitrios Papadopoulos,
Andreas G. Tsantes, Andrea Angelini,
Panayiotis J. Papagelopoulos, and Pietro Ruggieri
Radiographs are not diagnostic in most early around the ischium, an open biopsy is usually
cases since radiographs have a low sensitivity for performed through a Ludloff approach, while for
pelvic tumors in early stages, especially for the tumors in the pubic rami, an open biopsy can be
inexperienced physician. In patients with indica- performed through an anterior approach medially
tive symptoms for a pelvic tumor or when radio- to the neurovascular bundle. Regardless of the
graphic signs of malignancy are suspected on biopsy method, the route for accessing the tumor
simple radiographs, further imaging with MR during biopsy must be the same with the route of
imaging and CT should proceed. Although a the surgical approach that will be used for the
complete imaging evaluation of a lesion can con- final resection because the biopsy tract (either
firm or exclude malignancy with enough cer- closed or open) should be excised with the final
tainty, bone biopsy is always mandatory. tumor specimen.
Biopsy must always follow the imaging evalua- A multidisciplinary approach is required, as nec-
tion of a suspicious pelvic lesion in order to con- essary for any malignancy. The multidisciplinary
firm diagnosis and identify the histological type team may include urologists, vascular surgeons,
of the lesion. Due to high risk for contamination colorectal surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, neuro-
of the surrounding tissue with cancer cells during surgeons, plastic surgeons, and spine surgeons
biopsy, the procedure must be performed only by [3–8]. After histological confirmation of the
experienced oncologic surgeons. Unfortunately, tumor, a surgical staging protocol is recom-
several incidents have been described in which an mended using comprehensive imaging evalua-
improperly performed biopsy by unexperienced tion; lung CT, abdomen CT, and a whole-body
surgeons resulted in inoperability of a tumor that bone scintigraphy are mandatory in order to
was initially resectable. Contamination of the ret- investigate whether bone, lung, or intra-abdominal
roperitoneum with cancer cells during biopsy is a metastases are present (Table 15.1). Moreover, a
detrimental event that can alter and/or worsen sonography of the inguinal and para-aortal lymph
patients’ survival [3]. The success of a biopsy nodes is helpful for detection of cancerous infil-
depends mostly on the accurate targeting of the tration as this adverse event can significantly alter
involved area and the proper placement of the the surgical plan and the overall management of
biopsy tract at this area; therefore, an imaging- the patients. Preoperative evaluation may also
guided closed biopsy technique is strongly
Table 15.1 Imaging studies included in staging protocol
Biopsy can be performed under CT guidance
for pelvic malignancies
using a 3–6-mm gauge needle (core biopsy tech-
Imaging study Investigation
nique with a tru-cut® needle). Tumors in the iliac
Lung CT Lung metastases
wing can be easily accessed through the iliac Abdomen CT Abdominal metastases
crest, whereby the tip of the biopsy needle should Whole-body bone Remote bone metastases
follow a subperiosteal route. The biopsy speci- scintigraphy
men should additionally include a thin layer of Sonography of regional Inguinal and para-aortal
the soft tissue that covers the medial aspect of the lymph nodes lymph nodes infiltration
iliac wing [4]. When a needle biopsy is not diag- MR angiography or Infiltration of iliac
intravenous pyelography vessels
nostic, we recommend to repeat the closed biopsy (IVP)
technique with imaging guidance and coopera- Pyeloureterogram or Ureteral or cyst
tion with the interventional radiologist; if the cystoscopy cancerous invasion
repeat closed biopsy technique is nondiagnostic, Rectoscopy Rectal cancerous
an open biopsy is indicated. For lesions located invasion
15 Reconstruction vs. No Reconstruction for Pelvic Resections 167
Table 15.2 Enneking and Dunham classification for pel- Type H3 when the proximal femur is resected [4,
vis resections
8]. Last, when the tumor not only involves the
Resection type Pelvic region posterior part of the pelvis and sacrum but also
Type I Iliac wing extends to the lower lumbar spine, a more exten-
Type II Periacetabular area
sive procedure called extended hemipelvectomy
Type III Pubic rami
is required. This procedure includes external
Type IV Sacrum
hemipelvectomy and resection of ilium, sacrum,
Femoral resections are designated as follows: H1 for fem-
oral head resections, H2 for peritrochanteric area resec- and part of the lower lumbar spine. Certain details
tions, H3 for proximal femoral resections about the surgical approach, the extent of resec-
tion, and the methods for reconstruction of the
bone defects must be set out based on the
Enneking and Dunham classification.
Table 15.3 Indications for external hemipelvectomy Table 15.4 Reconstruction of bone defects after Type I
Extension of the tumor in the sacral foramens and Type I resection Reconstruction
involvement of the nerve roots Partial iliac resection Resection without
Extension of the tumor in sciatic notch and without pelvic ring reconstruction
involvement of the sciatic nerve disruption
Infiltration of iliac vessels resulting in nonrepairable 1. Iliac crest tumors
vascular lesions 2. Small tumors of the
iliac wing
Recurrence of the tumor after a previous limb-salvage
Complete iliac resection
procedure (unless a wide resection can be definitely
with pelvic ring disruption
achieved and the overall status of the patients allows for a
new limb-sparing procedure) 1. Tumors involving the Osseous reconstruction
largest part of the with autograft or
ilium allograft
three major anatomic elements of the pelvis, and 2. Tumors extending to Sacroiliac arthrodesis
sacroiliac joint with grafts
when two of these three must be resected, exter-
nal hemipelvectomy should be considered [28].
required. Similar to these tumors, more distally
located tumors that are small in size and can be
15.6.1 Type I Resections: Os Ilium adequately resected without disrupting the conti-
nuity of the iliac wing can be also solely resected.
Tumors in the iliac wing can be accessed through
the posterior part of the ilioinguinal approach; a Complete Resection
simpler approach through an incision along the of the Ilium with Pelvic Ring
iliac crest is usually adequate for smaller tumors Disruption
in the iliac crest. The resection of these tumors is Bone defects after pelvic resections that involve
achieved through two osteotomies, one proximal the largest part of the supra-acetabular ilium or
and one distal. The distal iliac osteotomy is at the extend to the sacroiliac joint destabilize the pel-
supra-acetabular level and can be carried out vic ring and usually lead to certain functional
through the sciatic notch, while the proximal iliac deficits. In most of these cases, bone defects are
osteotomy is usually adjacent to the iliosacral managed with some form of bone reconstruction
joint. On the proximal osteotomy site, the ilio- or arthrodesis (sacroiliac arthrodesis) to support
lumbar ligament that marks the position of the L5 the two sides of the resection (ilium–ilium or
root (the root is located inferior and medially to sacrum–ilium) and to provide adequate pelvic
the ligament) must be identified and usually ring stability. This can be achieved with grafts,
needs to be cut for adequate exposure. In some metallic implants, or a combination of both.
cases, the proximal extent of the tumor is too Usually, a tibial or a fibular autograft is harvested
close to the sacroiliac joint, and a wide resection and placed at the resection site in order to bridge
can only be achieved through disarticulation of the defect. The one side of the graft is fixed at the
the sacroiliac joint [3, 4, 6–8]. The subsequent supra-acetabular osteotomy site, while the other
reconstruction of the bone defect following Type at the proximal iliac osteotomy or at the sacral
I resections depends on the integrity of pelvic osteotomy. In case of a very large bone defect,
girdle (Table 15.4). massive allografts can also be used.
The functional outcomes after these recon- P artial Resection of the Ilium structive procedures are reported to be excellent,
Without Pelvic Ring while complication rates are low. Although
Disruption reconstruction for these defects is recommended
When iliac resection is only partial and does not by most authors, Beadel et al. compared the
disrupt the pelvic continuity as with tumors results with and without reconstruction of bone
located in the iliac crest, reconstruction is not defects after iliosacral resections (4 and 12
170 A. F. Mavrogenis et al.
patients, respectively) and suggested that recon- around the base of the upper pubic rami, and the
struction to restore pelvic stability after sacroiliac posterior osteotomy is at the proximal part of the
resections is not always necessary [29]. posterior acetabular column or more distally at
Interestingly, in this case–control study, although the ischium. Both reconstruction and nonrecon-
the functional scores (Toronto Extremity Salvage struction options, and biological methods, and
Score and Musculoskeletal Tumor Society), the endoprosthetic options are available for the man-
rates of local recurrence, and survival were simi- agement of the periacetabular bone defects
lar between the groups, patients without recon- (Table 15.5).
struction had a lesser need for walking supports,
required less pain medications, and were more Nonreconstruction Methods:
likely to return to work [29]. Therefore, any Iliofemoral Arthrodesis
reconstruction should be considered with Iliofemoral arthrodesis was a very popular
caution. method for Type II or Type I–II resections during
the previous decades. By this type of arthrodesis,
the stability of the pelvic ring is maintained,
15.6.2 Type II Resections: while the patients preserve a certain degree of a
Periacetabular painless limb function [30]. The disadvantages of
iliofemoral arthrodesis include loss of joint func-
For tumors located around the acetabulum with tion, constant use of gait support, limb length dis-
or without extension to the proximal femur, a crepancy, and long consolidation times [31, 32].
Type II pelvic resection including the acetabulum The functional results of this operation are sig-
is warranted. This type of resection is a highly nificantly better when the proximal iliac osteot-
demanding procedure, and good functional out- omy is close to the native acetabulum so that limb
comes necessitate restoration of the native hip shortening is minimized and successful fusion is
biomechanics. The hip center of rotation and the more likely. However, the attempt to maintain a
force transmission along the pelvic ring must be large part of the ilium may compromise safe
restored so that the weight-bearing pattern resections margins and result in an increased risk
throughout the gait cycle is not altered [20]. For for local recurrence. For the fusion between the
this type of resection, three osteotomies are per- proximal femur and the remaining pelvis, a com-
formed. The superior osteotomy at the supra- bination of hardware can be used including
acetabular area is usually performed through the plates, cerclage wires, and cables [33–35].
greater sciatic notch, the anterior osteotomy is Moreover, the fusion can be augmented with
performed at the anterior acetabular column bone grafts that are fixed along the fusion site.
15 Reconstruction vs. No Reconstruction for Pelvic Resections 171
Commonly used autografts include the iliac crest reported satisfactory results regarding LLD
graft and the free fibula graft, either avascular or (average, 2 cm) and postoperative functional sta-
vascularized. Although the use of the free vascu- tus [39]. In another study, the total cost of three
larized fibula graft increases the complexity of different methods (external hemipelvectomy
the procedure and requires microsurgical skills, with use orthotic device, internal hemipelvec-
the reported union time with this technique is sig- tomy with endoprosthetic reconstruction, and
nificantly decreased and stability of the pelvic iliofemoral arthrodesis) for the management of
ring is enhanced [36–39]. In cases that part of the bone defects after oncologic pelvic resections
pubis or the ischium needs to be resected as well was compared; iliofemoral arthrodesis was
(e.g., Type II–III resections), additional fusion of clearly associated with a significantly lower cost
the femur to the ischium or to the pubic bone is compared to the other two methods [43].
recommended [8, 40]. Last, another fusion tech-
nique that can be used in selected cases is the Nonreconstruction Methods:
tibia–hindfoot rotationplasty with calcaneopelvic Resection Arthroplasty
arthrodesis. This technique involves partial resec- Similar to the Girdlestone procedure, the method
tion of the pelvis, resection of femur, and preser- of resection arthroplasty (or flail hip technique)
vation of the lower limb below the knee. The after oncologic pelvic resections is an alternative
remaining lower limb is rotated 180°, the midfoot option that was also very popular in the early
and forefoot are resected, and the calcaneus is days of pelvic tumor surgery and is gaining sup-
fixed to the pelvic osteotomy site [35, 41]. port again [44]. As with any limb-salvage proce-
There is a large body of evidence regarding dure, this method is indicated only when wide
the results of iliofemoral arthrodesis. One of the resection is possible without significant compro-
first large studies for this technique included 60 mise of the lower limb function. According to
patients with iliofemoral fusions. The results in this technique, the involved acetabular area is
this study were disappointing since pseudarthro- solely resected resulting in a flail hip without a
sis occurred in 50% of the patients [28]. In supporting pelvic articular surface. The aim of
another study by Fuchs et al. enrolling 32 patients this surgery is to establish a fibrous union between
who treated by this method, solid fusion was the remaining ilium and the femur as opposed to
done in 21 patients, while primary pseudarthrosis arthrodesis in which an osseous union is aimed.
with adaption of the femur to the ilium was done As expected, this surgery is associated with sig-
in 5 patients [42]. In the group of patients with nificantly limb shortening which can be addressed
primary iliofemoral arthrodesis, failed fusion and with either shoe blocks in mild cases or distrac-
pseudarthrosis were observed in 14% of the tion osteogenesis in more severe cases. Even
cases. In terms of functional results, patients with though unassisted ambulation has been reported
primary pseudarthroses reported significantly for patients treated in this fashion, supporting
lower values in the Musculoskeletal Tumor walking aids are usually required [45]. The func-
Society Score (MSTS) than those with solid tional results of resection arthroplasty are greatly
fusions. All patients in this study regardless of depended on the extent of the resected ilium [46].
the success of the fusion reported mild low back Although this method is not very common today,
pain, probably due to altered forces on their lum- the low rates of complications in terms of wound
bar spine. The average leg length discrepancy healing problems and mechanical failures have
(LLD) in this series was 4.8 cm that was compen- led to a renaissance of this method during the
sated with shoe lifts. The authors concluded that past years, especially in severely compromised
iliofemoral arthrodesis should be preferred in patients.
young patients with more demanding functional Schwartz et al. evaluated the capacity for
activities, while primary pseudarthrosis must be independent walking and the functional out-
performed in older patients. In a smaller study comes after resection arthroplasty in eight
evaluating the results of this method, the authors patients, with a 2.9 years minimum follow-up
172 A. F. Mavrogenis et al.
[45]. The authors reported excellent results; at geometry of the corresponding pelvic defect, in
the last follow-up, seven of the eight patients theory they can be used to reconstruct the normal
were free of pain and able to walk without sup- pelvic anatomy after almost any type of resec-
ports, while the overall mean MSTS score was tion. In contrast, a prerequisite for the use of the
73.3% (range, 53.3–80.0%). resected bone as an autograft is tumor denatur-
ation that can be achieved through several tech- Nonreconstruction Methods: niques including autoclave, pasteurization,
Hip Transposition Technique freezing, and extracorporeal irradiation.
In the hip transposition technique, the hip joint is Following the process of tumor denaturation with
transferred cranially to the level of the proximal these techniques, the graft is reimplanted to fit
osteotomy. The inferior part of the acetabulum into the defect. This method has certain advan-
(in cases that it can be preserved) is rotated 90° tages compared to allografts such as the easy
and fixed with soft tissue or textile implants at the accessibility of the graft since bone bank is not
proximal osteotomy site in order to form a required, and the optimum fit of the graft into the
pseudo-joint. If the acetabulum is completely defect [59–61]. Moreover, there is no need for
resected, the femoral head can be wrapped into immunosuppression (which decreases the poten-
an artificial capsule that is attached with bone tial for bone healing), while the risk of infection
anchors to the remaining ilium [47]. Even though is also lower [58, 62, 63]. Compared to nonrecon-
this technique has fairly good functional results, struction methods, biological reconstruction has
limb shortening as with any nonreconstruction the obvious advantage of preservation of the hip
technique is a significant drawback [48]. joint function, while compared to endoprosthe-
Distraction osteogenesis for the management of ses, reattachment of the surrounding musculature
the resulting LLD has been recommended by is easier [64]. However, grafts have been linked
many surgeons [49]. Revision surgery after the with high rates of serious complications such as
hip transposition technique is rarely reported, and infections or mechanical complications such as
the rates of postoperative complications are sig- failure of consolidation [2, 10, 56].
nificantly lower compared to more advanced In a large study of 945 patients investigating
methods for reconstruction of bone defects such the factors influencing graft consolidation, the
as the endoprosthetic reconstruction and the use nonunion rate was reported 17.3% [65]. A signifi-
of structural allografts [50, 51]. Hillman et al. cant risk factor for failure of consolidation was
reported the outcomes of hip transposition in 17 the suboptimal fit of the graft into the defect and
patients after Type II, Type I–II, Type II–III, and the subsequent large interfragmentary gaps. The
Type I–II–III resections [50]. LLD was evident in overall infection rate of allografts ranged from
four patients. Although three of these patients 10% to 33% [28, 66]. Some authors recommend
(18%) had postoperative skin problems, the over- impregnation of the grafts with antibiotics such
all complication rate was very low. The authors as rifampicin in order to reduce infectious com-
highlighted that no incidence of deep infection or plications [67]. Dellove et al. in their study using
local recurrence occurred in this series. structural bone allografts after periacetabular
oncologic resections in 24 patients reported a Reconstruction Methods: high rate of complications (11 patients, 46%),
Graft Implantation requiring a revision surgery in all cases [68].
Biological reconstruction of the bone defect Regarding the functional outcomes in this study,
refers to application of a structural bone graft for authors reported an average MSTS score of 73%,
substitution of the resected bone segment. This but only half of the patients were capable for
graft may be either the resected pelvic segment independent walking without crutches. The
reimplanted as an autograft or a pelvic massive authors also highlighted that the functional out-
allograft [10, 52–58]. Since allografts can be comes were clearly better for the younger patients
shaped intraoperatively to copy the complex (average MSTS score 82% in patients <20 years
15 Reconstruction vs. No Reconstruction for Pelvic Resections 173
old compared to average MSTS score 65% in the simulates a saddle hinges over this notch [70].
elderly) [68]. In an another study of 18 patients Initial results of this endoprosthesis in terms of
with irradiated autografts after periacetabular mechanical complications such as loosening, hip
pelvic resections, the authors reported good func- dislocation, and intraoperative or postoperative
tional results with an average MSTS score of fractures were very discouraging. A major cause
73% and an average TESS of 71% [69]. The for these poor results was the final eccentric posi-
authors also reported that three revision surgeries tion of the artificial joint. The high rates of com-
were performed in three patients with deep infec- plications led to many modifications of these
tions; although graft union was difficult to identi- implants; newer implants had the advantage of
fied, there was no evidence of nonunion that modularity, offering more options in terms of res-
required a revision surgery [69]. toration of the native hip biomechanics [80].
Aboulafia et al. studied the outcomes of sad- Reconstruction Methods: dle prostheses in 17 patients with pelvic tumors
Endoprostheses [70]. Functional results in their study were
Endoprostheses for periacetabular reconstruc- reported to be excellent or good in 12 patients
tions are the first option in most practices with and fair or poor in 5 patients. Dislocation rate
many different types of endoprostheses devel- was high (53%), whereas other complications
oped over the last decades [57, 70–78]. A solid included wound healing problems and infections.
and stable fixation of the prosthesis into the Implant loosening and cranial migration of the
remaining pelvis is a prerequisite for successful prosthesis were also frequently reported in the
outcomes. Also, in order to increase hip joint sta- long term. Some of the critical points for
bility and decrease dislocation rates, large femo- improved functional outcomes for these implants
ral head sizes have been recommended, while the were preservation of a sufficient iliac notch and a
peripelvic musculature including the gluteal fas- proper selection of the implant length. In this
cia must be preserved and reattached to femur way, the muscle tension of the iliopsoas and the
when possible [8]. Until the development of a hip abductors is restored and the stability between
pseudocapsule around the prosthetic joint, artifi- the pelvis and femur is increased. In line with
cial ligaments can also be used to augment stabil- this, poor iliac bone stock and suboptimal status
ity and musculature reattachment, although their of the psoas and the hip abductor muscles should
efficacy is questioned. Last, for the restoration of be considered contraindications for the use of
the native hip biomechanics the final position of these implants.
the acetabular cup must be symmetrical with the
opposite site in terms of height, lateral distance, Custom-Made Pelvic Prosthesis
and orientation [79]. Due to the high rates of infection following the
use of allograft reconstructions and the need for
Saddle Prosthesis improved functional results, modular custom-
Saddle prosthesis is one of the first implants that made endoprotheses were widely distributed in
was developed for reconstruction after Type II the middle 1990s for reconstruction of periace-
and Type II–III pelvic resections. These implants tabular bone defects [2, 50, 78]. For the g eneration
were initially developed and used for reconstruc- of such implants, a preoperative CT of the pelvis
tion of large pelvic defects after failed total hip is required, and a 3D pelvic model is formed onto
arthroplasties or after resections in infected which the resection margins are simulated and
reconstructions [73]. By the late 1990s though, marked and a modular custom-made pelvic endo-
there was already a sufficient body of evidence prosthesis is subsequently manufactured. The
regarding the use of these implants after onco- theoretical advantage of this method is that since
logic pelvic resections [72]. For the insertion of the endoprosthesis matches exactly to the defect
this implant, a notch is created in the remaining and replaces with high precision the resected
ilium and the proximal part of the prosthesis that bone segment, the native hip function is suppos-
174 A. F. Mavrogenis et al.
edly completely restored. To achieve that though, similar to that of a long bone with a thick outer
the intraoperative resection must be copied as cortex and a dense trabecular medulla, the ratio-
much as possible to the predesigned resection on nale for the use of these implants is that their
the pelvic model. Despite the initial enthusiasm stem that is inserted into the ilium will provide
and the excellent functional results, the long-term the required rigid fixation of the implant to the
outcomes were not as expected as these bulk remaining pelvis. The two main types of stemmed
implants were associated with certain complica- cups are the reversed “ice-cream cone-style”
tions including loosening, migration, and implant prostheses and the pedestal cups [84, 85].
failure. Moreover, the large dead space that was Although the main principles involved in the
created after insertion of these implants resulted design of these two implants are similar, the
in high rates of hematoma formation and postop- newer types of pedestal cups such as the LUMiC®
erative infection. The high rates of these compli- endoprosthesis are more versatile regarding their
cations led in the late 2000s to a significant stem length, orientation, and diameter of the cup.
decline in the use of these implants [2]. However, These endoprostheses require only a small cra-
due to the precise preoperative planning of the nial part of the ilium, while the proper orientation
resection margins and the extensive pelvic resec- of the stem restores load transmission along the
tion that is required for these implants, these iliosacral joint; therefore, the anatomical and bio-
modular endoprostheses were associated with mechanical continuity between the spine and the
decreased rates of local tumor recurrence [59]. lower limb is undisrupted. There are several other
There are many series about custom-made pros- advantages that are associated with these implants
theses after oncologic pelvic resections [71, 74]. such as the fact that restoration of the continuity
Hillman et al. reported the outcomes and complica- of the pelvic ring is not necessary since the
tions of several reconstructive techniques after pel- weight-bearing load is transferred to the socket
vic resections [50]. In 16 patients, a custom-made and the high versatility regarding the stem length
prosthesis was inserted and the complication rate and orientation of the cup. This versatility pro-
was significantly high (62.5%). The infection rate vides many options for restoration of the native
was 38%, while local recurrence occurred in 3 hip center of rotation and limb length. Moreover,
patients, and 1 patient presented with wound heal- due to the small size of these implants, the
ing problems. The authors noted that 30 additional resulted dead space is substantially decreased,
procedures were required in these patients (average and soft tissue coverage is more easily achieved,
1.9 revision operations per patient). if necessary. Last, these implants are commer-
cially available in a wide variety of stem length
Stemmed Acetabular Prostheses (Cups) and cup orientation; thus, there is no need for pre-
Although saddle prostheses and custom-made operative time for planning the construction and
implants have been used for many years in pelvic manufacturing as with custom-made implants.
tumor surgery, due to the high complication rates Secondary to these features, there is also a sig-
and the high cost of these implants, there was a nificant decrease in complications such as hema-
growing skepticism about their use [81, 82]. To toma formation and infection [83]. However,
overcome these concerns, a different type of despite the precise restoration of the native hip
endoprostheses that was initially developed and biomechanics, the functional results of these
used in revision surgery after failed THA gained implants widely vary.
ground over the past years [75, 83]. These acetab- Pedestal cups were initially developed for
ular prostheses were called stemmed cups and revision surgery in patients with failed
are composed of an inferior shell and a large THA. There are only few studied in the literature
superior stem that is fixed proximally into the regarding the use of these cups after oncologic
intramedullary space of the ilium aiming to the periacetabular resections [80, 86–88]. In the larg-
posterior superior iliac spine or the sacroiliac est study of 48 patients with pelvic tumors and a
joint. Since the structure of the iliac isthmus is 6-year follow-up, Hipfl et al. [86] reported the
15 Reconstruction vs. No Reconstruction for Pelvic Resections 175
outcomes of a pedestal cup (Schoellner cup; Interestingly, the authors reported that none of the
Zimmer Biomet Inc., Warsaw, Indiana) for onco- ten patients required revision surgery for implant
logic pelvic reconstruction. The complication removal; thus, the failure incidence at 2 years was
rate in this study was high, including deep infec- 0% [85]. In another study by Fisher et al. ice-
tion in 17% of patients, hip dislocation in 15% of cream cones-style implants were inserted in 27
patients, and aseptic loosening in 6% of patients. patients after periacetabular oncologic resections
Also, the survival rate of these cups at 1- and [92]. Compared to the previous study, while dislo-
5-year follow-up was 72% and 51%, respectively. cation rate was almost similar (14.8%), the infec-
Bus et al. also evaluated the same pedestal cup tion rate was significantly lower (11.1%). During
(Schoellner cup; Zimmer Biomet Inc., Warsaw, the follow-up (mean, 39 months, range,
Indiana) after oncologic pelvic resections in 19 18–80 months), only 1 patient required implant
patients with a mean follow-up of 7.9 years [84]. removal due to loosening. In another recent study
Although the 5-year failure rate was similar to enrolling 24 patients with periacetabular onco-
that of Hipfl et al. (50%), there were no revisions logic resections who underwent reconstruction
for mechanical reasons and all revision cases with an ice-cream cone-style implant, at least one
were due to periprosthetic infections. complication occurred in 58% of the patients
Complications rate was also high in another [93]. These complications included deep infection
study by Bus et al. that evaluated the LUMiC® (17%), dislocation (18%), and mechanical fail-
pedestal cup for periacetabular reconstruction ures (8%). At 5-year follow-up, implants survival
after oncologic resections [89]. In a total of 47 in this study was 75%.
patients, 30% experienced at least one complica-
tion. Particularly, infections occurred in 13 Allograft/Prosthetic Composites
patients (28%), while 10 patients (22%) had at Another option for reconstruction of periacetabu-
least one dislocation. The authors highlighted lar defects is the use of a composite structure
that when dual mobility cups were used the dislo- including a conventional acetabular prosthesis
cation rate dropped to 4%. The cumulative failure surrounded by a bone graft. The theoretical
incidences for the LUMiC® endoprosthesis in advantage of this technique is that the additional
that study at 2 and 5 years were 19.4% and use of the graft will allow for reconstruction of
26.5%, respectively [89], much lower than those larger bone defects, while the conventional pros-
reported in the study of Hipfl et al. [86]. thesis will restore hip range of motion resulting
There are also limited data regarding the use of in good functional results. The bone graft that is
reversed ice-cream cones-style implants for peri- attached to the prosthesis can be either the
acetabular reconstruction after oncologic pelvic resected bone segment used as an autoclaved or
resections [90, 91]. The newer types of ice-cream irradiated autograft or a bank bone allograft [52,
cone implants are basically modifications of the 94–100]. Autografts have the advantage of the
McMinn implant (LINK, Hamburg, Germany) optimum fit to the defect, while they are easily
that as the pedestal cups was initially developed accessible if the oncologic center is properly
for reconstruction of bone defects after failed equipped and a bone bank is available. Although
THA. Barriento-Ruiz et al. in a recent study this method yields good functional results, the
reported the outcomes of two ice-cream cones- use of an autograft or an allograft has in long
style implants (Coned®, Stanmore Worldwide term all these complications that are associated
Ltd, Elstree, UK; and Socincer®, Gijon, Spain) in with bone grafts such as infection, nonunion,
ten patients after Type II pelvic resections with a loosening, and fracture. The process for tumoral
median follow-up of 3 years [85]. Infections necrosis such as irradiation and heating for the
occurred in four patients (40%), two of which autografts compromises the bone quality of the
were superficial wound infections and the two grafts that are major risk factors for graft fracture
were deep infections, and dislocation occurred in and consolidation failure [97]. The reported
one patient (10%) during the follow- up. infection rates after these operations range from
176 A. F. Mavrogenis et al.
15% to 50% [50, 52, 54]. The wide range in this theses, while structural bone grafts (either a
rate is probably due to the varying extent of soft structural allograft or an autograft) are an alterna-
tissue and bone resection and the subsequently tive option [10, 12]. Allografts can be used for
varying extent of the resulting dead space. reconstruction following almost any type of pel-
vic resections, and although they have the advan-
tage of good functional results and restoration of
15.6.3 Type I–II Resections native hip biomechanics (at least during the initial
postoperative period), the high rates of complica-
Tumors that involve not only the acetabular/supra- tions such as loosening, infection, and fractures
acetabular area but also extend to the largest part remain an unsolved problem. Therefore, due to
of ilium (resection Type I–II) are common, and their high complication rates and their limited
their management requires cautious preoperative availability, structural pelvic allografts for such
planning and a more ablative procedure. A critical extensive defects are not very popular.
factor in terms of managing the bone defects is
whether an adequate cranial part of the ilium is
preserved (Table 15.6). The nonreconstruction 15.6.4 Type III Resections:
options for Type I–II resections are similar to Ischiopubic Rami
those for Type II resections including iliofemoral
arthrodesis (or sacrofemoral arthrodesis), resec- Type III resection is required for tumors around
tion arthroplasty, and hip transposition. When an the pubic and ischial rami. For this type of resec-
adequate cranial part of the ilium is preserved, the tion, two pelvic osteotomies are performed. The
reconstruction options are also similar to those medial level of resection is through the pubic sym-
described for Type II resections including biologi- physis or in some cases through the opposite pubic
cal reconstructions and endoprosthetic recon- rami. The lateral osteotomy is performed medially
structions with saddle prostheses, stemmed cups, to the acetabulum. In some cases, the obturator
and custom-made prostheses. If the cranial part of nerve with the neighboring obturator vessels must
the ilium is not adequate, endoprosthetic recon- be sacrificed due to their close proximity to the
struction is possible only with custom-made pros- tumor. Tumors of the upper or lower pubic ramus
can be solely resected without further manage-
ment of the bone defects since this type of resec-
Table 15.6 Reconstruction of bone defects after Type tion does not disrupt the native pelvic ring stability.
I–II and Type I–II–III resections
An important part of this p rocedure is the cautious
Reconstruction Techniques reconstruction of the soft tissue envelope in order
Nonreconstruction 1. External hemipelvectomy to prevent herniation of the bladder or intestines
2. Iliofemoral or sacrofemoral
arthrodesis through the defect. Reconstruction of the inguinal
3. Resection arthroplasty floor is mandatory to prevent peritoneal herniation
4. Hip transposition technique [101, 102]. Augmentation of the soft tissue recon-
Reconstruction struction with a synthetic mesh or fascia lata
1. Biological 1. Bulk pelvic allograft allograft is commonly performed.
reconstruction 2. Autoclaved or irradiated
pelvic autograft
2. Endoprosthetic 1. Saddle prosthesis
reconstruction 2. Stemmed cup 15.6.5 Type II–III Resections
(a) Adequate Reverse ice-cream cone
preservation of implant
When tumors involve the upper or lower pubic
cranial iliac part Pedestal cup
3. Custom-made implant rami with additional extension to the acetabulum,
(b) Inadequate Custom-made implant a more extended approach compared to a Type II
preservation of resection is required. While the medial level of
cranial iliac part the resection is similar to that of a Type II resec-
15 Reconstruction vs. No Reconstruction for Pelvic Resections 177
tion, the lateral resection must be extended proxi- Table 15.7 Reconstruction of bone defects after Type IV
mally to the supra-acetabular level (Type II–III).
The resulting bone defect after this type of resec- Type IV resection Reconstruction
tion can be addressed with any of the methods Partial sacrectomy Sole resection
<50% of the sacroiliac
that have been described for Type II resections. joint on each side (e.g.,
tumors below S1)
Total sacrectomy
15.6.6 Type I–II–III–IV Resections 1. Tumors involving the Resection and spinopelvic
largest part of sacrum stabilization
2. Proximal sacral tumors Resection without
In some cases, the tumor extends to include not stabilization (“spine on a
only the largest part of hemipelvis, but part of the biological sling”)
sacrum as well. In these cases, complete resection
of the hemipelvis must be performed either as an
external or an internal hemipelvectomy. The indi- junction or for tumors with extensive presacral
cations for external hemipelvectomy and lower soft tissue invasion, a combined approach may
limb amputation versus internal hemipelvectomy be required. From the anterior approach, the
have already been discussed previously. tumors can be accessed either through a transab-
The main difference compared to Type I–II or dominal route or a retroperitoneal route.
Type I–II–III resections is that there is no remain- Depending on the tumor’s extension into the
ing proximal iliac wing; therefore, the reconstruc- sacrum, sacrectomies can be either partial or
tion and nonreconstruction methods that are total (Table 15.7) [8, 22, 23, 103]. Partial resec-
available for the management of the resulted bone tions may be transverse, sagittal, or a combina-
defect are similar to those of Type I–II resections tion. Lateral sacral tumors are addressed with a
when no adequate cranial part of the ilium is pre- sagittal partial sacrectomy, whereas midline
served. Nonreconstruction options include resec- tumors are addressed with a transverse partial
tion arthroplasty, sacrofemoral arthrodesis, or a sacrectomy. For tumors located below the S2
hip transposition, while reconstructive options level, a partial sacrectomy is usually adequate
include custom-made implants or allografts. for wide resection of the tumor. In such cases,
Allografts have the advantage of reattachment of the lumbosacral joint is preserved, while blad-
the pelvic musculature to the graft, which in the- der and bowel function are usually not affected
ory leads to improved postoperative functional [104, 105]. Conversely, for tumors that develop
results. Custom-made prostheses are mega- around the proximal part of the sacrum with
implants that replace the patients’ hemipelvis and anterior expansion, total sacrectomy is required.
are associated with high rates of loosening and In total sacrectomies, the adjacent nerve roots
migration. Spontaneous periprosthetic hetero- are sacrificed in order to achieve a wide-margin
topic ossification around these implants can resection. These operations are associated with
develop that is associated with lower rates of loos- severe neurological dysfunction and a high rate
ening and dislocation. In most cases, an external of wound complications, although the use of the
hemipelvectomy is performed at the index sur- transpelvic vertical rectus abdominis myocuta-
gery or after local tumor recurrence or compli- neous flap has significantly decreased the latter
cated reconstructions for these extensive tumors. [106–112].
Resections for tumors below the S1 level do
not result in pelvic ring and lumbosacral insta-
15.6.7 Type IV Resections: Sacrum bility since the sacroiliac joints and the lumbosa-
cral junction are left intact. On the other hand,
The surgical approach for a sacrectomy can be sacrectomies that require S1 resection disrupt
either anterior or posterior, while for large prox- the lumbosacral and iliosacral junctions, lead to
imal tumors that extend to the lumbopelvic instability, and necessitate some form of spino-
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The Hip Transposition
as a Reconstructive Technique 16
After Pelvic Resection
Timo Lübben and Georg Gosheger
16.1 Introduction
Rö einfügen
4. attach remaining muscles to the attachment
tube or to the bone for narrowing dead space;
HINT: The psoas muscle can be transferred to
the trochanter major for better abduction,
5. minimum 2 deep drains,
6. Flip gluteus maximus flap to the front and
close musculature and fascia.
7. Close wound, the use of clamps or sutures can
be discussed [14], and hard evidence for the
use of skin sutures for pelvic wounds has not
yet been established.
Type 2 b hip transposition
16 The Hip Transposition as a Reconstructive Technique After Pelvic Resection 189
a b
Fig. 17.1 Osteosarcoma of the pelvis in a 52-year-old mentation process; (b) creation of a digital 3D model with
man. (a) Pelvic plain radiographs with the resection lev- tumor highlighted (green color); (c) The expected bone
els annotated directly by the surgeon. The pictures are defect can be easily analyzed on the virtual 3D model
then transferred to engineers for the analysis after seg-
a natomic landmarks and resection planes and to bone tumors [37–42]. The authors believe that
visualize specifically the tumor volume there is a strong difference in preparing the surgi-
(Fig. 17.2a–c). These aspects should be trans- cal plan for oncologic disease compared to other
ferred from the surgeon to the engineers consid- complex fractures or revision surgery. The main
ering the surgical approach (based on tumor site), aspect is the possibility of relevant changes in
the extent of soft tissue involvement, and close tumor volume from the imaging acquisition to
critical anatomic structures. All of these elements the surgical procedure. It is important to take into
should be visualized during surgery for a safe account the worst case scenario with a tumor
resection (Fig. 17.2d, e). These models can be growth not respondent to preoperative chemo-
printed with materials fulfilling biocompatibility therapy or other neoadjuvant procedures, thereby
standards in a 1:1 scale, so they can be sterilized considering a planned bone cut to be safe this
and brought to the surgical field (Fig. 17.3a) [36] occurrence [43].
or in plastic transparent material for academic/
education aims. 3D printed models improve the
surgeon’s understanding of the surgical challenge 17.3 Patient-Specific Tools
and can be used to explain surgical procedure to and Guides
the patient (Fig. 17.3b, c), to test the printed sur-
gical tools, and as simulation to improve safety in Three-dimensional printing is a simple way to
real-life surgery (Fig. 17.3d). These models are obtain patient-specific instrumentation (PSI)
an effective tool for finalizing surgical planning, that enables the surgeon to follow and real-
also considering the crucial role of resection mar- ize the surgical plan based on preoperative
gins as prognostic factor in most of the malignant imaging.
17 3D Printed Reconstructions 193
a b
c d e
Fig. 17.2 Ewing’s sarcoma of the pelvis in a 13-year- Corporate Medical Systems, Villanova San Daniele del
old girl. (a) Axial CT scan with 1 mm cut every 1 mm step Friuli, Italy), it is possible to visualize the tumor volume
and (b) axial T1-weighted MR images were obtained after (red area) and the involvement of the contralateral ischio-
preoperative neoadjuvant chemotherapy for the evaluation pubic branches. (d, e) Resection planes have been added
of tumor volume. The tumor (white arrow) is highlighted considering the surgical approach, the extent of soft tissue
by the surgeon on both examinations. (c) In the virtual 3D involvement, and safe resection margins
planning (using web-based platform Promade, Lima
a b
c d
Fig. 17.3 Same patient: Ewing’s sarcoma of the pelvis with detachable parts. (d) 3D printed cutting jigs. (Implant
in a 13-year-old girl. (a) The 1:1-sized 3D printed model designed with Promade, Lima Corporate Medical
of the entire hemipelvis allows the surgeon to accurately Systems, Villanova San Daniele del Friuli, Italy)
appreciate the anatomy and (b, c) the surgical planning
194 A. Angelini et al.
a b
c d
Fig. 17.4 Same patient: Ewing’s sarcoma of the pelvis Intraoperative photograph showing the use of
in a 13-year-old girl. (a) Preoperative virtual planning 3-dimensional model of the specimen and the correspon-
with custom cutting jigs and (b) 3D-printed patient- dent resected tumor (Implant designed with Promade,
specific instrumentations available for intraoperative use. Lima Corporate Medical Systems, Villanova San Daniele
(c) The jigs are fixed to the bone with K-wires. (d) del Friuli, Italy)
Standard cutting jigs are widely used in pri- specific trajectory and can be mounted on the
mary and revision arthroplasty, whereas their use definitive implant for bone fixation. The intraop-
is precluded in musculoskeletal oncology. The erative availability of sterilized 3D-printed mod-
main objectives of using 3D printed PSI are to els helps the surgeon with correct orientation,
increase the accuracy of tumor resection in the especially when they present detachable parts to
pelvis and the precision of implant placement show the position of cutting PSI (Fig. 17.4d).
[11, 44]. In fact, custom-made prostheses usually Nowaday, we think that the 3D-printed PSIs
need the absolute precision in performing the should be considered a less expensive, easier, and
multiplanar osteotomies [45], and more than one comparable alternative to computer navigation
cut planes are necessary for the tumor resection for challenging tumor resections. Some Authors
(Fig. 17.4a). There are specific tools designed for [46] specifically analyzed this topic, showing a
bone resection (Fig. 17.4b), and other customized clinically acceptable accuracy of 2.62 mm vs
drill guides are studied for improving screw tra- 3.6 mm at the resection planes comparing PSI
jectories maximizing implant stability. The cut- guides with computer navigation. The relative
ting jigs reduce the errors derived from the difficulty compared to computer navigation is to
freehand use of oscillating saw blades, uncorrect make absolutely bare the target bony surface,
directions, and contamination due to tumor mar- which will perfectly align with the PSI footprint.
gin violation. The jigs should be fixed to the bone In the authors’ experience, the application of PSI
with one or more K-wires after correct alignment is valuable in most of the cases after a detailed
with host bone to reduce further errors related to preoperative planning together with dedicated
vibration of the saw blade or guide displacement engineers. A wide surgical exposure is important
during bone cut (Fig. 17.4c). Drill-guided PSI is because correct guide placement and accessibil-
used to guide drill holes that are planned for a ity with different cutting tools (osteotome or
17 3D Printed Reconstructions 195
oscillating saw) provide safe resection margins (EBM) technologies, with adequate internal
without compromising neurovascular structures. porous structures that could be considerably valid
The ability to improve accuracy in preopera- alternatives to allografts in terms of mechanical
tive planning and in real-life surgery using 3D scaffold. Based on the preoperative imaging stud-
models and 3D printed PSI may strongly influ- ies, it is possible to determine exactly the bone
ence the surgical, oncological, and functional defect. Many prosthetic models may be design
outcome. based on the unaffected site, but we usually sug-
gest a peripheral downsize of 1 mm in order to
achieve optimal fit of the implant and adequate
17.4 3D-Printed Prostheses soft tissue coverage, with attention for any mis-
in Pelvic Reconstruction calculation (too small or too short implant).
a b
c d
Fig. 17.5 Chondrosarcoma gr. 2 of the right acetabu- 3D-printed prosthesis with “conventional” modular cup.
lar area in a 38-year-old male treated with type II-III (d) Postoperative radiograph shows our philosophy of not
resection. (a) Preoperative CT scan and (b) surgical plan- pursuing the complete restoration of the pelvic ring
ning on virtual 3D model. (c) intraoperative photograph (Implant designed with C-Fit 3D®, Implantcast Ltd.,
showing the definitive implant of a custom-made Buxtehude, Germany)
implants with complex shapes, alternating porous according to a computer-aided design (CAD)
surfaces (implant/bone interface) and smooth model, so there is the possibility to create a
surfaces and minimizing local friction to overly- porous surface with ingrowth bone characteris-
ing important soft tissues. On the other hand, the tics [7, 8, 57]. The perfect fit between host bone
weight of the implant and stress forces concen- and prosthesis is a primary requirement for
tration can be optimized working on the custom- immediate stability and long-term fixation. Wong
izable texture of the internal structure. et al. described the use of printed guide plates for
intraoperative precise resection and implant
installation [46]. In our experience, 3D-printed
17.4.3 Long-Term Fixation PSIs are routinely used and are considered the
most effective tools for guided resection and
The long-term mechanical strength of a 3D reconstruction. During the last few years, we
printed pelvic prostheses is not guaranteed con- used different strategies for primary fixation to
sidering the limits of recent clinical use and mid- host bone, which today should be considered in
term follow-up of the largest published series combination: long cancellous screws, short corti-
[12, 14, 15, 51]. The EBM or SLM technology cal screws, press-fit porous stems, and small
alloys a successive layering of melted titanium hooks for stabilization (Fig. 17.6). In the design
17 3D Printed Reconstructions 197
Fig. 17.6 Same patient: Chondrosarcoma gr. Two of with 4.5 mm of diameter (black arrows), press-fit porous
the right acetabular area in a 38-year-old male. The stems (asterisks), and hook for stabilization (white star).
transparent virtual 3D model shows the strategies for pri- (Implant designed with C-Fit 3D®, Implantcast Ltd.,
mary fixation to host bone: long cancellous screws with Buxtehude, Germany)
6.5 mm of diameter (white arrows), short cortical screws
phase of the custom implant, we suggest to plan one of the most adaptable flaps for both periace-
counter screws as safety locking to avoid screw tabular and sacral reconstructions.
mobilization. When resection involves the proxi-
mal part of the ilium, sacroiliac joint, or the
sacrum, there is a need of further stabilization of 17.5 A
dvantages of 3D Printing
the implant for adequate loading transfer and bal- Technology
ance. In these cases, we suggest a posterior pedi- in Reconstruction for Pelvic
cle screw-rod fixation connected to tulip-head Defect
polyaxial screws directly designed on the custom
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17 3D Printed Reconstructions 201
with increasing thickness up to the Bragg peak, Fig. 18.1 Dose depth curve for photons, protons and car-
where the maximum energy deposits and it bon ions
occurs near the end of the particle’s range. Both
proton and carbon ion therapies exhibit a defined
Bragg peak in the body, so they deliver their max- carbon ions cause damage of the DNA of tissue
imum lethal dosage at or near the tumor. cells, ultimately causing their death. Because of
Beyond the Bragg peak, the dose drops to zero their reduced ability to repair damaged DNA,
(for protons) or almost zero (for heavier ions) cancerous cells are particularly vulnerable to this
(Fig. 18.1). damage. From a radiation biology standpoint,
The advantage of this energy deposition pro- there is considerable rationale to support the use
file is that less energy is deposited into the healthy of carbon ion beams in treating cancer patients.
tissue surrounding the target tissue. Protons and Carbon ions are heavier than protons and so pro-
vide a higher relative biological effectiveness
(RBE), which increases with depth to reach the
maximum at the end of the beam’s range. Thus,
P. Georg (*) · E. B. Hug the RBE of a carbon ion beam increases as the
MedAustron Ion Therapy Center,
ions advance deeper into the tumor-lying region.
Wiener Neustadt, Austria
e-mail: [email protected]; Carbon ion radiotherapy provides the highest lin-
[email protected] ear energy transfer (LET) of any currently
Tumors may repair Protons cause slightly more Carbon ions cause
or resist some damage damage than photons. 2-3 times more damage.
from photon irradiation.
Fig. 18.2 Biological differencies between photons, protons and carbon ions
available form of clinical radiation. This high can also be located primarily in the pelvic ring.
energy delivery to the tumor results in many Both tumor entities are characterized by slow, but
double-strand DNA breaks, which are very diffi- locally aggressive and invasive growth patterns
cult for the tumor to repair (Fig. 18.2). In com- leading to large tumor volumes. The management
parison, conventional radiation produces of these tumors is challenging, because they lie in
principally single strand DNA breaks, which close vicinity to critical structures, like spinal cord,
allow many of the tumor cells to survive. nerve roots, or bowel structures. These anatomic
There are clear advantages to treat otherwise structures often limit surgical access and resect-
intractable hypoxic and radioresistant cancers with ability, as well as the delivery of high radiation
carbon ions, while opening the door for substantially doses. Nonetheless, surgery remains the initial
hypofractionated treatment of normal and radiosen- standard treatment and postoperative high-dose
sitive disease with protons. The higher outright cell radiotherapy is frequently recommended. The
mortality produced by carbon ion radiotherapy may major problem is the insufficient local control, due
also provide a clearer antigen signature to stimulate to limited possibility of high dose application
the patient’s immune system. This might be benefi- because of normal tissue tolerance. Large random-
cial in improving the disease outcome. ized prospective studies comparing photons with
As far as pelvic bone tumors are difficult to protons and/or carbon ions are missing to date.
manage, particle therapy may widen the scope of This might be due to the fact that particle therapy
treatment possibilities with the aim of improving is presently not easily available and that these sub-
disease control in this patient population. groups of bone tumors have a comparatively low
incidence rate, so systematic randomized trials are
difficult to perform [1].
18.1.1 Chordoma
and Chondrosarcoma C linical Evidence of Particle
Therapy Rationale for Particle By using protons or carbon ions, the local control
Therapy rates can be improved to 70–100% in patients
Chordoma is a rare (1–4% of all malignant bone with extracranial chordomas [2–12]. Focusing on
tumors), slowly growing tumor arising from cel- the sacral chordoma, there are reports using pro-
lular remnants of the notochord, anywhere along ton or carbon treatment.
the spine. Sacrum is the predominant location of
this tumor in the pelvis. Chondrosarcomas are Carbon Ion Radiotherapy
relatively rare bone tumors. Their predominant Japanese data are focusing on definitive carbon
location in the pelvis is also in the sacrum, but they ion radiotherapy (CIRT).
18 Particle Radiotherapy 205
At National Institute of Radiological Sciences higher toxicity occurred after radiation treatment.
in Chiba in Japan (NIRS), carbon ion therapy is Five patients showed a decrease in pain after
used since 20 years. Imai et al. reported their treatment [6].
results on local control and side effects. In the At Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Center (HIBMC)
initial report on phase I and II clinical trials in 38 in Japan, protons or carbon ions were used for
patients, the 5-year local control and survival rate treating patients with sacral chordomas, and they
was 89% and 86% in 38 patients [2]. Two patients report 94% local control and 83% overall sur-
(5%) developed severe skin toxicity after treat- vival at 3 years in 23 patients. In 9 patients (39%),
ment, 2 of them required skin grafting, and 15 they observed grade 3 or higher late toxicity. The
patients (16%) had neuropathic pain that most frequent event was dermatitis [grade 4 in
impacted their quality of life. In the next report five patients (22%)], followed by neuropathies,
on 95 patients, the authors showed 5-year local including motor disorder, sensory disorder/pain,
control and survival rates of 88% and 86%, 2 and urinary retention [grade 3 in four patients
patients had late grade 3 skin, and 2 patients had (17%)] [7].
grade 4 late skin and soft tissue complication; Clinical outcome comparison between CIRT
90% of patients remained ambulatory, and 50% and surgery for sacral chordoma was performed
needed no pain medication [3]. by Nishida et al. [8]. Although the patient popula-
In their extended patient population of 188 tion was very limited, 10 patients were treated
patients, their report local control was 77.2% and with surgery and 7 patients with CIRT. The local
overall survival was 81.1% at 5 years. There were recurrence-free survival rate at 5 years was 62.5%
grade 3 toxicity of the peripheral nerves in 6 for the surgery and 100% for the carbon ion RT
patients and grade 4 toxicity of the skin in 2 group. Urinary anorectal function worsened in 6
patients [4]. patients (60%) of the surgical group and remained
The second institution using carbon ions in the unchanged in all patients treated with carbon
treatment of sacral chordoma is the Heidelberg ions. Postoperative wound complications requir-
Ion Therapy center. In 2014, they started a ran- ing surgical treatment occurred in 3 patients
domized phase II trial of hypofractionated proton (30%) of the surgical group and in 1 patient
versus carbon ion radiation therapy in patients (14%) after CIRT. The functional outcome evalu-
with sacrococcygeal chordoma—the ISAC trial ated using the Muskuloskeletal Tumor Society
protocol. This is the only one randomized study scoring system (MSTS) was 55% in the surgery
comparing protons and carbon ions using the group and 75% in the carbon ion group, and car-
same dose and fractionation Scheme (22 frac- bon ion group had significantly higher scores in
tions with 3 Gy RBE per fraction). The aim of the emotional acceptance than did the surgery
this study is to confirm the toxicity results of the group [8].
Japanese data and to compare them with the tox- A direct comparison of clinical and functional
icity analysis of proton therapy given in the same outcomes between surgery and CIRT for pelvic
fractionation [5]. Their preliminary results using chondrosarcoma was published only in one report
carbon ion therapy in a patient cohort of 56 from Osaka Medical Center. They compared 24
patients show 79% local control and 100% over- patients who underwent surgery with 7 patients
all survival at 2 years. The 2- and 3-year local treated by CIRT, which was performed at NIRS
control probability was 76% and 53%, respec- and HIBMC. The surgery was performed with
tively. However, in this cohort, 15 patients were reconstruction in 13 patients, and 11 patients
treated for recurrent tumors. Local control was have resection only. The 5-year local control and
significantly better in the naive patients with 85% overall survival rates were 68% and 72%. Despite
at 2 years vs 47% in recurrent patients. A total of the limited number of patients treated with CIRT,
23 patients were irradiated with carbon ions in there were no significant differences in survival
combination with photon IMRT, while 33 or local control between these patients and surgi-
received carbon ion therapy only. No grade 3 or cal treated patients. The functional outcome was
206 P. Georg and E. B. Hug
measured with Musculoskeletal Tumor Society doses of 77.1–77.4 Gy RBE to central sacral chor-
(MSTS) functional score available in 21 patients. domas, where spinal canal/sacral nerve sparing
The mean MSTS score was 59%, and the mean was not possible because of tumor location [10].
score in CIRT patients (n = 7) was 72.6% vs In their updated results with 7.3 years of median
49.6% in patients treated with surgery (n = 14), follow-up, the 5- and 8-year actuarial local con-
showing better outcomes in CIRT patients. trol rates for the whole group were 81% and 74%,
Complication developed in 9 patients after sur- and for primary tumors, the rates were higher with
gery, and seven patients developed deep wound 95% and 85%, because local recurrence was less
infection at a median follow-up of 6 months. All common for primary tumors (11%) than for recur-
seven patients had periacetabular tumors and rent tumors (50%). The overall survival was 84%
were treated with prosthetic pelvic reconstruc- and 65% at 5 and 8 years. The actuarial risk for
tion. To reduce the infection, three patients late grade 3 and 4 toxicity was 13% at 8 years. No
needed removal of the implant, three needed late neurological toxicities were found with radia-
wound debridement, and one needed a flap recon- tion doses 72.0 Gy RBE, but 3 sacral neuropathies
struction. Implant dislocation was seen in 2 developed after doses of 76.6–77.4 Gy RBE [11].
patients, and pulmonary thrombosis in one In the updated analysis of tumor response,
patient. One patient exhibited nerve palsy, but Kabolizadeh et al. evaluated 40 patients with
eventually recovered. Complications developed unresected chordoma, treated with definitive pho-
in 5 patients after CIRT. Five pelvic compression ton/proton radiation therapy. Tumor location in
fractures and four cases of avascular femoral the sacrum was in 27 patients. With a median
head necrosis were seen in 5 patients. One patient follow-up of 50.3 months, the 5-year local control
needed a unilateral hip replacement because of and overall survival rates were 85.1% and 81.9%.
femoral neck fracture [9]. Additionally, the authors evaluated volumetric
response of the total target volume using MRI and Proton Radiotherapy CT imaging. They found that significant volumet-
At Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, the ric reduction of the total target volume presented
standard treatment for sacral tumors is surgery. at a median follow-up of 18 months, followed by
Within a phase II trial, DeLaney et al. reported further gradual reduction throughout the rest of
their results on 50 patients with tumors in the the follow-up period. Volumetric analysis was
spine and sacrum. There were 29 chordomas, 14 more reliable and reproducible in comparison
chondrosarcomas, and 7 other histologies. The with the modified RECIST [12].
majority of patients had surgery, and 13 patients The impact of tumor volume on overall sur-
had biopsy only (26%). Only 26 patients had pri- vival was also described by the Boston group in a
mary location of the disease in the sacrum. retrospective analysis of 24 patients with newly
Patients with sacral tumor received preoperative diagnosed, previously untreated spinal chordo-
radiotherapy to reduce risk of seeding during sur- mas (only core biopsy, no prior incision or resec-
gery, and after surgery, patients were treated up to tion). At a median follow-up of 56 months,
70.2 Gy RBE, if resections were R0 and up to overall survival was 91% and local control was
77.4 Gy RBE if R0 was not achieved. A mixture 81.5%. Tumor volume more than 500 cm3 was
of photons and protons was used. Local control correlated with worse survival (50% at
and overall survival for the whole group were 56 months). Long-term side effects included 8
78% and 87% at 5 years. Radiation complications sacral insufficiency fractures, 1 secondary malig-
grade 3 or more developed in 6 patients (two neu- nancy, 1 foot drop, 1 erectile dysfunction, 1 peri-
ropathies, one erectile dysfunction, one rectal neal numbness, 2 worsening urinary/fecal
bleeding, and two sacral insufficiency fractures). incontinence, and 4 grade 2 rectal bleedings [13].
No spinal cord injuries were seen. Grade 3 sacral Authors from Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
neuropathies and erectile dysfunction occurred at reported their initial experience with spot
18 Particle Radiotherapy 207
18.1.2 Ewing Sarcoma age. No severe acute toxicity was observed. One
patient with spinal tumor developed local failure, Rationale for Particle and the tumors located in the pelvis were con-
Therapy trolled. But all pelvic tumor patients developed
Ewing’s sarcomas are highly sensitive to radiation distant metastases. So the authors concluded that
therapy. Their locations often involve bones, local control is favorable, but distant control is
which are not so easily resectable, where radio- unsatisfactory [20].
therapy is well-established treatment. Radiotherapy
is used in the postoperative setting for patients Proton Radiotherapy
with close or positive resection margins and some- Report from Paul Scherrer Institute on 38 pediat-
times in the setting of a poor or slow clinical ric patients (median age 9.9 years) with Ewing
response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy as an addi- sarcoma treated with pencil beam scanning pro-
tive neoadjuvant treatment. Radiation is typically ton therapy shows 81.5% local control and 85%
used instead of surgery for children with unresect- overall survival at 5 years. The majority of these
able tumors or in cases in which surgery would patients had the primary tumor location in the
result in severe, mutilating morbidity. Nevertheless, axial/pelvic site (27 pts., 71.7%). The outcome
surgery plays a substantial role in the management data in this patient subcohort were 75.1% local
of these tumors due to several reports where not control and 80.6% overall survival at 5 years. All
only local but also distant failure occurred more local recurrences developed in the irradiation
frequently in patients treated with radiotherapy field and in nonextremity locations. Two patients
only than in those treated with surgery or surgery– developed late grade 3 toxicity (kyphoscoliosis in
radiotherapy [17–19]. However, definitive radio- 1 pt. and endocrine dysfunction in 1 pt) [21].
therapy causes side effects as a result of the volume At Massachusetts General Hospital, Rombi
of normal tissue also irradiated. Due to the steep et al. evaluated the outcome of 30 pediatric
dose profile, particle therapy offers better sparing Ewing sarcoma patients treated with proton ther-
of normal tissue, therefore reducing the toxicity. apy. The 3-year local control and overall survival
rates were 86% and 89%, respectively. The only C linical Evidence of Particle severe late toxicities were hematological malig-
Therapy nancies associated with the use of topoisomerase
A majority of reviewed reports on particle ther- and anthracycline. However, only 4 patients in
apy for Ewing sarcoma focus on the use of pro- this cohort had pelvic tumor mass and 2 patients
tons. This has two major reasons; first of all, the had lumbosacral spine tumors [22].
accessibility of proton therapy is much broader,
because there are simply more proton only cen-
ters than carbon ion therapy centers. The other 18.1.3 Osteosarcoma
reason is also the radiosensitivity of this histol-
ogy. Carbon ions offer stronger biological effects Rationale for Particle
because of their high LET, but this is the stron- Therapy
gest argument in their use in radioresistant tumors Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone
such as osteosarcomas. malignancy in children and adolescents and is
very radioresistant [23]. Neoadjuvant chemother- Carbon Ion Radiotherapy apy, followed by surgical resection, and further
The only report about the use of carbon ion radio- adjuvant chemotherapy is the typical treatment
therapy in Ewing sarcomas is coming from the approach for high-grade osteosarcomas [24].
NIRS experience. They reported on five unresect- While this approach yields an acceptable overall
able patients: 3 patients had tumors located in the survival for resectable cases, outcomes remain
pelvis, and two patients in the spine. After carbon poor for unresectable osteosarcomas such as
ion radiotherapy, 2 patients showed tumor shrink- those in the pelvis or trunk [25].
18 Particle Radiotherapy 209
Carbon ion radiotherapy (CIRT) has stronger survival rates were 79% and 52%. Sacral tumors
biological effects and more conformal dose dis- were excluded, the major histology was osteosar-
tribution compared to photon- and proton-based coma in 13 patients and chondrosarcoma in 13
therapies [26, 27]. patients, and other histologies were chordoma
[9], malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) [7], C linical Evidence of Particle Ewing sarcoma, [2] and others [4]. One patient
Therapy had grade 3 and one patient grade 4 late skin tox-
Surgery remains the standard for the treatment of icity with skin ulcer requiring grafts. Vertebral
osteosarcoma; however, similar to Ewing sar- body compression occurred in 7 patients. Twenty-
coma, osteosarcoma also develops in bones, two of the surviving 28 patients who had primary
where a radical surgery without major morbidity tumors remained ambulatory without supportive
is not possible. Osteosarcomas are well known as devices, so the authors concluded that CIRT was
radioresistant tumors, so the rationale of using both effective and safe for the treatment of
carbon ion therapy is obvious. patients with unresectable spinal sarcoma [29].
First experience on pediatric unresectable osteo- Carbon Ion Radiotherapy sarcoma presented results on 26 patients (median
First report on efficacy and safety of carbon ion age 16 years) with inoperable osteosarcoma of the
radiotherapy in bone and soft tissue sarcomas trunk (24 pelvic, 1 mediastinal, and 1 paraverte-
comes from NIRS from a phase I/II dose escala- bral). Median CIRT dose was 70.4 Gy RBE deliv-
tion study. Fifty-seven patients with 64 sites of ered in 16 fractions. Local control was 69.9% and
bone and soft tissue sarcomas not suitable for 62.9%, and overall survival was 50.0% and 41.7%
resection received carbon ion radiotherapy. at 3 and 5 years, respectively. Grade 3–4 adverse
Tumors involved the spine or paraspinal soft tis- events excluding fractures of affected bone were
sues in 19 patients, pelvis in 32 patients, and observed in 4 cases. There was one case of grade 3
extremities in six patients. Bone sarcomas had 41 skin toxicity, one case of grade 4 skin toxicity, and
patients with osteosarcoma [15], chordoma [11], 2 cases of neurologic dysfunction due to nerve
chondrosarcoma [6], primitive neuroectodermal injury. There was 1 case of grade 4 bone toxicity in
tumor (PNET) [5], malignant fibrous histiocy- which the sacrum (S1) was involved with the dis-
toma (MFH) [1], and other histologies [3], and 16 ease and developed a fracture after CIRT [30].
patients had soft tissue sarcomas. The total dose At Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center, a nonran-
ranged from 52.8 to 73.6 Gy (RBE) and was domized therapy trial to determine the safety and
administered in 16 fixed fractions over 4 weeks. efficacy of heavy ion radiotherapy in patients
The median tumor size was 559 cm3 (range: with nonresectable osteosarcoma in children
20–2290 cm3). The local control rates were 88% older than 6 years was started in 2010. Desired
and 73% at 1 year and 3 years of follow-up, target dose is 60–66 Gy RBE with 45 Gy RBE
respectively. The 1- and 3-year overall survival proton therapy and a carbon ion boost of
rates were 82% and 46%, respectively. Looking 15–21 Gy RBE. The primary objectives are the
on the bone and cartilage manifestations, local determination of feasibility and toxicity of proton
control could be reached in 11/15 osteosarcoma therapy and heavy ion therapy using carbon ions
cases, in 12/13 chordoma manifestations, and 5/7 boost. Secondary objectives are tumor response,
chondrosarcoma lesions [28]. disease-free survival and overall survival. The
The next experience with CIRT in the treat- aim is to improve outcome for patients with non-
ment of unresectable sarcoma concentrated on resectable osteosarcoma [31].
spinal sarcomas only. Matsumoto et al. evaluated The experience from HIBMC showed very
the outcome in 47 patients with 48 medically good results in 91 patients with nonmetastatic
unresectable spinal sarcomas included in phase I/ unresectable or incompletely resected pelvic
II and phase II clinical trials for bone and soft tis- bone and soft tissue sarcomas of the pelvis. The
sue sarcomas. Five-year local control and overall particle therapy with protons was performed in
210 P. Georg and E. B. Hug
52 patients, and carbon ion therapy was per- tion with surgery. Here, local control rates up to
formed in 39 patients. The histologic type was 70–85% at 3–5 years can be reached. If surgery is
chordoma in 53 patients, chondrosarcoma in 14, not possible, the reports on definitive carbon
osteosarcoma in 10, malignant fibrous histiocy- treatment are increasing with reported local con-
toma/undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma in 5, trol rates of 70–94% at 3–5 years (Table 18.1).
and others in 9 patients. The 3-year local control All together, the data presented suggest that the
and overall survival rates were 92% and 83%. use of particle therapy is reasonable and offers a
Late grade 3 or higher toxicity was observed in good therapeutic alternative, which can avoid,
23 patients (25%). Late grade 3 toxicities involved i.e., mutilating surgery in many cases.
peripheral nerves in 6 patients, pain in 5, bone in However, clear recommendation to select
2, genitourinary tract in 2, muscle in 2, skin in 2, between the indication for protons or carbon ion
and the vascular system in 1 patient. Late grade 4 cannot be given based on the reported data.
toxicities involved skin in 9 patients [32]. Randomized trials comparing protons vs carbon
ions in bone tumors are limited to the ISAC pro- Proton Radiotherapy tocol for sacrococcygeal chordoma [5]. However,
At Massachusetts General Hospital, unresectable in cases when surgery is possible without major
or incompletely resected osteosarcoma is treated mutilation, a combination with proton treatment
with proton therapy or with combination of pho- especially if gross tumor resection was performed
ton and proton therapy. The initial report on 55 is indicated. In cases of inoperability or major
patients with a median age of 29 years (2–76) mutilation, definitive carbon treatment offers a
showed local control 82% and 72% at 3 and valuable treatment choice (Table 18.1).
5 years, and the five-year OS was 67%. The extent
of surgical resection did not correlate with out-
come. Grade 3–4 late toxicity was seen in 30.1% 18.3 Conclusion
of patients. One patient died from treatment-
associated acute lymphocytic leukemia, and one The management of pelvic bone tumors remains
from secondary carcinoma of the maxilla [33]. very challenging. The main reason for that is the
limited radical resectability, so additive treatment
modalities should be used. Even in cases where
18.2 Summary resectability can be reached, impaired functional
outcome can be expected. In cases of implant
Bone tumors involving the pelvis are in the reconstruction, deep wound infection is still a
majority of cases chordomas, chondrosarcomas, major problem.
Ewing sarcomas, and osteosarcomas. For other Particle therapy opens the window of new ther-
histologies, the evidence of particle therapy is apeutic options aiming at improving not only the
very limited and it can be recommended in “classical” outcome parameters like local control
selected cases, i.e., in pediatric patients and and survival but also functional outcomes.
young adults when reduction of integral dose In the case of sacral chordoma, the recommen-
delivered to healthy tissue is needed in order to dation for using carbon ion or proton radiotherapy
avoid late complications or secondary radiation- for definitive treatment after biopsy only or in
induced malignancies. Other examples are when patients who refused surgery was postulated by the
dose escalation is aimed for or in previously irra- Chordoma Global Consensus Group [34]. Also, in
diated cases. For the histologies mentioned cases of local-regional recurrent chordoma, parti-
above, there is evidence for the use of proton as cle therapy should be considered [35]. ESMO–
well as carbon ion therapy in combination with PaedCan–EURACAN Clinical Practice Guidelines
surgery or as an exclusive local treatment option. recommend also new techniques (e.g., proton and
According to the literature, proton treatment is carbon ion beam RT), particularly for unresectable
used more in pediatric patients and in combina- primary osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma [36].
18 Particle Radiotherapy 211
Table 18.1 Treatment outcomes of particle radiotherapy for pelvic bone tumors
Author Diagnosis Patients (n) Particle Local control Overall survival
Imai et al. Chordoma 38 Carbon ion 89% (5y) 86% (5y)
(2010) [2]
Imai et al. Chordoma 95 Carbon ion 88% (5y) 86% (5y)
(2011) [3]
Imai et al. Chordoma 188 Carbon ion 77.2% (5y) 81.1% (5y)
(2016) [4]
Uhl et al. Chordoma 23 Photon/carbon ion 79% (2y) 100% (2y)
(2015) [5] 33 Carbon ion
Mima et al. Chordoma 23 Carbon ion 94% (3y) 83% (3y)
(2014) [6]
DeLaney et al. Chordoma, chondrosarcoma, 50 Photon/proton± 78% (5y) 87% (5y)
(2019) [11] and others surgery
DeLaney et al. Chordoma, chondrosarcoma, 50 Photon/proton± 74% (8y) 65% (8y)
(2014) [12] and others Surgery
Kabolizadeh Chordoma 40 Proton/proton± 85.1% (5y) 81.9% (5y)
et al. (2017) [12] Surgery
Chen et al. Chordoma (spine) 24 Proton 81.5% (5y) 91% 85y)
(2013) [13]
Staab et al. Chordoma 40 Proton ± surgery 62% (5y) 80% (5y)
(2011) [14]
Rombi et al. Chordoma, 26 Proton ± surgery 81% (5y) 89% (5y)
(2013) [15] Chondrosarcoma, and 80% (5y) 75% (5y)
pediatrics (skull base, spine,
Demizu et al. Chordoma, 72 Proton ± surgery 55.6% (5y) 70.7% (5y)
(2017) [16] Chondrosarcoma, and 20
osteosarcoma 4
(skull base, spine, and sacrum)
Weber et al. Ewing sarcoma 38 Proton ± surgery 81.5% (5y) 85% (5y)
(2017) [21] Axial and pelvic 27 75.1% (5y) 80.6% (5y)
Rombi et al. Ewing sarcoma 30 Proton ± surgery 86% (3y) 89% (3y)
(2012) [22]
Kamada et al. Osteosarcoma, 15 Carbon ion 73% (3y) 46% (3y)
(2002) [28] Chordoma, 11
Chondrosarcoma, and PNETa, 6
MFHb, and other, 5
Soft tissue sarcoma 1
Matsumoto et al. Osteosarcoma, 13 Carbon ion 79% (5y) 52% (5y)
(2013) [29] Chondrosarcoma, 13
Chordoma, 9
MFHb, 7
Ewing sarcoma, and 2
Other 4
Mohamad et al. Osteosarcoma 26 Carbon ion 69.9% (3y) 50% (3y)
(2018) [30] Pelvis [24], trunk 62.9% (5y) 41.7% (5y)
Demizu et al. Chordoma, 53 Proton (52) 92% (3y) 83% (3y)
(2017) [32] Chondrosarcoma 14 Carbon ion (39)
Osteosarcoma 10
MFHb 5
Other 9
Ciernik et al. Osteosarcoma 55 Proton or photon/ 82% (3y) 67% (5y)
(2011) [33] proton + surgery 72% (5y)
PNET Primitive neuroectodermal tumor
There are no randomized trials directly com- chondrosarcomas, and other sarcomas. J Surg Oncol.
paring protons and carbon ions published so far. 12. Kabolizadeh P, Chen YL, Liebsch N, et al. Updated
One randomized trial is currently recruiting outcome and analysis of tumor response in mobile
patients for sacral chordoma [5].The limited spine and sacral chordoma treated with definitive
reported evidence shows no difference between high-dose photon/proton radiation therapy. Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2017;97(2):254–62.
using protons vs carbons. However, looking into 13. Chen YL, Liebsch N, Kobayashi W, et al. Definitive
biological behavior of these particles, carbons high-dose photon/proton radiotherapy for unresected
should be considered in radioresistant tumor his- mobile spine and sacral chordomas. Spine (Phila PA
tologies and in large nonresectable tumor volumes, 1976). 2013;38(15):E930–6.
14. Staab A, Rutz HP, Ares C, et al. Spot-scanning proton
where a big tumor burden has to be managed. radiation therapy for pediatric chordoma and chon-
drosarcoma. Clinical outcome of 26 patients treated at
Paul Scherrer Institute. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
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Chemotherapy for Pelvic Bone
Tumors 19
Antonella Brunello and Vittorina Zagonel
with no detectable metastatic disease. Since that Based on these observations, several trials
time, evidence has mounted on the presence of have investigated the possibility of improving
micrometastatic disease at the time of diagnosis outcomes for patients with tumors exhibiting low
in most patients, providing the background for necrosis following initial chemotherapy. In the
the role of systemic therapy in achieving cure. European and American Osteosarcoma Study
The introduction of combination chemotherapy Group (EURAMOS) trial, patients received neo-
improved the probability for cure to rates as high adjuvant therapy with the MAP regimen for
as 70% [5]. Cytotoxic drugs, which have been 10 weeks and were randomized after definitive
shown to be active in osteosarcoma, are surgery to different adjuvant treatments accord-
Doxorubicin, Ifosfamide, Methotrexate, and ing to necrosis at definitive surgery. Patients with
Cisplatin [6], yielding objective response rates, good histologic response were randomized to
when used as single agents, of 43%, 33%, 32%, receive either continuation of MAP or MAP with
and 26%, respectively. the addition of interferon-alfa, whereas patients
Conventionally, surgery of the primary tumor with poor histologic response were randomized
is performed after preoperative chemotherapy, an to receive either continuation of MAP or MAP
approach pioneered in the 1970s by Rosen and with the addition of high-dose ifosfamide and
colleagues [7]. Although no survival advantage etoposide [11]. The addition of interferon to
of neoadjuvant compared to post-operative che- MAP did not improve the risk of events for
motherapy has been demonstrated, and surgery is patients with higher necrosis [10]. The addition
rarely influenced, obtaining symptom improve- of high-dose ifosfamide and etoposide to MAP
ment, time available for surgical planning, and did not improve the risk of events for patients
availability of the primary tumor for assessment with less necrosis [12].
of histologic response to preoperative chemo- Since the first pivotal studies on neoadjuvant
therapy have made this approach a standard of chemotherapy, very little progress has been made
care for the majority of patients. In specific cases, with regard to further improvement of survival
such as when diagnostic uncertainty exists or rates obtained with the MAP regimen.
when demolitive surgery cannot be avoided, then The Intergroup Study 0133 studied the role of
immediate resection could be suggested. liposomal muramyl tripeptide (MTP), a deriva-
When osteosarcoma is treated in the neoadju- tive of the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin cell wall,
vant setting (that is, before surgery), necrosis in which stimulates macrophages’ response against
the primary tumor can be assessed at the time of tumor cells, in an adjuvant randomized trial,
definitive surgical resection. Chemotherapy- which showed that the addition of MTP to stan-
induced necrosis strongly correlates with event- dard chemotherapy provided a trend toward
free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) [8], improved EFS and a statistically significant
with high necrosis in the primary tumor correlat- improvement in overall survival [9].
ing with lower probability of recurrence and In light of the results of this trial, MTP has
death. Radiological response likely underesti- been approved for use in combination with che-
mates real antineoplastic activity, as osteosarcoma motherapy in the treatment of localized osteosar-
may present with substantial necrosis following coma for patients age 2–30 years in several
chemotherapy without change in dimensions due Countries.
to the osteoid matrix produced by the tumor. Pelvic primary site is associated with a more
Chemotherapy regimens based on a combina- dismal prognosis compared to patients with pri-
tion of high-dose methotrexate, doxorubicin, and mary osteosarcoma of the extremities, with a
cisplatin (the so-called “MAP” regimen) have 5-year survival of about 30% compared to 5-year
been shown to provide 3-year EFS roughly survival for localized extremity osteosarcoma of
around 70% [9, 10], with differences in outcome approximately 70%, [8, 13]. The poor survival of
strongly correlated with the histological response patients with pelvic osteosarcoma is multifacto-
in terms of necrosis. rial, including large tumor volume at presentation,
19 Chemotherapy for Pelvic Bone Tumors 217
more problematic surgery due to higher morbidity, prognosis, with higher necrosis associated with
difficulty in achieving adequate surgical margins,better outcomes.
higher likelihood of metastatic disease at presenta- The Intergroup trial INT-0091conducted by the
tion, inferior necrosis after preoperative chemo- Pediatric Oncology Group and the Children’s
therapy, and presence of macroscopic tumor Cancer Group demonstrated that the addition of
emboli in the large regional vessels [14–19]. ifosfamide and etoposide to cyclophosphamide,
With recurrent osteosarcoma, chemotherapy doxorubicin, and vincristine significantly improved
options are quite limited. The combination of outcomes for patients with localized Ewing sar-
ifosfamide and etoposide appears to be one of the coma [28]. Among patients with localized disease,
most active regimens for these patients [20, 21]. patients randomized to cyclophosphamide, doxo-
The combination of gemcitabine and docetaxel rubicin, and vincristine alternating with ifosfamide
has also been investigated for patients with recur-
and etoposide had a statistically significant better
rent osteosarcoma [22] with findings that indicate5-year EFS compared to patients randomized to
only modest activity. cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and vincristine
Newer agents are being studied. Currently, foralone (69% and 54%, respectively). The addition of
relapsed osteosarcoma, there is evidence of activ-ifosfamide to etoposide did not improve outcomes
ity of antiangiogenetic agents, and data from phase
for patients with metastatic disease at initial pre-
II trials with sorafenib, also in combination withsentation, though [31].
everolimus, and regorafenib have been recently In contrast to other bone and soft tissue
published [23–26], with median progression-free tumors, Ewing sarcoma outcomes seem to
survival times of about 4 months. improve with dose intensification.
A single-center study from the Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center reported a high
19.3 Ewing Sarcoma rate of EFS with the use of very high-dose
alkylating agent therapy given over a shorter
Before the introduction of systemic chemother- duration of just 21 weeks [32]. In a Children’s
apy, Ewing sarcoma had a cure rate of less than Oncology Group trial, dose intensification was
10%, even among patients who presented with obtained by shortening the interval between
localized disease [27]. The outcomes for patients chemotherapy cycles [30], with the administra-
with Ewing sarcoma have dramatically improved tion of the usual five-drug combination every
since then, with as many as 70% of patients pre- 2 weeks for 28 weeks, achieving better out-
senting with localized disease achieving long- comes compared to the five-drug combination
term event-free survival (EFS) with the use of administered every 3 weeks for 42 weeks.
multiagent chemotherapy [28–30]. Patients randomized to the interval-compressed
Survival rates fall down to 30–50% if patients arm had a significantly greater 5-year EFS
present with lung metastases and to less than (73% versus 65% for patients randomized to
20% when patients present with metastases to the standard arm).
distant bones or bone marrow [28]. In the Euro-E.W.I.N.G.99 trial, patients with
Being generally highly sensitive to chemo- localized Ewing sarcoma were randomized
therapy, Ewing sarcoma treatment involves pri- between high-dose chemotherapy with busulfan
mary chemotherapy before local treatment. and melphalan or standard chemotherapy (vin-
Cytotoxics with documented activity, which cristine, dactinomycin, and ifosfamide, seven
are widely used in treatment protocols for courses) if they were at high risk for relapse
Ewing Sarcoma, are Doxorubicin, Ifosfamide, (either poor histologic response after receiving
Cyclophosphamide, Etoposide, Vincristine, and six courses of chemotherapy with vincristine,
D-Actinomycin. ifosfamide, doxorubicin, and etoposide or with
Similar to osteosarcoma, the percentage of tumor volume at diagnosis ≥200 mL if unre-
necrosis postchemotherapy is associated with sected, or initially resected, or resected after
218 A. Brunello and V. Zagonel
radiotherapy) [33]. In an intent-to-treat analysis, citabine and docetaxel than for each other arm,
the 3- and 8-year EFS was 69% and 60.7% with all comparisons favored the other arms, and the
high-dose chemotherapy versus 56.7% and gemcitabine and docetaxel arm was dropped,
47.1% with standard chemotherapy, respectively. with recruitment continuing in the remaining
Overall survival (OS) also favored high-dose arms.
chemotherapy, with 3- and 8-year OS compared Several targeted agents have been studied,
to standard chemotherapy of 78% vs 64.5% and such as mammalian Target Of Rapamicin
72.2% vs 55.6%, respectively. (mTOR) inhibitors [45] or Insulin-like Growth
Patients with recurrent Ewing sarcoma have a Factor-1 inhibitors [46], with no one proving
number of systemic therapy options. Historically, enough activity to warrant approval. Furthermore,
patients used to be retreated with chemotherapy despite understanding the critical role of EWSR1
combinations used as part of initial therapy, with fusion oncogenes in the pathogenesis of Ewing
some responses and durable remissions reported sarcoma, strategies to target EWSR1 fusion
[34]. There is evidence suggesting activity of oncogenes and oncoproteins have so far been dif-
high doses of ifosfamide (15 g/m2) in patients ficult to develop.
with recurrent Ewing sarcoma who were previ- One of the strongest prognostic factors associ-
ously treated with lower doses as part of initial ated with a poor outcome of patients with local-
therapy [35]. ized Ewing sarcoma is primary tumor located in
Currently, patients with recurrent Ewing sar- the pelvis. Half of the cases of Ewing sarcoma
coma are candidates for clinical trials of novel arise in the extremity bones, followed by pelvis,
agents or may be treated with a number of sal- ribs, and vertebrae [47]. The most common sites
vage chemotherapy regimens with documented within the pelvis are the iliac bones followed by
activity in this setting. the pubis [48]. The higher incidence of primary
Campothecin-based regimens are currently pelvic sites for Ewing sarcoma in adults is one of
among the most active available chemotherapy the possible reasons for poorer outcomes in older
regimens for patients with relapsed Ewing. The subjects compared to younger ones. Also, since
combination of topotecan with cyclophospha- metastatic disease is the most important prognos-
mide has shown activity in this population [36– tic factor for Ewing sarcoma, the worse progno-
38]. The combination of irinotecan and sis of tumors localized in the pelvis is at least
temozolomide has also shown activity in patients partly related to a higher percentage of metastatic
with relapsed Ewing sarcoma [39–42]. cases at diagnosis [49–52].
Also, the combination of gemcitabine with The optimal strategy of addressing local ther-
docetaxel has shown some activity in patients apy in pelvic disease with surgery, radiation ther-
with recurrent Ewing sarcoma [43]. apy, or both has been long investigated, yet
The first interim results of the currently ongo- remains highly controversial [53].
ing rEECur trial, assessing these regimens pro- Indeed, the time interval between chemother-
spectively in a randomized manner, have recently apy initiation and definitive local therapy impact
been reported [44]. In this trial, patients with event-free survival, with longer intervals being
refractory or recurrent Ewing sarcoma were ran- associated with unfavorable outcomes [54].
domized to receive either topotecan and cyclo- In pelvic primary localization, the timing of
phosphamide, irinotecan and temolozomide, and local therapy commonly relies on multidisci-
gemcitabine and docetaxel or high-dose ifos- plinary assessment, being dependent on tumor
famide. Patients randomized in the gemcitabine size, specific location, and response to neoadju-
and docetaxel arm had 11.5% response rate, vant chemotherapy. As a result, the decision as to
median progression-free survival of 3 months, when to offer local therapy for large pelvic
and median OS 13.7 months. After assessing the tumors often involves a thorough multidisci-
probabilities that overall response and plinary discussion among medical, radiation, and
progression-free survival were better for gem- orthopedic oncologists. In patients with chemo-
19 Chemotherapy for Pelvic Bone Tumors 219
responsive disease, whether the maximal benefit high-grade chondrosarcoma of the extremities
of chemotherapy should be pursued to facilitate [61]. Globally, high-grade chondrosarcoma of
the best possible surgical resection or radiation of pelvic bones is associated with the highest rates
the smallest tumor volume is still matter of of local recurrence and worst prognosis after sur-
debate. gical treatment [62].
On the one hand, continuing chemotherapy to The majority of chondrosarcomas display
maximum response could be helpful to reduce total conventional subtype features, but some other
tumor volume and would avoid the risk of an inter- subtypes have been described, namely, a mesen-
ruption with local therapy, given the fact that recov- chymal and clear cell chondrosarcoma. Moreover,
ery from surgery for axial tumors is often prolonged, conventional chondrosarcoma can ‘dedifferenti-
making it difficult to timely resume chemotherapy. ate’ into a highly aggressive form, which is the
Moreover, the delivery of concomitant radiation dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma, typically
therapy and chemotherapy can be sometimes diffi- yielding a very poor prognosis [63, 64].
cult, especially in older patients. On the other hand, In chondrosarcoma, unlike osteosarcoma and
delaying local therapy may not be beneficial. In Ewing’s sarcoma, chemotherapy and radiation
some cases, radiation therapy in the absence of sur- therapy have not been proven to be effective nei-
gery could provide sufficient local control of Ewing ther as adjuvant treatment nor for distant control,
sarcoma, particularly those arising in the sacrum, and therefore, surgery is the primary treatment.
which displays a better prognosis than Ewing sar- Inoperable, locally advanced and metastatic
coma of the hip bones [55], probably at least in part high-grade chondrosarcomas have a poor prog-
due to smaller tumor volumes in the sacrum than in nosis [65], and this may also be related to the
the hip bones. So far, no randomized controlled tri- inefficacy of chemotherapy in conventional
als have directly compared radiation and surgery. chondrosarcoma.
Despite historical data of two to threefold However, there is some evidence for chemo-
increased local failure and decreased survival in sensitivity of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma,
primary Ewing sarcoma of the pelvis compared thus suggesting a role for adjuvant or neoadju-
to other sites, more recent series report local and vant therapy with Ewing-type regimens [66, 67].
distant control rates for pelvic Ewing’s sarcoma Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma is com-
that approach those of nonpelvic [53, 56–59] and monly treated as a high-grade bone sarcoma, with
this may be due to optimizing chemotherapy systemic and local therapies that need to be
doses and schedules with improved supportive adapted to patient’s age [65, 68]. Among available
therapy, better radiation techniques, and more drugs, beside anthracyclines, ifosfamide, and cis-
aggressive surgery. platin, some activity of gemcitabine in combina-
tion with docetaxel has been reported [69].
19.4 Chondrosarcoma
19.5 Chordoma
Chondrosarcoma is the most frequent bone sar-
coma of adulthood, and it is primary located in Chordoma is a very rare mesenchymal neoplasm
the extremities and the axial skeleton, with the arising from embryonic remnants of the noto-
pelvis representing the most common location. chord in axial skeleton, with a reported yearly
Typically, chondrosarcomas are low-grade, incidence of approximately 0.08/100,000 people
locally aggressive, nonmetastasizing tumors [70, 71], and it affects predominantly the mobile
(grade I), but in some cases, chondrosarcoma can spine and the sacrum in older adults [72].
be high grade (grades II–III) [60]. Conventional chordoma is a low-grade, locally
Chondrosarcoma of the pelvis is often high grade invasive malignancy. Immunohistochemistry
and is almost twice as likely to present with met- nuclear positivity for Brachyury is the diagnostic
astatic disease at presentation compared with hallmark [73].
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Role of Plastic Surgery
in the Treatment of Pelvic Tumors 20
Cesare Tiengo, Andrea Monticelli, Regina Sonda,
Andrea Angelini, Pietro Ruggieri,
and Franco Bassetto
Primary pelvic tumors are rare, and the principal structive surgery. This scenario, in fact, is charged
goal of the surgical treatment is to obtain a free by a high rate of complications and dissatisfying
margin resection. Although the majority of mechanical and nonmechanical results: infec-
patients can be treated with limb-salvaging inter- tions and wound dehiscences are common, espe-
nal hemipelvectomies [1, 2], hindquarter amputa- cially when associated with radiotherapy.
tions and hip disarticulation are still performed. In Nevertheless the poor cosmetic, physical and
order to extirpate completely the tumor, the recon- psychological outcomes, and soft-tissue recon-
structive surgeon may be faced to large soft-tissue structions can improve the quality of life of the
defects. A concomitant one-step autologous patients. Over years, these techniques allowed
reconstruction, mostly using myocutaneous or even more aggressive resections.
fasciocutaneous flaps, has been proved to lead to The purpose of this chapter is to provide an
better results, thanks to the well-vascularized tis- overview of the most used reconstructive tech-
sues, which are used to cover defects, grafts, and niques following bone tumor resection in the pel-
implants or just to obliterate the dead space. vic district. The hardest part to create a
Moreover, these flaps can be hard to be performed reconstructive algorithm is that each patient
in a second time, especially when radiotherapy or needs a tailored solution, due to the high com-
infections compromise the donor site. plexity and variability of these cases.
The reconstruction of periacetabular and
sacral defects, after pelvic tumor resection, can
be classified among the most challenging proce- 20.1 Flap Planning
dures in orthopedic oncology and plastic recon-
The reconstructive surgeon must be involved in
the preoperative multidisciplinary meetings in
C. Tiengo (*) · A. Monticelli
order to plan the possible solutions. Even though,
R. Sonda · F. Bassetto
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Unit, in any case, no risks must be taken not to com-
University of Padova, Padova, Italy pletely extirpate the tumor, the multidisciplinary
e-mail: [email protected]; team approach can better plan collateral proce-
[email protected]
dures, such as colostomy or ileostomy, leaving
A. Angelini · P. Ruggieri open many reconstructive techniques. Imaging
Department of Orthopedics and Orthopedic
exams must be acquired and collectively dis-
Oncology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]; cussed. The presence of vascular pedicles must
[email protected] be detailed, usually in our practice with an
Angio-CT, and the operative plan should be sheath passing anterior to the arcuate line.
agreed and proposed to the patient. For sacral Normally, it divides into two or three major ves-
resection, we usually prefer to place ureteral sels that run cranially into the muscle belly, origi-
stents that can help their identification during the nating several muscular or musculocutaneous
tumor resection. Patient positioning depends perforators. These vessels, which are usually big-
mostly on the location of the tumor. We advise to ger when originate from the medial raw, supply
mark the skin in the preoperative setting. Usually, the skin paddle, which must be placed over them.
we start with the patient in the supine position for Among our institute, an angio-TC, if not yet per-
periacetabular tumor and in the prone position for formed, is usually requested to investigate the
the tumor of the sacrum, except for those involv- abdominal wall vessels, because several surgical
ing S2 or higher levels where we prefer to per- procedures can have damaged deep inferior epi-
form an anterior abdominal exploration and a gastric vessels, such as colostomy, appendec-
posterior resection. The eventual changing of the tomy, etc. The main venous drainage is granted
position of the patient can be needed for the flap by the deep inferior epigastric vein, which is con-
dissection. nected to the external iliac vein.
In our experience, flaps using tissue from rectus The VRAM is one of the principal solutions
abdominis muscle or from the gluteal area allow for both periacetabular (Fig. 20.1) and sacral
the best coverage for sacral resections, providing a (Fig. 20.2) reconstructions. The orientation of the
moderate quantity of tissue to fill the dead space. skin paddle is decided based mainly on the exten-
Other solutions might be the omental flap or the sion and on the location of the skin defect. In the
combination of the previous techniques. case of periacetabular resections or sacral low
resections, when the patient can be placed in the
supine position for all the time, a simultaneous
20.2 Rectus Abdominis flap elevation can be performed by secondary
Musculocutaneous Flap equipment [3]. If a change of position is manda-
tory, the flap elevation can be performed prior to
The rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous flap is the abdominal exploration, if needed, or after the
type III according to the Mathes and Nahai clas- posterior resection, if the entire demolitive time
sification. It can be used as a muscular or as a can be completed in the prone position. Usually,
musculocutaneous flap, allowing several types of the rectus sheath is approached medially, far from
reconstructions. It can be named differently the skin paddle in order not to damage skin perfo-
based on the orientation of its skin paddle: trans- rators. The muscle can be easily separated from
verse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous the posterior fascia, but care must be taken to
(TRAM) flap or vertical rectus abdominis mus- handle the pedicle, which usually lies on the pos-
culocutaneous (VRAM) flap. It is supported by terior surface of the muscle belly. If flap elevation
two main vessels: the deep inferior epigastric is performed prior to turning the patient, the
artery (DIEA), which is the principal one, and the authors advise to leave the pubis insertion
superior epigastric artery. The rectus abdominis attached, in order to avoid pedicle twisting and to
muscle measures about 30 x 10 cm and can be put the flap in a plastic bag and leaving it where it
used as pedicled or microsurgical flap. The prin- can be clearly retrieved and managed from the
cipal pedicle, the DIEA, measures 14–18 cm in posterior approach.
length and has a caliber of about 3–4 mm. It In the case of large defects of the fascia, it can
arises from the external femoral artery and trav- be reconstructed placing a synthetic mesh or an
els superomedially in the extraperitoneal tissue acellular dermal matrix. These solutions can be
piercing the transversalis fascia. After leaving used to repair anterior defects of the donor site,
several and constant branches, it enters the rectus posterior defects, or both. These repairs should
20 Role of Plastic Surgery in the Treatment of Pelvic Tumors 227
Fig. 20.1 Delayed wound healing in a patient previously custom-made prosthesis and soft tissue reconstruction
treated for aseptic loosening of acetabular component with a pedicled VRAM flap
after sarcoma resection, undergone a revision with
be tension-free. Even though both alternatives neath muscle. The myocutaneous technique
have been described, many Authors still prefer should be considered only in paraplegic patients;
the synthetic options, especially to avoid long- otherwise, a severe dysfunctional deambulation is
term hernias or bulging, which are costly and caused. In this case, the flap is considered a type
hard to treat. Care must be taken leaving a gap III Mathes–Nahai classification. Usually, they are
posterior to make the pedicle passing through. It proposed for partial or total sacrectomy
is very important that the mesh doesn’t decubi- (Fig. 20.3). Even though it has been described, the
tate on the vessels and its course is regular and microsurgical employments are rare. These flaps
without twistings or kinkings. Finally, the inset- are irrorated by several perforator vessels coming
ting of the flap must be tension-free to avoid from the superior and the inferior gluteal arteries.
necrosis, flap loss, or wound cracking during the The superior gluteal artery is the largest branch of
change of position. the internal iliac artery, which is the posterior
Advancement SGAP (superior gluteal artery division. It originates above from the upper bor-
perforator) or IGAP (inferior gluteal artery perfo- der of the piriformis muscle, dividing soon into a
rator) Flaps. superficial and a deep branch. The deep one runs
The advancement SGAP flaps are fasciocuta- vascularizating the gluteus medius and the iliac
neous flaps that can eventually include the under- bone, while the superficial one the upper portion
228 C. Tiengo et al.
Fig. 20.2 Sacrectomy for chordoma resection, undergone colostomy surgery and repaired with a pedicled VRAM flap
of the anatomic area. From this last branch, our than those originated from the superior gluteal
perforators of interest usually originate. artery. The mean length of the completed dis-
The inferior gluteal artery (IGA) represents sected pedicles is 5–7 cm for the superior gluteal
the terminal branch of the anterior division of the flap and 7–10 cm for the inferior gluteal flap, but
internal iliac artery. This artery travels with the normally a minimal subfascial dissection is
greater sciatic nerve through the greater sciatic required, avoiding risks. When longer move-
foramen, and then, it pierces the sacral fascia ments are necessaries, we prefer to use other
toward the surface. Normally, under the inferior techniques, usually the VRAM flap, also because
portion of the gluteus maximus, perforators are they’re most likely associated with the need of
given off to supply the overlying fat and skin filling the dead space. The venous drainage
(Fig. 20.3). These last vessels run more oblique accompanies the arterial system.
20 Role of Plastic Surgery in the Treatment of Pelvic Tumors 229
Fig. 20.3 Decubitus sacral and ischial ulcer in unresectable chondrosarcoma, repaired with advancement fasciocutane-
ous SGAP flap for sacral region and IGAP flap for the ischial region
20.3 Anterolateral Thigh (ALT) Flap on the defect size. Although a larger width than
8 cm may not be closed primarily, greater dimen-
The anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap is a well- sions have been described. The pedicle length is
known and reliable flap. Although it is a work- around 11 cm with a caliber of 2.1 mm. The
house technique, in sacral and periacetabular venous drainage is granted by a comitantes sys-
reconstructions, it can be performed in very rare tem, which finally drains in the greater saphenous
situations, mainly using it pedicled to cover groin vein. This flap can be raised as fasciocutaneous,
or perineal defects. The pedicle originates from fascial, composite, including a portion of the rec-
the lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA). tus femoris muscle, or chimeric with a part of the
This branch of the profunda femoris artery origi- vastus lateralis muscle. Preoperative Angio–CT
nates 8–10 cm inferior to the anterior superior scan is mandatory to properly plan the flap, espe-
iliac spine, and it divides into three branches: cially in these patients where there can have
ascending, transverse, and descending. The much damage of this vascular system. The flap is
descending one runs on the medial edge of the raised medially to laterally, in the subfascial plan,
vastus lateralis giving off several perforator ves- looking for the chosen perforator. Once identi-
sels to the fascia and the overlying fat and skin. fied, the perforator is carefully dissected through
Most of these perforators have an intramuscular the muscle to its origin from the descending
path, while few can present a septal one. The skin branch of the LCFA (Fig. 20.4). Depending on
island is generally taken centrally over the cho- the necessity of the pedicle length, the rising of
sen perforator, with a variable dimension based the LCFA can be continued proximally.
230 C. Tiengo et al.
Fig. 20.4 Wound dehiscence after sarcoma and lymphatic resection, repaired with a pedicled ALT flap
20.4 T
ensor Fascia Latae comitantes system. The skin island can be 20 cm
(TFL) Flap long and 10 cm wide, even though only a width of
8 cm consents a primary closure of the donor site.
The tensor fascia latae (TFL) flap is a type I
Mathes Nahai. It can be considered a reliable flap
for the coverage of the trochanteric, periacetabu- 20.5 Disarticulation
lar, perineum, and abdominal wall as pedicled, and Hemipelvectomy
and it has also been employed as microsurgical
flap. It can rise both as muscular or musculocuta- Disarticulation of the hip is the surgical removal
neous flap. This muscle originates from the exter- of the entire lower limb through the hip joint,
nal border of the iliac crest between the sartorius while the hemipelvectomy requires the ablation
and the gluteus medius with a tendon 5 cm wide. of the entire or a portion of the iliac bone [4].
It descends as a band, inserted onto the iliotibial Disarticulations or Hemipelvectomies are
band. The pedicle is represented by the transverse extremely mutilating procedures, but sometimes
branch of the LCFA, while the descending has they are still required to obtain a radical resec-
been already described and the ascending branch tion. Standard techniques are Boyd’s method,
travels to the gluteus minimus muscle. The trans- and the posterior flap is described by Slocum.
verse branch divides into three branches before Alternative options are represented by the ante-
entering the TFL muscle at a point around 8 – rior flap, or “anomalous flap”, or adapted modi-
10 cm inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine. fied techniques. First, inguinal or iliac lymph
It has a length of 4 – 6 cm and a caliber of 2 – nodes can be removed or not depending on the
3 mm. A small fragment of iliac crest bone can be preoperative planning. Boyd described an ana-
included if needed, preserving little branches that tomic strategy, which is still the basic procedure.
reach it. Venous drainage is usually granted by the It is oriented to the transection of the muscles at
20 Role of Plastic Surgery in the Treatment of Pelvic Tumors 231
their origin to minimize the blood loss and to pro- operative time in order to make the patient sitting
vide a well-padded stump to grant a weight- and deambulating soon.
bearing surface for prosthesis.
Slocum’s technique employs a posteromedial
flap to cover the stump, which can be used for both 20.7 Complications
hip disarticulation and hemipelvectomy. This flap
is about 10 cm long or more, in order to gently Pelvic reconstruction surgery is usually associ-
cover the stump without tension. It is important to ated with a high ratio of complications [1, 7].
ligate the femoral vessels to make them falling Despite the use of the Clinitron© bed, the greatest
above the inguinal ligament and to make the two number of them is related to the skin dehiscence,
branches of the obturator nerve retract, to avoid the due to a problem in the surgical wound healing
pressure areas. The tensor fascia latae is divided at process [1, 8]. It is essential to properly and early
the level of the greater trochanter, where the mus- treat this skin issues, mainly because they can
cle reaches it. The gluteus maximus is divided at contraindicate the start of adjuvant therapies
the distal end to the posterior skin flap. This flap, (such as chemotherapy), which are essential in
containing this muscle, is finally rotated anteriorly most of the cases. This need makes the wound
to cover the stump. Although Boyd’s technique is healing care an absolute priority for the patient.
considered the basic technique, among our To prevent wound dehiscences or infections,
Institute, we prefer Slocum’s technique to better among our institute, we usually place one or mul-
provide a useful a nonpainful stump. tiple drains in order to avoid hematoma or seroma
The standard hemipelvectomy is generally formations. We strongly believe that these are the
performed drawing a posterior or a gluteal flap to first step through a surgical failure, due to the
cover the defect. Standard hemipelvectomy dis- pression that an accumulation of fluids can place
articulates the symphysis pubis and sacroiliac on the skin margins and on the flap itself. This
joint, while in extended hemipelvectomy, the process can lead to a reduction of the blood sup-
resection line passes through the sacrum and in port. According to the oncologic principles, we
conservative hemipelvectomy through the ilium place the drains exit on the skin near to the surgi-
above the acetabulum, leaving the iliac crest. cal wound, allowing an eventually subsequent en
Finally, internal hemipelvectomy is defined as a bloc resection. Speaking of irradiated wounds,
limb-sparing procedure [5]. large flaps, or sacral and posterior resection in
Anterior flap disarticulation or hemipelvec- general, we prefer to keep drains longer than
tomy is used for lesions of the buttock or poste- what literature generally advises (less than 30 cc
rior proximal thigh. It employs a quadriceps per day).
myocutaneous flap based on the superficial femo- The incidence of a flap loss is low and depends
ral artery [6]. mostly on the area and the type of flap used.
Speaking of the sacrum, these problems regard
mostly the V–Y advancement flaps, which are
20.6 Postoperative Management less likely to obliterate the dead space, allowing
the hematoma or seroma formations. In a recent
Normally, these patients require at least one night study, [9] it has been found that the use of acel-
in the ICU. We started using Air Fluidized lular dermal matrix to reconstruct the posterior
Therapy beds, Clinitron©, especially for those abdominal wall reduces the risk of posterior
patients undergone to a sacral resection, for not to bowel herniations, bowel obstructions, and fis-
let the weight bearing area on the flap. Obviously, tula formations. Due to these reasons, for poste-
the fluid resuscitation is mandatory to maintain rior reconstructions, the Authors suggest to use
an adequate perfusion and the choice to use gluteal flaps only for smaller defects, performing
hydrocolloids or blood product depends on the a VRAM flap plus dermal matrix for any greater
postoperative blood tests. Physical and rehabili- demolition, especially for combined anterior and
tative programs are scheduled early in the post- posterior approaches [1].
232 C. Tiengo et al.
Gian Mario Parise, Bianca Ferrarese,
Alessandro Graziano, Manuela Funes,
Francesco Ambrosio, and Paolo Navalesi
Orthopedic oncologic surgeries are challenging and/or pulmonary evaluation (spirometry, arterial
for the anesthesiologist. When planning anesthe- blood gas). In this phase, postoperative ICU stay
sia, numerous factors must be considered. Pelvic should be discussed according to the type of sur-
oncologic surgeries vary in length and complex- gery and the patient’s medical history.
ity. Thus, a well-formulated anesthetic plan cre- The management of patients undergoing pel-
ated by effective communication between the vic tumor surgeries is particularly complicated
anesthesiologist and the surgeon is essential to because of the possibility of massive hemorrhage
ensure optimal patient outcomes [1, 2]. [1–6]. According to studies, pelvic tumor surger-
Preoperative assessment of the patient for ies show an intraoperative blood loss ranging
anesthesia begins 2–3 weeks prior to the sched- from 2500 to 5000 mL [2, 4]. Although, in most
uled surgery date. Patients are seen by the anes- circumstances, the administration of blood and/
thesiologist and they must receive a thorough or blood products can be used to effectively cor-
preoperative evaluation to elucidate significant rect hemoglobin concentrations and coagulation
comorbidities or side effects secondary to che- function, there is a growing body of evidence that
motherapy and radiation [1, 2]. The anesthetic shows the potential adverse effects of allogeneic
preoperative consultation should include full blood product administration. These adverse
blood examination including baseline hemoglo- effects include the transmission of infectious dis-
bin level, hematocrit, platelet count, iron and eases, immunosuppression, transfusion-related
coagulation function (prothrombin time (PT) acute lung injury, transfusion reactions, and they
with international normalized ratio (INR), and can also be associated with decreased tumor-free
activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)). survival [2, 5–9]. Moreover, patients with comor-
Preoperative evaluation should also include ECG bidities or those who have undergone chemother-
and chest radiograph. Based on the patient’s apy and radiotherapy may often have significant
medical history, physical exam, and test results, anemia and thrombocytopenia. Advances in
the anesthesiologist may also require further car- anesthesia, surgery, and transfusion medicine
diac evaluation (echocardiography, stress testing) over the past decade have led to the development
of “patient blood management,” a multimodal,
G. M. Parise (*) · B. Ferrarese · A. Graziano evidence-based preoperative and perioperative
M. Funes · F. Ambrosio · P. Navalesi strategy, aimed to minimize the need for red
Department of Internal Medicine, Anesthesia and blood cell transfusions, consisting of treating
Intensive Care Unit, Padua University Hospital,
Padua, Italy anemia and reducing perioperative blood loss [8,
e-mail: [email protected] 10]. Depending on the cause and degree of
anemia, the urgency of the procedure, and the in higher postoperative hemoglobin, quicker
anticipated blood loss, patients are given a spe- postsurgical recovery, shorter hospitalization,
cific therapy in order to improve their hemoglo- and decreased surgery-related costs [10].
bin level. Individuals with iron deficiency or iron For patients requiring urgent or emergency
deficiency anemia should be treated with iron, surgery, it may not be possible to correct all fac-
allowing adequate time for effect of treatment tors adversely affecting the baseline hemoglobin
before surgery (typically 2–4 weeks for correc- level and defects affecting hemostasis, and trans-
tion). Intravenous (IV) iron is an option if less fusions may be needed. In the preoperative
than 4–6 weeks are available, and for patients period, patient preferences and acceptance or
with poor tolerance or an inadequate response to refusal to receive various blood components
oral iron. For individuals with anemia of chronic should be discussed, and related consents and
disease/inflammation, we typically administer advanced directives should be obtained and
preoperative EPO (together with supplemental documented.
iron to avoid functional iron deficiency) [8]. Recommended preoperative evaluation also
The table below shows patient blood manage- includes a pain control plan. Oncologic patients
ment according to our procedure (Table 21.1). often have pain prior to surgery and they often
A study also shows that preoperative sucroso- receive significant amounts of drugs and opioids
mial iron supplementation at least 4 weeks prior to control it. The anesthesiologist needs an accu-
to an elective surgery in non-anemic patients lim- rate idea of the patient’s level of pain, opioid tol-
its the drop in postoperative Hb levels, resulting erance, and requirements [2]. Patient preparation
should include adjustments of preoperative medi-
cations to avoid withdrawal effect, treatment to
Table 21.1 Preoperative patient blood management
reduce preoperative pain/anxiety, and beginning
1 LONG PREOPERATIVE TIME (4 WEEKS) of preoperative treatment as part of a multimodal
• low serum iron and low ferritin (<30 ug/L)
Sucrosomial Iron 4 tabs/day p.o. (2 tabs in the pain control plan, which is vital to successful
morning + 2 tabs in the evening) for 30 days postoperative pain management.
• low serum iron and normal ferritin To improve surgical outcomes, adequate
(>30 ug/L) patient hydration and nutrition should be achieved.
Sucrosomial Iron 4 tabs/day p.o. for
30 days + EPO 40000 IU s.c./week Preoperative fluid management should guarantee
• Normal serum iron and high ferritin a near-zero fluid balance. Studies show that opti-
(>100 ug/L) mization of the preoperative metabolism by oper-
EPO 40000 IU s.c./week ating a patient under the influence of insulin after
• low serum iron and low ferritin (<30 ug/L) giving a carbohydrate load preoperatively (such
Ferric Carboxymaltose 1000 mg i.v. (check Hb as 100 g oral carbohydrate drink) results in attenu-
e ferritin after 10–12 days) ation of glucagon release, complete abolition of
possible repetition of ferric Carboxymaltose cortisol release, which is thus far less catabolic in
1000 mg ev
• low serum iron and normal ferritin the postoperative period [11].
(>30 ug/L) About preoperative fasting, the American
Ferric Carboxymaltose 1000 mg i.v. + EPO Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) recommends
40000 IU s.c./week to minimize starvation: patients should stop sol-
• Normal serum iron and high ferritin
(>100 ug/L) ids 8–6 h and liquids 2 h before a procedure [12].
EPO 40000 IU s.c./week In extensive oncologic surgeries, bowel prepa-
3 SHORT PREOPERATIVE TIME (1 WEEK) ration can be useful. Laxatives should be given
• low serum iron and low ferritin 2 days prior to the surgery and adequate intrave-
Ferric Carboxymaltose 1000 mg i.v. + EPO
40000 IU s.c. × 2 nous hydration and nutrition should be ensured.
• Normal serum iron and high ferritin These preoperative interventions (along with
(>100 ug/L) patient and family education and counseling, pre-
EPO 40000 IU s.c. × 2 operative cessation of smoking, drinking, prophy-
21 Anesthesia for Pelvic Bone Cancer Surgery: From Risk Evaluation to Postoperative Course 235
laxis of infection and thromboembolic events, and and connected to the ventilator. The anesthetics
normothermia) are part of standard care pathways generally used are: Propofol, Midazolam, or
known as Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Ketamine to reach unconsciousness, Fentanyl or
(ERAS) protocols. The aims of the ERAS pro- Ketamine for analgesia, Rocuronium or
grams are to reduce surgery-related morbidity, Cisatracurium for neuromuscular block. The
standardize and optimize perioperative medical maintenance of general anesthesia can be
care, decrease the length of hospital stay, and achieved by inhalation of a volatile anesthetic
facilitate the patient’s return to normal life [13]. agent (Desflurane, Sevoflurane) or by total intra-
On the scheduled surgery date, the patient is venous anesthesia (TIVA) or TIVA target-
taken into the operating room. After his identifica- controlled infusion (TCI). Low-dose Remifentanil
tion, a blood pressure cuff, ECG leads, and a pulse (a short-acting synthetic opioid analgesic drug) is
oximeter are applied to monitor his non-invasive given intraoperatively by continuous intravenous
blood pressure, electrical activity of the heart, and infusion to relieve pain.
oxygen saturation. A large peripheral intravenous Placing an arterial catheter for continuous
(IV) line is placed to administer premedication, blood pressure monitoring and sampling, and
drugs, fluids, and possible blood products. acquiring a central venous line (internal jugular
The aims of premedication are reduction of vein or subclavian vein) are imperative prior to
anxiety and pain, enhancing the hypnotic effects surgical incision [2]. The central line placement
of general anesthesia, promotion of retrograde should always be checked via chest X-ray, and
amnesia, and reduction of vagal reflexes. the catheter tip position should be close to the
A great number of anesthetic techniques can border of the superior vena cava and the right
be used. The epidural or spinal+epidural tech- atrium. A central venous catheter is fundamental
nique in combination with general anesthesia for fluids and blood products infusion, infusion
(GA) is usually the best choice [1, 2]. of vasoactive and inotropic agents, and monitor-
The level of the spine at which the epidural ing the central venous pressure. Vasopressors and
catheter is placed should be discussed with the inotropes are often used to maintain an adequate
orthopedic surgeon according to the location and central venous pressure and venous return and to
size of the tumor, type and extension of the sur- optimize the heart rate, especially when a spinal
gery, and patient positioning. Epidural catheters or epidural anesthetic is used. Hypotension may
are usually inserted at T11 to T12 or T12 to L1 cause hypoperfusion, thus blood pressure must
interspaces, prior to induction of general anesthe- be monitored closely, especially in those patients
sia, and they are secured in place to enable both suffering from cardiovascular, pulmonary, or
additional intraoperative drug infusion and post- renal diseases. Studies have shown that an intra-
operative analgesia. operative mean arterial blood pressure value of
The administration of the anesthetic through 60 mmHg is enough to ensure optimal organ per-
the epidural catheter aims at obtaining analgesia fusion, although this target should be higher in
up to dermatomes T2–T3, generating both sys- hypertensive patients and those with cardiovas-
temic and cardiac blockade of the sympathetic cular comorbidities [7, 14].
nervous system, which causes vasodilatation and Invasive blood pressure monitoring with arte-
blocks the cardiac accelerator fibers, leading to rial line is often associated with hemodynamic
hypotension and superior rate control [14]. monitoring (MostCare®, Picco®) based on the
According to the literature, intraoperative analysis of the peripheral arterial waveform,
hypotensive epidural anesthesia may reduce which provides the measurement of the main
bleeding and transfusion, improve the quality of hemodynamic parameters, thanks to specific
the operative field, and shorten operative times algorithms.
[5, 6, 8, 14]. A major complication of pelvic oncologic
After epidural catheter placement, general surgeries is massive blood loss [1–6]. Large
anesthesia is induced, and the patient is intubated tumors, requiring extensive resection with a
236 G. M. Parise et al.
close proximity to vascular structures, will be As with any prolonged surgery, careful atten-
more likely to cause a larger blood loss. The tion needs to be given to prevent peripheral nerve
internal iliac vessels are more likely to be trou- compression. Poor patient positioning may result
blesome when tumors are situated posteriorly in in devastating outcomes [2, 14]. Patients must be
the pelvis. Anterior pelvic tumors that require placed in anatomic positions with pressure points
dissection near the bladder neck are problematic padded to prevent compression or stretch-related
because of the perivesical venous plexus that injuries. When a patient is placed in the supine
often bleeds heavily or continuously. Bone cuts position, if the upper extremities are abducted,
expose the bleeding bone and can provide a sus- they should remain supinated and padded at no
tained source of hemorrhage. Renal cell meta- more than 90 degrees. For a patient in the lateral
static tumors are exceptional in being highly decubitus or prone position, the neck should be
vascular and are associated with massive blood maintained in a midline position, and there
loss during surgeries [1]. Therefore, controlled should be no excessive pressure on the eyes and
hypotensive epidural anesthesia is very helpful ears. The abdomen should not be compressed
in aiming to decrease the intraoperative blood because excessive pressure may compromise
loss and red blood cell transfusion requirements ventilation and decrease venous return from the
[5, 6, 8, 14]. A restrictive red blood cell transfu- lower extremities [2].
sion threshold of 8.0 g/dL is recommended for Pelvic tumor surgeries may be complicated by
patients undergoing oncologic orthopedic sur- intraoperative hypothermia [14]. Patient heat loss
gery or when the blood loss is greater than 20% is primarily due to a significant exposure of the
of the total blood volume. To manage the high skin and internal viscera to the operating room
flow of blood and fluids required, rapid infusion air. Forced air warming devices and fluid warm-
devices are often helpful. Autologous transfu- ers can be adopted to prevent this complication.
sions do not improve long-term outcomes over A low body temperature can cause and worsen
exogenous donor red blood cell transfusions [2]. acidosis and coagulopathy, and this combination
Unfortunately, cell salvage cannot be used as it can be lethal (known also as the trauma triad of
may increase the risk of spreading tumor cells death) [7].
systemically, although there is some promising A life-threatening complication is cardiovas-
research on the effectiveness of filtration and cular collapse, due to acute right heart failure sec-
irradiation to reduce the tumor load of salvaged ondary to massive fat embolism, which can occur
blood [1]. during the reconstruction phase. Reaming and
Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution (ANH) is pressurizing of the femoral canal may release
another technique used to decrease the influence emboli into the circulation, although pulmonary
of perioperative transfusions. It is a blood conser- embolism is less common in comparison to hip
vation technique that involves the removal of and knee arthroplasty.
blood from a patient shortly after the induction of Preemptive management involves avoiding
anesthesia, with maintenance of normovolemia hypovolemia and fluid overload, increasing the
using a crystalloid and/or colloid replacement inspired oxygen concentration, minimizing the
fluid. The blood withdrawn from the patient is use of vasodilators, and starting the administra-
frequently kept at room temperature, to be tion of vasopressors (dopamine, norepinephrine,
returned to the patient later in the procedure, no dobutamine).
longer than 8 h after collection. This action has Transoesophageal echocardiography is not
shown some efficacy in reducing allogeneic recommended, and the anesthesiologist should
blood transfusions in cardiac and miscellaneous pay attention to clinical signs that include desatu-
procedures, though not with orthopedic surger- ration, hypoxemia, hypocapnia, hypotension, and
ies. This technique is also often associated with increased pulmonary shunt [1]. If cardiovascular
significantly higher intraoperative fluid and vaso- collapse occurs, the team should start cardiopul-
pressor requirements [2]. monary resuscitation.
21 Anesthesia for Pelvic Bone Cancer Surgery: From Risk Evaluation to Postoperative Course 237
At the end of the procedure, patients, who had Table 21.2 Postoperative complications
severe complications or undergo extensive proce- Anemia
dures or have severe comorbidities, should be Postoperative nausea and vomiting
kept electively intubated and admitted to the Excessive postoperative pain
Intensive Care Unit for postoperative ventilation, Cardiovascular system
Myocardial infarction
fluid and electrolyte management, and correction
Congestive cardiac failure
of coagulopathy. Otherwise, neuromuscular
Atrial fibrillation
relaxation is antagonized (using sugammadex or Angina
neostigmine + atropine), maintenance agents are Wound
discontinued, and the patient is allowed to awake. Superficial wound infection
Extubation is performed when spontaneous Deep wound infection
breathing is re-established and full recovery of Wound dehiscence
neuromuscular activity is achieved. Wound hematoma
Afterward, the patient is typically taken to the Urinary tract
Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) for an imme- Urinary tract infection
Acute urinary retention
diate postoperative follow-up, which includes
Vascular system
airway management and oxygen administration, Deep venous thrombosis
monitoring the vital signs (heart rate, blood pres- Venous thromboembolic disease
sure, temperature, and respiratory rate), manag- Respiratory tract
ing postoperative pain, treating postoperative Pneumonia
nausea and vomiting (PONV), treating postanes- Respiratory failure
thetic shivering, and monitoring the surgical sites Symptomatic electrolyte abnormality
for excessive bleeding. Anesthesiologists and Neurological
nurse anesthetists should also prepare and teach Peripheral nerve injury
Postoperative paralysis
the use of patient-controlled units, and additional
Cerebrovascular accident
intravenous and/or epidural infusions could be
administered. The patient remains in the PACU
for 3–4 h to ensure recognition of possible late-
onset pain or sedation. Then, the patient is trans- volatile anesthetic agents, and/or specific patient
ferred to the Orthopedic Oncology Unit. The factors are involved in this pathogenesis. A vari-
arterial line is usually removed, and the central ety of pharmacologic agents are available to
venous line should be maintained. reduce the incidence of PONV, such as serotonin
Most frequent postoperative complications (5HT3) inhibitors (e.g., ondansetron); metoclo-
are symptomatic anemia, postoperative pain, pramide, droperidol, which act primarily through
wound infections, urinary tract infections, and dopaminergic antagonism; dexamethasone [2].
deep venous thrombosis [1, 2] (Table 21.2). In these patients, postoperative pain manage-
Blood loss, Hb levels, and coagulation func- ment is difficult and challenging, due to the sub-
tion should be monitored daily. Anemia is a very stantial area and site of the surgery [1, 2].
common complication. The decision criteria for Oncologic orthopedic patients characteristically
blood transfusion should not be a static value, suffer varying degrees of pain or discomfort long
and the clinical status of the patient should be before operation, and this might cause worse post-
taken into account; however, one of the most operative pain, as mentioned earlier. Adequate
important factors to be considered is the preop- postoperative pain control is crucial and complex
erative hemoglobin baseline. If necessary, blood because poorly managed pain can contribute to
transfusion and fluid therapy should be adminis- the development of short- and long-term postop-
tered via the central venous line. erative complications including atelectasis, pneu-
Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is monia, ileus, delayed ambulation, and
often observed. The use of opioids, inhalation of postoperative persistent pain. Pain m anagement
238 G. M. Parise et al.
should be targeted to: (a) improve functional out- the patient’s demand. Usually the infusion is
comes and reduced in-hospital length of stay, (b) commenced in the ICU or PACU once the patient
reduce the inflammatory and stress response asso- has become hemodynamically stable. The dura-
ciated with surgery, (c) minimize the risk of per- tion typically ranges from 2 to 6 days, based on
sistent postsurgical pain development, and (d) the patient’s pain. A careful postoperative moni-
facilitate the return of patients to the next planned toring of the epidural analgesia should be per-
oncological therapy [15]. formed to detect an early onset of neurological
There are several approaches to control the complications. When epidural analgesia is no
postoperative pain: epidural analgesia (EA) longer needed, the antithrombotic agent is with-
using either continuous epidural administration held for 12–18 h before the catheter can be
(CEA) and/or patient-controlled epidural (PCEA) removed; and sensory and motor integrity should
techniques, or intravenous analgesia (IVA) be reevaluated 6 h after the removal of the
using either continuous intravenous infusion and/ catheter.
or intravenous patient-controlled analgesia When the epidural catheter could not be
(IV-PCA). The method used is dependent on the placed, patients are given intravenous analgesia:
technique chosen for anesthesia. a continuous infusion of analgesic (usually opi-
Patients who have an epidural catheter placed oids such as morphine) or intravenous patient-
(CEA) can be managed with a continuous infu- controlled techniques (IV-PCA). In this case, the
sion of a local anesthetic (ropivacaine or levobu- patient can self-administer analgesic preset
pivacaine) in combination with an opioid boluses (morphine) via a patient-controlled anal-
(sufentanyl) (Table 21.3). gesia pump. As for PCEA, the device is preset by
A patient-controlled analgesia device may be the anesthesiologist and the analgesic bolus is
attached to the epidural line (PCEA). Patient- always followed by a lockout period.
controlled techniques allow patients to self- When possible, epidural analgesia should be
administer small boluses of analgesics, thus always preferred. Studies demonstrated a clear
providing better titration and enhancing respon- antinociceptive superiority of the epidural over
siveness to their analgesic requirements. The the intravenous methods for pain control [2, 16].
device is programmed by the anesthesiologist to Besides, epidural infusion or PCEA often show a
deliver a preset number of analgesic boluses per lower rate of side effects compared with IVA or
day, whenever the patient activates it. Each anal- IV-PCA. Some of the epidural analgesia benefits
gesic bolus is followed by a preset lockout period include excellent pain control despite the decrease
to avoid analgesic overdose. A patient-controlled in the total amount of opioids, with minimal
epidural analgesia (PCEA) usually also consists respiratory depression, decreased somnolence,
of a continuous background infusion of a combi- and early ambulation, although pruritus, nausea,
nation of a local anesthetic (ropivacaine or urine retention, and rare neuroaxial disturbances
levobupivacaine) and an opioid (sufentanyl). Of are still described.
note, during the patients’ stay in the hospital, Another novel drug delivery system that is
additional epidural boluses could be adminis- approved for use in 33 European countries but
tered manually by the attending anesthetist upon not yet in the United States is a sufentanil (opi-
oid) sublingual tablet system (see Fig. 21.1). This
Table 21.3 Epidural analgesia system does not require an IV line. It is a hand-
Epidural analgesia
held, preprogrammed, noninvasive, patient-
Local anesthetic (from []% + Opioid (from []% activated device that delivers sufentanil 15-mcg
to []%) to []%) microtablets on demand. Numerous studies and
Ropivacaine (0.125% to 0.2%) Sufentanyl randomized, placebo-controlled trials have dem-
Or levobupivacaine (0.0625% 0.02%–0.04% onstrated its superiority compared with morphine
to 0.125%) delivery by IV PCA [17–19].
21 Anesthesia for Pelvic Bone Cancer Surgery: From Risk Evaluation to Postoperative Course 239
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can be combined to regional or systemic analge- quality improvement assessment study. Int Orthop.
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pathways, improving short-term postoperative the american society of anesthesiologists task force
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The Importance
of a Multidisciplinary Approach 22
to Pelvic Tumours
Andreas Leithner, Marko Bergovec,
and Dimosthenis Andreou
sarcomas therefore state: “A multidisciplinary ferred to our tumour centre. To exclude the dif-
approach is, therefore, mandatory in all cases, ferential diagnosis of brown tumours due to
involving pathologists, radiologists, surgeons, hyperparathyroidism, we determined the para-
radiation therapists, medical oncologists and pae- thormon level in serum, which was exorbitantly
diatric oncologists, as well as nuclear medicine high at 922 pg/ml. Further investigations con-
specialists and organ-based specialists, as appli- firmed a parathyroid adenoma (Fig. 22.2c). After
cable” [4]. Similarly, the 2018 ESMO–PaedCan– its resection serum levels of parathormon
EURACAN guidelines for bone sarcomas are decreased but the patient developed a hungry
focused on multidisciplinarity, stating for e.g. bone syndrome, despite a prophylactic treatment
“Samples must be interpreted by an experienced with a high-dose calcium substitution. After
bone sarcoma pathologist, in collaboration with 1 year of therapy calcium and CrossLaps values
the radiologist, and discussed in a multidisci- returned to normal levels and the radiologic con-
plinary team” or “All new cases of bone tumours trols showed bone consolidation (Fig. 22.2d).
should be formally discussed in a multidisci- The patient was symptomless after 2 years of
plinary team at a bone sarcoma reference centre follow-up. The take home message of this case is
with the radiologist, the pathologist, the surgeon, that a pathologist has to have radiological and
the radiation oncologist and the medical and/or clinical information (e.g. multiple lesions) to
paediatric oncologist” [5]. reach the correct diagnosis.
We all know the importance of multidisci-
plinary treatment concepts; nevertheless, in some
cases, we tend to forget. These are mostly patients 22.2 S
urgery Is Not Always
with symptomatic metastases and benign or the Best Option for Bone
locally aggressive/rarely metastasizing pelvic Metastases
tumours, who are sometimes not discussed in
interdisciplinary tumour boards, as the indication Whereas it is clear that surgery will not be benefi-
for surgical treatment seems clear to the ortho- cial in some patients i.e. with multiple osteoblas-
paedic oncologist and other treatment options are tic prostate cancer metastases (Fig. 22.3),
not considered. But, even in patients with pri- intralesional curettage and stabilization with
mary sarcomas undergoing multidisciplinary Steinmann pins may be necessary in other
therapy, the optimal sequence of the planned patients with i.e. symptomatic osteolytic pelvic
treatment modalities can be unclear, especially if metastases of a renal cell carcinoma, allowing
new findings render a reassessment of the neces- immediate full weight-bearing and improving
sary initial treatment plan. quality of life (Fig. 22.4). This procedure has
been shown to lead to excellent results in selected
patients. As a result of good experiences with sur-
22.1 P
athologists Need Clinical geries like the Harrington procedure, many sur-
and Radiological geons, when asked at conferences and courses,
Information proposed similar surgical techniques in a case of
a large supraacetabular defect in a 59-year old
A 49-year-old woman was primarily admitted female patient with multiple endometrial carci-
with multiple osteolytic tumours (Fig. 22.2a) for noma metastases (Fig. 22.5a). A multidisci-
further surgical treatment after external curettage plinary case discussion involving gynaecologists,
of one of those lesions and the external histologi- medical and radiation oncologists, orthopaedic
cal diagnosis of giant cell tumour (Fig. 22.2b), a surgeons, radiologists and pathologists, however,
diagnosis confirmed by a second histopathologi- came to the conclusion that surgery is not the
cal investigation accomplished by a bone tumour treatment of choice. At 10 months of follow-up,
specialist, who did not have access to the patient’s after local radiotherapy and antihormonal ther-
radiographs. Consequently, the patient was trans- apy with an aromatase inhibitor, the patient was
22 The Importance of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Pelvic Tumours 243
a b
c d
Fig. 22.2 Female, 49y, (a) a pelvis x-ray showing multi- parathyroid adenoma; (d) complete radiological healing
ple osteolytic lesions; (b) the histology presents multiple of the osteolytic lesions 2 years after parathyroid resec-
multinucleate giant cells; (c) surgical specimen of the tion – without any pelvic surgery necessary
22.3 T
he Optimal Local Treatment
Modality in Patients
with Pelvic Ewing Sarcoma Is
Still a Matter of Debate
a b
Fig. 22.4 Male, 75 years, multiple renal cell carcinoma weight-bearing 10 months after a Harrington procedure
metastases with (a) a painful disability due to the left following preoperative embolization
supraacetabular osteolysis; (b) stable situation with full
a b
Fig. 22.5 Female, 59 years, multiple metastases of endometrial cancer, (a) with a large osteolytic lesion on the right
supraacetabular site, (b) 10 months after local radiotherapy and antihormonal therapy
surgical treatment appear to depend on the apy point out that it is associated with a lower
tumour localization in the pelvis, as the toxicity and fewer long-term complications,
Scandinavian Sarcoma Group recently demon- compared to postoperative radiotherapy. On the
strated that definitive radiotherapy appears to be other hand, a recent study demonstrated conclu-
adequate for patients with sacral tumour localiza- sively that the prognosis of patients with a poor
tion [6]. A recent report of the Euro-EWING99 response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy alone
consortium verified this finding and additionally could be significantly improved with adjuvant
showed that patients with localized non-sacral high-dose chemotherapy—a highly toxic treat-
Ewing sarcomas had a significantly better prog- ment that cannot be recommended for all patients
nosis following surgery and additional radiother- [8]. Unfortunately, the histological response to
apy, compared with surgery alone [7], raising the treatment cannot be assessed in patients undergo-
question of when radiotherapy should ideally be ing both preoperative chemotherapy and preop-
performed. Proponents of preoperative radiother- erative radiotherapy – as a result, the optimal
22 The Importance of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Pelvic Tumours 245
adjuvant therapy in these patients remains lenge for treating physicians – surgeons do not
unclear. Therefore, no blanket recommendation want to endanger their reconstructions or risk of
for pre- or postoperative radiotherapy can be sup- patients developing septic complications by clear-
ported at this point, and the optimal treatment can ing them to receive chemotherapy in cases of
only be determined after interdisciplinary discus- delayed wound healing, but they also do not want
sion on a case-to-case basis. to have a negative influence on their patients’
prognosis. A collective interdisciplinary decision
on when to proceed with the adjuvant treatment
22.4 “Real-Life” Multidisciplinary can help address this challenge.
Treatment Looks Different
Than on Paper
22.5 Multidisciplinary Treatment
Multidisciplinary treatment protocols for patients Plans Are Not Set in Stone
with osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma typically
stipulate that surgery is performed as soon as hae- One of the most common pitfalls in the multidis-
matological recovery can be expected and that ciplinary treatment of patients with pelvic bone
postoperative chemotherapy should commence sarcomas is the lack of flexibility that is some-
7–14 days after the surgical treatment. In reality, times shown after multidisciplinary treatment
though patients tend to experience delays when plans have been decided on the following initial
moving from one discipline to another, especially interdisciplinary case discussion at a tumour
if medical and surgical treatments take place in board, as the involved physicians may sometimes
different hospitals. Additionally, patients with lose sight of the whole picture and only focus on
pelvic tumours undergoing surgery are at a high their part of the plan. For example, a 42-year-old
risk for postoperative complications, which may man presented with a localized pelvic leiomyo-
further delay the adjuvant treatment. However, sarcoma of bone affecting the cranial part of the
emerging evidence suggests that such delays may ilium bone and the adjacent sacral bone
have a negative impact on patients’ prognosis. An (Fig. 22.6a). The interdisciplinary tumour board
as yet unpublished analysis of data of the Euro- recommended neoadjuvant chemotherapy, fol-
EWING99 trial demonstrated that patients with lowed by surgical treatment involving a type I/IV
localized disease and an interval between surgery resection of the ilium and the affected ipsilateral
and adjuvant chemotherapy longer than 16 days sacrum and adjuvant chemotherapy. The MRI
had significantly poorer overall and event-free report after preoperative chemotherapy showed a
survival probabilities compared with patients with partial tumour response and the patient was
shorter intervals [9]. This finding creates a chal- referred for surgical treatment, which was
a b
Fig. 22.6 Male, 42 years, with a leiomyosarcoma of the right ilium bone (a), and a new skip metastasis (b) in the pubic
bone under treatment
246 A. Leithner et al.
a ccordingly planned. However, the musculoskel- 4. Casali PG, Abecassis N, Aro HT, et al. Soft tissue
and visceral sarcomas: ESMO-EURACAN Clinical
etal radiologist presenting the MRI in the preop- Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and fol-
erative tumour board also noted a new, previously low-up. Ann Oncol. 2018;29(Supplement_4):iv268–9.
undescribed lesion in the ipsilateral pubic bone, 5. Casali PG, Bielack S, Abecassis N, et al. Bone sarco-
which had been presumably missed by the previ- mas: ESMO-PaedCan-EURACAN Clinical Practice
Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.
ous physicians who focused on the extension of Ann Oncol. 2018;29(Supplement_4):iv79–95.
the local tumour (Fig. 22.6b). Biopsy confirmed 6. Hesla CA, Tsagkozis P, Jebsen N, et al. Improved
the diagnosis of a skip metastasis, and further prognosis for patients with Ewing sarcoma in the
two cycles of chemotherapy were applied to rule sacrum compared with the innominate bones. The
Scandinavian sarcoma group experience. J Bone Joint
out further disease progression prior to surgical Surg Am. 2016;98:199–210.
treatment, which now involved a complete inter- 7. Which Factors Are Associated with Local Control and
val hemipelvectomy. Survival of Patients with Localized Pelvic Ewing’s
In conclusion, a multidisciplinary approach to Sarcoma? A Retrospective Analysis of Data from the
Euro-EWING99 Trial. Andreou D, Ranft A, Gosheger
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Functional Rehabilitation of Pelvic
Resection and Reconstruction 23
Stefano Masiero, Giacomo Magro,
Mariarosa Avenia, and Francesca Caneva
The increase in cancer survivors determines tion of mechanical prostheses, often involves the
an increase in the demand for functionality: it partial or complete removal of the stabilizing
implies not only the correction of deformity or muscles of the pelvis, the flexor-extensors and
disability, but also their prevention and some- the abductors of the thigh. The resection of the
times the need for episodic rehabilitation for life. head insertions of these muscles will clearly
During the clinical assessment, the physiatrist result in a loss or a lack of function in the follow-
evaluates organ functions and disabilities, physi- ing phases.
cal, cognitive and behavioral impairments, social The functional complications most often
participation and quality of life, family and social observed after a pelvis resection are diverse and
environment surrounding the patient. include: presence of moderate-strong pain espe-
As a result of the medical examination, the cially in the first post-operative days, edema of
rehabilitation specialist can prescribe motor reha- soft tissue that can affect the ipsilateral lower
bilitation, physical therapies in support of the limb, reduction of the range of joint movement
motor and functional rehabilitation, treatment of (ROM) in flexion-extension and abduction of the
pain syndromes, training in the use of prostheses, ipsilateral limb, a decrease in the muscle strength
orthotics (hip orthosis and reclining wheelchair, (ilio-psoas, quadriceps, gluteus) also correlated
pelvic-thigh brace) and assistive technologies, to the period of time spent in unloading before
rehabilitation with the aid of robotized assis- surgery, poor motor control (alteration of pro-
tance, rehabilitation of organ functions and activ- prioception) with the presence of compensatory
ities aimed at achieving autonomy. mechanisms, a discrepancy in the limb length
Moreover, the educational and informative (heterometry due to prosthesis length) and neuro-
activities carried out by an interprofessional team pathic pain, which in turn can affect daily activi-
are of great importance such as: training of the ties [1].
patient and their family on how to manage dis- The factors that influence rehabilitation in this
abling issues and how to use prostheses, orthotics type of patient are the complexity of surgery (sur-
and assistive technologies, regular informational gical demolition, tumor extension, etc.), the type
meetings with the patient and their family, and of prosthesis, the residual structures to be recov-
involvement of the patient and their family in the ered, the functional demands and the quality of
development and updating of the rehabilitation life expected.
path and programs, giving information and Radiation therapy for bone cancer can cause
advice to social workers, teachers, co-workers stiffness and less ability to move joints, as well as
and anyone who could be involved in the man- loss of muscle strength. A physical therapist can
agement of the disabling issues and the condition teach exercises to help keep joints and muscles
of the patient. healthy and to work properly (also before radia-
tion therapy) and it may be necessary for a long
time after the end of the treatment.
23.2 Rehabilitation Finally, the treatment of the surgical wound
in Musculoskeletal should not be overlooked: surgical wounds in
Oncologic Disease these patients are often more extensive than those
associated with traditional prostheses due to the
Patients with bone cancer can present general highly invasive surgery required, so manual
problems common to all cancers, such as damage debridement may be required [2].Indeed, onco-
from chemotherapy, radiation damage, disuse, logical resection requires large resections, which
asthenia and psychological problems; on the also includes a portion of the soft tissue cover not
other hand, organ-specific problems due to the involved as a surgical margin.
direct involvement of vascular, nerve, bone and Furthermore, it may be necessary to remove or
muscle structures can be seen. A large pelvic sur- repair the neuro-vascular bundle nearby, so a
gery, in addition to bone resection and implanta- complete assessment of the neuro-motor loss
23 Functional Rehabilitation of Pelvic Resection and Reconstruction 249
would be needed to plan dynamic strength train- adjustments of flexion/extension and abduction/
ing and external support requirements. Partial or adduction of the hip, giving greater safety to the
complete loss of the joint capsule and dynamic patient and allowing an early ambulation.
stabilizers of the hip joint during tumor resection To achieve a truly complete recovery and
can leave the hip joint vulnerable to dislocation. effective motor control, the patient needs to re-
This can be enhanced with certain combination of establish an effective proprioceptive sensitivity.
movements, if these joint movements are allowed The computerized proprioceptive platform
beyond a certain limit. This restriction depends (Fig. 23.1) is an absolutely current and techno-
largely on the surgical approach. The posterolat- logically advanced tool for rehabilitation. It is a
eral approach is more common in the limb sal- pivoting platform (the degrees of which can be
vage surgery (LSS) of this site. Hip rotations, decided on the basis of the patient’s condition)
particularly internal rotation, flexion greater than connected to a computer that allows certain
60° and adduction of the hip joint should be pre- movements to be performed in order to fully
vented up to 6 weeks. These movement limita- recover the proprioception, based on a personal-
tions could be achieved using the hip abduction ized training program.
pillow/bracing and the de-rotation splint. The patient can move in an orthostatic posi-
Before patients are discharged from the hospi- tion or sit according to the adopted strategy and
tal, it becomes imperative to train them regarding objectives, breech or mono-breech based on the
the transfer from the bed in the supine position to type of injury and at the current stage of rehabili-
standing (to lie supine and to sit on a chair/com- tation. The computer screen shows a very
fortable in the initial phase of rehabilitation). important visual feedback for the patient’s true
Knee joint mobilization should be initiated early
from the edge of the bed, with the hip joint well
supported or laterally with the cushions between
the legs. Any restriction of the knee joint interval
would adversely affect the overall function since
the function of the hip joint of the ipsilateral leg
has already been impaired. From a biomechani-
cal viewpoint, lateral pelvic stability is provided
by a hip abductor [3]. The reconstruction of
abductor muscles, which provide hip joint stabil-
ity, has been reported as a key to achieve a better
functional outcome after proximal femur resec-
tion [4]. On the other hand, the pelvic site of the
bony attachment of the abductor muscles is typi-
cally resected without abductor reconstruction in
patients undergoing pelvic tumor resection.
Using pelvic-thigh brace, particularly indi-
cated in prosthetic surgery, helps to treat post-
surgical condition, thanks to the immobilization
due to the thigh support. This peculiar brace pres-
ents a greater prolongation on the medial part of
the thigh, which, by resting on the medial con-
dyle of the femur, prevents unfavorable rotations
of the hip joint. This gives great security to the
Fig. 23.1 The computerized proprioceptive platform is a
patient, stabilizes the hip, limits mobility and pivoting platform connected to a computer that allows
allows the bipedal station and early intercourse. certain movements to be performed in order to fully
In addition, it allows different and progressive recover the proprioception
250 S. Masiero et al.
Fig. 23.2 Treadmills
equipped with digital
mirror able to detect
every single angular
movement of the runner
perception. Only in this way does he really real- 23.3 Assessment of Functional
ize what kind of movement, error and speed of Status
correction execution he is performing.
It is now scientifically consolidated that the The variability of the factors involved and the
control of our reflection helps us to improve our need to customize the rehabilitation treatment is
movement through the “continuous feedback the basis of the rehabilitation process in onco-
system” method. The patient experiences a great logic patients.
advantage in reconstructing his motor map, It is, therefore, necessary to try to define a
thanks to the help of the reflected image with pro- common line of therapeutic intervention, use the
gressive stimulations. most accurate possible assessment scales, which
Nowadays, there are particular treadmills include measures of strength, mobility, general
equipped with a 3D camera (Fig. 23.2) that trans- state of psycho-physical health and the quality of
form the classic mirror in to a digital mirror, life of the patients.
which has the ability to detect every single angu- Different tools have been employed to assess
lar movement of the runner, with precision and the functional status of patients, the most vali-
reliability. Patients can immerse themselves in dated in literature are:
virtual environments and get a real-time stimulat-
ing feedback, both of postural and symmetry type • Range of Motion (ROM): measured with a
of the supports on the ground. simple hand-held goniometer to obtain both
The latest studies [3], with the incorporation of passive and active ranges of motion, [3] pro-
objective and validated measures of the function, vides a measure of joint mobility. It may
indicated that the patient undergoing LSS obtained indicate the presence of partial or complete
higher scores than those with amputations [4]. stiffness (Fig. 23.3).
This suggests the need to examine the post- • Strength can be measured under both isometric
surgical functional outcomes and plan a person- and isokinetic conditions by utilizing iso-
alized treatment in order to provide the best kinetic dynamometers [7]; strength measure-
functional results and maximum achievable inde- ments of the unaffected limb may be used as a
pendence [5, 6]. reference.
23 Functional Rehabilitation of Pelvic Resection and Reconstruction 251
The unique disease context, in which cancer It is known to be the most common symp-
pain develops, distinguishes it from many tom experienced by cancer patients. It affects
other pain-associated diagnoses managed by almost 75% of these patients and 60% of them
physiatrists. The majority of cancer pain is due consider it more disabling than pain. CRF is
to tumor effects, and for this reason, disease- especially associated with chemotherapy and
modifying, anticancer therapy plays a critical drug therapy cycles and a quite aggressive
role in pain management. For example, radio- incidence. In fact, a majority of patients in
therapy often offers a definitive and effective active treatment rate their fatigue as “severe”
means of controlling pain associated with or 7 or more on an 11-point numerical rating
symptomatic and uncomplicated bone metas- scale.
tases. Bone metastases occur in 60–84% of 4. Education of the patient and caregiver to pro-
patients with solid tumors. Pain intensity does vide continuity of assistance. Learning of
not correlate with the number, size, or location basic nursing techniques and functional reha-
of bone metastases. Bone pain is particularly bilitation (postural steps, assisted walking,
relevant to physiatrists because recruiting and maintenance exercises).
muscles that act on or loading affected struc-
tures can precipitate severe pain [10].
Pharmacological and instrumental physical 23.6 Rehabilitation Phases
therapy to manage pain can include:
(a) Drugs: paracetamol, NSAIDS, opioids, The rehabilitation program is distinguished by
antidepressants, anticonvulsants. three phases:
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
Stimulation(TENS) with rectangular cur- 1. Pre-operative: absolute proscription of the
rents pulsed from 30–150 μs at a low fre- load from the moment of diagnosis, education
quency (10–150 Hz); in walking with brachial sticks. Rehabilitation
(c) Low level laser therapy (LLLT) with anal- even before starting primary cancer therapy
gesic and decontracting effects; and surgery, such as crutch muscles strength-
(d) Massotherapy for the reduction of muscle ening, could be of great benefit in the post-
contraction and stasis edema. This should treatment functional outcome.
be applied only 1 month after the end of 2. Early post-operative: simple isometric con-
chemotherapy treatment, because there is tractions with the operated limb, contralateral
a risk of promoting the spread in the blood limb mobilization for vasomotor and anti-
or in the lymphatic circulation of meta- thromboembolic purposes, and diaphragmatic
static components. respiratory rehabilitation. Slow and concentric
2. ROM recovery, muscle tone, mobilization and exercises are preferred to stimulate the slow
toning from the immediate post-operative type I fibers, which undergo a greater volu-
phase, first in discharge and then in treatment, metric and functional reduction from rest (up
postural and behavioral hygiene, compensa- to 30% after 5 weeks). Walking with overflow
tory strategies, and use of guardians. load.
3. Contrast of Cancer Related Fatigue syndrome 3. Advanced post-operative: granting of the pro-
(CRF). The National Comprehensive Cancer gressive load and, if applicable, complete; the
Network defines CRF as “an unusual, persistent, use of aids to stimulate walking and the
subjective sense of tiredness related to cancer or patient’s “fear of fracture”; co-contraction
cancer treatment that interferes with usual func- exercises of the antagonist muscles of the
tioning”. This is an integral part of the patient’s lower limb promote stability and load transfer;
symptoms, disproportionate to the degree of proprioceptive exercises; muscle strengthen-
activity and not reducible with sleep or rest. ing exercises. Two daily sessions (Table 23.1).
23 Functional Rehabilitation of Pelvic Resection and Reconstruction 253