Soal TOEFL 01

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Name : Tri Mandala Putra
Instansi : Universitas
Asal : Bulukumba, SulSel


▪ • What does the man/woman mean?

▪ • What are the man & woman discussing?

▪ • What are the man & woman talking about?

▪ • What is the main subject of the conversation?

▪ • What is the purpose of the conversation?

▪ • What do we know about …?

▪ • What do we learn about …?

▪ • What did the man/woman do?



▪ • What does the man/woman prefer to do?

▪ • What does the man/woman need to do?

▪ • What does the man/woman probably want to do?

▪ • What will the man/woman probably do next?

▪ • What is the man/woman problem?

▪ • What is the man/woman excuse?

▪ • What does the man/woman suggest the woman/man to do?

▪ • What does the man/woman imply?



▪ • What had the man/woman thought?

▪ • What should the man/woman have done?

▪ • What has the man/woman assumed?

▪ • Where does the conversation take place?

▪ • When does the conversation take place?

▪ • Who is the man/woman in this conversation?

▪ • Why does the man/woman have problem?

▪ • How does the man/woman feel?



▪ 1. Avoid choosing the similar sound

▪ 2. Be careful with the possibilities

▪ 3. Antonym

▪ 4. Synonym

▪ 5. Assumption (stressed word as clue)

▪ 6. Conditional sentence (contrast)

▪ 7. Idiom showing agreement

▪ 8. The most important is to focus on the second speaker

No. 1

Nomor 13 dalam audio

a. He needs to do a better job writing questions.
b. He certainly must make his writing better.
c. Without the questions, he cannot write the answers.
d. He needs to understand the written questions better.

Keyword= without question, you need to improve the quality of

your writing
No. 2

Nomor 14 dalam audio

a. The agent was standing in line with his passport.
b. The line to get new passports is very long.
c. The woman must wait her turn to get her passport checked.
d. He can check her passport instead of the agent.

Keyword= you must stand in this line so that the agent can
check your passport
No. 3

Nomor 15 dalam audio

a. He couldn't finish closing the library book.
b. He hadn't finished the library assignment, but he was close.
c. He was working on the assignment when the library closed.
d. His homework was incomplete because the library wasn't open.

Keyword= He couldn’t finish the assignment because the library

was closed
No. 4

Nomor 16 dalam audio

a. All the lawyer's preparation did no good.
b. The lawyer prepared nothing for the case.
c. It wasn't work for the lawyer to prepare for the case.
d. The lawyer didn't work to prepare for the case.

Keyword= It’s true that he prepared hard for the case, but his work
was for nothing
No. 5

Nomor 17 dalam audio

a. The history class begins next week.
b. He thinks the papers should be turned in next week.
c. He has already done the paper for next week.
d. The papers are not due next week.

Keyword= they’re due next week, aren’t they?

No. 6

Nomor 18 dalam audio

a. He's not really happy.
b. The contractor's work was satisfactory.
c. He would rather work with the contractor himself.
d. He was already contacted about the work.

Keyword= I’m rather dissatisfied with it

No. 7

Nomor 19 dalam audio

a. The man should try another type of paper.
b. The man should locate a typist tomorrow morning.
c. The man should make a tape in the morning.
d. The man should complete the paper without help.

Keyword= why not do it yourself?

No. 8

Nomor 20 dalam audio

a. She'd like some pie.
b. It's easy to buy it.
c. The task the man's working on isn't difficult.
d. It's easier to prepare pie than do what the man is doing.

Keyword= It’s as easy as pie.

No. 9

Nomor 21 dalam audio

a. He reported that the time for the budget meeting had been set.
b. He is always late in submitting his accounting figures.
c. He never manages to budget his time well.
d. He is never too late in turning in his reports.

Keyword= he never manages to turn in his budget reports on time

No. 10

Nomor 22 dalam audio

a. The repairs that the mechanic had indicated were already made.
b. The car is going to need a lot of repairs.
c. Buying a new car would be quite expensive.
d. The mechanic extended the repair warranty.

Keyword= he indicated that the repairs would quite extensive

No. 11

Nomor 23 dalam audio

a. Betty wrote the letter as directed.
b. The directions were given to Betty in a letter.
c. Betty will follow the instructions later.
d. Betty worked exactly as instructed.

Keyword= she followed the directions to the letter

No. 12

Nomor 24 dalam audio

a. Walter had a lack of success with his business.
b. Walter failed in business.
c. Walter's new company is doing rather well.
d. Walter hoped to succeed in business.

Keyword = well, he hasn’t exactly been unsuccessful

No. 13

Nomor 35 dalam audio

a. In a book
b. From a television program
c. During a trip that she took
d. From a lecture

Keyword= wasn’t that a fascinating lecture on dolphins?

No. 14

Nomor 36 dalam audio

a. To communicate with other dolphins
b. To recognize objects in the water
c. To learn human language
d. To express fear

Keyword= the dolphins use clicks to identify objects in the water

No. 15

Nomor 37 dalam audio

a. Five
b. Fifteen
c. Fifty
d. Five hundred

Keyword= some dolphins had already learned around fifty human

No. 16

Nomor 38 dalam audio

a. It is limited.
b. It is greater than human intelligence.
c. It is less than previously thought.
d. We are beginning to learn how much they have.

Keyword= we’re only just beginning to find out how intelligent the
No. 17

Nomor 43 dalam audio

a. Students signing up for athletic teams
b. Students going on a tour of a university campus
c. Students playing various sports
d. Students attending a university dedication ceremony

Keyword= listen to a talk by university employee

No. 18

Nomor 44 dalam audio

a. Membership on an athletic team
b. Enrollment in an exercise class
c. A valid student identification card
d. Permission from a faculty member

Keyword= the exercise room is open to any student with valid

student I.D.
No. 19

Nomor 45 dalam audio

a. To the tennis courts
b. To the arena
c. To the gymnasium
d. To the Athletic Department office

Keyword= to the left, you can see the tennis court. You are
welcome to sign up for court time at the athletic department
No. 20

Nomor 46 dalam audio

a. Go to the Art Center
b. Sign up for sports classes
c. Visit the exercise room
d. Watch a football game

Keyword= Now, let’s continue on to the Art Center

Structure and Written Expression

▪ Quick Tips: We don’t need to translate word by word, All we

need to do is to find out the Verb.

▪ Be sure that the subject and the verb agree each other.

▪ Conjunction, 1 conj.= 2 verbs, 2 conj.= 3 verbs, etc.

▪ Know Active and Passive Meaning

Structure and Written Expression

21. Captain Henry,_____________ crept slowly through the underbrush.

A. being remote from the enemy,
B. attempting to not encounter the enemy,
C. trying to avoid the enemy,
D. not involving himself in the enemy,

Pembahasan Jawaban: sangat mudah dipahami dari pendekatan



No. 22

1. Tommy was one ____________________

A. of the happy childs of his class
B. of the happiest child in the class
C. child who was the happiest of all the class
D. of the happiest children in the class
Pembahasan Jawaban: one of the + plural noun (children)
No. 23

1. _____________ he began to make friends more easily.

A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found that
B. After entering the new school,
C. When he had been entering the new school,
D. Upon entering into the new school,

Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found that
--> it mengarah ke mana?
B. After entering the new school,
C. When he had been entering the new school, --> penggunaan
tense yg tidak tepat
D. Upon entering into the new school, --> enter + noun
No. 24

1. It is very difficult to stop the cultivation of marijuana because

A. it grows very carelessly
B. or it`s growth without attention
C. it grows well with little care
D. it doesn`t care much to grow
Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. it grows very carelessly --> carelessly hanya digunakan untuk animal dan
B. or it`s growth without attention --> it's ---> its
C. it grows well with little care
D. it doesn`t care much to grow --> kata care megacu ke 'perasaan' yang
seharusnya tidak ditujukan ke tumbuhan marijuana
No. 25
1. The fact that space exploration has increased dramatically in the past
thirty ___________
A. is an evidence of us wanting to know more of our solar system

▪ B. indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar
C. how we want to learn more about the solar system
D. is pointing to evidence of our intention to know a lot more about
what is called our solar system

Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. is an evidence of us wanting to know more of our solar system --> our wanting
(masuk di materi gerund)
B. indicates that we are very eager to learn all we can about our solar system
C. how we want to learn more about the solar system --> jika ini digunakan maka
kalimat tidak lengkap / tanpa verb utama
D. is pointing to evidence of our intention to know a lot more about what is called our
solar system --> terlalu bertele-tele
No. 26

1. Many of the current international problems that we are now facing

A. linguistic incompetencies
B. are the result of misunderstandings
C. are because of not understanding themselves
D. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other

A. linguistic incompetencies --> kalimat yg fragmen

B. are the result of misunderstandings
C. are because of not understanding themselves --> themselves
mengarah ke mana?
D. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each
other --> makna tidak sesuai
z No. 27

1. Mr.Roberts is a noted chemist_____________

A. as well as an effective teacher
B. and too a very efficient teacher
C. but he teaches very good in addition
D. however he teaches very good also

Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. as well as an effective teacher
B. and too a very efficient teacher --> too mestinya
C. but he teaches very good in addition --> teaches well
D. however he teaches very good also --> teaches well
No. 28
1. Public television stations are different from commercial stations
A. because they receive money differently and different types of shows
B. for money and program types
C. in the areas of funding and programming
D. because the former receives money and has programs differently
from the latter

Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. because they receive money differently and different types
of shows --> salah pemilihan kata
B. for money and program types ---> salah pemilihan kata
C. in the areas of funding and programming
D. because the former receives money and has
programs differently from the latter --> different from
No. 29

1. Manufacturers often sacrifice quality _______________________ -

A. for a larger profit margin
B. in place of to earn more money
C. to gain more quantities of money
D. and instead earn a bigger amount of profit

Pembahasan Jawaban:
A. for a larger profit margin
B. in place of to earn more money --> of + noun
C. to gain more quantities of money --> salah makna / kalimat
tidak membahas quantities of money
D. and instead earn a bigger amount of profit --> bigger umum
digunakan dalam situasi informal
No. 30

1. Automobile production in the United States ____________

A. have taken slumps and rises in recent years
B. has been rather erratic recently
C. has been erratically lately
D. are going up and down all the time

A. have taken slumps and rises in recent years --> have

B. has been rather erratic recently
C. has been erratically lately --> been verb (linking verb) + adverb
D. are going up and down all the time --> are (plural)
No. 31

1. By 1899 Ransom old had establish in Detroit, Michigan, the first factory in the
▪ A B C
▪ United States for the manufacture of automobiles.

▪ D

Kunci Jawaban: establish --> established

Topik Materi: Past Perfect (Had + past participle/VIII)
Permasalahan: seperti Have dan Has, Had mesti ketemu dengan kata kerja
ke 3 (VERB IIII / Past Participle) seperti "established" bukannnya dengan
kata kerja pertama (V I/Simple Form) seperti "establish".
No. 32

1. The progressive Movement is an umbrella tern refer to a number of

▪ A B
▪ reform efforts that emerged in the early 1900’s.

▪ C D

Kunci Jawaban: refer --> referring atau that refers

Topik Materi: Present Participle atau Adjective Clause
Pelajari ke tiga jenis clause di link Subordinating Conjunction
Permasalahan: "is" merupakan kata kerja dari subject "the progressive movement".
Sementara jika menggunakan "refer" maka akan menimbulkan error "double verb".
Jadi, kita butuh 1 conjunction (that).
Tips: 2 verb atau 2 clause butuh 1 connector (conjunction). 3 verb atau 3 clause
butuh 2 connector (conjunction).
No. 33
1. The pelican is a water bird with a large pouch attached to its bill, which it
▪ A B
▪ uses as a scoop for catch small fish.

▪ C D

Kunci Jawaban: for à to

Topik Materi: perbedaan penggunaan “for” dan “to”.
Penjelasan: “for” dan “to” mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu “untuk”. Secara
umum, untuk menyatakan sebuah tujuan, kata yang digunakan ialah “to”.
“For” boleh saja digunakan tapi lebih terkhusus ke tujuan penggunaan
(fungsi) umum dari suatu benda. Dalam konteks kalimat di atas, “to” dan
“for” boleh saja digunakan. Lihat perbedaannya berikut
Tips & Trik: Bentuk pola (pattern) structure “to” dan “for” mempunyai
For + Verb-ing à for catching small fish
For + Noun à for a catch of small fish
To + Simple Form (infinitive) à to catch small fish
I went to the library to study last night. (√)
I went to the library for studying last night. (x)
No. 34
1. The invention of reinforced concrete, plate glass, and steel in the mid-1800’s
▪ was enabled architects to design and build
▪ A B
▪ extremely tall constructions, or “skyscrapers.”

▪ C D

Kunci Jawaban: was enabled --> enabled

Topik Materi: Passive Voice
Tips & Trik: Lihat pola passive voice
Subject + Be + VIII + (Preposition +
No. 35

1. Acoustics, the study of sounds, is one of the oldest of the physically sciences.

▪ A B C D

Kunci Jawaban: physically --> physical

Topik Materi: Posisi Adjective dan Adverb
No. 36

1. Each of functions of the body, even thinking, requires the expenditure of energy.

▪ A B C D

Kunci Jawaban: of functions --> of the functions

Topik Materi: Definite & Indefinite Article
Tips & Trik: Jangan pernah biarkan Countable Noun
berdiri sendiri tanpa ada article atau possessive
No. 37

1. Gourds were introduced to what is now the southwestern United States

▪ A
▪ by earliest peoples who migrated north from Mesoamerica about 7000 years
▪ B C D
▪ ago.

Kunci Jawaban: earliest --> the earliest

Topik Materi: Definite & Indefinite Article
No. 38

1. The economic heart of Canada, Ontario accounts for more than 40 percentage of
▪ A B C
▪ the nation’s productive capacity.

▪ D

Kunci Jawaban: percentage --> percent

Topik Materi: percent VS percentage
No. 39
1. Virtually all parts moving of an automobile need to be lubricated because,
▪ A B C
▪ without lubrication, friction would increase power consumption and damage the
▪ D
▪ parts.

Kunci Jawaban: parts moving --> moving parts

Topik Materi: Posisi adjective
No. 40

1. Rarely has a technological development had as great an impact on society as the

▪ A B C
▪ rapid grow of electronics.

▪ D

Kunci Jawaban: grow --> growth

Topik Materi: pemilihan kata Verb VS Noun
Reading Section

▪ Be familiar with the directions

▪ Don’t spend your time on reading the passages

▪ Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the passages

▪ Don’t spend much time on your question that you are unsure of

▪ Be sure you fill all the answers

▪ Read as much as possible

▪ Learning the new vocabs from the passages that you don’t know
Reading Section
No. 41

1. In which of the following fields did Max Planck NOT make a significant
a) Optics
b) Thermodynamics
c) Stastistical mechanics
d) Biology

Paragraf terakhir menyatakan empat bidang yang dikontribusikan

oleh Planck. Biologi tidak disebut sebagai salah satu kontribusi ini.
No. 42

1. The word “revolutionary” as used in line 13, means…

a) Dangerous
b) Extremist
c) Momentous
d) Militarist

Dalam hal ini “revolutionary” memiliki arti yang hampir sama dengan
“momentous”, karena penemuan Planck bersifat positif. Sedangkan pilihan lain
memiliki konotasi negatif
No. 43

1. It can be inferred from the passage that Planck’s work led to the development of
which of the following?
a) The rocket
b) The atomic bomb
c) The internal combustion engine
d) The computer
Paragraf pertama menyatakan bahwa temuan Planck “revolutionized the
scientific community’s understanding of atomic and sub-atomic processes.”
Maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa hasil karyanya memberi jalan ditemukannya
bom atom. Penemuan-penemuan lainnya seperti yang tersebut dalam pilihan
jawaban a, c, dan d bukan akibat langsung dari penemuan Planck.
No. 44

1. The particles of electromagnetic radiation given off by matter are known as…
a) Quantum
b) Atoms
c) Electrons
d) Valences

Bacaan diatas secara langsung menyatakan bahwa the particles of

electromagnetic radiation given off by matter dinamakan quantums.
No. 45

1 . The word “universal”, as used in line 1 0 most nearly means…

a) Planetary
b) Cosmic
c) Worldwide
d) Always present

Di dalam konteks teori Planck, arti dari “universal” adalah “always present”
pilihan jawaban lain adalah berkaitan dengan istilah geografi atau astronomi
yang sama sekali tidak sesuai.
No. 46

1. The implication in this passage is that…

a) Only a German physics could discover such a theory
b) Quantum theory, which led to the development of twentieth century
physics, is basically a mathematical formula
c) Planck’s constant was not discernible before 1900
d) Radiation was hard to study

Quantum theory pada dasarnya adalah rumus matematika seperti

dinyatakan dalam kalimat, “Thus energy, or E, equal hv.”
No. 47

1. “An idea” as used in line 4, refers to…

a) A model of matter
b) Emission of electromagnetic radiation
c) Quantums
d) The equation that described the distribution of radiation accurately
over the range of low to high frequencies

“Idea” merujuk pada “equation” seperti ada dalam pilihan (d).

Walupun pilihan-pilihan jawaban lain disebutkan di dalam bacaan,
tetapi mereka tidak mendefinisikan tentang “idea”.
No. 48

1. The word “emission” as used in line 8 means…

a) Giving off
b) Holding on to
c) Throwing away
d) Taking back

“Giving off” adalah gerakan yang digambarkan di dalam frasa,

“required the emission of electromagnetic radiation in small chunks
or particles.”
No. 49

1. Planck’s constant, expressed in a mathematical formula, is…

a) e = v/h
b) E = h/v
c) e = h-v
d) E = hv

“E = hv” dinyatakan dalam bentuk kata-kata, “Thus energy, or E,

equals hv”
No. 50

1. What is known as Planck’s constant?

a) v
b) h
c) e
d) E

“h” adalah jawaban yang benar seperti terlihat di dalam kalimat, “The
constant, h, is known as Planck’s constant.”

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