Reading For Vocabulary-A-AnswerKey

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WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level A - Answer Key

1. soap 3. perfume 5. oil

Reading for Vocabulary
Level A Exercise 3 (p20)
Answer Key 1. c 2. b
3. a 4. b
5. d 6. a
Review Test 정답은 제일 뒤쪽에
Comprehension (p21)
Lesson 1 We Eat Flowers! 1_Reading Comprehension
1. b 2. c 3. a
Exercise 1 (p10)
1. roots 2. stems 2_General Understanding
3. leaf 4. flower 1. F 2. T 3. F
5. seed 6. vegetable

Lesson 3 Keeping Warm

Exercise 2 (p11)
Across Exercise 1 (p28)
1. flowers 4. vegetables 6. leaves 1. fur 2. scarf
3. thick 4. cuddle
Down 5. gloves 6. jacket
2. roots 3. seed 5. stems

Exercise 2 (p29)
Exercise 3 (p12) 1_Opposite Meanings
1. roots 2. seeds 1. cuddle 2. thick
3. flowers 4. leaves
2_Word Groups
1. gloves 2. jacket 3. scarf
Comprehension (p13)
1_Reading Comprehension
1. c 2. d 3. a Exercise 3 (p30)
1. d 2. a
2_General Understanding 3. d 4. b
1. T 2. F 3. F 5. d 6. b

Comprehension (p31)
Lesson 2 Not Just for Food 1_Reading Comprehension
1. c 2. d 3. a
Exercise 1 (p18)
1. oil 2. lemon 2_General Understanding
3. toothpaste 4. soap 1. F 2. F 3. F
5. rope 6. perfume

Lesson 4 Animals Help People

Exercise 2 (p19)
Across Exercise 1 (p36)
2. toothpaste 4. rope 6. lemon 1. helpful 2. wild
3. doorbell 4. telephone
Down 5. lonely 6. alarm clock

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level A - Answer Key

Exercise 2 (p37) Lesson 6 All Grown Up

1. wild 2. telephone
3. alarm clock 4. lonely Exercise 1 (p54)
5. helpful 6. doorbell 1. baby 2. toddler
3. child 4. teen
5. adult 6. grow
Exercise 3 (p38)
1. c 2. a
3. d 4. b Exercise 2 (p55)
5. c 6. a 2. 위로부터 5번째 사진 3. 위로부터 4번째
Comprehension (p39) 4. 위로부터 1번째 사진 5. 위로부터 3번째
1_Reading Comprehension 사진
1. a 2. b 3. d

2_General Understanding Exercise 3 (p56)

1. F 2. T 3. F 1. a 2. d
3. d 4. b
5. a 6. b
Lesson 5 Your Senses
Exercise 1 (p46) Comprehension (p57)
1. glasses 2. sweet 1_Reading Comprehension
3. sour 4. safe 1. b 2. d 3. d
5. rock 6. feathers
2_General Understanding
1. F 2. T 3. T
Exercise 2 (p47)
1. sour 3. feather 5. glasses Lesson 7 How Old is that Tree?
Down Exercise 1 (p64)
1. sweet 2. safe 4. rock 1. huge 2. wood
3. trunk 4. plenty
5. center 6. rings
Exercise 3 (p48)
1. d 2. a
3. d 4. b Exercise 2 (p65)
5. c 6. c Across
1. trunk 3. center 5. huge
Comprehension (p49) Down
1_Reading Comprehension 1. tree 2. plenty 4. rings
1. a 2. a 3. b

2_General Understanding Exercise 3 (p66)

1. F 2. T 3. F 1. b 2. c
3. d 4. a
5. c 6. a

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level A - Answer Key

Comprehension (p67) 1. fresh 2. summer 4. spring

1_Reading Comprehension
1. d 2. a 3. d
Exercise 3 (p84)
2_General Understanding 1. a 2. d
1. F 2. T 3. F 3. b 4. c
5. d 6. a

Lesson 8 Save the Forests Comprehension (p85)

1_Reading Comprehension
Exercise 1 (p72) 1. b 2. b 3. d
1. forest 2. shelter
3. nest 4. cave 2_General Understanding
5. climb 6. fruit 1. F 2. F 3. T

Exercise 2 (p73)
Across Lesson 10 Bad Weather
2. cave 5. shelter 6. fruit
Exercise 1 (p90)
Down 1. storm 2. lightning
1. forest 3. climb 4. nest 3. destroy 4. windy
5. cause 6. flood

Exercise 3 (p74)
1. d 2. c Exercise 2 (p91)
3. b 4. a 1. 위로부터 2번째 사진 2. 위로부터 1번째
5. c 6. c
3. 위로부터 5번째 사진 4. 위로부터 3번째
Comprehension (p67) 사진
1_Reading Comprehension 5. 위로부터 4번째 사진
1. b 2. d 3. b

2_General Understanding
Exercise 3 (p92)
1. F 2. F 3. T
1. d 2. b
3. c 4. a
5. d 6. a

Lesson 9 The Seasons

Comprehension (p93)
Exercise 1 (p82) 1_Reading Comprehension
1. spring 2. summer 1. d 2. c 3. b
3. fresh 4. season
5. winter 6. fall 2_General Understanding
1. T 2. F 3. T

Exercise 2 (p83)
1. fall 3. season 5. winter


WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level A - Answer Key

Lesson 11 Dirt is Good! Comprehension (p111)

1_Reading Comprehension
Exercise 1 (p100) 1. c 2. d 3. c
1. top 2. turn into
3. rot 4. dead 2_General Understanding
5. air 6. minerals 1. T 2. F 3. T

Exercise 2 (p101) Lesson 13 Energy

1. rot 2. mineral
3. dead 4. air Exercise 1 (p118)
5. turn into 6. top 1. shadow 2. window
3. cook 4. catch
5. Stop 6. heat
Exercise 3 (p102)
1. a 2. a
3. c 4. d Exercise 2 (p119)
5. b 6. c 1_Opposite Meanings
1. cook 2. catch

Comprehension (p103) 2_Word Groups

1_Reading Comprehension 1. heat 2. window 3. stop
1. b 2. b 3. b

2_General Understanding Exercise 3 (p120)

1. F 2. F 3. T 1. d 2. c
3. c 4. a
5. c 6. d
Lesson 12 Soil Homes
Exercise 1 (p108) Comprehension (p111)
1. oven 2. wall 1_Reading Comprehension
3. brick 4. bake 1. d 2. d 3. a
5. home 6. sturdy
2_General Understanding
1. T 2. F 3. T
Exercise 2 (p109)
1. 위로부터 2번째 사진 2. 위로부터 5번째
사진 Lesson 14 Electricity
3. 위로부터 a번째 사진 4. 위로부터 3번째 Exercise 1 (p126)
사진 1. send 2. outlet
5. 위로부터 4번째 사진 3. wires 4. travel
5. power plant 6. turbine

Exercise 3 (p110)
1. d 2. b Exercise 2 (p127)
3. b 4. a 1. turbine 2. wire
5. d 6. a 3. send 4. power plant
5. outlet 6. travel

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level A - Answer Key

Exercise 3 (p128)
1. b 2. c
3. c 4. a
5. a 6. d

Comprehension (p129)
1_Reading Comprehension
1. d 2. b 3. a

2_General Understanding
1. T 2. F 3. F

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level A - Answer Key

Review Tests
Unit 1 Review
1 lemon f. a. the part of a plant that grows into a new plant
2 vegetable k. b. we cook food in this
3 flower g. c. a strong line we tie to things
4 perfume j. d. the part of a plant that holds the plant up
5 soap l. e. we brush our teeth with this
6 rope c. f. yellow fruit that tastes sour
7 oil b. g. the part of a plant that makes seeds
8 toothpaste e. h. the flat green parts of a plant
9 leaf h. i. the part of a plant that grows down in the dirt
10 root i. j. the liquid that girls use to smell nice
11 stem d. k. the part of a plant that we eat
12 seed a. l. something that you wash with

Unit 2 Review
1 helpful c. a. feeling unhappy because you are alone
2 alarm clock l. b. somewhere where only animals live
3 wild b. c. giving help
4 lonely a. d. the warm thing that you wear on your hand
5 telephone g. e. a piece of cloth you wear around your neck
6 doorbell f. f. a bell outside the door
7 glove d. g. something you use to talk to your friend
8 scarf e. h. to hold somebody close in your arms
9 thick j. i. a warm coat with sleeves
10 jacket i. j. not thin
11 cuddle h. k. hair that covers an animal’s body
12 fur k. l. a clock that wakes you up in the morning

Unit 3 Review
1 safe h. a. tasting like sugar
2 grow l. b. a boy or girl between 13 and 19 years old
3 adult c. c. a man or woman over 20 years old
4 baby e. d. something that grows on a bird’s wing
5 sweet a. e. a very young child (0-1 year old)
6 rock i f. a boy or girl between 3 and 12 years old
7 glasses j. g. the taste of lemons
8 sour g. h. out of harm’s way
9 toddler k. i. stone
10 child f. j. things that help you see
11 feather d. k. a child who is learning to walk (1-3years old)
12 teen b. l. to get bigger and taller

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level A - Answer Key

Unit 4 Review
1 climb l. a. the middle point of something
2 forest g. b. a home in the ground
3 ring i. c. the plant part that holds the seeds
4 cave b. d. more than enough
5 shelter k. e. trees cut up for making something
6 huge j. f. a home built by a bird
7 wood e. g. a place with trees and animals
8 trunk h. h. the main stem of a tree
9 nest f. i. a circle inside a tree trunk
10 fruit c. j. very big
11 plenty d. k. a safe place to be
12 center a. l. to go up like a monkey

Unit. 5 Review
1 spring b. a. clean and new
2 fall e. b. a warm and rainy season
3 windy h. c. a hot season
4 flood l. d. a time of year with special weather
5 storm i. e. a dry and cool season
6 destroy k. f. a cold season
7 summer c. g. to make to happen
8 fresh a. h. weather with fast moving air
9 winter f. i. strong dangerous weather
10 season d. j. dangerous bright light from storms
11 cause g. k. to make into nothing
12 lightning j. l. a lot of water that goes onto land

Unit 6 Review
1 air k. a. not alive
2 top c. b. an important part of rocks
3 dead a. c. the highest
4 rot j. d. strong and lasting
5 bake f. e. what holds a roof up
6 wall e. f. to cook in an oven
7 oven i. g. a block used to build things
8 brick g. h. a place where something lives
9 sturdy d. i. a space for cooking at a high heat
10 home h. j. to break down
11 mineral b. k. the gas that we breathe
12 turn into l. l. to become something else

WorldCom Edu – Reading for Vocabulary Level A - Answer Key

Unit 7 Review
1 catch f. a. a hole in a building that we look through
2 cook i. b. a place where light doesn’t go
3 power plant l. c. to move from one place to another
4 send j. d. a spot where you can get electricity
5 outlet d. e. a giant fan
6 travel c. f. to trap and hold
7 wire k. g. to keep from going
8 turbine e. h. energy that warms things
9 window a. i. to use heat to change food
10 stop g. j. to move something to somewhere else
11 heat h. k. a long metal rope that carries electricity
12 shadow b. l. a building where electricity is made

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