Family and Consumer Sciences Lesson Plans
Family and Consumer Sciences Lesson Plans
Family and Consumer Sciences Lesson Plans
Class Name: Family and Consumer Science Grade: 8-9 Teacher Name: Ms. Coston
Closure/Summary NO SCHOOL - exit ticket - exit ticket - exit ticket - exit ticket
What are you going to
do/say to wrap up and
summarize the day?
HOT Questions - What do different noises - What do different noises - How do you show toddlers - How do you show toddlers
Every day, have at least TWO that babies make mean? that babies make mean? proper love? proper love?
higher ordered questions. - List examples of infant - List examples of infant - Why is important for - Why is important for
children to play? children to play?
development (physical, development (physical,
language, social/emotional. language, social/emotional.
Learning Activities & Resources
Core Instruction: Teacher-Directed Lessons
Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources:
*Include link to your google - POWERPOINT - - POWERPOINT - - POWERPOINT - - POWERPOINT -
*Include links to your tion/d/1VdEcl1b-DxJwhB2j0NDFE tion/d/1VdEcl1b-DxJwhB2j0NDFE tation/d/12iwE09-MHIbaqGJVZj tation/d/12iwE09-MHIbaqGJVZj
standards, videos; etc. CUnPs2FPDlFxNeiuStlqepAD8/ CUnPs2FPDlFxNeiuStlqepAD8/
UELdVm7MOb9r_LqQMHJftk/edit UELdVm7MOb9r_LqQMHJftk/edit
edit#slide=id.gac6d6a91eb_0_3 edit#slide=id.gac6d6a91eb_0_3
#slide=id.gbd07584158_0_1 #slide=id.gbd07584158_0_1 0 0
nt/d/1aBKfaeXkFymECQz7xCv27t nt/d/1aBKfaeXkFymECQz7xCv27t ent/d/13VLNlUGucrKdf65uTp98 ent/d/13VLNlUGucrKdf65uTp98
5DkRfZonIERqvBfKU6LR8/edit?us 5DkRfZonIERqvBfKU6LR8/edit?us zhOHKPTvJxmL4DonPrtpe-4/ed zhOHKPTvJxmL4DonPrtpe-4/ed
p=sharing p=sharing it?usp=sharing it?usp=sharing
Assessment: - exit ticket - giving - exit ticket - giving - exit ticket - the importance of - exit ticket - the importance of play
*Begin with the end in examples of infant examples of infant play
mind—what is most development development
important for students to
know and remember each
Weekly Notes/Reminders:
Weekly Learning Plan for Week of January 23-27
Class Name: Family and Consumer Science Grade: 8-9 Teacher Name: Ms. Coston
Bellringer/Hook - bellringer - Read - bellringer - Read - all about me form - bellringer - Read - bellringer - Read
Chapter 5 of “A Child Chapter 5 of “A Child Chapter 6 of “A Child Chapter 6 of “A Child
How are you going to Called It” Called It” Called It” Called It”
introduce the topic and
set the stage for
Closure/Summary - play simon says or - play simon says or - sell me this pen - Partner discussion - Partner discussion
What are you going to Night at the Museum Night at the Museum activity of what game stood of what game stood
do/say to wrap up and at with them and at with them and
summarize the day? why? why?
Learning Activities & HOT QUESTIONS
Learning Activities - read a child called it - read a child called it - all about me form - read a child called it - read a child called it
*What are you going to - preschool powerpoint - preschool powerpoint - nearpod - finish planning - finish planning
do/order for the day? - preschool guided - preschool guided entrepreneurship process of PE activity process of PE Activity
notes notes nearpod lesson - students will present - students will present
- peanut butter/jelly - peanut butter/jelly - sell me this pen activity PE games and students PE games and students
directions directions will play them for 6-10 will play them for 6-10
- plan a preschool PE - plan a preschool PE minutes minutes
activity activity
HOT Questions - Why is important for - Why is important for - What is an - How would you react - How would you react
Every day, have at least TWO kids to play with each kids to play with each entrepreneur? to a child misbehaving to a child misbehaving
higher ordered questions. other during the other during the - What makes a during an activity? during an activity?
business, a “good - How do we teach kids - How do we teach kids
preschool age? preschool age?
business”? moral development moral development
- How do we write - How do we write through playing through playing games?
thorough directions thorough directions and games?
and why is it important? why is it important?
Learning Activities & Resources
Core Instruction: Teacher-Directed Lessons
Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources:
- POWERPOINT - - POWERPOINT - - Preschool PE Activity (rubric - Preschool PE Activty - - NEARPOD ACTIVITY - attached) -
tion/d/1676LscFokQ8PptaMnag4_ tion/d/1676LscFokQ8PptaMnag4_ ent/d/1qrWxHNjoeDNybcjDsz2U
BA33E108005F0E0C691C4D76 ent/d/1qrWxHNjoeDNybcjDsz2U QGIhPZQ1XMyb_Eep7FlRfPs/ed
oZph01djsthbrD0WxYEjd0/edit#sli oZph01djsthbrD0WxYEjd0/edit#sli
482156F-1 QGIhPZQ1XMyb_Eep7FlRfPs/ed it
de=id.ga14ea29c55_0_0 de=id.ga14ea29c55_0_0 it Example Preschool Activity -
- ALL ABOUT ME FORM - *on Example Preschool Activity -
- GUIDED NOTES - - GUIDED NOTES - paper* ent/d/12_6Ebwbq98EHQK71IdM ent/d/12_6Ebwbq98EHQK71IdM dcw4lSUIjweAvLamSd8uUS7U/
nt/d/1jXrZq4K0XPszSjEmoIQdE9k nt/d/1jXrZq4K0XPszSjEmoIQdE9k dcw4lSUIjweAvLamSd8uUS7U/ edit
5EyCin9-9HeaighB5cBY/edit 5EyCin9-9HeaighB5cBY/edit edit
Weekly Notes/Reminders: Grades for - types of play quiz and PE lesson plan
Bellringer/Hook - Read Chapter 7 of A - Read Chapter 7 of A - All About Me Form - Read Chapter 8 of A - Read Chapter 8 of
Child Called It Child Called It Child Called It A Child Called It
How are you going to
introduce the topic and
set the stage for learning?
Closure/Summary - HOT Question Post - HOT Question Post - Influencer This or - Fist to five rating of - Fist to five rating of
What are you going to it note it note That child development child development
do/say to wrap up and knowledge knowledge
summarize the day?
Assessment: - Demonstrating public - Influenced Reflection - Child Development - Child Development Google
- Demonstrating public speaking skills and Sheet Google Form Assessment Form Assessment
speaking skills and teaching their classmates
teaching their classmates about their PE activity.
about their PE activity. - PE ACTIVITY RURIC on
- PE ACTIVITY RURIC on Preschool activity sheet
Preschool activity sheet
Weekly Notes/Reminders:
Weekly Learning Plan for Week of February 6-10
Class Name: Family and Consumer Science Grade: 8-9 Teacher Name: Ms. Coston
Weekly Standard(s): Standard 5.2
- 5.2.1 - Evaluate ways parents may meet basic needs of children through support systems for parents and families.
- 5.2.2 - Evaluate parenting practices effects on human growth and development
Weekly Bellringer/Hook and Closure/Summary
Monday - B DAY Tuesday - A DAY Wednesday - B DAY Thursday - A DAY Friday - B DAY
Bellringer/Hook - Read Chapter 7 of A - Read Chapter 7 of A - All About Me Form - Read A Child Called It - Read A Child Called It
Child Called It Child Called It Chapter 7 Chapter 7
How are you going to
introduce the topic and set
the stage for learning?
Closure/Summary - Fist to five rating of child - Fist to five rating of child - Influencer This or That - Parenting Styles Sort - Parenting Styles Sort
What are you going to do/say development knowledge development knowledge
to wrap up and summarize
the day?
By the end of the day all By the end of the day all Objectives: Objectives: Objectives:
students will be able to… students will be able to… - by the end of class By the end By the end of the day all By the end of the day all students
- demonstrate an activity related - demonstrate an activity of the day all students will be students will be able to… will be able to…
to preschool age development. related to preschool age able to… - Differentiate between the - Differentiate between the
development. - different parenting styles. different parenting styles.
- Child Development Google - Child Development Google Assessment: Assessment: Assessment:
Form Assessment Form Assessment - Influencer Reflection Sheet - Parenting Styles Sort - - Parenting Styles Sort -
ntation/d/17qsfK0lp5l9U0On ation/d/17qsfK0lp5l9U0OnNUP
NUPAxbU96FNnB6WgfgtVeK AxbU96FNnB6WgfgtVeKVK0A
VK0AN8/edit#slide=id.p4 N8/edit#slide=id.p4
Weekly Notes/Reminders: TO DO :
- Print off all about me forms
- add powerpoints to google classroom
- print off guided notes
- add parenting sort to google classroom
- print off pre-assessment
Weekly Learning Plan for Week of February 13-17
Class Name: Family and Consumer Science Grade: 8-9 Teacher Name: Ms. Coston
Weekly Standard(s): Standard 2.1 & 5.2
- 2.1.5 - Assess ways to build and maintain positive relationships.
- 5.2.1 - Evaluate ways parents may meet basic needs of children through support systems for parents and families.
- 5.2.3 - List the major responsibilities of a caregiver/babysitter
Weekly Bellringer/Hook and Closure/Summary
Monday - A DAY Tuesday - ABDAY Wednesday - A DAY Thursday - B DAY Friday - A DAY (Seminar)
Weekly Notes/Reminders:
Print -
Weekly Learning Plan for Week of February 6-10
Class Name: Family and Consumer Science Grade: 8-9 Teacher Name: Ms. Coston
Weekly Standard(s): Standard 5.2
- 5.2.1 - Evaluate ways parents may meet basic needs of children through support systems for parents and families.
- 5.2.2 - Evaluate parenting practices effects on human growth and development
Weekly Bellringer/Hook and Closure/Summary
Monday - B DAY Tuesday - A DAY Wednesday - B DAY Thursday - A DAY Friday - B DAY
Bellringer/Hook - Kahoot - kid’s movies - Kahoot - kid’s movies - Review Gimkit - Review Gimkit
Closure/Summary - Big circle, little circle - - Big circle, little circle - - Post - Assessment - Post - Assessment
What are you going to do/say presenting babysitter presenting babysitter
to wrap up and summarize brochure brochure
the day?
Weekly Notes/Reminders: TO DO :
Weekly Learning Plan for Week of February 6-10
Class Name: Family and Consumer Science Grade: 8-9 Teacher Name: Ms. Coston
Weekly Standard(s): Standard 5.2
- 5.2.1 - Evaluate ways parents may meet basic needs of children through support systems for parents and families.
- 5.2.2 - Evaluate parenting practices effects on human growth and development
Weekly Bellringer/Hook and Closure/Summary
Monday - B DAY Tuesday - A DAY Wednesday - B DAY Thursday - A DAY Friday - B DAY
Bellringer/Hook - Kahoot - kid’s movies - Kahoot - kid’s movies - Review Gimkit - Review Gimkit
Closure/Summary - Big circle, little circle - - Big circle, little circle - - Post - Assessment - Post - Assessment
What are you going to do/say presenting babysitter presenting babysitter
to wrap up and summarize brochure brochure
the day?
Weekly Notes/Reminders: TO DO :
Weekly Learning Plan for Week of February 6-10
Class Name: Family and Consumer Science Grade: 8-9 Teacher Name: Ms. Coston
Weekly Standard(s): Standard 5.2
- 5.2.1 - Evaluate ways parents may meet basic needs of children through support systems for parents and families.
- 5.2.2 - Evaluate parenting practices effects on human growth and development
Weekly Bellringer/Hook and Closure/Summary
Monday - B DAY Tuesday - A DAY Wednesday - B DAY Thursday - A DAY Friday - B DAY
Bellringer/Hook - Kahoot - kid’s movies - Kahoot - kid’s movies - Review Gimkit - Review Gimkit
Closure/Summary - Big circle, little circle - - Big circle, little circle - - Post - Assessment - Post - Assessment
What are you going to do/say presenting babysitter presenting babysitter
to wrap up and summarize brochure brochure
the day?
Weekly Notes/Reminders: TO DO :
Weekly Learning Plan for Week of February 6-10
Class Name: Family and Consumer Science Grade: 8-9 Teacher Name: Ms. Coston
Weekly Standard(s): Standard 5.2
- 5.2.1 - Evaluate ways parents may meet basic needs of children through support systems for parents and families.
- 5.2.2 - Evaluate parenting practices effects on human growth and development
Weekly Bellringer/Hook and Closure/Summary
Monday - B DAY Tuesday - A DAY Wednesday - B DAY Thursday - A DAY Friday - B DAY
Bellringer/Hook - Laundry Bingo - Laundry Bingo - Head, Shoulders, Knee, - Head, Should, Knee, Cup
Cup - Debate that topic - Debate that topic
- CSC Guest Speaker
How are you going to
introduce the topic and set
the stage for learning?
Closure/Summary - board games - reward - board games - reward - Textiles Matching Game - Textiles Matching Game
What are you going to do/say for all doing so well on for all doing so well on
to wrap up and summarize parenting assessment parenting assessment
the day?
Weekly Notes/Reminders: TO DO :
Weekly Learning Plan for Week of March 6-10
Class Name: Family and Consumer Science Grade: 8-9 Teacher Name: Ms. Coston
Weekly Standard(s): Standard 54.1
- 4.1.1 - Identify factors that influence clothing selection.
- Create illusion in clothing using the elements and principles of design.
Weekly Bellringer/Hook and Closure/Summary
Monday - B DAY Tuesday - A DAY Wednesday - B DAY Thursday - A DAY Friday - B DAY
Closure/Summary - Exit ticket - how will - Exit ticket - how will - Small Business Owner - Small Business Owner
What are you going to do/say fashion change in 20 fashion change in 20 Arcade Game Arcade Game
to wrap up and summarize years? years?
the day?
- Mood Board - Mood Board - Mood Board - Mood Board CSC Guest Speaker
- Mood Board Rubric - Mood Board Rubric - Mood Board Rubric - Mood Board Rubric
Weekly Notes/Reminders: TO DO :
Weekly Learning Plan for Week of March 13-17
Class Name: Family and Consumer Science Grade: 8-9 Teacher Name: Ms. Coston
Weekly Standard(s): Standard 54.1
- 4.3.5 - Demonstrate the proper use of basic sewing equipment.
Bellringer/Hook - Would you rather - Would you rather - Gimkit - Sewing - Head, Shoulders, Knee -
How are you going to
introduce the topic and set
the stage for learning?
Closure/Summary - March Madness Bracket - March Madness Bracket - Fist to Five - How - Fist to Five - How
What are you going to do/say confident do you feel confident do you feel
to wrap up and summarize sewing? sewing?
the day?
HOT Questions - How can you utilize - How can you utilize - What is the most - What is the most
Every day, have at least TWO basic hand sewing skills basic hand sewing skills in challenging part of hand challenging part of hand
higher ordered questions. in the future? the future? sewing? sewing?
- How many people do - How many people do - Could you teach - Could you teach
you think know how to you think know how to someone how to sew on a someone how to sew on a
sew on a button? sew on a button? button? button?
Learning Activities & Resources
Core Instruction: Teacher-Directed Lessons
- Sewing Gimkit - Sewing Gimkit - Sewing Gimkit - Sewing Gimkit CSC Guest Speaker
- Hand Sewing Checklist - Hand Sewing Checklist - Hand Sewing Checklist - Hand Sewing Checklist
- Hand Sewing Monster - on - Hand Sewing Monster - on - Hand Sewing Monster - on - Hand Sewing Monster - on
paper paper paper paper
Weekly Notes/Reminders: TO DO :