Assignment #4 Feb 2023
Assignment #4 Feb 2023
Assignment #4 Feb 2023
Unit 5 - Ago Commercial Bldg., Ago St., Port Moresby NCD, Papua New Guinea
Mobile: (675) 716-42332/ (675) 752-62795 | E-mail: [email protected]
Website: | Facebook: ACATECH Aviation College, PNG
1 21 41 61 81
2 22 42 62 82
3 23 43 63 83
4 24 44 64 84
5 25 45 65 85
6 26 46 66 86
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8 28 48 68 88
9 29 49 69 89
10 0 50 70 90
11 31 51 71 91
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14 34 54 74 94
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16 36 56 76 96
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18 38 58 78 98
19 39 59 79 99
20 0 60 80 100
1. An altimeter is operated ________. 10. This instrument helps the flight crew to monitor the
A. by the vacuum system pressurization of the cabin environment control system.
B. by the static system A. Cabin Pressurization
C. by the pitot system B. Cabin Altimeters
C. Servo Assisted Altimeter
2. Gyro precession depends on the following factors except
for ______.
11. The HSI provides information on ________.
A. The strength and direction of the applied force
A. VOR, ILS, map, radar, attitude
B. Radius of Gyration
B. VOR, plan, map, ILS, radar
C. The angular velocity of the rotor
C. VOR, ILS, plan, attitude
3. What effect on the rate of precession will a change of
gyro rotor speed have? 12. After replacing an instrument of the pitot-static group, it
A. No effect. is necessary to _________.
B. Decrease the rotor speed, decrease the rate of A. calibrate the instrument concerned
precession. B. blow through the lines with a clean low pressure
C. Increase the rotor speed, decrease the rate of air supply
precession. C. carry out a leak test on the appropriate system(s)
5. The aeroplane monitor on the artificial horizon is fitted 14. What effect on the rate of precession will a change of
to the _______. gyro rotor speed have?
A. instrument case A. No effect.
B. inner gimbal B. Increase the rotor speed, decrease the rate of
C. rotor precession.
C. Decrease the rotor speed, decrease the rate of
6. Pitot tubes are heated _______. precession.
A. by compressed bleed air
B. electrically
C. by kinetic heating 15. Radio marker information is displayed on ______.
7. The capsule in an altimeter responds to ______. C. HSI
A. gauge pressure
B. absolute pressure 16. Gyro rigidity is proportional to _______.
C. differential pressure
A. mass and speed
B. mass, and radius of mass from the spin axis
8. A standby air supply for gyro operation could be C. mass, speed, and radius of mass from the spin
obtained from _________. axis
A. a tapping from the induction manifold.
B. a venturi.
C. a pitot head. 17. A machmeter works ______.
A. above 10,000 ft.
9. The supply to an A.S.I __________. B. always
C. always except on the ground
A. is pitot pressure only
B. is static pressure only
C. are pitot and static pressure