Philips Ceramalux High Pressure Sodium Lamps Bulletin 12-89

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Ceramalux" High Pressure Sodium lamps

Definition Applications
High pressuro sodium vapor lamps having an allrminum oxide lndLrstrial Liqhlin!l
monolithic arc tube eoclosed in clear or coated outer bulb with Commercial Ligtrting
medium or moqul screw base. Security Lighting
Roadway Lighting
Description t'arking Area Liqhting
High prcssuro sodiuor dischargc provides these lamps with high Outdoor Conslnx)li(xr Lighlrng
lrimrnous effi, r, y and qood color recoqnilion tntrance Liqhtin!l
The clear bulb lamp allows good optical control of thc lighl while Airport L'ghting
thc coatcd bulb providcs diffusc light
Ballasts & Starters
Ttre nickel plaled brass basL'insurcs casy rciroval at end of lile Hrgh pressure sodiurn lanrps rcxluite appropriate ballasls lo bolh
ln addilion, lhese lamps provide excelk)nl lurnen rnainldra ca.', start and conlrol Ih(] arc drscharge.
long life, universal operatirrg posilion and rcliablc stable operation

Ceramalu{. High Pressure Sodium Lamps
Electrical, Technical and Ordering Data
lSublect t.r change withoui noirce)
.p ,r't,qDo o Un versa Stafier Pulsc Vo lage Peak. .2500 Mln ,4000 Max (4)(5)
g" 1. 1.- p V". 4000c Pulse W dih @ 90% Peak I N/licro Second l\,4 n mum
Bd - - p. V". r rr 214"C Pllse Per Cyc e (N4 nimum) Lag Ballast 1 Per Cyce
.o1p L.-tr' li,4a l 18 Lead Ba ast 1 Per % Cyce
Warm up Time to 80% Fu I L ght Output 3 4 Minutes Standard Package Ouant ty 12
F "r T plo!oI.rp I [,4 nute (Except ED-37 & E 25 bulb lamps which are 6)
(ExcepL nslant Restr ke Larnpsl

cra!t L qht [1.r
NAE L] Vo 1s Ccrt.r Olera A,c Fat-.d Appror
AN5 L3nrp L.n p B! b 8a .st ll[,]S Le.g]lr L-"n!th Loflrf A!! L,le
Des g.:I of \ htrs \'., is B! b F,r itr Tlpc 1[]1 | ) 1 ..hesl i ..hesl Lmmr iHo!rsl 2r L!.nens 131

Ceramalux High Pressure Sodium Lamps
30632 4 C35S70t\,1 S76HA 35 52 ED 17 [,]ed 7j C car 576 110 31, 5l 20 i 6000 2254 2425
30633 2 c35S76r Dr['] S76HB 35 52 tD 17 lvled r7r Drfflse 516 r0 31,r
5ti, 20 16000 2150 1935

30336 2 C50S68il!1 S6ELP bI) 5t Fa) 17 'lrrl 1/ lle.r S6a I t0 3,t." 5rr,6 20 24000+ 4000 3b00
3ll3: / 0 450S68, Ditl b0 52 tD 17 [1ed i7 Dillls. Sbr] r l0 31:6 516 20 24000 r 3800 3424
33143 I C50S6u 568l!,lS 5a 52 ED 23! Nloa ,7 Cie., 568 f0 5 71: 20 24ooo + 4000 3600
31154 b cSts{ill, ) s68t"'tT b0 52 ED 231i M.g li D lilse Sb8 I i0 5 |, 2A 24000 I 3800 312tJ

33192 0 C70S62iM 502Lri /ll /(l 52 ED 17 Mcd 17 Ce., Slrz r r0 3t;, 5l;" 26 24000 + 6300 5670
332r.1I C70S62rDrl!1 5021H /0 /l) 52 ED 17 Med ri D lllse Srr2 I to 31," 51li 2b 24000 5860 5210
33219 7 CtOSb2 52 EU 23i', l./loS 17r Cerr Sb2 I r0 5 1 ,1) 26 24000, 6300 5670
33225 4 C70S62rLl s62[1F 70 1A 52 tD 231/r f./lo! rii Dfllse 562 I r0 b 11, 26 24000 5860 5214
?4989 6 C70502rPAF,M s62MX 70 70 52 PAF 38 Med Skr s62 |0 5L5 26 ]00r:r0 4b00 400t)
20474 3 a70s62rPAF s62l\'rY /rl 70 52 PAF 3E [4cd S dlPr Sbz |0 ,1.16 26 75oo {500 400t)
:062! 9 C/0S62'FFL 5623L 70 I) 52 PAF 38" [']ed I C ojr B. 562 I r0 5
2t to00t)
34.1,16 5 C 100 s 51r l'.,1 sllsc rl0 rOil 55 ED 17 l.,l-.d ri C car S54 |0 3,rt 5'1' 2S 2,1000 9500 8550
3:1448 I C 100 S b.i Ll,'r'l s5.sN t0c a5 ED l/ l,/led 7r D lfJs-a S5l I lLl 3l! 5 ii" 29 24AlA 8800 t92A
33226 2 Ct 00S5r M) 55 ED 23[ V]o!r /r a S54 |0 5 71L 29 24000 9500 8550
:322l il C100s54,'D s51l!,tc t0! r00 55 ED 231, [r]o!l .,r D il!s. S54 |0 5 11, 29 24000 88m0 l92A
30347 I a I50S55rNt s55RN r50 150 55 ED 17 N4ed 7i t: eat S55 f0 3,i" 5,,/" 35 240110 16000 14400
30:48 7 C r 50 S 55,r D/ [,'] 55 ED 17 N4.d /r D,fflse S55 f0 314 5i:1,. 35 24000 15000 13500
33tLr3 b Ct50S55 s55SC 150 150 55 ED ?3i, l,4o!l i7i ccar sbb 110 5 71i 35 24000 16000 1,1400
33228 8 cl50S55rO s55lvtD 150 tb0 55 ED 231i L,loll iii Drllls. sbb 7j! 35 24AAA

33r55 3 Cr 50S56 sbli5D ibll 100 ED 2E []lo! i,' Cea, 556 198 5 8L, 56 24000- 16000 11400
33156 r C tb055rj, t) s56SE 150 150 100 ELI 28 lvlog 17 D liLS. Sbo 8r," 56 24rlLr0 I 15000 13500

3322! b C2005bil S66lvl\ 200 201) r00 ED 18 [4.9 ri C.a, Sbb 194 51 9i/. 53 24000 224l[ 19800

33r70 2 C250S50 s50vA 250 100 ED 18 [4og / Ce.r 5!'U 198 5l; 91: 62 24000 + 27500 24144
33 /r I C250S50r,S S5OVA 2501S 2lrl r00 ED 18 f",log r Cesr S50 198 5li 9L 62 21000 | 30000 27000
33173 e C2b0Sb0' Ll'2t s50vc 250 100 [D 28 L/]oq rr D fjlsc s50 8.-']" 62 24000 _ 26000 23400
:0167 I ar5lls50flF 100 T{i HSa Ce. S50 r98 9L 50 10000 24154 22300

20220 / C3]l151i/ s67[4 F 3 ! 3r0 100 EU rS !lo!l /i C o5r S0/ r98 5i, 91; 62 24000

34285 7 C,100S51 5bt!!A 4lr0 lill ED 18 l/lo! 7r C err S5l r98 5li 91; 79 24000 50000 45000
:4602 3 Ci00S!L D s5t\'!B 400 .100 lr:r0 ED 37 [,]lo! 7r D ifls-e 55 198 / I tli 79 21000- 415$ 42154
26918 3 C400S5t' DE 100 TC BSC C -"ar S5l 198 t0l.6 79 100m0 45000 ,10500

249!ar3 a:.000s5, s52X8 I0110 1000 2!0 E 25 [1o! L7] C -.. 552 456 8r'i 15fi" 205 2,1000 - 140000 126000

121 Based oi s{rtr,!. ol ri !f:L 50li o: ]l.e ..rr_,s. or_,-.r.le.J rnd-.r spe. I .il
a opernl .! pos t ofs

th€ .fcrrrr tor.ftl thc a:c lLrb-e

.l\ )


Lrrcr I L qrrl lV ax
N AED Vo ts Ar. A!! Appror ApFrox
N! nb-"r Orde,,.s ANS B! b Ba ast R[']S L-.n!tlr Le.sllr L-.fg1h L 1e . 1,. l",le.n
Fi.,sh [,pe 1[4 | i lnrml 1ts.lrsl i2i lLJm-..s 13 lnren.
Ceramalux Comfort High Pressure Sodium Lamps 1
lor 3pp icatiois wlrerc rmproved co o. re.der .g ,s req! €d
306 t7 5 C70S62/C/N4 s62LG 701C ta 52 ED 17 [,'].d /i r t0 31,. 5lj b rb r 300t) 4400 3960
3062r 7 C70S62/C/D/['] s62LH /0/C 1A 52 FD 17 l!,led 7i Drll!sc s62 |0 tai r 300t) 41At) 3t60
306r5I C70S62i C 5621!'1E 7!rC /0 52 ED 231i [4og 7] s62 |0 5 11. t6 r 3000 44At 3960
:1]016 7 C /0S 62,r C / Ll s62l,lF 70,,c ta 52 ED 231! [4o!]. il |0 16 13000 4180 3760

30635 7 ar00S54rCrlvl s54SC t00rc 100 55 ED 17 L/lcd / f0 20 r 30url 7300 6570

:063.1 0 Ct 00 s 54rc/ D,i 1,4 s54SH r001C r00 55 FD 17 [,]-.d 7r D lt!se s54 |0 3'!," 5',/," 20 13000 6940 ri2bu
30637 3 C I00S54/C s54S8 t00rc ELI 231', t!'lo.J ti a ear s54 |0 a t:t" 20 13000 7300 6570
30636 5 ar00s54ic/D s54MC tr:r0/c 100 55 ED 231! L/1.'! /r D If!se s54 I r0 5 7-+: 20 13000 6940 6250

30647 2 C150S551C,/1,4 S55RN l50ra ED 17 t!'led 7r a ear s55 ]]0 13000 12000 10800
30644 9 a',r50S55,,C,iD,i[4 S55l]p r50rC tb0 5b ED ll Med rir D If!se s55 I t0 3lr, 'r'i " 23 r3000 |000 9900
306,13 I Cl50S55rC S55Sc l50rC 150 55 ED 231! \4oq l 110 5 f,i 23 13001) 12000 10800
30642 3 Cl51lS551C/D S55MD 150/C r50 ED 231i []tog 7r D 1t!sc I r0 a1L 2) 13000 ]]000 9900

302{5 5 C250Sb0iC S50VA 250,rC 250 100 !O 18 r,,lo! 7l C e.r I lJll 5L 9,r:, t3(J0(l

lnstant Restrike High Pressure Sodium Lamps

For fpp cat ons !1/here nronr-onrar! rnt-pr !pt ons occ!r
265,1r3 C70S62r2 1A a2 ED 231': l'4og r7r C s62 I tlu 57L26 2a000 r 5600 5050
26560 3 Cl00S54/2 ED 23t l',1o! r7r C -"ar s54 f0 571 29 24000+ 9100 8190
26561 I Ct50555/2 150 55 ED 23L l,!'1.r0 t7r C b7L35 2,1000 + 15600 14000
377r7 6 C250550/2 s50vJ 250 250 100 ED 18 f,'log 17r
C ear s50 198 5-ri 9l'; 62 24000 27500 24taa
37688I C400S5112 sslWG 400 400 100 ED 18 l,4og 17r 5,1 9r/. 19 24000 r 50000 45000
Econolux High Pressure Sodium Retrofit for Mercury [amps{6)
r50 warl rerroi ts 175 wlrr [4c.cur!, 2]5 walt re|of ts 250 watl f",lerclry 360 watt retrofrls 400 w.1t l\4crclry

33612l Cl50S63/EL 563[]]G 150 I5r:) ED 28 [4o!r i7] C e.r H3916r 198 8'/,r 24AAl 13000 |700
2AA9A I Cl50S63/Di EL S63[,]H 150 ED 28 l\4o9 1/l D rllse 1139161 r
'JE 58 2,10!0 t200rl 10800

20262 2 c2t5s65/EL S6bl,,'11215 2tb tD 2rl [/]o!l 17 C ea, ll3/i6r 198 /3 2AAA 20000 18000
249841 C360S64/EL S64[4J 360 l\4og 1r a ffr H33;lr l9ll ]]t! 38000 34960

.corporare so.l-"1 desillis . rd w r f! caprb € ol w thnand,iq s!ctr volla9.3 w Llio!i ar. olcr

17) N,cke p.ted brass

i For opr mlm performEice of Corrlort Lrrnps Rca!;tcd Lag or equ va enl type ba ast are recommendcd
Op-"ra|o. of ba asls w th ess regLr .1ro. w I res! 1 . gr€ater co or vlr ar on and !p 10 300/" reductro. n fe expcclancy
Phtaps L€ Compary
2OO ftznklir' s,quarc Drive . PO- Bor 58OO
Sorne.set liJ Oaa75 6aOO
A ti, si.n or i.,lorrh Adie,.an Phiiips Corporanon
Pr.:.d ii USA 12 89 P 2224 A

lr'llarm-up Characteristics of High Pressure

Sodium (HPS) and Econolux Lamps


Mrnules Warrn-Up Time Pn.e.t oi Fated Average Lle Psce.t ol Saled Avsa4e Lre
'Fr_ Lar ri i" J, r.ite:l l.r..r.r: f. : 2.1llla - r'r tri ' :.r | !! 1l ':rEd r,: ..,:-. t.:'1!aaa
,r'.: ts.Jt,
frapezoid Diagmm for a z(IlV\fatt tamp Showing Pulse Voltage
Voltage/\ rattage Operating Limis tot Starting HPS Lamps



Approximate Spectral Distribution Approximate Spectral Distdbution

Ceramalux High Pressure Sodium tamps Ceramalux Comfon High Pressure Sodium Lamps


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