Free Time (Lesson 1 - 30)
Free Time (Lesson 1 - 30)
Free Time (Lesson 1 - 30)
Review of present simple to Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
describe self (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning 21st Century Skills Inquisitive
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Round Table
Technology Activities
1. Pupils elicits what day is it today. 4. Pupils elicits the days of the week 11. Pupils listen to the teacher who
2. Pupils elicits the days of the week. while looking at flashcards shown. elicits the days of the week.
3. Pupils tell their favourite day of the 5. Pupils look at textbook (SB p58) 12. Pupils stand up if the day that is
week and why. and listen to the recording (CD2 elicited is their favourite day.
18). 13. Pupils present the days of the
6. Pupils point to the days when they week.
hear them.
7. Pupils listen to the recording again
and repeat after each verse (CD2
18, SB p58).
8. Pupils do the chant as a class and
then in groups.
9. Pupils rearrange the letters and
write the days of the week in WB
10. Pupils draw the things they like to
do in their favourite day and write
down the day and the sentence “My
favourite day is ……” (WB p58).
Days of the week
Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus It’s (days)
On + day
Teaching and Learning
Contextual Learning 21st Century Skills Inquisitive
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Round Table
Technology Activities
Days of the week
Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus Present simple for regular
activities ( I +verb + on + day)
Teaching and Learning
Collaborative Learning 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils from every group take turns 2. Pupils listen and sing along (CD2 8. Pupils play a game.
to write down the days of the week 23-24, SB p60). 9. A pupil faces the wall and closes
in ascending order on the ladder 3. Pupils repeat after each verse. his/her eyes.
drawn by the teacher on the board. 4. Pupils sing along to the karaoke 10. The rest hides a ruler in the class.
version of the song. 11. The pupil then walks around the
5. Pupils listen, read and point to the classroom.
day of the week (CD2 23-24, SB 12. When the pupil is near to the ruler,
p60). the rest say “You are warm” and
6. Pupils read the song lyrics and tick when the pupil goes away from it,
the box (WB p60). the rest say “You are cold”.
7. Each pupil write a new verse about
himself or herself and draw a
picture related to the verse (WB
Teaching Aids Audio Textbook Work book
Present simple On (day) we Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
(verb) (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Lyrical Lessons
Technology Activities
1. Pupils look at the flashcards/realia 1. Pupils sit or stand in a circle, where 13. Pupils examine the
of known words from the list flashcards/realia are placed in the flashcards/realia placed on the
shown by the teacher. middle of the circle. table carefully.
2. Pupils examine them carefully and 2. Pupils point to the food (flashcard) 14. Pupils tell which item is missing
remember what they look like. that they like. (one or two is taken by the
3. Pupils listen to the teacher who 3. Pupils review words (food) by teacher).
makes a true/false statement (the saying “I like …..” or “My favourite 15. Pupils repeat the activity after each
flashcards/realia are hidden). is …….” item is taken away.
4. Pupils tell if the statements are 4. Pupils elicit the food that they had
true or false. eaten in the past few days.
5. Pupils correct false statements. 5. Pupils look at the teacher who
introduces the caterpillar.
6. Pupils say what the caterpillar likes
to eat.
7. Pupils read or listen to the story
The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
8. Pupils answer questions regarding
the story.
9. Pupils check answers with the
teacher and their friends.
10. Pupils look at the days of the week
written on the board and say the
food that the caterpillar eats in each
11. Pupils write in their exercise books
about the caterpillar’s daily food.
12. Pupils are encouraged to draw
some pictures related to the lesson
in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids Audio Textbook Work book
Days of the week Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
Food vocabulary (review) (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Cross - Curricular Elements Information and 21st Century Classroom Role Play
Communications Teaching and Learning
1. Pupils look at the flashcard is slowly 4. Pupils try to guess the action mimed by the 18. Pupils guess the
revealed to them by the teacher. teacher (based on flashcards). connection between the
2. Pupils try to guess the word on the 5. Pupils stand in a circle. flashcard chosen by the
flashcard as it is being slowly 6. Pupils mime the action words that are teacher and the teacher
revealed. mentioned by the teacher. (e.g. why the flashcard is
3. Repeat with other flashcards. 7. Pupils then do this activity in pairs. chosen).
8. Flashcards consists of the days of the week
are placed around the classroom.
9. Each pupil receive an action flashcard.
10. Pupils are given 1 minute to stand in front of
the flashcards that consist of the days of the
week accordingly.
11. Pupils tell sentences for their respective
actions and days (where they are standing).
12. Pupils check with their teacher whether it is
right or wrong.
13. Pupils return to their places.
14. Pupils listen to the teacher who tells a
sentence (e.g. I ride my pony on Mondays).
15. Pupils tell the teacher if it is right or wrong.
Repeat a few times.
16. Pupils repeat the activity but in pairs.
17. Pupils say what their partner does in the
week (teacher’s feedback). Depending on the
class, the teacher could ask them to say:
X said, “I xxx on xxxs’
She xxxxs on xxxxs.
She doesn’t xxx on xxxs.
Teaching Aids Audio Textbook Work book
I + verb (+phrase) + on + Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
day+s (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
Project Story Telling Quiz Games
Role Play Individual / Pair / Group Work Observation Worksheet
6. Pupils look at the flashcards/realia 16. Pupils sit or stand in a circle, where 28. Pupils examine the
of known words from the list flashcards/realia are placed in the flashcards/realia placed on the
shown by the teacher. middle of the circle. table carefully.
7. Pupils examine them carefully and 17. Pupils point to the food (flashcard) 29. Pupils tell which item is missing
remember what they look like. that they like. (one or two is taken by the
8. Pupils listen to the teacher who 18. Pupils review words (food) by teacher).
makes a true/false statement (the saying “I like …..” or “My favourite 30. Pupils repeat the activity after each
flashcards/realia are hidden). is …….” item is taken away.
9. Pupils tell if the statements are 19. Pupils elicit the food that they had
true or false. eaten in the past few days.
10. Pupils correct false statements. 20. Pupils look at the teacher who
introduces the caterpillar.
21. Pupils say what the caterpillar likes
to eat.
22. Pupils read or listen to the story
The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
23. Pupils answer questions regarding
the story.
24. Pupils check answers with the
teacher and their friends.
25. Pupils look at the days of the week
written on the board and say the
food that the caterpillar eats in each
26. Pupils write in their exercise books
about the caterpillar’s daily food.
27. Pupils are encouraged to draw
some pictures related to the lesson
in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids Audio Textbook Work book
Days of the week Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
Food vocabulary (review) (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Cross - Curricular Elements Information and 21st Century Classroom Role Play
Communications Teaching and Learning
11. Pupils look at the flashcards/realia 31. Pupils sit or stand in a circle, where 43. Pupils examine the
of known words from the list flashcards/realia are placed in the flashcards/realia placed on the
shown by the teacher. middle of the circle. table carefully.
12. Pupils examine them carefully and 32. Pupils point to the food (flashcard) 44. Pupils tell which item is missing
remember what they look like. that they like. (one or two is taken by the
13. Pupils listen to the teacher who 33. Pupils review words (food) by teacher).
makes a true/false statement (the saying “I like …..” or “My favourite 45. Pupils repeat the activity after each
flashcards/realia are hidden). is …….” item is taken away.
14. Pupils tell if the statements are 34. Pupils elicit the food that they had
true or false. eaten in the past few days.
15. Pupils correct false statements. 35. Pupils look at the teacher who
introduces the caterpillar.
36. Pupils say what the caterpillar likes
to eat.
37. Pupils read or listen to the story
The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
38. Pupils answer questions regarding
the story.
39. Pupils check answers with the
teacher and their friends.
40. Pupils look at the days of the week
written on the board and say the
food that the caterpillar eats in each
41. Pupils write in their exercise books
about the caterpillar’s daily food.
42. Pupils are encouraged to draw
some pictures related to the lesson
in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids Audio Textbook Work book
Days of the week Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
Food vocabulary (review) (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Cross - Curricular Elements Information and 21st Century Classroom Role Play
Communications Teaching and Learning
1. Pupils look at the flashcard is slowly 4. Pupils look at the teacher who writes 13. Pupils take out a card from a bag.
revealed to them by the teacher. and sing the numbers 1 to 6 on the 14. Pupils explain or mime the word
2. Pupils try to guess the word on the board. written on the card without saying it.
flashcard as it is being slowly 5. Pupils say the actions shown on 15. Other pupils guess the word.
revealed. flashcards which are placed next to 16. Repeat with all the words until there
3. Repeat with other flashcards. the numbers. is none left in the bag.
6. Pupils close their eyes or turn
7. An action card is removed.
8. Pupils say which card is removed.
They can say the number and/or the
action. Repeat.
9. Pupils work in pairs to tell each other
what they do in the week. They
should choose (if possible) from the
actions on the board 1 - 6. The
partner listens and writes in the table
(they can write the words or the
number from the board).
10. Pupils compare their worksheets to
find any activity that they do at the
same time. If they do, they should
say “Let’s do it together!”
11. Pupils stand up and walk around the
room to talk to new partners. They
should try to find something in
A: I play football on Saturdays.
B: I play football on Saturdays, too.
A & B: Let’s do it together!
Model and practice the dialogue
before beginning the activity.
12. Pupils practise saying the things
they have in common, e.g. “We play
football on Saturdays.”
Teaching Aids Dice Flashcards Worksheet
Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus I / we + verb + on + day+s
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils look at the flashcard is slowly 4. Pupils look at the words on the board: 15. Pupils are given some keywords
revealed to them by the teacher. play related to the lesson.
2. Pupils try to guess the word on the watch 16. Pupils are prompted to say what
flashcard as it is being slowly day have they learned based on the
revealed. game keywords given.
3. Repeat with other flashcards. ball 17. Pupils work in pairs to share what
what have they learned.
hurray 18. Pupils write on their exercise books
match what they have learned.
Elicit the common letter (a).
5. Pupils read the words to their partner.
6. Pupils observe the teacher who
models the /ei/ sound.
7. Pupils tell their partner which words
have this sound.
8. Pupils listen to the teacher who elicits
spellings for /ei/ sound: ay and
9. Pupils say the names of the letters.
10. Pupils say and write more words
which follow this rule.
11. Pupils read the sentences in Part 1
and circle the /ei/ sounds.
12. Pupils read them with their partner
before checking with the whole class.
13. Pupils read the sentences in Part 2 of
the worksheet (these should be a mix
of sentences about pupils, some true
(or right), some false (or wrong),
based on their responses in Lesson 7.
See below). They should circle True
or False.
14. Pupils check answer with the teacher
and the whole class.
Teaching Aids Flashcards Worksheet
I / we + verb + on + day+s Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
/ei/ sound in words from unit (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils work in pairs to work out on 2. Pupils sit or stand in a circle, and 14. Pupils read the sentence written on
the anagrams of key topic each pupil is given a word card. the board.
vocabulary words written on the 3. Pupils find friends to make sentences. 15. A word is eliminated from the
board (days of the week). 4. Pupils stand in lines to make sentence.
sentences with their words. 16. Pupils read the full sentence; they
5. Pupils say their sentences and have to remember the missing
teacher writes them on the board. word.
6. Pupils play Hangman to elicit the 17. Repeat Step 14 to Step 16 until all
spelling of favourite. the words are gone.
7. Pupils write their favourite day and
what they do on that day in their
favourite books.
8. Pupils check each other’s writing in
9. Pupils write down their favourite day
on the top line in the worksheets
10. Pupils then write what they do on that
11. Pupils are allowed to draw things that
are related to the lesson in their
respective worksheets.
12. Pupils’ works are displayed in the
13. Pupils present their respective works
to the class.
Teaching Aids Flashcards Worksheet
My favourite day is X. Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
I + verb + on + day+s (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
Project Story Telling Quiz Games
Role Play Individual / Pair / Group Work Observation Worksheet
18. Pupils work in pairs to work out on 19. Pupils sit or stand in a circle, and each 31. Pupils read the sentence written
the anagrams of key topic pupil is given a word card. on the board.
vocabulary words written on the 20. Pupils find friends to make sentences. 32. A word is eliminated from the
board (days of the week). 21. Pupils stand in lines to make sentences sentence.
with their words. 33. Pupils read the full sentence; they
22. Pupils say their sentences and teacher have to remember the missing
writes them on the board. word.
23. Pupils play Hangman to elicit the 34. Repeat Step 14 to Step 16 until
spelling of favourite. all the words are gone.
24. Pupils write their favourite day and what
they do on that day in their favourite
25. Pupils check each other’s writing in
26. Pupils write down their favourite day on
the top line in the worksheets given.
27. Pupils then write what they do on that
28. Pupils are allowed to draw things that
are related to the lesson in their
respective worksheets.
29. Pupils’ works are displayed in the
30. Pupils present their respective works to
the class.
Teaching Aids Movie Story book Flashcards
Days of the week and food Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
vocabulary review (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Each group is assigned a day of the 4. Pupils answer the teacher’s question 12. Pupils review word order in
week. (Teacher’s question: I go swimming at questions forms.
2. Each group sings their line (s) from the weekend. Do you? Do you go 13. Each pupil in a group take turns
the song in the previous lesson swimming at the weekend? to ask their friends in the group.
(days of the week). Pupil’s answer: Yes, I do / No, I don’t) 14. The other group members take
3. All pupils sings the chorus. 5. Pupils practise in groups to ask and turns to answer “Yes, I do” or
answer the question. “No, I don’t”.
6. Pupils listen to the recording and circle
the correct words. (CD2 25, SB p61)
7. Pupils listen and say. (CD2 26, SB
8. Pupils practise the question and
answers in pairs.
9. Pupils play the question game. (SB
10. Pupils write the words and tick the box.
(WB p61)
11. Pupils follow the lines and find the
answers to the questions. (WB p61)
Teaching Aids Audio Textbook Work book
Do you…? Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
Yes, I do…/ No, I don’t (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils examine the words written 5. Pupils listen to the recording (CD2 27). 9. Pupils are divided into group of
on the board. Pupils listen to the recording and read five.
2. Pupils predict the story that they to figure out the story (CD2 27, SB 10. Each pupil in a group take a role
are going to listen to. p62-63). of one of the characters.
3. Pupils review the names of the 6. Pupils listen and tick the box. (CD2 28, 11. Pupils repeat after the recording
Four Super Friends. WB p62) (pause after each scene)
4. Pupils mime their special powers. 7. Pupils circle the words. (WB p62) according to their respective
8. Pupils write the sentences. (WB p62) roles (CD2 27, SB p62-63).
We’re lost
Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus Wait and see
Come with me
Thank you very much
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Each pupil from each group 3. Pupils look at the picture and choose 8. Pupils review and write
volunteer to say what they the correct sentence. (SB p63) decodable words with the letter
remember from the story. 4. Pupils find who says… (SB p63) sound and distinguish it from the
2. Pupils say their favourite character 5. Pupils listen and say. (CD2 29, SB previous letter sounds a, e, I and
from the story and why. p63) o.
6. Pupils look and circle. (WB p63)
7. Pupils write the words. Listen and say.
(CD2 30, WB p63)
Teaching Aids Audio Textbook Work book
Recycled story language from Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
Lesson 17 (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
How many days do….? Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
Possessive ’s (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils look at the words written on 3. Pupils listen to the song and sing along. 10. Pupils sing the song with actions.
the board (related to the song). 4. Pupils focus as teacher stresses on the
2. Pupils guess what song that they will intonation and pronunciation.
be learning based on the given 5. Pupils blend phoneme.
words. 6. Pupils recite and follow teacher’s action.
7. In a group of 5 to 6 person, pupils
perform the song with their own action.
8. Pupils are encouraged to come up with
props or any materials related.
9. Each group sings to their classmate.
Present simple On (day) we Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
(verb) (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
Project Story Telling Quiz Games
Role Play Individual / Pair / Group Work Observation Worksheet
11. Pupils look at the words written on 13. Pupils listen to the song and sing along. 20. Pupils sing the song with actions.
the board (related to the song). 14. Pupils focus as teacher stresses on the
12. Pupils guess what song that they will intonation and pronunciation.
be learning based on the given 15. Pupils blend phoneme.
words. 16. Pupils recite and follow teacher’s action.
17. In a group of 5 to 6 person, pupils
perform the song with their own action.
18. Pupils are encouraged to come up with
props or any materials related.
19. Each group sings to their classmate.
Present simple On (day) we Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
(verb) (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
Project Story Telling Quiz Games
Role Play Individual / Pair / Group Work Observation Worksheet
1. Pupils play a game in their 4. Pupils listen to the picture story (CD2 8. Pupils work in pairs to discuss the
respective groups. 27, SB p62-63) things that they should do when
2. Each pupil in a group mime his/her 5. Pupils are given some time to read the they get lost somewhere.
favourite character from the story. story thoroughly.
3. The other group members take turn 6. Each group do a role play of the story.
to guess the character. 7. The other pupils will ‘judge’ the role play
by ticking on the boxes in their
worksheets regarding the things that
they see and hear in their friends’ role
I + verb (+phrase) + on + Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
day+s (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Each pupil in a group asks a 3. Pupils are divided into two large 10. Pupils write down the things that
question to his/her group members groups. they do on the seven days of the
(e.g. Do you watch TV on Monday?). 4. Each group form a line. week according to the (I / we +
2. The other group members take turn 5. The pupil who comes first in the line verb + on + day+s).
to answer the question. play the Rock, Scissors, Paper game
with the other pupil at the other line.
6. The one who wins will have to ask a
question (e.g. I play games on Monday.
Do you play games on Monday?).
7. If the answer is “Yes, I do.” the one who
answers will go to the other line.
8. If the answer is “No, I don’t.” the one
who asks will go to the other line.
9. Pupils answer the questions in the
worksheets given.
Teaching Aids Audio Textbook Work book
Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus I / we + verb + on + day+s
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils work out the jumbled words 2. Pupils read each sentence in WB p64. 9. Pupils do chain reading, where
written on the board to form a 3. Pupils underline the actions. each group read the first two
complete sentence. 4. Pupils circle the days of the week. sentences, followed by the
5. Pupils read each sentence in WB p67. others and so on.
6. Pupils underline the actions using
different colours.
7. Pupils circle the days of the week
using different colours.
8. Pupils check with the teacher their
pronunciation of the words.
I / we + verb + on + day+s Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
/ei/ sound in words from unit (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Each group is assigned with a day 4. Pupils complete Activity 2 of the WB 7. Each group is given a worksheet
in the week. p64 on their own. that contains anagrams.
2. The pupils in a group stand up 5. Pupils list down the days of the week 8. Pupils work in groups to solve
when their assigned day is in their exercise books. the anagrams.
mentioned by the teacher. 6. Pupils list down the things that they
3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 a few usually do on those days (e.g. I swim
times with other days of the week. on Monday).
My favourite day is X. Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
I + verb + on + day+s. (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
5.1.2 Say the words in simple texts, and sing 4.2.1 Ask for and give basic personal information
simple songs with intelligible pronunciation, using basic questions and statements
rhythm and intonation.
Learning Standard i) simple chants and raps
ii) simple rhymes
iii) simple action songs
iv) simple songs
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Say the words in simple texts, and sing 1. Ask for and give basic personal information using
simple songs with intelligible pronunciation, basic questions and statements
rhythm and intonation.
i) simple chants and raps
ii) simple rhymes
iii) simple action songs
iv) simple songs
Pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
Success Criteria
1. Recite the poem with correct pronunciation, stress and intonation with teacher’s guidance.
2. Write simple a poem.
9. Each group is assigned with a day 12. Pupils complete Activity 2 of the WB 15. Each group is given a worksheet
in the week. p64 on their own. that contains anagrams.
10. The pupils in a group stand up 13. Pupils list down the days of the week 16. Pupils work in groups to solve
when their assigned day is in their exercise books. the anagrams.
mentioned by the teacher. 14. Pupils list down the things that they
11. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 a few usually do on those days (e.g. I swim
times with other days of the week. on Monday).
Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus On day+s I + verb phrase
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
Project Story Telling Quiz Games
Role Play Individual / Pair / Group Work Observation Worksheet
1. Pupils review free time activities 3. Pupils listen and read. Ask and 6. Each group is given a mah-jong
with Hangman. answer. (CD2 33, SB p66) paper with a small topic written at
2. Pupils who give wrong letters will 4. Pupils look at the pictures and draw the centre (e.g. healthy,
have to briefly tell about his/her lines. (SB p66) unhealthy, eat healthy food, keep
hobby to the class. 5. Pupils write healthy and unhealthy. fit, have fun).
(WB p66) 7. Pupils draw anything related to
the respective topics assigned to
Recycled language:
food, free-time activities
Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus Healthy, unhealthy, eat
healthy food, keep fit, have
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
6. Pupils review free time activities 8. Pupils listen and read. Ask and 8. Each group is given a mah-jong
with Hangman. answer. (CD2 33, SB p66) paper with a small topic written at
7. Pupils who give wrong letters will 9. Pupils look at the pictures and draw the centre (e.g. healthy,
have to briefly tell about his/her lines. (SB p66) unhealthy, eat healthy food, keep
hobby to the class. 10. Pupils write healthy and unhealthy. fit, have fun).
(WB p66) 9. Pupils draw anything related to
the respective topics assigned to
Recycled language:
Healthy and unhealthy Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
activities, hours, free time (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils review free time activities 6. Pupils listen and act out with teacher. 10. Pupils create their own stories
with play activity Broken Then listen again and number the from a model.
Telephone. pictures. (CD2 34, SB p68)
2. Pupils form 4 lines. 7. Pupils read and number the sentences
3. Pupils who comes first in the line form the story. (SB p68)
will be given a sentence. 8. Pupils listen to your friend and act out.
4. The pupil then whispers the (SB p68)
sentence to the following pupil in 9. Pupils make a guitar. (WB p68)
5. The last one in line will write the
sentence on the board.
Recycled language: Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
imperatives (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Cross - Curricular Elements Information and 21 st
Century Classroom Role Play
Communications Teaching and Learning
1. Pupils review the days of the week. 3. Pupils make a poster. (SB p69) 6. Pupils express their preferences
2. Pupils unscramble the scrambled 4. Pupils look at the posters. Ask and (e.g. favourite song, chant or
letter on the board (days of the answer. (SB p69) game).
week); pupils work in pairs and write 5. Pupils draw and write examples of what 7. Pupils write about it in their
each word correctly in their exercise you know. (WB p69) exercise books.
Vocabulary and grammar Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
from the unit, poster, stick (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils form a big circle. 6. Pupils are introduced to the language 12. Pupils work in groups to figure
2. A pupil is handed a paper ball. focus in the song. out the actions of the song.
3. The pupil talk about his/her 7. Pupils listen to the song. 13. Each group then present the
hobby/interest. 8. Pupils repeat after each verse. song with their own created
4. The pupil throws a paper ball to 9. Pupils do chain singing; each group actions.
another pupil. sings a line.
5. The pupil then repeat the same 10. All pupils then sing along to the song.
action. 11. Pupils are given a worksheet in which
they need to fill in the blanks (song
I love my free time, so much
Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus to do, camping, comic book,
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
Project Story Telling Quiz Games
Role Play Individual / Pair / Group Work Observation Worksheet
1. Each group is given sets of 3. Pupils listen to the story. 8. Pupils work in pairs to rearrange
sentences (each sentence is broken 4. Each group is given a set of pictures. the unscrambled words written on
into a pair). 5. As they listen to the story, the pupils the board (parts of a house).
2. Pupils work in group to match the work in groups to arrange the pictures
sentences. in order.
6. Pupils listen to the story again and write
down the parts of the house that they
hear in their exercise books.
7. Pupils complete worksheets (questions
and answers).
House vocabulary: house,
bathroom, bedroom, living
room, hall, dining room,
Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus kitchen, stairs, cellar
Down, up
Find out
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
Project Story Telling Quiz Games
Role Play Individual / Pair / Group Work Observation Worksheet
1. A pupil takes one card from the box. 4. Pupils do interviews in pairs based on 6. Pupils list down 3 healthy and 3
2. The pupil mimes the action written the class survey. (SB p67) unhealthy activities that they
on the card. 5. Pupils work in pairs to read and write always do in their exercise books.
3. Pupils guess the answer and states the numbers. (WB p67)
whether it is ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’.
Healthy and unhealthy Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
activities (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils work out the jumbled words 2. Pupils listen and read. Ask and 6. Each group is given a worksheet
written on the board to form a answer. (CD2 33, SB p66) that contains anagrams.
complete sentence. 3. Pupils work in groups to write their 7. Pupils work in groups to solve
answers in the form of a mind map for the anagrams.
each group.
4. Pupils decorate their mind maps.
5. Each group presents their mind map to
the class.
Healthy and unhealthy Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
activities (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils review the days of the week. 3. Each group makes a poster. (SB p69) 6. Pupils express their preferences
2. Pupils unscramble the scrambled 4. Pupils look at the posters (gallery through ‘secret letters’ to the
letter on the board (days of the walk). Ask and answer. (SB p69) teacher.
week); pupils work in pairs and 5. Pupils draw and write examples of
write each word correctly in their what you know. (WB p69)
exercise books.
My favourite day is X. Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
I + verb + on + day+s. (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities
1. Pupils play musical chair. 3. Pupils listen to the song. 10. Pupils work in groups to figure
2. Pupil who is eliminated will have to 4. Pupils repeat after each verse. out the actions of the song.
draw the things that they like to do 5. Pupils do chain singing; each group 11. Each group then present the
on the board. sings a line. song with their own created
6. All pupils then sing along to the song. actions.
7. Each group is assigned with some
sentences from the song lyrics.
8. Pupils work out in groups to change
some parts in the lyrics of the song.
9. Pupils present their lyrics to the class.
Free time activities, objects Higher Order Thinking Skills
Language / Grammar Focus
associated with interest (HOTS)
Teaching and Learning
Values and Citizenship 21st Century Skills Team Player
Information and 21st Century Classroom
Cross - Curricular Elements Communications Teaching and Learning Role Play
Technology Activities