Dark Heresy 1E A1.2 Core Alternate Character Background
Dark Heresy 1E A1.2 Core Alternate Character Background
Dark Heresy 1E A1.2 Core Alternate Character Background
Or Once Upon A Time I…… Dusk and Tainted Blood of Malfi) use a combination of the
above modifiers and those modifiers presented in their entries.
For the Death Worlder, ignore the Rogue Trader Wounds
As it stands now in Dark Heresy, new characters have back-
and Fate rules and determine their total Wounds and Fate
grounds and pasts that are comprised solely of worlds of ori-
Points as if they were Feral Worlders.
gin, a few background package options, initial career path
bonuses, a roll on the Emperor’s Tarot and 400 XP, notions Example: Brien decides to make his character, who he has named
that help flesh out the character, but not as much as it could. Dante, a Hive Worlder. He further decides that Dante is from Gun-
The following house rules amend the mechanics of Dark Her- metal City. He notes his modifiers of +5 FEL and -5 T for being a
esy enough to enable characters to be a bit more competent, Hive Worlder (making his FEL 41 and his T 36) and then adds in
more diverse and a bit more fleshed out and start on par with his +5 BS for being from Gunmetal City for a starting BS of 49.
Rogue Trader characters without sacrificing game balance or
the feel of the setting. There was a Time!
Every character has a past, he or she comes from somewhere
Starting Experience or more importantly has experienced variable and different
While these house rules work just fine if using only the things. These events called Background Events, shape and
normal 400 XP starting XP (or 500 if using with Rogue mold a character before play starts and represent the experi-
Trader options), it is recommended the GMs use these ence and knowledge a character accumulates before the game
rules with characters that start with 1000 XP. begins.
Example: Pete and Josh are creating characters for a new Dark Heresy
campaign. Both have decided to play Guardsmen, but while Pete is
more then willing to start off as a fresh recruit dragged from his bed in
the middle of the night and inducted into the Imperial Guard, Josh
wishes to play a spoiled noble born brat and opts to spend 200 of his
starting XP to start at rank 3, Armsman. Whereas Pete has all his XP
to spend but only on rank 1 advances, while Josh has 200 less XP left
to spend on rank 1, 2 and 3 advances and any additional XP he earns
can be spent at any of the ranks.