Mind Map Rise of Nationalism in

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The French Revolution & the Idea of Nation

The Aristocracy & the New

A New Conservation after The Revolutionaries
Middle class What did liberal Nationalism
stand for?

In 1789, the members of this Secret societies were set up in

In 1834, a customs union or
class were united by a common Ideas of national unity in early
Zolverein was formed; at the Germany, France, Switzerland &
way of life that cut across nineteenth century. Europe was
initiative of Prussia & was joined by Poland. Mazzini relentlessly
regional divisions. A working closely allied to the ideology of
most of the German states. One of opposed the monarchy
class population & a middle class liberalism. Napoleonic Code
the major issues taken up was
(which was composed of reverted to the earlier system
freedom of the press.
industrialists, businessmen & of limited suffrage

professionals) made the new

social groups.
Age of Revolutions: 1830 -1848

The Romantic imagination & National Feeling 1848: The Revolution of Liberals
Hunger, Hardship & Popular Revolt

The emphasis on vernacular Parallel to the revolts of the poor,

In 1830`s food shortage &
language & the collection of local unemployed & starving peasants &
widespread unemployment brought
folklore was not to recover an workers in many European countries
the population of Paris out on the
ancient national spirit, but also in the year 1848, a revolution led
to carry modern nationalist by the educated middle class
message to large audiences who underway. The Habsburg rulers
were mostly illiterate. granted more autonomy to the
Hungarians in 1867
Making Of Germany & Italy

Germany- Can the Army be the The Strange Case of Britain

Italy Unified
Architect of a Nation?

The nation building process in The primary identities of the people

During the middle of the nineteenth
the Germany had demonstrated who inhabited the British isles were
century, Italy was divided into seven
the dominance of Prussian state ethnic ones-such as English, Welsh,
states, of which only one, Sardina-
power. Prussian practices often Scot & Irish. The act of union 1707
Piedmont, was ruled by an Italian
become a model for the rest of between England & Scotland resulted
princely house.
Germany. in the formation of the Great
Visualizing the Nation Nationalism & Imperialism

The female form that was chosen to personify the nation These rivalries were very evident in the way the Balkan problem
sought to give the abstract idea of the nation a concrete unfolded. Each power Russia, Germany, England, Austro-
form. Hungary-was keen on countering the hold of other powers over
the Balkans, & extending its own control over the area.
e.g. Germania

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