A2 Latest PDF
A2 Latest PDF
A2 Latest PDF
(To be completed by the applicant)
AD Code No.__________________________
(For payments other Form No._____________________________
than imports and (To be filled in by the Authorised Dealer)
remittances covering
intermediary trade) Currency CAD Amount $3,416.00 Equivalent to Rs.
(Name of AD branch)
To debit my Savings Bank/ Current/ RFC/ EEFC A/c. No. ____________________
(Remitter should put a tick (√ ) against an appropriate purpose code. In case of doubt/ difficulty, the AD
bank should be consulted).
1Inserted vide AP (Dir) series Circular 50 dated February 11, 2016. Prior to insertion it read as Annex 1, which has since been
replaced with effect from the same date.
2 Modified vide AP (DIR) Series Circular No. 32 dated June 19, 2018. Prior to modification, it read “PAN No. (For remittances
exceeding USD 25,000 and for all capital account transactions)”
(Under FEMA 1999)
1. # I, Gurbakas Singh , hereby declare that the total amount of foreign exchange purchased from or
remitted through, all sources in India during the financial year including this application is within the
overall limit of the Liberalised Remittance Scheme prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India and
certify that the source of funds for making the said remittance belongs to me and the foreign
exchange will not be used for prohibited purposes.
2. # The total amount of foreign exchange purchased from or remitted through, all sources in India
during this calendar year including this application is within USD
250,000/- (USD Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand only) the annual limit prescribed by Reserve Bank
of India for the said purpose.
3. # Foreign exchange purchased from you is for the purpose indicated above.
# (Strike out whichever is not applicable )
(Gurbakas Singh )
This is to certify that the remittance is not being made by/ to ineligible entities and that the remittance is in
conformity with the instructions issued by the Reserve Bank from time to time under the Scheme.