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Getting Started Guide

Apr 2022

PAC Machine Edition

Logic Developer – PLC
Getting Started Guide
Version 10.0
Logic Developer PLC – PAC Machine Edition Contents
GFK-1918U Apr 2022

Section 1: Welcome ............................................................... 1
1.1 Processor Speed and Memory .............................................................................. 3
1.2 VMWare Support ................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Installation .......................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 To Install Logic Developer – PLC ................................................................ 4
1.3.2 Microsoft Visual C++ ................................................................................. 5
1.4 Product Authorization ......................................................................................... 5
1.4.1 Automatic License Activation .................................................................... 5
1.4.2 License Report........................................................................................... 6

Section 2: PAC Machine Edition .............................................. 7

2.1 Quick Start .......................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 To Start Machine Edition ........................................................................... 7
2.2 Projects ............................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 To Create a New Project Using a Template ................................................. 8
2.2.2 To Open an Existing Project for Editing to Open an Existing Project
for Editing ................................................................................................. 8
2.2.3 To Import a Folder ..................................................................................... 9
2.3 Interface Overview .............................................................................................. 9
2.3.1 Ribbon Bar ................................................................................................ 9
2.3.2 Utility Panes ............................................................................................ 10
2.3.3 Using Docking Markers............................................................................ 10
2.4 Variables ........................................................................................................... 11
2.4.1 User-Defined Data Types ......................................................................... 11
2.4.2 Variable Properties in the Inspector ......................................................... 11
2.4.3 To Map a Variable to Controller Memory or Alias a Variable ..................... 12
First Method .................................................................................................. 12
Second Method ................................................................................................ 12
2.5 Options ............................................................................................................. 13
2.5.1 To Set Options and Preferences ............................................................... 13
2.5.2 To Reset an Entire Page of Options to their Default Settings .................... 13
2.6 Machine Edition Help ......................................................................................... 14
2.6.1 Companion Help ..................................................................................... 14

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To Use Companion Help ................................................................................... 14

2.6.2 InfoViewer Help ...................................................................................... 14
To Get Help with Machine Edition ..................................................................... 14
To Use the Full-Text Search ............................................................................... 14
To Bookmark Favorite Topics ............................................................................ 15
To Look Up Topics in the Help Table of Contents ............................................... 15

Section 3: PACSystems Targets ............................................ 16

3.1 Adding, Configuring, and Converting Targets .................................................... 16
3.1.1 Adding Targets ........................................................................................ 16
3.1.2 Configuring Controller Targets ................................................................ 17
3.2 Converting Targets ............................................................................................ 18
3.2.1 To Convert a Target ................................................................................. 18
3.3 Configuring Communication ............................................................................. 19
3.3.1 To Configure an Ethernet, Mode, or Serial Connection with any
PACSystems Controller............................................................................ 19
3.3.2 To Set a Permanent IP Address for a PACSystems ..................................... 19
3.3.3 To Download an IP Address via a Controller Serial Port ............................. 20
3.4 Interacting with a Controller .............................................................................. 20
3.4.1 Validating a Target .................................................................................. 20
3.4.2 To Validate a Target ................................................................................ 21
3.4.3 Offline, Online: Monitor Mode, Programmer Mode .................................. 21
3.4.4 To Go Online to an Emerson Controller .................................................... 21
3.4.5 To Change the Online Mode .................................................................... 22
3.4.6 To Go Offline from an Emerson Controller ............................................... 22
Upload/Download ............................................................................................ 22
3.4.7 To Download to a PACSystems Controller................................................ 22
3.4.8 To Upload Files from an PACSystems Controller....................................... 23
Run/Stop .................................................................................................. 23
3.4.9 To Start a PACSystems Controller ............................................................ 23
3.4.10 To Stop a PACSystems Controller ............................................................ 23
3.4.11 Fault Tables ............................................................................................. 24
To View the Fault Table Reports ........................................................................ 24
Reference View Tables ...................................................................................... 24
3.4.12 To Create a User-Defined Reference View Table ...................................... 24

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3.4.13 To Work with a User-Defined Reference View Table ................................. 24

3.4.14 Reports ................................................................................................... 25
3.4.15 To Generate Reports ............................................................................... 25
3.4.16 To Redisplay a Previously Generated Report ............................................ 25
3.4.17 To Print a Report Displayed in the InfoViewer .......................................... 25
3.4.18 To Print LD Blocks .................................................................................... 26
3.4.19 To Print ST Blocks .................................................................................... 26

Section 4: Hardware Configuration ...................................... 27

4.1 PACSystems RXi ................................................................................................ 27
4.2 PACSystems RX3i .............................................................................................. 27
4.2.1 Configuring PACSystems ......................................................................... 28
4.2.2 Configuring Controller Hardware ............................................................ 28
4.2.3 To Replace a CPU (Not Applicable for PACSystems RXi) ........................... 29
4.2.4 To Configure a CPU ................................................................................. 29
4.2.5 To Add an Expansion Rack (PACSystems RX3i Only) ................................. 29
4.2.6 To Replace a Rack (Not Applicable for PACSystems RXi) ........................... 29
4.2.7 To Add an Ethernet module (PACSystems RX3i Only) .............................. 30
4.2.8 To Configure the Ethernet Daughterboard (RX3i Only) ............................ 30
4.2.9 To Move a Module (Not Applicable for PACSystems RXi) .......................... 30
4.3 I/O Variables ...................................................................................................... 31
4.3.1 To Enable I/O Variables for a Module ....................................................... 31
4.3.2 To Map a Variable to a Terminal in the Terminals Tab of a Module or
Genius Device......................................................................................... 32
4.4 Hot Redundancy Systems .................................................................................. 32
4.4.1 Genius Redundancy................................................................................. 33
4.4.2 Hot CPU Redundancy Over Genius .......................................................... 33
4.4.3 Configuring Hot Redundancy Systems..................................................... 34
To Setup the Primary Hardware Configuration for Hot CPU Redundancy ........... 34
To Configure the Secondary Hardware Configuration (RX7i and Series 90-70) .. 35
DSM324I and Motion Mate DSM31 4 Motion Modules ...................................... 36
To Add a DSM324i or Motion Mate DSM314 module ........................................ 37
To Configure a DSM32i or a Motion Mate DSM314............................................ 37
4.4.4 Remote I/O ............................................................................................. 38
VersaMax Remote I /O ...................................................................................... 38

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4.4.5 To Create a Project Containing a Remote I/O Target from a Template ..... 38
4.4.6 To Add a Remote I/O target to an Existing Project .................................... 39
4.4.7 To Replace the Power Supply in your Remote I/O Configuration .............. 40
To Add a New Carrier/Base to Your VersaMax Remote I/O ................................. 41
To Add a Module to a Carrier/Base .................................................................... 41

Section 5: Logic Programs and Blocks................................... 42

5.1 Program Types .................................................................................................. 42
5.1.1 Main Program ......................................................................................... 43
5.1.2 C Programs ............................................................................................. 43
5.1.3 Motion Program ...................................................................................... 44
5.1.4 Number of Blocks in the Main Program .................................................... 44
5.1.5 Scheduling Programs .............................................................................. 44
5.1.6 To Create a User-Defined Folder .............................................................. 45
5.1.7 To Schedule the Execution of a Block of Logic .......................................... 45
5.1.8 To Control Access to a Block .................................................................... 46
5.1.9 To Search/Replace in One Block ............................................................... 46
5.1.10 Indirect References ................................................................................. 47
5.1.11 To Assign an Indirect Reference ............................................................... 47
5.2 LD Editor ........................................................................................................... 48
5.2.1 To Customize the LD Editor ..................................................................... 48
5.2.2 To Create an LD Block .............................................................................. 48
5.2.3 To Open an LD Block for Editing ............................................................... 48
5.2.4 Working with the LD Editor Offline .......................................................... 48
To Insert an Instruction ..................................................................................... 49
To Assign Instance Data to a Built-in Function Block Instance and Assign a
Length to an Instruction ................................................................................... 49
5.2.5 To Assign Variables to Instruction Operands ............................................ 50
5.2.6 To Check (Validate) a Single LD Block ...................................................... 51
5.2.7 Editing Logic as Text ................................................................................ 51
5.2.8 To Copy an Entire LD Block as Text ........................................................... 52
5.2.9 To Copy a Section of LD Logic as Text ...................................................... 52
5.2.10 To Copy Text into the LD Editor ............................................................... 52
5.2.11 To Move or Duplicate LD Logic ................................................................ 53
5.2.12 Working with the LD Editor Online........................................................... 53

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5.2.13 To Begin Editing in Test Edit .................................................................... 53

5.2.14 To Begin Testing the Modified Logic ........................................................ 53
5.2.15 To Cancel the Test and Continue Editing the Logic While in Test Edit Mode54
5.2.16 To Cancel Test Edit Mode and Restore the Original Logic in the PACSystems54
5.2.17 To Accept the Changes you Tested and Commit Them to the
PACSystems Controller............................................................................ 54
5.2.18 Go Not Equal, Keep Working, and Download Changes ............................. 55
5.2.19 Affecting BOOL Variables ........................................................................ 55
To Turn On/Off or Force a Variable .................................................................... 55
LD Instructions ................................................................................................. 55
5.3 FBD Editor ......................................................................................................... 59
5.3.1 To Customize the FBD Editor ................................................................... 60
5.3.2 To Create an FBD Block ............................................................................ 60
5.3.3 To Open an FBD Block for Editing ............................................................. 60
5.3.4 To Insert an Instruction............................................................................ 61
5.3.5 To Assign a Parameter Beside an Instruction ............................................ 61
5.3.6 To Assign a Parameter Above an FBD Instruction or Function
Block Instance ........................................................................................ 63
5.3.7 To Check (Validate) a Single FBD Block .................................................... 64
5.3.8 To Change the Number of Inputs for FBD instructions (ADD, AND, MUL, OR,
SUB, XOR) .............................................................................................. 64
5.3.9 To Negate an FBD Parameter ................................................................... 66
5.3.10 To Negate an FBD Wire ............................................................................ 66
5.3.11 To Move or Duplicate FBD Logic .............................................................. 66
5.3.12 To Zoom in or Zoom Out an FBD Block .................................................... 67
5.3.13 Working with the FBD Editor Online ........................................................ 67
5.3.14 To Turn On/Off or Force a Variable .......................................................... 67
5.3.15 FBD Instructions, Functions, and Function Blocks .................................... 67
5.4 IL Editor ............................................................................................................. 69
5.4.1 To Configure Accumulators ..................................................................... 69
5.4.2 To Create an IL Block ............................................................................... 69
5.4.3 To Open an IL Block Editing ..................................................................... 69
5.4.4 Working with the IL Editor Offline ............................................................ 70
5.4.5 To Insert an Instruction............................................................................ 70
5.4.6 To Assign Operands to an Instruction ...................................................... 70

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5.4.7 To Create a Variable from a Reference Address ........................................ 70

5.4.8 To Create a Variable from a Name ........................................................... 71
5.4.9 To Move or Duplicate IL Logic .................................................................. 71
5.4.10 To Insert an Inline Comment ................................................................... 71
5.4.11 To Insert a Block Comment...................................................................... 71
5.4.12 To Reformat IL Logic ................................................................................ 71
5.4.13 Working with the IL Editor Online ............................................................ 71
To Monitor a Data Value ................................................................................... 72
To Change a BOOL Variable’s State ................................................................... 72
To Remove the Force from a BOOL Variable ...................................................... 72
To Make Changes to IL logic and Download them to a Running Target Controller
(if the Target Controller Supports it) ................................................................ 72
5.4.14 IL Instructions .......................................................................................... 72
5.5 ST Editor ............................................................................................................ 74
5.5.1 To Customize the ST Editor...................................................................... 75
5.5.2 To Create an ST Block .............................................................................. 75
5.5.3 To Create a Parameterized ST Block ......................................................... 75
5.5.4 To Open an ST Block for Editing ............................................................... 76
5.5.5 Working with the ST Editor Offline ........................................................... 76
5.5.6 To Insert an ST Variable or Keyword ......................................................... 76
5.5.7 To Create a Variable from a Name ........................................................... 77
5.5.8 To Insert a Line Comment ........................................................................ 77
5.5.9 To Insert a Block Comment...................................................................... 77
5.5.10 To Select a Range of ST Logic ................................................................... 77
5.5.11 To Move or Duplicate ST Logic ................................................................. 77
5.5.12 To Locate all Occurrences of a Variable .................................................... 78
5.5.13 Working with the ST Editor Online ........................................................... 78
5.5.14 To View a Variable Value ......................................................................... 78
5.5.15 To View the Value of an ST Parameterized Block Parameter ..................... 78
5.5.16 To Change a BOOL Variable’s State .......................................................... 79
5.5.17 To Force a BOOL Variable’s State ............................................................. 79
5.5.18 To Remove the Force from a BOOL Variable ............................................. 79
5.5.19 ST Statements, Functions, and Function Blocks ....................................... 79
5.5.20 C Blocks .................................................................................................. 81

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Working with C Blocks ...................................................................................... 81

To Import C Blocks............................................................................................ 81
To Set a C Block’s Parameters ........................................................................... 81
C Programs .................................................................................................. 81
5.5.21 Working with C Programs ........................................................................ 82
Setting a C Program’s Parameters ..................................................................... 82

Section 6: LD Diagnostic Logic Blocks ................................... 83

6.1.1 To Create an Active LD Diagnostic Logic Block ......................................... 83

Section 7: PROFINET Support ............................................... 84

7.1 Ethernet Global Data (EGD) ............................................................................... 86
7.1.1 Exchanges vs. Pages ................................................................................ 86
7.1.2 Integration with the EGD Configuration Server ........................................ 86
7.1.3 Integration with the EGD Management Tool ............................................ 87
7.1.4 Logic Developer – PLC implementation of EGD: the EGD Component ...... 87
To Add the EGD Component ............................................................................. 87
To Install the EGD Configuration Server ............................................................ 87
To Install the EGD Management Tool (EMT) on your Computer ......................... 88
To Configure Communications with the EGD Configuration Server ................... 88
To Configure a Logic Developer – PLC Target to use the EGD
Configuration Server ........................................................................................ 88
To Add a New Produced Exchange and Configure it .......................................... 88
To Publish a Target’s Produced Exchanges to the EGD Configuration Server by
using the Validate Method ................................................................................ 89
To Publish a Target’s Produced Exchanges to the EGD Configuration Server by
using the Bind and Build Method ...................................................................... 89
To Synchronize a Consumed Exchange on your Computer with the Corresponding
Produced Exchange Published on the EGD Configuration Server ....................... 90

Section 8: PACMotion .......................................................... 91

8.1 To Locate a Target’s PACMotion Node ............................................................... 91
8.2 To Add the PACMotion component to a PACSystems Rx3i Target ...................... 91
8.3 CAM Editor ........................................................................................................ 92
8.4 Working with the CAM Editor ............................................................................ 92
8.5 To Create a CAM Profile ..................................................................................... 92
8.6 Data Logging ..................................................................................................... 93

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8.6.1 To Generate .dlog Files ............................................................................ 93

8.7 To Add a Data Logging Window (DLW) .............................................................. 93

Section 9: Motion Programming .......................................... 94

9.1 To Add a Motion Component to a Target ........................................................... 94
9.2 Motion Editor .................................................................................................... 95
9.2.1 To Add a Motion Block ............................................................................. 95
9.2.2 To Open a Motion Block for Editing.......................................................... 95
9.2.3 Working with the Motion Editor .............................................................. 96
To Insert a Command ....................................................................................... 96
9.3 Local Logic......................................................................................................... 98
9.3.1 To Create a Local Logic Block ................................................................... 98
9.3.2 To Open a Local Logic Block for Editing .................................................... 98
Working with the Local Logic Editor .................................................................. 99
To Insert a Local Logic Command ...................................................................... 99
9.3.3 Local Logic Variables ............................................................................... 99
To View the LLVT ............................................................................................ 100
9.3.4 To Insert a Local Logic Variable .............................................................. 101
Local Logic Commands and Operators ............................................................ 101
9.3.5 CAM Editor ............................................................................................ 102
To Create a CAM Block .................................................................................... 103
To Import CAM Blocks .................................................................................... 103
To Open a Block for Editing ............................................................................. 103
Working with the CAM Editor ......................................................................... 103
To Configure a CAM Profile ............................................................................. 104
To Edit a CAM Profile ...................................................................................... 104
To Add a CAM Block ........................................................................................ 104
General Contact Information ..................................................................................... 105
Technical Support ...................................................................................................... 105

Contents 12
Logic Developer PLC – PAC Machine Edition Warnings and Cautions
GFK-1918U Apr 2022

Warnings and Caution Notes as Used in this Publication

Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other
conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.

In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment, a Warning notice is used.

Caution notices are used where equipment might be damaged if care is not taken.

Note: Notes merely call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating
the equipment.

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. The information is supplied for
informational purposes only, and Emerson makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included
herein. Changes, modifications, and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and
these changes may or may not be reflected herein. It is understood that Emerson may make changes,
modifications, or improvements to the equipment referenced herein or to the document itself at any time. This
document is intended for trained personnel familiar with the Emerson products referenced herein.

Emerson may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The
furnishing of this document does not provide any license whatsoever to any of these patents.

Emerson provides the following document and the information included therein as-is and without warranty of any
kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied statutory warranty of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose.

Warnings and Caution Notes

Logic Developer PLC – PAC Machine Edition Section 1
GFK-1918U Apr 2022

Section 1: Welcome
Congratulations on your purchase of PAC Machine Edition, PAC Machine Edition is the single toolchain
to program, configure, and maintain the entire PACSystems automation portfolio including HMIs, PLCs,
VFDs, servos, and edge devices. Providing programmers with access to widely used IEC 61131 and C
languages, as well as the superior integration of PROFINET I/O, PAC Machine Edition 10 delivers a
modern, advanced development environment that helps close the loop between information and
automation. PAC Machine Edition has four product offerings: ProPlus, Professional, Lite, and
QuickPanel CE Development Suites.
Product Types Features

View and PC Control Points

QuickPanel & QuickPanel+
Series 9030 & Series 9070

PC Control Development
PACSystems RX3i & RX7i

Module Type Packages

RIO VersaMax & 90-30
PACSystems RSTi-EP

PC Control Runtime
View Development

View OPC Driver

View Runtime

Development 1500 (O), MEMBPP001
Suite 8000 (O),

35000 (O)

Development O 1500 (O), MEMBP001
Suite 8000 (O),

35000 (O)

Lite Development
None MEMBL001

Development None MECSCEMK

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PAC Machine Edition provides a way to configure your Controller hardware or remote I/O, create
and edit logic, upload and download projects, and monitor and debug the execution of control
programs. Projects can be imported from Logicmaster™, VersaPro™, and Control folders.
The Machine Edition environment unites and organizes components, providing data sharing and
networked operation.
The following features are included in the product type of PAC Machine Edition that you purchased.
Targets that can be configured are dependent on the product type where ProPlus includes all
features and QuickPanel CE includes the least.
• Logic Developer - PLC
• Hardware Configuration
• LD Editor
• FBD Editor
• IL Editor
• ST Editor
• C Blocks
• C Programs
• DLBs
• PACMotion
• Motion Editor
• Local Logic Editor
• CAM Editor
The remainder of the Getting Starting Guide will focus on the Logic Developer – PLC.
To use Logic Developer - PLC and its tools, you require the following minimum requirements:
• 64-bit Variations Only: Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 10, and
Windows 11.
• Must be part of the Administrators group.
• Windows regional settings must be set to English.

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1.1 Processor Speed and Memory

• Minimum (for small to medium-sized projects):
o Intel Core i5 with 4 GB RAM
o AMD FX or Phenom II X6 with 4 GB RAM
• Strongly recommended for large projects or when using multi-instance:
o Intel quad-core Core i7 with 8 GB RAM
o AMD higher FX or Phenom II X6 models with 8 GB RAM

1.2 VMWare Support

The Development Environment is supported on VMware with the following VMware requirements:
Minimum requirements:

• Player 2.0 or greater, or

• VMware Workstation 6.0 or greater, or
• VMWare ESXi

For multiple processor cores (required to leverage multi-threading performance gains):

• Player 4.0 or greater, or
• VMware Workstation 8.0 or greater, or
• VMWare ESXi.

After powering down the guest operating system (O/S) of a VMware virtual machine, configure the number of
cores to use for that virtual machine: match or come as close as possible to the number of cores in your
computer's processor. You cannot configure the number of cores for a virtual machine if its guest O/S is
running or paused.
The APM Motion Programmer does not function if PAC Machine Edition is executed from within VMware.

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Other Requirements
• Internet Explorer 10.0, 9.0, or 8.0; with current updates.
• You must install Internet Explorer before installing Machine Edition.
• TCP/IP network protocol (if you use an Ethernet connection).
• .NET Framework 4.5 Full. If the Microsoft .NET Framework is not yet installed, it is
automatically included during the installation of Machine Edition, and a reboot may be
required to complete the installation.
• 2 GB hard disk space. Additional space is required for your projects and temporary files.

1.3 Installation
If you have a previous version of Machine Edition installed on your computer, you must uninstall it
before installing the latest version. All your existing projects, settings, and authorizations are
preserved following an uninstall operation.
For the latest information, release notes, and supported hardware lists for Machine Edition
products, see the Important Product Information (IPI) document on the disk image. There are
several ways to view this document:
• When running Machine Edition, the IPI is accessed by clicking the Product Information
button located in the Help menu.
Figure 1: Important Product Information (IPI)

• Alternatively, IPIs can be downloaded from our knowledge base at the following URL:

1.3.1 To Install Logic Developer – PLC

1. Insert the Machine Edition install disk into your CD-ROM drive.
By default, the setup program automatically starts. If the setup program does not
automatically start, run PACSetup.exe in the root directory of the install disk.
2. Click Install to start the install process.
3. Follow the instructions as they appear on the screen.
For information on troubleshooting installation problems, see the Important Product

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1.3.2 Microsoft Visual C++

PAC Machine Edition requires the latest Microsoft Visual C++ packages to be installed before
If you have a newer version of the redistributable already installed, a message may appear that the
installing packages have failed. Choose Yes to continue with the installation.

1.4 Product Authorization

A new installation of Logic Developer - PLC provides a 4-day trial license with full access to Logic
Developer - PLC features. This license overrides all other licensing and cannot be removed. Any
licenses added are apparent on the fifth day.

1.4.1 Automatic License Activation

Customers can license their copy of Logic Developer – PLC using Emerson’s Entitlement and License
Manager software. There are two methods to initiate the activation wizard: from within the application
(PME) or from the Entitlement and License Manager itself.

During or following the trial period of PAC Machine Edition, customers can select the Activate a License
button (located under the Help menu) (Figure 2) to initialize the License Activation screen from the
Entitlement and License Manager and follow the activation wizard’s prompts. This section will
demonstrate how to license PME from within the application.

Alternatively, customers can open Entitlement and License Manager directly and activate their copy of
PAC Machine Edition. For more information on using Entitlement and License Manager, please refer to
the Entitlement and License Manager User Manual (GFK-3104).

Figure 2: Activate a License Button

Activate License: Launches the License and Entitlement Manager. (If not installed, the software will
prompt users to install the manager.)

Remove License: Launches the License and Entitlement Manager. (If not installed, the software will
prompt users to install the manager.)

Reload License: Reloads a license from the license manager service running on the machine. If you
update your license with the License and Entitlement Manager, then reloading will retrieve the latest
license changes that were made to your license.

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License Report: Displays a License Report for the local machine. (Instructions are in the next section.)

1.4.2 License Report

PME has a built-in license reporting system. To see which PAC software is licensed on the local machine,
complete the following steps.
Navigate to the Help menu.

1. Select License Report.

The following license report will display the software status on the local machine.
Figure 3: License Report

Welcome 6
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Section 2: PAC Machine Edition

PAC Machine Edition offers you a complete solution for the development of automation
applications, in one package. Machine Edition features an integrated development environment
and tools that enable you to spend more time building applications and less time learning the
software. All Machine Edition products are fully integrated into the environment and interact with
one another.
1. A shared set of tools to provide a consistent interface throughout the development process
2. Full drag-and-drop capabilities between tools and editors
3. A truly scalable solution: the user chooses the type of Controller your projects run on

2.1 Quick Start

2.1.1 To Start Machine Edition
1. Click the Start Button, point to Programs, Emerson, and then choose PAC Machine Edition (Figure

Figure 4: Machine Edition Dialog

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2. Select the appropriate option to open a project. The Open an Existing Project option is selected
by default
Notes: If the user selects either the Empty project option or the Machine Edition Template
option, the New Project dialog box appears and you can continue creating a new project.
3. If you select the Open an Existing Project option, select from the list the project wanted.
4. Optionally, select the Don’t show this dialog box on the startup option.
5. Click OK.
Your project opens in the Machine Edition environment.

2.2 Projects
The user can create and edit Machine Edition projects by using PAC View, Logic Developer - PC, and
Logic Developer - PLC. These products share Machine Edition tools to provide a high level of
integration between the various parts of the project.
The user can import folders created with Logicmaster, Control, or VersaPro.
With Logic Developer - PLC, you can build multiple projects to suit specific requirements.

2.2.1 To Create a New Project Using a Template

Before creating a project, there are some things you should know:
• The primary components your project will contain.
• The PACSystems controller your project will run on.
1. From the File menu, select the New tab to reveal available templates
2. Enter a project name in the text field above.
3. Select a save location from the drop-down menu.
4. Click to choose from one of the available templates.
5. Click Create located on the far-right to begin a new project.

2.2.2 To Open an Existing Project for Editing Open an Existing Project

for Editing
1. Open the Navigator and select the Manager tab. A list of projects appears.
2. Select a project to open by double-clicking the project or right-clicking and selecting Open.
3. If the project is not visible, right-click My Computer in the Manager tab (Figure 4).
4. Select Restore to browse for the project file location on your PC.
5. Navigate and select the required project file and select Open.

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Figure 5: Opening Existing Projects

2.2.3 To Import a Folder

1. Open the Navigator and select the Project tab.
2. Select the target that you want to import the folder into.
3. Right-click the target, point to import and choose the folder type.
4. In the dialog box that appears, navigate to and double-click the folder you want to import.

2.3 Interface Overview

2.3.1 Ribbon Bar
PAC Machine Edition uses a ribbon bar (Figure 6) for its interface. The interface commands are
categorized by tabs and further organized by sub-groups for ease of use. Descriptions of each
button's functionality are available in the Companion pane.

Figure 6: Ribbon Bar

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2.3.2 Utility Panes

The Navigator contains a set of tabs. Each tab displays information about your development
system in a hierarchical tree structure like Windows Explorer. The available tabs depend on which
Machine Edition products you have installed and what kind of work you are developing or
managing. The Project tab shows the overall organization of your application.
The Feedback Zone window is used to display several types of output information generated by
Machine Edition components. This interactive window uses category tabs to organize the output
generated from the Machine Edition products you have installed.
The Inspector window lists the properties and current settings for a selected object or element.
You can edit these properties directly in the Inspector. When you select several objects, the
Inspector window lists the properties common to all of them. The Inspector provides a simple
method of viewing and setting properties for all Machine Edition objects.
The Data Watch tool is a run-time debugging tool that enables you to monitor and edit the values
of variables. This tool is useful while working online with a target. With the Data Watch tool, you
can monitor individual variables or user-defined lists of variables. Data Watch lists can be imported,
exported, or saved with a project.
The Toolchest is a powerful storehouse of objects you can add to your project. You can drag most
items directly from the Toolchest into Machine Edition editors. You can choose from predefined
objects or create your reusable fxClasses. The Toolchest adds the true object-oriented capability to
Machine Edition.
The Companion provides useful tips and information while you work. While the Companion is
open, it tracks your moves and displays help on whatever item is currently selected in the Machine
Edition environment. It is context-sensitive and displays a description of whatever you click in
Machine Edition.
The InfoViewer is an embedded Web browser used mainly to display the following:
• Machine Edition help
• Machine Edition reports
• The documentation associated with a project or target
If you are familiar with Internet Explorer, then you are already familiar with the basic InfoViewer
interface. Like the Companion, the InfoViewer is context-sensitive. Press F1 to get help on any item
you select in the Machine Edition environment.
A table of contents is found in the InfoView tab of the Navigator.

2.3.3 Using Docking Markers

As you drag a dockable window, a series of docking markers appear, indicating valid docking
locations. Docking markers appear as a series of blue arrows.
Figure 7: Docking Markers

Move the mouse over a docking marker to preview how the window would be docked when using
that marker. Release the mouse button while hovering over a marker to use that location.

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2.4 Variables
A variable is a named storage space for data. A variable name represents a memory location in the
target Controller. How the variable represents a memory location is determined by the value of the
variable’s Ref Address property. A variable's Ref Address property can be set to any of the following:
A reference address, for example,%R00001. This is the PACSystems Controller memory location
that contains the variable's value. This can be an I/O register or an internal memory register on the
A blank. On a PACSystems, if you leave a variable's Ref Address property blank, the variable is a
symbolic variable. Machine Edition handles the mapping for you in a special portion of PACSystems
user memory space. On Series 90 and Versamax Controllers, you cannot leave the Ref Address
property blank.
An I/O variable address, for example%IX0.6.0.1. (PACSystems only.) This represents the
PACSystems Hardware Configuration terminal that contains an I/O variable's value. For example,
this can be a physical discrete or analog I/O point on a module or Genius device, a discrete or
analog status returned by the module, or global data.
A name. This makes the current variable an alias variable of the name. An alias variable will point to the
same memory location as the name. The following names may be valid:
4. The name of a parameterized LD block parameter (provided the alias variable is local to the same
5. The name and index of an array element, for example, MyComplexArray[255,3]
6. The name of a structure element, for example, MyStructure.MyElement
7. The name of another variable that is not used as an alias variable.
Arrays and compound structure variables are supported by Machine Edition. Variable definitions
can be imported from and exported to a variety of file types. You can edit your variables in a
spreadsheet and then import them.
Variables used on PACSystems targets must be externally published to be viewed in PAC View.

2.4.1 User-Defined Data Types

(PACSystems only) A User-defined Data Type (UDT) is a structured data type consisting of various
elements of various other data types. You can define a UDT to reside entirely in discrete memory or
non-discrete memory. After defining a UDT, you can create structure variables of that data type
and use them in logic.

2.4.2 Variable Properties in the Inspector

The Ref Address and other properties of a variable, such as Data Type, are configured in the
Inspector. The following is an illustration of the Inspector displaying a typical set of variable
1. In the Variables table of the Navigator, right-click Variable List, point to New Variable, and then
choose the data type of the variable. If only one target is in your project, then Machine Edition
creates a new variable with a default name.
If more than one target is in the project, then the New Variable dialog box appears with a
unique default name for the new variable.
2. (Optional) Enter a unique name for the variable.

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Variable names can range from 1 through 32 characters, begin with a letter or the $ character,
contain upper or lower case letters, use numbers between zero and nine, and use the
underscore character.
3. Select the target in which the variable will be used.
4. If the new variable is an array, select the Array check box and enter the size.
5. Click Ok.
The new variable appears in the list in the Variables tab.

2.4.3 To Map a Variable to Controller Memory or Alias a Variable

There are two ways to map a variable to Controller memory or alias a variable

First Method
1. In the Variables tab of the Navigator, right-click a variable and choose Properties.

2. In the inspector that appears, in the Ref Address field, enter a reference address to map the variable
or enter the name of another existing variable, a parameterized LD block parameter, an array
element, or a structural element to alias the variable.

3. Spell out the exact reference address, for example, %R00123 or 123R (in either case this maps the
variable to %R00123), or enter only the memory area, for example, %R. This maps the variable to
the next available address in that memory area. For example, if %R00122 is the last address used by
a 16-bit variable, entering %R maps the variable to%R00123.

4. Spell out the name of another variable, or of a parameterized LD block parameter, for example,
MyVarWithALongName, or ABC. Or provide the array’s name and the element’s number, for
example, MyArray[5]. Or provide the structure element’s name, for example,
Note: PACSystems only

5. If you leave the Ref Address property of a variable blank, the variable is a symbolic variable. You can
enter an I/O variable address to make the variable an I/O variable, but it is easier to map an I/O
variable in the terminals tab of a module.

Second Method
1. In the Variables tab of the Navigator, right-click a variable and choose Properties.
2. In the Inspector that appears, click the Ref Address field and then click the … button.
The reference Address Wizard appears.
Do one of the following:
a. Map a variable to Controller memory: From the Memory Area list, choose a region of
Controller memory. In the Index box, enter an index from the beginning of the region. Select
a bit reference. The Bit Reference box is available only if you are mapping a BOOL variable to
a 16-bit memory area on a PACSystems. Click OK.
- or -
b.Alias a variable: In the Variable Aliasing Filters section, select the appropriate check boxes
for the filters you want to use. In the Alias variable box, select what you want to alias the

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variable to. Click OK.

2.5 Options
The Options tab of the Navigator contains option and preference settings. Options are organized
into folders and pages. Click to expand or collapse folders. Examples:
Controller >General > Duplicate Addresses: Indicates whether to prevent, warn about, or ignore
mapping two variables of the same data size (1, 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits) and length (array size) to the
same reference address.
Controller >Hardware Configuration > New Reference Assignment: How default reference
addresses are assigned when modules are added to the Hardware Configuration.
Editors >Ladder >View > Coil Justification: The default column in which coils are placed; also the
column where the right power rail resides. The default is 10.
Machine Edition >Preferences > Visual Style: The visual style used for the Machine Edition
environment, including the appearance of toolbars, tool windows, and menus. Options include
Blue, Light, Dark, Windows 10 (Light), and Windows 10 (Dark).

2.5.1 To Set Options and Preferences

1. In the Options tab of the Navigator, expand an options folder and right-click a page within the
folder to display the options in the inspector.

2. In the inspector, edit the option’s settings as needed.

Tip: When you click an option, the Companion automatically displays help on that option. If the
Companion is not already open, press Shift +F11 to open it.

2.5.2 To Reset an Entire Page of Options to their Default Settings

1. In the Options tab of the Navigator, expand an options folder

2. Right-click one of the options pages, and then choose Reset.

Figure 8: Reset

Tip: To reset only one option, look up its default value in the Companion and set the option to that

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2.6 Machine Edition Help

Machine Edition includes a comprehensive online help system that enables you to access specific help
topics while working with Machine Edition Environment.

2.6.1 Companion Help

The companion is a Machine Edition help system that provides useful tips and information while
you work. While the Companion is open, it displays help on whatever item is currently selected in
the Machine Edition environment.

To Use Companion Help

1. Ensure that the Companion is open. To open it, press Shift +F11.

2. Click an item in Machine Edition located outside the Companion panel. A description of the item
you clicked appears in the Companion.

2.6.2 InfoViewer Help

The InfoViewer provides detailed help information. The InfoViewer has the following features:

• Table of Contents
• Index
• Full-Search Engine
• Toolbar for Navigating the Help System
InfoViewer help is context-sensitive. Click an item on the screen and press F1 to display the
appropriate topic in the InfoViewer.

To Get Help with Machine Edition

Navigate to the Help menu on the top menu bar and click Finding Information. The InfoViewer will
display all how a user can reference Help information.

To Use the Full-Text Search

You can use the standard HTML Help Viewer to perform a full-text search of Help. Advanced
Boolean search expressions can be applied.
1. From the Help menu, choose Search Help.
The Machine Edition Help Search dialog box appears in a separate window.
2. Enter a search word or phrase in the top text box.
Note: Be sure to surround a phrase with quotation marks.
3. Click enter to perform a Boolean search. Use AND, OR, NEAR, or NOT to create a Boolean
search expression.
4. Click List Topics to display available topics. The topics are sorted by their rating or likelihood of
containing the search term, terms, or phrase.
5. In the Select topic box, select a topic to display.
6. Click Display.

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The selected Help topic is displayed in the Help Viewer

7. (Optional) Click the Info Viewer button to display the current topic in the InfoViewer.
Tips: To narrow the search results, click the Location heading. The listed topics are sorted by
location and then by rating.
6. When using the HTML Viewer window, you may get better results if you select the Select Titles
Only checkbox and/or clear the Match Similar Words checkbox.

To Bookmark Favorite Topics

1. After performing a full-text search, select a topic you want to add to your list of favorite topics,
and then click the Favorites tab.
Note: The topic must be displayed in InfoViewer before the topic can be added to Favorites.
The machine Edition Help Search dialog box displays the selected topic title in the Current
topic text box (bottom-left corner).
2. With the Favorites tab selected, click the Add button to add the topic to the Topics list.
3. (Optional) Click the InfoViewer button to display the current topic in the InfoViewer.
4. To display a favorite topic in the Help Viewer, select it and click Display.
5. To remove a topic from the Favorites list, select and click Remove.

To Look Up Topics in the Help Table of Contents

1. Click the InfoView tab of the Navigator.

A table of contents for the entire help system appears.

2. Expand Libraries and Books to locate a topic of interest.
3. Double-click a topic. The topic is displayed in the InfoViewer

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Section 3: PACSystems Targets

A target represents a run-time destination of the program or programs you develop with Logic
Developer - PLC. Each target contains all of the components associated with that target. Logic
Developer - PLC supports the following families of controllers:
1. PACSystems RXi
2. PACSystems RX3i
3. PAC Systems RSTi-EP Standalone
4. PACSystems RX3i Rackless
5. Versamax
6. Versamax Nano/Micro
7. Series 90 Micro
8. RSTi-EP
9. RSTi-EP Standalone

and the following PACSystems remote I/O interface targets:

10. PACSystems RX3i Ethernet
11. Versamax Ethernet
12. Versamax Genius
13. Versamax Profibus

Depending on the product type (ProPlus, Pro, Lite, or QuickPanel) your license will allow you to add entitled targets and
configure them in your project.

3.1 Adding, Configuring, and Converting Targets

3.1.1 Adding Targets
A target will be present in a project when you use a template to create the project. However, a
project can contain multiple targets. Before grouping targets into a project or isolating each target
in its project, consider the following:
• How large are the targets? For example, a target that contains 200,000 variables should
probably be by itself in a project.
• Are the targets related? For example, a PACSystems RX3i with a relatively small program is
connected to twenty PACSystems Remote I/Os (RIOs). Size is not an issue because RIO
targets use little memory in a project. Grouping all the targets into one project is appealing
because it makes navigation much easier from one target to another than if the
PACSystems RX3i target and RIOs are isolated in 21 separate projects. For another
example, if you have various targets that do not communicate with one another or do not
serve a common purpose, there may be little value in grouping them in one project.
• One target is required for each Controller or remote I/O adapter your project accesses,
except when you are using CPU redundancy. In this case, one target contains a Primary
Hardware Configuration and a Secondary Hardware Configuration, which correspond to
the primary Controller and the redundancy Controller, respectively.

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• Existing targets can be converted from one Controller family to another.

3.1.2 Configuring Controller Targets

The properties of a target specify the Controller family, the communication connections between
your computer and the Controller, and various other settings. All properties are edited in the
Inspector. The following table describes common Controller target properties:
Table 1: Controller Target Properties

Name Edit the name of your target in this field.

Type The type of target is set by default to PACSystems Controller.

Enter a description of your project in this field. The maximum number of

characters is 255.

Enter the URL where your project documentation is stored.

By changing the Controller type in this field, you initiate a target

conversion. Caution: Changes are irreversible.

Controller Target
The name of the target is stored on the Controller.

Update Rate (ms) Set the rate at which the screen is updated while online to the target.

The sweep time of the Controller when online. This value is also
Sweep Time (ms)
displayed on the status bar. (Read-only.)

Controller Status The online/offline, run/stop status of the Controller. (Read-only.)

Online Project When Enabled, Machine Edition performs project synchronization

Synchronization checks with an online Controller.

Choose the type of connection to the Controller (Ethernet, COM, or

Physical Port

IP Address (Ethernet protocol only.) Set the IP address of the Controller.

Additional Group of properties used for the detailed configuration of your

Configuration communication connection.

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Modem Group of properties to configure the modem communications link

Communication between your computer and a remote Emerson target.

Other properties are available depending on the value of the Family property and the CPU model.

3.2 Converting Targets

With Logic Developer – PLC, users can convert targets from one Emerson controller family type to
another. For example, the Hardware Configuration and logic are written for a Series 90-70 Controller
and converted for use on a PACSystems RX3i. However, target conversions are irreversible; when logic
blocks are deleted during a conversion, they cannot be restored. Emerson recommends that you make
a backup of your project before converting a target.

3.2.1 To Convert a Target

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a target and choose Properties.
The inspector displays the target’s properties.
2. In the Inspector panel, click Family.
3. From the list, choose the new Emerson controller family you want to convert the target to.

There are two types of target conversions.

A basic conversion does the following:
• Strips all the configured modules from the original Hardware Configuration (HWC) and
sets up the destination family’s default HWC, with a single power supply and a CPU.
• Deletes or adds target components, logic programs, or blocks of logic.
• Updates the system variables including the fault locating references if applicable
An enhanced conversion does the following:
• Replaces a power supply with the destination family’s default power supply.
• Retains the settings of CPU parameters common to the original and destination CPUs
when the settings are supported in the destination family; otherwise, replaces them with
the default settings.
• Retains all the module parameter settings that are supported by the destination family;
otherwise, the default settings are used.
• Ethernet module settings of non-supported Ethernet modules are used to configure the
destination's Ethernet daughterboard or default Ethernet modules.
• Converts unsupported expansion racks to the nearest equivalents.
• Deletes or adds target components, logic programs, or blocks of logic.
• Updates the system variables, including the fault locating references if applicable.

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• Displays a conversion report in the InfoViewer.

Note: The hardware must be configured before it is operational.

The capabilities of a destination target may be different from those of the original target. Carefully
examine the conversion report when it is available. Validate the project and test it thoroughly before
deploying it in production.

3.3 Configuring Communication

For Logic Developer – PLC to communicate with a target Controller, a connection must be properly
configured. The properties of a target are adjustable to accommodate your connection (s).

3.3.1 To Configure an Ethernet, Mode, or Serial Connection with any

PACSystems Controller
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a target and choose Properties.
The Inspector displays the target’s properties.
2. In the Inspector, set the Physical Port property to Ethernet or a COM port ) or a modem if one is
3. If the Physical Port is Ethernet, enter the IP Address of the target Controller.
4. Double-click Additional Configuration to access the detailed settings for your connection
Note: An IP address must be set in the Controller before an Ethernet connection can be

3.3.2 To Set a Permanent IP Address for a PACSystems

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the target and choose Properties.

The inspector displays the target’s properties.

2. In the IP Address property, enter an IP address.
3. Expand the Hardware Configuration.
4. Do one of the following:

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a. For a PACSystems RXi, expand the PACSystems RXi node, and double-click the Ethernet
node, or

b. For a PACSystems Rx3i, expand the main rack, double-click every IC695ETM001 Ethernet
module, and repeat step c for each one of them.

c. In the Settings tab that appears in the Parameter editor, set the IP Address, the Subnet
Mask, and the Gateway UP Address.

d. Download the Hardware Configuration to the PACSystems module.

3.3.3 To Download an IP Address via a Controller Serial Port

1. Configure a CPU or Ethernet communications module with an IP Address using the Hardware

2. Right-click the target and choose Properties. The Inspector displays the target’s properties.

3. In the Physical Port property, select a serial connection.

4. Right-click the target and choose Go Online.
5. Right-click the target and choose Download to Controller.
The Download to Controller dialog box appears.
6. Select Hardware Configuration and click OK.
The IP address is assigned to the controller and the rest of the Hardware Configuration is
downloaded to the Controller.
7. Right-click the target and choose Go Offline.
8. Right-click the target and choose Properties.
9. In the Physical Port property, select Ethernet.
The next time you go online, Machine Edition will use an Ethernet connection with the
specified IP address.

3.4 Interacting with a Controller

Communicating with a PACSystems or VersaMax Controller is necessary to perform such
operations as storing and loading or monitoring data values and Controller Status information. You
can to a Controller from Logic Developer – PLC over a serial, Ethernet, or modem connection,
depending on the controller’s capabilities.
All interactions with a target are available from the target’s right-click menu.

3.4.1 Validating a Target

Validating your target detects syntax and configuration errors on the target. Error messages are
generated for each error and displayed in the Feedback Zone.
Tip: Double-click an error message to locate the noted error in your project. The appropriate editor
or tool opens automatically with the item in question selected. Press the F4 key to locate the next

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error warning in your project. Tips showing you how to proceed are displayed in the Companion.
To open the Companion press SHIFT +F11.

3.4.2 To Validate a Target

In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a target and choose Validate.
Logic Developer – PLC checks all items under the target for syntax errors. Any errors detected are
noted in the Build tab of the Feedback Zone.
Tip: Double-click an error message to locate the noted error in your project. The appropriate editor
or tool opens automatically with the item in question selected. Press the F4 key to locate the next
error or warning in your project. Tips showing you how to proceed are displayed in the Companion,
press SHIFT + F11.

3.4.3 Offline, Online: Monitor Mode, Programmer Mode

When offline from a PACSystems or VersaMax, there is no ongoing communication between the
Controller and your development computer. A physical communication link is not required as long
as you only edit logic; it is required only when you want to communicate with the Controller.
The only Controller operations you can perform while offline are to go online or to set up the
temporary IP address.
When online with a target Controller, a communication link exists and is active and you have
ongoing real-time communication with the Controller.
When online in monitor mode, you can monitor the Controller while it is executing. You cannot
edit logic on your computer. You cannot change any values on the Controller. Depending on your
level of access to the Controller and your Change Management permission levels, you can upload
from the Controller.
When online in programmer mode, you can make changes on your computer and the Controller
and can monitor the Controller while it is executing. You can edit any type of Controller logic on
your computer. Depending on your level of access to the Controller and your Change Management
permission levels, you can:
• Upload from the Controller
• Control the Controller while it is executing
• Control any change values on the Controller
• Download to the Controller
When editing LD logic while online, you can make word-for-word changes; on PACSystems, you
can also use the test edit feature.
When online in either mode, if the project stored on the Controller is equal to the current project in
Logic Developer - PLC, the LD editor displays a graphical representation of LD logic as it executes.

3.4.4 To Go Online to an Emerson Controller

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, ensure that no target controller is already online.

You can be online to only one target at a time. When a target is offline, its icon is grey.
2. If the name of the target you want to go online to does not appear in bold characters, right-
click the target and choose Set as Active Target.

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3. Do one of the following:

5. Right-click the active target and choose Go Online, or
6. Click the Connect button on the home bar.
Logic Developer – PLC connects your project to the Emerson controller. The online status is
indicated by the target con in the Project tab and on the status bar.
Note: When online to an Emerson controller, the target icon in the Project tab of the Navigator
appears as equal, not equal, or stop failed. Depending on the visual style being used, the
status bar will turn orange if online or red if online and the controller is faulted.

3.4.5 To Change the Online Mode

In the Project tab of the Navigator:
1. Right-click the target controller
2. Point to Online Commands
3. Choose Set Programmer Mode or Set Monitor Mode

3.4.6 To Go Offline from an Emerson Controller

Do one of the following:
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a target controller and choose Go Offline; or
2. Click the Disconnect button on the home bar.

The download process builds and validates all run-time files necessary for a target to perform its role in
a completed project. The compiled project is then transferred to the target hardware over the
communication connection previously configured.

The upload process acquires a project from the active PACSystems controller target and transfers it to
the Logic Developer – PLC for editing.

3.4.7 To Download to a PACSystems Controller

1. Ensure that you are online in programmer mode to the target Controller.
2. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the target to which you want to download files
and choose Download to Controller.
The Download to controller dialog box appears, displaying these or other options. Note: If the
Controller is running, you can download only logic that is not equal to the Controller’s current
logic and the Download to Controller dialog box does not appear. On a PACSystems, some
source files that do not affect equality are also downloaded.
3. Choose the items you want to download and click OK.
Note: Only one project can be downloaded to a target at a time. If you download to a target
controller that already has a project on it, the existing project is overwritten.

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For each target that you download, Machine Edition performs a validation. Any errors that
occur are displayed in the Build tab of the Feedback Zone. If there are no errors, Machine
Edition builds and sends all the necessary run-time files to the Controller.

3.4.8 To Upload Files from a PACSystems Controller

1. Ensure that you are online to the target Controller.

2. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the target Controller from which you want to
upload information and choose Upload from Controller.
The Upload from controller dialog box appears, displaying these or other options.
3. Choose the item(s) you want to upload and click OK.
The selected items are uploaded to Logic Developer - PLC. If you already had a version of the
project open, the uploaded project merges with the existing project. Because variable names
are not stored on Series 90 or VersaMax Controllers, if you upload to an empty target, all
variables are assigned default names. For example, %R00001 is named R00001.

When you are online in programmer mode, you can set a target Emerson control to Run or Stop
mode. In Stop mode, you can choose to enable or disable the outputs.

3.4.9 To Start a PACSystems Controller

Do one of the following:
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a target, point to Online Commands, and then
choose Start Controller; or
2. Click the Start button on the home bar.
The target controller begins executing its program.
Note: If you are starting a PACSystems, you can choose to have outputs enabled or disabled.

3.4.10 To Stop a PACSystems Controller

Do one of the following:

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a target

2. Point to Online Commands
3. Choose Stop Controller

1. Click Stop on the target bar.

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3.4.11 Fault Tables

The controller and I/O fault tables display fault information logged by the CU or modules in the
controller. This information is used to determine if there are problems with the controller hardware
or software running on the controller’s CPU.

To View the Fault Table Reports

Do one of the following:
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, double-click the target you want a fault table report on, or right-
click it and choose Diagnostics.
2. In the status bar at the bottom of Machine Edition, double-click the target.
Note: To view the controller and I/O fault tables, your computer must be online to the controller.
To clear faults, you must be in Online Programmer mode.

Reference View Tables

In Reference View Tables (RVTs), you can monitor reference data when you are online to a
PACSystems Controller. If you are in online programmer mode, you can also use RVTs to change
the values of reference data. In the Project tab of the Navigator, the Reference View Tables folder
contains a Default Tables folder. You can add user-defined tables to the Reference View Tables
folder. A target can have zero or more user-defined RVTs.
You can configure the default appearance of your RVTs in the Options tab of the Navigator. For
more information, see section Options on page 13.
Data values at sequential addresses are displayed from right to left, by default, starting at the
reference address specified in the Address column. Both default and user-defined RVTs display
rows of 8 cells for discrete memory (each cell corresponding to 8 bits) and rows of 10 cells for
register memory (each cell corresponding to one 16-bit register). The amount of data displayed in
the columns depends on the data display format.

3.4.12 To Create a User-Defined Reference View Table

In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the Reference View Tables folder and choose New.

A new reference View Table with a default name is added to the folder.

3.4.13 To Work with a User-Defined Reference View Table

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Reference View Tables folder and double-click the
table you want to view.

The Reference View Table appears in the main Machine Edition window.
2. Add reference addresses to the table as required.
Note: You cannot add reference addresses to a default RVT.
3. Format the table entries as desired.

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3.4.14 Reports
Reports provide summaries and tales of information about your project. Most reports are displayed in
the InfoViewer. The Reports tab of the FeedbackZone contains a list of all reports generated since the
last Machine Edition project was opened. The following table shows the types of reports and logic
printouts available in Logic Developer – PLC.

Table 2: Report Types Available

Address Use Report Hardware Configuration Report IL Block ReportL

Application Structure Initial Force States n Project Report LD Block ReportL

CAM Profile Report Modbus Address Report Local Logic Block ReportL

EGD Reports Variable Difference Report Motion Block ReportL

Forces in Controller Report Variables Reports Structured Text BlocksL

Note: An L indicates a logic printout.

3.4.15 To Generate Reports

In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a node and choose Report to generate a report on
that node.
A report is automatically generated and displayed in the InfoViewer.
Note: To generate a Forces in Controller report for a target, you must be online at the target. Right-
click the target and choose Report. In the Select a Report dialog box, select Forces in Controller
Report and click OK.

3.4.16 To Redisplay a Previously Generated Report

1. In the Feedback Zone, double-click the Reports tab. A list of previously generated reports
appears in the Feedback Zone.
2. In the list, click the report you want to view. The report appears in the InfoViewer. Many items
in a report contain hyperlinks. Click a hyperlinked item to jump to that item in the project.

For example, if a variable's name appears hyperlinked in a report, clicking it selects that
variable in the Variables tab of the Navigator. Large reports are often separated into several
pages. To view a different page of the report, scroll to the bottom of the report in the
InfoViewer and click the number of the page you want to view.

3.4.17 To Print a Report Displayed in the InfoViewer

1. Generate the report you want to print or redisplay a previously generated report.
2. When the report is displayed, right-click the InfoViewer window and choose Print.

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3.4.18 To Print LD Blocks

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Logic node.
2. Right-click the Program Blocks node and choose Print LD Blocks.
The Print dialog box appears.
3. Select the blocks to print.
a. To print all of the target's LD blocks in alphabetical order, select the All option.
b. To print only some of the target's LD blocks, select the Selection option, then select
the check box in front of each block you want to print. To determine in which order to
print the blocks, select them one at a time and click Up or Down until the selected
blocks appear in the desired order.
4. Select options as required and click OK.

3.4.19 To Print ST Blocks

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Logic node.

2. Right-click the Program Blocks node and choose Report of ST Blocks.

The Structured Text Blocks logic printout is automatically generated and displayed in the

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Section 4: Hardware Configuration

Logic Developer - PLC supports several PACSystems Controller families and various remote I/O
interfaces with a variety of CPUs, racks, and modules for each. To operate, PACSystems Controller
hardware must be configured with Logic Developer - PLC or some other Emerson software tool.
The HWC component of Logic Developer - PLC provides a way to configure your target equipment.
This chapter provides specifics on configuring Controller hardware for your operational needs. The
first step in configuring Controller hardware is to select the Controller you want to configure. When
creating a new project, you can use a project template containing a default Hardware
Configuration, or you can create an empty project and configure it manually.

4.1 PACSystems RXi

The PACSystems RXi is an advanced, high-performance, small footprint, PROFINET-dedicated
Controller designed for distributed applications (process or discrete) in rugged environments.
The PACSystems RXi has the following characteristics:
3. 2-port (shared MAC) Gigabit Ethernet I/O PROFINET network connection
4. Additional 1xGB Ethernet port Built-in cable redundancy (MRP) delivering PROFINET IO cabling
redundancy with no external switches
5. Dual-core COMExpress ICRXICTL000 CPU with 2 GB RAM and up to 64 GB internal flash data
6. Support for most LD, FBD, and ST instructions supported on other PACSystems platforms
7. High-speed Interconnect Bus enabling combinations of control and PAC (or other Microsoft®
Windows® or Linux applications)
8. Internal industrial-grade SSD drive providing local long-term data retention
9. Energy Pak supplies power to write data to NV RAM during power failures
10. USB and SD interfaces enable program loading, serial communications, and data storage via
standard devices
11. (Optional.) Intelligent Display Module, a configuration, and maintenance touchscreen right on the

4.2 PACSystems RX3i

The PACSystems RX3i consists of the main rack and up to seven expansion racks. Six types of Series
90-30 expansion racks are supported; they have IC693CHSnnn catalog numbers and are colored
black, in keeping with the Series 90-30 color scheme. Two expansion racks have IC694CHSnnn
catalog numbers. These are identical to the IC693CHSnnn expansion racks of the same numbers
except that they are colored blue, in keeping with the PACSystemsRX3i color scheme.
The main rack and all expansion racks support most Series 90-30 modules; these have
IC693NNNnnn catalog numbers and are colored black, in keeping with the Series 90-30 color
scheme. Almost all of the IC693NNNnnn modules supported by PACSystems RX3i also come as
IC694NNNnnn modules that have identical functionality. The only difference is that the
IC694NNNnnn modules are colored blue, in keeping with the PACSystems RX3i color scheme. For
example, the IC693DSM314 and IC694DSM314 are functionally identical and both can be used

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interchangeably in a Series 90-30 rack system or a PACSystems RX3i rack system. The only
hardware difference is their color.
When you configure a PACSystems RX3i rack system, you can selectIC693NNNnnn or
IC694NNNnnn racks or modules. When you configure a Series 90-30 rack system, however, you
can select only IC693NNNnnn racks or modules. Even if you are physically using IC694NNNnnn
racks or modules, selecting IC693NNNnnn racks or modules in Logic Developer - PLC is inadequate.
The PACSystems RX3i default main rack, IC695CHS012, has 13 slots: Slots 0 through 12. The
alternate main rack, IC695CHS016, contains 17 slots: Slots 0 through 16.
On either main rack, slot 0 is reserved for a power supply or the CPU, but the power supply or CPU
does not have to be in slot 0. The last slot is reserved for the Serial Bus Transmitter module
(IC695LRE001). The slot just before the last slot can contain any single-width module native to
PACSystems RX3i (IC695...)except the Serial Bus Transmitter. Any other slot can contain any single-
width module native to PACSystems RX3i (IC695...) except the Serial Bus Transmitter, and if the
next slot is empty, it can contain any supported double-width module.
The IC695PSA040 and IC695PSA140 power supplies and the CPU are two-slot modules. The
IC695PSD040 and IC695PSD140 power supplies are one-slot modules. PACSystems RX3i supports
many Series 90-30 modules: each one occupies a single slot.

4.2.1 Configuring PACSystems

When you create a target with a PACSystems RX3i rack system, the default consists of the main
rack, with a power supply in slots 0 and 1, and a CPU in slots 2 and 3. You can replace the default
power supply. You can replace the CPU with itself to update it to the latest catalog version, that is,
the latest set of parameters supported for the CPU in Logic Developer - PLC. You can move the
power supply and the CPU to an empty slot in the target with an adjacent empty slot; however, the
second adjacent slot cannot be the last. You can add up to seven expansion racks, and on each of
these, you can add IC693NNNnnnmodules and the IC694NNNnnn that are supported by Series 90-
Note: On PACSystems RX3i targets, only the main rack is added by default. On Series 90-70 and
Series 90-30 Controllers, seven expansion racks are added by default to the HWC. You do not need
to add them.

4.2.2 Configuring Controller Hardware

The following configuration procedures focus on the PACSystems RX3i Procedures for the other
controller families supported by Logic Developer – PLC are nearly identical, when applicable.
To Replace a Power Supply (Not Applicable for PACSystems RXi)
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the power supply slot and choose Replace
A list of available power supplies appears.
Note: For non-PACSystems families, there is no Slot 0. Right-click the PWR slot instead.
2. Select the power supply you have installed in your rack and click OK.
The default CPU specified in the project template for a PACSystems RX3i is the IC695CPU320.

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4.2.3 To Replace a CPU (Not Applicable for PACSystems RXi)

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware Configuration. All racks revealed.
2. Expand the main rack.
3. Right-click the CPU slot and choose Replace Module.
Note: An Emerson controller supports only one CPU; it can be replaced with itself to update it
to the latest catalog version, that is, the latest set of parameters supported for the CPU in Logic
Developer -PLC. The Catalog dialog box appears.
4. Click OK. A dialog box appears asking if you want to retain the setting from the existing CPU.
5. Click Yes or No. The target is configured with the selected CPU.

4.2.4 To Configure a CPU

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a slot containing a CPU and choose Configure.
The Parameter editor displays all configurable settings for the CPU.
2. Modify the settings as required. For information on any parameter of a PACSystems CPU, select
the parameter.
Help topics for PACSystems CPU parameters appear in the Companion. To open the
Companion, press SHIFT+F11.

4.2.5 To Add an Expansion Rack (PACSystems RX3i Only)

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the Hardware Configuration and choose Add Rack

2. Select a rack and click OK.

4.2.6 To Replace a Rack (Not Applicable for PACSystems RXi)

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a rack and choose Replace Rack.

The Catalog dialog box appears listing available rack types.

2. Select a rack and click OK.

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4.2.7 To Add an Ethernet module (PACSystems RX3i Only)

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware Configuration and then Rack 0 (the
main rack).
2. Double-click the slot you want to add an Ethernet module to, or right-click it and choose Add
3. In the Communications tab of the Catalog, select the Ethernet Module and click OK.
The Ethernet module is added to the slot.
4. Double-click the Ethernet module.
The Parameter editor appears.
5. Configure the Ethernet module’s parameters as needed.

4.2.8 To Configure the Ethernet Daughterboard (RX3i Only)

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware Configuration, then Rack 0(the main
rack), and then the CPU.
2. Double-click Ethernet. The Parameter editor appears.
3. Configure the Ethernet daughterboard’s parameters as needed.

4.2.9 To Move a Module (Not Applicable for PACSystems RXi)

In the project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware. Configuration and then the rack that
contains the module.
Do one of the following:
1. To move the module from one target to another: press SHIFT while dragging and dropping the
module onto an appropriate empty slot; or

2. To move the module within a target: drag and drop the module onto an appropriate empty slot
without pressing any keys. The module is removed from the original slot and inserted into the
empty slot.

3. You can drag a double-width module to the main rack slot only if both the slot and the slot after it is
empty. Exceptions: The last slot on a PACSystems RX3i main rack can contain only an IC695LRE001.

4. Only PACSystems RX3i supports moving a power supply or CPU module.

5. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware Configuration and then the rack that
contains the module.

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Do one of the following:

14. Copy the module from one target to another: drag and drop the module onto an appropriate
empty slot without pressing any keys.
• Copy the module within a target (not applicable for PACSystems RXi): press CTRL while
dragging and dropping onto an appropriate empty slot.
You cannot copy modules between different types of Controller targets, for example from a Series
90-30 to a PACSystems RX7i. Exception: You can copy a PROFINET Controller from a PACSystems
RX3i to a PACSystems RXi or vice versa.
A copy of the module is inserted into the empty slot.
• Only the PROFINET Controller can be copied to or from a PACSystems RXi.
• You can drag and drop a double-width module to the main rack slot only if both the slot and
the slot after it is empty. Exceptions: The last slot on a PACSystems RX7i can contain a double-
width module or one single-width module. The last slot on a PACSystems RX3i can contain only
an IC695LRE001.
• PACSystems RX3i can support copying a power supply.

4.3 I/O Variables

An I/O variable is a variable mapped to a terminal in the Hardware Configuration of a PACSystems.
A terminal, for example, can be one of the following:
1. A physical I/O discrete or analog point on a PACSystems module or a Genius device
2. A discrete or analog status returned from a PACSystems module
3. Genius global data
Memory required to support I/O variables counts against your user memory. When you configure
the PACSystems CPU, select the Memory tab and set the I/O Discrete (# of Bits) and I/O Non-
Discrete (# of Words) parameters to configure the space available for I/O variables.

4.3.1 To Enable I/O Variables for a Module

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the target that contains the module.
2. Expand the Hardware Configuration and expand the rack that contains the module.
3. Right-click the module and choose Properties. The Inspector displays the module’s properties.
4. In the Inspector, set the Variable Mode property to True.
If the Variable Mode property is read-only and set to False, the module does not support I/O
5. In the dialog box that appears, click Yes.
6. If you enable I/O variables for a Genius bus controller, I/O variables are enabled for all the
Genius devices on the Genius bus.

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Note: When you enable I/O variables for a module, the Hardware Configuration and logic
become coupled. This means that they must be downloaded, uploaded, or cleared together.
You cannot change or add I/O variables in Run Mode Store.

4.3.2 To Map a Variable to a Terminal in the Terminals Tab of a Module

or Genius Device
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the target that contains the module or Genius
2. Expand the Hardware Configuration and expand the rack that contains the module or device.
3. Double-click the module or expand the Genius Bus Controller (GBC) and double-click the
Genius device.
The Parameter editor displays the Terminals tab of the module or device.
4. In the Terminals tab, right-click a terminal node that has no I/O variable mapped to it and
choose Map Variable.
The Variables smart list appears.
5. In the smart list, do one of the following:
15. Enter a name that is not used elsewhere in the PACSystems target. A new I/O variable by that name
is created and mapped to the terminal. Its Ref Address property is set to an I/O variable address. If
the terminal is discrete, the new I/O variable’s data type is set to BOOL. If the terminal is analog, the
data type is set to INT, but you can change it to another 16-bit data type: UINT or WORD.
16. Enter the name of an existing CPU-mapped variable, symbolic variable, or alias variable. (There are
some mapping limitations.) The variable becomes an I/O variable mapped to the terminal and its
Ref Address property is changed accordingly.

4.4 Hot Redundancy Systems

Hot redundancy systems are supported only on PACSystems RX7i, PACSystems RX3i, and Series
90-70 Controllers. In redundancy systems, two units are set up and configured identically. If one
unit fails or is taken offline, the other unit assumes responsibility without interrupting the
operation of the entire system. There are three types of hot redundancy systems:
• Basic CPU Redundancy
• Genius Redundancy
• CPU Redundancy Over Genius
To implement basic hot CPU redundancy, a single Logic Developer - PLC target is associated with
two physical Controllers, a Primary and a Secondary. Both Controllers share the same logic, but
each has its own Hardware Configuration (HWC): Primary or Secondary. The selected HWC is the
HWC that you can go online with, download to, upload from, and so on.
Three types of basic CPU redundancy are available. These redundancy systems can be used in
combination with Genius redundancy schemes.

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• Single Bus with Preferred Master (Series 90-70 CPUs CGR772 and CGR935 only): uses a
single Genius bus with one or more bus Controllers in each Controller. The primary unit is
always chosen as the active unit when the units initially synchronize.

Single Bus with Floating Master (PACSystems RX7i, PACSystems RX3i, and Series 90-70 ):
uses a single Genius bus with one or more bus Controllers in each Controller. No
switchover occurs on initial synchronization to make the primary unit the active unit.

• Dual Bus with Floating Master (RX7i, RX3i, and Series 90-70): uses dual busses with one or
more bus Controllers in each Controller. No switchover occurs on initial synchronization.
Bus Switching Modules (BSMs) are required for the configuration of a dual bus network.
This option provides redundancy for both the CPU and the Genius bus.

4.4.1 Genius Redundancy

A Genius redundancy system contains duplicate components that are configured to keep the
Genius system operating properly even if one of the duplicate components fails or is taken out of
service. Genius redundancy systems can be used in combination with PACSystems RX7i,
PACSystems RX3i, and Series 90-70 CPU redundancy systems.
You can configure five types of Genius redundancy systems:
• Genius dual bus redundancy (paired GBC internal)
• Genius dual bus redundancy (paired GBC external)
• Genius dual GBC redundancy (paired GBC internal)
• Genius dual GBC redundancy (paired GBC external)
• Genius dual bus & dual GBC redundancy

4.4.2 Hot CPU Redundancy Over Genius

A CPU Redundancy Over Genius system contains duplicate components that are configured to
keep the system operating properly if one of the duplicate components fails or is taken out of
Five types of CPU Redundancy Over Genius systems can be built upon the various types of
redundancy Genius systems combined with the basic CPU Redundancy schemes.
• CPU redundancy (GHS) using Genius dual GBC redundancy (paired GBC external): Single
bus with preferred master (Series 90-70 only)
• CPU redundancy (HSB/GDB) using Genius dual GBC redundancy (paired GBC external):
Single bus with floating master
• CPU redundancy (HSB/GDB) using Genius dual bus redundancy (paired GBC external):
Single bus with floating master
• CPU redundancy (HSB/GDB) using Genius dual bus and dual GBC redundancy: Dual bus
with floating master CPU redundancy (HSB/GDB) using a mixed Genius redundancy

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4.4.3 Configuring Hot Redundancy Systems

The procedures below illustrate how to configure hot redundancy systems. For the procedures on
configuring specific hot redundancy systems, see online help.

To Setup the Primary Hardware Configuration for Hot CPU

1. In the Navigator panel, left-click the target name in which the hardware configuration needs to
be redundant.
2. With the target name highlighted, navigate to the Inspector Panel to review its parameters.
3. Select the dropdown menu located next to Enable Redundancy and select True.
Figure 9: Enable Redundancy on Target

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4. PAC Machine Edition will configure the target with two HWCs, designating the first HWC as
Primary and the second HWC as Secondary.
Figure 10: Secondary

To Configure the Secondary Hardware Configuration (RX7i and

Series 90-70)
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, select the Hardware Configuration. Right-click Hardware
Configuration, point to Redundancy and choose Mirror to Secondary Hardware Configuration
(Figure 11).

Figure 11: Mirror to Secondary Configuration

A secondary rack system that is a copy of the primary rack system is generated. The target now
displays two Hardware Configurations (HWCs), one labeled [Primary] and the other, [Secondary].
The Primary HWC is bolded because it is currently selected. The target property Dual HWC is now
set to True. To select which Controller to interact with, set the Selected HWC property, just below
the Dual HWC (Figure 12).

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Figure 12: Hardware Configuration

Note: You can mirror as many times as necessary to synchronize the two HWCs after modifying the
primary HWC. Each time you mirror the primary HWC, the secondary HWC is updated to reflect
those changes.

DSM324I and Motion Mate DSM31 4 Motion Modules

The Series 90-30 Controller family supports various I/O modules (discrete input, discrete output,
discrete mixed, analog input, analog output, and analog mixed), communication modules,
intelligent modules, bus controllers, and motion modules. You configure Series 90-30 hardware as
described in the section “Configuring Controller Hardware.”
PACSystems RX3i and Series 90-30 support some Motion modules that no other Emerson
controller family supports: the DSM324i and the Motion Mate DSM314. Both are high-
performance, easy-to-use multi-axis motion control modules. Compatible with Controller logic
solving and communications functions, the DSM314 supports the following servo types:
• Digital – Emerson digital servo amplifiers and motors.
• Analog – Emerson SL Series analog servos and third-party servos.
The DSM324i supports only the Digital servo types.
Both the DSM324i and the Motion Mate DSM314 modules have four axes that can be individually
configured in Standard or Follower mode.
To perform motion programming in Logic Developer - PLC, you must program a DSM324i or a
Motion Mate DSM314 module.

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To Add a DSM324i or Motion Mate DSM314 module

1. With a rack of the Hardware Configuration node expanded, right-click the empty slot you want
to add a DSM324i or a Motion Mate DSM314 module to and choose Add Module.
The Catalog dialog box appears.
2. In the Catalog dialog box, click the Motion tab.
A selection of motion modules appears in the Catalog dialog box. 3. From the list, select
DSM324i or Motion Mate DSM314.
The following picture displays some of the selections available for a PACSystems
RX3i (Figure 13).
Figure 13: Catalog

3. Click OK. As per the example illustration, an IC693DSM314 is added to the Hardware
Configuration of your project.

To Configure a DSM32i or a Motion Mate DSM314

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, double-click the slot containing aDSM324i or Motion Mate
DSM314. The Parameter editor appears.
2. Configure the DSM324i or Motion Mate DSM314 by using the Parameter editor.

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4.4.4 Remote I/O

VersaMax Remote I /O
VersaMax remote I/O consists of a Network Interface Unit (NIU) (Ethernet, Genius, or Profibus), and
one or more I/O modules. You can use Logic Developer - PLC to configure this hardware. Once
configured, the remote I/O can be controlled by a VersaMax Controller or a PC Controller. The
differentiating factor between a VersaMax remote I/O and a Controller is that a remote I/O is
simply an input/output device with a communication interface.
Unlike a Controller, a remote I/O has no CPU.
With Logic Developer - PLC, you can add racks, configure the power supply, and configure modules
in the VersaMax Remote I/O Hardware Configuration. Remote I/O targets are generally added to a
project when you create a project from a template. You can also add a Remote I/O target to an
existing project (Figure 14).
Figure 14: Remote I/O

4.4.5 To Create a Project Containing a Remote I/O Target from a

1. From the File menu, choose New Project. The New Project dialog box appears.
2. From the Project Template list, choose the Remote I/O type you want to add to your project.
3. Enter a descriptive Project Name.
4. Click OK. A new Remote I/O project is started.

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4.4.6 To Add a Remote I/O target to an Existing Project

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the Project node.
2. Point to Add Target, then to Remote I/O, and choose a remote I/O (Figure 15).
Figure 15: Adding a Remote I/O Target

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4.4.7 To Replace the Power Supply in your Remote I/O Configuration

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware Configuration of the remote I/O. The
Navigator displays the following (Figure 16):
Figure 16: Remote I/O Configuration

2. Right-click the PWR slot and choose Replace Module. The Module Catalog dialog box appears
(Figure 17):

Figure 17: Module Catalog

3. From the list, select the power supply that you want to configure for your system.
4. Click OK.

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To Add a New Carrier/Base to Your VersaMax Remote I/O

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, select a remote I/O target.

2. Expand the Hardware Configuration node and the main rack. The navigator displays the following
(Figure 18):

Figure 18: VersaMax Remote

3. Right-click the Slot 0 node and choose Add Carrier/Base. The Module Catalog dialog box
4. Select the carrier/base that you want to add to the remote I/O target.
Note: You can add a maximum of eight carrier modules to each VersaMax rack.
5. Click OK.

To Add a Module to a Carrier/Base

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Remote I/O target you want to add a base to.
2. Double-click an empty carrier/base. The Module Catalog appears (Figure 19):
Figure 19: Module Catalog

3. From the Module Catalog, select the module that you want to install.
4. Click OK.

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Section 5: Logic Programs and Blocks

5.1 Program Types
For most Emerson controllers, all the logic that is downloaded to a Controller constitutes one
program. However, there are cases when distinctions need to be made. Therefore, we can speak of
the main program, a C program, and a Motion program (Figure 20).
Figure 20: Program Types

Each C program is a named section of executable code. The main program and the Motion
program contain blocks; that is, named sections of executable code that can be written in various
The Project tab of the Navigator contains all of the programs:

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6. The main program and its blocks reside in the Program Blocks folder. You can create user-defined
subfolders to further organize these blocks.
7. C programs reside in the Logic folder.
8. The Motion program resides in the Motion Program folder.

5.1.1 Main Program

Most PACSystems Controllers support only a main program. The main program consists of a block
of logic named _MAIN and optionally, one or more of the following kinds of blocks of logic, found
under the Program Blocks folder in the Logic folder of a PACSystems controller target:
Called blocks developed in various languages:
9. Ladder Diagram (LD) Blocks
10. Structured Text (ST) Blocks
11. Function Block Diagram (FBD) Blocks
12. Instruction List (IL) Blocks
13. C Blocks
14. Called parameterized blocks (LD, ST, FBD, and/or C).
15. Interrupt blocks (LD, ST, FBD, C, and/or IL) are scheduled to execute at certain time intervals or
when specific memory registers reach certain values.
16. User-defined function blocks (UDFBs) in LD, ST, and FBD, of which independent instances with their
data structures and local memory can be used in logic.
Specialty function blocks, like HART utilities. Like UDFBs, you can create independent instances of
specialty function blocks with their instance data (a structure variable). Unlike UDFBs, you cannot
edit the logic of specialty function blocks because they are read-only and provided to you by
17. All PACSystems Controllers support LD blocks, but only certain Controller families or models
support one or more of the other kinds of blocks.
18. The _MAIN block can be in various languages, depending on the Controller family or model.
You download the main program to the Controller as logic; that is, after you initiate a download, a
dialog box presents you with various Download to Controller options and you select the Logic
option. If the Logic option is not present, select the Program option.

5.1.2 C Programs
Series 90-70 CPUs firmware version 6.00 and later support either the main program, various C
programs, or a combination of a main program and C programs. You download these various
programs to the Controller together as logic; that is, after you initiate a download, a dialog box
presents you with three Download to RAM options and you select the Logic option.
If there is no _MAIN block, then there is no main program. In this case, you would have only one or
more C programs and possibly various standalone interrupt blocks (LD or C). These standalone
interrupt blocks do not constitute the main program if there is no _MAIN block.
A-C program can be named _MAIN only if the target contains no LD blocks.
A-C program is not the same as a C block.

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5.1.3 Motion Program

In addition to the main program, Series 90-30 CPUs firmware version 10.00 and later, as well as
PACSystems RX3i CPUs firmware version 2.80 and later, support a Motion program for use on a
DSM324i or Motion Mate DSM314 module. The Motion program consists of:
• CAM profiles
• CAM blocks
• Local Logic block
• Motion blocks
You download the Motion program to the Controller as part of its Hardware Configuration (HWC);
that is, after you initiate a download, a dialog box presents you with various Download to RAM
options and you select the Hardware Configuration option. If you want to download the main
program at the same time, you also select the Logic option. If neither option is present, select the
Program option to download both the Hardware Configuration and the Logic.

5.1.4 Number of Blocks in the Main Program

Table 3: Number of Blocks in the Main Program
CPU Type Number of Blocks Number
of Blocks
767 subroutine blocks plus one
PACSystems1 768
_MAIN block
64 subroutine blocks plus one
VersaMax and VersaMax Micro 65
_MAIN block
8 subroutine blocks plus one
VersaMax Nano 9
_MAIN block

5.1.5 Scheduling Programs

On Emerson Controllers that support only one program (the main program), the program as a
whole cannot be scheduled. Every scan, logic execution begins with the _MAIN block. You can
schedule individual interrupt blocks of logic but not the _MAIN block.
When you execute both the main program and a Motion program on a PACSystemsRX3i with a
firmware version of 2.80 or later, you cannot schedule the programs because they are executed
concurrently in two different locations.
• In the CPU, every scan, and logic execution begins with the _MAIN block of the main program.
• In the DSM324i or Motion Mate DSM314 module, the Motion program executes independently of
CPU scan times.
• You can schedule individual interrupt blocks of logic in the main program (except the _MAIN
Series 90-70 CPUs firmware version 6.00 and later support scheduling programs. On targets that
contain such CPUs, you can schedule any program, even the main program. That is, the logic

PACSystems controllers can only support up to 512 subroutine blocks depending on the firmware version.

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execution of any scan does not have to begin with the _MAIN block of the main program: you can
schedule any C program to begin the logic execution part of the scan. Within the main program,
you can further schedule individual interrupt blocks of logic (except the _MAIN block). If you have
no main program, that is, if your logic has no _MAIN block, you can still have stand-alone interrupt
blocks that you can schedule individually.

5.1.6 To Create a User-Defined Folder

In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the target with the main program you want to organize,
and then expand the Logic folder.
1. Right-click the Program Blocks folder, point to New and choose Folder.
A new user-defined folder appears with a default name.
2. Optionally enter a new folder name, which must be unique among the folders directly under
the parent folder.

Figure 21: Logic Folder

5.1.7 To Schedule the Execution of a Block of Logic

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click an existing LD, FBD, ST, C, or IL block, and choose
The block’s properties appear in the Inspector.
2. In the Inspector, click the ellipsis button (…) in the Scheduling property (Figure 22).

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Figure 22: Scheduling Property

3. Configure scheduling by entering values in each of the fields.

5.1.8 To Control Access to a Block

1. Right-click an LD, FBD, ST, or IL block and choose Properties

2. In the Inspector, expand the Lock Settings property.

3. In the Lock Type property, choose a setting from the list.

4. In the Password Property, enter a password.

5.1.9 To Search/Replace in One Block

1. Double-click an LD, FBD, ST, or IL block to open it.
2. From the Search menu, choose to Find or Replace.
A dialog box appears.
3. In the Find what or the Text to find field, enter the text to find.
4. (Only if you want to replace text.) In the Replace with field or the New text field, enter the text
to replace the found text.
5. Select or clear each search/replace option, as required.
6. Click Find, Find Next, Replace, Replace All, Close, or Cancel, as required.
Note: With Logic Developer - PLC, you can search for some text in an entire
target or portions thereof, which you can specify. Various options are available to narrow a search.

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5.1.10 Indirect References

The LD, FBD, and ST editors support indirect references. An indirect reference treats the value of a
variable assigned to an instruction operand as a pointer to other data, rather than as actual data.
Indirect references are sometimes referred to as relative pointers. Indirect references can be used
only as follows:
19. With PACSystems CPUs and Series 90-70 CPUs.
20. In the LD, FBD, and ST editors.
21. With %R, %AI, %AQ, %P, %L, and %W memory areas.
22. On instructions that support indirect references.
Notes for PACSystems
• The index for an indirect reference to %W is a 32-bit DWORD value.
• Indirect references cannot be used to address bits in 16-bit memory.
• Indirect references are not supported on symbolic variables or I/O variables.
Possible Uses
• To perform the same operation to many registers.
• To avoid repetitious logic within the application program.
• In loop situations where each register is incremented by a constant or by a value specified until a
maximum is reached.

5.1.11 To Assign an Indirect Reference

Where a variable operand is expected, type the @ symbol, followed by a valid reference address or
variable name. The LD, FBD, or ST editor converts a reference address to a variable name.
The LD, FBD, or ST editor converts a reference address to a variable name or the editor substitutes
the name of a variable already mapped to the address.
• The actual variable name does not contain the @ symbol. The @ symbol, when used at the start of a
reference address or variable name, merely indicates that the address or variable must be treated
as an indirect reference.
• The @ symbol can be thought of as an operator with the lowest precedence. In other words,
MyArray[2,5] becomes a reference address that is used for the indirect reference. Another way to
think of this is @(MyArray[2,5]) as opposed to (@MyArray)[2,5].
The following are valid indirect references:
• @R0001 (a variable name automatically created from a reference address)
• @MyArray[2, 5] (an array reference)
• @$MainSwitch (a universal variable)
• @MyTimer.PV (a structure element)

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5.2 LD Editor
The Ladder Diagram (LD) editor is used to create programs with the Ladder Diagram programming
language. LD logic graphically represents the programmed actions performed by a Controller as it
The LD editor is cell-based with rungs constructed of horizontal sequences of instructions that are
wired together. A given instruction and its operands can occupy one or more cells.
You can work with the LD editor while offline to edit a disk copy of a project, or while online to
monitor the execution of the logic while you fine-tune the project.
You can customize the appearance and behavior of the LD editor by setting options.
An LD block is a named section of LD Logic that is compiled and downloaded to the Controller
represented by the associated target.

5.2.1 To Customize the LD Editor

1. In the Options tab of the Navigator, expand the Editors folder and then the Ladder folder.
2. Right-click a page (Confirmations, Editing, Font and Colors, or View), and choose Properties.
The configurable options appear as properties in the Inspector
3. In the Inspector, adjust settings as required.

5.2.2 To Create an LD Block

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click Program Blocks, point to New, and then choose
LD Block.
A new LD block with a default name is created.
2. Rename the block as desired.

5.2.3 To Open an LD Block for Editing

In the Project tab of the Navigator, double-click an LD block. The block opens in the LD editor.
Note: You can have multiple blocks open for editing. To navigate to another open LD block,
click the tab that displays its name at the top of the editor window.

5.2.4 Working with the LD Editor Offline

When you are offline, there is no live communication between the LD editor and the target. Most
logic development is done while offline. The following diagram illustrates the ladder diagram
interface in Machine Edition (Figure 23).

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Figure 23: LD Editor Offline

To Insert an Instruction
1. In the LD Editor, right-click an empty cell and choose Place Instruction.

A smart list appears listing all available instruction mnemonics.

2. Choose an instruction mnemonic from the list and press enter.
Note: If you attempt to place an instruction that has inputs into the first column. It is pushed to the
second column and a horizontal wire is inserted in the first column.

To Assign Instance Data to a Built-in Function Block Instance and

Assign a Length to an Instruction
There are two methods:
First Method
1. In the LD editor, insert a built-in function block or insert an instruction that requires a Length.
In the following example, a built-in function block instance has a length. Most built-in function
blocks do not require their instances to have a length.
2. Right-click the function block instance or instruction and choose Properties. The inspector
displays the instance’s or instruction’s properties (Figure 24).

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Figure 24: Properties

3. In the Address property, enter a variable name or a reference address to specify the start of a
memory block used for the instance data of the function block instance.
Note: If you type a reference address, it is converted to a variable name automatically.
In the Length property, enter the number of bits or 16-bit registers on which the function block
instance or instruction is to operate.
Second Method
1. In the LD editor, insert a built-in function block or insert an instruction that requires a Length.
2. Double-click the function block instance or instruction or select it and press ENTER.
When you double-click a function block instance, the Function Block Properties dialog box
appears (Figure 25). When you double-click an instruction, the Function Properties dialog box
appears, in which the Address property is unavailable.
Figure 25: Function Block Properties

3. In the Address property, enter a variable name or a reference address to specify the start of a
memory block used for the instance data of the function block instance.
Note: If you type a reference address, it is converted to a variable name automatically.
4. In the Length property, enter the number of bit or 16-bit registers on which the function block
instance or instruction is to operate.

5.2.5 To Assign Variables to Instruction Operands

1. In the LD editor double-click beside an operand of an instruction, or click there and press enter. A
small list appears.

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2. Type, or choose from the list, a variable name or reference address. If you enter a reference
address, a variable name is automatically substituted.

5.2.6 To Check (Validate) a Single LD Block

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the target that contains the block to check, and
then expand the Logic folder.
2. Expand the Program Blocks folder and then, if the block resides in a user-defined folder,
expand the user-defined folder.
3. Right-click the block and choose Check Block.
Machine Edition checks the block for errors. Any messages or errors are displayed in the Build
tab of the Feedback Zone.

5.2.7 Editing Logic as Text

You can enter LD logic into the LD editor by starting to type right into a cell. A smart list appears
and you can continue to type your instructions and operands.
When you press ENTER, the logic you typed appears in customary graphic form in the LD editor. For
example, in the first cell of a new rung, if you type “AD MyDint1 MyDint2 Result12; AD MyDint3
MyDint4 Result34“, the following logic appears in the LD editor (Figure 26):

Figure 26: LD Editor

A horizontal wire was inserted in the first cell to make room for the ADD_DINT instruction’s
operands and the operands were inserted in their proper places. In the keyboard entry, “AD“ stood
for “ADD_DINT“, because ADD_DINT is the first available instruction that begins with “AD“ in the
smart list. A semicolon separates the ADD_DINT instructions. The required horizontal wires are
supplied automatically.
A powerful extension of typing logic into the LD editor is the ability to write LD logic in any text
editor and copy and paste it into the LD editor, or to copy and paste logic from the LD editor to a
text editor. You can copy an entire block of LD logic from the Navigator to any text editor, or copy
sections of LD logic as text from the LD editor to any text editor. You can then edit the logic in the
text editor and copy the edited logic back into the LD editor.
When LD logic is copied as text, a verbose format is used to make it easier to read, but when you
edit the logic as the text you can use the same shorthand used in the keyboard method of entering
LD logic in the LD editor.

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5.2.8 To Copy an Entire LD Block as Text

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the target and expand the Logic folder.
2. Expand the Program Blocks folder and, if the LD block resides in a user-defined folder, expand
the user-defined folder.
3. Optionally right-click the LD block and choose Check Block. This validates the LD block. If the
logic contains errors, error messages appear in the Feedback Zone. If the logic contains errors,
fix them.
4. Right-click the LD block and choose Copy. The contents of the LD block are copied to the
Windows Clipboard.
5. Paste the content of the Windows Clipboard into a text editor. The LD logic is pasted as text.

5.2.9 To Copy a Section of LD Logic as Text

1. Optionally right-click the LD block and choose Check Block. This validates the LD block. If the
logic contains errors, error messages appear in the Feedback Zone. If the logic contains errors,
fix them.
2. In the LD editor, select the cells that contain the logic you want to copy as text.
3. Right-click the selected logic and choose Copy. The LD logic is copied to the Windows Clipboard.
4. Paste the content of the Windows Clipboard into a text editor. The LD logic is pasted as text.

5.2.10 To Copy Text into the LD Editor

1. In the text editor, select and copy the text representing LD logic to the Windows clipboard.
2. In the LD editor, do one of the following:
3. Select the cells that you want to overwrite.
- or -
4. Click the cell that will be at the upper left corner of the LD logic you want to paste.
5. Right-click and choose Paste. Existing cells in the LD editor are overwritten with the content of
the Windows clipboard.

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5.2.11 To Move or Duplicate LD Logic

In the LD Editor, select a range of logic.

To move it:

1. Click the selection and drag it to a new location.

2. To duplicate it:
• Press CTRL while clicking the selection, and drag the selection to where you want to place
the duplicate.
• When you release the mouse button, the selection is respectively moved to the new
location, or a duplicate copy of the selected logic is placed in the new area.

5.2.12 Working with the LD Editor Online

When online in monitor mode, you can monitor the Controller but cannot change anything in the
Controller or edit your logic. The LD editor animates LD logic to reflect program execution in the
Controller. Data values change typically every 250 milliseconds while coils and contacts indicate
power flow. The number of milliseconds is set in the Update Rate target property.
When you are online in programmer mode, you can edit your logic, make changes in the
Controller, and monitor the Controller. Many Emerson targets also support Run Mode Store; that
is, you can download logic to them when they are running.
Three methods are at your disposal to make changes in your LD logic and download the changes to
an online running Controller:
Test Edit (PACSystems Only)
With Test Edit, you can perform transacted online programming. That is, you can modify an LD
block in the LD editor while seeing both the original and modified logic, test the new logic's
execution on the PACSystems, and then either keep the modified logic or roll back to the original

5.2.13 To Begin Editing in Test Edit

1. In the LD editor, start modifying the logic. The Logic Change Options dialog box appears.
2. Select Enter Test Edit Mode and click OK. The LD editor is placed in Online Edit mode, with some
visual cues to remind you that a Test Edit session is in progress. Because Test Edit is an
extension of the Run Mode Store (RMS), only changes supported for an RMS are supported in
Test Edit mode. At any time, you can test the modified logic.

5.2.14 To Begin Testing the Modified Logic

1. Click anywhere inside the LD editor.
2. From the Debug menu, choose Begin Test. The modified logic is downloaded to the
PACSystems, which then executes the modified logic. The original block of logic is retained in
PACSystems memory as an inactive block.
You now have three possible courses of action:
a. Cancel the test and continue editing the logic while in Test Edit mode.
b. Cancel Test Edit mode and restore the original logic in the PACSystems.

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c. Accept the changes you tested and commit them to the PACSystems.

5.2.15 To Cancel the Test and Continue Editing the Logic While in Test
Edit Mode
1. Click Anywhere Inside the LD Editor
2. From the Debug menu, choose Cancel Test.
The modified logic block is deactivated in the PACSystems. The original block is activated
and executed. The modified logic block retains its changes in the LD editor and you can
continue editing it and test it again later.

5.2.16 To Cancel Test Edit Mode and Restore the Original Logic in the
1. Click anywhere inside the LD editor.
2. From the Debug menu, choose Cancel Edit. If you made no changes to logic, the Test Edit
session ends immediately. If you made any changes to logic, the Cancel Test Edit dialog box
3. In the Cancel Test Edit dialog box, select one of the following options and click OK.

4. Restore original logic in the editor and maintain equality: The PACSystems deactivates and deletes
the modified block of logic, and it activates and executes the original block. The LD editor discards
the modified logic from the block, retaining only the block's original logic. Your Test Edit session
You are online in programmer mode and logic is equal.
5. Keep modified logic in the editor and lose equality: The PACSystems deactivates and deletes the
modified block of logic, and it activates and executes the original block. The LD editor retains the
modified block of logic and no longer displays the original logic where it was different. Your Test

5.2.17 To Accept the Changes you Tested and Commit Them to the
PACSystems Controller
1. Click anywhere inside the LD editor.
2. From the Debug menu, choose Accept Edit. The modified logic is committed to the
PACSystems. The original logic is completely deleted from the PACSystems; it no longer
exists as an inactive block. The Test Edit session is ended. You are online in programmer
mode and logic is equal.
Word-for-Word Changes
A word-for-word is a small change in logic made while online that generally fits in the same amount
of memory as the original logic. For example, changing the type of contact or coil or changing an
operand is usually a word-for-word change.

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Word-for-word changes can be completed online to PACSystems, Series 90- 70, Series 90-30,
VersaMax, and Series 90 Micro Controllers. (VersaMax Nano / Micro Controllers do not support
word-for-word changes.)
To make word-for-word changes
1. While online to a target Controller, make a change to LD logic that does not
change the logic size.
2. Do one of the following:
a. If the Logic Change Options dialog box appears, select Word-for-word change and click
- or -
b. If the Word for Word Change dialog box appears, click Yes. The change is downloaded to
the Controller.

5.2.18 Go Not Equal, Keep Working, and Download Changes

If you make changes in logic that do not qualify for Test Edit or a word-for-word change, or if you
choose not to enter Test Edit mode or make a word-for-word change, logic becomes not equal.
To regain equality, you can download your changes to the Controller or upload the logic from the
Controller. You can generally download to the Controller whether the target is running or not. All
Controller families support this Run Mode Store capability, but not every Controller in every family.

5.2.19 Affecting BOOL Variables

To Turn On/Off or Force a Variable
In the LD editor, right-click a BOOL variable anywhere in LD logic and choose Force ON, Force OFF,
Toggle Force, Turn ON, Turn OFF, or Toggle IO.
Note: Forcing a variable ON or OFF overrides any actions the application may take during runtime.
That is if a variable is forced OFF (0), but LD logic is trying to set it to ON (1), it remains set to OFF.

LD Instructions
The following is a list of all LD instructions available in Logic Developer - PLC. Companion help
indicates which Controllers support the instructions.


Indicates instructions exclusive to PACSystems Controllers.

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^ ^
Indicates instructions shared by PACSystems and Series 90-70 Controllers and exclusive to them.

Indicates instructions exclusive to PACSystems Controllers.



Indicates instructions exclusive to PACSystems Controllers.
Indicates instructions shared by PACSystems and Series 90-70 Controllers and exclusive to them.
Indicates instructions exclusive to PACSystems Controllers.
Indicates instructions shared by PACSystems and Series 90-70 Controllers and exclusive to them.


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p ^
^ p p
^ p
^ ^
^ p
Indicates instructions exclusive to PACSystems Controllers
Indicates instructions exclusive to Series 90-70 Controllers
Indicates instructions shared by PACSystems and Series 90-70 Controllers and exclusive to them.

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^ ^ ^
Indicates instructions shared by PACSystems and Series 90-70 Controllers and exclusive to them.

^ ^
^ ^
^ ^ P

5.3 FBD Editor

The Function Block Diagram (FBD) editor is used to create logic with the Function Block Diagram
programming language. FBD is a process language logic that graphically represents the
programmed actions performed by a Controller as it executes.
The FBD editor is free form; that is, instructions and text boxes can be placed anywhere on the FBD
editor where there is space. Sequences of instructions can be wired together horizontally and
You can work with the FBD editor while offline to edit a disk copy of a project, or you can edit an
FBD block of logic online, but this causes the logic to become not equal until you download the FBD

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You can customize the appearance and behavior of the FBD editor by setting options. An FBD block
is a named section of FBD Logic that is compiled and downloaded to the Controller represented by
the associated target.
Figure 27: FBD Editor

5.3.1 To Customize the FBD Editor

1. In the Options tab of the Navigator, expand the Editors folder, then expand the Function Block
Diagram folder (Figure 27).
2. Right-click the Colors and Preferences page and choose Properties. The configurable settings
appear as properties in the Inspector.
3. In the Inspector, adjust settings as required.

5.3.2 To Create an FBD Block

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the Program Blocks folder, point to New, and
then choose FBD Block. A new FBD block with a default name is created.
2. Rename the block as desired.

5.3.3 To Open an FBD Block for Editing

In the Project tab of the Navigator, double-click an FBD block. The block opens in the FBD editor
(Figure 28).
Note: You can have multiple blocks open for editing. To navigate to another open FBD block, click
the tab that displays its name at the top of the editor window.
Working with the FBD Editor Offline
While in offline mode, there is no live communication between the FBD editor and the target. Most
logic development is done while offline. The following diagram illustrates some of the more
common operations you can perform using the FBD editor offline.

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Figure 28: FBD Editor Offline

5.3.4 To Insert an Instruction

1. In the FBD editor, right-click an empty cell and choose Insert Instruction.
A smart list appears listing all available instruction mnemonics.
2. Choose an instruction mnemonic from the list and press ENTER.

5.3.5 To Assign a Parameter Beside an Instruction

There are two methods to assign a parameter to an instruction.
The first method (from the FBD editor)
1. In the FBD editor, hover the mouse pointer immediately before an input connection point or
immediately beyond an output connection point of an FBD instruction, so that the mouse pointer
changes as seen in

2. In the smart list that appears, enter or choose an existing variable, constant, or expression to
assign to the instruction parameter. In the FBD editor, the instruction may display as seen in
Figure 30:

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Figure 29: Double Click the Connection Point

Figure 30: Assigning a Value to the Instruction Parameter

Note: Inside the rectangle of the ADD instruction, the “1“ indicates the solve order of the
instruction. Under the variable myCounter, the “1“ is the initial value of myCounter.

Second Method (outside the FBD editor)

• In the Variables tab of the Navigator or the Data Watch tool, select a variable.
• Drag the selected variable to the connection point of an FBD instruction.
• When the mouse pointer appears, release the left mouse button to assign the variable to a
parameter of the FBD instruction.
• For example, the following diagram shows that you can assign a parameter to the FBD SUBTRACT
instruction at the output connection point named Q.

Figure 31: Double Click the Connection Point Q

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After you have assigned the parameter, the instruction will appear in Figure 32:

Figure 32: Assigned FBD Subtract to Connection Point Q

Note: In the above diagram, “61“ is the initial value of myResult. “4“ inside the rectangle of the
FBD instruction.

5.3.6 To Assign a Parameter Above an FBD Instruction or Function

Block Instance
The FBD Call instruction and every function block instance (an instance of a counter, PID, timer,
HART utility, or user-defined function block) require a parameter to be assigned immediately
above the instruction or instance.
1. In the FBD editor, hover with the mouse pointer immediately above an FBD Call or function
block instance so that the mouse pointer appears.
When the mouse pointer appears, click the left mouse button. The instruction or function
block instance appears in the FBD editor with the parameter selected, as shown in Figure 33.

Figure 33: Assigned Parameter Above an FBD Instruction

2. Without moving the mouse pointer, click again.

A smart list appears. If this is an FBD Call instruction, the smart list contains a list of all callable
blocks of logic in your target. If this is an FBD function block instance, the smart list contains a
list of variables that you can choose from to assign instance data to the function block
instance. Normally you would choose or create instance data that is not used by any other
function block instance, but you can assign the same instance data to multiple function block
instances if you want.
3. In the smart list, enter or choose an existing block of logic, enter a new variable, or enter or
choose an existing variable. The block appears as the destination of the FBD Call or the variable
is assigned as instance data to the function block instance.

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5.3.7 To Check (Validate) a Single FBD Block

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the target that contains the block to check, and
then expand the Logic folder.
2. Expand the Program Blocks folder and then, if the block resides in a user-defined folder,
expand the user-defined folder.
3. Right-click the block and choose Check Block. Machine Edition checks the block for errors. Any
messages or errors are displayed in the Build tab of the Feedback Zone.

5.3.8 To Change the Number of Inputs for FBD instructions (ADD,

1. In the FBD editor, select an ADD, AND, MUL, OR, SUB, or XOR instruction.
2. In the Inspector, select the Number of Inputs property, and then enter or choose from the list
the number of inputs you need.
3. If required, draw a wire or assign a variable or constant to the input and output parameters.
4. Hold down the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse pointer to a connection point of
another FBD instruction (Figure 34).
5. Continue to hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse pointer to a connection
point of another FBD instruction (Figure 35).
6. Release the left mouse button. The newly drawn wire appears as a solid (analog) or a dashed
(discrete) line in the FBD editor (Figure 36).

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Figure 34: Selecting the function block instance

Figure 35: Changing the Number of Inputs

Figure 36: Newly Drawn Wire Appears

• The numbers “1“ and “2“ inside the rectangles have been reversed, indicating a change in the solve
• The zeroes under the wire are the value that is traveling over the wire. It’s the same value at
both ends.
17. At least two instructions must exist in the FBD editor.

• You cannot draw a wire to or from a Text box.

• In the FBD editor, hover the mouse pointer above a connection point of an FBD instruction or
function block instance.
• When the mouse pointer appears, you can start a wire.

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5.3.9 To Negate an FBD Parameter

(For discrete parameters only).

1. In the FBD editor, assign a BOOL parameter to a connection point of an FBD instruction that
requires a BOOL variable.
2. Right-click a BOOL variable assigned to a connection point, for example, in the diagram above,
3. In the list box that appears, choose Negate. The diagram now appears as shown in Figure 37.
Figure 37: Assign a BOOL Parameter to a Connection Point

Note: Negating a BOOL parameter while online causes logic to be not equal; turning a BOOL
parameter ON/OFF while online does not affect logic equality.

5.3.10 To Negate an FBD Wire

(For discrete FBD wires only.)
1. If required, draw the FBD wire from a connection point that requires a BOOL variable, to a
connection point that also requires a BOOL variable. If the wire is discrete, it appears as a
dotted line.
2. Right-click the wire and then choose Negate.

5.3.11 To Move or Duplicate FBD Logic

In the FBD editor, select an FBD instruction or Text box.

To Move It

Click the selection and drag it to a new valid location. When you move instruction, the parameters,
and wires assigned to it move along with it.
To Duplicate It
Press CTRL while clicking the selection and drag the selection to where you want to place the
duplicate. When you release the mouse button, a duplicate copy of the selected instruction is
placed in the new area. When you duplicate an instruction, its parameters are also duplicated;
wires are not duplicated.

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5.3.12 To Zoom in or Zoom Out an FBD Block

1. Click anywhere in the FBD editor.
2. Do one of the following:
In the Inspector, expand the Diagram Settings group of properties, and then set the zoom
To zoom out, press the “-“ key. To zoom in, press the “+“ key.
Note: To zoom in an FBD block display in the FBD editor makes the FBD appear larger; to zoom out
an FBD block display makes the FBD appear smaller.

5.3.13 Working with the FBD Editor Online

When you are online in monitor mode you can edit your logic, make changes in the controller, and
monitor the controller. PACSystems targets also support Run Mode Store; that is, you can
download logic to a running PACSystems.

5.3.14 To Turn On/Off or Force a Variable

In the FBD editor, right-click a BOOL variable anywhere in FBD logic and choose Force On, Force Off,
Toggle Force, Turn On, Turn Off, or Toggle IO.

Note: Forcing a variable ON or OFF overrides any actions the logic may take during runtime. That is
if a variable is forced OFF (0), but FBD logic is trying to turn it ON (1), it stays OFF.

5.3.15 FBD Instructions, Functions, and Function Blocks

(PACSystems only.) The following is a list of all FBD instructions, functions, and function blocks
available in Logic Developer – PLC:




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5.4 IL Editor
Instruction List (IL) is a programming language specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard. This text
language is accumulator-based and much like the assembly languages used for programming
microprocessors. The instructions executed by an IL block modify or use an accumulator that is
located in Controller memory. Two types of accumulators are defined: one analog accumulator for
numeric and
bitwise operations and eight Boolean accumulators for discrete logic to support eight levels of
nested Boolean expressions. The IL editor is free-form with an option to apply a standard
formatting rule. The appearance and behavior of the IL editor are user-configurable.
Note: Only Series 90-30, VersaMax Controllers, and VersaMax Nano/Micro support IL logic.

5.4.1 To Configure Accumulators

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the Program Blocks folder and choose Properties.
The Inspector displays the Accumulator Address properties.
2. In the Boolean Start property, enter the reference address of the first of eight controller
memory locations to use for Boolean accumulators.
The ending address is calculated automatically. The memory area must be %T,%M, or %Q.
3. In the Analog Start property, enter the Controller memory locations to use for the analog
The ending address is calculated automatically. The memory area must be %R, %AI or %AQ.

5.4.2 To Create an IL Block

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the Logicnode, point to New and choose IL Block.
An empty IL block with the default name ”ILBkn” is added to the folder, where n represents a
unique number.
2. Rename the block as desired.

5.4.3 To Open an IL Block Editing

In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click an IL Block and choose Open. The block opens in the
IL editor.
Note: You can have multiple blocks open for editing. To navigate to another open IL block, click the
tab displaying its name at the top of the editor window.

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5.4.4 Working with the IL Editor Offline

Most project development is carried out while offline from the target Controller. Editing while
offline provides maximum flexibility and enables you to interact with the Machine Edition tools as
shown in (Figure 38).
Figure 38: IL Editor Offline

5.4.5 To Insert an Instruction

In the IL editor, right-click and choose Insert Keyword. A smart list appears listing all available
instruction mnemonics.
From the list, select an instruction and press ENTER. The instruction is inserted in your logic.

5.4.6 To Assign Operands to an Instruction

1. In the IL editor, right-click and choose Insert Variable. A smart list appears showing all your
defined variables.
2. Type, or choose from the list, a variable name or reference address and then press ENTER. The
name appears in your logic.
Note: If you entered a reference address or a new variable name, you must create a variable
from it.

5.4.7 To Create a Variable from a Reference Address

In the IL editor, right-click a reference address, point to Create “name”, and then choose a data
A variable is created and a default name is applied. For example, if the reference address is %R0032,
the auto-created variable is named R00032.

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5.4.8 To Create a Variable from a Name

1. In the IL editor, right-click a name, point to Create “name” as, and then choose a data type.

2. A variable is created with the name you right-clicked.

3. Map the variable to Controller memory.

5.4.9 To Move or Duplicate IL Logic

1. In the IL editor, select a range of logic.

2. To move it, click the selection and drag it to a new location. To duplicate it, press CTRL while
clicking the selection, and drag the selection to where you want to place the duplicate.
3. When you release the mouse button, the selection is respectively moved to the new location,
or a duplicate copy of the selected logic is placed in the new area.

5.4.10 To Insert an Inline Comment

1. In the IL editor, click where you want to insert an inline comment.

2. Type an apostrophe (‘) followed by comment text.

3. Press ENTER to complete the comment.

5.4.11 To Insert a Block Comment

1. In the IL editor, click where you want to insert a block comment.

2. Type (* followed by comment text. A block comment can contain any number of characters
and can span multiple lines.

3. Type *) to complete the block comment.

5.4.12 To Reformat IL Logic

In the IL editor, right-click and choose Beautify Source.
The entire content of the IL editor is reformatted according to the default formatting (indentation)

5.4.13 Working with the IL Editor Online

When online in monitor mode, you can monitor the Controller but cannot change anything in the
Controller or edit your logic.
When you are online in programmer mode, you can edit your logic, make changes in the
Controller, and monitor the Controller. Many Emerson targets support Run Mode Store; that is,
you can download logic to them when they are running.

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To Monitor a Data Value

Click anywhere in the IL editor and hover the mouse pointer over a variable. A tooltip appears,
showing the variable’s current value. This value, however, does not update automatically: you
must move the mouse pointer away and back over the variable to update the value.

To Change a BOOL Variable’s State

In the IL editor, right-click the BOOL variable whose value you want to change and choose Turn On,
Turn Off, or Toggle IO. The state of the variable in the target Controller changes when the
command is received. It remains in that state until acted on by the Controller’s logic. To Force a
BOOL variable’s state

In the IL editor, right-click a BOOL variable and choose Force On, Force Off, or Toggle Force.
The state of a forced variable remains unchanged, regardless of any actions by Controller logic.

To Remove the Force from a BOOL Variable

In the IL editor, right-click a BOOL variable and choose Remove Forces. The state of the forced
variable is controlled by Controller logic from now on.

To Make Changes to IL logic and Download them to a Running Target

Controller (if the Target Controller Supports it)
1. While online to a target Controller, make a change to IL logic.
2. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the target and choose Download to Controller.
3. You are prompted to confirm a Run Mode Store. That is, the altered IL block will be
downloaded to the running Controller without stopping it.

5.4.14 IL Instructions
The following is a list of all IL instructions available in Logic Developer - PLC.
Companion help indicates which Controllers support the instructions.

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MODBUS_TCP_RW (VersaMax Micro CPUs with firmware version 4.00 or later)







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5.5 ST Editor
Structured Text logic is a programming language specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard. The
Structured Text (ST) Editor is a free-form text editor for editing Structured Text logic in the Machine
Edition environment. With the ST editor, you can work on a disk copy of a structured text block
(offline) or monitor the execution of an ST block running in the Controller (online). You can edit an
ST block online, but this causes the logic to become not equal until you download the ST block. ST
is a high-level language that uses various operators and functions. ST logic is supported by
PACSystems controllers.
NOTE: As of version 9.70, the ST Editor options have been added to customize the editor. The
Options are located under Editors > Structured Text.

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Figure 39: ST Editor

5.5.1 To Customize the ST Editor

1. In the Options tab of the Navigator, expand the Editors folder and then the Text folder (Figure
2. Right-click a page (Colors or Preferences), and choose Properties. The configurable settings
appear as properties in the Inspector.
3. In the Inspector, adjust the settings as required.
Figure 40: Customizing the ST Editor

5.5.2 To Create an ST Block

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Logic folder, right-click the Program Blocks
folder or a user-defined folder, point to New, and then choose ST block.
A new ST block with a default name is created under the Program Blocks folder or a user-
defined folder.
2. (Optional.) Rename the block.

5.5.3 To Create a Parameterized ST Block

1. Create an ST block
2. Do one of the following:

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3. In the Inspector, set parameters for the block.

4. Set the block’s Block Type property to Parameterized Block, and then optionally schedule the
parameterized block.
• By assigning parameters to the block, its Block Type property is automatically changed to
Parameterized Block.
• A parameterized block cannot have both interrupt scheduling and parameters.

5.5.4 To Open an ST Block for Editing

In the Project tab of the Navigator, under the Logic folder, under the Program Blocks folder, or
under a user-defined folder, double-click an ST block.
The ST block opens in the ST editor.

5.5.5 Working with the ST Editor Offline

The ST editor interacts with the Machine Edition tools to provide maximum flexibility when editing
a program. The following diagram illustrates some of the operations you can perform.

Figure 41: ST Editor Offline

5.5.6 To Insert an ST Variable or Keyword

1. In the ST editor, right-click and choose Insert Variable/Keyword. A smart list appears,
prompting you to enter the name of an existing variable or keyword.
Tip: Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Space also inserts an ST Variable or Keyword.

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2. Type, or choose from the list, the item you want, and then press ENTER. The variable or
keyword appears in the ST Editor.
• Constants must be manually entered.
• When entering an indirect reference as an operand, prefix the variable name with @ after selecting
it from the smart list, for example, @IntVar. Indirect referencing is available for all registered
references (%R, %P, %L, %W, %AI, and %AQ).

5.5.7 To Create a Variable from a Name

In the ST editor, right-click a name that was entered as an operand, point to Create "[name]" as, and
then choose a data type from the list that appears. A new variable of the specified data type is
created and substituted for the name at every occurrence in the ST block. The name of the new
variable is identical to the original name.

5.5.8 To Insert a Line Comment

1. In the ST editor, click where you want a line comment to begin.
2. Type an apostrophe (‘) or // followed by comment text.
3. Press Enter to complete the line comment. The line comment ends when a new line starts.

5.5.9 To Insert a Block Comment

1. In the ST editor, click where you want a block comment to begin.
2. Type (*followed by comment text). A block comment can contain any number of characters
and can span multiple lines.
3. Type *) to complete the block comment.

5.5.10 To Select a Range of ST Logic

1. In the ST editor, click at the beginning of the range.
2. Press and hold shift and then click at the end of the range. All logic within the range is selected.
• You can also click and drag from the beginning of the range to the end.
• After selecting a range of logic, you can click anywhere in it and drag it to another area in the
ST editor.

5.5.11 To Move or Duplicate ST Logic

1. In the ST editor, select a range of logic.
2. To move it, click the selection and drag it to the new location. To duplicate it, press CTRL while
clicking the selection, and then drag the selection to where you want to place the duplicate.
When you release the mouse button, the selection is respectively moved to the new location,
or a duplicate copy of the selected logic is placed in the new area.

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5.5.12 To Locate all Occurrences of a Variable

1. In the Feedback Zone, click the References tab.
2. Click a variable anywhere it appears in ST logic, in the Variables tab of the Navigator, or the
Data Watch tool.
Each occurrence of the variable in your project (for a given target) is listed in the References
tab of the Feedback Zone.

5.5.13 Working with the ST Editor Online

When online in monitor mode, you can monitor the Controller but cannot change anything in the
Controller or edit your logic.
When you are online in programmer mode, you can edit your logic, make changes in the
Controller, and monitor the Controller. PACSystems targets also support Run Mode Store; that is,
you can download logic to a running PACSystems.

5.5.14 To View a Variable Value

In the ST editor, hover the mouse pointer over a variable to see its value. A tooltip displays the
variable name, address, description, data type, and current value. If this is a BOOL variable, the
tooltip also displays if it has been forced On (1) or Off (0).

5.5.15 To view the Value of an ST Parameterized Block Parameter

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Program Blocks folder.
2. If the block that contains the call to the ST parameterized block whose parameter you want to
monitor resides in a user-defined folder, expand the user-defined folder.
3. Right-click the block that contains the call and chooses Open. The block appears in the
appropriate editor.
4. In the editor, right-click the block call to the ST parameterized block and choose Open Block.
The called ST parameterized block appears in the ST editor.
5. In the ST editor, hover the mouse pointer over the parameterized block parameter (variable) to
see its value.
Depending on the context of the parameter, the tooltip displays the following items:

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6. If the text refers to a parameter instead of a variable, and the block was opened from a CALL
instruction (in an LD, ST, or FBD block), then if possible, the parameter is associated with the
variable used in the call the block was opened from. In this case, the tooltip displays the parameter
name, address of the variable, description of the parameter, data type, and value of the variable.
7. If the text refers to a parameter instead of a variable, and the block was not opened from a CALL
instruction (in an LD, ST, or FBD block), then the tooltip displays the parameter name, description
of the parameter, and data type only.
In either case, if this is a forced BOOL variable, the tooltip also displays if the variable has been
forced On (1) or Off (0).
Note: The tooltip displays a variable’s current value only if logic is equal; the tooltip does not
display the current value if logic is not equal.

5.5.16 To Change a BOOL Variable’s State

In the ST editor, right-click the BOOL variable whose value you want to change and choose Turn
On, Turn Off, or Toggle IO.
The state of the variable in the target Controller changes when the Controller receives the

5.5.17 To Force a BOOL Variable’s State

In the ST editor, right-click a BOOL variable and choose Force On, Force Off, or Toggle Force.
The state of a forced variable remains unchanged, regardless of any actions by Controller logic.

5.5.18 To Remove the Force from a BOOL Variable

In the ST editor, right-click a BOOL variable and choose Remove Forces.
The state of the unforced variable is controlled by Controller logic from now on.

5.5.19 ST Statements, Functions, and Function Blocks

The following is a list of all ST statements, functions, and function blocks available in Logic
Developer - PLC. InfoViewer Help indicates which firmware version of PACSystems supports the
statements, functions, or function blocks.


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+ (addition) - (subtraction) - (negation) * (multiplication) / (division)
Mod (modulo)

= (equal) >= (greater than or > (greater than) <= (less than or < (less than)
equal) equal)
<>, != (not equal)



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5.5.20 C Blocks
A C block is an independent section of executable code written in the C programming language
that is downloaded to and executed on the target Controller. C blocks are created externally using
Emerson’s C Programming Toolkit and then imported into a project. A C block compiled for
PACSystems has a .gefelf extension. A C block compiled for Series 90-70 or Series 90-30 has a .exe
extension. C Blocks can be called as a subroutine from another block (LD, ST, FBD, or IL) but cannot
call another block.
Note: There are four different extensions for the C block depending on the target controller. For
more information on developing C Blocks, refer to C Programmer’s Toolkit for Series 90 Controllers
(GFK-0646) and PACSystems C Toolkit User’s Guide (GFK-2259). More information on C Block
extensions is also available in PME Help.

Working with C Blocks

To Import C Blocks
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the Program Blocks folder and choose Add C
The Open dialog box appears.
2. Browse to the .exe or .gefelf file you want to import and click Open.
The selected file is added to the Program Blocks folder with the same name as the .exe or
.gefelf file.
Note: You can then move the C Block to a user-defined folder

To Set a C Block’s Parameters

Note: This procedure applies only to C blocks that were written to require parameters for use of
PACSystems or Series 90-70 targets.
In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the C block and choose Properties.
1. The Inspector displays the block’s properties.
2. In the Inspector, select the Parameters property and click. The Parameters dialog box appears.
3. Type a name and description for each required input and output parameter. For information on
the required parameters, refer to the written documentation for the C block. The names you
enter will display in the CALL instruction that calls the C block. The names and descriptions will
display in a tooltip when you hover the mouse pointer over the CALL instruction.

C Programs
Note: C programs are supported only on Series 90-70 CPUs, firmware release 6.00 and later.
A C program is an independent section of executable code, written in C language, that is
downloaded to and executed on the associated target Controller. To develop a C program, use
Emerson’s C Programmer's Toolkit for Series 90 Controllers User's Manual (GFK-0646). You then
import it into a project.
A C program has access to all the % reference tables of the Controller except for the _MAIN LD
block’s %P memory and the %L memory of any other LD block. A C program can also call any of the
numerous Controller-embedded functions that are included in the C Programmer’s Toolkit. A C

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program cannot be called a subroutine. Execution is controlled only through scheduling. A C

program cannot call a block a subroutine. By setting the parameters of a C program, you enable it
to access memory directly. When a C program begins to execute, it reads the data for all the
parameters and makes a copy of the data. If the C program’s execution is interrupted or time-sliced
over multiple scans, the C program, when it resumes execution, uses the copy of the data that it
made when it began to execute. C programs can coexist with the main program on a Series 90-70

5.5.21 Working with C Programs

Setting a C Program’s Parameters
Note: You must provide a list of all the input and output parameters that the C program requires.
The main program does not use parameters. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a C
program and choose Properties.
The Inspector displays the C program’s properties.
1. In the Inspector, select the Parameters property and click the ellipsis button. The Parameters
dialog box appears.
2. On the Input and Output tabs, enter up to 8 input and up to 8 output parameters.
Each parameter has its row on the tab. For each parameter, double-click the following cells and
enter the required data:
• Name The parameter’s name.
• Type: The parameter’s data type.
• Length: The length of the input or output reference.
• Variable: The first data item associated with the parameter.
• Description: (Optional.) The parameter’s description.

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Section 6: LD Diagnostic Logic Blocks

(PACSystems RX3i firmware version 5.60 and later.) A PACSystems RX3i target contains the
Diagnostic Logic Blocks folder, which contains two empty subfolders: the Active Blocks folder and
the Inactive Blocks folder.
Active Blocks folder
The Active Blocks Folder can contain the following:
• One or more active LD DLBs.
• Zero through three Cam profiles associated with an LD DLB.
• One or more user-defined folders.
Inactive Blocks Folder
The Inactive Blocks Folder can contain the following:
• One or more inactive LD DLBs.
• One or more user-defined folders.
Active LD Diagnostic Logic Blocks
An active LD Diagnostic Logic Block (DLB) is a named section of ladder logic that is compiled and
downloaded to the Controller.
Cam profiles associated with an active LD DLB are stored in the Cam profiles folder and are also
downloaded to the Controller.
The contents of an active LD DLB are edited with the LD editor. Immediately before an upload from
the Controller is performed, all active LD DLBs and their associated Cam profiles are moved to the
Inactive Blocks folder. This causes all active LD DLBs to become inactive LD DLBs before the upload,
because the variables being used by the active LD DLBs may not exist in your project after the
upload completes.
After an upload from the Controller, you can activate an LD DLB. Do this in the Navigator by right-
clicking an inactive LD DLB and choosing Activate.
Every LD DLB, whether active or inactive, has an associated Published Variable Table (PVT) that
contains the local published variables of the LD DLB. If an LD DLB has no local variables, then its PVT
is empty.

6.1.1 To Create an Active LD Diagnostic Logic Block

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the PACSystems RX3i target where you want to
create the active LD Diagnostic Logic Block (DLB), expand the Diagnostic Logic Blocks folder,
and then expand the Active Blocks folder.
2. If the active LD DLB is to reside in a user-defined folder, then, if required, add the user-defined
3. Right-click the folder where you want to create the active LD DLB, point to New and then
choose Block. The active LD DLB is created and its unique default name is highlighted. Each
active LD DLB contains a Cam Profiles folder, where you can add, edit, or import from one
through three Cam profiles.
4. (Optional) Rename the new active LD DLB. All LD DLBs in the parent folder appear in
alphabetical order.

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Section 7: PROFINET Support

(PACSystems RXi; PACSystems RX3i with firmware version 7.00 and later.)
PACSystems PROFINET Controllers (PNCs) support the following PROFINET devices:
A PNC is connected by Ethernet to PROFINET devices, each of which has its modules and possibly
Table 4: PROFINET-Enabled Devices

VersaMax VersaMax IP VersaPoint

RESTi PAC8000 General Electric AF6

In Machine Edition, the PROFINET devices connected to a PNC are shown as nodes under the PNC in
the Hardware Configuration of a PACSystems RXi or PACSystems RX3i target in a Machine Edition
project. The illustration on the next page highlights the target names and the PNCs.
Configuration Data
The data required to configure the PROFINET devices connected to the PROFINET Controller is
contained in GSDML files provided by the vendors by PROFINET standards.
PACSystems RX3i Controllers support Hot Standby CPU redundancy with PROFINET I/O. In that
setup, two RX3i Controllers are capable of controlling the same set of PROFINET devices. (For the
minimum PACSystems RX3i firmware version requirement, refer to online help.)

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Figure 42: Redundant Configuration

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7.1 Ethernet Global Data (EGD)

Ethernet Global Data is a mechanism that enables one CPU, referred to as a producer, to share a
portion of its internal memory with one or more other CPUs, referred to as consumers, at a
scheduled periodic rate. Such a snapshot of internal memory, mediated by an Ethernet interface, is
referred to as an exchange. An exchange is identified by a unique combination of three identifiers
• The Producer ID (the producer’s IP address)
• The Exchange ID (the exchange’s identifier)
• The Adapter Name (the Ethernet interface identifier)

7.1.1 Exchanges vs. Pages

Some EGD tools group multiple produced exchanges into a page, and some EGD tools can
consume such pages. Logic Developer – PLC; however, does not consume or produce pages. It
consumes and produces exchanges.
8. When you add a consumed exchange in Logic Developer - PLC, if an EGD tool has published
produced pages that contain multiple exchanges to the EGD Configuration Server, the produced
exchanges are extracted from the pages and presented for your selection as exchanges.
9. Logic Developer - PLC does not group multiple produced exchanges into a produced page. EGD
tools that consume pages see Logic Developer - PLC produced exchanges as pages with only one
exchange each.

7.1.2 Integration with the EGD Configuration Server

Logic Developer - PLC is integrated with the EGD Configuration Server. The EGD Configuration
Server is a central repository of EGD configuration information used to facilitate the sharing of
information between EGD tools to assist with the configuration of EGD.
After configuring a produced exchange on any EGD tool (such as the EGD component in Logic
Developer - PLC), you can publish the configuration of the produced exchanges to the EGD
Configuration Server. After this, Logic Developer - PLC, when connected to the server, can obtain
the produced exchange configuration from the server and automatically create a consumed
exchange that matches the produced exchange exactly. At this point, the only thing left to do is to
map the variables of the exchange to memory on the EGD consumer or to replace some or all of
the unmapped variables with mapped variables that already exist on the EGD consumer. The EGD
Configuration Server provides extra EGD validation that is unavailable without the server.
The EGD Configuration Server supports EGD Signatures. When a PACSystems RX7i or PACSystems
RX3i is configured to use signatures, then every scan, compare the signature of every consumed
exchange with the signature of its corresponding produced exchange to determine whether the
configuration of the consumed exchange matches the configuration of the produced exchange; if
not, the exchange is not consumed. The EGD Configuration Server tracks which produced
exchanges published on the server are consumed by EGD devices connected to the server. You can
obtain an Unconsumed Data report. Other reports compare the produced or consumed exchange
information on your computer with that on the server. The EGD Configuration Server is not the
authoritative source of the EGD configuration. It does not store past versions of EGD
configurations. It contains only the latest snapshots of the EGD configurations published to it. The
EGD tools are the authoritative source, while the server enables the tools to share information. It is
possible to delete the server contents completely and restore them by using the tools in a two-step

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process: publish the authoritative information from all tools to the server, and have each tool read
the information it needs from the server and confirm to the server that it has received it.

7.1.3 Integration with the EGD Management Tool

Logic Developer - PLC is integrated with the EGD Management Tool (EMT). You can open the EMT
from within Logic Developer - PLC and vice-versa. The EMT provides a high-level view of the EGD
system published on the EGD Configuration Server, including a graphical display of individual EGD
The EMT provides validation of the EGD configuration. The EMT enables the EGD configuration of
devices by launching the appropriate EGD Configuration Tool from the graphical display.

7.1.4 Logic Developer – PLC implementation of EGD: the EGD

The first step in using Ethernet Global Data (EGD) in a PACSystems Controller or ENIU target
consists in adding the EGD component. In a Controller target, you can do so even if the CPU
presently configured in the target does not support EGD, as long as the target belongs to one of
the Controller families that support EGD. This flexibility enables you to start configuring EGD even
if the hardware specifications of your system have not been determined.

To Add the EGD Component

In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click a PACSystems Controller target that belongs to one
of the Controllers or ENIU family types that support Ethernet Global Data (EGD), point to Add
Component, and choose Ethernet Global Data.
The Ethernet Global Data folder is added to the target. The folder contains two empty folders:
Consumed Exchanges and Produced Exchanges.
Note: For Ethernet modules that support EGD uploads, the EGD component is automatically added
when you upload the Hardware Configuration and EGD configuration. The EGD component is also
automatically added to a target when you import a folder that contains an Ethernet Global Data
(EGD) configuration or imports a Hardware Configuration that contains an EGD configuration. In
such cases, the Consumed Exchanges and Produced Exchanges folders are automatically

To Install the EGD Configuration Server

1. Insert the Machine Edition 8.50 install disk into the computer on which you want to install the
EGD Configuration Server. The computer must be connected to an Ethernet network. It may be
local or remote.
2. On the Machine Edition 8.50 install disk, navigate to the Install folder.
3. Double-click the EgdCfgServer Setup.msi file.
The EGD Configuration Server is installed on the computer.
Note: The client library required for your copy of Logic Developer - PLC to communicate with
the EGD Configuration Server is automatically installed as part of the installation of Logic
Developer - PLC.

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To Install the EGD Management Tool (EMT) on your Computer

1. Insert the Machine Edition 8.50 install disk into your computer.
2. On the Machine Edition 8.50 install disk, navigate to the Install folder.
3. Double-click the EgdManagementTool Setup.msi file. The EGD Management Tool is installed
on your computer.

To Configure Communications with the EGD Configuration Server

1. In the Options tab of the Navigator, expand the Machine Edition folder.
2. Right-click the EGD page and choose Properties. The Inspector displays the EGD options.
3. In the Inspector, configure the Host Name option. For help on this or any option, select the
option and look up the help that automatically appears in the Companion. To open the
Companion, press SHIFT+F11.
4. (Optional) Configure the Local Server Cache Path and Timeout options.

To Configure a Logic Developer – PLC Target to use the EGD

Configuration Server
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the target.
2. Right-click the Ethernet Global Data folder and choose Properties. The Inspector displays the
folder's properties.
3. Ensure that the Use Configuration Server property is set to True and configure the properties
below it.

To Add a New Produced Exchange and Configure it

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the target’s Ethernet Global Data folder.
2. Right-click the Produced Exchanges folder and choose New. A newly produced exchange
appears with a default name. The newly produced exchange is invalid.
3. (Optional.) Enter a name that is more meaningful than the default name.
4. Right-click the produced exchange and choose Properties.
The Inspector displays the exchange's properties).
5. In the Inspector, configure the Destination property and other properties. The newly produced
exchange is now valid.
6. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the produced exchange and choose Configure.

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Figure 43: EGD Variable Editor

7. In the editor, use the buttons to add, insert, or delete rows.

8. For each row, define the Variable, Ref Address, Length, and/or Description parameters. When
you have configured the target to use the EGD Configuration Server, you must specify a
Variable for each row; you cannot use memory ranges that have no variables mapped to them.
The Ignore parameter is available only for the Status. The Type parameter is read-only. For help
on the editor, click inside the grey space at the top and press F1.

To Publish a Target’s Produced Exchanges to the EGD Configuration

Server by using the Validate Method
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the target and choose Set as an active target.
If the option is unavailable, the target has already been set as the active target.
2. Right-click the target and choose Validate.
Any errors found in the target's EGD configuration, Hardware Configuration, or logic are listed
in the Build tab of the Feedback Zone.
3. Correct any errors found and repeat step 2 of this procedure.
4. When the Build tab of the Feedback Zone displays no errors, click the Messages tab of the
Feedback Zone. If the message "EGD Produced Data published" appears, the target's produced
exchanges have been updated (published) from your computer to the EGD Configuration

To Publish a Target’s Produced Exchanges to the EGD Configuration

Server by using the Bind and Build Method
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the target and choose Set as an active target.
If the option is unavailable, the target has already been set as the active target.
2. Expand the target.
3. Right-click the Ethernet Global Data folder and choose Bind and Build. Any errors found in
the target's EGD configuration are listed in the Messages tab of the Feedback Zone. Some of
these errors may pertain to consumed exchanges. If you want context-sensitive help on the
errors, we recommend that you use the Validation method instead of the Bind and Build
4. If errors are found pertaining to produced exchanges, correct them and repeat step 3 of this
procedure. The message "EGD Produced Data published" appears when the target's produced
exchanges have been updated (published) from your computer to the EGD Configuration

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If an error is found pertaining to a consumed exchange, you typically need to synchronize the
consumed exchange.

To Synchronize a Consumed Exchange on your Computer with the

Corresponding Produced Exchange Published on the EGD
Configuration Server
1. If any of the following conditions is true, validate the target that contains the producer. (See
Section 3.4.1, Validating a Target.)

6. You have uploaded the Hardware Configuration and EGD configuration from the producer
Controller to your computer
7. You have converted the target that contains the producer
You have deleted the Ethernet Global Folder from the target that contains the producer and added
it again.
2. Validating the target that contains the producer updates the EGD Configuration Server with the
produced exchange that this consumed exchange consumes.
3. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the target.

4. Expand the Ethernet Global Data folder and then expand the Consumed Exchanges folder.

5. If you have changed the Local Producer ID property of the producer that the consumed
exchange consumes from, right-click the consumed exchange and choose Properties. Then, in
the Inspector, set the Producer ID property on the consumed exchange to the same value as
the new Local Producer ID.

6. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the consumed exchange and choose Synchronize
to Server.

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Section 8: PACMotion
(PACSystems RX3i with firmware version 5.60 or later.) The PACMotion Multi-axis Motion
controller (PMM) is a high-performance, easy-to-use servo motion control module that is closely
integrated with the PACSystems RX3i CPU logic solving and communications functions. This
versatile motion controller combines the benefits of highly integrated motion and machine logic
with the performance, flexibility, and scalability required for advanced machine automation. The
open programming environment simplifies motion and machine logic synchronization and enables
the real-time performance required for high-speed motion applications.
Expanding the PACMotion node reveals the following PACMotion components used with a
PACMotion Digital Motion Control Module (IC695PMM335):
• Cam Profile Library: This contains all of the PACMotion Cam profiles for this target, which cannot be
downloaded to a PACMotion module.
• Active Profiles: Contains all of the PACMotion Cam profile aliases for this target, which can be
downloaded to a PACMotion module.
• Data Logging Windows: This contains all of the Data Logging Windows for this target. Each window
is used to view and print graphs of the values of various IC695PMM335 parameters over time.
PACMotion function blocks and instructions controlling or interacting with a PMM module are
supported in LD, FBD, and ST logic. You can drag them into logic from the Toolchest LD
Instructions drawer (or FBD Instructions drawer)PACMotion folder.
The following can be used with PACMotion function blocks only:
• Enumerated data types: An enumerated variable stores a value belonging to an enumeration, list,
or set of possible values. The value of an enumerated variable can be selected from a drop-down
list in the Inspector.
8. Reference ID variables (RIVs): A variable of a reference ID data type is used to identify something on
which a PACMotion function block instance is used to operate.
9. This chapter outlines basic procedures that will get the user started in Logic Developer – PLC to
work with PACMotion.

8.1 To Locate a Target’s PACMotion Node

1. Expand the target.
2. By default, the PACMotion node does not appear in the Navigator. You must add the
PACMotion component.

8.2 To Add the PACMotion component to a PACSystems

Rx3i Target
In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the target, point to Add Component, and choose
PACMotion. The PACMotion node is added to the target.

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8.3 CAM Editor

The CAM editor is an accessory for PACSystems RX3i PACMotion programming that enables you to
create, edit, and manage CAM profiles. Each CAM profile is a user-defined curve that specifies the
response of a slave servo to a master position index. Cam profiles are referenced by name and
grouped into the CAM Profile Library and the Active Profiles folder. Each active profile is intended
for use on a specific PACMotion module. The hardware components are specified in the Hardware
Configuration (HWC) of the parent target. You can reuse a CAM profile by right-clicking it and
choosing Copy Profile.

8.4 Working with the CAM Editor

You can adjust the curves of your CAM profile to suit the specific needs of your project. With the
CAM editor, you create profiles by defining points on a master/slave position curve. Groups of
adjoining points are allocated to sectors. Each sector is assigned a polynomial curve fit order
(1,2,3,5) that specifies how the curve will be interpolated between points.
Figure 44: CAM Editor

8.5 To Create a CAM Profile

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator expand the PACMotion node.

2. Right-click CAM Profile Library and choose New Profile.

A new CAM profile with a default name is added to your project.

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8.6 Data Logging

8.6.1 To Generate .dlog Files
1. In logic, create an instance of the MC_DL_CONFGURE PACMotion function block. To specify which
parameters you want to log in to the .dlog file, edit the properties of the variable (of the
DATA_LOG_PARAM_CONFIG data type) that is assigned to the ParameterConfig input. When the
instance executes, data logging is configured.

2. In logic, create an instance of the MC_DL_ACTIVATE PACMotion function block. When the
Enable input to the instance is set to On, data logging occurs.
3. In logic, create an instance of the MC_DL_GET PACMotion function block.
When the instance executes, it writes the data logged to the *.dlog file specified by the

8.7 To Add a Data Logging Window (DLW)

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, locate the Data Logging Windows node, right-click it, and
choose to Create New.
2. If you are online to the PACSystems RX3i, the Create dialog box appears.
Select one of the following:
• Controller: The DLW is a .dlog file stored on the PACSystems RX3i; or
• PC: The DLW is a .dlw or .csv file stored on your computer.

If you Selected Controller If You Selected PC or are Offline

The Controller File Explorer window appears and

displays the .dlog files found on the PACSystems The Select DLW to Load dialog box appears.

3. Do as follows, depending on which window appeared.

In the Controller File Explorer window In the Select DLW to Load dialog box

Navigate to a folder on your computer,

Select a .dlog and click Open
select a .dlw or .csv file, and click Open

A Data Logging Window (DLW) appears, in alphabetical order, under the Data Logging Windows
node with a default name that begins with “Sessions.” It contains the following nodes.
4. If you selected a .dlw file, this contains one or more views.
5. If you selected a .dlog or .csv file, there are no views. You need to add one.
Data Sources, whose child node contains the data snapshot contained in the .dlog, .dlw, or .csv file.
If the .csv file was exported from a data source, it is a complete snapshot. If it was exported from a
view, it
contains only the data required for the traces configured to appear in that view.

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Section 9: Motion Programming

Logic Developer - PLC supports motion programming for the DSM324i and Motion Mate DSM314
motion control modules. High-performance, easy-to-use, these multi-axis motion control modules
are highly integrated with the PACSystems RX3i and the Series 90-30 Controller logic solving and
communication functions.
Both the DSM324i and the DSM314 support 10 motion blocks, 40 subroutines, and a maximum
total of 1000 motion program statements. Logic Developer - PLC, making motion programming
possible, supports the following motion editors:
• Motion editor
• Local Logic editor
• Cam editor
This chapter outlines basic procedures that will get you started with Logic Developer – PLC to
create motion programs with these motion editors.

9.1 To Add a Motion Component to a Target

In the Project tab of the Navigator, right-click the target, point to Add Component, and then
choose Motion (Figure 45). A Motion Program node is added to your project. Included are empty
Motion Blocks, Local Logic, CAM Profiles, and CAM Blocks folders.
Figure 45: Motion Component

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9.2 Motion Editor

Logic Developer - PLC includes a Motion editor, which enables you to create Motion blocks for the
DSM324i and the DSM314. This text-based editor is configurable as to its appearance and
behavior. Comments and white space are not considered to be Motion block statements. The
Motion block programming syntax is different from the Local Logic syntax.

9.2.1 To Add a Motion Block

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program.
2. Right-click Motion Blocks and choose New.
An empty Motion block with a default name is added to your project (Figure 46).
3. Rename the block as desired.
Figure 46: To Add a Motion Block

9.2.2 To Open a Motion Block for Editing

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program.
2. Expand Motion Blocks and double-click the Motion block you want to open.
The block opens for editing in the Motion editor.

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9.2.3 Working with the Motion Editor

To Insert a Command
1. In the Motion Editor, right-click and choose Insert Keyword. A smart list appears showing all
available motion commands.

2. Select the appropriate command from the smart list and press enter. The command is placed in
the motion editor.

Figure 47: Motion Editor

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Table 5: Motion Commands

The ACCEL statement sets the axis acceleration for subsequent moves
ACCEL and remains in effect in a given block unless changed. Note: If a move
instruction is executed before ACCEL, the tag Acceleration is used.

Block numbers can be used as the destination of JUMP commands.

Block numbers must be unique and can be between 1 and 65535.

The CAM statement starts the CAM motion and specifies exit

CAM-LOAD loads a parameter register with the starting location for a

CAM slave axis.

CAM-PHASE CAM-PHASE sets the phase for CAM comm

CALL The CALL command executes another block as a subroutine.

The CMOVE command programs a continuous move using the specified

position and acceleration mode.

DWELL causes a motion to cease for a specified time period before

processing the next command.

ENDPROG The ENDPROG statement terminates a Motion program definition.

ENDSUB The ENDSUB statement terminates a Motion subroutine definition

Jump to a block number or a sync block within the current program or

JUMP subroutine. The jump may be unconditional or conditional based on the
status of a CTL bit.

Initializes or changes a parameter data register with a 32-bit twos-

complement integer value.

The PMOVE Command programs a positioning move using the specified

position and accelerator mode.

The PROGRAM statement is the first statement in a motion program.

The program statement identifies the program number (valid range: 1
through 10) and the axis configuration. Program definitions cannot

The SUBROUTINE statement is the first statement in a motion

SUBROUTINE subroutine. The subroutine statement identifies the subroutine

A sync block is a special case of a block number. A sync block can be

used only in multi-axis programs.

Set the process VELOCITY used by subsequent motion program move

VELOC commands and remains in effect until changed by another VELOC

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9.3 Local Logic

A Local Logic block runs synchronously with the Motion block, but is independent of the
Controller’s CPU scan. This enables the DSM324i or DSM314 to interact much more quickly with
motion I/O signals on its faceplate connectors than would be possible if the logic for the signals
were handled in the _MAIN program running on the Controller.
The local Logic language uses free-form, text-based circuits and contains basic mathematical and
logical constructs. The Local Logic syntax enables you to assign a variety of logic tasks to your
motion programs while working in conjunction with Controller Logic programs and motion blocks
to yield a flexible programming environment. Because it uses straightforward, understandable
syntax, it is easy to gain proficiency with this editor.
The Local Logic programming language supports assignments, conditional statements, arithmetic,
logical, and relational statements. Local Logic provides you with access to motion Controller data,
parameters using a fixed set of variables, control bits, and status bits:
• Parameter data - accessible from Local Logic host Controller and motion blocks. The parameter
data are similar to variables in a program.
• CTL bits - enable the Local Logic block or host Controller to signal the motion block to start an
• Motion block numbers - the current block number can be used within the Local Logic block or host
Controller to make an action occur only during a specific motion programming section.

9.3.1 To Create a Local Logic Block

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program.
2. Right-click Local Logic and choose New.
A new Local Logic block with a default name is created.
3. Rename the block as required.

9.3.2 To Open a Local Logic Block for Editing

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program and double-click the Local
Logic block. The Local Logic block opens for editing in the Local Logic editor.

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Working with the Local Logic Editor

Figure 48: Local Logic Editor

To Insert a Local Logic Command

1. In the Local Logic editor, right-click and choose Insert Keyword. A smart list displays all available
Local Logic commands.

2. Select the desired command in the smart list and press ENTER
The command is inserted.
Note: You can drag variables from the Local Logic Variable Table (LLVT) to the Local Logic

9.3.3 Local Logic Variables

Local Logic is designed to complement a Controller’s logic and mathematical capabilities. Solving
small Local Logic and mathematical sets requires a tight synchronization with the controlled
Logic Developer - PLC includes a table containing Local Logic variables, the Local Logic Variable
Table (LLVT), that you can drag into your Local Logic blocks. The LLVT has several tabs that organize
the variables by category.

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To View the LLVT

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program.

2. Right-click Local Logic and choose Local Logic Variable Table.

The “Which LLVT do you want?” help topic appears.

3. Select Motion Mate DSM314 or DSM324i.
The LLVT appears in the InfoViewer, displaying variables or data on each tab:
Table 6: LLVT Variables

AXIS 1 Variables specific to axis 1

AXIS 2 Variables specific to axis 2

AXIS 3 Variables specific to axis 3

AXIS 4 Variables specific to axis 4

GLOBAL Global data such as module status code

CTL BITS DSM general Control/Status bits


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The table has six columns:

NAME Contains the variable name that is to be used within a Local Logic
TYPE The data type for this variable. For example, 32-bit means that
this variable is a 32-bit variable.

GROUP The group this variable is placed in. For example, Faceplate I/O
means that this variable refers to a point on the module faceplate.

DESCRIPTION This column contains a textual description of the variable. When

you hover the mouse pointer over the description, a tooltip
displays the description.

R This column indicates if the variable can be read by a Local Logic


W This column indicates if the variable can be written by a Local

Logic block.

9.3.4 To Insert a Local Logic Variable

With Local Logic, you can execute basic logic and mathematical functions on the DSM324i or
Motion Mate DSM314 module. Commands use upper case characters only and are case sensitive.
1. In the Local Logic, the editor right-clicks and choose Insert Variable.
A smart list appears prompting you to choose a Local logic variable name.
2. Select a variable in the list and press enter.
The variable is inserted in your Local Logic.

Local Logic Commands and Operators

With Local Logic, you can execute basic logic and mathematical functions on the DSM324i or
Motion Mate DSM314 module. Commands use upper case characters only and are case sensitive.
Table 7: Local Logic Commands and Operators

ABS TRUE - (minus) <= (less than or

equal to)

BWAND FALSE / (divide) <> (not equal)

BWOR IF *(multiply)

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BWXOR THEN :=(assign)

BWNOT END_IF >(greater than)

ON MOD < (less than)

OFF + (plus) >= (greater than

or equal to)

9.3.5 CAM Editor

The Cam editor is an accessory for Logic Developer – PLC motion programming that provides a
means to create, edit, and manage electronic Cam profiles. Each Cam profile is a user-defined
curve that specifies the response of a slave servo to a master position index. Cam profiles are
referenced by name in the parent motion program and grouped into Cam blocks. Each block is
intended for download to a specific motion module via its Controller. The hardware components
are specified in the Hardware Configuration (HWC) of the parent target. You can reuse a Cam
profile by including it in multiple Cam blocks.

Figure 49: CAM Profiles and CAM Blocks

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To Create a CAM Block

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program.
2. Right-click Cam blocks and chooses New.
A new Cam block with a default name is created.
3. Rename the block as desired.

To Import CAM Blocks

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program.
2. Right-click Cam blocks and choose Import from File.
The Open dialog box appears.
Browse to the Cam block you want to import (.csv or .txt file). Click Open. The imported block
appears in your project.

To Open a Block for Editing

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program.
2. Expand Cam Blocks and double-click the Cam block you want to open.
The block opens for editing in the Motion editor.

Working with the CAM Editor

You can adjust the curves of your Cam profile to suit the specific needs of your project. With the
Cam editor, you create profiles by defining points on a master/slave position curve. Groups of
adjoining points are allocated to sectors. Each sector is assigned a polynomial curve fit order (1,2,3)
that specifies how the curve will be interpolated between points.
Figure 50: Adjusting Curves of the CAM Profiles

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To Configure a CAM Profile

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program.
2. Right-click Cam Profiles and choose New. A new Cam profile with a default name is added to
your project
3. Adjust the properties of the CAM profile in the Inspector

To Edit a CAM Profile

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program
2. Right-click Cam Profiles and double-click a Cam profile.
A graphical representation of your profile appears in the profile editor and a numeric
representation appears in the profile table.
3. Insert and move points in the profile editor or table.
4. Group points into sectors in the profile table and assigns curve fit order to each sector.

To Add a CAM Block

Right-click method
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program and expand Cam blocks.
2. Right-click a Cam block, point to Add Alias, and then choose a profile.
Note: Aliases correspond to Cam profiles within Cam blocks. To create aliases for Cam blocks,
you must have previously created Cam profiles.
Drag and Drop Method
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Motion Program.
2. Expand Cam Profiles and expand Cam blocks.
3. Drag a Cam profile and drop it onto a Cam block. The Cam profile is added to the Cam block.

Motion Programming 104

General Contact Information

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Phone: 1-888-565-4155
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Phone: +86-400-842-8599
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Technical Support: [email protected]

Any escalation request should be sent to: [email protected]

Note: If the product is purchased through an Authorized Channel Partner, please contact the seller
directly for any support.

Emerson reserves the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of the products mentioned in this
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