Ideas Liquidity Eng PDF
Ideas Liquidity Eng PDF
Ideas Liquidity Eng PDF
March 2016
Intended for professional clients
PSPP2purchases coincided with gradually weaker activities on any one issuer and the overall
liquidity conditions across the euro sovereign size of the trading book. A similar rule is
debt markets. likely to apply in Europe at some stage;
• the bank separation rules, which oblige
banks to separate out their market-making
activities. Because the market-making
entities are necessarily smaller, their funding
costs are likely to be higher, thus increasing
the cost of holding a large trading book;
• Bank Recovery and Resolution plans
which require the banks to hold a minimum
amount of long-term assets in order to
constitute their “loss absorbing capacity”.
These plans, plus all the new capital
requirements, restrict the amount of capital
available to hold against trading activities.
Coping with liquidity risk year bond is not the same as the liquidity of a 3
month bond of the same issuer. Secondly, measuring
Impact on investors: cost, opportunities and liquidity on the basis of traded volumes can be
bubbles misleading as a traded bond is not necessarily liquid
The term “liquidity risk” conjures up notions of e.g. forced selling and falling angels. In addition,
cost and loss. The cost of liquidity when trading bonds that are not traded are not necessary illiquid.
an asset is typically captured by the bid-ask Dastidar and Phelps (2009) invented the liquidity
spread. The components of liquidity cost are cost score (LCS) to measure bond liquidity. A bond’s
threefold. Direct trading costs are deterministic LCS represents the round-trip cost, as a percentage
transaction costs encompassing brokerage of the bond price, of immediately executing a
commissions, transaction taxes and exchange standard institutional transaction. A lower LCS value
fees. Price impact costs correspond to the denotes better liquidity.
difference between the executed price and the
mid-price. It is generally limited to half the bid- While the LCS focuses on the cost dimension of bond
ask spread for small orders but can exceed the liquidity, the price sensitivity of a corporate bond to
bid-ask spread for larger positions. When trading transaction volume is captured in a separate
a small position, usually the order can be measure called the Price Impact Measure (PIM). The
executed at the best price with a single PIM measures the ratio of a bond’s daily absolute
counterparty. As the size of the position excess return (net of the Corporate Index excess
increases, a number of counterparties are return) to its daily dollar volume of transactions.
required in order to absorb the order, each with
Bonds with higher spreads and durations have higher
different beliefs about the fair value of the asset,
LCS and PIM.
which can push the price down. Search and
delay costs are incurred when traders delay
execution in order to search for a better
execution price than the price “indicated” by the
bid-ask spread. By doing so, traders take the risk
of seeing the market move by the time they
decide to execute their order. This trade-off
between price impact costs and seeing the
market move is particularly relevant for block
More generally, a drop in liquidity limits the
efficiency of the market and increases the cost of
funding, leading to forced selling, deleveraging
and unwinding of positions. Moreover, liquidity
risk can spread to the whole market. For
instance, other asset classes can be affected by The Trade Efficiency Score (TES) complements the
funding risk: when the banks’ margins rise or LCS and PIM by ranking corporate bonds with both
when a bank goes into bankruptcy because of their LCS and traded volumes. This relative liquidity
difficulties affecting a single type of asset, measure is useful for identifying the most liquid
investors find it difficult to fund other kinds of bonds in a bucket of securities.
investments. This was clearly demonstrated
How do asset managers manage liquidity risk
when the US housing bubble burst.
for their clients?
Liquidity also plays a predominant role in the
Liquidity risk ranks high among the risk factors
development of crises and the bursting of
affecting the P&L of a portfolio. It is taken into
bubbles. The concomitance of bubbles and
account in the portfolio construction process in
liquidity is well documented in academic papers.
addition to strategic allocation, market opportunities
Investors expect to be compensated for bearing and investors guidance. These measures have been
liquidity risk, which can push prices down. recently complemented by new practices such as
Academic and professionals estimate liquidity risk swing pricing.
premiums at around 0.6% for investment grade
bonds and 1.5% for speculative bonds.
How to measure liquidity in Fixed Income Portfolio construction: monitoring turnover, an
markets? illiquid strategy bucket and the risk-return
trade off
Extending liquidity measures traditionally used in
the equity markets to bond markets is not Unlike other risk factors, liquidity risk cannot be
straightforward, for at least a couple of reasons. diversified. For example, one cannot offset a given
First, the liquidity of a bond depends on the level of liquidity “exposure” by going short an illiquid
bond’s intrinsic characteristics. Unlike shares, security. No known liquidity-based derivatives hedge
bonds redeem at maturity. The liquidity of a 10
this particular risk. Indeed, in stressed markets, predefined swing factor. Subscribers thus contribute
bid rather than mid prices prevail. to the cost that their transactions generate by
entering the fund at a higher price, while
However, illiquidity generally occurs over the
redemptions are executed at a lower price. The
short term but vanishes over the long term: a
swing factor and threshold level are reviewed on a
security held to maturity has no liquidity cost.
regular basis by a committee dedicated to validating
Given that, the asset manager can adapt the the parameters of the swing pricing.
risk-return profile of the portfolio by strategically
Swing pricing does not generate additional costs for
allocating certain assets to the illiquid strategy
holders; it modifies the allocation of costs among
bucket e.g. private debt. Such a bucket helps to
shareholders. Nonetheless, the mechanism may
boost the overall return of the portfolio by
generate volatility in daily prices, thus increasing the
capturing an extra premium while offering
tracking error or the volatility of the fund,
potential diversification benefits.
irrespective of any fundamental change in the
Illiquidity increases with the size of the position. inherent risk of the portfolio.
As a result, even for liquid strategies, turnover
has to be closely monitored and trading
strategies balanced against potential liquidity Liquidity conditions in financial markets
costs before the strategy is implemented. This is are among the main concerns for investors
even more critical for illiquid strategies. For at present. Liquidity represents the ability
instance, a breakeven yield, compensating for to trade rapidly large amounts of
taking into account transaction costs, can be securities with minimal impact on market
calculated for a strategy or issue by issue. prices. The recent evolution of the
regulatory framework has reduced the
Swing pricing
ability of banks to maintain market-
Swing pricing aims to protect the overall making activities with negative
performance of the portfolio for the benefit of consequences on the functioning of
existing investors. markets. These changes have forced asset
Trading activity incurs costs (brokerage fees,
managers to measure liquidity risk more
liquidity spread, taxes) that are traditionally
accurately and to take it into account in
charged to the fund and thus dilute the value of
their investment processes while adapting
existing investors’ investments.
asset allocation modelling. The protection
of investor interests in funds required the
Swing pricing is a mechanism by which the NAV introduction of swing pricing to better
of a fund is adjusted upwards in the case of large distribute liquidity costs across
net inflows and downwards in the case of large shareholders.
net outflows. Namely, if there are important
subscriptions or net inflows (or redemptions or
Dated 16 March 2016
net outflows) exceeding a certain threshold, the
NAV will be swung upwards (or downwards) by a
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