Monolith is a Science fiction adventure game
Principles 4
for one Game Master (GM) and at least one
other player. Players act as daring adventurers Character Creation 6
exploring a vast & mysterious galaxy filled with
weird aliens, lost worlds, and ruthless factions. Backgrounds 7-31
Finishing Touches 32
Group Debt & Complications 34
› Monolith is a sci-fi / science fantasy hack of
Cairn, by Yochai Gal. Vices 36
› Full credits at the back.
Gear Packs 38
› Monolith was written by Adam Hensley and
its text is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 Armory & Equipment 40-43
› Cover art created by Jacob Marks.
Core Rules 44
› This version of the game is designed to
be light on ink, low art, and compactly Combat Rules 48
designed for easier home printing.
Tactical Procedures 54
› Minor references to violence, drugs,
alcohol, and sex. Travel Procedures 56
Starships 58
Starship Combat 60
› Star Wars
› 2001: A Space Odyssey Space Travel 62
› The Expanse
Starship Parts 64
› Farscape
› Mass Effect Psionics 66
› Cowboy Bebop Astromancy 68
› Futurama
Corruption 70
› Firefly
› Guardians of the Galaxy Experimental Tech 74
› Classic Traveler Artifacts 76
› Stars Without Number
Augmentations 78
Talents 80
Planets 84-85
Characters will gain XP and level up as a
measure of general toughness. They gain
heartiness and become more capable in a
general, non-specific sense.
This is the kind of progression and change
that happens from in-world events via
gameplay. Narrative growth comes from
finding rare artifacts, evolving psionic abilities,
augmenting yourself with the latest black
market cyberware, NPC connections, and even
suffering losses. All of these contribute to a
character changing narratively.
This is where the role of the GM really comes
into play. Some backgrounds provide implied
fiction to aid both the player as they navigate
who their character might be, and guide the GM
as they adjudicate narrative growth based on
player action.
If a PC rolls “Psionic” as their background, they
can lean into that element of their character
or completely disregard it. Find opportunities
for the them to engage in the aspects of their
character they find most interesting. For
example, reward the Psionic with things like
awakening new powers from stressful events,
learning from fellow psionics, and seeding
growth opportunities in your setting for them
to discover— like items, opportunities to train,
and other ways to help them grow and change
based on their choices in the fictional world.
If players forego their background in lieu of
wanting to become someone new, support that
in the same way.
Let the universe change the characters.
Roll 3D6 for each ability score in order. The With your Ability Scores in place, make a WIL
player may swap any two of the results. save. If you fail, roll on the vices table to start
› Strength (STR) with a vice. Consequently, characters may
Power, toughness, grit, & stamina. develop vices through the fiction of play. See
the triggers listed in vices to learn more about
› Dexterity (DEX)
this. Optional but highly suggested.
Quickness, precision, agility, &
technological aptitude.
Confidence, force of personality, mental All PCs begin with:
fortitude, & affinity for the weird.
› Three days of rations (one slot)
› Cheap Data-Comm (one slot): Data-comms
BACKGROUND can communicate locally (planet wide) and
› Roll 1D12 and consult the corresponding access local data networks. Higher quality
background to see what your life has been data-comms might have additional perks or
like up to this point. functionality.
› Next, roll on all the tables listed under that › Glo-torch (one slot)
background. › 3D6 Credits (C)
› All backgrounds will have three tables, one
corresponding to HP, and two other tables
to flesh out their history. GEAR PACKS
HIT PROTECTION (HP) (Variant Character Creation Option)
If players prefer to create a character
Rolling 1D6 determines your character’s without a background, reference the
starting Hit Protection (HP), which reflects their chart on pages 38-39. Players will roll
ability to avoid damage in combat. HP does not their stats as normal, roll 1d6 HP, and
indicate a character’s health or fortitude; nor reference the chart according to their
do they lose it for very long (see Healing). They highest stat and their HP. This will
grow more grizzled over their experiences. If an give them a starting package that may
attack takes a PC’s HP exactly to 0, the player include weapons, powers, equipment,
must roll on the scars table. and other character features.
Roll on any the additional tables (if you want) in
the finishing touches section (pg. 32) for extra
traits and character qualities.
Roll on the shared debt table (pg. 34) for the
group’s shared debt. This will help facilitate
urgency for the players by prompting them to
search out jobs and make money, as well as
provide the GM with world building and story
hooks. Optional but highly suggested.
You might have done other things in the past,
but your background represents your most
recent or most significant experience.
Some elements from your past might still be
relevant to who your character is or could
become, but their past doesn’t define them.
Backgrounds will also imply some specialized
knowledge, along with other details based on
the dossier tables.
Mercenary crews are guns for hire. They have experience in combat, insider
knowledge of the violence business, and are a little rougher around the edges than
others. You and your old crew fought for the highest bidder, not for any sort of
ideology. Unless that ideology was lots of creds.
› Old Crew Emblem
› Combat Knife (D6) or 2 Flash Grenades
› Cigar
D6 Signature Weapon
Ifriti-9000 “Hell Spitter” (D10 Blast, Thermal, Bulky) and 2 tanks of fuel (spec-ammo)
1 HP A deluxe model flamethrower that sprays super-thermal plasma that can burn through
Folding Vibro-Shank (D6, Deadly, Shock, concealable) A five-inch blade that does
2 HP
absolutely devastating damage. Folds up for concealing. Very-illegal.
Supercharged Carbine Repeater (D8 Thermal and d6 Cryo, bulky) Custom modded to
3 HP
switch between thermal or sub-zero energy rounds. Switching takes 1 turn.
Jade-Iron Machete (D8, Deadly) 3 feet of marbled green metal with a wicked cutting
4 HP
edge. Expert craftsmanship and quite valuable.
“Trusty” (D6 Blaster) & “Rusty” (D6 Blaster, Cheap) These two guns have been with you
5 HP
through thick & thin.
6 HP “Rusty” (D6 Blaster, Cheap) You used to have two but lost the good one…
D6 Old Crew Specialty D6 What Happened?
You have been the subject of unethical and experimental scientific tinkering.
There were some side effects. You recently managed to escape.
› Cloak (Hooded)
› Flashlight
› Tattoo (Serial Number or Bar Code)
D6 Side-Effects
2 HP Magnetism: Manipulate metal objects up to 100 lbs with your mind. Costs 1 fatigue.
3 HP Ghost Skin: Willingly phase through solid objects up to 3 feet thick. Costs 1 fatigue.
Elasticity: Your arms and hands can stretch and change form up to 20 sq feet or 60 feet
4 HP
in length.
Ultra-Conductive: You can discharge, locally disrupting all nearby computers and
6 HP
circuitry once a day. Immune to electricity and EMP damage.
D6 Type of Experiment D6 How Did You Escape?
Inexplicably, incomprehensible
quantum displacement shifted
you somewhere completely
Gene-Splicing: Bio-Engineering 4
random. Take a random weapon
via illegal methods made your
4 (Roll 1D4). 1-2: small melee, 3:
body more hardy and adaptable.
stun gun, 4: junky blaster.
You naturally have 1 armor.
You’ve built a career around being handy. You’re skilled at repairing and maintaining
mechanical structures and devices.
› Crowbar (D6)
› Duct Tape
› Grease-stained work clothes
D6 Pet Project
Dimension De-stabilizer: Tech belt that allows the wearer to slip in and out of reality.
1 HP
You cannot interact with anything in this reality but are still visible.
Division Multiplier: Harness that when activated splits you into two smaller versions of
2 HP yourself. HP & Ability Scores are halved. Inventory exists in a quantum state; items used
by one version are inaccessible to the other. Lasts 1 minute. Causes 1 fatigue.
Molecular Shield Generator: (+1 armor, 3 bonus HP a day) Swarm of fly-sized nanobots
3 HP orbit you, occasionally running scans on your biological makeup, providing you with
customized shielding and protection. Bonus HP takes a day to recharge.
Anti-Grav Boots: Activate to reduce your fall speed at the last second and land safely.
4 HP
Recharge via 100 credit worth of common battery parts in 1d6 hours.
Catherine: An A.I. chip you can implant into any basic device. Currently installed in your
5 HP personal comm unit. Catherine is very polite. Will warn you of any imminent danger you
might not notice. May run advanced diagnostics.
Spider-Wasp Drone: A spider-sized drone that can quietly fly, crawl on most surfaces,
6 HP
and transmit video footage up to 200ft.
D6 Technical Expertise D6 Savant Specialty
Running contraband goods for underworld clients is a dangerous game, but you’ve
gotten good at staying under the radar.
› Blaster (D6)
› Stylish Outfit
› Fake Clearance Codes (1)
› GM Optional, start with a small starship (stolen or indebted) with smuggling
holds. It’s currently impounded or stolen.
D6 Lucky Charm
Loyal Sidekick: Create a freelancer. You’ve been through thick and thin together. Think
3 HP
about how you met.
Hacking Sleeve: Mechanized gauntlet with tools to hack, slice, and infiltrate just about
4 HP
any system or mechanical device. 1 fatigue when successfully used.
Custom Cape: (Reaction rolls are always one category higher) Flamboyant design of your
5 HP
choice. Looking good is part of the job.
Moon Gum: Tastes great. Causes intense hallucinations for 1d6 hours and is effectively
6 HP
immobilizing. Pretty colors… (6 sticks left)
D6 Recent Entanglements D6 Trick Up Your Sleeve
Flawless Career: You were one Under the Radar: Any smuggler
of the best and you’ve managed worth their salt knows how to
to retire without incident. Your keep their head down when
4 4
reputation grants you 10% working - you have an especially
discount from any underworld effective touch at dodging local
dealers. authorities.
Jail Time: After getting caught, Lovely Eyes: Once a day you may
you served some jail time. You’re persuade someone who would
5 5
just now getting out and have feasibly find you attractive to do
decided to try a change of career. you a favor or believe a lie.
05 — PILOT
You feel most comfortable behind the controls of a starship. Quick reflexes and
situational awareness make you an asset in many situations.
› Mag-boots
› Junky blaster (D6, cheap, mid-range)
› GM Optional, start with a small Starship. Make it impounded or in need of
D6 Suited Up
Deluxe Array: Holo-shades (improve visuals in darkness, look slick), armor-lined red
1 HP
jacket (1 Armor), and 2 blasters (D6), pack of alien cigars (blue smoke)
Alien Companion: Generate a retainer (merc) with one unique feature befitting an alien
2 HP
species (alternatively can be a droid or other non-human.)
Exo-Skin Suit: (1 armor) Nanotech morph suit, conforms to your body, wear under your
3 HP
regular clothes. Has a built in grappling gun and rebreather mask.
Stylin’: Take a dashing outfit and cloak, silver-plated blaster (d6, replace starting
4 HP
weapon) and a thermal detonator (d6, blast, thermal).
Committed to Flying: Take a datajack implant (Cerebral Socket). Installs the back of
5 HP your head with a jack that allows you to plug into vehicles to more rapidly access special
systems and data.
Just the Essentials: Take a leather jacket, a stun gun and a retractable baton (D6,
6 HP
D6 Flying Expertise D6 Other Talents
Syndicate Contractor:
Any reaction rolls or social Counter Tactics: If you lose
encounters with professional initiative at the start of starship
5 5
syndicates are one category combat, the first attack your ship
higher, or more favorable in makes will be enhanced.
another abstract way.
Test Pilot: You can pilot anything, Witty Banter: During starship
and are experienced at operating combat, hilarious yelling or witty
vehicles that are damaged or banter with a co-pilot or onboard
6 6
partially broken. If your ship A.I. allows you to automatically
takes critical damage, delay the succeed on a single critical
negative effects for 1D4 rounds. damage save a day.
All machines have a purpose. What was yours, and what will it become? Machines
can only take cyberware augmentations. They must make sense for your model
type. You do not need to eat or breathe and cannot take damage from sources that
rely on those functions (breathing, poison, etc). You are immune to mind-altering
effects. You must sleep (re-boot/defrag/update) roughly as much as everyone else.
Shock does double damage.
› Short Rifle (D6, bulky)
› Antivirus.EXE (1 use, removes 1 fatigue)
D6 Custom Hardware
2 HP Reinforced Casing: If you take max damage from an attack, half it.
D6 Model Type D6 Manufacturer
Just another low life trying to make a few creds. You likely have ties to other
criminals and criminal organizations, syndicates, and less reputable individuals.
Whether you worked for them, worked alone, or had some other arrangements
might depend.
› Old Shotgun (D6 blast, bulky, cheap)
› Smart meds
› Bolt cutters
Ultraviolet Shotgun: (D8 blast, cryo, illegal). Black market weapon that emits sub-zero
1 HP
wavelengths. Particularly devastating to unarmored flesh.
Heart-Stopper Helmet: Face-mask that looks like a devil (+1 armor) and emits a low-
2 HP
frequency hum, unsettling others. Can discharge a 30’ sonic blast (D6 sonic) once a day.
“Brick”: Take a freelancer (merc) with 12 STR, 8 DEX, 6 WIL, 3 HP, Billhook (D6, bulky)
3 HP They’re not the brightest bulb, but they’re pretty large and intimidating. Rename if you
Red Hyena: (6 HP, 14 DEX, D6 bite, critical damage save vs STR or break a bone) A very
4 HP large, red coated hyena. Obeys you via a neural link, but some of its affection might be
Synth-weave Duster: (1 armor, lots of pockets) It’s like a jacket only it’s longer, thicker,
6 HP
and far more bad-ass.
D6 Type of Scum D6 Criminal Knack
Thug: You are good at cheap Know A Guy: You can figure out
shots. Attacks are enhanced on how to contact someone seedy
1 1
an enemy that has been hit in the in any city after an hour of asking
same round. around.
A power within you has awoken. Whether from trauma, an evolving mind, or some
other key, the locks have started to open on a deep seeded source of power.
When a psionic character undergoes major stress, trauma, or levels up, consider
letting them awaken a new power. Optionally, instead of new powers, consider
evolving the effects of their awakening ability.
› Cheap blaster or small melee weapon
› Fake I.D.
› Adrenaline injection (1)
› Candy bar
D6 Psionic Awakening
You are Gifted. Shatter: Your voice echoes with the sound of an earthquake, causing d8
1 HP
damage (blast 20’) to creatures, and shatters delicate objects. Take 1 fatigue.
You are Psychic. Read Thoughts: You can hear the surface thoughts of nearby creatures
2 HP and can communicate telepathically, either clearly in languages you know, or a general
sense of emotions in languages you are unfamiliar with.
You are Telekinetic. Telekinesis: You may mentally move an item under 60lbs. Take 1
3 HP
You are a Mesmer. Spectacle: A clearly false but impressive illusion of your choice
4 HP appears, under your control. It may be up to the size of a palace and has full motion and
You are a Precog. Vision: Once a day, roll a 1d20 and keep that roll. You may substitute
5 HP that roll for any Save you, an ally, or an enemy makes after seeing the results. Gain 1
fatigue when you roll your vision and keep it in inventory until the dice is used.
You are an Esper. Calm: A creature you can see is soothed and treats you as a friend for
6 HP
1d6 hours. Take 1 fatigue.
D6 Old Cover Identity D6 Neural Ramifications
You’ve spent most of your life dedicated to the advancement of science. Due to new
circumstances, you’ve decided to make the change from lab work to field work.
› Lab coat
› Test tubes (6) & assorted medical tools
› Plasma-Knife (D6 thermal, concealable)
Skeletal Resonator: Attract or repel a single target that has a skeleton, unless they pass
1 HP
a STR save. No effect on cartilage.
Portal Generator: Create a portal between two flat sources that you can see. The gate
2 HP
closes if you pass through or break line of sight. Causes 1 fatigue.
Temporal Bomb: Time slows down 60 times in a 20 foot sphere (blast). Lasts for 1
3 HP
minute outside the sphere, or one second inside. One use.
4 HP Corpse Reviver #42: Brings back the dead if used within 1 minute of death. One use.
Particle-Mirror Array: (+1 Armor) A molecular shield generator. Once a day, make a DEX
5 HP
save to reflect energy weapon shots back at their source.
Creature in a Jar: A baby sludge creature with one eye. Upon release, it will eat a
corpse’s brain consuming its memories, effectively allowing the user to ask a corpse one
6 HP
question. The fresher the corpse, the better the memory. Needs a day to rest before it
will come back out.
D6 Field of Expertise D6 Why You Left Science
Toxicology: Years of
experimentation, immunity-
Research De-funded: Due to
building & study have provided
budgetary issues, your research
5 you an immunity to all known 5
has been placed on permanent
poisons, and reduced effect on
hold. Sorry.
failed saves against unknown or
alien toxins and poisons.
You’re ex-special ops. Having completed or parting with your duties, new
opportunities are calling your name.
› Tactical fatigues
› Shotgun or Rifle
› Dog tags
D6 Special-Issue Equipment
Gate Cloak: Hooded cloak inscribed with nano-particle algebraic equations that allows
1 HP
the user to phase-shift 10’ in any direction instead of taking damage. One use a day.
Kinetic Katana: (D8, bulky, thermal) An alien weapon you recovered. Slender black
blade sheathed in a metal casing. Vibrates at subsonic levels producing an intense heat
3 HP
and orange glow. On a roll of maximum damage, the target must make a STR save or be
fatally severed in half.
Dual-Oculus Hooded Mask: A hooded faceplate mask with two circular smart-display
5 HP goggles. Allows for perfect vision in darkness and other debris via A.I. aided image
D6 Spec-Ops Team D6 Squad Job
Shock Trooper: Special weapons Scout: You and your group can
4 drop troopers. Add shock 4 never be ambushed if you are at
damage to your starting weapon. full HP.
Counter-Insurgency: If fighting
in small, confined urban spaces, Demolitions: Take 2 thermal
your first attack roll in combat detonators. If you set up an
5 5
is enhanced if your weapon is ambush with explosives the
suited for close-range (melee, damage is enhanced.
It’s slimy,
and its myriad
out there,
be just
nowas belong
keep the
wolves from
greater purpose,
the door.
or vaster
You made
your living
and as
a licensed
been gifted
a sliver of that
power to wield as the envoy of forces you could not possibly comprehend.
› Simple Weapon GEAR
›› Nothing can
Old Armor truly be
(Armor 1, possessed.
Bulky) You start with nothing but your clothing.
The Deplorable Word: Anyone you speak the word to must make a WIL save or take
1 HP
1d12 WIL damage. Use once a day. WIL save vs corruption.
2 HP Carried By the Wind: Fly: Can fly once a day for 2d6 seconds at your normal movement.
Puzzle Tongue: Comprehend Languages: Can speak to, understand, and be understood
3 HP
by all spoken languages of approximately human-level intelligence.
Warding Scriptures: Your body is covered in a glowing script. Once a day when an attack
4 HP is made against you for maximum damage, the damage is reverted back to the attacker.
Save vs corruption as the scriptures crawl further into you.
Sunder: You can attack with your mind and two free hands for D6 damage from up to 60
5 HP
ft. Does not cause fatigue.
Glittering Gate: Spend 10 minutes performing a ritual in a 10’ circular area. Star-blessed
spaces exist as a dyad, and only two can exist at once. Stepping into one space transfers
6 HP those who enter to the other space. When a new space is created, the creator mentally
chooses one of the existing two locations to dissipate. All who pass through this void
space must save vs corruption.
D6 Your Vision D6 What Was Taken?
A Thousand Burning Suns: Your Your Voice: You can speak, but at
1 eyes smolder. Fire does not harm 1 a slow, strained crackle that sets
you. others on edge.
The Secret Truth: You cannot Your Future: Once a week you
5 understand or speak it. You can 5 must make a save vs. corruption.
sense any untruth you hear. Slowly your future is rotting away.
It’s a slimy, treacherous world out there, and you had to be just as nasty to keep the
wolves from the door. You made your living as a licensed bounty hunter.
› Rifle or two blasters.
› Old Armor (Armor 1, Bulky)
› Manacles
› Bounty Hunting License & Union Membership.
D6 Specialty Tool
Visage of Dread: (+1 Armor, immune to mind-altering effects): Skull helmet (or
1 HP something intimidating). At the start of combat, enemies save vs WIL or cower in fear for
1 round.
Heat-Seeking Sniper Rifle: (D10) One mile range. 9-10 damage on the first shot of
2 HP
combat or from a hidden position is an instant kill.
Grave-Foam Gauntlet: Sprays a liquid cloud of gray dust, forming a 12 inch thick casing
around the target for 1d12 hours. Nothing inside can break out. The casing keeps its
3 HP
contents alive in a safe stasis until released. 1 cartridge of fuel (3 uses). Buy more fuel
from Bounty Hunters’ Union.
Shock Dart: (D6, spec ammo) Wrist mounted rocket dart. DEX save vs paralysis for 1d6
4 HP
Wire Shot: (grappling) Wrist-mounted. Shoots a magnetic smart-wire that wraps around
5 HP
and ensnares targets. Dex save or completely grappled. No save if surprised.
6 HP Trick-Axe: (D8, bulky, sweep): Can retract down to 3 feet in length for (D6).
D6 How Did You Hunt? D6 A Past Complication
Optional tables to help flesh out what a character might look and behave like if a player would like
additional random elements or help fleshing out a character. There are extra tables in the back.
Physique Mannerisms
1 Boney 6 Haunted
2 Stern 7 Sharp
3 Chiseled 8 Square
4 Beautiful 9 Sunken
5 Broken 10 Friendly
Male Names
Female Names
Ambiguous Names
Last Names
The group will start with a shared debt. This will help facilitate urgency for the players by prompting
them to search out jobs and make money, as well as provide the GM with world building and story
prompts. The debt is for 10k credits unless otherwise specified.
D12 Description
Black Carapace Syndicate: The insectoid crime lord, Narakata the Ninety-ninth, wants
1 you to repay an unpaid gambling debt, preferably in the form of illegal goods or rare
artifacts, which will count as double their value in repaying this debt.
Herod: Infamous slumlord and galactic realtor. You all own equal shares of a small,
2 habitable moon in a nearby system. Roll random qualities to determine what kind of
moon it is.
PEACHBOY™: Galactically-renown tech innovators. You are all decked out in the latest
3 chrome. Everyone gets a unique cyberware mod. Until the debt is paid, 50% of the
credits you earn are automatically deposited from your accounts to PEACHBOY™.
Mama Sook: The elderly, devious leader of the Broken Nail Club, a smuggling ring. You
4 unwittingly crossed paths with her operations and interfered with her business. She
requires restitution in the form of running contraband.
Libra Wasteworks: Indebted for disposing of illicit goods for you. They want repayment
5 in the form of questionable favors from time to time. Until the debt is paid, you will be
pressured into doing their bidding or else face problems with local governments.
Funeral Smoke: One of the most notorious merc squads in the known galaxy. They
7 purchased your old debt from a debt bond company. Until you pay your debt, you are
registered as low level contractors for doing some of the squad’s dirty jobs.
Mr. Hoodwink: Loan shark and bookie known for their cruelty and wide political
influence network. You can pay your debt off faster if you help with...collections.
Tigerjack & Rook: Major law firm known for representing less savory clientele. They’ve
taken care of some legal issues for your group and expect payment in cash. Soon.
The Crumbling Voice: A dread presence that communicates with you all through your
11 dreams. It desires a particular artifact to be placed in a specific location. Until the debt is
paid, save vs corruption at the start of every session.
Gray Pegasus Security Corp: You owe them for wiping all traces of your party from
public records. A clean slate. They want payment in the form of sensitive information
from a rival faction. If the debt isn’t paid within three months, they will leak all of your
sensitive information on all known public and criminal networks.
If you need to generate complications for chaotic actions, downtime mishaps, or just to introduce
dramatic tension, the table below offers some interpersonal complications for the PCs. Suggestions
and examples are in parentheses.
Owes a debt to... (for saving their Local governor or politician (Cruel/
1 1
life/losing badly at cards.) Easygoing/Inept/Greedy)
Is adored by... (and is stalking you/ Arena fighting champion (In their
6 6
friends or family want you gone) prime/past prime/up and comer)
Vices serve as both character growth and a Playing cards, throwing dice, or other forms of
way to pressure PC’s pockets and keep them risking money on games of chance.
continuing to adventure & acquire wealth to
support their vice. A vice is a nice way to bleed
a player’s wealth as they begin to accumulate
more. A player typically shouldn’t have more Drinking ale, wine, spirits, or other alcoholic
than 1-2 vices. beverages that intoxicate your senses.
Devotion to a cause, organization, charity, or
Spectating extreme violence or participating in
the bloodshed yourself.
Dedication to a power, deity, ancestry, or other
belief system.
Pursuing a personal goal, vendetta, or long-
term project.
D10 Vice Triggers Satisfying
As an alternative to rolling a background, players may choose to start with a starting gear pack.
Match your highest Ability Score against your HP to find your starting package. This can also be a
quick way to outfit a freelancer hireling. Weapons either have their damage listed or are common
equipment found on page 40. If not, GMs can make a call on how best to stat those items.
1 HP 2 HP 3 HP
Two blasters, Thermal Blaster, Vibro-saw (D8 Laser pistol (D6), worn
13 detonator, Pack of exploding, bulky) Chrome cloak, Shield gen (+1 armor)
cigarettes, Rum Armor Suit (Armor 1, bulky) 4d6 credits
› If an entry says “artifact”, “ex-tech”, “psionic”, “astromancy”, “talent” or “mutation” without an
indicated number, roll randomly.
4 HP 5 HP 6 HP
Silenced Energy Rifle, Shock Collapsible baton (D6), the Sling blade (D6, Sweep),
trap (shock, blast), Binocs title to an occupied ship, drill Combat Stims, Duffel Bag
Brass knuckles (D6), Duct Stun Gun, Baton (D6), Fake Blaster, Shovel, Claymore,
tape, Cigars, Burns on face I.D., Missing eye Glowing Eyes
Rebreather Helm (+1 Armor) Allows for breathing in hostile environments. 800
Flash Grenade (DEX save or stunned for 1D4 rounds) Ineffective against machines and
smart helmets or eye protection.
Claymore (d8 blast) Set the charge and stick to most solid surfaces. Anyone who
moves within 5’ will activate the explosive.
Blast Putty (d6 blast, thermal) Must be applied to a surface. Triggered by interaction. 100
Adrenaline Injection: (1 use) Inject directly into heart. Clears 1 fatigue. Using more
than 1 a day may cause heart issues.
Smart Meds: (1 use) Heals 1D4 STR or 1 fatigue. Overuse may cause addiction. 300
Antivirus.Exe (1 use) Insert chip into machine to clear 1 fatigue. Using more than 1 a
day may cause operating system bugs.
Data-Comm: Handheld device that can make short range calls (planetary), access local
data networks, and perform basic everyday functions like analyzing data chips, making 100
transactions, and recording information.
Overland Trawler: 10 slots, requires driver, slow. Compartment for sleeping. 3,000
Cantina Meal (Poor): Synth-protein hash, nutrient rations, suspicious looking specials. 5
Cantina Meal (Good): Mostly real clone meat, hydroponic vegetables, local crop. 15
Cantina Meal (Excellent): Imported organic cuts of meat, cheeses, quality fruits. 40
Inter-System Transit: (Shuttles) Travel across a star system; planets, moons, stations. 100
Tracker or Guide 50
Engineer or Technician 75
Starship Pilot 75
Archaeologist or Historian 75
Each of the three abilities are used in DISADVANTAGE
different circumstances.
When a character has some sort of leverage
› Strength (STR) Used for saves requiring or is at some sort of handicap, and a save
physical power, like lifting heavy things, is required, give them enhanced success or
bending or breaking, resisting poison, reduced failure for ADV and mixed success
endurance, stamina, etc. or disastrous failure for DIS.
› Dexterity (DEX) Used for saves requiring
speed, reflexes, agility, and poise, like
dodging, sneaking, climbing, balancing, INVENTORY
using complex tech, etc. Characters have a total of 10 inventory slots:
› Willpower (WIL) Used for saves a backpack with six slots, and four slots for
to persuade, deceive, interrogate, their body (such as carried weapons, chest,
intimidate, charm, provoke, manipulate legs, feet, head, etc.)
alien technology, navigate star charts, Anyone carrying a full inventory (e.g. filling
harness psionics, etc. all 10 slots) is reduced to 0 HP.
Most items take up one slot, and small items
SAVES may sometimes be bundled together. Slots
A save is a roll to avoid bad outcomes from are abstract and can be rearranged per the
risky choices and circumstances. PCs roll a GM’s discretion.
d20 for an appropriate ability score. If they › Bulky items take up two slots and are
roll equal to or under that ability score, they typically two-handed or awkward to
pass. Otherwise, they fail. A 1 is always carry.
a success, and a 20 is always a failure. › Heavy items and weapons can only be
Many risks that call for a save bypass HP used or moved within one round.
altogether. Communicate the risk clearly to
› Unwieldy items cannot be carried by one
your players if they have a chance to decide
person or in your inventory. Additional
on a different course of action. If there is
means of transportation must be
a contested action, the party at most risk
makes the save.
A PC cannot carry more items than their
Opposed Saves: Both parties roll and the
inventory allows. Carriers (which must be
highest successful save wins.
controlled with both hands), vehicles, droids,
or pack animals can increase inventory.
LUCK Hired mercenaries can also be paid to carry
equipment and also have 10 slots.
Sometimes you just need to let the fates
decide on an outcome. If you don’t know
about if something should be a save, or
you don’t quite know how to calculate if
something is good or bad, roll a d6. On a
1 the result is unfavorable, 2-3 the result
is mixed or uncertain, 4-5 is normal, 6 is
When a player attempts to do something Conditions occupy inventory just like fatigue,
such as pick a lock, drive a speeder, or hack but have other effects and unique recovery
a computer, three task resolution factors conditions.
should be taken into consideration: training,
tools, and time.
If a player has all three: training (inferred
Before calculating damage to HP, subtract
from background, a skill, etc.), appropriate
the target’s armor value from the result of
tools (an item), and enough time (usually 10
damage rolls. No one can have more than 3
mins), they will alway succeed.
points of armor.
If a player is missing one of the above, a
Worn armor is usually listed as Armor 1,
Save might be appropriate, with a failed save
Armor 2, etc. and will usually only benefit
resulting in a consequence, such as getting
from a secondary armor source if it is bonus
caught, breaking the tool, or not being able
(+1 Armor) or it makes sense fictionally.
to solve the problem.
Shields and similar items provide bonus
If a player is missing two of the above, it
defense (e.g. +1 armor), but only while the
is usually impossible to resolve the task at
item is held or worn.
hand, or the results of failing a Save could
potentially be very dangerous.
HEALING Players can opt to absorb all of the damage
from one attack in exchange for their shield
Resting for a few moments and having a
generator being destroyed.
drink of water restores lost HP but leaves
the party exposed. Ability score loss (see
Critical Damage) can usually be restored COST OF LIVING
by recuperating for a few days facilitated
PCs can rest on their ship (for free) or at paid
by a medic, doctor, ship med-bay, or other
lodgings, and will recover from most minor
appropriate source of expertise. Some of
and moderate wounds after 7 days of rest. If
these services are cheap, while experts,
players don’t sleep in a dedicated sleeping
unusual services, or more expedient means
location, they will be deprived until they are
of recovery may come at a higher cost or
properly rested.
PCs can hire freelancers and mercenaries to Experience points (XP) is gained from credits
help on missions or with other work. To create recovered (returned to a “safe” location). XP
a freelancer, roll 3D6 for each ability score, from treasure must be acquired by finding a
then give them 1D6 HP and a standard weapon buyer for the treasure. XP can also be gained
(D6), then roll on the Finishing Touches tables from carousing (pg. 52-53)
to further flesh them out. Freelancers cost
between 50–100 credits per day, or a share LEVELING UP
of whatever rewards the party obtains. After
Re-roll all three of your ability scores. If the
a freelancer completes a mission they can be
new result is higher, increase that score by 1.
taken on as a crew member and gain levels like
Roll 1d6 and add to HP total. Each time you
the PCs. From then on they will always take an
level up, reset XP to zero.
equal share of pay.
Optional Adjustments
TAGS › Adjust HP gain to 1D4 for a slightly slower
Tags are optional, simple descriptors that state progression.
truths about a character. They don’t offer direct › Adjust HP gain to gain +1 for rolling over
mechanical bonuses, but can be used as a tool current HP with a 3D6 roll for a more
when negotiating between the player and the consistent, but even slower progression.
GM, or deciding an outcome. › For slower leveling, simply adjust the
Backgrounds also imply a non-specified experience needed to start with 1,000 and
amount of traits, skills, knowledge, or training either add +1,000 each level, or double it
and can also be leveraged as such. every level.
› The maximum value any ability score or hit
protection can reach is 18.
› Players may acquire special abilities or
advanced capabilities by training with
experts, augmenting their mind via
technology or strange artifacts, or through
intense experiences. (see Talents, pg. 80)
When the PCs encounter an NPC whose reaction to the party is not obvious, the GM may roll 2d6 and
consult the following table:
NPCs always have desires and ongoing goals. Use this roll to help determine what those might
be. Hostile NPCs will usually make demands. Friendly NPCs might be open to bargains or favors.
Sometimes NPCs and monsters will be able to give you information about the location you’re in, and
might even offer their services as mercs.
You can distract them with rations, point them towards corpses, cast a
1 Food
food illusion.
This is their turf. They will defend it, ask you to leave, or to prove why you
5 Territory
should be able to pass through.
6 Info They want to know about a faction, nearby NPC, landmark, or location.
They’re in service to another nearby NPC and are helping that NPC achieve
9 Mission
a goal.
They are lost and need directions somewhere or help being escorted there
10 Directions
At the Start of Combat, each PC must make › If fighting from a position of weakness
a DEX Save for a chance to act before their (such as through cover or with bound
adversaries. If PCs fail their DEX Save, they hands), the attack is impaired and the
don’t act in the first turn. Subsequent rounds attacker must roll 1d4 damage regardless
will always go PC Turn, then Enemy Turn. of the attack’s damage die.
› If fighting from a position of advantage
If one side is surprised or ambushed, they
(such as against a helpless foe or through a
automatically go second at the start of combat.
daring maneuver), the attack is enhanced,
allowing the attacker to roll 1d12 damage
ROUNDS instead of their normal die.
The game typically plays without strict time › Certain advantageous situations or tools
accounting. In a fight or circumstance where might call for enhanced damage, or bonus
timing is helpful, use rounds to keep track of damage. Use at your own discretion as a
when something occurs. A round is roughly ten reward for clever planning.
seconds of in-game time and consists of turns.
TURNS Under certain circumstances, an attack may
› Each round, PCs all act together on the PC recieve a bonus, noted as +D6, +D8 etc.
turn, and enemies all act together on the This is rolled as an extra attack against the
enemy turn. The only exception to this is same target, following the same rules as dual
the start of combat, where passing a DEX weapons. Remember that only the highest
Save allows PCs to act before the enemy single die result causes damage. Attacks
turn. against a completely helpless target always
› The GM should telegraph the most likely receive +d12.
actions taken by NPCs or monsters.
ACTIONS If multiple attackers target the same foe, roll all
On the PC’s turn, each character may move up damage dice and keep the single highest result
to 40ft and take up to one action. This could each round.
be attacking, using a power or item, moving
another 40ft, or some other reasonable action. DUAL WEAPONS
Each round, the PCs declare what they are If attacking with two weapons at the same
doing before dice are rolled. If a character time, roll both damage dice and keep the single
attempts something risky, the GM calls for a highest result each round.
save for appropriate players or NPCs.
Damage that reduces a target’s HP below Large groups of similar combatants fighting
zero decreases a target’s STR by the amount together are treated as a single detachment.
remaining. They must then make a STR save When a detachment takes critical damage, it
to avoid critical damage. Additionally, some is routed or significantly weakened. When it
enemies will have special abilities or effects reaches 0 STR, it is destroyed.
that are triggered when their target fails a › Attacks against detachments by individuals
critical damage save. Rare or exceptional items are impaired (excluding blast damage).
and abilities may also give PCs special effects
› Attacks against individuals by detachments
on crits.
are enhanced and deal blast damage.
Any PC that suffers critical damage cannot do
anything but crawl weakly, grasping for life.
If given aid and rest, they will stabilize. If left
untreated, they die within the hour. Enemies must pass a WIL save to avoid fleeing
when they take their first casualty and again
WEAPON RANGES when they lose half their number. Some
groups may use their leader’s WIL in place of
Weapons have one or more ranges for their their own. Lone foes must save when they’re
optimal use. Any time a weapon is used a reduced to 0 HP. Morale does not affect PCs.
single increment outside of its listed range,
the damage is impaired. A weapon cannot be RETREAT
used more than one increment outside of its
Running away from a dire situation always
range. Range descriptions are rough estimates.
requires a successful DEX save, as well as a
If a weapon in the armory doesn’t list a range,
safe destination to run to.
make a call based on what seems appropriate.
› Close (C-R): Within melee & touch range.
› Short (S-R): In the same room.
› Mid (M-R): Across a yard or down a street.
› Long (F-R): Across a field or city block.
When a character dies, the player is free to
create a new character or take control of a
mercenary. They immediately join the party in
order to reduce downtime.
› Cheap: Roll a D6 after any combat › Thermal: DEX Save or take 1D4 heat
encounter, or as fiction might dictate. A roll damage for 1D4 rounds.
of 1 and it breaks. › Cryo: STR Save or do half damage on next
› Armor Piercing (AP): Ignore all armor attack.
(damage rolls of 1 misfire) › Shock: DEX Save or lose turn for 1 round.
› Exploding: Re-roll max damage dice and › EMP: (Only effective vs machines) STR save
add to total. or lose turn for 1 round.
› Spec Ammo: Special ammo, charge, or fuel. › Biological: (Only effective vs organics) STR
Max damage rolls require spending a turn save or 1D4 damage for 1D4 rounds.
reloading/refueling and consume a unit of
› Serrating: (Only effective vs organics) STR
spec ammo from your inventory.
Save or 1D4 damage for 1D4 rounds.
› Overclocked: On max damage, upgrade
› Sonic: (Only effective vs organics) WIL Save
dice type. 6>8>10. 10 on a d10 will reset
or lose turn for 1 round.
the weapon to its base dice and the
weapon will need 2d6 hours to recharge. › Disintegration: DEX Save vs instant
Can manually re-set the battery outside of obliteration. Usually illegal.
combat for 1d6 hours recharge.
MELEE PROPERTIES Smart weapons fire A.I. guided rounds. Roll the
› Parry: Melee attacks of 2 damage or less two dice indicated and take only the highest
are harmlessly parried away. single result. Must have smart weapon ammo in
› Grapple: (no damage) Entangle your your inventory to use smart weapons.
opponent. They will need to pass a STR › When you roll doubles, no damage and the
Save to break free. weapon glitches. You must spend the next
› Sweep: (Bulky) Long weapons that allow a round recalibrating.
second attack on an adjacent opponent.
› Brutal: (Bulky) Big enough to instantly kill HIGH-ENERGY WEAPONS
an opponent on max damage and force a These weapons do higher damage at the risk
morale check on the target’s allies. of possible malfunction. Roll 2 damage dice
› Vorpal: (Small Blades) Damage instead of one (example, 2d6) and the total is
immediately bypasses HP, going straight combined. High-energy weapons cannot have
to STR and requiring a save against Critical other properties.
Damage. Typically illegal. › When you roll doubles, no damage and the
› Deadly: (Small or Medium Blades) Deadly weapon overheats. You must spend the
weapons are fast enough to roll again on next round venting heat.
max damage and add to total. › When you roll max (on either dice) you
must spend the next round reloading. This
requires ammo in your inventory.
› High-energy ammo can be bundled in
stacks of 3.
When an attack reduces a PC’s HP to exactly 0, they are uniquely impacted. Look up the result on the
table below based on the total damage taken.
Scars Table
Scarred: A part of you is violently marked. Roll 1D6 — 1: Eye, 2: Face, 3: Neck, 4: Chest, 5:
Hands, 6: Ear Roll 1D6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
Shaken: You’re disoriented from a thunderous blow. After you take something to calm your
nerves, roll 1D6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
Walloped: You’re sent flying from impact, and land in a heap. You are deprived until you
rest for a few hours, then roll 1D4 and add that amount to your max HP.
Broken Bones: Roll 1D6 | 1-2: Leg, 3-4: Arm, 5: Ribs, 6: Skull. Once healed, roll 2D6
against your maximum HP. If higher, take the new result.
Bloody Mess: You are deprived until you see a specialist for a lot of stitches. Once you do,
roll 2D6 and compare to your maximum HP. Keep the results if higher.
Scrambled Head: Roll 1D6 | 1-2: STR, 3-4: DEX, 5-6: WIL. Roll 3D6 against the consequent
attribute. If higher, take the new result.
System Shock: You can barely move until you get medical attention. After recovering, roll
3D6. If the total is higher than your max DEX, take the new result.
To Shreds, You Say?: Roll 1D6 | 1: Leg, 2: Arm, 3-4: Hand, 5: Jaw, 6: Eye. The body part is
torn off. Make a WIL save. If you pass, increase your max STR by 1D4.
Only Mostly Dead: That was harrowing. You are deprived until you get specialized
treatment. Once healed, make a will save. If you pass, increase your max WIL by 1D4.
Mortal Wound: You are deprived and out of action. You die in one hour unless healed. Upon
recovery, make a will save. If you pass, increase your max HP by 1D6
Cerebral Reorientation: You are knocked unconscious and need to see a specialist within
11 24 hrs for a week of healing. You feel like a slightly different person. Re-roll your WIL on
Doomed: If your next save against critical damage is a fail, you die horribly. If you pass, roll
3D6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
You can spend your credits on experiences rather than on things. Carousing lets you double-dip your
XP gained at a 1-to-1 ratio by “wasting” it on carousing, partying, and having a good time. For each
credit you spend carousing, you gain 1 XP. Roll 2D6 to see what happens during carousing. If players
roll a mishap or fortune, roll 1D12 on the appropriate table.
Brawl. You all are involved in a brawl that gets out of control. Start the next adventure with
a black eye and -1 HP per level. The local cantina owner is no longer quite as friendly.
Minor misunderstanding with local authorities that you’re unable to smooth over. You all
spend the next 1d6 days in jail. Now seen as local troublemakers.
One of you insulted a local person of rank. They will hold a grudge unless you all publicly
apologize and humiliate yourself before them.
Brutal hangover. The first 2d6 hours adventuring the next day are done with disadvantage
to all STR saves.
Gambling binge. Your party owe a collective debt equal to roughly half the amount spent
carousing to someone you’d rather not own money to.
You’ve ruined the local economy! Your excess spending means that all prices are now
doubled until the next session.
Major misunderstanding with the local authorities. All equipment is confiscated until
fines and bribes totaling 1d6 x 100 credits are paid.
While in a drunken stupor and a spot of trouble, you sought refuge in a temple (or with
8 another faction). They took care of you but now as repayment have begun hounding you to
perform a charitable act (or other favor).
Bad investment. Invest with a roll of d66% of your available creds in some smooth-
tongued merchant’s scheme. Turns out it’s a sham and they’ve gotten away.
Due to a streak of bad luck while gambling and some antagonistic remarks, you made
bitter enemies with a local rival adventuring party or criminal element.
Beaten and robbed. You are waylaid by a bunch of thugs during your drunken carousing.
Lose d100% of your available creds.
Everything is on fire! Accidentally start a conflagration Roll 1d6 twice, (1-2) burn down
your favorite place, (3-5) some other den of ill repute is reduced to ash, (6) a big chunk of
12 town goes up in smoke.
(1-2) no one knows it was you guys, (3-5) one other person knows you did it, (6) everybody
Mishap! Experience is gained, but something has gone wrong or you’ve made fools of
yourself in some manner. Roll on the carousing mishaps table.
6-9 Experience is gained without incident.
Fortune! Experience is gained. You’ve all had a stroke of good fortune! Roll on the
carousing fortunes table!
Jackpot! One of you strikes it rich at the gambling tables! Gain level x 200 credits.
Gain a local reputation as the life of the party! Those of ill repute are much more friendly and see
you as one of their own.
What was in that stuff? That strange powder you snorted revealed mystic truths about the
universe. Young people in the settlement see you as cool and not one of the squares. Optional:
Gain a random power or mutation.
Well fed, well rested, and ready to go! The next day of adventuring you start with 1D6 bonus HP
(doesn’t return after rest) your first save automatically succeeds.
Citizens arrest! You catch some criminal in the act and are able to restrain them until the
authorities arrive. You are seen as heroes by the settlement for a short time.
Due to your influx of cash, the local weapons or augmentations dealer has been able to order an
exquisite weapon that he’s willing to sell to you for a reduced price.
The local cultural or religious leaders see you guys as protectors of the settlement. They offer
you a blessing before your next adventure.
Impressed by your ability to drink for days and keep standing, a freelancer of high repute is
willing to join you on your next adventure if you wish, at no initial cost.
Killer investment! Invest all your spare cash in some smooth-tongued merchant’s scheme. Turns
out it’s real! It returns 50% profits next session.
Local celebrity. Your ability to carouse with the common folk has led them to see you as one of
their own. The locals are thankful to have you around. You receive free room and board in this
settlement of modest quality and possibly some new connections.
Hot Goss. Your time spent carousing has let you in on some juicy gossip. You learn one major
secret about a person in authority.
Heroic Carousing! It was a night of truly epic debauchery. Everyone roll a d6 to see how your
legend grew. (1) Re-roll HP for your level, take the new result if higher, increase by 1 if result is
lower. (2) Gain 1 STR, (3) Gain 1 DEX, (4) Gain 1 WIL, (5) Gain a random Astromancy, (6) Gain Ld6
x 100 creds.
› When exploring a dangerous location such 1. Encounter Roll: GM makes encounter roll.
as an ancient ruin, derelict starship, or
other adventure site, GMs have the option 2. Actions: The party decides what action
of using turns. to take (e.g. moving, searching, listening,
entering or exiting rooms).
› Each turn is roughly 10 minutes (10 combat
rounds equal 1 exploration turn). 3. Description: GM describes what happens. If
› If you’re mapping on a grid, use 10-foot encounters were rolled, they happen here.
squares. If (1) was rolled on the encounter die, follow
the subsequent procedures:
Roll a d6 encounter dice every 3 turns. Deadlier Most treasure should be more valuable than it
dungeons can be rolled every 2 turns. Only a is useful. It should generally hard to acquire,
roll of 1 will result in an encounter, and they big, heavy, and useless beyond its value. Make
won’t always be hostile. it something someone other than the players
1. Encounter: Roll on an encounter table, wants. If they don’t have a buyer or someone
then roll for NPC Reaction and NPC Wants. who hired them to find it, they should be
encouraged to go out and see who might want
2. Sign: Clue, track, abandoned lair, scent,
to buy it. Players can also loot cred sticks,
victim, droppings, etc. On the next
weapons, armor, items, and various powerful
Encounter Roll, consider encountering
artifacts and technology. Maps to other
whatever left the sign if applicable.
locations and valuable information are also
3. Locality: Context-dependent timer, water great sources of loot.
rising, ritual completing, environmental
4. Exhaustion: Rest next turn or deprived.
5. Expiration: Resource expires, ongoing All of these actions will typically take one turn.
effects end, light usage devices glitch or › Hacking
fail, bellies rumble.
› Lock-picking
6. Discovery or Treasure: Players find
› Forcing a door
valuable information, location knowledge,
hidden feature, or loot. › Disabling traps
› Clearing an obstacle
SEARCHING › Deciphering symbols & languages
› A quick search takes 1 minute, covers › Setting up traps
roughly a 30x30’ space, and reveals only › Looking through a book
the most obvious information.
› Sorting through items
› A detailed search takes 10 minutes (1
round), covers roughly a 30x30’ space, and
reveals all hidden information.
› If players state they’re searching in the
exact spot of a hidden feature, or are
interacting specifically with a hidden
mechanism, they will succeed.
› Lanterns, glo-torches, and other radial
sources of light illuminate 40’ clearly and
provide dim outlines and shadows for a
further 40’.
› Flashlights have a range of about 80’ clearly
and another 40’ dimly, but only a width of a
few feet.
› In the dark, light sources are visible miles
Each hex represents 6 miles. An adventuring The party may engage in one of the following
day is divided into 6 turns of approximately standard actions each turn:
4 hours each. Two of these phases, › Travel: Passing through a hex and into
approximately 8 hours, must be spent sleeping an adjacent one. On roads marked on the
in order to avoid becoming deprived. In each map, the party travels through two hexes
turn, the following procedure is followed: (three if mounted). Off-road, one hex is
1. Action: The party decides on one action traversed. There is also a 2-in-6 chance,
for that turn. when traveling off-road, of getting lost. This
2. Event Roll: The GM rolls on the event dice is increased to 3-in-6 in hexes classified as
for encounters and other random events. difficult terrain. An experienced survivalist
decreases the chance of getting lost by
3. Resolve: The action and event rolls are
1-in-6. If lost, PCs will need to spend the
next turn using the “search” action to
reorient themselves. The effects of getting
EVENT ROLL lost are rolling a D6, assigning a number
to each side of the hex, and moving the
The GM rolls 1d6 and consults the table
players one hex off course in that direction.
appropriate to the party’s location.
› Explore: Looking for interesting features
1. Encounter: Roll on an encounter table for
within a hex. There is a 4-in-6 chance of
that terrain type or location.
discovering the hidden location in the hex
2. Sign: Clue, spoor, or indication of nearby description. Difficult terrain reduces this to
encounter, locality, hidden feature, or 3-in-6. An experienced explorer increases
information about a nearby hex. the chance by 1-in-6.
3. Locality: Shifts in weather, terrain, or › Search: Looking for something which was
other local changes. previously encountered in a hex. The basic
4. Expiration: Exhaustion (Rest this turn or chance is 5-in-6 or 4-in-6 in difficult terrain.
add 1 fatigue), Hunger (Eat a ration or add An experienced woodsman, tracker, or
1 fatigue), or another resource is needed. navigator increases the chance by 1-in-6.
5. Discovery: Discover something useful › Interact: Staying in the current location
such as food, treasure, or other resources. (e.g. exploring a dungeon, town, etc).
6. Hidden Feature: The main feature of › Camp: Resting and/or sleeping.
the hex is discovered, or, choose or roll › Forage: Hunt, fish, or forage for food. There
randomly for a unique hex feature from is a basic 3-in-6 chance of success. An
a random table. Options could be small experienced hunter, angler, or woodsman
dungeons, secret areas, factions, special increases the chance.
items, etc. If the hex doesn’t have a
hidden feature, consider an additional
discovery and be clear that the hex has
been fully explored.
Points of Interest (POIs) are marked as › Travel: Move through an available route
locations on the map with a number. Point of from your current point to another
interest can range from settlements, ruins, connected point. Refer to the route entry
natural landmarks, or anything that has for details on travel time and hazards. Roll
content for players to interact with. Lines of on the encounter table for that route.
travel between POIs indicate routes or paths. › Camp: Make camp and rest for 8 hours.
The time and length of a path is different, › Forage: Hunt, fish, or forage for food. Every
depending on distance, terrain, and other attempt takes 1 hour. There is a base line
factors. 3-in-6 chance of success. An experienced
hunter, angler, or woodsman increases the
ROUTES chance.
01 3-5 No encounter
› Shields (SHI) Shields of energy protect the › Movement is the amount of hexes a ship
hull of the ship from structural damage. may move during their turn in combat.
They take 10 mins to recharge after Ships may change their direction using one
combat. point of movement.
› Hull (HUL) The hull of the ship is the › Mobility is the amount of directions on
structural integrity and outer physical layer. a hex they may rotate using one unit of
› Engines (ENG) Engines power the ship by movement. One point of mobility allows a
providing it with energy. ship to rotate for 60 degrees
› Systems (SYS) Systems are the quality
of the ship’s wiring and technological CREW REQUIREMENT
Minimum individuals required to operate the
ship, maximum capacity. Ship size lists a range
HOLDS from minimum crew needed for operation, all
› Holds are a ship’s inventory capabilities. the way to maximum capacity.
› Most starship parts occupy 1 hold. Bulky
parts occupy 2 hold. CREW MATES
› A hold can contain quarters (rooms), Ships require a crew to operate. Hire a crew
modules, or a single unit of trade goods. mate for 50C a week. They will live on and help
› A ship’s size determines how many holds operate the ship. If they need to be interacted
it has. with individually, they will have Attribute
Scores of 10 and 3 HP. If crew mates come on
QUARTERS missions, treat them as freelancers.
Starships come in 5 Sizes (Fighter, Small,
The Desdemona
Medium, Large, Giant). Each size has a fixed
number of holds, which will determine capacity Medium Ship
for ship upgrades and cargo.
Shields: 1D6 (Roll on recharge)
› All ships start with Starship Scores of 10.
Add modules to upgrade their scores. HUL: 12
› All ships come with a cockpit (Fighter- ENG: 10 (+4 Energy Reserves)
Medium) or bridge (Large & Giant). Doesn’t SYS: 14
fill a Hold.
› All ships come with an engine room Armoring: 1
(Fighters just have an engine.) Doesn’t fill Movement: 4
a Hold.
Mobility: 2
› All ships come freely equipped with an
Unstable Shield Gen (1 Hold) and a Flak Holds: 12
Cannon (1 Hold). 1. Flak Cannon (D4)
› Some starship parts can only fit certain 2. Unstable Shield-Gen (Roll 1D6 on recharge)
ship sizes (use your judgement), or have
minimum Ship Score requirements. 3. EMP Rockets (D8 to SHI only)
4. Afterburners
FIGHTER (1-2 Crew)
5. Power Reserve (+4 Energy Reserves)
5 3 4 7. Mess Hall
8. Reinforced Plating (+2 HUL)
SMALL (2-6 Crew) 9. Nano-Relays (+4 SYS)
4 2 12
3 1 16
2 1 20
At the Start of Combat, and each subsequent
round, the pilot makes a DEX Save to act first. Deals impaired damage to
medium ships, attacks to
larger ships are typically
On each round, every department will get
Deals impaired damage to
to perform a department action if at least
Small large ships, attacks to giant
one player is operating that department.
ships are typically ignored.
The departments are Pilot, Engineering,
Weapons, Systems, and Command. These Deals enhanced damage to
phase can happen in any order and all occur Medium fighters, and impaired damage
simultaneously during the player turn. to giant ships.
Deals critical damage to
fighters, deals enhanced
Unless otherwise noted, attacks from behind damage to small ships.
go up one dice size, and from head-on they go
down one dice size. Deals critical damage to
fighters and small ships, and
ATTACKING & DAMAGE enhanced damage to medium
› Damage is first done to a ship’s Shields,
then the remaining damage is done to the
Hull (see critical damage). PILOTING ACTION
› Some weapons might have special The pilot may either move or perform a
properties or specific damage types, and maneuver. Below is a list of piloting maneuvers.
some shields might specifically guard
› Spin: Use half of your movement then
against that type of damage.
attempt to turn up to 180 degrees. Make a
DEX save, upon failure you don’t make the
› If fighting from a position of weakness › Evade: Use half of your movement then
(such as through cover, or with attempt some tricky moves and rolls. Make
malfunctioning systems or weapons), the a DEX save to impair damage taken that
attack is impaired. round.
› If fighting from a position of advantage › Flee: Double your movement speed and
(such as against a malfunctioning ship or don’t make any weapon actions that turn.
through a daring maneuver), the attack is You may attempt to jump to hyperspace via
enhanced. a Systems Action after this maneuver.
› Certain advantageous situations or systems
might call for enhanced damage or bonus ENGINEERING ACTION
dice. GM may use at their own discretion as
a reward for players’ clever thinking. The ship’s engineer can boost other stations on
the ship each turn.
If the ship has energy reserves, use those first
and don’t trigger an ENG Save. If no energy
reserves are available, this action will reduce
the ENG score by 1 and the ship must then
make an ENG Save vs critical damage.
Engines that malfunction from a failed ENG
Save can be repaired by a skilled mechanic
outside of combat. Repairs take 1D6 hours for Damage that reduces a starship’s Shields below
each point. zero decreases a target’s Score by the amount
› Boost Piloting Station: Pilot may take a remaining based on damage type. The ship
second action. must then make a Save against the damage
type dealt to avoid taking critical damage.
› Boost Shields: Restore 1D6 shields. Cannot
Any starship that fails this save takes critical
be used on consecutive turns.
› Boost Weapons: One weapon module may
› If a ship takes critical damage to the HUL,
make two attacks and use the best result.
it is breached. 1D20 minutes before oxygen
› Boost Systems: Use two systems in one is depleted, which will result in death for
turn without needing to make a WIL Save. organic beings.
› If a ship takes critical damage to ENG, it
WEAPONS ACTION loses power cannot do anything but drift
helplessly and shield’s won’t recharge.
A PC operating the ship’s weapons may choose
a weapon module to operate and make an › If a ship takes critical damage to SYS, all
attack each turn. systems malfunction (including weapons
and hyperdrive.)
› Switching Weapons: Switching to a
different weapon takes one turn. A If a starship continues to take damage and a
character may attempt to change weapons Score is reduced to zero, see “Starship Score
and attack in the same turn by making a Loss” below.
DEX Save. Failure results in being knocked Some modules may include special abilities or
down for 1D4 turns. effects that are triggered when a target fails the
› Multiple Weapons: Multiple PCs can critical damage save.
operate different weapons if your ship has
more than one. When multiple weapons are
being used, only apply the highest result. STARSHIP SCORE LOSS
› If a ship’s HUL is reduced to 0, it is
Starships traveling within a star system rely STATIONS
on ship thrusters. Travel between planets in a
Most planets and moons will have dedicated
system takes about 1D6 hours on average.
docks for starships to land. Those that don’t
(due to limited space, environmental reasons,
LIGHTSPEED TRAVEL political reasons, etc.) will have orbital stations.
Interstellar travel is accomplished via These stations serve as hubs for starships to
hyperdrive technology that allows starships to dock, refuel, and repair.
travel at faster-than-light speeds.
Complex calculations are made based on
galactic mapping that can take anywhere from
a few minutes to a few hours depending on the
route and distance. Travel time is typically 1
day per hex. Adjust this if you want to suit your
setting and its technology.
Routed lanes for hypderdrive travel. Hyperlanes
are known coordinates a ship’s navigation
computer uses to plot routes. Ships can only
travel to systems it has routes for. Space is big
and you must have the coordinates to locate
Hyperdrives are onboard systems that allow for
starships to make lightspeed jumps.
Hyperdrive travel still requires coordinates to
either be calculated based on ship mapping
of known systems, or manually entered by a
trained navigator.
Hyperdrives are engineered as to not make
jumps if calculations detect interference such
as planetary bodies or other ships in the way.
A tank of fuel is considered a trade good and
occupies 1 hold. Each tank of fuel has 10 uses.
Each lightspeed jump via a hyperlane takes 1
use of fuel. This is to account for the complex
calculations involved in hyperspace travel. If
players want to travel off lanes via hexes, each
hex takes 1 use of fuel.
The astro-navigation chart below shows the hyperlane routes this particular ship has plotted. The
numbers are systems (or other locations) and the lines are the hyperlanes. Most space stations,
major cities, and tech vendors will have nearby charts for sale if players want more direct routes to
locations they frequent.
All starship parts listed here require a single hold (2 if listed as bulky.) If a part or starship
component of some sort is not listed here, make a call regarding if it needs a hold to install or not, if
it requires a certain starship score, the cost, and any other particulars about how it might be used.
Weapons do damage to SHI and HUL unless otherwise specified.
Flak Cannon (D4) Standard weapon, front-facing pilot use only. Free
Hellfire Turret (D8) Critical Effect: Overheat (Engineer loses next turn.) 1,500
Storm Lance (D8, req ENG 12) Critical Effect: Fried Wires (System loses next turn.) 1,500
Quake-Ray (D6) Pilot must pass a WIL save or lose next turn. 1,500
Emerald Star Particle Array (D10, bulky) Brilliant green beams. 2,000
Ultra-Hot Chaingun (D10, bulky) Damage rolls above 5 ignore armoring. 3,000
Disintegrator Beam (D10, bulky, req SYS 12) Damage rolls above 7 go through SHI
straight to HUL.
Rogue-Bot Missiles (On a failed SYS Save, attaches to ship to steal data and track) 750
Emergency Breach Regulator (Automatically pass first HUL save, breaks after use) 2,000
Unstable Shield-Gen (1D6 SHI, re-roll every time shields recharge.) Free
Fuel Compressor (Req ENG 14) Carry 3 units of compressed starship fuel per hold. 500
Resource Skimmer (Req ENG 12) Skim gas giants for 1 tank of fuel every 1D6 hours. 2,000
A.I. Module (Req SYS 12) A.I. can operate systems department or pilot the ship. 500
Afterburners (Req ENG 12) Burn half your fuel to make an immediate escape. 1,000
Auto Smart-Shield (Activate to make next attack impaired, recharge in 1D6 hours) 1,000
Jammers (Activate to prevent all weapons systems in the vicinity from firing for 1D4
rounds, including yours. Recharge in 1D6 hours)
Crew Quarters: Rest comfortably on the ship (6 persons per crew quarter) 300
Workshop: (Req SYS 12) Advanced project work for technology. 750
Research Lab: (Req SYS 12) Advanced project work for science. 750
Auto Medbay: (Requires SYS 14) Advanced recovery (as hospital/specialist healing) 1,000
Escape Pods: Safely jettison up to 10 people to the nearest star system. 400
PSIONICS 11 Astral Projection: Enter a trance for
up to 10 minutes, projecting your
conscious mind to a location you’ve
been to before.
12 Attract: Two objects are strongly
magnetically attracted to each other if
they come within 10 feet.
13 Augury: Ask the GM a simple yes or
no question to gain (sometimes fuzzy)
knowledge of the future.
14 Befuddle: A creature of your choice
is unable to form new short-term
memories for the duration of the spell.
15 Commune With Spirits: The spirit of
a nearby corpse manifests and will
ABOUT PSIONICS answer 1 question.
Psionic powers come from within. The 16 Cryokinesis: Manifest a storm of ice
awakening of an individual’s ultimate potential. and snow in a 20ft area for 1D6 cryo
These powers are typically the result of blast damage.
evolution or genetic mutation, but can also
21 Displace: An object appears to be up
come from other sources, such as stress,
to 15ft from its actual position.
trauma, or powerful insight.
22 Echoing Voice: You can mentally
USING PSIONICS project your voice a great distance
› Psionic powers must be channeled with
one hand free. For each use, take 1 fatigue. 23 Filch: A visible item teleports to your
› Characters can enhance a power’s impact hands.
given time and safety (e.g., affecting 24 Force Field: A 20 foot dome or 60 foot
multiple targets, increasing its power, wide, 10 foot tall high wall is protected
etc.) at the risk of additional cost, such from all mundane attacks for one
as more fatigue, WIL damage, or other minute.
consequences befitting the power.
25 Force Shell: A creature you touch is
› If the PC is deprived or in danger, the GM
protected from mundane attacks for
may require a PC to make a WIL save to
one minute.
avoid any ill-effects from using the ability.
Consequences of failure are on par with the 26 Hatred: A creature develops a deep
intended effect, and may result in added hatred of another creature or group
fatigue, WIL damage, mutations, other and wishes to destroy them.
conditions, and even (rarely) death.
31 Hypnotize: A creature enters a trance
and will truthfully answer one yes or
GAINING PSIONICS no question you ask it.
Characters can develop or acquire psionics 32 Knock: A nearby mundane or
through the fiction of play. Powerful technological lock unlocks.
psychological experiences, hallucinogenics, or
experimental substances may unlock psionic 33 Leap: You can make a single jump up
potential in the brain. to 20 ft high.
34 Levitate Object: An object hovers, 56 Telepathy: Two creatures can hear
frictionless, 2ft above the ground. It each other’s thoughts, no matter how
can hold up to one humanoid. far apart.
35 Magnetic Reversal: Two objects are 61 Trace: An object you touch
strongly magnetically repelled from communicates to you the name of the
each other within 10 feet. previous owner along with a vague
visual clue and general location.
36 Mind Scream: Deal 1D10 mental
damage at up to 4 enemies within 60 62 Ward: An ally becomes immune to
feet. mundane attacks for 1D4 rounds.
41 Memory Manipulation: Alter a target’s 63 Warp Reality: Time in a 50ft bubble
memory of an event, person, place, slows down or increases by 50% for
etc. If the target fails a WIL save, the 10 seconds.
change is permanent, otherwise the
64 Whispers: You can hear faint sounds
manipulation lasts 10 minutes.
42 Possession: Target’s spirit is caged
65 X-Ray Vision: You can see through
within their body and replaced with
walls, dirt, clothing, etc.
the caster’s. If the body is slain the
original soul departs, but the caster 66 Zero Sum: Invade an enemy mind.
must pass a WIL save to return to their Target must pass a WIL Save or their
body. attacks become impaired
43 Pyrokinesis: Manifest fire from your
own body heat in a 20ft area for 1D6
thermal blast damage.
44 Scry: You can see through the eyes of
a creature you touched earlier today.
45 Shimmering Wall: A straight wall of
shimmering, 50ft long and 10ft high,
appears at a location you can see.
46 Shroud: A creature you touch is
invisible until they move.
51 Shuffle: Two creatures you can see
instantly switch places.
52 Sleep: Target falls asleep for 1D4
53 Spectacle: A clearly false but
impressive illusion of your choice
appears, under your control. It may be
up to the size of a palace and has full
motion and sound.
54 Sympathetic Sense: Choose one kind
of object (keycard, cred-stick, weapon,
computer, etc). You can sense the
nearest example.
55 Telekinesis: You may mentally 1 move
item under 60lbs.
ASTROMANCY 11 Alter Ally: A willing target takes on a
new form (keeping only their WIL), but
must pass a WIL save to shift out.
12 Blood Pact: Heal an ally for 1D6 STR
at the cost of 1 STR of your own.
13 Cellular Subtraction: A humanoid
creature you touch halves in size.
14 Chameleon: You become any
inanimate object between the size of a
grand piano and an apple.
15 Crippling Touch: Target must DEX
save or is paralyzed.
16 Dreamstalker: Sends a message to
anyone currently asleep. A malicious
command triggers a WIL save or the
target takes 1D12 WIL damage.
ABOUT ASTROMANCY 21 Displace: An object appears to be up
Astromancy powers come from unknown to 15ft from its actual position.
outer sources. Some call it the true power
22 Disintegration Grasp: Attempt to
of the stars. Others claim it’s the remains of
disintegrate an object you touch up to
primordial dead gods. Ultimately, the universe
human size. Living targets DEX save to
is full of strange and unfathomable forces, most
resist. Make a WIL save vs corruption.
of it beyond our understanding.
Take 1 fatigue.
35 Mend: You make minor repairs to a 63 Swarm: You become a swarm of
nonliving object. crows, rats, or piranhas. You can only
be harmed by blast attacks.
36 Metamorphosis: Caster takes on a
new form (keeping only their WIL), but 64 The Black Verses: An ancient, terrible
must pass a WIL save to shift out. script materialize on a surface you
choose. Anyone reading these words
41 Mime: Your appearance and voice
becomes immobilized unless they
becomes identical to those of a person
succeed a WIL save.
you touched that day.
65 Unravel: An organic targest must
42 Mind Trick: Creates a simple image
pass a WIL Save or take 1D12 STR
with sound. A cursory investigation will
damage. If they Save, you take 1D4
reveal the illusory image.
WIL damage.
43 Mystic Hand: You control a
66 Voidquake: Rattle the fabric of
phantasmal hand that can lift up to 5
reality around you in a 30 foot radius.
Enemies take 1D6 damage and must
44 Obfuscation: Change your appearance Save vs DEX or be knocked down.
for 1D6 hours. Requires full movement to re-orient
and stand up.
45 Ooze: You become a living jelly.
46 Otherworldly Sense: You can see or
hear nearby magical auras and other
sources of strange or weird power.
51 Quantum Ego: Choose a second
persona, regardless of features, sex
and age. You can shapeshift to that
persona a number of hours equal to
your WIL per day.
52 Sculpt Matter: Inanimate material
behaves like clay in your hands.
53 Shattering Scream: A single phrase
from your lips does 1D12 blast
damage. Affected targets are also
54 Shift: An object or person you can
see is transported from one place to
another in a 50ft radius.
55 Smoke: Your body becomes a living
smoke that you can control.
56 Speed: Your movement speed is
61 Spider: You can climb surfaces like a
62 Star Frost: You can summon the
bone chilling cold of space, covering
a 40x40 foot area in frost and ice,
obscuring visibility and making terrain
Sacred Geometry
CORRUPTION The binding force that holds the universe
together is imposing, immovable, and
uncompromising. Some call it order, others
harmonica universalis, the music of the
spheres, perfection, and life.
The other face of order is utter oblivion. This
devouring chaos manifests as black holes,
destruction, and the inevitable unraveling to
Beyond the paradigm of order and chaos lies
another force, completely unknowable and
GAINING CORRUPTION terrifying. Is it the inscrutable arithmetic
of alternate dimensions, or simply another
Some powers are beyond our ability to control. mystery that will consume everything?
Corruption is the result of tampering with
forces beyond your comprehension and those
forces changing you. When dangerous powers ASPECT DISTORTION
are manipulated or strange cosmic encounters After gaining a fifth aspect of the same kind,
occur, there is a risk of those forces corrupting you are changed into a non-player character,
you, hollowing you out and stealing away your pose an immediate threat to the party, and a
humanity. long-term threat to the universe.
Attempts to manipulate such forces require a
WIL Save vs Corruption. Upon failure, roll for Sacred Geometry
hollowing and then mark a point of corruption. Balance and order is the only worthy calling.
Corruption is permanent. You transcend your mortal shell and become
a being of pure stardust, and will destroy
HOLLOWING anything that does not serve the sacred order
of the universe.
Roll a D20 + current corruption on the
Hollowing table to see how you are altered. Entropy
Example: You’ve failed two saves vs. corruption Your mortal shell is claimed as an agent of
in the past, so your current corruption is 2. You destruction. Your body becomes a mass of pure
again fail a save and roll a D20 for hollowing. black stardust and only the cruelest parts of
Your result is a 7 and you add +2 for the your personality remain.
result #9. Finally, add another point to your
corruption total, which is now 3.
You explode into a mass of writhing shapes
and angles that drive others to madness. All
THE THREE ASPECTS who behold your transformation must save
There are three primal forces that work in vs WIL or be rendered insane for 1d10 hours.
tandem to create universal balance. Tapping You now only exist for your own inscrutable
into these powers risks upsetting that balance machinations as an impossible being of mind-
as the wielder allows these forces to use their boggling contradictions.
body as a catalyst. Which forces you allow in
aren’t up to you. Sometimes the void of space
simply hollows you out a little more each time
you call to it. Other times, one particular aspect
crawls its way into you to claim a small part of
your humanity for its own inscrutable patterns.
3 You can mimic the voice of anyone with whom you have conversed or heard speak.
11 You are immune to electricity, but fire ignores all of your armor and hit protection.
17 You emit a dread aura, and all reaction rolls made near you are one category lower.
19 You are immune to ranged energy weapons but your HP is reduced by 1d6.
21 You can no longer carry weapons in your hands. Increase your WIL by 1d4.
23 You crave terrible power and are deprived if you don’t Save vs Corruption once a week.
27 You must eat the flesh of humans once a day or become deprived.
You stand on the brink of oblivion. Your presence in the universe is considered a threat to
all living beings. Powerful forces are hunting you to end your threat.
The Jaws of the Cosmos Consume You. You are utterly destroyed. Every nearby
character gains 2 corruption and makes two rolls on this table.
D12 Sacred Geometry Aspects
2 You can communicate with living plants. They can only communicate vaguely.
3 You can communicate with animals in a capacity similar to talking to a 5 year old.
5 You can spend 1 fatigue to heal broken bones, or mend other minor injuries.
6 Glow with faint starlight at will, resisting the effects of cold environments.
9 You can restore 1d6 STR damage at the cost of 1d6 WIL once a day.
The Ancient Humming: You can emanate the music of the spheres (1d10 blast aura, 1
1 Your eyes turn pitch black. This is unsettling to those who look at you.
3 One of your limbs decays and falls off. Increase your WIL by 1.
5 Inhaling smoke sustains you in the same way food and water does.
6 If someone dies in your presence, you restores any single ability score loss by 1d4.
7 You grow quite pale and develop a presence that easily intimidates the cowardly.
8 All fear your dread presence and obey your threats (1 fatigue)
9 Pale shadows follow you, speaking the secret fears or those nearby.
11 You can touch others and consume part of their vital life-force, dealing 1d8 DEX damage.
12 Oblivion Chrysalis: Any WIL damage done to you is reflected back upon the attacker.
D12 Non-Euclidean Aspects
1 You know someone’s location that you have encountered if they speak your name.
2 You can easily sway the weak minded, and influence stronger minds. (1 fatigue)
3 You grow a third eye on your forehead that can see the invisible or cloaked.
10 You and your allies can trans-dimensionally skip to a previous location once a day.
11 You can speak in a terrible utterance and deal 1d8 WIL damage.
Forbidden Entanglement: You exist within such an unstable quantum state that fatigue
no longer effects you. But, lose 2 inventory and reduce STR by 1d4.
Experimental nanotech, illegal prototypes, underworld bio-tech, and black market software are just
a few types of experimental technology that players might encounter.
› Ex-tech can be an item, armor, weapon, or piece of software that alters other items.
› Ex-tech should either do something very specific, or cost fatigue for use if very useful.
Roll 1D6 for the first digit and then 1D6 for the second digit.
11. Cloaking Jacket: Can perfectly 24. Dream-Slicer: (illegal) Scan target’s
imitate its surroundings for an hour. dreams. Target makes a WIL save.
Recharges in 48 hours. On a fail, allows for manipulation and
inception of target’s dreams.
12. Codescrambler Protocol: 3
charges. Small chip that inserts 25. Caduceus Cigars: (6 pack)
into neural cyberware “brain jack”. Emblazoned with twin coiled snakes.
Wirelessly unlocks tech doors. Using clears any poisons, toxins, mind
Recharge: Must defrag for 1D4 days on altering conditions, or states of stupor.
ship. Great for hangovers.
13. Centurion Falcon: Cybernetic 26. Greed-Calibrated Compass: Type
falcon bound to you via mind-linking in an object or location. The compass
A.I. (6 HP, 14 DEX, 7 WIL, D4+D4 claws) will navigate you in the general direction
and indicate vague distance.
14. Bluescreen Blade: Small blade of
faint light and static. Machines must 31. Anti-Gravity Grenade (1 use): A
make a STR save or take 1D20 damage. small black grenade. Disables the effect
No effect on organics. of gravity on everything in a 30ft radius.
15. Spray Skin: Restores 1D6 STR 32. Mockingbird Gum: A pack of green
damage. One use. Causes 1 fatigue. and blue speckled minty sticks of
Color and texture of skin are random. bio-engineered chewing gum. Allows
anyone chewing it to emulate another
16. Hover-Mule: You activate a 3ft wide
person’s voice for one hour.
floating disk that has 6 inventory slots
for carrying. 33. Nano-Particle Shell: (+1 armor,
resistance to shock) Body armor made
21. Shrink-House: Small cube, when
of millions of microscopic particles.
activated expands into a house that can
Instantly assembles or disassembles
shelter up to 10 creatures, disappearing
into belt via smart-word.
after 24 hours.
34. Mouser Bomb: (1 HP) Tiny robotic
22. Poseidon Shovel: Molecularly-
mouse that taunts (WIL save) and
attuned rod. Raise, lower or part nearby
explodes for D12 blast on death.
35. Quicksilver Skeleton Key: (D6
23. Atomic Displacement Array:
usages) Liquid metal key that fits into
(Bulky) Spend 10 minutes attuning
and opens any mechanical (non-
to two nearby objects. Swaps their
electronic) lock.
material type. Unethical to use on living
beings, but...not impossible.
36. Smart-Wrench: Advanced multi- 55. Aegis Battery: Create a
tool. Can make minor repairs to a shimmering, semi-transparent surface
nonliving object. that only you may pass through. Anyone
else that touches the wall is fried for
41. Shrink Ray: (Bulky) Can shrink an
D12 damage. The field lasts until shut
object to one tenth its size. Recharge in
down. Recharges for 500C at any large
24 hours.
42. Microquake Rifle: (D6 Sonic, Bulky)
56. Electron Uncoupler: Choose a
every hit, target makes a STR save, on a
target and roll D12. If this is equal or
fail their armor shatters.
higher than their current hp they are
43. Overload Protocol: Any smart completely obliterated by subatomic
weapon can load a software update to vibrations. Take 1 fatigue.
add the “overclocked” quality.
61. Nanobot Swarm: When activated
44. Sub-Space Tracking Kit: A small a 20ft swarm of nanobots moves 10ft
magnetic censor can be placed and away from you each round. Anyone
tracked with the display device up to 3 within loses d6 STR every round. Does
sub-sectors away. not trigger save.
45. Gate-Drive: Small device. When 62. Omni-Phonic Earjack: Metal plate
plugged into a digital screen it creates covering the ears and back of the head.
a gateway to another screen that you Requires a data-jack augmentation.
were within 10 feet of today. Allows the wearer to directionally tune
their hearing to specific locations up to
46. Anti-illusion Lens: You see through
100 feet. Extended use causes fatigue.
all nearby illusions. Can clip on to helm,
over the eye, or can simply be held. 63. Emergency Mind-Cache: Store
your consciousness, memory, and
51. Magnet Lance (grappling vs metal
personality into a highly advanced
armor, no save) Fires a hyper-magnetic
device. Upon death, it may be re-
cube attached to a metal cable. Once
uploaded (destroying it) into a new body
magnetically attached, the user can
or other fitting receptacle. Ability scores
re-fire the weapon to pull a target back
will be subject to change.
toward them at a rate of 20’ per second.
Target must make a save vs STR or be 64. Hyperstar Coilgloves: (D8 shock
knocked down. damage, bulky). Tech gauntlets. On
critical damage, STR save or damage
52. “C4S-P3R”: Custom A.I. from a
jumps to nearest target.
famous robotics expert. Single run.
This A.I. is currently locked on a 65. Quick-Cloner™: A perfect duplicate
small device. A massive databank of of you is formed from your DNA. Acts
knowledge and astral navigation data. autonomously. Can only perform basic
The personality of the A.I. is difficult tasks or obey simple commands.
and often antagonistic, but usually The double lasts for 1d6 hours then
cooperative. crumbles to dust. Take 1 fatigue.
53. Cortex Eraser: Innocuous. Looks 66. Black Hole Generator: Create a
like a pen. When flashed, up to 4 targets five-foot miniature black hole. Anything
temporarily lose sense of place and entering it is utterly destroyed. Cannot
time. WIL save to resist. be moved or placed on top of an object
or opponent. Lasts 10 mins or until the
54. Eradicator Syringe: (1 use)
generator is turned off. Recharge by
Prototype serum. Injecting causes 1d20
exposing the generator to a scientific
WIL damage.
Strange or ancient objects imbued with mysterious powers, often found in dangerous places, such
as tombs, excavation sites, derelict ships, and the dwellings of powerful beings. Artifacts sometimes
display unusual properties or limitations. Artifacts will attract the attention of those who seek their
valuable power. It is dangerous to display them openly.
Roll 1D6 for the first digit and then 1D6 for the second digit.
11. Symbiotic Sludge: A translucent gray 23. Mesmer’s Amethyst: Any creature within
slime that conforms to your arm like a glove. 10 feet of this violet, eye-like marble must
Allows the wielder to extend their hand up to pass a WIL save or be distracted by it, losing
10 feet. Only bonds with unmodified organic its next turn.
24. Lucky Feather: Magnificent gold and
12. The Profane Orb: A sphere of black green feather. When worn in a hat, survive
quartz the size of a large grapefruit. The a normally fatal fall and land gracefully. The
swirling mists within whisper hideous secrets. feather is mysteriously lost afterwards.
While held with both hands you can mentally
25. Spirit Cube: (2 charges) Small sapphire
command animals. Save against corruption
cube. Releases a vengeful spirit (4HP, 14 WIL,
when used.
d6) under the bearer’s control. Recharge by
13. The Dead Code: A small, gray cylinder, killing in cold blood.
this device is all that remains of an ancient
26. Indigo Fungus: Consuming changes your
A.I. that self-destructed for unknown reasons.
skin a deep shade of indigo and increases your
Plays a recording of an auditory string of math
WIL by 1.
that transmits a virus. Forces any machine
that hears it to make a WIL save or shut down 31. Tyrant’s Collar: Black iron collar inscribed
for 2d12 hours. with an ancient script. A target is compelled
to follow a stated course of action, without
14. Vial of Golden Light: Consuming grants a
understanding why.
random Astromancy and permanently lowers
WIL by 1d4. 32. Titans’ Brew: (1d4 uses) Bottle of ancient
grog. Target’s strength triples for 10 minutes;
15. Soothsayer’s Whetstone: Kindle violet
unarmed attacks are enhanced.
fire that allow for communication for 1d4
minutes to any other fire from a place you are 33. Horrible Bell: Ringing this small, black
familiar with. bell releases a painful sound that causes 1D6
STR damage to all nearby whom the wielder
16. Hateful Mirror: Small mirror that causes
deem their enemy, ignoring armor.
great pain to the viewer, who must WIL save
or scream until they pass out (1d4 WIL loss). 34. Necro-Canary: Small bird skeleton that
A successful save destroys the mirror. will follow you obediently. Crush it and scatter
its bones to scry on an object, or familiar
21. Spoon of the Gourmand: Oversized
creature, indicating its precise location. The
silvery-blue spoon. Allows you to eat anything
bones will reform into the bird the next day.
to gain a day’s worth of sustenance as if eating
a ration. 35. Genesis Globe: (1 use) Smash this egg-
sized glass orb. Over an hour, one damaged
22. Odd Flask: Makes alcoholic drinks more
or ruined structure, ship or similar target is
powerful; but, if you drink water from it, you
repaired to peak condition without need for
immediately become sober.
36. Red-Gold Spectacles: While wearing 56. Hurricane Mantle: Tattered gray cloak.
these glasses you can visualize a general Allows the wearer to fly for 1d6 minutes a day,
sense of somebody’s honesty and sincerity or 2d6 minutes in stormy weather. Causes 1
while they speak. fatigue.
41. Devil-Fog Idol: Energy-absorbing fog 61. Blood Corrupting Blade: (D4) Small
surrounds you and everyone within 20ft. curved dagger. If a target damaged by this
Ranged weapons cannot pass through the weapon takes Critical Damage that day, they
smoke. Save vs corruption explode in a bloody mess.
42. Neutron Halo: (Helmet) Ring of swirling 62. Spear of Seven Suns: Golden spear with a
black space-stuff. Can emanate pure darkness glowing white blade. Functions as a spear (D8,
in a 10-foot radius. 1 Fatigue. Sweep) and fires a beam of white light (D6
Thermal, Exploding).
43. Unholy Feast: This black muck smells
irresistibly delicious. Eating it coats the inside 63. Star-Worshiper’s Mask: (bulky) Porcelain
of your mouth and teeth pitch black. You can mask with an unnerving expression. Raises
now consume anything safely. the wearer’s WIL by 1D4 and gifts them
with an intimate knowledge of the forbidden
44. Old God’s Hammer: (D8) Lost any other
secrets of star worship. Save against
powers it once may have had, but can still be
corruption once a week.
called to return to you, flying by the best route
possible. 64. Cobra God’s Bones: (unwieldy) Large
bundle of heavy bones. Offer a bit of blood to
45. Starbond Ichor: Pouring on a corpse
automatically succeed on your next STR or
causes it to return as a loyal companion that
DEX save, but save vs corruption when you
will serve as a freelancer.
use this artifact.
46. Lazarus Serum: Old syringe in a forgotten
65. The Book of Adrammelech: The
tongue. A corpse is miraculously restored to
inscrutable unholy verses of some precursor
life if they pass a WIL Save. If they fail the
entity. Daily study changes your mind, gifting
Save, the remains are utterly destroyed.
you 1 new random astromancy power a week
51. Red-Queen’s War Scepter: (D8 Cryo, (or every other session, GM’s call) at the cost
Brutal) This ancient war scepter contains the of losing 1 point of STR.
spirit of a millennium-old tyrant queen. She
66. Starlight Blade: (d10, thermal, vorpal)
audibly delights in wanton bloodshed.
Ancient metal sword hilt. Activating brings
52. Living Vortex: This small stone box can forth a blade of pure starlight (random color.)
direct a powerful wind in a straight line, strong Critical damage severs targets in half. The
enough to blow over boulders. weapon requires a WIL of 14+ or the wielder
must save vs corruption every day.
53. Octarine Egg: A scaled, fluorescent
greenish yellow-purple egg about the size off
a man’s head. Hatches in 1d20 days. Generate
NPC stats for a baby creature.
54. Ambrosia: Glowing golden liquid
found inside a bizarre flower that grows in
dangerous locations. Tastes like honey nectar
and increases max HP by 1D4, turns your
teeth to gold.
55. Soothsayer Bastet: (10 HP, 14 DEX,
D6+D6 claws, Horrible Gaze Astromancy)
Large black panther with bat wings. Can fly
short distances. Obeys the one who frees it
from its astral shackles.
Characters have 12 Sockets available on These are wholesale pieces of machinery
their body for installing upgrades: Cerebral, grafted onto the body, often replacing the
Eyes, Lower Face, Skin, 2 Arms, 2 Legs, and 2 original part, or hardware and software
Internal, 2 torso. These Sockets can be filled installed inside the body.
with cyberware & implants, gene-modding, or
other augmentations. Some upgrades will have
requirements. More powerful and complex
upgrades will often occupy multiple sockets Gene-modding involves editing your DNA
at once. Occupying 6 sockets or more reduces and genetic structure at the molecular
your WIL by 1D6, and another 1D6 at 12. Most level. Sometimes these are mutations
augments have a price and can be purchased from interacting with alien materials or
from specialists, but they can also be acquired consumables.
as the result of in-game progress. Removing an
augment usually has a price.
ACQUIRING IN PLAY Some things that exist might not fall neatly
into another category. Some things can’t yet
If the cost says “play”, these sorts of be explained by science or technology. These
augmentations are likely to be gained from can be mutations, interacting with strange
strange encounters, monster attacks, gifts from alien artifacts, or coming into contact with
peculiar entities, or some other narrative hook. otherworldly forces. Sometimes odd peddlers
will have these wonders for sale, but often the
price is interacting with something mysterious.
Standard Brain-Jack (Neural Socket) Installs advanced neural processor and external
hardware input. Allows for installation of cerebral software packages.
Bionic Oculus (Eyes Socket) Computerized eyes overlaid with augmented reality
interface, including quick-referencing faces to local database searches, locating other 800
networked devices (such as security cameras), and limited zoom and camera features.
Backup Heart (Internal Socket) If you would die, automatically survive but this Augment
is destroyed and the socket is permanently disabled. Stabilize and restore all HP. Backup 1,750
heart will only keep you alive for 1D6 hours, so seek immediate medical attention.
Bionic Tendons (2 Leg Sockets) Allows you to fall from up to 50 feet and land gracefully
without any consequences. Falls up to 100 feet also get ADV on Saves.
Mag-Steel Arm (Arm Socket) Requires losing your entire arm, otherwise elective
replacement permanently removes 1 WIL score from the trauma. Advantage with STR 1,300
saves. Can effortlessly crush most small or medium objects.
Shiva Harness (Torso Socket) Back plate that connects to your sympathetic nervous
system. Can open to reveal a mechanical arm on each side.
Plasti-Scale Skin Graft (Skin Socket, requires severe burn damage) Spray-on synthetic
skin from sea-creature DNA. Only adheres to burn wounds. +3 Armor vs Thermal/Heat/ 1,500
Frog Tongue Mutation (Lower Face Socket) You have a long sticky tongue that extends
20 feet. 1D6 damage and can grab small objects.
Edited Pheromones (Internal Socket) You have a pleasing fragrance to most other
humanoid species, giving you +2 to reaction rolls.
Self-Sterilizing Liver (Internal Socket) You are immune to all ingested poisons. 400
Basilisk Gland (Lower Face Socket) Spit acid in a cone once a day (1D8 biological, blast,
30 feet)
Star Slug (Neural Socket) You are the symbiotic host to an alien slug. It crawls into your
ear and tells you things. The star slug lets you talk to any creature of animal intelligence.
Must eat something living every 7 days or the Star Slug will die, permanently lowering
your WIL by 1.
Servant of the Dead Moon (2 Internal Sockets) You willingly let an otherworldly force
enter your mind, sharing knowledge with your bones and blood. Under a full moon, your Play
skin glows with a soft light. You can project your voice into the minds of others up to 100’
Devil-Leopard Mutation (1 Internal & Skin Sockets) Exposure to alien bacteria has
mutated your skin crimson red with dark indigo spots. You can crack most metal and Play
bones with your teeth.
Mask of Pale Starlight (Eyes and Lower Face Socket) Splash your face with this silvery
liquid. Your face can change at will. Save against corruption.
Talents represent a particular skill or knack. In
most cases, talents may be awarded to players
by the GM when they have accomplished some
sort of in-game goal, found a particular source
of training, or have otherwise been influenced
by the world through the fiction of gameplay.
Listed here are some examples of talents. Be
encouraged to make your own. Talents can
often be made more interesting when they
focus less on numbers and modifiers and more
on in-world qualities. References to L means
character “Level”.
› Training: Training with an NPC that can
teach the ability.
› Data Chips: If players have a neural port or
similar cyberware installed in their neural
socket, data chips with “programs” (a
particular talent) may be slotted in. More
expensive neural cyberware will have more
available ports for these “programs”.
› Encounters/Experiences: Particularly odd
encounters may imprint a character with
certain talents supernaturally (if it makes
sense.) Place these moments in the same
way you would place loot, and earning
the talent should require a hidden trigger
or a risky action to acquire. (example: If
a player makes a daring speech to draw
the attention of an enemy away from their
critical wounded ally, maybe you could
reward them with the “Taunt” talent as a
form of narrative advancement.)
You gain +1 effect on morale checks and reaction rolls when dealing
1 with the military, hirelings, and other law-abiding or honor-bound
Presence citizenry and creatures.
Adrenaline Any time you roll the maximum value for your damage die, you can
Rush make another attack on a different target.
Once per round, you can take the damage inflicted against any
3 Human Shield nearby ally by an enemy or effect in their place. Make a successful
STR save for half-damage.
When you kill an enemy with a melee weapon, you can make another
4 Butcher attack against another nearby enemy. This can occur as many times
per round equal to your level.
The first attack you make in combat is enhanced. This can occur as
5 Bloodthirsty
many times per day equal to your level.
Once per day, you can automatically wriggle free from a restraint
8 Escape Artist which allows some plausible escape, such as a chokehold, pinned
limb, or noose.
You always have a dagger hidden on you. You don’t reveal to anyone
9 as to how they got there. You’re not sure, yourself. It does not occupy
Dagger inventory space.
11 Cantina Scum You always act first in that break out in cantinas, bars, or casinos.
Taunt an enemy, forcing them to make a WIL Save. If they fail, their
14 Taunt
next attack is impaired if it’s against anyone other than you.
You have 4 extra inventory slots for rations, meds, rope, and other
16 Pack Rat
medium or small tools & gear.
You gain +1 effect on morale checks and reaction rolls against beasts
17 or unintelligent monsters encountered in wilderness or dungeon
Empathy environments
Restore 1d4 STR damage L-times daily with a medkit. This depletes
18 Field Medic
the medkit.
19 Mystic Link 1d4 chance to not gain fatigue when using Astromancy.
You’re good with “slightly used” equipment, and don’t have to roll
20 Junker
when using cheap weapons.
Use the following template to model any more CLASSIC OSR GAMES
sophisticated Monster, Enemy, or NPC: › Give 3 HP per HD for most creatures.
NPC Name › Most humanoids have at least 4HP.
› WIL can be used as a baseline for morale.
X HP, X Armor, X STR, X DEX, X WIL, Weapon
(dX, special items, qualities)
› Engaging description of appearance and CONVERTING FROM
› Quirk, tactic, or peculiarity making the NPC
› Any sort of panic or stress condition can
be handled by making a WIL save vs.
› Special effect or critical damage
corruption, fatigue, or deprivation.
› Generally the best way to convert any
› Is it good at avoiding a hit? Give it HP.
› Does it soak up damage? Give it Armor.
› Is it strong? Give it a high STR.
› Is it nimble? Give it high DEX.
› Is it charismatic or mentally powerful? Give
it high WIL.
Damage dice are roughly the same, though
armed attacks do at least 1d6 damage.
Street Scummer
3 HP, 8 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL, Shiv (D6)
› Avoids combat unless they have the
advantage (such as greater numbers).
› Usually running a scam or looking to steal.
› Will trade information for money or favors.
Gang Enforcer
7 HP, 13 STR, 8 DEX, 10 WIL, any simple
› Description
› Tactic.
› Critical Damage:
Feathered Void-Squid
6 HP, 2 Armor, 16 STR, 5 DEX, 8 WIL, Tentacle
Swarm (d6 + d6), Dying Screech (WIL Save vs
1d4 DEX damage, only used near or at death)
› Elephant-sized squid covered in gray
› Slow moving, often lays in wait for prey. Can
reach up to 20 feet with its tentacles.
› STR Save vs grappled on tentacle critical
damage. If grappled, Voidsquid’s beak will
sever a random limb.
All planets have the following attributes. Roll randomly or select. These attributes are only
suggestions, feel free to define planet quality with other metrics or descriptions.
Lawless: No noticeable authority 2 Failed Colony or Abandoned
or system of laws. It’s either
anarchy or the strong ruling the 3 Outpost (hundreds)
4-5 Small (thousands)
Vague: Laws are extremely
localized and barely enforced, 6-7 Medium (hundreds of thousands)
perhaps merely existing as a
custom or ritual. 8-9 Large (millions)
3 Political Qualities
4 Criminal › Militaristic
› Low-tech
5-9 Social › Imperial Outpost
10 Nature › Gang Warfare
› Manufactures Nutrient Paste
11 Technological
› Diamond Mining
12 Weird or Mysterious › Illegal Drug Manufacture and Trade
Rolling (for example) hot, thick, wastes, › Military Police
industrial, lawless, technological complications, › Gangs
and small population might look like a volcanic
› Planetary Civil War
planet, post eruption, scavenger society and
heavy resource mining, bringing the big picture › Trade Embargo
together. › Drug Smuggling Ring
› Security Codes Needed
Factions generally fall into one of the below › Factions may have several goals, but can
categories, but there can be more, and often only be actively working toward one goal at
they’re blended: a time.
› Governments › Goals are indicated with boxes ranging from
2 to 10, depending on complexity.
› Corporations
› Between sessions or at certain intervals of
› Criminal (gangs, pirates, syndicates,
time based on the goal (weeks, months) roll
mafias, cartels)
2d6 and consult the chart below. Add +1
› Mercenary for relevant resources or help from players.
› Media & Entertainment (news, social Subtract -1 for interference from rival
media, etc.) factions or the players.
› Manufacturing (engineering, weapons,
starships, A.I., drugs) 2 3-6 7-11 12
› Services (transport, information, etc) Setback No Progress Windfall
› Cults (-1 box) progress (+1 box) (+2 box)
› Cultural Organizations (unions, clubs)
› When a faction completes a goal, it will
› Religions usually mean adding a new resource.
Goals can include reducing other factions
RESOURCES resources, power, or influence.
Size 1: A local, planet side underworld gang.
Notable members
Gaz the Younger, leader. A feared gangster
involved in racketeering and arms dealing.
› Gang Enforcers (detachment)
(stat individually like “Gang Brute”
› Underground Hideout (in slums)
› Local Weapon Trade Monopoly
(2d6 weekly income)
› Expand Control of Local Black market
Weapons Market
› Infiltrate Local Government
› Take down rival gang
Notable members
Hamish Redd, CEO. Beloved celebrity icon.
› Lifestyle brand influence of youths.
› Massive wealth and media reach
› 1d4 chance to have blackmail “dirt” on
other factions in their area of influence. Re-
roll every week for new dirt.
› Controlling current political narrative
› Expand to nearby sectors
› Launch CEO’s political
Roll once or multiple times on each table to generate alien species or other cultures.
A simple list of backgrounds for PCs or NPCs. If you use this list for players, let them roll for some
equipment or make a gear pack you think fits.
D44 Mutations
11 Gills (water breathing)
22 Blood Craving (Once a day, heal 1D4 STR when you feed)
23 Devil Jaw (D6 damage) Sharp iron teeth and powerful crushing jaw that can unhinge.
D8 Drugs
Addiction: Must take addicted substance daily or be deprived. New WIL save each day to shake
off addiction. After 3 failed saves, take the “Drugs” vice.
Disposable vaporizer cartridge. Induces powerful euphoria. WIL save vs
1 Cloud Nine
blissful detachment for 2d6 hours.
Crystallized sugar tablet laced with hallucinogenics. STR save vs flying
2 R.A.G.E.
into a violent frenzy for an hour. Unarmed attacks do D8 damage.
White powder. Snort it to gain a burst of energy. STR save vs deprived for
3 Jet Fuel
2d12 hours.
4 Bliss Little blue pill. Consume to restore 1D4 fatigue, WIL save vs addiction.
A tacky, chewable compound. Mild buzz and turns your eyes bright green
5 Slimeball
for an hour.
Synthesized lab-grown molecules in the form of an arm patch. For 1D4
6 T-33B hours you have +3 armor. When the effects wear off you gain +1 fatigue
and are violently ill for 1D6 hours. Popular with militias and pirates.
Deep violet leaf-like moss that is dried and rolled in paper or used in
7 Shoosh communal tube-pipes for smoking. Has a casual, mood-boosting &
relaxing effect. Non-addictive.
Alcoholic liquid with microbial alien spores. Intoxicating and powerfully
8 Brain Drain
stimulating to the mind and senses.
› Cairn by Yochai Gal
› Into the Odd & Electric Bastionland by Chris McDowell
› Mothership by Sean McCoy
› Knave & Maze Rats by Ben Milton
› Star Rats by Landon Kanillopoolos
› Mausritter by Isaac Williams
› Any Planet is Earth & Weird North by Jim Parkin
› Offworlders & Night Tripper by Chris P. Wolf
› Vaults of Vaarn by Leo Hunt
› Stars Without Number by Kevin Crawford
› The Black Hack by David Black
› Into the Archipelago by Harry Menear
› Goblin Punch blog by Arnold Kemp
› Skerples for procedures inspiration.
› Knock! Zine Issue #1
› Thank you to Crochet Lord (@crochet_lord) for editing help and Korean translation.
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