Enewsletter Pduam Behali 2022
Enewsletter Pduam Behali 2022
Enewsletter Pduam Behali 2022
Introductory volume
Dr Debojit Borah
Principal, PDUAM, Behali,
Dr. Jitu Saikia
Ms. Elbani L Hrangkhol
Assistant Professor, PDUAM,
Behali, Biswanath
(An annual publication of the activities of the
(Introductory volume)
It gives me immense pleasure to inform all the stakeholders of the college that
the college has able to cross five glorious years of academic success. I am
delighted to express my sincere thanks to all well wishers for their valuable
contributions in uplifting of academic as well as co-curricular activities of the
institution. It’s my pleasure to enable in bringing out the introductory volume
(volume-I) of the Newsletter of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha
Mahavidyalaya, Behali, Biswanath.
This newsletter is the reflection of all the activities conducted by the college
during the year 2021. It became possible with the commitment of Editors
assigned for this purpose with the support from all the stakeholders of our
It is an absolute pleasure to share with you all that our Institute is going to
publish the first annual Newsletter.
Trust that it would purely reflect all the events and achievements witnessed in the
last year and encourage us to move forward with high a degree of motivation
towards excellence.
"A good Newsletter may be a key ingredient for some good recognition of an
institution and encourage it's members to make substantial contribution to the
With immense gratitude and pleasure we take great pride in bringing out the
introductory volume of the Newsletter of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha
Mahavidyalya, Behali. The Newsletter is the manifestation of the events in the
college organized by different cells for the year 2021 and it highly reflects the
progressive status of the college.
We are humbled and thankful for entrusting your beliefs in us with the
responsibility of bringing out the introductory volume of the Newsletter. We hope
and believe that this volume will serve as the foundation to unwrap countless
volumes in the coming days.
We express our deepest gratitude to all for providing us with the information and
sincere apology for all our shortcomings.
Thanking you.
Upadhyaya Adarsha
Mahavidyalaya (PDUAM),
Behali, Biswanath
andit Deendayal Upadhyaya Biswanath town and is surrounded
Adarsha Mahavidyalaya, by the villages Gingia and Rotowa.
Behali, is a science college
PDUAM Behali is well
that was established on 30th August
equipped with central library with
2017 and was inaugurated by the
good number of books and well
former Education Minister and the
maintained study areas for students
present Chief Minister of Assam, Dr.
and faculty members, well equipped
Himanta Biswa Sarma. The college
and maintained computer
was established in collaboration with
laboratory, Departmental
the Central Government and the
laboratories with sufficient
Government of Assam with the
chemicals and necessary
objective of extirpating illiteracy and
instruments, 24 hours undisrupted
uplifting the society under the
power supply, indoor and outdoor
primary components of Rashtriya
playgrounds and courts for
Uchchattar Shiksha Abhiyan
volleyball, cricket, football, table
(RUSA). RUSA (Hindi for “National
tennis, badminton, chess and
Higher Education Mission”) initiated
carrom, a well equipped gymnasium,
in 2013 by the Ministry of Human
smart digital classrooms, homely
Resources Development (HRD),
girls’ hostel (to be operative soon).
Government of India. The college is
Quarter facilities are available for
located in close proximity to the
faculties and the staff members of
National Highway no.15 with a
the college
distance of about 17 km from
The courses offered by the departments to ensure quality
institute are Higher Secondary (HS- education. The college also ensures
Science) affiliated to Assam Higher full accession to the computer
Secondary Education Council laboratory and central library for
(AHSEC) and Degree courses students to their necessities. The
affiliated to Gauhati University central library provides adequate
(GU) offering honors in Botany, resources and the students; faculties
Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and staff members can avail books
Statistics and Zoology. The college and necessary study materials of
strictly stands against ragging their requirements. Sports like table
within the campus. The college has a tennis, badminton, carom etc. are
seat capacity of 300 students per played within the campus during
batch. The co-curricular activities recess. The faculties are recruited
included by the institution are from various corners of the state of
Literary Club, Sports Club, Eco- club Assam and are actively engaging the
headed by the appointed Teaching students not only in their academics
and non-teaching Staffs from the but also encouraging and shaping
administrative office taking into them into a fine young men and
consideration the wishes and desires women of tomorrow.
of the students.
The college always prioritize
Besides the smart classrooms development of the students in all
for effective and efficient teaching field be it academically ,mentally,
for enhancing the knowledge of the socially and have always welcome
students, presentations, group open discussion in regard to any
discussions, quiz, speech etc are topics.
organized by respective
QUIZ COMPETITION on the occasion of
National Voters Day
he National Voters’ Day is celebrated in India on 25th January since 2011 to
T mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India that was
established in the year 1950 and its aim is to reached out to crores of new
voters of the country, to spread awareness among the people about the
importance of voting and their participation in the electoral process.
The college took an initiative action to spread awareness about the
importance of voting and organized Quiz Competition among the students on the
occasion of the 11th National Voters’ Day keeping in mind the theme “Making our
Voters Empowered, Vigilant, Safe and Informed”. The Quiz competition began
with an opening speech by respected principal of the college, Dr. Debojit Baruah
highlighting the role of voters in our country. The students were divided into
groups for the competition and the winner group was awarded with a prize. The
programme successfully came to an end followed by light refreshment.
P celebrated the
72nd Republic
day with great
zeal and
enthusiasm. On the
day, students of the
college and all the
teaching and non-
teaching members
gathered at the college
premises. The flag was hoisted by honorable Principal of the college. In his speech,
principal recalled the glory and the sacrifices of the freedom fighters and members
of the drafting committee of the constitution of India. The faculty members of the
college also addressed the student on the occasion with their inspiring speech.
Keeping in
view the need
for an inner
education, the
organized a
youth camp on
19th March,
2021 on ‘Inner
Development’, where invited guest Mr. Prakash Thakur threw light on the topic.
World Environmental Day
otany department of the
college organized a plantation
drive in connection with the
celebration of World environmental day
on 5th June, 2021. The theme of this
year’s World environment day is
‘Ecosystem Restoration’. Due to
COVID-19 pandemic situations, only
few numbers of people could attend the
programme maintaining COVID
Free Medical Check-up Camp at
Ratowa organized by PBTA
day-long free medical sponsored free medical schemes under
organized by
PBTA (Pandit
Upadhyaya Adarsha
Behali Teachers’
Association) in
collaboration with
Block Primary Health
Centre, Behali. It was
held at the premises Dr.Jogen Ch.Bey addressing the masses
of No.2 Ratowa L. P.
School. The inaugural ceremony was More than two hundred and fifty
hosted by Dr. Bishwa Hazarika at children were examined by Dr. Richa
10.30 A. M. in the presence of Dr. Sharma and Dr. Pankaj Upadhyaya
Debojit Baruah, Principal, Pandit from BPHC, Behali and Dr. Babul
Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Keot from PHC, Gingia. The medical
Mahavidyalaya, Behali. The invited team was assisted by Dr. Sekhar Jyoti
medical team were Dr. Jogen Ch. Baishya, President, PBTA, Mr.
Bey, Sub-divisional Arunav Phukan, Secretary, PBTA
along with other members of the
Medical and Health Officer, teachers’ association. The team
Behali briefed on the general health offered free treatment and dispensed
issues of children, and govt. free medicines to the population. The
team diagnosed ten children with Adhering to the COVID protocol, the
critical medical issues and made organizers, medical team, children
arrangements for further treatment. patients, local press people and other
The organizers distributed free masks public made the programme a success.
to the patients and attendants.
members, Dr. Pragyan J Gogoi and Mr. Mana Mohan Rabha. The event
was organized by the students of the department on 7 th December, 2021,
in presence
of Principal
and Vice
Principal of PDUAM,
Behali, the whole
family with a heavy
heart bid adieu to Dr.
Gogoi joined as
Assistant Professor,
Bahona College,
Jorhat and Mr. Rabha
left to join as Assistant
Professor, PDUAM
Amjonga, Goalpara .Wishing them the very best for their future endeavours.
Mathematics Day, 2021 Celebration
epartment of Mathematics Mr. Himangshu Hazarika, Assistant
PDUAM, Behali celebrated Professor from Behali Degree
NATIONAL College was invited as a resource
MATHEMATICS DAY, 2021 on the person and beautifully explained the
occasion of 134th birth anniversary of wonders of mathematics to the
Mathematics Genius Srinivasa interested audience.
Ramanujan on 22nd
December 2021
(Wednesday). The prime
objective of the program
is to popularize the
beauty and the
importance of
Mathematics among the
students so that they can
acquire further
knowledge in the subject
of Mathematics.
orld wildlife day was
celebrated with the
theme “Forests and
Livelihoods: sustaining people
and planet”. Plantation drive,
Campus cleaning, spreading
awareness among the rural people
about the importance of wild life
day and sustainable development was the main events during the celebration. 50
students, 30 villagers’ along with teaching and non-teaching staff were present
during the event
‘Azadi ka Amrit
Celebration of
zadi ka Amrit mahotsav is an 2021 which started a 75-week
initiative of the government countdown to our 75th anniversary of
of India to celebrate and independence and will end post a year
commemorate 75 years of on 15th August 2023. Following are
independence and the
glorious history of its
people, culture and
Resolve@75 among the students, faculty members
Actions@75 and non-teaching staff. The
Achievements@75 cleanliness was carried it in full fun
and renewed energy.
The department of Botany of the
college took an initiative and Plantation drive was carried out in the
organized different events in college premise. The faculties
association with ECO club of the voluntarily contributed for the
college to celebrate this occasion in plantation purpose and promised to
the college campus. look after the sapling.
Field study from Botany department
tudents of botany
Cleanliness drive
on –teaching association,
1. Mrs. Rinku Saikia has been awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from
Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh in 2021.
2. Dr.Rinku Saikia, was awarded Young Scientist Award from Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, in International Conference on Recent Application of Statistical Techniques
and Analysis (RASTA-2021) organized by Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu
University during 15-17 December, 2021, for the paper entitled “A Study on Different
Forms of Regression Models in Studying the Survival of Oesophagus Cancer
Patients’ in Assam, India”.
3. Dr.Rinku Saikia, was awarded “The Student Award of Excellent Presentation” in
International Conference of FIM-IMIP-UMSO 2021 during 26-28 December, Waseda
University, Japan, for the paper entitled “An Observation on Comparing of Cox
Proportional Hazard Model with Accelerated Failure Time Models in Survival Data”.
4. ‘Ms. Purobi Nath’ a Ph.D scholar of University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya
(Roll no: PhD-16A-197) awarded PhD in botany on 15-12-2021 under the supervision of
Dr. S.I. Bhuyan
5. Dr. S. I. Bhuyan of Department of Botany received the best oral paper presentation
award for his paper titled “Traditional Knowledge on Medicinal Plants used by
Khasi Tribe of Lailad Village, Nongkhyllum Wildlife Sanctuary, Meghalaya” in
International Virtual Conference on Modern Zoology: Known and Unknown organized
by the PG & Research Department of Zoology, C. Abdul Hakeem College
(Autonomous), Melvisharam from 28-29 October 2021.
6. Dr. S. I. Bhuyan of Department of Botany was invited to deliver a talk on “Soil carbon
stock sequestrated through Sal (Shorea robusta) plantation in Nongkhyllem Wildlife
Sanctuary Meghalaya, North East India” in Assam Botany Congress (ABC - 02) and
International Conference on Plant Science organized by Botanical society of Assam and
department of botany, Cachar college from 3-5 December, 2021
5. D. Chakravarty, A discrete analog of Gumbel distribution : properties, parameter
estimation and applications. Journal of applied statistics, Taylor & Francis, 48(4), 712-737,
6. M. M. Rabha, Light from a firefly at temperatures considerably higher and lower
than normal, Scientific Reports, 11, 1-13, 2021
7. S. I. Bhuyan, Plant Community Distinctiveness of Peripheral Zone of Nongkhyllem
Wildlife Sanctuary, Meghalaya, North-east India, IndianForester, (ISSN 0019-4816)
8. S. I. Bhuyan. Formulation of Relationship Between Forest Disturbance and
Diversity of Frequently Used Plant Species in Nongkhyllem Wildlife Sanctuary,
Meghalaya, Northeast India, NeBIO, (ISSN 0976-3597)
9. S. I. Bhuyan. Wild Edible Plants Used by Local People of Nongkhyllem Wildlife
Sanctuary, Meghalaya, North East India, NeBIO, (ISSN 0976-3597))
Publication of books
1. B. Talukdar, Advances in Animal Research: published by Global net publication, ISBN 978-
93-91166-56-4. 2021 (Page No. 20-23)
Teaching staff of the college
Mrs. Parinita Dr. Bishwa Dr. Shafiqul Ms. Heena Mr. Rajesh
Bora Hazarika, Asst. Islam Bhuyan, Agarwal, Asst. Mandal
Asst. Professor & Professor, Dept. Asst. Professor Professor, Dept. Asst. Professor
H.O.D, Dept. of of Assamese & H.O.D, Dept. of Botany & H.O.D, Dept.
Assamese of Botany of chemistry
Dr. Arup Kumar Dr. Rakesh Dr. Jitu Saikia Mrs. Jahnabi Ms. E.L.
Dutta Dutta, Asst. Professor, Nath Hrangkhol
Asst. Professor, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Asst. Professor & Asst. Professor,
Dept. of Dept. of chemistry H.O.D, Dept. of Dept. of English
chemistry chemistry English
Dr. Ajoy Dutta Dr. Sekhar Jyoti Mrs. Swatilekha Mr. Arunav Dr. Dhrubajyoti
Asst. Professor & Baishya Nag Phukan Chakravarty
H.O.D, Dept. of Asst. Professor, Asst. Professor &
Asst. Professor, Asst. Professor
Mathematics Dept. of H.O.D, Dept. of
Dept. of & H.O.D, Dept.
Mathematics & Physics
Mathematics of statistics
PDUAM Behali
Non -Teaching staff of the college
Ms. Daisy Sut Mr. Jyoti Prosad Mr. Pankaj Mr. Prantick Borah
Office Bearer Doley Upadhyaya Office Bearer
Office Bearer Office Bearer
College in the news
Photo gallary
Dr Debojit Borah
Principal, PDUAM Behali, Biswanath, 784184