Barnard. Clement of Alexandria. 1897.

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npHE Quis Diues Saluetur has met with less than justice at the
J- hands of the editors of Clement of Alexandria all editions :

hitherto have been founded on Ghisler's very inaccurate copy

printed from Vat. Gr. 623 (16th century). It is now edited for
the first time from the Escurial MS. H III 19 (11th century), the
parent of the Vatican MS.
It was at first arranged that an investigation of the text of
the Gospels and Acts used by Clement should accompany this
edition of the QDS: for this purpose I examined all known MSS.
of Clement's writings that are of any importance, and the general
results of this examination are given in this number. The
Syndics of the University Press have kindly allowed me to
defer the publication of the examination of Clement's Quota-
tions from the Gospels and Acts, which will therefore appear in
a separate number of Texts and Studies.
I have to thank the Editor of this Series for his continual help

and advice without it this book would probably never have been

begun, and would certainly never have been finished. I have

also to thank Prof. J. B. Mayor and Dr Henry Jackson for many
valuable notes and hints.
To my friend Dr Otto Stahlin I am
under peculiar obligations,
as will be seen by any one who reads my Introduction. As he
had intended to edit the QDS, and is also collecting materials for
we have been working
the edition of Clement in the Berlin Corpus,
on parallel lines. We
have kept each other continually informed
of anything new which we found and I can scarcely calculate the

extent to which I have benefited by our correspondence. He has

been good enough to go over my proof-sheets for me and as
some of the MSS.
original collations of quoted are in his possession,
and he has independent collations of others, the value of this
service is obvious.
Lastly it is my pleasant duty to acknowledge the unfailing
kindness I have received from the Librarians of the libraries
which I have visited.

May 1897.
Preface V

Introduction on the Text of Clement's Works . i\

I MSS. of the Protrepticus and the Paedagogus i.\

II Text of the Stromata, Excerpta ex Theodoto, and Eclogae

Propheticae ....
III Text of the Quis Diucs Saluctur . XX

IV Florilegia xxviii

The Text of the Quis Dives Salvetur 1

Notes on the QDS 39

Appendix on some Clementine Fragments 47

Index of Scripture Passages 53


Index of Greek Words 55




By far the most important of the MSS. of the Protrepticus and

the Paedagogus is the well-known Arethas Codex in the Biblio-
theque National e at Paris (Gr. 451quoted as P). It was written :

in the year 914 by the scribe Baanes for Arethas, Archbishop of

Caesarea in Cappadocia. This codex has been so often described ,

that it is needless to give a description here. The note of the

price paid for the MS. is correctly printed in the Melanges Qr<mx t

p. 750 ; it is easily legible with the aid of a glass and runs : NN k

7r€pyafi NN r that is vov/xfjuoi^ k Trepyafjbrjvai vov/jLfiofs r ; the price
paid for the parchment is kept separate from the cost of writing.
Five quires (8 to 12) of eight leaves each have been lost, containing
the first ten Chapters of Paed. I and the beginning of Chapter xi

as far as jrpos Se teal rrjs €7tltl/jli]...

Mutinensis, Gr. 126 (also marked in D 7 ;

quoted as M)-, was
copied from P before these five quires were lost. It belongs to fche
10th or 11th century. The two hymns, which are not in 1\ are
added after Paed. Hi; a short fragment has also been inserted
here headed 'Ek rrj? iv xaX/cnSovi aylas avvohov.

See Montfaucon, Palaeogr. Qraeca, pp. 274 — 277 (with facsimile); von Otto,
Corpus apolog. Gr. in. p. xxxiii. ; Dindorf, Clem. .11,. r. i. |>p. v. IT. ami more

especially Harnack, Textc und Untertuckungen, i. i. pp. 24 it., and von Qebhardt,
ibid. iii. 1G2 ff. A fjood facsimile in Omont, Fac-iimilti de$ MSS. greet dattt </<

la Bibliotheque Nationale <1u i.r <ui rir r sicslr, pi. n.
For description see T. W. Allen, Note* on Qr. MSS. in Italian Librariet, pp. 1:'- 1.

This MS. is undoubtedly the Codex Carpensis of Victorius, the

editor of the Editio Princeps of Clement, which has been supposed
to be lost. The evidence is as follows .

Victorius in a letter to the Cardinal Marcellus Cervinus, pre-

fixed to his edition of Clement (p. 4), speaks of a uetustissimum
exemplar Protreptici et Paedagogi lent by Rodulphus Pius antistes
Carpensis from his ancestral library to Cervinus for collation .

Moreover, Hervetus in a letter addressed to Rodolphus Carpensis,

prefixed to his Latin translation of Clement's works describes what ,

is evidently the same codex in a passage which seems to have

escaped notice in this connection. On page 4 he says : "A te
autem amplissime Cardinalis benigne est suppeditatus is liber qui
dicitur irporpeiTTiKo^.... Qui cum nuper editus esset, et aliquot
meis amicis visum esset facturum me operae pretium si eum
Latine verterem, earn ego provinciam eo suscepi confidentius, quod
a tuo exemplari antiquissimo et permultis in eo adiectis Scholiis
illustrato adiutus sim." At the end of the Protrepticus and of
each book of the Paedagogus Hervetus gives a Latin translation of
some of the Scholia found in MP 5

Cardinal Rodolfo Pio had inherited many valuable MSS. from his
uncle Alberto Pio, Principe di Carpi, and among them many which
the latter had bought from the heirs of Giorgio Valla for 800
zecchini : the most valuable of these MSS. came into the Estense,
probably through the Cardinals Ippolito and Luigi at Rome 6

There is therefore a considerable probability that the present

1 Florentiae, 1550.
Allen, p. 3, thinks it probable that the Mutinensis and the Carpensis are
identical, but perhaps worth while to prove the
it is fact.
3 The passage is quoted by Dindorf, i. vii.
4 Gentiano Herveto
dementis Alexandrini omnia quae quidem extant opera
Aurelio interprete. Florentiae, 1551.
5 Dr Stahlin, who had also observed the evidence afforded by Hervetus, writes
to me with regard to these Scholia: "Nun findet sich unter denselben keine
Bemerkung die nicht in M stiinde, aber verschiedene die nur in M stehen, d. h.
Scholien von M rec. z. B. die bei Dind. i. 422, 10—12 und ibid. 25—28 mitgeteilten
6 For further details about these MSS. see Coelestinus Cavedoni, " Notizia Let-
teraria di alcuni codici...che gia furono di Alberto Pio Principe di Carpi," in the
Memorie di Religione, di Morale, e di Letteratura, Serie terza, Tomo xvii. Modena,
1854, and Heiberg, Beitrage zur Geschichte Georg Valla's und seiner Bibliothek.
Leipzig, 1896.


Mutinensis, which so exactly suits the description of Victorius and

Hervetus, is the Codex Carpensis. But Dindorf says 1 that it is
clear the Mutinensis is not the codex mentioned by Victorius, as all
the MSS. of the Biblioteca Carpensis which passed into the Estense
are marked with the note 'AXfteprov Ulov koX twv (f>i\o)v, which
is not found in this codex. He continues " ex quo satis certo :

colligi posse hunc codicem non ex libris Carpensibus, sed ex

Estensibus esse recte monebat Coelestinus Cavedoni, Bibliotecae

Palatinae praefectus, qui hujus codicis usum liberalissime mihi
concessit." This negative argument is obviously inconclusive.
The Protrepticus begins at the top of fol. l a of the original MS.
the table of contents and the concluding pages of the Greek trans-
lation of extracts from Firmianus Lactantius de Sibyllis, which end
the MS., are in a very late hand, on rather different sized parchment,
and are certainly later additions the MS. has been rebound within ;

the last 200 years, and these pages were perhaps added then there ;

is therefore no possibility of finding the name of Alberto Pio

either at the beginning or end of the MS. in its present state

Positive evidence, however, that it did come from the Bibl.
Carpensis is fortunately to be had. Cavedoni, in his tract already
referred to , says "Tutti questi codici (i.e. those bought by Alberto
Pio from the heirs of Giorgio Valla) portano segnato in principio
tra due lineette nel sommo margine il numero delle carte di che
componesi ciascuno di essi." Now our MS. has on the top margin
of fol. l
the note "292 cart."
The Librarian of the Estense and 1

compared this note of the number of pages with the similar notes
in several other MSS. bearing the names of Alberto Pio and
Giorgio Valla, and coming from the Bibl. Carpensis; we were both
of opinion that these notes were in the same hand and ink. It

is therefore, I think, quite certain that this is one of the MSS.

inherited by Rodolfo Pio from his uncle, and that it is the Codes
Carpensis of Victorius. This conclusion is further supported by
the fact that Giorgio Valla published at Venice in 1498 a Latin
translation of Athenagoras de Resurrect imw, a tract which is con-
tained in the Mutinensis.
There is one other point of interest concerning this Ms
Schwartz 8
speaks of "nonnulla de Sibyllis," which conclude the
Vol. I. pp. vii f.
|>. '227, note 17.

TtXU mi, I I'nt, if*., iv. i. p. iv.


codex, as being written by two more recent hands. The last two
pages, as stated above, are in a very late hand, but the main part
of the extracts i/c rwv <fiip/juavov Xa/CTavrlov rod pco/juaiov irepl

rwv \olitwv is in a hand which does not occur in other

<tl/3v\\7]<; teal

parts of the MS., but is written on exactly similar parchment, and

begins in the middle of a page. This hand cannot, I think, be
placed later than the 11th century, and is, I am convinced, the hand
of the scribe of Med. Laur. PL v. c. 3, the only authority for the
Stromata. I saw both MSS. within 48 hours, and also compared
this hand of M with Bandini's facsimile of the Laurentian codex.
If this identification of hands is correct, it shows that in the 11th
century there was a library containing the Protrepticus, the
Paedagogus and the Stromata: this would account for extracts
from the two latter works being found in the four closely related
MSS. Neap, n aa. 14, Ottob. 94 and 98, Monac. 479 Ottob. 98 .

also contains other extracts from Protr. and Paed. Stahlin (p. 17)
shows that these were not copied from any MS. now known to us,
and thinks it not impossible that they sprang from the same
source as the extracts from the Stromata. He concludes :
" es

ware dann der Riickschluss auf eine Handschrift zu machen, in der

sowohl Protrepticus und Padagogus als die Stromata standen."
If the scribe of the de Sibylla" in Mut. 126 was really identical
with the scribe of the Florence codex of the Stromata, all these
works were to be found near each other in the 11th century .

The Florence MS. Bibl. Medic. Laurenziana, PI. v. c. 24, (F)

contains the three books of the Paedagogus and the two
hymns. It is assigned to the 11th century, and is composed of
32 gatherings of 8 leaves each (size 9 J in. x 8| in.; vellum; 19 lines
a page letters hang from lines ruled with blunt point
; : Scholia
written in same hand and ink as text, but with a finer pen).
The two centre leaves of gatherings 7 and 16 have been lost,

See Stahlin, Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Handschriften des Clemens Alex-
andrinus, Niirnberg, 1895, pp. 12 ff.

2 With regard to these two MSS. Dr Stahlin writes to me: " Dass Mut. und

Laur. einmal in derselben Bibliothek waren, is ganz unzweifelhaft dadurch, dass

die Kandbemerkungen, welche sich im Laur. von f. 221 an finden (cf. Dind. in.
67, 6. 12 u. s. w.), von derselben Hand herriihren wie die mit griinen Tinte in Mut.
in d 7 (that is, M rec). Dass die Hand identisch ist, kann keinem zweitelhaft sein,

der beide Schriften gesehen hat."



owing to the binding string cutting through them : the first

pair of leaves contained the words /3i\r) fiov to avrrjv piovdha

(Paed. I viii; Dindorf I 180. 16—182. 21 ; Potter 138—140) ; the
second pair from aro-^aareov yap to ipbfyaivei Beairo- (Paed. II

vii, viii; Dindorf I 2G6. 1—268. 8; .Potter 204, 205). The same
lacunae occur in the following MSS„ proving that they are de-
rived from F :— Bodleianus 39 (B), Brit. Mus. Reg. 16 D xvii (R),
Paris Bibl. Nat. Gr. 452 and 587 \ Vat. Palatinus Gr. 86 (Pal.),
Neapol. II AA 14, Venet. Marc, xi 4 (formerly 652) , and possibly
the excerpta in Vat. Palatinus Gr. 302 .

In considering the relations of F and M to P the work done by

Harnack and von Gebhardt is most important. Harnack cleared
the way by showing that Tatian's Oratio ad Graecos, which
occurs in M, was once contained in P 4 von Gebhardt then :

examined the MS. and arrived at the following conclusions 5 .

In the scholia in the margin, two hands can be distinguished

one the hand of Baanes, the scribe of the text the other the ;

hand of the person who wrote the long scholion beginning

Seor/juevcov irpo^ dpureXov on the last two pages of the MS. (printed

in Dind. I xiv £). This scholion is written in FM opposite the

place to which it refers (Paed. v 15 (106)), and is headed "Aped

dp^ieiTLdKoiTov. Von Gebhardt thinks that Arethas made a

rough draft at the end of his MS., and then copied the scholion
out in the margin opposite Paed. I v 15, which was in the part
One of these two is no doubt the MS. referred to by Nourry, Apparatus ad
Bibl. max. vet. Patrum, col. 659.
See Villoison, Anecdota Graeca, Venetiis, 1781, torn. ii. pp. 97 and 249.
3 On these four MSS. see Stiihlin, Beitr&ge, pp. 7 ff. In Paint. Gr. 302 Btahlin
says an extract from Paed. II. viii. is headed £v ry dKecpdXip Xoyy. As the heading
of chapter viii. is lost in F, he concludes that these extracts are derived from
that MS. But the New College codex (N) (see below, pp. xv. f.) omits the beading
of chapter it seems to me, therefore, quite possible that they are derived from

a MS. related to N.
4 25
Texte u. Unt. i. i. f.

5 Texte U. Unt. i. iii. 102 ff. When I examined the Paris MS. in May, L894,

von Gebhardt's work was unknown to me, and I made the following note, whieh
agrees with his conclusions in every point. "In the scholia common to FMP, kWO
hands can be distinguished in P: one a very neat, fine, small half-uncial, probably
by the text-scribe; the oilier a larger, rougher half-uncial, more like the band on
fol. 402 (i.e. the scholion beginning decr/xevou -rrpbs a/xTreXoi'). It is thus pertain 1 1 1 it

the seholia in FM must have been copied from V."


of P now lost : judging from differences in the size and style

of the writing, he thinks that the scholia in the second hand
were written in the margin by Arethas at various times. It
follows of course that F and M, which contain both the text-
hand and the Arethas scholia of P, derived these scholia from
that MS. 1

It is a natural inference that the text also of these two MSS.

springs from P. As far as regards M this can hardly be doubted.
Dindorfs imperfect and often incorrect collation of has ob- M
scured its relation to P. The texts of the two MSS. are practically
identical 2 and it may be considered certain that
, was copied, M
probably directly, from P, though the two hymns must have been
added from another source.
With regard to F the case is by no means so clear. Dr Stahlin
now considers that it is descended from P 3 Against this it can .

be urged that a scribe might very well take his scholia from
a different MS. from that which supplied the text ; further, it is
strange that F should have deliberately omitted the Protrepticus .

In very few instances does F preserve a good reading not found

in P : the following are the principal variants in the portions
of Paed. II, in, which I collated myself 6 .

Dindorf I 204. 26 (Potter 155) earl /aov 6 u/o<? P iariv 6 vlo?

fjiov F (perhaps corrected according to Gospel text) 215. 17 (165)

Dindorf, Clem. Al. i. 439—450, gives several scholia as occurring in FM and
not in P. This need, however, cause no difficulty, for a later writer, who inserted
several tracts of Hesychius and Maximus in the margin of P, frequently erased
the original scholia to make room for himself. In all cases I had time to look
at, where scholia in FM were not quoted from P, traces of the writing could be
seen in that MS. under the Hesychius or Maximus. This late writer sometimes
recopied in another place what he erased.
2 In the portions of Paed. u., in., which I collated for the Gospels and Acts
quotations, M varies from P only 10 times, and always in very small points. See
further the readings of M, which I communicated to Dr Stahlin, in his Beitrdge,
pp. 5 f.

Beitrdge, p. 6.
4 F does not contain by any means all the scholia found in P.
Dindorf (i. viii.) speaks of F as "amplioris, quantum ex similitudine codicum
supra descriptorum colligi potest (i.e. M and P), voluminis fragmentum." I know
of no reason for thinking this surmise of Dindorfs to be correct.
Unfortunately Dindorfs collation of F is quite unreliable.

fieya P /jueyav F (probably rightly) 216. 10 (106) dprov P dptarov F

224. 15 (172) QvXdgei P <f>v\a\ v F 16 fypi 8' a* P 2%e« Se F
245. 19 (189) Kvpw P o xvpio^F 247. 9 (190) rpv/Skia PF**
rpv/3Xtov F* 268. 18 (206) efe to rpvfiUov P eV ra rpvfrdy F
301. 3, 4 (231) (raXa/io)^ (bis) P* aaXo/iap (bis) F 18 (232)
jjL€T6(opi^€a6€ P /&i) /jL€T€(op%e(T0€ F 302. 27 (233) oVoyita P
ovofiart F 320. 16 (246) — tcw irXovaiov F* 328. 27 yvvaitco*; a
(a blank space) e/>a<? P yvvcuicos, dU' iralpas F 354. 12 (274)
€^6vptaK€C P e^evprjcret F 18 dviapa)? P dviapos F 359. 7
(277) -o F 390. 11 (301) TroXirevrnfieda P woXirevofieOa F.
Some of the readings of F are mere errors, others are such
as might easily have been introduced by conjecture. Considering
the strong probability that a scribe would take his text from
the same MS. from which he took the scholia, there is not
sufficient evidence to show that the text of F is independent
of P : we must therefore conclude that this MS. is descended
from P, though considerably altered by conjectural emendation,
or possiblyby correction from another MS. 1

In the first ten chapters of Paed. I, where P fails us, the text
depends on FM it is therefore important to prove that these

two MSS. are independent of each other. In all the readings

quoted above M agrees with P against F ; we may therefore
reasonably conclude that where P is lost M represents it far more
nearly than F does. In my opinion M is older than F, but in
any case the above readings prove that the former was not copied
from the latter: the following readings show that the converse
was not the case. Dindorf I 206 12 (Potter 157) evXvrov FP
evXouTov M* 300. 23 (231) rfj ^1>XV ^A"""] v/jlcov FP y/xoov M
302. 18 (232) %dpiTi FP x ^n M '

316. 16 (243) co? aeavrhv

FP (oo-eavrov M 365. 6 (282) e&Oev FP efo> M.
Another MS. which has attracted a good deal of attention is
Cod. Oxon. Coll. Novi 139 (N) It is a paper MS. of the .

15th century made up of 272 leaves bound in irregular gatherings.

As the entire dependence of F on P has not yet been proved, the readings of
F should still bo quoted.
The Librarian of New College kindly sent this MS. to the Cambridge Uni-
versity Library in July 1895, that I might examine it at leisure. For a farther
description see Stiihlin, Observ. Crit. in Clcinentem .11, .r., Erlangae, 1890, pp. L8 f.

B, b


The contents are : ff. la —45 a

Clement's Protr. : ff. 45 b — 47 b
blank :

ff. 48 — 118 a b
Paed. II and III: ff. 119 — 122 a b
blank: ff. 123 a — 27l b

Anastasius et9 rrjv irvevpbaTiKrjv dvaywyrjv rrjs efjarj/jLepov KTiaeaiS.

Fol. bound outside the last gathering, and appears to have

272 is

belonged to another MS. it contains a fragment from Paed. II :

v and vi (Dind. I 255. 10—158. 16 Potter 196—198): incipit e£? :

avTcov Bel explicit TraiBaywyrjaeLS, al puerd. The writing appears to

be of the same date as N, but it is not in the hand of any of the
three scribes who worked at the MS. (Quoted as N fr .)
I propose to deal first with the text of N fr
: the following
readings show that it is closely related to N. Dind. I 255. 12
(Potter 196) - 6 NN fr
16 KaOappoviav NN fr
255. 20 /w^W^o?
NN fr
P** tax^KMTfjLos FP* 256. 24 (197) wavra NN waW?fr

FP: %v NN fr
elirelv FP 257. 12 (198) icef. e NN fr
K e<j>. r FP
(this mistake has put all the remaining chapters of book II one
258. 11 if NN ij FP.
wrong in N)
That N was not copied from N is proved by the
fact that the
latter omits eiciropeveaOw — dylots /jut) (258. 6, 7 : Potter 198),
whereas N fr
does not. N was not copied from the MS. to which
N fr
belonged, for (255. 10 : Potter 196) N has with all other MSS.
fjuerpov avrols zeal icaipbv, while N fr
has fierpov /cal icaipov avrols.

It is safe, however, to conclude that N and N fr

had a near common
The facts that N omits Paed. I, of which chapters i to x have
been lost in P, and that, like P, it does not contain the two hymns,
which are found in F and M, naturally suggest that its text is
derived from P. This is fully borne out by the similarity of the
texts of the two MSS.
N embodies most of the corrections made in the text
of P by later hands witness the following readings, in which P**

differs from M and F

Dind. I 18. 12 (Potter 15) 4- dpp V ro(f>6pia NP** 20. 17 (16)

P* OprjaKelav NP** 33. 1 (27) ixdpinacra P* /JbdpTr^aaa
NP** 34. 16 (29) Idacovo V* laaovi NP** 68. 6 (54) 6p%ev0ai
P ipya&(r0ai N and P margin 263. 10 (202) rtov F rbyrcov P
omit altogether N (evidently thinking the whole word was
cancelled) 267. 14 (205) dfiavrai FP* d^levrai NP** 273. 16
(210) hrj FP* prj NP** 274. 19 (211) direppee FP* awape P**


atraipe N 301. 3 (231) aaXa^v P* ao\o^v NP** but line 4

aaka/jLoov NP the correction not having been made in the second
instance in P 304. 3 (234) 7rapa\v7ra>r) FP* irapaKviroit] NP**
314. 19 and 315. 2 (241) ocrrptov FP* Lrpeov NP**
Only five very short scholia are found in N they all occur also :

in F and P but 15 times N has arj in the margin, only occasionally


in the same places as similar notes in FP.

That a type of text was current derived from P and omitting
Paed. I altogether is proved by a 16th century codex in the Biblio-
theque Nationale at Paris, numbered Suppl. Gr. 254 A comparison 1

of this MS. with P shows that as far as regards the Protrepticus

and books II and in of the Paedagogus it is certainly descended from
P, as the tracts of Hesychius and Maximus, which have been written
in the margin of P by a 15th century hand, are found in it by the
first hand the margin of Paed. I, however, shows no trace of any

connection with P. That this book was added from a MS. 2 of the
F group, is proved by the lacuna in ch. viii (Dind. I 180. 16
182. 21 Potter 138
; —
140) occasioned by the loss of two leaves in
F. (See the account of that MS. pp. xii f.)
That the whole of book I, and not merely the chapters missing
in P, has been supplied is evident, as all through this book only
the short scholia written in red in MSS. of the F group are found,
and the subscription is written in a style not at all resembling the
subscriptions to the other books, but recalling those in R.
A MS. presenting exactly similar features, and no doubt
connected with Paris Suppl. Gr. 254, is Ottobonianus 94, described
by Stahlin (Beitrage, p. 9). It has the long lacuna in Paed. I, but
not the one in Paed. II .

This is no doubt the MS. of which Nourry says on col. 634 of the Apparatus
ad Bill. max. vet. Patrum, Paris, 1703 — " Posteriorem ex Parisini RR. PP. socie-

tatis Jean collegii Bibliotheca R. P. Harduinus pro more suo nobiscum perquam

lmmanissime communicavit." Suppl. Gr. 250 is known to have belonged to the

Jesuit College.
- That this MS. was closely allied to Mus. Brit. Bibl. Reg. L6 D xvii. (R) is
proved by the following instances where a blank space is left in both MSS. Dind.
I. 150. 10 (Potter 117) - ry KvpLy kclI, 17 - Truev/xan, 20 - clvtwi> iKelvuv, 21 - or 8iv-
Xiafiov /j.ei>, 22 - Kpe ltt6vwv elvai, 23 - dirb ttjs - tQv x eL pt> VU) v, 21 space left blank
after dvdyicrjs, 151. 1 - -q /xerduota ij. Potter states that similar lacunao occur in
Bodleianus 39.
A few readings from the Protr. and Paed. i. are given in Dind. i. p. x.


I think I have shown that there was a type of text derived

from P, which altogether omitted Paed. I, and that N shows signs

of very close connection with has P : a comparison of N with N fr

proved that there were one or more intermediate steps between

them and P, giving plenty of opportunity for the introduction of
divergencies and corrections. We may therefore conclude that N
is derived from P corrected, a view with which Dr Stahlin, who
has collated N, now
I have collated all the quotations
agrees .

from the Gospels and Acts in N, but as it affords no variants of

any interest I do not intend to quote its readings.
Dr Stahlin mentions as closely allied to N a 15th century MS.
preserved at Genoa in the Biblioteca della Congregazione della
missione urbana di S. Carlo, and numbered 28. It contains the
Protr., Paed. II, III and also the Philocalia of Origen 2 .

MSS. of Protr. and Paed.

Neap. II. aa. 14

Ottob. 94
Ven. Marc. 652
Paris 452
„ 587
Bodl. 39
XVI tffMonac. 97
rp™ fr
, - onI >' Paris Suppl. Gr. 254 Mus. Br. R. 16 D. xvii
'Valicell. F. 33

Beitrage, p. 10.
Stahlin, Beitrage, p. 11, speaking of this MS., says: "die Verwandtschaft mit
N zeigt nicht nur das Fehlen des ersten Buches des Padagogus, sondern auch das


Dr Stahlin also mentions 1

two 16th century MSS. containing
the Protrepticus, namely, Monacensis 97 and Valicellianus F. 33.
Of these he says " die jedenfalls auf P zurlickgehen."
To sum up where extant, P is the sole authority, though

there is a possibility that F may have an independent value

where P is wanting (Paed. I i— x and beginning of xi), the text
must be based on FM, but it must be borne in mind that is a M
very faithful copy of P, while F (if a copy of P) has undergone
considerable alteration. Fortunately the collation of P prepared
by Diibner for Dindorf is very fairly accurate Dindorfs readings :

from F and M I have already stated to be incomplete and un-


§ 2. Text of the Stromata, Excerpta, and Eclogae.

These works are preserved only in the 11th century Florence

MS. 2 Medic. Laur. PL V c. 3 (L), of which the 16th century Paris

MS. Suppl. Gr. 250 is a copy. On MSS. containing extracts from

these works see Stahlin Beitrdge, pp. 12 ff.
In Strom. VIII vi 17 the words At rcov ^Tjryaecov ecfroboi, zeal

apyal ravra zeal iv tovtols elaiv are written in L so as to


form a heading to what follows, and are not joined to what goes
before. At the end of book vm as at present printed L has
the subscription At rwv frryaecov €(po$oi teal dpx aL irepl ravra
zeal iv rovrots : then an ornamented line, followed by the heading
'E/e rcov ©eoSoTou /ere. §§ 17 — 33 should therefore be considered,
not as part of book vm, but as an independent treatise on the

Zusammenstimmen in Kleinigkeiten wie in der Stelle Dind. i. 328. 27, wo beide ov

yap yvvaiKbs fyas lesen." M
and F have ov yap ywaiKbs a tpas. [Since the
above was written Dr Stahlin has again examined the Genoa MS. and has obtained
ample proof that N was copied from it. The conclusions I have reached concerning
the text of N may therefore be taken to apply to the Genoa MS.]
Beitrdge, p. 11 f.

For description see Dindorf i. p. xvi. f. A facsimile is given in Bandini'fl
Catalogue; in the Palaeographical Society's Facsimiles, Series n. vol. i. pi. 107;
and in Vitelli e Paoli, Collezione Fiorentina di faerimili paleogrcflci, Fuse. i.

tav. x. This MS. was fairly well collated for Dindorf by Joseph Midler. I col-

lated all the Gospels and Acts quotations in April, 1804.


same footing and the Eclogae. This was the

as the Excerpta
opinion of Nourry and Bunsen 2
Zahn 3 rejects this view, .

taking the words at tgov %V t V (T€0)V kt * m § "^ to be " eme den

vorigen Abschnitt abschliessende Formel " this is of course :

rendered impossible by the words occurring again as a subscrip-

tion at the end of § 33, a fact which has not, I think, been before
pointed out. Zahn remarks, however, that in a Syriac MS. of the
8th or 9th century of Theological Extracts (Brit. Mus. Add. 14,533
fol. 137 a : quoted by Zahn, p. 28) an extract from Strom, vm v 16
is introduced by the words " at the end of the eighth book." It

seems reasonable to think that Clement never finished Book viil,

ending with § 16, and that at the end of this incomplete book a
scribe or editor copied matter found among Clement's notes and
possibly collected with a view to the completion of the Stromata.

§ 3. Text of the Quis Dives Salvetur.


Michael Ghisler first printed the QBS (in his Li Jeremiam

prophetam commentarii, Lugduni 1623 vol. ill, pp. 262 282) very —
inaccurately from a 16th century MS., Vaticanus Gr. 623 (V) and ;

all subsequent editors reprinted his text, without again examining

V, which remained till recently the only known MS. of this homily.
Dr Stahlin and I had both arranged to re-edit this homily from
V, which we had both collated, when he noticed, and kindly
communicated to me, the. fact that E. Miller, Catalogue des MSS.
grecs de I'Escurial, p. 485, mentions a homily commencing 0/ ^ev
tovs ijKcofjLuicrTLfcovs \6yovs, the first words of the QDS. Through
the generosity of Dr was arranged that he should give
Stahlin it

up his projected edition, contenting himself with writing an

article 4 showing how far the text could be improved from V and
Apparatus ad Bill. max. vet. Patrum, col. 1291.
Analecta Antenic. 1. p. 184.
3 Forsch. in. 116.

See his Beitrlige, pp. 21 35, where a description of V will be found. Dr Stahlin
now agrees with me in assigning it to the 16th, not the 15th century.

other sources, and that I should collate the Escurial MS. This I
did in Aug. 1894. A show
brief examination was sufficient to
that V
was copied from the Escurial MS. the last page but one ;

of the latter has been all torn away except a small strip at the
top the scribe of V carefully copied all the words and letters

which remained, leaving blank spaces for what was torn away.
I give here a description of this MS., Scorialensis fl ill 19.

Old Class-marks, in ® 12 (cancelled); 138 B ; iv @ 2 (can-

celled), in the hand of Nicolas de la Torre 1 . Early Escurial bind-
ing of reddish-brown stamped with gridiron with six 2 bars.

Parchment: 11th century: 344 pages in gatherings of eight:

three extra pages, numbered I, II, III, respectively have been added
at the beginning only in two places can traces of original quire

signatures be seen two numberings of pages the older, in the

: ;

bottom right-hand corner, makes 351 pages; it was previous to

the last rebinding, during which the numbers were clipped in
many places, but subsequent to loss of part of the last page but
one, which it does not reckon ; the more recent, in the top right
hand corner, probably by Nicolas de la Torre, does count the strip
left at the top of the last page but one, and makes 345 pages,

through numbering two consecutive pages 276, 278 3 .

Size of page 10f\ in. x 7£ in. of written part about 8-J in. x 5| in. ;

28 lines on a page. The pages were only very slightly clipped in

the last rebinding, as can be seen where corners have been turned
down but the margins must originally have been a good deal

bigger, as only occasional traces of the quire signatures can be

Three hands can be distinguished (a) ff. 1—224 (6) ff. 225—
254 il
(c) ff. 254 b — end 4
; all of the same date, as far as I can judge.

A favourite copyist of Philip II., who held the office of "Greek Writer" at tho
After the time of Philip II. seven and, later still, ten bur gridirons are stamped
on the bindings.
3 This more recent numbering is given in the margin of my text, and is all

through the QDS one in excess of the true number.

Miller, who examined the Escurial MSS. very hurriedly, only noticed the
first of these changes: p. 485, note 1, he says, "Depots le Fol, 226 jusqn'i la tin,

l'ecriture est plus moderne ct appartient au xii° siecle." I am rn tain that (c) is

not later than (<t); (b) has a more modern look, which has misled .Miller.

The writing hangs from lines ruled with a blunt point on one side
only of the parchment.
There are very few corrections one corrector filled up short :

lacunae in the Origen, and made one emendation in QDS § 31.

The contents are as follows I blank n a Table of Contents in : ;

Greek by Nicolas de la Torre an older one in Latin and a recent ; ;

Latin note pointing out that the 19 homilies on Jeremiah are by

Origen. Hb ITI blank. ff. l
— 90 a
tov ev ayioLS Trps rjfivv

KVpiXkov ap^ieirtaKoirov aXe^avhpeias etc rrjs epfirjvelas rfjf; et?

tov 7Tpo(j)r)Tr)v rjaatav. incipit rd ev rah ia^draL^ rj/jbepais ificfxi-
vh to opos leu... explicit rjfid^; Be tovtcov dirdWa^oi 6 %?. St ov
Kai /ne6' OV...TG0V alcovcov dfirjv\ ff. 90 — 129
a a
epfirjveLa tov
irpo^r)T7)v BavirjX 2 . ff. 129 b — 208 a
epfirjveia ek tov Trpo^r/rrjv
. incipit koX eyeveTO ev too Tpia/coo~TG) eVet ktL (Ez. i. 1)

(ad marg. deohwpiTOv) Tialv e'Sofe to rpia/coo-Tov eVo<? tov Icofir/X.

explicit ev etcdaTco TfJurj/juaTt Tpeh' diravTa Se tov kvkXov oktw

Kai 8e/ca x^dBav tyy. ff. —
208 b 326 b (really 325 b ) lepe/jLias, is
the only heading to the 19 homilies of Origen on Jeremiah ,

ff. 326
b —
345 a (really 325 b 344 a ), the QDS with the heading —
'OjAiXia. At the bottom of the last folio, recto, is written in
a 15th century hand elcrlv ev Trj&e rrj fitfiXico TerpaS'ia \e
<j)vX\a Tfju.

This MS. belonged to Don Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, whose

signature (D. Di°. de M a
is found at the bottom of fol. l
1 This appears to be an abbreviation of Cyril's work on Isaiah, and is not
divided into Books and Orations. The incipit occurs vol. iii. col. 68 a of Migne's
edition (Lib. i. Orat. ii.); the explicit is the same as in Migne.

This anonymous commentary on Daniel was printed by Cotelerius from this
MS., and assigned to Chrysostom, among whose works it is now printed the title ;

of Cotelerius' book is: S. P. n. J. Chrysostomi quatuor homiliae in Psalmos, et inter-

pretatio Danielis. Opera nunc primum edita ex MS. codice Regiae Bibliothecae
S. Laurentii Scorialensis. Lutetiae Parisiorum ap. L. Billaine.
3 This is a catena on Ezechiel, drawn mostly from Theodoret, whose name,
among others, occurs several times in the margin. The incipit is found in Migne,
Theodoret 816 the explicit, col. 1248.
ii. col. ;

4 Printed from this MS. by B. Corderius with the title: S. P. n. Cijrilli

Archiepiscopi Alexandrini homiliae xix. in Jeremiam Prophetam. Antverpiae,

1648. Corderius' transcript was very carelessly made: in Homily i. alone he
omitted 19 lines of the MS., and introduced a mass of changes, emendations
and errors.
A facsimile of Mendoza's signature is given at the end of Graux, Essai sur

passed with his other books into the Escurial in 1576. There is
some Greek scribbling on the last page and in other places in a
late hand this points to its being one of the MSS. which Mendoza

obtained from the East while Ambassador at Venice and it was ;

probably while his library was in that city that the copy of the
Origen and Clement, now in the Vatican, was made.
I distinguish this MS. by the symbol S, but in the apparatus
criticus to those parts of the QDS where there is no fear of con-
fusion with other authorities its readings are given without any
Those portions of § 42 which are gone from S, through the loss

of nearly a whole page, can be to some extent recovered from

other sources. Euseb. HE. in 23 quotes the story of St John and
the young robber, beginning "Atcovaov /jlvOov ov puvdov, and end-
ing rpoiraiov dvaardaews ftXeirofievris 1 . Maximus Confessor in
his Scholia 2 on Dionysius the Areopagite, Epist. x, addressed
'l(odvvrj OeoXoyw diroaroXa), says: MefjLvijTat, Be rfjs eirl Aofxe-
Tiavov el;opia<; tov dytcoTarov ^lcodvvov...Kal K\>;/<t?79 6 'A\e£ai/-
Bpevs ev to) Xoycp tw irepl Tt? 6 aw^o/jLevos tt\ov<tlo<;. It appears
that some one was led by this remark to refer to his Clement, and
copied out at the end of his MS. the story referred to and this ;

extract, preceded by the extract from the Letter of Polycrates to

Victor quoted by Euseb. HE. ill 31, 3, and followed by several from
Philo 7T€pl TOOV i/C 7T€plT0/jLrj^ 7rUTT€V<jdvT<j£>V 6V AlyU7TT(p XpHT-
Tiav&v, is preserved in many MSS. of the Scholia of Maximus,
with or without the text of Dionysius 3 : in all these the extract
begins with the words ha Be eiridappr/arj^, that is, a line before
the quotation of Eusebius, of whom it is thus proved to be inde-

les origines da Fonds Grec de IS Escurial, in the Bibliothlque de V6coU de$ haute*
ttudes, vol. 46: in which book a full account of Mendoza's life and library is given,
pp. 103 if.

who tell or refer to this story apparently depend on Eusebius.
Several writers
For references see Harnack, Oetchichte der altchristlichen Litteratur, i. p. 816. I
have extracted the readings of the MSS. of Eusebius as best I could from the
editions of Burton, Laemmer and Pleinechen, using the notation of the latter;
but it is of course well known that the text of Kitsch, is in an unsatisfactory State.
See Harnack, Oeschichte, i. pp. 501 f.

Ed. Corderius, Antverpiae, L684, vol. n. p. 181.
In AFK the extracts preoede, in all other MSS. follow, the Dionyaiua or


pendent. I am in possession of collations of the following MSS.

of this extract
Brit. Mus. Add. 18, 231, fol. 12a ;
parchment ; A.D. 972 (A) 1 .

Florence, Medic. Laurent, v. 32, fol. 2l7 ;
paper; century
xv (B).
Vienna theol. graec. 65 olim 49, fol. 117* ; vellum; century
xiv (?) (C).

Milan, Ambrosiana H 11 Sup. 2, fol. 212; bombycinus; cen-

tury xni (D).
Oxford, Coll. Corp. Chr. 141, fol. 2b ;
parchment; century
xii (F) .

Vatic, gr. 374, fol. 242 paper century XIII or xiv (G).

Vatic. Regin. 38 fol. 321 parchment century XI (H).


Florence, Conv. Suppr. 202, fol. 190 b ; century x as far as ical

/juera tovto vfyrjice (32 19) (I), the rest being supplied by a 15th
century hand (I ).

Ottob. 362, fol. 1 ;

paper ; century xvi (K).
Vienna, theol. graec. 110, fol. 197 b ; century x (L).
Oxford, Canon. 97, parchment; century xiv (O).
fol. 221 ;

Paris, Bibl. Nat. gr. 440, parchment century xii (P). fol. I77 a ;

Florence, S. Marco 686, fol. 214 a parchment century xii (Q). ; ;

Vatic, gr. 504, fol. 76 parchment century XI or xii (R).


Of these I have collated ABDFOPQ ; for collations of GHIKR

I am indebted to Dr Stahlin, of C to Dr F. Wallis, now Bishop of
Wellington, N.Z., and of L to Dr Weinberger, of Vienna, through
Dr Stahlin.
Dr Stahlin also mentions 3 as containing the extract Coislin
86 century xii, Moscow 36, century x, and Jerusalem 414, cen-
tury xvi, but neither of us has obtained collations of these.
860 Johannes Scotus Erigena translated, by order
About A.D.

of Charles the Bald, the works of Dionysius together with the

Facsimiles of this MS. are given in the Palaeogr. Soc. Facs. Series 11. vol. 1.

pi. 28, and in Wattenbach et von Velsen, Heidelberg, 1878, pi. 7 the latter plate ;

is also given in Wattenbach, Scripturae Graecae Specimina, Berlin, 1883.

2 Owing to the loss of two pages, this MS. now only contains the heading, and

the first few lines as far as 7-775 Hdr/xov 7-775 v-qcrov.

3 BeUriige, pp. 31 f. Vat. Gr. 1553 is, I believe, inserted there through a mis-
4 See Th. Christlieb, Leben und Lehre des Johannes Scotus Erigena, Gotha,
1860, p. 27.
— —


Scholia of Maximus ; in this translation he included the Extracts

from Polycrates, Clement and Philo, though they are not given in
the printed editions of his version. I have used two MSS. of his
translation :

Oxford, Ashmolean 1526; vellum; early 14th century.

Cambridge Univ. Library, Ii 3 32, parchment century —— ; XIII.

That Erigena translated from a MS. very nearly akin to the

following readings show :

Heading, avrov HKO lat. 33 6, 7 Sea /xeyeOos (f>vaeo)<; e/co-rd-

creo)? per magnum natura recessum lat. 34 4 drraiTw] direaTw O
restitue lat. 5 — /ecu en HO lat. 7, 8 — /cal to /cecpaXacov Xy-
aT7]<; O lat. 35 1 eiriXaOofJuevo^ eiriXaj36fjievo^ O accipiens lat.

5 v7rofjL€va) (accent) AHO sustineo lat. The cases where the Latin
agrees with other evidence are very rare and unimportant : we
need not, therefore, trouble further about Erigena's version ; but
its evidence gives the 14th century O the authority of a 9th
century MS.
All these MSS. introduce the extract with the heading:
K\tJ/jL€vto<; [k\7J/jl7)vto<; GHIR] 7rpea/3vrepov 'AXefaz^opeta? [-Spea?
H : -Spias Q] r/yov/jLevov [pr. /cal F] rfj<; 0-^0X179, [+ irepl rov dylov
(ittogtoKov Kai 6eo\6yov evayyeXtarov Iwdvvov P] e/c [et? C] rov
€7riy€ypa/jLfjL€vov avrw [avrov HKO omit G] XoyoV Tt? 6 aco^o- :

/jl€vo<; irXovcrios ; At the end the following note is added by

ABHLOQ [+ 8e L] Trj? laropla^ fiefiv7]Tai [+ koX L]
: Tavrr}<;
Rvae/3io<; 6UafMpiXov /cal 'Iwaw^? 6 [om. Q] e7nWo7ro? Kcou-
GTavTivoviroXews [+ 6 XpL/crocTTOyLto? Q]. This note is omitted in
CDPR ; I have no information on this point about GIK.
Of these MSS., ABCDL form a closely allied group, as is shown

by the omission in all five of (34 9 — n) he — TrXrjgdfievos. Compare

also the following readings 32 8 — tw ABCDILP 34 5 /cal erc
/cal] ere /cal ABCDLP 35 5 av herf\ dp he ACDLO avros B
10 rjhvvaro ABDLOP. BD appear to have had a near GOmmOD
ancestor (cp. 32 7, 17, 33 9, 35 5, 6) and C goes closely with
14, 34
them (32 15, 33 12, 34 12). L agrees sometimes with A (34 17,
35 8 AI sp,)1 LQ 36 1), sometimes with other members of the group
(32 a V p,aiv6fievov BL* utui,l P
8 33 12 BCDL againsl AP and all
other evidence) and sometimes agrees with other .MSS. against
ABCD (32 20 -to KLQR 33 15).

P somewhat curious problem it is certainly closely

presents a :

allied to the above group (32 2, 8, 10, 15, 20; 33 14, 35 10), but the
text has undergone considerable alterations, partly by additions
and conjectural emendation (Heading; 31 27, 34 i, 6, 9, 35 9, 36 3),
and partly, it appears, by corrections taken from a codex of
Eusebius perhaps akin to Paris Gr. 1437 (E b ) That the scribe a

of one of P's ancestors had looked up the quotation in Eusebius, a

marginal note in the Scholiast-hand at the beginning of the
extract in P shows clearly /celrai tovto ev tw /3 (lege 7) {3l/3Xl(0

7-779 ifc/cXrjo-Lacmfcrjs laToplas evcreftiov. The following are the

places where these corrections occur : 33 3 eOahes PS Eus.

34 9 11 ABCDL omit Be to irXri^ajxevo^ in P -evo? to fieydXr}*; ;

and KaXov <ye is written over an erasure, and ol/uLcoyr)*; irXrjtjdfjLevos

ttjv /ce<f)a\r)v is added in the margin it seems probable that the :

words missing in the archetype have been supplied from a codex

of Eusebius this probability is increased by the readings in the

words supplied Be GHIKOQR Eus. cdd. GHO

: ofo Eus. cdd. :

BCDF a F b omit particle P Eus. cdd. AE a E b 6 diroaroXos tt]v


eadrjra GHIKOQR Eus. cdd. BCDF a G ryv eaO^ra 6 diroaroXo^ :

P Eus. cdd. AEa E b F b HO. 35 4 ikirlSas P (? added later but

perhaps 1st hand) and most MSS. of Eus. including AE a E b
35 14 i/cfc€fca6apfjL€vr)v P (but e/c/ce- over erasure) Eus. cod. Fa .

A text thus altered can have but little weight.

The ancient part of I appears also to belong to this group
(32 8, 10 but 32 6 Karaarrjaov IQ).
form another group (32 20, 33 13, 35 2, 13, 15; see
also passages quoted below in which GH join this group or part
of it).
a g rees i n many readings
with Q ; and, if it were not for a
few variants difficult to explain (32 4, 9, 16, 33 16, 35 13) K would
appear to be copied from R.
G and H incline towards this group (32 15, 16, 33 13, 35 1, 10, 12,

A collation of this MS. is given at the end of Burton's edition of Eusebius.
Stahlin {Beitrage, thinks the missing leaves in I were supplied from Q,
p. 33)

but the following readings render this almost impossible 32 20 - to KLQR, but it :

is in Ppp 1
and all other MSS. 33 n avrbs KQ, auroi>$ Ppp and all other MSS. 1

34 15 <t>v\aK7Js Q, TrpocpvXaKTJs Ppp and

all other MSS. 35 10 Q with some other
MSS. inserts /ecu before airoXoyoufxevos, but not Isppl .


36 i): H agrees with R in two noticeable readings (32 ifi, 3.5 i)

and has several readings not found elsewhere (32 7, 33 15, 34 1,

35 n,36 1).

appears to be quite independent, and its text is of some

The importance for the study of the text of Eusebius of
settling the reading of the archetype of these MSS. is obvious, and
this is my reason for recording their readings so fully. Owing to
the shortness of the extract it is impossible to reach definite
conclusions about the relations of the MSS., but the cases in
which the reading of the archetype can be considered uncertain
are few and unimportant.
1 now give the readings on which the relations of S, Eusebius,
and the extract must be determined.
31 27 gtl 0appf}<? S €7rL0appr](rr)s Ex.
32 1 fA€v et? crcoTTjplas S /xevei (norrjpia^ Ex.
1, 2 fjuvdov ov p,v0ov S Eus. ov fivOov Ex. (best MSS.).
4 voaov S vrjaov Eus. Ex.
9 /cal eirl S — /cal Eus. Ex.
13 TraparlOe/jLac S and a few MSS. of Eus. Trapa/caraTL-
0€p,cu Ex. and most MSS. of Eus.
16 hiereivaro S BcerelXaTO Ex. HR. SieXeyero Eus.
Ex. other MSS.
— elra S — aTrjjpev S.
33 2 — /cal (iTreppwyoTes S.
3 i0d8e<; S Eus. ^a8e? Ex.
TTOWOOV 7T0\VTe\(0V S — 7ToWo)V EuS. Ex.
4 avrov VTrdyovrai S avrov iirdyovTai Eus. eirdyovrai
avrov Ex.
7 — eWTa? S.
it dTroXcoXev S cLTroXcoXet Eus. Ex.
15 eTretSrj S iirel (or eirl) Eus. Ex.

17 (TODTTjp S XpMTTO? EuS. Ex.

35 11 fjbovrjv S Eus. fxovov Ex.
12 — €yyv(t)/uL€VO<; S.
A consideration of these readings suggests thai (lie three
authorities are independent of each other: that S is inclined t<>

omit syllables and words and to dittograpb letters and words; and


that, where S is wanting, the text of Eusebius is slightly more

to be trusted than that of the extract.
We have now to calculate how much of § 42 is lost. 344 b
(really 343 ) of S begins [diro\\o<yov fizvos rah olficoyai^, and
the last word left is ov at the end of line 7 (ov irporepov aTrrj\6ev).
There are 28 lines a page, the average number of letters in a line
is 55 J : S have been lost, equalling
so that after ov 21 lines of
about 1155 letters; of these only about 145 are preserved in
Eusebius and the extract : so that about 1000 letters, equivalent
to about 22 lines of this edition of the QDS, have been lost be-
tween /3\€7TOfjLevr)<; and <f>cuSpol<; yeywOores.

§ 4. Florilegia.

Extracts from the QDS are preserved in :

Melissa Antonii, ed. C. Gesner, Tiguri, 1546.

Maximi loci communes, ed. C. Gesner, Tiguri, 1546 and
Fr. Combefis, Paris, 1675, torn. II pp. 528 ff. I have collated the
Clementine quotations in the Florence MS. (Med. Laur. PL vii
b Appendix on Some Clementine
c. 15, ff. 103 fF.) of this collection (See
Sacra Parallela, commonly ascribed to Johannes Damascenus.
These exist in several recensions, which Professor Loofs has shown
to rest on a books \ of which Book I is preserved in
work in three
a Paris MS., Goislin. 276, with the title 'Icodvvov irpeo-ftvrepov zeal
ixovayov tu>v itcXoyoov fiiftXiov Trpdorov, and Book II in Vaticanus
Gr. 1553 with the title Aeovriov irpeo-fivrepov teal '\codvvov rcov

lepwv fitfiXiov hevrepov. Dr Stahlin has very kindly collated for

me all the passages from the QDS preserved in Coislin. 276, and
my friend H. Rackham, Esq., Fellow of Christ's College, was good
enough to copy out or collate all those in Vat. Gr. 1553 which are
noticed in Mai's index to the Authors and Works quoted in this

MS. (Script, net. nou. Collectio, Romae 1825, vol. I part iii pp.
69 ff.).

Studien iiber die dem Johannes von Damaskus zugeschriebenen Parallelen,
Halle, 1892.


Of the Sacra Parallela three main recensions are known

(a) One printed from 1236 (century xv) by
Vat. Gr.
Lequien in his Opera S. Joannis Damasceni, Paris 1712, vol. II
pp. 279 —
790. I have collated all the Clementine passages from an
Escurial MS. of the Parallela, which is in almost exact agreement
with Lequien's text. (Escurial 12 ill 9 ;
parchment ; century
xi; size, 10-j-jfx8-jk; gatherings of 8 folia; now 243 ff., but two
gatherings have been lost between fF. 38 and 39, as is shown by
the original signatures ; lost pages contained Lequien 340 c rakac-
TroopLais to 369 d rov 8i8do~/ca\ov avrov.) These two I quote as
Parall. Vat. et Scor.

(b) One preserved in the Codex Rupefucaldinus (now

Berol. Phill. 1450). The Clementine fragments preserved in this
MS. are printed by Harnack, Geschichte der altchr. Litter atar, I

pp. 317 ff. (Parall. Rup.).

(c) A third recension is found in Paris reg. 923 : for a col-

lation of the QDS passages I am indebted to Dr Stahlin (Parall.
Paris). A similar recension exists in Marcianus 138, and, as far
as I could judge from a somewhat hurried examination, in Matri-
tensis had only time to collate a few of the QDS quota-
O 5. I
tions in this MS. (Parall. Matr.). Baroccianus 26 (see Hearne,
Curious Discourses, vol. II p. 399) contains two fragments from
§ 40 which appear to be derived from this recension of the Sacra

One fragment preserved in various Florilegia may conveniently

be noticed here. Maximus 661 KXr/fievros. MdXtara rrdvrcav
XpLariavols ovk enteral ro irpos ffiav eiravopOovv rd rcov dfiaprm)-
fidrayv irraiafMara. ov <ydp toi)? dvdytcrj t//<? /catcia<s dire^oiievovs
dWd rovs rrpoaipecrei arefyavol 6 #eo?. In Leontius Vat. Gr.
1553 f. 119 this fragment has the lemma rov avrov, and follows an
extract correctly assigned to the QDS (Ovk dva<yicd%ei 6 6eb$ /ere
QDS §10). In Paris 923 f. 89 a the fragment lias the lemma
K\r)/jL€vro<; etc rod Tt<? 6 crojfo/^e^o? irXovaLos. In Escurial fl III 9
f. 52 b (= Lequien 393) this fragment is preceded by one commenc-
ing ro re fieftiaanevov (Zahn, Forsch. Ill 53); both are under
Holl, Sacra Parallela (Texte u. Unters. xvi. 1), pp. 73 f., shows that Matr.
5 is a copy of Marc. 138.

the lemma tov OeoXoyov. The same MS. has to re (3e(3iao-/j,evov

again on f. 191 , but this time assigned to SeoTifio*; (so Lequien
643). Rupefucaldinus f. 118 a (Harnack, Geschichte, I p. 318) gives
both fragments with the lemma KXijfievros tov arpco/jLaria)';. In
Lequien 393 the lemma to the two fragments is omitted, but in
the errata it is given as KXtJ/ul. arpco/n.

The evidence that the fragment is really Clementine is thus

very strong, and the way it is introduced in Vat. Gr. 1553 renders
it probable that it belongs to the QDS, as the scribe of Paris 923
Now, as it exactly sums up the teaching of the story of
St John and the young robber, the conclusion is almost in-
evitable that it comes from that part of § 42 which has been lost
between /3\e7r 0/^77? and (f>cu8poU yeyrjOore^, and in that place I
have accordingly printed it.

(35 1. 01 fjbev tou? eyKW/jLiaaritcovs Xoyovs tois irXovalois

2 ^ b 8copo(f)opovvT€<; ov /jlovov tcoXarces /cal dveXevOepot Si/catco*;

av efiocye KpiveaQai Botcoiev, &)? eVl woXXS irpoairoiovpuevoi

\aplaaaQat ra dydpiara, dXXd teal daefteis teal €7TLf3ovXor
S dae(3el<; l^ev, on Trapevres alvelv teal So^d^ecv rov /jlovov ef. Mt \ \s

reXetov ayavov ueov, e£ oi> ra iravra kcli ot, ov ra

kcli ct. Roxi3<;

iravra teal eh ov rd irdvra, irepidirTovai to

to yepas dvOpcoiroLS ev da fti<p /cvXlvSov/jL6vol<;

to K€(f)dXaiov viro/cel/jLevov rfj icpiaei rod 6eov'

io €7rl{3ovXot, Be, on teal avrf}? rf}<; irepiovaias tcaO^ avrrjv
27 a i/cavr)s ovarjs yavv&aai rd<; yjrv^ds roov k€/cttj/h€V(dv \

BiacpOetpat kcli aTroarrjaac t?}? 6Sov, Bt rjs eirirvyelv eari

aa)T7)pLa<z, o'tSe irpoaeKirX^aaovai rd? yvao/ias r&v irXovaucov,
raU rjSovats twv d/juerpcov eTralvcov eivaipovTes teal KaOdira^
15 tgov oXwv TTpayfidroiv irXr/v tov ttXovtov, 6Y ov dav/id-
>36 ^ovrac, Trapaatcevd^ovres virepcppovelv, to Srj rov Xoyov irvp

Titulus in codice abest : praemittitur tantum '0/j.iXta.

2 8opo(popovi>Tes 7 —9 irepi&TrTovcri —t6 KeQaXatov] S e codice mutilo ut

uid. ductus hunc locum sic habet : TrepiairTovei to (lacuna fere 11 litt.) rd ytpas
dvois I
iuaa (lac. 12 litt.) fi'ap kv\lp5oi>/j.^ols (lac. 7 litt.) |
to Ke<p. quae lacunae
sic expleri possunt : TreptdTTTovcn t6 <6avp.aaTbu ko.I> t6 ytpas avOpwwois ev
da < u)Ti$ Kal i(pr)/ > fi'up Kv\iv8ovfx^ois, < 8v (Lyovcri > t6 Ke<p. 10 10 tirl- —
fiovXoi — vrreptypoveiv] Leontius Vat. Gr. 1558 f. 190 10 irepiovcrias] ovalas

Leont. £clvtt]v Leont. 13 ol 5t S Leont. irpoaeKirX^o-ovo-iv Leont.

B. 1


eVl irvp ixero^erevovre^, Tvfycp Tv<pov iiravrXovvres teal

oy/cov ttXovtw irpoaavaTiOevTes ftapel <pvaei (popriov fiapv-

repov, ou fidWov e^prju dcfraipelv teal irepiKoirreiv, go?

cf. Mtxxiii acfyaXepov voar}p,aTO<; teal Oavarrf^opov tw yap v^ov/xevw

teal pbeyaXwoixevcp dy^iaTpoc^o^ rj 7rpb<> to raireivov fiera- 5

/3o\r) teal tttwgls, &)? o 0€LO<; BiBdcrKet \o<yo?. e/xol Be

fyaiverai fiatcpfp ^tXavOpconroTepov elvai tov Bepaireveiv . .

tovs irkovTovvras eirl icaicw to

crvvaipeaOai T7)v crcoTrjpiav avTois
. . . airavra tov BvvaTov rpoirov, tovto fiev e^aiTov/mevovs 10

irapd 6eov rod fieftaiws teal rjBecos tcu? eavTod tckvok; ra

Totavra irpoiefievov, tovto Be \eyco Sea t?;? ydpiTOS tov
o-Q)Tr}po<; Icofievovs t<x? yjrv%d<; avrcov, (fxoTi^ovTas teal irpoa-
ayovTas eirl ttjv ttjs dXrjOeias tcTrjoriv, ??? 6 tv^gov teal

cf. Phil iii 14 epyois dyaOols eXXaparpwofxevos fiovos ovtos fipafteiov r?}? 15

alcoviov £0)77? dvatprjaeTai. Beliai Be teal 7) ev%rj ^v^tj^

evpcoaTov teal Xiirapovs d\pi Trjs ecr%«T?79 r)fiepa^ tov /3iov
0-v/jL/jLefjL€Tpr)/jLev7)<; teal < r\ > iroXiTeia BiaBeaecos XP r <7T V $

teal /jlovl/jLov teal irdaais Tat? evToXals tov awTrjpos eiretc-

T€LV0fieV7}^. 20

2. KivBvvevei Be |
ov% dirXovv tl elvai to aiTiov tov f. 32

T7)V awTrjpLav %aXeircoTepav tols itXovtovo-i Botcelv rj toI<$

dyprj/jbaTOL^ tcov dvOpcoircov, aXXa iroi/ciXov. 01 fiev yap

avToOev teal irpoxelpcos dtcovaavTes tt}? tov acoTfjpos (frcovfjs,

Mcx25lll q TL hid BietcBvaeTai

p aov Tprj/jiaTOS patyiBos 7725
cf. KafjLTJXos

irXovaios els ttjv ftao-iXeiav toov ovpavcov, diroyvovTe?

eavTovs a>? ov fSiooaopLevoi, too /coa/uup irdvTa yapi^byuevoi
teal t?}? evTavOa fa)?;? co? fAOvr) ? 1
eavTois viroXeiirojuievrjs

etctcpefjiaaOevTes direcrTrjaav irXeov tt)<z itcei 6Bov, firj/ceTi

1 Tixpov 2 jSdpet 3 expw 4 — 6 r£ yap —\670s] Ant. Mel. 140

4 om. yap Ant. 5 /ueya\vuo/u,fru)] + TrapaTr^Tnjyev Ant. avTiarpcxpos S
7 — 10 depairetieiv — airavTa] nunc locum ita habet S: depaircieiv (lacuna 12 litt.)
tovs I
TrXovTovvras (lac. 11 aut 12 litt.) en-t Kaicy to avvaipeadai \
(lac. 10 litt.)

ttjv ao>TT)piav avroh (lac. 15 litt.) |

aizavra. quae lacunae ita expleri possunt
Bepaireveiv ^aveXevdipws (Fell) > tovs irXovrovvras <nai eiraiveiv {kol wpoa-
eiraivelv Fell) > iwl KaK<£ to avvaipecrdai, <^7r' ayadig Kal> tt\v auTrjpiau avroTs
<o-vyKaTepya£eadai (Segaar) > airavTa 12 \£yu forsitan delendum est.
16 7} ei)%7j] ijavxv (sed a ex e factum ut uid.) 17 Xnrapas 18 <^> addidi
25 forsitan legendum SieAei/o-ercu (cf. §§ 4, 26, et Strom. 11 v 22 (440))

7ro\v7rpayfj,ovr)(TavT€<; fjur/re rivets rovs irXovatovs 6 Beo-irorrj^

Kai BiBdaKaXos Trpoaayopevet fir/re ottcos to dBvvarov ev ef. Mc x 27

dvOptoirco rj Bvvarov ylverai. aXXoL Be rovro fiev avvfj/cav

6p6(os Kal irpoariKovrws, Tcov Be epycov twv €69 Ti)v acoTrjptav

5 dvafyepovrtov oXcycoprjaavres ov irapeaKevdaavro rrjv Be-

ovcrav irapaatcevrjv eh to t&v eXiri^oixevwv rvyelv. Xeya Be

ravra eKarepa [direp] eirl twv irXovaiwv Kal T/79 8vvd/j,ea)<;

rod o-(OTf/po<i Kal Tr}$ eTTMpavovs aoyrrjptas TjaOrj/ubevcov, tqov

he d/jLvrJTG)v rrjs dXrjOeias oXiyov fioi fteXei.
10 3. X/ot} toivvv tovs (f)iXaXr)dco<; Kal (fnXaSeXcfrco*;

, Kal fir/re KaTaOpaavvo/jievovs avOdBcos tcqv

TrXovalcov kXtjtwv av iraXuv viroiriiTTovTas avrols Sid

oiKeiav tyiXoKepBetav, irpwrov /nev avrwv e^atpelv rep Xoycp

rr)v Kevrjv diroyvwcnv Kal BrjXovv fierd 7-779 Beovarjs e^rjyr}-
)*37 creft)9 rcov Xoyicov rod Kvptov Scon ovk diroKeKoiTTai reXeov
avroZs rj K.Xr)povo\xia rrjs ftacnXeias rcov ovpavcov edv
328 a vTraKovcTMai rats evroXals' |
eW" oirorav fjuddooaiv ct>9 dheh
BeBlaat 8eo? Kal on fiovXo/Aevovs avrovs 6 o-corrjp dafxevw^
Several, rdre Kal irpoBeiKvvvat Kal pbvo-Taywyelv 07r&>9 dv
20 Kal hi oIlcov epyoiv re Kal BuiOeaecov eiravpaivro t?;9 eKirlBos,
&)9 ovt dfirj^dvov KaOeo-rcoarjs avrols ovre rovvavrlov el/crj

7repLyu'0/jL6vr)<;. d\\* onrep rpoirov €%€i to rwv dOXrjrcov,

Xva fiLKpd Kal eir'iKripa pLeyaXocs Kal dfyddprois irapa-

PdXwpbev, tovtI Kal i<j> eavrcp 6 Kara Koapuov ttXovtcop

25 Xoyi^eaOco. Kal yap eKelvcov 6 jiev on Bvvrjaerat vlkclv Kal
o-Te<f>dv(DV Tvyydveiv direXirlo-as ovB' oXros eVl rrjv dOXijaiv
direypd^aro, 6 Be ravrrjv fiev epbftaXoiAevos rf} yvco/jurj rrjv

eXTriBa, ttovovs Be Kal rpo(f)d<z Kal yv\xvdcna fit) Trpoaiefievos

7rpocr<f)6pov<;, do-re(f)dv(OTO<; Bueyevero Kal Biyjfjbapre rcov eX-
30 ttlBcov. ovtws T69 real rrjv eiriyeiov ravrrjv 7repi(3e{3Xr)/jLevo<;

TrepiftoXrjv, (jo^re rrjv dpyrjv eavrbv tcov aOXcov rod acoTtjpos

lKK7]pvo-aera), ttio-tos ye wv Kal to fieyaXelov avvopcov T//9

tov Oeov tyiXavOp coir las' /z>;t€ /jltjv avOis dvda/crjTos KOi

2 ir poa ay opevr) X^ojj/ 7 [direp] iirl] forsitan logcndum

irepl 10 post 0t\a5A0ws lacuna fere 15 litterarum ; diaKeifx^vovs addidit
Fell 11 avdaSQs I 1 Kei>i]i>] Kaii>i)i> 24 t0' iavrov coni.
J, B. Mayor 30 irepijSe^XTjix/ji^pos


cf. iCoix25 dvaywv terror pelvas aKovtrl KaviBpcorl rwv are<f>dvcov rrjs
d(f)0ap(rla<; eXirt^erco peraXa/3elv' aXX' avrov vTroftaXero)
(f>epo)v yvpvaarfj [Jtev tw Xoycp, dycovoderrj Be rS XptcrTW*
cf. iCoxi25 Tpo(f)rj Be avrw real irorbv yeveadco reraypevov tj icaivr)

Siadijfcr} rod KVplov, yvpvdata Be at evroXal, eva^poavvrj 5

cf.iCoxiiii3 Be Kal Koo-pos at KaXal BiaOeaet^, dydirrj, irians, e'A,7rl?,

yvooats dXrjOelas, irpaorr)?, \

evcrirXayyvia, f. 32£

o€pv6ri]s' lv\ orav eo~ydrr\ crdXirty^ viroarjprjvr] rov Bpopov

real rrjs evrevOev i^bBov, Kaddrrep Ik araBiov rov ftiov
per dyaOov rov avvecB6ro<; rw dOXoOerrj irapaary vtKrj(f>6po^ 10

(bfioXoyrjpevos rrjs dvco irarplBo^ d^tos, eh rjv perd are<f)dvcov

. teal KTjpvypdrcov dyyeXtKwv enravepyerat.

4. AotT] TOivvv rjplv 6 awrr/p evrevOev ap^apevois rov
Xoyov rdXr)0fj teal rd irpeirovra teal rd awrripta avp/3a-
Xecrdat rots dBeXcfrois, 777)09 re rrjv eXirtBa irpcorov avrrjv, 15

Kal Bevrepov 777)0? rrjv rrjs e\7rlBos nrpoo~ayoyyr)v. 6 Be

yap'tQerai Beopevots Kal alrovvras BiBdcrKet, Kal Xvei rrjv

dyvoiav Kal rrjv diroyvwcrtv drroaeierai tovs avrov? irdXtv

eladywv Xbyovs rrepl rcov rrXovatcov, eavrwv epprjveas ytvo-
pevovs Kal e^rjyrjrds do~(j>aX€t<;' ovBev yap olov avrdov avOis 20
aKovorai rcov prjroov, airep rjpas ev rot? evayyeXtots d^pt vvv
Bterdpaaorev d^aaavtarca Kal Birjpaprripevod^ inrb vr)7rio-

Mcxi7ff rrjro^ aKpooopevovs. ^K7ropevopevov avrov et? 6Bbv irpoa-

eXdoov Tt? eyovvirerei Xeywv' AiBdcrKaXe dyade, ri iroLrjaa)
iva ^corjv aloovtov KXrjpovoprjaco ; Be 'Irjaovs \e<yet* TV pe 938
dyaOov Xeyew ; ovBels dyaObs el prj eh 6 #eoV t<z? ivroXds
olBas' M?) pot^evarj's, M?) (frovevcrys, Mrj KXeyfrj]^, Mr/ tyevBo-
paprvprjerys, Ttpa top irarepa gov Kal rrjv ptrjrepa. 6 Be
aTTOKptOels Xeyei avru>' Udvra ravra ecj)vXai;a. 6 Be 'I?;cro{)?
epftXeyjras r/ydirrjo-ev avrov Kal elirev' Ev goi varepel'- el 30
deXei,? reXetos elvat, ttooXtjctov bcra e%6^9 Kal BidBos irrco'yol^, |

Kal e£e£<? 6r]aavpbv ev ovpavw, Kal Bevpo aKoXovdet pot. 6 f. 32(

Be o-rvyvdaas errl tc3 Xoy<p djrrjXde Xvrrovpevos' rjv yap

1 d/cwj'etrai, Kav IdpQri. emendationem Ghislerii in textum recepi.

7 7vwcrets post aXydeias lacuna 12 litterarum: iirtelKeia addidit
Fell 15 TrpdoTTju 23 aurw 29 i<pv\a£a] recte monet Segaar hie
excidisse librarii incuria ck v€ott)t6s fiov, quae uerba agnoscit noster infra § 8

e Xt0V XPV/xara 7roX\a real dypovs. ire pt/3Xe\jrd/jLevo<; Se o

'Irjaovs Xeyeo roh /naOrjrats avrov' IIw? SvctkoXcds ol rd

yprj/xara eyovres elaeXevaovrat eh rrjv ffaatXelav rov Oeov.
ol Se fiaOrjral eOayufiovvro iirl roh Xoyocs avrov. iraXiv Se
5 o Irjaovs diroKpcOeh Xeyec avroh' TeKva, 7rco? Svo~koXov
ecrrt, roi)<; ireiroiOoras eirl ^prj/juaaiv eh rrjv /3aat,Xelav rov
Oeov elaeXOelv' \ev KoXwsf Std rfjs rpv/xaXLas rrj<; fteXovrjs
fca/jbr)\o<; elcreXevaerai rj irXovatos eh rr/v /3aatXeiav rov
Oeov. ol Se irepcaacos e^eirXrjcraovro teal eXeyov' Th ovv
io Svvarai o-coOrjvat ; 6 Se e/i^Xeyfras avroh elirev on Ylapa
dvOpcoiroi? dSvvarov, irapd Oeco Svvarov. rjp^aro 6 JJerpos
Xeyeiv avrcp' 'iSe r}/j,ei<; dcpr/Ka/jbev irdvra Kal rjKoXovOijo-ap,ev
aoi. diroKpiOeh Se 6 'I^croi)? Xeyet' 'A/xrjv vfilv Xeyco, o? dv
d(j)f) ra ISia /cal yoveh Kal dSeXcfrovs real yprj/jbara eveicev ifxov
15 Kal eveicev rov evayyeXiov, diroXtfyfrerat eKarovrairXaatova
vvv ev rco Katpco rovrw dypovs Kal ^prj/xara Kal otKia^ Kal
dSeX(f>ov<; eyecv /juerd Sioyy/xcov "feh irovf' ev Se rep epyofievw
^corjv feartv alcovco?' ev Sef eaovrat ol irpwroi ea^arou, Kal,
ol ecryaroi irpdyroi.

20 5. Tavra /xev ev ra> Kara M.dpKOv evayyeXlw yeypairrai'

Kal ev roh aXXois Be irao-tv dvcd/JboXoy^jjievois oXlyov fiev

co-cos eKaarayov rcov prj/jidrcov evaXXaaaei, irdvra he rrjv

avrrjv rr)s yvaj/jbrjs crv{A(f>coviav eiriSeiKwrat. Set Se aacf>cos |

329 b elSoras cos ovSev dvO p coir iv cos 6 acorrjp dXXa irdvra Oela
25 croc])iq Kal fJbvartKfj SiSdaKeu rovs eavrov, /.crj aapKtvcos
aKpoaaOac rcov Xeyo/juevcov, aXXd rov ev avroh KeKpv/xfievov
vovv fjierd rrjs d^ias ^rjryaecos Kal crvveaecos epevvqv Kal
Kara/JuavOdvetv. Kal yap rd vir avrov rov Kvpiov BoKovvra
r)ir\(oaOai 7T/90? rovs fiaO^rd^ ra)v rjviy/jLevcos vireiprijxevoav

30 ovSev rjrrovo^ dXXa irXeLovos ere Kal vvv t/}? emardaeco's

evplvKerai Seofieva Sid rrjv virep/3dXXovcrav rrj^ (fypoinjaecos

ev avrols virepftoXi'iv. oirov Se Kal rd vopu^ofjieva vir avrov

SiwyOai rols ecrco Kal avrol$ rols rrj^ jBaaiXeias T€KVOl$ of.MtxiiiSS

vir avrov KaXov fie vols ert yprj^ei (frpovriSoi irXeiovos, 17 irov

35 ye rd So^avra fiev dirXws e^evriveyOai Kal Scd rovro /jL?)Se

939 Siripwrrjfieva irpbs rwv aKovadvroyv, eh oXov Se ro reXos

3 xPVH a 17, IS conf. §§ 25, 26 21 hi> w/j.o\oyii/j.£vois BO tyr-

touos] + <!ti Kal vvv 33 5io?x^ at •'' 7

) 7ro ^

avrb t?)? acoTrjpLas BtatyepovToov, eaKeiraafjuevcov Be 6avfiaaru>

Kal virepovpaviw Biavoia? ftddei, ovtc eiriiroXaiws Be^eadac

Tals a/coais irpoo~r)K6V, dXXd /cadtevras tov vovv eir avTO to

irvevfia tov o-coTrjpos Kal to ttjs: yvGOfAr)? airopprjTOv.

6. 'HpojT7]Tai /xev yap r)Bea)<; 6 Kvpios rjfiwv Kal acoTrjp 5

epooTrj/jia KaTaXXijXoTaTOV avToo, rj ^corj irepl ?o>>$9, 6 awT7]p

irepl o-coTrjpuas, 6 BiBdaKaXos irepl K€(paXalov twv BoBaaKO-

fievcov Boy/juaTcov, <r}> dXrjOeta irepl T17? dX7)0Lvr}<; dOavaaias,
6 Xoyos irepl tov iraTpcpov Xoyov, 6 TeXecos irepl Trjs TeXeias
dvairavaecds, 6 d<$>0apTO<; irepl tt}? /3ej3ai,a<; d(f>0apo-la<;' 10

TjpojTTjTaL irepl tovtcov virep gov Kal KaTeX^XvOev, d iraiBevei,

a BtBdaKei, \
a irapeyei> wa Bei^rj ttjv tov evayyeXiov viro- L 330 !

Oeaiv, OTi Boats earlv alwvlov ^corjs. irpooiBe he C09 Oeos

Kal d fxeXXei 8iepcDT7]0r}o-ecr0ai Kal a fieXXeo T£? avTO) diro-

Kplveo-0ai' Tt? yap Kal /juaXXov rj 6 irpocfrrJTr]? irpo(j)7]Ttov 15

Kal Kvpcos iravTOS irpo(j)7]TLKov irvevfiaTos ; KXrj0eU Be

dya06<>, diravTov irpooTOV tov prjjjLaTOS tovtov To evBoaifjLOv

Xaftoav evTev0ev Kal t^? BiBaoKaXias dpyeTai, eiricrTpe^xov
tov ixa0Y)Tr\v eirl tov 0edv tov dya06v Kal irpooTOV Kal (jlovov

cf. Jn v 26, &VS coIcovlov Ta/juiav, rjv 6 vlbs BiBcoatv rj/jblv irap eKeivov 20
xvii 2 ,
7. Ovkovv to ixeyio-Tov Kal Kopv^aioTaTOv tojv irpos
ttjv £cor)v /jba07]fjudTOJV dirb r>J? a/0%^7? ev0vs iyKaTa0ea0ai tj}

cf. Jnxvii3 ^VXV ^ e ^ yvcovai tov 0e6v tov alooviov Kal BoTrjpa aiwviwv
Kal irpooTOV Kal virepTaTov Kal eva Kal dya06v. 0ebv eo~Ti 25

KTr)aao-0at Sod yvoocreax; Kal KaTaXr]-\jrea)<;' avTt) yap aTpeirTOs

Kal dadXevTo? dpyr\ Kal Kprjirls f&)^9, eirco-Tr/fir) 0eov tov
ovtcos ovtos Kal Ta ovTa, TovTeaTt Ta alobvia, ScopovfMevov,

eg oh Kal to elvai toi$ aXXots virdpyei Kal to /xelvai Xafietv'

7] jxev yap tovtov dyvoia 0dvaTOS eaTtv, rj Be eirlyvcoo-is 30

avTov Kal OLKeicocTLs Kal r\ irpos avTov dydirr) Kal ei;op,oi(ojn<;

JJLOVr) £(07).

cf. 1 Tim vi 8. Tovtov ovv irpooTOV eiuyv&vai tw %r]o-ofieva) ttjv

Mt xi 27 ovt(o<; farjv irapaKeXeveTai, bv ovBeU eiriyivoiGKei ei fMy o

uto? Kal to av 6 uio? diroKaXv^y' eirecTa to fxeye0os tov 35

1 forsitan legendum duMpepoura, ive<TKeira(T[xiva 5e H. Jackson 5 <ruT7)p]

<xp% 7 K€(pa\aiov] + ov 8 <^> addidi 13 TrpooWe 30 adavards


o-coTrjpos puer e/ceuvov ical ttjv Kacvorrjra tyjs x (l

P lT0($
puaOelv, on 8r) Kara tov dirocrroXov O vopuos 8ud Meocreet)? Jn i 17

i860T], rj yapis zeal fj dXrjdeta Sid 'Irjaov XptcrTOi)' ical

ov/c tcra ra Sid 8ovXov ttccttov 8i86pueva tous vtto tov vlov c f. He iii r,

5 yvrialov 8copovpevous- el yovv l/cavos r)v 6 Mtocrea)? vopuos cf. Ga ii 21

330 b ^corjv alcovcov irapaa^elv, pudrriv puev 6 au>Tr)p avTos irapa-


yiverat teal irda^ei 8C rjpuas diro yeveo-ea)? puexpi T0 ^ o-rjpueuov cf. Phil ii 8

tt]v dv6pwiroT7]Ta hiarpexw, pudrriv 8e 6 irdaas Treirour]ic(os cf. Mcx20

940 e/c veorriTOS Tas vopuipuovs evToXds irapd aXXov alrel yovv-
10 Trertov dOavaalav. ov8e yap 7re7rXrjpco/ce puovov tov vofiov,
aXXa Kai evOvs otto irpooTrjs r)Xi/cuas dp^dpuevos' eirel teal

tl pueya rj virepXapLirpov yrjpas dyovov d8ufcrjpudTQ)v wv

eiriOvpjiai tu/ctovgi veavc/cal rj opyr) £eovo~a rj epcos XP 7/'
pbdrayv ; aXX* et Tt? ev a/ctpTrjpuaTL veorrjauw ical tQ> /cavcrcovc

15 Trjs rjXu/cias irapeax 7) TaL typovrjpua ireiravbv /cal irpearftvTepov

tov xpovov, davpuaarbs ovtos dywviarr)^ /cal 8ia7rpe7rr)s /cal

Trjv yvcopurjv iroXucoTepos. dXX' opucos ovtos 6 touovtos
d/cpi/3(ios ireireio~Tai 8lotl avrS irpos puev Bc/caiocrvvrjv ov8ev
iv8el, farjs 8e oXr]s 7rpoa8eu' 81b avrrjv alrel irapd rov 8ovvai
20 puovov 8vvapuevov, /cal irpbs puev rov vopuov dyei irapprjuLav,
rov 6eov 8e tov vlov i/ceTeveu' i/c Trio-Tews els ttuotiv puera- cf. Ro i 17

TaaaeTai- d)s acf>aXepocis ev vbpuw aaXevwv /cal eTru/civSvvcos

vavXox&v els tov o-corrjpa puedoppul^eTat.

O yovv ^Irjaovs ov/c eXeyx^u puev avTov d>s irdvTa tu
25 e/c vopuov pur) ireirXripw/coTa, dXXa ical dyaira /cal virepao-ird-

^erai Trjs ev ols epiadev evireiOeias, «Te\»; 8e elvai (prjaiv

a)? TTpos Tr)v alwviov £cor)v, ft)? ov TeXeia ireirXripco/coTa., ical

vopuov puev epyaTrjv, dpybv 8e for}? dXr]6ivfjs. /caXa puev ovv

/cd/celva' tis 8' ov (prjcriv ; f) yap evToXrj dyla cixpi irai8a- Ro vii 12

30 ywylas tlvos pieTa (froftov /cal TrpoTraiSeias eirl Trjv tov of. Ga iii 24

"\rjaov vopoOeaiav Trjv d/cpav /cal X P lv 7rpox (t) P

(l v°~ a

TrXrjpoypua 8e vopuov XpcaTos els 8iKauoavvrjv iravTi tio ,i. Bo i i

^ 8e 8ovXovs ttouwv d>s 8ovXos,

7rcaTevovTL, ovyl dXXa ical vlois of. Boviii
1 1 ff

2 Set 3 rj 2°] supra lin. a pr. man. 4 too. (Ghisler)] cts

4, 5 tov vlov yvrjaiov] aut tov oniittoiidiun, ant BOribenduiD tov yvrjalov vlov rum
Ghisler 9 ahel (J. A. Robinson)] £ti 15 irapio-xnTai H. JaoksOB
TrapdaxV T<xl S iranraudu 31 irpoxwpovvTa '.Y.\ 51 J
aut omit li'inluni

esse aut in 5rj mutamlum monet J. B. Mayor


cf. Mt xii so Kal dBeXQovs Kal avyfcXrjpovofiovs -701)9 errcTeXovvTas to

OeXrjfia tov 7rarp6<;.
Mo*si(«fc 10. Et 6eXei$ TeXeios yevecrdai. ovk dpa tto) TeXetos
rjv' ovBev yap Te\Xelov reXeiorepov. Kal Oelcds to' Et f. 331 a

deXew to avre^ovcnov rrjs 7rpoaBtaXeyopievrj<; avroj ^jrv^rj^ 5

eBrjXcjaev' eirl tgD dvdpcoTTG) yap r\v r] aipetri? &)? eXevdepw,

eirl 0ea> Be rj Boats 009 Kvpioy. BlBcoac Be (SovXop,evoi<; teal

VTrepecnrovoaKocrL Kal Beopuevois, lv ovtoo? IBiov avrwv rj

o-Q)T7)pia yevrjTat,. ov yap dvay/cd^ei b 6eb<$, ftia yap e^dpov
cf. Mt vii 7 ; dea), dXXa tols ^rjTovai iropi^ei Kal toIs alrovat irapkyei, Kal 10
Tot? Kpovovatv dvoiyei. el OeXets ovv, el ovtcos OeXeis, Kal
firj eavTov i^arraTa?, KTrjaai to evBeov. Ev aou Xeirrei' to
ev, to i/Jibv, to dyaObv, to rjBrj vrrep vbpuov, oirep vofjios ov
BiBcoaiv, oirep vopuos ov ^copel, b tgov ^oovtoov IBlou €o~tiv.

d/meXec 6 irdvTa Ta tov vbfxov irXrjpooaas 6K veoTr)TO<z Kal tcl 15

virepoyKa (f>pva^dpbevo<; to ev tovto irpocrdelvat tols oXocs ov
BeBvvrjTai, to tov acoTrjpos egaipeTov, Xva Xafirj ^wrjv alcovcov,
7]v irodel' dXXa Bvo"%epdva<$ dirrjXdev d^Oeadels toj irapay- 941
yeXfjuaTi 7779 fft>?79, virep 779 l/eerevev. ov yap aXr}dco<; %<crjv

ij6eXev, ft)? k(j)ao-K€v, dXXa B6%av irpoaipeaews dyadrjs pubvrjv 20

irepteftaXXeTO, Kal irepl iroXXa puev 0609 Te rjv ao-^oXelaOai,

to Be ev to Trjs £0)779 epyov dBvvaTo? Kal dirpbOvfio? Kal
cf. dadevrj^ eKTeXelv' birolbv tl Kal irpbs ttjv M.dp0av elirev b
o-Q)Tijp acr^oXov fievrjv iroXXa Kal irepceXKOpLevrjv Kal irapa-
Tapaao~ofxev7)v BiaKOviKoos, tt)v Be dBeX<§>r)v oLtkd /mevrjis otl to 25
virrjpeTetp diroXtirovaa Tot9 iroalv avTOv irapaKadijTai fxaOy]-
Lcxiif tcktjv dyovaa o-^pXyv' Si) irepl iroXXa Tapdaay, Mapla Be
ttjv ayaOrjv p,eplBa igeXegaro, Kal ovk d<f>ai,pe6rjcreTat avTrjs.
o{/Tft>9 Kal tovtov eKeXeve Trj<; TroXvirpay/xoo-vvys d^epuevov
evi 7rpoaTeT7jKevai Kal TrpocrKaOe^eaOai tj) yapiTi tov farjv 30

3 a/ra 4, 5 et 0e\ets] edtXecs 6 — 11 eirl rep avdpuiry — avotyei]

Leontius Vat. Gr. 1553 f. 56 Parall. Vat. et Scor. 315 6 yap rjv] ph
Leont. Vat. Scor. om. r/ Vat. 7 deep] pr. r£ Leont. 5e 1°]
om. Vat. supra lin. habet Scor. 8 'Iva Vat. Scor. aurQv] avrou
Leont. Vat. Scor. 9, 10 ov yap—dey] Leont. Vat. Gr. 1553 f. 119
9 o\> yap] ovk Leont. 119 om. 6 Leont. 56 et 119 exQpbv] aiaxpov
Leont. 56 10 ^rovo-i] fr)Tov<Tii> avrbv Leont. alrovatu Leont.
24, 25 waparaaaofxevrju

f. 331 b 11. Tt Toivvv r)v to irpOTpetydpLevov \

avrov els (pvyrjv

Kal Troifjcrav diravTO/jboXrjcrai tov BiBacrKaXov, rrj<; i/cere'ias,

Trj$ eXTTiBos, T17? £o>?7?, toov irpoireTTOvqfjbevwv ; UcoXrjaov rd Mtxix2i

vtrdpyovTa gov. tl Be tovto Sgtlv ; ov% o 7rpo%elpco<;

5 BeyovTai Tives, rrjv virdpyovaav ovaiav drroppl^aL irpoG-

rdaaei kj-1 aTroarfjvac tcov ^pTj/xaToyv' aXXd rd Boy/Jbara
<rd> irepl j£pr)p,dTwv e^oplaai T/j? ^rv^fjs, rrjv wpos avrd
av/jLirdOeiav, rrjv virepdyav eiriOvfilav, rrjv irepl avrd tttoiclv

kol voaov, t«? /xepl/jivas, ra? dicdvQas rod (3iov, at to cf. Mcivi9in

10 airepfxa rfjs £a)>?? gv purvey ova iv. ovre ydp fxeya Kal ^rjXcorbv
to tt)v aXXcos diropeiv ^prjfiaTcov fir) ovk eirl Xoyw fco/;?*
ovtco \xev y dv r)aav ol pirjBev e^ovTes pbrjBafJir) aXXd eprjpioi
Kal fieTalTat toov e<f> r)/jiepav, ol KaTa Ta? 6801/$ eppipLpievoi

7TTO)^ot, dyvoovvTes Be Oeov Kal BiKaioGvvrjv Oeov, KaT avTo cf. Eoi3
15 fAovov to ciKpcos diropelv Kal dfjirj^aveiv fllov Kal tcov
eXa^iGTCov Giravi^eiv piaKapicoTaToi Kal OeocpiXeaTaToi Kal
fiovot %tor)v e^ovTes alcoviov ovTe Kaivov to direiTraGOai
itXovtov Kal %apiaaaOai tttco^ois rj iraTpiGiv, iroXXol
irpb ttjs tov acoTrjpos KaOoBov ireiroi-qKaGiv, ol fiev Tr}<; eh
20 Xoyovs a%oXr}s Kal veKpd? Gocpia? eveicev, ol Be <j)rj/j,r]S Kevr}<;

Kal KevoBo^las, 'Ava^ayopai Kal Ar/pioKpiTOi Kal KpaTijTes.

12. Tl ovv C09 Kaivov Kal iBiov Oeov TrapayyeXXei Kal
fiovov ^coottoiovv, b tov<; irpoTepovs ovk eacoaev ; el Be eljai-

peTov tl r) Kaivrj ktlgis, 6 vlos tov Oeov, /Jbrjvvei Kal BiBdaKei,

25 ov to <f>aiv6/jievov, birep aXXoi TreiroiyKaGi, irapeyyva, dXX' e-

Tepbv tl Bid tovtov arj/maivo/uievov fiei^ov Kal OeiOTepov Kal

TeXeooTepov, to t?)v ^Irv^rjv avTrjv Kal Trjv BidOeaiv yvfivcoaai
tcov vttovtcov iraOcov Kal irpoppi^a tci dXXoTpia t^<> yvcopurj^

eKTepieiv Kal eK/3aXeiv. tovto ydp IBiov fiev tov ttlq-tov to

30 fidOrifjia, d^iov Be tov aa)Trjpo<; to BlBayfia. ol ydp tol

3 TrpoireTTovqixivuv'] wpo supra lin. additum, sed a prim, manu 3 — 10 iru-

\t}<tov — avfAirvlyovcrii>] Parall. Vat. ct Scor. 502 Paris 18G a 4 aou post
jnbXTjaou habent Vat. Scor. Paris tI dt — wpoxeipus] tl ov (ovre Scor.)
7Tpoxe^pws Vat. Scor. Paris 5 twos Paris airoptyai Paris 5 —7 0111.

TrpoaTaaaeL — ^vxys Vat. Scor. Paris 7 <r&> addidi irpbs ai'-rd] n f


ai>T7)i> Scor. Paris 8 irtpl clOto.] irepl avrrju Vat. Trroiav] aypvwvlav V;it.

Scor. Paris [) Kal] ttjv Vat. 10 KaTairi>l-yov<nv Paris 11 t6t' rp> &\\us
airoppeiv 17 aiwviav Kaivov (Ghislor)] koivov 1^ Trarplcriv (Ghisler)J

Trarpdaiv 20 uvckcv 23 faoiroiuv 24 ktIo~ls (Ghislor)J irHpriS 28 w^bpL^a


irporepoi, t&v
/cara(f)povTJ(TavT€S ra /xev KTij/Mara 942

d(f>r]Kav teal TrapaTrcoXeaav, ra Se tmv ^v^wv olpbat t 332 a


or i zeal irpoaeTTereivav' ev virepo^la yap iyevovro /cai dXa-

^oveia /cat KevoSo^ta fcal irepttypovrjaei tcov aWoov avOpoo-
7T(dv, ft)? avrot tl virep dvOpcoirov epyaadpuevoi. t ir&s dv 5

ovv 6 acorrjp rrap^vei to?? et9 del fiiwcropLevois ra /3\dyjrovra

teal \vfjLavov/LL€va 737)09 ttjv ^(orjv, rjv iTrayyeXXerai ; teal yap
av Kaicelvo earn' Svvaral rt? a7ro(f)opTi(rd/jL€vo<; rrjv kty\<jiv

OvZlv 7]TT0V €TL TTJV e7n6u/JblaV Kal TYjV Ope^LV TCOV ^prj/JbaTCOV
e)(6iv evT6T7]icvlav Kal av^odaav, Kal tyjv fxev y^pyjaiv diro- 10
/3ef3\r)KevaL, diropoov Se dfia Kal ttoOoov enrep eenrddr^ae
onrXfj XvirelaOai, Kal rrj r^? vTrrjpeo-las dirouaia Kal rfj rrjs

fjueravoias avvovaia. dve(j>tKTOv yap Kal d/jurj^avov oeojxevov

tcov 7T/909 to fttoTeveiv dvayKaicov fxrj ov KaTaKKaaOai rrjv

yvco/xrjv Kal da^oXiav dyeiv dirb tcov KpeiTTovcov, bircoaovv 15

Kal odevovv ravra Treipco/xevov eKiropl^etv.

13. Kal iroacp xprjcri/jLcoTepov to evavTtov, iKavd k€Kttj-

puevov avTOv re irepl rr/v KTrjatv /jltj KaKOiraQelv Kal 0I9
KaOrjKev eiriKovpelv ; rls yap dv Koivcovia KaTaXeiiroiTo
irapd dvdp lotto is, el fJL7)8el<; ^X 0i A67? ^; 7rco9 S' dv tovto to 20

Soyfia 7roXXot9 dWois Kal KaXols toO KvpLov $6yp,aaiv ov^l

Lcxvi9 cf>avepco<$ ivavrLovfievov evpio~KOiTO Kal \xayo\xevov ; Hoirjcrare
eavTols (f)i\ovs €K tov fjua/ncova T179 dSiKtas, Xv orav eKKiTry
Mtvi20 Setjcovrai vfias et'9 rd<? alcoviovs crKrjvds. K.T7]aaa0e dt)CTav-
povs ev ovpavco, oirov /jurjre 0-779 ixrjre ftpcocrLS dcpavl^ec juLTjre 25

cf. Mtxxv KXeirrai hiopvcraovcTL ircos dv Tt? ireivcovTa rpefyoi Kai

hu^rcovTa itotl^ol Kal yv/xvov GKeird^oi Kal dareyov avvdyoi,
d Tot9 /A?) nroi^aaaiv direuXel irvp Kal gkotos to i^oorepov, el

7rdvr(ov avros eKaaros <f)0dvoi tovtcov varepwv ; d\Xa firjv

cf. Lcxix6; auT09 re eiri^evovTai Zavala) Kal Aevel Kal M.ardalo) to?9 30
MtixlOlll , .

, x x > 1 > \
7t\ovo~loi<; Kai TeXoovaw, Kat ra /Jiev %pr]p,aTa avrovs ov
KeXevei fieOelvat, rrjv Se hi\Kalav Kplcriv eiriQel^ Kal rrjv f. 332 b

Lcxix9 doiKOV dcj)eXoov KarayyeWei' Xrf/jiepov acorrjpla tw oXkw

tovtg). ovrco Tr)v yjpeiav avTcov eiraivel, ware Kal fxerd rrj?
7rpoo-6r)Krj<; Tavrr)<; rrjv KOLVwviav eiriTaacrei, irorl^eiv tov 35
Sc^rcovra, dprov hihovai toj ireivoovTi, viroheyeo-Qai tov dareyov,

19 /caraXet7rerat 30 /cai Aevel coniecerunt J. A. Robinson et P. Koetschau

(uide adnot.); /ceXei;et S

dficpcevvvvac tov yvfivbv. el Be rd<; p^peta? ovk olov re

eKTrXrjpovv Tavras fir) diro ^prffiaTcov, roov Be Xprj/iaTcov
d^lo-raadac KeXevet, rl dv erepov elrj itoiwv 6 KVptos <>)>
rd avrd BtBovac re teal fir) BtBovac irapacvoov, Tpecpecv Kal
5 fir) Tpecpecv, viroBe^eaOat, Kal diroKXeleiv, Kocvcovelv Kal fir)

KOivoovecv, oirep airdvTwv dXoycorarov.

14. Ovk dpa diroppiiTTeov rd Kal rot)? TreXa? axpeXovvra
XprjfiaTa' tcrr/fiara yap eart KT-qrd ovra, teal ^prjfiaTa XPV~
943 crifia ovra teal ek y^prfcriv dvdpooirwv viro tov 6eov wapeo-tcev-
io aarfieva' a Br) irapaKetrat teal v7ro/3e/3X7jraL tcaOdirep vXrj
rt9 teal opyava 7rpo? ^prjacv dyaOrjv tols elBocn. to op-
yavov, edv xpy Te^t/eco?, Teyyitctv eartv' edv vcrTepfjs t?7?

re^vr]?, diroXavei T779 crrjs dirovaia^ ov dvaiTLOv. tolovtov

teal 6 ttXovtos opyavov eari' Bvvaaac ^pf/crOat Bitcaicos

15 avT<p ; 777)09 BcKaioavvrjv Kadvir^perel' dBiKco^ rt? avToo

Xprjrai, ; iraXiv virrfpeTr)? dBiKta^ evpLo-tcerai' 7re(f>VKe yap
vTrriperelv, aXX' ovk apyeiv. ov %pr) tolvvv to ef eavrov fir)

e^ov firjre to dyaObv firjre to Kaicbv dvaiTiov ov atTLaaOai,

aXXa to Bvvdfievov ical KaXoos tovtols ^prjaOaL ical fcatcoos,

20 d(f> gov dv eXrjTai' ical av\b tovto 6° ScttI vovs dvOpGoirov,

Kal KpcT-rjpLov eXevOepov eyjav ev eavTa) ical to avTe^ovaiov
TJ79 fieTa^eipio-ecos tgov BoOevtcov' coaTe fir) Ta KTtjfiaTa tls
dcpavL^eTO) fidXXov r) Ta 7rd0rj Tr)$ tyv^s, Ta fir) avy^copovvTa
Trjv dfieivco %pfjcriv tgov virapyovTwv, Xva KaXo? ical dya0o$
25 yev6fievo<; Kal tovtols tols KTrj/iaat ^prjaOac BvvrjOfj KaXoo<;.

f. 333 a to ovv diroTa^aaOaL ira\ai tols virdpyovai Kal ircoXijaat of. Lc xiv S3

irdvTa Ta virdpyovTa tovtov tov Tpoirov eKBeKTeov go? eirl

twv yfrvxtKoov iraQwv Bieiprffievov.

15. 'E7C0 yovv KaKelvo

<j>?]<raifi civ' e7reiB)) tu fiev evTos

30 eaTL Trjs ^V^fj% T(i Be cVto?, Kav fiev r) yjrv^r) %p7JTai KaXws
KaXa Kal TavTa BoKel, edv Be TrovrjpcZs trovypd, 6 KeXevcor
diraXXoTpiovv Ta virdpyovTa iroTepov TavTa TrapaiTeiTai tov
dvatpeOevrcov eTi Ta irdQr) fievei, 1} eKtlva fidXXov gov dvaipe-
devTcov Kal Ta KTy/iaTa ^ptjatfia ylveTat ; 6 tolvvv airo-

3 <^> addidit Ghialei 7 dpa 13 airovaias] d/j.ov<xias coniccit Segaai

20 Kal] Kar' 25 Krla/xaai (scd i 1" super rj scriptuni esse Dictator)
20 dirord^adai 32 Trpbrtpov

j3a\o)v rrjv zeoapuzerjv irepiovaiav en hvvarat irXovrelv ro3v

Tradojv, zeal tt}<; tfXr)*; pu?) irapovarj^' r) yap rot hidOeau^; ro
avrr/s evepyel zeal tov Xoyicrpuov ayx 60 Kai 7rte ?6t ^a\ <$>Xey-
ficuvei rats avvTp6(j>OL(; iiridv/nlaLS' ovhev ovv irpovpyov
yeyovev avrep irreoyevtiv xprjpsdrcov rrXovrovvri roov iraOayv 5

ov yap rd diroftXrjra direjSaXev, aXXa rd dhid(f)Opa' zeal reov

p,ev V7rr)p€TL/eQ)V eavrbv irepteKo^rev, e^ezeavae he rrjv vXtjv
rf}<; zeazeia<$ rrjv epufivrov rfj rwv i/eros diropla. diroTazereov
ovv tol$ VTrdp^ovac rol$ j3Xa(3epol<;, ov^l T0Z9 (edv eTriarTjraL
Ti? rrjv opdrjv XP^iv) /ecu avvcocfreXeiv hvvapuevois. oocpeXel 10
he rd puerd (fypovrjereeos zeal acotypoavvris zeal evo-e/3eLa<;

OLKovofjLovjxeva, diroiarea he rd hrityj/ua' rd he e/eros ov

16. Ovrcos ovv 6 zevpios zeal rrjv rcov ezerbs XP e LCLV
elcrdyec, zceXevcov diroQecrdai ov rd fiiconzed, aXXa rd rovrois 944
zeazecos xpeo^eva' ravra he r}v rd rfjs yjrvxvs dppcoarrjpLara
zeal 7ra6rj. (16.) O rovreov 7tXovtos irapcov puev diraat Oava-
T7](j)opo<;, diroXofAevos he o-corrjpLos' ov hel zeaOapevovcrav,
rovrean irreox^yovaav /cal yvpuvr)v, rrjv tyvx^v Trapaaxb-
Mcx2i pevov ovtcds rjhrj tov crcoTrjpos dzeoverai Xeyovro^' Aevpo d/eo- 10
cf. Mtv8 XovOei fJLOL. 0S09 ydp avrbs tfhr) rS zeaOapep rrjv /eaphiav
yiverai, eh he diedOaprov yjrvxrjv 6eov %a/n9 ov irapahverai'
dzedOapros he rj irXovrovaa rwv eiriOvpbiwv zeal \
oohlvovaa f. 333 b
TToXXols epa)o~L zeal /coapLizeols. fiev yap e^fov zerrjpara zeal

Xpvabv zeal dpyvpov zeal olzelas 009 6eov hcopeds, zeal rep re 25

hchovn 0ea) Xeirovpywv air' avroov eh dvOpooiroov aoorrjplav,

zeal elhobs on ravra zeezerrjTaL hid rovs dheXcfrovs puaXXov rj

eavrbv, zeal zepelrroov vTrdp^oov rrjs zerr}crea)<z avroov, pur) hovXos

<cov> oov zeezerr\Tai, pSrjhe ev rfj tyvxfj ravra 7repi(j)ep(ov,

/JLTjhe ev rovrois opl^cov zeal irepLypd<f>oc>v rrjv eavrov %a>r)v, 30

aXXa n zeal zeaXbv epyov zeal Oelov del htaiTovwv, zedv drro-
o~repi]Qr]vai hey irore rovreov hwd/xevo^ XXew rfj yvcofir) zeal

rrjv diraXXayrjv avrolv eveyzeelv ei; icrov zeaOdirep zeal rrjv

Treptoveriav, — ovros eartv 6 piazeapi^opbevo^ virb rod zcvpiov

cf. Mtv3 zeal 7rT&)^09 roo Trvev/man zeaXovpuevo^, zeXrjpovopuos erot,p,o<; 35

ovpavov fiao-tXelas, ov irXovcnos ^rjaai pur) hvvdpuevos' (17.) o

18 5e?] 8r] 29 <o)j'> addidit J. B. Mayor 36 ovpavov] ovpaviov

coniecit Segaar

Be ev rfj -tyvxjj tov ttXovtov (pepcav, Kal dvrl deov TrvevfiaTos

ev rfj KapBia y^pvabv (\>epwv rj dypbv, Kal rrjv KTrjouv afxerpov
del ttolgov, Kal eKaaTOTe to TrXelov fiXeirwv tcara) vevevKoos Kal
Toh tov fc6a/jLOV 6r)pdrpois TreTreBrjfxevo^, yrjwv Kal eh yrjv ct. Geiiii9

5 aTreXevaofievos, iroOev BvvaTai {3ao-i\ela<; ovpav&v eTndvp,rj-

aai teal (ppovTiaac avOpwrros ov KapBlav dXXd dypbv rj fie-

raXXov cjyopwv, ev tovtols evpeOrjaofievos eirdvayKes ev oh cf. § w

eiXero ; "Ottov yap 6 vovs tov dvOpwirov, i/cel Kal 6 8r)aav- Uvi .

pd<? avrov.
io 17. ®r)(ravpov<s Be ye 6 Kvpcos olBe Bittovs, tov puev
dyadov' 'O yap dyadov dvOpcoTros e/c tov dyadov drjaavpov
T7]<; KapBlas 7rpo(f)epec to dyadov' tov Be irovrfpov' 'O yap Lc vi \:>

rea/eds etc tov /ca/cov drjaavpov Trpocpepec to tcatcov' oti etc

TrepiaaevfiaTos T179 KapBlas to cfto/ao, XaXel. coarrep ovv Orj-

15 aavpbs ov^ eh Trap avTar, Kadb /cal Trap tj/jllv, 6 to altyvlBtov

fxeya /cepBos ev evprjaec BlBov^, dXXd real BevTepos, 6 aKepBrjs

/cal a^rjXos Kal Bvo-kttjtos koX iirifyfiio?' oi/toj? ical ttXovtos
6 fjuev Ti? dyadwv, 6 Be fcatccov, ecye tov ttXovtov Kal tov
0T)aavpdv ovk aTT^pTriiievov^ la/juev dXXrjXcov Trj (jyvaet. Kal
f. 334 a 6 fiev T£? I
ttXovtos kt7)to<; dv eXt) Kal Trepl(3Xr)TO<;, 6 Be
945 aKTr)TO<; Kal aTroflXrjTOS' tov avTov Be Tpbirov Kal TTTW^eia'
fiaKapio-Tr/ fiev r) TTvevfiaTiKrj' Bob Kal irpoaeOrjKev 6 Mar-
datos' MaKaptoi 01 TTTtoyoi 7TW9 ; Tw TrvevfiaTf Kal MX i •

irdXtv' MaKapiot ol TreivcovTes Kal BttywvTes t?}v Bitcaio-MtvQ

25 avvrjv tov deov' ovkovv ddXioi ol evavTioi tttco^oI, deov fiev
d/Jboipoi, d/jLOLpoTepoi Be Trj<; dvdpwTrlvr)*; KTr'/aeo)<;, dyevaTOi Be
BiKacoavv7](; Oeov.
18. rio"T€ toi)? TrXovaiov? fiadrjfiaTiKoos aKovaTeov, toi)?
BvaKoXox; elaeXevaofievov^ eh Trjv /3aaiXelav, fi)) o-Kaido$ /xrjBe
30 dypoLKax; /jirjBe aapKLvo)<;' ov yap ovtcos XeXeKrai, ovBe e-rrl
Toh €ktos 1] acoTTjpla, ovTe el TroXXa ovt€ el oXlya TavTa 7)
pbiKpd rj fxeydXa i) evBo^a i) dBo^a evBoKt/ia
i) dBoKifia, rj

aXX' eVt Trj T179 tyvxrjs dpeTrj, TTiGTei Kal eXTrlBi Kal dyaTrrj
Kal (f>iXaBeX(f)la Kal yvcoaec Kal irpaoTr/TL Kal drvtyia Kal

1 deov] forsitan legendum dclov 7 tordray net (Ghialer)] in d^/ccus S

iv oh et'XeTo ante poncnduni
iv toOtols esse putat J. B. jMayci 10 po-t
Orjaavpoiis 5i rasura duarum litt. sed manet signuin compeudii. BoripttUD
esse uidetur 5^ ics 28 irXovalw

aXr)0ela, gov <\0Xov r) acorrjpLa' ovBe yap Bid KaXXos aGOfiaros

^rjaeral res i) rovvavrlov diroXelrai' dXX* 6 fiev rS Bo0evTt
cf. iCoiiii7 awfiari ayvws Kal Kara 0ebv ^poj/xevos tyoerai, 6 Be (f>0elpcov
rbv vabv 0eov (fiOaprjaerai. Bvvajai Be ris Kal ala^pbs daeX-
<yaiveiv kcli Kara KaXXos crGotypovelv' ovBe io")(V$ Kal fxeye0os 5

aGo/jiaros faoTroiei, ovBe tgov /xeXcov ovBevla diroXXvei,, dXX* r)

tovtols ^jrv^y) xpcofievr} rrjv alriav e<$> eKarepa rrapeyerai.

LC i2!); V7r °4>6 P e jovv, (f)7]al, iraLo/ievos rb Trpoacoirov birep Bvvarai
Mt 39
teal la^vpos ris gov teal eveKTGov viratcovorat, Kal rrdXiV daOe-
vlkos res gov afcpacrla yvGo/jLr)S 7rapa(3r)vai. ovrcos real diropos 10
res gov Kal dfiios evpe0elrj iror dv juueOvcov rals e7ri0vfilais,
icai xpr) fiacr l irXovcrios vt/^gov ical rrrGoyevGov rjBovGov, Trerrei-

a/jLevos, avverbs, Ka0apbs, KeKoXaajjuevos. el toIvvv eart to

^rjcrofjuevov fidXtara /cal irpciorov r) ^v^r), /cal rrepl ravrrjv
dperr) fiev ^vopevt) aw^ei, tca/cla Be Oavarol, BrjXov rjBr) 15

cra(f)Gos on avrrj /cal r

n ru)yevovo~a

gov dv ris iiirb rrXovrov j

Bia(f)0aprj aoo^erat, /cal irXovrovaa tovtcdv gov e rrri'rpLfteL f. 334 b

irXovros 0avarovrat' /cal fju^Keru ^rwfxev dXXa^ov rrjv alriav
tov reXovs 7rXr)v iv rjj rrjs yfrv^V^ Karaardaei /cal Biadeaei
irpbs re vira/corjv 0eov Kal /caOaponjra rrpbs re rrapdfiaoiv 20
evroXdov /cal KaKias avXXoyrjv.
19. O fxev dpa dXi)0Gos /cal koXgos ecrrlv 6 tgov dpercov
irXovcnos /cal irdarj rv^rj %pr)cr0at baiGOs /cal ttlotgos Bvvdfievos,
6 Be vb0os irXovauos 6 /card adp/ca ttXovtgov ical rrjv %wr)v
el<; < ttjv > efeo KTrjatv /jLerevrjvo^aos rrjv Trapep^o/nevrjv /cal 25
(f>0eipo/uLevr]v > ical dXXore aXXov yivo/jbevrjv /cal ev tgo reXei
/jL7]Bevbs fX7]BafJirj. Kara rbv avrov rpoirov /cal yvr)- 946
irdXtv av
aios 7rra)^o? kcli vq0os dXXos TTTw^bs KCLI ^evBGOVV/JLOS, 6
fjiev /card Trvevfia 7tto)^09 to lBlov, 6 Be Kara koo~/j,ov to
dXXoTpiov. T(p Br) KaTa koo~/ulov tttgo^go koX irXovalw Kara 30
rd ird0r) 6 Kara irvevfia [ov\ TrTco^bs Kal Kara 0edv ttXovglos
'Att bo'77]6h tgov virapyovTUiv ev ry tyvxf} gov KTrj/jLarcov

cf. Mtv8 dXXoTpicov, iva Ka0apbs rfj KapBla yevofievos IBrjs rbv 0ebv,
oirep Kal BC erepas <j>(Dvr}<; earlv elcreX0elv els rrjv ftaaiXelav

6 ovde via 11 iiridv/xias 13 KadapQs rolvw] rbiv
16 tt\o{itov (sic Combefisius)] toijtov 17 duupdeipei 18 davovrat
22 apa 25 <t?;i'> addidit Ghisler. 31 ov delendum esse putauit


roiv ovpavcov. Kal 7Tft)? avrdov d7roarfj<; ; TrcoXr/aas. ri ovv ;

Xprj/jLara avrl fCTrj/jLarcov Xdftrjs ; dvTiBoatv ttXovtov 7Tpo?

ttXovtov TroirjadfjLevos, e^apyvpiaas rrjv <j>avepav ova lav
ovhafjLoos' dXXd dvrl tojv irporepov evvirap^ovTcov rfj ^f%i?,

5 rjv acoaat TroOeis, dvTetcrayofxevo^ erepov ttXovtov Oeoiroiov

Kal £0)17? ^oprjiydv alcovlov, rds Kara ttjv evToXrjv rod deov
BtaOeaet^, avG" gov croi Trepiearac pacrOb^ Kal tl/jLt), Bir)veKr)s

acoTrjpia Kal aloovLO*; d$Qapo~ia. ovrco KaXdos TrcoXels rd

VTrdp-^ovra, rd iroXXd Kal ireptaad Kal diroKXeiovTa aoi rovs
10 ovpavovs, avTiKaraXXacro-o/jLevo*; avrwv rd awaat Bwd/xeva. |

f. 335 a €K€?va i^ercoaav ol crdpKivoi TTTwyol Kal tovtojv Beofievoi,

av Be tov TTvev/jLariKov ttXovtov dvTiXa(3o)v e^ot? dv rjBr) cf.Mcx2illl

Orjaavpov ev ovpqvoh.
20. Tavra fir) avviels Kara rpoirov 6 TToXv^prj/jLaro*;

IS Kal €VVO/JLO<; dvdpOJTTOS, /jLTjBe OTTO)? 6 aVTO? Kal 7TT&)^09 cf. 1 Co vii

Bvvarai elvai Kal irXovaio^, Kal eyeiv re ^ptjfiara Kal fir)

eyeiv, Kal xpfjaOac toj k6o-/juw Kal fir) ^pqaOat, aTrrjXOe

arvyvb*; Kal KaTrjcprjs, Xlttojv rrjv rd^tv rrj<; £W/9, ?/<? eTTiQvjielv ef. He x 28

fiovov aXX' ov^l Kal Tvyelv r)BvvaTO, to BvaKoXov Troujaas

20 dBvvaTov avros eavroj' BvaKoXov yap r)v pur) TrepidyeaOai
pur/Be KaraaTpaTrreadat rrjv tyvxw v^ t&v irpoaovTcov dflpoov
toj TrpohrjX(p ttXovtg) Kal dvdrjpoov yorjTevpLaToov' ovk dBvva-
tov Be to Kal iv tovtco XafteaOai awTrjpla ;, 1
el tls eavTov
diro tov alaOrjTOv ttXovtov iirl tov vorjTov Kal OeoBtBaKTov
25 fjueTaydyoL, Kal fidOot Tot? dBia<f)6pois y^p^o-Oai KaXcos Kal
IBlcos Kal oj? dv eh ^ojrjv alcovcov opfirjaa*;. Kal 01 fiaOijTal
Be to TrpcoTov pbev Kal avTol TTepiBeels Kal KaTaTrXrjyes
yeyovacnv aKovaavTes. ti dpd ye otl ^p^jxaTa Kal
BywoTe ;
avTOi eK€KTrjvTo TToXXa ; dXXd Kal avTa TavTa Ta BiKTvBia
30 Kal dyKiGTpa Kal tcl vTTTjpeTiKa o-KacplBca d<bf)/cav TrdXai,
direp rjv avTols /xova. tl ovv (£o/3?;#eWe? Xeyovat' Tfc Bvva- M<' 1 M
Tau acodrjvai ; KaXws rJKOvaav Kal <w? fiadijTal tov irapa-
ftoXiKws Kal acra^w? Xey^OevTOS vtto tov Kvpiov Kal rjaOovTO
947 tov ftdOovs tojv Xoyojv. eveKa fiev ovv xprifxaTcov dxTijfio-
35 Gvvr\<$ eveXTTiBes i)aav 7rpc? acoTrjplav, eiTeiBij Be crvvyBeaav

25 adia<p6pois (Ghisler)] dia.(f>6pus xP^^ aL - () op/xrjo-as (0. Stiililin)]

op/xaaai 29 SiKTv<t>ia '.Yd Kal acupQs

eavrots firfTTO) ra iraOrj TeXeov an 07 tOe pivots {dprifxaOeh yap

rjaav kcll v€co<ttI 77-/909 tov o-wrrjpos yvBpoXoyrj/jLevoi), irepia-
<r&»? €^67r\rjaaovro teal direyivwcrKov eavTovs ovBev tl tjttov
€K€lpov tov iroXv^pri/jbdrov /cal BeivGo? rrjs KTrjaews irepieyo-
fievov, 7]v ye irpoe/cpive £cor)s alwvLov. d^tov ovv tjv tol? 5
paOrjrais <f>6(3ov iravros, el ical 6 ^pr/fiara |
/ce/cTTjfievo'; /cal 6 f. 335'
twv iradaw eytcvo? d)p iirXovTovv, < fxrj> /cal avrol irapairXr)-
ctlcds aireXacrO^aovTai ovpavcov' diraOwv yap ical KaOap&v
\jrvxGov iarlv r] acorrjpla.
Mcx27 21. O Be fcvpios diroKplverat Blotl To ev dvOpoo- 10
7rot? dSvvarov, hvvarov 6eS. irdXiv /cal tovto fjueyaX^
crocpias fiearov iartv, on /cat)' avrov fxev daKcov /cal Bca-
7rovovfievos dirdQeiav dvOpanros ovBev dvvet, eav Be yevrjrat
BrjXos virepeiriQvpuwv rovrov KaX Bieo-7rovBa/co)<;, rfj irpoadrj/cr)

rrjs irapd deov Bwd/xecos irepiyiverai,' /3ouXop,evai<; fiev yap 15

rats -tyvyals 6 Oeds avveirtirvel, el he airoaralev 7-779 irpo-
uvfuas, teal to BoOev e/c deov irvevjia avveardXr)' to fiev yap
dfcovTas aw^etv £o~tI ffta^o/jLevov, to Be alpov/jLevovs yapi^o-
fievov. ovBe tcov /caOevBovTwv ical ffXa/cevovTcov early rj

cf. Mtx'112 ftaatXeia tov 6eov, «XV 01 ftiaaTal apira^ovo-iv avTrjv' 20

avTT) yap jiovov flla tcaXr), Oedv /3idcrao-0ai /cal irapd deov
^corjv dpirdaai, 6 Be yvovs 7-07)9 /Se/8awo?, jxaXXov Be ftiai&s

2 rjp8pofj,o\oyr]fj.hoi 7 < ixt]> addidit J. B. Mayor 8 sq. diraOQiv —

awnipla] Parall. Vat. et Scor. 570 Paris f. 223 a : Ant. Mel. 149 (cum lemmate
evaypiov) om. yap Parall. Ant. 9 om. \pvxuv Ant. 15 — 17 PovKopiivais —
ovvearak 77] Leontius Vat. Gr. 1553 f. 56: Coisl. f. 252 a : Parall. Vat. et Scor.
315 et 684 Paris f. 325 a 15 om. yap Coisl. Vat. Scor. (utr. loc.) Paris
16 6 debs ante reus Leont. Coisl. Parall : cdd. omn. \f/vxcus] pr. ^werfycus
Leont. Coisl. Vat. Scor. 684 epvpei Coisl. airo<TT7)ei> Scor. 684
diroo-Teev Paris 17 deov] pr. tov Vat. Scor. 315 aweardXei Paris (et ex
rj factum) 17, 18 to fxev—xapifafiivov] Leontius Vat. Gr. 1553 f. 56 17 om.
yap Leont. 18 ecTlv Leont. — —
19 p. 16 2 p. 17 oide rjTTw/uievos] Coisl.
f. 133 b Parall. Vat. et Scor. 383, 612 et 712 Eup.
. f. 126 b et f. 212 b Paris f. 98 b
et f. 363 a Eup. 212 b ovtco Kadetfv-
19 oide] ov Coisl. et Parall: cdd. omn (sed
rtav) /cat] + tuv Eup. 126 Paris 98 b j3\aKevofihwv Scor. 612 Eup. 126 b 212 b
om. {<ttIp Coisl. Vat. Scor. 383, 712 Paris 98 b 20 dXX* ol] &W01. Paris 98 b
21 fidvov] fxdvy Vat. Scor. 383 nov-q i] Coisl. Vat. Scor. 612, 712 Eup. 126 b
212 b Paris 98 b 363 a K a\^] K a\ei Paris 98 b piafadai Vat.
712 deov] 6e$ Scor. 383 22 piaiovs (pudus Scor. 712 Paris 363 a )
fxaXXov 8e (om. 5^ Paris 363 a ) pepalus Vat. 612, 712 Scor. 712 Eup. 212 b
Paris 363 a

avreyopuevov^ avve^ooprjaev Kal el^ev' yaipei yap 6 deb? rd

roiavra r]rro)/Jievo<;. roiydproi rovrcov aKOvaa^ 6 fiaKaptos
Tlerpos, 6 etcXefCTos, 6 e^aiperos, 6 irpcoros rcov puad^rcov,
virep ov fxovov kal eavrov rov cfiopov 6 acorrjp eKreXel, raykw^; of. Mt xvii

5 rjpirao-e teal avveftaXe rov XoyoV Kal ri cfirjcriv ; 'ISe rjfxeh Mcx28
d(f)T]fca/u,€V irdvia Kal rjKoXovOrjaafxev croi. rd Be Tldvra el

fiev rd Krr]fiara rd. eavrov Xeyec, reaaapa^ 6/3o\ov<; lacos

<rb> rov Xoyov KaraXiircov pueyaXvverai, teal rovrcov dvraljlav
dirocfraivcov dv XdOoi rrjv fiaatXeiav rcov ovpavcov' el Be/direp

io d^pt vvv Xeyo/juev, rd iraXaia vorjrd Krrj/xara Kal yfrv^LKa

voar)fxara drroppi^ravre^ eirovrai Kar l%vo<; rov BiBacrKaXov,
rovr dv dirroiro rjBr) Tot9 ev ovpavol^ eyy pacfrrjcrofievois. ff He xii

ovrco? yap dicoXovOeZv <evi> ovroos rco acorr)pi dvafiaprr)-

aiav Kal reXetorrjra rrjv eiceivov /aerep^b/uLevov, /cal irpb?
15 eKelvov coairep Karoirrpov Koapbovvra Kal pvO /ni^ovra rrjv

yjrv^rjv ical irdvra hid irdvrcov 6/jlolcos BianOevra.

948 22. ' AiroKptdeU Be 'lr)aov<; 'A/jltjv v/jliv Xeyco, 09 dv d(f>r) Mcx29
rd IBta Kal yovels ical dBeXcfiovs ical ^prjfiara eveicev €/jlov

33G a Kal eveicev rod evayyeXlov, diroXrjyjrerai eKarovrairXaai-

20 ova. dXXa /xrjBe rovO' rj/juas eircrapaao-erco, /irjBe rb en
rovrov aicXrjporepov dXXa^ov rats tycovals eijevrjvey/juevov'
O? ov fuael irarepa Kal /jbrjrepa Kal iratBas, irpoaert Be Kal Lc xiv 98

rrjv eavrov yjrv^rjv, e'yito? /jbaOrjrr)^ elvai ov Bvvarai. ov yap

elurjyelrai ploos Kal BtdXvaLv dirb rcov cj)iXrdrcov 6 rr}<;

25 elpr]vr]^ Oebs, 6 ye Kal toi)? i^Opov^ dyairav irapaivcov. el

^ Jj*^ :;;,

Be rovs e^dpovs dyairrjreov, dvaXoyov air eKeivcov dviovrt

Kal toi)<? eyyvrdrco yevovs' r) el /Jbiarjreov rov? 77736? alfjuaro^,

iroXv /jbdXXov toi)? ej^dpoix; irpoftdXXecrdai Karicov 6 Xoyos

BiBdcTKei, war dXXrjXovs dvaupovvres eXey^ocvr dv 01 Xoyoi.
30 dXX' ovB' dvaipovaiv ovB> €771)?, dirb yap ri}^ ourf)? yvcopa)<i

Kal BcaOeaeco<; Kal eirl rco avroo bpoo irarepa Tt? dv


e^dpbv dyairoov, b f^r)re ey^Opbv d/jLvvbfievos, ^)re irarepa

Xpio-rov irXeov alBov/juevos. ev eKeivoo fiev yap rco Xby<o

1 (Tvvexupwe Vat. Scor. 383 Hup. 126b 212'' ora. Kal S el^e Vat.

383, Rup. 126 b 212 b d£ev ex fj&u factum

i'A'2 Coifll. >}:<; Boor, abique om.
6 Oeds Vat. Scor. 712 8 <to> addidit Segft&l 9 4»ep] ad mi
additiun a pr. man. 10 potjto.] forsitan legendum di^T/ra .1. Mayor
13 <fr/i> addidi 15 Koa/xQura 31 <?7ri rb atrb bpCfr J. 1*. Mayor
B. 2

jjuaos eKKoirrec zeal KCLKOirodav, ev rovrco Be rrjv irpb<; tci

avvrpocpa Bvacorrlav, el ftXairroi 777)09 acorrjpiav. el yovv

dOeos ecr) rtvl rrarrjp rj 1//09 rj dBeX<f)b<;, zeal zccoXvfxa rrjs

iriarecos yevotro zeal epuroBiov T179 civco %cofj<;, rovrco fir) ctv/jl-

efyepeaOco /jbrjBe ofjuovoeirco, dXXd rrjv aapzcizcrjv olzeewrrjra Bui 5

rr)v 7rvev/JLaTtfcr)v eyOpav BiaXvadrco.

23. No/jLutov elvai ro irpdypba BiaBizcaalav. 6 fjuev Trarrjp

aoi Bozeelrco nrapearcos XeyeiV 'Eyco ae eaireipa zeal eOpeyfra,

dzeoXovOei /jlol zeal avvaBizcet ical fir) nrelOov rco Xptarov vofico'

/cat oiroaa av eliroi j3Xda<pr)fios dvOpcoiros zeal vezepos rfj 10

cf. iPeis epvaet. erepcoOev Be a/cove rod acorrjpo^' 'Eyco ere dveyevvrjaa
zeazecos virb zcoafiov 777)09 Odvarov yeyevvrj/ievov, r)XevOepcoaa,
laadfir)v, eXvrpcoadfirjv' eyco croc irape^co ^cor)v drravarov,
Mt xxiii
vireptcoa fxtov' eyco
v/^. «/»<««
zcaXet aeavrco rrarepa

Bel^co Oeov rrarpcx; ayaOov
7779' 01 vezepoi rov<$ 15
ve/epovs Oairrercoaav, av Be fioi dzeoXovOet, \
dvd^co yap ae f- 336 b

1 Co ii 9 6t9 dvdrravaiv dpprjrcov zeal dXezcrcov dyaOcov, a firjre 6cf>0aX-

/Lt09 elBe, firjre ovs tj/eovae, firjre errl /eapBiav dvO pcoircov dvifSr),
1 Pe i 12 et'9 d eiriOvfiovaiv dyyeXoi rrapazev^ai, zeal IBelv direp rjrol-
fiaaev 6 Beds rols dyiois dyadd zeal to?9 (piXovacv avrov 10
cf. Jn vi 50f Te/evoi,<;. eyco aov rpoefrevs dprov ifiavrov BlBovs, ov yevad-
fjuevos ovBels en irelpav Oavdrov Xafif3dvec, real irofia tea® r)-

fiepav evBcBovs dOavaalas' eyco BiBdazcaXos vrrepovpavicov

iraiBevfidrcov vrrep aov 777)09 rbv Odvarov Birfycoviadfirjv, zeal

rbv aov etjertaa Odvarov, ov coepeuXe^ errl Tot9 rTpot))iaprr)- 25

fievois Ka\ rrj 777)09 Oeov cm tar La. rovrcov rcov Xoycov e/eare-
pcoOev Bia/covaas vrrep aeavrov Bi/caaov, zeal rr)v ifrrjcpov

dveveyzee rfj aavrov acorr)pia. zedv dBeXcfros oy^oia Xeyrj zcclv

rezevov zedv yvvrj zedv oanaovv, nrpo rrdvrcov ev aol Xpoaros 949
vizecov earco' vrrep aov yap aycovi^erai. 30

24. Avvaaai zeal rcov xprj/jbdrcov eiriirpoaOev elvai ; eppd-

aov, zeal ovzc arrdyei ae Xpiaros rr}<; zcrrjaecos, 6 zevpeos ov

(frOovel. dXX* opa9 aeavrov r)rrco/jLevov vrr avrcov zeal dva-

cf. Mt v 29 rperroixevov ; depes, ptyov, filarjaov, dirora^ai, cf>vye' zedv

8e^to9 aov depOaX/jLOs azcavBaXi^r] ae, ra^eco<; ezczeotyov avrov' 35

8 &r7ra/)a] ad marg. additum a pr. manu 10 birbaa (H. Jackson)] on

8o~a 17 avdwavaiv] Segaar dirbXavaiv coniecit 31 etvai ;] ehar
31, 32 eppdaov] forsitan legendum <pddoov (i.e. (pddaas Troirjaov) J. B. Mayor

alpercorepou erepocpdaXpLcp ftao-iXela Oeov rj bXoKXrjpcp to irvp'

K(ivX P Kav >7T0V ^ K & v V tyvXV* p*Lo~r)aov avrrjv av yap
et cf. Lc xiv 26

evravOa airoK/qrai virep Xpcarov <itc€L ao)Or]aeTat>. of. Mcviii35

25. TavTrjs Be bpoloas e^erat rrjs yvoSpirjs Kal to eiro-

5 pevov' NO*/ Be ev tc3 Kaipcp tovtm dypovs Kal ^prjpLara kcli Mc x 30

olfcias teal dBeXcfrovs eyeiv /

JL€T ^ Btcoypcov "fel? nov\. ovre
yap d^pypbdrovs ovre dvearLovs ovre dvaBeXcfrovs errl rrjv
%(or)v KaXel' eirel ical TrXovaiovs KeKXrjKev, aXX' bv rpbirov

irpoeiprjKapev, teal dBeXcfrovs /car avrbv, wcrrrep Uerpov

lo puerd 'AvBpeov real 'ldfcctiftov perd ^Jcodvvov, tovs ZefteBalov
337 a iralBas, d\\ bpuovoovvras |
dXXi]Xoi<; re real XpiaT(p' to Be
puerd Bicoypwv ravra e/caara eyeiv diroBoKip^d^ei. BiwypLO?
Be, b puev tl<; etjcoOev ireptyU'erai, tgov dvOpwirwv i) Bl eyOpav
7) hid <j>0bvov rj Sid (piXoKepBecav rj tear evepyeiav BiaftoXiKr)v

15 tovs Tnarovf; eXavvbvrcov' 6 Be ^aXeTrcoraros evBoOev ecrn

Bicoypbs e£ avrrjs i/cdo~T(p rrjs tyv^s it poire pur bpuevos Xvpuai-
vopbivr)^ vtto iiriOvpuioov dOecov /cal rjBovwv ttolkIXcdv teal

(pavXcov iXTriScov teal cfyOaprwv bveipoTroXrfpLdrcov, orav, del

T(£tv irXeibvcov opeyopuevr) Kal Xvaawaa virb dyplcov epcorcov

20 Kal (pXeyopuevr), KaOdirep Kevrpois rj pLiKtiyfri, tols irpoKetpbevoLS

avrfj irdSeaiv e^aip,dao-r]Tai, irpbs airovBd^ p,aviooBet<; Kal
%o)r)s diroyvwGiv Kal Oeov Kara(f>pbv7]o-tv. ovtos 6 BtcoypLOs
fiapvrepos Kal ^aXeir cot epos, evBoOev oppLcopuevos, del o-vvcov,
ov ovBe €K(f>vyeiv 6 BuoKOpLevos Bvvarai' rbv ydp e^Opbv ev

25 eavrS vepidyec iravrayov. ovtco Kal irv pwer ts , r) p,ev e^coOev

Trpoo-TTLTTTOvaa SoKipiaalav Karepyd^erac, 7] Be evBoOev ddva- cf. ICoiiilS

top Biairpdaaerau' Kal wbXepLos, b puev eiraKrbs pqBiws

KaraXverat, 6 Be ev rf) ^vxv ^XP L @ av drov TrapapLerpelrai.
per a Btcoy p,ov tolovtov ttXovtov edv €^9 tov aladr/rbv, Kav
30 dBeX(f)ov<; rovs Trpbs a'tpLaros Kal rd dXXa eveyypa, KardXnre
rrjv tovtoov irayKTrjalav rr)v eirl KaKQ), elpi')V7]v aeavrco irapd-
a-^69, eXev8epda6t)TL Bicoypov piaKpov, d7roaTpd(f)7]6i 7T/309 rb
evayyeXiov dn eKeivwv, eXov rbv acoTrjpa irpb iravrayv, top
Tt}<; arJ9 o~vvi)yopov Kal irapaKX^rov ^f%^9, rbv T/J9 direipov

3 <iKei au)dr)(r(:Ta.i> addidit Segaar (5 cf. § 4 7 dva5A0ot's] forsitan

l*6vovs addendum est, J. B. Mayor 14 (f>i\oKepSlcu> 16, 17 \oiiJ.aii>oiJ.^vi]s

20 fiolu)\f/i 27 dtaTapdo-aeTai ((rltisler 8iairpa.TT€Tai) 29 tolovtov (Gliish'i)]



2Coivis irpvravLv £0)^79. ra yap ^Xeirbpieva Trpocricaipa, rd Be fxrj

(SXenro/JLeva aloovta' /ecu ev /jlcv tw

irapovTi XP° VfP oiKVfjiopa 950
Mcx.30 teal afteftaia, ev Be rw ep^o/ieva ^corj eo~Tiv alwvLOs.
McxSi 26. "Kaovrai, 01 irpwroi ea^aroi Kal ol ea^aroi irpcvroi.
tovto iToiXv^ovv fiev €<ttl \
Kara Tip vttovoiclv Kal tov aa<f)r)- f. 337 1'

VMT/JLOV, OV fJLl)v €V J6 Tft) TTapOVTL TTJV ^tJTTjaLV diraLTel' OV

yap /jlovov penrei irpb<i tovs 7ro\v/CTr)/JLovas, a\\' dirX&s 777)09

('nravTas dvOpcoTrovs Toil's ir'tarei Kaddira^ eavrovs cttlBl-

Sovras. ware tovto fiev avaiceicrOw tcl vvv' to Be ye irpo-

Kei/xevov rjfuv olfxai /uLrjBev ti dBeeaTepov 7-779 eirayyeXias to

BeBetyOaL, oti tovs irXovtriov? ovBeva Tpbirov 6 aa)Tr}p ko.t av-

tov ye tov itXovtov teal ttjv 7repL/3oXr)v tt)? KTrjaew cltto-

KeicXeiKev, ov& avTol? diroTeTa^pevicev tt\v o~coT7)pLav, elye

BvvaLVTO Kal /3ovXolvto viroKviTTeiv tov deov Tat? evToXais,

Kal twv irpoo-Kaipcdv TrpoTi/JLcpev ttjv eavT&v ^(orjv, Kal (3Xe- 15

Troiev 7rpo<? tov Kvpiov ciTevel t£ (3\efi/jLciTi, /caOdwep et9

dyaOov KvfiepvrjTOV vev/xa BeBopKOTes, tl /3ov\eTCiL, rl irpoa-

Tao-o-et, tl o-rjfialvei, tl BlBcoo-l tol<; clvtov vclvtclis to avv-
Orj/jLCL, itov Kal iroOev tov op/nov eirayyeXXeTai. tl yap
d$L/ce2 Tt?, el TrpoaeyuiV ttjv yvoo/uLrjv Kal (p>eL$6/A€vo<; irpb 7-979 20

7r/<7Te&)? /3lov iKavbv avveXe^aTO ; rj Kal <to> tovtov paXXov

dveyKkrjTOv, el ev6ii<$ V7ro tov 6eov tov ttjv yjrv^rjv vejiovTOS

€t9 oIkov tolovtwv dv6p(07rcov elawKLaOr) Kal yevos d/jL(f)L-

A,a<7J>e9, Tot? Xpr/fiacrLV lor^vov Kal tw irXovTCp KpaTovv ; el

yap Bid ttjv aKovcnov ev ttXovtw yeveaiv direXr/XaTai ^corj<i, 25

dcjLfceLTaL fiaXXov virb tov yeLva/jLevov 6eov, irpoaKaipov fiev

r)$v7ra6eLa<; KaTrj^Loo/jLevos, dlhlov Be fft)?}? direaTep^ixevo^.

tl 8' #\&)9 ttXovtov eyjpr\v 7^9 avaretXai iroTe, el x o PVy o<:
e.K *

Kal Trpoljevos eo~Ti OavaTov ; a\X' el BvvaTal tls evBoTepco

to)v virap'XpvTtov KafjuirTeLV tt)9 e^ovo-Las Kal fieTpLa cf>povelv 30
Kal acoeppovetv Kal 6ebv jjlovov %t)T€lv Kal 6ebv avairvelv Kal
6e£> avfjLTroXLTeveadai, tttw)(P^ ovtos 7rapeaT7]Ke Tals evTO-

xP 71lJb<^ Ta)v
X.at9, ekevOepos, dr)TT7)TO<;, dvoo~os, aT/oa)T09 vtto

Mcx25 el Be fir), Oclttov Kafirfko? Blcl j3e\6vr)<; elcreXevaeTaL 17 o

tolovtos tt\ovctlo<; \
iiri T7)V ^acTLXelav tov deov irapeXevcreTaL. f. 338

3 fa-qv (cf. § 4) 21 < to > addidit Ghisler 26 yeiua/j.£vov (Ghisler)]

yivojxevov 30 tt)s ifrvaLas] forsitan glossema ad twv virapx&Twv , J. B. Mayor


arj/jLcuveTO) fxev ovv ti Kal v^rrjXorepov rj KdfATJXos Bid arev7]<; ef. Mt vii u
6Bov Kal TedXififjuevr)? (f>6dvovo~a rov ttXovgiov, oirep iv rfj
irepi dpywv Kal OeoXoyias e^rjyrjaet fjbvarijpiov rod crwrrjpos
virdpyei puadelv. (27.) ov p,rjv aXXa to ye (patvo/jievov

5 TTpwrov Kal 8£ b XeXeKrai r?}? Trapa(So\rj<$ irapeyeaOw.

8i8a<TK€TQ) tovs eviropovvTas ft)? ovk dp,eXr}Teov rrj<; eavrcov
<T(i)T7)pLa<> ft>? rj8r} 7rpoKareyvcoafievov<;, ovBe Karairovriareov
951 av irdXiv rov irXovrov ovBe KaraBiKaareov ft)? rfj<; fftn/? farir

fiovXov Kal iroXepLiov, dXXd /xaOrfreov riva rpoirov Kal 7r&)?

io ttXovto) %pr)crT€ov Kal tt)v forjv KTT)Teoi>. eTretBr) yap ovre
€K iravrbs diroXXvrai Tt?, on irXovrel BeBtcos, ovre €k Travrbs
aa)%erai dappcov Kal TTtarevcov ft>? acodTjaerac, <pepe GKeirieov
r/VTLva tt)V iXirlBa avrot<; 6 crcorrfp viroypafyet, Kal 7r&3? av to
/juev dveXTTiGTOv e^eyyvov yevotro, to Be iXiriaOev et? KTrjacv

15 d(j>LK0CT0.

27. <£>r)alv ovv 6 BtBdcrKaXos, Tt? r\ /jbeylarr) tgov evro-


Xoov r)pcoT7]ixevo^' Kyairrjaet^ Kvpiov rov deov aou ef 0X.179 Moziiao

rrj<; ^v^r}? crov Kal e'f oXrj? rfj<; Bvvdfiecos crov' ravTrjs
fiei^oi fjLTjSe/jLiav evroXrjv elvai, Kal fidXa etKorco^' Kal yap
20 Kal irepl rov irpcorov Kal irepl rov /jbeylo-rov 7rapr]yyeXrai,
avTov rov deov irarpos t^/jlcov, 81 ov Kal yeyove Kal eari of. Ro xi 96

Ta irdvra, Kal ei? bv rd aqy^o/jueva irdXiv eiravep^erai. virb

tovtov Toivvv irpoayair^Oevra^ Kal rov yevecrOai rv^ovra^
ov% octlov aXXo tl irpeafBvrepov dyeiv Kal rcfiiajrepov, €K-
25 Tivovras \xbvr\v rrjv \dpiv ravrrjv \xiKpdv eirl ixeyiaroi^, aXXo
he /jltjSotlovv e^ozrra? a^e^Seet Kal reXei'a) Oeco irpbs dfioififfv
ewLvorjaat, avro Be to dyairav rov irarepa et? oiKelav la^vr
Kal Bvva/ubLV dcpOapaias ko/jli^o/jL6vov^' oo~ov yap dyaira rt?

debv, roo~ovT(p Kal TrXeov ivSorepco rov Oeov irapaBverai.

i,o 28. Aevrepav Be rdtjec Kal ovSev ti fiiKporepav ravrrjv
elvai Xeyei to' '
A7 airrj crew rov irXyalov aov cJ? treavrov * Lex 87, 88
ovkovv rov Oebv virep aeavrov. irvvdavofxevov Be rov irpoa-
f. 338b Bta\Xeyofjuevov Tt? eariv nrX^aiov ; ov rov avrov Tpoirov
'lovBaioi? Trpocoplaaro rov 7T/90? aiyLtaTO? ovBe rov iroXlri)v

35 ovBe tov 7rpoo-y]Xvrov ovBe rov oyLto/aj? irepiTCTflffflivop ovBt

2 <t>9<xvov<Tav 2, .'* ry irepl apxwv mi] Of. Zahn, FoTBCkungen iii. -^

5 816 8 oi>5£ (J. 13. Mayor)] otire l\) fxelfav 84 dXX' 5n 84, MS

cf. Lc x 30 ff tov evl /cal TavTco vo/jlco ^pcopuevov aXXd dvcodev /cara-
/3alvcov dirb ^lepovaaXrjfx dyec tco Xoyco Tivd els ]epi%co, /ecu

r)fjLi6vr)Ta iirl Trjs 6Bov, vtto iepecos TrapoBevo/xevov, vtto

AeviTov Trapopco/xevov, vtto Be tov Xa/xapeLTov tov e^covec- 5

Bia/xevov /cal d(f>copiafxevov /caTeXeovjxevov, 09 ot>%l kcltcl Tvyjqv

ft>9 e/celvoL TraprfXdov, aXX! 77/ce avvea/cevaa/xevo<; cov 6 klv-
Bvvevcov eBeoTO, olvov, eXaiov, iiriBecr/xovs, /cttjvos, /xiaObv
tco iravBo^el, tov /xev rjBrj BcBo/xevov, tov Be Trpoavirio-'xyov-
fxevov. TV?, €<f>7),
tovtcov yeyove TrXrjcriov tco to, Beivd ira- 10

66vtl; tov Be diroKpivapbevov oti O tov eXeov Trpos avTov

€7TiBei^d/jLevo<;' Kal o~v tolvvv TropevOels ovtco Tcoiei' cos 7-775

dyd7rr)<; {3XacrTavovcr?]s eviroiiav.

29. 'Ez; d/xcpoTepats /xev ovv Tat? evToXals dydiryv elarj-

yetTac, Tagei S' avTrjv Biyprj/ce, /cal oirov /xev Ta irpcoTela 7-775 15

dydirris dvdirTet tw Oeco, oirov Be Ta BevTepela vejxet tw

irXrjaiov. Tt? £' dv aXXo<; ovtos ecrj irXrjv avTo<; 6 acoTrjp; rj

cf. Eph vi 12 Tt? fxdXXov tf/xcis eXerjcras e/ceivov, tov<; vtto tcov /coa/xo/cpa- 952
Topcov tov ctkotovs bXiyov TeOavaTCQ/jbevow; tois ttoXXols
Tpav/xaai, (j>6/3oi<;, eiri6v/xiac<;, opyais, Xvirais, diraTais, r/Bo- 20
vais ; tovtcov Be tcov Tpav/xaTcov fxovos laTpos ^Itjctov^, e/c-

kotttcov dpBrjv Ta irdOrj irpoppi^a, ov% cocrirep 6 vo/jlos yjrcXd

Ta diroTeXecr/xaTa, tov<; /capirovs tcov irovrjpcov cpvTcov, dXXd

cf. Mtiiiio; ttjv d^lv7]v Trjv eavTov irpbs Ta? pi^as T775 ica/cias irpocra-
cf. Didache yaycov. ovtos <6> tov olvov, to al/xa Trjs dpLTreXov 7-775 25

AafflB, etcxeas rjpicov iirl tcis TeTpcofievas ^u^a?, tov eic

o-irXdy)(vcov iraTpbs eXeov irpocreveyiccov


tca\ eTziBa'^fCXevop.e- f. 339

z/05' ouTO? tovs ttJ? vyelas /cal o-coTrjpta^ BecrfAovs aXvTov<;

cf. ; eVtSet^a?, dyd7r7iv. tticttiv, eXirlBa' ovto<$ 6 Btaicovelv dyye-
Eph iii 10 1 \ t / \
Xovs /cal dp^as /cat e^ovaias rjp2v eiriTa^as eiri fieyaXco 30
cf. Ro viii puadco, Blotl Kal avTol eXevOepcoOrjaovTai airo ti)<; fiaTaio-
tt/to? tov Koapuov irapd Trjv aTro/caXvyjnv t^5 B6%r)<; tcov

v'tcov tov 6eov. tovtov ovv dyairav Icra ^prj tco deep' ayawa
Be XpicrTov 'Itjctovv 6 to OeXr/pia avTov ttoicov /cat cfivXdcr-

Mtvii2i acov avTov ra? ivToXd<;. Ov yap 7ra? 6 Xeycov /jlol Kvpie 35

1, 2 forsitan legendum Kara^aivovTa. 7 cSv 22 irpbpi^a 25 <6>

addidit Ghisler

icvpie elaeXevaeTaL et? rrjv ftaaikeiav tcov ovpavcov, dXX' 6

ttolcov to 6eXr)p,a tov irarpo^ pbov' fcai' TV pue Xiyere Kvpie Lc vi 46

o/jjj 1*™*
KVpie, teal ov a Xeyco; kcli'
iroielre Tp,e2<; paKapiot
opcovTes kcli a/covovres a pbrjre hiKCLioi p,rjre 7rpocf>TJTaL, edv cf. Jn xiii 17

5 wocyre a Xeyco.
30. UpcoTos fiev ovv ovtos eariv 6 Xptardv dyaircov,
Sevrepos Be 6 rovs e/celvco ireiriarevKora^ rtfiwu Kal irepie-
ircov. o yap civ tls els puadrjTrjv epydar/Tai, rovro et? eavrbv
o icvpios etcSexerai Kal irdv eavrov iroielrat. Aevre, ol evXo- Mt xxv 34 ff

io yr/pevoL tov irarpo^ fiov, KXrjpovoprjaaTe rrjv r/TOLfiacrfievrjv

vplv /3aaiXeiav airo KaTa(3oXr)<; Koapuov' eireivaaa yap Kal
eScoKare /jlol cfrayeiv, Kal eSlyjrrjaa Kal eScoKare poL irLelv y

Kal %evos rjp,rjv Kal avvrjydyere pue, yvpuvos fjpLrjv Kal eveov-
aare pue, r}adevrjaa Kal eireaKes^aaOe p,e, ev cpvXaKrj rjpurjv

15 Kal rjXdere wpos pie. rore diroKpiOrjaovTaL avrco ol BtKaLOL

Xeyovres' Kvpte, irore ae elhopuev TreivcovTa Kal eOpe^apLev,
f) OL^covTa Kal eiroriaapiev ; ttotc he ecSopiev ae £evov Kal
avvrjydyopiev, r) yvpuvov Kal 7repLej3dXop,ev ; rj irore ae ecSopuev
daOevovvra Kal eireaKetydpLeOa, rj ev cpvXaKrj Kal rjXdopuev
20 7T/50? ae; diroKpiOels 6 ftaaLXevs epel avrols' ^Apurjv Xeyco

vplv, ecf) oaov eTTOLijaare evl tovtcov tcov aSeXcpcov p,ov tcov

eXa^larcov, epLol eiroLijaare. irdXiv eK tcvv evavrlcov tov$ cf. Mt xxv

L 339 b ravra p,r) irapaayovTas avrols |
eh to ep$d\Xei to alco-
vlov, cos avTco pLr) irapea^rjKOTa^. Kal dXXa^ov' O vpLas Mt x 10

25 he^bpievos ipue Se^eTat, 6 lipids pur} Se^opuevos ep,e dOeTel. cf. Lc 1 Lfl

31. Tovtovs Kal TeKva Kal iraihla Kal vi)iTLa Kal cpi-

Xov<> ovopud^eL Kal puKpovs evOdhe a$? irpb? to peXXov dvco

953 pueyedos avTcov, M// KaTacppovy'jarjTe, Xeycov, ev6$ tcov pLiKpcov Htxviiiio

tovtcov' tovtcov yap ol dyyeXou Sid iravTos (SXeirovaL to

30 TrpoacoTTOv tov iraTpos puov tov ev ovpavols. /cal eTepcoOb' Xh) LcxiiSS

cpoffelaOe, to pLLKpbv Troipbviov' vplv yap rjvBoKyaev 6 TraTi)p

irapahovvai T))V /SaaiXelav tcov ovpavcov' KaTci Ta avTa Kal
tov pueylaTov ev yevvr)Tol<$ yvvatKcbv Icoavvov tov eXa^iaTov cf.Ml \ LI;

ev Trj fiaaiXela tcov ovpavcov, TOVTeaTL tov eavTov pLaOi]T))i>,

35 elvaL pei^co Xeyet' Kal irdXiv' O Se^o/xeros" SUaiov t) irpo- Mt \ n r

<j)y')TT]V et? ovopba SiKaiov 1; 7rpocf>>JTov tov eKeivcov pLLaObv

G ovv supra Lin. acMitum a pr. nruiu '11 tWaxtcrruv X> iWdxurTov


Xijyjrerai, 6 Be fjuaOrjTrjv Troricras et? ovofia fiaOrjTov iroTrfpiov

\jrv^pov vSaros tov fiiaObv ovk diroXecreL. ovkovv ovtos fiovos

Lcxvi9 o /jligOos ovk diroXXvfievos iari. Kal avOts' TLoir/aaTe eav-
tol<; (fiuXovs i/c tov fia/uucovd Tr}s dBiKias, iva, orav eKXiirrfTe,
Be^wvTai vfjbas et? rdq alwviovs aKrfvds' cpvaei fxev diraaav 5

KTYjatv, r)v clvtos Tt? e<f> eavTOv Ke/crrjrai w? IBiav ovaav

teal ovk els kolvov tols Beofxevois KararWrjcrLv, dBiKOV ovcrav
dirofyaivayv' ire Be ravrrj^ rrjs dBiKias evbv Kal irpdyfia Bi-
kcliov epydcracrdai Kal acoTtjpiov, dvairavaai ruva tcov eyov-
tcov alcovcov (TKrjvrjv irapa toj nrarpL 10

32. (31.) 'Opa irpwrov fjuev w? ovk diraiTelo-Qai ae

KeKeXevKev ovBe evo'^XelaOai irepifxeveiv , dXXa avTov ^rjTecv

tovs ev ireio-ofievovs d%iov<; re ovras tov acoTr}po<; /jLadrjrds.

2Coix7 KaXbs fiev ovv Kal 6 tov diroaToXov Xoyos' 'lXapbv yap
cf. 2Coix6 Bottjv dyaira 6 debs, yaipovTa tg3 BiBovac Kal fir) (jieiBbfievov 15

(w? cnreipovTa, Iva fjurj o'vtcd? Kal depiar), Bfya yoyyvafxwv

Kal BiaKplcrecos ko\ Xvirr/s ical KocvcovovvTa, oirep eo~Tiv

evepye\o~la fcadapd. KpeiTT(ov B' earl tovtov 6 tov KVpiov f. 310 a

Levi 30 XeXey\xevo<$ ev aXX<p ywp'ujs' TlavTi toj alrovvri ae BlBov.

6eov yap ovtcos r) TOiavrr] <piXoB(opi,a' ovToal Be 6 X070? 20

virep airaadv iari Oeorrjra^rjBe alrelaOai iTepLfieveiv,dXX! av-

rbv dva^rjrelv oar is d%io<; ev waQelv, (32.) eireira ttjXi-

kovtov [MLcrdbv bpiaai rr)<; Koivajvias, alobviov o-fcrjvrjv. <w

KaXr}<; ifjLTropLas' w Oeias dyopas' oovelrat, ^prffiaTcov T£<?

d(f)dap(TLav, Kal Bovs rd BioXXv[xeva tov koo-/jlov p,ovr)v tov- 25

tcov aloovLov ev ovpavols dvTiXaixftdvei. •nXevo'ov eirl TavTrjv,

cf. Mtxxiii av o-(D(ppovfj<;, tt)v TravrjyvpLP, w irXovcne' kclv Bey, irepieXOe
yr)v oXrjv, fir) tye'iay klvBvvchv Kal ttovwv, iv ivTavOa /3ao~L-

Xelav ovpdviov dyopderr)^. ti ae Xidoi Bta(f>avei<; Kal o-fid-

payBot togovtov evfypaivovai Kal otKela Tpocf^r) irvpbs rj 30

Xpovov iraiyviov rj aeiafiov irdpepyov rj v$pio-p,a Tvpdvvov

eirtOvfjirjo-ov ev ovpavois oiKr)o~ai Kal fiao-iXevcrai /jueTa Oeov'
TavTrjv aoc Tr)v (3aatXeiav dvOpomros Bcoaec Oebv air o fit \xov fie-

ld ev] ov, sed ad marg. a manu xv ut uid. saeculi tVws ev 15, 16 0«5.
cbs] legendum forsitan cum Segaar 0a5o,ueVws 18 Kadapa (Segaar)] Kadd
20 0tAo5wped (correxit Segaar) 21, 22 avrbu (J .B. Mayor)] avrbs 28 yrjv

(Combefisius)] tt)v 30 rpocpbs J. B. Mayor (uide adnot.)


z>09* evravOa /ju/cpa \a{3oov, i/cei 8Y oXcov alwvcov avvoiKov

954 ae TrocrjaeTat. i/cerevaov Xva Xd/3rf' airevaov, dywvlaaov,
(j>of3r)dr)Ti, /jltJ ae drL/jbdarj' ov yap K€Ke\evaTat Xaftelv, aWd
av irapaayelv. ov firjv ov& elirev o Kvpios A09, rj Tlapda^e^,
5 rj Fjvepyirrjo-ov, rj RorjOrjaov <£>l\ov he irolrjaac' 6 he g/h'A,09 cf. Lc xvi y

ovk etc fjbtd<; hoaeax; yiverau, dW' ei; o\?79 dvairavaecos Kal
awovala<; fiaKpa^' ovhe yap r) ttigtls, ovhe r) ay dirt), ovhe r]

tcaprepia /Atas r)fxepa^, aX\' O viropbelva<; eh Te\o9, ovtos Mi z 2S

to 33. IIw? ovv 6 dvdpcoTros ravra hihwatv ; otl hud rrjv
e/ceivov tl/jltjv kcu evvoiav ko\ oIk61(D(TLV 6 Kvpio? hlhcoac'
hcoaco yap ov /Jbovov rols (J)l\oi<;, aWd teal tols (f>i\oi<; rwv
(f>l\o)v' teal Tt9 outo9 eartv, elirois dv, 6 cfriXos rov Oeov ; av
fjuev /jut) Kplve tls a£t09 Kal tis dvdgtos' eV8e^eTcu yap ae hta-
15 fxaprelv Trepl rrjv hofjav &>? ev dfjL(f>i/36Xo) he 7-779 dyvoias
f. 340'' dfieivov fcal tou9 |
dvatjiovs ev irotelv Sid 7-01)9 aglow; rj

<fiv\aaa6/j,evov tovs rjaaov dyadovs /nrjhe Tot9 a7rovhaioi<;

irepareaelv i/c fiev yap rod <pelhea6at /cal TrpoairoielaQai

hoKifjud^eiv 7-01)9 evXoycds rj fir) revgo/juevovs evBe^eral ae Kal
20 0eo(f>i\ooi> dfieXrjaal tcvcov, ov to eTrtri/JLiov Ko\aat<; efiirvpos
aiwvios' e/c he rod irpoteadai irdaiv egrjs rot9 xprj^ovaiv
dvdy/cr) 7rdvTco<; evpelv Tivd koI tgov awaat, irapd Oeu> hvva-
/jLevcov. Mr) Kplve tolvvv, iva /jur) tcpiOrjs' co fMerpa) /Lt€T/>€t9, Mt vii 1 f

tovto /cal avTCfMeTprjOrjaerat aot' fierpov koXov ireTTiea^evov Lc vi 38

25 Kal aeo-aXev/jbevov, vizepeKyyvop,evov, dirohoOrjaeTai aot. ird-

aiv dvoitjov rd airXdy^ya TOt9 rov Oeov fiaOrfrals diroye-

ypa/A/juevoLS, p,r) irpos acS/xa dirihwv virepoirrw^, p,y) 777309

r)\iiciav «yLteXw9 StareOels, /jlijo' el ns dtcrrj/JLCdv 1) ovaeifKov

rj 8vaei8rj<; r) daOevrjs tyaiverai, 777909 tovto tt} ^t%ty Sva-
30 %€pdvr)<; Kal diroaTpacfyfji;. ayf)p,a tovt eaTiv egcoOev ijfilv

4 av (sc. KCKeXevaai) (J. B. Mayor)] <rt 7 ov5t...oi>te...ovU (Potter)]

ov8L..ovt€...o{}t€ 13— 23 kuI tIs— Svvanivw] Parall. Rup. L69- 13 0111.


eiiroLs hv S ora. 6 Hup. 11 Kal] Kal S avd^os] ovk ct^tos Hup. tv8^x €Tai ]
+ [lev Hup. diafxaprdveiv Hup. 10 tois avai;Lois Hup. 17 <pv\ao~o~oiiUi'ovs B
18 ev fxkv yap t<^ Hup. 1 (
.) 8oKifxafc<j0ai S ev\6yovs Hup. 20 rivtov]

tl/xCjv S, Tiuibu Hup. 21 wpoiecrOaL Hup. wpoaleaOai 8 22, 23 bwa/xtv^v

trapb. t2 (hep Rup. 24 roOro] foraifeao Legendum rotiry cum Vat, dv. 62S

7repi/3ej3Xr)p,evov rr)<; els fco&fjLov irapoBov 7rp6cf)acri<?, iv eh to

cf. Jn xiv 23 koivov tovto 7ratBevT7]pcov elaeXOelv BwrjOcbpuev' aXX' evBov
o /cpV7TTo<; evoiKel 7rarrjp Kal 6 tovtov irai? 6 virep rjpuwv cltto-
Oavtov Kal pbeO* rjpiwv clvclcttcls.

34. Tovto to a^rjp,a ftXeiropuevov e^airaTa tov Oclvcltov 5

teal tov BcdftoXov' 6 yap evTos 7tXovtos Kal to tcd\\o<; clvtoIs

aueaTos io~TL' Kal puaivovTai irepl to o~apKiov> ov KaTa(f>po-
vovcriv co? dadevovs, twv evBov ovTes TV(j>Xol KTrj/xaTow, ovk i-
cf. 2 Co iv 7 TTLCTTa/jievot, irrjXiKOV tlvcl drjcravpbv ev 6o~TpaKLv<p aKevei
j3ao-Td£ofi€v, Bvvdp,ec Oeov iraTphs Kal a'tpuaTi Oeov iraihos 10

Kal opoaa) TTvevfiaTOS dyiov TrepiTeTei^iapievov. dXXd crv ye

/nrj €%airaTr)6f)<$ 6 yeyevpuevo? dXrjOelas Kal KaT7)%L(op,evo<;
T179 pueydXrjs XvTpouo~ea)<? dXXd to evavTiov to?9 aXXou? dv-
OpcoiroLS o~eavT& KaTaXe^ov GTpaTov aoirXov, diroXepuov,
dvaifjuaKTOv, dopyrjTov, dfxiavTOv, yepovTas Oeoaeftels, opefra- 9 55
vov<; OeocfccXeis, Xtjpas irpaoTr^TL |
0)7rXiapbeva<;, dvBpas dyd-rrr) f. 341 a

K€Koo-/jL7)/j,evov<;. toiovtovs KTrjaai, tc5 crep ttXovtw Kal tw

acofiaTt Kal ttj "^rv^rj Bopv(f)6povs, <*>v crTpaTrjyet 6 #609, Bi 01)9
Kal vavs fiaTTTi^ofievr] Kovcpi^eTat p,6vai<; dylcov ev^a-ls
KvftepvwfJLevri, Kal voo-os aKpud^ovaa Bapbd'^eTat ^ecpcov iirt- 20

ftoXals SicoKOfxevrj, kol TrpoaftoXr) XrjaTo3v dcfioirXi^eTai eu^ois

evae^eaL aKvXevopevrj Kal Baipuovcov fila OpaveTat irpoaTa-

yfiaac o-vvtovoi^ eXeyyop,evr\.

35. 'Ez/ epyois ovtol nrdvTes 01 o-TpaTtcoTai Kal <j>v-

XaK€<; fiefiatoi,, ovBeU dpybs, ovBeU d%peio<;. 6 puev ifjai- 25

TrjaaaOai ere BvvaTai irapd Oeov, 6 he irapapuvOrfaaaOai

xapuvovTa, 6 Be BaKpvcrai Kal crTevd^ac crv pur aO 00^ virep crov
TTpOS TOV KVpiOV TWV oX(OV, 6 Be SlBd^ai TV T(t)V 7T/0O9 TT)V
crwTTjpiav ^prjai/jLoyv, cr Se vovOeTrjcrau pueTa irapprjo-ias, 6 he
avp,j3ovXevo-aL pueT evvola<;, irdvTes Be <f>cXelv dXrjdcos, dB6- 30

\&>9, ac/)o/3o)9, dvvTTOKpLTcos, aKoXaKevTa)<;, dirXdorTws. w yXv-

Kelat Oepaivelai (fycXovvTcov, co puaKapioi BiaKovLai OappovvTwv,
(6 itIcttls elXtKpcvr)<; Oeov puovov BeBtoTcov, co Xoycov dXr)6eia

7 ov 13—18 to ivavrlou—deos] Parall. Vat. et Scor. 480 Rup. f. 169 a

Paris f. 179 a 13 to] tov S 14 eavT<p Rup. Paris KaToKtj^ov
Paris 16 0eo<pei\rjs Paris xetpas Scor. dirXia/xevas Scor. 17, 18 Kal
rrj \pvxv Kal t£ awfiaTi Rup. ry o-&[j.<xtl\ to a<J)/xa.Ti Paris 18 6 0e6s] ora. 6 S


irapd tol? yfrtvcracrOai, fMr) Swafievoc?, w KaXXo? epycov irapd

toZ? dew BtaKovetv ireireiar/nevoL?, ireiOeiv debv, dpecnceiv Oeoj'

ov (rap/cos ttj? o~fj? dirreadai BoKovatv, dXXd Trj? eavrov

^yXV? ^fcaaTO?, ovk dBeXcpw XaXelv, dXXd tw ftacnXel twv cf. 1 Tim
5 alwvcov ev crol /caroi/covvTL.

36. Havre? ovv oi ttmttol KaXol Kal Oeoirpeirel? teal

tt)? irpoar^yopla? d^iou, rjv wairep SidSrjjjia 7repi/ceii>Tai. ov

fjLTjv aXX' elalv rjBr] Ttve? teal tcov eKXeKrtov eKXeKTOTepoi,
Kal roaovro) fidXXov rjrrov eiriai^fxoi, rpoirov riud eic tov
\o kXvSwvo? tov koct/jLOV veooiXKOvvTe? eavrov? Kal i-rravdyovre?
eV aor^aXe?, ov j3ovX6fJ>evoi Botcecv dycoi, Kav etTrrj ti?
alayyvb^evoi, ev /3d6ei yvcofjurj? diroKpVTTTOvTe? rd dveicXd-
Xrjra /Avarr/pia, Kal ttjv avrwv evyevecav vireprjcfiavovvTe? ev
f. 341'' Koafjbfp /3Xe7reo~0ai, ov? o Xoyo? (f>co? tov koct/jlov teal |
aXa? Mt v is f

15 tt)9 yrj? KaXel. tovt ean to airepfxa, ei/coov Kal 6/xoi(oaL?

Oeov, Kal tSkvov avTov yvr/crtov Kal KXrjpovo/jiov, wenrep eiri

Tiva tjeviTelav evTavda irefiTrofxevov virb fieyaXr]? olKovofiia?

Kal dvaXoyta? tov 7raTpb?, St' ov Kal Ta (f)avepd Kal Ta dcf>avrj

tov Koa/xov Se&rj/LUOvpyrjTai, Ta fiev el? SovXelav, Ta Se el?

20 do-K7]o~iv, ret Se el? fxaOrjaiv avTaJ, Kal irdvTa fjue^pi? dv
ivTavOa to airepfxa fievr) avve^eTat, Kal avva^OevTO? ai>Tov
TavTa Tay^icrTa XvOtjaeTai. cf 2 - Pe in 10

95G 37. Tt yap eTt 8el; 6eo3 rd Trj? dya7nj? (xvaT^pta, Kal
Tore iTTOTTTevaei? tov koXttov tov iraTpb?, ov /novoyevij? cf. Jn i is

25 0eb? fjuovo? e^rjyqcraTo. ecrTi Se Kal avTo? 6 deb? dydirij Kal of. Univs,
hi dyaTrrjv rjfjuv e0ed0rj. Kal to fiev dppr\Tov avTov TraTrjp,
to Se el? fjfJLCL? av/xTraOe? yeyove {ir)Tr)p. dyainjaa? 6 TraTi)p
idrjXvvdr], Kal tovtov fxeya arffjuelov, bv avTo? eyevvr\aev e£
avrov, Kal 6 Te%0el? ef dydirr)? Kapirb? dya7nj. 8ul tovto
30 Kal avTo? KaTrjXOe, hid tovto dvOpcowov eveSv, 8id tovto tci
dvdpanroov ckgov eiraOev, tva wpb? ttjv i)p,eTepav daOevetav
ov? rjydirrjo'e p,eTpr]6el? rjfid? irpb? ttjv eavTov Bvva/jLiv uvti-
fxeTprjcrr). Kal fjbeXXwv airevheaOat Kal XvTpov eavTov eiri- of.STimiTfl

ScSov? KaivrfV y/xlv 8ta0t]K7]v KaTaXifnrdvef

\yivnrjv vfjuv (,f J " xil • 7

18 avrwu 15 Tovrian 23 0u 26 idedOrj (Jiilichcr)]

cdrjpddr) 29 avrov

BlB(OfjLC T7)V €/Jb7]V. Tt? Be eCTTLV CLVT7) KOI 770(77) ,' VTTep T)/jUO)V

e/cd(TTov Kari6r]K6 tt)p yjrv^r)u rrjv avra^iav ro)V oXcov' Tavrrjv

97/xa? virep dXXrjXcov avTairanel. el Be Ta? i/ru^a? o^eiXo/xev
Tot9 dBeXcftol? ical TOiavTrjv rr)v crvvOrjicr/v irpbs tov acorrjpa
dvOwfjLoXoryrjjjbeOa, en rd tov Koafiov, rd irToaya ical dXXo- 5

Tpia ical irapappeovTa, Kadeip^ofiev TafxievofJievot; dXXi)Xwv

diroKkeio-ofxev, d iierd fxiKpbv e^et to irvp ; Oeioos ye ical

1 Jn iii 15 eiTLTrvods 6 'Icodvvrjs, 'O /JL7] (faXwv, (jyrjal, rbv dBeX(f)bv dvOpw-
ttoktovos earl, crirep/jba tov Kaiv, Ope/jUfxa tov BiaftoXov, Oeov
crirXdyyyov ovk ex 6i > e'^ 7r ^a KpetTTovcov ovk e%ei, aairopo*; 10

cf. Jnxvsf eoTiv, dyovos ecrTtv, |

ov/c ecTTL /c\r)/j,a t?)? del ^obarjs virepov- f. 342 a

pavlas dfiireXov, eKKOineTai, to irvp dOpovv dva/uuevet.

cf.iCoxii3i 38. Xv Be fxdde tt)v <fca0^> virepftoXrjv 6Bbv,rjv BeUvvo-i

iCoxiiio IlaOXo? eirl crcoTr/plav' 'H dydirr) Ta eavTr)<$ ov f^Tet, aXV e-

irl tov dBeXtybv eicKeyyTai' irepl tovtov eirTorjTai, irepl 15

1 Pe iv 8 tovtov acocf)p6vco<; fJuaiveTai. 'Aydirrj KaXviriei irXrjdos dfiap-
1 Jn iv is tlcov' r) TeXeia dydirr) ifcftdXkei tov cj)6/3ov' ov irepirepeveTai,
6 ff
ov ovk hriyaipsi T7] dBiKiq, crvyyaipei he ttj

dXrjdela' irdvia aTeyet, irdvTa irccrTevei, irdvTa eXirl^et,

irdvTa virofjuevei. r) dydirr) ovBeiroie eKiriirTei. irpo^rjielai 20

KciTapyovvTai, yXwaaat iravovTai, idaeis eirl 777? KCLTaXeL-
iCoxiiii3 TTOVTdi. fxevet Be Ta Tpia TavTa, irians, eArri?, dydirr)'

fiel^cov Be ev tovtois r) dyairr). Kal Bc/calo)?, ttIgtis fiev yap

direpxeTai, oTav avToyjrlq ireco-Qcofiev IBovTes Oebv, ical eXirls

d(f>avi£eTaL tcov eXiricrOevTcov diroBoOevTwv, dydirr) Be eh 25

irXrjpco/jia crvvep^eTai /cal fidXXov av^eTai t&v TeXelcov irapa-

39. (38.) 'Eai/ TavTr/v e\x$akr)Tai ti$ Tjj ^v^rj, BvvaTat,

cf. Jnix3i kolv ev d/jbapTrj/jLao-iv r) yeyevvrj/jLevos, tcdv iroXXd twv /cetccoXv-

fxevav elpyao-fievos, av^rjaa<; tt)v dydirrjv ical fieTavoiav 30

/caOapdv Xaf3a)v dvafjua^ecrao-dai Ta eirTaca/jieva. fAt)Be yap 957
tovto et9 aTToyvcoalv vol ical dirovocav /caTaXeXetyOco, el ical

tov irXovacov /j,d6oL<; octtis eo~Tlv 6 yd>pav ev ovpavois ovk e-

X<°v> Ka l Tiva Tpbirov to?? overt %pd)/jLevo<; (39.) dv rt? to tc

eirippr/Tov tov itXovtov ical %<zA,e77w eh farjv Biacfrvyot ical 35

2 KaredtjKe (Segaar)] Kadijice 8 ewnrvws (J. B. Mayor)] eiwrovos

<Kad >

12 adpovv 13 addidit Combefisius 31 fjarjde (Dindorf)] /x-qre

35 impprjTov (Segaar)] ewippe? tov



Bv vatro tgov alcovtcov, ro3v dyaOo3v, eiravpaaOai. el r)v Be

T€rvxV K ^V $*' dyvotav rj BS daOeveiav r) Treplaraaiv clkovgiov

fierd rrjv acjypaytBa Kal rr)v Xvrpcoaiv TreptTrerrj<; tktlv a/jbaprrj-
puaaiv rj TrapaTTTcofiacrcv, &)<> vTrevr\veyOai reXeov, outo? Kare-
5 yjrr}(j)icrrat iravrairaaLv vtto rov Oeov. iravrl yap tw fier d-
\rj6eias ei; oXrjs tt}? KapBuas iirtarpeyjravTL irpbs rov Oebv
dveajyaaiv al Ovpai Kal Beyerat rpiada/xevo^ Trarrjp vtbv
dXrjOcos fieravoovvra' r) 8' dXrjOivr) /uuerdvoia to /jLrjKerc roh
342 b avroh evoyov elvat, aWa dpBrjv eKpi^coaai tt)? ^^X*??, \

ro €(p* oh eavrov Kareyvo) Odvarov dpaprr/fjiaatv' rovrcov yap

L( xv' "
dvaipeOevrcov avOis eh ae Beds elaoiKiaOr^aeTat' /jbeydXrjv f-

J' ( (

yap (j)7]o-i Kal dvvirep^XrjTov elvai yapdv teal eoprrjv iv

ovpavoh tu> rrarpl real Tot? dyyeXois ei'o? dfiapTcoXov eiri-
GTpey\ravTOS real /jLeravorjo-avTos. Bib Kal /ce/cpayev "EXeov BosviB;

i* deXo) Kal ov Ovaiav Ov SovXoaat rov Odvarov rov aixap- (,

rcoXov, aXXa, rrjv fxeravotav' 1&av watv at afxapTiaL v/jlwv Is » 18

oj? (f)otvL(covv epuov, a)? yjubva Xev/cavo3, tcdv /xeXavrepov rov

gkotovs, &)? epiov XevKov eKvtyas Trotrjo-a). Oeu> yap /jlovo) cf. Mc ii 7

Bvvarbv dfyeaiv dfxapjiwv irapao-yeaOai Kal fir) XoytaaaOat

20 TrapairTajfiara' oirov ye Kal rj/ilv irapaKeXeverai rrj<; r/fiepas cf. Lc xvii

eKacTTr)*; 6 KVpuos d(f>cevac tols dBeX(f>oh p,eravoovaiv. 66 cf.Mtviin

Be rjfieh Trovrjpol ovres icr/iev dyaOd Bbfiara BtBbvai, irbao)

fidXXov 6 Trarrjp tgov olKTtpfiwv, 6 dyaObs Trarrjp 7r«cr?/<? c f. 2 Co i s

TrapaKXrjo-ecos, b TroXvcnrXayyvo*; Kal iroXveXeos, < o? >

25 Tre<pVKe fxaKpoOvpielv, rov? eTriarpeyjravTa<; TTeptfievet ; eVt-
arpe^rat Be iartv ovtcos dirb rwv dfiapTrj/jbdrcov to TravaaaOai
Kal /jbrjKerL (3XeTTeiv eh rd ott'io-(o. cf. Lc ii ta

40. Twv fiev ovv Trpoyeyevrj/jbevcov ^eo? BlBcoaiv dcf)eaiv,

tcov Be eTTLovrcov avrbs e/cao-TO? eavTw' Kal tout earc

1 el rjv] et-rj i viravr]vixdo.L 4, 5 Ka.Te\J/r)(pi<TTcu] pr. 01' Ghisler ad marg.

8_10 i) d'—afiaprrifxaaiu] Parall. Vat. et Scor. 594 Paris f. 386b Matr. f. 118"
Ant. Mel. 22 8 om. 5' Parall. Ant. Mel. ^77/cM] /u??re Paris fii) Matr.
9 aureus] toiovtols Matr. elvai] evpedrjuaL Parall. Ant. Mel. dXXa]
d\X Parall. Ant. Mel. dpSew Scor. 11 avaipeddvTuv 17 /xeXav-
rbrepov : forsitan scribendnm /xeXavibrepov 24 <6s> addidi 26 ittl-

aTptyavTes 25 — 27 tiruxTptyai — oiriaw] Parall. Vat. et Scor. 594 Paris i'. :5s.")
1 '

20 5^ £<ttiv oVtws] oVtws £<jtii> Parall. om. rwc Vat. a/xapTiuv Parall.

to] Tip S


fJL€Tayvwvai, to fcarayvwvai rwv Trapper) fxevcov Kal aiTr)-

aaaOcu tovtcov dfivrjo-Tiav irapd 7rarpd<;, o? /jlovos twv

airdvTa>v 016$ re eariv airpaKra iroirjaai rd ireirpayfieva
eXecp to) irap avrov real Bpoaw irvev fiaro? dnraXetyas rd
7rp07j/iaprrj/jL6va. 'E</>' 0Z9 yap dv evpco vfid<i, (ftrjalv, evl 5

tovtols kcl\ Kpivw' teal Trap' eKacrra ffoa to reXos Trdvrcov'

ware /cal toj rd /jbeytara ev TreTroiTjKort Kara tov fiiov, iirl Be

tov TeXovs i^oiceiXavTL 7r/)o? /ca/ciav, dvovrjTot irdvTes 01

irpoaOev irovot, iirl rfj Kara(TTpo(f)fj tov Spdfiaros efjddXa)

yevojxeva)' ru> Be yelpov Kal iiriaeavpfjievw^ fiiutaavTi irpo- 958
repov ecTTLv varepov [Aeravor)cravTi iroXXov \povov iroXiTeiav
Trovrjpdv ifCViKrjaai tw fierd tt)v fxerdvoiav \pova>' \
dtcpif3eia<; f. 343 a

Be Bel TroXXrjs, coo-irep roU fia/cpa voacp ireTrovr^Koat awfiacn

cf. Ephiv 28 Biairr)<;
XP 6 ^a Kat irpotroxfjq irXeiovos. 6 /cXcttt?;?, d(f>ecrcv

ftovXet Xafielv ; /jLTjKert Kkeirre' ixoiyev<ras> poteen ttv- 15

povcrOo)' 6 iropvevaas, Xoinrbv dyveverco' 6 dpTrdaas, airoBlBov
teal irpoaaTToBlBov' 6 yjrevBo/jLdpTVS, dXrjOeiav daKt)crov' 6

eirlopicos, p,r}KeTi opuvve' Kal rd aXXa irddr] avvre/ie, opyrjv,

€7ri6v/jLiav }
Xvtt7]v, (f)6ftov, Xva evpeOfj? eirl t?J? e^oBov wpos
cf. Mty25; T ov dvTiBiKov evTavda BiaXeXvaOat (bOdvwv.
~ aev ovv 20
earcv n
Lc xn 58

5—14 £</>' oh— irXeiovos] Parall. Vat. et Scor. 594 Matr. f. 118 a cod. :

Baroccianus 26 5 — 10 e</>' ens yevo/xevu)] Parall. Vat. 343 (hiat Scor.)

Rup. f. 213 a Matr. f. 128 b Paris f. 84 a 5 om. yap Parall. cdd.
omn: Bar. dv] £dv Vat. 594 Scor. om. v/xas Scor. om. (prjalv

Parall. cdd. omn: Bar. 6 Kal Kpivw] om. /cat Vat. 594 Scor. Matr. (utr. loc.)
Paris: Bar. /cat Trap'] om. /cat Bar. reXos] ZXeos Paris diravTcov
Parall. cdd. omn: Bar. (Hunc locum Bunsen ita emendauit: irap' i<dffrov fiiov
to WXos dwaiTuv.) 7 om. ry Vat. 343 fieyia-Ta] /xakurra Rup.

om. Matr. 118 a Bar. : Kara tov fiiov Matr. 118 a om. Kara ceteri omn. et S

iirl 5e] XftavTos 8e Matr. 118a : Bar. 8 tov reXos Bar. t£ reXet Matr. 128 b
e^oKikavTi. Scor. igtaicCkapTi Matr. llb a Paris g&KTjKaPTT) Bar. e^w/ctXairos Matr. 128 b
dvorjToi S Rup. Bar. dvuvr]T0i Matr. 118 a om. irdvTes Matr. 118a : Bar.
9 vpoade Bar. iirl 7-77] oi eVi Matr. 118 a t?)s KaTao-Tpo<pi}s S 9, 10 e£-

ddXuv yevop-tvuv Vat. 343 Matr. 128 b 10 t<2 de] tw tc Scor. totc Matr : Bar.
Xet'pwi/ Scor. xet/owvws Matr. jSttuo-a^rt] ftios dvTi Matr. irp&Tepov Scor.
irpoTtpwv Matr. 11 om. ^cttii' Vat. Scor. 13 om. U Vat. Set] <5etVat

Parall. cdd. omn : Bar. coenrep rots fxaKpg. voo-lo] virep tt)s fiaKpav ocro) Bar.
vrrep tt)s els p.aKpdv ws 6 Matr. TreTroviKoo'L Scor. TreTrotrjKdo't Bar. 7re7rot7;/cws

i) Matr. o-w/uart Matr. 14 5ta£reis Matr. xp^ a Matr: Bar. 7rpo<r(oxr)s

Scor. 30. 20—31. 4 'Iotiv— KaTopdovrai] Parall. Vat. et Scor. 594 Matr.
f. 118 a : Baroccianus 26 20 tvTi Vat. Scor. om. ovv Parall. cdd. omn: Bar.


dBvvarov ro"o>? aOpocos diroKb"s\raL itclOt] avvrpo^a, aXXa

fxera Oeov Bwdfiews /cal dvdpayrreias i/cealas /cal dBeXfycov
/3or)0eia<; /cal elXi/cpLvovs /j,eravoia<; ical avveyovs fieXerr)^


5 41. Aid Bel irdvTws ae rov aoftapbv /cal Bvvarbv teal

irXovauov eiriarriaaaOai eavrco rivd avOpcoirov Oeov /caOdirep

dXeiiTT'qv /cal /cvfiepvijTrjv. alBov Kav eva, <(>of3ov Kav eva,

/neXerrjaov aKoveiv Kav evbs irapprjaLa^ofxevov /cal arvcfyovTos

dfia real Oepairevovros. ovBe ydp tols dcfiOaXfiocs av/MJyepei

ro rov del yjpbvov aKoXdaroLS fievecv, dXXa /cal BaKpvaat /cal

Brj^Orjval Trore virep tt)? vyeias ttjs irXetovo^. ovtcj /cal

rv XV BurjveKOvs rjhovrj? ovBev bXeOpccbrepov dirorvcfyXovrai
ydp dirb Trjs T^feo)?, edv d/civr)ro<; tco Trapprjaia^o/jLevQ) Bca-
/jbeivrj Xoyw. rovrov /cal bpyiaOevra (f>o^r)07]TC, ical arevd-
15 gavra "fXvTrrjOrjrof, /cal 6pyr)v iravovra alBeaOrjrt, /cal icoXa-

aiv irapaiTov\xevov <\>0daov. oSto? virep aov TroXXas vv/cra<$

dypv7rv7]o-dr(o, irpeafievcov virep aov 777)09 Oeov /cal Xiravelais

avvrjOeai fiayevcov rov irarepa' ov ydp dvreyei rols re/cvois
avrov rd airXayxya Beo/JLevocs. Be^aerai Be /caOapcbs virb
70 aov TTpoTLfjico/jLevos ft)? dyyeXos rov Oeov /cal fMr)Bev virb aov
Xvirov/jbevos, aX\' virep aov' tovto eari /j,erdvoLa dvvrro-
icpiTos. 6eb<$ ov /jLV/CTTjpL^erai, ovBe irpoae^ei Kevols prjfJLaai' cf. Gal vi 7

fjLovos ydp dva/cpivei fiveXovs /cal vecfrpovs /capBlas, /cal tojv

ev irvpl /cara/covei, ical rebv ev koCXicl /crjrovs Uerevovrcov
!. 343 b ei;atcovei, /cal iraaiv e'77^9 earc row iriarevovai ical ir6p\p(o

to?? ddeois dv /jirj fjLeravorjaayaiv.

42. '\va Be eTuOapprjays, ovtoj /jLeravorjaas dXrjOoos, on

1 dwarbv Parall. cdd. omn : Bar. Lam] pr. ydp Matr: Bar. ddpdm]
evdem Matr. irddr) avarpocpa Matr. irddys rpo<p Bar. 2 dvOpwirlas
Scor. Matr. dvdp. Ik.] avd poo... Kaunas Bar. ct5e\$6j> Matr. 8 avuexys

Scor : Bar. 4 KaropOovvrai S 7 dXdwTeiv 15, K> tcdXaaiv

TrapaiToup.evov (Segaar)] KoXdcreiu irapaiTOv/xiuio 31. 27 — 30. 3 'iva 5£

p\eTrop.ti>7is] Haec habent cdd. plur. operum Dionysii Areopagitae ; loctiones

dedi quae in archetype- horum cdd. exstitisse uid., apposito symbolo Ex:
infra uariae lectiones istorum cdd. notantur 27 tri dapprjs S

De superscriptione cf. Introd. p. xxvii 27 om.

5i C ixidapfafaat V
twiOapprjs L fxeravo-qaris P

(rot fxevei <T(t)Tr)pias iXTrls d^Lo^peox;, d/covaov puvOov ov

fivOov, aXXd ovra Xoyov irepl ^Ytodvvov rod (ittocttoXov irapa- 959
BeBofievov Kal fivrji^r) ire^vXay/xevov. eirecBr) yap rov tv-
pdvvov reXevrrjaavros diro t% Holt/jlov rrjs vrjaov pueTrjXOev

eirl rrjv "Rcfreaov, dirrjeL irapaKaXovfievos /cal eirl to, ttXt}- 5

crioywpa twv eOvcov, oirov fiev iiricncoTrovs Karaarrjacov, oirov

Be oXas etcKXTjcrlas dpfioawv, oirov Be /cXrjpov, eva re tlvcl
KXrjpuxrwv rcov viro rov irvev/JLaros arj/uLaivo/jLevcov. eXdcov
ovv eirl Ttva rcov ov /xa/cpav iroXecov, 179 teal rovvofia
Xeyovaiv evLoi, /cal rd aXXa dvairavaras tovs dBeX(fiov$, eirl ro
irdai rep /cadearcori irpoo-fiXeyfra? eiriG/coirw veavla/cov
iicavov t£ acoLian koX ttjv oyfriv darelov teal Oepfxbv rrjv
yfrv^rjv IBcbv, Tovrov, e<f)rj, aol irapaKaraTidefxai /xerd irdar]?
airovBrjs iirl Tr)$ e/c/cXrjclas ical rod Xpicrrov \idpTVpov rov
Be Be^o/xevov Kal irdvff virio-yyov[xevov /cal irdXtv rd avra 15

Biereivaro /cal Biep,aprvpaTO. elra 6 fiev dirrjpev eirl rrjv

"Q(f>eorov, 6 Be it pea /3i>t epos dvaXaffcov oc/caBe top irapa-

Bodevra veavicrKov erpecfye, ovvelyev, edaXire, to reXevralov
i(f)coTto-e' Kal Lierd tovto vcprj/ce rrjs irXeiovos iirifieXelas /cal
irapa^>vXaK7)s, 009 to reXeov avrw fyvXa/CTiqpiQv eiriarrjcras 20

1 /xev els aioTrjpiav S 32. 1 — 36. 3 aKOvaov ixvdov — fiXeTro/xe'vTjs Euseb. H. E.

iii 23 1 ixvdov pr. loc] om. Ex cdd & 4 vdaov S 5 eirl pr. loc] eis

E us cdd P 7
7eEus cddaliq
K \jj pii} Eus cdd 9 ovv] + /cat S
re] 12 rrj
8\J/ei Eus^p 13 irapaTide/xai S Eus cdd Pauc 15 /cat 2° forsitan omittendum

16 SteretWo] dtereiXaTO Vat. Gr. 623 dteXeyero Eus Ex cddpl die/xaprtpeTo

Eus Ex^p om. elra S
om. dirijpev S 20 riXeiov Eus Ex cdd P'

1 av fxeveis F d£tox/>e os AHL 1, 2 ixvdov ov pt-vdov] ov ixvdov A (ov supra

lin. add. ) GHKOPQR ixvdov BC*D** (erasis post ixvdov 7 litt.) FIL ixvdov ov ixvdov
0**D* ut uid. 2 dXX' ABDP 3 om. Kal /xv. ire^vX. L 4 TeTeKevTrjaavTos G
T77S HaT/xov] om. 7-77S HKOPQR 5 arrlei OQ direifi L 6 KaTaarrjaov IQ
7 om. 6'Xas I K\r)puv H om. eva ri H re] ye C ut uid GPR om. BD nvas G
8 om. twv ABCDILP om. rod av/xaivo/xevov BL* ut uid P 9 ovv] + Kal KP
10 TaXXa ABCDILP iirl] ivh 11 KadeKao-rCon Q TrpopXtyas 1*0
iirio-Koirov AI*0 12 acriov IL 13 irapaKarideixai C react) C 15 om.
8e GKR irdvTa GHQR /cat tt&Xiv] om. /cat BCDP irdXiv] irdvra G
om. avTd K 16 SteretXaro HE iXiyero G dieXtyero rell. die/xapTvparo HO**QR
-etro C -ero rell. dirripev] eirripev L dTr-qpus A 17 irpeafivTr)? H irapaXafitov

BD 18 erpe(pev Q om. avvelx^ fdaXirev ACQ 19 e<p<J)Tiaev AQ

v<prJKe BKPR v<l)k(TTt]Ke A*GHLO v^earr] Kal A**CDIQ tt)s wXelovos]

hie incipit in I manus saecl. xv. 20 om. to KLQR rtXeiov ABCDLOPQ


rrjv a<f)paylBa rod KVpiov. rco Be dveaecos irpb wpas Xa(3o-

fieva) irpoatyOeipovrai rives rjXaces dpyol /cat direppwyores,
eOdBes kclkmv' Kal Trpcorov fiev BC e<nido~ewv TroXvreXaJv
avrov 67rdyovrac, eJrd irov Kal vv/crcop eVt XwiroBvaiav
5 i^iovres avveirdyovTat, elrd ri teal fxel^ov o-v/jbTrpdrreiv

r)%iovv. 6 Be tear oXiyov irpoaeiSi^eTo teal Bed fieyeOos

(f>vaea)<; i/cards wairep dcrrofios Kal evpeoaros lttttos opOrjs
6Bov Kal rbv ^aXivov evBaKcov /ubei^ovcos Kara tgov ftapdOpcov
e<f>epero. diroyvovs Be reXecos tt)v ev 6eS acorrjpiav ovBev
io en /ju/cpov Bievoelro, dXXd /xeya tl wpd^as, e-rreiBrjirep aired*
airoXooXet,, ccra rols dXXots iraQelv rj^iov. avrovs Brj tovtovs
dvaXaftwv Kal XjjaTtjpiov avyKporrjaas (-'tol/jlos Xyarap^os
f. 344 a r/v, fiiatoraros, /niaKpovcoraros, %aXe7rwTaT0?. %poz/o? *v

fiecTG) Kal twos €7ri7re<Tov<rr)<; -)(pelas dvaKaXovai rbv 'Icodvvrjv.

15 Be, eirel rd dXXa &v %dpiv rJKev Karearijcraro, "A^ye Br), e(prj,

<w eirlcrKOire, rrjv TrapaKaraOvKrjv diroBos r)puv, rjv eyco re Kal

6 X/kctto? (tol 7rapaKare6e/j,e6a eirl rrjs eKKXrjaias r)s irpo-

2 om. Kal aTeppioyores S 3 rjdddes Ex TroXvreXQv] pr. 7roXXQv S

4 iTrdyovrai avrbv Ex avrbv virdyovrat S 6 TTpoaeO'ifrro Ex cddpl 7 om.
AcotAs S 10 irpd^ai Eus cdd ali i
11 &t6\u\& S -rradeiv] irpdrreiv Eus cddaIi( '

14 ifxireaovarjs Ex cddaliq 15 iireidr] S Karearrjaa-] periit in S, maxima huius

folii parte auulsa 16 TrapaKarad-qKrjv Eus odd| ''
irapadr)- S, fluctuat Ex
-K7)v aw. i). fji>] periit in S re] ye S 17 Xpiarbs] aiorrjp S
-aredc'fJLeda — 17s] periit in S

1 icvplov (et K**)] Xpiarov K* 2 irpoatpde'iovrai Q* Trpo(X(p0ivovTal P' ,pl

Trpoa<pdripoi>Tal H iirKpOelpovrai C aTreipurybres aTreppoydres C direp-

prjybres I 81
3 idddes P rjdddes rell. KaK&v] pr. cvvqdas G ecrdidaewv
iroXvTeXCov] pr. ttoWujv K (e sil.) 4 iirdyovrai avrip CD iTrdyovrai avrbv rell.

XojTTcodvalav R \(t)Tro8ve?av 5 crvveirdbovTai. om. elrd tl — rji-lovv O om.

ti C /xeifrva L o-fJ.rrpdTT(iv Q 6 irpoo-tdi^TO ADGI LQ S1,|,1
Trpoedi^ero C
Tpoo-eidifrTO HPR st
Trpoo-ndlfcTo BKR I)ind
irpo<Tedl{eTe 6—9 «:ai did—iftpeTo
in marg. habet A 7 eWras] om. DH ^o-Tacrews etiptoros B etfpoo-Tos H
9 reXetas DO eV] ^Tri G 10 in] iirl G 11 aTrwXciXet DI'^'O at^ros

KQR mnd «QB(esil.) 12 \afiuv BCDL Xt/o-t^oi/] ffr^oi/ K

13 /3tatwTaros H fjuaupovdraTOS L om. /uLiaMpovwraTos (!HP ,1
XaXe7rit>T<XTOs] pr. Kai GI"''
KQR xa.Xe7r6raTos L xaXcu7r 6t<xtos 13, 14 i/^/xto-ip

AH 14 i/xireaovLTrjs ACI^'LOPQ om. BD dvaKaXovaiv CLQ dvaKaXovai.] +

oi tt)s TOta6T7]S irdXeos oUeral C (oiKeral supr. lin. a sec. ut did. nimiu scriptuni)
15 iwel] M AP^'OQ raXXa ABCDP rJKe BDOP KaTa<m)aaTo C
om. ((j>t) H 10 wapaKaraOriKTjv GKI,iP irapaOrjKrjv rell. i-^iJoye O
17 TrapfKaTedineOa CIII"'

LQ irapedl^Oa B
b. :*
— ;


fcaOeZy fidprvpos. 6 Be to fiev irpcoTOv e^eirXdyr], ^prj/jbara

oiojievos direp ovk e\a/3e avKOcpavTelaOai,, teal ovre irtareveLV
el^ev virep wv ovk el%ev ovre diziaTelv Icodvvrj' ft>? Be Tov 960
veavia-KOVy elirev, air an go kcl\ ttjv tyvxfjv tov dBe\(j>ov,

CTTeva^as KarcoOev 6 irpeafivTr)*; teal en Kal eir tBaKpvaa^, 5

'Efcetvos, e<f)7), Tedvrjtce. lift)? Kal iroTe Kal Tiva OdvaTov

(*)e&> TeOvrj/cev, elwev' dire^r) yap rrovrjpbs teal e^ooXrjs /cal to

K€(f)d\aiov \r)aTr}<i, Kal vvv clvtI ttjs eKKkricrias to bpos irpo-

KaTe[\i)(f)6 fieO' o/jlolov aTpaTMOTiKOV. Karapp7]^d/jLevo^ Be 6
diroGToXo ; 1
ttjv eaOrjTa Kal fieTa pbeydXr)^ ol/jLcoyfjs 77X77- 10

^dfJLevos tt)v Ke(f>a\r)v, ¥La\6v ye, e<f>r), ere (f>v\a/ca rrj? TaBe\(f)ov

^fX*7? fCCLTeXiirov' d\\ Xtttto^ t]Btj fjuoi TrapeaTw /cal qye/JLcov

yeveadco /jlol rt? ttjs 6Bov. rjXavvev cco~7rep elyev avToQev

dirb Trj<; eKK\r]aia<i' eXdwv Be eh to ywplov vtto Trjs irpo-
<j)v\aKrj<; twv XrjaTwv d\icr/ceTai firJTe (frevycov fi^Te irapai- 15

Tovfxevos, dWd jSooov 'E7rt tovto e\r/\vda, iwl tov apyovTa

vfiwv diraydyeTe fie. 0? Teft>? wenrep (oirkicrTO dve/xevev' 009

Be irpoaiovTa eyvoopio-e tov 'lcodvvrjv, eh fyvyrjv alBecrOels

1 -vpos — x/97?Atarct ] periit in S. 2 — 35, 10 -p ovk tXafHe —-wep^Xa^ev diro-\

periit in S 3 etxev 2° loc] toxev Eus cdd Pauc 4 om. tov Ex cdd 5 /cat tn p»

kcli) Eus et Ex
fluctuant : vide infra. 6 /cat irbre Eus edd HO Ex om. Eus :

8, Eus
9 KareiXyjcpe 9 8e] odv Eus cdd i' auc
: om. Eus cddali( i
10 ttju ead. 6 air.

hoc ordine Eus cddpanc 11 ye tyr) <pvX <reEus edd BF a ae tcpy </>vX. Eus edd
GHO ye tyr] cpvX. Eus re11
13 yiviadu) Eus cdd p 1
17 aydyere" Eus cdd p 1

re'ios] ye Ex

1 6] u? H 6 5£] + d/coi/cras supra lin. P irpiora C 2 e"kafiev ACGQR

4 d7rairw] airiarw tov &8e\<pov] T&5e\<pov BHKPR &5e\<pov rell. 5 /cat '4ti

koL GPpp'Q (Eus 0) /cai in KR (Eus AE a E b ) in /cat ABCDLP K al HO (Eus F b)

(ical tl Kal Eus re11
6 rtdv-qKev ALPQ wQs] pr. 6 8e ~P 7 i£6\ris Ppp'LQ
7, 8 om. /cat rb Keep. X^crr^s 8 X^crrr/s] + KadeffTrjKev H 8,9 TrpoKaTei\r]<pev AQ
7r/)o/care/Xi0e H KareiXyjcpe BK 9 yaer' Karappr)^.] pr. 6 5£ BD : pr. /cat P
9 — 11 om. 5£ irX^dfjiepos ABCDL: -evos ttjv ead. — /neyaXrjs super rasuram, et
ad marg. scriptum habet P unde mihi persuasum est arehe-
ol/jLO}yijs—Ke(paXT]v :

typum huius eadem quae ABCDL uerba omisisse, quae scriptor ex

Eusebio ut uidetur postea addidit: confirmat hanc sententiam quod P d£ omittit,
et tt]v ladrjTa ante 6 d7r6crToXos ponit cum edd AE a Eusebii 11 om. ere LP
12 /careXetTroj/ AHPpp'OQ r,^] 8$ BCD 13 wo-rrep]8wep A cis P
14, 15 <pvXaK7)s Q 16 tovt C roiJTip BDH rb A 17 dydyeri A avdyeT^ L
6s] ws AL t^ws] ye Ex cddomu wXtcrrw Q* <hXl<jdu 1^ avfyeivev COQ ave'fj.e-
vov L 18 TrpoibvTa ABCDL eyvwpicev ALQ

irpeirero. 6 Be eBLwicev dvd /cpdros e7uXa96p,evo<$ rrjs eavrov

rjXiKLas, K6Kpaya)<;' Tl rov aeavrov irarepa,
fxe cfrevyeis, reicvov,

rov yv/Jbvbv, rov yepovra ; iXirjaov fie, t&kvov, firj (f>of3ov'

e%€£? ert £&)?}9 eXiriBa' iya) X/chcttg3 Bcocrco Xoyov wrrep aov'

5 dv her), rov o~6v Odvarov e/cobv viro/JLepco ct>? 6 icvpios rov virep
tj/juoov' virep crov rrjv ^vyrjv dvriBcoaco rrjv ifxf)v' arrjOc,

iriarevcrov, XpicrTos fie direareiXev. 6 Be dfcovo~a? irpwrov

fiev earrj fcdrco fiXeTrcov, elra eppitye rd oirXa' elra rpe/icov
etcXace 7n/cpQ)s. TrpoaeXOovra Be rov yepovra TrepteXaftev
f. 344 b d7ro\Xoyovfjt,evo<; rals olficoyals &>9 eBvvaro Kal tols BaKpvat
ftaTTTityfievos etc Bevrepov, fiovrjv diroKpviTTwv rrjv Be^idv. 6
he eyyvuf/jLevos, eTrofivv/ievos, &>9 dtyeaiv avrcp irapd rov
acoTrjpos evprjTai, Beofievos, yovvTrercov, avrr/v rrjv Be^cdv &>?
viro rrjs fieravolas fcefcadapfievrjv Kara^tXSiv, eirl rrjv e/CfcXr}-

15 o~tav eiravrjyaye teal BayfriXeo-c fiev ev%al<; e^airovfievo<;,

avve^eac Be vrjaTelais ovvaywvi^ofievos, ttolkiXcus Be prjaeai
Xoywv fcaTeirdBwv avrov rrjv yvwfirjv, ov Trporepov dirr)X6ev,

1 iTp&Trero Eus cddp I

1, 2 tt?s r/X. rrjs eavrov Eus sed cdd al om.
T7js 2° loco 4 iXirldas Eus cdd AE ab GHO Xbyov 5i6tra; Euscddpl 8 tarr)

Htv Eus cddpl 10 oi/iwycus S 11 jSairWfrv Vat. Gr. 623; in S legebatur ut uid.
PawTi£6\/xevos 4k sed litterae £6 vix legi possunt, et /xevos 4k membrano scisso
perierunt : non ^airrl^v scriptum esse clarum est, quod 1 accentu caret
8evr4pov] rod iripov Eus cddaliq (ibvov Ex 12 om. 4yyvu)p:€vos S (membrano
hie integro) iiroixvvwv Vat. Gr. 623 ; in S periit -/xevos cos &<pe<nv 13 rjvprjrai

Ex -vvtt€tu)v -ws abscissum in quo codice ab hoc loco usque ad 36, 8

S, in
(paibpoh yeyrjdbres pauca tantum uerba ad finem uersuum seruantur: virb
tt}$ fJL€Tavo[as K€Ka\ 4-iravqyaye Kal 8a\ ayo)vi£bp.evos |
ov |
uersus 21 16 prjo-eo-t] <x€iprj<n Eus cddpauc

1 irpdireTo HKR iSluKe Kara. Kpdros GI Bpl,1

KQR iTri\apbp.€i>os

2 om. t4kvov I"

KQR 3 ytpovra] yeyovbra V* 4 far}*

in G iXirtSas V** 5 b\v 84 V ] &" 5^ ACDLO cu'rd? B

om. 4kwi> BD vwo^voi AHO 6 om. tt\v 4ix-qv BD 7 om.
6 8eG 8 tppi\f,ev 9 ZK\aiev ACLQ tic\ae H**B
AI» pp, LQ 7rpo<re\-

duv P y4pov BR 10 airoXoy.] pr. Kal GHKQR

7repiAa/3e otfuyms L
rjdvuaro ABDLOP 8aKpv<xiu ALQ 11 KaTa^aTTT^bixevos P p.bvqu] 6

/xev H jxbvov rell. dir4KpvirT€ G 12 4yyvbp.evo% L (Trdj/upv/j-evov 4irwfivvTO

GI KQR om. plane P

B " pl
averts BP 13 crwr%)os] irarpbs I' OQR ppl

evprjrai CP evpoiro G rjvpTjrai rell. 14 4KK€Ka0ap/x4i>rju P (sed 4kk€- BUpei

rasuram) (ita et Eus cod F n 15 t'7ra»'7;7a7cj' ALQ
8a\pi\4<ri /xci>] Saxf/iXiatv

P KQRppl
16 avvayovitfucvos BP'^'L


W9 <f>aai, TTplv avrov aTroKarearrjae rrj eKKXrjata, SiSovs fxeya

•napdheiyfia fxeravola^ d\r)divr}<; teal ixeya yvaopLcrfia rraXiy-

yevecrla<;, rpbrraiov dvaardaea)<; /3Xe7ro/jLevr)<;

.... /xaXicrra nravratv ¥s.picrTiavols ov/c enteral to trpbs /3lclv

erravopdovv rd rc2v d/juapravovrcov 7rraio~fiara' ov yap tou? 5

dvdy/cr) rr)<; tcatcias drre^ofievov^ dXXa T01/9 irpoaipeaei are-

cpavot 6 deos.

43. (42.) I
(paiSpois yeyrjOores, f. 34;

v/ulvovvt€<;, dvoiyvvovres tov<s ovpavovs. irpb be rravriov

avrbs 6 crcorrjp rrpoarravra he^iovpLevos, c£a>? opeycav acr/ctov, 9G1
diravcrrov. bhrjywv eh rovs koXttov? rod rrarpb^, et? rrjv

alcoviov farjv, et? rr)v ftaaiXeiav roov ovpavoov. mo-revera)

ravrd Tt9 ical 6eov /jLa0r)Tal<; kcl\ eyy vrjrf) deep, 7rpo<fir)reiaLS,

evayyeXiois,X6yot,<; diroaroXiKoh' tovtols av^wv teal rd wra

virej^cov xal rd epya do-fc&v eir avrfjs rrjs ei;6Bov to reXo? 15

Pas^simix KaL TV V iirlBet^LV rwv Boyfidrcov oyjrerai. 6 yap evravOa

33 et alibi. \
T y ftryryekov rrjs fjueravoias 7rpoo-te/jL€VO<; ov p,eravor)o~ei rbre
rjviKa dv KaraXirrr) to ado/xa, ovSe Karaca^vvdrjcreraL rbv
acorrjpa rrpoaibvra /juerd rr}<; avrov 8of?7? teal arparias IScov'

ov BeBte to rrvp' el Be ris alpelrai fieveiv en e^afxa prdv cov 20

efcdo-rore eVt rals rjhovals teal rrjv evravOa rpvcprjv rrjs

alcoviov ^(or)<; rrporipbd ical SiBovros tov aayrrjpos depeacv

dirocrrpe^erai, /jurjre tov 6ebv en, firjre tov ttXovtov juLrjre rb

1 diroKar.] iTrifffrjffai Eus cddpau0 3 pXeiro/jLevrjs] hie fmiuntur Eus et Ex

4 — 7 fidXiara— 6 0e6s] De hoc fragmento cf. Introd. p. xxix. Leontius Vat. Gr.
1553 f. 119 Parall. Rup. f. 118 a Vat. 393 Scor. f. 52 b Paris 923 f. 89 a Maximus
661 4 xpurrtapous Leont. a<plercu Rup. 5 dp.apTavbvTwv'] dfiapT7]/j.dTcov Rup.
Vat. Scor. Max. d^aprL/xdrcov Paris TTTaLO-fidrcov Leont. 6 tovs irpoaip.] rots
irpoaip. Paris 8 (paidpofc] hie rursus incipit S 9 dvotyvovvres S dvoiyvtivTes
Potter 19 arpareias Ghisler et edd. male 20 ov SiSie] ovde 8e8ie

J. B. Mayor (xiveiv ko! ^afxaprdvetv Ghisler et edd.

1 u>s (paai] ws 5^ (prjaiu H dTroKCLT4o~T7]<T€(v) BDG dweKaT^aTrjaeiy)

ACLO diroKaTaaTrjo-aL HI sppI KPQR 2 irapa8iy/j.a Q 2, 3 TraXipyeveaias ADO
3 Tpbireov C pr. /cai P (sed super rasuram). De subscriptione cf. Introd.

p. xxv.

irpoirecreZv alrLciaOo), rrjv Be eavrov ^v^rju kicovcriais diroXov-

fjuevrjv. to) t)e iTTi^XeTrovTi tt)v acorrjpiav teal itoOovvtl ical

/xera avai-Beias ical ftlas alrovvrt, irape^eu rrjv dXr)6Lvr)v

icdQapcriv ical rrjv arpeirrov farjv o Trarrjp 6 dyadu<; 6 iv
5 rots ovpavols. w hid rov 7rat8o<? 'Irjaov Xpiarov, rov Kvplov
^(ovrcov ical veicpwv, ical hid rov dylov irvevp.aro's ecr) Sofja, cf. Clem

icpdros, aioovios /juey aXetoTij^ ical vvv ical eZ? yeveas lxv
« \ > v > « •>
, •> , cf. ibid, lxi
yevewv icai et? tou? atwva<; twv aicovcov. ap,r\v.


p. 1, 11. 7 — 9. It is useless to record here the different suggestions that

have been made for filling up the lacunae in this place and in other places in
the first three sections. For iv do-coro) <a\ ecprjpepco fiiw (suggested in the
App. Crit.) cp. Paed. n i 7 (168) sub Jin. The scribe of S appears to have
copied from a MS. in which certain letters and words were illegible ; but it

isby no means certain that he correctly represented the length of the lacunae.
The incorrectness with which the lacunae of S are represented in V shows
how little confidence can be felt in the accuracy of scribes in this matter,
p. 1, S leaves space for 11 letters, V for 16 1. 8 S 12, V 11 1. 9 S 7,
1. 7
V 17 p. 2, 11. 7, 8 S 12, V 19 1. 8 S 12, V 15 1. 9 S 10, V 19 11. 9, 10 S 15,
V 19 p. 3, 11. 10, 11 S 15, V 30 p. 4, 1. 7 S 12, V 12. It is quite possible
that the first two lacunae are exaggerated in S, and that this passage may
originally have stood somewhat as follows nepicnrTovai to<vto> to ye pas :

dvdpconois iv ao"<a)7-o>> j3lco KvXivdovpevois, <Cov (iyovo~i> to Kc(pa\aiov.

1. 8 KvXivdov pivots] cp. Protr. X 92 (75) ol fie crKcoXrjKcov diKrjv nepl TiXpaTa
Koi (3opj36povs to. r)8ovrjs pevpara tcaXivftovpevoi dvovrjTovs ko.1 dvorjTovs i<(36-
aKOvrai Tpv(pas vwdcis rives t

p. 2, 1. 3 ov is a partitive genitive depending on dcpaipdv km tt(plk6ttt(lv.

I. 5 dyxio-rpo(pos, preserved in Antonii Melissa, is much more forcible
than the dvTio-Tpocpos of S. Clement was perhaps thinking of Thucyd. ii 53
ayxio~Tp()<pov rr)v p€Ta(3o\r)v opcovres to>v t evdaipovcov ko.1 alcpvidiais 6vrja<6vTu»v


II. 7 — 10. These lines make good sense without any supplement at all.

It is possible that the scribe of S was misled by spaces left blank in his
archetype on account of flaws in the parchment.
11. 10, 12 tovto pev...TovTo Sc] cp. Strom. IV xvi 101 (608). Af-yco is not
wanted ; it may have slipped in owing to the frequency of the phrase tovto
8e Xc'yco, which has a meaning that is not in place here.
11. 16 — 20 tj (i>xi) refers to the clause introduced above by tovto pear, r;

TroXtrem to that introduced by tovto TheSe. insertion of the article before

noXiTeia appears to me to be the simplest way of restoring the parallelism of
the sentence, the construction of which was still further obscured hv Qhisler'fl
alteration of the genitive avppepfTprjpivrjs into the nominative. "But prayer
requires a soul that remains strong and earnest till the last day of life, and a

man's life requires a good and steadfast disposition stretching forward to all
the commandments of the Saviour." €7T€KT€ivopivr)s was probably suggested
by Phil, iii 14.

11. 26 f. Cp. Paed. II i 7 (168) rbv icprjpepov 8io>kovt€s fiiovy cos ov

p. 3, 11. 2 f. firjTe oncos xre] As the text stands these words seem to
mean :
— " No longer troubling themselves... how the impossible or the possible
arises in the case of man. 5
The easiest alteration is to read dvdpconois for
dv6pcoirco rj (oic becoming coh). Clement nowhere else uses the singular
avdpa>ira> in referring to this verse, nor is there, so far as I know, any evidence
at all for it. Cp. p. 16, 11. 10 f.

I. 9 dp.vr)T(ov is the reading of V as well as of S. Ghisler printed dvorjTw,

but Segaar restored by conjecture the true reading.
II. 14 f. egrjyrjo-eoos tcov Xoyicov r. *.] This phrase recalls the title of the
well known work of Papias (tcov) Kvpiaiccov Xoyicov etjfjyrjcris (or egrjyrjcrcis).

1. 17 effi onorav fiddaxriv] V has these words quite clearly, but Ghisler's
copyist seems to have been thrown out by the first o of onorav not being
closed at the topand by the use of an ordinary ligature for rav. The result
was that Ghisler provided eW vno Tavp-drcoo-iv as a puzzle for scholars. Segaar
conjecturally restored the right reading, but subsequent editors were unable
to see the excellence of his conjecture, which is not mentioned by Dindorf
(except iii 516 among the extracts from Segaar's notes) or by Koster.
p. 4, 1. 5 yvp-vdaria de at evToXai] cp. Strom. VII xiii 83 (882) yvpvd£cov
kavrov did tcov cvtoXcov.
I. 7. Again it is by no means necessary to assume that a word has been

II. 8 f. The dative aaXmyyi, (Edd.), which spoils the construction, was a
correction of the scribe of V, in which MS. the last two letters are over an
1. 23. It seems best to alter avTco to agree with eWopeuo/zeVov and
so restore the reading of Mc. Ghisler printed both words in the dative.
Throughout the whole of this quotation Ghisler and subsequent editors have
added and omitted words in order to bring the quotation nearer to the
traditional text of Mc.
1. 33. The scribe of V added ttXovo-ios after rjv yap, but placed dots under-
neath it to cancel it.

p. 5, 11. 17 — 19. I have printed this corrupt passage exactly as it stands

in S. An opportunity for discussing it will arise when we come to consider
the Gospel text of Clement. Quite provisionally I suggest that eis ttov may
mean "up to a certain point" : on similar phrases see Lobeck's Phrynichus,
pp. 45 ff. £0)771/ is perhaps due to the scribe's familiarity with the ordinary
text of Mc, which led him to put the ace. for the nom. but it is strange

that the same mistake recurs on p. 20, 1. 3. The words iv 8i before ea-ovrai
have probably been introduced from the previous line : they are omitted on
p. 20, 1. 4, where the quotation is repeated.


I. 22 eVaXXuo-o-et] [Intransitive as in Euseb. H. E. vi 16, 1. "There is a

slightchange perhaps here and there in the words, but all of them give the
same general sense." J. A. R.]
p. 6, 1. 1. biacfiepovTcov, €<TKC7rao-fjL(v(ov] Probably genitive absolutes, as
Segaar thinks, referring somewhat loosely to ra 86£avTa. [I am inclined to
and omit the Se, translating " since the things
insert rwv after StcKpepovTOiv
hidden with marvellous depth of wisdom are of importance for the very end
of salvation." J. B. M.]
II. 1 —3 €o-K€iraarii€voiv...dKoa7s] [There is a curious parallel in Greg.
Thaum. Paneg. Koetschau (Lomm. Orig. vol. xxv
in Orig. p. 5, 11. 17 tf. ed.
344, 8),. perhaps merely verbal and accidental. That passage Koetschau
compares with Orig. Comm. in Jn. xxxii 6 (Lomm. ii 402, 17). J. A. R.]
p. 7, 1. 7. For to crijfxdov, meaning the cross/ cp. Strom, v vi 35 (667) '

vi xi 84 (782) ; ibid. 87 (783) ; vn xii 79 (880) ; Exc. ex Theod. § 42 (979)

ibid. § 43 (979).
I. 9. The correction alrel, instead of Ghisler's lyrei, is supported by alrel
in 1. 19 below.
II. 12 — 14 fov — xPWu-tmv ;] These words were altogether omitted in
Ghisler's edition. Other cases in which he omitted a line or so of his MS.
are p. 9, 11. 7 f. ttjv npos — iiriOvplav^ p. 18, 11. 13 f. €ya> o~oi nape^co — vnep-
Koapiov, p. 23, 11. 23 f. civtoIs — 7rapeo~x T]'C()Tas
> p. 24, 1. 7 ncii — ovcrav, p. 27, 11. 3 f.

8okov(tiv — XaXeii/.

11. 14 f. e'i Tis...7rapeo-xr)Tai] The MS. reading TrapdaxqTaL might perhaps

be paralleled by Strom, in xii 79 (546) el de imepfias bv fi'Xero <avova els

p.ei(ova fi6£av, cireiTa diroTrear] irpbs rrjv e\7rlda... VI vii 57 (769) El yovv tis
to7s peptKols cos rols KaOokiKols \pcopevos tv)(t) Koi to SovXov COS KVpiOV KCll

rj-yepLovclTcii, acpdWeTai ttjs dXijOeias. But both these passages seem to be

corrupt. I have to thank Prof. J. B. Mayor for drawing my attention to
11. 24 f. Cp. Strom. IV vi 29 (576) avTiKa top Kav\a>p€vov reXa'coy tii e< tov
vop.ov TrpoaTaypaTU 7TC7r\r]pcoK(V(U fiiZ/Xcy^e, prj tov Tv\rjaiov dyairrjo-avTa.

1. 31. Perhaps we should read <a\ ttjv a<pav x«P LV - There may be a
reference to Jn i 16 x nv il
" VTi x P LTOS "
(l >
New Testament grace in exchange
for Old Testament grace."
1. 32 7r\r]p(opa 8e vopov Xpio-Tos] Rom. x 4 rcXos yap, and so also Strom.
ii ix 42 (451). In Rom. xiii 10 we have nXrjpcopa odv vdpov dydnrj. f)

p. 8, 1. 13. The reading of the MS. to ipbv is certainly right. Cp. below,
1. 17 TO TOV 0-(iiTljpOS (£(lip€TOV.

1. 16. npoadelvai.] V has irpodi)vai: for this Ghisler printed irpaBrjvcu^

which has given so much trouble. Stiihlin (ObaervcUionea Critxcae, p. 43)
suggested npoadelvai, which proves to be the reading of S.

toIs okois] [Perhaps translate "to his perfection of Life"«frayra rd tov

vdpov. J. B. M.]
p. 9, 1. 5 diropply^ai] The i of pirrra appears to have been shortened in
later Greek. See llort, Introduction to New Test. p. 311. Westcott and Hort

accent ptyav (Lc iv 35). I have therefore left the MS. accent here and
1. 17. Westcott and Hort print alaviav in II Thess. ii 16, Hebr. ix 12.
1. 18 Trarpia-iu is a certainly right correction: cp. Orig. Comm. in Matth.
XV 15 (Lomm. iii 358) KpdTr)Ta...<paalv dnodopevov iravav rrjv ovaiav rw
Orjflalaiv cjrjpco dedoiprjaOai.

1. 23 ff. The MS. reading el 8e (for Ghisler's ri de) with the necessary
alteration of the punctuation restores sense to this passage. "But if the
new Son of God, reveals and teaches something special, he does
creation, the
not command that which appears at first sight, which others have done, but
something else which is signified by this."
1. 24 fj.Kaivrj ktio-is] Segaar compares Protr. xi 114 (88) tovto kt'ktls tj f)

Kaivrj (3e{3ov\i]Tai.

1. 25 to cpaivopevov] " The obvious and literal meaning." Cp. § 26 (27),

p. 21, 1. 4.

1. 28 tg>v vTTovroiv'] Ghisler printed from V toov virb tcov. Segaar con-
jectured what proves to be the reading of the MS.
The MS. has irpopi^a
irp6ppi£a\ in § 29. In Protr. ii 19 here and again
(16) MSS. have 6\6pi£ov and Esther xiii 6 (Swete B 6) NA have oXopi£et.
See Hort, Appendix to New Test. p. 163.
p. 10, 1. 19 av...KciTa\ei7roiTo] With the MS. reading ai/...KaraXa7rerai
cp.Paed. ii i 18 (176) ovbeis ttot av...8vvarai (where the Edd. restore dvvairo
from Plato) ; Strom, vi xvii 159 (823) ovk eariv av kukcov (where Dr Jackson
emends ovk earn 7rayKa<S)v) VII ii 7 (832 sub Jin.) ouSe.../<aTaXei7ret itot av

and two lines lower tto>s 8' civ eort...(in both which places Dindorf restores
the optative).
1. 30 icai Aevei] This emendation was made independently by Prof.
Robinson, and also by Dr P. Koetschau in a review of Stahlin's Beitrage
(Theologische Literaturzeitung, 1896, Nr. 4). Compare the passage of
Heracleon quoted by Clement, Strom, iv ix 71 (595)... e£ hv Mardalos, &i\nriros,
Q(op,as, Aevis koX aXXoi 7roAAoi, and Orig. c. Gels, i 62 (Lomm. xviii 111).
p. 11, 1. 11 rols eldoo-i. to opyavov~\ [I think on has been lost after ddoai
and that there should be no stop before to opyavov. J. B. M.]
1. 13 airovaias] Segaar's dpovo-las is very tempting : but perhaps dirovo-ia
can stand in the sense of vo-Ttp-qcns. It denotes in fact the opposite of
7T6piovcrta, for which cp. p. 12, 1. 34.

p. 13, 1. 7 iv tovtois ktc] This is certainly an allusion to the unrecorded

saying of Christ quoted in § 40 (p. 30, 1. 5). See the notes there, iv oh
et'Xero as it stands seems impossible ;
yet Prof. J. B. Mayor's transposition
is not quite convincing.
1. 8 onov yap kt€~] Quoted with the same inversion Strom, vn xii 77
p. 14, 1. 6 ovdevia] Ghisler printed ov8e, Segaar conjectured ovdiveia.
1. 16. Dr Stahlin suggests to me the omission of ns.
1. 22 KaXais] Wendland, in the Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift,

1896, No. 13, suggests the insertion of <7r\ovcrios> after koXcos. But, as
Segaar says, the word is easily supplied.
11. 30 f. There can be no doubt that Segaar was right in expunging the
negative before tttcoxos. The whole discussion is about the man who has
cast away and not his passions. Lauchert, in a review of
his worldly wealth
Roster's Quis Diues in the Revue internationale de Theologie, 1893, p. 727,
has seen this. Jiilicher, however, in a review of the same book in the
Theologische Literaturzeitung, 1894, Nr. 1, wishes to insert ov before nrcoxco
in 1. he takes the person speaking to be Christ, and the person addressed
30 ;

to be the rich young man but it is clear from the previous lines that the

yvrjcrios 7TT(t>x6s is addressing the v66os a\\os tttcoxos kol yjsevdcovvpos.

1. For the omission of the verb of saying cp. § 22, p. 17, 1. 17.

p. 15, 1. 21 KaTao-TpaTTTeo-OaC] For this expressive word Ghisler substi-

tuted the tame Ka.Tao-Tpe<P(o~6ai.
1. 26 cos av...6pjjLr)(ras] In suggesting to me this almost certain correction
Dr Stahlin refers, for the use of cos dv with the participle, to Strom. I v 31
(334) ; ibid. 32 (335) ; ibid, xxi 132 (399).
1. 27 KdTcnrXTJyes] Ghisler gratuitously altered this to KaTaTrXrjyels. The
form Kara7r\r]yr)s may now be struck out of Liddell and Scott. In the MS.
the word is accented proparoxytone, as it is by some grammarians cp. ;

Chandler, Greek Accentuation, § 726.

p. 16, 1. 21 jSi'a] Cp. Tertullian, Apol. § 39 Haec uis deo grata est.

p. 17, 1. 10. [Perhaps we should read dvorjra for vorjTa. I doubt whether
the latter word would be used in any but a good sense. J. B. M.]
1. 28 7rpofidX\€a6ai] Ghisler's alteration to a7ro/3dXA<ro-0ai is needless.
Trpo(3d\\co-0ai is used with the meaning "cast away" in Soph. Phil. 1017.
p. 18, 1. 10 onocra.] The last stroke of the tt must have got a little

separated from the rest of the letter in one of the ancestors of S, and thus
the reading on oaa was produced. Somewhat similarly p. 19, 1. 27 n has
become ra.

I. 17 els avairavcriv kt4] This can, I think, mean "to the rest (characterised
by) inexpressible and unspeakable good things"; but Segaar's conjecture
a7r oAauoni/ is much easier to translate.
11.Cp. Resch, Agrapha, pp. 102, 154 ff. and 281; Ropes, Die Spriiek*
17 ff.

Jesic, It is noteworthy that the two passages, 1 Co ii 9 and 1 Pe i

pp. 19 fF.

12, are again combined by Clement in the Exc. ex Theod. § 86 (989). Cp.
Resch, p. 301, Ropes, pp. 50 f.
II. 31 f. "Art thou able to get the better even of money? Say so, and
in that case Christ doth not draw thee from thy possessions...'' [Heeychius
gives the gloss (ppdaov = \eye. J. B. M.]

p. 19, 1. 3 <€Kfl o-co8r)o-€Ttu>] This addition of Segaar's gives exactly the

sense wanted ;
probably, however, a whole line has been lost.
1. 9 kcit avrov] The words do not seem right. Prof. J. 15. Mayor suggests
Kara <tov> avrov sc. rponov : this is perhaps better than Segaar's rotA
tuvto simid uel codem tempore.


1. 12 a7ro§o<a/xd£ei] '
but it is the having these things with persecutions that
He disallows.'
p. 20, 1. 8 eViStSoi/ray] Segaar's suggestion enibovras is perhaps right.

1. 20 irpb rrjs nicTTecos] [" Before his conversion." J. B. M.]

I. 22 rr)v yjrvxrjv] Segaar's correction ttjv rvxrjv, though perhaps un-
necessary, is not improbable.
II. 29 f. €v8oTepo) t5>v virapx^vTOiv KapnTciv Tijs e^ovaias] [A metaphor
from the race-course, "to confine himself within the limits of what is
allowed by his possessions." I have sometimes thought that r^s e£ovo-ias
might be a gloss on tow virapxovToav. J. B. M.]
p. 21, 11. 2 f. iv tt} Trepi dpx&v] I Q Strom, in iii 13 (516) and ibid. 21 (520)

Clement speaks of this work as only contemplated. It follows that he wrote

the Quis Dines after the Stromata and other works.
11. 24 f. cktivovtcis] The phrase etcriveiv x *P LV occurs also Strom, < vn vi

34 (851), where the MS. has eKreiWv.

p. 22, 11. 1 f. dvoidev KaTaj3alvcov\ Ghisler corrected to Kara/3aiVoi>ra, but
the nom., though bold, is perhaps possible in this graphic passage.
1. 8 olvov] Ghisler from V olov. Segaar here again conjectured the true
1. 9 [For 7rpo(rviri(rxvovp,evov, which has been assimilated to 8i86pevov, read
the nominative. J. B. M.]

1. 27 eXtov] For the play on e'Xeos and eXaiov cp. Paed. II viii 62 (205)
u.v(ttiko)s TavTrj voovuL to eXaiov, b avTos €(ttiv 6 Kvpios, d(p oi) to eXeos TO

ecf)' T]

I. 28 vyeias] This late form occurs again § 41, p. 31, 1. 11 and is the pre-
vailing form in MSS. of Clement.
p. 23, 11. 23 f. avTots — irapeo-xv^oTas^ Ghisler accidentally omitted these
words, and subsequent editors filled up the gap thus made from Mt xxv 45,
so that the passage assumed quite a fresh appearance.
p. 24, 11. 21 f. civtov] This correction of Prof. J. B. Mayor's is also made
by Dr P. Wendland (Berliner Phil. Wochenschrift, 1896, No. 13).
II. 30 f. ol<eia Tpo(pr) nvpos] [This and the following words seem to be
taken from some poem or panegyric on an emerald or other jewel. But
Tpocprj can only mean " food of flame," i.e. fuel, whereas emeralds were among

the aicavo-Ta, cf. Theophr. vol. III. p. 51 (Teubner) Tpocptjv del ^rei to rriip.

Read Tpocpos " nurse of flame " i.e. scintillating. What follows may be trans-
lated :
— " sport of time " (cf. lusus naturae used of fossils), " incident of an
earthquake " (cf. what is said by Pliny and Theophrastus of gems being found
after violent storms), " a tyrant's insolence " (cups etc. of precious stones)
cf. the story of Cleopatra's pearls ; also Paed. n iii 39 (191). J. B. M.]
A line of such a poem as Prof. J. B. Mayor speaks of is preserved Paed.
o-p,dpaydos, ep,7r6\r)pa Tcp.rj€crTaTOu.

Just previously in the same place KepawlTai occurs evidently as the name
of some sort of precious stone.

Possibly rpocpr) might be kept in the sense of " nursling of fire." Cp. Eur.
Cycl. 189 dpvcov rpocpai.
Combefisius and Potter read ol<ia "houses," and Segaar took oUeia (or
olKcla) in the same sense.
p. 25, 1. 6 yiverai —
avairavaems] These words are omitted in V, and a late
hand has corrected the following kcu into dXXci.
11. 10 f. otl— ma><n] Omitted in V.
11. —
12 f. ddoaco yap cplXcov] These words must be a quotation, but the
source is unknown. Julicher (Theolog. Literature. 1894, Nr. 1) classes it
among "sonst unbekannte Herrnworte."
11. 13 —
23. In several cases in these lines I have restored the right reading
from the Parall. Rup. Perhaps therefore its readings should be preferred to
those of S in this passage where internal evidence is indecisive.
p. 26, 1. 4 ped' rjpwv dvaa-Tdsl Segaar compares Hilary, cle Trinitate L vi
No. 43 resurgens de mortuis assumpsit nos. He prefers, however, to read
bi fjpds dvaards comparing Polycarp, ad Philipp. § 9.
1. 24 iv epyois] Segaar pointed out that these words belonged to the
beginning of § 35 not the end of § 34.

p. 27, 1. 8 tcov €k\€kt<ov € k\c KTOTepoi] Perhaps a reference to an "unwritten

word " of Christ. Cp. Strom, vi xiii 107 (793) <a\ f) e£ dpcpdlv eKXnyr) ^'n kcu
tcov €kX(k.tcov, (prjcrlv, e/cAfKrdre/jot kt£.

1. 9 tjttov] Klotz inserts fj

before tjttov.

1. 20 aura)] SC. tco cnreppciTi.

1. 21 crvvaxdevTos civtov] Cp. Exc. ex Theod. § 26 (975) kcu to o-irippa.

crvvucrepxeTai civtco els to TrXrjpcopa did ttjs Ovpas avva^Oev kcii clcra^Biv. Cp.
also Mt iii 12 HI ;
Didache §§ 9 f.
I. 23 Oeeo] Segaar's simple alteration from 6to of the MS. is obviously
II. 24 f. In V the second hand gives the correction
6 povoyevrjs 6ebs]
vlbs for 6e6s in Hence Ghisler and the Editors have 6 p.ovoyem)s
the margin.
vlbs $ebs. For a similar corruption in the MSS. of Origen see Brooke's
Fragments of Heracleon (Texts and Studies I. 4), p. 8.
I. 26 i6cd6r)\ With Jiilicher's emendation (given in the Theol. Literature.
1894, Nr. 1) cp. Strom. V iii 16 (654) otciv 6 Xdyos aap£ yevrjTcu, Iva kcu 8ea6jj.
p. 28, 1. 8 enLTrvcos] This emendation can hardly be wrong. Clement
uses the corresponding adj. Strom, n ii 7 (432) ol cirinvoi eV 6eoi>.
II. 25 f. dydirT) de els nXrjp. awepx-] Cp. Exc. ex Theod. § 26 (975) quoted
in the note on p. 27, 1. 21.
I. 30 av£r)(ras] Segaar's conjecture da-Krja-as hardly serins necessary.
p. 29, 1. 3 o-foayl&a] " Baptism," cp. § 42, p. 33, 1. 1.

II. 4 f. KaTfyf/rjcfiUTTdi] There doubt that a negative must be in-

is little

serted to go with this verb. Segaar would read <w rikeov otros Karvfyifyumu.
With the whole passage cp. Strom, n xiii, xiv 56 61 (459, 460). Sense can,
however, be made of the text as it stands by taking TeXeuv with vnc-i'i]vt\thu :

"if a man allow himself to be completely mastered by sins at first committed


ignorantly or involuntarily, this man is altogether condemned by God." The

must then be looked on as
rest of the section parenthetical, the main argu-
ment being resumed in § 40.
I. 25 Trepifxevei] Ghisler's TrepifjLfveiv is very harsh : it is easier to keep the
MS. reading, and insert <6?> which would have been easily lost after
II. 28 f. Cp. Ed. Proph. § 15 (993).
p. 30, 11. 5 f. e<£'
p. 13, 1. 7. oh kt{] Cp.
See also Resch, Agrapha, pp.
112, 227 and 290 f., Ropes/Ztte Spruche Jesu, pp. 137 ff.: [also Apophthegmata

Patrum, Cotelier, EccL Gr. Mon. I 821 f. (and his note reprinted in Migne, :

P.O. 65. 403 ff.). J. A. R.].

1. 19 evpeBfjs] Wendland's suggestion (Berliner Philol. Wochenschrift, 1896,

No. 13) evOapo-fjs "oder etwas ahnliches" is needless. Cp. Origen, Comm.
in Mt. xiv 9 (Lomm. iii 287), (quoted by Tisch. on Lc xii 58).
1. 20 cpddvcov] [Should it not be (pBdaas 1 J. B. M.]
p. 31, 11. 14 f. Ka\ o-Tcvd^avra \vTrr)6r)Ti\ This can hardly be right. Prof.
J. B. Mayor and Dr Wendland independently suggest arevd^avros, but the
genitive seems out of place among so many accusatives. Segaar's evkafir)6r)Ti
is the best suggestion I know of.

p. 32, 11. 6 ff. "In one place to appoint Bishops, in another to set in
order whole churches, in another (to set in order) the clergy, and to ordain
individualsamong those pointed out by the Spirit." Thus K\^jpov is opposed
to okas eKK\r)o~ias. If eva ye riva be read, it
seems to be necessary to adopt
also the very slightly attested reading xX^pw "ordaining to the ministry" for :

KXrjpos means " the body of ministers " and not a single minister.
1. 9 ^y Koi rovvopa kt£~] Smyrna, according to the Chron. pasch. ed. Bonn,
p. 470 (Migne, Series Gr. vol. 92, col. 608).

p. 37, 1. 3 perd dvaidelas] Perhaps there is here a reminiscence of Lc xi 8.



The following fragment occurs in a MS. in the Escurial


Library now bearing the class-mark Y in 19. This is a paper

MS. consisting now of 260 leaves the pages measure 8^ by 5 J ;

.inches ; it belonged to the well-known Antonius Augustinus, and

on fol. l at the left-hand bottom corner is the number 86,
which it bore in his library (see Graux, Essai sur les origines
du Fonds Grec de L' Escurial, pp. 298 ff.). It contains a mis-
cellaneous collection of theological writings and extracts. Our
fragment occupies fol. 246 b to 248% and with it ceases the
writing of the regular scribe : it is followed by the date ctovs
C\o)^rj fjLTjvl (f>l =1360 a.d. I feel almost convinced that this
date is not in the hand of the scribe himself, but it agrees
very well with the apparent age of the MS. The remaining
pages have been filled up with various theological extracts by
former possessors. The concluding pages have been lost. The
heading of the fragment in the MS. is KAi/xevros irapayyeXixara,
but in an apparently contemporary table of contents the name
is written KA^/aci/to?.

K\rj/jievTO<; 7rapa>y<ye\/j,a,Ta.

'Ho-vy/ai/ /xcv Aoyots kiriTrjhevi, rjo-vyjiav Se cpyots, uuravrtts 8e

iv yXwTTrj /cat ^aoUT/Aarc* (TfpohpoTrjra 8e a7ro<£euy€ TrpoTrerrj' ovtoj?

yap 6 vovs 8tap.€V€L /3c/?ato9, ko.1 ov)( vtto tt}s cr(po8p6Tr)TO<; rapa-
5 ^(08179 yevo/xci/05 ao-dev^s carat kou /Jpavvs irepl <pp6vt]aiv kgu
ctkotclvov opiov ovSk rjTTTjOrj ct at yacrrpipLapyias, tfTTrjOijaeTai

Sc €7Tt^€OJ/TOS OvpLOV, 1]TTr)07](T€TaL Sfi T<OV aAAa>l> TfaOwV £TOip.OV

carrot? apnaypia irpoK£ip.tvo<i. tov yap vovv Set twv iraOwv zirLKpaTtiv
v\pfj\bv iirl r}(rv)(ov Opovov KaOyjpavov dcpopiovTa 7rpos Oeov. /xr;8ci'

1 KXi/uLevTos 2 uhjclvtlos 4 diafiivei GKOTCivbv bpwv

(J. A. Kobinson)] <tkot€ivwv opuv 9 dpovov

6i;v)(o\ia<; avd-rrXcos ecro trcpl opyas, toySe vco#pos iv Xoyot?, fxrjSk

iv /3aStcrp,acriv okvov 7r€ir\r)po)pL€vo<;, tva ctol pv6p,6<; dya06s rrjv

iqo-v^tav Koa/xfj kuI #€iooSe<j tl kou Upov to (TxfjpLO. cf>aivr)Tai. cfivXar-

tov ok Kal T175 v7T€pr)(f>avLa<s to, o~vp,/3o\a, a^rjfxa vxf/avvcvovv Kal

K€cf>a\r}v ifyppLtvrjv kou /3rjp,a ttoSiov d/3pbv Kai pceTewpov. rjirid crot 5

7rpo5 tovs a.7ravT(j)VTa<; ecrTto ra pyjpLara, Kal Trpoo~r)yopiai yXvKCtat*

ai8to 8e 7rpos ywatKas <dcrK€i> kcu /3Xe/xp.a T€Tpap.piivov ets y^v.

XdXet 8e 7repteo-Ke/x,p,evcos aVavTa, Kai T77 cfnovfj to xpyjo-Lpcov olttoSlSov
X/° V
€t Tt^ l/ dKOvcWooi/ to c/>#ey/xa /xerpoi/, a'xpt 877 Kai e^aKOVO-Tov
€t>7, Kat p/>7T€ 8tac/>evycov ttjv aKorjv twv vapovToiV vnb afxiKpoTrjTOS, 10
/xT/re v7rep(3dW(i)v£oit Try Kpavyfj. <f>v\d.TTOv 8k oVws p,rj8ev

7tot€ XaX^cr^s o p.ry 7rpoecr/<ei//co Kai 7rpo€v6r}cra<;- pcr)8k 7rpo^€tpo)<s Kal

pi€Ta£v <T(Sv> tov erepov Xoyuw iVo/SaXXc tovs olvtov' 8ct yap ava
/xepos aKOvetv Kat 8taXeyecr#ai XP° Vi? pep^ovra Xoyov Kat annTrrjv
p,dvOav€ 8k do-/xevo}<; ) Kat d<p66vu><i 8i8ao~Ke, p.r]8k vno <f>66vov ttot\ 15
croc/>tav diroKpvTTTov 7rpo? tovs frepovs, pirjSe fJLaOtjcreuiS dc/>tcrTacro

01 atSw. v7T€tK€ 7rpeo-j3vT€poi<; tcra iraTpdo-w' Tttia OepdirovTas Ocov'

KaTapyz o-o^)tas Kai apeTrjs. par]8k eptoTtKos ecro 7rpos tovs cpiXovs,
pv^Se x^- euao T *? <; "
KaT auTwv Kai y€X(0TO7rotoV i^cvSos Te Kai 8oXov

Kat vftpiv lo-xyP^s Trapairov' crvv evcfarjpiia 8k c/>ep€ Kat tov v-irept]- 20
<f>avov Kat v(Spio-T7)v 7rpads tc Kat tteyaXoi/fUxos dvrjp. KetcrOo) 8e

crot irdvTo. ets #eov Kat tpya Kat Xoyot, Kat iravTa dvd<f>epe XptcrTw
ra era urov, Kat 7ti;kvws e7rt t^cov rp€7T€ t^i/ ^rv)(y]V y Kat to vot]p\a.

€7repetSe tit) XptcrTov Svvdpcei wenrep iv At/xevt Ttvt T(3 c^€to> c/)a>Tt tov
craiTrjpos dv<nrav6fi€vov d-irb 7raV^s AaAtas tc Kat 7rpa^€(os. Kat 25
iie#' ypLepav pXv di/^pco7rois kolvov tyjv creavTOV <f>p6vr)cnv, Ocw Sc 7roA-

XaKts /xer eTrtTrXetcrTOV <8e> cv j/vkti 6/xot(os Kat ev ry/xepa* tt^ yap
vVvos ere €7rtKpaT€tTa) 7roXvs T(3j/ 7rpos 0eoi/ ev^wv tc Kat vtti/a>V

OavaTio yap o piaKpbs v7rvos ec/>a/xiXXos. p.€TO)(o<; XptcrTov act Ka-

OicrTacro <tov> t^v c^ctai/ avyrjv KaTaXdp.7rovTOS e^ ovpavov' ev<j>po- 30

crw/?7 yap 4'ctto) crot SirjveKrjs Kal a.7ravaTO<s 6 Xpto"TO?. tt^Se Xvc tov
tt^s ^^X ? 5 7 tovov iv eutoxia Kat 7totcGv dvecret, tKavov 8c ^yov t<3

1 eVw (occurrit forma ^o-o infra bis (48 18, 49 5) et Plut. (Apophth. Lac).
241) dpyas] opya fxrjde vwdpbs] /at] 8ei> cedbs 3 KOCfioi 6 airav-
rcDiras (J. A. Robinson)] airarCovTas y\vKvai 7 <a<TK€i> addidi,
quod inter -as et /cat facilius omitti potuit 8 airebibov 8, 9 dirodidov,
Trj xpelq- ixerpQiv J. A. Robinson 11 vTrep^aXXwv (J. B. Mayor)] viro-

jSdXXwj' 13 <tGjv> addidi avrov dva] eva 14 %p6vwj/

17 vireUov 20 inrepifyavov 21 7r/o£os re] forsitan addendum wj/

27 <5£> addidi 30 <tov> addidi 32 evoxeia


awfxoLTi to xp€ia>S€9. Kai fir] irpocrQsv eVeiyou 7rpo5 Tf>o(f)a<; irpiv rj kou

0€L7rvov irapeir) xaipos' apros 8e cotcd o*oi to Scittvov, Kai 7roat yi^s

Trpo(T€(TT(D(rav Kai to. €k 8eV8pa>v oopata' laOi 8e €7ri ttjv rpo<f>r]v

aVa0to? kou fir] XvcrawSr) yao-Tpi/xapytW eVtc^atVtoV firjoe aapKO-

5 fiopos fxrjok c/>t'Xoii>09 ecro, 07roTe firj vocros Tts taowv cVi tcivt^v ay ol.
aXX' ai/Tt T(3i/ cV tovtois 77801/0)1/ Tas eV Xoyots 0etots /cat v/jtvotg

€vcf)po(Tvva<; alpov rfj irapa Otov aoi ^oprjyovfxevrj croc^ta, ovpdVtog Te

act o"€ c/>povTt5 avayeTw 7rpo? ovpavov' Kat tols 7roXXa<» 7rcpi o-w/xaTOS
avtci fiepifivas TiOaparjKoiS iXirt(TL Tats 7rpos 0eov, 6Vt o-ot yc to.

ro aVayxata 7rape£et oiapKrj rpocf>rjv re tyjv eU t,(iir)v Kat KaXv/xfxa

cnofiaTOS Kat ^ct/xcptvov i/a^ous dke^rjTrjp ta' tov yap 877 croi) fSaaiXeo)^ cf. Ps xxiii

y?7 tc a7racra Kat ocra €Kc/>v€Tat" ws //.eXr? 8e avToij <Ta o-a>/xaTa>

to>i/ auTOu depairovroiv V7T€p(3a\X6vT(i)<s irtpiiirtL KaOdircp tepa Kat cf. 1 Co vi

i/aou? avTOv. 8ta 877 totjto /x^Se voo-ovs V7rep/3a\ov(ra<; oeoiOc firjoe

15 yrjpuis ec/>o8oi/ vyx* 1 '^ irpoaSoKw/xevov' yap Kai voVos oTav
6Xoi//vyw irpoOicrei iroiw/xev Tas avTOv evToXas. TavTa etSa>s Kai

7rpo<> vocovs l&xypav KaTao-K€va£e tt)i/ ipv-^rjv, evOdpcrrjcrov wairep Tt<>

ai/^p ev o"Ta8tots apto-Tos aVpeTTTU) T77 8uj/a//,et toijs 7rovovs v<£io"Tacr#ai.

Ixt)o€ virb \virr}<; Trdvv Tni^ov Ty)v ^vyrjv, ctT€ voVos lirLKiifXiVq

20 /Sapvvti €tTe aXXo Tt avfiTTLTTTei 8vo"^€p€s, aXXa yei/i/atws dvQio-ra

rots ttoVois to vorj/JLa vaptTas avayooi/ #€(3 Kat eV yu.eo"Ois Tots €7ri7r6Vot9

7rpay/>tao"t aT€ 8>) o"o<^wTepa Te dv6pu>Triov <f>povovvrt Kat aVcp ov

8waT0i/ ovSc pdoiov dvOpw-rrois tvpelv. cXect 8e KaXov/xeVovs, Kat

T^i/ irapa tov Oeov fiorjOetav Itt av^pco7rot9 atTOv* €7Ttvevo-€t yap
25 atTovvTt t<3 <£iXa) tt^v \apiv, Kai Tots KaXov/xeVois €7rtKovptav 7rape^€t
tt;v avToi) 8wa/xtv yviopifxov av^pa>7rots Ka^tcrTaVat (3ov\6fX€vos, tus cf. Ro ix 23

av €t9 iirLyvaxTLV iX.66vr€S e7ri 0eoV avtOMTtV, Kai T17S atwrtov fxaKa-
Plottjtos aTro\av<r(i)o-iv €7rct8ai/ 6 tov 0€ot) vtos irapayiviqTaL dyaOa.

tois t8tots a7roKa^to-T(i3i/.

The title of this extract is certainly very vague, and its

character is such that it is impossible to build much on the style,

but there can be no doubt that the ideas are just what we should
expect from the Alexandrian Clement. Now Eusebius (//. E.

1, 2 wpivl Kai bdirvov iraper) 3 forsitan Wi J. B. Mayor 4 a7ra0w5]

daraOws 5 (piXiuos Zero] taw sec. man. vo<xov 7 fpou 9 dvlov
redapaiKus 10 Stap/cet 12 < rd crw/xara > addidi 14 8t5i]0i
15 €tf(f)o8ov irpoaboKojxivov 22 ao(pOT€pd 23 KaXov/x^vois
23, 25 KaKovfihovs ct /ca/cou/i^ots 0. Stiihlin 26 t?7 aiVrou Si-yd/ift /Soi;-

\op.tvois 27 a»>iw<r?7 (sed inter ?; et ty interdum in hoc codice uix distingui


II. 4


vi. 13) mentions among his works 6 TrpoTpcn-TiKos eis v7rofiovrjv 7}

7rpo? tovs veaxTTl /?€/?a7TTio-ueVovs. Surely it is at all events a

probable conjecture that our extract belongs to this tract.
2. The following fragment was kindly pointed out to me by
one of the assistant Librarians at the Ambrosian Library in
Milan. In a tenth or eleventh century MS. (H 257 sup. fol. 10 )

occurs an extract
headed kvavrao-iov ©eowroActos
Ik twv 7rpos

ireva-Lv kou diroKpLcriv, in which comes the following passage :

Ev0€i> cprjalv 6 'Pw/xatos KA77/X179 cv tw 7rcpt 7rpovotas Aoya>'

Bpax/xavoi eVopctoi/ olkovvtcs koI KaOapdiTarov a.7roXavovT€<s aepos

£a5o*t tcAciov Kal Tr\y)p£<TTaTov \povov rrjs t,o)rj^ ran/ avupwrruiv' €t ovv

e£ aepo? vyeta Kat irapdracn^ yiverai £00179, cv&rjXov otl kou vogtol kou

OdvaToi Ik twSc tooV o-toi^ciW Kara rti/as avrwv TrAeovaoyxous Kat

eAarrworcis a5s cipr/Tat crvp./3aLvov(TLV.

It is clear that Anastasius confused the two Clements, and

that this fragment is really from the Alexandrian. On Clement
of Alexandria'swork 7rept irpovoiaq see Zahn, Forschungen III. 39.

The Brahmins (Bpaxfiaves) are three times mentioned in the

Stromata 1 xv 68 (355) ibid. 72 (360) in vii 60 (538).
; ;

3. In a Madrid MS. (0 15, paper, cent, xvi) in a collection of

opot Sidcpopoi occurs an extract headed tov ay iov KX^firj' /xaOrjrov
tov aytov Hirpov' wept ervfioXoyCas. Incipit 'HrvjuoAoyta arrtV, >J

rfjs Svvdpmos tov ovofiaros tt}<; (lege SpOory?) i£ avrov tov ovopaTOS

€pp:r)vevop.€vq' olov Kara, ri eiprjvit] ; Kara to €ip€p.r]v (lege ypefxcLv) tov

vovv. Explicit o-^oAetov etprjrai 8ta to KaTao-xoA^v (lege kara (rxpXrfv)

irapaTiO €<r$ at wpos cracpeaTepav epfirp/etav T<ioV Svo-vorjnov vorjfxdTiav rj


This extract is of some length : it consists entirely of absurd

popular derivations, and is not worth printing here, being

evidently spurious. A very similar collection to the one in this
codex is printed among the Spuria of St Athanasius (Montfaucon,
vol. 11, pp. 242 sq.) under the title of Liber de Deh'nitionibus.

The heading is "Opot 8id<f>opoi Kara Trjv 7rapa8oo-ti> Kat irloriv t^s
KaOoXiKrjs eKKA^o-ta?, o-vAAcye'vTcs aVo tc KXtjfi€VTO<s Kat frepuiv 6<riW
dvSpuv Kat p-aKaptW TraTepuv. On p. 250 without any special
heading come the first few lines of one extract, and after them
Mai in his Scriptorum Veterum Nova Collectio (Tom. I, pars 1, p. 369)

prints from a Vatican MS. an extract of Anastasius for the most part
identical with the Milan one, but it does not contain the Clementine
l :


Kal iv to7<; Xoi7rots 6/AOUD5, which looks as if the scribe had the rest
of the extract before him, but was tired of copying such nonsense.
A similar collection is printed in Anastasius Sinaiticus, Viae dux,
ch. ii (see Zahn, Forschungen in 43), and occurs also in a Lau-
rentian MS. (Plut. ix, cod. 8, see Zahn, loc. cit.), and in Codex
Sinaiticus Graecus 453 (see Harnack, Litt. Gesch. i 778). The
Madrid Codex differs from the other recensions in assigning the
different extracts to their supposed authors, and makes it clear
that nothing can be added to our knowledge of Clement's writings
from this source, as Zahn seems to hope 1 .

4. In a Florence MS. (Med. Laurenziana Plut. vn. cod. 15,

f. 105 b ) is found in a mutilated form the Gnomologia of Maximus.
This MS. was examined for Zahn by Prof. Italo Pizzi (Zahn,
Forsch. in 8). I give here the variants from Dindorf
f. 105 b wcnrep Zolkcv — <f>avrj = Strom, vi xii 102 (Dind. in 201.
14 — 18). Collation with Dind. wg] wcnrep |
om. ovv |
io-Tiv \
irdvTodiv | tiro^f) |
x°^*vovaa |
om. re.

f. 160 b €7reT<u— o-/aa = Strom, vii xiii 82 (in 323. 27 sq.).

Collation, om. yap |

rrj yi/wcret ra epya.
f. 184 a oca 7repi v7rvov — rjTTOv = Strom. IV xxii 141 (ii 398.
28 — 399. 1). Collation, om. 8' av |

id. irao-L — a7roT€/xi/o/u.eVots = Paed. II ix 81 (i 285. 12 — 18).

Collation, om. ypifxa — kOi^ovcriv |
om. kirirpk-Ktiv \
om. eh |

f 202 a avviroTTTov — 7rpc7rovTos = Strom, ii xxiii 146 (ii 240.
21 — 23). Collation, om. Se |
8i/?oXiKr)i/ |
to] tw.
f. 22 . With the lemma NctAov is quoted the sentence
/xaKapios 6 tov /3lov vij/rjXov t\u>v, rairtivov 8e to (f>p6vr)/xa, which is

referred to Clement (by a rov clvtov) in the Parall. Rup. f. 264*

(Harnack, Litt. Gesch. I p. 321).
f. 234 a ovx rj — dXiKpLvua. Quoted by Zahn, p. 55, but this
codex has ayfxiyrj for a7ro)(r].

f. 241 ,a
k\y) : 6 tois oVeipois 7rpoo-c^oov ioiKc t<2 ti]v o-klolv avrov
Sliokovtl. (This extract has apparently escaped the notice of
Prof. Pizzi.)

Forsch. in 42. Es ist vielleicht erlaubt, mit dieser Schrift (De
dogmatihus ecclesiasticis) eine lteihe mehr odor weniger unsieherer Angabon
zu verbinden, welche zum Theil den Scheiii erwecken, als ob CI. oino
besondere Schrift iiber gewisse fur die Theologie wiohtige Begriffe verfessl

— — — : — l


£. 251 al KaOoXov—-otKelo? co-Tiv = Paed. ii vii 60 (i 266. 26 f.).

Collation. om. yap |

-qcrv^ta^ kou tfpep.ia<s.

id. (same extract continued), ov /xovov — cVaj/ryp-^/xcVw = Strom.

I x 48 (ii 41. 13 — 15). Collation, ov p.6vov €vt€\tj.
id. <pi\ocro(pia eortv TjOatv KaropOoxri*; p-era. 8o^r/5 Trjs 7rcpl twv
OVT(i)V €V(T€(3oVS.

The Maximus 2 is preceded by the Gnomologia of the Monk

Georgidius, which contains one extract marked Clement.
f. 86 b to wept— KaprepU = Paed. II vi 52 (i 259. 18—20).
Collation, om. Se j
d<r/c€tv o-uxppovciv |
Aayvcias Z<tt\ Kaprcpcs.

5. The following extracts occurring in the Parall. Rup. are

not referred to their places by Harnack, Litt. Gesch. I 317 ff.

f. 72 a ok ZoLKe — trefivij = Strom, vn xvi 100 (Dind. in 339.

f. 109 b ov ircpl — o-Tpeirreov = Strom. VI xvii 151 (ill 237. 4f.).
id. eKSe';(€Tai - Strom. VIII
KaTaX-qTTTiKrjv i 2 (ill 351. 28
352. 4). Zahn gives the reference on p. 28.
f. 200 b tw TcXetw hiKaioavvT) = Strom, vi xv 125 (in 217.
f. 201 a oTav fjirj—oSevei yeVos = Strom, vii xii 73 (ill 315.
6. In the MS. of the Sacra Parallela, Paris 923, f. 98 b ,

occurs the fragment aroirov Io~tlv Shokovtcl t<xs tijaos <ptvyuv (lege
<p€vy€tv) tov5 7rovovs $l wv at rt/xat with the lemma ck tov tis 6
o-w£o'/x€vos 7rAovo-ios. In Parall. Vat. Lequien 713 this fragment
has the lemma Evaypiov. In both cases it follows the extract
from QDS § 21, beginning ov t&v KaOevSovruyv. It is not to be
found in the QDS, but may perhaps be meant for a summary of

the teaching of § 3.

1 The extracts on this page are without any lemma the last is no doubt :

from some other author.

3 The other Clementine extracts in the Maximus are f. 105 b 17 tup
kolkwv —dpxv Zahn P* 55. f. 130 a Kh-qfxevTos puj/xrjs — ov diKaiov £gti tov 8e-

5w/c6ros £yK<XTa\ei(pd€UTos ra SodevTa wapa/xiveip tois ayvtafioaiv. i. 142 b several

fragments from Nilus and others under the heading kXtj/acptos. f. 22

ToaovTov tl% elvai Zahn p. 62. f. 226
irdvTwv 7rp6s clvtop and dddvaToi — —
tyfivvut Zahn p. 63. f. 230 b el /3otf\ei o-eavrop Zahn p. 63. This extract
gives the sense of Paed. in i 1 (Dind. 1 324. 5 f.).

TJie numbers refer to the pages : those marked icith an asterisk contain an
allusion only.

GENESIS xii 7 29
iii 19 13* ..
50 8*

xiii 16, 17 23*

38 5*
ISAIAH xv ii 27 17*
i 18 29 xviii 10 23
xix 21 9
EZEKIEL xxiii 18 *
xviii 23 29 15 24 <

xxv 34—40 23
HOSEA 41, 42, 43 10*, 23
vi 6 29
S. MATTHEW ii 7 29*
22* iv 19 9*
iii 10 !||

12*, 13 viii35 19*

v 3
13 x 17—31 4
18|| 1*
8 12*, 14*
20 7*
13, 14 27
30* 2L 8, 12
18* 21 15*
29, 80 HI |,i

14* 22 15*
44 17* 25 20
1* 25 2*
48 HI

Vi 20 10 26 15
13 27 3*, 16
2 25 28, 29 17
vii 1,
8* 30 19, 20
11 29* 31 20
14 21* xii 30 21
21 22
viii 22 18* S. LUKE
ix 10 HI
10* iii 9 22*
13 29 v 21 29*
x 22 25 vi 27 17*
40, 41, 42 23 29 14*
xi 11 23* 30 24
12 16* 35 17*
27 6 38 25

vi 13 i 3 29*
46 23 iv 7 26*
vii 28 23* 18 20
ix 60 18* ix 6 24*
62 29* 7 24
x 16 23*
27, 29 21 GALATIANS
30- -37 22* ii 21 7*
39, 40, 41, 42 8* iii 24 7*
xi 9 8* vi 7 31*
13 29*
xii 32 23 EPHESIANS
34 13 iii10 22*
58 30* iv 28 30*
xiv 26 17, : L9* vi 12 22*
33 11*
xv 7, 10 29*
xvi 9 10, !

ii 8 7*
xvii 3, 4 29*
10* iii 14 2*
xix 6
9 10
S. JOHN i 17 27*
vi 19 6*
i 17 7
18 27*
v 26 6* II TIMOTHY
vi 50, 51 18* iv 6 27*
ix 34 28*
xiii 17 23* HEBREWS
xiv 8, 9 18* I 14 22*
23 26* iii 5 7*
27 27* xii 23 17*
xv 5, 6 28*
xvii 2, 3 6* I PETER
3 18*

12 18
i 17 7*
iv 8 28
vii 12 7
viii 14, 15, 17 7* II PETER
19, 20, 21 22* 27*
iii 10
x 3 9*
4 7* I JOHN
xi 36 1*, 21*
iii 15 28
iv 8, 16 27*
ii 9 18
iii 13 19*
17 14*
vii 29--31 15* AGRAP 13* 30
ix 25 4* 25
xi 25 4* DIDACHE § 9 22*
xii 31 28* CLEM. AD COR. lxi, lxv 37*
xiii 4, 5, 3, 7, 8 28 HERM. PAST. Sim. ix 33 et
13 4*, 28 alibi 36*



d^aaauiarojs, aKpoaadai 4 22 airidadai, rivd on 8 25 causari 11

d/3e'/3cuos 20 3 37 !

d/3ios inoj)* 14 11 ai<pvidios 13 15

d/3pd, t& 15 21 aiwvLa, rd 6 24, 28 29 1

d77e\t«:d, K-qpvy/xara 4 12 anavda: ai a. rod /3tou 9 9

a77e\os, r^s fieravoias 36 17 dK.ep5r}S 13 16

#7ev(rTos, 8tKatocr6v7)s 13 26 d/cwd^eij/ : j/ocros dx/ia^ovcra 26 20

ayKLarpov 15 30 d/co?7 : rats d/coats 5e'x«r#ai 6 3

a7*'et;eii' 30 16 aKoXaKivrcos 26 31

a7(wos 28 11 d. d8tKr]fj.dTO}v 7 12 dKoXacrros 31 10

a70/)d, 0ei'a 24 24 d/coJ>iTi Kdvidpwri 4 1

dypoixcos 13 30 d/epacri'a, yvujx-qs 14 10

dypvirvelv 31 17 d/cpt/3eta 30 12

ayx €LV i
T0V Xoyta/xdv 12 3
dxpodadai 4 23 5 26
ayxiCTpcxpos 2 5 d/c/xos 9 15

a7u»'tdfeiJ' 25 2 dKT7)IJ.0(JVVT}, X/3?7/xdTWJ> 15 34

ayoovLfcadat. 18 30 dKT7]/AU)V 25 28

d7w»'i<rr77S 7 16 &KT7]TOS 13 21

dywvoderrjs 4 3
dXa^eia 10 4

adid(popa, rd 12 6 15 25 dXet7TT77S 31 7

d56Xu>s 26 30 dXeKTOS 18 17

det : top d. xp ovov 31 10 dX-qdeia, 77 de Christo 6 8

d^T/Xos 13 i
dXXoTpiou, to 14 30 rd d. 9 28 28 5

dr)TT7)TOS 20 33
dXo7WTaTos 11 6

ddavaaia 6 8 7 10 7roua ddavaaias 18 23 dXuTos 22 28

dtfeaTos 26 7
dixeXei 8 15

dfleos 18 3 19 17 31 26 dixeX-qriov 21 6

ddXrjais 3 26 d/AeXws 25 28

ddXTJTTjS : to twj/ d. 3 22 &fxerpos 1 14 13 2

ddXodtrrjs 4 10 d[xrixave1v c. yen. 9 15

ddXov 14 1 rd a. roO (XcjTijpos 3 31 dfj.ia.vTos 26 15

adpow adv. 28 1
dfxvrjo-Tia 30 2

ddpous 31 1 dfAoifir) : 7r/;6s dixoifiyv 21 26

d/'Stos 20 27 aixoipos, Oeov 13 26

afyia : to af. t??s d/xw^Xov 22 .-5 at. tfeou d/xireXos : 7? d. r/ Aafiid 22 25

7rat56s 26 to V. irpbs dui'7/Tos : ot d. tT/s dXr]6eias 3 9

a'ipeais 8 6 dixvveoOou c. OCC. pen. 17 32

d/x0t/ioXos eV d. 2">
ai<T0T]T6s, 7rXo?TOS 15 24 19 2y : u>s 1

alaxpos deform is 14 4 dfX(piXa<pris 20 23


dud Kparos 35 i dvTLfxeTpelu, rivd irpbs tl 27 33

dvayevvav 18 n d^l/7TO/C/)lTOS 31 21 -TtoS 26 31

dvayi<d£ei.v 8 9 df cofxoXoyrjfxeuos : eua77Aia d. 5 21

avaywvKjTos 4 1 d£t6x/oews 32 1

duddeXcpos 19 7 do7r\os 26 14

ava^r/reiv 24 22 dbpyriTos 26 15
dvaiSeia : //era d^cuSeias 37 3 dirddeia 16 13
dpaL/xaKTos 26 15 d7ra#?7S 16 8

dvaipeiu : dXX^Xous a. oi Xbyoi 17 29, 30 diraLpeiv absol. 32 16

dvaiTtos 11 13, 18 diraiTeTadai 24 n

dvaKeladai 20 9 dTraXei<peii> 30 4
dvaXc^ia, roO Trarpbs 27 18 a7raXXa7?7 12 33
dydXc^op 17 26 diraXXoTpiovv 11 32
dvafxaprrjcria 17 13 dwapTaadai, dXXrjXwv rrj (pvaei 13 19

dva/jidxeadai reparare 28 31 d7raucTTos 18 13 36 n

'Avai-ayopai homines A. similes 9 21 diravTOfioXeTu c. gen. 9 2

d»'a7rai;ei{' c. ace. pe?-s. 24 9 32 10 dweiirao'dai, irXovTov 9 17

dvairavcns 6 10 18 17 25 6 aweipos, fa-q 19 34

di'a7n'e«', foo^ 20 31 dTreXatipecdou, ovpavQu 16 8 £w*7S 20 25

avdiTTetv, rd Trpwreia ry 0eaj 22 16 d7reX7rtfetv 3 26

dvdaKTjTos 3 33 dtreppwy&s perditus 33 2

dvartWeiv intrans. 20 28 aTripxccrdai absol. 28 24

dvatytpeiv 3 5 d7rXdaTws 26 31

'Aj/fyx?as 19 10 dirXodadai 5 29
dpSpoAoYea/ 16 2 drXcDs 5 35
dveyK\r)Tos 20 22 dirbfiX-qTOS 13 21 rd d. 12 6

dv€K\d\r)Tos : rd d. (jt,v(TT7)pia 27 13 dTroycvuxTKeLv, iavrdv 2 26 16 3 T7jf <ra;

dveXetidepos 1 2 r-qpiav 33 9
dviXTTlCTTOU, to 21 14 d7ro7J'wcris 3 14 4 18 19 22 28 32
dve^Se^s, 0e6s 21 26 diroypdcpeadai med. 3 27 j?ass. 25 26
aveais 33 1 d7ro5o/a/id£e«> 19 12

dveartos 19 7 diroKadiardvai, rtvd rrj iKKXrjaiq, 36 1

dvt(pl.KTOS 10 13 dTTOKXeletv, rt twos 28 7

dvdrjpbs 15 22 dwoKOTTTea 6 at 3 15

avdofAoXoyetadai, awdrjKTju irpbs tlvol 28 d7roXaivet// 11 13

dvdpdb-mvos 13 26 -^tos 5 24 diroXe/xos 26 14

dvQp(j3TTOTt]% 7 8 dTrofxifAelcrdai, 6ebv 24 33

dviivcu a fortiori ratiocinari 17 26 aTroj'Oia 28 32
dj>6v?7T0? 30 8 dtropetv c. gen. 9 ix, 15 absol. 10 n
dvoo~os 20 33 dtropia 12 8
dprd£tos 17 8 d. ra^ oXwy 28 2 dirbppy\Tov '. to ttjs yvw/xvs d. 6 4

dvTawaLTeiv 28 3 diroaeiea'dat, ttjv dirbyvoxiiv 4 18

dvTeicdyecrdai 15 5 diroo'ToXiKol Xbyoi 36 14

dPTexeadai absol. 17 1 diroGTpe<peo-dcu 19 32 25 30 36 23

dvriSiSoi'cu, rt u?re/) t«/os 35 6 diroTaKTiov 12 8

dvrldocnv irot.ei<jdai 15 3 dTTOTdao-opuu 18 34

dvTLKaraXXdcrtxeadaL, t'l tlvos 15 10 diroTCUppevet-v 20 13.

avriXafx^dveLV 15 12 24 26 dTroTeXecrp.a 22 23

dworldeadou 16 i d(pf)apTos 3 23 6 10

airoTV<p\ou<Tdai, dirb rrjs r^'ecos 31 12 d(pLKPe1a0ai, els KTrjatv 21 15

aTrovala, r\ rijs vTrrjpeaias 10 12 diroXavet d0i(rracr0cu : diro arrival, 7-775 680O 1 12 2 29
ttjs <rrjs d. 11 13 KTrjfxdTuv 14 32 15 1 7-775 wpodvfdas
diroQalveiv 24 8 16 16

dirocpoprt^eadai tt)v kttj<tiv 10 8 d<po(3u)$ 26 31

airpaKTOv Troieiv 30 3 d(p07r\i£ecrdcu 26 21

dirpbdvjxos 8 22 dcpopgZv, 77-065 25 27

a,7TT€cdai c. dat.congruere 17 12 c.fjen. 27 3 dxd/Horos 1 4

dTTWO-T^OS 12 12 dxOeadai c. dat. 8 18

d/ry65 26 25 33 2 d. £w?7s 7 28 dxpeios 26 25

apSrfv 22 22 29 9 dx/>^M<""os 2 23 19 7
ap/uLofeiv, 6'Xas eKKXrjcrias 32 7

ap-rrd^eiv, rbu \6yov apprehendere 17 fiddos, diauoias 6 2 twj/ X67UH' 15 34 eV


dppTjTOS 18 17 to a. 0eou 27 26 /3. yv<J)fj.7js 27 12

appuxxTTjfia : rd tt}s ij/vxvs &• 12 16 (3<nrrL£e<rdai : uavs ^aTTTL^o/xevr} 26 19 rots

apTi/xadrjS 16 1 ddupvat /3. 35 11

dpx^ •
7"V d. ady. 3 31 d7rd r^s d. eutfus fidpadpov : /card twj/ )S. (ptpeadai 33 8

6 23 d. £wt7$ 6 27 77 7rept dpx&v kcli p€(3aiw 16 22

deoXoyias ^£777770-15 21 3
pidfradai abs. 16 18 0e6v 16 21

dcrdXei'Tos 6 27 (SiaioraTos 33 13 /Siatas 16 22

dcracp&s 15 33 piorefciv 10 14

daeXyaiveiv 14 4
/SioOj/ : cl>5 ou (3iu)<t6/j.€vol 2 27 01 eis det
a<rd(vtKos 14 10 fiiuxjofxevoi 10 6

a<TK€iv, dirddeiai/ 16 12 dXrjdeiav 30 17 fiLWTLKd, rd 12 15

rd £070. 36 15 (3\aKeveii> 16 19

&<tkt}<tis 27 20 (SXaardveiv, euirouau 22 13

acrKLos 36 10 /3Xd(T0r;/Aos 18 10

&<nropos 28 10 j8X^/xa 20 16

daTe7os 10 27, 36
yeivaadat. 20 26
d<TT€(pdvO)TOS 3 29
yiveais : d7rd 7. 7 7 77 d/coi/crtos ev 7rXo(--
daro/xos 33 7
ry 7. 20 25
d<rxo\eicr#cu 8 21, 24
76/NXS 1 8
dtrxoXiai/, (^eiy 10 15
yiveadai, iv vwepo\J/La 10 3
dreXTjs 7 26
7^?7(Ttos, w6s </e Christo 7 5
dre^s 20 16
yvwpifeiv c. ace. agnoscere 34 is
drLfid^eiv 25 3
yt>u)pi<Tfxa 36 2
drpewTos 6 26 37 4
7^ui(riS 6 26 13 34 7. dXrjOdas 4 7
drpioTos 20 33
yor)T€v/.ia 15 22
drvcpia 13 34
7i'/x^dcrta 3 28 4 5
at'/fldSajs 3 u
yv/xuaarrjs 4 3
aure^oi/cxioi', to 85 11 21
717A1/0O1', W tu>os 9 87
avrbdeu 2 24 34 13

avroxpia 28 24 Aa/fto* 22 26
dcpaipeiv 2 3 5ai/u.6»'a;»' /S/a 26 •

dc^a^s : rd d. toO nbffnov 27 18 daKPftrltat </<' oculis dictum 81 ti

dcpdapaia : 6 10 15 8 21 28 24 25 o£ 0-7-^- Sa/idi'ecr^at 26 20

0cu/oi 7-775 d. 4 2 8a\f/iXi)<; 85 15
5eideii> 3 iS 5o£dfcti' 1 5
de^iouadai 36 io dopvcpopos 26 18
devrepeia, rd 22 16 8oTvp, aiuiu'iwv 6 24
drjfMovpyeiffdat. 27 19 5/wos, 7ruev/xaTos ayiov 26 n 30 4
Arj/moKpLToihomines D. similes 9 21 Sweid^s 25 29
8ia(3o\iKos 19 14 dvcreipuov 25 28
didpoXos 26 6 28 9 5U(TKT?7T0S 13 17
dia-yowtfecrtfai 18 24 Svax^poiiveiv 8 18 25 29
dcadiKaaia 18 7 dvauwia 18 2

5td0e<rt5 2 18 9 27 12 2 14 19 17 31 dca- dwped 12 25

0e(ms 3 20 4 6 15 7 dwpetcrdai 6 28 pasff. 7 5
5iadr]KT] : 7) KCUVT) 5. 4 5 KCLlVr] 5. 27 34 Swpocpopelu 1 2

diatra 30 14
dicLKOviai 26 32 eyypd<peadai 17 12
5taK0J>iKws 8 25 eyyvdadat 35 12
didxpuns controuersia 24 17 eyyvrjrrjs 36 13
5ta\iW0at, 7r/)6j xtm 30 20 eyyvrdru) : 01 e. 7ei'ous 17 27
5tdXf(Tts 17 24 eyKaradeadai, rrj \pvxv 6 23
81.afjt.apTa.uetu c. gen. 3 29 Trepi 25 14 tyicvos, rdu iradQv 16 7
diafiapTvpeicrdai 32 16 eyKcvpLiaaTiKoi, \6yoi 1 1

5ia7ro^e?^ 12 31 dt-airouetadai dtrddeiau e#ds, KaKu>u 33 3

16 12 idtXeiu, farju 8 20
diairpaaaeadai, dduarou 19 27 eUibu, deov 27 16

5ia7rpe7n7j 7 16 eiXiKpivrjS 26 33 31 3
5ia<nrovSd£eiv 16 14 efj/ai : to el. 6 29 v. all'

8iarapdaaeiu 4 22 eladyeiu, Xoyovs 4 19

diareiueadat, rd avrd 32 16 eia-qyelixdai, pucros 17 24 a7d7r?7i> 22 14
8iaTL0euai 17 16 Stare^^ai 25 28 eiaoudfrcrOai pass. 20 23 wed. ei's rt^a
Siarpex^v 7 8 de Deo 29 »
Sia<pauets, Xidoi 24 29 eKaara : Trap* e. 30 6

Siacpepeiv, eU ti 6 1 e/cacrraxoO 5 22
8ia(f>deipeiv 1 12 diacftdapijuat. 14 17 enarepwdeu 18 26
dieipijadai. 11 28 eKdeKT^ou 11 27
5ie/c5i/ecr0cu 2 25 &ce? : 17 e*et 656s 2 29
diepwrau 5 36 6 14 ennaieiu infiammare 12 7

dirjfxapTTjfxevufS, dxpoaadai 4 22 eKKrjpvcrcreiv, eavrov c. gen. 3 32

5ir)ueK7}s 15 7 31 12 eKKdwreiu 18 1 22 21

5iktv5iou 15 29 eKKpep.duuvcrdat 2 29
dLoiyuvadai explicari 5 33 exXeKTOt de Petro 17 3 raw e. eicXeKTOTe-
5t6A\i;cr0ai : rd dtoW^/ueca tou Koap.ov pot 27 8

24 25 esuiKau c. acc. rei 30 12

5/x a c « # e >*- 24 16 entropi^eiu 10 16

doyp-ara 6 8 36 16 rd 7re/n xP y)^ Tb3v 9 6 tKpifrvu, tl tluos 29 9

roD Kvpiov 10 21 eKreXeiu 8 23 toj> (popou 17 4
5oKip.d£eiu 25 19 enrlueiu 18 25 X^P"' 21 24
5oKip.aoia 19 26 eKcpepecdai pronuntiari, dirXCos 5 35 reus
56|a species Trpoaipeaecos dyadijs 8 20 <puvai$ 17 21
opinio 25 15 AaiVetj/ exagitare 19 15 <'</mo ?fe/a 34 13

iXevdepovadat c. yen. 19 32 iwavdyeiu, itr' da<paXes 27 10 tVi rijp>

eWafXTTpvuecrdai 2 15 eKKK-qalav 35 15
€/x(3a\\ea$ai, rrj yvuifxr) tt\v eXnida 3 27 iiravepxtoQa- 1 4 12 21 22

rt tji ipvxv 28 28 tiravopdovv 36 5

ifxirodios c. gen. 18 4 evavrXeiv 2 1

ifxiropia 24 24 tiraupaadai. .3 20 29 1

^/u.7rupos, /co \ acu 25 20 eireidrjxep 33 10

£></>utos 12 8 eireKTfiveadai 2 19
eua\\d<T<rei absol. 5 22 eire^afxaprdveLv 36 20

iuSdxveiv, tov xaXti'di' 83 8 ^7rt ?ToXXy 1 3 e?u /xeydXip pxadip 22 30

ivdelv : ouSei' ^. 7 19 to evteov 8 12 eVi X67V $0*775 9 11 penes eVi to; di/-

evSexerai wipers. 25 14, 19 dpuTTii), ewl deep 8 6, 7 oi)k e7ri rots

^i/dW : ra £. KT-q/xara 26 8 e/CTOs r/ croiTrjpia 13 30

evdoai/AOv : to i. Xa^elu 6 17 ewLpXeireiv c. ace. 37 2

evdorepu) 20 29 e. roO 0eoO 21 29 ewifioXal, xetpujf 26 20

ivdveiv, a,v6p<j)irov 27 30 eTriftovXos 1 4, to 7-775 fw^s 21 8

ivepyua : /car' e. dia[3o\u<r]i> 19 14 eTrLyeios 3 30

evepyelu : 17 5id0e<ris to aur^s evepyel e-rriyvucris 6 30

12 3 e-TTidaKpijeiv 34 5

euix v pof 19 30 eTridaxj/iXeijeadcu 22 27

frvofios 15 15 eTTideiKvvixxi 5 23

ivoiKew, (udov 26 3 e'?Tt5ei£is 36 16

e^bV ataoi. 24 8 tirideap-os 22 8

t'j>oxXeto"0cu 24 12 iirtdidovai, eavrov iri<XT€i 20 8 eavrov Xv-

^oxos c. rfaf. 29 9 rpov 27 33
evravda : -7 e. £w?7 2 28 eTTL^rjiuLios : Ta ^. 12 12 drjcravpbs e. 13 17

il>T€T7]Khai 10 10 emdappelv, otl 31 27

cptos : 6 e. ttXoDtos 26 6 ewiKrjpa, t& 3 23
ivvwapxeiv c. dat. 15 4 einvoelv 21 27
*|a0Xos 30 9 iirlopKOS 30 18

e^aL/j,a.aa€(rdai 19 21 eiri^evovadaL c. dat. 10 30

i^alperos 9 23 to toC awTrjpos i. 8 17 rfe e7rt7rj'ws 28 8

Petro 17 3 e7ri7roXcu'ws 6 2

i^aireiadai 2 10 26 25 35 15 eiriirpocrdev, tlov xp tlfx<^ TU}1 clwu 18 ' 31

t^airarq.v 26 5 eavrov 8 12 e£a7rarao-0cu twippriTos : t6 e. toG ttXoutou 28 35

26 12 eirLcxeovpiihus 30 10
e^apyvpL^ecu, Tr\v ovoiav 15 3 iiriaKOTros 32 6, n 33 16

^£777770-15 3 14 i'. apx^ iirndaffeiv C, ace. pers. ct iiijin. '2'2

t^7)yr]Tr]s 4 20 iTTlTip.lOl>, to 25 20
ei-l<XTa<xdai : eKo-TTJvat tt}s 65ou 33 7 tTriTpifieiv 14 17

££o5os : 77 (.vrevdev i, 4 9 ^tti ttJs e. 30 19 ^TTtTiryxaVftJ' 1 1

36 15 tTrt<pai>r)$ 3 8

£i;OKt\\€ll>, irpos 30 8 iw6p.vvo$ai, d>s 86 1

i^o/jLoluxris 6 31 tVon-ret'eiy 27 24

f.i;Opl£€lU 9 7 epydrrjs, vo/xov 7 28

t £16X77? 34 7 fyryoy : oudec wpovpyov IS .4

ewalpeiv 1 14 t.pevvq.v 5 27

tVaKTos, 7roXe/ios 19 .7 tp/j.r]i>(v$ 4 19

tpus, xpv^tojv 7 ij L kogixikoL 12 24 L drjpaadai (Jiilicher Oeaatiai) 27 26
dypioi. 19 ig d-qparpov : to, toO Kocrfiov 0. 13 4
&rw, oi 5 33 Orjcravpol, 8ittoI 13 10
€T€p6<pda\/AO$ 19 I 0pavec0ai 26 22
ertpwdev 18 n 0p^fx,fia } tov SiajSdXou 28 9
eroifios, K\rjpov6fxos 12 35 Xfiarapxos
33 12 Td/cu>/3os 19 10

eueKTet*' 14 9 ida0ai 18 13 ras xf/vxds 2 13

etfe\7rts 15 35 i'Sios : i'. avrQv 8 8 i. tw {uvtuv 814 i'.

e^Xdyws 25 19 0eoO 9 22 to t'Stoi' proprio sensu 14 29

evirddeia 7 26 -ws 15 26
evTroda 22 13 Te/)iXu> 22 2

etfpuxTTos 2 17 33 7 'lepovaaXrifj. 22 2

evairXayxvla. 4 7 i'Xews : t. ttj yvcifiy 12 32

eiKXXVWttvr] 4 5 iVos : e£ ?o"ou Ka0direp Kal 12 33 i'tra </(/v.

"E0e<ros 32 5, 17 22 33 33 11

eX^yvos 21 14 I'XJ'oj: /car 1. €ireo0ai 17 11

^X«": otf/c £. C. ?n/i«. 34 3 uio-irep dxev 'Iwdi'j'T;? Apostolus 19 10 28 8 32 2 33 14

34 13 ^x e<T ^ aL T V* yvibfx-qs 19 4 34 3, 18 Baptista 23 33

ZaKxatos 10 30 K<t0apeveiv c. gen. 12 18

ZejSeScuos : ot ZejSeSaiou 7ra?5es 19 10 Ka0apoT7]% 14 20

^eiJ' : opyr) ££ovo~a 7 13 Ka0apais, i) &Xr)0ivr] 37 4

^Xwtos 9 10 Ka0€ipyi>6vai c. ace. rei 28 6

fa-fj, i) €vrav0a 2 28 de Christo 6 6 i) Ka0iivai, tov vovv eiri 6 3

ovtus f. 6 34 7/ avw f. 18 4 /cd#o5os, 17 toO aurrjpos 9 19

£wo7rotetV 9 23 14 6 Ka0virripeTeiv 11 15

Kafr 28 9

7]dvjrd0€ia 20 27 KatvoTiis : 17 k. t^j x»/° tT0S 7 1

TjXiKia 7 15 25 27 35 2 ct,7rd rrpdiTijs 7). KaKOTra0etv, irepl tt)v KTrjcriv 10 17

7 11 KaKOTTOUCL 18 1

77X4.^ 33 2 Ka/xTTTeiv 20 30
i)ixipa : ra e0' ij/xepav 9 13 KapTepia 25 8

i)/xi0vrjs 22 4 KaTayytXXeiv 10 33
7j^t7/j(.ei'ws 5 29 KaTayLvuxTKeiv, eavTOv 0o.vo.tov 29 10 c.

i]TTd(X0ai, TCL TOiaUTCL 17 2 i>7rd tij>os L8 33 #ew. criminis 30 1

Ka.Ta.8iKaaTeov 21 8

0avarrj(p6pos 2 4 12 17 Ka.Ta0pa.(njveo~0ai 3 n
0ai/a.Tvva0at 22 19 KaTaiax^ ue<J ^ aL e - p&Ttic. 36 18

0eaa0cu 27 26 /cara/cXaa^ai, r^ yvu/xriv 10 14

0€o8L8aKTos, ttXovtos 15 24 KaTaX-qxpLS 6 26

0eoXoyia v. dpxv KaTaXi/xTrdveiv 27 34

0eoTroi6s, ttXovtos 15 5 KaraXX^XoraTos 6 6

0eoTrpeirr)S 27 6 KaTa/iav0dveiv 5 28
0€OTri$ 24 21 Ka,Ta£iovo-0ai c. gen. 20 27 26 12

0eo<piXr)s 9 16 25 20 26 16 Kara7rX77£ 15 27

0epa.Treiai 26 32 KOLTawOVTlffTeOV 21 7

0r)X6ve<r0ai 27 28 KaTappT]yvv<r0ai, tt)v eo~07)Ta 34 9


KaravTaais 14 ig /ciAiv5e?a-^at 1 8

KaraaTpaTTTeadaL 15 21 Kib\v/j.a 18 3

KaraarpocpTfi : 77 k. tov SpdfjutTos 30 9

KaraTidtvai, ets kolvov 24 7 T7ji> xpvx^' 28 2 Xiyeadai : t6 6Y 5 XeXetcrai 21 5 6 toP
Ka,Ta<pCkeiv 35 14 Kvpiov XeXeyp.i"vos 24 19
Kara\pr}(f>l^eadai 29 4 XfiToi'/ryftV 12 26

/careX eeiadai 22 6 Aevei 10 30

KaT€Tra8etP 35 17 AeuiT77j 22 5

Karepyd^ecrdat, doKifxacriau 19 26 Xycrrapxos 33 12

KaripxeadaL de Christo 611 27 30 \r)0-T7)piOV 33 12

KaT7](p7jS 15 18 \idot, 8ia<pave?s 24 29

Kariivai'. koltiuv 6 Xoyos 17 28 Xnraprjs 2 17
KOLToiKetv, %v tlvl de Deo 27 5 XiTavda 31 17

KOLTOTTTpOU 17 15 \6710j' : ra X. toO Kvpiov 3 15

KciTopdodadat. 31 4 Xoyiafios menu 12 3

Kavaiov 7 14 X670S: to toO X. 1 16 17 8 X670J' Std'oi'cu

KeicoXa.o-p.evos modest us 14 13 U7T^p Tl^OS 35 4 6 X. [77pU>T77TCu] 7Tfpi ToC

K€vo8o^ia 9 21 10 4 irarpi^ov X. 6 9

K€(pd\aiov, tCov 8oy/j.a.T(i)v G 7 to k. adv. Xtfeti/, tV ctyvoiav 4 18

1 9 34 7 Xv/xabea-daL med. 10 7 jw/s.s. 19 16

KripvyixaTa, dyyeXiKa 4 12 Xtxro-pi' 19 19

Kivdvveuei 2 21 Xorpwais 26 13 29 3

fcXrjpovofxos adj. 27 16 XurroSvata 33 4

kXtJpos 32 7

KXrjpovv 32 8 fxayeveiv, tov irarepa 31 18

kXv8uv : 6 /c. toD koo/xov 27 10 p.ddr)p.a : to. irpbs ttjv faty p.. 6 23
KOLvuvdv pauper thus dare 11 5 24 17 p.a07)p.aTLKQs 13 28

Koaravta liberalitas 10 19, 35 24 23 p.adr)TiKOS : yit. #761*' axoX-qv 8 26

ko\o£ 1 2 p-aKaplfcadai 12 34
Kopv<pai6raTos 6 22 p.aKapios : 6 /i. N^rpoj 17 2

Koafxe'iu, 7-771/
\f/vxv v 17 15 fxaKapicrrdi 13 22

koo-/j.ik6s: 77 k. irepiovcia 12 1 «•. fywres p.aKpodvp.e'iv 29 25

I224 fxavubdr)? 19 21

k6o-(xos ornamentum 4 6 Mdp0a, Mapta 8 23, 27

Kov(pi£eo~9ai'. vavs k. 26 19 Map/cos : rd et5a77Atoi' to Kara M. 5 20

K/t)dT7?re$ homines C. similes 9 21 Marflatos 10 30
KpeiTTwv, vwapxew rijs KTrjcrews 12 28 rd /i67aXf?os : t6 /a. 3 32
KpeiTTOva. 10 15 e\7ris Kpeirrbviov 28 10 /ue7aX«6T77s 37 7

Kprjiris, £wr)s 6 27 iue7aXi/j/ecr0cu 2 s 17 8

Kpicns 1 9 77 SiKaia 10 32 fj.(dopp.lf€(r0ai 7 23

KplT7)plOV 11 21 fjLedvwv, rats irtdvfdcus 14 u
Kpuirrds: 6 k. Trarrjp 20 3 /tetfoi'ws 33 8

KTaadai, debv 6 26 /xeTaftoXr) 2 5

KTrj/j-ara, earl KTTjTa. 6vra 11 8 p.€TalTT)s c. gen. 9 13

KTrjre'ov 21 10 yU^TClXXoJ' 13 6
ktt)t6s 11 8 13 20 p.eTa<pe"peiv 14 25

ktIvis, 77 Kaiy77 </e Christo 9 24 p.€Taxe ipiffis 11 22

KvfUepvJirrjs 20 17 31 7 /J.€TOX(Tei'fll> 9 1
fierpe'icrdai, irpbs tl 27 32 6pe£is 10 9
/AT] ovk nisi 9 11 cum infill. 10 14 bpi£eiv 12 30 24 23
/j,iai(povu)TaTos 33 13 0/3/xos 20 19
fxovy) 24 25 6'pos : e7rt tw ai)rcj o. 17 31

fMOVl/JLOS 2 19 ovdevia, t&v fieXQiv 14 6

fivdos 32 i oiVia, 77 <pavepd 15 3

fxvcrTayojyeiv 3 19

fivarripLov 21 3 dye/cXaX^ra /x. 27 13 rd irayKT7}(Tia 19 31

7-77S a7d7r7;s /x. 27 23 iraiyviov, XP° V0V 24 31
/xvaTLKT], crocpia 5 25 TrcuScryuryi'a 7 29 .

fivw\p 19 20 7rat5ej^e<i' 6 u
Months 7 2, 5 Traidevfia 18 24

wcudevTripiov 26 2

yauXoxe"' 7 23
7ra?s : 0eos 7r. 26 10

iraXiyyeveaLa 36 2
veoTTjcrios 7 14
yetfeu/, /cdrw 13
travrfyvpts 24 27

vedfxa 20 17
7rai'rd7ra(rii' 29 5

yewX/cetV, eavrbv 27 10
trapafioKiKws 15 32

vecoari 16 2
7rapdyye\fxa: to it. ttjs farjs 8 iS

Trapddetyfxa 36 2
vTj7rta infantes 23 26
VrjTTldTTjS 4 22
irapadveadai 12 22 21 29

vncFTeia 35 16
irapaiTe'io-dai c. ace. rei 11 32 31 16 absol.

vucrjcp'bpos 4 10
34 15

TrapaKaTadrjKV 33 16
votjtos, wXovtos 15 24 I>. KTTjfXaTa 17 10
irapaKaraTideadat 32 13 33 17 at v. evroXai 7 9
irapaKeladai suppetere 11 10
vofjodeaia, t) toO'It/ctou 7 31
7rap&K\r)Tos 19 34
vbanp-a 2 4 \pvx<-Ko\ v. 17 n
Trapafxerpe^adai 19 28
yous, 6 K€Kpvp.p.evos 5 27

viJKTWp 33 Trapafxvdeio-dcu 26 26
7r apairoWvvai 10 2

irapappdv : rd wapappeovra 28 6
i-eviTeia 27 17
irapaTapdaaeadai 8 24
wapacpvXaKr) 32 20
6/3oX6s: Tecraapes 6. 17 7 irapeyyvav 9 25
67/cos 2 2 irdpepyov, aeicFfxov 24 31
OlK€l6TWS, 7] CapKLKT) 18 5 Trapobevecrdai 22 4
olKeiwcns 6 31 25 11 Trdpodos, i} els Koap-ov 26 1

olKovofieladai : rd oiKovop.ovfj.ev a 12 n 7rapot'xe<70cu : rd TrapipxV/J-^ va 30 1

oiKovofila 27 17 Trapopdadai 22 5

6Xt7wpe«' 3 5 Tcapprfcria: it. dyeiv 7 20 iterd irapp-qcxias

oKbicKnpos 19 1 2629
b/xoiuo-is, deov 27 15 wapprjatd^eo-dai 31 8, 13

bfxovoelv 18 5 19 n 7rds: ^/c 7raj>r6s omnino 21 n

dv€ipoirb\np.a 19 18 ndrtios 32 4
bT\l^eadai 34 17 metaph. 26 16 TraTpis 9 18 17 dl'W 4 II

5pyavov 11 11, 14 TTClTpyOS, X67OS 6 9

oplyeiv, 0ws 36 10 optyecrdai, t&v rr\eib- ITaPXos 28 M
vuv 19 19 TreSa^ 13 4
1 6


irelpav, davdrov Xap-fidveiv 18 22 7 15 7T. rt #7«l' 21 24 SS iirloKOTTOS

ire'iravos : (f>p6vqixa ir. 7 15 32 17

Keireio-fxhos absol. 14 12 c. infill. 27 2 irpeofivrris 34 5

irepidyeiv 19 25 -eadcu 15 20 jrpoayairaadaL 21 23

•nepidineiv 1 7 Kpoal pedis, dyadrj 8 20 irpoaipeo~ei 30 6

irepifidXXeadai med., irepipoXrjv 3 30 So^ay irpoap.apTdv€iv : rd TrpoyixapTrip.e'va. 18 25

8 21 j>O80. <rx^a TrepifiefiX-rinhov 25 30 30 5

TrepiftXyTos 13 20 irpoairavTq.v 30 10

irepiylveadat 3 22 irpo/3dXXe<rdai abicere 17 28

irepiypdcpeiv 12 30 wpoyiveadai : rd irpoyeyevT)p.eva 29 28

7repi5e77? 15 27 TrpodeiKVvuai 3 19
rrepieXKecrdat. uexari 8 24 irp6dr]\os, irXovros 15 22

wepUireLV 23 7 7rpoet5eVat 13

ir€pux e<J Q aL c ' P e>1 ' 16 4 Trpo'tecrdou dare 25 21

jrepiKelcrdai, irpocrrjyopLav 27 7 7r poKade fecrOai, eKKXrjcrias 33 17

vepLKOTTTeiv 23 7r. eavrbv c. gen. 12 7 TTponaTaXapLfidveiv 34 8

irepiXanfidveiv amplecti 35 9 7r poKeta 'at 19 20 20 9

Trepifxeueiv c. infin. 24 12, 21 c. «cc. 2>^vs. irpoKpivetv, t'l twos 10 5

29 25 irpb^evos, davdrov 20 29

irepiovaia 12 34 dinitiae 1 10 77 Kocrp,iK7] Trpoopi^eadai med. 21 34

7T. 12 I 7rpo7rcu5eta 7 30

irepLTrcTrjs c. dat. 29 3 irpOTTLTTTeiV 37 1

irtpLw'nrTHP c. dat. pel's. 25 18 irpoirovelv. rd irpoireirovr)fxiva. 9 3

TrepicTTaais, aKovaios 29 2 irpdpptfa 9 28 22 22

7repiT€tx^eo'^ai 20 11 7rp6s : 6 7r. aifACLTos 17 27 21 34 d5e\<pot

irepupepeiv 12 29 oi 7T. cu/xaros 19 30
irepuppovrjcns 10 4 wpoaayopeveiv 3 2

Ile'rpos 17 3 19 9 Trpoaaycjyfj, 17 tt}s eXirib'os 4 16

7rt^tiJ', Xoyicr/x6v 12 3 npoo-avaride'vai 2 2

wiaris: irpb rrjs ir. ante quam crcdidit 7rpocra7ro5i56j'cu 30 17

20 21 Trpoa(3oXr), XriarCjv 20 21

7r\aW: rd 7r. ftXeweiv 13 3 irpoadei, ^wtjs 7 19

irXripupia 28 26 7r. yo/iov Xpitrros 7 32 wpoabiaXiyeadai. 85 21 32

7rX77<ri6xw/)o$ : rd 7r. 32 5 Trpoo~edl£eo-da<. 33 6

iroietadai, vav eavrou 23 9 TrpoaeKxXrjaaeiv 1 13

7ro\t6s : tt)v yv<J}/J.T]v iroXubrepos 7 17 TrpoaeTTiTeiveiu 10 3
7ro\treia 2 18 30 1 Trpoa^x €ll/ T V" yv&iiriv 20 20
7ro\f Aeos 29 24 irpoo-qyopia 27 7

TroXvKTrjuuiu 20 7 TrpoarjXvTOS 21 35
iroXvirpayp.ove'iv 3 1 irpood-qKt) 10 35
TroXvirpayfxcxjvvT) 8 29 Kpoaleo-daL 30 17

7ro\i/<T7rXa7X'/os 29 24 irpoo-Kad£$eo-6a.i, rrj X° P lTL 8

L 3°
7to\ut6\t7S 33 3 irpoaoxv 30 14

fl-o\t5x<> l'S 20 5 ir poa ir oieTa 6 ai 1 3

7ro\^xp^M aT °s 15 14 10 4 irpbo~ra.yp.a 20 m
wd/xa, ddavaalas 18 22 irpoaTeTrjK^vai 8 30

irpeofieveiv 31 17 TTpoo-TiBi'vai. 8 16, 31

irpea^vTfpos : <Pp6yr]/j.a w. rod \pbvov it poavirio'xvt'ioQai- JMM, 'J'2

irpo<j(j>deip€<jdai c. dat. 33 2 ( 4 9
TTpOTlfiq.U 31 20 36 22 CTpaTid 36 19

irpoTptTrecrdai, rtva el's tl 9 1 GTpaTLWTlKbv 34 9

jrp6<pa<Tis 26 1 o-T{)(p€Lv absol. metapk. 31 8
irpO<p7jT7]$: 6 IT. TrpOCpTJTiOU 6 15 crvyKevTeiadai telis confodi 22 3

TrpocpyTiKos 6 16 o-vyKpoTeTis, \rjo~Tripiov 33 12

n-poxelpcos 2 24 9 4 o-iryxw/)"" c. ace. 11 23 afrso/. 17 1

irpoxup&v 7 31 o-v^ijv 10 10 36 14

irpvTavis 20 1 crvKocpavTeTadai, xpVIJ aTa - 34 2

irpwreta, t& 22 15 0-1AAO777, /ca/ci'as 14 21

Trraleiv: ra eirroucrixeva 28 31 <Tv/jLJ3d\\et.v, top Xbyov interpreter* 17 5

TTTCuviia 36 5 -eadai 4 14
TTToia 9 8 avfj./x€Tpe?adaL 2 18

7rTcD(ris 2 6 o-v/unradeia 9 8

7rDp 67Tt 7r0p pL€TOX€T€V€l]> 1 16 av/xTradrjs : to ets T^yuas o\ ^eoO 27 27 -us

TTvpovadcu 30 15 2627
Trupwais 19 25 avfjLTTo\iT€ij€0'dai, deu) 20 32

o-vfuptpecrdai 18 4

crvfKpCjOvia 5 23
peireiv 20 7
o-vvayecrdcu 27 21
p-qaeis, tQv \bywv 35 16
o-vvayuvifaadai 35 16
pTjTct, rd 4 21
cwaSi/ceii' 18 9
pvd/xifav, T7)t> xpvxv v 17 15
avvaipeadai 2 9
Gvveib'evo.i, eaurois 15 35

craXeuetv ad ancoram consistere 7 22 cru;>ei56s, r6 4 10

0-d\7rt7£, i<Txo-T-q 4 8 crui'e7rd7ei»> 33 5

"ZafxapeiTrjs 22 5
ffvveiriirveiv 16 16

crapKLKos 18 avvkx^v secum habere 32 18 -eo~0at con-


adpKiPos 15 11 -ws 5 25 13 30 stare 27 21

aapidov 26 7
(tup 777000s 19 34

<ra<f>rivi<r[x6s 20 5
o-vurjdrjs 31 18

<T€UT/JI.6s 24 31 avpdrjKr} 28 4

<n)IAaiveadcu 9 26 o-Ovd-nfjia tessera 20 18

(Trjfxeiou, to crux Christi 7 auvoiKos 25 1


(TKCUWS 13 29 (Tvvovaia, 7) ttjs fjLeravoias 10 13 o\ /xa/cpd

(TKa(f>i8iou 15 30 25 7

(T/ce7rdfc«', yvpcubv 10 27 rd eaKeiraa/xha o-iWopos : irpo<TTdy/xaTa o~. 26 23

c. dat. 6 1
o~iJVTpo<pos: iiridvfxiai a. 12 4 rd 0*. 18 2

CKiprrj/xa, veorrjcnov 7 14 7rd0?7 o\ 31 1

07ci;\ei5ecr0cu 26 22 avvuxpeXelv 12 10

cr/A&paySos 24 29
0WKeud£e(r0cu 22 7

Gofiapos 31 o~vcrTa\7)vai contrahi 16 17


(TO0ia 16 12 0eia 5 25 I'e/cpd 9 20 <r0aXep6s 24 -ws 7 22

0-iradq.v 10 11 o~<ppayis baptisma 29 3 33 1

a-rrip/xa, tt?s fw^s 9 10 to o\ de Christi- o"X^/ia 25 30 26 5

anis 27 15, 21 o\ toO KcuV 28 oxoM}, /j.adr]TiKif) 8 27 ^ ets \670us 9 20


(T7r\d7X ,/0,/ ^^ 27 ^ IO *^ T
9 Ta ""• ®- V0L ~

yvbvoa. 25 26 ra/itas, £"an}s cUtavlov 6 20


Tdfueueadai 28 6 VTTOK€?adai 1 9

rd£ts: i) t. rrjs farjs 15 18 VTTOKVTTTeiV, reus &>ro\cus 20 14

reXevTcjv mori 32 4 viroXeiiretv 2 28

Te"Xos: rb r. avrb tt)$ cnoTrjpias 5 36 virbvoia 20 5

T€Tpcx)fj,ei>ai, i/svxaL 22 26 viroirLiTTeiv 3 12

rex^i/cos, -ws 11 12 vtt oar) /Active iv 4 8

rr\v aXXoos 9 n VTrocpe'peo-dcu 29 4

T7?£iS 31 13 vcrrepelv c. gen. carere 10 29 11 12

TOVTO fxh...TOVTO M 2 10, 12 v\j/ovcr9ai 2 4

rpiada/j.evos 29 7

irpbiraiov 36 3 (paidpbs 36 8
rpbiros : 6vwep rpbirov %x €L ^ 22 f ctrd
(patvofievov, t6 9 25 21 4
roi^ clvtov t. 14 27 /card rpbirov rite
tpeidb/ievov, ws (Segaar (pei8op.evios) 15,

15 14 0^/oe 21 12
rpocpevs 18 21 <p9dveiv c. infin. 30 20
rpocpr) 4 4 o'lKeia r. irvpbs 24 30 rpcxpal (piXaXridcos /cat (piXadiXcpcos 3 10
3 28 (piXavdpcoiria, i) rod deov 3 33
rpvcpr), 7] evravda 36 21 cpiXavOptoTroTepos 2 7
rtipavvos 24 31 32 3 cpiXodupLa 24 20
rvcpos 2 I
(piXoKe'pdeia 3 13 19 14

(piXraTOi, oi 17 24
vfipio-fAa, rvpdvvov 24 31 (pXiyecrdcu 19 20
iryei'a 22 28 31 11
(pXey/xaLveiv 12 3
u\?7 materia 11 10 12 2 7/ u. tt}s ica/cias
<pope iv 13 7
12 8
(poprlov 2 2
vireivat : rd virbvra irddr) 9 28
(ppdfciv: (ppdcrov absol. 18 31
virepdyav : 7/ u. eindvixla 9 8
(ppvdcraeadai 8 16
virepaaird^ecrdaL 7 25
(pvXa.KTr)piov 32 20
virep(3dXXet.v : 77 virepftaXXovaa rrjs (ppovr)-
(pvXdcraeadac, fxvr)/j.7j 32 3
crecos virep(3oXrj 5 32
(piori^eiv 2 13 baptizare 32 19
virepeiridvfxelv 16 14

vireprjcpaveiv 27 13
Xapt£€o~8ai : rd axd/wra 1 4 r£ nbo-pap
vTrepKocr/Juos 18 14
TrdvTCL 2 27 beofxe'vois 4 17 7rr(i>xor?
inrepXa/uLirpos 7 12
9 18 ab.soZ. 16 18
uirtpoyKa, rd 8 16
Xawoui' 1 11
virepbwTOJS 25 27
Xopyybs adj. £ojr)$ alwvlov 15 6 flayaroi'
virepovpdvios: u. Siavofas fiddos 6 2 v. irai-
20 28
devfxara 18 23 u. dfxireXos 28 12
xpeta 33 14 ratio pecuniae utendae 10 3,
virepo\pia 10 3
ai x- (?
woe °P" S *w«* 11 T r - 0«w. qpu«
virepairovSd^eiv 8 8
cs* 30 i
virep(ppove?v 1 16

XpVfxard (art xpMwa ovra 11 8
i>ir£x eLV i T<* a,TOt x 5
Xpr]criy, 17 dfieivtov 11 24
vw-qpiTtis ddiKlas de pecunia 11 16
Xupeiv c. ace. 8 14
U7rr//3ert/c6s : rd u. 12 7 rd 6. oxacpidia
Xwplov in libro 24 19
15 30
viro(3dXXecTdcu, naddirep vXtj tls 11 10

viroypdcpeiv, eXirida tlvI 21 13 \J/ev8o/AapTvs 30 17

virbdecns, r) rod evayyeXiov 6 12 \f/evdu)vv/j.os 14 28


^70os 18 27
<bic6fu>pos 20 2

22 22 wf : 6 oVrws c3y ko.1 ra ovra 8u)pov/j.ei>os


^i;Xt/f6s: t<x ^. 7rd07? 11 28 xp. poarjfxaTa 6 28

]7 IO (jjveiadai 24 24
wpa: irpb wpas 33 1

"s <*" c P artic ut 2 wi 15 26

*&5keu> 12 23 - -

cambbidge: pbinted by j. and c. f. clay, at the univebsity pbess.

U t>

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© U
•H <tf




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