Microwave Photonic Array Radars
Microwave Photonic Array Radars
Microwave Photonic Array Radars
ABSTRACT Phased array radars have remarkable advantages over radars with single-element antenna in
terms of agility, flexibility, robustness, and reconfigurability. Current pure-electronic phased array radars
face challenges when operating with a large frequency tunable range and/or with broad instantaneous
bandwidth. Microwave photonics, which allows wide bandwidth, flat frequency response, low transmission
loss, and immunity to electromagnetic interference, is a promising solution to cope with issues faced by pure
electronics. In this paper, we introduce a general architecture of microwave photonic array radar systems
and review the recent advancement of optical beamforming networks. The key elements for modelling the
response of the true time delay (TTD) and/or phase-shifting unit are presented and discussed. Two typical
array antenna structures are introduced, i.e., microwave photonic phase shifter based array and optical true
time delay based array, of which the principle and typical implementations are described. High-resolution
inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging is also realized based on a microwave photonic array radar.
The possibility of on-chip integration of the microwave photonic array radar is discussed.
INDEX TERMS Microwave photonics, radar, phased array, true time delay, beamforming, radar imaging.
Phased array radars can be dated back to the 1930s [1]. A
typical phased array is an array of antenna elements, of which
the phase of the transmitted or received signal to/from each
antenna element is controlled independently by a phase shifter
[2]. The use of phased array technique is a great breakthrough
for radar systems [3]–[6]. Compared with radars with single-
element antenna, the radiation power and the equivalent aper-
ture size of phased array radars are significantly improved,
which boosts the detection distance and increases the angular
FIGURE 1. Basic beamforming network for phased array radars.
resolution. The beam produced by the phased array radar can
be scanned electronically, which brings distinct advantages
over single-element mechanical scanning antenna in speed, phased array radars, which is composed of N antennas in-
flexibility, and reconfigurability. Despite the rapid develop- corporated with N phase shifters [7]. Adjacent antennas are
ment, phased array radar faces challenges when the radar separated by a distance of d. When the beam is steered to an
carrier covers a broad frequency range, or the radar waveform angle of θ , we have
has a large instantaneous bandwidth. R = d · sin θ (1)
One of the most critical components in the phased ar-
ray radar is a beamforming network. Fig. 1 illustrates the where R is the minimum distance from the wavefront to
schematic diagram of the basic beamforming network for the antenna elements. To let the signals radiated from the
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176 VOLUME 1, NO. 1, JANUARY 2021
FIGURE 2. The architecture of a generic microwave photonic arrayed radar. LD: laser diode; PD: photodetector; MZM: Mach-Zehnder modulator; DAC:
digital-to-analog converter; ADC: analog-to-digital convertor; DSP: digital signal processor; FPGA: field programmable gate array.
antennas have the same phase shifts at the wavefront, the which uses photonic devices to generate, transmit, and process
phase difference between the adjacent antennas should satisfy microwave signals [5], [10], provides a promising solution
2π f · R to the above problems. Fig. 2 shows the generic architecture
φ = (2) for microwave photonic arrayed radars, which consists of
broadband antenna arrays, microwave amplification chains,
where f is the frequency of the radiated signal. Substituting (2) optoelectronic conversion modules, photonic processing units
to (1), we obtain for signal generation, processing and beamforming, digital-
c · φ to-analog or analog-to-digital converters, and digital signal
θ = arcsin (3) processing modules. Compared with pure electronic technolo-
2π f d
gies, current microwave photonic systems may have compar-
As can be seen, the beam pointing angle θ is a function of ative or even worse performance in dynamic range and noise
the phase difference φ, and thus it can be adjusted by the figure, but the advantages of microwave photonics for array
phase shifters. radar are still attractive, which are mainly reflected in the
However, (3) is feasible only for single-frequency or following four aspects [11]–[16].
narrow-band signals, since the pointing angle is dependent on First, benefiting from the high-frequency and broadband
the frequency f. For multi-band radar or frequency-agile radar, operation capability of the optoelectronic devices and sub-
even if it is operated in the mode of narrow instantaneous systems, microwave photonic array radar can have a large
bandwidth, the carrier frequency covers a wide frequency bandwidth of ∼50 GHz. In addition, a very flat amplitude and
range. The required devices such as broadband electrically phase response in such a frequency range can be achieved.
controlled phase shifters would be expensive and usually have This is attributed to the fact that a signal with tens of GHz
poor performance due to the non-uniform response over a bandwidth in the microwave band can be regarded as a rela-
large spectral range. tively narrow-band signal when it is up-converted to an optical
On the other hand, for radars that transmit broadband wave- frequency around 200 THz. In this way, the problem of broad-
forms, which is essential to achieve a high range resolution, band impedance matching and broadband equalization in the
the frequency-dependent operation in (3) would result in beam microwave frequency band is relieved.
squint problem, i.e., the beam directions for different frequen- Second, the optical delay line, typically implemented by
cies are different [12]. This problem can be solved using true- optical fiber, has very low transmission loss, which is partic-
time-delay-based beamforming networks [13]. Considering ularly favorable for constructing a broadband true-time delay
the relationship between the time delay and phase shift, the beamforming network. The transmission loss of a microwave
beam direction in (3) can be rewritten as coaxial cable is ∼2 dB/m, while the typical loss for optical
θ = arcsin τ · (4) fiber is 0.0002 dB/m, four orders of magnitude lower. Even if
d the loss of electrical-to-optical and optical-to-electrical con-
where τ is the time delay difference between adjacent an- versions is taken into consideration, microwave photonic sys-
tenna elements. Therefore, by controlling the time delays, tems still show much lower entire loss when applied in a large
frequency-independent broadband beamforming can be real- array.
ized. Nevertheless, constructing a true time delay beamform- Third, photonics provides more degrees of freedom for per-
ing network using microwave delay lines is very difficult, forming multiplexing, which opens the possibility for large-
mainly because of the considerable transmission loss and scale array radars with reduced hardware resources. In the op-
uneven frequency response. Microwave photonic technology, tical domain, wavelength-division multiplexing, polarization
multiplexing, and spatial division multiplexing can be applied, Different from the constant value in (5), the phase shift
in addition to the time-division multiplexing, frequency- in (6) changes linearly with the angular frequency, which
division multiplexing, and code-division multiplexing in tra- signifies the true-time-delay feature and thus broadens the
ditional electronic arrays. bandwidth of the array.
Finally, the electromagnetic interference immunity prop- In order to evaluate the performance of the entire array,
erty of the microwave photonic technology is helpful to im- the responses of the processing units are superposed with
prove the integration density of the array radar. In electronic different time delays
phased arrays, electromagnetic shielding devices are required
to reduce electromagnetic interference, which leads to a waste H2D,θ (ω, ϕ) = Hθ (ω, n) exp ( jτn ω) (7)
of space and extra cost. The microwave photonic devices, n
especially the optical delay line, are made of nonmetallic in which
materials such as glass and plastics which are hardly affected
by electromagnetic radiation below terahertz. Thus, electro- τn = nd sin ϕ (8)
magnetic shielding requirements of the broadband arrays can c
be effectively alleviated by introducing microwave photonic is the differential spatial delay between the nth antenna ele-
technologies. ment and the array reference point when a fictitious receiver
In this paper, we introduce some of the recent progress of is placed on the angle of ϕ in the far-field zone. In (7), it is
microwave photonic arrays intended for radar applications, worthy to note that the characteristics of the array with the
which consists of a theoretical model capable of revealing main lobe oriented to the angle of θ can be analyzed through
the characteristics of the array in the broadband scenario and a complex-valued response function that has two independent
several approaches to implementing the microwave photonic variables of the temporal angular frequency ω and the far-field
arrays. These approaches can be classified into two categories. observation angle ϕ. In fact, the two-dimensional response
In the first category, the arrayed radar has a narrow instanta- function H2D,θ (ω, ϕ) can be regarded as the generalization
neous bandwidth while its carrier frequency is tunable in a in the broadband scenario for the array factor in the classical
large frequency range. Broadband microwave photonic phase narrow-band array theory, in which ω is adopted as a new in-
shifters are required in this kind of phased array. The sec- dependent variable to reveal the performance variation among
ond category of microwave photonic arrays uses an optically a broad bandwidth.
controlled true time delay beamforming network to deal with Although the definition of the theoretical model in (7) is
the beam-squint problem for broadband radars. The advance- based on the assumptions of ideally identical antenna ele-
ment of photonic integrated techniques for array radars is also ments with isotropic radiation pattern, frequency-independent
overviewed. response, and accurate geometric arrangement, the model is
still acceptable in the study of microwave photonic arrays
II. THEORETICAL MODEL FOR BROADBAND MICROWAVE since it can fully reflect the influence of each photonic pro-
PHOTONIC ARRAYS cessing unit on the array performance. Thus, we can use
The key components in a microwave photonic arrayed radar the model as the framework for simulation of microwave
are the photonic processing unit connected to the antenna photonic array, separating the systematic simulation into the
elements, as shown in Fig. 2. Phase shifters are typical exam- stage of unit simulation and the stage of beamforming sim-
ples of such units. For most arrays, each processing unit can ulation. In addition, the theoretical model is beneficial to
be modeled as a linear time-invariant system, namely a filter the hardware-in-the-loop simulation of a microwave photonic
with a frequency response of Hθ (ω, n), in which θ represents array, in which frequency responses of the units, i.e., Hθ (ω,
the desired main lobe direction of the array, ω is the angular n), are obtained through experiment, and array characteristics
frequency, and n is the index number of the corresponding an- such as radiation patterns could be simply calculated instead
tenna. In phase-shifter-based arrays, the phase shift introduced of being measured in an anechoic chamber [17].
by each processing unit is independent of the signal frequency, Here we provide some simulation results on the relationship
which means the ideal Hθ (ω, n) of a phase-shifter-based array between the array bandwidth and the scale of the subarray to
should take the form of a constant phase shift, given as demonstrate the usage of the theoretical model. Consider an
array with 24 antenna elements, of which the center frequency
1 and the distance between two adjacent elements are 20 GHz
Hθ (ω, n)PS = exp j nω0 d sin θ (5)
c and 0.75 cm, respectively. The main lobe is oriented to 60°.
where ω0 denotes the center angular frequency of the signal. Due to the periodic feature of phase control, it is much easier
For true-time-delay-based arrays, frequency-dependent phase to implement beam steering by using phase shifters than using
shifts should be implemented, and the ideal Hθ (ω, n) can be true time delay lines. However, as mentioned in Section I, the
expressed as bandwidths of phase-shift-based arrays are severely limited.
One of the solutions to this problem is to divide the array
1 into several subarrays, in which phase shifters are employed
Hθ (ω, n)TTD = exp j nωd sin θ (6)
c within each subarray, and true time delay lines are adopted to
FIGURE 12. Optical true time delay based on a spatial light modulator
In order to demonstrate the concept of the multi-beam
steering network, an optical true time delay unit with two The time delay between the two taps is brought by a spool of
paths is built, of which the detailed structure is illustrated in polarization maintaining fiber (PMF). In MPF2, a polarization
Fig. 17. In the experimental unit, MPF1 has two taps with tap beam splitter (PBS) is employed to select the signal along
coefficients of {1, −1} to realizing high-pass response [72]. one polarization direction, which is then oriented to the two
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