Hospital AC Design Data

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Table 1.69 : Design Parameters for Areas Affecting Patient Care in Hospitals and Outpati
ent Facilities
Pressure All Room Air Air
Relationship Minimum Minimum Relative Design
Space Function Exhausted Recirculated
Outdoor Total Humidity temperature
to Adjacent Directly to by Means of
Areas (n) Air-ACH Alr-ACH Rh% (k) (l),°Frc
OutdoorsO) Room Units(a)
Suraerv and Critical Care
Ooeratina Rooms (Classes Band C\ Im\ In\. lo\ Positive -4 20 N/R No 20 to 60 68-75 I 20-24
Ooeratina / suraical cvcstoscooic rooms Im\ In\ lo\ Positive 4 20 N/R No 20 to 60 68-75 I 20-24
Deliverv room (Caesarean\ Im\ In\ lo\ Positive 4 20 N/R No 20 to 60 68-75 I 20-24
Substerile services area N/R 2 6 N/R N/R N/R
Recoverv room N/R 2 6 N/R 20 to 60 70-75 I 21-24
Critical and intensive care N/R 2 6 70-75 I 21-24
N/R No 30 to 60
Intermediate care (s) N/R 2 6 N/R 70-75 I 21-24
NR Max. 60
Wound intensive care /burn unit\ N/R 2 6 N/R No 40 to 60 70-75 I 21-24
New born intensive care Positive 2 6 N/R No 30 to 60 70-75 I 21-24
Treatment rooms (t) N/R 2 6 N/R 70-75 I 21-24
N/R 20 to 60
Trauma Room /Crisis or Shock\ IC\ Positive 3 15 N/R No 20 to 60 70-75 / 21-24
Medical Anesthesia aas storaae Ir) Neaative N/R 8 Yes N/R NR N/R
Laser eve room Positive 3 15 N/R No 20 to 60 70-75 I 21-24
ER waitina rooms Neaative 2 12 Yesln\
N/R Max65 70-75 I 21-24
Neaative 2 12 Yesln\ N/R Max60 70-75 I 21-24
ER De-contamination Neaative 2 12 Yes No N/R N/R
Radioloav waitina rooms Neaative 2 12 Yes In\ 7wl N7R Max60 70-75 I 21-24
Procedure Room /Class A Suraerv\ la\ Id\ Positive 3 15 N/R No 20 to 60 70-75 I 21-24
Emeraencv Deoartment Exam/ Treatment Room lo\ N/R 2 6 N/R N7R Max. 60 70-75 I 21-24
lnoalient Nursina
Patient room Is\ N/R 2 4/v\ N/R N/R Max60 70-75 / 21-24
Nourishment Area or Room N/R N/R 2 N/R N/R N/R
Toilet room Neaative N/R 10 Yes No N/R N/R
Newborn nurserv suite N/R 2 6
Protective environment room It\ N/R No 30 to 60 N/R
Positive 2 12 N/R No Max60 72-78 / 22-26
All rooms lu\ Neaative 2 12 Yes No Max60 70-75 / 21 -24
Combination All / PE Room Positive 2 12 Yes No Max60 70-75 I 21-24
All Anterooms lu\ le\ N/R 10 Yes No N7R N/R
PE Anterooms It\ le\ N/R 10
Combination All / PE Anterooms N/R No N/R N/R
le\ N/R 10 Yes No WR
Labor/ Deliverv / Recoverv I Postnartum ILDRP\ Is\ N/R
N/R 2 6 N/R N/R Max60 70-75 21 -24
Labor/ Deliverv / Recoverv ILDR\ Is\ N/R 2 6 N/R N/R Max60 70-75 21-24
Patient corridor N/R N/R 2 N/R N/R N/R NR
Nursina Facilitv
Resident Room N/R 2 2 N/R N/R N/R 70-75 / 21-24
Resident Gatherina / Activitv / Dinina N/R 4 4 N/R
Resident Unit Corridor N/R N/R 70-75 / 21 -24
Phvsical Theraov Nenaitve N/R
2 6 MD N/R N7R 70 75/21-24
Occuoational Theraov \ , N/R 2 6 N/R
- N/R N/R 70-75/21-24
Bathina Room Neaative N/R 10 Yes No lli/R 70-75/21-24
Radioloov /VI
X-Rav /Diaanostic and Treatment\ N/R 2 6 -N7R
X-Rav /Suraerv / Critical Care and Catherizationl N/R Max. 60 72-78/22-26
Positive 3 15 N/R No Max. 60
Darkroom In\ 72-75/21-24
Neaative 2 10 Yes No N/R
Diannoslic And Treatment N/R
Bronchoscopy, Sputum collection and Pentamidine
administration In\ Negative 2 12 Yes No NR 68-73 I 20-23
Laboratorv. aeneral Iv\ Neaative 2 6 N/R N/R
Laboratorv. bacterioloav Iv\ N7R 70-75 I 21-24
Neaative 2 6 Yes WR N/R
Laboratorv biochemistrv M Neaative 70-75 / 21-24
2 6 Yes N/R N7R
Laboratorv. cvtoloav Iv\ Nenative 70-75 I 21-24
2 6 Yes N7R N/R 70-75 I 21-24
Laboratorv. alass washina Neaative 2 10 Yes N/R N/R N/R
Laboratorv. histoloav M Neaative 2 6 Yes N/R
Laboratorv. microbioloav Iv\ N/R 70-75 I 21-24
Neaative 2 6 Yes N/R N/R
Laboratorv. nuclear medicine M 70-75 I 21-24
Neaative 2 6 Yes N/R
Laboratorv. oatholoav Iv\ N/R 70-75 I 21 -24
Neaative 2 6 Yes N/R
Laboratorv. seroloav Iv\ N/R 70-75 I 21-24
Neaative 2 6- Yes N/R
Laboratorv sterilizina M N/R 70-75 I 21-24
Neaative 2 10 Yes N/R N/R
Laboratorv. media transfer Iv\ 70-75 I 21-24
Positive 2 4 N/R N/R N/R
Non-refriaerated bodv-holdina rooms Neaative 70-75 I 21-24
N/R 10 Yes No N/R 70-75 I 21-24
Autoosv roam Neaative 2 12 Yes No
Pharmacv N/R 68-75 / 20-24
Positive 2 4 N/R N/R N/R
Examination room N/R
N/R 2 6 N/R N/R Max60 70-75 121-24
Medication room N/R 2 4 N/R WR Max60 70-75 / 21-24
Gastrointestinal endoscoov orocedure room Ix\ N/R 2 6 N/R No 68-75 / 20-24
Endoscooe cleanina Neaative 2 10 Yes Na N/R N/R
Treatment room N/R 2 6 N/R N/R Max60 70-75 I 21 -24

Table 1 70 · Design Parameters for Area

s Affecting Patient Care in Hosp itals a nd
Hvdro therao v
Outp atien t Facilitlea
Neoative 2 6 N/R N/R N/R
Phvsical Thera ov 72-80 / ~ -2?
Neaative 2 6 N/R N/R Max6 5
Sterlizina 72- 80~ ~

Sterilizer Eauio ment Room
Soiled Or Decon tamin ation Room
Clean Workr oom
Sterile Stora ae






Ntif -
72-78 t 2~
Max. 60 I 72-7 8/d
Max. 60 72-7 81~ '
Food Preoaration Cente r lil ~
N/R 2 10 NR No N/R
Warewashina 72-78 i2¼ij
Neaative N/R 10 Yes No N/R
Dietarv Stora ae NiR- =
N/R N/R 2 NR No
Laundrv. General N/R 72-78 / 22~
Nenative 2 10 Yes No
Soiled Linen Sortino And Storaoe N/R NiR~
Clean Linen Storane
Linen And Trash Chute Room
72-78 ' 22~
Bedoa d Room No N/R NiR --.
Bathr oom
Janitor's Close t
72-78 / 22-26
Soiled Workr oom or Soiled Holdin o
Clean Workr oom or Clean Holdin o
2 10 Yes No N/R I

Hazar dous Material Storane 2 4 N/R I N/R I N/R r
NOTES for Table 1-T-74
a. Except where Indicated by a "No" in this column,
Positive 2 I 10 Yes I No I N/R I N/R -
recirculating room HVAC units (with heating or cooling ..
changes per hour that Is permitted by Section 7.1 of ASHRAE coils) are accept_able for providing that portion of the
STD 170-2013 (subparagraph [a][_51). Because of the minimumtotal air
recirculating room units shall not be used in areas marked cle_amng difficulty and potential
controls to meet requirements for the control of airborne "No." Recircu lating devices with HEPA filters shall be permlted 1n ex1sUng facilities as 1ntenm,for buildup of contamination,
infectious agents. The design of either portable or f,xed supplem ental environmental
The design of such systems shall also allow for easy _systems should prevent stagnatiOn and short circuitin
b. access for scheduled preventative maintenance and_cleaning g of airflow.
Pharmacy compounding areas may have additional , . . . .
air change, differential pressure, and f11tenng requirem
pharmacy, the regulatory requirements which may include ents beyond the minimum of this table depending
equipment utilized in the spaces. adoption of USP 797), the associated level of risk of the work on the type of
(see USP [2013] in Informative Appendix B), and the
c. The term trauma room as used herein is a first-aid room .
that is routinely used for emergency surgery is conside and/or emergency room used for general initial treatment of accident victims . The operating room within
d. red to be an operating room by this standard . the trauma center
Pressure relationships need not be maintained when
the room is unoccupied.
e. All air need not be exhausted if darkroom equipment
has a scavenging exhaust duct attached and meets
exposure limits. A nonrefrigerated body-holding room ventilation standards regarding NI0SH, OSHA, and
body to be transferred, is applicable only to facilities that do not perform autopsi local employee
es on-site and use the space for short periods while
waiting for the
Minimum total air changes per hour (ach) shall be that
cases, excess exfiltration or infiltration to or from exit required to provide proper makeup air to kitchen exhaust system
corridors compromises the exit corridor restrictions of s as specified in ANSVASHRAE Standar
defined in the table. During operation, a reduction in NFPA 90A,' the pressure requirements of NFPA 96,' d 154.' In some
the number of air changes to any extent required for odor or the
g. In some areas with potential contamination and/or control shall be permitted when the space is not in use. maximum
odor problems, exhaust air shall be discharged directly
circumstances may require special consideration for to the outdoor s and not recirculated to other areas.
air exhausted to the outdoors. To satisfy exhaust needs,
system is in operation. constant replace ment air from the outdoors is necessa Individual
h. ry when the
The RH ranges listed are the minimum and/or maximu
m allowable at any point within the design temperature
Systems shall be capable of maintaining the rooms range required for that space.
or medical conditions require those conditions, within the range during normal operation. Lower or
higher temperature shall be permitted when patients
' comfort and/
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NI0SH) criteria documents regarding occupational
occupational exposure to nitrous oxide' indicate a need exposure to waste anesthetic gases and vapors, and
Refer to NFPA 99 for other requirements.• for both local exhaust (scavenging) systems and general control and /or
ventilation of the areas in which the respective gases
j. are utilized.
If pressure-monitoring device alarms are installed,
allowances shall be made to prevent nuisance alarms.
allowed while doors are moving or temporarily open. Short-term excursions from required pressure relations
Simple visual methods such as smoke trail, ball-in-tube, hip
k. Surgeons or surgical procedures may require room or flutterstrip shall be permitted for vemcation of airflow shall be
I. tempera tures, ventilation rates, humidity ranges, and/or air distribution method direction.
Treatment rooms used for bronchoscipy shall be treated s that exceed the minimum indicated ranges.
anesthetic waste gases. as bronchoscopy rooms. Treatment rooms used for
procedures with nitrous oxide shall contain provisio
ns for exhausting
m. In a recirculating ventilation system , HEPA filters
shall be permlted instead of exhausting the air from those
HEPA filters before It is introduced into any other spaces spaces to the outdoors provided that the return air passes
The entire minimum total air changes per hour of recircul throught the
are open to larger, nonwalting spaces, the exhaus ating airflow shall pass through HEPA filters. When
calculation to include a very large space [e.g., an t air volume shall be calculated based on the sealing area of the waiting area. (Note. The intent here these areas
n. atnum) Just because a waiting area opens onto it). is to not require the volume
See NFPA 99 for further requirements.•
o. For intermediate care,_labor/delivery/recover rooms,
systems (radiant heaUng and cooling, baseboyard _and labor/delivery/recovery/postparum rooms, four
total ach shall be permitted when supplemental heating
heating, etc.) are used. and/or cooling
p. The protective environment airflow design specific .
ations prote_ct the patient from common environmental .
HEPA filters shall be permitted to_increase the equivale airborne infectious microbes (i.e., Aspergillus spores)
nt room air exchanges; however, the outdoor air change . Recirculation
ventilation for the protected environment. The pressur s are still required . Constant-volume airflow is required
e relationship to ad1acent areas shall remain unchan for consistent
reversible airflow prov1s1ons for the purpose of switchin ged if the PE room is utilized as a normal patient
g between pro_tect1ve environment and all functions room. Rooms with
q. The All room described in this standard s_ hall be used for 1solatmg the airborne spread of infectio shall not be permitte d.
us diseases, such as measles, varicella, or tubercu . .
devices using HEPA filters shall be permitted the
All rooms that are retrofitted from standard patient
m All room to increase_the _equ1val~nt room air exchan
ges; however, the minimum outdoor air changes of
losis. Supplemental recircu~~;£
rooms, from which It 1s 1mpract1cal to exhaust direcUy tables are still~~~d that
air first passes through a HEPA filter. Whe~ the All outdoors may be recirculated with air from the All
room_ls not utilized for airborne infection isolation, room, pro d r
closed, shall remain unchanged and the minimum the pressur~ relationship to adjacent areas, when
t_otal air change rate shall be 6 ach. Switching controls measured with the 00
r When required, appropnate hood_s and exhaust devices for reversible airflow provisions shall not be perm~e
s. The requirement that all room air 1s exhausted dlrecUy for the removal of noxious gases or chemical vapors shall be provided in accordance w~ NFPA 99.
outdoors applies only to radiology waiting rooms program -ra s tor diagnosis
of respiratory disease . med to hold patients who are waiting for chest x Y
t If the planned space is designated in the organization's _operatio
~al plan to be umized for both bronchoscopy and . n parameters for
"bronchoscopy, sputum collection, and pentamldine gastrointestinal endoscopy, the des1g
administration shall be used.
u, For single-bed patient rooms using Group D diffusers, . orto (.3
the floor.
a minimum of six total ach shall be provided and calcula
ted based on the volume from finished flo 611 1 8 m) above

Source : ASHRAE std 170-2013

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