Jadwal Penguatan Kompetensi Perawat Mata Tahun 2023

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Grup A
Tanggal / Hari /Jam Materi

Hari ke 1 Selasa, •        Orientasi Kegiatan

7 Februari 2023      Perkenalan
Pukul 09.00 - 10.00 WIB * Pengenalan metode fllipped classroom
* Pre test

•      Topik 1 Pengenalan Optalmologi

•      Topik 2 : Ketrampilan Komunikasi dan
Keselamatanan Pasien
Pukul 10.00 - 12.00 WIB
* Topik 3 : Anamnesa

Hari ke 2 Kamis, 9 Februari 2023

Topic 6: Refraktometri
Pukul 09.00 - 10.30 WIB
Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB Topic 4: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 1) (e-learning)
I. Orbit & Surface Anatomy and Eyelids

1) Bones, Cranial Nerves &

2) Eye Ball
Cornea - Conjunctiva
Sclera - Uvea
Retina - Vitreous

Hari ke 3 Selasa, 14 Februari 2023

Pukul 09.00 - 10.30 WIB Topic 4: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 1) (e-learning)

I. Orbit & Surface Anatomy and Eyelids

3) Lens
4) Angle Structure
5) Chambers in the eye
Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB
Topic 4: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 1) (e-learning)

II. Surface Anatomy & Eyelids

6) External features of the eye

7) Structures of the Eyelid and flow

Hari ke 4 Kamis, 16 Februari 2023

Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB Topic 5: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 2) (e-learning)

  III. Structures of the globe

Hari ke 4 Kamis, 16 Februari 2023
Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB

8) Extra-ocular muscles
9) Lacrimal Glands

Pukul 10,30 - 12.00 WIB Topic 5: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 2) (e-learning)

10) Tear production

11) Visual Pathway

Hari ke 5 Selasa, 21 Februari 2023 Add on topic: Overview of Ophthalmic investigation

Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB skills and purposes (Zoom lecture by SNEC)

Topic 3: Ophthalmic instruments and equipment

Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB   Lecture (Investigation skills)

Topic 7: Optical Coherence Tomography (e-learning)

Hari ke 6 Kamis, 23 Februari 2023

Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB

■          Assessment
MCQ for module 1
Preparation of presentation
Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB ■          Clinical observation and practicum - hands-
on under close supervision (Investigation skills)
(Investigation skills)

Topic 7: Optical Coherence Tomography

Hari ke 7 Selasa, 28 Februari 2023 ■          Lecture (Investigation skills)

Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB
Topic 8: Imaging – External photography (Zoom lecture
by SNEC)
Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB ■          Clinical observation and practicum – hands-on under close
supervision (Investigation skills)

Topic 8: Imaging – External photography

Hari ke 8 Kamis, 2 Maret 2023 ■          Assessment

Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB Modified Objective Structured Clinical Examination
✔       Topic 7: Optical Coherence Tomography (skills)
Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB ■          Assessment
Group presentations

■          Feedback session

Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB

For module 1

Pemberi Materi Metode SNEC Attendant

Clare Ong
dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM.PhD
Kartini Saat
dr. Faraby Martha, SpM

Ceramah Citra Valley

Eti Sumartiyah, SKp.Mkep Ceramah, Diskusi dan tanya Kartini Saat
Ns. Lilis Suryanti.SKep Role Play, Diskusi

Ceramah dan diskusi N Reena,

Sukarno Budi P. AMd.Ro Claire Ong, Kartini Saat
dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM.PhD Presentasi kelompok Citra Valley
Kartini Saat
dr. Faraby Martha, SpM

dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM.PhD Presentasi kelompok Citra Valley

Kartini Saat
dr. Faraby Martha, SpM

dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM.PhD Presentasi kelompok

dr. Faraby Martha, SpM

Rosikin, SKM. MKM.CEBT Ceramah, Diskusi dan tanya Citra Valley

jawab Kartini Saat
Rosikin, SKM. MKM.CEBT Ceramah, Diskusi dan tanya Citra Valley
jawab Kartini Saat

SNEC Team Mohan,

Angeline Sim,
Kartini Saat
Ns. Erliani Siregar, Skep Ceramah
diskusi dan tanya jawab
Ns. Moris Koppe, Skep Ceramah
diskusi dan tanya jawab

Claire Ong,
Kartini Saat


Ns. Moris Koppe, Skep Demonstrasi Mohan,

Angeline Sim,
Kartini Saat

dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM. PhD Kasi/ Abigail

Ruth Hendriks,
Kartini Saat

dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM. PhD

Ns. Moris Koppe SKep, JB

Ns. Dina Ayu Ch. Skep Claire Ong
Angeline Sim
dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM. PhD
Kasi/ Abigail
Ns. Yesi Juniarta S, Skep
Ruth Hendriks,
Kartini Saat
Ruth Hendriks,
Kartini Saat
Grup B
Tanggal / Hari /Jam Materi
Hari ke 1 Rabu, •        Orientasi Kegiatan
8 Februari 2023      Perkenalan
Pukul 09.00 - 10.00 WIB * Pengenalan metode fllipped classroom
* Pre test

•      Topik 1 Pengenalan Optalmologi

•      Topik 2 : Ketrampilan Komunikasi dan

Pukul 10.00 - 12.00 WIB Keselamatanan Pasien

* Topik 3 : Anamnesa

Hari ke 2 Jumat, 10 Februari 2023 Topic 6: Refraktometri

Pukul 09.00 - 10.30 WIB

Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB Topic 4: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 1) (e-learning)
I. Orbit & Surface Anatomy and Eyelids

1) Bones, Cranial Nerves &

2) Eye Ball
Cornea - Conjunctiva
Sclera - Uvea
Retina - Vitreous

Hari ke 3 Rabu, 15 Februari 2023

Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB Topic 4: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 1) (e-learning)

I. Orbit & Surface Anatomy and Eyelids

3) Lens
4) Angle Structure
5) Chambers in the eye
Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB
Topic 4: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 1) (e-learning)

II. Surface Anatomy & Eyelids

6) External features of the eye

7) Structures of the Eyelid and flow

Hari ke 4 Jumat, 17 Februari 2023 Topic 5: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 2) (e-learning)
Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB
III. Structures of the globe
Hari ke 4 Jumat, 17 Februari 2023
Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB

8) Extra-ocular muscles
9) Lacrimal Glands
Pukul 10,30 - 12.00 WIB Topic 5: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 2) (e-learning)

10) Tear production

11) Visual Pathway

Hari ke 5 Rabu, 22 Februari 2023 Add on topic: Overview of Ophthalmic investigation skills
Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB and purposes (Zoom lecture by SNEC)

Topic 3: Ophthalmic instruments and equipment

Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB   Lecture (Investigation skills)

Topic 7: Optical Coherence Tomography (e-learning)

Hari ke 6 Jumat, 24 Februari 2023

Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB ■          Assessment
MCQ for module 1
Preparation of presentation
Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB ■          Clinical observation and practicum - hands-
on under close supervision (Investigation skills)
(Investigation skills)

Topic 7: Optical Coherence Tomography

Hari ke 7 Rabu, 1 Maret 2023 ■          Lecture (Investigation skills)

Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB
Topic 8: Imaging – External photography (Zoom lecture
by SNEC)
Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB ■          Clinical observation and practicum – hands-on under close
supervision (Investigation skills)
Topic 8: Imaging – External photography

Hari ke 8 Jumat, 3 Maret 2023 ■          Assessment

Pukul 09.00 - 10,30 WIB Modified Objective Structured Clinical Examination
✔       Topic 7: Optical Coherence Tomography (skills)

✔       Topic 8: Imaging – External photography (skills)

Pukul 10.30 - 12.00 WIB ■          Assessment

Group presentations

■          Feedback session

For module 1

Pemberi Materi Metode SNEC Attendant

Clare Ong
dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM.PhD
Kartini Saat
dr. Faraby Martha, SpM

Ns. Mia Astridivia Skep Ceramah Citra Valley

Kartini Saat
Ns. Haryanti Kusuma W.Skep Ceramah, Diskusi dan tanya

Role Play, Diskusi

Yanti Diastiningsih. AMd.Ro Ceramah dan diskusi N Reena,

Claire Ong, Kartini Saat

dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM.PhD Presentasi kelompok Citra Valley

Kartini Saat
dr. Faraby Martha, SpM

dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM.PhD Presentasi kelompok Citra Valley

Kartini Saat
dr. Faraby Martha, SpM

dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM.PhD Presentasi kelompok

dr. Faraby Martha, SpM

Ns. Ully Ferany, Skep Ceramah, Diskusi dan tanya Citra Valley
jawab Kartini Saat
Ns. Ully Ferany, Skep Ceramah, Diskusi dan tanya Citra Valley
jawab Kartini Saat

SNEC Team Mohan,

Angeline Sim,
Kartini Saat
Ns.Rina Suhartatik, Skep Ceramah
diskusi dan tanya jawab
Ns. Dina Ayu Christanti, Skep Ceramah
diskusi dan tanya jawab

Claire Ong,
SNEC Team Kartini Saat

Ns. Dina Ayu Christanti, Skep Demonstrasi Mohan,

Angeline Sim,
Kartini Saat

Ns.Yesi Juniarta Simatupang, Ceramah Kasi/ Abigail

Skep diskusi dan tanya jawab Ruth Hendriks,
Kartini Saat

dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM. PhD Demonstrasi

dr. Faraby Martha, SpM

Ns. Moris Koppe SKep, Demonstrasi JB

Ns. Dina Ayu Ch. Skep Claire Ong
Angeline Sim
dr. Yulia Aziza, SpM. PhD
Kasi/ Abigail
Ns. Yesi Juniarta S, Skep
Ruth Hendriks,
Kartini Saat

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