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ry ‘Umm AL-Quea University i Facaty of Ning Academie Afaks i Sires Exit Exam -[4ado 21a. BRAC.Read the following questions and then choose one correct. © 1 (lent presents with tetany and cramps inthe muscles of GtTemIaD Whleh of the fotlowing electrolyte deficiency needs tobe corrected? = eee oe ore ‘decrease capilary refill and urinary incontinence. Whicircr he lowing condi Patient is atrsk for? io 5 Mc ofthe floning fastrastion should Be sven by the Hurst len reevng snthypertesve ape 2 MontortheHosd resent @ Avoid saien dscmimaton sft dg. (3 4 A patently atending a primary health cline for regular checkup. He complains of Srnnatan: Afr assesment, the nurse instructed him t consume bulk-frming foode Wht etwas eben ae Raw C $ Wher esis an ae © ec = SA pant pee coat of S840, and dlagred vit lle seomocrpn pepe GP, Wh ais ih Mahi omegeratatt poe nec & Poets fo B itera BL & Eetngeat pica rae, ic of the following position should the murs asst the let to assume and maintain ‘who i undergoing lumbar pune 1.” Prone with face facing seways w ©) Lateral recumbent with knee flexed b S: Sitingonthe abe withthetackemiah, 2 Lateral recumbent with knee extended. al it am 29 e202w GET dlorder anda schedule foran intravenous contrast imaging test me mursing intervention o prevent the risk that may acer fos teak ‘Check fread disease. 1 Asoo for ena one In primary care the community heath ore recepit atiefalenre of emotion emphasizes on which Othe fellanig? & = A a 4 ‘Yo. awison frac gps win, prope orca dagonea Vi a Aton shopi age noo 8. lent ante cag tase Eat only three meals pe day D @ Con caing impute y ofthe following i the most 10 pall retraction rng atcited with which of the following? a. Preterm labor, © Obstructed abor, g © Poster labor 4 Nonna aber, ea! x “Hig ada assed wh rave cs, wih of he lving symptoms mane ‘should conserved first? n= Sot ‘Abdominal dein, Anal fissures 0 6, Profse dies 2 @ tnese abdominal ramps ao aeeing # eld with congenital qguphagel obstruction, Which ofthe fotowing is kely tobe noted ints he i ; © Nese ome eA 3 A 13. Which ofthe folowing best describes the role of case manager? 8. Promotes healthy ites, Provides corto tert coe vena ‘2 onde Sec ence B 4. Promote comer of an a ae ‘tram 22 Onc to2zMA nurse is caring for cent with 4 nasogastric tube, The m nos that the cent at ak or moka 4. Meabole aos Metabolic alkalosis, B Yee 2 | ‘ey atc tat es ee enc 6 peace ie Incubation period! year monitoring the cet, owing acid-base under? 16 a paint welts 67 kg. He prescribed «drug with dose of 30mg hg/24hr, How many ‘grams should the nurse give br 24 hrs? ts an in a surgery? @ Ecouags na bigh- bre fod Q ‘omepriate techng for a patent charged ater anony) wu 18, Which ofthe following is theMOST import a nursing intervention at night(beforea ‘ay of procedure fra patent shee for sigmeldncon? a” Apply abdominal mange o remove waster GB Adiministe a laxative and cleansing colon ay ordered G . Enoutgs inte of aro fads \ 44 Checked the patient scheduling for the procedure, ‘Avoid high-salt foodse Encourage low sugar intake « 4 Take a lot of coffee» 19. 2k year man admitted to orthopaedic ward is complaining of throbbing pain in exsted ‘et: Which of the following neurogenic nursing intervention should ewe to a Remove the east, 1 Notfya doctor G Ae pi se ie iS ‘mine FR medion ar xiténam 2 ec 22220. patent on mechanical ventilation wth th¢PEEMsettng at 10 mmf forthe treatment arte repo tea euros £ "he heptane nd linea ow 5 fede copmeesctie= Pret io og anne jn eat oa cae gelation 421. Whe ote ftonngactvty mould refest community beat 3 working atthe Primary level of prevention? ‘Administering aul hypatenson mediation, @ Enoumeie tone teat seta, Adhere wit py saerary progam: 4. Helping witha pstmasetmy program, 4 lent with depression Whe does 0D rey Ms. Which of the fllaning alternative option iy espesteeris oetaeadiaa nee t Sram 9 poi a 6 Braces 2 2ypeteant woman a3 eds of gst come tthe emergency rom complaining of ‘paints, recurrent bright fed vaginal bleeding. Which of the flan wea Suspected by the nurse? ‘Nip placenta Q oe hee ae 4 Threatened miscarriage, 724. Which of the following assessment finding is(Gisilsuggestive of hypothermia white assessing a neonate? 2 Swestng © Hypeeiyomia Metaboli alas, uv @ Shivering 3 25. Which of the following Is» sursing intervention used, prevent increased intracra Pressure (ICP) in an unconscious child? 4 Provide suction to the eh Frequently. ( Provide environmental stimulation, sg, Tum head side side every hour eS @ Avoid activites that cauee pin of erying, S26. female patient will undergo breast implant surgery and she asks the Urseiof Yo te of the following describe this action? Ge Content Etiea lemma A © Bensficence a 4. Melico-legal practice. : © A ting blood transfusion, a patient suffers from chil, fever and brown colour ine Which othe following rps of transfusion reacton ecpeces ¢ Hemolytic Le Alles © Fee 4 Hyrerscstiviy. D 2 fenton patel wat i an 0 rs nd ad rptred membre foc hour Which ofthe following complication would te murs bse 4 Fadsmeteis, © Endomerisis. © Salpingiis v 4: Peli thrombophlebitis, ca 7 Aen recving ntcongulanswatfari to treat deep venous thrombovs (DV). The f sein S LA Sates conte hi gat ‘Left upper quadrant pain radiating othe right shoulder, '. Start the ight lower quadrant radiated tog §Rightupper quadrant pain radiating othe ight shoulder. 44 Right wpper quacrant radiating to the lef shoulder & Activ inlerace elated dyspnea Altered nian few than body feguiements elated o fie &. Intosive beng ptom eed svar hypovenine lA 4. Weightos relisted to COPD sar “Bat xan 22082022al An ery lt, dagnosed wth cancer otras cl rece ate easy by 2 fea se ar nt cr hems te etd SPOR 3 Which ofthe fang ita nerventog aa ee REC Administer oxygen via nasal cannula. sarin onyper vn Boma B © Admin extoe Seimrtowly, 4. Prepare tod cardio restcation L ‘Sap patient with diagnosis of lung cancer in the right ubped lobe exhibits dySiaea and ritabitty. Which ofthe fllowing requests the prion sarin ne 1 Chest pithy GB Administer oxygens prescribed B Take the patient temperature, I Vv 44. Obiain 12 lead electrocardiograms (ECO), ® $s re nga te ae ley mtv ete a a et se i eat cn a eee a Renee Cc ae = ASA 252earald man with mental disorder is on medication. He suffers from -£atrapyramidal symptoms. Which of the following pychotrople drug troup teanes est @ Antipsychotic drugs A . Antichotinergie drugs © Antianxity drugs 4 Antideprescnt drugs 36. OnGOth ay post partum, while assessing abdomen ofa woman whe nad normal vaginal detivry, which ofthe following shouldbe the expested location athe aetaa a. Lcmabove umbilicus.» ® Inthe true peivis. QO © Atlevel ot umblicasé ela 4. tel umblicy B 7. Al lagrved ith ea dete and epee ciae secondary type ¥ ‘respiratory tract infection; which ofthe following would the Wise expect to asses Latargy Woh gin Way den Cc & Respatory dies es LY on lam 2 e282(Y Achieving age-appropriate social skis. ‘eth appropriate geal or the care oa hl with Do's 39. The nurse is performing an adm sessment fra lent who has schizophrenig The i are G (Mental statu, = esa eating fra woman who bas cancer, ands underghtGg Chemotherapy. She outs of anorexia and has low eight. What should the nue Insane ‘at small meals every day, Eat large meals every day, ‘) © Eatifyou sre hungry u & Eur tavere oe af ae penn ant 2cientaly bumps the baby’s ot the nebie throws otis ams, speeds and begins to cry. Which ofthe following refesndeats these nec Stale reflex. Babinski ele, © Grasping eflex. () ae 4 Tome nek refi ‘A patient was ona course oflthium carbonate dru, D {hath has nystagmus visual hallucination and eligi, Wi the above neatoned dra 2 Overdose 5. Mild oxi (©) Severe toxicity, Drug-drug interaction YE sh fie flowing is coniered as waraog sig of ang cancer? 8. Dizziness, ® Generalized weakness. B © Hypotension 44 Recurrent pleural effusion, ‘it exom 22 Oe 2032‘4. After the perleardaenel the doctor Inverted polythene catheter el a the ei eth tt sedi mae ae ate he {healing shuld the nurse's responset 4 Monitor consstensy of drainage © Prevent movementofpericrdal ac. Prevent recurrence of cardia tamponade, 4 Prevent inrease in venous blood pressure ‘45: & Meat old man presents with moderate cst pain aditing nt the neck region. He GPU Rows and meny, Whi of he long rage category wou yee sega Urgent, S Nop-urgent {JAS Which of the following should be considered essential for ildhood dlnbiltes by community health nurses? Prevmarital epanseing B Periode screening. UV ©. Growth monitoring Vocational counseling ‘47. A patiat immobile for 3 days after total hip replacement surgery. The nurse Lptrusted the patient dscent her leg and sia the side ofthe bed before nding. ‘The nurse instructs he todo this 0 avoid which of the fellowing? @) Hypotension Dislocation, © Hypertension, a. Headache 48.1 abu om nr ascend the codon of abosring woman ad Ieving ate Ceca Se wr cntngeee eae t sys wy dno suse tg act othe of labor. '. Patient isin the thi stage of lar, Patient is in the second stage of labor = Patient is experiencing a prolonged labor e 40-Th mue se caching (new mother about feeding neonate hora with cf lp ‘and palate, before the surgical repair. Which F the following action from the mtr indicates teaching hasbeen succesful? ‘Burping the baby frequently. Al 3. Prevent the infant frm eying, © Placing the baby lat during feeding 4 Keep the infant prose following feelings, 0m 2 ee 202250. Which ofthe folowing vitamin supplements can decrease the incidence of Neural tube defects suchas anencephaly and spina bifida ia new-born’? a Vitamin 2, Riboflavin vie : S1-The aurse manager decides to transfer one of the staff nurses to another unit ater onfiets occurred. What strategy has the manager implemented @ Compromise ® Avoidance © Competition, 4 Conffonation, = ‘X52. heath care provider prescribes 1500 mL. of normal saline 10 be Infused over seven (7) hours, The drop factor is 15 dropuml. The nurse should set the low rate of the 4 fas pump at how many ml per hour (mL/hout) ant drops ver mau, (ropsminute)? 214 mh and $4 dop/nin, . 240 mith and 50 drop/min, Uv 1500 mir and 15 drop. 150m and $0 drop, * somite asm. f 3 © aon. & Somnae 2 54. When nurses plang cre for a patent with suspected wcardainfareon, what suspected nursing dagnoais ison th cae pln? 2. Inet sivay clerance 5 Bre pune dtaance, © Acweces ain = U & Body image disturbance. SSIs nurs scaring for a clint who has undergone emergency Appendectomy surgery. Which othe following information i the most important for the Barve fe eek the eee (alter yurgr © Conplications that may occur ater surgery, G% 1 How te surgery was performed Early ambulation ar surgery. What o expect inthe recovery phase? oa ‘2st 1am 222022Assis Control Mode Pressure Contol Mode, © Controlled Mandatory Ventilation ‘4 Synetronous intemittent Mandatory Venttation, S74 community heath nurse visits a patients home to provide hone belth care ur {Getidden by the paints daughcr fo ener the house provide heat weines nee mother. In this case, what should beth ist ation of the menace Insist that you should be allowed to ents 5. ‘Say nothing but tum and go back tothe enter cs Respect daughter's wish and record he action a caloiy S58. Which ofthe cramps, dilate a. Threatened ® Complete © Inevitable Miso eos SA eggateld eld scheduled to have messes, mampsand rubeta (MOR) vaccine, Wich ofthe following routes wll you expect the nurse to hdmsicer she eee @ cams in the vasus ters msl ye — ‘Intramuscular inthe dtiond mance © Sulbutaneousy in the gluteal area (\ a 44 Subcutaneous inthe Outer aspect ofthe upper am Qo po sbrtn presents wth severe Beh, stro abdominal ical os and possible pasage of proden of concealen?” renton allowing term im brit statement Mentibing the reason that an organization exists? cy department complaining of and left arm. The nurse should ‘Assess the respictory function B Obtain a I2-tead ECG. © Obvsin the lab work Order the ches xa a 017 ‘eit exam 220622(62. Which ofthe following clinical manifestation sho ld the nurse include ina teaching plan an early warning sin oflarynge! disorders? a. Deepa se 6 een b (ea : a (3: After undergoing subtotal thyroidectomy, a patient complains of restlesnes, The nurse ssi hls Wit slgns and records BP 180/100mmil, heart Tate ne Tole ne _amperatur 40°C: Which ofthe following i suspected bythe nurse? Hyper-metabolim eto increace in T3874 ', Hypo metabolism duc to decrease T38'Ts © Hypo metabolism due to increase in T3474, | 4. Hyper metabolism due to decease in T3874, Ee ‘Every hour forthe fist hours J. Bvery 30 minutes during the frst hour. Every 15 minutes during the fist hour Every 5 minutes for the fist 30 minutes. le faving vou eth me's rina ol ring sede wt 1 octane teers ee fa Reacienaiateommcnee | & Toenbin pera oven 4 To implemen the nursing eae pan esblised bebe hospital discharge ‘Which of the following type of delivery is most soms elavicular or humoral fet monly complicated by brachi om injury and neonaal payne? > ” het cd Q © Venee © Fico. 4 Shout © (7-& mother isin the mii’ inc withthe complaint of redness and swelling in her "5 lah breast. She's breastfeeding her nine montheald baby, Which the flenag ld he Immediate itcrventin? Star on anibiotics, =< 7 See. Incision and drainage it aurdelivery of quality nursing care. Which ofthe fe “therapeuticcommunication”? Interactive process of socialization, 2. Assessment component of nursing process, f) Gommuncation wth patient through words and langufee © Process tc encourage the enpresion of feelings ara ; enue ce Prabang to inserts nasogastric tube into a ele, Which ofthe following Position the cHent shouldbe placed for msertion? a Right side® ZS 1 Low Fowler, High Fowlers Supine with the head fat. cs ‘stem neve phe? 2 Undccintaos aac Dares dant oni « 6 Baier ne - nto fein o he och be 2 71. Which ofthe allowing shouldbe the sequence o g) Cetiovascuar, Respiration, Surgery ste, Newolopeal ioe ‘Respiration, Cardiovascular, Newologca signs, Serger oe §, Neurological signs, Cardiovascular, Respiration Sarees ng ‘Surgery ste, Respeation, Cardiovazcua, Newelogieal ions 72 The head nursot a Coronary Care Unt wants to delegate a ask toa senor nurse in that i chatancnonaetne at itl pati en nee wyetapenet ices Check the hospital policies for delegating tasks. © Expl theuat to be senior nan &Negoate withthe senior mane 4 Take the signe ofthe sno use © External roti. i oe % nay etter 22000 202274a mathr came to the eiptent department witha nant ving nd palate The inn vat derma camara ne See ae the ci ne eaten’ pln Nhat og ee ea 4" Useanonsquerble tie ding en Fecdinainan api oti ai Esl mpl hols of bot tatoo miko pss rou 4. Feed int longer han 49 mine alow ae eh 78 paring supervisor mhois newly lected wants owe "icinay evaluation o nurses? behaviour” What type of power is she xing? 2 je % ) Coercive, © Legitimate f Formal a 76.4 woman comes to Emergency with her hus nd with history of not taking oF eating aamarily since heir son died nam accident Whichof the fgsoning ethene ding to Maslow? {Loving and belonging Q\ Psychological needs, © Spiritual support ue 4. Family suppor. 77. male client is admitted tothe health cae fact Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Which of the fallowin for this een? Activity intolerance related to itigue« Arie related tact heat heath stats. « Impaired gas exchange elated to decrease alow. 44_‘Rish for infection related to setaned aitnay eereons for treatment of Chronic Obstructive i Mursing dagnosis is most important 78. A patent's wound is draining the drainage as which ofthe fll a. Serous & Panter © Sanguincous 4. Serou-sanguincous lleih duchy the me cot dsr oO 9 oy hee earsh Process which of the faloming time shoul «hypothesis e developed by the researcher? a Tet any sical 8. Altera esearch design nine Dele development of he see tion @ ster dewiopent of ie eens ee ay ‘cram 22062022re ‘1 sven ld child admitted tothe Emergency Department wth njry The cid arented rcaacite pice end peren aul pomaneousy obo commands ihe mane i deg acilari Clangow Coma Seale (PGCS). Which of thefollowingscorethe arseshoush eit a3 bi ae 82,4 nurse edueator said to ind research setting”. Which ofthe strategie plan is indicated by thi statement? os oa) '3- After sccessing patient's medical record, which behaviour ofthe nurse shows that Patients confidentiality has been breached? 8. Reviews patients meal record S by Reais patients ere pan, © Distloses patent's information a 44 Documents medication administered a ‘4 Patient has a dlagnosisof epistaxis, Which ofthe following intervestions would be {included inthe nursing eae plan? ‘Several abdominal thrusts, b, Wam aie throat gases © Nares septum compression, Backward sleeping $8 TAY ime examines woman one hou te bith. The woman's fundus bogay, midline, ica i Below the umbilicus. Her lpia flow is profuse, with ne plore teed a ‘Which the following shouldbe the nurse's nial action? Emp her badder —— 2. Masage funds, ( © Callpyscin eee Ader Meine st Enum 22000 2002we aeTicntaning 4 73ear-ld child who has cyt, Which ofthe flowing would [arse Elena expect when assessing the child? 2. Dysuia rex . Flank pain ) © Costoverteral tendemess @ High tver = 87.4 cleat is admited tothe emergency room with en And i complaining of recat sve Mok pan and nausea. The cea tenpertan Wa ek {he following ie eiriy nursing geal for this cow ae Maintain Mid and eleclye bale Conta nausea Manage pain 4 Prevent ui at infin = ‘6: nares vg health education fora mather who has mastitis, Which of the following cations? ME MAMET about what she needs to-do, ineaer need for eeenene education? — Use analgesies, & Namtesereinc ten Stop breast-feeding = 88. Atyears patents about to have umber srry. €FSperatiney theme teahes the patient and his family how toda nBe Patents post family members ass the Which of the 4. Facilites good circulation ¥ Jk Avoids movement of spine. 4 ©) Prevent postoperative bed sore Makes changing of patient's positon 0 woman was diagnosed with sestatansf‘eaphobante lab investigation was done to reac the Cervical pap smear @ Serum HCG levels, © Serum estrogen level 4. Plasma thyroxin lve 91. Syears old child wa rapectic communica ‘Star interviewing Encourage him to speak Explain about the fracture, asa7 (it 0m 2 ec 2022(3 cretan stow pein 7 owt manager ralsed the issue of giving priory to patient aces, Which ofthe following offers the hext way for seting priors Assessing nursing needs ad problems Giving instructions on how nursing ere needs are tobe fet. Conroling and evaluating the delivery of nursing care 4 Assigning a safe muse: patent rato, = 9. The community midis jus fished an edcationl asin ih ro of women rezurdig satenal heath and anneal. qusccle! cosine ee Binmogram and pap smear teng. Which ofthe loningintheusa raed Dacee povesien 3, Inreatl aly sng Ey detction ore sues 4 Stengticnd marl ratty 4 Which ofthe falling sould be included when developing a teaching plan ‘o(prevend> trnay trac inten 4 Keeping urine alkaline by avoiding acidic beverages . Wearing underwear made of synthetic material sach as nyifs Avoiding urination before and after intercourse. (2) Maintaining adequate fd intake Pe hears ee condita :monts performance review sesion With tff member, ‘Which of the following action is appropriate? fp Asks another nurse atend the session as witness 9 ‘Asks another nurse o rea the appraisal K, Tells the staff thatthe session is manager centered. ? 4. Holds private sesion between the we members 4 26 pean ld woman had been lagosedwitha.em ovarian yt. Which th following ‘the appropriate step ia management? ‘& Cyst aspiration. | ) = Ultrasound after next menstruation, 27-4 Enonths old bey with hydrocephalsis admitted tothe paediatric surgical ward for aricaleperitoneal Shunt (VPS) insertion. Which ofthe following indieg voc ‘the mast concern when acsesing the child postaperatteeys ‘Sunken fontanelle and iiabiliy b, Decreased head circumference %& Poor feeding and pupillary change. 4. Headache and excessive sleepiness es teem 220 202298.4 40-year-old man was admit ‘A nurse in the department explained and ‘can procedure with contrast. Which na 9 ‘Non maleficence, Bb 99.4 nurse is asessng a child who has Tetrs having clubbing in his fingeen bing? () Prolonged tissue hypoxia 4. Pulmonary fibrosis. 100.Which of the following risk factor in patents histo i betes Melis a. Past history of tins Diabetic husband. 8 in this pregnancy? Past history of intrauterine growth retardation, Past history of macrocosmis fetus, ‘Thank you war xem 2c 2022 ted to a male medial department with pne Tetralogy of Falla ‘hic of login bs snes a Delayed physica oon f a eres informed consent for a chest CT She observed that the eh L
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Could Emotional Intelligence Make Patients Safer?: Special Feature
hala yehia
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Ethical Dilemma & Decision Making
35 pages
Ethical Dilemma & Decision Making
hala yehia
100% (1)
Ethical j6
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Ethical j6
hala yehia
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N M D E W E: Urse Oral Istress and Thical ORK Nvironment
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N M D E W E: Urse Oral Istress and Thical ORK Nvironment
hala yehia
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Pharma 3rd Lab
34 pages
Pharma 3rd Lab
hala yehia
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (99)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1941)
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (274)
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
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Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
Chris Voss
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (888)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2272)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (139)
Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (813)
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (443)
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (4851)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2110)
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M.L. Stedman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (789)
Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)
Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (108)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4253)
Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
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Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
Jesmyn Ward
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (831)