A Study of Passive and Active Strategies
A Study of Passive and Active Strategies
A Study of Passive and Active Strategies
DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080620
Faculty of Planning and Architecture, IKG Punjab Technical University Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh (U.T.), India
School of Built Environment, IKG PTU Mohali Campus II, Sector 115 Mohali, Punjab, India
Department of Architecture, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, HP, India
Received October 6, 2020; Revised November 11, 2020; Accepted December 6, 2020
Abstract There are only 4500 buildings and about 4.17 strategies to complement passive strategies. The study
billion square feet of the area under green buildings till concludes that all three case studies use passive strategies
2016. It is only around 5% of India's total construction, and as primary ones, either influenced by traditional
there is considerable potential for sustainable design in the architecture or modern perception and that active strategies
Indian market. Sustainable building design requires complement passive strategies.
passive and active techniques. It is vital to design a
sustainable building that uses passive strategies to its Keywords PEDA Complex, American Institute of
fullest because they are cheaper and more efficient than Indian Studies, Solar Energy Center, Passive Strategies,
active strategies. The designer emphasizes active features Active Strategies, Sustainable Design
and neglects passive features to obtain sustainable building
ratings in the current context. The whole purpose of
sustainable design has been defeated. To achieve a
sustainable design in a real sense, passive strategies should 1. Introduction
be formed in response to the local climate and given
primary importance. Active strategies are only bound to Sustainable development is a multidimensional concept,
complement passive strategies. This study focuses on and the primary objective is to bring the environment and
understanding the passive design strategies for India's development together. The concept of sustainable
composite climate in response to the local climate through development was first discussed in the Stockholm
case studies of buildings. This paper deals with passive Declaration of 1972, and then in the Brundtland
design strategies such as orientation, fenestration, shading Commission report in 1987. This report became a
devices, earth touch, roof garden, water, landscaping, and benchmark for efforts to align economic development and
active strategies, often include solar panels, solar water environmental protection. The definition of sustainable
heaters and wind towers. The two studies, i.e., the development in this report indicate, “Development meets
American Institute of Indian Studies and the Solar Energy the needs of the present without compromising the ability
Center, use the sunken courtyard, orientation, shading of the future generations to meet their own needs.” [1]
devices, water bodies, a verandah inspired by traditional
passive features, and another study, the PEDA Complex, 1.1. Sustainable Design in the Indian Context
use the southern dome structure, shading devices, water
bodies as modern passive features. All studies use active Sustainable development in architecture refers to three
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(6): 1370-1389, 2020 1371
domains: environmental, social-cultural, and economic to know traditional buildings' passive features,
related to the built environment. This paper will address incorporating a modern building with slight modifications.
only the environmental domain of sustainable The two studies chosen in this paper use the passive
development. The environmental domain tackles concern features of traditional Indian architecture.
such as waste effluent production, solid waste, carbon
dioxide emissions, land use, inadequate use of water, raw 1.1.2. Sustainable design in the Present Context of India
materials, and energy consumption in the built The new concept of sustainable design based on the
environment. [2] western model started in 2003 through a pioneer LEED
Sustainable architecture design focuses on reducing rated Platinum building CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green
footprint, using passive and active energy-saving Business Centre at Hyderabad. Many other rating systems
techniques, using local and sustainable materials to reduce have been induced in India, such as GRIHA, BEE, and
the load on natural resources of materials, integrating many more. [12]
multiple effective mechanical systems, and eventually Many architects/architecture firms have made a
minimizing the overall effect on the environment and significant contribution to the field of sustainable design,
natural resources. The sustainable approach also leads to such as Ashok B Lal, Sanjay Prakash, Yatin Pandya, Didi
the health and well-being of users. [3] A sustainable contractor, Vinod Gupta, Benny Kuriakose Made in Earth,
design approach will resolve India's future potential Hunnarshala Foundation, Trupti Doshi architects, Thannal
environmental pollution, energy, and natural resource Hand Sculpted Homes, Studio Eugene Pandala, Mozaic,
crisis. Kamath Design Studio, Biome Environmental Studio.
The energy crisis is a significant issue in India, and There may be many more architects and architectural firms
buildings consume 30-40 percent of India's overall energy working in the field of sustainable design. [13]
consumption. [2] The building sector is proliferating and LEED- India has completed around 2,230 building with
is projected to expand five times in India from 2005 to approx. 900 million (908,000,000) square feet per the
2030. [4] The energy demand for this rapid growth in the LEED report in motion: India published in 2017. [12]
building sector is severe. Hence, the design of the building GRIHA has accredited only 80 buildings around the
should be in such a way that it consumes less energy. It country until 2018. [13] There are just 4500 buildings and
should also generate energy by renewable energy sources about 4.17 billion square feet of the area built under green
such as solar panels, wind towers so that net-zero energy buildings until 2016. This is just about 5% of India's total
in buildings can be achieved in the future. construction, and there is a tremendous opportunity for
India's sustainable design market. [16]
1.1.1. Sustainable Design in Ancient Indian Architecture
The concept of sustainable development lies in the 1.1.3. Sustainable design in Future Scenario of India
balanced use of the elements of nature. During the Vedic The present scenario data indicate that there is so much
era, methods such as the Panch Mahabhuta or the five basic potential for sustainable buildings in India. There is a
elements of nature were used, i.e., Jal (water), Agni (fire), requirement of highly professional trained architect /
Prithvi (earth), Vayu (wind), and Akash (space) for the architectural firms to design these sustainable buildings in
design of the building. This science was called the Indian context. Architects / architectural firms need to
Vastushasthra. The basic principle of Vastu Shastras is to explore India's traditional architecture and incorporate a
make the best of nature without harming nature. The use of few ideas from these buildings. The two case studies in this
Vastu Purusha Mandala was for the allocation of different paper are inspired by traditional Indian Architecture.
parts of buildings according to climatic principles, such as
the kitchen in the south or south-east, etc. [12]. This 1.2. Passive and Active Strategies: Need and
traditional wisdom and sustainable design principles have Importance
been lost in India for nearly 500 years due to Mughal and
British Raj. The sustainable design of buildings consists of two
Traditional buildings in India have used passive strategies types of strategies, i.e., passive and active strategies, to
to establish comfortable conditions inside buildings. These achieve the project's environmental sustainability. Passive
buildings have performed very well, but in the present Design strategies do not use mechanical means and
context, these traditional buildings often require active electrical power and refer to the direct use of natural
strategies to establish comfortable conditions due to energy sources such as the Sun and wind. [5] The
climate change. Modern conventional buildings need more strategies could include building orientation, building
active strategies than traditional buildings because they shape, selecting the appropriate building material for
were not based on passive strategies. It is concluded that building envelop, the size and shading of the fenestration
passive design strategies are the first to be designed and device, and the water used for evaporative cooling without
that active strategies can only supplement passive design electrical power. The architect's role in passive design
strategies as they do in traditional buildings. It is essential strategies is significant because it anticipates the design
1372 A Study of Passive and Active Strategies through Case Studies for the Composite Climate Zone of India
response to create a comfortable environment for users there is less energy demand by passive design
both in and out of buildings without using mechanical strategies.[8]
means. Kang Ji-Eun Kang, Ki-Uhn Ahn, Cheol-Soo Park,
Active strategies use mechanical means and electrical and Thorsten Schuetze, in their research paper titled
power to create comfort for occupants. Almost all utility “Assessment of Passive vs. Active Strategies for a School
systems in buildings can use active strategies such as air Building Design,” discussed the impact of passive vs.
conditioning systems, fire protection systems, plumbing active approaches on energy savings in buildings using
systems, audio systems, cleaning systems, and renewable Energy Plus simulation. The study concludes that passive
energy sources such as solar panels and wind towers to design strategies should be addressed mainly because they
generate electricity. This means that the active strategies are more energy-saving than active strategies. The result
involved initial costs and maintenance costs for the entire also confirms that the excessive use of active strategies
system's life. can be unproductive. [9]
Aniza Abdul Aziz and Yasmin Mohd Adnan, in their
1.3. Literature Review: Need and Significance of Study research paper titled “Incorporation of innovative passive
architectural features in office building design towards
The sustainable buildings are rated by two agencies, i.e., achieving operational cost saving-the move to enhance
the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) and Green sustainable development,” discussed saving in operating
Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) to cost of an office building by incorporating the passive
assess sustainability performance on different parameters features. The study concludes that the cost of energy
such as energy consumption, site planning, passive and reduction is a significant component of the operation cost,
active strategies, water conservation, and waste thus saving energy through passive features reduces the
management. There is an observation that these rating cost of operation of buildings. [10]
systems do not have the methods to verify that buildings
Sahid ST., Ir. Surjamanto W, and Ir. Sugeng Triyadi,
have implemented passive strategies to their fullest extent.
in their research paper titled “Role of Passive and Active
The rating system's result is often very dangerous; the
Strategy in Green Building Context,” discussed the
buildings that have been rated use active strategies to meet
comparison of passive and active strategies, the role of
the rating system's needs. The purpose of sustainable
each strategies in designing a green building. The study
design has been defeated.
discussed various options, such as optimizing passive
Fabrice Mwizerwa, and Mukesh Kr Gupta, in their
strategies, optimizing active strategies, and optimizing
research paper titled “Establishing Climate Responsive
passive and active strategists. The combination of passive
Building Design Strategies using Climate Consultant,”
and active strategies works best. Passive strategies should
discussed various innovative and
also be optimized before switching to active strategies to
sophisticated-cutting-edge technologies in sustainable
building design irrespective of their requirement as per the achieve thermal comfort without consuming excess energy.
local climate. The study has been conducted using climate [11]
consultant software (an energy tool) for Gusenyi. It It can be concluded that passive design strategies are not
concludes that passive design strategies are sufficient to costly and very effective. The passive strategies in
achieve occupants' thermal comfort; there is no need for traditional buildings were to the fullest because there was
active or mechanical strategies.[6] less scope for active strategies. The sustainable rating
Sachin Vyas Gayatri, and K. N. Jha, in their research system does not guarantee the optimum implementation of
paper titled “Comparative Study of Rating Systems for passive strategies. As per the Literature Review, passive
Green Building in Developing and Developed Countries,” and active strategies have been studied through energy
discussed the comparative analysis of the rating system in simulation software and literature review. These studies
developing and developed countries. The study advises that may be adequate theoretically but do not represent the
there are so many topography variations and climate in realistic implementation of passive and active strategies to
India from the north to the south. The rating system should projects. There are only a few studies available that have
address the topographic and climate factor from east to been performed through a case study, and hardly any such
west.[7] study is available in the Context of India. It clearly shows a
Kang Ji-Eun Kang, Ki-Uhn Ahn, Cheol-Soo Park, need to explore passive and active strategies through case
and Thorsten Schuetze, in their research paper titled “A studies in India's climate zones.
Case Study on Passive vs. Active Strategies for an This study will create a ready reference for architects,
Energy-Efficient School Building Design,” discussed the architecture students, and civil engineers to understand the
cross-comparison of the passive versus active approaches composite climate zone's passive and active design
on energy-saving using Energy Plus simulation. The study strategies. The rating agency can also refer to it for a more
concludes that there are more benefits of using passive detailed understanding of integrating passive features in
design strategies than active design strategies and that their manuals.
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(6): 1370-1389, 2020 1373
2. Aim, Objectives, Scope, and Strategy for Composite Climate Zones. Later on, only two
focused areas have been chosen for this study.
Limitations The study deals with passive and active methods by case
studies, and the chosen cases should be considered the best
2.1. Aim practices to illustrate sustainable design principles. There
are many cases available on the composite climate of India
To understand passive and active design strategies for
related to sustainable design. However, due to the rating
India's Composite climatic zone and its applications in
system, the current designs had lost the focus from passive
strategies. These modern buildings hardly integrate the
Indian architecture's traditional passive features such as the
2.2. Objectives courtyard, verandah, and water bodies. The two cases aid in
a) To study sustainable design in the Indian context this research, the American Institute of Indian Studies and
b) To analyze the composite climatic zone of India the Solar Energy Center is based on traditional Indian
c) To analyze the passive and active design strategies in architecture, and another case is one building of the PEDA
the composite climatic zone. complex since it represents modern passive designs that are
d) To analyze the applications of passive and active unique. In 2001, all three studies were listed in the most
design strategies in buildings situated in the authentic book entitled 'Energy Efficient Buildings in India,
composite climate zone. edited by Mili Majumdar, published by the Ministry of
Non-Conventional Energy Sources. This book has
presented the best practices of sustainable design in India.
2.3. Scope and Limitation The basis of the analysis of the cases mentioned above is
Macro variations occur in the composite climate zone mainly on two parameters, i.e., the aspect of
of India. This study only studies the climate of climate-responsive design and energy and other aspects
Chandigarh. This may be conceptually relevant to the such as water conservation, waste management, and many
entire composite climate region, but macro variations more, are not included in this study. Climate responsive
must be considered in the specific city or location. design includes orientation parameters, fenestration,
This research only covers institutional / office buildings. It shading devices, natural light, ventilation, courtyard or
deals only with two components of sustainable strategies, atrium, and sustainable building materials. The energy
i.e., climate responsive design and energy conservation, at aspect includes the cooling parameter, earth contact, roof
the level of case studies. garden, water bodies, solar plant, or panels. These three
studies' results were elaborated after the analysis and
discussion of these parameters in each study.
3. Methodology The conclusion and recommendation were made based
on analysis and review and based on the findings. The three
It is important to know the past, current, and future case studies' study areas are shown by the location map in
sustainable design scenarios in India. The past scenario of Fig 1, Fig 2, and Fig 3.
sustainable design has been discussed based on the
principles of the design of Vastushastra in ancient India.
The present scenarios have been discussed through
different rating systems, Indian Architects working in
sustainability, rated building in India, and sustainable
design. The future scenario has been discussed to highlight
the scope of sustainable design and learning lessons of
sustainability from traditional Indian architecture.
The paper involves studying passive and active design
features in India's composite climate, and the area of India
under the same is vast. It is not possible to study the climate
analysis of all cities of the composite climate of India. This
study only deals with the climate analysis of Chandigarh
City as a representative of the Composite Climate to
highlight the various objectives of climate-based building
design. It is important to understand all the focus areas of Source: Google Earth
sustainable design for passive and active strategies. This Figure 1. Location Map of American Institute of Indian Studies,
was addressed under India's Passive and Active Design Gurugram
1374 A Study of Passive and Active Strategies through Case Studies for the Composite Climate Zone of India
Source: Meteoblue
Figure 4. Temperature, Rainfall graph of Chandigarh
Source: https://weatherspark.com/
Figure 6. Humidity graph of Chandigarh
Latitude and Longitude: The exact cartographic shown in Fig 6, and is a dry time. The solar chart shows
co-ordinates of Chandigarh are 300 44' 14N, 760 47' 14E. It that the sun's hours are a minimum during this time. Solar
has an average elevation of 321 meters (1053 ft). [19] radiations are also minimal, as shown in Fig 7. The wind Climatic Analysis of Chandigarh direction is NE to SW in the winter [19], and the wind is
A. Critical Seasonal Analysis Inference: The buildings should be designed to
There are five seasons in Chandigarh: summer, winter, optimize heat gain during the winter, preferably direct
monsoon, autumn, and spring. Three seasons are vital, and sunlight. After due consideration, the building should
two seasons (autumn and spring) are temperate. The allow the wind to increase the heat in the wind.
analysis of the three essential seasons and the inferences iii) Monsoon (July to September)
drawn from the analysis are as follow:
This time, the mean maximum temperature is 360C in
i) Summer (April -June) July to 330C in Sept, as shown in Fig 4. The relative
This period is the most critical; the mean maximum humidity level in these months ranges from 60% to 95%,
temperature ranges from 27 0C in March to 41 0C in June, as shown in Fig 6. The rainfall during this time is very
as shown in Fig 4. The relative humidity for this time is high, as shown in Fig 4. The average rainfall for the year
30-45 percent, as shown in Fig 3. The solar chart also 2017 was approximately 974 mm.
shows that the sun's hours are the highest during this time, Inference: The buildings should be constructed to
so the heat gain is the maximum, as shown in Fig 7. minimize heat gain and allow sufficient wind flow inside
During this time, the wind direction is SW to NE [19], as the building to reduce relative humidity. It is better to
shown in Fig 5, and the wind contains heat. extract extra moisture from the wind before entering. The
Inference: The buildings should be designed to reduce amount of water obtained by rainfall is sufficient to be
the heat gain in summer. They should allow the wind after used for various purposes.
due care of the reduction of heat in the wind. B. Solar Path Analysis
ii) Winter (Dec –Feb) Solar path charts are available for a difference of
This time is not as important as summer; the average 1-degree latitude, Latitude of Chandigarh is 300 44' 14N,
min temperature ranges from 7.3 0C in Dec to 8.9 0C in which is very close to 310 N, so this chart will be used for
Feb, as in Fig 4. The relative humidity is almost zero, as analysis, as shown in Fig 7.
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(6): 1370-1389, 2020 1377
This Solar Chart, as shown in Fig 4, clearly shows that in the summer of sun and the evening sun are critical in the summer; thus, the
June 21, the Sunrise at 300 from E to North and the Sunset at 300 from W indirect radiations and the direct radiations are very high.
to North. This is the longest exposure period of the Sun. Likewise, in the
winter, on the 22nd of December, Sunrise at 300 from E to South and
Therefore, both forms of radiation should be avoided. It is
Sunset at 300 from W to South. This is the shortest period of sun exposure. not easy to avoid direct sunlight in SW, W, and NW. The
sun is not so critical in the winter, and it should be allowed
In the summer, Sun's vertical movement, June 21, inside the buildings during the day.
reaches 8 am at 400 altitudes, 12 pm at 830, and 4 pm at 400,
meaning that the Sun is at higher altitudes. Likewise, in the
4.2. Passive and Active Design Strategies for Composite
winter of December 22, the Sun hits 8 am at 100, 12 pm at
Climate Zone of India
350, and 4 pm at 10, meaning that the Sun is at a lower
altitude during the winter. As discussed in the previous section, it is essential to
understand that sustainable design strategies are based on
Inferences: climate analysis. The building design is more challenging
The sun in the summer morning is not as critical as in composite climates than other climatic regions, as it
indirect radiations are slightly lower, and the design should be designed for hot-dry in summer, warm-humid in
criterion should be to prevent direct sunlight. The noon sun monsoon, and cold-sunny in winter. Summers are the main
has substantially more direct and indirect radiation; thus, focus of the composite climate, so buildings should
all forms of radiation should avoid. It is easy to avoid direct minimize heat gain in summer and increase heat losses.
sunlight to the south by horizontal shading. The afternoon Winters are also vital to the second priority; buildings are
1378 A Study of Passive and Active Strategies through Case Studies for the Composite Climate Zone of India
The American Institute of Indian Studies is a consortium of American universities that allows scholars to promote
Indian Art, Architecture, and Music research. This new building is designed to cater to administrative offices, research
facilities, archives, a library, and a center for Ethnomusicology. [21]
Concept: The basis of this concept is on the fusion of traditional architecture with modernism. There is an integration of various elements of
Traditional Indian Architecture such as Gardens, courtyards, pavilions, and verandahs into the experience of interaction with the outdoor environment.
The sunken courtyard, brick on the façade, and other features, such as the arch, the dome reflect the traditional Indian architecture vocabulary. [21, 24]
Source: Energy Efficient Buildings in India [14]
Figure 8. Ground Floor Plan
1380 A Study of Passive and Active Strategies through Case Studies for the Composite Climate Zone of India Climate Responsive Design The external façade provided the proper size of the
a). Optimum Orientation windows on the north and south for natural daylight; the
small silt windows on the exterior façade on the east and
The site area of the project is small. There are two west façades were provided with glass bricks for natural
approach roads on the NW and NE sides, the usage of the daylight in the basement rooms, as shown in Fig 10. The
NW side road is used as the main entrance, and the NE
light shelf concept is also used to bring the light deeper in
side is the service entrance. The long façade of the
rooms by reflecting light from top glazed Surfaces of
building was facing the NE-SW. The building façade is
windows, as shown in Fig 9. The ceramic tile on the top of
staggered at 450 from the site boundary, as shown in Fig 8,
the horizontal shading reflects the light from outside to
allowing windows in the north-south direction to
enter deeper inside the rooms through a window above the
minimize heat gain. The staggering of the façade serves
shading device, as shown in Fig 9. The windows have been
the function of the best orientation and also adds the
provided in the sunken courtyard to allow natural light in
aesthetic value of the building façade. [21, 23]
rooms, as shown in Fig 11. The dome on the director’s
b). Fenestration and Shading Devices, Natural Day room has been provided with the fiber material to filter the
Lighting and Ventilation light below, as shown in Fig 15. [21]
The main windows face north and south, as shown in
Fig 8. There is only a need for horizontal shading in the
south to cut direct sunlight in summers to minimize heat
gain in summer, and there is no need for shading in the
north. The designer has assigned a uniform character to
provide uniform shading devices in the north and south.
Windows often need protection from rain, so it is justified
to provide horizontal shading in the north and south.
Figure 12. Sunken Courtyard at the Main entrance landscape and water
Source: Gaurav Gangwar
Figure 10. Glass bricks on East and West façade for Natural light in the The Courtyards are the essence of the project. There are
basement two sunken courtyards, the main courtyard is at the
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(6): 1370-1389, 2020 1381 Energy Conservation solar water heater of 250 liters per day, as shown in Fig 17.
[21] Hot water is useful for the cafeteria, as per the
a) Evaporative Cooling Concept author's interview. Solar water heaters are saving energy
There is a fascinating concept of cooling called the in buildings.
evaporative cooling concept. The first stage ensures
standard direct evaporative cooling in which the addition of c) Roof Garden
moisture cools the air. In the second stage, the air is The terrace garden with a modern pavilion is situated
indirectly cooled by passing it through a heat exchanger on the second floor's terrace, ideal for a large gathering in
that carries cooled water without humidity. By regulating the winters, as shown in Fig 18. This terrace garden is
these two phases of operation, cooling can be very well linked to the cafeteria and works very
accomplished with some degree of humidity control. Ducts effectively for users in the winters. The terrace garden
carrying cooling airflow are running through the also lowers the heat insulation on the lower floors. The
courtyards' passageways, and outlets are placed to blow insulation of the terrace garden decreases the
cooled air into the working areas, as shown in Fig 16. [21] air-conditioned load of the building. [21]
This system is not working at present for various reasons;
the first is that people's lifestyle has changed and they need
more cooling; this system needs a lot of maintenance.
Centralized air-conditioning has been replaced for this
d) Earth Contact
The building has been sunken to one floor, and the
whole floor takes advantage of the contact of the earth
Source: Gaurav Gangwar around it to minimize the heat in the basement. Earth
Figure 16. Evaporative Cooling Duct in the Library (Basement) contact also decreases the air-conditioned load of the
b) Solar Water Heaters
1. The building's orientation is very well done and
makes natural daylight, so efficient ventilation
decreases the building's heat gain.
2. The windows and shading devices' design provide
sufficient natural light, ventilation, and reduces the
heat in summer.
3. The sunken courtyard concept is very innovative and
works effectively as a climate modifier, lighting, and
ventilation system.
4. The earth contact is an excellent feature of this
building to minimize the cooling load of the building.
5. The Roof garden is very well designed to integrate
with the cafeteria and decrease its cooling and heating
Source: Gaurav Gangwar load due to its insulation properties.
Figure 17. Solar Water Heater on the terrace
6. The building materials such as exposed brick and
stone are useful for reducing energy consumption, but
The cafeteria and staff quarters have been fitted with a these materials improve the building's aesthetics.
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(6): 1370-1389, 2020 1383
This building was designed to incorporate a meaningful This project is located in the composite climate of
use of passive strategies such as orientation, courtyard, Gurugram, formerly known as Gurgaon, Haryana, India,
verandah, windows and shading devices, earth contact, and project statistics are shown in Table 3.
roof garden, and sustainable building materials. This The project is an office complex consisting of a
approach lacks India's new small sustainable projects Technical and Administration Block, a workshop block,
because designers emphasize active sustainable design and a guest house. The Technical Administration Block
techniques to achieve rating systems. The active strategies includes the Administration, Library, Cafeteria,
such as the evaporative cooling system, solar water heater Laboratories and Testing Areas, and the Solar Simulator
have also been used to complement the passive strategies. Section. This paper will only deal with sustainable design
strategies for the Technological and Administrative Block.
4.3.2. Case Study 2: Solar Energy Center, Gurgaon [26]
Table 3. Project statistics of Solar Energy Center Concept: The courtyards are the essential feature of the
Type of building Institutional/ Residential
traditional Indian architecture used in the administrative
and technical block. The fountain and landscaping are also
Covered area 6943 sqm
important features of this main block to serve as a climate
Site Area 200 Acres
Completed 1990
Location Gurgaon Climate Responsive Strategies
Climate Composite a) Optimum Orientation
Architects Vinod Gupta
The technical and administrative blocks do not have a
Landscape -
specific orientation, as they are structured around square
Source: Energy Efficient Buildings in India [14] courtyards, as seen in Fig 19. [25]
Completed 2004
Figure 24. Solar thermal plant for power generation Climate Composite
Landscape - Climate Responsive Design the heat gain from the direct solar radiation; projections on
a) Optimum Orientation each rib are designed as self-shading in summers, as shown
in Fig 27. Glazing on these ribs allows for natural light
The site is minimal in size, and the building is the result within the office complex. [21, 27]
of the shape of the site. It was, therefore, not possible to The complex's central atrium has a main entrance, a
orient the building in a specific direction. The entire façade reception, a water body, a cafeteria, and a sitting room.
of the complex has used different strategies to reduce heat This natural daylight at this atrium is made possible
gain during the summer. The design of the building through the roof, as seen in Fig 28. A lightweight space
envelope attenuates external atmospheric conditions. [21, frame supports the roof. This roof is built with a hyperbolic
27] shell roof so that daylight can admit without glare. Glass
b) Fenestration and Shading, Natural Daylighting and solar panels are mounted on this roof to produce electricity
ventilation for various building purposes, as shown in Fig 28. [21, 27]
The floating and overlapping slab with interpenetrating 4. The solar plant of 25 Kwp is working very
vertical cutting allow free and fast air movement, reducing efficiently.
the suffocating effect. [27] 5. The cavity wall concept and double insulation on the
roof will reduce the heat gain in summer and reduce
c) Sustainable Building Materials winter heat losses.
The entire complex consists of a single envelope, and the
There is an efficient use of modern passive strategies in
outer wall of this envelope is made of a double wall with a
building, such as south-facing passive dome structure
2 "(two-inch) space between for insulation purposes. [21,
techniques, cavity walls, double insulation, and water
27] All roofs, except the atrium roof, are insulated with a
bodies. There are also active strategies, such as the solar
double insulation system to prevent the roof's heat. [27]
thermal plant, and the wind tower has been designed, and Energy Conservation the solar thermal plant operates efficiently.
Classification of India Using New Base Temperature. [22] Case Studies: Composite climate [Internet].
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference High-performancebuildings.org. 2020 [cited 4 October
of IBPSA. 2019;:4841-4845. 2020]. Available from: http://high-performancebuildings.or
[18] Mathi M, Sundarraja M. Understanding Climate For
Sustainable Building Design –A Case Study In Warm [23] Earth Sheltered Buildings [Internet]. Design Flute. 2020
Humid Region In India. Journal of Applied Sciences [cited 4 October 2020]. Available from:
Research [Internet]. 2014 [cited 4 October 2020]; http://www.design-flute.com/2008/05/13/earth-sheltered-bu
10(2):69-87. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/ ilding/
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