Manual - Installation Maintenance Manual - FP 50 To FP 1500
Manual - Installation Maintenance Manual - FP 50 To FP 1500
Manual - Installation Maintenance Manual - FP 50 To FP 1500
I. The liquid purged from the purifier is a hazardous c. Remove fill plug at the top of purifier
waste and must be disposed of in accordance with and top off fuel level in unit.
all state & local ordinances. d. Purifier is ready to resume operation.
II. Although there may be operational instances 2. If unit is equipped with a fuel shut off valve:
where it is desirable, from a safety stand point, we a. Shut off fuel flow to purifier.
recommend the engine be stopped and the b. Using a bottle, a jar, or a similar
ignition or pump be turned off before purging the container, open the drain valve
purifier. (located at the bottom of the purifier).
Purge or drain contaminants until
III. It is NOT necessary to drain the entire unit, except clean fuel is observed. We suggest
under “V” below. you open and close the drain valve
A. Only contamination should be removed. several times in a rapid succession to
B. Purging is complete when clean fuel is assure all contaminants have been
observed draining from the purifier. removed and the drain is sealed.
c. Remove fill plug at top of purifier and
IV. The purging procedures explained in “VI” below, top off fuel level in unit.
are recommended to be performed every 100 to d. Purifier is ready to resume operation.
150 operating hours. Purifiers operating in harsh
environmental conditions, i.e., high humidity, dust, 3. If no shut off or check valve is provided:
etc., or those cleaning seriously contaminated a. Using a bottle, a jar, or a similar
fuel, or operating in fuel cleaning or polishing container, open the drain valve
operations will require more frequent purging. (located at the bottom of the purifier).
Purge or drain contaminants until
V. We recommend draining the purifier and removal clean fuel is observed. We suggest
of the top fill plug and drain valve after every 2000 you open and close the drain valve
hours of operation. When the top and bottom several times in a rapid succession to
plugs are removed, the purifier can be blown out assure all contaminants have been
with high-pressure air from the top down. This will removed and the drain is sealed.
remove any solids that may be retained in the b. Remove fill plug at top of purifier and
baffles or lower portions of the purifier. top off fuel level in unit.
c. Purifier is ready to resume operation.
VI. Purging d. Restart system, run for a minute or so,
A. Purifier operating on the pressure side of shut down and repeat Step “B” above
the fuel system: to ensure the purifier has remained
1. Open drain valve located at the bottom full.
of the purifier. Purge or drain
contaminants until clean fuel is NOTE: In some installations, especially if the
observed. purifier is located on the suction or vacuum side
2. Close drain valve. Pressurize fuel of the fuel system, fuel may drain back into the
system. tank whenever the top fill plug is opened. If a
3. Press air purge valve located on the top check valve or shut off valve cannot be
of the unit. Hold valve down until all air installed at the “IN” port of the purifier, it may
has been evacuated and fuel squirts be helpful to install the incoming line so that a
from the valve. loop extends above the level of the top of the
4. Purifier is ready to resume operation. purifier (so that the fuel line creates a reverse
“P” trap). Where possible, pinching off the fuel
B. Purifier operating on the suction side of the line prior to opening the top fill plug will also
fuel system: help to assure the fuel does not drain back into
1. If unit is equipped with a check valve the tank.
located at the intake coupling:
a. Open drain valve located at the
bottom of the purifier. Purge or drain
contaminates until clean fuel is
b. Close drain valve.
RCI Technologies
462 Borrego Court, Ste D. ● San Dimas, CA 91773
Phone: (800) 868-2088 ● (909) 305-1241 ● Fax: (909) 667-2631
E-mail: [email protected] ● Website:
Make sure the engine is stopped and the ignition or starting circuit has been turned off.
Using the universal mounting straps provided, surely mount the purifier approximately level with or lower
than the intake of the primary filter. Install the purifier in a vertical position. Make sure to provide sufficient
clearance for the fuel line connections and verify there is adequate room below the purifier to allow for
draining (see maintenance instructions).
Disconnect the fuel line between the fuel tank and the primary fuel filter. Bend, modify or replace fuel lines
so that the fuel line runs from the tank to the IN coupling on the purifier. Modify the existing or prepare a
new fuel line from the OUT coupling on the purifier to the input fitting on the primary filter.
All plumbing and pipe fittings must be of compatible materials and size to insure a smooth even flow to the
AND ADVERSELY EFFECT WARRANTY). Wrap at least four (4) layers of Teflon tape (or other
acceptable sealant), around the threads. Including the spring sealed bottom drain, top fill plug and the inlet
and outlet fuel line fittings.
The purifier must be grounded to insure proper operation of the optional heating element or optional sensor,
(if purchased follow these instructions provided). A ground strap or ring should be threaded on the heating
element then at least four (4) layers of Teflon tape should be wrapped around the threads and the heating
element tightened into the purifier body. Connect a ground wire (not provided) to ground (engine block,
frame rail or similar reliable location. Because of the powder coated finish on the purifier, mounting straps,
an acceptable ground cannot be assured simply by mounting the purifier to the engine or frame).
Connect a switch controlled fused lead (works only when ignition is on) to the terminal of the heater. This
provides for operation of the heater only when the ignition is on. The heater remains in operation whenever
the equipment is operating. It is not necessary to disconnect or shut off the heater in warm or hot weather.
Note: Operation of the purifier, especially in warmer climates, does not require the use of the heater.
However, if the heater is not to be used, the heater coupling on the purifier must be plugged.
Connect the prepared fuel lines. Make sure the lines run from the fuel tank to the IN coupling on the purifier
and from the OUT coupling to the primary fuel filter. Install the drain plug and check that the factory installed
sensor port cap is secure. Replace the sensor port cap with the optional sensor. (If sensor purchased –
follow the instructions provided with the sensor kit). Inspect to insure the compatibility of all line, assure no
kinks or crimps, which may impede fuel flow. Check all connections to insure they are correct and tight.
Completely fill the purifier with clean fuel. Install the top plug, make sure plug has been properly wrapped
with Teflon tape (or other acceptable sealant) to insure a tight seal. To insure proper operation of the
purifier all air must be purged from the fuel system.
Note: Make sure all air has been evacuated from the purifier. If a priming pump is not provided on the
engine, it may be necessary to remove the top plug and refill the purifier once or twice during the initial
installation or subsequent engine or filter service.
RCI Technologies
462 Borrego Court, Ste D. ● San Dimas, CA 91773
Phone: (800) 868-2088 ● (909) 305-1241 ● Fax: (909) 667-2631
E-mail: [email protected] ● Website: