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J. Phys. Chem. Solids Pergamon Press 1957. Vol. 3. pp. 30-36.


Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, Murray Hill, New Jersey
(Received 3 April 1957)

Abstract-A refinement of the crystal structure of yttrium-iron garnet (cubic space group--la3d)
has been carried out by application of the least-squares method of calculation to single-crystal X-ray
data. The oxygen parameters are x = -0.0274, y = 0.057,, z = 0.149,; the tetrahedral iron-oxygen
distance is 1.88 a, the octahedral iron-oxygen distance is 2.00 A and the yttrium-oxygen distances
are 2.37 and 2.43 A. None of the oxygen polyhedra is regular even though the space group would
allow the tetrahedra and octahedra to be regular simultaneously.
Interionic distances and angles which are important to the interaction between magnetic ions have
been calculated. The strongest interactions probably occur between FeS+ in 16(a) and 24(d) positions
and between Fes+, 24(d), and MS+, a magnetic rare-earth ion substituted for yttrium, in the 24(c)
positions. Interactions between crystallographically equivalent ions are all small. The number of
interactions per Fes+ ion per formula unit is 3/5 that in a spine1 “ferrite” and, correspondingly, the
Curie temperature observed is 0.64 that of magnetite.
No change of symmetry is observed up to 9OO”C, and the behavior of the lattice constant, a, vs. T
is consistent with the presence of a Curie transition.

INTRODUCTION The first extensive and definitive investigation of

CONSIDERABLEinterest in the rare earth-iron gar- the role of yttrium and aluminum in the garnet
nets has existed since their discoveryQs2) particu- structure was made by YODER and KEITH@) who
larly because they constitute a new family of cubic studied the system
ferrimagnetic compounds which belong to space
(Mu,-,Y,) Al, (Si3-,A1,)Q2.
group 0410)~Iu3d which was not previously en-
countered in studies of magnetic oxides. There are They succeeded in synthesizing the compound
now the possibilities of testing previously estab- Y,Al,(AlO,),, an yttrium-aluminum garnet. Later,
lished ideas of magnetic interactions on these new KEITH and ROY,(~) in an investigation of reaction
compounds and of expanding some of these ideas products of rare-earth and transition-metal oxides,
because these compounds represent the first case produced garnets : Y,Ga2(Ga04),, Sm,Al,(AlO,)s,
in which rare-earth ions are known to contribute to Sm,Ga,(GaO,),. Attempts by the latter authors to
the spontaneous magnetization.(1*3*4*5) produce the garnet Sm,Fe,(FeO,), were un-
A quantitative understanding of the interaction successful.
between magnetic ions requires an accurate deter- Recently BERTAUTand FORRAT discovered that
mination of the positions of all ions. For yttrium- spontaneous magnetization, originally attributed
iron garnet this has been made possible by the by others to a perovskite-like phase, actually
availability of single crystals produced by NIEL- originated in a garnet phase which was present.
SEN.(‘) This phase had probably resulted from incomplete
The excellent and extensive work of MENZER(‘) reaction of the mixed oxides. In these Laboratories
on the natural garnets established the structure, the ferrimagnetism in rare earth-iron garnets was
although, because X-ray diffraction intensities from discovered independently and in a different way
powders were used, great accuracy could not be which has been described in a previous communi-
attributed to the 02- ion parameters. cation.@) Our magnetic data on Y3Fe2(Fe04), are

in agreement with those of ALBONARD,BARBIERand hours and then reground. Samples were prepared in
PAUTHENET.(~)The work of PAUTHENETon gado- pellet form and fired at 1450% for 16 hr in oxygen.
Powder taken from one of the pellets was put into a thin-
linium-iron garnet@) has clarified the interpretation walled glass capiIlary$ which was mounted in a high
of data previously in disagreement with that of temperature camera designed and built by BONDof these
GILLEO on GdFeO,,@O) Recent work by BERTAUT Laboratories. Lattice constants were determined from
and PAUTHENETQ’)establishes the magnetic pro- photographs taken at various temperatures (Fig. 4) with
CoK radiation.
perties and cell sizes of a large number of rare
earth-iron garnets.
A neutron diffraction study of yttrium-iron gar-
net has been carried out by BERTAUTet uE.@~)and The symmetry of the single crystal photographs
by PRINCEW of these Laboratories. A neutron is O~+n3m and only the following types of reflec-
diffraction study must establish the oxygen para- tions are present: (Ml), h+K+Z = 2n; (Z.&O),
meters and the magnetic structure.* The results of h = 2n, K = 2n; (hhl), I = 2n, 2h+Z = 4n. Thus
the two investigations are essentially in agreement O,(lO)-Iu3d§ is uniquely established as the most
with regard to the magnetic nature of the probable space group for YsFe,(FeO,)s. The room
Y,Fe,(FeO,),, but there are differences in the temperature lattice constant, which was determined
oxygen parameters. The single crystal analysis, from a powder photograph, is 12.376 A (probably
which should give more accurate results, leads to a IfrO.004 A). There are eight formula units in the
set of oxygen-ion parameters which, except for the cubic unit cell; the corresponding X-ray density is
x-co-ordinate, lie between the two sets obtained by 5.17 g/cm3.
the different authors. The results of this analysis and that of PRINCE
indicate that YsFe&FeO& is isostructural with the
natural garnets. In the garnet type structure the
The crystal used to obtain the data for this analysis is
ys+ ions occupy positions 24(c), Fe3+ ions occupy
a sphere of 0.23 mm diameter made from a single crystal positions 24(d) and 16(a), and oxygen ions occupy
produced by NIELSEN. To obtain adequate intensity of positions 96(h). Of these positions only the 96(h)
the most important reflections in reasonable exposure involve parameters (x, y, z) which must be refined.
time, Co& radiation was used. The crystal was aligned
It is fortunate that in this structure there is a
along a [I101 direction and all odd-numbered layer&net
photographs were taken about this direction. The inten- substantial number of reflections which have con-
sities were estimated visually by comparison with an tributions from the oxygen ions only. These have
intensity scale. The following factors were applied to the two indices odd and the third divisible by 4.
layer-line data to convert intensities to lFl* values:
Furthermore there is an even larger number of
LORENTZ-polarization, TUNELL rotation,(i4) absorption,
and spot extension corrections.(‘6) Tables prepared by
reflections to which there is no contribution from
BOND were used for the absorption correction. Be- the 16(a) Fe 3+ ions. The contribution from the re-
cause several reffections were common to two or more maining ions is eight times the difference between
photographs, it was a simple matter to put all reflections the scattering of yttrium and iron. These were,
on the same scale. Further data for determination of the
therefore, the only reflections used in the refine-
space group were obtained from Buerger precession
photographs taken with a [loo] direction as the precession ment. Those to which the metal atoms contribute
axis. very heavily have been given zero weight.

High temperature experiments The contributions of the oxygen ions to the structure
Samples used in these experiments were prepared by amplitudes were calculated on the IBM 650 computer
coprecipitation of the hydroxides from nitric acid solu- using PRINCE’S parameters (Table I). The programming
tion. The washed mixture of hydroxides was dried at and calculation were carried out by BOOTH. The
2OO”C, ground in an agate mortar, heated gradually to
6OO’C over a period of 4 hr, kept at 600% for two J A fused silica capillary was used for the photograph
taken at 600 and 900°C (Fig. 4).
* The previously unknown yttrium neutron scattering 3 Below the Curie temperature, the crystal possesses
cross section must also be determined. For this reason a spontaneous magnetization in one direction in each mag-
neutron diffraction study of YSAII(AIOI)s has also been netic domain so that the symmetry cannot be truly cubic
carried out by PRINCE. even though deviations from cubic symmetry are not
t WEISSENBERG. detected by X-ray diffraction.

scattering factors for the yttrium and iron ions were ob- for space group O,(lO)-Ia3d was worked out by Miss
tained from the International Tables(18) and for oxygen D. C. LEAGUS of these Laboratories and the calculation
ions from the paper by BERGHUIS et a1.(18) Corrections carried out by Mr. A. H. HATCH of IBM. The reflection
were made for ionicity; these were, of necessity, some- amplitudes involved had two indices odd and the third
what arbitrary. Because several of the reflections resulted divisible by 2. Thus only (hhl) reflections were weighted
exclusively from oxygen ion contributions, it was not too one-half. _\I1 other (hkl) reflections were weighted one
difficult to estimate a temperature factor for the oxygens except those which were not observed. These were given
and a scale factor by which the observed structure ampli- very low weights, and were included in the calculation
tudes were placed on an absolute basis. The temperature because only then would the program give the calculated
factor so deduced for the oxygen ions was 2.0 A”. In the structure amplitude for these reflections. After the first
initial calculations zero temperature factors were assumed iteration, changes in co-ordinates were very small, so
for the Y3+ and Fe3+ ions, although it was recognized that that u-e had confidence in the final parameters. The re-
this was physically impossible. sults of the last three iterations are given in Table 2. The
values given in the last row of this table are considered
Table 1. Oxygen parameters obtained by neutron to be the final ones.

A comparison of calculated with observed struc-
ture amplitudes is given in Table 3. If the (hhl)
structure factors are weighted one-half and the
PRINCE(‘~] unobserved reflections counted as one-half the
BERTAUTet Al. ~ 1.;:: 1 ::;a: ~ ::i
minimum observable reflections, the discrepancy
factor, ( C 1IF01-IF,_\ I/ ;T,IF01), is 9.2 per cent.
If the unobserved reflections are excluded, 8.5 per
Some time after PRINCE had obtained the oxygen
cent is the result. The discrepancy factor for the
parameters from neutron diffraction data, the results of
BERTAUT et CZ~.(‘~)appeared (Table 1). The differences sixteen observed reflections resulting from
between the y and z parameters of these two sets are oxygen-ion contributions only is 9.2 per cent. AS
rather substantial and amount to 0.07 and 0.04A calculated from the least-squares data, the errors in
respectively. Calculations of structure amplitudes were co-ordinates are
carried out with the parameters of BERTAUTet al. It ap-
peared that neither set was entirely satisfactory as far as CT(X)= o(y) = rs(z) = 0.0009.
the X-ray data were concerned. Examination of the re-
sults indicated that the set of parameters which would Apparently the evidence speaks for high accuracy
best satisfy the X-ray data probably would be somewhere of the oxygen parameters, even though it is possible,
between the two sets.
and even probable, that the accuracy is not quite
The oxygen parameters obtained by PRINCE were used
as a starting point for the least-squares refinement of the as high as indicated by the numbers.
structure. These calculations were carried out on the It is worth noting that the agreement for the
IBM 704 computer. The main program used was that reflections from oxygen-ions only is as good as it is
devised by Dr. D. SAYRE of IBM* ; the auxiliary program
for the other reflections. Also the interaction of the
* Only diagonal terms in the least-squares matrix are positional and temperature parameters appears to
computed. be negligible. Intensities for neutron diffraction

Table 2. Results of last three least-squares iterations



I ~~
Oxygen co-ordinates
factors A*

-0.x0272 0.0:71 0.12490 2.11

0*- 0.179
Y3+ 0.598
Fe*+ I 0.993 10.8
-0.0276 0.0572 0.1494 2.03 0.148 0.655 0.983 9.7
-0.0274 0.0572 0.1492 2.05 0.161 0.631 0.988 9.6

* These values are actually high. They do not consider the half-weighting of the (hhl) amplitudes
and do include the unobserved reflections counted as half the minimum observable F.

Table 3. Comparison of calculated with observed structure amplitudes

Amplitude Amplitude Amplitude

W) Obs. Calc. W) Obs. Calc. Obs. - Calc.
121 84.1 -100*5 671 < 31.5 20.4 581 46.3 49.1
123 57.9 -68.3 673 60.2 -71.1 583 60.5 -71.0
125 169.9 -160.7 677 26.1 -34.8
127 83.8 -89-6 679 95.8 85-4 691 86.1 80-l
129 55.3 -58.7
1,2,11 95-o -95.8 781 25.3 -25.5 7,10,1 90.3 84.7
1,2,13 24.8 -38.5 783 < 25.6 4.6 7,10,3 71.1 68.7
785 < 21.6 6.2 7,10,5 50.0 56.1
233 59.0 -71%5
235 145.6 -141.7 891 39.7 42.7 8,11,1 < 8.7 -6.6
237 30.0 24.5 893 < 18.7 4.0
239 73.3 -76.8 895 14.4 19.9 161 182.5 207.3
2,3,11 68.0 66.6 1,6,11 68.4 67.3
2,3,13 68.5 -76.9 9,10,1 61.9 -71.2
277 90.5 92.5
341 86.1 95.4 147 38.0 42.3 279 40.0 46-9
345 < 33.4 -15.4 149 51.3 -56.5 2,7,11 81.4 82.2
347 41.5 43.8 1,4,11 26.5 -21-4
349 38.5 -38.7 1,4,13 < 8.7 6.0 381 < 34.9 -17‘S
3,4-J 1 23.8 20.3
25.5 125.4 -141.9 5,10,1 128-O -106.6
451 26.0 -25.1 2.57 48.7 41.0 5,10,3 79.9 -71.9
457 59.1 59.7 259 61.4 -69.9 5,10,5 59.5 -59.1
459 < 25.6 -11.0 2,5,11 76.2 74.3
4,5,11 < 16.3 -8.1 299 91.6 -93.8
361 46.4 -44.1
561 78.5 86.8 363 56.2 -59.5 3,10,1 62.4 61.6
563 39.4 41.5 369 77.0 -70.0 3,10,3 74.3 89.4
565 120.4 117.4 3,6,11 116.8 -109.6
567 115.6 112.9 5,12,1 < 16.2 -7.4
569 75.3 75.6 479 < 20.1 4.6 .5,X2,3 27.5 29.8
5,6,11 62.4 69.5 4,7,11 31.3 35.3

which were calculated with the oxygen parameters

obtained by the analysis described herein are still
in good agreement with the intensities observed by
PRINCP . . (13)

In the garnet structure each of three positive-
ion positions is associated with a different co-
ordination polyhedron of oxygen ions: for
F+[24(c)] an eight-cornered twelve-sided figure
(Fig. 1); for Fe3+ [16(a)] an octahedron (Fig. 2);
for Fe* [24(d)] a tetrahedron (Fig. 3). None of
these polyhedra is regular with respect to edge FIG. I. Co-ordination polyhedron of oxygen ions about
length even though the oxygen parameters would the yttrium ion
permit the octahedra and tetrahedra to be reguIar (* 2.68, . - 2.81, - - - 2.87, * - . - 2.96 A).

Table 4. Nearest-neighbor interionic distances in

yttrium-iron garnet

Ion Interionic distances (A)

Y3+ ’ 4Fe3+(n) at 3.46

6Fe3’-(d) at 3.09(2), 3.79(4)
80”- at 2.37(4), 2.43(4)

Fe3+(a) 2y3+ at 3.46

6Fe3+(d) at 3.46
602- at 2.00

Fe3+(d) 6Y3+ at 3.09(2), 3.79(4)

4Fe3+(a) at 3.46
4Fe3+(d) at 3.79
FIG. 2. Co-ordination octahedron of oxygen ions about 402- at 1.88
an F@+(a) ion (. 2.68, . 2.99 8).
0% ~ 2Y3f at 2.37, 2.43
1Fe3+(a) at 2.00
lb-es+(d) at 1.88
902- at 2.68(2), 2.81, 2.87,2.96,2.99(2),

Table 5. Interionic angles in yttrium-iron garnet

Ions Angles (“)

Fe3+(a)-Ozm-Fe3+(d) I 126.6
FIG. 3. Co-ordination tetrahedron of oxygen ions about Fe3+(a)-O*--_Y3+* 102.8
an Fe3+(d) ion (. 3.16 A, . 2.87 a). Fe3+(a)-0zm-Y3+t 104.7
Feat(d)-02KY3+* 122.2
Fe3+(d)-O*m-Y”+t 92.2
simultaneously.(‘) However in the latter two y”+ -[j” -_y3+ 104.7
polyhedra all center-to-corner (Fe3+-02-) distances
are equal (Table 4): for the octahedra 2.00 A; for Fez+(a)-Oe -Fe3+(a) (4.41): 147.2
Fez+(d)-O*--Fe3+(d) (3.41) ; 86.6
the tetrahedra I .88 A. There are two diRerent 02-
Fe3+(d)~O~~Fe3+(d) (3.68) 78.8
Fe3-+-02- angles in each case: for octahedra 87.2” Fe3+(d)-O? -Fe3+(d) (3.83) 74.7
and 96.6”; for tetrahedra 99.9” and 114.3”. Each Fe3+(d)-Om-Fe3+(d) (3.83) 74.6
oxygen ion is common to two eight-cornered poly-
hedra, one octahedron and one tetrahedron. Thus * Y3+-02~~ distance = 2.43 PI.
each oxygen ion has as nearest positive-ion neigh- A Y3+-Ozm distance ~~ 2.37 A.
bors two Y3+, one Fe3+(a) and one Fe3+(d) ions
: Numbers in parentheses are the longer Fe3+(n or d)-
(Tables 4 and 5). This feature of the structure is Ozm distances. The shorter distances (Table 4) are
most important to the magnetic properties. Fe3+(a)-O* = 2.00, Fe3+(d)-O-- = 1.88 A.
The “exchange” interaction of two magnetic
ions, Me, through an oxygen ion between them was The interaction increases with the overlap and,
first conceived by KRAMERS(~~)and has since been accordingly, will be greatest for short Me-0 dist-
more extensively studied by ANDERSON and ances and for Mel-O-Me2 angles near 180”. There-
VAN VLECK.@) In this interaction the overlap of fore in yttrium-iron garnet the strongest interac-
the 2p electrons (with dumbbell-shaped distribu- tion (Table 5) will probably occur between Fe3+(a)
tion) of the oxygen ion with the electronic distri- and Fe3+(d) for which the Fe3+(a)-02--Fe3+(d)
bution of the magnetic ions is an important feature. angle is 126.6”. Because interaction of this type is

known to be negative in ferrites, as was first recog- a lower Curie temperature, T,, would therefore be
nized by N&EL,@~) and because there are 3Fe3+(d) expected for yttrium-iron garnet (T, = 54S°K)*
and 2Fe3+(a) ions per formula unit, there should be for which it is 0.64 that of magnetite (848”K).t
a net magnetic moment corresponding to that of The comparison of the interaction distances and
one Fe3+, i.e. .5pLg, Verification of this expectation angles in the yttrium-iron garnet with those in a
is found in measurements of the saturation mag- spine1 may be made by referring to the case of
netization, 0, ,0, reported by ALBONARDet al.@) and manganese ferrite (MnFe,O,) for which HASTINGS
by US.(~) The neutron diffraction studies of and CORLISS(~~) have accurately determined the
BERTAUT et aZ.Q2)and PRINCE of these Labora- oxygen parameter. In this material the Me(a)-O-
tories establish that the alignment of the ionic Me(d) angle is 123.0” compared with Me(a)-O-
moments is as assumed. Me(d) angle of 126.6” for yttrium-iron garnet
If yttrium is replaced by a rare-earth ion, M3+, (Table 5). The distance of an oxygen ion from
we might expect a strong interaction only with positive ions in the tetrahedral sites in manganese
Fe3+(d) ions for which the M3+-02--Fe3+(d) angle ferrite is 1.95 A compared with 1.88 A for yttrium-
is 122.2” (Tables). In this case om,,, would corres- iron garnet. The larger value would be expected in
pond to 3ne(M3+)-5 per formula unit as has been manganese ferrite because about 80 per cent of the
observed by PAUTHENET(~)for all rare-earth ions tetrahedral sites are occupied by Mn2+,(26) an ion
from Gd to Lu and verified by us for Gd. of larger radius than Fe3+. The octahedral ion-
In a comparison of the garnets with the ferrites, oxygen ion distance is 2.01 a in the ferrite and
several important differences in magnetic inter- 2.00 A in the garnet.
action are noticed. There is probably no appreci- The ferrimagnetism of yttrium-iron garnet is
able interaction between magnetic ions in equiva- distinguished from that of ferrites in another im-
lent sites in a garnet structure since either oxygen- portant way. In the garnet each Fe3+(u) ion inter-
magnetic ion distances are too large or the Me,- acts only with Fe3+(d) ions, i.e. all 16(u) or 24(d)
O-Me, angle is nearly 90” (Table 5). In the spine1 ions are not only crystallographically but also mag-
structure, each octahedral iron ion can interact netically equivalent. This is never the case for the
appreciably with twelve other octahedral iron ions. 16(d) ions in magnetic ferrites because these
YAFET and KITTEL@“) first suggested that simple ferrites are never entirely normal, i.e. the divalent
parallel and anti-parallel alignment of magnetic ions are never solely in the tetrahedral, S(u),
ion moments may not occur in this case. Non- positions but a fraction of these ions is distributed
parallel moments of Cr3+ in octahedral sites were at random on the octahedral, 16(d), sites.
first observed in CuCr,O, by PRINCE. The yttrium-iron garnet structure is a rather
Another difference in these two structures is loose one: The X-ray density of Y,Fe,(FeO,), is
found in the number of other magnetic ions with 5.17 g /cm3 with a volume of 236-9 A3 per formula
which a given ion simultaneously interacts most unit. If one Fe per formula unit could be replaced
strongly. In a formula unit of garnet each of two by a heavier Y with no structure change the den-
octahedral ions, 16(a), interacts with six tetrahedral sity of the resulting 4YFe0, would be 5.40 g/cm3.
ions, 24(d), and each of three tetrahedral ions Actually the density of the perovskite-like com-
interacts with four octahedral ions, corresponding pound, YFeO,, is 5 -67 g/cm3 and the volume
to a total of twenty-four interactions. In a formula 225.9 A3.(27) Because no metal ion to oxygen ion
unit of spine1 each of two octahedral ions, 16(d), distances appear to be unduly long (Table 4) the
interacts with six tetrahedral ions, 8(u), and each arrangement of oxygen ions in the garnet appears to
tetrahedral ion interacts with twelve octahedral be inefficient.
ions, also corresponding to a total of twenty-four The variation of the lattice constant, uo, with
interactions. However, there are five magnetic ions
per formula unit of yttrium-iron garnet, but only * From measurements on a single crystal furnished by
three in a spinel. Therefore the number of inter- Nielsen of these Laboratories.
actions per ion and, consequently, the strength of t The structure dependence of the Curie temperature
and the strength of the Fe-O-Fe interaction will be dis-
interaction per magnetic ion in garnet is 3/S that in cussed in more detail elsewhere (M. A. GILLEO, to be
spinel. Because the strength of interaction] N KT,, published).

temperature for yttrium-iron garnet differs from

that of a typical natural garnet, grossularite(28) REFERENCES
(Fig. 4). The variation of slope of the a, VS. T 1. BERTAUTF. and FORRATF. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris
242, 382 (1956).
2. GELLER S. and GILLEO M. A. Acta Cryst. 10, 239
3. PAUTHENIX R. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris 242, 1859
4. PAUTHENET R. CR. Acad. Ski., Paris 243, 1499
(1956); 243, 1737 (1956).
C’.R. Acad. Sci., Paris 242, 2531 (1956).
6. XELSEN J. W. In preparation.
7. MENZER G. 2. Ktist. 69, 300 (1929).
8. YODER H. S. and KEITH M. L. Amer. Mineral. 36,
519 (1951).
9. KEITH M. L. and ROY R. Amer. Mineral. 39. 1
10. GILLEO !U. A. r. Chem. PhJ’s. 24, 1239 (1956).
11. BEKTAUTF. and PAUTHENE~R. TEE Convention on
Ferrites, London, England (29 Oct.-2 Nov. 1956);
see also BERTAUT F. and FORRATF., CR. Acad.
FIG. 4. Lattice constant vs. temperature for yttrium-irora Sci., Paris 224, 96 (1957).
garnet and grossularite.@8) 12. BERTAUTF., FORRAT F., HERPIN A., and MURIEL P.
C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 243, 898 (1956).
curve in the neighbourhood of 272°C is consistent 13. PRINCE E. To be published.
14. TUNELL G. Amer. Mineral. 24. 448 (1939).
with the presence of a Curie transition at this tem-
15. :PHILLIPS D. C. Acta Cryst. 9,819 (i956):
perature. The precision of the data (-&to.004 A) 16. BONDW. L. International Tables for X-ray Crystallo-
does not permit us to establish the shape of the graphy Vol. II. To be published.
curve in more detail than that of the two straight- 17. BOOTH13. P. Conf. on Use of IBM 650 for Crystal
line approximations employed. Structure Analysis Computations, Univ. of Pitts-
burgh, 6 Feb., 1957.
18. Internationale Tab&n zw Bestimmung von Kristall-
strukturen Gebriider Borntraeger, Berlin (1935).
Acknowledgements-The authors wish to thank 19. BERCHUIS J., HAAXAPPEL I. M., POTTERS M.,
Dr. J. W. NIELSENfor making available the crystals L,OEPSTRA B. O., MACGILLAVRY C. H., and
used in this study, Dr. E. PRINCEfor his interest ‘VEENENWALA. L. Acta Cryst. 8, 478 (1955).
20. KRAMERS11. A. Pky&x I, 182 (1934).
and for supplying us with the results of his neutron
21. AXDERSO~’P. W. Phys. Rev. 79, 350 (1950).
diffraction analyses, Messrs. V. B. BALAand D. W. 22. VAN VLECK J. H. J. Phys. Radium 12, 262 (1951).
MITCHELLfor technical assistance, and Mr. H. M. 23. NOEL L,. Ann. Phys., Pavis 3, 137 (1948).
YATESfor the drawings in this paper. 24. YAI;ETY. and KITTEL C. I”hys. Rev. 87, 290 (1952).
We wish also to thank Dr. CAROLINEW. 25. PRINCE E. To be published.
26. HASTINGSH. M. and CORLISSI,. M. Phys. Rev. 104,
~A~G~LLA~RY for her kindness in sending us the
328 (1956).
mass absorption coefficients of the elements for 27. GELLER S. and WOOD E. A. Acta Crpt. 9,563 (19%).
Co& radiation. 28. SKINNER 1%.J. Amer. Miwral. 41, 428 (1956).

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