Goldsmith2001 - Risk Rule and Reason in Africa
Goldsmith2001 - Risk Rule and Reason in Africa
Goldsmith2001 - Risk Rule and Reason in Africa
Why are most African countries poorly led? This article looks at the question from the perspective of political economy, con-
sidering leaders to be individuals who respond rationally to incentives created by their environment. Critical is the level of risk,
which can encourage leaders to pursue short-term, economically destructive policies. Using a new database of national leader-
ship transitions in Africa since 1960, the article demonstrates that the risks of of®ce holding are very high in the region. It also
®nds that African countries where leaders face less risk tend to have more open economic regimes and to have lower levels of
perceived political corruption, as predicted by political economy theory. Because it makes the political environment less peri-
lous, democratization in the region holds out some hope for encouraging leaders to govern with an eye to longer-term results.
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Sub-Saharan Africa is poorly led. The region has far too many tyrants and `tropical gangsters', far too few states-
men, let alone merely competent of®ceholders. Too often, these leaders reject sound policy advice and refuse to
take a long and broad view of their job. They persecute suspected political rivals and bleed their economies for
personal bene®t. With a handful of exceptions, notably South Africa under Nobel laureate Nelson Mandela, coun-
tries in the sub-Saharan area are set back by a personalist, neopatrimonial style of national leadership (Aka, 1997).1
Better leadership is not the cure-all for Africa's lack of development, but it would be an important step in the
right direction. A few years back some observers saw hope in a new generation of supposedly benevolent dictators,
such as Isaias Afwerki in Eritrea, Meles Zenawi in Ethiopia, or Yoweri Museveni in Uganda (Madavo and Sarbib,
1997; Connell and Smyth, 1998). Subsequent events (war between Eritrea and Ethiopia, invasion of the Congo
Republic by Uganda) chilled the optimism (McPherson and Goldsmith, 1998; Barkan and Gordon, 1998; Ottaway,
1998). In most countries, it seems progressive leadership soon reverts to the more familiar form of autocratic one-
man rule.2
There is no shortage of macro-level explanations for this pattern. Authoritarian political traditions, lack of national
identity, underdeveloped middle classes and widespread economic distress are among the sweeping, impersonal forces
cited as factors that produce poor leader after poor leader. Foreign aid may have enabled some of these leaders to hang
on longer than they would have otherwise, especially during the Cold War. This article instead takes a micro-level view
of leadership. Without denying that macro-level social and economic factors bear on leaders' behaviour, I ®nd it also
useful to look at these people as individuals and to speculate about the incentives created by their environment.
In the tradition of political economy, we can begin with the assumption that African leaders are usually trying to
do what they think is best for themselves. We can posit that they choose actions that appear to them to produce the
greatest bene®t at least cost, after making allowances for the degree of risk involved. Such a leader also is capable
*Correspondence to: Arthur A. Goldsmith, College of Management, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston Mass. 02125, USA. E-mail:
[email protected]
For simplicity's sake, I shall refer interchangeably to Africa and sub-Saharan Africa in this article. The four Arab states of North Africa are
speci®cally excluded from consideration.
In Africa, the national rulers are always men, with only two exceptions in the past 40 years ± Rwanda's Sylvie Kinigi and Liberia's Ruth Perry.
In this article, I will often refer to rulers by using the male pronoun, which is historically accurate but does not imply any endorsement of the lack
of female participation in national leadership roles.
of learning, and takes cues from what is happening to other leaders in neighbouring countries. He can improve his
behaviour if he has to.
While no African leader fully exempli®es this rational actor model, all these individuals' behaviour can be illu-
minated by it. After all, even the best leaders have mixed, sometimes egoistic motives. To the extent that it repre-
sents reality, the rational actor model also may suggest how changing the political incentive system might induce
African leaders to behave less autocratically.
I start this article by speculating about how these leaders might react to perceived levels of risk in their political
environment. Next, I investigate the actual level of risk, guided by a new inventory that covers every major leader-
ship transition in Africa since 1960. Then, I assess how risk appears to have distorted the way African leaders act in
of®ce. Finally, I consider the ways in which democratization may be changing political incentives for the better.
I will use the current name to refer to this country, though this is not always historically accurate.
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Public Admin. Dev. 21, 77±87 (2001)
incentives to take his rewards now ± and to take as much as possible. A more self-assured leader may calculate that
it is safe to defer most personal ®nancial gain until after he has left of®ce. Some of the misuse of public of®ce also
may be due to the need to buy support from friends and extended family members. Olson (1993), for example,
postulates that leaders with an insecure grip on power have an incentive to take steps to patronize favoured ethnic
groups, often at the expense of national economic health. This sort of pork-barrelling is well known in Africa.
Political economy thus presents a cogent theory for why African rulers act they way they do. Short-term policy
making and political corruption are `rational' ways of trying to manage the risks associated with governing in an
unsettled political system, as we typically ®nd in Africa. According to this thesis, overly cautious or corrupt leaders
may simply be attempting to maximize utility under conditions of personal and political uncertainty. Their assess-
ment of risk is affected by their personal experiences and by their perceptions about larger trends in their country
and region. Unfortunately for the social welfare, their effort to protect their individual interests has spillovers that
hurt everyone else.
The issue for this article is whether the facts support this theory. First, is it true that African leaders face a high
degree of risk? We can reasonably assume these people are tolerant of risk, or they would not have chosen political
careers. Thus, we need to look for evidence of extraordinary occupational hazards for leaders. The second question
is whether political risk in Africa is associated with `bad' (anti-market) economic policy choices or with corrup-
tion. As we will see below, the answers to both questions seem to be af®rmative: there is signi®cant physical risk
for leaders, and that risk correlates with anti-market policies and with corruption. Those two ®ndings, in turn, sug-
gest scope for enhancing the area's national leadership by reducing the risks of governing, a goal that may be
abetted by democratization.
The latter study has been published without the details of all the political transitions. The authors generously shared with me the full data set.
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Public Admin. Dev. 21, 77±87 (2001)
Table 1 summarizes how independent Africa's 180 leadership successions took place. By far the most common
means for African leaders to lose power is through a coup d'eÂtat or similar extra-constitutional event. The 1960±
1999 period's ®rst successful coup took place on 13 January 1963 in Togo; the last occurred on Christmas Eve,
1999, in CoÃte d'Ivoire.5 In between these events, another 99 regimes ended with a coup, civil war or invasion.
Three rulers ± Ahmed Abdallah of Comoros, David Dacko of Central African Republic, and Milton Obote of
Uganda ± had the misfortune of being overthrown twice.
The large proportion of coups can be construed as a sign that leaders in Africa typically employ high political
discount rates. If a national leader thinks the odds are good of his being overthrown, which is reasonable given the
region's history, it is also reasonable for him to place a premium on things that he can do now. I will look at the
implications of coups as a mode of leadership transition more fully in the next section. First, however, I want to
highlight an apparent counter trend reported in Table 1: African leaders' long terms of of®ce.
Africa is justly famous for `political dinosaurs', such as Mobutu, who clung to power for 32 years before being
driven into exile in 1997. Fourteen present national heads in the region have been in of®ce for between 10 and 20
years; nine have served more than 20 years. The mean tenure for all former African leaders is 7.2 years, and about
twice that for leaders who died in of®ce or retired. Among current African leaders, the ®gure for average length of
service is even higher.
We can gain a useful perspective by looking at the number of leaders in the economically advanced countries
during the same period. If we take all G-7 nations since 1960, they had an average of one new leader every 3.2
years (counting non-consecutive terms separately) ± twice the tempo in Africa. Expanding the comparison to the
European Union produces exactly the same result: European national leaders served an average of 3.2 years over
the past four decades, with Finland having the shortest average duration and Luxembourg the longest.
To look at the data another way, the average African country has had only between four and ®ve leaders since
1960. The corresponding number for the United States is eight presidents since 1961; for the United Kingdom, it is
eight prime ministers since 1963.6 Note also the infrequency of retirements listed in Table 1. Until the 1990s, only
eight established rulers ever retired from the top of®ce in Africa. It is not surprising, therefore, that nearly one
African leader in 10 died while in of®ce over the past 40 years. The lack of retirements and the large number
of natural deaths are both signs of entrenched leadership.
At ®rst, the relative lack of turnover would seem to contradict the hypothesis that the political environment for
leaders is unstable or insecure. As with American corporate CEOs (Ocasio, 1994), any given political ruler's odds
of retaining power improves with time in Africa (Bienen and van de Walle, 1989). Even elderly leaders in the
Post-colonial Africa's ®rst coup actually occurred in Sudan on 17 November 1958, 13 months before the starting date I use in this article.
See McGowan and Johnson (1984).
One British prime minister ± Harold Wilson ± served two non-consecutive terms, so only seven individuals held this top of®ce.
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Public Admin. Dev. 21, 77±87 (2001)
Table 2. Leadership turnover in Africa, 1960 (or independence if later) through 1999
Number of Country
0 Eritrea, Namibia, Zimbabwe
1 Angola, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique,
Senegal, Seychelles, Zambia
2 Botswana, Congo Republic, CoÃte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritius, Tanzania
3 Gabon, Mali, Rwanda, SaÄo Tome & PrõÂncipe, Swaziland, Togo
4 Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Mauritania
5 Burkina Faso, Somalia, Sudan
6 Chad, Lesotho, Niger, South Africa, Uganda
7 Congo, Liberia, Madagascar
8 Ghana
9 Burundi, Comoros, Sierra Leone
10 ±
11 Nigeria
12 BeÂnin
Note: Leaders serving non-consecutive terms are counted twice.
region can hold on against pressures from younger politicians with greater energy and fresher ideas. We might infer
that this type of job security would produce long time horizons, not the short-termism reported for Africa.
Yet, another interpretation is plausible. In the ®eld of ®nance, we know that risk is associated with volatility. The
same may be true in politics. For the individual ruler who wants to weigh his prospects of retaining power, the
average term of of®ce may be a less meaningful statistic than is the variation around the mean. Table 2 gives
one indication of how much volatility exists. Three recently independent countries (Eritrea, Namibia, Zimbabwe)
have had no leadership transitions. Another 11 countries have had just one transition since independence. At the far
end of the spectrum, Nigeria has had 11 transitions and BeÂnin has had 12.
For the high-variance countries like Nigeria, the average term is a poor indicator of what any given leader is
likely to experience. Transitions occur randomly, and, most worrisome, they are often in the form of a coup. Taking
history as their guide, even rulers with proven staying power must acknowledge the possibility that, someday, they
too may ®nd themselves ejected by the army. However, they cannot forecast when that day may come. Those
uncertain prospects would be grounds for safety-®rst political behaviour, and would tend to deter long-term
The rational leader also needs to anticipate what may happen to him were he to lose power. Table 3 shows the price
has been high.7 Of the 101 past leaders who left of®ce due to a coup or similar unauthorized event, roughly two-
thirds were killed, imprisoned or banished to a foreign country.
Twenty-seven former rulers died violently, counting ®ve whose deaths appear to have been independent of a
coup or coup attempt. These last would include Mozambique's Samora Machel, killed when his plane was elec-
tronically diverted into a mountainside by South African agents in 1986, and South Africa's Hendrik Verwoerd,
murdered by a lone fanatic in 1966.8 The remaining 22 leaders in this category clearly perished as a direct result of
coups. Among them were three ex-presidents in Ghana who all died during Jerry Rawlings' ®rst takeover in 1979.
These data are assembled from several sources, primarily Brockman (1994), Lentz (1994), Rake (1992) and Wiseman (1991). They possibly
understate the level of personal risk for African leaders, since information is not available on all 171 former power holders.
Due to the unresolved circumstances surrounding the 1994 plane crash that killed Cyprien Ntariamyra of Burundi and JuveÂnal Habyarimana of
Rwanda, I classify these two deaths as non-coup assassinations. The alternate classi®cation is also plausible.
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Public Admin. Dev. 21, 77±87 (2001)
We can put these executions and assassinations in perspective by looking at the rate of fatal occupational inju-
ries in other lines of work. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the three most dangerous
occupations for Americans are commercial ®sherman, logger and small plane operator. Each of these jobs has an
annual death rate of about 100 per 100,000 workers. By contrast, the implied occupational death rate for African
rulers is about 16 times greater.9
Of Africa's overthrown leaders who were not executed or assassinated, 37 were detained and held in jail, or if
lucky, placed under house arrest. Sentences can be stiff. For example, Hamani Diori of Niger passed 13 years
behind bars, Justin AdhmadeÂgbe of BeÂnin spent 9 years, and Jean-Hilaire Aubame of Gabon spent 8 years.
Twenty-nine other ex-leaders were forced into exile, at least temporarily. That ®gure does not include nine ex-
leaders who experienced periods of both imprisonment and banishment. Perhaps the oddest case of the latter is
Jean-BeÂdel Bokassa of Central African Republic. Ousted by his army in 1979, this self-proclaimed emperor ¯ed to
neighbouring CoÃte d'Ivoire. France, his ®rst choice for sanctuary, would not have him. Perhaps hoping for a poli-
tical comeback, Bokassa returned home in 1986, whereupon he was arrested, tried and sentenced to death. For-
tunately for him, the death sentence was commuted to life at hard labour. Bokassa did obtain release in 1993, but he
died 3 years later.
Some rulers may look for reassurance in the region's declining rate of coups. Table 4 reports how many suc-
cessful coups (including victories in civil war and foreign invasions) took place in each of the last four decades,
adjusted for the number of years of national independence in the region. The rate of military takeovers has dropped
steadily, falling from 0.087 per country year in the 1960s, to 0.046 per country year in the 1990s. So, the region-
wide probability of being overthrown is currently about half what it was in the early independence period.10
To the cautious leader, however, the improved odds still may not be good enough. Successful coups are but the
tip of the iceberg. According to the count made by Pat McGowan and Thomas Johnson (1986), for every successful
coup in Africa, there are approximately one other failed coup and two reported military plots to take over power.11
As recently as the 10 years starting in 1980, more than half the countries in the region experienced at least one
`coup event', which includes the unsuccessful incidents (Wang, 1998). Thus, it would be unlikely if many con-
temporary African rulers count themselves safe from being overthrown.
It is interesting to note that, with four assassinations since 1789, the occupational death rate of American presidents is similar. The US
experience is exceptional for developed countries, however.
Many efforts have been made to develop models to explain when and why coups occur in Africa. See, for example, Gershoni (1996), Johnson
et al. (1984), and Wells and Pollnac (1988).
For the period 1956±1986, they report 60 successful coups, 71 unsuccessful coups and 126 coup plots.
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Public Admin. Dev. 21, 77±87 (2001)
It is also true that, like Bokassa, a fair number of jailed or exiled former leaders eventually have bene®ted from
clemency. Some of these individuals were rehabilitated, and they went back into political life. A notable example is
Olusegun Obasanjo, the current president of Nigeria, who won his of®ce after serving time as a political prisoner.
Seven other current heads of African states are former power holders (none appear to be ex-convicts, however).
This phenomenon of a former leader returning to of®ce has happened 16 times in Africa since 1960. Nevertheless,
I doubt the possibilities of being let out of jail, or of re-entering politics after a period in private life, do much to
mitigate the physical dangers of losing power in Africa.
The dangers extend to include potential national leaders within government or from opposition groups. Such
individuals also die or are sent to jail or exile at an alarming rate, according to the tally made by John Wiseman
(1993). As he notes, African political competition is a self-perpetuating, zero-sum game. The stakes are very high
for both actual and would-be powerholders. Yet, none of the participants has much incentive unilaterally to change
the rules. To do so would be to cede the advantage to one's opponents, while exposing oneself to grave personal
jeopardy. The cycle of mutual suspicion and pre-emptive repression thus goes on.
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Public Admin. Dev. 21, 77±87 (2001)
Correlation does not prove causation, especially in making inferences about micro-level behaviour based on
macro-level data. We cannot say whether a safer political environment encourages leaders to opt for the market,
or conversely, whether leaders who opt for the market make their political environment safer (though the latter
possibility seems less likely, at least in the short run). In either case, however, the results are consistent with poli-
tical economy theory.
What is the relationship between political risk and corruption? For a measure of the latter, I use Transparency
International's Corruption Perception Index for 1999. Transparency International is a watchdog organization
formed to help raise ethical standards of government around the world. It compiles an annual index that assesses
the degree to which public of®cials and politicians are believed to accept bribes, take illicit payment in public
procurement, embezzle public funds, and otherwise use public positions for private gains. The index is based
on several international business surveys, using different sampling frames and varying methodologies (Transpar-
ency International, 1999). While Transparency International is careful to point out that the rankings only re¯ect
perceptions about corruption, I ®nd it reasonable to assume that they correspond roughly to reality.
I have conjectured that leaders in the riskier African countries would have the greatest propensity to use their
public of®ces for personal ends. Once more, the data lend support to my hypothesis. In Table 6, I divide African
countries (for which corruption data are available) into two groups: less corrupt and more corrupt. I then tabulate
the hazards of leadership for each group. The pattern is striking. There has never been a successful coup in the less
corrupt group of countries. None of their ex-leaders has been arrested or exiled, and only one was killed while in
of®ce (South Africa's Verwoerd, cited earlier). The more corrupt countries, by contrast, have many coups and
many leaders who suffered personally upon losing power.
As with the economic freedom index, these correlations do not prove that a hazardous political environment
encourages leaders to become corrupt. The opposite is also plausible: corrupt rulers seem likely to invite coups and
to bring personal suffering on themselves. To the extent that risk and corruption are related, the relationship
between the two probably is mutually reinforcing. The important point for this article is that the observed associa-
tion of risk and corruption conforms to what you would expect, based on the assumption of `rational' behaviour
among national rulers. Without overstating the case, the correlation lends support to a political economy account of
poor leadership in Africa.
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Public Admin. Dev. 21, 77±87 (2001)
No sitting African leader ever lost an election until 1982, when Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam of Mauritius was
voted out. Since then, 12 more incumbents have been turned out of of®ce by voters ± accounting for about one-
sixth of the leadership transitions in the 1990s (see Table 1). The threat of losing an election also may account for
the increasing rate of leader retirements ± nine in the 1990s versus only eight in the previous three decades.
Democratization appears to be altering the outcomes of the many coups that still occur. In the past, the new
heads of military juntas often declared themselves permanent leaders (sometimes after dof®ng their uniforms
and becoming `civilians'). Now, it is becoming the norm for coup leaders quickly to organize internationally
acceptable elections ± and, more importantly, to honour the results afterwards (Anene, 1995). Recent examples
include Niger and Guinea-Bissau. This trend is re¯ected in Table 1's `other' category ± political transitions invol-
ving short-term and provisional leaders. The fact we see more transitions of this type in the 1990s is an indirect
re¯ection of the region's growing democratization.
Table 7 reports additional reasons to think that contemporary presidential elections are not simply facËades in
many countries. The entire sub-Saharan region had only 126 elections for top national of®ce in the 30 years
through 1989. Most of those were show elections, with an average winner's share of close to 90%. Conditions have
changed signi®cantly in the 1990s. There were 73 leadership elections during that decade, or more than half as
many as in the three prior decades. All but ®ve of sub-Saharan countries were involved. Equally important, the
winner's share dropped to an average of about two-thirds of the votes cast. Such results would be considered land-
slide victories in the developed world. No president in the history of the United States has ever reached two-thirds
of the popular vote. Still, in African terms, the tendency clearly is toward greater competitiveness at the ballot box.
The classic liberal defences of free and fair elections are that they give voice to majority demands and that they
are a means for recruiting new leadership talent. Political economy and African experience suggest three additional
bene®ts, all associated with reducing the hazards leaders face.
First, elections have the virtue of softening the penalties of losing political of®ce. The defeated candidate in an
election campaign, as opposed to the victim of a coup plot, is far less likely to be executed, jailed or exiled by his
successor. By providing a low-risk avenue of exit, elections thus reduce the stakes in political competition. If the
arguments in this article are correct, that would free African leaders to take a more purposeful, pragmatic view of
their jobs.
A second bene®t occurs if elections become institutionalized, and take place according to a schedule. Countries
that hold regular elections reduce speculation about when (and how) the next political transition is likely. Again,
the probable impact in Africa would be to change the political calculations made by the region's chief power
holders, to allow them to worry less about how to hold onto power and to think more about the long term.
Predictable political transitions might also reduce anxiety among private investors, and thus mitigate the harmful
political business cycle that exists in some countries.
The third bene®t stems from the more rapid turnover among national rulers that results when elections become a
regular part of political experience. As leaders come to see their jobs less as an entitlement and more as a phase in
their careers, that actually may liberate them to `do the right thing', and not always feel forced to do what is
Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Public Admin. Dev. 21, 77±87 (2001)
politically expedient. Merilee Grindle and Francisco Thoumi (1993) have remarked on this phenomenon among
lame-duck presidents in Latin America. Knowledge that their positions are transitory can, somewhat ironically,
concentrate the incumbents' attention on how best to leave a lasting legacy. Similar results are possible in Africa.
Before multi-party competition and elections can have these positive effects on leaders, Africa's competitive poli-
tical systems must become institutionalized. This has yet to happen in most countries, according to the results of
Samuel Huntington's (1968) `two-turnover test'. Huntington notes that institutionalized democracies prove them-
selves by repeatedly carrying out peaceful transfers of power through the ballot box. The ®rst time an opposition
leader replaces an incumbent power holder does not necessarily establish a tradition of peaceful political change. It
is only after the new incumbent is defeated and leaves of®ce that one can begin to be con®dent that constitutional
procedures have taken root.
Second turnovers are almost unheard of in Africa. Botswana has not had one. The same party has ruled that
country since independence. Mauritius has had two election-based leadership turnovers, but many observers ques-
tion whether that island nation properly deserves classi®cation in the region. BeÂnin is the only other African coun-
try where incumbent power holders have twice lost elections. The dictator Mathieu KeÂreÂkou fell to NiceÂphore
Soglo in 1991, but he regained the presidency by defeating Soglo in the election 5 years later. KeÂreÂkou's continued
role raises some doubt whether BeÂnin's second transition indicates much other than the persistence of narrow,
personalistic politics in that country.
Nonetheless, the last decade does offer hope that some African societies will be able to establish more orderly
systems of political competition. That could change the incentives for African leaders, and encourage them to act
more responsibly and even-handedly. As a means of redressing decades of oppression and economic stagnation,
that cannot happen soon enough.
The author would like to acknowledge support from the US Agency for International Development, Equity and
Growth Through Economic Research project.
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