Analysis of A Ukrainian Translation Studies Article

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Analysis of a Ukrainian Translation Studies article


One cannot stress enough the immense significance of literary translation for
both readers and writers. It provides us with an invaluable opportunity to get
acquainted with the spiritual and literary heritage of the foreign world.

For my analysis, I have hence chosen the publication entitled "Semantic

analysis of realia and means of their conveying into English in Florence
Livesay's translation of Hryhoriy Kvitka-Osnovyanenko's novel Marusya"
(2000); authors: Hnativ R.Ya., Savenko O. M., Yarema O.V. This article
focuses on the following questions: 1) primary translations of Ukrainian
literature into English; 2) the problem and means of adequate rendering of
realia; 3) in-depth study of Florence Livesay's Marusya translation.

1. Characteristics of the period.

The paper, which was published in 2000, looks back at the period of Florence
Randal Livesay's creative work. Born in 1874, she was a Canadian English-
speaking writer, journalist, and translator of Ukrainian literature. It is stated in
the article that in 1940, F. Livesay published her translation of Hryhoriy Kvitka-
Osnovyanenko's novel Marusya in the United States.

By that time, "many English, American and Canadian translators (among them:
G. H. Borrow, R. Bane, J. Lindsay and J. Weir) have already set out to make the
best of their knowledge, worldview, talent and intuition to convey in their native
language the Ukrainian national spirit, colour, symbolism and various kinds of
realia of the great Slavic people". Thus, the acquaintance of the British with the
Ukrainian heritage through literary translation has been going on for almost two

1. Importance of the article

The publication emphasises that the proper rendering of realia (culture-specific

words and expressions that denote phenomena, concepts, or objects closely
related to a particular people, country, or region) is one of the main components
of success in translation.

On the example of F. Livesay's translation of Hryhoriy Kvitka-Osnovyanenko's

novel Marusya, the authors examine the methods of rendering realia used by the
translator: 1) transliteration (сват – Svat); 2) transliteration with descriptive
explanation (плахта – The Plachta, or seamless skirt); 3) transliteration
accompanied by another type of translation (грати у хрещика – play kreschik
(tag)); 4) hypo-hyperonymic translation (шаг – copper); 5) descriptive-
contextual translation (тамада – master of ceremonies); 6) transposition at the
connotative level when Ukrainian realia are replaced by English realia (калина
– cranberry).

Moreover, the article brings our attention to the componential analysis of

meaning developed by the recognised English theorist of translation studies,
Eugene Nida. To produce a successful translation, you need to identify the
semes constituting the meaning of realia of the source language and choose a
target-language equivalent with similar semantic components.

1. The terminology used in the article

The authors use such translation studies terminology:

1. related to translation methods: transliteration; hyperonymic method of

translation; descriptive-contextual method of translation; descriptive
paraphrase; method of transposition at the connotative level; method of

2. related to meaning: denotative meaning; connotative meaning; semantics

of realia; semantic field; archiseme; seme; implicational component of
meaning; intermediate component of meaning; inferential component of
meaning; semantic feature; semantic concretizer; semantic series.

3. other: Ukrainianisms; lexemes; semantic-component and methodical

analysis of translation.

4. Relevance of terminology for today's researchers

Without a doubt, the article itself and the terminology used in it remain relevant
for today's translators and researchers. Each language or dialect has always had
its culture-specific elements, the proper rendering of which determines
translation excellence. The knowledge of methods of conveying realia and
components of their meaning and the ability to use this translation theory in
practice will always be vital for translation researchers and specialists.

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