TRC4800 Final Assessment Sem2, 2022
TRC4800 Final Assessment Sem2, 2022
TRC4800 Final Assessment Sem2, 2022
Assessment Notice
Faculty of Engineering
Intentional plagiarism or collusion amounts to cheating under Monash University Council Regulations (Part 7).
Plagiarism: Plagiarism means to take and use another person’s ideas and or manner of expressing them and to pass these off as one’s own by failing
to give appropriate acknowledgement, including the use of material from any source, staff, students or the internet, published and unpublished works.
Collusion: Collusion means unauthorised collaboration on assessable written, oral or practical work with another person. Where there are reasonable
grounds for believing that intentional plagiarism or collusion has occurred, this will be reported to the Associate Dean (Education) or nominee, who may
disallow the work concerned by prohibiting assessment or refer the matter to the Faculty Discipline Panel for a hearing.
During an assessment, you must not have access to any item/material that has not been listed in the materials required section above.
Student Statement:
● I have read the university’s Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures.
● I understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism and collusion as described in Part 7 of the Monash University (Council)Regulations
(academic misconduct).
● I have taken proper care to safeguard this work and made all reasonable efforts to ensure it could not be copied. No part of this assessment
has been previously submitted as part of another unit/course.
● I acknowledge and agree that the assessor of this assessment may for the purposes of assessment, reproduce the assessment and:
i. provide to another member of faculty and any external marker; and/or
ii. submit it to a text matching/originality checking software; and/or
iii. submit it to a text matching/originality checking software which may then retain a copy of the assignment on its database for the purpose
of future plagiarism checking.
● I certify that in completing this assessment I have not plagiarised the work of others, participated in unauthorised collaboration or otherwise
breached the academic integrity requirements in the Student Academic Integrity Policy.
In completing this assessment task you agree to the statements above. If you do not agree to the Student Statement, please submit directly to your
Unit Coordinator by the due date, providing a written explanation of which aspect of the Student Statement you do not agree with and why.
There are 6 questions for a total of 60 Marks.
Question-1 (5 Marks)
In a 6-DOF robotic system, a camera is attached to the fifth link of the robot. The sixth link is the
end-effector. The camera observes an object and determines its frame relative to the camera's frame.
Four frames, F5, FE, Fcam and Fobj, are attached to the fifth link, the end-effector, the camera, and the
object, respectively.
Using the above information, determine the transformation matrix between FE and Fobj
Question-2 (5 Marks)
Figure 1 shows the 5 DOF manipulator schematically. The end effector is attached with θ5 and begins
to rotate at 20o and reach 60o at 3 seconds, and arrive at 120o at 6 seconds, with zero velocities. Use
the cubic polynomial approach to generate a trajectory for this actuator satisfying the above
Figure 1. 5 DOF manipulator
For the given RPR robot, all link frames are attached as shown in Figure 2. Find the transformation
matrix which relates {4} to {2} that is 24 𝑇.
Question-4. (10 Marks)
A serial link manipulator with 3 revolute joints is shown in Figure 3. The Base (zero) frame {B}
and end-effector frame {E} and the length of the links, L1, L2, L3 and L4, are shown in the Figure.
Assignment of the link frames i.e. attachment of the frames (Z and X axis of each frame) to the
moving links of the mechanism are shown in Fig-1.
Find 1 PE
The robot in Figure 4 is an example of a robot that has been used in hip and knee replacement surgery.
In these systems, high-speed cutting tools are attached to the end effector. For this robot, all frames
are attached as shown in Figure 4
Figure 4. Orthopedic surgery Robot.
(a) Using direct differentiation method, find the point velocity of the drill bit in Frame 2 i.e.
find 2v5
(8 Marks)
(b) Obtain the manipulator’s Jacobian matrix at the end effector in Frame 2, i.e. J2
(7 Marks)
Question 6 ( 15 Marks)
Derive the dynamic equations for the three-link manipulators shown in Figure 5 by means of Lagrangian
formulation. Assume only point masses (no inertia tensors, therefore no angular velocity component of K).
Point masses, 𝑚1and 𝑚2, lie at the middle-point of each link.
Figure-5. 3R Manipulator.
Formula sheet: TRC 4800 Robotics:
Rotation matrices:
1 0 0
R X ( ) 0 C S ;
0 S C
C 0 S
RY ( ) 0 1 0 ;
S 0 C
C S 0
R Z ( ) S C 0.
0 0 1
Transformation matrix:
iT R X ( i 1 ) D X (ai 1 ) RZ ( i ) DZ (d i )
i 1
C i S i 0 ai 1
S C S i 1 d i
i 1
i i 1 C i C i 1 S i 1
S i S i 1 C i S i 1 C i 1 C i 1 d i
0 0 0 1
V 0J ()
0 Z ( 0 PE 0 PiORG ) ;
Ji i
for revolute joint i
Ji i ;
for prismatic joint i.
i 1
i 1 i i1R ii i 1 i 1 Zˆ i 1 .
i 1
vi 1 i i1R ( i vi i i i Pi 1 ) di 1 i 1 Zˆ i 1.
Lagrangian Dynamics:
The Lagrangian:
Polynomial for Trajectory Generation
θ(t) = a0 + a1 t + a2 t2 + a3 t3
𝑎0 = 𝜃0
𝑎1 = 𝜃0̇
3 2 1
𝑎2 = 2 (𝜃𝑓 − 𝜃0 ) − 𝜃0̇ − 𝜃𝑓̇
𝑡𝑓 𝑡𝑓 𝑡𝑓
2 1
̇ ̇
𝑎3 = − 3 (𝜃𝑓 − 𝜃0 ) + 2 (𝜃𝑓 + 𝜃0 )
𝑡𝑓 𝑡𝑓
Parabolic blends:
k j
jk ,
t djk
k SGN( kl jk ) | k |,
t k kl ,
1 1
t jk t djk t j t k .
2 2