Civil Engineering Sustainability and The Future
Civil Engineering Sustainability and The Future
Civil Engineering Sustainability and The Future
What is Sustainability?
Definition: “Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their need.”- Brundtland Report
“Sustainable Development is now absolutely central to Civil Engineering and we must organize
ourselves accordingly” – ICE Council 17 December 2002
The term sustainability originated from the German word “Nachhaltigkeit”, which means
sustainable yield/production. In 1713, “Nachhaltigkeit” appeared in a handbook about forestry,
where it had established the idea of never harvesting more than what the forest can give. Hence,
in the beginning mid-19th century, the German term was then translated to English.
“Lack of a precise definition of the term 'sustainable development' is not all bad. It has
allowed a considerable consensus to evolve in support of the idea that it is both morally and
economically wrong to treat the world as a business in liquidation.” - Daly (1991)
“Sustainable development involves devising a social and economic system, which ensures
that these goals are sustained, i.e. that real incomes rise, that educational standards increase, that
the health of the nation improves, that the general quality of life is advanced.” - Pearce, Makandia
& Barbier (1989)
“The most common definition of sustainability today is that of sustainable development.
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” - Brundtland Commission of the United
Nations (1987)
Under the NSPE Code of Ethics, it is stated that “Engineers shall at all times strive to serve
the public interest by adhering to the principles of sustainable development in order to protect the
environment for future generations.”
· Civil Engineer as a profession in the 19th century - “is the art of directing the great sources
of power in nature for the use and convenience of man” - Thomas Tredgold
· Civil Engineer as a profession in the 21st century - “is the art of working with the great
sources of Power in nature for the use and benefit of society”
The challenge of improving the daily lives of people in developing communities:
· Calls for a new generation of global engineers who can operate in environments vastly
different from those in the developed world.
· Deal with a multitude of technical and nontechnical issues beyond their accustomed practice.
Questions of just distribution and other questions of equity are often left off the table or
downplayed when engineers and corporate leaders consider sustainable development issues.
Indeed, almost all the effort of engineers and engineering organizations on the issue of sustainable
development has been focused on striking a balance between economic development and
environmental protection.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals are a set of 17 goals comprising 169 targets
launched in 2016 for the world to achieve by 2030.
Spearheaded by the UN through a deliberative process involving its 194 Member States,
as well as global civil society, the SDGs build on the Principles agreed upon under a resolution
popularly known as ‘The Future We Want’.
Goal 11 ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’ includes some of the following targets:
● By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services
and upgrade slums.
● By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory,
integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries.
● Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.
● By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying
special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management.
As is clear from these targets, the goals are a solid set of instructions for governments,
businesses and civil society on how to move from the path we're currently on, to the one which
prevents social and environmental collapse.
Investors are embedding the goals into investment strategies for a number of reasons:
5. Provide a framework which sits across all areas of sustainability and allows easy
benchmarking and comparison.
The construction and engineering sectors have a hugely important role to play in delivering
the infrastructure for a sustainable future, and companies embracing a problem-solving, forward-
facing, solutions-focused, transparent culture can be assured of continued investor support.
Sustainable development is a vital part for the conservation of the environment for it
focuses on people's welfare. If the harmful effects are ignored, then the main goal of development
work will never be effectively achieved. The following are importance of sustainable development:
Since the beginning of time, civil engineering has played its role in our society and daily
living before it was even called ‘civil engineering.’ It has become the pillar of our economy. Even
though they’re considered as the pillar and their projects can be seen almost everywhere, only few
recognize their existence and the same thing goes to the waste being produced on a project. Civil
engineering isn’t just about making plans or structural designs. As the pillar of the economy, civil
engineers don't only develop to meet the needs of the economy but they also pay attention to the
environment preservation, resource conservation, as well as practice sustainable development
Concept and Content
From time to time, defining the nature of sustainable development can vary because it
raised a concern worldwide resulting in differences in interpretation and discussion about
sustainable development issues.
Ecological sustainability. This is one of the main and major concerns that is greatly
affected by irresponsible practice of sustainable development. Under it, is the management of
waste and the utilization of natural resources. Responsible waste disposal and reasonable
utilization of natural resources can benefit the biosphere. It is not only good for everyone and
everything, but for the future generation as well.
Ensuring sustainability for the future is one the duties and responsibilities of a civil
engineer which is why it can be applied into different fields of civil engineering. There are five
main branches of civil engineering and they include: Structural Engineering, Geotechnical
Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, and Water Resource
Engineering. These branches of civil engineering have the capacity to apply and incorporate
sustainability to improve our quality of life.
Structural Engineering. Deals with the design and analysis of structures and ensures the
safety of buildings through its ability to handle stresses, forces, and loads and ability to endure
natural phenomena such as typhoons and earthquakes.
Example 2: Suzlon One Earth in Pune, India is a net zero energy building. It is rewarded
by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design of the platinum certification because of
its generation of electricity. 80% of the building is powered by wind turbines and the 20% is
powered by solar panels.
Geotechnical Engineering. They study the soil, foundations, and bearing capacities on
structures before they are constructed. They also evaluate the earth materials under or near an
existing building.
In a study written by Misra (2011), geotechnical engineering is one of the branches of civil
engineering that uses large quantities of natural and manufactured raw materials compared to
others. The application of sustainability in this field focuses on introducing new environment
friendly materials and reusing waste materials.
1. lignosulfonate -promotes surface vegetation, soil stabilization, and substitute for hazardous
2. The use of recycled materials such as asphalt pavement and cement-stabilized quarry fines as
pavement bases, glass-crushed rock blends for pavement sub-base, shredded scrap tired as
light-weight fill material, and pulverized fly ash to improve thermal properties of emergency
piles are some of the practices that geotechnical engineers do to promote sustainability.
It has a reputation for being unsustainable due to various reasons such as noise pollution,
air pollution, water pollution, and others. Engineers study the different ways in reducing the
negative impacts of transportation. One of their main focuses is to technologically change vehicles
and fuels to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, improve urban and suburban ways for efficient
traffic control, and innovative transportation management for different alternatives for
Water Resource Engineering. They design and construct hydraulic structures such as
dams, canals, and water distribution systems. They study bodies of water to maintain and benefit
from it without damaging or disrupting its characteristics.
Sanitation of water sewage is the top priority of water resource engineering. It is one of the
challenges faced by everyone in the world which is why green infrastructures are often advocated
as an alternative to engineering work. Such green infrastructures include “The NYC Green
Infrastructure Plan”, a cost effective green infrastructure to address New York City’s combined
sewage overflow problems. Another application of water resource engineering the development
and mitigation of flood disaster risks by altering hydraulic characteristics and confining flood
inundation. River canalization/ training is often used to reduce floor but also support navigation
Many other sustainability factors relate to engineering processes, and consequently need
to be considered in the quest for engineering sustainability. These factors are sometimes related
and often overlap. Some of these follows:
● Economic affordability. Engineering services that are required to provide basic needs
must be economically affordable by all societies and people.
● Equity. All societies need to be able to access engineering services, regardless of
geographic location, to achieve engineering sustainability
● Meeting increasing resource demands. It must cope up with the increasing demands of
● Safety. Engineering must be safe in terms of injury, and cause as few negative health
effects as reasonably possible in the short and long terms to be sustainable.
● Community involvement and social acceptability. People and communities must be
involved in major engineering-related decisions if engineering sustainability is to be
attained, as the support of these groups is critical to success of any initiatives, and such
support almost always requires consultation and involvement in decision making.
● Meeting human needs. The human dimensions of the new technologies must be
addressed to achieve engineering sustainability.
● Appropriate land use. The use of land for engineering-related activities needs to be
balanced with other needs, such as agriculture and recreation.
● Aesthetics. Ensuring engineering products are aesthetically appealing is an important
aspect of engineering sustainability, given the importance of gaining support of individuals
and their communities for sustainability initiatives to succeed.
● Lifestyles. Modifying lifestyles and tempering desires that are engineering-driven can help
in the quest for engineering sustainability. Given that aspirations of people tend to increase
continually; this aspect of engineering sustainability is often very challenging.
● Population. Sustainable engineering needs to account for population growth or address it
in other way
Enhassi et. Al. (2016), on the other hand, classified the factors affecting the project’s
sustainable performance into five phases including Inception phase, Design phase, Construction
phase, Operation phase and Demolition phase. Each phase contains Economic sustainable factors,
Social sustainable factors, and Environmental social factors.
According to Gausman and Moore (2018), Sustainable Engineering has positive impacts. The
following are the positive impacts of SD:
Sustainability, as stated in the Policy Statement 418 – The Role of Civil Engineers in
Sustainable Development, is a “set of economic, environmental and social condition which is also
known as “The Triple Bottom Line” in which all of society has the capacity and opportunity to
maintain and improve its quality of life indefinitely without degrading the quantity, quality or the
availability of economic, environmental and social resources.”
According to the ASCE Code of Ethics, it states that "Engineers shall hold paramount the
safety, health, and welfare of the public and shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable
development in the performance of their professional duties."
The project’s effects such as economic, environmental, and social on the affected
community must be assessed and understood by all stakeholders before proceeding with a project.
Considering both structural and non-structural solutions to the needs being addressed.
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