Lesson Plan in 21st Century Literature From The Philipppines and The World
Lesson Plan in 21st Century Literature From The Philipppines and The World
Lesson Plan in 21st Century Literature From The Philipppines and The World
EN12Lit-Ic-23 Value the contributions of local writers to the development of regional literary traditions
III. Procedure
1. Preliminary Activities
Checking of attendance
Motivation (applying knowledge across curriculum) (enhancing numeracy skills)
3+2=1+ 3+1=1+
4 3
Look at the above box. What is inside the box? What other mathematical equation do you
know? Do you know the mathematical equation of a circle? Can there be something that is equated with
life? What it is?
Unlocking of Difficulties
Equation- a situation involving many variables
Circle- a shape form by a set of points that are of the same distance from a specific point called
the center.
Sex- the state of being male and female
Gender- refers to social and cultural references rather than biological ones.
LGBT- acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
Characterization- the artistic representation of a character; may be direct or indirect
Direct characterization- personality of a character is directly revealed through the use of
descriptive adjective and phrases.
Indirect characterization- personality is revealed through her/ his speech, thoughts, effects on
others, actions, and appearance.
Set A Set B
____1. Family circle a. a person’s closest family members
____2. Inner circle b. a small influential group of people who run things in politics,
business, or the like
____3. Circle of life c. to attempt the impossible
____4. Come full circle d. the cycle of reproduction and survival, from birth to death
____5. Square the circle e. to complete a series of events
2. Lesson Proper
Activity 1
Get to know Mar Anthony Simon Dela Cruz and Read silently his selection “EQUATION OF A
Mar Anthony Simon Dela Cruz
Graduated from the University of the Philippines- Diliman where he finished Bachelor of
Arts in Arts Studies (Interdisciplinary) and Master of Arts in Filipino: Malikhaing Pagsulat
Won third place in Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature (2012) for his
short story “Darleng”
Resident Fellow (Fiction in Filipino) of UST Center for Creative Writing and Literary
Fellow for Maikling Kuwento, 2nd Palihang Rogelio Sicat, Palayan City; and 8th Iyas
National Creative Writing Workshop, Bacolod City.
Activity 2.
Divide the class into three groups. Each group will fill-out the needed information of the following
character map.
Gender of
act Ch
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1. What is a transgender?
2. What are the characteristics of a transgender?
3. How does our society look about transgender women or men?
4. How can you show respect to our LGBT fellows?
1. From whose point of view is the story told?
2. What image of the narrator has been formed in your mind after reading the selection?
3. Comment on the language the author used in writing the selection.
4. Is the speaker’s choice of the circle over the straight line influenced by his sexual preference?
5. How appropriate is the “circle” to represent the speaker?
With the same group. What do you want to say? Share your views. If you were to write inputs in the
circle to make it whole and solid, what it be? Why? Share.
Complete the task sheet below.
The Circle of my Life
Your name here
IV. Evaluation
How did Mar Anthony Simon Dela Cruz’s “Equation of Straight Line, Equation of a Circle” affects the societies
view of the LGBT community? Explain in a 100-word paragraph.
Prepared by: