Freedom Fighter Role Play
Freedom Fighter Role Play
Freedom Fighter Role Play
First, I would like to wish you all a very happy Independence Day.
August 15, 1947 will always be remembered as a momentous day in the history of India. On
this day, India gained independence from the British after being ruled by them for nearly 200
Independence has given us many gifts like freedom of thought, action and education and for
that we must be grateful to our freedom fighters who laid their lives for this noble cause of
freeing India from around 200 years of British Rule.
Our country has seen many freedom fighters. Such as Mahatma Gandhi, Rani Lakshmi Bai,
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Chandrashekhar Azad, etc. They all have inspired me to work
for my country.
Let have a small glimpse of our great freedom fighters.
Introduction: Mahatma Gandhi – Father of our Nation – Lovingly called as Bapu, dedicated
his life after his dream of a Free India by means of Non-Violence. Let’s meet our beloved
Mahatma Gandhi
“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man
changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. We need not
wait to see what others do.”
"अगर हम खुद को बदल सकते हैं, तो दनु िया में रुझाि भी बदल जाएंगे। जैसे मिुष्य अपिा
स्वभाव बदलता है , वैसे ही उसके प्रनत दनु िया का िजररया भी बदलता है । हमें यह दे खिे के
ललए इंतजार करिे की जरूरत िहीं है कक दस
ू रे क्या करते हैं।"
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
"स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त करिे के लायक िहीं है यदद इसमें गलनतयााँ करिे की स्वतंत्रता शालमल िहीं
“My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means
of realising Him.”
"मेरा धमम सत्य और अदहंसा पर आधाररत है। सत्य ही मेरा ईश्वर है। अदहंसा उसे साकार
करिे का साधि है।"
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
"खुद को खोजिे का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है कक आप खुद को दस
ू रों की सेवा में खो दें ।"
Introduction: Lakshmi Bai is remembered for her valour during the Indian Mutiny of 1857–
58. The lady who taught us all to - Stand for, and protect, what you believe in, even if you're
waging a lonely battle
Raani Laxhmibai
मैं झ ांसी की र नी, लक्ष्मी ब ई प्रतिज्ञ करिी हुॅ जब िक मेंरे शरीर में रक्त हैं ….मैं पूरी तनष्ठ से अपनी
म िृभुतम की सेव कर ां गी।
I LaxmiBai, promise till the last drop of my blood… I’ll serve my motherland with utmost
“It is our duty to pay for our liberty with our own blood.”
” Life loses half its interest if there is no struggle — if there are no risks to be taken.”
“It is blood alone that can pay the price of freedom. Give me blood and I will give you
“Never lose your faith in the destiny of India. There is no power on Earth that can keep India
in bondage. India will be free, that too, soon.”
Introduction: Now let’s talk about the fighter whose name itself was “Azad” and was a
revolutionary and a freedom fighter who organized and led a band of militant youth during
India's independence movement. Please welcome Chandra Shekhar Azad!
Chandrashekhar Azad
Introduction: He was a good selfless leader who put country's interest above everything and
shaped India into a beautiful country with his great efforts and contribution. The integrator of
the India as we know today – The Iron Man of India - Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel!
My only desire is that India should be a good producer, and no one should be hungry,
shedding tears for food in the country.
Faith is of no evil in absence of strength. Faith and strength, both are essential to accomplish
any great work."
“Take to the path of dharma – the path of truth and justice. Don’t misuse your valour. Remain
united. March forward in all humility, but fully awake to the situation you face, demanding
your rights and firmness.”
“By common endeavour we can raise the country to a new greatness, while a lack of unity
will expose us to fresh calamities.”
"मेरी एक ही इच्छा है कक भारत एक ईश्वर किमााता हो और कोई भी भूखा ि रहे , दे श में भोजि के किए
आं सू बहाए।"
"शक्ति के अभाव में कवश्वास कोई बुराई िहीं है। ककसी भी महाि कार्ा को पूरा करिे के किए कवश्वास
और शक्ति दोिों आवश्यक हैं।"
"धमा के मार्ा पर चिो - सत्य और न्यार् का मार्ा। अपिी वीरता का दु रुपर्ोर् ि करें । एकजुट रहें। पूरी
कविम्रता के साथ आर्े बढें , िेककि अपिे अकधकारों और दृढता की मांर् करते हुए, आपके सामिे आिे
वािी क्तथथकत के किए पूरी तरह से जाग्रत हों। ”
At this time certain weak-minded, foolish people, have spread a report that the English have
forgiven the faults and crimes of the people of Hindustan. This appears very astonishing, for
it is the unvarying custom of the English never to forgive a fault, be it great or small, so much
so, that if a small offence be committed through ignorance or negligence they never forgive
Therefore we, the ever-abiding government, parents of the people of Awadh, with great
consideration, put forth the present proclamation, in order that the real object of the chief
points may be exposed, and our subjects placed on their guard.
इस समर् कुछ कमजोर कदमार्, मूखा िोर्ों िे एक ररपोटा फैिा दी है कक अंग्रेजों िे कहंदुस्ताि के िोर्ों के
दोषों और अपराधों को माफ कर कदर्ा है । र्ह बहुत ही आश्चर्ाजिक प्रतीत होता है , क्ोंकक अंग्रेजों की
र्ह अटि प्रथा है कक ककसी भी र्िती को कभी भी माफ ि करें , चाहे वह बडा हो र्ा छोटा, इतिा कक
अर्र कोई छोटा अपराध अज्ञािता र्ा िापरवाही से ककर्ा जाता है तो वे उसे कभी माफ िहीं करते हैं …
इसकिए हम अवध की जिता के माता-कपता, कचरथथार्ी सरकार िे बडी सोच के साथ वतामाि उद् घोषणा
को सामिे रखा, ताकक मुख्य कबंदुओं का वास्तकवक उद्दे श्य उजार्र हो सके, और हमारी प्रजा को उिके
पहरे पर रखा जा सके।
Introduction: A Lady who raised her voice against evil practices which affected the lives of
women across the country. She played a major role in establishing Women's Indian
Association (WIA) in 1917. Please welcome Sarojini Naidu
Sarojini Naidu
A country’s greatness lies in its undying ideals of love and sacrifice that inspire the mothers
of the race.
When there is oppression, the only self-respecting thing is to rise and say this shall cease
today, because my right is justice. If you are stronger, you have to help the weaker boy or girl
both in play and in the work.
I say it is not your pride that you are a Madrasi, it is not your pride that you a brahmin, it is
not your pride that you belong to south India, it is not your pride that you are a Hindu, that it
is your pride that you are an Indian.
Introduction: He was a vocal critic of British rule in India and was involved in two high-
profile attacks on British authorities—one on a local police chief and the other on the Central
Legislative Assembly in Delhi. Yes, you know about whom I am talking about – please
welcome Bhagat Singh!
Bhagat Singh
वे मुझे म र सकिे हैं, लेतकन वे मेरे तवच रोां को नहीां म र सकिे। वे मेरे शरीर को कुचल सकिे हैं, मेरी
आत्म को नहीां।
They can kill me, but they cannot kill my thoughts. They can crush my body, not my soul.
Introduction: She was the wife of activist Chittaranjan Das. After Das' arrest in 1921 and
death in 1925, she took an active part in various political and social movements and
continued with social work post-independence. – Let’s know more about Basanti Devi
Basanti Devi:
I got involved in the independence struggle when my husband, Chittaranjan Das, was
arrested. Being one of the most prominent woman freedom fighters, I was a part of the
Khilafat movement and civil disobedience campaign. I was also a founder member of the
Nari Karma Mandira, a women’s educational centre.
I was in prison for a brief time in Kolkata for selling Khadi. My arrest sparked indignation
and resentment across the country. I also took over the weekly magazine Bangalar Katha
when my husband died.
I was the President of the Bengal Provincial Congress with a Padma Vibhushan award in
Introduction: Madam Bhikaji Cama became the first person to hoist Indian flag on foreign
soil in Stuttgart in Germany. Let’s find out more about her.
Bhikaji cama:
I was an indomitable freedom fighter who contributed greatly to the early years of the Indian
freedom struggle and also fought for the place of women in society. A dedicated nationalist, I
brought the Indian struggle to international attention.
In 1896, Bubonic plague broke out in the Bombay Presidency and I joined one of the teams
working at Grant Medical College to help the team working to save plague victims.
I also took part in the Socialist Conference in Germany and became the first person to hoist
Indian flag on foreign soil with a message to every Indian-
“Behold, the flag of independent India is born! It has been made sacred by the blood of young
Indians who sacrificed their lives in its honour. In the name of this flag, I appeal to lovers of
freedom all over the world to support this struggle.”
Introduction: She was a Hindi poet, freedom fighter, and educationist – let’s know more
about Mahadevi Verma.
Mahadevi Verma:
I was born to a progressive Hindu family. I was the principal and then the vice-chancellor of
Allahabad’s Prayag Mahila Vidyapeeth, a women’s residential institution contributing
significantly to women’s education.
I was an Indian writer, activist, and leading poet of the Chhayavad movement in Hindi
With my work Deepshikha, which contains 51 poems, I ventured into new field of Hindi
literature- Rahasyavaad. I also served as an editor of the famous Hindi monthly Chand.
Closing Lines:
Such magnificent performance! And I must say, equally magnificent were the torch bearers
of our Freedom Fight! On the 75th Anniversary of our Independence Day, let’s remember
them with all our gratitude and humility! Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!