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Chapter No-06 Electro Magnetic Induction

INTRODUCTION: Electromagnetic induction deals with the phenomena related to the production of induced e.m.f
or induced current in a closed circuit by changing magnetic field. The phenomenon of producing an e.m.f & hence
induced current in a closed circuit (coil) due to the change in magnetic field or magnetic flux linked with the closed
circuit is called Electromagnetic induction.
* The e.m.f produced in the coil by varying magnetic fields is called induced e.m.f and hence the current is called induced current.
* This phenomenon was independently discovered by “Michael Faraday” & “Joseph henry”.
Magnetic Flux : Number of magnetic field lines passing normally through given surface area is called magnetic flux.
It is defined as the dot product of magnetic field vector(⃗⃗⃗ ) and area element vector(⃗⃗⃗ ).
It is defined by Φ = ⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗ = B A cosθ
Where ⃗⃗⃗ - magnetic field vector θ
⃗⃗⃗ - area element vector. ⃗⃗⃗
θ – angle between ⃗⃗⃗ ⃗⃗⃗
 Its SI unit is Weber(Wb) or tesla meter 2
 Magnetic flux is a scalar quantity.
Experiments of Faraday’s & Henry’s to study the phenomenon of EMI:
Experiment No.1 : ( Coil - Magnet Experiment)
Consider a coil ‘C’ connected to Galvanometer ‘G’.
NS is a bar magnet.


Observations :
 When a bar magnet moves towards the coil, the galvanometer shows deflection. This indicates that current is induced in the coil.
 When the magnet moves away from the coil, the galvanometer shows deflection in opposite direction.
 The above same effects are produced, when the coil is moved by keeping the magnet at rest.
 Induced current or e.m.f is large when the magnet or coil moves faster.
 If there is no relative motion between coil & magnet, then galvanometer do not shows any deflection.
Results :
(1) E.m.f or currents induces in a circuit only when magnetic flux linked with the circuit changes.
(2) The deflection in G lasts(exists) as long as the bar magnet is in motion.
Experiment No.2 : (Coil-Coil Experiment) :
C1 C2

Consider a coil ‘C1’ connected to a galvanometer G. Consider another coil ‘C 2’ carrying steady current produces a steady
magnetic field.
Observations : When a coil C2 moves towards the coil C1, the galvanometer shows deflection. This indicates that current
induced in the coil C1.
* When a coil C2 moves away from the coil C1, the galvanometer shows deflection in opposite direction.
* Same effect is produced, when the coil C2 is fixed and C1 is moved.
* Induced current is large when coil C1 or coil C2 moves faster.
* If there is no relative motion between two coils, then galvanometer does not shows any deflection.
* The deflection continues (lasts) as long as coil C 1 or coil C2 is moved.

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Chapter No-06 Electro Magnetic Induction
Results :
1) e.m.f or current induces in the coil only when magnetic flux linked with the coil changed.
2) The deflection exist (lasts) as long as coil C1 or coil C2 or both (with non – zero relative velocity ) is/are moved.
Experiment No.3 : (Coil-Coil Experiment) :
C1 C2

Consider two coils C1 & C2 placed close to each other. The coil C 1 is connected to galvanometer ‘G’. The coil C 2 is
connected DC battery and tap key K.
Observations :
 The galvanometer shows deflection, when tap key ‘K’ is pressed.
 When the tap key is removed, the galvanometer shows deflection in opposite direction.
 If the tap key ‘K’ is pressed continuously, galvanometer shows no deflection.
 The same effect is observed, when the current in the coil increases or decreases.
(1) Current or e.m.f induced in the coil only when magnetic flux linked with coil changes.
(2) This experiment shows that relative motion between coils is not an absolute requirement to induce the current in the
coil ( as in expt 2).
Faraday’s Laws of EMI :
1st Law : Whenever the magnetic flux linked with the circuit changes with time, an e.m.f is induced in the circuit. This
induced e.m.f exists(lasts) as long as magnetic flux linked with circuit changes.
2nd Law : The magnitude of induced e.m.f in a circuit is equal to the time rate of change of magnetic flux linked with circuit.
Explanation : If ‘E’ is the induced e.m.f in the circuit due to change in magnetic flux in a time ‘dt’
According to faraday’s 2 law,nd

Negative sign indicates that induced e.m.f oppose the change in magnetic flux that produced it (It is according to Lenz’s law).
For closely wound coil of N turns,

 The magnitude of induced e.m.f can be increased by increasing the number of turns (N) of a closed coil.
Lenz’s Law :
This law gives the direction of induced current or polarity of induced e.m.f in a coil .
Statement : The Polarity of induced e.m.f is such that it tends to produce a current which opposes the change in magnetic
flux that produced it.
This law is based on the “law of conservation of energy”
Q. What is the significance of Lenz law?
Ans: “law of conservation of energy”
Explain Lenz’s law is according to the law of conservation of energy :


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Chapter No-06 Electro Magnetic Induction
When a magnet moves towards or away from the coil, the magnetic flux linked with it changes & hence current is induced in the coil
in a direction which oppose the motion of magnet.
(i) If N-pole is moves towards the coil, to oppose this, N-pole is developed on the face of coil towards the magnet (current induced
in anticlockwise direction). Therefore, work has to be done against repulsive force
(ii) If N-pole is moved away from the coil, S-pole is developed on the face of coil towards the magnet (current induced in clockwise
direction). Therefore work has to be done against force of attraction.
This work done is equal to electrical energy produced by induced current.
(iii) When N-pole is move towards the coil, suppose S-pole is developed on the face of the coil towards the magnet. The magnet
attracted by the coil & it would gains K.E at the expense of nothing. This is against to the law of conservation energy and
hence this cannot happen.
Therefore, Lenz’s law is according to the law of conservation of energy.
Motional e.m.f : The e.m.f induced in a straight conductor moving in a uniform magnetic field is called motional e.m.f.
Derive an expression for e.m.f induced in a moving rod (motional e.m.f) :

x x I x x x
x Q x x x R x x
x x xl x V x x x
x x x x x x
xx x P x x x S x x
x x x x x
x x

Consider a rectangular conductor PQRS in which the conductor

‘RS’ is free to move at right angles to uniform & time –independent magnetic field.
Here PQRS forms a closed circuit.
i) The magnetic flux enclosed by the loop PQRS is -----(1)
Where : B  strength of uniform magnetic field
A= l xarea of rectangular conductor
l  length of conductor PQ
x  length of conductor PS
ii) When a conductor ‘RS’ is moving with constant velocity ‘V’ (towards left as shown in fig), x is changing with time.
The induced e.m.f due to rate of change of flux is given by

=BlV Where V

This is the expression for motional e.m.f.

Note :
(1) The e.m.f induced in a rod depends on
(a) Strength of magnetic field.
(b) Length of rod. (c)Speed of conductor.
(2) Magnetic flux linked with coil can be changed in three ways
(a) By changing the magnitude of magnetic field linked with coil.
(b) By moving a rod in a magnetic field
(c) By rotating a coil in a magnetic field.
(3) Back e.m.f: An induced e.m.f which opposes the growth of current in a coil is called as back e.m.f.
(4) No e.m.f induces for Steady (DC) current of high value or low value.

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Chapter No-06 Electro Magnetic Induction
Write the expression for current induced in a conductor moving in a uniform magnetic field(B):-
Ans : By Ohms law
I= = =>

Where R  resistance of .
B  strength of uniform magnetic field
l  length of conductor.
V  velocity of conductor.
Derive the relationship between the charge flow through the circuit and the change in
the magnetic flux :-
Ans : From Faraday’s law, magnitude of induced emf is

| |

By Ohms law =R ....................(2)

Equating eqn(1) & (2) R =

dQ =

Eddy Currents (OR) Focault Currents :

The induced circulating currents produced in a thick metal sheet due to change in magnetic flux linked with it are called eddy
currents. Eddy currents are discovered by Focault.

Explanation : Consider a copper plate swing like a simple pendulum between the pole pieces of a strong magnet as
shown in fig. The magnetic flux linked with the plate keeps on changing. The change in flux induces eddy currents
(swirling eddies just like in water). By Lenz law, an eddy current opposes the motion of plate. As a result plate comes to
rest. To swing the plate more freely, eddy currents must be minimized.
Eddy currents are minimized by using laminated metal core (i.e. Eddy currents are minimized by dividing thick metal sheet into
number of thin metal sheet, then sheets are laminated & arranged such that their planes are parallel to magnetic fields).
Disadvantage of Eddy Current:
Eddy currents dissipates electrical energy in the form heat.
Applications (Advantages) of eddy currents :
Eddy currents are used in
(1) Induction furnace
(2) Electromagnetic breaks in trains
(3) Electric power meters
(4) Electromagnetic damping ( Dead beat galvanometer)
(5) Speedometers

Note :(explain the advantages of eddy currents)

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Chapter No-06 Electro Magnetic Induction
1) Electromagnetic Damping : When a metallic frame or plate oscillates in a magnetic field (e.g. in a dead-beat galvanometer), the
eddy currents generated in the frame or plate oppose the motion and bring the frame to rest quickly. This is called electromagnetic
2) Magnetic breaking in trains : This is provided in electric trains by placing strong electromagnets above the rails. When the
electromagnets are activated (during breaking), the eddy currents induced in the rails oppose the motion of the train. Since no
mechanical linkages, the breaking effect is smooth
3) Electric Power Meters : The shiny metal disc in the electric power meter(analogue type) rotates due to the eddy currents (eddy
currents are induced in the disc by varying magnetic fields produced by sinusoidally varying currents in a coil).
4) Induction furnace: Induction furnace can be used to produce high temperatures and can be utilized to prepare alloys, by melting
the constituent metals. A high frequency alternating current is passed through a coil which surrounds the metals to be melted. The
eddy currents generated in the metals produce high temperatures sufficient to melt it.

How does dissipation of electrical energy into heat depends on strength of electric current:
Ans: Dissipation of electrical energy into heat depends directly on the square of the strength of electric current ( H ∝ I2 ).

Inductance of Coil : The property of a coil to oppose the change in current in a coil is known as inductance of a coil.
Inductance is defined as “ the ratio of flux-linkage to the current”.

It is given by , inductance (L) = .

 Its SI unit is Henry (H).

 It is a scalar quantity.
 It depends on geometry of coil( length, area of coil) & intrinsic material property( relative permeability of material )
Self Induction: The phenomenon of inducing an e.m.f in a single isolated coil due to change in current in the same coil is called
self induction.

Ba K
Consider a coil of inductance L is connected to a battery & tap key.
When tap key is pressed, the current in a coil increases from zero to maximum. Therefore, magnetic flux linked with coil changes &
hence e.m.f is induced in the coil. According to Lenz’s law, the induced e.m.f opposes the growth of current. This e.m.f is called
back e.m.f. Physically , the self inductance plays the role of electrical inertia.
Theory :
Consider a coil of N turns carrying a current I. The magnetic flux linked with solenoid coil is directly proportional to current through
the coil. ∝

Where L  co-efficient of self induction or self

Inductance of coil.
N  number of turns in the solenoid coil.

Rate of change of magnetic flux linked with the coil is --------(1)

The e.m.f induced in the coil is given by


∴from eqn(1) & eqn(2)

The magnitude of induced e.m.f is

Define Self inductance :

We have | | =>

⇒L= , when ⁄

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Chapter No-06 Electro Magnetic Induction
Self inductance of a coil is numerically equal to e.m.f induced in a coil due to unit rate of change of current in the same coil.
 SI unit of self inductance is Henry (H).
 It is a scalar quantity.
Derive an expression for self inductance of coil: -

Consider a long air core solenoid coil of length l , cross-sectional area A & carrying current I.
i) The magnetic field inside the solenoid is
B = μo n I ---------(1)
Where n number of turns per unit length of coil. N = n l  total number of turns in the coil.
ii) Total flux linked with the solenoid is
Also =NBA
L I = n l μ0 n I A L=

If a ferromagnetic material of relative permeability is placed in the core of solenoid (for example soft iron) then,

What is role of self – inductance in a coil?

Ans : Self-inductance plays the role of electrical inertia.
Why Self- Inductance is called as Back e.m.f?
Ans : The self-induced e.m.f opposes any change in the current in a circuit.
Mention the expression for self inductance of solenoid :-

The self inductance(L) of solenoid is given by or

For air core solenoid ( =1)

Where  relative permeability of ferromagnetic material in the core of solenoid.
 Permeability of free space.
n number of turns per unit length of solenoid (n = N/l ).
N  total number of turns in a solenoid.
A  area of cross section of coil.
l  length of solenoid coil.
Mention the factors on which Self inductance of coil depend.
(a) Length of coil (solenoid).
(b) Area cross section of coil. (Geometry of coil )
(c) Number turns in a coil.
(d) Permeability of medium in the core of coil. L1 L2

Note : Effective inductance when the coils in series is Ls = L1 + L2 + L3 + ………….

 Effective inductance when the coils in parallel



Mutual Induction : The phenomenon of inducing an e.m.f in a coil due to change in current in a another near by coil is
called “Mutual induction”.
Explanation: C1
C2 I2
Ba K

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Chapter No-06 Electro Magnetic Induction
Consider two solenoid coils S1 & S2
Let 1 be the flux through coil C1 (say of N1 turns) when current in coil C2 is I2 . Then
N1 1 = M I2
M is called the mutual inductance of solenoid coil S1 with respect to solenoid coil S2 or coefficient of mutual induction.
For varying currents with time (diff w.r.t t)

N1 =

By Faradays law & Lenz Law, the induced e.m.f in coil C1 is N1

It shows that varying current in a coil can induce e.m.f in a neighboring coil
Where M mutual inductance between pair of coils or co-efficient of mutual induction.
If current flows in both the coils simultaneously, then e.m.f induced in one of the coil is

Define Mutual Inductance : We have | | 

⟹ M = , when = 1As–1

Mutual inductance between pair of coils is numerically equal to the e.m.f induced in one coil due to unit rate of change
of current in the other nearby coil.
 SI unit of mutual inductance is Henry (H).
 It is a scalar quantity.
Derive an expression for Mutual inductance between pair of solenoids coils:-
Consider two long co-axial solenoid S1 & S2 coils each of length l.
Let r1 → radius of inner solenoid coil S1
r2 → radius of outer solenoid coil S1
n1 → number of turns per unit length in S 1
n2 → number of turns per unit length in S 2
N1 = n1 l → total number of turns in S1
N2 = n2 l → total number of turns in S2
When a current I2 is set up through S2, flux linkage with solenoid S1 is

N1 1 = M12 I2

M12 is called the mutual inductance of solenoid S1 with respect to solenoid S2 or coefficient of mutual induction.
The magnetic field due to the current I2 in S2 is
B= n2I2.
The resulting flux linkage with coil S1 is,
N1 1 = N B A1 ( )
M12 I2 = n1l n2 I2 (𝜋 )
M12 = n1 n2 l (𝜋 )
Similarly M21 = n1 n2 l (𝜋 )
In general, mutual inductance between two co-axial coils is

M= n1 n2 l (𝜋 )

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Chapter No-06 Electro Magnetic Induction
Mention the factors on which mutual inductance between coils depend.
(a) Length of primary coil.
(b) Area of cross-section of primary coil.
(c) Number of turns in both coils.
(d) Relative permeability of the medium in the core of coil.
(e) Relative orientations of coils.
Derive an expression for energy stored in the coil (Inductor or solenoid) :
Consider a solenoid coil of self inductance ‘L’. The self- induced e.m.f ( ) in the coil opposes the change in current in the coil .
According to Lenz’s law, some work has to be done against back e.m.f to establish the current I at any time t .
The rate of work done is given by

The magnitude of induced e.m.f is ( = )

Eqn(1) becomes
(from eqn 1)

Total work done in establishing the current I is given by ∫

This work done is equal to Magnetic potential energy stored in a coil.


This is the expression for energy stored in a coil.

*Derive an expression for energy stored in a solenoid coil in terms of magnetic field, area A & length L of the solenoid.
The magnetic energy stored in a solenoid coil is given by

For solenoid, B = μ0nI and

∴ (

U= Al

Define Magnetic energy density . Give its expression.

Ans : Magnetic energy stored per unit volume of a solenoid is called magnetic energy density.
It is given by
= μ

* Write the expression for energy stored in the coil (inductor) & explain :
The energy stored(U) in the coil is
Where L  self inductance of coil current
I  current in a coil at any instant.
Alternating Current : A current whose magnitude & direction time
changes periodically with time is called A.C

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Chapter No-06 Electro Magnetic Induction
AC Generator (AC Dynamo) : AC generator is machine which converts mechanical energy into alternating current
energy(electrical energy).
It is based on the principle of “electromagnetic induction”. It is designed by “Nikola Tesla”.
Labeled diagram of AC generator is as shown

Axis of rotation

C Coil (Armature)

Slip R1 B1
rings Alternating emf
R2 B2


Apparatus: Armature coil[ABCD] Strong permanent magnetic field [ N & S poles] Slip rings [R 1 & R2 ] Carbon Brushes [B1 & B2 ]
Consider a rectangular coil(ABCD) of large number of turns of insulated copper wire. The coil is rotated with constant angular speed
‘ω’ in a uniform magnetic field set up between two power full magnets. The axis of rotation of coil is perpendicular to direction of
magnetic field. The free end of coils attached to slip rings and carbon brushes as shown in fig.

Derive an expression of instantaneous e.m.f in an AC generator

Graphical representation of AC
I or E

N  A cos  S ⁄
I O T time

Consider a rectangular coil kept in uniform magnetic field ‘B’.

Now, assume the coil rotates with constant angular speed ‘ ω’ about an axis perpendicular to direction of magnetic field.

If θ is the angle between magnetic field vector ⃗⃗⃗⃗ & area vector ⃗⃗⃗⃗ of coil (assume θ = 00 when t = 0)at any instant t,
The magnetic flux linked with the coil at a time ‘t’ is

The induced e.m.f for rotating coil of ‘N’ turns is

(negative sign is according to Lenz’s law)

 Induced e.m.f expression.

Where = NBA  Peak value of alternating e.m.f.
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Chapter No-06 Electro Magnetic Induction
The induced current in the coil is given by

 induced current expression.

Where  Peak value of A.C

R  Resistance of coil.
Some important previous years question-paper questions
One Mark Questions:
1. Give the expression for energy stored in an inductance coil carrying current.(m-14)
2. State faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.(march-18,july-14)
3. What is self induction?(J-15)
4. Mention the significance of Lenz's law.(M-17, July-16,M-15,M-20)
5. What is motional electromotive force? (j-17)
6. State Lenz’s law in electromagnetic induction. (June-18)
7. How the self inductance of a coil depends on number of turns in the coil? (M-19)
8. Mention the principle on which AC generator works.
9. Mention any one use of Eddy currents.( J-20)
Two Mark Questions:
1. What are Eddy currents? Mention one application of Eddy currents.(J-15, July-14)
2. Mention any two advantages of eddy currents in practical applications.(M-14)
3. Current in a coil falls from 2.5A to 0.0A in 0.1second inducing an emf of 200V. Calculate the value of
self inductance.(M-15)
4. What is meant by self inductance and mutual inductance? (July-16)
5. State and explain faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.(M-17)
6. The magnetic flux linked with a coil varies as find the magnitude of EMF induced at
t= 2S. (J-17)
7. Mention any two factors on which the self inductance of a coil depends.(June-18)
8. Define self induction. Mention the expression for self inductance of a coil. (J-15, J-16)
9. Define mutual induction. Mention an expression for mutual inductance for a pair of coils.(July-16)
10. The current through a coil of 2mH changes from zero ampere to 5mA in 0.1 seconds. What is the emf
induced in the coil? (J-20)
Three Mark Questions:
1. Explain briefly the coil magnet experiment to demonstrate the phenomenon of electromagnetic
induction.(june-18, J-17, M-16, J-20)
2. Derive an expression for motional EMF, induced across the ends of a conducting rod moving in a
perpendicular to uniform magnetic field. (July-16,M-15,July-14 ,M-17)
3. State and explain Lenz’s law induced EMF. (June-18,M-14)
4. Derive the expression for energy stored in a current carrying coil.(july-15)
Five-Marks Questions
1. Derive an expression for the e.m.f induced in a coil rotating in a uniform magnetic field.(J-19)
2. With the help of a labelled diagram, derive the expression for instantaneous emf induced in an AC

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