Chapter 8 Human Resource Management
Chapter 8 Human Resource Management
Chapter 8 Human Resource Management
8.1 Overview
The FY09 has proved to be yet another challenging and exciting year for human resource
management. The BSC management has been rigorously implementing a well deliberated
Organization Development and Change Management project in order to transform the
organization into a modern corporate entity. A multi pronged transformation strategy is
being pursued for the purpose which include; i) organizational restructuring, ii) strengthening
performance based culture, (iii) improving policies through consultation; (iv) bringing
cultural change through Organizational Development and Change Management Process; (v)
maintaining work-family balance and (vi) provision of congenial working environment. It is
heartening to report that these change initiatives have produced discernible improvements in
employees’ mindset, openness and courage climate, employees’ performance, decline in
grievances and trust in the senior management.
Human Resource Management
also help the management to build a pool of talented managers for filling the senior
management positions including Chief Mangers and Departmental Directors in future.
Also as a part of the career development and succession planning agenda, training programs,
both function specific and management focused, were designed and delivered during the
year for target group of officers in OG-5, OG-4 and OG-3 cadres. The programs covered
strategic management, conflict resolution, values and shared behaviors, customer services
and the core operational activities of BSC to sharpen the participants’ leadership and
analytical skills as well as their decision making capabilities.
Likewise a formal job rotation policy is being rigorously followed to groom future managers
in different capacities and assignments. Depending on performance, job enrichment and
enlargement is tailored to suit high performing managers.
Further, to encourage the employees to acquire professional qualification, the cash reward
scheme was launched during the year; under the scheme the employees acquiring higher
professional qualifications from HEC recognized universities would be granted a cash
reward of Rs.20,000/.
8.3.2 Opportunities for Treasury Officers
The Treasury Officers (TOs-OG-2 Cash side) and Assistant Treasury Officers (ATOs-OG-1
Cash side), constitute a bulk (more than 30%) of BSC workforce. The TOs under the
existing policy has no career progression opportunity, which was a source of de-motivation
amongst the TOs, particularly those having skills and qualification similar to their counter
parts (OG-2) in General Side. The policy for transfer of services of TOs to General Side was
thus revisited during the year and a revised policy was approved to make the transfers
through a transparent and competitive process, based on merit and suitability. The revised
policy requires written test to be conducted through external institution and interview for the
officers passing the written test. Under the revised policy, six TOs were transferred to
General Side as Officer Grade-2 during the year. This would allow them to compete with the
OG-2 in General Side for promotions etc in the next grade.
Annual Performance Review of SBP BSC FY09
The OG-1 and below employees, which constitute 64% of the BSC workforce were given AMI at the rate
allowed to such officers and employees of the same group in SBP, the parent organization of the BSC.
Human Resource Management
last year; Table 8.4.3(b) gives the AMI rates for this Table 8.4.3 (b) Employees up to OG-1
group of employees. The difference in AMI rates of PER Marks
AMI Rates (%)
2007-08 2008-09
OG-2 and above and OG-1 and below employees is 46-50 4 8
attributed to substantial difference in the skill mix and 41-45 3 7
31-40 2 5
nature of jobs of the two employee cadres. 11-30 1 3
0-10 Nil Nil
The Forced Distribution Mechanism Table 8.4.3 (c) Rates of Annual Merit Increase
(FDM) was used to rate the employees in OG-2 & above (other than cash Cash Officers and OG-1 &
side) appraised under PMS below grade employees
Grade 2 & above (other than cash appraised under PER
officers) whereas the Cash Officers and Performance category % age of Marks % age of
employees in OG-1 and below grades Employees Range Employees
were rated under existing Performance A 15 46-50 20
Evaluation System. The Table 8.4.3(c) B+ 25 41-45 20