Script FLS Recognized RPL

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1. Conduct a pre-training activities

a. Check attendance
b. Conduct Pre-Assessment activities (Data Gathering, TNA, Pre-Test, Learning Contracts)
c. Conduct an orientation (CBT, 10 Principles, Role of Trainee, CBT Process Flow, 9 Learning Areas)
d. Conduct RPL through RPL Committee.(the result must be recognized by the RPL Committee)
e. Assign the trainees on the Activity Matrix to the different competencies based on the result of pre-test
2. Slow Learner
a. Ask for his/her gap in training
b. Let him view the Power Point and Video
c. Ask him the answer the computer-based assessment
d. Ask him/her to go back to his assigned practical work area.
3. Competent Trainee
a. Evaluate his 1st Task/Job based on performance criteria checklist
b. Update task 1 in achievement chart and LO1 in Progress Chart
c. Evaluate his 2nd Task/Job based on performance criteria checklist
d. Update task 2 in achievement chart and LO2 in Progress Chart
e. Put C in Achievement Chart which mean he/she is Complete
f. Ask him to go to Institutional Assessment Area and give instruction on Institutional Assessment for
Demonstration and Oral Interview.
g. Let him perform the demonstration in practical work area and ask two questions for oral interview.
h. Give feedback regarding the result of demonstration and followed by the feedback in the result of oral
i. Put C (Competent) on Progress Chart and issue the Certificate of Achievement to the trainee
j. Ask the trainee to choose his next competency to enroll in Activity Matrix.
4. Not-Yet Competent Trainee
a. Evaluate his 1st Task/Job based on performance criteria checklist
b. Update task 1 in achievement chart and LO1 in Progress Chart
c. Evaluate his 2nd Task/Job based on performance criteria checklist
d. Update task 2 in achievement chart and LO2 in Progress Chart
e. Put C in Achievement Chart which mean he/she is Complete
f. Ask him to go to Institutional Assessment Area and give instruction on Institutional Assessment for
Written Test and Demonstration.
g. Let him answer the written test and perform the demonstration.
h. Give feedback regarding the result of written test and demonstration give a constructive feedback since
the result is not yet competent.
i. Teach the trainee to overcome his weakness in practical work area and give him time to practice.
j. Ask the trainee if he is ready for the 2nd attempt, if yes give him another orientation in the
demonstration and ask him to perform the assessment in practical work area.
k. Give feedback regarding the result of his 2nd demonstration.
l. Put C (Competent) on Progress Chart and issue the Certificate of Achievement to the trainee
m. Ask the trainee to choose his next competency to enroll in Activity Matrix.
5. Post Training
a. Check the attendance
b. Tell your student that in progress chart all of them are competent and completed in Achievement Chart.
c. Give your student a post-test validate if they acquire the knowledge during the training and program
evaluation to know the lapses and gap encountered during the training.
d. Instruct the trainees on the schedule of national assessment and the venue.
e. And finally announced the schedule of graduation day (weather they are competent on not yet
competent during the National Assessment they will receive the certificate of training).

Material Needed:

1. Multimedia equipment
2. Powerpoint and video that used in UEMFT
3. Sample documents:
a. Attendance Sheet
b. Certificate of Achievement
c. Written Test
d. Performance Test
e. Performance criteria checklist
f. TNA form 1.1
g. Data gathering form
h. Learning Contract
4. Props needed for the actual demo.


DAY 1:
Good Day Students! Welcome to San Francisco Institute of Science and Technology, your chosen institution for your qualification which is the
Computer System Servicing NCII. I’m Madileen Lynette N. Omadto and I will be your trainer. Before the discussion proper, please sign-in the
attendance first. Also, take the PRE-TEST, this will test your knowledge regarding the competencies that you need to learn or you will encounter
with your stay in this institution.
Next will be the Data Gathering for the Trainees Characteristics, this will be my basis on what kind of teaching style I will be using. It is a data
gathering procedure that contains what kind of learner are you. Please also fill-up the Self-Assessment Check that contains the competencies
required of the qualification or TNA, please check “YES” if you have the PRIOR LEARNING with regards to the topic. This will be your Training
contract, signing this will ensure that you will finish your training.
And now let us not stat the orientation. First is the school rules and regulation Same as with all institutions, Please make sure that you
report in my class every day and never come late. Regards with other class rules and regulations just refer to the students’ handbook that I have
given to you. What is CBT? (Explain and discuss the CBT) Competency- Based Training as our training delivery methods. Competency- Based
Training focuses on the competency development of the learner as a result of the training. It emphasizes the learner what can actually do. For that
reason, you as a trainee will work hand in hand, or you will be engaging more in actual work. CBT has 10 Principles ( Select 3 among 10
PRINCIPLES OF CBT and discuss)
And as your trainer I will be your Team Leader, Motivator, Manages Learning, Problem Solver and evaluator. And of course as trainee you
also have your roles. You can refer to your student’s handbook with regards to this matter.
In COMPUTER SYSTEM SERVICING NCII we have three competencies that you will encounter: the basic, common and core competencies.
In core competency, we have FOUR which are the: 1.INSTALL AND CONFIGURE COMPUTER SYSTEMS, SET-UP COMPUTER
competency has CBLM or the Competency-Based Learning Material. The CBLM has the PRELIMINARY PAGES – Instruction How to Use
CBLM. The LEARNING EXPERIENCE – step-by-step instruction on how to read and perform activities per LO. INFORMATION SHEET – use
to give information about the competency you are enrolled. The self-check used to check what information you gain by reading the information sheet
and the answer key to evaluate your answer. The job sheet, task sheet and operation sheet are used to engage you in actual work.
I will now tour you in the nine learning areas, and they are as follow,(1-9 and explain). Based on the result of TNA I’ve notice Mr. Jose
Rizal you put YES on competency number 1 which is INSTALL AND CONFIGURE COMPUTER SYSTEMS Do you have any relevant
document to show? (the trainee will present the document like Employment certificate, training certificate) Ok Mr. Rizal after our class pls. go to
RPL committee and you will subject for evaluation like written test or demonstration to validate your RPL. Okay, and that would be all for today. See
you tomorrow.
DAY 2:
Good Morning Class, based on the attendance you are all present. Mr. Rizal did you bring your certification of RPL? I have received the your RPL.
To Validate let us proceed to Institutional Assessment area for Demonstration and Interview. Upon proper validation of RPL Congratulations Mr.
Rizal we have recognized your prior learning. I will check your progress chart and Achievement Chart. Congratulations! You are now competent.
Here is your certificate of achievement.
Please go to the Training Activity matrix to choose what competency you want to enroll. Mr. Rizal ,since you have the prior learning
regarding Installing and configuring Computer Systems, I will assign you to Core 2 Set-Up Computer Networks please go to the Learning
Resource Area and get your CBLM as you reference and go to Practical Work Area Station no 2. And practice Install Network Cables and Set
Network Configuration; be sure to wear your PPE and Observe safety first.
Mr. Bonifacio Based on the result of your Pre-Test I will assign you to Install and Configure Computer Systems please go to the Learning
Resource Area and get your CBLM as you reference. You may also go to Computer Laboratory you may browse to internet for additional reference.
After that go to Practical Work Area, STATION no. 1, be sure to wear your PPE and Observe safety first.

Mr. Bonifacio I have observed that you have difficulty in Installation of Software (Operating System) Don’t worry; I have created a power point
presentation. (Assist the student to watch power point and video) As you finish the presentation please watch the video so you will be guided. After
that, answer the computer- based exam. And proceed to Practical Work Area or Computer Laboratory Area, STATION no. 1.
[Go to student No. 1] Okay, you’re doing great. May I check your task no.1. According to the performance criteria checklist you were able to
Chart] May i check your task no.2. According to the performance criteria checklist you can enable to connect DVD to TV set and display image.
[Check the Achievement Chart] [Mark C, for COMPLETE]
You are now ready to for the assessment. Please proceed to Assessment Area. I will give you two types of exam the written test and demonstration.
For your written exam, you should get at least 9 out 0f 10. Ok are you done? May I have your Exam.
For your demonstration, proceed to Practical Work Area Station No. 2 and set- up the home theater. According to your performance test you must
enable to connect RCA jack in correct polarity and all speakers has its sound. Also you must connect DVD to TV set and play video here is your
performance test ill give you 30min.
Are you done? Ok based on your written test you received 10pts. And in your demonstration you connect RCA jack in correct polarity and all
speakers has its sound. Also you connect DVD to TV set and play video. Congratulation you are now competent. Let me check your progress
chart(PUT C). Congratulations, you are now competent. Here is your Certificate of Achievement. Please proceed to Trainers Activity Matrix and
choose another competency, go to Learning Resource Area and proceed to your work station no. 3 and practice the task. Observe safety first and wear
your PPE.
[Go to student No. 2] AT THE PRACTICAL WORK AREA
May I check your task no.1? According to the performance criteria checklist you can now able to mount properly the electronic components, starting
from small components to tall ones. [Check the Achievement Chart] May I also check your task no.2? According to the performance criteria
checklist you can now able to solder with good soldering result. [Check the Achievement Chart] [Mark C, for COMPLETE] You already completed
your task.
You are ready for assessment, please proceed to Assessment Area. I have here two types of exam for you: the interview and demonstration. For your
demonstration, proceed to Practical Work Area Station No. 1 and perform de-solder and solder the power supply. I will give you 1 hour for you to
finish. Are you done? Please place you finished product to Quality Control Area. Here is your performance TEST. Are you done?
For your interview, here is my question 1.What are you going to do if the de-soldering pump does not function? 2. What are you going to do if the
power supply does not work?

On your interview, you got a passing score 9 out of 10. Let us check your output of your demonstration, you have a good soldering result, it is shiny
and in volcano shape, the components are all mounted properly. But as I plug in your power supply for testing, the I notice that the LED does not
emit light and you power supply does not work which is critical. Please observe proper polarization on polarized components. Based on the
assessment criteria, you are still not yet competent.
Please proceed to Practical Work Area station 1. I will teach you on how to properly mount and connect the polarized components. . ME:
COMPONENTS LIKE CAPACITOR, DOIDE, LED’s etc. are polarized. In LED the negative terminal is the short one, and the positive terminal is
the long one. In case the terminal was trimmed out you may look inside the negative terminal has flat inside. In capacitor and diode the side with gray
color is the negative terminal. I will give you time to practice. Tell me if you are ready for second attempt.
Okay, are you now ready? I will give you another 1 hour for your second attempt. Perform Soldering and de-soldering of power supply. Observe
safety first. Are you done? Place your power supply in quality control area. Okay, I already check your work. And at this time your power supply
work so you are now competent. I will now update your Progress chart.
Congratulations, you are now competent. Here is your Certificate of Achievement. Please proceed to Trainers Activity Matrix and choose another
competency, you may also go to the Learning Resource Area and get your CBLM. Also, the mock-ups are available at the Trainers Resource Area;
you may also practice the connections. After that, proceed to your work station and perform home theater set-up.
DAY 3:
Good Morning, I would like to announce that you are all competent! CONGRATULATION, you are now ready for the NATIONAL
ASSESSMENT. That was scheduled on JULY 15. Don’t forget to bring your PPE and be ready.
Regarding the graduation, please attend whether you are competent or not in the National Assessment. Because, I will be giving you certificate of
Before ending this Training Proper, please fill-out the POST TEST to know what have you learned in the whole training process. Also fill-up the
System Evaluation to evaluate the laps and gaps of the training.
And that would be all; this has been MARRYLYN ARCIGA your trainer for Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing NCII. Thank you!

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