ASTM E9 Compresion
ASTM E9 Compresion
ASTM E9 Compresion
Copyright (C) ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959, United States
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E9 – 09
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E9 – 09
NOTE 1—A cylindrical specimen of AISI 4340 steel (HRC = 40) was compressed 57 % (see upper diagram). The photo macrograph was made of a
polished and etched cross section of the tested specimen. The highly distorted flow lines are the result of friction between the specimen ends and the
loading fixture. Note the triangular regions of restricted deformation at the ends and the cross-shaped zone of severe shear.
FIG. 2 Illustration of Barreling
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E9 – 09
alignment, acceptable results can be obtained with rather wide
ranges of lateral-support pressure and spring constant. Gener-
ally, the higher the spring constant of the jig, the lower the
lateral-support pressure that is required. Proper adjustments of
these variables should be established during the qualification of
the equipment (see 6.6).
6.4.1 It is not the intent of these methods to designate
specific jigs for testing sheet materials, but merely to provide a
few illustrations and references to jigs that have been used
successfully, some of which are cited in Table 1. Other jigs are
FIG. 4 Spherical-Seated Bearing Block
acceptable provided they prevent buckling and pass the quali-
fication test set forth in 6.6. Compression jigs generally require
that the specimen be lubricated on the supported sides to
bearing blocks of the device shall have the same requirements
prevent extraneous friction forces from occurring at the support
for parallelism and flatness as given in 6.2.1.
6.3.2 The primary requirements of all alignment devices are
6.5 Strain Measurements:
that the load is applied axially, uniformly, and with negligible
6.5.1 Mechanical or electromechanical devices used for
“slip-stick” friction. An alignment device that has been found
measuring strain shall comply with the requirements for the
suitable is shown in Fig. 5 and described in Ref. (3). Other
applicable class described in Practice E83. The device shall be
devices of the subpress type have also been used successfully.
verified in compression.
6.4 Compression Testing Jigs—In testing thin specimens,
6.5.2 Electrical-resistance strain gages (or other single-use
such as sheet material, some means should be adopted to
devices) may be used provided the measuring system has been
prevent the specimen from buckling during loading. This may
verified and found to be accurate to the degree specified in
be accomplished by using a jig containing side-support plates
Practice E83. The characteristics of electrical resistance strain
that bear against the wide sides of the specimen. The jig must
gages have been determined from Test Methods E251.
afford a suitable combination of lateral-support pressure and
6.6 Qualification of Test Apparatus— The complete
spring constant to prevent buckling, but without interfering
compression-test apparatus, which consists of the testing ma-
with axial deformation of the specimen. Although suitable
chine and when applicable, one or more of the following; the
combinations vary somewhat with variations in specimen
alignment device, the jig and the strain-measurement system,
material and thickness, testing temperatures, and accuracy of
shall be qualified as follows:
6.6.1 Conduct tests to establish the elastic modulus of five
replicate specimens of 2024-T3 aluminum alloy sheet or
2024-T4 aluminum alloy bar in accordance with Test Method
E111. These qualification specimens shall be machined from
sheet or bar in the location specified in Test Methods B557.
The thickness of the sheet or diameter of the bar may be
machined to the desired thickness or diameter. It is essential
that the extensometer be properly seated on the specimens
when this test is performed. When the qualification specimens
each provide a modulus value of 10.7 3 106 psi (73.8 GPa)
65 %, the apparatus qualifies.
6.6.2 The qualification procedure shall be performed using
the thinnest rectangular specimen or smallest diameter round
specimen to be tested in the apparatus.
7. Test Specimens
7.1 Specimens in Solid Cylindrical Form—It is recom-
mended that, where feasible, compression test specimens be in
the form of solid circular cylinders. Three forms of solid
cylindrical test specimens for metallic materials are recog-
nized, and designated as short, medium-length, and long (Note
4). Suggested dimensions for solid compression test specimens
for general use are given in Table 2.
NOTE 4—Short specimens typically are used for compression tests of
such materials as bearing metals, which in service are used in the form of
thin plates to carry load perpendicular to the surface. Medium-length
specimens typically are used for determining the general compressive
strength properties of metallic materials. Long specimens are best adapted
FIG. 5 Example of Compression Testing Apparatus for determining the modulus of elasticity in compression of metallic
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E9 – 09
TABLE 1 Representative Compression Jigs and Specimen Dimensions for Testing of Thin SheetA
Thickness Width Length Gage Length
Type of Jig Ref
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
Montgomery-Templin: (4 and 5)
General use 0.016 and over 0.40 and over 0.625 16.0 2.64 67.0 1 25
Magnesium alloys 0.016 and over 0.40 and over 0.750B 20.0 2.64 67.0 1 25
NACA (Kotanchik et al) (6) 0.020 and over 0.50 and over 0.53 13.6 2.53 64.5 1 25
Moore-McDonald (7) 0.032 and over 0.80 and over 0.75C 20.0 2.64 67.0 1 25
LaTour-Wolford (8) 0.010 to 0.020 0.25 to 0.50 0.50 12.5 1.95 49.5 1 25
0.020 and over 0.50 and over 0.50 12.5 2.00 51.0 1 25
Miller (9-11) 0.006 to 0.010 0.15 to 0.25 0.48 12.2 2.22 56.5 1 25
0.010 to 0.020 0.25 to 0.50 0.50 12.5 2.23 56.5 1 25
0.020 and over 0.50 and over 0.50 12.5 2.25 57.0 1 25
Sandorff-Dillon: (12)
General use 0.010 and over 0.25 and over 0.50 12.5 4.12 104.5 2 50
High-strength steel 0.010 and over 0.25 and over 0.50 12.5 3.10 78.5 2 50
See Ref. (13) for additional jigs and specimen dimensions.
Reduced to 0.625 in. (16.0 mm) for 1.25 in. (30 mm) at the mid-length.
Reduced to 0.650 in. (16.5 mm) for 1.25 in. (30 mm) at the mid-length.
TABLE 2 Suggested Solid Cylindrical SpecimensA 7.3.2 Flatness and Parallelism—The ends of a specimen
NOTE 1—Metric units represent converted specimen dimensions close shall be flat and parallel within 0.0005 in./in. (mm/mm) and
to, but not the exact conversion from inch-pound units. perpendicular to the lateral surfaces to within 38 of arc. In most
Diameter Length Approx cases this requirement necessitates the machining or grinding
Speci- L/ of the ends of the specimen.
mens D Ra- 7.3.3 Edges of Rectangular Specimens— A width of mate-
in. mm in. mm tio
rial equal to at least the thickness of the specimen shall be
Short 1.12 6 0.01 30.0 6 0.2 1.00 6 0.05 25 6 1 0.8
0.50 6 0.01 13.0 6 0.2 1.00 6 0.05 25 6 1 2.0
machined from all sheared or stamped edges in order to remove
material whose properties may have been altered. If a reduced
Medium 0.50 6 0.01 13.0 6 0.2 1.50 6 0.05 38 6 1 3.0 section is used, this requirement applies only to the edges of
0.80 6 0.01 20.0 6 0.2 2.38 6 0.12 60 6 3 3.0
1.00 6 0.01 25.0 6 0.2 3.00 6 0.12 75 6 3 3.0
the reduced section. Specimens shall be finished so that the
1.12 6 0.01 30.0 6 0.2 3.38 6 0.12 85 6 3 3.0 surfaces are free of nicks, grooves, and burrs.
7.4 Gage Length Location—The ends of the gage length
Long 0.80 6 0.01 20.0 6 0.2 6.38 6 0.12 160 6 3 8.0
1.25 6 0.01 32.0 6 0.2 12.50 min 320 min 10.0
shall not be closer to the ends of the specimen or ends of the
Other length-to-diameter ratios may be used when the test is for compressive
reduced section than one half of the width or diameter of the
yield strength. specimen.
materials. The specimen dimensions given in Table 2 have been used 8. Procedure
successfully. Specimens with a L/D (length/diameter ratio) of 1.5 or 2.0 8.1 Specimen Measurement—Measure the width and thick-
are best adapted for determining the compressive strength of high-strength ness, or the diameter of the specimen with a micrometer along
materials. the gage section. Specimen dimensions greater than 0.10 in.
7.2 Rectangular or Sheet-Type Specimens—Test specimens (2.5 mm) should be measured to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.02
shall be flat and preferably of the full thickness of the material. mm), and those less than 0.10 in. (2.5 mm) should be
Where lateral support is necessary, the width and length are determined to the nearest 1 % of the dimension being mea-
dependent upon the dimensions of the jig used to support the sured. Calculate the average cross-sectional area of the speci-
specimen. The length shall be sufficient to allow the specimen men gage section.
to shorten the amount required to define the yield strength, or 8.2 Cleaning—Clean the ends of the specimen and fixture
yield point, but not long enough to permit buckling in the bearing blocks with acetone or another suitable solvent to
unsupported portion. Specimen dimensions and the various remove all traces of grease and oil.
types of jigs are given in Table 1. 8.3 Lubrication—Bearing surface friction can affect test
7.3 Preparation of Specimens—Lateral surfaces in the gage results (see section 5.2 and Fig. 2). Friction has been success-
length shall not vary in diameter, width, or thickness by more fully reduced by lubricating the bearing surfaces with TFE-
than 1 % or 0.002 in. (0.05 mm), whichever is less. (If a fluorocarbon sheet, molybdenum disulfide, and other materials
reduced section is used, this requirement applies only to the summarized in Ref. (3).
surface of the reduced section.) Also, the centerline of all 8.4 Specimen Installation—Place the specimen in the test
lateral surfaces of the specimens shall be coaxial within 0.01 fixture and carefully align the specimen to the fixture to ensure
in. (0.25 mm). concentric loading. Also, check that the specimen loading/
7.3.1 Surface Finish—Machined surfaces of specimens reaction surfaces mate with the respective surfaces of the
shall have a surface finish of 63 µin. (1.6 µm) or better. fixture. If the fixture has side supports, the specimen sides
Machined lateral surfaces to which lateral support is to be should contact the support mechanism with the clamping
applied shall be finished to at least 40 microinches (1.0 µm) pressure recommended by the fixture manufacturer, or as
arithmetic average. determined during the fixture verification tests. If screws are
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E9 – 09
used to adjust side support pressure, it is recommended that a sharp-kneed stress-strain diagrams will require that the strain
torque wrench be utilized to ensure consistent pressure. or deflection at yield be initially estimated, and the specimen
8.4.1 Transducer Attachment—If required, attach the exten- tested sufficiently beyond the initial estimation to be sure the
someter or other transducers, or both, to the specimen gage yield stress can be determined after the test (see 9.3). For
section. The gage length must be at least one half or preferably materials that exhibit a sharp-kneed stress-strain curve or a
one diameter away from the ends of the specimen (see 7.4). distinctive yield point, the test can be terminated either after a
8.5 Load-Strain Range Selection—Set the load range of the sharp knee or after the drop in load is observed.
testing machine so the maximum expected load is at least one 8.8.2 Brittle Materials—Brittle materials that fail by crush-
third of the range selected. Select the strain or deflection scale ing or shattering may be tested to failure.
so that the elastic portion of the load-versus-strain or load- 8.9 Number of Specimens—Specimen blanks shall be taken
versus-deflection plot on the autographic record, is between from bulk materials according to applicable specifications. The
30° and 60° to the load axis. number of specimens to be tested should be sufficient to meet
8.6 Strain Measurements—Devices used for measuring the requirements as determined by the test purpose, or as
strain shall comply with the requirements for the applicable agreed upon between the parties involved. The larger the
class of extensometer described in Practice E83. Electrical sample, the greater the confidence that the sample represents
strain gages, if used, shall have performance characteristics the total population. In most cases, between five and ten
established by the manufacturer in accordance with Test specimens should be sufficient to determine the compressive
Methods E251. properties of a sample with reasonable confidence.
8.7 Testing Speed—For testing machines equipped with 8.10 Precautions:
strain-rate pacers, set the machine to strain the specimen at a 8.10.1 Buckling—In compression tests of relatively long,
rate of 0.005 in./in.·min (m/m·min). For machine with load slender specimens that are not laterally supported, the speci-
control or with crosshead speed control, set the rate so the mens may buckle elastically and fly from the test setup. A
specimen is tested at a rate equivalent to 0.005 in./in.·min protective device should be in place to prevent injury.
(m/m·min) strain-rate in the elastic portion. A rate of 0.003 8.10.2 Shattering Fracture—Some materials may fail in a
in./in.·min (m/m·min) can be used if the material is strain-rate shattering manner which will cause pieces to be expelled as
sensitive. shrapnel. A protective device should be in place to prevent
8.7.1 For machines without strain-pacing equipment or
automatic feedback control systems, maintain a constant cross- 9. Calculations
head speed to obtain the desired average strain-rate from the 9.1 Determine the properties of the material from the
start of loading to the end point of the test. The average dimensions of the specimen and the stress-strain diagram as
strain-rate can be determined from a time-interval-marked described in the following paragraphs. For testing machines
load-strain record, a time-strain graph, or from the time of the that record load units instead of stress, convert the load-versus-
start of loading to the end point of test as determined from a strain diagram to units of stress by dividing the load by the
time-measuring device (for example, stopwatch). It should be original cross-sectional area of the specimen gage section.
recognized that the use of machines with constant rate of 9.2 Modulus of Elasticity—Calculate the modulus of elas-
crosshead movement does not ensure constant strain rate ticity as specified in Test Method E111. If the elastic modulus
throughout a test. is the prime quantity to be determined, the procedure given in
8.7.2 It should also be noted that the free-running crosshead Test Method E111 must be followed. Again, the calculation of
speed may differ from the speed under load for the same the modulus shall be according to Section 7 of Test Method
machine setting, and that specimens of different stiffnesses E111.
may also result in different rates, depending upon the test 9.3 Yield Strength—To determine the yield strength by the
machine and fixturing. Whatever the method, the specimen offset method it is necessary to secure data (autographic or
should be tested at a uniform rate without reversals or sudden numerical) from which a stress-strain diagram may be drawn.
changes. The test rate must also be such that the rate of load Then on the stress-strain diagram (Fig. 6) lay off Om equal to
change on the specimen being tested will be within the the specified value of offset (conventional offset is 0.002 in./in.
dynamic response of the measuring systems. This requirement (m/m)), draw mn parallel to OA, and thus locate r, the
is of particular importance when testing short specimens of intersection of mn with the stress-strain diagram. The stress
high-modulus materials. corresponding to the point r is the yield strength for the
8.8 Test Conduct—After the specimen has been installed specified offset.
and aligned, and the strain- or deflection-measuring transducer 9.3.1 In reporting values of yield strength obtained by these
installed, activate the recording device(s) and initiate the test at methods, the specified value of offset used should be stated in
the prescribed rate. Continue the test at a uniform rate until the parentheses after the term yield strength. Thus:
test has been completed as stated below. Yield strength ~offset 5 0.2 %! 5 52.0 ksi ~359 MPa! (4)
8.8.1 Ductile Materials—For ductile materials, the yield
strength or yield point, and sometimes the strength at a strain 9.3.2 In using these methods, a Class B-2 extensometer, as
greater than the yield strain, can be determined. The conduct of described in Practice E83, is sufficiently sensitive for most
the test to determine either the onset of yielding or the materials.
compressive strength or both is the same. Materials without NOTE 5—Automatic devices are available that determine offset yield
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E9 – 09
10.1.5 Testing Machine—Include the make, model, and load
range of testing machine.
10.1.6 Speed of Testing—Record the test rate and mode of
10.1.7 Stress-Strain Diagram—Include, if possible, the
stress-strain diagram with scales, specimen number, test data,
rate, and other pertinent information.
10.1.8 Modulus of Elasticity—Report the modulus of elas-
ticity when required, as determined according to 9.2.
10.1.9 Yield Strength—Report the yield stress or yield point
when required and the method of determination, as calculated
in 9.3 and 9.4.
10.1.10 Compressive Strength—Report the compressive
strength for material exhibiting brittle failure. A compressive
strength at a specified total strain may be reported for ductile
materials. If so, report the strain at which the compressive
stress was determined.
10.1.11 Type of Failure—When applicable, describe the
type of specimen failure.
10.1.12 Precision and Bias—State the precision and accu-
racy of the data reported as applicable in a manner consistent
FIG. 6 Stress-Strain Diagram for Determination of Yield Strength with Practice E177.
by the Offset Method 10.1.13 Anomalies—State any anomalies that occurred dur-
ing the test that may have had an effect on the test results.
strength without plotting a stress-strain curve. Such devices may be used 10.2 For commercial acceptance testing the following sec-
if their accuracy has been demonstrated to be satisfactory. tions of 10.1 are considered sufficient: 10.1.1 and 10.1.2, and
NOTE 6—If the load drops before the specified offset is reached, 10.1.9 and 10.1.11.
technically the material does not have a yield strength (for that offset). In
this case, the stress at the maximum load before the specified offset is 11. Precision and Bias
reached may be reported instead of the yield strength and shall be 11.1 Interlaboratory Test Program—Ten laboratories par-
designated as the yield point.
ticipated in an interlaboratory study (ILS) in 2009. Each
9.4 Yield Point—Materials that exhibit a sharp-kneed stress- laboratory conducted compression strength tests using
strain diagram may exhibit a distinct drop in stress with AA2024–T351 cylindrical specimens with nominal diameter
increasing strain. The yield point is the maximum stress d = 12.6mm and nominal length l = 47.6 mm. This specimen is
attained just prior to the sudden drop in stress. For testing similar to, but longer than the suggested medium cylindrical
machines without strain- or deflection-recording capabilities, specimen in Table 2. Each laboratory used an extensometer to
the yield point can be determined by noting the load at which measure the specimen strain. The nominal strain rate was
the load dial indicator needle suddenly drops with the testing ·
´ 5 0.005 min21 . The design and analysis of the ILS
machine running at a steady rate.
followed Practice E691 and are documented in ASTM Re-
9.5 Compressive Strength—For a material that fails in
search Report No. E28-1042.4
compression by crushing or fracturing, the compressive
11.2 Test Result—Each laboratory reported the 0.2% offset
strength is the maximum stress at or before fracture, as
yield strength, YS (0.2% offset) determined for the stress-strain
determined by dividing the maximum load by the cross-
curve for n=7 tests. The precision information in 11.3 is based
sectional area. For ductile materials, compressive strength may
on those results.
be determined from the stress-strain diagram at a specified total
11.3 Precision—Table 3 summarizes the precision of the
strain. The strain at which this stress was determined must be
test method based on the ILS. Results are given for the 95 %
repeatability limit (within a laboratory), r, and the 95 %
10. Report reproducibility limit (between laboratories), R. in addition the
values of r and R are expressed as their respective coefficients
10.1 Include the following information in the test report:
of variation. These terms (95 % repeatability limit, r, and 95 %
10.1.1 Specimen Material—Describe the specimen mate-
reproducibility limit, R) are used in as specified in Practice
rial, alloy, heat treatment, mill batch number, grain direction,
E177. Their respective standard deviations, sr and sR, which are
etc., as applicable.
also shown in Table 3 can be obtained by dividing by 2.8.
10.1.2 Specimen Configuration—Include a sketch of the
11.4 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material,
specimen configuration or reference to the specimen drawing.
method, or laboratory suitable for determining the bias for the
10.1.3 Specimen Dimensions—State the actual measured
dimensions for each specimen.
10.1.4 Test Fixture and Lubricant—Describe the test fixture 4
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
or refer to fixture drawings. Specifying lubricant used, if any. be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: RR:E28-1042.
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E9 – 09
TABLE 3 Precision
Material 95 % 95 %
Reproducibility standard Repeatability Reproducibility
YS(0.02% offset) Repeatability standard deviation
deviation limit (within a limit (between
laboratory) laboratories)
x sr sR r R
AA2024–T351 346.2 3.8 6.8 10.7 19.1
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Characteristics of Cemented Carbides A1.2.3 The total accumulated lack of parallelism in the test
A1.1.1 Cemented carbides are manufactured in a range of assembly shall not exceed 0.0005 in./in. (m/m).
compositions having hardness from 81.0 to 93.0 HRA and A1.2.4 In order to minimize detrimental end effects, a shim
compressive strengths 300 ksi to over 800 ksi (2100 MPa to of 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) in thickness, of standard cold-rolled
5500 MPa). They fail by shattering fracture (see 8.7.2 and steel shim stock, shall be interposed between each specimen
section 8.10.2). end and the bearing block. Each shim shall be used only once
(see Ref 14).
A1.2 Apparatus and Fixtures A1.3 Test Specimens
A1.2.1 Bearing Blocks— Cemented carbide bearing blocks A1.3.1 Size and Shape— The specimens shall be in the form
shall be used. They shall be of a hardness such that the block of circular cylinders 0.375 in.6 0.01 in. (10.0 mm 6 0.2 mm)
faces will not suffer significant permanent deformation during in diameter and 1.00 in. 6 0.05 in. (25.0 mm 6 1.0 mm) long.
test (suggested hardness of 92 HRA). A1.3.2 Preparation of Specimens—The ends of a specimen
A1.2.2 Bearing Block Preparation—The block diameter shall be plane and normal to its longitudinal axis. They shall be
shall be at least three times the diameter of the specimen. Its parallel within a maximum of 60.0005 in./in. (m/m), flat
thickness shall be at least two thirds the block diameter. Faces within 60.0002 in./in. (m/m), and have a surface finish of 8
of the bearing blocks shall be flat within 60.0002 in./in. (m/m), µin. (0.2 µm) aa.
parallel within 0.0005 in./in. (m/m), and have a surface finish
of A1.4 Speed of Testing
8 µin. (0.2 µm) arithmetic average (aa). The blocks shall be A1.4.1 Speed of testing shall be specified in terms of rate of
used in conjunction with devices such as those shown in Figs. stressing the specimen, and shall not exceed 50.0 ksi/min
3-5. (345 MPa)/min.
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E9 – 09
(1) Papirno, R., “Inelastic Buckling of ASTM Standard E9 Compression (7) Moore, A. A., and McDonald, J. C., “Compression Testing of
Specimens,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, JTEVA, Vol 15, No. Magnesium Alloy Sheet,” Proceedings, ASTM, Vol 45, 1945, pp.
3, May 1987, pp. 133–135. 671–704.
(2) Mescall, J., Papirno, R., and McLaughlin, J., “Stress and Deformation (8) LaTour, H., and Wolford, D. S., “Single-Strip Compression Test for
States Associated with Upset Tests in Metals,” Compression Testing Sheet Materials,” Proceedings, ASTM, Vol 45, 1945, pp. 671–88.
of Homogeneous Materials and Composites, ASTM STP 808, Richard (9) Miller, J. A., “A Fixture for Compressive Tests of Thin Sheet Steel
Chait and Ralph Papirno, Eds., ASTM, 1983, pp. 7–23. Between Lubricated Steel Guides,” National Advisory Committee for
(3) Chait, R., and Curll, C. H., “Evaluating Engineering Alloys in Aeronautics, Washington, DC, Technical Note No. NACA-TN-1022,
Compression,” Recent Developments in Mechanical Testing. April 1946.
ASTM STP 608, ASTM International, 1976, pp. 3–19; see also Hsü, (10) Ramberg, W., and Miller, J. A., “Determination and Presentation of
T. C., A Study of the Compression Test for Ductile Materials, Compressive Stress-Strain Data for Thin Sheet Metal,” Journal of
Materials Research and Standards, Vol 9, No. 12, December 1969, p. the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol 13, No. 11, 1946, pp. 569–80.
20. (11) Miller, J. A., “Discussion on Micro-Deformation under Tension and
(4) Paul, D. A., Howell, F. M., and Grieshaber, H. E.,“ Comparison of Compression Loads of Thin Aluminum Alloy Sheets for Aircraft
Stress-Strain Curves Obtained by Single-Thickness and Pack Meth- Construction,” Proceedings, ASTM, Vol 44, 1944, pp. 683–85 (See
ods,” National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington, DC, Ref. 7 for fuller description of the fixture.)
Technical Note No. NACA-TN-819, August 1941. (12) Sandorff, P. E., and Dillon, R. K., “Compressive Stress-Strain
(5) Templin, R. L., “Discussion on Single-Strip Compression Test for Properties of Some Aircraft Materials,” Proceedings, ASTM, Vol 46,
Sheet Materials,” Proceedings, ASTM, Vol 45, 1945, pp. 690–93. 1946, pp. 1039–52.
(6) Kotanchik, J., Woods, W., and Weinberger, R., “Investigation of (13) Symposium on Elevated Temperatures Compression Testing of Sheet
Methods of Supporting Single-Thickness Specimens in a Fixture for Materials, ASTM STP 303, ASTM International, 1962.
Determination of Compressive Stress-Strain Curves,” National Advi- (14) Lueth, R. C., and Hale, T. E., “Compressive Strength of Cemented
sory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington, DC, Wartime Report Carbides—Failure Mechanics and Testing Methods,” Materials
No. WR L-189, May 1945. Research and Standards, Vol 10, No. 2, 1970, pp. 23–28.
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