21DE0227 TIPP H 45 VDE AR-N 4105.de - en

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Haggle tip

Hager system solutions to
comply with the
VDE-AR-N 4105:2018-11
"Generating plants on
low-voltage network"

requirements for the

Connection of generating plants in
the low-voltage grid
according to VDE-AR-N 4105

The application rule VDE-AR-N The application rule applies to The VDE-AR-N 4105 applies to
4105:2018-11, in conjunction with VDE- generating plants and energy storage photovoltaic systems, CHP generation
AR-N 4100:2019-04 "Technical rules for systems that are newly connected to the systems, energy storage, wind and
the connection of customer systems to low-voltage grid, as well as to the hydroelectric power generation units,
the low-voltage network and their expansion or modification of existing Stirling generators, fuel cells and
operation", specifies the technical systems. For an existing, unchanged asynchronous generators directly
requirements for generation systems part of the electrical system, there is no coupled to the grid with a total
and energy storage . obligation to adapt this VDE application effective power (∑ P ) up toAmax
135 kW,
rule, provided a safe and trouble-free which are independent of the voltage
power supply is ensured. This applies to level to the Low or medium voltage
The current VDE-AR-N 4105 all generating plants and energy network can be connected.
summarizes the essential aspects to be storage systems that are operated in
considered when connecting parallel with the grid operator's low-
generating plants to the public low- voltage grid, as well as to those that do For generating plants and
voltage network of the network not feed into the grid operator's low- energy storage with an effective
operator. It serves the network voltage grid. What is new, however, is power (∑ P ) between
135 kW
operator, the manufacturer as well as the dynamic grid support. Herewith one and 950 kW, the requirements of
the installer as a planning document VDE-AR-N 4110:2018-11 must be
and decision-making aid. In addition, met
the operator receives important "Technical connection rules for
information on the operation of such Grid instability or grid disconnection medium voltage" (formerly BDEW
systems. can be prevented, ie that an guideline).
unintentional shutdown as a result of
brief voltage dips or voltage increases
is prevented.

21DE0227 Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Subject to technical changes, Status: September 2021,hager.de 1
Hager Tip 45

According to the standard, a distinction is a maximum active power (∑ P ) <

made between type 2 asynchronous 135 Amax
kW and an additional
generators (ASG) and type 1 synchronous synchronous active power of type 1
generators (SG) for generating plants.
According to VDE-AR-N 4105, it is permissible (see Figure 1).
to use type 2 generating plants with

Example:for feeding systems > 135 kW according to AR-N 4105:2018-11 from generators of type 1+2

power cord VDE-AR-N 4105:

Total: Type 2: 134 kW
+ Total: Type 1: 100 kW
house connection box
Total: 234kW

∑ all GPs


type2 type1 type1

3- 3- 3-


type2 Storage type2 type2 type1 type1

exchange exchange CHP 1 inverter CHP 2 CHP 3

judge PV judge PV + Asynchronous turbine Synchronous Synchronous
Storage (wind/water)
50kW 50kW 19kW 15kW 50kW 50kW
ASG = asynchronous generator / EZA = generating plant / EZE = generating facility / SG = synchronous generator / Z = meter

illustration 1 September

2 Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Subject to technical changes, Status: September 2021,hager.de 21DE0227
Hager Tip 45

network and system This protection can be achieved with the The relay triggers when defined limit
Hager mains decoupling relay EU400, for values of a voltage or frequency
protection / NA protection example. The device monitors voltage increase are exceeded or fallen
and frequency in three-phase and below.
An essential requirement of VDE-AR-N alternating current networks and acts The limit values for different
4105:2018-11 is the central network directly on the central section switch (e.g. applications are preset. They can – as
and system protection, which is contactor, far as permitted – be easily changed.
required for generating systems with a Circuit breaker with motor drive) and, With a 2-stage test, both tripping
maximum apparent power (Σ SAmax) of in the event of a fault, directly to the circuits can be tested separately and
> 30 kVA. As a rule, unless there is an inverter. the switching time of the connected
exception, this is to be installed in the section switch can be determined. In
distribution panel of the central meter addition, a remote shutdown can be
station. implemented with the standby input
E1-E2 (e.g. with a ripple control

The Hager grid decoupling relay

EU400 meets the conditions for
central NS protection according to
EU400 mains decoupling relay
VDE-AR-N 4105:2018-11 in in-house
generation systems for feeding into
Example of AR-N 4110:2018-11 for feeding into the medium-voltage grid the low-voltage grid. For this
application rule, corresponding
parameters were stored in program
2 of the device and the monitoring of
superior Coupler switch and the protection of
decoupling protection M parameters adjusted accordingly.

MV network The EU400 is suitable as unit protection

NS network
on the generating units for feeding into
the medium-voltage grid in accordance
with VDE-AR-N 4110:2018-11. This can
decoupling protection M
be used as intermediate and also as
higher-level decoupling protection
between 135 and 950 kW effective
power, provided no QU protection is
EZA Relation required by the DSO. As an example for
generation plant AR-N 4110:2018-11 see Figure 2.

Figure 2

The device has a two-channel, single- not on again if a shutdown error is

fault-safe design and thus meets the detected; in the event of switch-on
current requirements. The device errors, attempts are made to switch
switches when the monitoring of the on again in order to ensure increased
connected switch is activated availability of the system.

At a glance:
Special features of the Hager mains decoupling relay EU400:
- Self-monitoring / single-fault security
- 2-level password protection / sealing
- Test button has a separate effect on both trip circuits (coupling switch / inverter)
- Defined limit values for voltage, frequency, switch-on and switch-off times
- Certificate for VDE-AR-N 4105:2018-11 + 4110:2018-11 (medium voltage)

21DE0227 Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Subject to technical changes, Status: September 2021,hager.de 3
Hager Tip 45

dome switch
A tie switch must be used to connect Dynamic grid support A notice:In order to avoid a
the generating plant to the low- according to VDE-AR-N 4105 malfunction in the event of
voltage network of the network The following conditions apply to undervoltage, the use of a suitable
operator or to the customer system. generating units and storage: As long as auxiliary power supply for the
The tie switch is controlled by the NA the line-to-neutral conductor voltages operation of the circuit breaker or
protection (grid and system present at the generating unit or contactor is recommended. The
protection) and is triggered storage are within the required limit power supply HTG911H (24 V DC)
automatically if at least one curves, there must be no grid instability from Hager is suitable for this.
protective device responds. The or grid disconnection in the entire
following criteria must be observed operating range of the generating unit - The section switch is to be installed at
during installation: or storage. the central meter station or
- The switching devices of the decentrally in a suitable circuit
individual generating units Coupling switches must be backed up for distributor.
(integrated coupling switch) can be up to three seconds in the event of
used as coupling switches. undervoltage in order to compensate for Depending on the network system,
- In the case of generating plants with an network wipers. there are different requirements for
apparent power (∑ S ) from
30 kVA, there is the section switch:
a central section switch - In the TN system, three outer conductors must
(e.g. contactor, circuit breaker) be switched.
required. - All poles must be switched in the TT
- The section switch must be designed in system (the three external conductors
accordance with the required protective and the neutral conductor).
devices for dynamic grid support and must - In "island network operation" the section
be instantaneous within the framework of switch can take over the mains separation
the FRT (Fault Ride function, so all poles must be switched.
through limit curve).
HTG911H power supply

Network security management / feed-in

management for power reduction

In order to avoid network overload, 70 percent rule In order to be able to feed in 100
generating plants must be limited in In concrete terms, this requirement percent of the power permanently,
their active power. This can be done means that system operators who do you need feed-in management and a
as follows: not participate in feed-in management ripple control receiver for
- Generating plants up to 30 kWp can may permanently feed in no more than curtailment by the DSO (see Figure
either participate in network security 70 percent of the installed capacity. 3).
management / feed-in management
or permanently limit their feed-in
capacity to 70 percent of the "SG-EM": Control unit - feed-in management

generation capacity (see below).

p > 100 kWp Retrieval of actual feed-in feed-in management

- Installations over 30 kWp must PV generator

have a remote control

+ p > 30 to ≤ 100 kWp
have power reduction.
- For systems over 100 kWp, the inverter

actual feed-in power must be p ≤ 30kWp

by plant operators
called up.

A control line from the NS protection or 70 percent limit

the active power
grid security management to the
generating plant is recommended.
Figure 3

4 Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Subject to technical changes, Status: September 2021,hager.de 21DE0227
Hager Tip 45

Layout of the systems:

Direct or converter measurement
The direct or converter measurement is The general rule: direct measurement
designed according to the regulations - Direct measurement < 30 kW - < 30 kW: only one meter for import and
of the responsible VNB and must always - Converter measurement delivery (bidirectional measurement)
be coordinated with the responsible between ≥ 30 and < 135 kW - > 30 kW: An additional generation
VNB. counter with backstop is required
(converter measurement)
- ≥ 20 kW and < 30 kW: The PV
Example: Example: wiring must be at least 16 mm
2Cable cross-section can be
bidirectional measurement bidirectional measurement
up to 30 kW generation and up to 30 kW generation
70 percent regulation via inverter realized

Grid security management

for power control
- Feed-in management
(Reference: 0%, 30%, 60%, 100%)
- Or 70 percent rule, limited at
the inverter


Two- APZ place Two- SG-EM* place APZ place

directional- directional- as a three-point
Measurement Measurement attachment
or DIN rail

Example: Example:
Direct measurement with excess feed-in of up to 30 Direct measurement with surplus feed-in up
kW and 70% control via inverter to 30 kW


Two- generating APZ place Two- generating SG-EM* place APZ place
directional- Measurement directional- Measurement as a three-point
Measurement Measurement attachment
or DIN rail
* Control unit - feed-in management / ** Reserve space control unit

21DE0227 Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Subject to technical changes, Status: September 2021,hager.de 5
Hager Tip 45

For systems between 30 kW and 135 For systems according to VDE-AR-N The Hager mains decoupling relay
kWIt should be noted that after the 4110:2018-11 with an active power (∑ P EU400 described on page 3 is suitable
DNO converter measurement, a central Amax) in between135kW and 950kWType for this. It is preset for the higher-level
NA protection, a coupling switch with 2 (asynchronous generator) requires a decoupling protection or for the
the corresponding supply and a grid central decoupling protection, a intermediate decoupling protection on
security management for power control section switch with the corresponding generating units if no QU protection is
(target value: 0%, 30%, 60%, 100%) are voltage supply and a network security required by the DSO.
required - see the following example. management for power control after
the DNO converter measurement.

Examples of requested shutdown

Construction with circuit breaker

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6 Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Subject to technical changes, Status: September 2021,hager.de 21DE0227

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