(2-07) Infrastructure Development Joy Untalan Philippines
(2-07) Infrastructure Development Joy Untalan Philippines
(2-07) Infrastructure Development Joy Untalan Philippines
Abstract: Development projects, when improperly designed and inadequately planned, can damage cultural sites
and structures. They diminish their value through unregulated building activities, degradation of ecosystems,
environmental pollution, and/or disruption of traditional ways of life, which also create unacceptable health and
safety risks for indigenous people. Often, these are cited to defer the right-of-way permission. The study aims to
provide a possible long term protection of cultural heritage threatened by road projects. It is useful for any
government agency involved in construction of infrastructures to come up with comprehensive background studies
prior to road construction. These should include environmental assessments, biodiversity surveys, cataloguing
cultural attitudes that input aesthetics and harmonious road designs to minimize impacts to heritage sites and
ancestral domains with sensitive ecosystems.
Keyword: Environmental Risk Assessments, Biodiversity Survey, Archeological/ Cultural Site, Indigenous People
Solid Waste
6,000 tons of garbage is generated daily in Metro Manila
with limited and constrained disposal sites.
the year. Annual precipitation is around 3563 mm in Baguio
but declines northwards, and maximum daily rainfalls totals
(978mm in Baguio City ) approach world records.
Fig. 1 Map of the Philippines. Location of the Halsema Geomorphology : the whole of the Cordillera Administrative
Project in the main island of Luzon region is characterized by mountainous terrain , with
elevations reaching 2922m at Mt. Pulog ( the highest peak in
The proposed Halsema Highway is part of the Baguio – Luzon , and second highest in the Philippines ). Surface rock
Bontoc – Banaue Road covering an approximate length of types vary from sedimentary limestones through
180 km and is within the Mt Data National Park. This road metamorphic to igneous (e.g diorite). Faulting is widespread
serves as the principal vehicular from Baguio City to the and the region is seismically active. Precipitation is high,
Highlands of Benguet and Mt Province. It extends further to temperatures are moderate, and weathering is fairly rapid.
Banaue in the Province of Ifugao, a major tourism area. The geology is complex, the mountains are young, heavily
The highway also functions as the main access or spur road faulted, and actively eroding. Slopes are steep or very steep,
for the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) and is of and river valleys narrow. Erosion by landslide is common,
strategic importance in the country’s arterial road network. now accentuated by road construction and mining and
It runs thru mountains with limited forest cover and which supplemented by widespread surface erosion from land
appears to be geologically unstable and seismically sensitive. recently cleared for vegetable farming.
The road lies within a mossy forest belt which is protected
and traverses the headwaters of a river supplying the Banaue Hydrology
Rice terraces, which are inscribed as a World Heritage Site The region served by the road is the headwater area for three
under the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. The road major river systems (Abra, Chico, Agno) and many minor
itself goes thru these UNESCO rice terraces ones, which are vital to the environment and economy of
Northern Luzon. Flows vary widely throughout the year,
responding rapidly to major storm events.
(Baguio- Bontoc - Banaue section) Watershed condition has been severely affected by land use
Part of the road has been constructed across very steep change over the last century, and continues to deteriorate.
terrain at 850-2350 m elevation, crossing two major ridge No basin wide landslide inventories have been carried out,
systems of the Central Cordilleras. The 2-lane road starts so as yet it is not possible to quantify the relative
from Baguio City to the highlands of Mt. Province and contributions of roads, mines and natural failures to total
extends further to Banaue, Ifugao province with a distance sediment loads. There is a drastic increase in erosion rates
of 180.1 kms. The road project has steep grades and sharp due to forest removal and road construction.
curves along its mountainous section and flat sections at
either end of the road segment, with rolling hills in between. Soils
The road follows the ridge alignment, hence, the number of Soils are of variable depth and texture, depending on parent
cross drainage structures was few and there were almost no material and location in the landscape. Soils on slopes may
retaining walls. The side slopes of the road were fully be developed on weathered in –situ rock or on colluvial
covered by vegetation. Environmentally, the most important debris, in which case horizonation is weak. Except under
design parameters are road width and hillslope. Minor forest, organic matter levels are probably low due to erosion
realignments are necessary for improved roadbench stability, and oxidation. High precipitation results in leaching, and
considering the inherent conditions of the hillslopes, and soils are generally acid except where influenced by
their sensitivity to major storm and seismic events underlying limestone.
Climate Air
The climate of Northern Luzon is tropical monsoonal with Air quality along road is good, except locally in La Trinidad
two wind systems, the north-east and south-west monsoons. where exhaust emissions (principally diesel) degrade air
There also two climatic conditions along the project road: quality, and along unpaved sections of the road where dust
Benguet and Western Mt. Province have a pronounced dry is a severe nuisance during dry periods.
season from November to April and wet season the rest of
Ecosystem diversity in the Baguio-Bontoc-Banaue road
project has been determined to consist of four vegetation
Ancestral Domains
The land tenure situation is complex, and reflects unresolved
differences between the claim of ancestral domain by the
indigenous inhabitants and eminent domain by the
State .The legal corpus is steadily evolving towards
recognizing ancestral land (at the individual or corporate
level) and ancestral domain (tribal level ), as recognized by
the 1987 Constitution.
Tribal Groups
The resident population is almost entirely Cordilleran ethnic
stock, Ifugao in Ifugao Province, Bontok in eastern Mt.
Province, Kankaney in Northeastern Benguet and Western
Mt Province and Inibaloi in Benguet. This mountain region
is home to a number of Indigenous Cultural Communities
(ICC’s) which have retained the distinct customs and
practices governing their relationship with one another and
the environment. They have been able to do so by
successfully resisting the onslaught of colonial influences,
unlike their lowland neighbors.
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Oliver, Paul, Shelter, Sign and Symbol. New York: the
Overlook Press, 1997
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