Ed 5 Syllabus
Ed 5 Syllabus
Ed 5 Syllabus
Approval Sheet
Revision Level Effective Date Details of Origination/ Revision Author/ Subject Matter Expert
01 September 01,2022 Added:
New reference, topics, activities, and assessment tasks.
PSU Vision A premier State University in Southeast Asia that provides excellent and relevant higher education for sustainable development.
PSU Mission The Palawan State University is committed to upgrade the quality of life of the people by providing quality higher education opportunities
through excellent instruction, research, extension, production services and transnational collaboration.
PSU Shared Values E – Excellence ; L – Leadership ; A - Advocacy for Sustainable Development ; S – Social Responsibility ; T – Teamwork ; I – Integrity ;
C – Commitment
Institutional Outcomes The Palawan State University graduates are expected to be agents of change, creative and critical thinkers, effective communicators,
research-oriented learners, and value laden individuals.
College Goals and
Program Objectives The goal of PSU Narra Campus is to produce academically competent, employable professionals and productive, skillful middle level
entrepreneurs who will lead the development of the province and the region.
Course Description This course includes the fundamental concepts and principles in curriculum and curriculum development as a foundation to engage
prospective teachers as curricularists The more active role of the teacher in planning , implementing, and evaluating school-curriculum as
well as in managing school curriculum change vis-a vis various context of teaching –learning and curricular reforms shall be given
Credit Units 3 units
Doc Ref. No.: Revision Level: Effective Date: Page Number:
Course Outcomes The students must be able to exhibit the following learning outcomes:
e. apply the tools or instruments for monitoring curriculum implementation and assessment in real life situations.(Life-long learner
Course Format This is a lecture course given a 3-hour schedule per week where the professor and the students are expected to meet via Full face to face
Google Classroom/Gmeet/ Messenger for the whole semester. The course will provide opportunities for students to introduce the concept
of new literacies in the 21st century as evolving social phenomena and shared cultural practices across learning areas.
TIME Intended Learning Course content/Subject Teaching and Learning Instructional Resources Assessment Textbooks/References
FRAME Outcomes Matter/Topics Activities Tools/Tasks
At the end of the session,
WEEK the students should be able
1 to:
Week Define Curriculum Course Orientation Lecture/ discussion on PowerPoint Recitation Gargiulo, Richard M.
1-2 the concept of new presentation Presentation of (2013) Teaching in
Analyze the Different I. Understanding literacies Active participation Output today's inclusive
types of curriculum Curriculum New normal Participation in classrooms. 2nd ed.
A. Definition of Curriculum Reporting Learning book the talking Australia: Wadsworth
B. Different Types of circle Cengage Learning.
Curriculum Paper-and-pen
Discuss different C. Curriculum Foundations test
curriculum foundations D.Curriculum Conceptions Reflection
E. Elements of a Curriculum paper
Discuss different
curriculum conceptions
Week Discuss different Leveling of expectation Handouts Paper and Gargiulo, Richard M.
3-4 curriculum sources and II. Curriculum Planning PowerPoint Present Pencil Test Teaching in today's
influences. ation inclusive classrooms: a
A. Curriculum LCD Projector Recitation universal design for
Analyze different level sources and Brainstorming leaning approach.
of curriculum planning Influences Third edition
1.Society as source of
Identify Different roles 2. Learner as source of Group discussion
of teachers and school curriculum Reporting
administrators in 3. Discipline or Subject
curriculum planning. matter as source of Anderson,L,W
curriculum Krathwohl,D.R. Et al
B. Curriculum Eds 2001. A taxonomy
Doc Ref. No.: Revision Level: Effective Date: Page Number:
Week Analyze different IV. Curriculum Discussion Oral Recitation Paper and Anderson,L,W
7-8 curriculum models Development Quizzes pencil test Krathwohl,D.R. Et al
Examine the strength A.Different Curriculum Collaboration PowerPoint Eds 2001. A taxonomy
and weaknesses of a Development Models Presentation for learning teaching
curriculum B.Linear Models of LCD Projector and assessing;A
Discuss how these curriculum Development Leveling of expectation revision of Blooms
curriculum C.Cyclical Models of Taxonomy of
development models Curriculum Development Educational
can be applied in D. Dynamic Models of Objectives.Allyn@baco
Philippine context. Curriculum Development Brainstorming n.Boston,MA
E.Processes for Developing
Curriculum Under Pawilens
F. Analysis of Different Reporting
Curriculum Development
Week Analyze different VI.Curriculum Leveling of expectation Handouts Oral Recitation Borabo, Milagros L.
11-12 curriculum evaluation Evaluation PowerPoint Quizzes Interactive and
models A.Curriculum Evaluation Presentation innovative teaching
Identify several factors B.Purposes of curriculum LCD Projector strategies 1: a resource
that are considered in evaluation Brainstorming book for 21st century
evaluating curriculum C.Curriculum Evaluation at teachers.
in the Philippine the school or system or
context. school system Level
C.Models of curriculum Group discussion
Evaluation Reporting
Anderson,L,W Krathwohl,D.R. Et al Eds 2001. A taxonomy for learning teaching and assessing;A revision of Blooms Taxonomy of Educational
[email protected],MA
Borabo, Milagros L. Interactive and innovative teaching strategies 1: a resource book for 21st century teachers.
Course References Bain, Alan. Transforming the measurement of learning and teaching in higher education.
Gargiulo, Richard M. Teaching in today's inclusive classrooms: a universal design for leaning approach. Third edition
Gargiulo, Richard M. (2013) Teaching in today's inclusive classrooms. 2nd ed. Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Online website
Additional Materials PSU Handbook
Written Outputs
(academic papers , reflection papers,assignment,quizes-40%
Course Requirements Performance Task-Recitation,Reporting,Activity,Final exam and Midterm Exam=60%
Course Policies • Start and end class on time.
• Come to class on time
• Attentiveness and engaged in class.
• Refrain from using cell phones during class
Doc Ref. No.: Revision Level: Effective Date: Page Number:
• Spend an adequate amount of time on the homework, trying to solve and understand each problem.
• Engage in classroom activities
• Absences due to health reason or any valid reason, student shall present a medical certificate or letter with affixed signature of
• Seek help when appropriate.
• The student must submit requirements on or before the due date. a 5-point deduction will be implemented for the late submission
of requirements.
• The student must wear the prescribed uniform.
• Three consecutive late is equivalent to 1 absent.